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LATE BULLI W S n iN G T O V . M»r 18 (U Letrli todaj tlirralrnrd lo rail i lioni ror a nrn coal ronlrart I votflo «-.M a nfiollalor not U VOL. 31, NO. 3.3 City Coun * Demaii AWliiinn of .-lot in;icli!iirj u:ul rr;x';vl of lUl ilul ortllii.iticra l3 . iiii.n.Ir.l In a pctUlun liaiuU-d ■ ri;y council Mund.iy r.Jplii in ■ tirr.t c(.:irrr!crt rftorl Io rlil 'A K.ill.-. nt ft ■•<!rnion.I;.’Jnj:" lnlliir:i A 10-m:in r.Joi n ril”:i cmnmU luM.lrcl I,)' Claudo Jr., I> fciilcci lllr iirUtloii It) llic cdui; Tin- iM'iltk.ii, '.li-r.nl \t.;tli scvc luindrrd lUinii-v ;.i)rrlllMlly chilli : Ihr rr;ic:il nr r,!ot orilltirinrrj 7ir> n HJ am! Ili7 iircililhl;:..!, 0' -r..: n;iiTii;i:l iuiui'^riiii-:il (Ip’ .fc-i kiio' I..1 ;.lot iniiclilnr.1 within t!ic c t^iriiiiTH nf ihg pt-inion c-h.iri,-e I Lewis Con Aside by WA.SinNCTOX. Mav 18 ■ ti.in :i«ain^<t .Ir.lm L, Lduis was .set Jiside tiulay l)v Fuiii' nl tiic rovtTiinK'iil'.s rcijiiost tool: iitidcT I|llCSt to (iiMIli.SS tliu iK.-stri f iit'uinsl Li-xvi, :uul hi, uiia.ii Tiic K.ivcrmiic‘tif« surprise of ?1,-I20.(inn imposed on tl for criminal contonipt for fa LaM’yers Fail To'PickJury 111Court Case nival nltnnicy;. v.rrc iin;iblc Ii rim..’.,' a Jury frnm ili,- Um. pro', I'lrllvr JiiiMi'.ni r.ilkil Io lu'.ir Ihi dl.MflcL court lil.il 'IMc.vI.iv of Dr Muytl Hum nntl Ilic T«ln F.ill: nml iVii-.r ronip.iny nKaln.-.i Mr, Mr;,. Jn ’iii Ilnllcm. Courl ttii', rrrr:,'rcl ;il 11 n.m. un. (11 l:3t) Ii.m. [n rlvi- llif 'I'Aln K.ill? i.hrrlffV. oKlcc llmr tn cull up mnre Jtirynirn. Tlir majority nf the pro-.- Iii'cllvc Juror:: wrrc clinllcnf:^! und Iiniiul until by tlic uttonicy for the <hfcn(l;inl, J. U- Diimw. hfcatmr tlii'y ftllc.mlly }iad bntik iiccoiinUi In Ihc and Trust and wniilil Ilifrrljy !).■ hhi.'pd In tliclr Jvidsmcnt. The btoX-aaiirthFXhjctBr tu n ?l(K, mo:'.r/ ortl«r«^nuUi.>ouv-ta-lhi tl x;tnr. Ho!!;iii. n m .t^cur ^.iin ^'orkrd fnr Dr. H:.m ^vltUo hi« wn.s nul of tc.vn. clitlin.t In IVcouiilcr nrtlnn thal Hir tloclor him thr> aiilhn.ity to tM'li thr monry orders nnd thni tlis ilnrtn: <nvitl him $1,107.39, •nir l),tlil: :ui(I D.-. l!;iin nre rrprc- .•r.'cnictl l)v Alioniry--: li'-'rl Wiilkrr nnd R:iy .Muc. GOP Hopefuls Deljatc Issue; Neither Yields POim-.AND, M:iv IB M-j-TliC crurlal Ilrl,fit., thal .'.tltlrtl noIhhUT wn.-, ont; for tlir Orct:on primnry lx^nk.^ totliiy. Ntllhrr Cinv. niioiimr. E Drucy nur !I:irnl(I K, K1:l-'c-ii, llrimblic.in prtv.lilrntlal fuplr.mi.-,, vlrldca Irom lit;. prrpan J po.’ltlnn for or nnatn.^1 M Ihr holU- d;;piiU'cl fi"' -’ Hf"' whrthrr T tlir Comiiuuibi p.irly ;.lioiit.l be oulhiHKl In Ihc Ulilli-d Slatr:, | Tlic two met la't nlcht to nlr , t h f i r cI:l-.!i1iik vlru,^ over ii.Ulon- I wide rntUo -r.vf,v<irk;i In tlic hr ,i trailition nf the cl»'-lc l.liicoln* l^ouclo.-. ilrt):iii— nnd on iv ••.Imlhirly Isiirnlnf: .'ocbl qiic.mIoh of the dnv. On the nfflnnntlvr. tlif .Miti- rif.oian o;vlird for a linit to •cckI- tllliiK" ^o^lnulnt■;.^ anti w.krd the f fimctimiii of nru- !:iw* Io deny != fommunl-.m ’Ihc blr.v.lnc.i of Irtnl- I !iy” undrr wliirli it Li now ptnnllird 1; to worm It,', uay to [K)wrr. n lUnndini; fniiimtini;!.-; "Ihc thrrnl r f « n r" to Amc-rlcn. .Sln-.'.rii *:,|d ii llic ii.iiton '•;.h(uiUl not .mimhlc i' nlnnu nlili thal nrr out of dntc." n Drncy took llir pa-.liinn thnt cx- V iMlnK fcdrr.ll Iaw-—-fnmc 27 of P tlirm"—wrrc mlrqunto tn prn-.rcutc cciinlnnl coniinunUt undcmilnins of 11 ••r sm urnllrrably, wholclic.irt- 'ConllnucJ 6fi I-XI i;. Column O .‘'I Baseball Scores« Fron. Ar anil M* Kpporii NATIONAL Lr^VCUE tU ' H Jt K Rt. .........OOO i i : 000— 4 n i I'l nrool:lyn._...... mu 02I 000- 3 0 0 •MunKcr nntl Rlcv; Brnncn ar.d Ai Edw.irdj. U( t ClllrnKn ......... fm2 OOQ 010— 3 B 0 Phlliitlrlphln . OOO 001 001— 3 C 4 TJ Schmlu; nntl bchcfflnc: Slmmonj Nahrm nntJ Scmlnlck, Clnelnnnll nt Nct\- Yorl: nnrt Plti.n. burKl. nt DoMon, nlghl cnnic-,. ^ AMi:iticAN lk,\ gi :k Wa-.lilnKtoii .............. .010 003 DO- 4 n't CHlCAKO ...................... 000 102 ID- 4 loi. Htitl.ron, Tliomiv.on. Swrhomush umi n‘(iU -ftir'' «'»! .•..lit - --------------------- - 6 !"0 ' ------------000 0 0 7 - 7 i .m. , Cnlchomc. Parnell and 1 OC i Tebbcrt.,; Tructv \M,Hr „„<! SMfi r ^Uaclclplii., at Clevcia..u-i,ifht cSl LETIN ^ 8 (UP—John L. _ M~m call off nctotla- . art If prt>t]urcn - lot lo bU llklnr. _______________ A _____ ____________________ ncil H anded inding A bolit ii:ul the .•Int maclilnr.i have a dfmornllzl I 13 tic- cflicl on tilt; yoiiUi of the col U-d the munlty hy virtue of the fncl they (1 In the in plain flrht, :1 'Avln Tiic niachtnr.i nre detrlmrntal lhien[;c. liKiUiii;ilc biLvliie:.-, tho |x[|[loiic iiinlttcc thilin. They ndd the itaniblin;; e.i r„ prc- rlcd ilin>uj:h the tlrHcei Ij brtn ciuncll. liu; up hwnrs nnd ciluMiik me srvcnil wamrn ar;d children alike ta rufft :illifiir 'Tlify .the /lot.-,) nre amihisi tl Iir> nnd b<v,t iiitrri :,ts of the clly nntl aKaln -rtUn- the foiMini.n rootl nnd Kr:i(;rai we knotvn fare tit o:ir peo])lc," the [wtlilonc 1C city co:;:hidr. ■Hir netinn rr«iunlttce led I rice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl nviction Set y Governm ent 18 (U.R)—Tlic civil coiitem])! convic luis anil Ihe Uiiitod Mine Worker; ’uiivral JiiilKc T. Alan GoliliihoroiiKl •lost. lller ;i(lviscni(!nt a trovornnicnt rc strike iiijimctioii which i.s in cffec IllOIl. riso niovo had no effect on tiie finr; tl the tmion ami ?20,000 on Lcwi.'^ r failing lo <ii)c.v .sooner a court or- ------- dur lo call off the rcccnt .soft coal strike '■forthwith." Guld.’.hi)rniinli imd Impo't-rt thi y fliir.-,. ’n ic y n.-r hrhiK- iiprn'.drd b> ^'lie “'ovrrmiirnfm^ II., dl.-.mU- ral rrfimv.i.'. nt the verj' moinrnl ^ that U-.vb oK'ned ncKOtlntlons with la iy ;,<)11 cn;il oi«T:itor.i for n new fon- iraa to rri.bct; the onr rxplrhlR Junr 30. n ir tiinlnt; apparently wnn pro - ijitciuional, 'Jlie RDveninitni rrcni- \ incly thoucht Uic ncF:ollaIlnn.i L^f- protettl better 1/ LewU were i-.uiA out from under the Injunction ItMird April 21 Gold.’.borounli had L^iuctl the Piit^ '^“f'-Hnrtlcy law Injunction Aiirll ,'r (•■“ ^‘rantfi' nKnlii.u any lurUier work :.toppaKC by the miners before July 1, • the dl.nmt.'sral of the In- ; - Junction, tlie Rovemmenl f.ild li;, ' . purpo;.t.'. “have been achieved . . . ” Ihc public intercu Li now rerure irnt w-tnllon of full prodiirtlon ;.al(Tthi: jmriM.M' of i;r;ihiK 1 - "irsis “„s " r inodu'[lo:i of bltumlnoii.i en:il ' - fll'o h:u boon « r \’cd, the Mlninc at (,'apnrlly Ar..^l.^tnnt Attorney Grnrr.il H. Or;iha;n Morhon nolcd ilua Uir l>-rr oi'iTiilrd nl fnt'cr'M ''''l'l I’^'bllc. nie , '.oft coai miner;: ,'.iruck Mnrch g I., to forcr p.iymeiit of $I00 n m.,nih o!i!rr ivlth 20 yoak'of 7m i"r' nie KtH'rnuncnt obtained n court "9 ortler on April 3 dlrccihu; Lcwu I to call off the Kirlke '•forthwith." ’ Ic Ilrlayr.1 Ortlrr i LewL. did ,101 eull off lhe :lrl);e i P),,. until Ajirll i:-nficr winiiln:- a i Im: ;'-itIt-nient of thr prn.Mon tli.|,utr. nry •itJrccintiil," rtMchrd by U-,vi', , with faen. Styk-3 I3rltlKcs, K.. s . If. , -.in n” $ioo "a Tonth [ y prn;.lon to nny miner over lij vvho i rc Irrd nftrr Mnrch 28. IfllC. I , nir pcnMon plan I;: belnc eon-! \ III l'a-1 not been put into efrect, JiJ Officers Named ; ;;; By Cattle Group .i At Annual Meet - d- nichard Kli-m, Nampn, wn.i rr- 1’, he flccletl prr;.ldent of the Iduho Kt:itr tiy .ShorUiorn Brrcdrr.i n.-.-oclatlo-i m “ .1- Ihe unn»:il inei'llnK of thr Kroup "■ ‘lie I’.irk liolel Monihiy at Other offlctr;; reelect.-d by the “ s;:"vi” ot w u . Wilder, iccretary.iri'niurer nr.d J:imo prter;,on. PrcMnn: Vivian t- IX'Vcnport, Cnrey nncl Knrl MaHiew.,, . if P.iycile. tUrector.^ ;c Keith Kinc, Illnioi.'. prr-liirnl of )f Ihc Amcrlcnn Milking Shorthorn ;<<U'ly. wa.'. t h r KIIC.M upraker. He - >"Jd of nititu;>l problcm.1 In the .•■horlhnrn IndaMry. , Other Mvai;rr;i on the proKram ijcludrd G. C. Aii(ler.:on. liol.-c, 5 Walio Male .dnlr.vman. nnd C. W. U.'iRli. -nvm F.ilU comity ncrnt The nnnual .ale of the IJ Jnlricrounils nt 1 I li'T. T-.venly.Mx r.horihnni milkers I n liiive been corjlcncd lo llir -^ilr, j Auctioneer for the j.ilc 11 Giii HfMebrcclit. Iiinmn, Kiini, ^ ! Record Paid for ;|i’; Steers at Offden C^DKN-. Mny 10 (.V,~\n nll-tlme iroi ilKl' price m OKdcii-ua.lo per bt! l..mdredwrlKlit-Kn,i paid ^[onday nnn at he union .itockyartlj for ti car- iidv lo.ui of Kraln fed cteers durlns "un- eoui iiMially ncuve markellnK In cattle." mer • ard nianaKiT of the T A rtcnra number of cattle w;u toW wiio liU.1 time of ye.tr, hc Aald. of t TrLckers broiiRlit load after load undi rom northem Utnh. ioulhem Ida- men ho and wcitom Wyomlne. A total of M iwn “• 'on’pared wUlt un-> 1,MO for the snine period lasl year, the Fmcen rail earloatls fro.-n Uuh. wani Co.urjdo. Jdaho. .\evndu ojiO Moil- ;.*-tei laaa also arrived ilcmlai', j naiei A RcsionnI Newspaper Scr\-in kUl^CIl/ nnrt 1 Petitions lition of ‘Slot orallzliiB Rev. Mark C. Cronenberfrcr. the le com- Alberl H. I’arrcit, Dr. E. J. M they are C. L. BiKKmtaff. William Klbb. W. Clirbtlan, J. C, Krrderlckion rntnl to Chci Lnr/cn. tllloiicrs With Ihc fllliic ot thr pctl III;; e.ir- the couiu'll directed thnl Uic nc , brenk- .ary IrK:,l ;,t<-pi be lakin to dt ,K - nicn, mine Its nuihcnllclty before tn I ruffor. further ncllon, !nst the Under Mair t,tatm«. Uie clly c aKali--.t b re<|ii!r<.<l to check Ihc slRnnt Mi wel- on th'.' l>rtillun ncalivM Uie li.^ llloncri) voter.i (|u:ihfk-d to ciu.t a bi nt the la;.i mayoralty election. Ird by If the na:nc3 nre nil in order ;er. the (c^mino.J .i. r „ , j. c.iu»i. i t Solon Claims nt 2-Year Drafi Is iMecessar ,,-kcrfl WA.SniNGTO.S-. Mny 18 (,T rfvivnl Ll nccr;sary -unlcM wc it r c - wllllnc to (Mtnlili- tlnnRvrou-^ly w nrmrd M'n'lrei ciiiiimittiT. iL'.kcd t flllp;; nilr.^ conimlllrr to olciir fnr Jioi ^CWi.S 'ic'lo'i II ilr.ift lllll approved 28 t< »;• ^ ;s L .SOU npjirove thr .Irall brc.imc clear .-^oon the lirarlHK bt-Kan. rf the que.'tiiini Antlrew* led by Rep, Urown, H., O., ]irc,ildent c;iinpaiKn ma:;;iner for Senutor Tn ,l.imLi- R.. o .. a.',ked Andrew.? whether omrnl draft woultl bc nccc.uar>- If Pre: s wllh denfm iiiian tlvr.s not approve :,te <^oii- to build the air forcc up to 70 eoi plrhiR bat phintv. IVwnn Andrew.s .-.aid a drnft is need rrrni- rluhl now to iirin;: the iirmy up ailon.i :,tri-nKih.i alrt-atly nulhorirx-tl. t'rcrs i:nll.»tmrnl» >n. •■Well," Brown remurktyl, •'repor nrt; current lh:it the Pre.-.ldcnt ai the Sct rrlary of IX'fin.'c I'^jrrc.-iUl won April .npcntl the money for 70 Rrouiv,. *n irUicr prr;.kirnt J;, under no compuhio tefore to do ;,a." Ruliv, chnlrmnn Ltjo E Allen, r p *»• in.. then (iue.illon«l Andrews on 'I bill Allen introduced to offer Jl.OC '■■■ nnd SI.JOO bonu-'c.i lor Uo nn erurc three-yc.ir enlliUnent;,. ‘■'<'” 1 Ju9l UanU Draft •“ I'K Andrews told Alien thut he an. " f UlC unny ,rcr\’lce commltlee will op il’-Pd pore on Uir house floor any ntutnp to KCt universal mllltnry trnJnlni lct;l;.Iiitinn px.Mcd n* a p;>rt of th' driift bill. £i;, U. S. Plans to “ l; P ro d u c e New 1." Atom Weaiions rwL-. WASHINOTON, Mny la (,7-i ~ :tli." Tla- United St.ilr;; ce:vrcd up to- day for production of nrw niomlc rl);e wrapons who.-;c deadly power In tlil,-. 'Ute. •mi.i much Ls knowii-ihal what- L-.V1 '. ever Uielr form or dlniraslmii they - II. n prc-.em ••v.-r>’ f,uh.-,t,intia! pro- •I'm (.Te;.;.- In li.irne.-.rinK nnture';, forcn;. S i™ iw ' ii'»'™ c- I Tlio;.e Were Uie wortLi iL'.ed by the on- White Hou;.c ye.Mcrdav in nn- or;,. ntmilrhiK :,uccr...;.ful complrll.in of a . new rerlr.i of le.M.i of •■three alomlc tttaixin.i, ench of improvctl dcltcn" .it^Lnlwctok Liland In Uic far J’ncl- -Speculation mounted over whnt the new wcapoii.i nmy be, U’hiit- Bt btunb or whnlnol - the While H.ni.’.c nnnouncrnicni Inillratril ni> time 1-1 belns lait In pulilnt: them mtn prtvluclloii- II sniti; proval o (atomic cncniy) com- be propn-.ed I to mil ate nt oncc for further nu- •|clr:ir drvfloiiment, bn.-.ed ui>on in- formation cnined from the te.rl.r" Unvld E, Lilienthal. aEC chalr- mnn. ndded pointed einphari.i to •' to thl.i .•.Intemrnt. He *ald Ihr te.iH InvolvlnR .,ome 10,000 milliarv nnd ;cientiflc personnel, n-ere n "mile- Ie tlevelopment." oil n iiew nt''i*'l" fnibarkrd iiidlcaliona the armed' forrra'^urc i (croovinff Uiclr plam for ji.^ wik Uie i nrw wcapon.v { ;; House Refuses to Kill Bill to Curb U. S. Communists WASHINGTON. Mny |a (,7’;-T lir , irkmn^^irto^’L^'Zmrirrc^ i iivitirs In L'lU countr>’. I It acted IU It drove townrd pn-v t ‘ :.axr tomorrow of n bill thnt would - e irqiiiro the CcxnmunLi: iwrty to rfc- r LMtr nntl flic finnnelal MntemrnL-. , y nnnunlly nncl to iniprt-.on nnynne - iidvocntlnf; establWiment in Uib ,, • country of a totnlltnrian Kovcm- J-, ment cnnirollcil from ftbroid. n' ! ’Hie move It) kill the bill w.ia mnde b by Ileprr.’.rntailvc Miller, R„ Conn.. tt I who told Ihc Jioujc the main cffect n- . of the mrn.<urc would be ti> "drive I undrrcroimd the tlnnceroita ele- mcnt.1.'^ ' Miller saltl even the committee on nl un-Amerlean nctlvlUes. which wrote in the bin. was uncertnln.over whnt It fr wanted to do and lind revl-'.ed It j;.<-teral tlmci nnd will projwie J h iftmcnOinePU on floor. of 1 r,lns _________ TWIN FALLS, IDJ G u a rd sm i )ts’|i^ p a s , uipRcv. ft 3. Miller, Ml Klbbe, O. k^ii nnd petition. 10 deter- tnklns ;lty clerk R»ature;> e of MW arattMi a ballot rder nnd w« II IS [ift a ry \_ I (.77— r' ' b J , lift law F j . :Iy With * Jjoiue ked the Poppy tlay pTani of lhe Amrrlt llOUie lirni Ii:indrd oul popplr* al thr 28 to i Irfl It. rlsht. arc E. W «'a (juartrr. roiup.tny. flnit ballallo nee to Mr*. Dirk ltJ..d.-.II. Private Tlrk lenr ai phuto-rntravinE) ■S State De; ::: Stalin "P WASillNGTOX. May 18 i •stalenii-nt on jioace "i-s cnc ■cporis .stand iietwcen United Stati 1wSn't th.‘ dopartinent .r„p hrouilL-a.^t st;itcincnl, the i-ss luhioii ----------------------- V ;2 Ballots ( U nity S] il'' fair Quc.s{ion of where seventh want di.slrict-s adjaccnt to Twin’ Fa Mond.iy niVht by meniln>r.s of 11 OR '"^clion wilh ono of two : t/tnpt Friday. iJiiinK One elcctioi! involves the Kimberly, Hansen, Kxcel.sior into n class A district. The other election, and tlic to members directed thu atten' Monday niKlit, conciTiis Ihc 'W rropo.sed form ation of a c!as.“ A(ii-striclfroniallofih.'Tu-in Falls. Shamrock. Mountain View, and Alh'ndalc district.n I’l - and parts of the Union and I’ark Lane liistricts. om c m rr Do.i.u-Ii. Ro. m Ward mul Wllhird , , ;^m:i!tley, ur^rtl votrr.i to t« Ute ISS; I’"-"- .Matrinent. "When ytni vote, «c tlu; Union -'Chool bonrtl. w,.ni vou to rou.-.:tler whnt we a rr i^oiii,; to tin Mlth our ;,i:venth nnd eik-hUi Krade .MUiirllt.-. nr.tl vc;.r." '">• 'Hiry polnletl out llml hccailre ot "I crtwtlrd tontlitlon.-: for thr |i.l M; cv- (Mi yenr;:, Uiu IV ln Kalh 'chool.i heve been accommodatlnn ;evrnUi and elKliUi Rrade pupllr. trom the Union nnd Mnuntnln View til'trict-:, •■'>''1 imii Jltth. rlxlh. ;,eveiith ami li.ihth Kj-mlc^Jiupili from the Pari: L.inc The board rnipha;l7rd th:i( the.'.e ‘'ll' dirtrict.1 have bren iidvb.otl lhat the Twin I'alil Khotilj ran no iniH-er 'f”’ nccnmm'xlatc thne cradc ;.chool pu- pil'.. nn- Al;.n emphn.'.Ucd l)v the bo.irtl wa.s >"'• lhal Twin Falls re;.ldrni.-i mu;,t vole ‘•f't on Ihr proi>o.',rd rcorKanl.t:itlnn be- finire ir Uie propaial l.i not f;ivorrd In- by votrr-1 In thr Twin l-'all:. district It ^vill not carr>' even thoui;h vuter-'i ‘Ir- In the .'Jnaller indcptmdcnt diiirlcii tn favor the propo;;nl, Tlin Iwnrd polnteil out Uiat If the ■nd pri>iw;..il cnrrlc.i, Krade r.chool pupll-j lit- from the smaller dl-itrlct;! rnn con- tinue lo come to Twin Fall.i .-.chools <fd ns In the pa.it. but that If the pro- 'Tf; po'.al Ls voted down. Uie Amaller lire tlHlrlct-s will he faced with Ihe i Jie problem of findlns u place for their ; pupils 10 KO.___________; A m e ric a n S e rg c t B y R e p o rts H r r . IHU:y. Kan.i.. May 18 UV^ r A younc Amcrlcnn frrKc:int ap- ? "y prarrd .illKhtly confiii.rd today to 1 c* finil hlm;,elf Uie hur.tjand of a n •'bMUtlful Ru.i,ilnn." Identllird by v s* the ,it.iie tlcparunrnl ns an rxperl- rnrrd .S.nlct asenL 1 "1 hnd no Intimnllon my wife wns o a Soviet nKfnt,- T Ski, jnhn nico- i nbh, Zi. ninKhumton, N, Y„ told n n ncK'.paprr reporter. Hr could Jiol II recall hrr e\er QUc.nioninB him r about hll work In lhe Amcrlcan cm- ba.-.'y nt Moscow nnr of nny nly^- ii tcrioiu actions by her in Uie elcht S :i mnntlis ihey llvtd toccthcr. lc Bieonl-ih, who has been here n w monlh nitendlng the army'd ground ai Krnrral .ichool. cnld hl.s flr.it word la n aboul lili wife'* spy nctlvltlc-s camp c In n jutc department alatcment w it from WashliiKton Sunday. ni I -nie .-.Uic department raid SiJt- Rt e Jnmes M. McMlllln. 21-ycar-old ton a^ of a regular nrmy colontl, bad bcca pi IDAHO, TUESDAY. MAY IS, II men Line np to Re e i S W H lB i . ‘a g IM iW i ; . 'W •j B r K . « irrlran I.relnn auilHarr wrre Marled lirn ;hr rrrulnr formatlnn t.f thr loe.il nallon Walkrr. Poppy dar rliMrmjn: Capt. Itor allon, IK3rd Infantry rrslmrnl; Stt. C.roV rirkner and Pfe. U rry Whrrlrr. Men In epartment n’s Basis f 18 f,P)-Thi> stato (i.'iiartnifiit sait ciu'onra>rinK” hut t h a t t h e i.s.sti,-.‘< tatc.s and the Soviet Union alone, ent -'^aid in tiiis t:overninenl’s fir: i-ssiic:i li.steii havu heen tm dcr nc;: on School Slated Friday ith and ci[:hth ;:rade .shidcnts frnn Falls'will alt '.'; ,srlu ..1 \va.. raisoi » of the Union school board, in con- 0 reorKanizalion clcctions slatci lie proposed rcorjranizatlon of tlir ior nnd M urt.iiipii scliool district-'^ tlie one to which the Union bo.ird Icnlion of voters in a .statcnu'nt l h o --------------------------------------------Dairy Group icj» Wants Taxes Left on Oleo l.ird WASillNG^TON. M:iy 18 i 7 '- \ Ute dairy orKanl.-atlon tmlnv uri;iil • m., ne;.:. to krrp':il lr:i;.t ;i'.me !u\r heir oli-omarKaniii—but rrpr.il th,- p ,. tlu; porttluly nn f.irelKli nittj. I Srcretury Clmrlr.i W. Holm.u. •>' tin Iht; Natlon,;I Cooprratlvt- .Miii; atlc ducer;. Iiticration s-ild It wouli' i- . unfair to kivc the ok-o m<h, ot >'bro:itl opporiuiiltli-.s tt> ma;<|ur cv- lt.1 product a:, b;ittrr" whllr b >ols iirotccied from forriirn coniix-ai >Ul I-avors Tax thfi In n prep.nret! Matrment l;e : ;t^^, f:tv,ted Iravms the IO-<-riu-:i.tK) Ith taximcolo.-etit.U^., cmiim:ii:,-i.-ct- me er.il tax on whol,.r.aler;i. rft.iih-r-i ,»iul manufnctllrcr;^ to one dni;:,r n ^,a:. r;.e andrfpralliiK<inlythrtiu:.rlfr..r:,i. ho n jiotmd lax on the unt(>:o;i>| ;••(>. ;iT duct- lU- Hr teMiflnl before Uir f'. •as hou; c-approveil nn-'r u'e to re'K il >le all fi-deriil tnM-;, t>n the Luite:- ;.ub-1 ■■tl “l-rraliirs Kaitf I let The pre.-.ldriit nf ;hc mil!; proiiuc- •r-. rr-1 Krouji. J.-hn Hr:uidt. told thr :Ui cnmmlttre In a .M:!!,mrnt ih,- :e:.r-il bill would ••IrK.illrc a raid by o-ie tie lntlu.-;:rj- upon th r r-iahll.Tlird rood ! ll'-i win nnd tm thr in;irkr:i <.f anoUier 11- Industry-.” ; Ils He nceu.'.rd tili-o-mnkrr.s of -ile- 0- libernte anrt mWeadlm; propaKand.s" er nnd said thnt if thr bill pn^•.e^ -uii- :ie eolorr<l oleo will tli.mpix-ar from Ihe lr marketi" lo br replaced by the , lilRhrr-prlccd ci'lorrd product- i — ---------------------------------------, cant Siu’priscd ^ His Wife Is Spy . - abr.ent from hh, rmba;.;,v pttst *in n >- Mo.'.cow since Friday and obvlnurly n :o lind been ".•.educrrt nnd rxplintpd bV h a nn experienced Sovirt wnm.vi j,py.- ly who W .-U1IrtrnUficd as Mrr., BiconL-Ji o 1- Dieonlih went to Ru-.Mti In 1D«. He explained he met Uic U-ye.ir- i s old Blrl al a daner In Mtv-cnw. At- ' - Iracted to lier brcmir.e r.he was -;o a much more benuilftif than other ll RuMlnn KlrLi, IllronWi .'-iid he mar- 11 rlrd her In Decrmbrr, 1515. Tliry llvctl loceUier, he related. - until lie wn.s retumrd to the United 1 Siatr.s In Srptmibcr In 15IC. He '•* lefl hLs wife In Mo.-.cnw. hoplnc .'he ^ ' woiilij reeelvo a Soviet visa, he .•aid. 1 and Join him In the United SUtcs 1 later. Ll :• Dlconl.'Jj relal«l thst hc received :c I word thal the vL-a had been denied, -.i nnd that he Uien nstcd hla wife- to ra - Ret ft divorce In nu.-jia. He now Is r: IawalUni: a tranilaUon of Uic Olvorcc' ix I proeecUings. / Nine IrriRaled Idaho ( 191S u.mi ___________ jL deceive Poppies lirrr Monday nl;ht nhrn auilllarr nrn .Uonal ruard unll. In photo above, fro lt«. l;uv^rlI. rommandlnc offirrr of heat r.rorse MirlJon: Pfe. rorrnl \V. HoMn^o 1 In bjfkuruunU «ffe not Idrntlflrtl. (SU t Rejects for Confal said totiay IVfm iiTStalin'.s late tic.s propDscii ftir sottlonicnt tlon lone. fir.st ofiina! comment on Stalin nc;:otiatitin for two vcar.s or nioi -------- in the United Nations, tl coiincil of foreign ministei and clscwiicre. O lher com tric-s nlw.-iv.s have been doepl tv Tlie department tlirecll blamed the Soviet Union fc irom failure io re;tch .-iprcemenl. used Ft..- rxamplr. i: i.i’d ihr am con- '!-'• Soviet Uk.-ah;r h.ii . I hlo>-l:rd :irrfrm rnt c:i thr cn;itn nf atomic riicrio- ftlthou.:h Uir olhi nlTir members of the U. N. tilP ; ro:r.mL-.'.lo:i wrrr nsrcrd. ll nclrtr ^•ird -nit; i!rp.irtmrnf.i .ita-.rn;rnl c.iir. nent ‘''‘-y momim: of ennriTe.-irf ------ an!<-:i.; top orficlali and pre.-umah! liHltiilin:,- Wlille Ho;i;e opinion n •SiaUn-.'- U.-o-M;c--Lit r rp lv to a n one; Icllrr fr<-;n Henry A- Waliace. .Slarlrtl br W allarr C I: wa'. nnly a xu-,k ni-o lh.it ?rc r. :,,ry M.-r;hall nnd Pr.-.-kient Tni — A •Mi-re.l n:i .Mncrlcan hid tn .'^oMft <!L'fiL-.Mnr.i of outrt.mdl.U j n i - w wrrl; of tr^iri:: lo knorl :«l or would' acri^‘i< I'r.>- ;>ny kind «: two-natlon taX> «i,i -nirm. Mar-.Ii-itr.v r-atik- tiiox.Th: tlirv hnd Iht non. p.ubllc "'•‘I Po%llloc» T n r h a n s r tJ v.vr’;;\ K-rat problrin:. incluJinc •“ a,.imir mercy nntl nrroamrnti CC';;- tro!. . mu! thr uilht'r.iwl of tr.v;^^ .'rorn Grrm.vny. Knrr.i nnd ethrr 'I’l "tn'n-.uir the fiR.t ofl;rl.,l Amer!- I '• ivi the "i-'i” r->l ^hl-h nt':rr n^''uritnln W |n :iJ le aner arc rqually Inlerr.Mrd. Bids Sought for I;:' Highway Project jif DOlSr- May 18 ^uri-Tlic public' •I'f Mi-rts departm rni todav c.->i:ed f,T l;:d.i lo rr.-.h.ipr th r rxt-'-tlnR rnar!- ~ l>cd «:•.(! oil 9332 nittes of U. S- 30 brtnrrn H:;hl nnd Danburj' hill In Tivin Fall.i couniy. , llltLi will be opened Ju.nc *. y The dc;v\rtn;ent nl'o c.illrd f^-r lull lo m:i.'t.-.K-i tr.e roadbwl, <!ra::i- . -ik-r -itniclure;. and o;l -'-jrface irtii- In mrnt on .iS2 miles of the trent ro-sd >■ nnd mllr, of the -.plrll lake by hl.:hway in Kootrr.nl county. i Bids on Ih-il p.-o.'cct ai-»j will be Jl. 0!>e:;ca June «. H. ____________________ I; Warning on Arms Deliveries Issued CAIRO. May 18 t V—Tlie Jiypiiin Kovenimc.nt w.irned tod.iy thal it j ■jj •'cannot tolemte'" drllven- of mur.l- , ie U4i. nnd w.vr .'-.tpplirs to Zlonuui in i ij ralc-'.tlne- Cojitinucd attem pts lo do I ,-o may prove Oar.jrroui, it ."jld. , ". A sialrment by the defen-e mln- Litrs-, copies af which It said were r <1 rent to aU powera. reported that I J. .'.hlp.i carTjlnc »ar equipment wid ^ o raunltloni for 'Zionist terrorist o Is cancL- sutl arr arrlvlnc at Palestine e;lx'ri-N nnd warned “ail coace.ne<i“ r lot Uie duiscrs iatolvnl. c ho Counlica *.dll Dorr.» ft Clfrr.-wM r,„ .oil itm n Local ^ Advil i L iQ i Twin Falls coimty con re(.'cived froni Comniissit enforcement department n^'o for hi-s por.soniil inv liquor evidence held hy tl Lewis told tho commi; s forcement of law.s in thi- His rei>!y, tlalcd May ] ciiJ^.sed hy tho commi.s.sio w ra wa.s addressed to Chari three cnmmissioncr.s 5 i; the letter nskinf: Lewi; fljjB mnke the inve.stipation. ^ ^9 •nio eomml.v.ioncri^ letter dated May 7. the day when ml.-.-;lonrrs wcrr a.iked. by a U man inve.itlK.itinif commltlee n |H i>ointrd by the Republican cc iBgH central committee, to clenr ur ■■W my.'iery of the lifjuor dl-mppcari tnrm- fnmn'fnt made by Uir t action thry will takc- ______ Sheriff Brotia R. R.iyborn Montlny. ninlil that hc hart . \lt>i;;ly Informed thr county c ni^!onor-i he is dolnK everyt: he rnn to dcir.-mlne how the occurred. The -•.hrriff -italed commL-.vinners niked him to ha' 1 ttrlltrn reiwrl of his InvcstlRa J t i ff-'i'ly tor their Friday mcctUiK. XKJ Praiecutlni; Attorney Evcrelt Sweeley -Mated Monday nlRlil latest he wm unofficially app.-o: In tint commlf.-.lonera on liquor matter hc Informed thrm i Iiie function of his office Li pr lalin's cutlon, not Invr.MiKnllon. He nC more inve.itiKators , .. ladled to his office nnd Is enll dfjicnrtcnt upon the chcriff'r, of lister.'! »hcn he needs InvesilgnUvo o conn- loi'ulv eommlMloners' Ie lo l^wb followj: ••Tlila board would like a j rectly tCnUn.^ .n r .„ l. C.lomn t, •n for ------------ ----------- Poppy Day to Be Held Hen O n Satiu’da -rd in Members of the American Lee auxlllar)' will hold a "Poppy d: ; c.i:r.e ; ale Saturday wlUi full procci re.-irrs from the drive to ko to dlsab imah’y vrirmns In Uie Dolr.o veterans hi o:i nn pllal- 1 open llie drive h.u Uie full endor: mrnt of the local naUonal gua aecordlnR to Col. Herbert O. Lauli t 5^:- b.ich. cominandcr of Uie I03rd 1 , Tni- Jai'lD' recanent. pr»S- A ;,ri-niHl "Poppy day” will c - of Saturday. Mny 20. &i>on;.orcd ,• fcn. »o-iien of Uie Vclrr.uis of Ford oMft- Wnrs nuxilinry. Tlir two pop ndl.iR '-')•' are hrld annually with t I l»o auxilinrirs aUcniatlnB on choi knork lhe flnt S.iturday. .'iiittdl H-nullliiu arrarj;cnienl.s for t ee 10 IPJion nuxlliary- l.s Mrs, O- A, Full »lil, «hlle Mr.v Corrt V. Suinine.'.s w rank- be In ch.irKc of tlio Vt'W auxllln ;1 t>.,c nc:ivilir.:. Miv>. .'il ivi;)i)ies offcrctl for .’air n xtuh iund-mnde or nianufncturcd I I Ihr <li;ablni \eler,ins who nro paid fi lldate 'bflr w-ork. RrceJplj for the "jwp; d.i>‘ derives Is returned into wclfa; nurd All i-oIlclUnc work Li dm ,, ,;.j, volunlarlly by ouxlllarj' nieinbt-r.i. ^3; I Hospital Bonds To Be Invested S; To Up Interes ri.iiis to rrltive.ll nl hlRhrr Inter ]r;: thr $i,:00,000 beinK held for con I ;:mctirin of n county hospital hrr wcrr w'.ncunccil Mondny by th bc-ird of counly comirlr.;,lQner; Com:r,i.-.xlonrrs Mid tSiey noted uixsi t-'ie .idvicr of UiB Twin Ball-s Ilinl nr.d Tuf.t comp-any. which aided It thr .--Ale of the hospltnl bonds t. raL'p Ihr fundi. Thr fundi are prc-iently Invr.Urf X I in u- H. trcn;,ur^- ceruflcatci of in |<!c’j:ednr.-..-,. brarlns % per cent in. '“‘1' trrr-'l due June 1, Tlie crrlUlcatc; ‘ * .ire held by the Natlonnl Cltv bank 3- New York, which JURRCMcd Uie rc- I invertraent plnn to the eommlMlon. The county officials have tele- craplied l.he Kew York bonk to re- invesl the fund.s In U. S. treasury .;• ■ crrlirieatC-1. dated Ju n e 1. 1048. and - hrarlns 1'. per cent Inlcrcst aftei "•'" June I. I9U. '. ] TTic rclnvrstraent lncren.ic<l by 13.000 per year the nmount of In- ttrr-'i drawn by the county, brlns- lr.K It froai *10,500 to JI3^00. Increase Claimed :d In Mental Illness i*n BOISE, M.sy 18 M>—MenLU Jll- II ne-ss in Uie United States has iri- r.l- uex-ed 12 times In the past CO In ye-ir?. Dr. Colter lllrschbcr^, n-ijo- t-o dale profcs.ior of psj-chlatiy, Cnl- ^t^^ly of Colorado, said today. In- *nje intense comi>eUUvencs3 ot ert modem livlni;- waa blamed by Dr. la l Ulrs4.*ibers for this Jnercaae. Ho nd rpoke betoft tho Jdaho cozifercoce •1st of »oelal work. Ine Mrs- Helen Dailey. Twin Fnlls Rrd Cray execuUve. was elccled prtaldtat of Uio coalcrcncc. FINAL CITY EDITION PRICE 5 CENT! 1 Probe ised for [uor Losf commis--iioiier.i nre pondcrinjT a letl issioner K. C. Lewis of the filatc I, cnt dci'liniiiK tlieir rc(iuc.st of 10 dn invcslinulion of thu diiiiippeanince >y the sheriff. nmis.sioner.s the rcsponsiliility for < this county rc.'it with coiinly officla iiy 13, was received Saturdny and d •ssioner-H Monday afternoon. The rer lianman Kenyon Green, nlthough “ 5ipnc(l ----------------------------------------- r;;iO-Day Strike n u'rc'^- Notice Issued ? “5? , By CIO Unio: u” ^cnm.’ ^ ^ ^ o r r , May 18 (,V)-A forn hai thfv 'l'“t a.itrlke "b per "er 1 1 Ofnernl Motors ci • I'-^iiinv by Oie C fMriw Workers. juruicr Tljp ^ ^ ^ orn laid medlaU nrt i.?r ^•■"^‘ "•■’ I’CKotiatlons continued .11 lire nn effort lo hend off a second mal rn tiX In ‘J'O "“to Industry, lh. ^ of "5,000 Chr}-=ler et ,"'P I’lnvcs went Into Itj nevenUj d, n ^ v l » ''‘olfnfe on Plck 0 " " " "'mllnr lo lncldent.s yeslcrd: 111^ brouRhl oul etatc police, errli M 28 Kill Uiat ^ CIO-UAW official yesterdi ■jii'mrii Uircat to ttrlko ao.Tie ; ' on Uie M‘’Wrs planU May M ui lem that ^ “Breed to I nri^tr.i dcvclopmenta colon the nuto-labor picture: rntirr J ° “ lclal actlon by MlchlRan auU ^ Inbor law : v» u-nrk *lrlke- The union In mcdlalely blocked such a mw# I obtaining a circuit court injunctlo: Tnice Reached ^ PJJ. A tnice reached by Uic tTAW an .. Chnsler pcrmltUng white coll: workers to enter Uis corapany Kerclieval plant and luiue overdt l-fi paychecks for tho Jtrikers' last fu tv work wrek. ■nie Recond court Injunction Issue nsaln.it tho UAW, rcstrninlns pick ^ etliiK at the Mnrysville, Mich- plan; 1 Some 75,000 Clir)-&ler worker flnV out of 18 planu across Ui countrj- lait Wednesday, demandin; Lecion co.-jipany add 17 cents t ,.. Uiclr tl JO hourly wages. The UAW CIO oriKinally asked 30 ccnts mon llsabletl P"" Bln-ihcd Uie demant JJ3 ,,gj. on UiB eve of Lhe striki. “S jews Report Lnulcr- ^ T ira i5iu.i.ender of ”";,g 4,000 Arabs TEL AVIV. May 18 (U.B-Jewlsh li.M,! tourers *,ald today Uiat 4,000 Arab choicc f|(.|,|fj,, peiijicii In the old walled ...» weakened by typhoid “"‘I ■'Iwi of ammunition, have sur- t-uiier rcndrrctl unconditionally to be.iIeB» .'.s will inj jcwLih forces. All other Arab forces in the town al.'o liave surrendered, pivlns tho ar nrt^ undhputed control of the an- ra a\ cHj. ^nd it-i Inner fortre.'.s mi lor hi;,lory books tay oven JwiW Napoleon failed to conquer, icl.arc A .iccond Jrwl.-.h victory was re- r iiitir iKiricd from Ramleh. majtsr Arab •. t.niie inn n 12 mlle.s .southeast of Tcl Aviv n.itride the hlRhwny to Jerusalem. Jewish reports -inld Inrun Zval Uuml troop.s broko Uirough Bam- Irir.i outer drfrnse-s In a renewed J J drive to open Uie Jerusalem road. Tfl AvIt natifa . i Al the rame Ume E^-pllan air C a i forcr planes mldcd T d Aviv for tho Inter- -'trnlRht day, maklnu i» ditwn ■co-i- ^Hiick WlUl iwo bombers nnd two I hrre nKaln.il Uie ciitcra accUon . tiie ot the clly. oneri Hauanah nntl-alrcraft fire shot utxin one of the planes near Nes Hank T-.lyona, 11 mlle.i south of Tel Aviv, led In n •Jewish nnnouncemenl said, and ds to 1’”°^ Prtaoner by two Jcv.-l;,h army Klrls. r.urti Jrnaalrm DbiJed >f in - Beirut reports wild Klnc AbduN It in- lah'R Arab Irjlon has opened an at- icates tJck acalnr.l Jenisalem and JewLitj bank, -lourccs admitted Uiat several thou- e rc- t anrt Arab-S bla.-,ted their wny Inlo .tlon- UlC Iioly city late yesterday. WlUiln Jcnm lem tiMir, Jcwi.ih tele- Mtirccs .lald. Ambs kept up an all- 0 re- nlKhl atl.nck agalnit some UOO xsury Ilasanah fighters In Ute old walled , and cll)'- HaRanah report-s admitted Uie after In the old walled dty luffcri'd heavy to.'res. 1 b y --------------------------- - Senate Confirms New WAA Head j WASHINGTON. May 18 MV-Tho senate today confinned the nomi- n e e naUon of Jess Larson of Oklthcana to bc war assets administrator. Jll- The senalo-acled by tflice Tote In- after defeallnf, by a standing Yol«, ; CO ft motion by Senator Tj-dlnji. D« ^1^0- Md.. to «end the nomlnalloQ back Dnl- lo the expenditures eommlUee. ‘I^dlnst blocked lenAte action lu t I ot Tliursday. Dr. Tlie MMTlander bued his oppo* He siuon to Larian on the sals last aco December of a Salt Lake City war - plant to the J. R. Slmplot eompuijr •nils of Idaho. Tydlnjs declared th« rled transaction, which Larson handled, , wo* “Bgt «lricUy rcEUlM."

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Page 1: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

LATE BULLIW S n iN G T O V . M»r 18 (U

Letrli to d a j tlirra lrn rd lo rail i lioni ror a n rn coal ronlrart I v o tf lo «-.M a nfio lla lo r not U

V O L . 3 1 , N O . 3.3

C ity Coun * Demaii

AWliiinn of .-lot in;icli!iirj u:ul rr;x';vl of lUl ilu l ortllii.iticra l3 . iiii.n.Ir.l In a pctUlun liaiuU-d ■ ri;y council Mund.iy r.Jplii in ■ tirr.t c(.:irrr!crt r f to rl Io rlil 'A K.ill.-. nt ft ■•<!rnion.I;.’Jnj:" lnlliir:i

A 10-m:in r.Joi n ril”:i cmnmU luM.lrcl I,)' Claudo Jr., I>fciilcci lllr iirUtloii It) llic cdui; Tin- iM'iltk.ii, '.li-r.nl \t.;tli scvc luindrrd lUinii-v ;.i)rrlllMlly chilli : Ihr rr;ic:il nr r,!ot orilltirinrrj 7ir> n H J am! Ili7 iircililhl;:..!, 0' -r..: n;iiTii;i:l iuiui'^riiii-:il (Ip’.fc-i kiio' I..1 ;.lot iniiclilnr.1 within t!ic c

t iriiiiTH nf ihg pt-inion c-h.iri,-e I

L ew is Con A sid e by

W A .S in N C T O X . M av 18 ■ ti.in :i«ain^<t .Ir.lm L , L d u is w as .set J is ide t iu l a y l)v Fuiii' n l t i i c ro v tT iin K 'i il '.s rc ijiio st

too l: iitidcT I|llCSt to (iiMIli.SS tliu iK .-stri

f i i t 'u in s l L i-x v i, :u u l h i , uiia.ii T iic K .ivcrm iic‘t i f « su rp ris e

o f ?1 ,-I20 .(inn im p o sed on tl f o r c r im in a l c o n to n ip t fo r fa

LaM’yers Fail To'PickJury

111 Court Casenival nltnnicy;. v.rrc iin;iblc Ii

rim..’.,' a Jury frnm ili,- Um. pro', I 'lr llv r JiiiMi'.ni r.ilk il Io lu'.ir Ihi dl.MflcL court lil.il 'IMc.vI.iv of Dr Muytl Hum nntl Ilic T«ln F.ill:

nml iVii-.r ronip.iny nKaln.-.i Mr, Mr;,. Jn ’iii Ilnllcm.

Courl ttii', rrrr:,'rcl ;il 11 n.m. un. (11 l:3t) Ii.m. [n rlvi- llif 'I'Aln K.ill? i.hrrlffV. oKlcc llm r tn cull up mnre Jtirynirn. T lir m ajority nf the pro-.- Iii'cllvc Juror:: wrrc clinllcnf:^! und Iiniiul un til by tlic uttonicy for the <hfcn(l;inl, J. U- Diimw. hfcatmr tlii'y ftllc.mlly }iad bntik iiccoiinUi In Ihc and T rust and wniililIlifrrljy !).■ hhi.'pd In tliclr Jvidsmcnt.

The btoX -aaiirthFX hjctB r t u n

?l(K, mo:'.r/ ortl«r«^nuUi.>ouv-ta-lhitl x;tnr.

Ho!!;iii. n m .t^cur ^.iin ^'orkrd fnr D r. H:.m ^vltUo hi« wn.s nul of tc.vn. clitlin.t In IV couiilcr nrtlnn thal Hir tloclor him thr> aiilhn.ity to tM'li th r monry orders nnd thni tlis ilnrtn: <nvitl him $1,107.39,

•nir l),tlil: :ui(I D.-. l!;iin nre rrprc- .•r.'cnictl l)v Alioniry--: li'-'rl Wiilkrr nnd R:iy .Muc.

GOP Hopefuls Deljatc Issue; Neither YieldsPOim-.AND, M:iv IB M-j-TliC

crurlal Ilrl,fit., tha l .'.tltlrtl noIhhUT wn.-, ont; for tlir Orct:on primnry lx nk. totliiy.

N tllh rr Cinv. niioiimr. E Drucy nur !I:irnl(I K, K1:l-'c-ii, llrimblic.in prtv.lilrntlal fuplr.mi.-,, vlrldca Irom lit;. prrpan J po.’ltlnn for or nnatn. 1

M Ih r holU- d;;piiU'cl fi"' -’ Hf"' whrthrr T tli r Comiiuuibi p.irly ;.lioiit.l be

oulhiHKl In Ihc Ulilli-d Slatr:, | Tlic two met la 't n lch t to nlr ,

th f ir cI:l-.!i1iik vlru,^ over ii.Ulon- I wide rntUo -r.vf,v<irk;i In tlic hr ,i trailition nf the c l» '-lc l.liicoln* l^ouclo.-. ilrt):iii— nnd on iv ••.Imlhirly Isiirnlnf: .'ocbl qiic.mIoh of the dnv.

O n the nfflnnntlvr. tlif .Miti- rif.o ian o;vlird for a linit to •cckI- tllliiK" ^o^lnulnt■;.^ anti w.krd the f f im ctim iii of nru- !:iw* Io deny != fommunl-.m ’Ihc blr.v.lnc.i of Irtnl- I !iy” undrr wliirli it Li now ptnn llird 1; to worm It,', uay to [K)wrr. n

lUnndini; fniiimtini;!.-; "Ihc thrrnl r f «nr" to Amc-rlcn. .Sln-.'.rii *:,|d ii llic ii.iiton '•;.h(uiUl no t .mimhlc i' nlnnu n lili th a l n rr out ofdntc." n

D rncy took llir pa-.liinn thnt cx- V iMlnK fcdrr.ll Iaw-—-fnm c 27 of P tlirm "—w rrc mlrqunto tn prn-.rcutc cciinlnnl coniinunUt undcm ilnins of 11

••r sm urnllrrably, w holclic.irt-'ConllnucJ 6fi I-XI i;. Column O .‘'I

Baseball Scores«Fron. A r anil M* Kpporii


Rt. .........OOO i i : 000— 4 n i I'lnrool:lyn._...... mu 02I 0 0 0 - 3 0 0

•MunKcr nntl Rlcv; Brnncn ar.d Ai Edw.irdj. U(

t ClllrnKn ......... fm2 OOQ 010— 3 B 0Phlliitlrlphln . OOO 001 001— 3 C 4 TJ

Schmlu; nntl bchcfflnc: Slmmonj Nahrm nntJ Scmlnlck,

Clnelnnnll nt Nct\- Yorl: nnrt Plti.n. burKl. nt DoMon, n lghl cnnic-,. ^

AMi:iticAN l k , \g i :kWa-.lilnKtoii .............. .010 003 DO- 4 n'tCHlCAKO ...................... 000 102 ID - 4 loi.

Htitl.ron, Tliomiv.on. Sw rhom ush umin‘( iU - f t i r ' ' «'»! .•..lit


--------------------- - 6 !"0 '------------000 0 0 7 - 7 i .m ., Cnlchomc. Parnell and 1 OCi

Tebbcrt.,; T ru ctv \M,Hr „„<! SMfi r ^ U a c lc lp l i i . , a t C levc ia ..u -i,ifh t c S l

LETIN ^8 (UP—John L. _ M ~ mcall off ncto tla- .art If prt>t]urcn -lot lo bU llklnr.

_______________ A_____ ____________________ ■

n c i l H a n d e d

i n d i n g A b o l i tii:ul the .•Int maclilnr.i have a dfmornllzl I 13 tic- c flic l on tilt; yoiiUi of the colU-d the munlty hy virtue of the fncl they (1In the in plain f lrh t,

:1 'Avln Tiic niachtnr.i nre detrlmrntallhien[;c. liKiUiii;ilc biLvliie:.-, tho |x[|[loiiciiinlttcc thilin. They ndd the itaniblin;; e.ir„ prc- rlcd ilin>uj:h the tlrHcei Ij brtnciuncll. liu; up hw nrs nnd ciluMiik mesrvcnil wamrn ar;d children alike ta rufft:illifiir 'T lify .the /lot.-,) nre amihisi tlIir> nnd b<v,t iiitrri :,ts of the clly nntl aKaln-rtUn- the foiMini.n rootl nnd Kr:i(;rai weknotvn fare tit o:ir peo])lc," the [wtlilonc1C city co:;:hidr.

■Hir netinn rr«iunlttce led Irice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl

n v i c t i o n S e t

y G o v e r n m e n t18 (U.R)— T lic c iv il co iitem ])! convic lu is an il Ih e U iiito d M ine W o rk er; ’uiivral J iiilK c T . A la n GoliliihoroiiK l •lost.lller ;i( lv iscn i(!n t a tro v o rn n ic n t rc s tr ik e iii j im c tio i i w h ic h i.s in c ffe c IllOIl.r iso niovo h a d no e f f e c t on tiie f in r ; tl th e tm ion a m i ? 2 0 ,000 on Lcwi.'^ r f a il in g lo <ii)c.v .sooner a c o u r t or-------- d u r lo c a ll o f f th e r c c c n t .soft

coal s t r i k e '■ fo r th w ith ." Guld.’.hi)rniinli imd Impo't-rt thi

y fliir.-,. ’n ic y n.-r hrhiK- iiprn'.drd b>

^ 'l ie “ 'o v rrm iirn f m^ II., dl.-.mU- ral rrfimv.i.'. nt the verj' moinrnl

^ tha t U-.vb oK'ned ncKOtlntlons with l a i y ;,<)11 cn;il oi«T:itor.i for n new fon-

i r a a to rri.bct; the onr rxplrhlR Jun r 30. n i r tiinlnt; apparently wnn

pro - ijitciuional, 'J lie RDveninitni rrcni- \ incly thoucht Uic ncF:ollaIlnn.i L ^f- p ro tettl better 1/ LewU werei-.uiA out from under the Injunction

• ItMird April 21Gold.’.borounli had L iuctl the

Piit^ '^“f'-H nrtlcy law Injunction Aiirll , ' r (•■“ ‘ran tfi' nKnlii.u any lurUier ‘ work :.toppaKC by the miners before

July 1,• the dl.nmt.'sral of the In-; - Junction, tlie Rovemmenl f.ild li;,' . purpo;.t.'. “have been achieved . . .

” Ihc public in te rcu Li now rerure irn t w -tn llon of full prodiirtlon

;.al(Tthi: jmriM.M' of i;r;ihiK

1 - " irsis “„ s" r inodu'[lo:i of bltumlnoii.i en:il ' -

fll'o h :u boon « r \ ’cd, the M lninc a t (,'apnrlly

Ar.. l. tnnt Attorney Grnrr.il H. Or;iha;n M orhon nolcd ilua Uir

l>-rr oi'iTiilrd nlfn t 'c r 'M '' ''l 'l I’^'bllc.

n i e ,'.oft coai miner;: ,'.iruck Mnrch g I., to forcr p.iymeiit of $I00 n m.,nih

o!i!rr ivlth 20 y o a k 'o f 7 m i" r ' n ie KtH'rnuncnt obtained n court

"9 ortler on April 3 dlrccihu; Lcwu I to call o ff the Kirlke '•forthwith." ’ I c Ilrlayr.1 Ortlrr i

LewL. did ,101 eull off lhe :lrl);e i P),,. until Ajirll i : - n f i c r winiiln:- a i Im: ;'-itIt-nient of th r prn.Mon tli.|,utr. nry •itJrccintiil," rtMchrd by U-,vi', ,

with faen. Styk-3 I3rltlKcs, K.. s . If. ,

-.in n” $ioo "a T o n th [y prn;.lon to nny m iner over lij vvho i

rc Irrd n f tr r Mnrch 28. IfllC. I , n i r pcnMon plan I;: belnc e o n -! \

III l'a-1 no t been pu t into efrect, „

JiJ Officers Named ; ;;; By Cattle Group .i

At Annual Meet -d- nichard Kli-m, Nampn, wn.i rr- 1’, he flccletl prr;.ldent of the Iduho Kt:itr tiy .ShorUiorn Brrcdrr.i n.-.-oclatlo-i m “ .1- Ihe unn»:il inei'llnK of th r Kroup

"■ ‘lie I’.irk liolel Monihiy

at Other offlctr;; reelect.-d by the

“ s;:"vi” “ot w u . Wilder, iccretary.iri'niurer

nr.d J:imo prter;,on. PrcMnn: Vivian t- IX'Vcnport, Cnrey nncl Knrl MaHiew.,, . if P.iycile. tUrector.^;c Keith Kinc, Illnioi.'. prr-liirnl of )f Ihc Amcrlcnn Milking Shorthorn

;<<U'ly. wa.'. th r KIIC.M upraker. He - >"Jd of nititu;>l problcm.1 In the

.•■horlhnrn IndaMry., Other Mvai;rr;i on the proKram ijcludrd G . C. Aii(ler.:on. liol.-c,

5 Walio Male .dnlr.vman. nnd C. W. U.'iRli. -nvm F.ilU comity ncrnt

The nnnual .a le of the I J

Jnlricrounils n t 1 I li'T. T-.venly.Mx r.horihnni milkers I n liiive been co rjlcncd lo llir - ilr, j Auctioneer fo r the j.ilc 11 Giii

HfMebrcclit. Iiinm n, Kiini, ^

! Record Paid for ;|i’; Steers at Offden

C^DKN-. Mny 10 ( .V ,~ \n nll-tlme iroi ilKl' price m O K dcii-ua .lo per bt!

l..mdredwrlKlit-Kn,i paid ^[onday nnnat he union .itockyartlj for ti car- iidvlo.ui of Kraln fed cteers durlns "un- eouiiiMially ncuve markellnK In cattle." mer• ard nianaKiT of the T

A rtcnra num ber of cattle w;u toW wiio liU.1 time of ye.tr, hc Aald. of t

TrLckers broiiRlit load after load undi rom northem Utnh. iou lhem Ida- men

ho and wcitom Wyomlne. A total of M iw n “• 'o n ’pared wUlt un->1,MO for the snine period lasl year, the

Fmcen rail earloatls fro.-n U uh . wani Co.urjdo. Jdaho. .\evndu ojiO Moil- ;.*-tei laaa also arrived ilc m la i', j naiei

A RcsionnI N ew spaper Scr\-inkUl^CIl/ nnrt

1 P e tit io n s lition o f ‘S lo torallzliiB Rev. Mark C. Cronenberfrcr. thele com- A lberl H. I’arrcit, Dr. E. J. Mthey are C. L. BiKKmtaff. William Klbb.

W. C lirbtlan, J. C, Krrderlckionrntnl to Chci Lnr/cn.tllloiicrs W ith Ihc fllliic ot th r pctlIII;; e.ir- th e couiu'll directed thn l Uic nc, brenk- .a ry IrK:,l ;,t<-pi be lak in to dt,K- nicn, m ine Its nuihcnllclty before tnI ruffor. fu rther ncllon,!nst the Under Mair t,ta tm «. Uie clly caKali--.t b re<|ii!r<.<l to check Ihc slRnnt

Mi wel- on th'.' l>rtillun ncalivM Uie li.llloncri) voter.i (|u:ihfk-d to ciu.t a bi

n t the la;.i mayoralty election.Ird by If the na:nc3 nre nil in order;er. the (c^mino.J .i. r „ , j. c .iu»i. i

t S o lo n C laim s

n t 2 -Y e a r D ra fi Is iM ecessar

,,-kcrfl WA.SniNGTO.S-. Mny 18 (,T

rfvivnl Ll nccr;sary -unlcM wc it r c - wllllnc to (Mtnlili- tlnnRvrou-^ly w

nrm rd M'n'lrei ciiiiimittiT. iL'.kcd t flllp;; nilr.^ conimlllrr to olciir fn r Jioi

^CWi.S 'ic 'lo 'i II ilr.ift lllll approved 28 t<

»;• ^ ;sL .SOU npjirove th r .Irall brc.imc clear

.- oon the lirarlHK bt-Kan. rf the que.'tiiini Antlrew*led by Rep, Urown, H., O., ]irc,ildent

c;iinpaiKn ma:;;iner for Senutor Tn ,l.imLi- R.. o .. a.',ked Andrew.? whether om rnl d ra f t woultl bc nccc.uar>- If Pre: s wllh d e n fm i i i ia n tlvr.s not approve :,te ■ < oii- to build the air forcc up to 70 eoi plrhiR bat phintv.IV wnn Andrew.s .-.aid a drnft is need r rrn i- r lu h l now to iirin;: the iirmy up ailon.i :,tri-nKih.i alrt-atly nulhorirx-tl.

t 'rc rs i:nll.»tmrnl»>n. •■Well," Brown remurktyl, •'repor

nrt; current lh:it the Pre.-.ldcnt ai the Sct rrlary of IX'fin.'c I'^jrrc.-iUl won

April .npcntl the money for 70 Rrouiv,. *n irUicr p rr;.k irn t J;, under no compuhio tefore to do ;,a."

Ruliv, chnlrmnn Ltjo E Allen, r p *»• in.. then (iue.illon«l Andrews on 'I bill Allen introduced to offer Jl.OC '■■■ nnd SI.JOO bonu-'c.i lor U o nn erurc three-yc.ir enlliUnent;,.‘■'<'”1 Ju9l U anU Draft

•“ I'K Andrews told Alien thut he an." f UlC unny ,rcr\’lce commltlee will op

il’-Pd pore on Uir house floor any n tu tn p to KCt universal mllltnry trnJnlni lct;l;.Iiitinn px.Mcd n* a p;>rt of th' d riift bill.

£i;, U . S. P la n s to “ l; P r o d u c e N ew 1." A to m W e a iio n srwL-. WASHINOTON, Mny la (,7-i ~ :tli." Tla- United St.ilr;; ce:vrcd up to­

day for production of nrw niomlc rl);e wrapons who.-;c deadly power In tlil,-.

'Ute. •mi.i much Ls k n ow ii-iha l what- L-.V1'. ever Uielr form or dlniraslmii they- II. n prc-.em ••v.-r>’ f,uh.-,t,intia! pro- •I'm (.Te;.;.- In li.irne.-.rinK nnture';, forcn;.S i™ iw ' ii'»'™ c-

I Tlio;.e Were Uie wortLi iL'.ed by the on- White Hou;.c ye.Mcrdav in nn- or;,. ntmilrhiK :,uccr...;.ful complrll.in of a . new rerlr.i of le.M.i of •■three alomlc

tttaixin.i, ench of improvctl dcltcn" .it^Lnlwctok Liland In Uic far J’ncl-

-Speculation mounted over whnt the new wcapoii.i nmy be, U’hiit-

Btbtunb or w hnlnol - the While H.ni.’.c nnnouncrnicni Inillratril ni> time 1-1 belns la it In pulilnt: them mtn prtvluclloii- II sniti;

proval o (atomic cncniy) com- be propn-.ed

I to mil ate nt oncc for further nu- • |c lr:ir drvfloiiment, bn.-.ed ui>on in-

form ation cnined from the te.rl.r"• Unvld E, Lilienthal. a EC chalr-

mnn. ndded pointed einphari.i to • ' to thl.i .•.Intemrnt. He *ald Ih r te.iH

InvolvlnR .,ome 10,000 milliarv nnd ;cientiflc personnel, n-ere n "mile-

Ie tlevelopment."oil n iiew nt''i*'l" fnibarkrd iiidlcaliona the armed' forrra'^urc i (croovinff Uiclr p lam for ji. wik Uie i nrw wcapon.v {

;; House Refuses to Kill Bill to Curb

“ U. S. CommunistsWASHINGTON. Mny |a (,7’; - T l i r ,

irkmn irto ’L^'Zmrirrc^ iiivitirs In L'lU countr>’.

I I t acted IU It drove townrd pn-v t ‘ :.axr tomorrow of n bill thnt would - e irqiiiro the CcxnmunLi: iwrty to rfc - r LMtr nntl flic finnnelal MntemrnL-. , y nnnunlly nncl to iniprt-.on nnynne- iidvocntlnf; establWiment in Uib ,, • country of a totnlltnrian Kovcm- J-,

ment cnnirollcil from ftbroid. n' ! ’Hie move It) kill the bill w.ia mnde b

by Ileprr.’.rntailvc Miller, R„ Conn.. ttI who told Ihc Jioujc the main cffect n- . of the mrn.<urc would be ti> "driveI undrrcroim d the tlnnceroita ele- „

mcnt.1.' 'Miller saltl even the committee on nl

un-Am erlean nctlvlUes. which wrote inthe bin. was uncertnln.over w hnt It fr wanted to do and lind revl-'.ed It

j;.<-teral tlm ci nnd will projwie J hiftmcnOinePU on floor. of


r , l n s _________


G u a r d s m i

) t s ’ | i ^ p a s, uipR cv. ft3. Miller, M lKlbbe, O. k ^ ii nnd


10 deter- tnklns

;lty clerk R»ature;>e of M W a r a t t M ia ballot

rder nnd w« II


[ i f t

a r y \_I (.77— r '' b J ,lift law Fj .

:Iy With

* Jjoiueked the Poppy tlay pTani of lhe Amrrlt■ llOUie lirni Ii:indrd oul popplr* a l th r28 to i Irfl It. rlsht. arc E. W « 'a

(juartrr. roiup.tny. flnit ballallonee to Mr*. Dirk ltJ..d.-.II. Private Tlrklenr a i phuto-rntravinE)

■S S t a t e D e;

::: S t a l i n"P W A S il lN G T O X . M a y 18 i

•stalen ii-n t on jioace "i-s cnc ■cporis .s tand iie tw ce n U n ite d S ta t i 1 wSn't t h . ‘ d o p a r t i n e n t

.r„p hrouilL-a.^t s t ; i t c in c n l , th e i-ss luhioii —-----------------------

V ; 2 B a l l o t s (

U n i t y S ]il'' fair Q uc.s{ion o f w h e r e s e v e n th w ant d i.slrict-s a d j a c c n t to T w in ’ F a

M ond.iy n iV h t b y meniln>r.s o f11 OR '"^ c lio n w ilh o n o o f tw o : t/tn p t F r id a y .iJiiinK O ne e lcc tio i! in v o lv e s th e

K im b e rly , H a n s e n , K xcel.sio r in to n c la s s A d i s t r ic t .

T h e o th e r e le c tio n , a n d tlic t o m e m b e rs d ir e c te d th u a t te n '

M o nday n iK lit, conciT iis Ihc ' W rro p o .sed f o rm a t io n o f a c!as.“

A ( i i - s t r i c l f r o n i a l l o f i h . 'T u - i n F a lls . S h a m r o c k . M o u n ta in V iew , a n d A lh 'n d a lc d is tric t.n

I’l - a n d p a r t s o f t h e U n ion a n d ’ I ’a rk L a n e l i i s t r ic t s . om c

m rr Do.i.u-Ii. Ro.m W ard mul Wllhird , , ;^m:i!tley, ur^rtl votrr.i to t« Ute

ISS;I’"-"- .Matrinent. "When ytni vote, «c tlu;

Union -'Chool bonrtl. w,.ni vou to rou.-.:tler whnt we a rr i^oiii,; to tin Mlth our ;,i:venth nnd eik-hUi Krade .MUiirllt.-. nr.tl vc;.r."

'">• 'Hiry polnletl ou t llm l hccailre ot "I crtwtlrd tontlitlon.-: for th r |i.lM ;cv-

(Mi yenr;:, Uiu IV ln Kalh 'chool.i heve been accommodatlnn ;evrnUi and elKliUi Rrade pupllr. trom the Union nnd Mnuntnln View til'trict-:,

•■'>''1 imii Jltth. rlxlh. ;,eveiith ami li.ihth Kj-mlc^Jiupili from the Pari: L.inc

The board rn ipha;l7rd th:i( the.'.e ‘' l l ' dirtrict.1 have bren iidvb.otl lhat the

Twin I'a lil Khotilj ran no iniH-er ' f ”’ nccnmm'xlatc th n e cradc ;.chool pu­

pil'..nn- Al;.n emphn.'.Ucd l)v the bo.irtl wa.s >"'• lhal Twin Falls re;.ldrni.-i mu;,t vole ‘•f 't on Ihr proi>o.',rd rcorKanl.t:itlnn be-

finire ir Uie propaial l.i not f;ivorrd In- by votrr-1 In th r Twin l-'all:. district

It ^vill not carr>' even thoui;h vuter-'i ‘Ir- In the .'Jnaller indcptmdcnt diiirlcii

tn favor the propo;;nl,Tlin Iwnrd polnteil out Uiat If the

■nd pri>iw;..il cnrrlc.i, Krade r.chool pupll-j lit- from the smaller dl-itrlct;! rnn con­

tinue lo come to Tw in Fall.i .-.chools <fd ns In the pa.it. but th a t If the pro- 'Tf; po'.al Ls voted down. Uie Amaller lire tlHlrlct-s will he faced with Ihe i Jie problem of findlns u place for their ;

pupils 10 KO.___________;

A m e r i c a n S e r g c t

’ B y R e p o r t s H;® r r . IH U :y . Kan.i.. May 18 U V ^ r

A younc Amcrlcnn frrKc:int ap- ? "y prarrd .illKhtly confiii.rd today to 1 c* finil hlm;,elf Uie hur.tjand of a n

•'bMUtlful Ru.i,ilnn." Identllird by v s* the ,it.iie tlcparunrn l ns an rxperl-

rn rrd .S.nlct asenL 1"1 hnd no Intimnllon my wife wns o

a Soviet nKfnt,- T Ski, jn h n nico- i nbh, Zi. ninKhumton, N, Y„ told n n ncK'.paprr reporter. H r could Jiol II recall h rr e \er QUc.nioninB him r about h ll work In lhe Amcrlcan cm- ba.-.'y nt Moscow nnr of nny nly^- ii tcrioiu actions by he r in Uie elcht S

:i mnntlis ihey llvtd toccthcr. lcBieonl-ih, who has been here n w

monlh nitendlng the army'd ground ai Krnrral .ichool. cnld hl.s flr.it word la

n aboul lili wife'* spy nctlvltlc-s camp c In n ju t c departm ent alatcm ent w it from WashliiKton Sunday. niI -nie .-.Uic departm ent raid SiJt- Rt e Jnmes M. McMlllln. 21-ycar-old ton a

of a regular nrmy colontl, bad bcca pi

ID A H O , T U E S D A Y . M A Y IS , II

men Line np to Re

e iS W H lB i . ‘a g I M i W i ■ ; . ' W

• j B r K . «

irr lran I.relnn auilH arr w rre Marled lirn ;hr rrru ln r formatlnn t.f th r loe.il nallon W alkrr. Poppy dar rliM rm jn: Capt. Itor

allon, IK3rd Infantry rrs lm rn l; S tt. C.roV rirkner and Pfe. U rry W hrrlrr. Men In

e p a r t m e n t

n ’s B a s i s f18 f ,P ) -T h i> s ta to ( i . 'i i a r tn i f i i t sa it c iu 'onra> rinK ” hu t t h a t t h e i.s.sti,-.‘< ta tc .s a n d th e S o v ie t U n io n a lone, e n t -'^aid in t ii is t :o v e r n in e n l ’s fir: i-ssiic:i li.s teii h a v u h e e n tm d c r nc;:

o n S c h o o l

S l a t e d F r i d a yi t h a n d c i[ :h th ; : r a d e .s h id c n ts f rn n

F a l l s 'w i l l a l t '. '; ,srlu ..1 \va .. ra is o i » o f th e U n io n s c h o o l b o a rd , in con-0 r e o rK a n iz a l io n c lc c t io n s s la tc i

lie p ro p o s e d r c o r jr a n iz a t lo n o f tli r i o r n n d M u r t . i i ip i i sc lioo l district-'^

t l ie o n e to w h ic h th e U n io n bo .ird I c n l io n o f v o te r s in a .s ta tc n u 'n t l h o --------------------------------------------—

Dairy Group icj» Wants Taxes

Left on Oleol.ird WASillNG^TON. M:iy 18 i 7 ' - \ Ute dairy orKanl.-atlon tmlnv uri;iil

• m., ne;.:. to k rrp ':il lr:i;.t ;i'.me !u\r heir oli-omarKaniii— but rrpr.il th,- p , . tlu; po rttlu ly nn f.irelKli nittj. I

l« Srcretury Clmrlr.i W. Holm.u. •>' tin Iht; Natlon,;I Cooprratlvt- .Miii;

atlc ducer;. Iiticration s-ild I t wouli' i - . unfair to kivc the ok-o m<h,

o t >'bro:itl opporiuiiltli-.s tt> ma;<|ur cv- lt.1 product a:, b;ittrr" whllr b >ols iirotccied from forriirn coniix-ai >Ul I-avors Taxthfi In n prep.nret! Matrment l;e :;t , f:tv,ted Iravms the IO-<-riu-:i.tK)Ith taxim colo.-etit.U ^., cm iim :ii:,-i.-ct- me er.il tax on whol,.r.aler;i. rft.iih-r-i ,»iul

manufnctllrcr;^ to one dni;:,r n ^ ,a :. r;.e a n d rfp ra lliiK < in ly th rtiu :.rlfr ..r :,i. ho n jiotmd lax on the unt(>:o;i>| ;••(>. ;iT duct-lU- Hr teMiflnl before Uir f '.

•as hou; c-approveil nn-'r u 'e to re'K il >le all fi-deriil tnM-;, t>n the Luite:- ;.ub-1

■■tl “l-rra liirs K a itf Ilet The pre.-.ldriit nf ;hc mil!; proiiuc- •r-. rr-1 Krouji. J.-hn Hr:uidt. told th r :Ui cnmmlttre In a .M:!!,mrnt ih,- :e:.r-il

bill would ••IrK.illrc a raid by o-ie tie lntlu.-;:rj- upon th r r-iahll.Tlird rood ! ll'-i win nnd tm th r in;irk r:i <.f anoUier 11- Industry-.” ;Ils He nceu.'.rd tili-o-mnkrr.s of -ile-0- libernte anrt mWeadlm; propaKand.s" er nnd said thn t if th r bill pn^•.e^ -uii- :ie eolorr<l oleo will tli.mpix-ar from Ihe lr m arketi" lo br replaced by the ,

lilRhrr-prlccd ci'lorrd product- i— ---------------------------------------,

cant Siu’priscd His Wife Is Spy .- abr.ent from hh, rmba;.;,v pttst *in n >- Mo.'.cow since Friday and obvlnurly n :o lind been ".•.educrrt nnd rxplintpd bV h a nn experienced Sovirt wnm.vi j,py.-ly who W.-U1 IrtrnUficd as Mrr., BiconL-Ji o1- Dieonlih went to Ru-.Mti In 1D«.

He explained he m et Uic U -ye.ir- is old Blrl a l a daner In Mtv-cnw. At- '- Iracted to lier brcmir.e r.he was -;o a much more benuilftif than other ll RuMlnn KlrLi, IllronWi .'-iid he mar- 11 rlrd her In Decrmbrr, 1515.

Tliry llvctl loceUier, he related.- until lie wn.s retum rd to the United1 Siatr.s In Srp tm ibcr In 15IC. He '•*

lefl hLs wife In Mo.-.cnw. hoplnc .'he ^' woiilij reeelvo a Soviet visa, he .•aid.1 and Join him In th e United SU tcs1 later. Ll:• Dlconl.'Jj rela l« l th s t h c received :cI word th a l th e vL-a had been denied, -.i

nnd th a t h e Uien nstcd hla wife- to ra- Ret ft divorce In nu.-jia. He now Is r: I awalUni: a tranilaU on of Uic Olvorcc' ix I proeecUings.

/ N in e IrriR aled Idaho (

191S u.mi___________ jL

deceive Poppies

l irrr Monday n l ;h t n h rn a u i l l la r r n rn .Uonal ru a rd unll. In photo above, fro l t« . l;uv^rlI. rommandlnc o ffirr r of heat

r.ro rse M irlJon: Pfe. r o r r n l \V. HoMn^o 1 In bjfkuruunU « ffe not Idrntlflrtl. (SU

t R e j e c t s

f o r C o n f a lsaid totiay IVfmiiT Stalin'.s late

tic.s p ro p D sc ii f tir sottlonicnt tlo n lone.

f ir .s t o f i i n a ! c o m m e n t o n S ta lin n c ; :o t ia t i t in f o r tw o v c a r .s o r nioi

-------- in th e U n ite d N a t io n s , tlc o iin c il o f f o re ig n m in is te i a n d c ls c w iic r e . O l h e r com tric -s nlw.-iv.s h a v e b e e n doepl

t v T lie d e p a r tm e n t tlirecll b la m e d th e S o v ie t U n io n fc

iro m f a i l u r e i o re ;tch .- ip rce m en l. u se d Ft..- rxam plr. i: i.i’d ih r a m c o n - '!-'• Soviet Uk.-ah;r h.ii

. I hlo>-l:rd :irrfrm rn t c:i th r cn;itn nf atomic riicrio- ftlthou.:h Uir olhi nlTir members of the U. N.

tilP ; ro:r.mL-.'.lo:i w rrr nsrcrd . l l nclrtr

^•ird -nit; i!rp.irtm rnf.i .ita-.rn;rnl c.iir. n en t ‘' ' ‘-y momim: of ennriTe.-irf------ an!<-:i.; top orficlali and pre.-umah!

liHltiilin:,- Wlille H o;i;e opinion n •SiaUn-.'- U.-o-M;c--Lit rrp lv to an one; Ic ll rr fr<-;n Henry A- Waliace.

.Slarlrtl b r W allarr C I: wa'. nnly a xu-,k ni-o lh.it ?rc

r. :,,ry M .-r;hall nnd Pr.-.-kient Tni

— A •Mi-re.l n:i .Mncrlcan hid tn .' oMft <!L'fiL-.Mnr.i of outrt.mdl.U

j n i - w wrrl; of tr^iri:: lo knorl

:« l or w ould' a c r i^ ‘i< I'r.>- ;>ny kind «: two-natlon taX> «i,i

-nirm. Mar-.Ii-itr.v r-atik- tiiox.Th: tl i rv hnd Iht

non. p.ubllc

"'•‘I Po%llloc» T nrhansrtJ

v.vr’; ; \ K-rat problrin:. incluJinc •“ a ,.im ir m ercy nntl n rroam rn ti CC';;-

tro!. .mu! th r uilht'r.iw l of tr.v;^^ .'rorn Grrm.vny. K nrr.i nnd ethrr

'I ’l " tn 'n - .u ir the fiR.t ofl;rl.,l Amer!-

I '• iv i

the "i-'i”r->l ^ h l-h n t ':r r n^''uritnlnW |n : i J l e aner arc rqua lly Inlerr.Mrd.

Bids Sought fo r I;:' Highway Projectjif D O lSr- May 18 ^ u ri-T lic public' •I'f Mi-rts departm rn i todav c.->i:ed f,T

l;:d.i lo rr.-.h.ipr th r rxt-'-tlnR rnar!- ~ l>cd «:•.(! oil 9332 nittes of U. S- 30

b r tn r rn H:;hl nnd D anburj' hill In Tivin Fall.i couniy.

, llltLi will be opened Ju.nc *.

y T he dc;v\rtn;ent n l'o c .illrd f -r lu l l lo m:i.'t.-.K-i tr.e roadbwl, <!ra::i- . -ik-r -itniclure;. and o;l -'-jrface i r t i i - In m rn t on .iS2 miles of the tr e n t ro-sd

>■ nnd m llr, of the -.plrll lakeby hl.:hway in Kootrr.nl county. • i

Bids on Ih-il p.-o.'cct ai-»j will be Jl. 0!>e:;ca June «.H . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I; Warning on Arms Deliveries Issued

CAIRO. May 18 t V—T lie J iy p i i in Kovenimc.nt w.irned tod.iy th a l it j

■jj •'cannot tolemte'" drllven- o f mur.l- , ie U4i. nnd w.vr .'-.tpplirs to Z lonuui in i ij ralc-'.tlne- Cojitinucd a ttem p ts lo do I

,-o may prove O ar.jrroui, i t ."jld. , ". A s ia lrm en t by the defen-e mln-

Litrs-, copies af which It sa id were r <1 ren t to aU powera. reported th a t I J. .'.hlp.i carT jlnc » a r equipm ent w id o raunltloni fo r 'Z ion ist terrorist o Is cancL- su tl a r r a rrlvlnc a t Palestine e;lx'ri-N nnd w arned “ail coace.ne<i“ r

lo t Uie d u isc rs ia to lv n l. c

ho Counlica

*.dll Dorr.» f t Clfrr.-wM r , „ .oil i t m

n Local ^ Advili L i Q i

T w in F a l ls c o im ty con re(.'c ived f ro n i C o m n iis s i t e n fo r c e m e n t d e p a r tm e n t

• n^'o f o r hi-s po r.so n iil in v l iq u o r e v id e n c e h e ld hy tl

L e w is to ld t h o co m m i; s fo rc e m e n t o f law .s in th i-

H is rei>!y, t la lc d M a y ] ciiJ^.sed hy th o com m i.s.sio

w r a wa.s a d d re s s e d to C h a r i th r e e c n m m iss io n c r .s 5 i; th e l e t t e r n s k in f : L ew i;

f l j j B m n k e th e in v e .s t ip a t io n . ^ ^ 9 •nio eomml.v.ioncri^ letter

dated May 7. the day when ml.-.-;lonrrs wcrr a.iked. by a U man inve.itlK.itinif commltlee

n | H i>ointrd by the Republican cc i B g H central committee, to clenr ur ■ ■ W my.'iery of the lifjuor dl-mppcari

tnrm- fnm n 'fn t made by Uir t

action thry will takc-______ Sheriff Brotia R. R.iyborn

Montlny. ninlil th a t hc hart . \lt>i;;ly Informed th r county c

ni^!onor-i he is dolnK everyt: he rnn to dcir.-mlne how the occurred. The -•.hrriff -italed commL-.vinners niked him to ha'

1 ttr ll trn reiw rl of his InvcstlRa J t i ff-'i'ly tor their Friday mcctUiK. X K J Praiecutlni; Attorney Evcrelt

Sweeley -Mated Monday nlRlil la te s t he wm unofficially app.-o:

In tint commlf.-.lonera onliquor m atter hc Informed thrm i Iiie function of his office Li p r

la lin 's cutlon, not Invr.MiKnllon. He nC m ore inve.itiKators

, .. ladled to his office nnd Is enll dfjicnrtcnt upon the chcriff'r, of

lister.'! »hcn he needs InvesilgnUvo o conn-

loi'u lv eommlMloners' Ielo l^w b followj:

••Tlila board would like a j r ec tly tC nU n.^ .n r . „ l . C.lomn t, •n fo r ------------ — -----------

Poppy Day to Be Held H en

O n Satiu’da-rd in Members of the American Lee

auxlllar)' will hold a "Poppy d: ; c.i:r.e ; ale Saturday wlUi full procci re.-irrs from the drive to ko to dlsab imah’y vrirmns In Uie Dolr.o veterans hi o:i nn pllal-1 open ll i e drive h .u Uie fu ll endor:

mrnt of the local naU onal gua aecordlnR to Col. H erbert O . Lauli

t 5^:- b.ich. cominandcr of Uie I03rd 1 , Tni- Jai'lD' recanent. pr»S- A ;,ri-niHl "Poppy day” will

c - of Saturday. Mny 20. &i>on;.orcd ,• fcn . »o-iien of Uie V clrr.uis of Ford oMft- Wnrs nuxilinry. T lir two pop ndl.iR '- ')• ' a re hrld annually with t

I l»o auxilinrirs aUcniatlnB on choi knork lhe f ln t S.iturday..'iiittdl H-nullliiu arrarj;cnienl.s for t ee 10 IPJion nuxlliary- l.s Mrs, O- A, Full

»lil, «hlle Mr.v Corrt V. Suinine.'.s w rank- be In ch.irKc of tlio V t'W auxllln ;1 t>.,c nc:ivilir.:.Miv>. .'il ivi;)i)ies offcrctl for .’air n xtuh iund-mnde or n ianufncturcd I

I Ihr <li;ablni \eler,ins who nro paid fi lldate 'b flr w-ork. RrceJplj for th e "jwp;

d.i>‘ derives Is returned in to wclfa;

nurd All i-oIlclUnc work Li dm,, ,;.j, volunlarlly by ouxlllarj' nieinbt-r.i.

3; I Hospital Bonds To Be Invested

S ; To Up Interes• ri.iiis to rrltive.ll n l hlR hrr Inter

]r;: th r $ i,:00,000 beinK held for con I ;:mctirin of n county hosp ital h rr wcrr w'.ncunccil M ondny by th bc-ird of counly comirlr.;,lQner; Com:r,i.-.xlonrrs Mid tSiey noted uixsi t-'ie .idvicr of UiB Tw in Ball-s Ilin l nr.d T u f.t comp-any. w hich aided It thr .--Ale of the hospltnl bonds t. raL'p Ihr fundi.

T hr fundi are prc-iently Invr.Urf X I in u- H. trcn;,ur^- c eru flca tc i of in

|<!c’j:ednr.-..-,. brarlns % per cent in. ' “‘1' trrr-'l due June 1, T lie crrlUlcatc;

‘ * .ire held by the Natlonnl C ltv bank 3- New York, which JURRCMcd Uie rc-

I invertraent plnn to th e eommlMlon.

The county officials have tele- craplied l.he Kew York bonk to re- invesl the fund.s In U. S. treasury

.;• ■ crrlirieatC-1. dated June 1. 1048. and - hrarlns 1' . per cent In lcrc st aftei "•'" June I. I9U.' . ] TTic rclnvrstraent lncren.ic<l by

13.000 per year the nm ount of In- ttrr-'i drawn by the county, b rlns- lr.K It froai *10,500 to JI3^00.

Increase Claimed :d In Mental Illnessi*n BOISE, M.sy 18 M>—MenLU Jll-

II ne-ss in Uie United S ta te s has iri- r.l- uex-ed 12 times In th e p ast CO

In ye-ir?. Dr. Colter lllrschbcr^ , n-ijo- t-o dale profcs.ior of psj-chlatiy, Cnl-

^t^^ly of Colorado, said today.In- *n je intense comi>eUUvencs3 ot e rt modem livlni;- waa blamed by Dr. la l Ulrs4.*ibers for this Jnercaae. Ho nd rpoke betoft tho Jdaho cozifercoce •1st of »oelal work.Ine Mrs- Helen Dailey. Twin Fnlls

Rrd C ray execuUve. was elccled prtaldtat of Uio coalcrcncc.




1 Probe ised for [uor Losfcommis--iioiier.i n re pondcrinjT a letl issioner K. C. Lewis of the filatc I, c n t dci'liniiiK tlie ir rc(iuc.st o f 10 dn invcslinulion of thu diiiiippeanince

>y the sheriff.nmis.sioner.s th e rcsponsiliility fo r < th is county rc.'it w ith coiinly officla

iiy 13, was received Saturdny and d •ssioner-H Monday afternoon. The rer lianm an Kenyon G reen, nlthough “

5 ipnc(l — -----------------------------------------

r;;iO -D a y Strike n u'rc'^- Notice Issued ? “ 5?, By CIO Unio:u” ^cnm.’ ^ ^ ^ o r r , May 18 (,V)-A fornh a i thfv ' l '“ t a .itrlke "b per"er 1 1 Ofnernl Motors ci• I'- iiinv ’ by Oie C■ fM riw Workers.ju ru icr Tljp ^ ^ ^

orn laid medlaUnrt i.?r ^•■"^‘ "•■’ I’CKotiatlons continued.11 lire nn effort lo hend off a second mal r n t i X In ‘J'O " “ to Industry, lh . ^ of "5,000 Chr}-=ler et

," 'P I’lnvcs went Into Itj nevenUj d, n ^ v l » ' ' ‘olfnfe on Plck0 " " " "'m llnr lo lncldent.s yeslcrd: 1 11 brouRhl oul etatc police, e r r li M 28Kill Uiat ^ CIO -U A W official yesterdi■jii'mrii Uircat to ttrlko ao.Tie ;' on Uie M‘’Wrs planU May M uilem that ^ “Breed to I

nri^tr.i dcvclopmenta colonthe nuto-labor picture:

rn tir r J ° “ lclal actlon by MlchlRan auU ^ Inbor law :

v» u-nrk *lrlke- The union Inmcdlalely blocked such a mw# I obtaining a circuit court injunctlo:

Tnice Reached ^ PJJ. A tnice reached by Uic tTAW an

. . Chnsler pcrmltUng white coll:workers to enter Uis corapany Kerclieval p lan t and luiue overdt

l - f i paychecks for tho Jtrikers' last fu t v work wrek.

■nie Recond court Injunction Issue nsaln.it tho UAW, rcstrninlns pick

^ etliiK a t the Mnrysville, M ich- plan;1 Some 75,000 Clir)-&ler worker

f l n V out of 18 p lanu across Uicountrj- la it Wednesday, demandin;

Lecion co.-jipany add 17 cents t,.. Uiclr t l JO hourly wages. The UAW

CIO oriKinally asked 30 ccnts mon llsabletl P"" Bln-ihcd Uie demantJJ3 ,,g j. on UiB eve of Lhe striki.

“S jews ReportLnulcr- ^ T i»ira i5iu.i.ender of ”";,g 4,000 Arabs

TEL AVIV. May 18 (U.B-Jewlsh li.M,! tourers *,ald today Uiat 4,000 Arab choicc f|(.|,|fj,, peiijicii In the old walled

...» weakened by typhoid“" ‘I ■'Iwi of ammunition, have sur-

t-uiier rcndrrctl unconditionally to be.iIeB» .'.s will in j jcwLih forces.

All other Arab forces in the town al.'o liave surrendered, pivlns tho

ar nrt undhputed control of the an- ra a\ cHj. ^nd it-i Inner fortre.'.smi lo r hi;,lory books tay ovenJwiW Napoleon failed to conquer,

ic l.arc A .iccond Jrwl.-.h victory was re- r i ii tir iKiricd from Ramleh. majtsr Arab •. t.niie inn n 12 mlle.s .southeast of Tcl Aviv

n.itride the hlRhwny to Jerusalem. Jewish reports -inld Inrun Zval Uuml troop.s broko Uirough Bam- Irir.i outer drfrnse-s In a renewed

J J drive to open Uie Jerusalem road.Tfl AvIt n a tif a

. i Al the rame Ume E^-pllan air C a i forcr planes mldcd T d Aviv for tho Inter- -'trnlRht day, maklnu i» ditwn■ co-i- ^Hiick WlUl iwo bombers nnd two I h rre nKaln.il Uie c iitc ra accUon . tiie ot the clly.oneri Hauanah nn tl-alrcraft fire shot utxin one of the planes near NesHank T-.lyona, 11 mlle.i south of Tel Aviv, led In n •Jewish nnnouncemenl said, and ds to 1’” °^ Prtaoner by two

Jcv.-l;,h army Klrls. r.urti J rn a a lrm DbiJed>f in- Beirut reports wild Klnc AbduN It in - lah'R Arab Irjlon has opened an at- icates tJck acalnr.l Jenisalem and JewLitj bank, -lourccs admitted Uiat several thou- e rc- t anrt Arab-S bla.-,ted their wny Inlo .tlon- UlC Iioly city late yesterday.

WlUiln J c n m le m tiMir, Jcwi.ih tele- Mtirccs .lald. Ambs kept up an all-

0 re- nlKhl atl.nck ag aln it some UOO xsury Ilasanah fighters In Ute old walled , and cll)'- HaRanah report-s admitted Uie a fte r In the old walled d ty luffcri'd

heavy to.'res.1 b y --------------------------- -

Senate Confirms New WAA Head

j WASHINGTON. May 18 MV-Tho senate today confinned the nomi­

n e e naUon of Jess Larson of Oklthcana to bc war assets administrator.

Jll- The senalo-acled by tflice Tote In- after defeallnf, by a standing Yol«,

; CO ft motion by Senator Tj-dlnji. D« 1 0- Md.. to «end the nomlnalloQ back Dnl- lo the expenditures eommlUee.

‘I^dlnst blocked lenAte action l u t I o t Tliursday.Dr. Tlie MMTlander b u e d his oppo*He siuon to L arian on the sals la s t

a c o December of a S alt Lake City w ar - plant to the J . R. Slmplot eompuijr

•nils of Idaho. T ydln js declared th« rled transaction, which Larson handled,

, wo* “Bgt «lricUy rcEUlM."

Page 2: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

;C a s e F i l e d to A s k R e \ c r s a l

O f E s t a t e A ctA ci\tl Mill « r::i- 1

JlM fln rw :i; I '.-t;:. 1 M;i:v A>'j- trorth , Ar.ns K i:r:: sv.i

j * ' ff.' '

4; «i. • /t n i l Oli Df.v If. :;U7. II.. . > . i-.'rir;; ,

1.. u;i;rJ \tru ih . A-.r.. Kv.r.r llrr-r f!h . C rjr.a Ar!:-.;::

,v . J -lh« t Mf. Mr.v 13,::r-,;i tr^ ra c .l ■ I ',

»na t.'u i i iirr rv i f \cc ii;r.v i : - \ - : k « %»hi:c rr:tu ;:-£ i i f .!••; • .iiuc.;

K u r r i i l ' ■'The »u;t ffckJ Ihv. i.-.f

dPfd ep «v.1 .',p-clircrl fcir i-.v.;sl',i ' J;

; AMUUr.l Af.c.T.ry Orr.rrM J. hn A. ^ j C » m r, Jr.. aiul At:.';-I O f)-EAtrt:: M. Snt-!ry . Jj*,

' Victims ol Polio Get Examination

W ith I'cvl.-'TS sr.i! r.wzrr.'. r f tl'.r ! M ite polio cfntcr iii Do;rr r.-i;rtu.-;. j - Ins s t.-;ji .-f r: n ,pillfnl.'' from t!;p 15t^ a;-.;! 10*: j; ,^ l o i f i jM j « r r r rx ir;lr .M Mn:i- d iy I t ihp wiitli f tv .tjj l j , ,tflstrlf. h fdlth ur.lt. j

T h t fllr.le «s-'< jponv-rf.l hy ihf xu (ta te d f;« r!n ifn i r'i hf.ilth ir.rt ihp T»-ln r»^3 fh ip tr r of t.-,p Natlc'HAl jp F\>undi*.KT .'ci.' Inr»:;t;lp r » ra ’.>i:*, i Supf^•l^;nE th rDr. M idrlfiie Dcnr.flly, M.itr »;utc- f . tCT of crlpplwl chlI;'.rTn'.^ .«pn!rp.i.

AMiJtlr-s Dr. D>-:\r.rlly »-»s Dr., M m lcy R. Shivr. o r .h c 'p p ia t; M ni ji 1 n u i j f n »ncl Mrr. r»on2,

p h js lc tt thrr»p‘J't-\ ar.rt Mr». Rvith M csrr, cnhopfd ir cn-.-ultan: r,u:;r. Arr»r.£fmtni.> !('f the r'.ir.ic xifrt In s ti fh»rsp o; Dorc!h.v r . Coll.irtl. ^'Jprr- vlior c! SUTJM I', th r L v il h fslih j.Q, unit.

A TITNl) Fl'.MlRAJ.S DECLO. M»v J6-.M r. *n,! Mn.

CUrfr.ce PhiUir-' h i ' f rctutr.M from Dobf Rhrrr •.hr.v Mtfnrtrcl luiifrml srnlCM f : r IUp i«Uti\c» “ drcm-r.rd Li A rrearc^k tl.>m.

The Hospital ;;;JSntrvfncT t « l ' ct'.It «i-rp n

«blf Tlincl»y I t tlir T'v'.ti Tnlb ^.;p coonlf h w rlt» l VlMttns W irs *:p from 3 to 4 snrt T t:> R p n . thr

.\D M lT T m RlirlMr? Milo S U n ftrll, M r. W r . .v

I ro rtrr , M rv \V. R, HaLriitvnisli,,I Hfnr>-0;i>pr. W N ? :r t ia : i , Mrs. F.If.K,

O. T\-lfr, XorTr..n> V.wv FhUlip | ,,V. msn. Mrv A. U JUii-.n.-li, D f»n|c,.-. Rpcer. Mrv K»t.“irnr.p i'ar.itai;. N !r'.' jv',, tw t f r Jcyiliii. Mr? l<-,. W l U 'V m , , , , . find Mr^. W n\nf 'nv;:! r .ii;- ; I J,Mrs Eir.p: ■h'.cvf.iv T>rn-.and Mry. V, Jl. Mu ii.mieIi, —


C h irlfs Hujp. Mr? L*p l^-t;p;-,tisci:;»nd J« i. Mr«. J rrrv chn.'V:-.>rn nr..l 1 son in d Mrj. R.'N-:: M::!^ — d»U£htfr. T»;;i T^v.y. Mr« II r | ,»i Holt. Murtaush, and Mr>. L^^ i C '-vk ; f.'r and d»i;;htpr. j UVi

S V e a th c r | |T »ln n iW »nrt T lfln !l> -r»rtlT , bp r

rlouil.T knd Mwlrr «'rdnp>tl»r with;w ldflr »ritt»rrd lhunrtfr\li«*irn. i r iHUh jM tprdar r(*. l« r I pw ihl< | J-t.m a o rf lln t K a i » • . n , *(U s.ni

.V ■' r : - (

e ; . . v : . ■ i | v- _____ , . . . >1 T - !


Thp I t t f l e r SnaVp r h r r « a i lowTofvU y • ! ihoKn f-r th r Pow « \tr : Ehsikhont (alb (l.^CO M-n'nil (pri r>f » i t r r roltvj «>»rr Jb» (»11»>.

"Hie avrraee c h - ." ^ mpr.ibp; i trttJUtra lltlle a-.crr .'0 c rr .n lA w tfk lo hLj c!•.•.:r.- .

Ask for

Golden value \

Golden flavor j

HBoldenliS a w . w n n . t t ' ^ r ? » t m 'n p m u 'tf i in

__________ \


K e e p lh e U’/itrc F lag 1 o f SaJeU j Fl'jU iy ■

' t \

^ /lrf c li ii/K 'u f n I t r d t t c d e a th in o u r M agic I I’cC ry .

'■'■ ' ________________________________I Im

Graduation Held j|; Bv Eiglitli Grade

i Of Buiil’s Sciiooi: i m 'lil.. M.iy 18-Cir;irtiutl'.n rv- vol

ipi:lM.\ Jl r llip fliitil-i Kfailc ul I'ulil.rrp J.riil l.v l v r-k in llic cl» :l, ;.rliool u',;(lllcnwm. 'IX

: iiv f.ir l Crtrr.fv. sh lr lry Rvm s, lyilj l>fiIV x lf ir.rt N o r n i a Hutclilns:n wll

iM.iNp.l vxt.-nl jrlc;t-lnnA .n.i i l'!:ino prc bn,s' nnd Kirli' Klee clill:i In.' n;i;i',l;;r.-. Ior I'-.r p rriraiii, i>nl

: I -lliP riiM v>ill uiis Klvrn bv tililrlry •!iiiin :p . Ck rr:iriink'. L^is Drakr. n i " '

nlo. Lf.-i'.ard .Shott mid n:i lin liv Uit'k Drtiny.

, I T ir ,1.1M «A^ i>rrrc:itp<l hy m n - M,.ri:i.M I PC !'op;i!r'ArlI tvr.cl dlploiiia.i msiMfip .■v'i.irclfd by Jo h n D.irHfr, ft "nt

cf il'.f Huhl n-lioo! bonrd. duHonor MudPlitA In th r cracluntlrE I

rla-* a rrc Uick Denny, DJiiild flx<H.'lv.'Ti, Al:tir Illixycock, Jo jce Hlll. ff<]Lorrnt Willhlla m d Shlrlry Dyrns, orn

,?29,000 Wortli of B Building Planned Util

.'^n for tjiilJ.’lliK; ''*11;vriiili'. \vith tot.ll rstliiintrd rnn;.' ' rt ?:.■'.f‘'» h jvc brrij lllrd 111 thf ,

I -llMu T.V.ls flty i l r rk 'i of/icr.I T!ir l.irnp.'! ,ilnicturp pliuiiiPd 1.'

ihp frcciir.n of n m old on Mj Iii avrnur Tiorih for nn fr,tlm.nird JIfi,- . :.M hy M.-.V Loin B, Miller, COO Miln

in otlirr nrw Ijillldln;, Jan-.ri C. MiirrOy-.Tatii ralln iLvkn n prrm ll tn ' rirct 1 limi'p on Mnplc .Mrret for ' an fstlmalcil JT.ono.

rc.MiltA to ro iisin icl adrtllloii* to hc';i:t^ iTP .viiiKlit hy Dr, J. \V. Mill- rT ' rr. 1133 U v in t s lr r r t , fnr an rstl- niatrd «,000, snd Dr. Morion CiitU'r. " :15 rirrcp strert, (or an r.-tlmatPd Jl.;« '.

A. I. lU rton, IM! Jr\rk.'/in f trrr t. ' i.'kj s prrm ll to slilnglp ii hoii.'r for an r'tim.itfsl jron nntl W arrrn ,, Stliiiirr, Wn.nliUiRtnn ;.irrri ‘north. fpfLi A rrloc.itc iihoii'p for an rstim alPd JlOO,

Farm Loans Topic Of Jerome Parley

JniO M H . Mny IS (.7’,_Rrcnlii. Fnl'l

t.) irr.ar.t (artrrr.v (or Innil pnr- iiriii

-■(.hl'.irv co.-nii-Jttrr of llir famirr.' Intohi'mr JcltiilnL'ir.itlc'n herr Wrdnc.'- T<:\\ niicl Tlilir.'.-lnv. inK

K.ul .1 .M.iKlrliy. .'-.nil. l.:,kr City, dunMiprrvt-'^r of tlir THA In Uinh nnrt onIdsho. th r proup uould Innx'-t inic th r .Slia'honr tfrlaniB tlon projfclRncl Ihr Hui',' iPlociiiton nrpn. i

I .Mrinb'.-i of th r nilvi.'ory conimll- A ] ; Ue a rr Orrii.-n R uby, Rpxb'.irs. jfhnlntia:-,: Andrrw Kt.inipr, jnrt.v F rr rj . J .iriiny. Cott.'n'ivond;lO'.i' H.>i:. E tnnirlti Krlr Luiiclti'.il'!. VlT itl li; AuKU't Ro^{^v;^t, Pocatrlln: (-niKM.nrk Tciiihy. Dlackfcot, nnd riill VallHcrr.ip, Nfw rij.niouUi. nnd p — ,'stlr

Mapic Valley '‘'m F unerals j cS

.»rnOMi:-no.-.'>rv win n- rrrlird f.'r Alphc'iV'il.n L O 'D.inlrl at fl p 111. " ^ UVilnr'.'lav in ih r Wllrv rh ip rl.M.'w will hr rrlrhrntPd a t P a.i?:. Tliurjrtnv at IhP .Sr. Jrrom r Calhcil'.e rhnrch n llh fh-> Rrv P a 'h r r K A, s.'lirravMi'nn o lllftaiinc. nurlal wll! . ' b r ir,jdr In tlir Wrnripll rrniPtrr>',

r iL r.R -F in a l r ltrs (.'r Mrv Marv I-r.Mtrr-, E^'lPV will h r h rld #l 10:30 (I.ttl. Wrclnrrclsy nl th r Rrvnold.' funrral !-.on-,r rh ip r l. Tu-ln Fnlit. Of- _ fl.-lilll-.s t\il] hr llir Rrv. C. A. Hu- rij; i rf th r C i-tlrfn rd T r\ir Folln'.v- [J r:> of C h il't rh 'urrh. l l i e l>ody will In* >rni to A rkan;v\ City. Kans., for jm Kirinl _________

NOTICE ^D E A n L I N E •*


n n r . l i c e n s e s


tv, M, P te , n o r C a trh fr

! ™ I

^ ^ 0 1t f i i n t .m i f i i n i c i i.ce..u im ur.rii,

; Ban Is Asked For Operation Of Slots Here

iri»n !■«(• nn .l {IMal I. fxr CPnt or Jiiore of thP Vdir.'. ra-.l *1 tl'.r U jt munlclp.il rlr 'tlo ii, il'.rn tlir c'Irrk K'lvcs lhe i>«[l’J ';n to Ihf co'.iticll.

Tlie r lri^ 111.'. 10 (‘.:i'.r, In p irtr llir f,uu»^.'>. In Ihr rvenl

>h>rr 1.-. ii.'inr doiib! rorirprnli;;: Ihe |>,':il)ty of llte pciitioii, lhe fiiy m - iiirnry rini.n hand do^-n nn opinion

I v.ilhm ni,->lhvr t-,vo dny.vIf the city n-.torr-.cy. J . H. Bland-

ford, flrid.i tome dJscrepjiny In lhe ' priltlon. h r U rcqiilrtd tmdrr Ute

J Ir.w to i>olnt oul the (au lt and hand the yr:lllDn^ back to ihc tljnef* r,'ho m int rr.'ubm ll n corrccled vpr-

Oiirr the prtllinn Rel.i to th r rlty coiincll nk•.^;n, It li in th r po'A'cr

Iof thp coiiiiril 10 p a u n rr/olutlon ncrfj>;i:i» the peiltlon or call for a

ill 'Il-.ey h.ivr VO days lo make a de- 1C cl»:cn nr.d if ih f . ' decide to call a

rpfclil flertioi;. I', m u il b« ttlihln n <0 more dny/.. A 00-d“y fxten.-.lon U [J providrd It n municipal eltcilon ;n will fall a ilh in Iho time llnitt. This 10 pfovlfJon, ho'^evcr. will not *p;’b';i in thl.i liist.mcfl since no nitmlcl- II, i>iil rlccIi^n u pirndlns.•y T lir ppliiloii iu e lf « iu hfliidrd lo n Ihr council in <8 arctlon.'. Tlie man- n brr nf Individual ritna lu rM on the

paper* ranee Irom iwo lo more lhan 1- M, Althoiiifh no official count waa 1.1 mndr, mrnibrr.i of th r cotnmlttce ft said ?/ime 1,500 tlgnalures wr.'e in-

clu'lrd. 1E If all the n n m n nrr Irsally a f- J (1 fixrd, lliry will be far more Umn I. required for action. In the la.il mny- f, oralty vatr, held April 2, 10i7. only

<50 per.'ons c a it bnllotn. A p<- Iltlnn with only US AlRnrrs, 25 p tr ceiil under Ihe «tntr ptaiute.

] would to .•.ufllclenl to call for ac- tlnn by L'lc council on lhe slot m a- , chinc l.-.:ur. I,

\ ’H ir qiif'tlon wa.1 r.Tlsod of tthe th - •, ' rr the f;icl th n l Atalc nnd rniinty

licriisr? hnve h rrn paid (or lhe r r - f, malndcr of Ih r yr:ir by Ihe :.lot j,

' o;>rr:ilrr.i uniild liiflurnrc th r ilRht 1, lo oiitlii'v IhP iiiriclilnr.i. J.

■ Ai-n>r(lins to City Attorney Ill.ind- ford, .'t.ito and I'ounty Ucen:" Ice.i ^

. 'Ajil not en ter into th e , dispute.^ Anti, .-itirr the rlty Li collecting

llnn.-r frc-s on a mnntlily bn.Mr. hy . ] .■pllltlni; Ihr InroniP .‘>0-.’)0 wiih tli r ou,-nrr.>, h r .Mid. nn nrKii.nirnt c-nn q be broushl f^o.^l Uinl nngli: lo keep Ihr mnchlnrs tn operation. ft

In olhrr huslnr.is broiiKhl brfore 1 the ctniiirll nn ordlrinncr rnMiiK lhe

pay nf Ihr m.njorlly of city rinployej „ Ironi n mlnlnnim of IIS to IM n

I mmilli ■,v.l p;i*.'rd. _l■ On th r .'UKKP^tloii of Poller Chlrf _

Hoivnrd W. G illr ttc the coimdl mov- * rd to .vnd a I r l tr r lo tli» county . com;iil"lonrr.i rrqtir.illric Ihrm tn pn.'. nil otdliinncp prohlhltInK the .■nie of flrecrnckrr.i In the county.

Aerordlnn to the chlrf, city police , nre rrc rh in s a number of fom- I.

r philni.N ri'cnrdin',; ih r indlscrlmliintr ^et;lIlK <i[t ot flrecr.ickrr;, in Twin

• Fnlh. T lir M lr of the nifrchnndl.se' ll pmhlliltrd In Ih r cllv, th r chief n• iidiird. but prrsnn.i nrc htiyinK th rm d r OUI In th r couniy nnd bringing them l>i ' Into Ihr clly, R

T lir rniiii'-ll roncliidfd th r m eet­ing bv npprovhiK th r purch.i.'r of a U

. dump bed and hoL't 10 be liiMnllcd li. 1 on nnft nf the ^trpel depnrlm cnt n;; inicks. rt

Army Inspectors Okay Area Work

Vl'lilng ?Uih nrmy offirpr.n who!: cniniiictrd nn h r.p « tle n of Mnglc 1 1 Vallry rccniltlns offlcr* Mondny ]

nnd Tur:ilay exi'rr.Mcd coniplctr flstlifnctlon with (hr operntlon of Ihe rrcriUllng pro,;rnm in thin arcft.

Maklng th r lii'pe^llnn wrre .Maj.■ Erik H. Erlk-vm, .«.nlt U k e City, and t Capt, K rnnrlh F. Hntlmwny, rom- m andfr of ihc Pcvintcllo rrcrultlng 1 .il.'Mlon. Polh inrii reported the nrmy 1 1.1 p lrav d « lih the qualily of m rn 1 recrul'rd Imm M.iglc Vnlley ancl i Ih r pfflclrni-y nf nirn handling re - L cniltlng diiilrj In Twin Falls, Oood- _ Ing nnd Riirlry.

On J'ltir 1, M,iJor Krik.«on will ^ rtilrvp Capinin Hatlinway a» of- (Icrr In rhnrKr of . 'ou ihrm Idnho rrcniliiiis t r r r lto n . Captnln llnllia - w-ny will reporr for a lour of duly

TllP "lypir.il" A m rrlrnn church l.i a Kmnll te e . spending nbout 13,000 -

l E I K E m ^ "^lOS'E^


EDWARD ARNOLDi S — I harry davenport

" 'Iht Diciff i wnataoT*«iiu BdwI

L ast 2 D aysl-

moanm- ' ' 1

Twill Falls INCom to tialmon

Frank T hI-acH h ia jone to Eal- * G |m o n City on a bu tineu tr ip . He

j will be £one for a week.

>lf-‘ .Mr*, K tllirr U a r nou. Mrf, J, J. Kelkrr ha.', r r iu m e d to 'y h rr home In Eacrn.Tienlo n fler

^Pfnrilng 10 d.iy* vir.ltlng h e r //in ;ii- and d«u»litrr-ln-law, !,Ir. a n d Mrr. enl O. A. Kelker. U< Polk itrce l.

a t- Corrrfllonion ChirgeJ of rii-.turblre th e peace

by u. r llf vllr ;iiirl Indc-criil liinnuiigc „ j. were fllrd nsali-M Jnck W. Ellis, in -

slead of Ihcve prevloujly reported [j.p Ihroufh sn inirtverlant error, nd Dlrlhi,1 Son.' were bom Monday a t the

Twin Falls county hojpltal lo Mr. ,w, and Mr*. Wnyne titokes and to Mr. . ... and M;j. A. L. Heinrich, *11 T iilnion' ‘ Guild Merls, , Alirrnoon guild of the Eplrcopal

. church MU m rrl 11 noon T liur.'day a l the parljli home. Aftenvard* the

“u f o u p will adjourn to the home of J * M n . A. L, Norton, 15« Poplar.

Auioi Coindr Fendrrs were damnged on v rh lc le i ,

■ rtrlvpn by Drllr Jones, Jerom e, nnd 1 John llarrUon, Duhl. when th ry met al the Inlefjrctlon of Seventh nve- :

■ nur nnd ShoMinf.e alreet n o r th n l , ' 10:15 n.m. Tuerday. T«'ln Fall.i ,

police rriwrl. Harrison u n a given , ; a cliallon into municipal cou rt fo r ;

allegedly running a stop alen.

Health Clinic Is S Set for M inidoka ;

County Children !RUPERT, .May 18 -A prc-school '

clinic for Minldokft county, ip o n - . " • ,'nred by th r couniy health d e p .irt- !

tr^n t of PTA, will bfl held In county : !>• tchool hoiisr.i June 22 and 23.'y A complete pliyjical exam ination

for chlldrcn cnterlnK school nex t0- Inll for Ihr flrn llinc will be given

by Ruprrl drntl.-u nnd doctor.v P .ir- Ii:t.n uu- rrqur.'icd to lake Ilieir ' chlUlrcii M Ihr jchool nearcM th e ir homr.

Piircni.i plnnniiig to send ch ild ren lo .-chi'ol nrxl yr.ir nre a.-«kcd to t .'hnw thrlr clilld i hirth certitlcn te f a.i pri'flf Ihry will be 6 on or before 1 Ocl. 1.

-I’ L'xainlnntlon.i will be given a t th e i fo llo in g ^chool.1 ul Iho time:, in d l- 1

Ru!>ert—Lincoln ;chool n l 0:30 n” a m . Junr 21. .1" Acrqulii, Mlnldok:i and R lv rr- e, rlrw-A crqtiU high school n t 1:30 r

pm . June 22. 'IH ey l3 u rn - llr jb u rn h lg h sc lio o l.i t r

0 n.m, June 23,‘‘ Paul anil P iH iircr-P nu l hi;;li '® rrhool nl li30 p.m, Junc 23.

1- Cruelty Is Charged ,In Suit for Divorce »

se Rull fnr divorce on tlir grounds of " cf nirntnl .riii-liy *a. fill'd •nic.-.dav in P m dlMrlct roun bv W alter A. Rndn- m bough ftgnln.'t hb w.'fr, M /irgarcl

Rodnbnugh. f'I- In thr [v.llllon Rnflnb<r)gh n talr.i ct a Uie couplr wa-i mnrrle<l in 1037 nnd d hnvr I'ao rlilW rrn. ai:e 7 rinil '.K Mr K It n.ik.i cu'tiKlv of the rhildren nntl m

court chM.i nf Ihr nrtlnn. He !r. ;t rrpre.'Pntrd hy Harry Renoll.

Kermit Perrins |j Named Director ;;;

J For Recreation j"r Tlie npi>olntiiirnt ot K crm ii R if Perrln.1 to direct the summer r re - W »- rrntlonil program in T j.in F .illi ] OJ, WM npprovrd Mnnrtny n ight by IId the city council, -

PerriiV', who ir. in charge ofK physl:nl rrtucntlon a t Ihr Junior 1“y high school, w.1.1 nnmlrntcd forn the ap;y>lntin'nt by Park Com- |cl ml-Ml<inrr O. K. Cnieman. |

O H O I B II= = T O D .-W ! =

3 = W E D N E S D A Y = j

; H.G.WEUS*1 • M N T A S T i C

O U T o r T H IS W O f t tO

Cood rtc to re t Ltke Good Book* Nerer Grow Old


— ^ News in Brief, Calhollr PTA

al- a t, Ertwards PTA will m eel a t He 8 p. m, today at lhe school aud ito r­


VUlt Molherto R. r . nuniiel-.irr, N orth II‘>!!y- :er wolkI, C.illf., nnd Mra. IIcllc Altlii'ti. nn Olrndile. C.illf., are v ltliln c tlm r rr. mo’Jirr, .Mrs, Cora BunnrlAlcr.

rrtnlm i Club M rrt.A tfiiuinr mcrtlng of the Aiiier-

ce lean Priulon club alll Ije he ld nt 8 Rc p.m. :<'.i.;y In the prnb.uc court­

ed —!—-Tru»l5” bllll Souflil

.«hrriffs olllcers reported Tuea- , day thnl they hnve found no trace ,

he nt Le'.»lj Wrr.T,er, 31. ••iru.ity'’ whn : Ir. wnlkrd nasy from tho county Jall | Ir. a l 8 p. m. Saturday. .

Attend Con«rntlon. ,Mr, and Mrr. Wllllairj J . Hughe?, •

of the T»ln Falli Credit a n d Ad-a l Ju.itmcnl burrau left Tue.'day lo )iy stiend a colltclora and ad justors |IB convention Wednejday In Ogden, •of u u h , ,

Motorlil Fined !AL I. Jo n « , T «ln F nlb . d ie d Into ,

e i municipal court on speeding and jid ovrrllmc parking warranLi M onday ,c t wa-. lined n loial o f J20. The ,e- motorist paid »15 and M cost.', ,n l on thr jpredlng charge. 12 and $3 ,1.1 cOAt.i for fnlllng to appear on Ihe . •I' overtime parking violation nnd $3 or In Bddlllonal overilmo parking

flncJ. '

Candidate for Degree !RuiMann Hayrs, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John E. JtaycB, U n. can- ‘ dldaip for llie deftree of m aster Iof nrts nl the June 7 commence- ;

[1 m rn l cxercbei ot M ount Holyoke., collrge, Boiith Hadley. Mn.vi.. se- ‘

°* cording to aurd received here , Ml.*.sHnyc.v n riutlcni In th e (leld of ,r^wlcfjy, h.ti lirrn mnklne n ulnnriu- 'Inr study 0,' th r r.it. Shfl I.i a ,grnduntr of Ihe University o f Colo- f

, rado, Douldcr. ,

;■ Air Unit Planned ; ' For Naval Group ;n L. \V. Coiilr announced M ondav I o n lghl tlial pl:iiw nrr bring m ad* to e fnrm iin nir rninponenl h c rr under c the 13lli lur.al ilLMrlct. j;

He t.iid nil forrr,rr nnvy and c mnrlnr tIjmK officers and rnli.Mrd r - prr.’ inii.il nulhorl:c<l lo lituidle o r „

mnlni.nn milling' aircraft, and -Alit. 0 nrc Intrrr.Mrrt In Ihe (orm ntlm i of

a bcnl nir romponrnt. may con'.act ., • elth rr hltii'elf " t I1I1 hom r n t HO0 Flllniori'. nr Ivan .Sklniipr n l the r

'Hvin F.illi Dnnk nnd T ru.it cum-t pany.

Traffic FinesF in n for cverilme pn rk ine nnd

tr.iffir Moliillnns lotallng hnvr 1 ' brrn p.ild bv more m o torlr.f in){ miiiilcip:a iraltlc courl, T\vin K.illr,'1 poll.-.- rrport.

ije|i:ira[e lines of J15 and c^ i.is of I 1. 13 -.trrr paid bv Ralph T ate, cllcd

for .-prrdlng, nnd C brrnce G. Cnton. n cited for fnlllng lo hnll (or iv clop I .•lun. A $3 llnr for oprraiing a mo- . mr vrhlfl? withoul n drivlnK per- L 1 mit wnr, paid by Mrs, C. A. M ngnu- .

Pnvlng 11 fnr rach ovrrtlinr pa rk - iins riiailon wrrr W. P Cox. Rny \l.Tr'.rn, M.* B. liiKcbrll.-'m, Louis iD'-nton, Arlrnr Drnoll, J . A. C la:- S-rn. Krmn Hoeran. Mr.i. Ra*srll i

I Hnll, Rnlph O iUpHp. M n. J , A ■, Wllry, Frrd Iludolph. llio m a.i D, 1While i3i, J. E. Wliltp, R. L, O ver- 1 man, R, P. Cmwinn. Mr*. C A.RiiffinRinn, J. R- nrrrcllns. Josle | Wnrk, Lee nili 'nburg . Mrs, Charles O rr. G. C. Frrdrrlfkson, A ntone Ilrrr-lnger and Mary M. H cpplcr.



s a c a u e u n r » [ • D U I BQ U i i m »Aun • u m u m b l

n it.S T SHOW li30


~ Lewis Refuses i To Investigate

“ Loss of LiquoriTnm I’M* n . . |

ronil Invtallgallon by you of Uic ly . clrcum.'tancra existing her# of the CII. npparenl liquor tlioriage held bv the i i r rlicrlff of Ta-ln Fnllj county as cvi-

' Slncc th li liquor ia » ancj I t held ft? rvltlcnrp fot llie slnle, wp feel

'r - tha t you will have a personal In- : 8 Irrr.M In ll."r t- Following li the text of LewLi’ re- ;

• Referencp ia male lo the coni- munlcatlon dated .May 7. 1048, ad- '

?»- drcAied lo me by the couniy board ice of which >ou arc chairman. Your ; hn ipitrr reque»ted a 'per,ional Invesll- ' all gallon' of lhe 'apparent liquor ’

.•hortage’ in connection with certa in ‘ •rjirts' made by this departm ent "j nbout »Uiecn 1I6) m onthi #50 in

le?, Ta-ln Falls couniy. J"Thefo 'raids' were, as you m ay .

know, undertaken a t lhe request of • "■5 th r fh rrlff of T*ln Falb couniy. .

’n ils departmcni Investigated lhe I nlleged shoriage In ih r 'evldenre' oblalnrd a.i a result of the.'a 'ra ids' some time ago. An appjirenl sh o r t- t are wa* dLv;overcd. The a ttached c foplej of Invenlorlea made a t th n t i

J|>' lime ».-e attached for Ihc In for- mallon of your board. Coplcj of r there invenlorlea were ftirnlshcd nt v

♦J 111!!', time lo lhe sheriff nnd pro- 1 iccuung attorney of your county. 1

"You will doubllcT.s recall lh a l the * fomplalnta which were filed m a

rr.iult of lhe ’rnlds' above referred n i<), and which were hiced on the 1

J 'evidence' here undrr dbcu.'.r.lon, r ' charged ml'demeanoni, Whll* I nm .v ' noi a lawyer ll would appear th a l 1

y the time wlUiln which proiccu- tlon could be undertaken for Ihese s

■ • offcr.Tfs lin3 expired inasmuch n.i c ■ the yr,ir prcicrlbed by iccllon 10- s

- . .I03. Idaho codc annouied , liw t P,u>etl, I

^ "Dui regardIc.’J of tlils jiubbon ) 1 faci II would apprnr th a l ndecjunic s invnllratlve re.iources arc nt lhe ^ (IM'o-nl of Ihr proiecutlng nltom cy and fherlff of your county la order ih.Ti a proper and thorough In- M-'ilciition may be had. If the com-

Pl ml .-•loner.i feel that Uirlr rer.ourcrs P nrp Insufficient, aulhorliy exliL'. for IV Ihe employment of additional Maff. t'> 'IMiirtamenlal and primary rei- e’ ^I)on.•.lblllty for enforccmeni of the

l:rA-3 in Twin Falls county Is plnced >') ,'t;unrely on Ihe couniy autliorlile.i ■d rr;-.irdlr*i of whether n violation Li

unco\rrcd by stale or county lii- vrsllgatlve staffs,

’ "If the shortages devrloped on “ Ihr b,i.M.i or Ihc nllachetl Invon-

W.itch for HP R E M t E R I

,’i s h o w i n g !C O M I N G T O i

ileiiiim ii

■I «TTEN'; ofTWINFie


OFR((O.N'E O F a ;



J I M B E L L i s a n a

o n e o f t h e i:

, \ V e s t i l l h a v e a c r e a f

v a r i e t

20 ncrcs Pencil Pod Blac ir> acrcs net! V nlcn line

' in ncrc.s (»iant S trln g lc s i10 ncrM Bountiful ,

' Ifl ocrcs Full M easure ..I 12 ae rw Red K idney ....

I 12 acrcs W hile M arrow 18 acres Kentucky >Vonc

I If you hnve nny nva ilab l

C a l l J a m e s B e U

i Procc-ssing and p aym en tW hen crop.s a rc dclivcrec

I im m ediately— m ake n hoIMMEDIATELY’ w ith c! N ational Bank a t R ape: banker to chcck us , o r n

C O N D O N B R O S . S I


Seen. . .U --------------------------------------------------

High ichool gradufltlnr clisa of H » lOiS viewing with wondrrment the

craduaUng cl.i/j of 1310 a t Ita r e ­union. . . Vrma Simcna carrying

Uic i-A'o p.-viM of ihoej lo work to w hen [l,e h e r f rr l hurl she can slip Into h e r [j,e ••ccxnIJc.." . . . High rchool sfjden ts VI- nutORraphlng new annuals. , . filgn

on Washington sireei nnrlh ; ”F‘or tld S a le -N l i t i Cr*'* 'lerj-Baby 8 i t-

le r'' and .mn ni Five PoInLi east. I„ . 'T'Aln Fulb-O nly :o mllea more."

. . . Mrs, Max Lloyd In bobby-sox mnking hurrird shopping trip to town. . . 150 high fchool Rrailunte looking through 194B IiIfiIi 'chool

■j' unnual and commenllng on how j old fhe feels, , . Two girls paying

‘ JI down cn pnlr of nrw sklri.v . . ,1 Mild confurlon nt Balmnn residence

■ w ith the nrrhal of Mrs. Ritn Sn l-I mon nnd two soi-.i for visit. . .

‘‘V Ju s t .’ecu: Gladys Caudle, Mrs. A, H.tieedt, Carl .Maxwell. Ray DlgEcr and Merle etanibuo ', . . And over­heard; A member of the high tchool

*>■ graduation class ot 1016 saying. Oi "Do you remember when 'D opy' J5' poured th a l bottle nf glue In tho [’'I auditorium piano?"

•I- lories hnve occurred by rcmvjn of ed crim inal vlolatlon.1 by some p c r- nl ton or ix'noiis, the county officers ir- will doubllrs dl.’cover, proiecule of nnd bring lo Jusllcc thoro offenders : nt which n JU17 m.iy Iind to he KUlliy. 0- I hn \e thn uimo.’,t confldcnce in th e

local enforcement officials In T w in 1,5 Fa lli couniy.a -Tor the rrainiw drialled above,

cd and becauie of the extreme p:c.« of lie im portant public burine.'j In Ihe de» m, pa runrn l. I nm obliged 10 decline m your rcfjuest tha t I undertake on a t InvMlUallon.u- "I believe that an InvesUgBtlor) se nlinuld be had by your local o ffl- ns clnl.i and action ba.’.frt on Ihe re - 0- Mil!.', of the tnvr.illKallons. I shall n j be Kind to hear from you concem lnc

th e proitre.'.i which Li made In solv- m inj: th f nnpnrrnl m '.Mrry c! ihr.'.e lc RhoriBgcs,"




I ___________ J






II a c tu a l producing farm« e p io n e e r bean g ro w ers i

e a g e to place on c o n tra c t ie tie s a t prices listed b e l

B lack W ax..............................................ine ...............................-•.■..........................’ less Green P o d ......................... ........

rc ..........'....................................................

ow ............................................................b o n d e r ................................... .................

liable land suitable to Garden Sc

e l l , R u p e r t , I d a h o — I

le n ts on all contracts will be mac: e re d to o u r wnrchousc n t R upert, I h a n d pick test of a milled eam] h chccks drawn on nur nccount iip e rt, Idaho. F o r our fin an c ia l Dr n sk any old established seed I

S E E D S M E N , R O C K F l

~ 1 S a f e t y T e s t W o n

_ B y U n i o n P a c i f i c ,

. o i R e p o r t D i s c l o s e stil* O.MAHA. Neb., Max U (<Tr-Tlie re* Union Pacific railroad once more

y lng has won f ln t place for Ita low ■hc” ca.'.uiilly rale In nallo.ial tafety I 'e r council competition.

T!ie company's loinl accldrnl rale ^ifrn tor cmi)li)yrs kill ond Injured p rr

million man-hours worked In 1D<7 S i t- was l.Bl. This compares with an rosl. avcrare of B.52 for all claw I rnll- >"e." ro-'.<l.i. whoie pmployrs worked 80,- -sox 000.000 or morr mnn hours.' 10 This ta Ihe 18ih tltr.e In the lasl .inte 35 jrar.i thnl Union Pacific hiv-i Hool oi>cralcd with Ihr lowrsi empluyn how casualty ralr In Its cln.v'". Tlic line »'ins has recelvrd Ihe award bul nine '. . . iimr.i, lio'Arvrr. ilnce no ccnipany :nce mny win in cor.:ecullve years.Sal- Ned H. Dearborn, president of tlip

. • Nallonnl tinfcty council, lauded Ih i , H . railroads for lhelr effort to prevent Jger accidents nnd f>/«uard lhelr em- ver- ployes a* well aA lhelr passengtrj. looI —, —Ine. Four hundred Vmllllnn library W ' books wrre circulated In the United tho aiaics in 103J.

:e rs | > j L * J I

Movie* In Carv-Under (he Slam

C o n lin u o u fl Show ^ 8 tM lln e .a t P.M. J-

Adm.: Adull.-: SRr, Children Pc


\ R O S , I


e r t Idaho |rRACTS IID PEAS I

• m e r h i m s e l f , a n d %

.”s i n I d a h o .

a c t o f t h e f o l l o w i n g '

o e l o w :

......................... (Tv 1 3 ! ',c lb.

..........................@ ].Jc lb.

......................... C> \ 2 V,c lb .

..........................(Td i n ' / , c lb .

......................... (5i I S i i c Ib.

..........................(5) I5 i/jC Ib.

......................... Cd 131/,c lh,

......................... @ 15c lb.

I S e e d Bcfin p ro d u c tio n , ^

— P h o n e 209-R 2

m a d e a t R u p e r t . Idnho .) c r t , w e p ro p o s e to m iil a m p le — n n d P A Y Y OU J i l t in ti ic Id n h o F ir.st c i a l s t a b i l i t y a s k y o u r : d h o u s e in th e n a tio n .

L F O R D , n X IN O IS


Page 3: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

Syiitlietic Has Propcrlics of Real Diamond

NI-r,V YORK. May IH nc«/.ynuicllc Kr;„ Monr. which h r cnll:

•r«(-lvri than » <ii,,m<«Kl. H l.V uril-rr Ui.111 rutjlr;., .'.apiihtr..-, or nny Krm f « r p l n^<ii,iinnnri. T h r lian l-

l' lb. ■.nllrc on f ir ih .Ills C-oM Cut

DrM tiil .•■:inial-v. IluL th r r.r,I

i;rm V i - i H i . ' - ' u ’c-Mrni.

rrr tl’ lii I.1iK:nn(l nnd In liLi l.iljnru-

liinrKli, T h r lali'T h t r tp 'T I'i 10

'thc’*iKmr InaiVi' .hl'm'.'i'i’.l o' lhe hillin '. In i.litirt, Mliruii c ar­

lo ftljny nil ihp hr:i;ity nnd Jllory

Jtir!cllon hV thc'nIsp oM^iranrt nt n cor.i u rll wllhln llir rnnno

f 1 0 D a c h a u C a m p

“ V e f s ” E x e c u t e d

power " o ltlclnh nnn,uiiircti lodayl^

JilldcK-nrtlc Hcn.i, .ni AiL.irl.ui wo:n«n. lo 20 yi':iij. n t hartl l;il«>r.

r.'Hiriitnn Innu lJacli':iu, They a l'o iMTC clinrK'-fi \*iih u iiiK Ihclr po.t-

covrry iuul to wc:i: for an uiui.irni'il

Safety Council to Meet at Poeatello

POCATELLO. Iilnllo, M.iy 17 i.T ,-

m S

O.C. M.iili r. .!lir, l<i|- ..I 11)1- I<l,ilio < li.illtrr. .'.lUI MaMi.iu! Cor. duccinr nr Ihr Ifncu lliira l rttvi.-.!n;i ot tlir

(li'.-ii.’;, ilrallllis; or an I'lnhc i k c l i ’ic i

I.TAH VIStT JDKCIvO. M:,y l f l- . '! i . .irrl M l'. I

L A. Cilllrtl. la v r ir tiinn il hf>iiii' 1

LEGAL A U V EK TISliM EN TS •’---------

..I W.tI. o! 1„.

« ... r^iv /,■, .1,,: »

iln.l''. f,


l'"0l. Illll iiiaiiiiit, m>f I.l- ll ih. I..,,.,

l i l P i

"ll fki ^

A ^ r. \y. ."iNrt.Airi.• C^mmU*i-.ri.r of I'ul-lic \V„rkinnH II, 13U. '•

TuKi M.y u . K. 17. l>. |>, lam.




j C a r r ie rs P; . f ________________________

x ir u


l l ' It

i l ®Irni.

nru- H ^ x S P f f R n g

.Shn.Tn In th r phi.lo ahovr n rr T« .n n !tanl,ur>’» ponl S.Unrrt.y. A In.,.•ro- »»immlns. h.,^fl,=h .m l ^.-.^i.lrnlr "

M in id o k a C o n n t i». Jiul<j;es f o r P r

nUPKIlT, M:;v i ; ! - n i r apDollil-

<lc','.!-;n;illnn nt lyillltiR pla^r^ tor the ])rlni:iry rli'fi:n;i Aiik. 10, w r r com-

ot Ihr Mini(!n;;n coiuiiy comml;.-

'H ir cDiuint- Ifii'r.'. nl:.o crcatrcl

■d' n niijy rt pun iii L .Vo. 1, hiKll /cliool.

Mr.'.. lir.T.ol.l'.. Mrr. Hn-'l Cnl-

H;ir\ey lilklcrlnick. Mrs. 'ErIl^^t

'ii StateGOPHeiTd^^ Plans Boise Visit i

nrxbil'r;;, ''liiic ni’imblirnll rhnlr.' '

h'- Ilrvnir day.-, lo ••ifnilinr' !

' ntuiouiirc ll Iml'iv •^^Thi' M.ili' HOP oinre :il o an - J

i-hi!"’’ iJ 'tT /r 'n j;m i;u 'n ,iu !b ! '.‘'' '■[(taliii '.vill 1)1- ri'prr:niti'd .u thi'

n .n'.ciiilon liv ll diU'Cati:. ;.:id 11 1'

Four Sons Given ‘ Share in Esfate ‘

ir -l.ir |..lali' ol n - 'lT .I . !l.i;i. vlin 10. il-.rd All.-. S'!, n i ; , in Oh;'', 'a.i -

1. i

UlKliT Ilir l .n ii . i>: lu r '.'ill. n - I and iKT.-niial |iro|HTty \a;;iul , S:M.V!I1 I'J !.•■ lo l)r .•hand i-nnallv I

' . hv her l o - . Ila\itunut Ci. Hnll.II- K<'li'liU:,m. .M.i.-lia: .1 ,tur.. >• H.ill.I. Vail Wi lt, o.: I-'inl H, Hall, K ll'ir - - h n ;:. Wa-li., aiv.l I.auri'iicr .M. ll.ill. i l •IVli, I-al!:, I-

Till- win nl^) prm ldf. lor li;d'- , v ld in l M n r r l s lo r.ich of Ih r t'.u r n-

; J e r o m e O d d F o l l o w s

O r ; r a n i z e N e w G r o u p^^JKROMK. Mny IR - n i r Ncr:h .

di.v ^MIh .•» fla-'. of 2' [inlrUrLM-. O tllcir'. tn li.u i Ihl' cioui- a ir I-

I a< OrK(! i:a;,l'iii, d ilrf p a lilh irh ; l.c,. 'n ion ie , hlRh prlc.M; Jnc C. Phar-

rla. srnlor wnrden; W C, J t« r i |, ^

----- NOW -----I s th e T im e to H a v e

CeramicT I L E

E p i i l i i f e i - :More front.i. I t ciin’t be bfnt

For Tree KsCininle.s i’lumc 2Il)fi.W ^

j B il l E s m e y e r ( T i le C o . i

J 532 Main A«nue finuth (5 'W h r r e T ile W ork h A n A r t ' i

Swift’s M i l

fo r the entire a «nionth of April was ^ *

'Vliy not makt ftrrnnKfrncnl.i now I

pick up your milk nnd brn rflt f

S W IF T & (P h o n e 185


Participate in An

J . y - y j r V ( W --!'

r r Twin Fall* rarrlrri fur tlin Tlmrn-.Vft iin rlia rlrrrd for llir nutlnc. Uprclal -nlr "Mllli all tlir (tininiln'n." A no th rr o

inty Board Names Primary ElectionIllll* Welch iuul Mr-.. It. .M. Huniphrlr.n,

the ’’tx ii r 'V ''' ' '

tin s .'.oil, .\fr.". Kr.'iiuc'. U urkcr. Mrs. ^ih.- Mary Zriiiu';: a:ul .Mr.-,. Vcrii Criui-

atrcl Hil|K-rt iirrcliiet So. 3, courtllOll-.e. .-ork H, .M. Coip, Kl-.yd ].-nii!. Mr*. Hoy

Co-,\rlI, Mr:.. Mmidr Clark, Mr.-i. Mae iRr.-. Jone.-, nnd Hlll Hrn.'-chrld.

niipiTi prririia t No. 4, Lonr Plnr lool. ;.crvir,- M.itm:;, i-'ranl: I-Yli-ii-ii. Mr:.. :m - Mayb.ll .S',<u:'-'.ni,, Mr,-,, Vcriin 'I rs. Rcitl, Ii. Ii. .M„y, Mr:.. K. D. SUiiilcy :l^^t nnd Mr:.. A. N. nicli-un.----- Aci-qiiia. Unu.n cliurch, Mr.v Jnck

Hurd. M rr Jor iiilb . Mr.-.. C. G.

.M argarrt'o.iii to;;: iiiul .M r^ 'n . u!

JohiL tii'i, .Mr. I,In NVIIm’ii , ’.Mi;.. Al- i„, . Ini ii.iKiin n::<l Mr,%. 1,. !t. CiiU-otr. l,,f. ICiiuT.'dn, i;jiuT.-on i.rhool hiiu.-c,

Kifli-r, .Mr. . 'ItiHiiiaVcU-rMili, Mr;., .Ion J.'’" ''" ; .'■'i-toii, ViiKliila tJchrocl: and

, Hr>t.iirii, .Mii-onlc hall. Mr;.. Cliir-

,li„ Carl Mrt.'.'Ktiilli'lh K ii.k lUlil Mr.'..

Mr.'. Hobfr'i 11. /.wV. iLlvuil Myer.-!

l^ W X X X X W X V ^ ^

[ e S u g g e s l i o i i s^

£ ''’hat i. , I G r a d u a t i o n % g ) |

i ^ ISIX G L K IU -:C ()iU Jfi I

ill. I1-N ..(u rr IlMj; S’lu.^lii* i

m i l k aiiuilia ................ TSr;ur n - » o n i to I.o^r: IIOH- Ho You |

Mrnil > lirokrn H e a r t - 'Edtllc Kirk ................................03c ;

...........- 1I.l" ' ••.?h.iK'’V b h ”r” and'Ju:^’r . Ilanfhmrii T tio lOIU \Vc;.t-II, em F.ivorltM ........................ J2.00

.Sons hltji from 10:5 to Itij:.I'nrh album ..........................53.JI5


Ki. O-cnr Lrvniit. plnno \u t'h

Plillhnniionic Symp. O rth, of Nrw York. In Vliiylilr. lAii

lovrr ......................... ............. $fl.oo


" A t Y o u r C o n o c n lc n t I A ccord S to re "

I C laude Brown ! Music Co.( 1 « MAIN AVENUE EAST

! XVV\VV\WXV».~\A\\VVVX X \V \1

I L K Price I

$ 1 .1 0now lo hnve Swiff* milk hnuJrr

efit from Ewlfi.V h lsh tr prtcw?

C o m p an yTwin F a lh j


L n n u a l O u t i n g

p . -Y*

■ . V L iM ! ^ W

- J W b ^ K

i-.Vfwi wlin pjftlripatrd In an ou tln j «o' rclal rv rn li rturint llir outlnr Inrludrd ir r outhiE ll punnrd for all o thrr M ajlc


F I I II I .W A N D S .A T tn iD A Y O N I.V

Irten W IT H I 'O liP O N S O N I.V

Mrs. ---------------------------------------------■nm- I---------------------------------------------

5„..c iu ;v i :n s K t u a p



5 *351. u.

Vil j;:ii I-C. STARTICn

DISH SETSMr;.,iind 4 Klniirr I’l.ilrr i Cupv *

Siucrr», i Salad DUhrs, 4 Urrad anil Ilulirr I 'la trl

r 2.49yer;,’

i w R 1H I I’l i a i :

PYREX SETSj 3 (Jl. Siiii r r.in—Hundlr I Z'- (Jl. Saiiir ra ii-fry Pan

’ 59^1 O M .v


Nrw Itrp jrtu rr Ilrakr^I U'riiird Con'trui'lli)ii i n Rrd and Whllr Colnr

1 ' 5 2 8 5 0.00 — —


12-Oz. G lassesExtra Tall Gla.ur*Sand n in lfd NumrraN

g O c o"oo ^ EIOUT


C am p Stools• llardwiKid I/r(i• Ilfavy Canvat Sfll• Kold* lo Small I'nlt

85^^^ _____________________________



SETSrl nf Thrre nonls

j 59'C. C. ANDtRSl


‘ C e r e a l N u r s e r y ’

_ T e s t i n g S t a t i o n

^ S t a r t e d i n A r e a^ DECLO. Mny 18-A "cerrBl niir-

srry.” rrrilrrt s ilh rlsh l varlrllrs of T\hr,.; .mil n.lt. lllld llllir \ a n -

, f J r . \ ..I hM brrn f.t.iUli ;ir<l] r>ii n jilo; ut ctoimd al Ihr I.crll'-( D arrin .toii f n r in .'outlivir-l of


■ Co-.inty Asr:it Olen U Bodily r r- porlfrt lhat llic farm wns r.-.'.nt>- ll.‘.hr>1 ll' <lrirnnllir what k;raln*. will aiov. b<-.'. Ill llic mra.

!lcj)ri- rlil.illif^, from tlir dciiait- tn riu ol nk-rl.'ulliirr vull \b i t th r

. tmrsrry to ilrtnn iln r llir jiroiirrr-s m of Kr.im and nciiiwirc ll witii 5im-

Jhir f>;;>'-r;nifnLj in othrr r !lQll.' of llir ita tr.


y W ELDING■ Surcrv\rul wrliUnK of AluminumI M and Itl Alloyi, Ilrava, Urontr.^ Copi-* rlc..W ni.trlhutorHB o ir r of l:i;TH( TrC -t.nw Trm-H p rra turr" W flJInt Hod» andS S C lu ir'.

I JO H N SO N“ \Vr.l.I)INO SHOP•° rh o n r i n : - J 317 W athhirlon N. fd Twin K»U»:1c I—

^ ' B i G G E S r S

C U T O U T c

( ^ c . c . A t

f r e e '

o m

■ N o m o ...........................

*1 T o l............- ................

* »I 'I ------------------------

5 2 G a i . . . “ E

W A T EPL E N T Y O F } a n d T h e n S o n

H E R E ’S W H Y

• C o p p e r - b e a r i n g s l e d s t o r a a n d z in c c l a d .

• T w i n h e a t i n g u n i t s f o r q u i c t u r » .

• A u t o m a t i c I c m p e r a lu r e c o n

• I n s u l a t e d v /ith 3 fu ll i n c h c s h o t v / h c n c u r r e n t is o lf.

• 'F i n i s h e d in g l e a m i n g v /h i l e

• M e e t s a l l E le c t r ic a l U ti l i ty r

• M a d e b y A m c n c a 's L a r - ~~


STEEL FEN(• Ol-j F e d Ivonff• Double AriRle T -T y p e• U s e s 3D" <0 60 ” F e n c e• C o m p le te w ith Clip.i• E a s y to I n s t a l l . . .


t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO

gjj Yess/r, THE prefe from Kentucky

a g p in a t STAIAlwayi p reftrra d for flavor,

nt>- volue — th sl 't Old Sunny BiKentucky whljVey cojfj no mor«

a it- f8-ocqgointed-"coffiaoveronllth r

OILI £ |

I f lM Old!I--------------------------

W fiR O O *! C O M £ O V £ "a L - ' " - O N THE





‘ ‘ W e i r »



i C O N S T R U C T IO N

> • IN S ID E PR O T E C l


, i u t c = . 1-“ * = ° ; ; ; , ^ ' ,o v e r t

c d E n g m c « ‘


E c o n o - H e a t ”


S o m e . . .

H Y !

l o r a g e t a n ! : , e l e c t r i c a l l y w e ld e c

| u i c k r e c o v e r y o f v / a t e r te m p e r a -

c o n t r o l , a d j u s t a b l e .

ICS o{ “ F i b e r g l a s s . " K e e p s w a t e i

h i t e e n a m e l ,

ty r e q u i r e m e n t s .

— " ■ ' ' ’c r H e a t e r M a n u la c tu r e r .


4CE POSTSE xtra Heavy •

* 1 0 5 :C<Dl


. !

\ l

sferred w hiskey ky is a v a i la b le / /

FATE STORES!avor, now o lto p referred for ^y Brook. Todoy, this qualily Imore lhan olher brandi, So gel S

ronlhoSufw yBrookjIde/'lodayl I

Sunny BK E N T U C K Y W H I

^ O O K E " ! " / w


i mE SALE OF r a

/ . . . I n s t a l l D u r l n

” H e a v y V

; l f u r »•R e g u la r 137.50 Value

3 W E L D E D H g

l iE C T IN G M g



,UR ■ I

I T his famou,s W;I rcvnlutionary I• ELEM ENT* D nI all in one piccc,

u - I in fu rnaces sincc■°° I atl-.slccl furnace

1 tu ry ag o . Gas, s Y o u I stream .

■ R efractory brictI The cleanest hea'

............ • ever liuitl—nevei....... I a tifolimc.


t” Electric


:e ra -

8,50 DOWNa t e r Confrnifi>t .'Unthlj' Pjjmff.U

* W ell hmdl* thl wlhag end Iha plumhbg do rs le Ih* to*t d*lail-aU e t a big ta- ■taxation lo risg la you.

i r e r ._________________________________


Spike T o o t h

• 2 V i in c h H ard w o o dB a r a

• 10 T o o th 5 f t . Sec tion C• T w o o r T h r e e Section 4

C o m b in n tlo n s• E a s y T crn iB

C O M P L E T E T W O SE C T IO N an t D R A W B A R IR O N _____________


f e i

B r o o k JVHISKEY-A BLEND18 whiskey that's

i o A ' d t i ^ ( m s j ”

r»00r • 6 3 S CRAIM NfUtJAl iP IIjll

™ y e a r ]

ring Off-Season

W e l d e d

N A C Elue

2 9 “f .9 0 D O W N — C o n v e n /e n f

M o n t h l y P a y m c n f t


s W E IR — now b r in e s you tho •y I N T E G R A L H E A T IN G ' D rum . P o u c h , a n d D oor S ea ls icce, th e p rc a lc .s l im pro vem en t fincc W e ir f i r ? l in tro d u ced th e nace th r u e - q u a r ic r s o f a ccn- as, sm oke, o r fu m e s c an ’l e n ie r im. F inK tir-iouch d o o r la tches, brick f i r e p o t . Duple.x g ra te .. h eal o f a n y c o a l- f ire d fu rnace never n eed s r e c e m c n lin c —la s ts

" iDW OOD r

h Harrows39.50 Value ^

$ 2 9 » 5SECTION b

. S72.50



Page 4: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

•UtlUf'Jrf il IK» 4r,d t>.« T»l>I, r*JU. liUho. kj' Ui« Tlis — Nm rubl.itlrl

pe«l tUltm It fwlD liiU. Ci> «r «<

BT CAgSl'glt^yi'Tlp'l-g'''-'*

= % g g p I WIihiR Ui)i» ind Clk> C»snC7, M>a4«iI jl; —

i IS; ----I A)i Mit.« «' ‘I ■

l '|{ (> I* (lS i:i) C K N SO R S D urlD f: Ihfi w ar, th e A m rrlc iir

a (o d iiiic lrr p u r r l y v n lu n (a r j ' c rm ttin iin h .lo iiir c r It.', jn c iilbc rs p f o n iia t lo i i t l i a l w as v ita l to .'.c cu rlly a n d tliu Micrp.si o f 1L-, i in

Kou-. Ill t im e of pM ce, th o ro iiim lU i'p li;i.'; npi)rovPiI a p ro j pn ;,r cpnsor.-.lilp on cp rliiln Irifor to i)iiiil.'.li a r r p o r l r r w lio vloliit .■.or.shli) w ith u Sl.OOO fin e uncl ; p r l.w n n ic i it . T l ir a u llio r nf U IcRi.sIntioii l.s I lc p . C larc H o ffm a n

T lie crn .-io rsh lp p rov ision l.i p. , w h ic h R frw Olil o f thP rliarKC

Eciw-arri U, C o n d o n , h ra d o f tl i r n ■' c an of s ta n d a r d s , Tlip T liom n ;

. w a n t rd a I r t t r r from FU I Clil , ■ I lo o v .'r p L T la ln ln s to Dr, C o n d o n '

v c .s tlc a tlo n . P rp .'-id rn l T iu n ia n I; rr^np .^t.

T h t; b ill w ou ld p c rn ill a co iig rr;: n i i t l r c to d r m n n d n n y c o n f l t l rn l i tlo n by a m a jo r i ty vo te of lt,< m er ' tc r.i lrn c c i by th e . 'p r a k f r o f Uip 1

■ p rc .s ld c n t o f t h e .'.cnatp. A t th e s m a jo r i ty vo te cou ld rln .w ify a n y n r o m m lt te e po,s.sc,vsrd ns conflU t

Thl.^ 1.- b o th nnw l^c n n d im re i , c u 'ito m o f ‘l e a k in g ” liifn rm iitlo n

f ro m flo.'icd .^ciM ons of c o m m ltt ; fcrcncc,^ is n o t o n ly old a n d ac

g e n e r a l ly vn lim b le . F o r e x a m p le . wa.s k e p t In fo rm e d th ro u g h "lei

p ro g re s s o f s o m e of th e D u m b a n d S a n F r n n c l ic o c o n fe rc n ce mi

. p ro d u c e d th o U n ite d N atio n s, A r O R rcem en t o n th e veto In th e U. N . w a s a lso m a d e public th r o u

I A s fo r conB ros.i Itse lf, a dl.^cloj ! Rre.'^s In t h e p r iv a t e hcnrlnp .s on r i v a lu a b le to t h e m em bprs a s wclII p u b lic . A r u n n ln p su m m a ry of "C' !• p ro ce cd ln p f l In th e p r fs s le t s th e

m e m b e rs k n o w th e pub lic r e n c t l th e y n re do lnR . T h is (rlvcs t h e n

' o f t h e flouree,-; o f s u p p o r t, tr e n d i : t lo n , a n d .' o o n , t h a t th e y w o u h

w ise h n v e u n t i l th e bill w’aa dell lt.5 v a c u u m o f .iccrecy .

B u t . m o s t o f a ll , th is b ill o t M r. I f pns.-!ed. w o u ld s e t a cl.inBcrou: o f c o n c c a lm e n t U ia t l.i o u t o f pJacc c ra c y . E v e ry conprc.'^,':. iin fo r tiin n to h a v e lls ^ h a r e o f f itup ld , bl ' 'k e p t " m e m b e rs . T h is p o w er o f w o u ld n p p ly to th e m . If rn o u R h v

■ c o m m lltc c fo oxercl.se It. n s wei:. re spon .slb !e .H ate.sm cn.i; T h e m e m b e ra o f con firc is n re e le |! p e o p le to m n k e Jnw s for t h e con t . p e o p le 's e o v e r n m e n l . T h ey n rc• th e p u b lic bu-Mne.-is n n d , w ith few

s h o u ld o p e ra te p u b lic ly , W h rn tl tlc .i I n tim e o f p c ac e co n cc rn tl-

. s e c u r i ty — n s p c rh n p s In t h e f ie ld• e n e rg y — w c th in k th n t th e p r

t r u s te d to sa fc B u n rd tli .it s e c u r l t" T h e p r c 's . ” c ay s M r. H o ffm a j

n l l - ln c h ii l v c r lR h t a n d prlvllpRP ol I n fo rm n llo n t l m t I.-! d e tr im e n ta l to t r j ' ,” I t m ig h t b e nn.sw errd t h n t cc n o a l l - ln c lu s lv e r lR h t and p r lv ilrg h o ld In fo r m a tio n f ro m th o co u n c a p r ic e o f .^omo of Its m e jn b o n

W c t r u s t t h a t th e w holr hoii.ie s h o r t w o rk of M r. H o ffm a n ’s w ou s a n c t io n o f f u r t h e r secrecy n n d I r r i ty In g o v e rn m e n t,

U .N . l t lV A I .R Y M l 'S T K r “ T h e a to m ic encrg j- comml.'ir.ic

t h a t I t h a s r e a c h c d n n Impa.-^-^e." W ith th e s e word.-!, a b ra n c h o f i

' 'N a t i o n s confo,'-:;cd fa lh irp f o r th e i n th e U, N,'.s tro u b le d h is to ry . T h o n I n te r n a t in n a l a to m ic cnorK y co lo n e b e e n a n a c tu a l i ty . Y e t th e o t. d e fe a t , w h ile n o t u n e x p ec ted . dl.'^henrtenlnfT.

I I m e a n s , f o r one th l i i r . t h a t l b r iiv c a n d a b ld ln p ho p e In I h r U. c e lv c d a .';etb.'\ck. Follow inK th e h a n d lin f j o f t h r P a le stliip a f f a i r , d e f la te s th e w o rld ’.'! g ren t e x p rc tn fo c u sc s n l l e n t lo n m o re In te n t ly on W e.';t r iv a l ry t h a t d o m ln a tr .s w orl

I l a lso m e a n ;; th e rca.'^onable. B a r u c h p r o g ra m of a to m ic co n trc Jdnf: a n d I n d e f in i te p o s tp o n e m e n t. ' que .'itlon t h n l 11 e v e r will be revive, s a m e tim e , l l doe .i n o t m e a n t h a t a la n p ro p ru m w ill tr iu m p h , E.'<crp S o v ie t u n io n a n d it.-; .liUpiiitps, n u U , N. m e m b e rs fav o r th e A m erl T h o r e Is l i t t l e p a .M b llliy t h a t th a d o p t in lt.s p la c e th e pious, c y n lc a m nn'.-; n K r e e m r n f p u t fo r th by o: w o r ld ’s lea.nt tru .-vtw orthy p o v e rn n

B u t I f R u s s ia hn.s n o i w on ncce h e r n to m lc c o n tro l p la n , r.he ha.- a b o u t a n Im p.osse , T h a t p ro b ab ly S o v ie t le n d e rs Ju .st n.i w ell. T lic h n v e f o rc c d th e U n ite d Stnlc.s n n d c o u n t r y i n to a n a to m ic a rm a m e n ts r h a v o w o n w h a t th e y .n e e d e d m o s t— t I t Is a j5sum ed t h a t R i m la ’s ’ b ig n o w Ls to d e v e lo p th e Indu .^trln l cn p u t h e r n to m lc s c ie n t is ts ' kn o w b o m b p r o d u c t io n in to p r a c t ic a l opei

T h is Is a f r i g h t e n in g p ro sp ec t, n o t a p r o s p c c t c r c a tc d by th e a to m c o m m is s io n 's a t a t e m c n t t h n t R u ss l b o r n e s s h a s e n d e d a n y p r e s e n t h o p e m e n t . T h e c o m m iss io n 's / a l l u r e ] b e e n a p p a r e n t ,

................J '



W H I“'AVii” !,'*"*- •« I"* WAHHI.VOTOS’- ' ,s. .<1 «l M..cr. «. m i In.;;i i::r 1

(iur occuiil'-d so:iPi ADVANCE 111 P’-ll-iOM «----------------------L liiKioa IS k— — ; Ito Dr.-Ji;rr U

IMrr .!u,!y by thf

ADVANCE ,„ J njncl.______________ |1< imurlnjiio:!.------------------ —J I ” im-iluii.',, I'olcj, C

----- — * = ; ‘ riir:i(l0!L' . V

...................... — (Irji.irtiiic, iu.a 1

’ cU -.rA -K r'i V* tin(!rr:r, If nVr,, ,,'p.

--------------------------- Ic^xl'. iiri.] fli;nrKri

)Rsiiir ■”le a n p rr.ss o p e r- s o l d il ii .s -.Manyc pnfionsh ip , ev en "• " ’'ftief-' .'ii rs po.v-;er,^ed lii-to th e n a t io n a nf tlii-lr m i hiidr!|r.v; a rm e d fo rc es . :ui ini<-:n:,!tn:!iil•he hou.-ie ru lM .n r o p .s a l to im - S 'i f o r m a l lo n . nnri -pir- prn-in. ii-,r‘ r’■Illltr.s t h n l CfU- hrr^lttrd hnd n y e a r 's im - prr;;i;ii:,;u irm nuf tiii,s p ie c e o t ''la n of M lrh lR a n . of'un'r'i'iur.cr.1 p n r t o f n bil! ihp'iiirtniiUMi-,-.'afnirKcs u g n in D r, 'lie iiirtcnu-.x hctur'IP n a t io n a l b u r - Nuw i l i r 'f <■mn.*; e o m m ltte e n r n m ^C l,lo l J . E d n » r I',;.:,:;,lon'.S lo y a lty In - irolrmi unny froiiilan rrfa.-ied th e "[^.".,',,’^ ,,'‘[1’ ',

gre.s.slonal c o m - von Pa'ihw"’' ' ' ' ' 'r n t l a l In fo r m u - Dmins nnd t.inrem e m b e rs , c o u n - uiiiiifrt for propnnahP h m r .e o r th e '" ‘' ' “'■ f' '>;7’lie .sam e lim e , a A n i r , r . . ,X .„ '! ; ’, f lu!.ny In fo r m a llo n krp i ru-.sm imiicr n if lU en lln l.n ren ll.s tlc . T h e o n J i .{ -r in .s 's - s tvlon to th e prc,'H-> !,in l l l e e s o r c o n - tiirr# u ;i„y iiope nf1 a c c e p te d , b u l fp rrncn . b Inal.ip le , th e p u b lic 7 ”,7" le a k s " of th e X m n ,- t i rV r rm 'm

im b a r to n O ak s 'w hfr-'j', ih r Knvin ii! m e e tin g s t h a t wiuu- .m racirti bj

A n d t h c Y o l U IW j n »w r.

T “TP- S-l'i-SS’.Sro u g h a le ak , mfutriUn iov:iic lo s u re o f p r o - Uliprc Ilu-y rotiM dn ,.j n a b ill c a n b e ny •'rtp»priini!" D.ii u w e ll a.s to t h r '" l ' '' '" ! '’ '

: " c o n f ld e n l ia l - lUr prth e c o m m ltle e mi .•nni*> Impnrt.inl r

n c t io n to w h a t Hip krfmlm nhoiiM h e m flom e Id ea o n , ;ndf; of oppn.si- kro u ld n o t o l h r r ''L'urdiir^tn imimi" 11d e liv e re d f ro m J-i iiir iiojihd a tuuirie

nrrtirdlne In cr>:ifitlrnM r. H o f f m a n 's , k

rou.-i p r e c e d e n t i,’r.mK'off |,iii,iiriy 1,-Jace In a d e m o - !<>.-• iic^iviiy in t:nroi>(u n n le ly . s e rm s 'i ''' '’ A tH ir-iirvin n, b ig o te d , a n d r , r c S ; W• o f c e n s o r s h ip ot nrii;iiii'.s ii;h w e r e o n o n e inilii:,iry. iii:iir>iitiirr nw e ll a s to th e "f propIp,^, -j

llrlip with I'TiiTirr n

■ e le c te d by th e u,ui^‘/ustM r” 'rOndUCt o f th e Tlirrp U ;il o llir IIIr e e n g n g e d in n 'i i'um .iiu itm w.mi.M'ew excpp tion .s . “ '■'■'np'.nl .ntr, n t h e i r n c t lv l-I t h e n n t lo n a l .MiKcotcd' f,-,!.T;U ii le ld of a to m ic to IHr f.ilUnt; ].lrnrl

p r e s s c n n b r '>‘e idcn, .iiil u r lty .m a n , " h a s n n ni:.sTO itK_D es;,nre o f d is c lo s in g ih r mtmliii-.ir,iU>'n pn.1 t o t h e c o u n - " ’*1 ff-'■ t c o n g re .w hn.->•ilP gr to w llh - n illiurv T.ay'_<,r ■n u n tr y n t th e irrnrr.ittcii .r \p rri5 h PIjor.s, ‘n if/rr -.uch ... ^ii.se w ill m a k r '" ‘j"’' ' ,v o u ld - b e le g a l 'iir.i c 'luw h in r; lrrc.npon.-;lbll- of ih r ^rlIl.^l^ fim uir .■

(.ritip In Milch Fjik I.i!____ , frtn.» ^!l:l ninrp f.irwi

which hnn cr.iniK N I) incmbpr.sof the c ^ U !

t « i o „ r o p o rt ., i S " ; ! , ; ° s ;in I'M a tlfiiipt to fo;c

Of t h e U n ite d th n fh r mid r n i i frrriu th e flr.st t im e " .'ru 'i ' ' T h e d e a d lo c k _______

■he n d m i. 'a lo r ; V I E W S (.ed. Is d e e p ly ' ' c o -MMi

Few thlnss h n \r nui tl 11,0 ,rn rlH 'c '■' '‘1'''^ 1>’'‘II l l i r w o r ld s pf ^ m ountlns Uireat U. N. ha.S r e - Actms und.: in.-in:ftii th e u n h a p p y war anfL,i mlintiu.'-trat lir. II f u r t h e r f" '" '; '’','"' r e ln t lo n s .m d o r . r . ; " ' , , '

o n t h e E n s l- u 'h iie Umi'p m tfivorld a ffa ir.'!, frrc.-c o rdrr on .ill .mu3le. w o rk a b le »“'• X 't Eovrrmiii n i r o l f a c e s an t . w i th so m e jor ^ f(■ tlr ity '* ''i v e d . A t th e TIu h Jl to 'tliU frrcnh a t th e R u s - by John n . .stevlins.: c r p t f o r t h e muniiionr, b,^,r<i «iii h.-.

m n s l n f [ h r " -''‘n ’l’i'' p li'iitj nr.i m a s i o f th e [^^^dle r l c a n p la n , mark for r rtfn iloa pvr

th e y w o u ld woiild be nerdecl ifilc n l " g e n t l e - ler-. n p e tu hy o n e of th e !=>ni:er

■rnm en ts , ''nrprr.-rntntlve Lvnric•c c e p ln n c e o t concreu who mncit nha.*i b r o u g h t '■‘U' MirptuA .>nirb ly .•;ults th e ‘’" " f “ •n i c l r tn c l ic sn d th e i r o w n DL'p,iicft.Its r n e e . T h e y ~ * v » V ,t - t l m e . F o r m . .u.'n.nrr r c ^ r f l lb ig p r o b le m Drrjaler encnunierecl aI c n p a c l ty t o of ih r old Laura Jearfiow lcdge o f who»pQke<lL'pttr8KlnBly

t. B u t I t I.S trascriy (lutrn. "W h .l a .o m lc e n e r g y d i^ ilty la there to makt Lissian s t ^ b -ipo o t n s r c c - ' f > r r,

h a , " i . n f rTJiat ended the dlwi

E R ’S N A T I O N A L

I I R L I G I G■OS'-The fom s'Jon of «n .Mr.r.-lcan i::r tht.u'.;lnIl^ of 31u.'.-,';.n de irrlrrs t<j so;ie in Cirr;n.iiiy hus been u(;v.iij:ea

r-io:-. itiil c'o;:K:r.'ilOti#I'ClrcIca »t WuMi- I»^"lt;:r c u p in our "co’d wa.'” with ,i;:r the j'.rrd fnr lur-

;an<r. i li^ i lliry would t t member*ICMil flKhllllK ti:il’..

........Cf:. .'Iiiif Ihry lire tnitr»l:icd tor any

II lo helicifil tlm t r.-t«bllihmeiii nf llM;luii nr bru-.rtr ii l i ih l mrtuce in.ny ■ .drt|r.v lo rniiiP o u r to our *lde, »c!-\lng ' ttniial 4di-er;!-.'iiirnt th n t life brhliirt ' lln." eien fnr llii- iiipposedly »-rlI-frd rd penii!c> urrny, li not a ll lliat It li he in Moiriiiv iir,:iiouncemen[j. l-,r r’l.insr In (I'.ir policy Itl IIiLn (Itid ! Ittrrt hy t!,r rlllr.- piihllcullnn of n f',15 ' .TrnniimiM [[rM-rtlnna In rerent *rpi,.-., ' ;rr:, to C,ill..<;i.ili lUld D rttllll « ttclf I ■ n ( rn trr ., .s'n; r.r> Innn "RO llir'.e . UI'.CP were hiLsiieil up for the u k e of < ' .'afriy luitl frr fr.ir 11 would njsravAle '■ hc tum i Ihf krenUiii ;,iid the western hr>e fst-npn «rr hendlliietl.

• • • 1 loptmn nf Iltll phin would rf.'eitiWr nwii t tu t r ' iy 111 orKiiiii.-,iiiK n hlflily t from llir aerinnii prl.'oner* ciiplurcd t it: <'f Dir fircr of KUilingrud. They c |> Iiuiiilxr Jll 11)0 000. nnd Ihrv nreII I'l foiiniT Kii'Id M arihnI K;cltifli-!i i

tlrire lhe r .m llk t Ihey have heen n •opitnaiidft [Hirpose.1 by iho kremlin, «

ntm' llndfr,^ton<l th a t many of tho t JIX-/- :» rrU,:n tn th r !M!u,Un,i. I

III lu n r rli,ir,;,d th a l they nre iio'.v i; der iiiiH'-.'.

'-S e v rra l n tijn ilo iu hnve bern rtil-rd •'pov,I, ai;d Ihry niiiv tiiivr .Mlffldrnl

11. ;il :r,v'.t t.';i,por„rlly. ^n I.niK a.s -ipe nf ndjtiMlrs n iu jo .A n ie rlran <lif..1 Inalh 10 be n party lo aiich prnvocn. p Thry fx^inl out th a t th e vni, I';,nhi.^ Ij

niuilPrnu.'. frir ihe Riir^l.'in.s w rrr Ihrn rrinaiiri-,i d r-m in n of rnriny foice.',, ivlfl h aim a friendly nation. Irtl by the asiRReillnn, mllU-iry mrn iinre prsrtlcal aretiinent, ai;ain.-t it, ii ems be Inaiijii.’nted on % U r t r .v.ile. ]| h .ll lhe R-iiy nn'ii fll Monrow n ik h t Iry h v:il M'ldlrr.^ Into the pm iw erl imli, j d dn ,.11 kinds vt <l;un:u:r to our ra ii 'r b l).i.'t ;.e,.ln. tl.ry m iirt provide the rrd ;il)!r il.ih, on our .Mrenfith, we.iknr-j.

bIhf prnjwr<l dMl hn;. fnllrn plr.v\,inlly |i inni rar.', rrprdnlly If rehitioii-. uUi, q niiM worsen during Uif .Mimmer and d

e.inipriisn,' ’ * l>

hr kry h.irrtrr lo nr^unUntlmi of ^11" IM prnpo*('d hv Win.Mon Chnrrhlll tJUirie of the A ttlee-Pevin covernmrnt. :ifltlrntlal diplomatic ndvlrr.-, rraehlni: .lihtnicli the Tnim im ndmlnUtratlon trd In lhe novel pmiKv.al, 11 ti keephiK ! ■Iy l<"l It 1..' fli:.r,:rii w ith inlfrferlng ;:iiroj>o:in alf,.lr,'..•vin iiilni'trv- rn ir l :.i r f n fnr morn rc.vlnrlally n,lndr,l ,;ra.,p of mrn than T rIen clrcIc, 'n n y do not like the l . ln in'.s liit.'rrM,<. inrludliu' fo:i-:;n t.-.iilr, tiirr luid Iin:ini-c. Inm n comnioa pool L Ic. . n ipy cvi'n :hy .>'f from n cloj#ii-e nlone. Tliry prc'frr to rrly for crpr union wllh the rolonles nnil llio n

Ihr iinrierMnnd.iblp rnh iirn i fear thntmild win ton inu.'h ^-lory fnr Chiirrlilll ,,I .ntr,eb.ick n.s ixs.'..s|b!- leader of Ihe-.hoiMli h r U;.s 1101 the .,rl,:lnator of Ilus the fir:.; to f U when he Irrtil union m th I'oinir.oii clU:.•n.^hlp Ii 'lvnrh Kiive.'iiDifiit In 19<o. Paris In, .-ilihoujh II ll now Uio chief pro. I

!splte Wii^hUiKton'-. d i.- r r . 't ,s ||rrrr I.'II prelrr.s the Churchill pUui n.i the Btil te.Mo;r any kiii.l nf .tvnrld balunco ^n r , nnd mi.vU. K ecncnuins I h .i «e Jto finanrc <c rrhifnrre F.urope in a w ,'i-nil millions nf -.'ildlrr'. .ibrn.id rvrr.- n s here uoulrt u „ „r'.v •tmiiK. a rri-,.-r:t of ro n iln e n u l liatloiu n,

• 10 vrlerriii dlplomut.s and ob^erver.s 'S hlll, part.Ilm r btill-.rr and historian , i ip llr .'lin,il<| br Ihr man Ir, p.'OrWP A acl.,,.,1 «m,W b , „„ly „,K Uim, tlf.irwiRe lha t the labor Bovrnimcni.


tr. Churchill i i i a y ^ n ‘trve*!, po-lbly 0 force th r Trumii:i-M..r.sh»II hand, frrriupnilv rtlvu.i-eil an.l planned for I,

P Ml Ihc f(-rmi'r prim r nilnUter has j*' ____________________ bo

5 O F O T H E R S "■.................. -

,ir plan!.', nnd '.uir noxl.s In Ihr lure h rea t of a i>o.'.>ible need for them. Inictinn ;r-. ;ixin a flr r V -J dnv. the ii,'-lratloii ha-. .',';i;inur(l tn .•cll w,sr lachinery tvhlch -iould bc sorel;'

p un-riilrd .Mate o f ‘lhe world thp s iMif.l iM.-.rly tn i.uu inp n 30-diiy Ul .siu'li inuldatlnc o:vrallon.s, Tlilj •eriimpiit more th.•^n 100 wnr plants •dulrd for immrdinie ?iirplu,s iinle ]iianlltle.s of crod.- wlilch are iiecdM

freere order, wlii.-li wa.i announcfd •ilinaii. prr.-idenlial a.-.sLMunt, the Mil ha \e an o;i;)or[uiilty to inventory lU nnd supplies still m the govcni- Ijonrd nhould a-r thl,\ opporiunlly to

ever>' item which common dcrue « ded It nn emercencv devplnprd, I l Ll / 'e tuhP tn ca.-ry ihc .e plant.' ftlid ^ Ker than lo purcha»r them atl over ■

Lyndon Johnson l, itic mem brr of Htrie a one-man f i j l a of etopplng Bs .'iilr.v until ..ome order could b» ■e l t \ u consrr'.sm an de.srrvej th« Hillon for an a.-i m the IntereM.-, of ■nallonal d rirn -e .—SI. Louis Po,M» H

kN O TnuToN Y oN ” I-on one dav. Ihr la ir beloved Marl# ■-ed A fmall-gause dra.matlc acire,\\ B

Jean IJbbv che.st-heavinc KhonI ■Klnsly of the lioydcn Mnrle'.i la lenu ■

•dyt nah !" ^nlfIpd the haimhly T h»l a way lo inuke a Uvlns, W lial \make people laugh? I make tlie.-n r *

Iy!" rrjolned M l« D rtw ler. "Any I

bul can you show m r a vegtUble •m Inuijh?" I

dlwujslon,—Wall S u c e t Journal. U «


r P o t 3 S h o t s

Uh *M TIIK-ijllADOWH If you happen to hear Herb W ut's ■ voice tlie.-j d»yt and are unable lo M aee him, think no ih ln t of It—he'i

probably lUndlng with h ll ilde ,M toward you.J j Herb, prtp.irlng for a bii^y aum- ' y m er of keeping up with a bunch f of Hoy HrnuH, has bten taking

i Inche* off hLs wulitllne. He leumed 'M InnK nsd that an old. «r, th a l U. 0 an udull h u a tuURh tim e keeping

up wllli a bunch of yoiingiien,Ue c la im he'* lo il only tS

■rg pound*, but a Tot fiho tl Firld Agenl report* Herb took one lUit to a tailor ihop and eame oul wllh

■i. to n aulli.ny In <'iife any nf yoi| gaU are In- nf trre.'.lrd, Hcrti trpn ij to have the iiy niaKlr fornniln for .•lenderlrlnc— ng or are i-Irmlrr figurci outlawed by nd Iho new look? rd . . .is WHO I.O.ST IT?

.Some youUifiil baseball player Ig •Id handicapped by the lo n of h h haie- ■xs ball Ktfiic, [icionllng to Mr,-.. 11. C.

Widener, Her daughter found a base- I'll b.ill ulove on the playnroiinri near •,o Jaycrc park ubout u upek nij'i. ’Hic of owner may rialin lame by phoning ,te Mrs. Wlclener a l UHH.J4,

ITI'.S l OIt KIDS DKl’ T.Drjir Pc:,-.-.;

)> Would s o m e o i io like l<i la-- ,ly quire k yoiiiiB blrddoK? Ml Klve cd one lo someone who will t.nkr i;nod , ey cnre of him.re The d' t: l;. ahmii nne yeur old;;!l colon-, rrd ttllh -,\hlle feel, white

on breani, a luiln whtt« on no'e rn nnd tip of u i l . Noi trained hul n, ahnwi. na lursl Inclination to hu tu \ no blrda and nhould he reitra lned dur- • if. int: .'i imnirr fo r.-cvr:ii mo.’e.ittng j ■'.v nerilni; birds nnd younir. i

.Sc'C or telrphone C, S. Majtwrll, j three mlK','. ea.M of rltv. 1

•d C. S. Maxirell ,ll <K!nibrrly> ,

f . Kn-*- tha t alU.s are nctlve, the , !• picnic neajan m uii b« here, accord- ( 1.1 in i to Our Outdooriman.

WTIONO BOUNCE ]Dear Pol Shou; r

n L aJl Saturday morning I wnr. biify ,t, in the kitchen thinking of tlm mil- ,e. lion and one ihlngi lh a l ab.^oluiely ,. y had 10 be done before noon. Al-a,I, I waa listening to a local radio pro-r grnm railed -Polka Party." ]d The annnunrer lald the »)roi;rnm ,3. wa» lo "gel you oul ot bed with a ,

bounce." W rllll t Jua!. slopped wi,rk j.y In am asrm entl I had-bounced" ou i .h ot bed a t 9 o'clock and had nlrcady ^rt done a good ilay’a work, (.

W hat A life to be able to May In bed until olmoji B o'elockl

A Irked Ilou>F»lfe 11 (CaaUefofd)

K FAMOIK 1.AHT U SKn " . . . n i l Inu ihed J.ib nti dayK l» g fttlng nut of hcd."g {;KNTl,f:.MAN IN THK

r o t- jtT ii n o w

" B O B H O P Eli L , . . . I• T he film factorle;. lu-rr rrci'iiily f (itnrted A policy of reissuing old plc-0 lurc.s, and ;.nme of Ihrm n r r rrally

old. I f.aw m e of Dorolhy I-tm oiirst enrllrr rrlrn^,-, nnd th r r.itn v p;n1 wn.s kerpliu; her .-.uniiK "ii -n '''

n.k tI.D< Modern w rstrrn

• d ifferent from tln' nld-ume u .v t. ern.'. ll'ft ama;in«. In tliL' enrly Imr.sr

' opera,! Ih r hrrn fhoot.i n on', with‘ i : i-nltle ru.'.llr;.'. and klll.s all of‘ iliein. And In lhe p rrsm i-tiay• w 'rslrrns h r kllb only l l riistleri.

I .s.iw one of Charlp.s Doycrs oldlr.v a : lh a l Ilmr hi- -a'hs ,so Im- m alurp . . , insteud of a bis Icwcr Up, he hail buck leeih.

I aaw one of James Cagtu'v’.s flr.'t ; plclurr;, nnd. my, has h# crn'.vn ?.-i!t.

He liieil to ^h^vr n hnlf ;:iapr!riilt In n girl's f,irr. Now hr hrr.ik.s n bottle of vitamin jUlLs over her head.

To kill lu n Mt.ls Rlih nn.' .stone I see all of Oary C.cprr'.s plrliirr;.

nnd llrnl dne.-, a', the :a:ne tlmr,


T O m e i A S T M I L B f

ll I*, way Is

o t l . u f . t . .



~ HOW T H I N G S ,

P E G L E R ’l* T o d iie In m yrevela tion j of poUii-

ca] Influencta a t w ork behind th# bland. Republican f ro n t of th# Ne» York Herald Tribune I have aiayed

_ J up on my toes, boxed them fancy and u e d lhe ring,

Now- we aland flat-foo ttd , it'a T hu la not repartee . ThU 1* lerl- tO OUI.

;e-| U » t Turtday n lg h l In Madison Ide 6qu»r# garden a prelim inary apeak-

er w arming' up —

for Henry V p j j m ^ H l

ng Khere a film waa

IS 'The_ Iron Cur-

b communlii film.

n- inaufflcleni by far he to redre.-j the rec- r— ord of calculated a ialatance of the by movio indiijtry lo the treason cf iho

Hollywood Miucovltea o^'er many

The riot against the film had been l9 advertlied in advance by th e com-

le- munlita ao frunkly th a l th e New C. Vork police uere on th e alert.

■ar The preliminary ip eak er a t the! he Garden v,aj a nolorloui thief and I ng ilarkcr. a nimble opportun ist In r c - ,

llglouj matlera and % p reacher of! lhe rommunljt. pollcle.i und p ro sra m ..

He l known by the alias <-t w il. | Ham H. aailm nr, Hla crlc lnu l na m e '

I.'- wai William M«rg9llv H ec tia n g ed | ve to Oallmor a fte r ho had been, od cauKht mealing nutomobiU-.s lii New i

York. He has n rpcord In lhe KDI, d; which Bpprnri.\ lo hla crim liuil hU. , te tory a funimiiry ot til# work in lhe . "« field of rnmmiinlsi activity." t Oallmor, or .Miirgoll.s. first r im e , " t lo notlro a i > »etf-ackno»lec!ted ' r- "f.imous- cnm m riitaior In ia<l. By I If 13« he wa.1 m aking p ropn tnnda in

,n local rndlti.s .around New York for. Itooseveli and the fo u rth term . ’H-.e \ Investigation w-aa d ifficu lt and 1; WB. iinabtfl to denounce him vuitll n ftrr election,

I then pre.scnled h h crimlna!,'* and p,-vchlttttli.-, history to Ed Noble

the preildenl of the old Blue n e t - ' •*ork, a new dealer w ho d id ver -1 well by hlm-rclf In lh e radio b u tl- : ne.'.s. Noble called in h b "per:/innel" : ehlef. who produced tv ppdljcree'

7 filled in by O allinor. In lhe 3;«a:r '■ slugged "religion," th e answ er aas

’• About hour* later, learning that ■ he wjs dlicovercd. G allm cr c.-n-

^ Jes.sed hln pa.'t to hi.s emplovers biii ,.? said hr could nn i be conimur.lM* brcttiue he was a veo ’ rellglou.s m m .

He hart. In fnct, been educaiM t-''■1 be a ribbi bnl hnd abandoned il'.it

career after his a rre jt." He e.'r.iped a prlaon tenn hv ac­

cepting a commitm ent as a vi.-t;m nf a mental dlaordcr called « "ccm- pubion neiiro.'sls." He eouUlf.--. re-

; ■ ^

M i lS p r i n g ' s i n t h e a i r b u f U

in y o u r c a r ; w i n t e r o i l e

a n c i a c o l d - \ v c a t h c r - \ v c r

m a k e s f o r s lu g g i s h o j

w a r m e r d a y s . R i g h t r

s h e d t h e w i n t e r " o v e rc x i

c r in g u p t h e p e p a n d ]

c a r ? O u r S p r i n g T u n e

s p e c i a l l y d e s ig n e c i t o as5

o n t , s a f e , e c x tn o m ic a l a i

p e r f o r m a n c e . O u r C h c

m e c h a n ic s , u s i n g t h e 1

t o o l s n n d e q u i p m e n t

C h e v r o l e t p a r t s , w i l l e:

t i o n y o u r c a r f o r l o n e it

,i n g p l e a s u r e ,




:’S A N G L Eliill. »Ul t.".* le=p:*tlo.T to iteal L‘vat U th# the tro 'jt!# o t a ll thieve*.

Oalls-.cr u « p o rtlj l a - f x le r '>«a aeUhlng :N pound* and m il tn fcti mcy t.hir'.iej. D-Jt he w u n i called oa lo

go 10 the « a r becauae he « u re­garded aa a paycho. the ei^uie of

f l - many eowanla. T h e Blue network irjijied cn keeping hl.m tor a tar.f.

'son fcyi n u cc.-r..-n'ar.at lli'.e ar.d hi* ai- *k- ax lau o a * iu t ccm.T.-unut* «erc i3

obvla-j lh a l fUiaUy U;# pretenre B wai drcpperl.■ Ue ftll back Into the »-.alI tlinc 9 H on radio w:uh a prCMpero'a iidehne■ ol leciurri to Jew lih rellglo'.:* B groupj. whlc.*! aeem lo na\e been n dtceiied reg a rc tn s hi* political rM background.n w nen H enrv W allace ir i cu l en n hU r .erth w fjtem ic-jr la ti wlnler. A OaJbior bobbed up In Ui« tro'jpe n In t.'ie f j:e ot encne j-ra lie r. He du- m coursed a l u u e r to loonn up the „ s-a:kera and he and h u a :;a ia :;li

• ere lalug a la rge m ilk-can ta carry lhe ofl i:i» ccllectioni.Iho T!i# New Y ork Herald Trlb'.me iny had a reporter a long who wrote a

special Jtcry a ?» u t OalLmor, I t wa* cen a.-nuii:'.g and alLcgether favorable, ^m- U m»tle r o m ention of his commu-■ ew nlsils u»oc:aiicn» or his criminal

I ti'me i;m» la te r I p-.iL-:iihed for lhe the n rn tim e th e notorioii, Guru in rtilfttrr .. Henr?- W allace phll-r c - | : , ;u .u l>. .Irny t.'v..-. ho h.ul u rlltru f t ! Ihem nr ta acrr.i: th a t he liad. Al

im ..., cs-nlrrence a rrivjrier tor a ' l ‘- | r a i ; j J li ilc n . r o l a iirw ip iper re-

lfd |,;r 'ii;>a;icr r r ;> ;rt rr . p rr c]it, a.-kril ff» ih iiii 10 i»y w h c 'Ju r he had «rli:r;i 'fw i;;„ .,,. \v .u:acf cxailcvl wtlh n V.isut n i ' r e f e r e n c e to at, "irte-ion.ible j‘‘ - co:jr.i-jM .' m ear.ing nie. Tl-e in -

trri, in c idenuili'. rcllecievl nn u;i- talaiK'cd rniP tional o r menial »ta!e

" ' ' | i n '.lie au lhw , w hnevrr h» wm.

B) I S - : ’

: L &I ^

i p ' ^

\ 'I

ived your cai- ^ O Y E S c q ^

[■ ■ II

J t t l i e r c 's “ w i n t e r ” ^

Dii a n d l u b r i c a t i o n

w e a r} ' m o t o r i J i a t

I o p e r a t i o n t l i c s e

i t n o w , w h y n o t »etv

r r c o a t ” t h n t ' s c o v -

i d p o w e r i n j ’o u r

\m e - u p s e r v i c e i s

I a s s u r e j* o u p l e a s -

tl a n d d e p e n d a b l e

C h e v r o l e t - t r a i n e d

l e f i n e s t m o d e m

? n t a n d g e n u i n e

II e x p e r t l y c o n d i -

ic m i l e s o f m o t o r -


\ n t Ignored th# lubject of th e O uru !«' I iV l ters. I I h u cot mentioned Uirm yi

E although I can w y lh a t It m ade a lRTe*U*aUm of them leveral yea: ago. T tu» It »»* no t Iffiiorani < lhelr «*ut«nc* er lhe lr bearlr.f o

a t UOn the night of the n o t a t th

, Roxy theater Oallmor aald from th f ' " plalform of Henry Wallaeo'e rail \ in lh# garden: "A fe* block* (Jow ' th# »trret they are going to ahow ' fascist picture lh a l ahould be boy 'Ir-ri » l«hi-thlnklna p «

4cn. So you know w hat to do."I I I .

* Ing mob of 2,000 eominunl8l4 w en t ■ * the R o ij. There wa* disorder ar.

several persorj were Injured, llir# Howard Ruihmore, of the Jo u i ,,,' nal-Anierlcan, an ex-ccsnm im l: ■“ who formerly worked for lh# DaU

L ,.., Worker. wTot# lh a l the rlo l wa actually sponsored by an o rjan lee cemmunlit from. He nam ed aeven

, well-kr.own local BolshevUl aa tli ^ l e a d e r * .t iiM ^ '0" ^ aurroimd th e H e r tl


1,1? Last Oct. 8. Osllmor made a loc* . I v broadcast over WHN tn New Yor

w-iih a gueat artist who wa* Josep: O. Uenberg, th i e ly editor o f lh Herald Trlbuni, H eriberg had w rit

«•.. *«Illed a new boo:called '-L»!4 c ity EdlUon."

1°;*- In hla IntroducUon. O allm o praised Alberl Malt*, on# of 1 Hollywood rewrite handa Ind lc tn t.T refusal to answer before tli Thomas commliieo wheUier the; were or ever had been member* o the Communist party. He also ouoi ert Mnll* In defense of h lm telf am lhe other nine m "the coiisclencc o,

“ mankind." f** C.allmor then Introduced Herxbcn

»i'V 111 ritn ivagsn t terni.s. ThU th ie f nnc y ; ' rci'.rcadc of both hU rellRlou* fn lil

and the profession of joumnll-Mr lutnert out to be nn old friend oi

1J'« Uie cllv edit/ir of the Hernld T rl- Ifl- hiiiie, whlrh profeue.s tn be a Re- U--1* publlcnn paper. Oallmor called lh< lale city ertltnr "Joe." H enberg calleC

t e ly | ' ' ‘ r "Hlrald Tribune received the

— . West i nghou__ ^ l-A U T O M A ’___ \ Q \ «l“m p drie^ T X \ a o m ln u te i? V : \ \ 3~E X C L U 8I'i C ^ . X \ T IO N -fo r^ \ « V \ \ » -T H B C E V

)■/ \ i-N o '^ B o r l- r , ' / V \ nncert w in

1 " ^ — ft-C O N V nN i:—n ' * ^ IV fo 'm a

clothcs,N . 6 -SE A I.E D I

\ OU.ARANSee lhla ft

M &Fur Your

411 .Main Ka*:

S P R I N G SO ut comptele

SpHng W ealh.rltlna service, IncludltiB'


O i l C H A ^


B R A K E A D J U :

R E A R A X L E A N D T l





■u le t- doubtful compliment o f recognitionm y c l by Gallmor u "a g rea t newspaper,"■de an T hai wuuld Mil the H -T lo the levelyears of the Dally Workera a n d Pravda lan l oS hla estlmalliai.

H enberj eald the on ly t« it of ait th e reporier-|w orkonU ieH -Tw -a*"Ha»jjj t h t the slon' bef" covered faithfully?"

ra lly A* a le tl cf the t r u th of thaldown sutem ent and of the H erald Trl-

low a bune'* conduci the*# fac t* nre sub-I boy- mltted; Heriberg U a f rien d of a [ p e r- notorious rogue who b a d la red it

to dtcer.i Jourcslljm and appears as rea r * hla guest on a broadcast. lierzberg's en t ■ 5 rtporu.', In covering "fa iih fu lly" the r a r.d »lof7 ot Galtaor's w ork coUectlog

money for Henry W allace on lour Jo u r - completely wliliheld tho m o st Intor- lunU - niatlva facu about his c ity edllor'a D ailv trlfnd, or was the vlcttm of editing

».ar tolhalctfpcU mleec Herrberg-* reporter*, a s presenled fverai In print, did not m en tion eny of a tlie the g rts l volu.me of InfonniU on

which unmbiakatily a*aoclaU i the le r t ld clly edltor’a friends w ith a number

of commimlit fronts. T h e Herald Trlbuni Ignored O allm or'a inflam-

local matory remark* a t the ga rden and Y ork the ensuing riot,

oaeph Thla It too doio to th e rea l Uilng tf lh e to be dealt wllh sa a n Innoctnl « * ■ v . i . t j -o t lll l tt-T.

I never hav* known or a n y new»-II / , . P»Per In which all Ihl* q u e er busl- ',™ ?r ness could hsvc been pulled olf I c tc d ' ‘'hw il the Inti^nucnt knowledge

of Ihe os-nert and th e ir con--ent they or iubinl.-slon,

r* of --------------------------- -

' S Officers Electedcc o f Tho Paternal Order o f Eajlen

flecled new olllccri Monrtuy night *bcrg In the Odd Fellow.s hall. Pre.'.ldent r nnd Earl While conduptcd th« meellnr. fn lih New olflcers are Leroy Rox, pres-

idenl; Dean Myera, vice presldeiii: id oJ nederick Drill, chap lo ln : ItaJ T r l- Moon, treasurer; Charle.i E rkn, eon- n e - ductor; Bill Armga, Inalde guard:

1 th e Mtrlo Orant. ouiilrie c n ^ rd , and ailed Robert Lee. tnutre.

In-stttllallon nf officers 'will be 1 th e held lhe flrsl Monday In June .

iouse LAUNDROMATiMATlCALLY-wBshM, rlnse j a n d dries 0 pounds of clothe* in lr:>s than

lu te i,U 8IV E PATENTED WASHING AC- - f o r betier rejulu.:E \%’ATEn TZMPERATURE5— h o i . , , m , , . lukc warm—for white, colored or ;e fabrics.OLTINO DOWN - iclenllflcnlly bal- w lih lUbllliers.

HNIENT TO USE-recllnln(f tu b . , , irma large sturdy shelf for ftorllng


A N T E E D FOK F IV E V E A R Sila fam riu Weillnshotne A utoninfic

& Y ElLftric Co.'o u r Ucsliiijliflii-r .\ii;ili,inie Sl<.rr

I’hiine liltK ast T » ln l i l l i

p K _ ^ '

DNE-UPS a a w tl A N O E ^




> C H A N G E


i l N E T U N E -U P



TUESDAY, MAY 18. 1948

Page 5: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

1 0 K i l l e d b y

E x p l o s i o n a t

J e r s e y P l a n tKEARNY, N. J„ May 18 (-T>-A

fcliutlerlni; Inr.l: Mploalon ond Urc la st nlglK kUlcd a l Icajt 10 persons «•- Uie aprasllns Kopptn company ta r Wld clirmlcnl dlvljlon plnnL

Nine bodlra » trc Uken from the ruins or Uie building ulons the HftckerwQCk rlvrr mid & lOlh victim died In a hospiul. Klrcnifn ifnrchrd IhB wTecknec for ftddUlonnl vicllma of tlie hln jl ihut ncl olf a fire In «n ndJolnUiK bulWlng of ihc plint.

|4 Tank TiplodnT he office lu n t l ! -

biir»li .•.:ilcl Uir cspb-lon occurrcd when a .-.iroiiK wlml b ln pan of the contenl.i of a M,000-gall9ii lank of A (llAtllUte Bsalnst & hot pipe. 'Hie dbtU late, u.'.ed In making oUier ehemlcals, "fluhed .” and Ihen Mt th e lank afire. A .•rrvlct bulldlni:, Jaborntoo’ and machliii fliop wtre burned.

R r s l rrpo rii ».ild Uie bl*jt caa'^wj by blatJnc naphll’JiIeiie.

Det. Sgu ChnriM Schlllon had ti- tlin.iied from ryrniinf:-' reiw ls U u l 11 TMjrkers were ir.ippfd In Uie building Ti.hrn the eip!f>'lon o:- eurred.

Vblble 10 Miln 'Hi* blast, heard over ft 15>mlle

area, le n l a tlieel of Ilatno liilo the a ir over lhe plnnt'4 tar and chcm- Icat division. The rellccUuii oKnlnit low -hanglns eloutls «•« reported •cen JO miles a»ay. A .•erlcj ot minor explo-ilons folloucd the llrn UlnM.

Plre Chief Wllllnin Wandiiii;. .raid he feared lhe rrcond Iloor of Uio bulldlnB nilKlit cull.ipse ou fire io.irch saund.',

20 In llullclliir 6chlllon <ald nbout 2U turn «cre

In Uie bulIdUiR durln; Uie ahlli elmnKe. The building housc-a a lab­oratory nnd machine »hop on tho f lr tt IIiK3r, nnil k'cker roomj on Uic arcond.

f 'rw o men ulio lud Jtul Irft the bulIdinK said they were luiflcd Inlo knee-<leep water of Uii nearby Ilackcn.'-ick river.

Resolutions for j F f A Convention ;

Sent From Boise iRciolullons pa.vned by the eon- "

Tentlon boiird of the Iflaha Con* ^ fress of Piirtnts und Tt.ichrrs «cre ^ returni'd here rrrcntly alter bplnjtaken to Bolrc. n

DeleRnte.s voted Ilrsl In iiipporl .Uie bill labeled "local heallh rcrvlco iiact of 1018" which has alrtsdy been J>Introduced in conKreJS. il

Second, they wetil on rccord dc-elarlnK li the duty pf eucli PTA to "combat nny nnd nil difcrliiilnation llb .vcd on rnce. creed or lifllcr. t.

Members rp^nh'eU tlml apprecla- ^ tlon nnd fupport ihould be Rivento Ih r drp;irinicnt of public HInMrtirllnn for the ndrqiinlc niul re. JJspon.ilble BUperviilon ot t.'ie Mifeiy i,nnd behnvior of pupils on school J'biiM's. Tills hM bern nn Lv'ue of •*'much concern, nccordlnj to the iii

. bonrd. Ix^ Tlic cniicluillni: reiolullon op. “

proved the (IralihiK ot Ircl.-,lation ui lo pre,-,ent to the next IfRlslBturc forUie purpose of nuthorldiiK Ihc state ivto nccrpt nny federnl fundA nppor- N( tioned to the st.itc to hflp In f |.nnncliiB kliulerRnrten Inilruclloii in ,uthe rcliools. r.f

Judge Fines Man | For Disturbance "

JF310MK, Miiy 18-Jamfs Brail, l i charRed u lth dl^turhlnK the peace wns fined IlOO u lth *75 ju.'pendrd nnd plvrji n 30-ilnj- siisperjicd Jnil aentence Monday by Pnlice Judje r>nve PiiUterson. dl-

J im Wnt.'on, chnrced wlih Inloxl- c)i cntlon, wns fined s:n nnd Roy E, Ileni^' wn.1 fined SIS for jpeedlnc. Ilv Oeonjei Fernff wa.i fmert j:s for fnl tflfclns commercial plciurea without pn a city license. dc

O vertim e pnrklnc finei of 11 were I pnlrt by Venv Amhroj* and Ben ed Croiich. ,(.]


' y Hw r i d


o f costly xiilu th a t t h n

th e la n d -H im tg c lu i t i

o u t o f th e many •c d d e r

H ay. D ea th o r »criouj

c o u ld wipe ou t y o u r fii

S A F E l G cntral o fA m e i

e n B la n k tl L leh ilily P

p ro tec tio n . Aifc fo r det;

g g ^ JJD M;

TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1948

School Official

- A .3 ^ 1tire E M


the 1




IIIV IN W. SrKNCKn iM . . . nuperintrndenl uf Carry

schools for th r la>l (ho yean, ti- who h a s aerepied a pojilion ai rls su p e rln trn d e n l ut Teton counly Jie arhooN. (Slaff rniravlntl

* * * *

u. N ew Position Set F or Scliool Head

■‘i) CAni'T\-. M;.y 18-Irvlii W. Hpen- ccr. Civn-y ;clu)ol Miiiciinninlpnl Ior Uie la;.L th rre year;, hiis been iium rd r.ijperliitrndrui of Trtoii

‘I"* county scluxiLi. TcUm county 1'" :,chooK rcccnily were orKonlteil Into ‘f« a county unit,

.SpeiiciT pliiiir. tn iittend the .••um* ni<T re.v.loii a t the Uiilver;lly of

re Idaho , und will move to DrlKX'. In III AuKU.'.t lo n-'.-.uine his new duties.

I” B u h fH ig h School » H old s Graduation

F or Senior ClassDUHL. May 18-arnduntlon ex-

crclre.i fo r lhe jenlnr c1o.m of Buhl hlKli .‘•chool were hrld hist wrcl:. D r. C nrl W . Mcfnto'.h, prr:.ldenl of Itlnhd s u i t e rolleice, delivered Ihe con in iencrn ien l nddre.'s.

_ H ie j.ciitor.i wire pre.'.entcd by C n o y d L u f t. high school principal.J, nnd d lplom ns were nwarded by

G lenn W yiitt. n member of Uie Buhl !.cliool bo.ird.

ig M eniljcrs ol Ihc Bradihitliii{ cln.'.<;

•0 mrrtu'?” ' rioT-rci '■n:wvll.'''vifB''ii''!'" Wrl^r.^Uy1a||.i. CMtmaii, 'n.'.n*fri

u lr , ^□•j-lord t>lii^^_^orm» Jrsn nrticli, { . Noriiia^^Lorriiliir n rr 'n . W«n<U lliiMrr;

(Innlcn Ilo'.Mir<I. Cliifpnrc II Mn!-' ' ’.ii-

jVl'I'^'i'ri Ji’tin*"a, Viib'H '

UlrliBKl Nlpprf. ilJirlia^E Cj :;*Owrii-.

1.01111 IxiuIiB rrlffBfn, W1i;:a::i C. I‘rtrn>rn, Clifford H.iin>n!nl iTvnr. Nonna Joyc- QiilKlrv, Ur.lorr-. liirivn .


1j-<- Unipllle,’ MiirlMf Vv""iV' IVvi'ry'' k ' EahTiir Tliorjirlj. l-atrlda Alin Tiiii.r- Oiorliv Muy ViniRhn. Jor V. Wni-;irr.

E. Wnlkin-. DikIIi-t t, Wn .-on. Weavrr. IVsn \Vh'f>r niiU llnlficlc C. WooO«.

10 B oys to Enter L ivestock at Fair

Aiitlvltif;. for Ihe next vr;ir wrre n dl'cii.'.ied when the Tn-ln hili« ITA W clinptcr m e t Mondny, H

T en bo}-. will he eha'en In lake f | llventocl: to the countv fnir tlii' H fnll. rn d th e chnpler will try in im- H prove condltloa^ nt lhe fnlr, ll wns I decided.

I^ c .'ld e n t Doi) Soren-'on nnnoimr- ed th n t IV awlmmlns pnrty will be licid the lfi.it dny of school.

) E R th e c r u s h i n g lon'd

t h r e a t e n e v e r y m a n on

Kiita a r id c la im s a n s in g

id e n t f t h a t o c c u r e v e ty

3UJ i n ju r y o f a w o rk e r

r f in a r c in i o e c u r ity . Be H

\m e r ic t^ s S p e c ia l fa r m - I

y P o l ic y is a l l - a r o u n d

d e ta i l s t o d . i y . j r j



'h o m p s o n . P h o n o 2348-R

I S t a t u e O u t p u t

E H i k e P l a n n e d

f f i B y C h i c a g o a n

M M CinCA CO . Mny 18 tU^i-A mnn j3 H r.pends 10 yenrs clilpplns awny a t n

ton of ruck and «liat doe.i he Ret? NoihhiK but a sUlue.

He 1.1 a aculptor, An>body knowj j H j lie U n o t anppoeed to be paid. Mau. H B rice Milford, a Chlcnso bushie;j ^ 3 m an . i.uld. A iciilptor is Uie kind J M of a cuy who llvrs In an unhealed E M fla t, dreani,^ wild dream?, nnd doe.*.-

ii't eol. Milford said.D ul now this Unie.honored tradl.

tlon 5'' exploded. Milford .-aid i:olnB lo nial;e »,taturs-ina;.-

JglM lerplri-rs created by the nnllon'.' I' li jU l ic iilptor:— n^ common as nsh triivj.

H e hopes to employ niarj produc. tlon to pu l bankrupt sculptors on a payhiK basis. T lir •HwlnslUK Tree" nr "M onkey in n Siote nt nrpo:e" will

I f B en ler American hnm n nt price* anybody can stford to pay.

" n ie r e nren t mnre thon 1.000 prnctlclnK sculptors In lhe country today," Milford declared. "Tliey

** chip on .■» niountnln ot crnnlte for a couplr of years, haul Ihrlr work to an rxlilliltion. and then look for a Janllor'ji Job when thry learn no­body ra n p.^y what they Inve to a k.••

U nder MlltordV. plan, atoiie- , chl.'.rler.N not only would be nble lo

n n c.n.-.h In cu their orlrlnnls but on hundreiU nnd niii>be thousands of -tone irprixlurtuiir. us Ufll.

• Ior Hrre'.s hnw it wurl; :, lie aald: A xen •'S tripped Oc.ir" or "nccIlnliiK

Nude" :.t;itui-. fnr rx;iinp!e, is copied In p laster, Tlirn, puhrrW iI stone Is poured Into the Ill.^ te mould nnd "out conirs n rrprodiicllon thnl Itioks nlmo.1t m mod na the orl-

• p ' cmiil."In __________________________■s. - - - ,

I e v e f ty o o o y is TALKING AOOUT TH£


I ,

11? i . . w .

'*:• h e r e 's SOMCTHIHOy o u CAN

iv'; 0 0 a b o u t r r !

' fC E S/^fJE SS ' '

C<>^pjrt F lA V o fZ ! 4

* Gyrfij'V «-• P R JC E .'

/tiirf/>ocief fAcrii/fercrtee.*Buy n bnR of Airway lodny,K ith (h is undcratnndinc;

, UnleimAirwny CotTce auila you p e rfec tly .R iveayon \ cup n fter cup of mellow en-

► joym cni, the store will re. fund you r purchase price.

it Graduation Held J By Acequia High

For Senior Unil[1 1 1 ACEQUIA. Muy 18 - Graduatloi

exercises for the aenlor cIil-j o; Accqula h lsh ccliool were held lu'i

“ week ni the ;fhool ;uidllorluiii KCl? Mltchcll H um . jr.. Tnlii Pulls, do-

Ilvered lhe conimrilcement uddrev nows Tlic prcKT’.-Ionul and recessions Mau- ’fcre playe<l by the lilcli rchool bniiC dne;j under tli r dlrrctlon ot Charle; kind Ornffi. T lie InvocoUon wns plver

eatcd hy H. C. Butler and the bciiedlctlur doe.-.- by Bbhop D. F, Parker.

\V;iiier Giienil tiavi- the .'alutatory addre.'s and Darlene Wollord the

. . . valedlctorj'. hu tn im eiita l lolo:. wert ■■ played by Dora Dnl S orIIo and lieu- ,■'* ben WlL'ie. Mrr. M llh Corle;.',.•nui!

f. two voc.ll :.rlicllun.v' T lir i;rartii.iIIon r!,i:a wa;, pre- ’ JCtUed by Sujtt. E. J . rtiuh luid

e" nr will

Tlces _

1.000 H I H 1 H HI H I H I ■ ■

n iey n ' ■ ■ ■B B H V

rk to n nA M H ■

S Is Bone- X H L aM JH Lle lo: on Is of j

1: A F u n I n

pled T h e S i mle Isnnd I ,th n l ' 1 , / •orl- '

t e


I ^

H a p p y ,



1 Services Held by h Oakley’s Seniorsn i f OAKLEn-, May J 8 - J . D, Price,

Idaho’s f.ecreUry of stale, delivered Itlon the baccahiureuw addrcs.% for aen’- 5 of lees hrld Bunday by the f.enlor cla.is b 'l of Oakley hlRh school, Supl, Brrni'll

lum. Wrinley was in rharce of the serv.

re.v!. n ip p'ocr.'.nouiil nnd recrj,'lonnl ■onat v.rre played by Uirrnlne Mo;j, Soum 3nr,d v,cfj p:rsrnt«l by Dimna l^iy Clnrk, “f l" Carol Clark and Foresl J. Severe :lven iicronipaiilrd bv V'Uilne Blotter and •‘i"" .Mr/,, Knrl iti.rthi. A MXaphonr

nuarlct of .Miirtlin llule, Ruth Mnry HoU, Jnvrr Whltelry nnd Jnne Gee

“ ‘® prrrenlol n fclrellon. y Thr l)riir<llrtlon was iKheii by ■auK ■'■1’’' '" I’--''krlt.

pre-Idlptnni l. -.'( le Jiuarilrd by Ocuriie luid iSuIIU.in.

SWiIM e n ’s a n d B


2.98Col set. fo r sum m er nnil tlie litvu'h! Craw l clianiji or bi'itch coniluT. bij; ku.v o r stiuill fry — Pt'imc.v'.s hns the swim IrinikR you 'w ant to makn ,i liifr .- ijia.sh Sum m er! Naii- lical 5 color sw onlfisli (lpsij;n nil !)!tn-, m aizt' o r tan grounds! .Sturily co tton faliric.'^! Lu.‘ - troiiH rnyoii tw ills in maroon, bhic. tan . royal, maize. But­ton flap pockots.

Hoy's Sizes ...........................2.19

Fluor - . fV

. W om en's (Jnlly Colored

D U C K O X F O R D .S

2 . 7 9Rii;,'KCfl liiif coniforUiblcI C olorfast. b ri^ 'llt .strii'rs 'v ith rod trin im iii;;. Stiinly crcpe otilsoIe.«, cork com-

i pound niiddln snle.i, nililxT J pla tform covf>r.«.

S Cliiltls’ Canva.*;O.xfords .........................2 .3 9

)y , H e a l t h y G i r l s a n d B o y

' I I TH E s w1). J U N IO R H O Y S im K .’I lT !

BriKht tw ti-color p rin t muke.s . !)e.‘ l-dre.s,-;c(l yoiinjr.stoni in tin; : w ith draw slrin j.: .cotton knil liii

^ cla.stic band. -I-S ....................... .....

/ K. G iia ..s i - p i E a :•’ H as la.stc.v back and ])rinlcd r;

FroMt panel lininfr.Roynl o r w h ile , 1-Gx ................ .

F . .S H I M N G L A S T E X M y W ith hn lf .sk irt nnd .shirred brr

inp. Red, m aize, w hile , sky nnd royal blun. Sizc.s 8-1-1 ..................

a. G IR L S 2 - P in C E s wD elustrcd ln.stcx p r in t w ith innlining. W hite , royal,sky, mnize. 8 - M ..............................

H. SW IM SU ITS FOR W T w o -p io ccJn s tex eu it w ith c prin t, m nillot o r h a lf flklrt. Red, maize, sky . 2.fi ..............................

Bovfl nnd Girl.s Dov


S u p e r v i s o r H i r e dGLKNNS r a i n y . May I8-Mr».

» |.g Eth C hattln wiis hired ns elemen- ' 1 3 lary rupcrvlior of Khiiurc county .jiP, schools n t a recenl tchool bonrd .,r td mceUni:. Mrs. Chnttln has taught j p „ . In Olenn-! h'crr)' .- rhool for a nutn- cla.is years nnd has been elemen-rni'II

ir E U iand

u r ( ; k s cr.sTOM KiO'’'' IJKHR FOR MEMOl

bj. TO .-W Oll) DIS.MT

— r)r)7 Hluc Laki-.S Norlh

m r f i

L i J . T h ei

m \ sufd B o y s ’


thetch / \fry / \im / \! .1 X 'illl- .

Is! /

/ r\ \ \ r t

.19 \ W

\ 1

k \

I / \ B V

ff I f I**' H ^


i f

f -

I f i ! t ; vIIT SWI.M TR U N K S:e.s Ju n io r one of th elln; >^wim ! C o tton tw ill g

....... 1 . 4 9

■CE SU IT id rayon jer.scv fro n t. /

.................1 . 4 9 /

: l-P lE C E S U IT /brn. In n e r p ane l lin- ' ^

...........3 . 9 8

SWIM S U ITinner p ane l and b ra „

................ 3 . 9 8 1

I W EE G IR L S cunninir nn im ntcd

.........1 . 9 8 ^

D ow nstnirs

r -

l&ry principal for th f p w l Jot:

Mr^nen- . ~unty SVMMEIt VIHITonrd HELLEVUn. Mj j 18-L ouLj Guiught tJitolB lefl Tllur^day for A rro whetutn- he will .^pend the sum m er on thfien- ranch of h b unclc. P nuik Ooodsia:


Plionc I6 :n -6 3


e r e A r e P l e n

m F o r E v e r y H

o f t h e F a m i

_ r s ? -

\ ^

m \ 1


. .R L S ' 3 9 ^ .

\ Pebble crepe finWied \ rubber in oil w hite o r /

\ white w-lth colon. /

^ 4 - !

\ S h in y or p rirw \ tr im half skiV \ becom injr cos \ ns well ns si

A . ______ ^color combin




n Uie .dman.


Come in and See fo r Yourself


J I PHONE 6 6 1

m t y o f

y M e m b e r

m i i y !

> s \

/ n ta d y fo r S u m ra tr!


B athing Suits

t.98 0 .90

prin ted rayon la5tc.T su its wUK ' sk irts ! F la tte rin g designs sn d r colors assu re smooth beau ty IS smooth f i t ! Solids nnd t^vo- iibinations. G2-o8.

Women’s — M cuanin*

T t s a g A e f

i f L '


B Wf M


PAGE F m :

Page 6: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

I' Ag Secretary I Isn’t Poj)ular,I' Nichols FindsH ny HARM.^N IV. V iniO L SH WASHINOTON. Mnv 15 r u d -n Clim Andi-r.'cii, rrrrruiryW of a^irUultitrp, to NrwW Mexico to mfiul a flock of tf iiirs—M on llif farm nnd In his jio!;tiraly b»niy»rd- lie's fixlii' to nu: trr ihe

n T tir iK-nrt nu n , Mr. T.,•“J tiornfd n n'-A' rrcrcl-iry >rl. M.i>be W It'* J;i:: a:. \ u l l T l’.r |»«i: f:irin ;rc- J reiary .lf Me !i-id oitr. «ou!d be wraf- a me » ;.f. of ;cr>- biiriiy ra;?.

T)ir lioii'e nsrlciiltiirr rnnimlltrr r!}' «#.i hrnrlnc w i:n r- ; 'i recrntly on

llnjie t)il|, v,hlrli aotiltl rr: ii[i n p;?. fcjwriitf Jiijri'.ry in tl'.r iiiTlniltiirr [•V! drpart.T.rni I:i ti.indle all jo:| anti

B i S rrrrta r) I'npopuUra All nr tlir \» iiiirv ’". v.r;r r r f '-

Aiul rvrry I.r! t.;ir ,if 'n u ^'.nr llir lilEli iiJflK- I'I 'riTi't.iry '•! ji^tic'iil-

i lurr tlir M rv fill Ji:*:-fnr. Hinij;h- ; lii.iulr.l roll. 111-. c.I th r U.I fr. ;ii Ml-.- ■ .'0:iri. r.'r-.% Irx.i-.. (ir--rcl.v

' N'lt i» i>:il .'t l lif lioiw llirrnure : amntii; ■nil Ami f ill/H o i - -o t Kiin- : i.u , Ihr Mi’luM I.f tiir hill nml chali-

; linsrrini: Hi'- m-.- in iil'. Kq-'l ,ni-l ; flftlni; l ltr lir tlldn'i r.,rr.; Too Murh ro iir r, l l i r If.xI-f'tf m;ui «.!•. H K. vHlirli-

er, hriitl c.f til.' Iiuni Iriiniii In Ml-,- joiirl. 11c Kl.: ri;-lit rto-^n •„ t.ii-- Itir,'.:.. V'oil;:. c.iit I.!', ^uiy l.,l ..f 'rm i, lir MiM. olijcfl In th r hill hr-

’ nifin—thr .'.rrrilnry i>! nKrinilnirr. O nr«.| th r inn^i Mtrlnllc i;rnt» on

lhe wiinr,-.’. .'.iJiHl V.M1 W nrrrn Hnw- Icv ot Nr'A- Yo:l;.

I' - rm .■cnred,- he i-ilil, noL lookiu!:' lOo .-.rarrd. "I don 't Ilkr lo frr III'- jl ifiTPt.uy of UKririiliure hnvr ih''|i po i'rr to h rd je-hnp thrmish nil nf ] ihn.if hiiresiu nnrt lnnd orj ll'.tJp mr ' en m y 6nrk <0 m rra .”

Real E s ta te T ransfersInformiUoa Furo lih td by

TirtD F&Ui Title at)d T ra il C o n p ia r


i S i l i s ...........iw ii ttili-T l>i> Ul C, R. CmiIJj, 11, ^

m m i r n i B

..- p


m M m ^

M i i m m

s s i s m s :

f e . * -

I S S S x : - i

S i l i i S i -

w''rMVMv '-^v V ''


y m

O F . P R o r e ^ r m -

O U R s

C O R R E C T ^

Fur S torage 'Don'lwith Molh*,


I PAGE s rx

Wliat Do You S

? '

'I \

1 ^

Columbia Basin ! ~ Agency to Hear |

Of Idaho’s Part! */B0I6K, M,IV 18 i7--l(l,ih .r4 con -! ‘’f

trlbiillon to Ihr dr\r:o|)niriil of t h r l I'*'

hiitihi.i hj.'.iu inter-.iicnirv r.';um1!- | tr r Tliur:<|.iy. j <li>

tVilir jU'ilr iinil Univrr itv ot Idn- ! K’ Iio offlclnl.^ ulll mlilrr's tlir ^rniip. [

ncrr .Murk K. Kulp; ,'lstr lo:<-ter , nnatnn lon IIc.kIj : U. II. •nir";>hUu-., !___dnin o ' th r iii'.'.vrr.Mtj'.s n.llt-cr nl iisrlciiltiirr. nntl W. Kihrrn',\.iUI,drnn of ilir r<-hiKil of tiiliii->.

T h r lii!rr-nKrn.'v ct.niiiltrre in rr t- Inu will i.rtc r.lr th r anm ul lion .If Ih r IdHlu) iuvlainti-.ioil jl'.'.u- ' " ‘T clntltin, .•clirdiilrd l-YKhy .tikI S ;il-Iiird .y . 11----- :

H arry K. P.ilk, Wllll-lnii, N. D., : imtltuiHl rpcl.iim>tu.ii prr;'(Irnl. \Mll addrr.vn t!n’ n-d.utmllon ttroiij).

COMI-I.KTKS VI.'ilT jKDI:N, .m .iv UU.Wallat',- Stapl,;.

li/i.' rrtiirn rtl hrr.' ;iltrr :;vmllHK llif f h

V . c a « o n i ^

s i

LOS ANGELE0 ; / / ) ' b y O V t’j / 'o w / /

se e s o v i u c h f o r

A sk ) o u r G rc y h o u m l A i;cnc !■ f o r \i)U . H e t a n m a k e y o u r r

OTH£R FARES*s a c r a m i :n t () . .q ;! .‘inSAN

FRANCISCO . M>,-. nO LLV W O O I) . l*..l(l 1 .0 N (; BKACH . 1.ur>SA N DIKfJO . - ' I7.no SA N T A

BARBA RA . .T h e re t n r:<> h u r r fjr<s!

iR £y ilO V .SD l£ .iD S I S COLRTLSY!


1 Suppose Brought

I ( 3 o r V c

A IM V rV A Troi A C o a F A S

\ ^ ! D I 6 C 0 5 S <0 V l i . -D J F F C R E N l

c JI Cagey 1^! NOa-lH ADAMS. M.m- 16 . T--I A ftrr Iirriiirn tluuiuhl tlin la.-l j-

. ' of Pielit Iw.llle.s -AW .•..itrlv oul jv,! nf « biirniiis blt^fk umislit. Uir> i,,-,1 liriird crlr.i ot 'tlirniAti, .'five a i|

I WllllAin R >pr.-t,>lt.r. !!rrj (liirlKil tnln tlir InirnUlK tiiillillnK A

j Folloi'lnx t! i' lound of th r u,,. I M'li-r. hr cwiiP to x caEnl i^ r ro t s , nnd c.irrinl lilni oul intrly, nnc

Itl t I.IVI S riiK A T M isr 'J '.SHO.'^HONr, M.iy 18 - .Mr:.. _

Cii'orKc Triiny;tMi. ir., fornirrly of I Klll'crl. h.r, iiimrd to aiioslione Ho I w lifrc .'.lie T\ill Kvrlvr iiir,llrs! Ireal- jin riii «t the W:ilkrr nur. liii: litime.

D IR T FO R S A I.i:Appro»lm»lrlr 500 Yanl< D.

Cniilsrl 'j R E Y N O l.D S & il'-:.

W A i.K K H . IN I '. r;.\* rh o tif :»RD.J T«\ln K.iM-1


LES ^'w i / i i d Ci:>i )o i i n

f o r s o U h k ! J,

cnc to plan joiir vacation !| j)iir rocfv .n iions for .Mght* «

se e in g and h o te lsin advancc. “

E*pO(no-Pold Tour

PACIFIC COASTT D a y s S ie . I . i ( S l )

loiliiuej itjnipotinion;honl»;Rfilooodi; .<in Ffjnci»co; l.o>,\nj;tle»; Holhnnod: Hoo»er Dim; othtr nihtietiaj.

t - \v. c .\R T rnVnlon Bui Drpol i : : Sffond .Sl. E.

. rhone :» 0



h t H i m A i o n n d ? 1

V O O R , A

'r o w ib R . WI ' o ^ _______ f;

s o u a t<

tEMCES - J c



-------- 1.0


^ I9 IL f W '


Church Youth to , Hold Rupert Meet ™

RU rERT, .Mnv 18—'Hin joune V" fvoplr', rnlly tnr Ihe UnllrU Pen- ■'" lrro.'t:il I'lnirrhr^ of uniiltiPm Idaho ” a lll t?-' hrUi hrrr lYldny, Gr<>uiv, ' ' ' nrr ffhr<iulrrt to ritenrt from «11 I ;irri» rlnirclir.-. J

A trllo'Av.liip |,T rhurch inlnb- trr^ will he hrld In conncciloti '.Mlh tlir- rally.

Services arn jchr^luled for Z p. m. nnd 0:30 p. ni. '»iUi lhe nnihi ; .r r \k f J ' nl B [>- ni. Lo«'.'>i nrrnnKnnrnU nre Jll clmrse ol tlir l?rv. Rubeil Sw rflton.

How t o Hold yoi

FALSE TEETH '£More F irm ly in l‘lncc fn'

Do jtijt til it 1 Ik »noo» •nd hi .’’a 'u lk " B»1iiu^.^ KAsn.i;Tii^.« jour oi.i.i. Thj. lrr

YOItnr. l.rr.ll.1, C.t KAflTECTII l~!., •( lU


17 in. .-tjiiftre, Oood nualltv. Oral W hite border,3 for H ^ C s u t H* In- .-tiuarp, U'lile hrms,ESttra InrKc. 3 for............ S 7 C '______ __ _____________ . colot


• Daiiit.v ro '» nnd blur floral WiiV'border.'. O ihxI qiiiliiy ^Ul^llll. rtnlt;Sire 42X3G InrlirJ. ^ f <« : 0’-,3P a i r ....................... ^ X « 5 i 6 hlBll

COMHIN.VTION O FFER l AI3 bl(C t<00'.M boxci clr»n.Mnic I f - E Mjp lind 10 recular *i:f bar.-,Pnlmollve. „ p „ ,Bolh for ....... ......^ X l . U U------------------------- — - - - - cnrr)


C.-vlalln plustlc hAndlei n r r a n d 'naierproof, fadeprocf. odorlf.',^ ------and iion-lnflamable. Complete j :«-plece t r t Include.^ 6 tnble kIll^e.^. 6 dinner fo;k», 6 tea- ^ ' .'poor.', 6 o\.il tnhlp.'lX'Ou. . l\nr) ' , 'J*

. ^ 3 - 9 8 -


Cic .lOxTJ incl. fl:f. Madr r fr tronc ahMter-lenl cmivna duck. U «eOlive drab color. Woven in end menliropes, concesled »preider a t ralfeche.id A f n , C.fnd .................Etch

PLACE YOUR OBDEnS—Our »lore e(: wllh expertencrd eUrk» a t tbe mall c p la rln r 70ur Qrdrn. H o x r t r If ;o u nli order departm ent (UlOl and have then

Slerehandlse miy be ihlpped COD

F A L K ’S SelliniT Apcnt for

tm it i ia i ia a iMTW IN FA LLS


Postal Parley G Spealvcrs Are Selected Here j

Speakers for the stat< pw l office ! convenUon here June 5 and fl were — annouiKtd Tuesday by Ed U brrl. Ernernl chul.-innn, follott'lng n meet- Ir.s ot all local planning commll- i t n In the Lrsloii Imll.

John J. Leahey. W aihlnston. D.C . superlnUndent of dlvl-.lo:i Ntj. <. otilce of the f ln t i s i l iu n i post- nmiier iientral, »HI deliver tJie main artdre;.n a t the banrjuet a l fl p. m. Saturdoy. Jane 5, In the lilon hall. Charles fiaucr. banquet chairman, af.nouncrd thal lhe mral uouJd be f.rrved by lhe 7.'omen of the naptl.'l church.

O tlien io fiprak O tlirr Bprakrr:. for the Uo-dny

gathPrtns Inclutlr Philip Lepprr.New York City, tiinnbcr of Ihe rxe- cuUve btiard of Uie Nailorjil Ar.«o- claUon ot Letters Carriers: Cyril niakeiley. Purihind. Ore.. alxth vice presldPlU of UlC NnUonnl A.voclii- llon of ro:.lottlce C lrrk.\ and I.T*- rrnce T. Woollry. Clevelnnrt, Okla..Ihlrd vice.prr-,Ident of the Nn- llonal A.'.'fK'i.atlon of Poslofflcr 8u- p rn ljo rr. J. H. t)odj. Pocalello, iws- lal lii'prclor. nlio will ntlctid.

Il Wii.i nnnouncrd tha t a p:irty »H1 br hrltl nt th r tlu.s Prrrl;rl homr no.'lh of tlic city on Friday nislil prrcrdlntc the ci^nvcnilnn. Tr:iiL‘.|»)rlnllon wUI br fiinil.'hrd from lhe ^OB^r.^on hotrl, uhlch ulll hr funvrnllon hp:idt|U.irtrr;.. I.ylc CiUriL'., rrK hlm tloii chalrrn;in, rr- piirlrd tha l nlrInl;(•^^ of hl.'i inin- iiiltl.T ulll hr a t th r tiulrl from ^'fl(hly ntternoon through f3;itiirday niominK.

Plans T rn ta llrrAlthnuxli Ih r ronipleli; pronrat:!

fnr Ihp cniivcnllnn will be lolil Inirr. IJbcrl .-aid prr.-,rnt plair, cnll tnr n Kenrriil as'rinbly Haturdny nionilnK u ith bii:llir:.% firvloiw for Ihe rlrik<. cnrrler.'. /lupervl'orx nnd the unmpn'.'. niullliiry in lhe nfirrnoon.

In nrfdJnori to th« bnftfjuet Jciiie J. o thrr ;o<-liil functions for drlrsalr.i ulll Inrludr n picnic nl T uln falls Simday. Archie Anderson b chnlr- m in of the picnic.

Olher chnlrmen reportJnic en fhp pros^e.'.^ of lhelr re.specUve com- nilttrrj, wrre ARnrr; .Stronk, finance;Clyrtp Rti.’.a, bnntjurl pntrrtaln- m rnt; Hrrh SmlUi. honored siifts , nndM r.'. Mnx Crolhrrj, auxlllar/


rink.-tons on Uielr trip.

"Il tru ly is a La.xative Food”

"Anyone troubled with ronstipjti.in as I wa-'.shouM Iry ratine Ki:i.t.(w;i;'s Atx-liliAN rpsularly. I t has dtmr in* ro mui-h Koodl” —.'/r.’. Ilemji ll'if- louYi i, /vVnnyuood, I ’a, Jf youf ilift lacka tho b u lk ,,,[you nrr'd for rrs- uUr rlimination,

drink p lenty of f e i ^

sa tis f ie d n f t r r

r.rnd empty carton to Krlloi;^ Cn„Itattlc Crrt k. .Mich., and nrlDoUIiI.i:Youn uosr.Y hack. Order Kiuxoi;ii’o i U/-u iu :j toiJay.


□mined lo rejemble IpnUipr.Doilon llnine. one IruUle ixx'kfi.Sleel frame. Slrnp nnd .-(nnp :loslnc, Slr« 18x0',x ll in. Brlt-

1 !" .......... $ 5 -9 5 •PICNIC BASKET

:.:irsr bn.'ket u llh ^er^u•p fnr 0, iViiven ot fliip quallly onk uood. tnliird brou-n, Sl:e .-ihtiui I I 'in -

...........$ 7 -8 9I.AR(;E SIZE PORTABLE

BARBECUE GRILLS;an be earlly wsem blrd or tnken ■ pan In m lnutrj. Fold:, flat for mall space momkc nnrt ensy nrr>lnK. RoIuUdk Bdjii.iluble pH iii.iy bc locked In jw.^tllon. ‘iUde of liravy RnuRc .'trel. care-

....$ 1 4 * 9 5

PIN K IN G SH EA R S |'Inks continuously, accurately.:ut4 non-ravel edge. Speclnl 1- ■'icti p lnklnj blade cuts Inlrl- ate patterns. Easier to operate h a n i i r a l t h i p l n k - 0 m g^ ie <hears ..... .......5 j> 0 « J y


t sections. Adjust to me»jure- ^lent*, s tand ean be easily J ilfed, lou'ered. Gljes Jr., A, ’

.<?'____$ 1 2 .6 9 ie flffrn 700 trained ssiIiU see, U ll order desk te a u ls l 70U lo I wish 70U m a r phone oor malt T lthem place jo u r order for yoo,: 0 0 th ti sUirr, It desired.

m o ^PH O N E 1610 g 2 !


Grange at Hailey u. Opposes Mergers

HAILEY. May 18-Halley O.-untc Jo voicd lo CO on rtcord aa opposlne

‘ the corjolldatlon of schools aa U sp Is r r t up under the preaenl law.

Mr.mbers m et for a Mother’* day IU



$17.95Th!i •Q«)f toUla7. n;tb*r Hf»d csow*r 1 □ cullin'; hd^hl ol 't " to ]-><" aai wldlh ol JC". ll iici a (oil g*ar tc and hli7h caibon st»«l bladtt ihot h. a keta »d3«. HostUa li lubuloi il<

^ s t a t i o n a r y o 7 TD E V O L V IN G

^ ^ N ' 'P A R K S I D E "

“ I ^ ^ P R I N K I E R

— ------ '$1 .25

« fl. la d|a.-T,„„, P |. . .

F or T o o ls A n d S p o r t ♦ E q u ip m en t


M OIL^ 25c

£NJOV THE c o m

§ g jg TOLD-A^

fgII nl*h»d hon

Foldi ro:=[n

. S T R E A M U N E D , S M O

UMllr boc'.ill«»-wiih l:t* el dduz* I* hora. itfec.-nlia*d ccm« wllh olodrtc

\< plolad h*odllght. Tlalilitd to fla«il •, •<iulpp«l with »bll. •Id.woll Goody*.

0 » A l l S le d B o d y i ' ] / 'R A D IO ^

1 / n — FLYER S i ^ ^ ^ W A G O N

^ ^ $10.95 ;I BuUt (ot hord plar- H a mqW■ pn.vin=i!= tU.t. 10

r deuW* due 'whuli oad 34L loag. 15 ''" ’' “'I* *'•*.r to d f . H«d baked •ooaelU finl'li- B j


H t e J s W o i c T a i i r I ■3 Times A Vcor fo r I S

O r d i n o r / D riw n? j ^

c o o d / v e a r



A k»oT7 duty botiarr wtii mere lhaa erdlacrr boHerr power eopcdif. Ii'i fc-jUl lo held power baiof,I=illoogef oad ret^ulre Ut> iirTlce,

T E R M S A S L O W A S $ 1 . 2


event «lUi M n. A. P. Lamb being Uie oldeJt mother there ar.d Mrs.

i ' ^ S , “ S = S S “-T n " i , . P . 0 - ;; ^ u t r t IL K. P u tiler. {’

J W tny. V rask Gelikey 'and Don ^ ‘ Spencer.

r READ T IM E S -t^ ^ ’8~WA.NT ADS. oi

1 4 I

p ^ n n n I jAi^e*

s s CLiniNG■ PU SH IN G ^

W E R /

r TR/GG£R -4 C T /0 N ^ w " C O L S O N " RIFLE ^ 'fc

WEEDER \ ”■ $1.49 I •;

Push It dawn, puU Iup oad iheie'i ite w»*d

s - i s l ;;• r»q| bo;k oad Use aovef. ,||

^ W id e V iiio n / PO LA RO ID


$1 .59

bolh ipon. ond taoiortag.Co.* U tocluded,

m O R T O F T H IS ^ ®

A W A Y L A W N C H A IR $ 3 .4 9

. chBir for ih* porch, lawn, canp t3 l i 111 eonfoiiohl* ondIt i*»U10Bt. Mad* ol ••l*tf*d. vai-

hoidwood and iiren^, biltjhiljr I casTQi. Stat ll doubl* Ihlckntsi. conpartly lot fioioq* oi canyb^ ^

'M O O T H R O L U N G ^ j ,


B I C Y C L E S$58 .95 -y

ize I*oiui*4 tuch Cl built In oUclric *P«9cirtc l3ll lltjhl. end n bltj, ehrsa* >lt«Haeil qualify PuPoil Duliu ead r>«»dx*af t1r»».

A M a n ! F ish m g Is R e a l Spor

^ fc—

M O N T A G U E "S U r

SPLIT BAMBOOA (hr** eeelloa, 9 loot, flfowaion* split 1 boo rod wuh eilTa lip. Hos a TIUslock »e<3t Tunqilea Heel snok* ond loUd han^«. Packed In a panilloaed doth bag


«a% <rf on tire treJ:Ie oenifi la the l o t IdS , / / / « * / / V ^ ol llte IUe, Don't Icke chcneee oa blowout*. , ' / / / / / akldi ond puactur**-«*U i f f f f f Ul the uau*«d cUeage la . u i ) ) j S n your eU llrti. ond rtd* ' / ) ) > wonyJr** ea ttroag.weailag siw Coodrean. jj > >) f t W



$ 1 5 . 2 5 , _

N E W G O O D / f

1 . 2 5 A W E E K O N O U R E /

ia S A u f c fh e re Y o u r D o lla rs A re M ade o f

r d A v en u e N o r th

TUESDAY, M AY 18, 1918

N u r s e E - x a m s S e tBOISE. Msy 18 W V-Btatt rejls.

tered nurslns exam lnitlons foi ntw- ly.graduated student n u rw i *111 ba hrld June 7 and 8 In Boise. Poca-

J.i Ullo ind Leulston.

■nie Mlwo'jrl river ba iln eorera S. one-jUUi cf the Uttlied States.


S E A - B E E ^ ^

OUTBOARD ^MOTOR J j$ 1 2 9 . 5 0 ^

What o Botst ihle U —check Ihet* l>stui*i ond ycu'H reodtlf »** « h r I tl lop» la ll* ptice dsii . . .

•Sp**4 lt«m Ilk t« 11 mph 1* «•*td.'>«r)r r*w boel.

r*c*n *<«rH«.• l .n pil*r

I e i.ll

S o u fh B e n d 'P c r fe d o K n o

/ ■ > f c ^ \ C A S T I N O

8"Ttre* p'eee lok*<lo*B a » iiiucilon wllh qucdf^ple cuUiplyiai geoT*. olu»laua ipoel and eoik cibei. IOO y i cepccltT-



$9.49 to $11.95

Hoi Ih* (amoui iraoolh oe* lion la ile r control, quod- rupl* Bultlplyln7 gooti, o*l- ile b e s t l n ^ i . o l u n l a u i a tpool, cork Qfbor emd boie- Ills sldtplotoi, IOO yd. c«3- pacUr.

Sporl W ilh This R odI

'S U N B E A M " I (

90 FLY ROD$16.00 I

II bag- (

\ E A S Y P A Y P L A N

r c c T ™ 1of Rubber” u

Phone 540 E

Page 7: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

Graduation of Filer Seniors To Be Tonight

n i 3 n . M iy J»-a:adu»lloii ex. crclrej for th t «ntor claw of FUfr high scliool *111 be held #t 6 p. m. Tu«dBy In the high school c>mn«- im-Ti. Dr. I la ro ' S. DU!on, prcildent of U nlle ld collrte. McMinnville. O r t . deliver the commence.Tient id d r ts i.

The procciilonil ttnd rcce^-.lonnl » i:i b« pUj-ed by lhe lilgli tchool band. T he Rev, J. D, Wllford *iU

. Blve lhe in w a tlo n ind the ber.cdlc- ^ Uon. The i«lulator>' sd d rrji will bc

given by Chsrlotle Williams »nd the T»ledlcU>o’ by B irileit# Cedar- holm.

To A«srd TropliiraR, W. Wikon, pre.Mdenl of the

Filer KiwanLi elub, *111 pretfjil the Ki«‘»nl» leadership irophle.s and Fred Wllllim.v chalmiin of the board of educaSloti. »lll award d i­plomas.

Mrmbcrs of llie srRdiiallnc cla;.s n rr Dr»li Allcln:uii, Kritli UlMlop, Barbara DlaMnck, Cirro' Hrown. Kay Rrovm, tJIr.v. UufKcv. .S.iru* Irtie Cednrholm, Jf^miicUr Chlldrr.''. nob CUy. Jiine Coinrr;p, Ja n rt Dl- xLvrr. Cnrroll FiU^iui.s, .S'oniift nrecn 'va lt, Keiiiirlli H;ir,;rr. P.ilty

.\rky liriuliT'Oii, M\ro!l Hotlkllis anrt Wandu UnlUcn.

More (iradu»lr» J.irquelinc Ja.llii, G l'iiii Kn'ier,

Don KlllK. Ilnb Kliik;i(Ip, l:.'iiiliin Ktr.lirr, Sum Uincniler. Hay L.in- d rrlh . J. It. Mnn.', Mail; M.irlln. Ualpll MaXRcll. Hllixl;i Ilrllr Mav-firlil, Jo .Mm .Mnllcrd a:nl lllldii .Mrjer.

R. J . Murr.iy, V- r i M.ir Pcr-iiihl, .V!..ri;ir lia jban i. I!<\ ti.n l, lii-n Stirlion, Dor:.' Smilli, Yalnir .Siirl- .'Oil. M.irjorirTlilcii;''. »'•;!<• W.illi't;.. Viclr; Wcr- n rr, C harlotir Willt.utv, Dalf Wil- Hams, John Winkle anti Hcliy WrlEhl.

^ Classes at Declo Hold Prayer Meet

DECLO, Mny 18-Bacealaureale tervifeA for ilir DecIn h lsh school *nd fisliih Krailr le re held iiunday in Ihc tD.S rhurrh, Biirdfll CiirtlB, Barle\, >i fonnrr Kr.iriiintc of Declo hleh .v-liogl, KHf.'t .•]>';ikfr,

T he pr<Te;.M<innl nnrt recr-.'lciial »f>re pU jed by .SIr«. Mnrle Broxn. ITie linrK-aiion was Rlvm hy Fac Q\ian.'troni anrt lhe benMlciJon n.vrliar.i Fr;r-. .‘Vrlpnire.s were read 1-y LTnii. YoM

M\L'U' ‘.'.'s by nonaidC3iri.'i4-i'-vn, Jay Ulchlns. Jrmies

Jriaii Sorlnn, DeVerl Rlrh- Ins, Cliarlrs D irrinslon. rUinald C hrl.'leivfii. nil! Slevrns, Oaylln T anner and Buster Sievcn.v

Plans Completed For Boys’ State

noiHK. Mny IB f/T-,-Plana Imve ! been rr;i(lifd Jor tJif flfih iinnual Irtahii Sl.\te, which ts rxi>cc!cd , to at:r;ifi about 300 youths here !

♦ June 0 to 13.N'nnnan .^dl:tn^on, bonrd chair­

m an. uvirt liL'i year's boy mnyor, ■ Wully Farnrs, Poratello, lin. bten ' Jmmed lo lhe o;>cratloiinl staff UiU , )e»r. He ■»1!1 a;-il.'l Ihc boy.-, in cnr- , rj-lnc oul duties of civic olflclnlj. ,

Boyi .stnlo Is spoiuored by the American Legion, Clvle croups nnd | IifBlon po'tv thrfntrlioui ihc .'tate | •R'lll .siMii.'.ir to aller.d the cun-

lio ttrn flrld near Dobe for the |_________________ ,

V i s i t N e w s P l a n tBURLl.y, .\l,iy in-Six mrnibrr.

of th r Bufley liUh .-jrhuol QulU nnd Scroll joclely vi.'lied lhe Tlmes- ?{««•» In T » ln Fi>lL\ Mondny. The sroup. aceonip»nlfd bj- lhelr »d- Mjcj. Stell Kfs*nn, Included Rob­e rt Qlhb.'s DrVauii Onmell, Donald Delr.Ocl. Jackie Jeffs. Dixi« Oarner nnd Eliva McBride,

SCHOOL r i ^ n c P IL E l, M*y 16— Vlclor ' school

pupils hrld a picnic In t.*i9 tchool yard Monday.

I L E G A L A D V E R frSK .M E N T S

rn-r^nr. »i;i I- «i rrltttf ^» •) St '-11)1* .111 .I ,-rlnuiruru ..r iS.- 1'rrk.i. ef

Tl-f r i,J In rontlln-ilt.n• hr 111* rrr-S.u r.-uri thd d»l|,,rT of

SOTUT 70 niDDERS..iu * ' r ’- T ' ' "► fu... ,iniii : r. m. M.J m i, /„*fJuihUXir.f IS. tl t \ . of

n ..r Rxtnu. ^

' Is IHIH4»»1 Inrom,T » foriM.

r.li'O rtrlw tncomt T n |iw. f m . T » Comnliiltn

lOi .tiMU A.oi.ra.M rioll

<T«nrl »nj rMrl ah,1 «|.«.-Uli 4li,>r.. mar S. M<UT.d

I''>m is» 'U1» rur\S>iint Aunt.

' H elpKId n e k If B ack Aches

Ds »eu ivStT tn a tWitai IT# KUliti. iictuiM, H rrm iaiu, dub.I.U. Srellta Actl», lUiiyBiIle p u u

tCiedir v ttk n iu . riinful er Xttle;a tad mnco»B. «g« 19 r.ea<mal« tad a e v w ta u jcas.y tea K i« .r twniiuj

trr Cn»«i.Taa r rt ii Q fiita i. t dajlsi'i fsrault.

h tl htip*4 Uieuitaci ef taftrtrt Ise cnr I » r>irL t;i';tiir ux n r r ent «( c w h•<tni la re t t laua»ci>it!r 19 btia tsu isL";*!' « « : 1. ILlai

Btlart iijtTuti n tc / piiai. tclitt, ts r tu u *' dKKI•aa «tT et-t. thut rtoaot;s» Uittr iJhb.

TUESDAT, JrAY 18, 1945

Twiu Falls Ra' * K L I X K Vh t (1S40 KILOCYCLES) lU&O KIL

‘AUC iK -'k , «.uPtAli>'UII3TUtSDAT T V t


dent •llo«;un Sjmpbor.T 7::- li'i.imiiv.s s," ;;z’ i;;;

nent io;m c. hj;: i.w Ho«..ut

ona! ' ’’'■cosesdaT i»li: -[‘"nc*. hool «i7t S .« t . „ j Utrkru 'nXDN»iU ?:uo bu :. it=.

JlJO N . . . »;CCI VillfT I1:00 • ll r . . l f . . t Cub w.) .Vuiktl

.1 t>e (..oo .D r.tk fu i Ib M ; : .,nc oand »iS« N»»» 1H> M .w r

tlie »ln. <:<l .K .l. Land }Vj’

•ri/'TvM i.ni.nMii?" 1

It.'. ;;'ii ii;‘ri*-’"s’’.n"' i iil !liT,';T-TrDl- •V- . I'op I .’O

nrift i’ "'*

r <0 n i i\'

Women Taking l'ld;i Tlian Men ill, , n?‘ ii.M. noYi.r.

I','"' NKW YORK. Mnv IR --V.-C.tlicrr kilh sllKlitly morr women Ihnn It dtv'. men.

Ilut t lir ,111- ;.iVint a (;ir

V/.' ■" ‘Ul (I'l-.vn■' c ,m rrr ( lratt’,\ rally decllr>ii nnd

trra ln irn t.A farce F-hare nf the Amrricnn

Cancer :r>rlrl', •. Ji:>,000,u00 budRet

ate nnd the di.'trlbii- yV v ^ Qool non nf fncliial m - M il . ^lay form ation on tJie B m J ? »tls, dL'ea^e |h n t klllfi

Ion 000 re^iurst.t have •ad b^rn rnrrlved a t n o i i r

the ^orlety'r, iia- ild llonal headqtiarierA herr f(v m tor- les mailon on canccr and it.' .•c\en •h- rianser alRnnls.aid "About 8 i p rr cenl co::ie fu n i ' lln women." ,’Jtld R iw ell O. Smiih. ".md

the quc.'tlon they nrk nv ojteii ' l» w herr th ry can tiblnlii an rx.ini- tnntlon." >

The requests are rrloyed lo mr-dl- ‘ cal chairm en In each .•lui'-. uho ■

'P dlrcct Ihem to the nrnir: t (MrcUnn ‘ center. T he (voclrty har. "00 1/ t!ir-.c center.^ and la nrtdlrK mo-r

A eommnn tource of (Ilm;i|wi.ii;. ,< m rnl to miiny .wkuiK t.. I 'u c k , w hether they hnvr cancrr the time retjulrrd for rxnmln:it.o;: T lir *

'f ' dl.'ca.'p, pnrtlctiliirly wlicn r. iiti.icks « Internal orsnn.s. In ofim ilill;!’:!'. ti> dlagno.'.e. Y et ll 1* th l. ;\j.- v.hxh * cnuaes mo.it denths. Nliiiiv i „ - i i i i t , of Akin cancer.s nre rci:.''ii:i(l lui curablc If Ircaicd early. *

Many of the lette ri a rr loi^dur.c « In the ir almple plcn.i for tiel;> or

^ th rlr ;.ubllme bravery. *"• ".My Ihroitt .-rrm:, like 1: Is fnll <if ♦

,M)mrlhlnK." wrote mir imcli;, :i!ccl man. •'M akr me unn l l/i hari: li nut ■ but I cn n 't h a rk It out. Ai;il ,it m ^ h t' ♦

/ J m b o f

buys a

B.EG0 CTil

' « 5 MAIN AVE. E.


Radio SchedulesK V M V K T F I - A M - F I M

KILOCYCLESl U:70 KILO-35.1 MEG ilnl.rtBWDUlo >:-'UC 'UuS-Idlk. Ht

TUESDAT TUtSDAT•nit ! ilm <::o «Hii. With Jwir

i.>i[x|.«r sf Air ’ »-0 iAmi> inJ AnJx lltllr 1L>«« 7:9^ klll.Ur UcC..

rollon L.wl^ Jr. I i l i Klllo!liirl'.II 10:00 iN o t EuBlOMrrt)»nc. WlUl Uul-Jtl IfliCS tDa>l4n Ior Lui.slr.,icn <.tr IO:U iS.wi r.-jmmir?WCDSESOAT n-EUNCSOAT

t.ni tik tl :;'ur<boaicl l i l i Mtjl< Vtll.; AoL ..n{< of tiU Ilritkftil r.4IUoBl.knlr luijch l:M irx..] tVtrlar

•!*» llii-'i""iV.n‘ " 'Sir II with Uutio >.\crt Drtkt


;’j*"jo CbHlinr.irn. Oul i : i ( l .‘.'(MO:i.cki>!--«id Ji.ih. iC.r..r»^ Mllli llom

li.iu ’S u ik .li l l i l;i:hl I :?0 «:li !'i<.nfl~n rOlllaar.'mrar Potj-r Ss-,- T:- ;i M>uirj’.^Ti.«rD

Nr*. ? ..i S 'i-Vl'il.Vn

J X .\: * :c:;j

I g M o r e i n t e r e s t

i n C a n c e r C o n t r o l11 ;criii ii> wiiiii t/i I'.Kflp me In m>

•ncrr ^lrf|>, I um n t.n no if you cnn Rlvt n It me ;" iii '’tl;liij: lo rlc:i!-up niv ltiro;it.‘

A no'lirr ild iily man. inUl by hir . (;ir il'x-t<ji- hr l:rioii(l cure, .■rntI th r ill ft cdiiKij-ir; u in-*,inj further rr- l'i-,vn MMH h Mllli Ih r .'.Implr «i^h "11 mnynnd h rlp n lucklrr irllow."

Dnlly letters rnme Klvlng augje*. tlcinr. nn llie i:r ;r r and cure Of the

"K''’ dl;ea.-.r 0:1 whlrli rclentl.M.’i have bern ttorklnc for ceiiturlc'

'IV o Rlrb. II nnd 12, wrote: "Wc belle-,r that the orRnnlrm breed* In co,al mlnr,\ nnd 1, ennled lo the pepplr by the miner* and on coal tluM,'-

An o:d wrm.in’;. rontrihutlnn; "I had nn unii.'i;iil dre.ini which mny ttirn fill! I'I hriii mnnklnd. I dream th n t Ihr feruni frnm the mllkwcrd sva;. n cu:<- f«ir rniicer."

Till- '.^Plrty emphn.^lrrs llml can-

h rrlird mui i.-n i (•i)nt.TKl''ur. or com- (or- iimiilf.ililr', WajiiliiR ncaln.'t fjiiark.i •\en vlctinii,’. cancer vlcllnm who

i;ni;i> at imv ;traw o;- hope, H polnK .,,„l out lhal llir dl.'.ra.'.r I;, merely the,i,„] tincniiiriillrd crowtli of cell.' or body

nil- " 'fh rre u mi i.alvr. nlnliii'-nl, radium ^Mitrr, mlneriil waler, llt|tilrt

i.fjl- m rdlfiii'-.. pill, Indinn charm or ilio n rrd lc Injection lha l hn.'. evrr cured :lnn n Provnl ni.^e of liitrrnnl cantrr. ir-,c "^jiirne.-y. X -rny nnd raitlum,


I I € A B I N E 1 a n d M IL]

X P L E N T Y O F D K Y Iir,K A (.'onic in a n d Ic t u

; t w . M o »Y ri2.*) Slioslumc Soulh I'Iki

•’i'l l '

r p -M A Y m


j ^ r 6.00-16 SIZE

a g en u in e M l

lodrieh nire 'i T l l n i e l l id M l t * B . . M .d . to g n

,1 r-ur-h*’ *• ® T Give* depei

\ y• T full<m ^ > Imprnv-cil h

bfui»e rMiK

~ ‘ D e m B u m s ’ R u

^ Y a e a t i o n S p o t

MEGl By IIK.SRY .Mel.KMOREb. j i . t CIUDAD -m U JlL L O . Dominica

nrpublle.—Till.' Is no lime to vis i j Cludnd Trujillo, even tliouch tt Jr weather is (>rrfeei, the birds are 1 ^ full fo:iai;e. and the flowers t l tl

he lsht of lhe lr --------- ----—plurnai;e.

r, plannlni; a i'ri|) to f l B f „ • A Ii.air.f t h i s dcllKliifu!

tiulependcnt little r e p u b l i c .-.‘lould un it a few- ' iH i f M w W ? mnre m o n t l i .v Vou t h e

U . Brooklyn Dodgers iraliied here thl.s

s iu ; prlng, nnd fttthe ninment th e uM rnonK town 13 JUM n slice of Brooklyn with b Carribea

•ik.t* fcttlnc.,, If iM.-.slblr. Ciudad Trujillo I

evrn niorr r.ibld alwui the Bum t Ihnn Rrooklyn is. j t wa.i loie t

Iir/t .•iKht, Insofar n.s this clly 1 i-oiiterncil. n .fo re you could :.n "J.ickle Roblii-vin." Ih r folks wh live h rre opened the ir riiKir* an lhelr hear;.', lo the Bum-s and r.oi

t f,Sn. thry i;iii; nf h ltle el:.r.Thrre u talk of chunsInK lli

Durocher ilr l\r. and of li'tiillnK dowi____ 11 frw of thl) Miitiica of •ITuJlll

inlileh :v c rra t TrnJIIIo hnd creclei In lionor of lilmr-rlfi and replnclni thrm '.Vllh Kranlir and bronze flc urr'. (If p r lr Hclr.rr crarhlni; Inli

I an ru ld «nll: of Pee Wf.’0 J [ R»e:e 1,'uint; lo his lefl for u ho

;lr.-Jer: and nf Brnnch RUkey t» r n my Ins n unth'TinK w ith lys oratory 01 I Rive the vrrandrt of Ihe Hotel JnrnRun ront." I wrnt r lra lsh l from the air y his i>ort to i;ic .lar.iKua, uml 1 hndn' ,'riii been in tlir ho ;d n m lnule before :

•r re- rrallM-d th r imp.ici ihe BimLs hm mny made on Uir pluce, l l i e rooni cirri

wa.s wc.irinj: splices and a nlldinj g j „ . pad. and ■'M.ir" McCllntock, the aji- f the slsMni ninnaicer I had met lasl ji.TVe summer, »a.s out by the aalt wnlri

.•.wimmln: i>chiI jliaKjjIni: flle.s hit lc him by a brlUiap,

d* In ^

coal nlone or In cnmblnntlon, when U.’.etl by rrrosnirrri m rn of m rdlclnr art

1; "I th r only efjrctivr methodx of treat- mny cnnrer n! p ie-riil."

■ f l U N O n ®"i; ASPHALTTILEwho > • • •

t WALL TILEbody • • • J

( t.et (,'b f ld p You Oeslrn ]{ Yiiuf Home. J

tl'ild ? "SpeclnlinnK In f loor C overlnei' 5

r" G .&G. FLOORS( U9 Addlion West Pliono Z004M )

lum, I _____________________

B T W O R K i L L W O E K i:Y LirM HER ON 1L \N !) *f c t u s f iK u re v o u r jo b

> N T O O T H XI 'h ra ic 37S-W _ K vi'S . I7l,'.-51

R E I m e " ’" " '

^D EFIA NC E0 give you th e g r e i t e i t n l u e ever Ito t fire I t ih i j lo w p r iw .

Jependible, u f e m ilenfte. A m l !)• tire fo r th e th r if t) ’ btiyer.

■ulWepth, huilcy, non-«kid tread.«1 hiKh-tensile co rd gives g rea ter 'eaiftaace.

P H O N E 423


l u i i i e d C a r i b b e a n

o t , M e L e m o r e S a y s

room I had had th e year brfi.'re. :nican ho, Mr. MeLemore," lie sak1 vlsll aJioving the rejt-strj' lownrd me wit. I Ihc * decepLiie motion. "Oh. no. w ire in •'•"f ^oIll^lhln^ niucli belter, I a: it Uic 80 "*; to s h e vou lh e ;.ame roor____ in whk-h Hugh Casey ilrp t, Yeik tir, )ou are going lo have the prlv F y llftc of .•leeplni: in tlie s^nie be<

/ \ using the s»nie shower, nnd loukln 'V' into Uie !ame m irro r tha l wer

« Hu£h C.vey'.s when he was heri Ar.d J iu i ucro;.i the linll from \ou L J room la ttic one Hint Druce L‘d S wardi cx cupied."

n iP clrrk'a lace waa pure ra^>:iir ^ 0 wtirn he lold m e thl:.. II he ha

been .mnoimcJiig Uiat I waj nc 1 ^ ^ only to ;lf rp In ih r brd '.ther

Washlnictoii had slept, bu t was ac ® tually Koiiig to share th e bi<l wit: Ibean our eountr)'. he coui

not have been prouder, lo Is e'^lru charge for nil Lils?nums ’ »s* e(;. Bring a th r lf ly m'uI wh

wojid m iller have ft SO room tha [., ij once h.id been th r honie of a utll

lly fielder front lhe "Kall> " Icagu tlun IMV *10 for on r th a t hnd one

, , (J alieltrred itie mlg^Uy m ajor relit pllcher,

"Ko; one exUn penny." Uie clerl [,jp Aiild. •■Courie;.y of the house,

.liny "'bfreupoii he e.xcii;.r<I h ln rr lf , ,'ny riotin •''■eady h itc to a rjcllMllllo l»fty ''h ere Ciudad Trujillo 's B. h

loiiable set was all .-.rt to li.Mcn 1/ icl'nc brondcnsi of n Brooklyn cnme.

JI-. I engaged n giilde lo allow me thi InlQ "'*■ lovely clly. She, fo.W ff ® woniitn. Ill her mlddli

iweiitle:., I.ok me f lr n to ih r bai park nnd, eye.v ash.v,, .'.luiwr,! nn

.J, wlirrr Durocher .'<nl w hllr dlrrctlni iKUft. 'i''!‘cre Staiiky. beton

he ait;, tr.ulrd. luriic<l liL-. nn':l( idn 't third, nnd where Vaushni.ire I hnd


I W l h

i Fl^ ^ t e r l

'M istak (5 1“" j F i iit l t h e n i i s t a k r In~ | y o t r i l iic l!ii> Im-ky '■♦J* Jll o l i r w iiu lo w , f im i' I ' 2 :1. t l i e lu c k y i)or;HmY f l ie i r c h o ic e o f . . .Y livarinjr lifi 'tin ic JewY . . . m- a n i ; in s 17 ji

o n ly o n e m i.s lu k c in y o u n m y .'itilm iit nm

X tin i i '- s t .n in i)e ( i. a iu i iJ F I R S T w ill b e jtl(l^:cl

ifi: - ~ Featuring ti

America's I'

'■ S S sf.r$ 4 9 .7 5

^ ^ ® ^ l b r e s M.l*orU

C>piw<.l», t.,s(».W T.,U |, & 4 7 .S 0


rubbed a h itter of a triple wjihI I great catch, and where Jor?ena«i

with n inlghly leap, spcnred 11 han■ high on lo S tan a double play.I t !S l-'roin there .she look mo lo Ui

J fatorlte f^h lng grounda of Uire. Dodgers nnd pointed out the rlpplt• said, where lhe brioved Bums had caugt:• w ith all m anner of memberi of Uie finn 0. we tribe.I n;ii In rhort. all my gtilde jhowed inroom reeked of Bru'iklyn,Yej. I jo l b.ick to the Jaraguu ateep

prlv- ed in batting averages, fielding pei• bed. centuges, etc. A rjiitan t Manage >uktng McCUntock na.'. Just llmpiiiB Ui,

were " It I could only I'lt." he salhere, mournfully, "If I could only hi

I >our right now I wnuld be with the Uuni: L‘d. tn.stead of having to live in Uil


'" 'J S t o c k I n c r e a s e d'.there BOISt;. May la i-Ti—An ament!IS ac- nieiit lo th r nri.icle;i of lncori>ornlloI'ttHli of Uie Twui j-'all:. Bank and Tru.’could company was lUed here wiUi Ui

lecreu ry o( jia ic . Tlie bank a^kctj,l5; - for an Increase hi capital ilock froi. ,vho »li0.000 lo j ’00.000. The Increase

tha t capUall:atli‘ii wo.s npproved by Iutjl. P. Haworlli, commlrjloner ol fl

caguc nance Hoberl Hliii.tock. Filer, Ioncc Pfeslclent of ihc bnnk.relief ^ -------------- - -------- ;------------------

™ " - W E M A K E P

[otil® C O IM E S O F

m e.^ F A S T S

M J C I L - 1-ctlllg

n' i'kic I'ifli'lily H.nnk HItlj;.t^hnii ............................................................I

N A : R E E W


'i in g ^ e w e in j

ke in WindowE N T E R T O D A Y

f in o u r w in d o w dif^plny o f H E L I ky w in n e r. T l ie rc l.t N’o tliiu K To 'im i th e nii.'^tuki', U ien n le p in s id e ■;Hin w ho ha.s c o r r e c t ly de .scrilicd t l . . a la d ie s ' " F a s h io n A w n rd ” H I

Jew e ls , in 1-J k a r n t jjold f ille d ca.s :7 je w e l s iio i 'k - itro o f .■<tain!u.s.‘( Htce

ill llio w in d ow , h n l i f yn u a r c no n m re th a n o n e e n t r y . D o n 't dcli

id in ra.«L‘ o f n t ie , t l ic p c rs t in s d^:c(l th e w in n er .


the Famous H E L I Finest Watch Valu

$ 4 9 .7 5

Htlhr*! I Uu'*17 J»»«l>

Celd-rattd Cm *>•*.» SMMd

lr«<tl«l$ 5 9 .7 3 -------


fJUl ft ' --------

Bothne Thanked,,y. DOISE. May IB i,V ,-aov . C. /,0 Uie Roblnn today received t, letlef Uie f fo n Berlin civic officials Uiank'Ipples *"S Idaho for lls pa ri In Ih■aught ChrlsUiitts tblp.finny Tlie letter, frn.-n M. Elilerl

head of lhe loclnl departm ent 0ed roe Oennaii city, u rd L. Scliror

der. ncilng mayor of Derllrjljp p . thanked Ihr gotrrnnr njid O. :g p^r* DoUine. Tttln rnl!:.. Idano'j, rrpinager rcientallve acc^impniiylng Ui

In, Rhlp to D.irope. for the atale'. said conirlbutlrn.y h it. I _ __________________________

l^U lIl A T ftS n KUSKItALFAIRFIELD. May 18 - Dr. a

Mrs. Marlon J, Ke.^u have left 1 J CaJlfo.-nlu where they will atle

the funeral of Dr. K erns' elster-1 ration law. Mr:.. Claude Keni.- Tru.ll

D U . GEO. I’.S C n O L E Il,

reased OrTO.METRISTby n. Visual Analysis—Contact Ler.ie

<1- r h e c i 2108 114 Malo ^tf . T nln t'aUa

i P H O T O S T A T I C



^ o t o S k o pTwin Fnlls

\^ATCh\j. C o . :

M Contest" .

E L B R O S W A T C IIE .S , n m i ' T o H u y ! . . . S im jily look■(ide a n d rc n i.s te r . (Jn M n y ',^1:d th e mi.H takc w ill re c e iv e M’ H E L B R O S w i th 17 r u b y I

ca.se. R e ta il v a lu e ?r>9.7u • ’Hteel H E L B R O S . T h r r e is \ A0 n o t .sure o f y o tir c h o ic e , ^d e la y — all e n trie .s w ill b c n X

in su b m i t t in g ' th e i r e n t r y '• ^

lY 29 ■ ^

L B R O Si l u e

J E W E L S im oollior Ihon [ce

o 9

$39 .7 5 ^

^ rt>oa n-etx'M \


"Fashion A w ardE M I L A L V I N H i

Director of American Fajh;

th e m a n w ho .‘ic lec t:^ ' “ T iic ’ W o m en o f tliu Y e a r ” lm.s a w a r G old M e d a l A w n rd f o r o i i t s tn n d m e n t— th o f ir iit t im e t i n s aw , n iu d e to a n y w a tc h c o m p a n y .

J e w e l r v ^'^Cc-------- ^ ------ ^ a ^ o m iiu T x a d U u m .

B A N K & - T R U 5 m O G . • • •

Q ualiti; F irs t , , . S erv.


Blaze Destroys House in Hailej

lu n k - BELLF-VUE. May J8 - T h e five.I the tiomc of Mrs. Clara Selvcri

was rased by fire al 7:30 p, m. S*t-Uilerl. '‘fflay-ent of Sctvers Imd itruclc » matcli :liror- “ clorel and tlilnking lliat th« lerlln. li'id citlngul-'.lied ll, went Inlo the O. J . living room, she heard a crackllni

, r rp . noae, und the hou;e was aflame Uir wiUilii inlmile.r. probably from a

dale's match rpark, filie could tave non« of her hou:elioM furniture or pet*

______ loii.al belonsliigs.

-^1 Electricalattend

DETWEILERSP r o m p t S e r v i c e o n

• Elcctrlc .Motors• R v rr iK cra lo rs• Elcctrlc RnnKCS• Appliances •

I'y • Stokers nnd' • Oil BurnersH PHONE so»


*..h mic>.l

i 2 4 ’ iI t i 1a> \rCjdti

I Ice . . . fiorder than s to o l. . „

rd W atches"H A R T i M A N

Fajhlon Academy

lie T e n Bc.ol Di'c.t.'^cd w a rd e d H E L B R O S tlia innd iiiK rie,‘;ip n nc h iev e -

a w a rd lia s e v e r been


r[QMPANV^ twinT alls

Service A lica i/s

Page 8: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

I Oleo, Butter I Tilt Confuses I News WriterHH ' «T IIAUMAN W. NK-HOLS 8BI ’’WASHINOTO!;, May ]R lUP —Ttic W h oIco-bim<T fw:.i Is in .\urli fliir Mair W or rill.-., yuii hnrtlly r.m trll one j Q from lltf o!licr-f:iciye i;, plr.i.-n ^ Een. Hiiirh Iliiilcf. ihc wlilip- W linlred Kintlrni;m Incn Ncbra-.ka,

diriiri tirlp «lili Uif iir.-aninble


ftl «rii.itf>r umlrr, tiuy'll br ilnih:- S1HK t.‘H' InilPT rroi’l ' forlr>lni; !o iin;t..rc (ilrniiKir^MTiii'-"

All "f thl.^ r.imr mi wlilc H'';' I ' ■ Mriiitrl Hl;r;.v C;v;<’lllia. !tirnutliii- of Ihf ln' i.'!- 1)111. ii'lllni; th r ronm iuin; -iJi.il Utn- .-ruff oleo Lv

Iiiil[;itlr.K (>>11. Iiulf'xll 'H ir Ciitl- crrr.-..Miun lli it »'• Ilr ami tlir olco 1...1: »i H. nnlxHly linl-tn!M niiylj'jilybilttiT bu.'.liiM. R

r , r cnlnrins, T chi SHe rtp":i;ril ilir n-'timoiiy hr hiul F

Blvfii brtiirr Uif li'--'!''- ni;rlriiUMrc t commllirr lirlcri’ his Wl] iiar'cd tlir llou;.r. -null llir l)UUcT IH-opli- prrily-up llirSr iinaluri Itir i-ilr. by ll COlorlliK It r.:inir a; Ilir (ilro Iiilk'. A,

Only llie <blOiii'"i aroiiliil t lir nr lax. Uy liiw.

Tlic hi-;ir;ii>:. Ijrli-rr ehilnnnn Orne Mllllkln, Color.ulo. was Kiltliu- i no placc iiwful fast, / !

2 Filer Brothers Held for Assault, j

Resisting ArrestFILER, May IR -T so hrollK-rs, jwr

held on srparnle charcf.i of asr-ault dinftnd IntfMi 10 Cn bo<llly luirm jreM-'-tlns n rro t. were bound over to {ro- dlsirici court Momlny Aft^r n prc-llm lnno’ hearlns betnre Jiutlcc of mnth r Peace Mrs. t . E. Lannlnff. p.-,)

Tlie lu tr . lilwin J, Anilrr,'.on. 34. fnrond NeUon L Aiider.'on, 23, v.-ere j,,i,»rxc.ne<l followins an IncWtiil In n ,hpFiler tourlit home b.M w e e t F iler q police tftUl Uic filler broUier wastaken hUn ciulody ntler he b eat pi„

• *nd thre-ilened to kJll liLi ftunt, M rs, f,i|ri Catherine Oray, »ho was re.-.ldlng l. -.. irm i the brolltcrs nnd the ir dinI tno thrr a t llie hane. thn

Police r.nld botli men were Intoxl- „or ' cftted Bt Uie lime. Tlie yoanfjcr j,

bri-ilHT l.i .vild 10 hivo tnken no jiarl lu Uie iv.MiiIl ou liU nunt. ,,ny However, wtien ofllcerv nrrlvrd, lie (,nti Is allcKMl to have rcjl!te<l arre.'ti j,, j

The older bmllicr wns bound oTcr to district courl under a $500 bond ^ nncl the younRcr undrr bond, nreiDoth men .lalil Uiey [,|-oiTexas. They were co:nmlt:ed to enii the Twin Falls county Jall la nw.-xll trial. Ooi

• ' ' pliii

Lawyer Quitting fS To Protest Acts

I Of Top Tribunal “o’WASHrKOTO:.', Mny in Ml —

' 'Wllllnm L. Jllllycr. flO-ycar-oM I WwihlnRton lawyer, quit the supremo ° •

courl bar Uxiny In prole.M acalnnt ' ■what he cnlled a Krnwliig lenilcticy for the rourl to write lu own Inw.

He told tv reixirtcr he bcllcvcil lin >ra» Uifi only prrioii ever lo re.-.lKn' the right to pr.ictlce before tlie hiKh , court. Veteran offlclnli of Uin

' eourl Mid Ihey cnuld find no recordof another such ca^e. ‘

Hlllyer said hln rerlRnaUnn wns " ‘I,' •ctually brousht on by ri-crnt decl- ’ alons of tho court In curc.i involvlnR lea l fita ie coveimnL'i nnil control over oll-rleh .•.ubmersed Inr.ils o ff ‘ " ‘f the coa-it/;. But he .uld he Imcl ' noticed for lo ye.irs incre.iMnK ''‘■•'■’I tendency of thr hUhrrt cmirt^ to JudsB their ca.'ps by Jiiillchil Irg b - Jatlon."

•------------------------- - Ac

.$648 Awarded in Cd.Tl

Suit for Litbor intoAn unanimous \rrdlct relum ed

Montioj- evenlr.i by n tlLstrlci ro u rl ^ jury of elnht men *iul four wmnft) [ " f nwarded SC48 to Hiuly WaKiinnn ,,In h b .Mill a!:alii>l Clirl;; Sclilnt. Wiiueman -.urd for K5:i nlli-Kr<lly due for labor and »:w lor ilie tUiic ‘ ‘ ' the- iinyment w,>, m dcfauli. ’L]!'"

Efhlnt lu d [ili'd ft cnunterclalin „ ' _ Jor $CM nllr;:.-<i;y dnr for room ‘‘ ,Y' nml board, ir.r of n truck, ami cattle

U’llncver werr Mr, and Mr.v , fWaKrmiiti. Clarriirr Kaiiffnun. Tom ,,'l'Klr.f, Sclilut, Clirl: Schltii. jr.. nnd _ , , Btn'e Scheer.

Altoriiry for WnsrTii^m war, J. H . 'Banie.v Kchlal o.i.-, rrprc-ciitnl liy ' 'E.irl K. Wnlkrr, ^

Tlie Jury <!dl'jrr..!r,l l;cuvccn 4:15 p, m. nnd 5:10 p. m.


Another Lady Is Free of Stomach Gas and HeadacheOne lady said rrcrntly th a t her

■tomach used to br llks a "gaa fRC[or>'r T hat Is. when fhe ate a meal It Jeenied to turn rlsh l Into 604. She waa always bloated, had awful Blomach s u paiw. dally hcadachei and constant Irrecular bowel action. Now. however, this lndy wiys she Is FHEE of STOM­ACH OAS nnd ahe says tho chance l i dua to tAkUiff rNNER-AIO, Her mcaU scree with her. No gaa or bloat nfler entlnc. Headaches nnd contUpnUon are gone. "OhI « b a t r e l l e ir alates thl4 lady. "Why don't other c ju and conjtlpatlon sufferera s e t INNER-AID-

IKNER-AiD contains 13 G reat ilc rb i; th ry cleanse bowels, d e a r sas from atomadi. act on alusgUb Urer and kidneys. Miserable peo­ple soon feel dlUerent all over. 6o don 't CO on *ufferlnjl Oet INNTR- AID. Bold by all d ru i itorcs.—Adv. [



P l a n O i

Offlclali of llir Ap;.rlif Mliilnr run Ihry claim itlll b rinr uliuul Ih r hieSMl A, J. :Mrek«, T « ln KalN. prr»l.!rMl, Irfl: sey, Jernme. m rm brr of lininl .if dirrrlo

* * ■ * ft

A c t u a l O p e r a t i o n

3 I i n e P r o j i e r t y iActual operations were srhrdu'.fd cen

U> sta rt Tuc.'dny mi inltiliiK hav crly of thn Apuche MlnliiK com- tiilt pany l:i the Hiiilcy nren. It wa. rc- Nev jwricd herr following ci itin-thiK of ho,' d lrec ton In Twin Kails Mondny. I ^

HavliiK recrlvrd official M n c llo n jllil from Uie Unlled Sti>tr.-i /ecurlty Ida comnilwlon for Uiclr o;)crailo:L'. exp enmpany <11rector,’ m et in Tviii the P.-tH.i Monday to m akr final p lain »nd fnr oppilhn; nt leant .ilx of Ih r :o Uon m inrs UTKliT coini'aiiy coiilr'il in n the Jialley nren. niin

Official luimninccinent of the j,ik oprnInK wa.i made by rr.ink K. pU,- PhiKhotf, Hnlley. chlrf onulnrcr <>I .sioj mines. He dpclnrrd nprralloii would niln b reln wllli a skeleton crcw but ad- ouvc (lilUiniil men would be ndded of I thrntiKh comlnK' cnoiith.i n.i produc- i,;oi tlon Jinllflei. pun

lnclm!r<l In llip projrct arr mines the (,ald to hnvr produced lend and ji « r.llvrr rfjual lu v.ihir to lhe toLil th li nnntial prodiictlnn nf all mincr;ib will in Idnho lodny. npproxininlely $53,* brsl 40C.700. th r

Tlie :o mlite.i Involved cover an Tl nren of l.-'lOO ncre.i nnd nil have two brcn productive uccordUiK lo kov- first en im cnt slnU.-,Uc4, Pliiffhoff stnt<\I. th b The nilnrn aro th r UuIIlon. Jny will Oould, .Mayflower. O phlr. Red B e - day, plwiit. t.lireka, Idnhonn. 'Whale, Day d S tate . Oarfleld, KUU of Ihc Hills. J , m Valley View-. Adn. Ellrii Stllt-i, Hoo- Lou sler. Allur.M, Point I/xikoiil, O. K. L.vr .Mine, IlnuKh nnd Hnuly nnd Moun- Jerv ta in Vk'w. j[oa

Opi-ratlnns In nu"! of the nllne^ »nd wen- Mi.'ix-ndcd in in92 a f it r tho k . "Cleveland panic" w hin the price and of sllvpr d ru iT ^ l to 24 ccnt-i jx'r (jmc ounce. Irad to 2 '- ccnt.i jK-r pound and .imrlilnK of iin r wa.v chnrKrd ^ a jwniilly, 'n i r imnlc broke Uie back I I I of Hallcy'-' l>o<iin. putliiK the liitcr- vi'nlng ycivrs, only O 'handful Of th» nilnc i luve opcrnteil ih rre in spas­modic faihlon. Only ih r nearby T rl- fii umph mine, which wa.i reopenrd !n e.ve 1P27. has rr:iiained in .'tmdv op- Krnr erntlon, will

Currciilly. ^llver U v.iluc^l n t OS clal cenl.-", lend at 17’j crnt.s p rr pound ie . . nnd r.lnc a t 13 ccnUi per pound. S! PluBhoff declared "onr interest artn In tliLi develniTTieni tv not merely -M re.-.trlcle<l to f liu n r i . i l 'rcwarcl.1. Dy devc producing .Mher. !r;ul, nnd jlnc we Krar will tu rn out minerals lli.it nre .-ore- not ly needed by lhe Kovemnieni." dele

AccordUiK to H. P. Jft.vne, sener- al manacer. the Apache Mlnliii: co.mpany wai •tarlixl In Jrrom e H rni.re thnn two year.i ugu and wai incorporated In Mivrch. 1D17. As a ti rn mlne.i dcvelnpnu-nt on;anlratlon. the co:n|wn>’ ;ippolnte<l enslncerlni: and m lnlns experts to survey var* lou.i mines In Idaho to dctertnlne r; Ihelr powlble productive cap.nelly,

•AVe f.creenrrt n totnl of UG ;ntnr.s," J.-iyne .-aid, -unil had i'lir ISlaff of enslncrrN prcpsre deUlled j 1 n-jxirt.i on 28 of them. U'e finally i ii:'rrowed down our liivestlcntlorj I Mid srlpclcxl two projnct.v ih r one I ll HaJIry nnd Ihe other n t S;a:ilev ■ ihi-re the .Mountain KUiki mine 1' i ocate<I. j

"W ith the openlnK of Uie develop- nen l around Hnlley." u e envl^!o:J f^vln FalLi a» the mlnlnK huh ofhe mnur.itiln nrra." Jayne remark- ^•<1. 'T-.i;n nvll.-, will • e n e as a ^


Local - A m b itio n Y o u n g MAge 28 t o 35

To r o p rc y c n t ti.t in TV'in Fnlli Solovox.«. Hammond E lcc tr

nnd o th e r mtiflical i


F i m 'R E FO R RlCi

n c f c r c n c c s Reciuircd

GLEN BROS.hE«UbUili(4 11

Salt Lake CUy

O p e n i n g o f A i - e a I

t runip.tiiy d l\euu Ihe epentnc of operetl icceil nilnlnr boom In kouthrm Idaho >lr , Irf l: Frank l{. I 'lu iholf, lUllej-. mine* m llrerlon . l.' laff plio to-rn in trln{ |

* * * *

o n s S t a r t e d o n ‘

y i n H a i l e y A r e a

1 cenicr point around whleh we will• havo the lU lley project, and the- (iilnint; rcKiQiu in western Idaho,- Nevada, Wvomlns and eastern Id a - _ r ho," he a.l.lr^l,

I EiiKineer Plu£ho!I polnied out th e ci 1 j Hailey [urjrcl abo would stren sihen

Idaho's ^!andlnK M a nilnlnK .'in te, !_./. explalnlnc thn t Idaho already leads „'iI the n-iilon In prodvnllon of silver jj t lind lead snd h fecond In produc-

I in the brnuinuif, oiHr.iiimi n ' th e • mines w|ll mainly deal wllli w-ork-

' ins materials m the d iw ip \ t.iilini;; plU-3 nnd ore In Ihr barklilt.s and P*■ .slopes. In the early da\.'. u[ the I niUu-s. oi'eruliirj WTre ni'i able Ul rc-■ cover nearly n.i much of Uie value 1 of Uie ore a.n li now ixi.v'lble wlUi ' niodem mctho>Li and equipment,

Phidioif suteil. ••sir.re lu - 'v s of■ the t.-vlllnni nnd dumps have proved

II will t)e hlKhly prolitnble to .ilUp th li concciitratr to die Muelicr, wc • will c irr t-o n ihLi vkork until wr can beKin full jcale oi>cratlniis within th r m ln r .i ,h r expl.ilneil.

The c^inipany is preparinc to move jvrtwo milLi Into the territory, th e prf in t ot which .nhould be in oi>erniion ,nIh b sumincr. PluBhoff declared. I t urwill have a cnpaclly cf 150 tons jxrr tuday. he reiwrlcd. [jp

D irectors ot the cstnpany are A.. J . Meeks, Twin FnlU, pri-.vident; .Mr.n. c i

Louise M. Llndiry. Jerome; E, E . coL.vnirner. Jc.-ome: Willard W ivtl. chJrrum e, and J cm l-.himert, S'.vect -f;Hu.-nr, Orr. In nddUMii to Pluxhoff go and Jayne, othrr .Mnlf oftlcJah arek . W. Snyder. ic.sLji.vit m.-inaRcr. n jnnd Ix-verctt Uuvh. conjullaiit c n - —Kineer. r-

Recreation Heads Meeting at Boise

BOISE. .May IT iT —Vnrlrly Is e.v'enilalMo a scsM lerre.itlon p ro ­Krnm, Hrlen D\u:icry, :prclalt.'t w ith the N»lio:',.i! iJe.-ie.illon a>.'0- Clallon. .laid l.vl.iy in th r oix-nlns ie^.^lotvl of a wcek-hvii clinic.

She strewed thr nrr.I of ye.nr- artiunrt acllviiy for all age Kroiiivs.

MI.m Uiunce,v ».il,-i 'ih e i>onillvc i drvelopmcnt o: n rrs'reation p ro ­Kram ^hc lUl br broiu-ht forlh. It l- ‘•” not n e h t to .Mre.'j rrc tratloii n.n n " de ierran t for Jmervile delinquency.'

TrS'NESSKE VISIT HF.VUURN. M.u- 18 - Mr. nnd

Mr>. Clauiie Miller Irlt Prlday for Greenville. T rim , for a Mx-week vL'lt with relatlvr.i, i


i INSULATION CO.' Aolhorlifd Applleatort

rabeo RooflDti

A L L T Y P K S o f R O O F I N G

ROCK tVOOL IN S l'U T lO N riiOS'E 141!

TJ4 Shoihoo. SL ff.

I T E D !

io u s - M arried / I M a n ! ') 3 5 Y e a rs

F n l l s n n d v ic in ity sc llinR Ic c tr ic O rp a n s . r in n o 5 , c a l in s tn im c n ts


R I G H T M .\N !

i r c d — W rilc to


O cilta

a M i n e s

era tlona on lhelr Hallry project whlrh0 iln re III90. In lhe pholo alnite aree> m a n s te r, and Mrii. Loulne M, Mini- j|

Sj)ccial State «1 Social Work j;2 Confab Ends v

BOISK, .M.iy III lU P '-T h r Idaho 1 C<inferei>co nt .Sx inl Work wa.i con- 1 eluded hrre lod.iy with pam-l dl-i-

® ciL'.niom nnd a liu-.lncr..-- niri-tiiik;.'I O . FilKar Vauclmn, Seattle, lirlt- *■ l.'Jl con-111, w.1,1 :<:hr;liilrd to iiddrr- i

nn afiernoon r.r.sMnii on •'.Ni-a f H enllh S m lrt- hi Britain,"

' Olijecllir |*o-j.l!iIe Jj.f nlshl. Jan r m . Horv. W,i-h- i<-. Innioii, D. C., Olrrrior of th r ;c>.j;il . securlry admlnlitratloir.i burrau of d: I public .v.-blailcr, '.alll nil Anierlran:- C c ,'llCiiild have a rhaner Io earn .m . eiiouKh for a miiiimuin Mamlard r.; P o f Ilvinc. A, ^tl:-i Hoey :ald lhe «(>\rr:uiicnt I)

c.m .■.iipiK)rt Ihl;. ohjicilvt' hv help, f iliK 111 the di vilo[.;ii.'nt r.f natural w J re.•.<>ulTc . liulu'trv ;iml unrlailtiirc, •<

niul^ hy prnviiliiu; :i:indanl.-. .-iml il

1 I.M i NeedsShe .«ald thal l( Ih r ..0. 1,,1 In -ir.

e nncp pro;;ra:n'. werr .■rp:indrd to p ro tcc t all wnrkrrs a -a in -l all the > m n jo r har.-irds of lilc-. ill-ibiltiy. t unemployment, old a.;i- and clea'.h, * r th e need Inr iniblic u;.-!-.t.iiin- woultl

be reduced. “Philo T, P,irn:.uort!i, .S.ill lake p

• C ity, ehniitiian of ilip Ulivii '.uif,irc- cominl?Mn;i, told the coiilcri i;i-c- a• ch ild 's nio.-.; Imixiri.iui iicid'. arc t "KOKd breiMlni:. koihI feeding and f good le.ulinf:."


M o n e y t o L o a n I• Farm Loana ' ' j

» • City lU'Ulcnt Loan.1• Clly llu'lneM [ihlK t.onns i

1 • No Appral al i-ce |- ■ • No Ccmiml'.Mnns 1t • Low Inlercit Ratca J :


|l5f» Main KaM Phone : i : i !

F i r s t i n s ly f i r s t b y fa

ei->nrvnr c la m o r cnr* thi stim lrcn , the*e lo v - tu in

de b ak e r pacc -r> elien l A lli th e m e»rr>«ilicr* th e y ro.

T liey’vo in trm liiced Aw know n new look In car*. J j u s t a» far-ad«ancc< l in ridii



Adjutant Says Legion Roster

In State Lags.SUN VALLL-1'. M ay'l8-A nie.'lcan

U rlon meinlienlilp al the prc-.ent lime In Idahu l. 12,000 compared

; wllh I'-.OOO h u t yrnr. Sam Vnnce. Jr.. IVil.'c. drparLment adjutant, told Iyi;l<itin,llre.i nttendlnn the fourlh d l-;r ir i convniiiun nt Sun Valley Hunil,iy.

Ar-itlii-r rejKirt by Col. U o n Klrld.Who iPiiicMait.'. the veteran.i

nditi;iil.-tratl(-ii, .•howi-d lh a t a toUil I' of $1’4.000.000 has bren z |wnt In

Idaho ilurlnK thr pn/.t year for the I ri linl: ’;t.itioii of vrtrrnn*., nnd H enry 1

Jonliin. Bol-e. dr[«irtinrnt employ- mriil rlKilrm.in, :.ild there wa.i a

I ^ll^rMf:r• ot Jobs a t p reon t..tuxlllary Officer.

Nr-A- dl.Mrlct fillicer* for the auxill- I ary are Mrs. Gertrude Majors, K et- I rlnim. pre-Ulrnt; M r. MnrRaret I !iJn-. Glenn-. Krrry. vlre p reildent, | and Mrr.. Majors appointed Mrs. Ida K:ivil!)erK, Krtclumi. secretary. Mrs.

. Jnmrs JJarr. Hnllry. preMded n t Ihe nfternoon fr?.'1on.

At th r auxlllao' meetliiK- Uie HiiSIrv irnni Wat Kclrhlim In a ' (ontr:.t oil Ih r rllunl of Initiation. ' T hr H 'llry Iram Will go to Cocur d'Alnii- lo rn lc r lhe state contest.

rren ldrt a l lUBnuel ]GetirKe Vrn/vble, Ketchum, who *

W.1S elrcUd fourlli db trlc t com- ninndi-r. prc;.k!e<l nt a banquet Sun ­day rvnilnu In the lodKe dlnlnK loom. Mere lhan 300 KUe.ils r.iv.v I-Yaiifi:. Boyle, commander of th r KrU-huni po-.t, pre.sent n Rood fel- lo.v.-.liip pl.-iqui- to W.P. noser.i, m an- . r r r „t :nn V„llry.

Vrriiihir nppninted Pnul Jone.s, ' ll.iih-v. 111 dh trlcl adjutant. All- nounrrm rnt was m adr th n l th r nex t ^ mc itlntr will he held Uils rum m er n l ^ l-'alrflrld uhe rr an $18,000 public auditorium h. Ivlnu complelcxl. H.ilph Dumi, Jernme, past district commander, prrsided over the biLi- ^ Im-.n ir-.ioiw m the afiernoon. I l ^ wns annouiireil th a t Uie newest pnsi in Idaho wns oruanlied Saturday n l ^5 'V-'"";_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,,,

“ Idaho Man Wins ’ Superior Award " ; For Agriculture £

nn l.sn , M,iy n i-r—CecIl E. K ent. C.ild.v.-ll, har. hien awarded n de- tl parim eni uf acrlculture m erit s e n - C

• ice suprrinr aw.ird.I Till- Iinnntiiu-rnirtlt i .l-, nmdr lo- f d;iy hy Karl J . Manlrby, Salt L ike of

Cli>, f.irmi-rs home adinlnbtrntlon I;- J .-.ujirrvi-tx lor Ui.ih and Idnht>. lie = 1 r.ald Kem w.i.s one of about or 00

Ami'ilcan:. to rrcelvc Uu- nward and I the onlv OIU- from the we.M.• Krnl vv:l. Klven Ihi- award for hi-.I wnri; on dcvlsliik- mcthodn to n.vi-.t , •cttlcr- on nrw reclamation projrcl.-.I lie Is f.irm .•■upcnlj.or for the VHA : in C.m-,on and 0-A->-hce couiitir;.

Kr;il IS a n.illvr of U v a Hnl Ppili;; - and was Kraduntrd Itoiii the i:iiivi-r.'iiy of Idaho.

’ KI.SHINt; TRH*CA.S-m-UXlUD. May 18 - n . C.

• BiiilJev hns relurnc-d here aficr ; .six-iullm,- the Inst two weeks on n ' fl-.hlnc trip a t L.ike Pend Oreille.


So compact you can take It nny lil;i- pcrform anrr th a t will ilirlll iiffurd to pay.Conic In tcday nr cnll u.i for a I own home.HnvliiK a pnrlv? We'll top It o

. COM or obllKntlonI

I The SPORTER PIP h o n e 2592

i y i c . . . f i r s t i n v Fnr w i t l i a p o s t w i

th a t rv rr^ o n o ItanillinR ro se a n dw ting new .SUi- a» th e y a ro in im a r lA l l r y M o r e o n C om e Id s n d ta k efio. these fab n lo n a ly finA w ericu 's beat d r ra m ear* . Sec for■». And th e y ’r e a head th e y a rc — inr iding c o iiiro rt , aa well aa io d is t in c t



Receives Degree ]

5ri ■ t


r.;" i>

HEV, At’GVKTA JACKI.EV "| . . . former pailor of the Hailey ^

Community ehurch, who haa re­ceived her master's decree In th r |j deparlm rnl ol rcKiloiis education jn

" a t the nerkeley, Calif.. I)i>1nlly iiehonl. (S tiff rn jm v lnn

¥ ¥ » ¥ ;<

Degree Given toFormer Pastor of «

' Church in Hailey "[[ 1IAIM:y. May 18-Tlie nev. Au-

KiL-til J.ickley, who served as pn.ilor j,, of Ihe Hallcy comnmnlty church

, for 13 years, has received h rr m as- jj, [ ’ tcr'.-i ilrKree In Uio deparlmrnl of ... •t rcllRlous education a t the Berkeley,[, Calif., IDivlnlly school, according lo ^ I word received here. r, T h r Hev, .Mb.-i Jackley's the;,Is.;i " n ie U;.r of ProJrcL-i In the Educn- . , Uonal Prosram of the Rural j, Churrh." wns npproved by the fac-

lllly snd ndded to Ihe library of the school.

DurlnK the flrsl pnrt ot May nhe [irruchid a sermon nt Uio P in t C h ln i-r Bnptlit church In San Francisco. Her rtxnnmale, Miirvls I,.-i-, IIoiiKkoiiK’. Chinn, sened ns li-r iii’.erprrtcr.

■nir I{rv. MI.-..V Jatkley will be a J general ml.vlnniio' for the W ash-

hiKton Terraco Community ehurch. Wn.shlnKlon Tcrrnce, Utjih, and for

. the C<immunlly Baptist church.

. CIcarfi'-Id. Ulah,

Before World war II « i>rr cenl r of nil U. .S. cxjiorLi went to the Brlt- ;i l;.li rinpirr,




?1 Paid Adverllsement

VT LASTHO.ME .MOVIE OUTFITnnyvvhere with ea.-r. l l ic a tr r .

llirlll you. At n price you can

r a free ilriiion.Tlr.iIlon In your

ll off wllli a cry.il ho■,v. No


v i s i o n . . . i v a r c a r !

in d v id e -rn n g e vision n a r t d esign , ta k e a d o a e - iip took a t f fin e new S tudehaker 1 f o r y o u rse lf Low for - i n q u a l i ty a n d value tin c tiv e a ty lo l

CO. INC.T W IN r .M .I .S

I .

Expert’s View I Spurned hy 2 I Movie MogulsI lIOLLYTiVOOD. Muy 18 tUP) -I Movie lovers ro far aa the ceu-■ torn u-lll le t 'em. two directors wld I today, n ie y added th a t Uie mar- I rtftje coun.selor who thinks tcreen I unoochlng L-. "puppy love" can co I soak hla head in Uie Kln.scy rtpcrt- I Druco Humberstone and John I Derry said Ihey have betn penon- I ally In.iulled by Dr. Jame.s Barbee, I u inarrlase expert from A tlanta. Oi.. I who ijiya nobody In Hollywood I knows how to mnke love.I T lielr feeble altemptn, Uie doctor I r j id recently, arc loutlnc up cvcr^- I body't home life.I Should Duy TextI " If Dr. B a ttee l**looklnc for a I clinical Inventory ef Uio detnll.v and I mechanics of sex behnvor." Hum- I ber.-'tone .^nort.i, "he'll have to buy

n medical le.-vlbook. We couldn't put th a t on Uic rcreen If we wanted

’ to."Hiunber--tone and Derr^- allow as

’ hiju- they have supervlr^d as many ' lov-e rcene.i a.s the nex t director. And ' In have a Kent comc alons ancl call

'em "purlin and rrtaided" dcci ••omeUilns to the ir nrtl.Mic j<iul5.

Say* “Phooej"••Dr. Barbee'^ advice on Uio bio­

logical and love-maklns proce.M would apply lo a mlcro.scoplc stuily of marine oniorb.-\V Huniberstone

V ^ald- -They niulllply bv unlcelluUr ‘ lelf-dlvlsloii.-'■ r n i a l meani. Uiey don’t even hold

hands.)A.1 fnr Dr, Barbrc'.i .lURKeMlun

■ thnl Hollywood tieeds Irchnlrul nd- vl.'en. on love: "Pliooey!" says Huni-

^ bcrstone,


mIt In 5

i H o y , w o u l d a ]

^ / s a n d w i c h e v e r %

r )1

E s p e c i a l l y G o o d

B U TK R l“EnriiB R E

f \ ' -M

O nr (h ln r M a(le Valley heuew i KltU ST . . . Ihey can use 11 for a w llh confidence. W hether U‘i a u i p a rt of a earerully planned iHnne tneisurf* op to Ua repuU tlon for bread. T h a t mean* a lot more lo lh e perhap* r ta l llr i .

Buy B u m Prom YOUI

Demo Chairman 2 Blaming Robins I For Bad Roads

IDAHO PALL3, May » (UiJ-A.W. Brunt. Idaho Palls, chalmian of

' “ the Donncvllle couniy Demoeratle central canunlltee. charsed loday that Idaho's roads are bad bctaute or "lack of exccullvc ability" in th t Sovemor's office.

j J t D runt said he wa-s appalled *h tn h t read a ncwi ttory Uiat Oov. C. A.

" Robln.i admitted hl.i Inability lo do thf Job of keepinc Idaho ro«ds In cood condition nnd a.-klng for a bureau to handle Idaho'* road prob- Inn,

He raid th a t If the sovernor "had u:rd pro|>cr fore.ilght and plannlnjt. Idnho'.i mad.-, would not be In the cciKliUon Ihey nre tndny,"

Tlie go iernur won quoted Batur- ir a dny a-i a-sklnK creation of a non- and pollUcal liljhw ay departmer.l. It jm- would be Bnj)or.-lbIe lo pet and hold buy conipetenl personnel under a po- piii llllcal ;.cttip, the covrmor was re- Itcd ported lo have lold a meeting of

Canyon county Hepubllcani a t r as Caldwell.

i l FORDM o v i n g & D e l i v e r y

S e r v i c eI.ocal a o d Lonr DliUnc*

one MoTlnc and naallBr

::: p h o n e h ?Tw in Falli

‘"i: FORD

a p e a n u t b u t t e r |

v e r t a s t e g o o d . . . 1

o- a l W O

% '

lo d I f M a d e W i t h

PTERU S Tiched” ' E A D

#DsewiTTi know aboot BUTTTR« fer a ll pnrpoart on a ll occaiUaa. a landwleh for Johnny or a Tltal ainner. U UTTEtUKnUST a t n j i I for belnr a far tupe rler Isaf of t lo the a re ra fe heuiewtf* thas



Page 9: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

Miss Sager S; In Apple B

BUr.LKY. Muy diUKliier of Mr. ai;d M:j . Haro' HuEtr. bfc;unt (lie tricc o: Ar*r.5Ufi;4. ^o: cf Mr. ui;u Mn. p:;l!llp Aran-<iir:;a, I.ilro, .v.-y,, h i!0'jljic-n:;c i n nnk 'lu;;: ( i . t inc,;iy n'. fl p.m. Krl.lav »i iiic C;irl;-

c!r.ircli, -nu- I 'f . . .\I. 'IJjU.iur rr:i'; th r .T.nni.NP l:i ' Ilir prr..rr.ct of UO fr>;;(S ir la tiv f '

•Hie v o n acre c.-idinrstLl be.’c.'o% tx'S'rr Cl' n:>pl(- b i o ; t l ; i : ; ; , r v 1

k on clllVH -'W'- p.i:l: i.aiill<.. i;i mil' rjllflrlnb.-a. Jny H.irru* pl.i'rrl

srwir.tl jiiijf.lc 'Ahilr t!ir kuc:!.'. ic- ; irn'.;)lrcl, nnd Jccunip.ui:? tJ liial 0^'rn^. ul'.u Mir.j -An Dlo--»5!n WriJilli'.!;" m;<l •■Ilm ii-r" Mr. fnirr\j« nl'o pl;i)ril lii» »r<lrti:;i: Imirrlica. ?.!.irsarr; Wy.ii:. l:i n blue FIur;ii.il, lirh;-.' Die c-.iiaics p;r;,cd- [ir.s tliB ccrfiiifiiiv. f

I'or I'.rr '>r;!dlns, Ih r brlilf. »Ho f«-n given in mar;;aEp liy h*r I

utiJi lUhL bortk* and I'Jr.n flet'vri Lpnlntrd #l the wrL.a. l l r r flnscrit^ tveil hrlrt In place by an »r- ;r»r.Krmrnt nf ttyl rDsr-’. snd rlio jcirrlcri a jliou fr bouT.ict of red f

nevrrly Andrt^on, niiilfl of Inr.fir. ^ *ore a yrllo'.v Inrmal v.;ili a p!i;K ,■ carnatinii cnrsanr, nr.rt ll;r liKrlrs- inalds xrcre Viola Judd ni:il .Maillyn '' Jollry, wlio vore d trp rose aiiJ f' orchid fomialii Mllh wiilie iMni»* >v tlon cor.iaac.’. Alaiia HrilU. Rcarliij a ccri.'r drrrs '.vi;li ir,;i!rh;ii|T n!;i4, r m flower girl.

■Jlie brltlriirofjn nlircdrU by hl« broihrr, i'hlll;:) Ar.uitfiirnu, and Joe nurty and T rd H.ial!'^r.. brnlli- er»-ln-lttw of llio brldr, u rre t)niur«. ‘j Mrrle 8*Krr nnd RnyiK'Ki «.ivrr. r lirolhrrs fif the brldr, nr.-.t::rd "Mt.T fl Ih# irrarKrmrr,!-'. T iir brlrtr’.v iinth- », r r ^ o rr a Dlur dr.-,--, -.MtJi n P d r-v-8 fj foriiisr. nild tlie l>r]<:c,:n'nnr.s jf

W tn d rfur ef'r»iii;r.Imnirdlalrly [nllnwiiif! th r rrrc-

ninnv, & rrrrpttnn -AIL, hrld tn t!ir . church p.irlnr*. u ith Mr .. Tr.i ll.iq- nii-n and ^Jr^ ii--- iiiuty. of

■vs;Mli;^-.'uorl.-. N :.-1ioIk'rrf;drrt'«! ~ th# piinrh boxl. and IViri>!li‘. n tul (o h*d rliarffr of th r Riir.'t------------------a-.v

TTle ru t iJir Shtrr-llrr u'li plnlc ir.d -whltr urddlliK ^h!r!i get

topprd tti 'h a nuptial mollf. ; Tlio jfrvlnff lahlr wu, c rn trrrd witli jjig ihfl wrddlns cakr, Brrnrurd on a ri.i mirror and Incr ublrclntli. Cnndip* i,r and plnlc fln«.rr« co.-npleird the ii,' lahlr arranprmrr.tJ.-------------------------hrr

Tlio cmiplr I- II nn n '^rddlrl: trip „ci ------------------------------------------------- Elk

Marian Martin Pattern y


* V '

COOL SL'>niKR .MRS <ltirtPerfect rrfrr.shrrs fnr nunCTcr Mr’,

alclrtji and aiillul S fv a liloii.-e nowl nrrvt P a ltrm 0<10, bow reckllne. 51«i Hoe

13 Io 30. Sire 16. 1 ', yiirdi .15-liich; 'Hi T» ynrd contrsst. Pnttern 2Jf. nf

I’a tiem 02<5, slriiderlrliij; KAllopi, be h PlrAs 3« <n. 1-1.V 3G, y.inls 30.Inch. r .i i tr rn :jc .

T115.« patterni elve p c rf 'r t !ii. nrrto usr. Complrtr, llhi-.irjiicJ r,^

J.cT chart slinwt yo:: rvcry .Mc p. w iiit fend tTsenty-flve crnl.'. in rolnn i):no<

for each p ittc rn —50c for b o ili - to in;,- , T lm rs-N ew j pa ttrrn dep.irtmcnt, Uir I T»'ln FnlL'. Ida. P rin t plainly nnmr, TriiV' nddrr,^. tone. jl:e nnd iitylr niitnbrr, d <i;i

One hundrfd nnd thlrty-cleht il- rr,-.on liL’.tratlor.j In the new Mnrlnn Mur- Liiiic tin pattern book for fiimmerl by I.nn fxcltlns w ever, this cntnlcs nf wpll, news-niaklng /nshloiu Li yours for At fifteen centa more. Printed rlfh l in nnd the book, ti free p a ttfn i rr.d illrcc- :.rhoo tlons for n bcnch-iitlllty bagi of m


TUESDAY. MAY 18, 1018

Says VowsBlossom Rites

* * * ¥

I ' ' 1

I r j i t i s:,.

: «;; i ■ H«

I: ' l !' ' ‘Ji ^f t - ■'.V, . Itie

MRS. AR.\NGt:f:NA ll'\(JShrrrfld pholn.ulaff rnffravlnj) .iiir


to Sun Vallry. Tlie brlde'x solng- a-.vjv Qut-it ua^ a pink plild »ult u u h n'.ni/-;:ins top co it and ^'hlie

Arjiiisufna graduatrd from tlko hlRli M;hool In IQM. nnd ts nnploycd R i M county (ire UBrrirn ut Elkn. D ie br^dn -.Mil coinpirle her junior year In hlch .\oliool ihLi sprlnr. and lias hrr:i ncthp In church nnd .'iviool n .ictlvlllci. -nir cnuple t .111 Iut a t tlir E!kn. du l

¥ ¥ ¥ "i:n

Postal Employes' m".' Women Auxiliary Has ReorganizedI/x-al n a of the aiixlllnrv t-i lhe -io:n.

N:itlnn.il Ffderatloii of Pocnffi^* imniCIrrl-.% ua« rrorcan lrtd e t a :n rr;. ,.iml ix a t th r homo of Mr» V.’. W, mFriu its I.vit werk. a t U

M n. M ilt CroUiera wa-i rlrrtrd mnrprealdent of tJie group nnd ?m11 linve «jnstlir n rx l inrrtlnFT on Ju::r 4 Mrs. a i tl

nml Mi>. Hrmi.m Rexmat, co'-:tr<y tn' I rh:ilrinn:i. Mrmbrrs Inchidr ?.1rji, join,A l.'lilr Andcrron, Mr;,. WiI.t ii An- rent,drr.'nii, Mr.". Hob Do'*iilr'.!:, Nfi.i crar; I 'r;iiitr, Mr.^ Vry ai.nh, ^tr-. J,.;nr\ tcrr-LrlKlitnn. Mr?. Wllllnm MrUr.r.ild, MnnMrv nrxm :it. Mrr. Clyrir no^.l .md rr-p>\ f r ' . C lnm ier til,ick. .Mra W U - nndb rrt. Mr/.. H rnry Mnlinkrn nrrt Mrv navr W. G. Tlioinp'on are honcra.'ym rm b'T '. p

M r'. Crollirr.i and Mrr l-;:;:irv L

niiil nuxlll.irlc.i lo l;r hrM [<«n 111 TR-in Fnlla Jun r s nnd 9. n ' 1k

^ ^ ir'r •

Hear of Tripl.rnd-A-H nnd club mrt v.i;ii Mr.v j i k u

W. A. Po<' l:i.'t m d a y n/trrnonn ntid D rnt r:ijayr<l hrsrlr.u Mrs. J. \V, J.vurr- T \lrr •vm trll of Pl tr ip to lh# joiilli Istr ch sr In.-r -p rin r whrn she Mriltrd In Ala- Done bnnnfi, Trr.nr.v.rr .md Oror.-I.n. .Irnn'

Tfir hiislnrvi mr'tliiR !n,'\Vnl!irh iise of Mrj>. C hejtrr Lourk.-. and'.Mr.'. N'.r.v r ie r ta W rlr i r r r r t i r y ! Mrvsli.cr lhe 1^0 regular officer.-, vero 1 Ward a lrrn t.

n i r hoiife uns tlecoraled | 5ii! sprlns blav.om» from the Tnyior nnniv ;iirdcn and featured a colorful bou- j thr | )u rt of canyon-grovn wild floT.rr.i. | c.iiull Mr’, n . a . Tylorr nnd Mrs. Ix):ifk!i irrved rcfrrihm rnU , Mr.v Kennelh 'n e w.t.1 a Kue?t.

T h r annual picnic a t th r homr n n if Mr.'.. T ;i\|or In the caiivnn will je held a t the n rx t meeting. •{v'lr

Faculty FetedrARKY, Muv 18 — Mrfl. H.nnld hr>',;e:

.Vliltliy -wr.ii lilKli ,^cofr p r la nt Abo)lnochIe a t (hr last regular mcrt- lunrhi Ilk- >'f the n.Kli Crrrl; Helpers nt ulUih r liotnr of Mr.v Josrph Dletrrlr. Mr;.. II'riivellin; pri.-r wai won bv Mrn. il'-voM>c:i niiirkwrll. and Mr*. M. M. !’< t- huirr.'.on wa.i nwiirdcti low ;ro rr pri;,r. niii.'.ir; ■uiiclieon wni .■served to 1.') KurU;, Mrsly I>iia Dlrtcrlc nnd Mnry Black- rr, kIv

A t another Carry event officer.i cll grnd ifnchcrs of Ihs LDS Bunrtay bcrcerrhool enjoyrd luncheon at the home M. 1).f Mr. and Mrr,, J. II. Peek. Kur.-1.

1948's Seniors g Honored With

Memory Arch.K:. A hlKliUsh: o ' the 1543 coni-

■ n ir iiien in i t aclivillci nt the *I'.vin I 'a lb lil jh fdioo:. llir irarttUonal cln.-i dny '•nirinor)' arch," fcrmrd by Juniijr ; ;u |j m hu:;nr (if the ;.-iilor

- K 'll'- look p lu c .Moiinoy aioriiiiij.\Vi:!i tl;r Juiilor Kill- i!ir.;r;l In

■; -.MiUr, liiniiK Uir fr.jnt Mrpj ol llie ^ hi;:!i v hoo l. Die fciiiur:, ^.earing

t lin r c!n;i day colurj of sren i huI " uh lie . pn ijrd throusli the »re!i. A'.' i rach girl reached tiie rnd of llie

lino m e ttiii prr.rnird Mtli a uliite ^ ccriialion cor.vigr. While th r glrla 'f pBiJcd through llir arch, tlic juniors ■' .\aiiK a fare*cll tons -.•iow 1» Ui#V Hour."P 'H ir d rr-a for th l' >r.Tr'a .*.rnlflr.\' . for clu:.i day coivbl.i of c rrrn \r.M ‘7 Jarkf!.^. ulii!e t)hu;e.i a iili Krrrn

bow lira and a lillr »lr!.'> for tlie •;1 girli. T h r boyi ftrtrr c rrrn JarkeU.•' »h lt« a>.irtj and srr<n bow llri.

I Women Install « New Officers of1 Federation Unit2 M n . M aro' Rarrv waa inatallrrt as

new p m id r n t of ilir Rural F fdrra- tlnn of W onirn'i club Saturday

J afternoon.Mra. n , r . Cmninruif, a past p rn -

,! Id rn t of th r fr<!rral!on with Mrfl. Harold Johnson, mnr,^hnl. In.iUlled .Mr.i. Ray lihrjiiirrd aa first vice '

, prr^ildrnt; Mm. C. i:. Oneve, aer- ond vicr p r c Idrnl, and Mrr.. C. K.

; Sweet, trra-iiirrr.Mra. C. 1'. Oitrvr, milKolng prcs-

!den^ p^e.^lrted s', ihc hu.-iiicf!' mre:- lllff hrld in ti,r Itinlio Po'Aer audl* torium. Mrs. 1 all.i V. U tiirr, .'r rrr- fnry, prr-.rnirri r,i-ii nifjcer with a ' corsnce a.', iliry urre inntnlled.

R P. Arrliipton, now living In OdKrn, Ulnh, ii pa-t pre.ildent of ^ th r dlAtil'.'t and sintr Fr<lernllon ^ of Wcini irs rlDi-s. f:;i-,c an liifornia- ll \e t.Uk on liitiTnaiion;il relation', and apr-icr on tiir uinh rnnvrntlon

• of Frd"i;ilrd Wo;n*n's rlubi !'■ hr hrld In ."lit Ivik'' Cltv, May 11).

: Mrs. O rlrvr nnd Mr* Clifford Davlp, d r lrc a ir i lo Ihr dU'trin con- .. ventton a t R upm , gave report-v v-,

* * * M; Burley Honors ; Grandmothers c.1 nURLEV, Mny IS-Membrr,: of r'.- I, th r Irll rliajiter of H ri[rr Homes liii

rliili.*. rn trri;ilnM nt th rlr anntiiil ’•K^cndinothrr'f tra" on Wrdne.sduy co aflrrno-'ti n’ Ihr [OOr hnll wllh sn: mrinbrr* of the Rebeliah lodcc oen - hy Ing th r trn. I^,

T ir n lv - fh r c r g r a n d m o t h e r * , ] rang lnr In nc# up lo R8 yrars, a t- Mj trnrird the trn nnd wrre sr.itrd at nn tnb lri ( 'rro rn trd with spring bios- D/ som.'.. Pliicr.i were marked with an linndk frrh lrf favors, mnde in Ihe ; •■hapr of iimb.'flln.i. Wi

Mra. H nrry L. lla n u tr r prr.-,Ided ^t- a t the procram which Inrludrd the lo fllntilnK of n number of olil-tlme iKjng.i. w-Uh Mr.v Wnyne Nrwcnnib as r tlrrrtn r nnd Mr.'. Klinon Mnd ns pliinlsl. Aloha Mnbey. ncronipunlrd , tiy n i ' l r O nrhnour. pinvrd a violin _ join, and a trio and prr- ,j.',rentr<l musical niinibrr). 1-irh „,,, c rniidniollirr told soinr of ihc In- j. 'i tcrrMIng rvi'iits nf Iirr lllr. Mrv , M arsu rrltr M. Duclinn;iii, u gur.sl, rr-pondc<l fnr ilir grnriilninilicrv nnd Mrs. Cirare Elirllcli, Twin F.ills, i ; '’ gave a rendlns.

Daughter Feted “K IM HFnLY. Mav IS M rs . Mrr-

nil Jonr.i entertained for h rr litllr rtnuichtrr, M rrin Je.in. nl the home ' -.p,- of he r craiidniinhcr. Mrs. I.. B. Ty- d.i\ lrr, Twin Fnlls.

C hllilrm prc: cnt wi-rr Donnii :md rirlrpn i-irsnn, Roy Prrjcnit, Jn Ann r ;.iid Janirn Olsen, Klmbrrlv: ,lo Ann. D rrrrlrn r and Donna Wnrd, K nu .• T>lrr, Florence Hrrtntio, Pstiy n n r t i . . . Chsrlln G aukri nnd J e r r y a n rilk i', Doucln P rll. T-A-in Falb. and M rr l ii; . , : , .irnnV. llt tlr .ilster, Carol Annr. M r*.! W nlirr Lirsi-n. .Mrs. Urll (llrnn .l ' .Mrs. Royd O l'rn , Klmbrrly, n n d l . , , , Mrv F. O. T;,Irr and Mr;. H. (1.1^, W ard. I '.^ in Falls, u rre m ollicrij,o r r f ’ '’" !. pr,,,

Bliirn ^^'•r!n Jr;m 's fiflli blrllidnv nniiivrrji.ry was the ocr:i inn for thr i>.irlv.. n whllr cake \iiili live ' cantlltj waa ;.cnrd , - J . ,

Pastor FetednUflLKV. Mny IR-'I-he I'.rv. and

?.Jr.v Mr.rl: C. Cronenbrrnrr. o! tlir •IVln Fnll-'i ChrlM hn rhurrh, were >,j honnrrd gurMri nt n sprinq Itinrliron ni'l;.

riiiirrh w lih Uie Womrn's roiinril as n ,.i hr>',;e:.'rs,

About 80 :vomen nltenrlcd ihcltt,,.! lunrhrnn, nnd tnblr: wrre <Vr<'nitr'd |WlUl i.prlnp flowrrs nnd rundlrs. I Mr.i. Kl:ilno D rrw had rh irg r cf thr d'-voM(in:iIi, and Mrs. Lloyd M. 15.il- Inur i)rr:.cnlr<l th r prourrim ol niiu-iMl num bers nnd rrndinrs. ,

Mrs. CroiicnbrrKer w;i.i the aprak- ' rr, Klvliii: the Durlry women Insiru:- tlon on llic woik of a women'.i coun­cil group. Tlip 'Rev. Mr. Cronrn- merger nl.":© Bpo:ie, nnd tJic Rev, IJnyil 7 M. m ifo u r , Durley, wn.-. n speclnl

!m : \:W’Ll tIKI vm MUCH

Western Thei In Eden Gra

1 t:DL.‘-, Muy i s - 'i h e banquet and p__ w->5 lirid l-'.-ld-O rvriilli;i In tlir hltli

the ."r\rn th nriidr piipih ptrp.irlng ll

w ith ;:,(!illr.' ,,;;d Ihr l:.bl,s with tiilnl ’ nnd plniT curds of cowbov hal.v ’nie

K-'rh. ■tiu r :;;,hu;r,l V.-|illiii •Ihomiv„i],

'is Girls' Stater |J ) I

r n s i . i , r i iw A n n s b;K . . . dnuthU r nf .^tr. and Mrt. •!

Jack L. (;dwar(ti. FBimcId, wIid CIt ■ rrprrseiilniive of Camat 0

: cnunlv In r.Irl.' h la te In h« hrld L. ;* In Jun r a t Poratrllo. ,Ml.s Ud-' u a rd i Is .pnn^nffd h r (Iir Inral '1

A mrrlran Lrflnn aualllarr. I,Slaff d“ rn rraU ngl______________________ el

IgI State Leader to Visit With DAV L'i

" Auxiliary Soon S;. .St«'r <-^ni;rinrtrr r f tlir PAV M

au.\ih:in-. .Mr. lirn ilc r .lacohM-ii. m Por;ii,i:o. will make h r r v iiit wllh ' l .striicllry auxlll.uy No. .S on Tue'dny. — M-.y iirror-iinr Io nn announce, nirnt Iiiirlc ;1| a incrlliii: l:i;>, week nl Ihr DAV ini'iiinriiil hall,

« ^ M r. Fr.mk Ilo rrji u-a.i appolnird *—

If r'.Tiit uh iili v.lli i». u jo in t g’dhcr- '•.i:a lllR u llh DAV clwplcr. .\L-.1 Mcliibii:. wc.c ;i;.kcd to l.ilcc; tlielry contrilnnioii, tnr il-.c cnolic'd food:i suir 10 !:i r;-C,.ln .iiipUiince »l..rr pn• hy in i:;. ;-,iiiiid:iv, Mr,i. T. M. d.v

K nU lit Is III < li:ii,T of th r tood nnlr.', DliflllK Mrn.r.ri.il d.nv itrrvlcei• Mr. . Corrli'.i- I’.mi. uuxlliary com- ,,.I t innndrr, ulll p:,KC v.i-.iili:, on thn• DAV n;.'i'.i::'i-M In tlir rlty p:,rk

t .Mrs, T .'V t.'Kni'iiVar.d .Mrs. W. L. „ W olier w rrr „ oHe.Mie,', 10 th r , 1

1 str.tr ronvni-io;, 1 r held Jime M ! to IC lit Cu: ur .IWlrnr.; ^

’ Nine Initiated ^' n U R L E V , Miiv IC -M nc nrw ' mrnibrr.i w r:r i,;iil,,!r-d Inlo Ihr■ Kmli Rc'iirl;;ih It-:!,T hur-d iiv night‘ Wllh .Mrs. rV'n i’iv niimiirn: hip ir. '

nohlr Krsnd nnd M:.v lilnir.r Prew■ a.i tlrsrer st.iff r.ipiain, A• Nrw n irn iiv ri I tiii ir.- i u-rr- Mrn.• Mva .Mnrtliidnlr, Mr.v .1. V.', lUrr,!- o f l• inr. Mrs, M arrir C|:irk, Mr.v Wllllnm •

n n rdm , T rd Arbi-jn<r. A. H- Tn]. lem mnn. .Ir.". Mrlr:..,,:,. !ln;.,n-r Cnn.iirl nnd ,1. W. Prrrrtlnj Ilnl,rrt N'Hclll.- W.IS stilol • diirlni- ih r ,r r r - 2:0nu.nv, ■ l.ini

-M.tiiIkt:. .'f th.' llrhr'Kiih l„(lrr Art:s r r .rd Ihr •rnler lirr.ikfns- -niurs. Tlit dav niornUit: lo 1:3 senior-, anti tlirirrl;;-'. .-idvL'.ir,-, T

* ¥ brlr

Shower Peanuts "SFA IR FIiX I’, M..V in - rulrllcld

-•riiinrs cavr a pcnniit :lln^u•r frr A. Ol.irn diirInK thr A m nlm n hLsinrv

|r l.vv Frldnv ni ih r h lrli '.'hool oil

h*c ir .. |v n in r lv •l.irllnr .il ili- home R' 0' r.'tluT 5lin;:--v. T h n ih-n v:rnl Rho to n;irbura Diirnll.i' lioriir th r snrv rrMinT.- for vm dnlrhr- snd ;of; Ini; drinks ,'Mid lo Alicr Hnkrr;.’ for of a snhitt. Ins

Ar n p .m . thrv u r rr In l','.\n for blur ro;iir 5k;iilng nnd ;it 10 p.m. wrnt nlfi In ^rr n mnvlr. rndlnn th r r\riilnK Iron with .Mnrllyn Kunkrl. ICrvi

•V. ¥

Make Quilt.MURTALrUH, M;iy IR -T lir LD.S H;

Rcll'f roclrlv ni'-l nl tl'.r rliiir.-h m '.r rf:'r ;illy Ior an all-dav iiiillllni; fiurl p.cltv, A m>-hn',lr -. lunclU'.n '.'..r. Jo;ii; ;c r ,.( l 111 noon. .Mrv R. 11. V.'.ilkrr orgawns in chnrRe, inj.

T o T h e B ride,— ——r y j l r Clip: \ .voult V ) d id

'I i p ' t l»- <

SI ■ J « n f in i,t , / pho t

;■/ E v n!;• , ; '

c .indiV ' / ( .™il

i ' y •- / / V t-i ■ ■' - ___ _ tth e 1

Remember—O ut Kelker Iim taken

pictures than a n ; e lh rr phnlngrsp

JC /L r % lFitlclily B n n k n iii jr .


eme Is Used . raduation FeteId program (or the eli;IUh grnile pupils lsh school audi'-crluiii wiili niuthcr';, of iR Ihr tllniirr and lli# seventh graderi '

w r'trrn stylr T hr hall wni dreorntrdtiilnliiliirr •.lllll — , hur.'e-drawn bUKKlri nip youngsier.' were drewcd in wrMrrn

•"11. |)iiiiii|'.il: MI^ Uc.in W ralhrraax .- Mrs, .sunley -I-renhalle, Mrs. Edwin

Deiiiii.', Mra, DorU Adamton, Oraee Dolan, Mra. Lo'ulic Morris. Mrr. Wurrcn Tlioniiwon, Wllllard Lat-

1 timrr, L.irry Martin. Ross Pennlng- ’ ion and tills Bhawvtr.

■n:r pri'tram preifnled by t)ie sfic.'Uli grarle offered Uie "Pro- f cr.vior.al" played by Edda }tep- f worth: ael'-oine by the seventh- r Krndr prr: idem. Bobby Henry; ■ I song, "JiuffiiU. Oats" by U rry Pen- E ning'.oji and Joan OuUey; a medley fi of .-'OiiKi by Gene Yauagala, and a | skit, - Tni A-Comin A-Courlln Cora- 6 brlle" hy a number of the tevenlh grade pupils, T no »iuara dancfJ were ^-tlenled wltli Eddie Voung aa caller. In the f lr jt dajic# were Jnnlne LrJeuneu*. Vemon Shock- ^ ley. Frankie Holland. Olli S tra in , r June Jlranae, Leland Kim# and Wilma Tliornton and In lh« aecond were Richard Nlcdrlch. M srsaret Aiidrrjoii. Jon UuIeuneMe, Shlrlry Voder, nobby Hrnry. Virginia Law- horn. Charles Vcat and Fas Hep- ° worth. of

The rlglith grade pupils presented 5, In graduating exerclsei a piano " rolo by Slinrnn ’^Ik; a duel. "Will ’llie rr Bc SagcbriiaJi In llenvcn" i;, by Silda Hepn-ortli and Ronald Hnwley: rlma long by Merle M e- f., Clurr; cl.i.w prophecy by Barbara ,, Oriflitli: cla-ia will by Kenneth Lntilmfr; prrientallon of graduat­ing fla.v\ hy Tliompiion; preaenla- * Hon of diplomat by Hhawvrr and cloMiig rrinurks by Dlek Sterling, elgliih-grade pre.ildent.

riph tli grndf grndualfj were DfJ» ro nnurr, Marvin Rninson. Albert Lee na ihirli. Ailc'lia Dunthorne. S liiron r,ilk, Bnrb.irn Orlfflth, Ronald t c Hnwlry, Gnilyn Hrnry, Em a Hite, or Hnv, Holllund, Dorothv Jaml.ion, nobby Lainh. Krnnrili Latllin#r.Robhv L'lrtlov, Mrrlr MrClurr, Neal

' M r'-irk. thli I. llrrd . .Itinr H rhaiirr- r.)- , mnn, Jnmrs lihawvrr. Ro-.r Mary Sy

lilniivnn and Richard Sterling. pa

Calendar li'«Inr

--------—-— I ricFII.FR. Mny IB—Four Square elub clt'

will m rrl Thursiluy nftrmoon ivlth Je; .'•L-:,. John Padgett,

V ¥ V.SiKina Ciumniu rhiiptrr nf D rl . col

Pliun will jn r r t n i : p. m. W etlnej. dnl a t the IloKerj.011 hotel.

>!■ ¥.'Salmon Tr.ict nome.wker* u lll J

m rn Wrdnrsdny with .Mrs. Iy)URh. for millrr. A i|«yla l speaker will be InK I'rcM'iit n t th r mrrtlni;, the

* ¥ nl;,rT!ir Ilrst wnrd Relief viclrty will 6 l '’'

hold u.', ri-niilur mrellnK nt 2 p m . •* W rdnisday. E \rlyn Mny Vn-Adrey con will Klve th r lllrralure Ir.v.on. I ' i '

* > < ■ > (. prllT h r monlhly niertlng of the Kiim

Duhble class has been postponed , , imill l-'riday, May :a. All prr.innA at- irnding tho gaihrrlng are to meet nt the churi'h .it fl p. ni- lha l day.

If H-All offlL-rrs. drill team membrrs

nnd tho ir tnklns jinrt In ceremonlr.i ^ of Ih r ne au rm n t asjrmbly will m ret a l i p. m. Tlnirs(1ay a t Ihe Ma.ionlc lemple for pr.icilrr, Ear

V V Ihn Mnroa W omrn’s club will meet a t

2:n p. m, n u in s n v a t th r .vhool l-ni.Kr. Mr.v Hurry Shnrp und M r., " Arthur rh lld rra will br lioMr.vsr.v Tliere will br insinuation of officers,

¥ M ¥ -----Tlie Newenntrr’i elub will hnld a

brldfr pnriv a t B p.m Tliursdav nt th r homr of Mra. Pauline M anifirld, s n Shoshone n lrrrt north. Rrsrr- vnllons m.iy br made by fnlllng Mr.v noy I,. BIrd.Mie. 635, hy Wednesday evening,

¥ ¥ ¥

Hove AnniversaryRrbrknh lo<!cr honored tlir Them

Rho girls on th rlr rrrond nnnlvrr. snry nt a d lnnrr rrcrnilv. HIshllRh'-. tm; the gntlirring was the I'n-lntr of n Inrgr ih trr-tlrred cnke r rn t r r - I Ing ft lablr drroraied In rose nnd blue, F jch srnlor girl wm given a fllfi and o thrr rnnrm hrnncrs lycrr Irom 'm yslrry molhrrs." Mr« I, L.Krvnn wns In charge nf the kltehrn. j

V- V ¥ I

Fete Mothers IHAILCT. Mnv IR - 'n ir tx Rho glrl.« I

•n'.rrt.ilned th r lr mnihrrs a t a ban- Ilurl held ftt llir ICO?' hull I.ist week. IJonlinr Williams, prrsident nf th r B irganliation, conducted the gniher-

le . ■ I'f ip t i i r e Ih o f h r i 11 o f ***'ou r wcdiiiriK’ tiny in cnn- •lid photopnipha taken V>y Gu.s K clkcr. v

■Vc follow y o u r wholo Jvcililiiif; fn n n s ta r t to *{*inish nntl cach .step is *j*ihotoRraplicd *j*

^vpry p ic tu rc wc t;ikc is I li'liverod lo you in n fino .indid wcddinR n lb i im V nd nil a rc 8 by If) inch il'c. Sec ou r samples ftt y he studio.

en mere eandld wrddlng

rrapher In Mnglc Vallrj. *J*

ito ^ L o p IT id n Falls V

* > 01


Portland Bride 'J

ri foi

:e ^

’■ '''J?-


^ (SUff »nrravln») Pr<I ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

Former Resident ”1' \ Of Buhl Marries ' 1J. DUHL, May 18-.Dc!.ills h a ir bern I f . learned ct ihc wedding In Poriliuid,. Ore., ol Jranlce Uurni tl, diiuijhier

of Mr. anri Mrs J, H. Cr.iwfoid,. Duhl, and Ralph Curiu, ton of Mn.I Einnia Curltv Porland, j!'", Tlie bride's inoiher nnd her it.i-

te r wcrr p rrsrnl tor Ihr crrniiony . w hlrh «ns prrformed ul 8 p. m.

Friday, April ZS. a l a pnraonacr In a selling of iprlns flowers wUh

‘ Uie Rrv. .Mr. Rum man offlclaling, , ’ Tlio lornier MLm Ilurnett selected

I a navy blue ensemble with ulilte I , accfcswrlet for her wedding and ‘ wore a rorsnge of rrd ro^ea, bov

The brlrterroom'a moilirr wni dressrd In blur; Mrs, Craivford wore J"

’ roie, and ijoth (lad corsages of 'I■ gordenla.1. Cnc ' Tlic 1.1 wedding guests were en- pm■ IcrUlned afler the rites at UlC home lr:-■ of a friend of the nenlywed.i. hna

Followmg a v,cridlii(: trip lo MnHnlrm, O re, Mr. nnd Mi.v Curtlj 11aro mnkuig Ihrir home tn Portland, Tinwhere tli# brMrgrooni li employed Vivby lhe Langoe Con.itrucUon com- Cpany, hnn

Mrs, Curil.1 grnrtuntrd from DuhJ .Mr;high school in lOn nnd attended R'uIlnstlngs business college In Port- lop!lnnd. .‘’he now wo.-ks in llie of- IIflee of nobcrta BroUiers of ih.it Dotcity. Her htuband. n graduate of —Jefferson high school. Portland. ^.•erved In th r navy for four years B ?an d nlso nitended Hastings buslnejj fc'collcge. B

¥ ¥ ¥ n

Teachers Feted HJEHIOME. May 18-A luncheon H

for nil of lhe teach«ra ol Ihe W.nh- f C InKlon .'chool waa given recently by r *th e PTA, Bwenpet coroogr.i wlUrh inl;.o doubled n.', plaeccarda were Rgiven lo all llio.'e pre.'ent. B

Jack Adams wrng two t«los ac- H compnnled by Mrs. Adams, nnd Mrs. Bi t e d Dell pre.^cntr^I A. R. Chatbiirn, Hprincipal, wllh n laprl pin. W

Commltlee In chiirnr u( Uic »r- JM runsem rni.i wa.i Mrs, Ouy yhntius,Mr.v ciayi/in Joluison and .Mrs, nI^otlo Olbbons. ■■

¥ V ¥ M

Organize Club gMURTAUOH, Mny IB-W oinrn of I

th e M llnrr coinsiiunlty mrt Wednes­day afternoon a t the ho.nc nf Mrs. Ha; E arl firars tn nrganlr© a club called l c< Iho F rlrnd/hlp Circle. Mrs. Hears At wn.i rlrcle<l president n( iiie group • I nnd E-.ido.-a Webb, eecrelnry. Thry i will m ret rvcry <.thrr Wr<lnr:dpy Ml: ftficrnooii nnrt nprnd Ihr Ume t i - <• elnlly nnd dnlng hand work. I m

| i lA F o w h r is b a c k e d b y 2 0 - y e a r p r o r a te d w o n

Fowler's fam ous elcclric ^\aler hea s e n e you one-ihird o f a lifciir longer. . . wiih clcon, $.ifc. trouble- water. N o olher water he.ilcr will p as long, dependable sen ice for ; cost per year. Ever^’ slandnrd po Fowler is backcd by a TO-yejr ji w arranty. I fa Fowler docs not Inst years, you get a complele new wniei for a charge b.ised only on (he j scn-ice actually received. So why pa

fF O W L I




Timely Topici WSCS Circ

Tlir uiecllnB* of Uie WSCS clrelei of liuluiUrl th r k-iilhrring of circle ilx at for dr.-.i-ri uinclircn.

Mrs. A. E. Fraiicii was MSltlanl hoi charge of tha pro^iram, 5he Introduc paprr on J,i.'.nn ly r, nn rnrly Methi founder of v,’illameite unlverHty. -

Mr,v Mary su f . 'o rd entertained \ i-lrclr onr •niiir;,day with Mra. J, E. c W hllr a;.:.ih!iiig. nevotlonn were glv­rn and Mrr.. C. E. MrClaln read an u article eniliUd "B!C Lt-.joiu In Little © Drips" bv the Rev, F. A. Qelger. c Mra. L W, Folsom had charge of the ^ program on "Wonirn In paths of j,

I rervicr." Tlie next meeting will be ', WlUl Mra. George Chlldj,! Circle seven m rt Thursday for j rir.'irrl liiiirliron nl Ih r hnmr of . Mra. V.'.ilrer Larr.rn wUli Mrs. Mnt.v jj I Van Hurrn ns as.'ls!;inl hastcrs. Dc- f,

^oIlo^Bl1 wrre e lvrn by Mrs. M ie „ Davidson; th r Ini',inru meetlni: was » coiuluclfri liv the circle p rn ldrn t, i, Mr*. Van Hurcn. and a nil.-cellaii-oui ,i program wa.i pre.'.rnied by Mr:. C. H. „■ •Sttnrnn. Books of th r Bible In rhyme ^ nnd hunicroui nnd i.crlou.% poem:, on .Mothrr'i day w rrr inrluded In tlir . cnlertalnm inl. Mrs. Ilalph Qmllh wns a r i u t a l ih r meeilng.

; Crowded fnrllliles nf the Tft'ln Fulls scluiol.i w rrr dlsciunrd at the V/ednesitny c\riiing merllng nf -.

; r lre l- te n n l Ihr home of M n. Frank i Mrilini. A urmip of mrmbrrs voi- j,

’ unirrrrd In n tlend the next meet- ' liiK sponiorr<I hy the Chnmber nt

Commerre on June 7 to dlicu*s Uie „ ■ icluiol 1:mu's. Mr;i. Clnude Jones. '

Mrs. Pnt Cnrkrnm, .Mrs. Mallrll.' Mr:.. Jolm Orn^rv, Mr.v Vemnn - , .Suillh, .Mr;.. Vivlun Nye and Mrs,‘ l>,iiiia tlooli-y nr.-.nn the coitimU.

During llir businrM meeting th# f posslbtllty nf nrgniilJlng n women’* bowline lenm In ih r church league wa.i dlsai.-.ird. Mrn. Nye vohinlerred - Jo krep a scrap book for the circle.

Tlin program, given by Mri. Corknim, denlt with dependent proplrv Ihr fourih In a serlea of lr:-ijir. nn Ih r U. N. ihfti the group hna undrrt.-ilini. Drvntlonn were by Mn.. Ifeiiry Kohlrus'i.

HoMc.«es w err Mrs. KemieUi Tliomp.ioii nnd Mrs. Smllh. Mrs. Vivlnn Pntlerson, Fllrr, woa a gue.it.

Circle t u r met Tliursday f . lhe hnm# nf Mr*. J. L. Pm onlu* with .Mrs. C. K. Wiley presiding. Mni, Riuiell Potter had devotions cn Ihe topic, "Our need of public worship."

II wns announced th a t O. J. Boihne will speak a l th e general

I W A N T IT ^ s;

P b l u e i t ^

Etjlese, D eit. Mt>iltconomlcaL PerCectl S

• rvr u iitting gu iJ t pr

^ Buy the water heate §1 that costs less per year of service

< n » Sb y a 1 ^ g

v a r r a n ty ^

r healer will ^ifclimc .md ^iible-frcchot S,vill give you S . | i ^ ; l ^for .u linlc ^ ^d porcelined = ^■ar prorated ^Inst you 20

wnier he.iter J jthe years o f ^ ■= 'lypayroorc? ^ .!

S m mr n u i l C D Built'^iihtmeqvaUedknoh'-. r u n L C K oldest nwnufaclurers o f


ics Entertain role Meetings-e* of the'M ethodlit church on ■n>un«l»7 lx Bt the home of Mr* D, A. MeQuli*

I hoitesi. and M n. J . T, Andertoc hid roduced M n. I^w li Hack, who five ft ■lethodlst missionary to the west asd^ ----------------------------------- -------------^ WSCS meeUng T hurtday fer which E. circle five la the hojtes* group.'•'* "World health orginlraUon (Od •n InlemaUonal Ubor" wa* th» teplo

of tha program jlven by M n. r . K. -r- Olngrteh, Mrs. Rciy Qarber and he Mrs- O. T. lu u c h itera ajjljtao t

hpjtess and sened lunch.be r * *

07 Girls "Swarm"ff WE.N-DELL, May JB-Blaln* tU ki

Deehiv# ".iwarm day" was held r*'*' • cently with all ward* of the *tak»

participating. Tho flag eeremany was conducted by tho Wendell B«i* lilve girls anrt other numberi on the program wero play* by Ui» Jer-

' ' ' ome ward, folk dances by the Car*y wnrd and a ptrable by Jeromi'i

' ' second ward. Tlie Carey ward *enred ,'j" a pb-.o lunch^eon n t noon.

in Close SocialsJSnOM F, May 18 - Tlie aeccnd

"J w ird .MIA met la»l week for lU rloiing foclal, Mr. and Mrs. Uw I’ratt were In charg# of dancing, und Mr*. Heber Prercolt and Mr*.R, u Ilobinsoii were In charge of refreshments. The Deehiv# jtrU

’• s^ned the punch nnd wafer*.


ri_ Bfary and Bill aam t e w for

I dinner laat night. Poor m ill H*I worked on hli garden over thaI week-end, and It hurt to w itchI him move.

I “W hat a man needi in n r d m -J lOjr," he complained, " Ii a eut*! Iron back with a hinge on i%"

I Mary keep* him trclnff by talk*I Ing about the peaa and carrotJI from hi* garden th a l she 'i jo in tI lo *er\'a wilh cream aaue* mid*‘ with Meminif ililk .

I Thai'* enough to keep any man I going. 1 believe. F o r .Morning MilfcI i» to Bmoolh, to <!oubl«.rich itI make* the mort w o»lerful erearaI uuco you ever ta tted .

Look for those red, white and I blue cans next tim e you so ih o ^



e /'

/ F O W L E R \

F E A T U R E S f

! PorcelaWliitd Tmk i•j No taak twl.

! Economy TeiBp«rtt« ^ ' Control iI A4juJtable eapieJty. \

i "BlKk B«»r □emurttLoos-lire, alwiyi uf*. ^

low OperarUiK Cert 3Effidest J-ikiy iasulitios. 1.,

nou'-AoK’. ToK lerU A e w o t l l i eJ o f electric hxiler hca tat .



I'HONE 809

Page 10: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s


I W a d d i e s ^ a H P io n e e r LeaS f t j IDAHO T \ U ^ . M»V 18 i T - J l n U y iS 3»0 RlTB l.'if r> lli * e-0b g b o y s In th r Un-. i.^-.v.r or « r-.on

L am ar krp: n:;v.:vi jyrlr.-l

K S In ih f Jr .-rrd n>:l ,» 3 ftr.d I>alf irrwJ S S c iy r i r Wr.-; .vi-.^lr.l rn lv 'rn ■ ]. i S h « i ; c ai'.d H c:\;r;A s oaH I o n s Ity.■ ir .u r.- r-.:l^P r;r :_r r J

H The CoTitK'\s * f : r r.iUhlv .'h.irp 'J■ in Ihp llrM v .r:r ii!>> ,■ lo Ur;> Ihr :’,p;v.c jc mu'.-.-xvr lr. ::i ■ ,,

I r ' ^ ^

MjU'ocV. I ll' Ip.i.liiii; tv.irlrr ^ ■ v i t h l»T5 \l.-!o rlf, lo I'lt.-li tlip .v?. ' ^ ■ o n t j C1.T.P of t^p .•-frlr T ilrvUy .

■ricir'js;: ;;;;ir',rsiv| p “ — ------------I Sport Briefs

I■ SALT L.NKE CITV, Mn^ 18 >V -

I I S l i i i iI

iA A ^ f l r t ’ a n J lo T ;. J«>f itc u tlT f w r r U r r f t Ih r I 'n iln l

NEW Y O R K T ltI r IS , r . - An lnij»\>.ir!C a r r v r f (onu rr Nrn i.. YctK Vm W ;tu


TMUS. M «r IS ,V — llunjiTT ,

MlANn, n ^ . . M.vv ]S >J'-M rs.Al s.-'.ldrr rrsfncN! » v rs-V; for!'-* ' H .iro «c>J».v »v « ,vh«r «'f l!'? iu 4-,fv- ^ h iaJw r-c J 'xouli ;u x r wv.t had !;» ^v,

Wp ta the k r\» n r lj- in "*

hsTf r.drtfn Cnlurrr! r \ r :n s inr.r.f'r In th r ____________ ^

Magic Valley L eague,’;:.E rcv u . c io \ tK « I .I:

; n; £: i l i . ■ • l-rr- i !j' TM.1. ■; “ T.-.u M ni j . . n M r r j r » n o v , T '

R l i E l I f '££%, j j i ' ’"" “ Iis-

c o A c n E E T rn N s h o m e ^LANCASTER. Pa. , r —S. \V.n>.1-

row iW oodyl Spciiauirlf. rtvraiL,' r ju n td foollsall foacli n t Fr3i;t;::i and M iT iih ll c c ^ ff f . b t.'if HfUi A te d M £T»«:uat<- t s BAsar.f lh e ,5rid r tin * ta th s aohool^ hbtorj-. : q,

i Lou Heller ij S? F IR E a n d A U T O J |

> INSURANCE < ^% O rphe tm e a O d ts f % ^

. 0

| p A G E TEN

YS HELDy i - B e f o r e j iad e rs , 6-0 ie-O^^lcU-ry m'fr'^lhr MsrIc Vnllry Cii«-

m :.rK m "7 l« n a.,!;:-'! ]]»l-d n ir tn Ilrrt i,i Uir cichtli. j.,•i: ' - - - ------- ---------- -----------------------C:

' t) ' K l v # j ! i 3 w k \ # F ' 1 N f t ] I-

:>l 11, 111

j ' t i

" . r . , , , . « E:

■ ■ s .; i }•• 5’i s i ; ' ' ' ■•i’l i i l i i ; ?. ; *Mi:lili AN I.l \(,1 I. ,

: ■ S i:;

J Pioneer


si> ' r ^ K1 riloT?. II, r \K li‘i l« _ I'lK

: to

; diiij T 'i '. U 'l - ; >' tM .'. (! II : ; r, ....

Mv.iTAN.-.* K. Ri:rm i

i s i i t t j i l, jjl] s;i

. "iii..... .. Vi


. ■ ■ iii

G U A R A N T E E D ?„


Oj m n th»t knew h e r —ttacktd b r r t a n e t tc t iu ) ezpcrtenr* toG«<«riac — Rtbotld ln t — He* *“ palrinc »Q U n d i e t R adla ten . _


S I ta d A n. C. rb eo * «»4 W . .JR

D H I T L E R2 Biiiits Give Bees Victory; Pilots Victors

Hr The A tM d a trd T r t . . |"* Tv.0 |>rrjrcllv rx rc iitrd bunt-'. In

I'U :- i «irlory ovrr tii r G rnil Ki!l^

111- I'l'.iicrt l,-.ii:tle /rrlcf, nl Eiilt L-ikf

I tt*r''rrsr'\o*'{';a:r Hip 7 d l ;r 'm rr 'I l i r ► 1 i::i-rirlr..' (o.vrrliii: Hot; Wliltr m 4 111-- >>'•( n..mr pliijPd licfe t.« f;.r

. U rrn -Mnulr, n «nlK ai,<11 " I'j”" '’’'’" ''',, "J.'-’' ’’“r

1'; n'l'o r(!,-r.l tlin ii Oil <!rtrli.-.lvp’piny.

n ;! \ ''u n f r r '* 'n f tr r .Milni.Ki-r" Plcl: t.n CijM-limm IkxI lrlr)!nl, Jun KrallitR J, liiirii llr ll ly uml ^^Dlrl:

I ', .Mnrr h r \v:r. Ill trotlhlr In evrry ii-.iilnic blit Ih r r .rc m l. Hi.-. fn.-.l ball

ll, lind hi', .'hiirp r iirv r Kot him oul nf rsrry holr rxcrp l tli r onr In the

’hn;ir’ ’'i ir lw rn 'r .-"lll^rL' lui'i’l J lin i n ih li r r G ri ir U rw krr liiM

n hll Mitl G nm m lno rnrrd hnmr

llip rrrpiicl llir Pll0I. collrilcfl RlX .1 :.ilrtlr«, aiid tlir.-.r. w illi t.vo Canl

.'I ln't^■.llll irM kii llie iL'lUir*. 10-7“ nlirii (hut ...iiin/ii cln'.rtl.

lln l'r lulilMi th r wlnnllii; tally in , Ihr ri^hih.

\ Wllli r.nr nway hi th e liltllli. .Sari;

m'rpRrK'To'’ p l L '

"■ !I.Trrd'k>lVl/|'iI!lMuil\oL^''l'toy K o r ' '(

hr>mr|l- h v 'rn m " t U'n't l i i a c 'i

II ra■. .Il iMth 1. l l- :. \li-l..:y ovrr the !

C;.M(hrr rriiiik .Irtrm -uh fj'.irkril ,' ttir .MtiM.iti;: n ll:.rk ^Mlli fix hit.' ltl j

•'• Allo^rlhrr I lir ir U rrr :7 lia.'rllll.'

~ ! l'l 'h i|^V ’'' ° u r " ^ ’’il" r"" j

b.illrr. 'H ip f.vo ro iin in r. Ruir Ok- '

.'rnrliii;'niKl k rp l it up ul pvrry [,

n i r Mn-MmiK!. (-h.i.-.ril lionip Jour 111 ‘ „ th^^^jtvc^^ly^^ih^rp^^ 111 the^^flK^hth, ^

; tlm r\^ l'bM '! in M h r '■

; VandairBra^ i

r luo ImiliiK;. Iiml ;.t:ivr<l p ( A Viiti- • (!nl rally lo d rfc a l the Utilvrr.lty of . . Ida^w ba.^cbalMrntn 8 to 3. ^

■ i |i§ iv ': i i t i c

: Ii T .,.'. =


E. O. HAVENS M arine Supply.Hfi Mnin Norlh Phone


2 S S B Y R

1 7 C h a l l (

Mother Battl


!s v r ■ ...

)lrl: ' " 'r* . ------

‘B Lt=-S':;A-i;l r;;':; rll

1 10

2 .■ m: ct B k j ^ g w g g M K u

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iii<i MjBBBBjBMy' th f i j f f i R M w o W

iH 11 JnrMh'


f B rav es G e t To T ro u n c e

n , r no t,.,, l i r u , . ^cornM liH M o^

f<T * -.V * *

” ’ Lou Boiiiircau ; ,'ii Takes Lead in ,

A. L. Batting ^In ^CHIC.UIO. Mav :h i.I-.-M .innsrr- ,

IhP Aliirrlr.ill ini~ iir’h..ttliii; Ir.idrr- :a 'lllp with a wrrl;> ll-P '.itil. rllnih i

'*e to.Hll.

IIP iii:.ri;ln i.m i runiirr-lli> T rd 'w iI- ;.UC liiuiir. r.! li.i-tiin. In th ird -a.in r I'C thp ri.-i'.uillr Inulrr, Al /.nrllla. .St.

j y t . ' t;'•tl naiitlir.iu. r^!in r t .llrd r.l nillP hll'. • l'l 111 10 liliv, |,i.-,i VM..-;;, (.1,.., |.',| 111 n- fAO ...|H'l'.ih.-ill (Irll.UllIKIII.'.-hll.'. I

T wTf(Vihrfp^lmili?s^ltlrr!^:iM^^ -'

ilVork ^nr. in frmii wuh ft .^-0 rrcord. «: I.OU Iin - 'ir . . 'i ir Irdy of rh r ,Mir- :!

O' prl .lIlK Alhlriu v had Ihr .-iir. t

' Tc.llllliv’ llollilr... ol Uif Dci toil [: Ilravr^ Mill lr; (l. th e Nationnl y

l.ir.d l.iiin :n la-l I.ill, Kot r\ !! .h .in tr lr. ,,:,,y -.viirii Hiirr5 \V,ili;rr, „

b.vlly. Hr hi.'.ii I Mopi'wl" yrt, ' ■ JJ I'rnnl; Oa-tinc, l’i!l.-.StirKli. shpprd . >

.13 ixi!nl.% to .33:1. KOod rn<nu-h I«r 1. third i'iac'P l>y a .-..ifr liiarKln i'MT

: : IN .^oo-iMii.r ISDIANAPOl.IS-A t-.'o-car Ir.im

; nomma^tcd by U ii F.ueo l 0: Krnt.

— ypfTdnnv^-i » 0 -m l!e ' w cr. Mny 31. tn : j r.un.

" Stran-Steel \ BUILDINGSI For F arm and Indu.slry

^ • An.v I.enKlhI • Any W idlhj • Any Sideu-nll Heiffth

MITCHELL H U N T . IN C.5 ! KImbftIr Road Twin Falli


R U S S E T ]

l e n g e M a t

;tles Daughter

Uby A l"u[M .'lrfl. « lll’ hl<l fo“/lh p * ’tnp Iiy Iirr ilsusUtrr. U rllv . r ljh l. wlin

t 18 H its e D o d g e rs.«»oclalfd J•r^^^

KiiiiinrniiK I tir Drithtrr pltohrr;; fi.r HI

■Illoll Ird Ihr l!r;ivr.' a tla rk u l lh ihi iram rhliipid In u lth ul IruM <.nr hll.

Tlir liravrs JumiK.it on rooklr I

III III'- bU rllthlh. lK>:h Si.iii mid . Klllutl Mllilll-d » lth IhP biL'lvM.Mll.

liliN D<iiinrlly htirh-d four-liit 1.

ir Mildly ovrr Ihc Nr'.i' Voik Clliinf. 1

N.iitoiial Ir.iitiir ;.(andlni'.s Ix lu ir » t .h rrc-Ad of 18.IC0.

'Ihp rm jll r i r.nckrrf N'ru’ You: •

I ' r iiw d lii'lp via il i t r r G ian; rrnir;..

.i|iil'l!viill'V<•rl);ll^anVwl;1.l';\l'Mll'^” I n :li.iU-,. wild thni'-v. n

r p .u rd th r way fnr ih r Giant,-, lyinn l.s

How CohIkjvs Air. I-I.,.,

J'jlJv:-' .

I 9 outI

th J ik lJ lD Ihit ptodun je u i w

HURLER itches Set” Ladies’ Ladder

Tourney Play Golf Feature

clatloii'i • iHcldrr" tourtiam rnt a t the

.■llo n a l . h.i.i l c / th r cli»llciI^Kf

Pl'^rr, ,7 1 , ,

^ hullrV c'liy k,-tlvUlr,\ will be n cl'iilr

g .Mr.-. irc'iir V.ix will b r tlip :.l.irlrt

j ..


i : ,..............................

l i t l f ililiM'll Ilii>-. ri.r-llliii; (ll rrs-.0ll llKl.lrr I

.l-.,!lr M .-rnv„ ,t™ . -.r-ri.l I

Ihr Ai’”"-;r!'' l)n r.‘,''Viv'iv!^ °! ’., r:.lllr t.ilirh^al 1!..-krll. 'IVn . an .l J

Illr Iiiill'lli uhl II l>!n;ir'll'y ir:!^^lrll J

r \p rn ;r of Clint HarltiniC in Uu-

Arc BattingT T "f 1

H i 'I i N I ill

: h ; i M li

ro f lO b ERIAL a<


J 9 1 .4 % t o b e e x a^ From co»M to c o u r , rescifcl■ I pens found ih jt /n^ rtiW custn

Ite r r^ i/j rc u s to m c n : lh a t 9! o f '*’ose the)' questioned bought ImpcHal i t / t r t u d buying it Y es, 9 0 yei

RIAL finf whiskey-mikin,!; makcJ


h10?o t . PfOfli. IlllaoU. 86 proof. B U adei rj Of mote o l i 5W uriishi whUkej. 70% gnia


i fvOSS’T, l - i j ------------i - Frcm wh«t Ye Oldr Sport Sorlvrri' ^ bo?'k llnl.^h on h li brilliant earrer aj

wtin lhe ;oO-yard low hurdlp.^ anti r: K a\t Co.-xch lU iik P o * rn ' Uiinclada

Coach Power* l» slUl bubbllns ovt Ihroujhoul fuur y n n «i the Dr^jtn mition and h rarl «h fii yoMih.-. nf ri

th r f ln l t^ rc lrr In t. but I lu t did

.1 RtAL SrOUTS EDITOR.!.I- TlMii K.ilb und the Maslc Vulhy

:.-n liinllv of I.ijiiii.- thi-:r rvr? on a rral t(.;i ^port.N^pditor. He>^nill l<-L-rr of thp

ol Krathialhii: Cl i-'J i in d " " u hl.s brolh'! Die er. Jnlin. Ihr ex-depiiiy .•hrrlff. d r . I.rii-r, wha-r roluiiiii In thi-


UU Thf T »in Fall. Coul.oyi. lu te

. m Tft a rr 9>, ta m ri nul cf the

I.V0. llir rlub. rounlin t all mem.

rtn Berdrd lo «ln the rliimplonOjlp

nut lill hb b.itlh;c rftrrt 1.? n u l -

jw i. ,rp r f IB IHU 1;. {,‘iire P .c ...

nltr\? G. ^t h h :r:viiii , , . Sunday lir frn l

Jr- <'nvr^ hcvitiiUie down tlic fnirw^yi ” for b ftirr Ih^ti 300 . . . n.iv- :ph nu.nd D.-xm-. who pl.ivrd fo-ilbnll

inutrr r ra iik U .ihy al N .'trr D.iiiiritt. ,'?v ’■•;rr, I.t Iili.ho K.ilb . . . » a n r h M. Cl.irk

fn .ni Criur.d IJlalr Ti-achrn. collritr.

,•11. m rn trr a! thr ’n c r r ln.'tltutloii . .J niK Irnrs wrllrd tn Cosrh J. S.

■Maiik' lI.illld.xyA pyrr r<hnx th r ii.ii nrulii l.,.vkrth,,tiers and ba.-rli.illrrs

wrl-tu.i!,-h Ihr o ltirr d.iv . , . Mnrp lln .n » perron.-, inrhidlni: two who phivrd 01, Orrti.n and Kentnrkv

, , , wlil.-li M.illidav rr-itt.rd •rvrratU rri.l ai;(S

u,':i .\NI1 IHAT.'^ TH AI IOR NOW rxrrp t: Hob W hltr. thp ,..lx-<rvrn lirM-Mrhrr. 1» r\pertrrt to Join the

S v rn .l ''R ed ‘''''jf.-.;pn "f*r mluVcld lrr limy.

».i Players Fined• r ' r o r \ T n . i , o . t.-.v ir , r . .M .,n .

Jlrldrr Hay Sowmiii-. l.„ :h '< Ir 'th e r.H-.iti-;i.> n . . |i r r r lr.i;:nr h.i^rb.ill

. rlut.. ha\i- brpii r-.rd finri ‘,’1; la-.uur Pip.Hlriit J, P. IMlli.vrll

H,.iU-..r|l .Ild Ihr f iiif wPfP Im-

rd f'nc..trll...Ha.-. roMi

-n ir World Ch.iniplon N r« York

. , . IN




I s ; , ^ 1 5 <

}uyigain! <x a c t i jicarch cx- custotnen

med lud

I , n n , t1 11

h |

bitktr. Tilt icraijht gn ia neuttil ipirin-

c 6 l u m ] v ~

rlvftier lira rj. Jrrry Klrinkopf p u t a Mory e r a i b T^vln K.ilh Uniln nthlrse v.litn he nd ran thp anchor lrc on relay train lh a l lada tlie si.alc,chanii)lowhip In Bol:e la ii

of Eie.iler phyilcal equlpnipnt failed,


”1 Robert Parish ;"i Bruins’ Chaiiip

In PentathlonRobert Parl.-h l.i the a ll.aro iird

t ra rk rhaniplun at the Tw-ln Fnlls liiKh .-.•lico!.

nlhy l i u l b , hr WOll the annual p rn - p o i. ta th li'ii o'iiii-.'. r'..i;;i-tl by Ci.-.ch rral H-'iik !’ov.,-r.. liv nuiniiiK up 3.T:)1 thp ix.;nt... In ihr li.r c^rnt.•. th a l he

hiJ ‘HiW MW nl-!i n rrcrrd for tour

' ‘th r -^on. '^'■U\r ‘I’alli.Aliu"'' ypar! Dl'i'k K r i a n U,.:. Ih r vUli.r and h r l v rar

Ib'iili FUil-vl^Ui !« U d to Parish -V.-H1

' ;r.>rr-d n.-i:i3 and 3.-;7I poinl.v re-

out.Mandlni: prrlcirmnnco

I'tat'rd ln\fi:Tfron(h,''oLhrr'e nl.

'J,*p tliti.u-. Hiin.jartl lun and :':o->ara

13 rl.A Vl:ilS TO 1‘A V l.riKC.Kirh J. K. ",Mr:iik- Halllday will

a rd All-.op'lo Ihr rrilloiinl ba..rbaU

Pavrt*tr ^uirM'i'iy'^nU^^^Plavrr.-i who will mi.kp Ihr tu p"-‘I

T,i,ii Flda^h‘nliit'TV,‘u im r ou'r-'nri.ler,-.:^ D.ilr


the I'TA H WINS Ml;l:TLOOAN, Ulah. May 18 (T —'n i f

UnUriT.Uy of Ul,.h, wuh 14 [x.uit--.,

s: i'£€iH i£iS'S i3' ' ’‘'''V-J


''''* TRUCKS for RENT <

U-DRIVEH cc U n c T ru ck R c n tn l

-i rsv,5s-


I n U lL T -U P


rj____ ' '

TUESDAY. MAY 18. 19-18

Page 11: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

A C R Q » I L C h l D . i t I . c i i u j r *

--------1 -------- t r - f f w i t r , : « r ------

« S « ilr r « h 41. A « o ! n J ; i i b * 4

IS. Cl' i C<I:&U9b iL iLn«rlUB 31. V irlttlil colltr*j i : At!i‘ « l f ” c » a i» « t 8 « ? e n ‘ r i r t

A ( u r » ; c t i c a r r . p c i i U s a *t ; , ( r:» n D f 41. * f r « i a51 ‘ i: cs 'is

llh Uw 6?. Ui-iirl-t- . ' i ' J S . , , , , . ! ! : ? s ; s ; r ' ,W li. In lirrrii; «1. T s y i R-.»rca •

trc£ll9 il. :ioll3 w iiir I

F ~ F ~ F ~ I ^ ~ F ~ F ~ R F ~------------------------ --------------------------

3 z _ — _ L _ _ --------------------1 1 _ _

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<4 ?s 35 — ^ 23- ---------- p-? — 5o" •

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C3 5 J



LOOk7 « 0 - ^ R / 6Y T U 6 .6 0 3 IM VciORTrtROA.T THAT Vt?U • Ml66EOTh4KT 'JlTANMriC KOR^Se AND PAIO OPP TWC'SE e e r s vO>TH


L MlCKeLSTOCONi\;;MC£ m e VOO''H X g o t wo WOQE iWONiBYiNi'tOi

PtoCK^ers tw a n J a v B ' 'H C s t a t u s o p DAC.VEL. )

rHOTAKsJUAL 7J-CE^3T f t j A \ ‘ SUgft«J&Dt>JiDEKaD?

L I F E ’S L I K E T H A T

IwiiL-yuM.I X

v i f L j' r'tif

-m .y ! I f w c h a d y l u f f l ik e th .■ ume f i s h ! ! ! "


Y W ‘"£ « c" jL D K ’? . ’i p ■*>. 'lOU'LL MLVER


T itl I ACA;e I _I / ^ \ o u iu -e rv a sc c

f » - I ^ C l a s s C O .

^ II


BBwl wTo mT I N M a lg lc iR r iTT'^ill l l I I II ■ j i l i l i l l l i i l i l

■M C T eT a * I ^ A [ g g p |

i'iniM"iiRi|ii' [11) E j^ T j I lT |u ^ ^ g | g f | o '

Solution of Y d ltrd iy 't Puul*fl, VlicMji llTiia DOWN41. T ik o O'jl ,II. a sri» l Io ir r " pj,';,',!,, p,

n ....’F P ' I i.v !n .“ r----- • ,__________ t

IA R-.3usU!a ts---- ■ —------------- inj«flc»

7 __________ L OoMiii cf ________________ ^

— — — •»-!— ».' T)T»atlniln;re«sl

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rs! iit i i in t i — J-----1- j , t k E tJ; pftlx

3 M A J O R H O O P L E

A6 ^ P P » S P O T T » T T /f-^V D«AT (T .T ^ IS G S / <

A MAf^ AS OWL1S.W J»™ / # l A 6 'rOO ewOOLt) <

S - ^ 6PEWD His L lP eo ^ i P w \ y QUIZ PR06BftM4.* /

to O V t )1 — UMf WOULD v e o L ^ i 'tO U C ./\ HA'JE «3 TO TfO& J r

V—^ } M e OVER TILL t ' fc- / ( MYAMKlUrrV J K

B y N E H E R

^PlSMifsjQ ^


; th a l , u c coulci rea lly c a lc h

np7A'^DJDi;K:FAl..tXlCK5»ilkJ, 1 rv.MEO

^ B B » !L VW kN 'M iTH j K**J1


g O U T O U R W A Y

1 p F D & T ■TI>.\C >. fssp. HGin IM ; SGCSJ A \ I G G TTIM2 FCLLER KA>J6 \ I B r r r c C I . UP Wf, F ^ IU J tJE S .y AT FAJLIN H I>J3TIP OF Hli-. /T H I& S A P I ^ TROPHIC^ A.VJ- S i'.HCULO « MECAL&-<CP*;0 K W.CC$F ? i - u r c A M r.oiJ i0 ^c*= cvfP T vTH ivji.y r ^ S T H c c c : r ) ^

• fii!I TH 5 -FU>P HCT


i <of«. IUI r> w «CT" V o s , i t ’.i n KPod t im r to rocii:

w h o n 1 w i'i i l m i n iy d i e t i t w j n f f c r d th p prico.-;!”

C A R N I V A L _______________

L « i* » fIM


cc.. ’»« n »i»»«t<xt.'i.<.‘ V.'V »ia o_t MT. (

"H iuv \vnii!(I I k n n w w l i r t h i ' f I n ' t th e sliKhtc.<?t id e a h o w m u c h

B j

■ V.MEO -M Mis'SW ritJO CUT ^ " " - w - v ■IW'lR CLAV\5 Adf. iA n tC .W llK*MTIOO>5CHSCnE(\3C1A‘JD v J r t H


T IM E S -N E W S , TV

B y W I L L I A M S

H E 'S V 'VHEM I \TIM' f o n e TM HOPCI.ES& 1 - rC R S AN’NO GOOD FER. \fcjLiKJ'- \ wOTvtiw; ru . <yve UP )SAPtXE A M 'FCILCRIW Y O RE/ /JLOI3C A FO O rSTCPJJ/

B y G A L B R A I T H

« . « T . » .,^ i , .> » r .» > . s - ia

rodiico,_ w ith thiiiKH so h ip h , b a t . . w a s n 't j u s t bccnuae w c c a n ’t

_______ By Dick Turner ,

? 'S I


3®f ■

— .......... “I'l- I lik e it o r n o t, T o t? I h a v e - u c h i l co .s ts !" 0

B y F R E D H A R M A N c

s s ^ i s a i S ^ v s) H

’ i ;


B y W A L T D I S N E Y E

J V *


y j p



I M H / / / /NT

« i* :w : TWU \ BUTHZir6W nUWiPOlE CKOOWl \ TO Bl IM K5 (

WiSCOMlUfi HEKfTO RlTHIftT; »JW:WWT TE& TOUISKT V ‘TMIWlO'a 3n A Pill II lifc llt'iiinil I III

s B f eT ' l i r a 'u m T B K U ( 4 B i i H S ^ I i MB l l l l

s B f i M

MV>y,\'<'6 OOOO 10 U MOHStV60V\hW'& _____1 CKV4T ^UW M t

o m ^ d0 w m F T ^ m # J ;

s W ^ W T l

G A W PO ^CU B E A li.^ rA ■ T' iNk; cc

E ......................................................... ..Y ^




WmmD f

AN I ___

WEU.SWOOTT'Je ) ~b SAP NEWS, WAD.' / -yT ,

s s



AMI '* ^ = ^ A M o a e s s E s '^ AODRKSiMT^MAHSCtF. S nPS . FttfVSY J s t r a n g e b . ' . ' ’-

L . y o k u m ? ^ a > j ' \ o ‘ b e : t t e r

I i s o r r T O A, STA RT.r

- t T WM3Tv*\a; . Viffu. \ MAiaav c tc 5 ' <<U.Tk« /rrV L HI ^ ^ L t? W V B ‘

A ^ g ? 3 , s ? =



t 60W 9H> T PW H kfi ■ f CROO*r» GUIiw acugftu U tH U U D E f* #.M AOUIMRtK9WlHeatKUTtlR}.tRSIlJ0 TeC6 W9CK('*3n)hDlTV..y A MEeTIMU. THE6CRIEW-AICO UOOWtjyptRSU*&tO HIM MAV K 0»10U9.m m 0 A . TOMUCCTVI& toseE H O N i)i l y i l B ^ t x c in io u * ^ wcturc t sBr t«o^5u&.

IS tM lf 0<JT6V0l 0» A M U l 0 T ~ " ~ ” - O O ^T.tt*! «OUfe\ AxHOGT

E E l-^iS & zSr tVHAT ip u>^ T K F TMEJg'tf A I

p j To liSiCW. WiL>,<E; W/6TE!T»’ AC 10 V0J7 K>^E{iT U R L > EZE, tJAiCi o?iNON CS n .

I Ei?. M is re e Pi?6sit7] IWiSMVCJV/OlU^kTI s o PA S T — ’ O J? ^BgKBB^33 Avs HOT

f l l B p g a s a S O G O O Q .-S w-''A=w#7'' v


1 H i s c c r e Ya r iO a n o


YOUVEGCTtJ [ b v -*>^W UENaJRONE‘ 'COWfiBAOC? B C A T p ^ PLANE IS < =7 BY BOAT.'' H«4T:. / Z BEPAIKEP, U’E ' - 1 - ^ w / J WAVE TOPICS

1 ^ '

" t e l W VOU OWN A WG . ' ' ' y : \^ I CALLED SAIOMEV \

L I U N D ER STA N D //-^:r


\ '

^ ' V ■VIC.* -n tm i loui} 1 ■

,r >oa APPtAsiNo 2 ■7 Cfl MV FROCRAMLya

ft’G irrt T ”n»‘ m x c w to rviKfarsWBjjBJ i m r o f / M CE T m toio WHO<-aey —,^?BKOM MtJTieMAUl :W_WJt>\ kUR!W,nHHiK.J«10Uit \ KE'it)RWIN& H ' / ^ \ . 1 la L l ON TH8 X UP MOW L M f l• '* / ; * V ^ ^ I f f

^ 4 j m K" ^ I voo 'O KWIQVV a o l4 * l'^ V N 6 0 i t OL" ^^V^aTS 1

i[ f r f ^ »

i I w JA LOT OP Y VEAH \ f fU 0.1

y ARCW? ) «AEiE. V,MAT'6 ) WE 00 WA£<. (SONC CN? A flTfiST

---- ''/ I U^LE«

r w j l

irsit7B>rr.. T aua! - rw A rs rMHJs5KTPSNB / WkESC MY AStRIVEJ ? / SUt=TSfllO? HAV■lOT yjU PdW CN T ACCIP••• ^ C0WS5 IN/ ^

n r p 5 i i « u » L 7 ™






“ 8

■ ■ ( 7 1 m PUNNiwo t o T 7 7g f l ' ASKA nW FB?PltX)\ A r - v / C i n m M VPuesTOM nrM J.l

M n , »UMT. WONT'lOU JOIH / r v o :dQ V us. M!33WHa? y Ip "'C'Y i X ( r ' ‘Y ^ m 4 R A o T \ j \ J

t I

WOOaTftoj&a / >g» Bttu-IR-'r"I55] P— ; / rfuiN tO iW . E P x y

f ^ I


H 600S ' MfcO U 'ilO »K1 n ’. BA«i.S ■ L THM.Srt BKSCAL HtiO_______ 'T iVi 1

s H H R f


4 O.AO WB a c b e b :T Thb r e s t “ V h E POM'T w a n t t o I THPtcC « TO CO ] TfiST AvmJirv:^ J tOUE LCfJ y M e « WE PCTTH 1 [?:$TAKCE \A2E PCC r r . ,

i \ S t\ y i U I f I



9 s o ^ A fd i N S T O j ^ F ^ I j l ^ H “ TOPPOCEEOTOTW ECCASra^M


‘■I'.'T-NOv/, ■ '■ 'sW I’m n o t *=«v E .'iO‘V'(LL.'’.'’ SAL-r\ IKJTEPESTEO EA T S W ir U S ." P IN YOUR < !i,AS c r WE WAS / SOCIAL LirE .'.'ODY O W N S ^ IM HERE 7 0 J 3UL.STRAhi3EP.r > BUY THE <> FAMBLV. SAME / LirTuC PC*>aR

y ^ f : :


Page 12: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

M a r k e t

Stocks 18 markets AT A GLANCB ;v

i jl: .........

I V h • ‘

;»5Ef«i .'I'* ;■' >•■■ I .........- ...... •■• • ;■■


t'ri'f'.Li 1 ..................

Unl'!''- M •’ ‘ ' *•'• • ■ ■

i ; -


'■•'r* '■ li';

|rS';;y li'; ;}3f p S

i r i v - i ; ; , - r

Stock Averages

E h e e JLJILj I EPotatoes-Onions | .

Virrr-. V»’-n iI i'' !r»' L'.’,,

» M '. f I . .V I » : ;» \ M V > v « l ^ l U f SJS-JIJ. _

Couliltt Mila To Visit 3 Towns _

A r r :v t-rn la t i \r o: ih r TVlii n iU

\Vtl.lIU•^i'.ly a:Vl T\ur».!a>\ 1—to lV;i A, .v:-.u-'r cvnii.iet

’’o ' . i i!-,c r T . i : T , ' f . ' . t . i i u f r'J,lk;:l L'l- .U i:;c- Klah.' .-lAtf r:ir,'Kn-

O'JO n m . to 4 Cr.i Tlnir;.:Uv n ~llf •niU I t »l t^r JU m ^ arr »U<1 IWl

rroLTii'lP aiVl 111 llMlry

UIM'.X “

l i

Enlists in Navy Is ; s

Iccnifr. S ia Dicscv. CaUU for recnUt



t s a n d F i ], 4 ♦ V *

i Lives tock i

i : i ' . ____

firm iV JlA'^i^.-lK .* ' ' ., II"!'

[ j..i]v'.‘ :.;nV:s - i

m-’um lo ii^.l <mii-«i;- l.u'l. V l . i ' i - J ''; f—


B 3 ? s s a « = ,

S S S Z iSt

J-V'Ki'f. .t,,i tV..i f ' ' ’<'.:io*i’,.'’[ti!.-viN..

I 'Ttvin Falls I

i M i i

® i !

S B i

^ l^Gm a n c e i

. . . . i

! GrainH

. i;. o.rri ', M ■\ l i . f l . V I Ml

> , **ul.rr*,'M»T* t-'ol * ' lo:

: i i : : f 3

' rm rA r,. ‘1''11,iil U - I : .'. lh(

; ;•“ .; ' : ; i ' ‘ I W ' i

1 m' i" '" : 'V , : . . i \ rn

‘ i ‘ ''' • ' \ ' il’ ! 'i ' ‘ ‘; <1.1, •• • t ,.,

' ■!' '. "■'■• I 'l ' ' 'm . ' ■ il- : r,.:' 1 : : .i .: '. i ': ;u

I.Ml hr

:. I I..; I...'.I I - . I I- r - '•. 1 i“-

lv . iv . - i 'r ’ ‘••■'* ov.

■ r ’tiiV' I':' .■’r-'-i'": K I ■...........[ ' ■ " ■ ■ ■■ ” ’ r..i

• i ; ;:;;; • ' ■'’•• •'' ' '■ '" ik.

i , » . ^

Vi.»'i-n {■

' j Butter and Es:gs 11:;\ H \s VI!AMIf <n

A I - I : i - - r . . tr.ii.- A

.......... ,.i.,'i A ...,.i: IVll' , U''*............... ............ I

(Mir^i.ii] n m \'.a . M*. t.im; ]m

! : i 'v ............... .. III. ,li-,-. .t,.i I, . ...I-,;.-. Y :. i: l-I ~

■ “"'''"'I,;;!.,,;;...... K

,' P o ta to and Onion “ ; F u tu res k

- s:t --------------- ------------ Wf

\ 5 V » £ l ; i s r « J J; W '-i .................... 'I ' "! « I'tii t.' i,.|

' rrv'.” .V ;r-r'“','lur ‘’t';"’',|, ‘''o'.’.ri-t, ,)„V, 1‘.', Ml ' ' ' \V

M,' ' _ iL l : ______ n I

1 School I'oriiin Is 2 feel tor loniijlit '

: rus: S■ .MlKiii-il t;u-i;il[i-. h :,'lir<liik-il :i!' a:3U I>. III. It'll:.'. »nrr KLIX. 'Hir

fnrutii l. .'.ixin .irrcl by Uir U .n u ; or

•y Clin:.- " " lMi:ni. Ml-.. Urnii.ili 1.. DvhIs 'H

S ' I' Il Ll rxiiivtrd tli.il •iir.ilciT.' will ‘I''• Ink.- un l!ir v:iil.uir n'lircl.s ot Ihr Cll : nliic.illoii:il probk-w, in ih rclty Mid il';

I V,-',,. ..-t Ml.1 1 ........ ..

I ’rl-;i: f'lii'iTil U- v« it'» It : t —I »nj ■;

Is M a rk e ts Sj

■..‘• i V i . r i ' - r _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . " "

l E y ^ £ = i E ,

| | : S ; ? . E = ^ = | '

: .


I GOP Hopefuls I Debate Issue; Neither Yields _

(n«n P«f» Om) 2rrtly and iin.-wfrv-iiis ssnlnM any -p,. :-h riiir !o wrUe Itiwa ouUnVi'lnff i , , .

i'l>ci>i.lc l)o .;ia r o t lliclr rtllsloiir..I iHiluiriil, .•<»'!al o r (conomic IdcM," f„j I Iir drclurrd. g

liolti dl.'pulanl.-' cla;.hcil ovrr Itir „„ Mundl-MxDii bill, a mra.-.urr iio'*'

. Ix-ft'ft roniirr-.' nutliorliiiiK tlir nl- loniry crnrrn l to ln\r.\tlKStr ru:.* .. Iirrtrd "front" orvMnlullon.i to d r. trnn liir if thrv rr|irr. rn l n fnrrlicii j ;n)'ifr or ndMK.itr (ncrllirow of Ui': i.ju i o'i rriiir.ciil Ijv foii'r. .

llir o th rr l."u r, fncliit O rrsu" nml ‘ i'.',

lU tr r trd DrRry: ‘"If Mr. .^M.-'rii .-.nvj tliiil 1, nil he

‘ w nnu. tlirn hr h.i.-. completely rur- '. rrtulricd." ''

‘ h r n i;':i''th:il thfi i'-,:iinuiniji parly f*''*'

. Ihr Miiiiilt bill a ir i i . Karl Miliidt, r j

\ vvrv .-mllr [•-■I'a.-cil ata.-,.-.rnf»cc .V. Ihl,’. tlirii .t. Aflrrwnnl,-.. however,hr ^ild t'" crrmmiy li:.d


0;",:nn iHi'lini-!'! In “ hr'. for"vo:r^^ " ]

rniO rfK oii. Drwey wriil Duck to hir. fw hcirl t.j rrady ft hihjii iiddri-.v in- l||=

■llir iiiiiimry i-i yrlilny.

America Rebukes , Syria Because of 2 ■ Israel Stalem ent S

I .Mil; .SUCCiiiS, May IB i/V ,-Thr vi.l 1 U iiltnl .S!.-.lr:i rrbul:rd Syrln today (

fur c-!ullrin;liii; t! ir rlRllL nf P:c',- tll.

;.!.itr <,I I-riirl. rr:Chirf U..S. d ilrc .ilr W iinni H. Hit

i .ttrr .s.ir'i;in di’lri;atr I'.irl.'i W

Atu;i-I 111 liy U Khoui-y.s clliii>;r thr

l:r!.r|, All-'Ull : .lcl: ^

il r.irli. Nil inhiitial iiiiywlinr r:iii Ii.i:.. iii^ii tlu- Ir^-allly ot lli.il acl :

b.Ho .111 n :r r l r \ o t fliir lloir. wlilch n

to thp At.ib cmiiitrl.v. niiil ;lir iirn- ti.M 'l.'nal ti.vciim irnl n! l.M.irl, f:l •Kho,iry .ibjr.-trd to any imiiiinii <it ,,, I.'rarl .> Kovcriini. iil,

Illness Fatal for A .L .0 ’D a n ie U 5 “

.u ;r o m k„ m .iv in-Ali>h(iii ii:. i.. hho n .iiilil, ■ri. ill'xl h n r at i ji in. timMonil.iy nft.T nn lllnr'vi .>f nvr Ilnwrrk.'. wa

Mt. O D .'tll.l v^a^ boni Sr;)|. 1(1,

UT, Mi:.. I; I*. Hiiilth. Mr.^ Siiilih Is 111, only :.i;vlv„r. Hr r rr - rrdr<l In .l.:Uh bv B .'d.'trr, MnrylUlMl>rll. O 'D .inlrl. nnd n tiroilirr. ?W, F.. O P.ilil'l. lc-

IIiv :iw will ll- iTcllr.1 l.t a p.m. <ll''Wisliir dr\v In th r Wlli-v ihaprl. dalM.i.v Ulll hr crlrbv.itrd .it n n.m, o:n•lli»i:.ii:i\ at th r S t. Ji'rwnr C.ithnllc tn

“j!Supreme Court ™

Changes Ruling ;i"not.'-.i; Mny in (-V—n i r MMr

!i.,k*roinily nn.l ill: !Hl:.-ril n d.uii-

T lir im r r cmiit hail nuntdrd

Palace in Holland ! Damaged by Fire '

T ilt: H .\a c t;, jMii^ ib -

VISITS r.\nF.N TS -^ W;CLO. Mn.v 1 x<

Highest i P R IC E S PA ID '


Twlo Frnm 314

ID A H O H i "d E & TA LLO W CO.


Riot Started by .rS: Red Hat; Radio S Men Face Suit f™

SAN FIIAKCISCO, Mny 38 (4’ i n i a l red hn l Mrs. Kailile Zahn 1 happened lo be uearlng tU rtcd llic n j c k u . i . but fhc blames 11 all on lherndio .'jiovt. ___

So today lhe Albnny, Calif., w m i i - nn filed tuU for *100,000 <liim.i|;c.i lor l!ie roUKll handlliiR :!ir rccclved ,« wiirii ihc nllslilrd Irom n trails.bay i'~t i . i l n a t lhe i c n n l i i a l h e r e la u -----D tr. 8,

Il ;.ccnn that t h r placc » |1S vim I J.niiiiHd ttllh i'll r M - i i r d nuib, nil iiiiciii nn flndins a ••M . . lUlelgh,"

£ € , g | f ^ p & i; .Mr.-,, '-ly.-. _lhry t.irr h rr

Tour of Duty Is No>v Open To Reservists —

n b u l V 'l |n '^ r r r r i m l n M ’h c '^ ' I ^ l n l• ■lll. ,77-

b c ' c . i l l n r i c ) . l u i y h i i l i r K r iu lr l l i e y 57,';

p i f l l l i J

l i s l e rH:

''cu rrrn tlV , B,0(;3

liitrii-.Mrd In tlir tour,', of .Inly iii:iy ">

Motorists Fined p In Justice Court i

;si- : ;i io Io . ;M .- , r i t r d b y -M ivlr j - . l i . r ,OUT Ihr wrrH-rnd for iniIfU' 'jutn-

.\cJnlliiK to ihK rrpoit. I.ritoy _M--;. li-r, -IVln F;ill: , w:i.s lu;cd SUi -----and for _

i i i ' p §

," ,'1, s y J S r .^ 'i i r f j i '

Ali.una., ’I.*!!! K.ilj. r«W ..™

” cu“ 'r!“'r 'usiu"" M- “-'.ISlllllVMi, -n o n iul.l 11 S3 llin. .U

Caroline Bailey Paid Last Honor ^

tfAILEY, Mny 2 k

!ll'.’V s n u lJ . ln ? i^ ‘“ h=^'>”n t''^ i - J ; ‘daimhtfr Mr;.. Vriu Mny, In J r r- Tin o;nr. werr hrld n l 2-.20 p.m. Momlay "

Jo S . S ™ £ £ c o : “ r ' ‘"i: Itornc " j;!

r i:a d t im e 3 - nf:\v s w a n t a d s .

WANT AD r a t e s ] I■ s = S f s i



S 'M « A a r y * ta fo m i! tS u

M A Y 2 ! I—

n r ^ d ln w X c i iB n I p


LEAVES TOWN H EE. R- Mllchcll. 43. TRlri Falla. 777^7

ftrrciied Monday nlghl by clly 'm , police to r belns IntoxIcBltd In a public plnce. waj relcuetl from cuj- i»Ji tc.iy T u fiday by Judjo J»mcs O. pum plirry on the provblon th a t lie leave town In one hour. ^Joui

C la ss if ie d | T H A N K S


H H I B :r ..... ■ — - ^ ;

FO R a l l AinPLANE 1 ''


1 -

I ’K IIS O N A L S 'I ®


i-ii.-Mi: - h . . .1-.- '....\i;

. . - . . - 1:1 I>r, j L

n '^ l ': i ' ^ ’ w iil,. h.i,r; I ... 1'.

I------ ------- ------------------------------------ 1 _ i:;iI.O S T I—

L IR lO R A L R tiW A ItD —

S C IIU O L S & t r a i n i n g " I


S ri;!U,IKG C. l-AnSLN

s i i i i i ^ i

• s « B i S = r

i = K -

W f c i E

• A S P H A L T P A V IN G


• G R A D IN G

• R O L L IN G

• G R A V E L H A U L E D

P H O N E 0 2 8 8 J 3 ^

T \V IN F A L L S ^C O N C R E T E & A S P H A L T _£ii

C O M P A N Y _

■ n b - L l 'W A N T i : i ) - [ - E . l lA L E ^

H E L P W A N T E D — F E .M A L E _t,\i'KKIL.S(;t:0 ■•ll/iu oantn]. A r^ TA't

Ifl r*r»*n. CtTTrr'* Coffee _____ j;,WAM'tU: Ur.rr.tjjm^i«l

htme, cleuiut eurrmiiKjloft. »"«1 rvT; > > t . f >rlc r> ncf> « ic h > C E x l. I k u «0U-

LOUl'ini:.ST houj«lirTl'«r~ieli» will ip- ^w ,Horklnr C6ndlllorn^pl«»*»ot. ltj>(*r»rif«

H E U * W A N T E D — ■'MALL~ r r

Au.. p


- F O R S T O R E W O R K !

RO X 2 -A T IM E S -N E W S

M \L E -^ ^ E .M A L E —

I5U S1N E SS O P P O R T U N I T IE S p "

j i i i i i i

-------------------------------- ■

_ — I p- F O R L E A S E — ’ •!




F A R 5 I I lE A D Q L 'A R T E I iS fi,.o. : : i i 1;- . :<"» T

S E R V IC E S T A T IO N : : :

I ’l lO N E .IfiS F O R A l 'P O lN T .M E N T


TTph o n e : « 3 TWIN FALLS li

P I N E L I B I B E R S A W M I L L ^

s s | r r

R E N A S P E Y , R E A L T O R

W O O D R I V E RM O T E L ■=

"cA U , on w n tr r _E . W . J I c R O B E R T S & _C 0. p ti-Ks rA L L i i d a H o 5^

™ % E e m L

ii m i i i ;

1T L X S D A Y , M A Y IS , 1948

M IS C . F O R R E N TTA'U -Inn ruralih*] tr tlltr b«u>A t:<

t w i _ i i M I*m b t i w t a r » »of I e r i*

n .'io il ..niJrti. e .:,,r. «nj t>cliih«ri. rTrit l.h )iur o'Q *rd cat.

W A N T E D T C R E N T .L E A S E] (lit t-nuUM bouM. No t’k ^

( O il l . I l i K J i l ^ U r r i i l i M » u « * . r » ^ »

* lt"5ct utcrmre.. Will uL*

W.VNIM*: ^uT^..SH or .inforr.ubH >•" ^ 'l'<lr..im nr •['•nran'L I/-f*l 1

W IL I . P A Y U P T O

SlOO A :1 0 N T H

r.ir^TAL »on i v e a h s i.caie

lloi:;i;. W1I.1, f.\\' 1 V K A If:: r .K N T IS ' .M iV A N c f . Mtr'-T III; in'

E . I I , W A R D , M nn.U’cr

C. C . A iuior.-;on Co.

P H U N E 171 o r 172


N E E D M O N E Y ?

I . c « t t ih » n m »B»

lu r.ll i;J w « t i - b . . . !;'»

L O A N S & FIN A N C L N ’G 1 -0.V f

W . C . R O B IN S O N

S e .



^ C lilC H IATT. UEr.^^_

= Z = = Z = 1 V c L A N D B A N K L O A N S


^ \V l°n h i^ r!c ? d ^ a ^

L O A N ^S E C U R IT I E S C R E D IT 7

C O R P .

1 R E A L E S T A T E W .V N TED


J . E . W r t l T E A G E N C Y

H O M E S F O R S A L Et-^rivim Vic:„— ;ii

: g B .I


F . J . B A C O N ^


C A L L 2 6 9 7 -W

M A G IC V A L L E Y IN V E S T ^ ^ E N T C O R P .

. . a I



Page 13: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

T U E S D A Y . M A Y 18 , 19

H O M E S F O R S A L EI.K O O M t r r i t l . , l« b« rno.c

l - l i r .U l l U U U o ^m t. o il l u r s i ' ^ s

J .K O O i l ►’I’'’” >•' '••

U O IJ.S K 10 r-l, p . ,

I ^ r » » I iV tZ/'K 'I '•!■,

' ^ ( s p r c i A tTWt> prORf>(lM. ri»-” »r.

lm n i» . . ; j •■.V n ..- . I ,i::

K. I,. JFKKiriS

j - i i r .D I t n n M -1- I”

C . ' a '. R O R IX S O X H ra lt


N E W A N D M O D E R NIm m « .li« l» on (v-r-jr.

L E ^ r A . " c H A n N ! ' ' - ST U I ’l i o s r r . ; is .

T W O R K D RD O M J!0 U 5

^ J O H N II. w i n r r , c r .n R '; ? : n i i

' 'i 'r . rfltt.t'.M '

E L M E R ^ P E T K R S ^


" ' b e n A S P E Y , R e a lto r


' C E C IL C . . f o N E s '^ Ur.!4lr» » Tn;» Um I. I>. M

E . \V . M cR O R K R T S i CO.

C. E. ADAMB A: C. t , BE:\7.n:R

• " F A R A i s 'F b i r S A I . E ~~

■h r, , .'m '


p f i l i l i i

J .

■G O O D F O R T Y

cr.oci: TO t w i n t a l l s

S . J r S r u ' . v ' * . ' " : . ; - . , ” " -

■10 A C R E S

F . C . G R A V E S i S O N

l l r i f - l r d l

, 19-18

^ E ___ ||

Phoneg ^ : 3 8

l i . ' f " ; FA R M S F O li SAI.E

1 ^ 7 7 7 ^ h l . n l . v C A i-U M K V I ') ., r . 1 " , t' H LA L E S 'r A T i r F m n ^

V A C A M w , I f t i U J |M ( .



[•alto r _ c . E . A D A M STIN 1-1 >l.ln A .r, 1..________

:r n I '

' {*•! r-'. ‘ iv -'m

K « . ' l i c y I ( .■ : . • . ' , V . . „ V „ 'v K ,M i.

i i ’S E I. . S IIA W S H O M E KKALT

o r J'l '■■•‘■i.V*'!

..... ; C R A IG & E A L l-SR c a l to r .s

" I i^ U 0 i~ T :\r p U J ^ i 'i [ .N ’i s ~



CO . — P r ic c t i R ifjlilE 5>o ■ C e l '\ '( iiir .s N ow !

z d i t w i n f a l l s t r a c t o r------- lj A N D

‘" ' j I Knltu m " ‘'* 'A 7


11 B rn iN O T o o n t JJAIIKOU-S



~ SEA RS R O E B U C K i CO.Tu-tn Falls


ro R T A B L n r iL E n s



lis I ■O N E

K E W YA H , j CA SE TR A C TO R___ ■ '" 'IT ll CULTIVATOR

im m e d i a t e DELIVERT

-------C m , Bc F iiinnccd -------

D A L E Y ’S


I CLASL ________: ............. ................

A I.E I F A R M l.M P l.K M F N 'l

. 1" . r i : . f ; " ' ■ ' ' • ■ ' ' - ' " “ hi'* . >'

i f s A n r i

l; ; . -IA Y e l k IIA.AIMKKM

I'ciiV.' iu"m u r c ; a n l l m )s a y (

-J. I O N E i ;? K D

‘ \‘" Z 'n I r i i : i ,nr, CL’I.TIVATOn

jn o N Afii:5 I - n v o n o wl>."M SM POTA’I'O PI-ANTm

— ■ .Ti:Nha:;s-------------j OVLIll^JIOr HAY


r.rm. r OMVKR PICK-UPi‘””‘ ■' HAY llA I.rn

, M O U N T A I N S T A T E ?IM P L E .M L N T CO.

, S ; f k k t i l i z i : : k

: a l t v j u . s t r I 'C k i v I 'D•i; - I - 'I i CAHLOAl) o r


I I lL N R Y P R O D U C i:

' ■' '""■'■ - F E R T IL I Z E R S -

V '. i r l ' ' vic:t);;o-iu.i.s-N-ia;D S7i:i:ii

cAi:;^!-.:;^. '^-^yu.r.Tc taru

I I,lr.ild !1i'..,,£.3 111...! r.nill

! H E N R Y P R O D U C E C(, ! r, i. PIIONK 10 Kl.MUEHLY

i n i t k o c k n f e r t i l i z l 1 W c H av .-

I........ ■ l.Mlil S;icl:;;o f n ; ' . N iti-(i}'en

; L'lIILI.lNinON.NKV.CO.Mn ------^ CiHOWl Iiy .SUI'l'I.Y;t s ' I

I s i ? T : T j s ~ m

rO R

E G A N B E N C H R U S S E T .S

fiE7X> F E r o CO.

S K i 'D P O T A T O I';S


i C O M E O U T; A N D

> D IG V O U R

P A N S Y P L A N T SFor 2Jc a Do:cn


T I R A N D A L L F L O R A L' •••; iH'1' U im s’-nh. I'h--,. K-'

- d a n d e l i o n s -

' GeL R iflo f

I V o u r D .iiid c lin n .innd

Dfnullly Your Ynrd


B A C O N P R O D U C E CO. P H O N E 2.30


■ h a v T C r a i n a n d f e e d»«_l'AUA"h.r,^^ a mil- « . i

!k |' moraln* ini^^h'lniT'Tvln'^r^Ilt"''

s s i f i e d "I :N T S j H A Y , g r a i n A N D n

t ~^l q J y n lO v ' ^ m u u

: k m i l l ________ ~ ~

\V CO . — -----------

_________ _ iiTorroiiTJiimu.i) .i.;i,..„

n I l . i . .

CR j-------------------------------------------

Y : ' ' ' in i

ip ( -------------------------------R E G IS T E R E D

; A R A B IA N S T A L L IO :

.T E S I

C A U D L E R A N C H' I’linnc 0 ::i5 .Jl, TV.-1C1 Fall:

~i i r \ i n ~ ( : i V i C E < ~

l.<9-0 I '■■""■ ■— — — -------------PIIATE -------------- P -;' AFP novr p-------

,S«.r (U*<k»ci^ I

------------ li C A R T E R ■’i lA T C H E R ^; - I T-i^

n n :it ! liU O D T H I.N C iS T O E A

•ARy j _____ __________________

: CO. ■ '' . ^ ’T ' ^ V T ^LY T - T - : - , - : ^

-------li p M sJ Z L R j r —

1 ■'

I'-: : t.nVi,;s“ r T 7 7 r r r , '~ ~ - v..-., -,i D.M!) ;

: V \.\_ N T f:i) n i i n v “

' ■ ■ ; / ' • ; • ;■’; ■ ■■ “ T - J -

W A N T K D 'I 'f) p.U Y

H A R R V K d l ’P K t- i ‘n .

T m - l ^ \ T / h - m r Y H A m - ■ - - ■ .

“ : ^ l I s t ^ F ( T ^ ^ s A I : ^ “

r r p r

: r ; :

I R L A C K C E L L U L O I D---------T O I L E T S E A T S

;--------’ I50UDLK lw\DNDRY

TU13"/TAS^’V J i’rctT*

' S E A R S R O E B U C K & CO.



'.Tin bailn*** »n«lr*U. J«m« A- Sjjli, I , I . r t c j o u n j M n -lf* . : n IU . U W

I Nc fUi. rbo»» m i .________________------- • niC Y C I.E S A L E S & SE R V lC i------- |!']111IIU» CKl«r7. ra. 111. «»1 M«lB At*. 1

' • Cl.E A S 'E R S .C

' a C ()^iM E R C ^A L P R IN T W O

' • FLOOR S ,\N D !N O

• F U R S'IT U R EUnolx.m. rMdr sui*d irtn (X»«T, aipUl

Uk. C»~ * Unilty. UO ted i t t

• G L A S S -R A D IA T O R SlUBica c;m» V~JLmii :t» spg &. l-h.

------ ' • K E Y SIIO P___________________E D * u«i*f t io 6^lo^ i:» :« I i.t t> lu a i>r L D. ik>f» rboBt iu«-u .

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• nE F ni(;F .M Ton s e u v i c e- - - - - - - A p p lu » « a . Piw>a» t < l i

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< U li.L V. N I4HW.

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— • TYPEn>RITn.>S_______________— ■ ■ S « l a . r t t iU U l o d u n k « . I’b o o f M . S h t f .

^ » o o d T r > . i r f l t j » tl. O spM lM P. O .

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81lB<!t mti» t* tliu. W m t 4 l« U » a .


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EVERTON -rrTT MATTRESa FACTORYL iii* i:SJ«dA r..S . rs«n . Bl-W

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------ C. C. A N D E R S O N C O .TW IN TALLS. IDAHO


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•rM «i ( l i t . T n i i - » o n iM i i i t ic irm : »onn iij-ien tn^k

- J . 1911 IS-TF-UNATIONAI.l i u D O DG E H-Irs I H l C U EV R O LC T t n jc k1510 C lIE V nO L C T l i j . l e n « U . r r





in.'lfiiic.K b-.uful I,:^k

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niKVHOLET c tij .

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"rOi"'"i’W . ____________ e ^ E R S O N __________ MOTOR BALE3f I r ' 1 i"l 3r.l Am . Wwt

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ll.VK.OU UI :-•! An. .s . Ph^r.. y |]Cl|'f.,s KVJ-SI NCS AJVD

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E i i S l i j2 W H E E L

I N C . • B A N T A M T R A IL E R

... . |» H K is .5 r yWA.4 . . . $ : r o o

> KOW . $175,0

------------1 J E S S E M . C H A S E . INC .A IN i . , „O F ■ -

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A I•A G E I C O N T R A C T O R S !

1 i H E A \^Y D U T Y H A U L E R S

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TS, 1(11 Inch i:id ITD Inch

Whfcl BM#

M c V E Y ’S , I N C . ■

1«1 Third Are. W.

n v iN PALLS


, V ,

Page 14: ft e i - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_05_18.pdfrice tl:r Hru-.vn IncludcO J, O. P.llnKcr. tl n v i c t i o n S e t s forcem ent of law.s

; Summer aud Youth Boost

Auto DeathsWASHINOTO.V. Mny la ( .r ,— •

D taU u caurrd by aut<.;iioLHlc .■vccl- denta ila r t ir.crcMliif: in 'H if Incrcii# In falnllllrs tttfough the iu.t;nKr ni;i3 l->* .

mon'.ha. tjiff le liierra-e url^C rrtpqn.sible for « mounting ilra iii toll t.hroiinh AiiRint. Moior <'>r tr a r r l <!cc;ii;m l:i t!ie full. l):u fc'.vrr hours of «l:i>llsll'. cniitrl'JUte to * ■ eonUnuKi rise in lo'.nl <lrn:h!i.

Acclcltnt rccordi of vnrloir .itiile-’ ; »how Uinl IfiO'-nr-olJ tlrUcr-v on a ; mllrasc b.uli, r rr J:;vc)lvr<I l;i t!irce ■

■ to nlric w iii.'iTiy r:it.U ac-cldrn li w nili;ii:r-iu:c'<I drlvrrv Wliy ^ do y(ni:iA’^!frr. tuvr :ucJi a tj;ul t\c- K J eld tn t record? n ;e A'lluiio'-lvr .‘niifp- K f ty founrtntlon siy.i trnffic rc-.’.r.irch M-i rrp e rl i liliimr l:irH of ilrlvrr tr.iii'.- W ,

' Ins ftloiin ''l l l l ilirrp rhiinic-icrL-iti--i B .jof yniilli. 'Dir youltl cliiirnctrrl.-.- E £ Ucj tire:

Itr.iMni l.i 'lrd1. Too nuidi fiirrh-y. 'H-.H •

up In excc:.^lir f;x-cd, vliinroits bnikmc. er.^lnr-rnrliii,-. r.lirrl-r ;>ln- nliiK nnd o thrr f(>nii% of t-Tirri:''’ic drlYlDC. Tiir.-p rc.Milt In more frc- f;ui.-nl r.klcldiiiK nccldciiU ond » '•llRfl collL'Ions, __L

2. Innljlllly to k rrp n ltrn llon on <lrlvlnff. Voulh fliidi It <llI.’lruU to QJi r t i ls l dl.'.tmctiorj. Tlits yduiic O l drivers w pr\rllcl:>.Hr In rntcr!-'i'n- m enl of cnr comiinnloiis or to w.ivrftl frlcn(L^

3. Triulriiry to •'.-.lin'v off." Ex- J i prcwlon of tiic Cirlll di'.’ln-. "<Svl

Safety aiilhorlllr:. i :.y tin- -' yiiulli luniieharactrrl-.tlr.? do not rrdln;irlly np- Wrdpriir in Dip police nrddciil rrcori!.’ . M.is;Tliry I're r.tibjrcl only to cliiiTii;c of Ha t the liiinds o.' riaii’J ti ' d rducator;... in I.The loimd.itloii r.iy.-. llm l A rlrnnii. »\)iiwhich has bern cx;>awllni: lt.i WkIi to HMhool drivlnK iralnlnK iimi;riiiii rr.\^Ince io n . rrl^o l: a do^'ii* Ttirn d In liijili mIiooI nxr ir.iIMc tu ttnlltlcj. Tlir-c iiu:nt)i rr<! 23 iii lyH . I'vt :11 Jll 1015, (1 111 lOlC nnd OIU' t<' « ^llld Inte dnte Jn 1047,

Improvmirnl NolftlDflnwnro rciwrt/. a trcm rridoiw ft

liiiprovmicnl In the ncclrienl nnd ■*■vlolntlon rrcord-1 of triilni-<3 yoiinc IXdrlrrrs In con tro l to the untr.Tincd woni yoiitlis.

The foundation .■.iy« th a t wlille mentlirre has bcr:i a Kr>Mt increa.'c ol havepublic lntJ'rr.'<i Iti hliiti .•<'hool d rlv - ix-rner e<IiicatJnn, only n fraction of llcriIhe 25,000 hlvh j^hooh In tlic coun- Anntrj' offer fldcflu:ite In^tructlcri. ilan

--------------------------- LutIrHNSSYI.VANJA VISIT l-'-ill

JtJlO.Mi:, M;>y IH-M r. and Mr.'', omrC. V. Willl;mi;.on :md .•■cti, Chiirlc.i. .\j;irhave IcU for n two-inonlh vlsll In c;x i»outtien> PcnnLylviuila, J cm


$ down,a m

$ 1 p

buys llicse fine

P e iid le to ]

i v -


p w


J '■' '■

H e re Uii'v a r c ! A tiK 'r ic ii’.'' fine. Bhirt.i in th e nuw 1 ‘)1S ]>;itti-i o u r eiiH.v In y -n w n y p ln n n n d — o r If it.s n p r a d i i a t i o i i K ifl now — tiic y ’r c n p c r f c c t { rift 1

$8.50See Them in 0

m. (


- 'I

BYU President ^

Kr.ITlI IL rilXMOIlK . . . «ho wa* rtr<i»llT fW trd

prr^lilrnt of llie »luclrnt bwlr r 1 Mrliliam V ount uiil»rr»llj. I’ro- to . c u ll, n ilm o rr. • Junior a l Ih f imlirrvlty. it lhe »on of Mr. anil .Mrm. I lfrl Vlllmore. Hurir*.(SUff rncm»lM£(

State Committee Meets in Jerome

JintOMK, MiiV 18 ( . r ~ n i r s\ry\f ndvl.’ jry cfinn ilttre of Uie f.vnr.cn hdiiir iidmUiL-.tr.ttlon will iiicri here W rdr.r'day nnd Tluir;<iay, Karl M.ii;li-l)V. SaU l.ake City, fii;irr»t'>'r of lhe I.imuT:. home at;iiU);i triilJon m U:,i!i I'lul Idaho. .••il-Mhe tr.v.ii.

to the .'.l.’C "f loiins to tnuii-.t larin- er.\ fyr parclinsrx.

T ip uri'iip u lll miiUe a flrUI trip tu the .‘:;nrhoiie tvrlain.'tl'^ii proj- rvl ;>iid the H uni rrloc;iilun area lo :.in(iv thl' n<-^l o f n fA scriiivi la tho;.c nrrxv .•aanli'by .'aid.

Nurses LicensedDOliit:. Mny IQ i-T—lliltlv -th rre

women have been Knilited rrKl.-trrrd m irri'. !ii'rii.'c.'. by reciprocity bkicp- ■ ment.'. 'vlth o tlirr Matr.v und 111 have Ixen k I" 'ii pnictlc.il nllr^lIl(! ly-rinlt.'. Or.iiitrd rriilMrrcd niir.'lne l lc rn 'ii Inchide Olllin.'c KiiUhl Annnriini.-, Clinrlotte 1*. D ai'rr. U l- ilan llr.lry UiiiKhani. ilolililr S. Lutlojohli, ClirlsUilo Tliomas, T'vin l-'.ilK: Marian Alyiin K«c1us. J r r ­om r; M:irluii lone Kirchrr, nurley; .Marjoru- I-ce Par^oi;'. Huhl; nelitc- ca il. Wllford, H lrr. nml Henrietta Jeanne Wolfe, aooUiut.


1 . . .


per month

on S h ir ts

W 'i

f i l l(iftl

%'i i ic s l lo f i '. ' v ir jr ii t f lm -o wixil i t t iT iis . I 'l io o s e y iu ir s m nv on m i y o u 'l l Im vc th e m fo r fn ll f l y o u r Inokiiif: f o r b u y th e m f t fo r e v e ry " o u ld o o r Ki-nil.”

. $11.50I Our Window!

> 0 3 :

Just in Time G ift f

i / ' , j*

u "

W '

Give Him a

White Shi• ARROW• VAN HEUSI•:^

S3.50 HYon'il I lltr r j;>i w roiis o nt ,'hlrt-f.'i)rclaHv ir It.-, nn Ai Van Heii:rn. Choo.'.r from new Biul popular collar .’hai

I f it's

/ ' t f -

HK OHI t 's th e i ic r fc c l K 'f l

f o r th e lti>y g r a d u a t e !


Tio Cliiiins and Kars

51.50 S2.05

Ke.v Chains

51.50 S2.50

Cuff Links





51.50 S3.50

Hill Eolds

53.50 S7.50

l i i ltla b or name .'.taiiipcl In Gold ITIEEI

rejo^Ele for Graduation ‘t Buyinp!


' White Bags

. ; $4.98' n n d tip

«r phi.s ta.x

. • I I J u 'l tinpai'l;fd — n u l they'l nrr th r nnr.wrr lo nny'j tradli.illdii k'lft pmhlrm.V ' Whl'.r k.ilhft.'. ami Ijc.ulrd

^ M aJn F lo o r

D ry f lo iu is I ) i '|) t .

a /N

hirt // /.

/ y64.95 C / m .

•OIU nil ths ..'liapt-r,

■ : l\

: ( ^ e i> e .c

I ;


- J » F


“I f I t I s n ’t R ig h t ,


Sm art a i

C o stu m e

PIUNCESS GARDrOnly the finc.-l of Iralhcr.s co ii

V i-'iM',-: of norl;ni;in-.lil|i \'l'-li lot.I. Itlriiillication cnrdf, cle ...........i _____________________________

2-PC. TAILORED !h'ln ' nuiillly nncl .•nilii fabr Ta'.trl 111- .-.mall floral dr:.li:ir ....

I .in K crlc D c p l .

W ' ^ / ® ' ' ’t '

V . V M f u 's 'i y s t o r e


p lays t

-''.‘'J with 01

Po n a d a in ty c o t

— Clever Texli

• I o rg an d y , di

' . / j silhouclting Ihc

' a n d p c rl ca

( i ' \ a saucy ,

\ ■ \ \ S an fo

1 \ \ m erccriz

1 ^ ^ ^ _ J- '.'nds ilEcif to T(

I 1 a n d e m c ig c !

'» ' o dd ilion

W hile, Pink, B

r J' f _



h t, B rin rr I t BacA.-”


S B and New!

e J e w e lry

98cn n d up

'.J p h is tn.T

A nice Kricctlon lo clioo:#.r :- J from in enr rlnKs, necklace:.

■ p ln j. New iiuvclty style de» i ta lh ,

;DNER BILL FOLDSi;o 111 n I’rliice.',.-! Gardner Bill Fold.

$ 5.00


...... $6.95p l . — M a in D o o r

Young Men's

P a ja m a sS5

M a d e hy

F i u iT - O F - T n i : - L 0 0 :v i T I-X T U O N

I coed loolclnc patteni.1 on fino Illy fabric.';. Uuy nationally I'.vn :idviTtlrcil quality—Its the ; buyl

.M en 's S lo rc

i tricks

o r g a n d y

cotton blouse

T exlron " tr ic k c ry . . .

■f flt;fFy, rufTled

/ , d c lic a te ly em bro idered ,

3 Ihc s c o o p c d necklino

t c a p s le ev e s to give |

ucy, sum m er look.

a n fo r iz cd law n . . .

r e r iz c d fo r l o n g v /e a r . . .

to T ex tro n 's skillful touch

g e s a w o n d erfu lly atlfactive

lion to e v e ry w ard ro b e.

ik . B lue, Y ellow o r G reen .

lizes 32 to 38.

Eveiyhody is wearing them!Il.s th r popular new saiidiil In briKlit cold on ivhllr —Uie prr* f e d rnmbliiatloii to Wear ulUi nny colored outlil . . . n .••iiiarl n rw .-.lylr luo—the ;ofl padded .■•nir 'Vlill Klve yo’.i the utmor.l Jn coinfiirt.

S8.95A lso n cu n ip le te now

.slock o f Ca.'<uals ? 3 .9 5 (0



f e J A lw ay

f / hy K,'! : nnce

la inal)y , iiliiiiic!

H:^ _____________________

"He Loves I


f e "c-r ’: j ' i ' V

r p i p

■ y

In ihe spring a young oirl'i ' thoughlt of tho now scarf. Sentlmonlal fan la iy o< bloom, whimticolly ilolcfied on a pure till tquaro . . . o 1 • niomblei.

w l

IJ l 4

low ondbeSoldl Thofbiiery How ifiey tublfoct ll

groceMly they maV« yoti v> mailer of jpoclol dc

you'll find il cn every pair of F I'Om pDfty pji

T e e n A r c S h o o U cpt,

Give Quality

IIusc . . . Give


N Y L O N SIway.s nn a c c i 'i 'ta h le p i f t ! llf . flawh':<.'i n y lo n — m a d e • Kay.si-r— it;< y o u r ns.'^ur- ice o f hiK'lu'.-'t q u a l i ly ob- inab lc . I’o jii i la r n e w .'^prinj,' lu ic s to ch oo .'c f fu in .

GatiKO ..........................5 1 . 9 5I G aujro ..........................5 1 .6 S

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