frontier market network premium membership

Frontier Market Network Premium Membership

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Frontier Market Network Premium Membership

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About Frontier Market Network

• The largest premium business network for individuals, companies, government organisations and investors operating in African markets

• A unique source of business and investment opportunities

• Uses intelligent ‘matching’ technology to create business leads and network members

• Reaches an African business network of 100 000 built up through TradeInvestAfrica over 10 years

• Membership covering 33 countries in Africa

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Achieve your business objectives on Frontier Market Network: • Increase the awareness of your brand

• Generate new business enquiries

• Sell your products and services

• Find local partners and distributors

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How Frontier Market Network does this:

1. Exposure on the Network

2. Promotion of your organisation

3. Branding opportunities

4. Measurable responses

5. Dedicated support team

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1) Exposure on the Network: • Company profile • Business opportunities • Company news • Direct responses • Personal memberships • Connections • Corporate videos

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Premium company profile

Establish your organisation’s credibility with a premium company profile.

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Business opportunities

Our member services team will outline your objectives through clearly defined business opportunities appropriate to online marketing. Your opportunities are then sent to all member who have selected that sector/region of interest.

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Company news

Post company news to attract interest to your opportunities. This news will be sent to Frontier members, and also indexed by all major search engines and promoted across social media.

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Direct response mechanism

Members can respond directly to business opportunities.

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Customised inbox for enquiries


Enquiries are received directly in your My Frontier inbox on the platform.

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Premium personal profiles of executives

Build further credibility through premium personal profiles of key executives.

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Connect to other members

Make connections to key executives at other organisations.

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Corporate videos

Post corporate and promotional videos on Frontier.

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2) Promotion of your organisation:

• Opportunities • Executives • Email alerts • Frontier Invest newsletter • Social media promotion • Search engine optimisation

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Promotion of your opportunities on Frontier Today

Opportunities from premium members are promoted on the high-profile main promotional panel, which is free to view (no registration required).

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Premium member promotion

Executives from premium member firms are promoted on the Featured Members section of the home page.

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Promotion via email alerts Premium members’ opportunities are promoted via daily, weekly and monthly alerts that are sent to Frontier members with content tailored to their sectors and regions of interest.

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Key executives of premium members can be positioned as a specialist alongside content relating to specific sectors and regions.

Expert association

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Social media promotion: Linked In

We identify which social media sites directly reach your target markets. For example, the Mine Investment Group within Linked In.

Your Frontier account manager then posts your specific opportunity to these social media groups to drive traffic back to your opportunity and generate responses for you.

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Social media promotion: Twitter

• We identify key #hashtags that apply to your target market and publish multiple posts to Twitter to maximise exposure.

• These point directly back to your business opportunity to increase response rate from people who are actively following specific hashtags eg #mining.

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Social media promotion: Facebook

• Opportunities are posted to Facebook to increase traffic. • Specific keywords are used to enhance the ‘findability’ of your opportunities.

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Using search engines: organic search

• Your Frontier account manager will identify keywords that relate to your opportunity.

• They then optimise the your opportunity with these keywords to generate a first-page ranking in Google and other search engines.

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Using search engines: paid search

• We run a wide range of paid adverts across search engines targeting key terms. • These adverts are designed to attract the correct target market.

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Using search engines: paid search

• We use free high-quality industry reports to encourage people to follow links and attract a greater audience for your company and opportunities.

• Once they have downloaded the report we know that they have a keen interest within this sector.

• We send a follow-up email with information about your company and opportunities.

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3) Branding opportunities:

• Sector and regional pages • Daily, weekly and monthly email alerts • Relevant content

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Branding alongside sector and region content

Premium member are promoted alongside content according to their sectors and regions of operation.

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Sector and region content pages

Sector and region pages are free to view (no registration required) and are heavily indexed by Google. Organisations tagged to more than one business sector will appear on multiple sector pages.

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Branding is displayed in the promotional panel (right-hand side) alongside relevant articles and analysis, which links to the organisation profile. Premium members can include a short promotional message.

Specialist promotions

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Branding on email alerts

Key branding positions are allocated to premium member in the daily, weekly and monthly alerts that are sent to Frontier members with matching interests.

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• Real-time monitoring of exposure, responses and awareness

• Accountability and measurability

4) Feedback mechanisms

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• Production staff: editors and writers to write or compile your content and opportunities

• Frontier member services: provide daily management of your organisation’s membership and responses on Frontier

• Marketing: marketing and social media experts ensure that your content is effectively disseminated

5) Resources allocated to premium members

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"Frontier has allowed me to access new markets in a more cost-effective way than any other platform." Pyramid Consultancy "When I posted my opportunity on Frontier, I received very high-quality responses and was quickly able to meet my business objectives." Rosemary Hill Developments "The quality of the business relationships I get through Frontier is much higher than other networks and helps me generate real business." New World Enterprises

Client recommendations

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Frontier Market Network Premium Membership