ft the great gi^be jiptel - snap.waterfordcoco.ie

THE WATEEFOBD NEWS. ' ; ESTABLISHED—1847. . , LABOS8T ClKCOLATXON IN THE SoOTH OF <lBII AND , 'P.HWwd ttcrv FRTDXr Eteninsi at Ko. 50, JKnj-SJrMt, (OPTOSm TH* TROTIKCJAl IUIX). : P BICE—THREEPENCE ; Yearly(in Advanoc , 13s. By Post ( Yearly), 15s., in Advance. ! {3T All Cheques and P. 0. Otdore , made payablo ¦ to COBNELIDS REDMOND, at this Offioo. ; , - The NKW8 (liberal in politics) circulates extern dvcly i amongst the merchants , traders and nobility, gentry, ¦ (annhifr classes, &6., in Watorford, Kilkoany. TippBrary, : and Iho south of Ireland generally. ' . Tho Nrwp has i attained a circulation never equalled-by any paper ; published in Waterford, and is admittedly the li ading i fcrurria in this important city, with whioh. there is direct ! daily communication from London, j ' - . !. ' P&rticnlar attention mid to commarcia] and a; Tioa! n j; Biuiv^M*4 WVVWMUVU §<IMIA ^v V*^a i l l lI W I i I ft I iWJvk i n»ij j tiiral matters. " - . . - ... ' , -T ;:. -i ' . j t Advertisements roceivod tor , the NEWS by all n speot- itable Newspaper Agents in the United^Kingdom. Pro- inpayment roqnisito from parties not known at th? offioq. ]i- r : "- ' ;(¦ AOKNTS > OB SALK ' OP THE NEWS^- -- ¦ iTVATEBFOBD^Mr. W. K BIT ;little George ' i-afc" " [JTEAMOEE—Miis CLiNOri BofrAshmcntfJlioo] u .^ln :.> ' ¦ ' . Strand-street. , ' ¦ .. ' ' j ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ''" "{¦ ¦ ' . - - »: - ¦ - ' ¦; ^ -PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses LOVB, Hotel, S qi are.;; ' ; ' CAEKIfiK-ONtStJIB-^Mf J - K- ' MOBPHT I News. Lgont ; LONDON—(For Advts.JMr. WrriiAH'CABBol L, 18,. Crnwshay Boad, Vassal Boad, Nj)rth Brixton. . . . . DUBLIN—Advertising Agents : ^Messrs. W.H; SM ITH 4 Sos, Abbey-street. I ' ¦ DUNGABVAN—Mr. EDWAED BEINNANJ Sta ioner , •&c. ' , Post and Telegraph Office , Tio Square. : CASTLECOMER—Mr. J. HOLOHAN, Main-fitr© it. THE IBISH BOATS 'WHITE STAB LINE. EOYAL AR:D UNITED STATES WATT . i STEAMERS, . ;. _^ % . NOTICE. —Tijo Steamers of this ^o£^HiX. ' line, take tho £one Bontea, vooom- -* \ffr1 MM VSv mended by Lieut MAUBT,. . O a both ^¦BSGBBBSwtho Outward and Homewar 1 Pag- gaffes* ' . ¦ ¦ , ¦ " I Tnese wcU-known magnificent 8teamors, allooD. itrnot- ed by Messrs. HABLAND & WOLFE; of Belfast; are appointed to sail weekly a3 nndor . carrynnj her Majesty' s and tho United States Mails :— From LIVERPOOL t— j BALTIC ... ' Tuosday, 2nd.Sapt. CELTIC ... Thursday ... 11th 8opt. BRITANNIC. ... Thursday, ,.. 18th S«.pt. ; ADRIATIC ... Tuesday, , .:. 23rd - Sept. . OEBMANIC - .. Thursday. ' ..; . 2nd SJopt. ; From Qncenstown (Cork) . tho following daj. ' j. , \ FBOM._NEW Y.OB:;; ' . - ' . ' CHINA, . ... Thursday, .. 21st Ani ust. BBITANIC. .. . Saturday, .. 30th August. Tneso splendid-vessels ^REDUCE ' tlie PASSi .GK to ho sbortestpossiblo timo , and . afford to Passong in the hig hest degreo of comfort hitherto i attainable at ea. . Average Passage , 81 days .in Summer ; 0^ days in . Winter. Each Vessel is Winitruotijd'in 7 water i-tight oonipartxneiits*- ^ : < jj ; i- - ' The SnEKKAOBS are unusually sfJadoui^ well-1 ghted, ventilated , and warmed , and Pasmtngers of'thii class : receive the utmost civility and attention. " Cattie, Sheep or , Pigg are not taken by thia fine. An an imitod ; supply of Cooked Proviisioas. Medical oomfor a free ' of charge. . Stewardesses in ' Steerage to atte id (he ; Woinen and Children. ¦ ' ¦ ' " 1 Passengers booked through. at low rates , to all i arts of ; tho United States and Canada. ¦ . '¦ ¦ ¦ i ' , : . ¦: ' :: ATPLT TO :; ;. - i ¦ ¦ . , . ' T. S. HABVEJ, IitUe Cteorm' s-stroet, Wattirford , jAilES HENNESST, Great George ' s -at, Watorford. j. M. ; MTJBPHY , 43, New-Ian^ Carriek-on-S ulr: i- JOHN WALL, Jun., Dungaryan. , ' ' I' . !JOHN HOLOHAN, Castlecoiner. . ¦ . - .•: ¦ . - ,JAMES WATTS. Bo nmabon: . ¦¦ . - : . ¦: > .JAMES SCOTT 4-Co., Queetitown i or ti ' .; ¦ ISMAT, IMEIE ACo., 10, Water-street , Li verpool. |fv;ENGLANI> AJtD'SQtJTH WJL LE8; > NI ) THX 5t:>-r' . - . .- . BOOTH or IEELlND.../ t . I ' Altered and Increased . Service ay. Great. Western , Bailwuy Company ' s Trains anS Steam Boots , via li Milford Haven , -; in connectio ' t wilijiajy ATSB^ i-r' - 'toEirgaSXSiSaicKttn 'd! WAT ] BS O&D &CX <TBAL H ^v . - ^WttaJOiilinJifc .;. " , >. . '- .; " . i. _ |.| ^ ,V- .^' . ' if' i' .V , ' - i; Bh ortBBt ' Bo u te and B^du ced Fares. : ' ' iiiife* ~ iTT ^' * ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ¦ &****** ~^ f' in* :atld ' . r att i ¦ '^ggBB&KBbt * ' EVERT WEE K DAlX : " ¦ " 1 NO CATTLE ; SHEEP , ' OH PIQS , CONVEYED BY ;¦: . -:i : j ; - . . - ,. , i . THES E ;B0AT{ . : , -j: j . t _ .K , ¦ DQ\VN. —IiiATB 4 LoJiDON _ (Paddi lgibn) ' at 5.1 J p.m., I ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .: ' : -; ¦' ind ABSITE AT WATBB: ¦ OBD ¦ (weath x . and > r " ' ' drcumatancoapermittingji bont eleven a.ni. ' , 'in ' - ' ¦ ¦ i " . timo focthe Trains on , rthe Waterf w and;. .. . ! ¦ ' , Limeriot , - . Central Ireland and Iismdre lines. 0P. —Leave Waiorford »t 5 p.in. 'i awh.Woek' I ajr . on .. ! .Arrival of tho .1.35 P.n»'5 rainfrom lin eriok ; . ¦ ¦ ¦] ¦ iO.85!: ' aan.;;Traia: iront Maryborongl , .and . , , ¦ ll^Oi «,m. Train fro m Li mo re. AMUV no in . .! , j LONDON ; ' (weather . and cireumstaace ., per; " J I miUingVat 10.45 a.m., the following-day . On Saturdays the .Steamer, learing* Waterfo d wfll convar Cattle; Sheop, and'figa, on I Paasengert travel- lai thereby -will proooed fromNew MUfordby a 9.« Train on 8onday morning. ' ¦¦ ' f :.- ¦ , ;•; - -i-. ; ¦ ¦' ¦'• On'Sundayg , a Special Stoamor nil sail frort Vater- fotd (Jerryhank Wharf) at^ 5^0 n. n., ' carryinK ««en : ger»!and -General . Cargoonly ; an lwill cdl atJ delp hi mlrf on tho ' ,7th. and 20th SEF 'EMBEB to« nbark PaMbeer8|*nd . theJr , Lii«?»«e , 8ta -tillg tt . eneei irNw. KOfora. -at .6: a-nt, id connection i ith tho 5 pi» Tr^n for London. ' , # , Oh* September 14 *a 128 th* steamer will sS^from Pirrybank direct for Ne* Milf ord at $Qa.nv ^infkr<mt»li ba reoeivtd on fCH »rd after 4.4 p.m.. jud the gtagogwOlilien be ranw Tea;-to ena ' Iff the Steaoieratd deport PuHCTtiALLt i :the »pj»mw I ttma. Tl» 2. 45 ajaXBAIN fon SOT) [ILFOKDwil ,ta»U case8VWArr.the i 'ABBrr 'AL ofjSI ttmvt^rxd: £- . *% Under no dremnM»n l oo can Pa^i ngort . holdini Third OasiTickot«. boaJto»8a the naeof Satoon. ; > -j i : ;8p«cialB<)att;. winj*eatBef an. e^on™'}* 0 ?"^: mMngKaatt: jfrtm - Waterford ttO ITew^MiJfot; r Witt <J»ttfcv Sheep, and KgB/ on Mot dayt . ' . frwrii oelphl WharfVaO p:ja; ,> n3 . on,Too8d kyr/trogi Fefiybank Wharf , at 5 p ' .m:; caDing at Aflel jnlTVharf w en the state of .the (tide permits " s^alBO o i loch" other-« *7*a* t oop. (arable . 5;^^ fg Ug- £g » ' \" ' : ¦ ard CLJaiidForeCabin 20»0d HKTUKKS (aT»ilabto i roonth«)11gi Claiftf* Salo n» 7Cs. ' ; « < " ., , /• .>. -. I2n I Class A Salt on 59s. " , .1 " ' ¦ "3rdClks» 'kni . Fore;C»bin , 33«6d; PuTtherinfonnatlbir can .be o^ta neatwm: Jfc : £' ~JF Bowjnr . Baaway TerrainiisjLbni rWtj-^. W; Di Mc HAkABA, AdelpS:Wliarf; Wa^en ordl'-Tho . ^Bl DOOTD ? AB«8 between otter important Stations; "th i r iime rabies , and Tkrongh 1 Bates ffc Gto«W.^ 4o->; »»|b« obtained of Mx.W. J. BDS»«%. , fhoj Grtat.J Jertera Eaihrfty {)0Brpan^B;;pU^^Ag; n^jWWnUt *$ »$ ^ ,°^: j : :! i-rjf. OB1BBP0N Ctaicrat . a&a Mtenv- .Paddington- TenninM, W j i^S 9;^-^-::y- :- -j i^tf- ¦^ i---- . » ^AiiBBiid^Jri tt*i- ' i -fl '?& ^¦^ /^^^l .j.-joBrrE-pji STATES^: 141JJ1 ) - - CUUvs »t-jQaeaBrtpwi«yery.Thnr*da u ' 4-N ^ ?lr»U«. ^-»owpred^_ «MwJl4p» ,«»*I P^W p«fei^4»Lw aa&&i$«»? atfs •%, »LOBD CLITB^Sep t. - IT 1D » ^i»5 ££-£ > . «ad«5i 'extr»auinber , of PtewrTM-^vWj •*JJ m ; I - iabdaabn fojr' alI cla^ ' p«feM«r« «W«> >«W S « ; dar tbjmt roof. - , there- , are Be ^etaneqvnop j»t ,w?r ^tea paOTtoSo^N^^^'^ WP 5 s> flM, a^d^Bsirgatffl ExprwM Offl« ; ^£tfjOV|* ; «5M£- a.i-i^*»«Mbo»f***u*»«f.i« "• b ;ssis S. S aJ£S- •^•MiBiBJifiwrtiSrWosnniiaeaipflJWcjy* 1 ?. '^ ^ ?^«- CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY SEPTEMBEB, 1879. Begular Steam Communication betwern WATEB-rOBD . . ¦ and XOXT D OJST , Via Southampton and - London , and Soutit Western : ' " ¦ ¦ BaUway. ' . ¦ •> . ¦ •' . ¦ •:• •;¦ - •> , PI/YMOUTH xm> SOUTHAMPTON,-*in> 8OTTTH o> ENO- ¦ LAND, COBE, DUBLIN , BEUI'AST Un> QIiABOOW; ¦ ¦: ' -vLi .T^ riTHE'New and.poworfnl Screw III MIK ft v _LiSte&meoiCOFELAHI> , TOWASD , ) ^fiS|MM l ^POBTtAW , ^LAtllllK , PASTNET . . - , ^^^^^ ^ DDMMOSR EOCKABIL1 , ' > ' .. '.; ue intended to 8afl as tmaer , ' weotfior permitting (tmleU pre- vsat«d - by unforseen «ironautanea i), "wiU> liberty to Tow Teasels , and to call »t »njr tort d* fortsin any. «MoA in ox oat of the castomarr ooarte , toi««lre)U)4DiKh«r»e 0»rjo , oxforaivrotherjpnrpoi»wlii4ioev«r.rv:<( J L^-;.-. ri;;i .> . . ->: i .. . . T^FfiOM WiTEBrOEDlTO 'OIiisOOW.r. ... ¦ ; Toetouyr ¦ 2nd ; Sept. , l.!p.ai.^;iDir«ct. -;;tr , . ¦ . ' . . , WednewW; 3rd . .„ ¦;_ ;'ll-pSai^Tia Cork , " ; 1 - * " ¦' Sriday, ¦; -.: Sth ; - . i: inpjn-V^vl*O*rk»n4B«U»i( SktnidsT, . . 6U» ' . „- ' e^p-Ta-. -'Tii BdlMt;!'' -?- -. ' ' . .Tntoday; ' ./ ' 9tK1 : ' ¦ r *i lj !.pja^ " «.. »fti Bnhaa.si;.^d*T. W f dnesdajr . -lOUi!, ' ¦ - . -.; "Mr p.m-.j-rt* Cork. .sv» -. » ; - ¦ ., »: S»tnrd«r. '"13th;- - : 6 juni);ivlaBelfast. - , ;"" , , . Toe»diyr . . - 18th v 1 •p.inl. - . iDirect. -- .V ; . ' .; ¦Wednesday, - 17th ¦ 1. p.m.,-vl«Cork. -- ¦ -V- IMd»r . J. . 19th' 1 ¦ p.m., vlaCork and Belfast SaturdAy, 20th . . 6 p.m., Tin BeUut. . ' Toesday, ' 23rd •> 1 p.m., via Dublin., ' :• Wednesday. 2*th 1 p-m., via Cork. . . . . Friday, ; 28th „, 1 p.m.;- via Cork ud Bdtut B»tui5«r, 27th , 6 p.m ^ - vla BeUsst - Tuesday/ SOth „.. ^1 p.m., Direct. ' i ¦ I TSOM OUJWOW TO W1TOT0M). - - .;. . ETery MONDAY, WEDKE8DAT , and FSIDAY, at 2 p.m. ' Colodonlaa Trmln toOrt«nookat6pjm.. ' ' ' ¦ Hora—The Steamer on Frl'Uy goes via Cork/ ••• TBOK WATSS1OKB IO"BKLri»r. Every FBID AY, via Cork , ¦ - - ¦ ' nt 1 p.m. Evory SATUSDAY, direct . .. •; - »t 6 pjn. BiLnm TO winsrOBD, direct , erery THT7BSDAY, . , . Vi» Glasgow , oi«rr MONDAY, -j . , »KO« WAIKKTOEO TO POMIIT, dilOct. TUESDAYS , Sth and 23rd Etptember , at 1 p.m. (VU QUagow) TUESDAYS, 2nd , 1 6th an<l I!Hh Sept., " ¦ :»tl- pjn;- . DUBUK TO wuauacm. yu. cosx. . . . Every SATDBPAY. - , raoK WATEUOU ) TO coax . Direct. Evdrv WEDNESDAY .., . | ... , ... atlp.ro. EreryPBIDAY , : " ,;.. *- ' ¦ r... ' ... ¦ atljua. - FBOH COEZ TO WATEIUOBD, dlroct, - Every MONDAY. . . . _ W*Tli»OaD TO lOBDOS. ¦ ' Steamer,to Soathompton , ! tbenoo by 'London sud '8o nth Western Bailway to .Nino Ebns Slntlon , at Through Eatai , Every SATTJSDAY. nt i p.m. ¦ LOTDOK TO WiriBiDBD-flJTery TUESDAY. . Goods received at any ot th* Eeoeiving BOOMS ot the London and Sooth -WesUra EaUway Company, and at Nine Elnn Station, vp to 6J0 p.m. > " K * - 'WAT8&VOIU> T9-Z* ].T]IOUTB, Oirect, Every SATURDAY , at 4 p.m ¦ ¦ . - PLTMOOTH-TO- ' WATlilORD, dlMCt , Every FETDAYJht Noon. " WirtETOttD TO BOCTBUUTOS, VIA FLTXOUTD, . . Erery BATHEDAl' at 4 p.m. SooTamrroit TO Wirraroic . VIA PrmoirTB , - Every WEDNESDAY , at Noon. ThcBO Bteomen have ' - exo8ltaf-»ocommodatlo» for rawengOT. •¦ ¦¦ •¦ - . ' - •••; ;iL -. -:l'j.L-: ¦;—- '— - PAHSAGE.jCOlfEr. . " ¦ ' I' - ' , U' -^^CaUn. ' Betom. : Deck Watorford to Glasgow and Belbtt 17*. 6d. 25s. 10s. Cork, . ... - ¦ -K.it'- .^Sfc 14«. 5a. ' ' Plymouth It Sonthlunpton . KW. SOs. - 10a . London , - .' .; •>- ' . . ¦ Jv . »•. -;::¦ ... . «¦. .. Children above S and under 12 jean of age;HaH Fare.. : «- ; Non. —The Cl yde Shlpp lnc Compuy Insore til Qoodi shipped by these lines of Steamers it 3 M id percent, to Trader* having yearly agreements, ' andrflts pet Cent to occasional Shipper.. Values to bedecla^' aitlmeot Shi pment. Forms and&n information So be had at the offloe*. ; ' ¦ - - - ! -> > For Bates of Prek*t, --**i applrito ^-J. ;<X Pi»rr»T0» , Belfast i HJCTUT J. WAUxa 4 Co, Plymoath j; Taoius MXJuutrr , London and; Sonth-Westen BaUway Company. Exeter , BiUldiags, - Arthoz Street; West , aad at the L. * R W. EaJlw»y Becelring -Hon»« v throoghortt' London: - C ITCI SHirnsa Co., GIMWOW , GreeaaekrU^ Thomu-ft., Limerick; Southampton 121 ESen Qoay. -DabUs»Patrick' s Quay, Cork, ¦• ¦: CtYDE-BHt?^rNa OOTTPANY ' , . . j Custom Ho«uie, Qaay; Wat«rtord. - Special forms of Blll« ] of La. Un»-required by the, Clyde Supp ing- Oompsnyrto )>• had b?.the-AjtnU. . -: ,. - . ' ¦ - . ¦ ' - ¦ . - ' Waterford , Stcamsliip , Company . : . . . ,\r, _. - ,; i ; ,:.ii:' ;(U aaXXDf r ^i ':-> *~y ;< •- ' - ' INTENB ED OBDEB' OE IBAlLlNO-aEPT.; . 1879: : ' ¦„. '• - . . - ¦ :. . -I- ' ¦- ¦ 8TEAMBJsi. -> .;j. - . -; v -^. - .^,>^ > EEQINALD; . COME BAOH,. LARA, . ZEPHTB, ; BANGEB, .JDA ,,, T1NTEBN/ EBLN, feOSA , and t' EXEaESS.-• . -:- .:\ : . * " ,si<' ;. -v, :i v-- : - . ^- v ' ... -,-. . .. . : . | SMp mu^^_ 0 ^ ^ ; : ;W ^ i)rd .^¦^s^MTIit. v' Vf J-l Steejnahip Company (Limited) ^-T^^Clj V\V reoelve Goods and Uit Stock for Shlp- ^^ al|M^^^fl|flBH^Lment ¦ on the oondltlbns mentioned in i ^^^^^^^^^^ Safling Iiit» , ' 4c.; to:be had at their ¦ .rf ,WimlulD> AKD- BBI8TOL V. ' - .i : rao* WAxrooutoHunoi* ; ¦ i TSO « INSTOL to WITIUOU ) , ; - ...«. - . Direct^! . ¦ ' - ;>- l ! - .--l: v !!¦ . ¦; "-V' (-;. - DIreot» . ¦ ¦ Tuesday: Sept 2..J01 mornbg Wednesday^ Sept 3 ... 7 alfn Friday, « &..1(4 mortOnf Saturday,... ' ,, « ...8aft' a "nesdv, .. ».. S aft-aSS WednSaay, 1 " ,, 10 ...U mgbt Frid»yT .,. ' 12... 4 effnoon Siturday, ;:13 ...11 night Tnetday; •• ' 1«- 8 ' . ' morning Wednesday^ - ,, 17 ' .. ' . ' t alt' n Friday, 19...HH morning 8«turday, , ¦ ' 80 ... a aft' n Tnesday. » 23..JI attemoo? Vf<dnesday;.i ,, ' . 24 ...U night rSarT 86... 4 iJfnoon Saturday, ., a ...11 juriit; Toeedw/ - SO.:: S< morning | WeOneadky/ Oot: 1 ;„ 6 afVn ¦ ar On early Morning SaQugftUCabiM of the' iteamers win be open to' reoeiva Juseiigeza arriving- by. tho Night- .Mat] *raln. > - r ¦ : - V ,- .U :.* -A4 V;*y . ^. - ¦ - - . ¦ ' - ; , i'- ,r ¦ - lane—Cabin , 'IB*, f Betorn-da : {available for One month), 5f. -i CMIdn^JOB.1 Ser^lbaWOinr^ttftmJliMl 10j. Betorn , 15*. t Deck,: 7a;; Sd. s Eeturn Tioksta JDublln , Cork; or ' Wezford , «•:' ExtiMoa - of ,Tima granted' on all Betnrn TiokMa ori th* foOowtog -tenui t ^- Tor a Fortni ght , ' 9s. «4.,i and for every snbeeqnent week, :ti;. f>Ai? to:<i. /' < . ' .a' . ' ''.- .; . . -' ; W AiTEBFOBP/-A« jp.-IiITEB.P.OOli . : ' . ' . »»OK ' wii»»*6«pi. , iV. : -iVTV ^|r KaOM trrwrooi». . -- ' : ktonday,' Sept. l ; v.:-2 ' J AfVjii7ibidoy, 8ept. < :l ...10 morn Wednesday, ,, S .„ •* C Atft WTedneeday - ,, (3 ...12 nooa JSS^ V 6 ... 1 Affn irrKUwr?- "-^ I 5 ..rl afVn toSday.ta ' ,i; 8y... - i 4<AfV>i Soodayj! y.. . -a . ' .; 1 morn Wedneediy, 10 ... 4 AfVp Wednesday, ; 10 ... 4 ¦ art' n FridayT ^ ^ ;.12 ,...10J More tfrtdayT^- ,, j u •» » ; »«» 1 » ^dayj U^;, ' XuK&r-Soau Utmflay. fi-: v?IS „. »-n>orn Wednesday; ' ,11a U A«n Wj anesflay, ^ 17 COT more Friday,. - - ,. i l»- .ri-li *rVp )?riday, r^'r - - ,,; 10 . v:JS aoos| SSy: ^ - ' ;!- 5«Ur' 4 ' 'Affn SWnday;: '^,, - ' 22^.a ' . morn tooday ^. " ; Si; ^NooaPCoada r , *• ,,, , ». .t«,i mor« ^CabiiiTan , J7s, 8d i. Servant* (trav«Umy with CunBtos) and Children , 10*j Dect lOi. " ! CbikTrettTSf. ^ r -V-t ?NJt 1 ;.^- 'Sj if t oooSieWrsdiaattiaTg ^aiTaar^ ¦ nooda,Booi^ .throqrii froin- aUt. prfndpfcli etation»^cn GreitOfbrtSii . ViaicasMiji iia ^ rbiksbirW fiLomaoii an* Jorth ^Western j" Maneheeterj ^hefleM/aM. 'Lfacomibirar and JIidIamltBaflway r . toAW»{e»for4;t ,^ Thron«h. Bookin£» also to Linwrlck . !Ttpperary,:*W.n£-s£^^ > Goods Booked through frooi »D Stations on WaUrford and Central Ireland BaUway, Waterford: ¦D4uuclrva< and Llsmoxe WJLTEB TQ^ P ¦^»fe.>» i P:Rairfey : i. ' H. . v ; : wATiwroa» ' «rSra«Aavir|!*jiHi»ai6vi« "Te,wAW»io»i)i ¦ I i - flrtorfayVfieptombej 1 S0.il: . fcS v iv7 , £?>-; 10 JforniDg ' , !¦• J . ' l^dayi 8«<emberO; ,w. ; « i.. 1 - Tid« pemH«.,;. .i F«».H»w: -go»S*%^^«»»flM«^at^^ r Fm« W*Tioio«^Ps^«Biqiday«i»«eept jd. <a4»45 pjn.!ji - F»0* DTOCAWOW-XJaO yJflcmaays *£«Vt*j> ' «t 8.JS »*>, , ;?; p HorS^^tor^ffli^S^gi^?^ V ^ BS ,T^3K^SSgW6a^.« j*^5l«My ^^A. T St^li^|8SS»«^^ Oad at ^Ocn«i|iM^|^»i>;g^Jt*^^aCTa»o M ^ WSSmmi RAILWAYS WATEBFOBD AND. CENTBAL; " IBELAND. 'AND ^aLKENNY jaSOTIO N BAH.WAYS, The shortest route from Watorford and Kflkenny to Dublin , Athlone . P a r s onsto wn , orNenagh. is via /Maryboroug h. - Improved qaiok and through dally communication between Jlaryboroug hV and other stations, to WaUrford. thenos tit Mew->niford to London , and all SUUons on. the Great West- era . Bailway of England. ;: ;. ¦: . ¦ .. :-;: i -v. -;;<£ v :V' i; .i ' . ^ . ' . .Servioa improved and accelerated One hoar.:. ,,. Tiiiir AiTxaiTioits—On Snndays ^ia dditionBl'Tnms will leave Mary borough at 8.80 a.m., and Waterford at 6.90 p.m. > .. . . no*.wiTuuOBD. v, . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'' . ¦ ¦ . ., ' ¦;,., , mm W. TTU ^ y^' r \ ¦ «g»°at».;. STiKOW. ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 1S431 4 2 ,3 2*312*8 183; 123 Class Class ;Clus. Class. Claas. Clau , . - :; ' A.K. - : W«i-|- "T. '«*. ' | !>.lsi MMm'j > ' KX. l -' ., . . ,., i - •' , ( h.m h. m* *h .m. hjm. b/ m.' .p.nw : Wat^ord . ' diparture , 7 15 ' !1 0. 4 " 0 6 1S- 12- . 0 .8 B0 ;Kflmaoow..i....13 : . ' ..; " .. ; l 1 25 1-10- 4 10 8 85 18. 13 ' .7.0 SSSSmtci .... ::.. -.;. 1 si ¦- .: 4^'«-« » .g^Z J2' iBaUyhale......... ;........ 7 65 185 4 40. - .7 -IS 12 S0v780 !Thoma»town ..:„.:.:... •« 10 ' 1.50 . 4 , 45' 7 30 ¦ - .}• ¦» ;.Z «9 Bennetobridg* .:...U: 8 2S -2-8 5 ' -<5 7 45 ¦¦ ¦l»f?'f 'f Kilkenny_.i.u iarri val g40. 3-20 ; 580 . 8ilS iVfO^Sffi ' Do\r...:..departu« ,8 » 2 30: S.aO ^ ii HSlS A^^iiii li iip^ p idiff SE3loroU.. ' ...arrlval lft lO: iSS 8 « ^S . - Vtf SS iw T *) Maryborough dap. tSWJa 4:2 —: ' ¦ ¦ —P r-S . Ji?^?.: PorUrllngtonjrund.rJ.hl'U 417 : - " . - . - ¦ 8 « . . - r Dublin . ' ...^1 arrival 1 IS 5 40 :640 ' ~ ... Athlone Jnno.:, arriv. 4 43' 8 30 - . - , . , -, ;. -?* - Maryboro " dep.down 10 SO . . —:; 7 11 . -;— ¦-? ' - . fi 32 floDvbroolir ,.... - .:..;.. 10 M /—• 7 ' > . > —i ' 10 25 ^ Sosow*.......;.;. ....US4 ' , 8 8, - -. iParjonstown ..: IS,4 ' . - ,•» ; 0- r— _ .: Nenagh... J3 23 '¦ ' 9 20 ¦ —-1 . ¦— ¦>• T emplemtTe ......... ;.. 118 8-17 " . 10 *4 Thafies arrival 188 , , 8 85 U IS TO WATKM01P- . - ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' IV mrn ts . os wn i BATS; - SOSDATS. J sTiTioiis. ¦ . 128 l ' ss iifc'arrttfa-^- 'i" : - > CJas». Class. Class, Class. 12*312*3 .: . A.K. A.M. .| *¦*.: »• ¦», CltSS. CUSS. ' hm hm hm hm hm pm Thoilee - dep. —: 7 10 - - . , 2'8 .1 Templemora - < ¦ 7 29 ; ~ > 2 20 . Ballybrophy- . ' ' , ' . ' 7 59 —: " 2 ,47 , Nenagh - - 6 30 _. t—> Parsonstown . ' ¦ - 6.40 ' . '—: ' , .; J^ ni Boecrea - - 7 18 . - , : ; Maryboro"- arrl np . 8 38 ' , 3 34 .. lAthfone JoncUon ¦ - 815 2 30 _, •¦ < ¦ - Dublin - dep. 6 0 0 0 1 .0 ,9 30 rortarUngrtonJunc'tn 8 3 0 49 .2 45 , . ¦ - . ¦; Mary bon? arvl dwn 8 25-<10 1S - 3.9 ' 11 52 , ' . DOWB Tum. ' - Mail 1, 8, 8.. . -. ' ¦ ¦: Maryboro ' ' ¦ dep. " 8 40 10 35 3 30 £-30. 4T0. ( Abbeyleli - ' ¦ 9 0 10 55 , 380 8 60 4'S»>} Sttanarii ' ' - " " ' - . 9 15 4.5 .95 4 85 f ' : BoHyrigst - - 9 25 II 15 4 IB 9 15 4 45 S KUkenSV- arrlnl ' , 9 4S 11 <0 *S & . 9 40 *10 .( Do. departure 9 30. ID. 0.11 45 4(0 8 80 6 20 1 Bennetebridge - . ¦ ¦: 7 45. 10 12 . - . 5 , 3 10-2 6 83 > Thomastown ¦•¦ ' ¦'- - 8 ' S 10 25' 12 -5 S 1 20 1015 S 44 J Ballyhale ' - 8 25' 10:40 12 15 5 30 10 SO 8 ,0 j Mnlllnavat .;, . .,; : 8 (0 11-; 0 , - ' ; r-j 6>.. O 10.45 8, 25 -4 ; £ilmncow- - -95 1110 1245 610 11*5 655 } Waterford ' arrival 9 30 111 30 1 0 6. 30 U 80 7- , 0{ SmriAT EXCOSSIOHSExc^rdon TiekeU to Waterford will "be issned by . the train leaTing . BIary borottf h' at SJO n-m.,. avallableto retnrh'by the «.6O p.m; train ' frem Witerfdrd. - Fares from Maryborongh , > Abbeyliexj ' i Attanagh; and Bainy. ragget , -to (Wsterford , , taii^^^ Ti^ff luf ^'S^iKBtvaii . Class , 4s. i Third Class , 3a. From Kilkenny.toWaterford , andbaok-First. Class ^ 4». ' - - Second ,CUss , ; 3s.; SdvV ThW Clau, 2s. 6a. Beaaeubxide and iThomaatown—Ss. 6d., 2ft 9d., and e»: BaHyhale-2s . '«d., 2a., and Is: 6d. . KalUnavst-^ 'Is. 6d., Is. 3d.; and Is.; Kilroaoow-U. M ^, I»., and94. 'And *ctween intermediate BtaOons at ' Single- Fare*. •> Ticket* not Pransferable , no LOggngeallowed , nod no Half 'FaMtSH'ftu- -¦ 8 pedal Fares are charged' to, FiJ«t and Second Class Pas. sengera booking to travel by the/Express UaiL Trams on Oreot Soothern and Western 'tine. - :. ' ;• ¦: . . " ¦ . ¦ ¦; te\ x 'V-. , -" •?, : ¦Tiokets issned for Sing le; Jonmey are available only for the, Crainby whienthey areiasned. 'i ;> ;¦¦ ' ¦ - ' ¦ ;;/ '- 5 ¦ ' ¦ . -::¦¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ . <•: HaikBt , Tickets to Waterford and. back' .wlll be Issued at i Karybbrongh . AbbeyteiivAttanagh , '' and Ballrragget/by. the 1.40 a .m DownTraia ,i STaOablofpr return by. .the 4.0 pjninp: rroin on date of issue. j" ares--Fint^^ Class , 128.; Second Class , - ' Is. and Third Oast , fa. ¦¦< w ^' - . "^"f. ! -rr- ' !-. < .., i~ ' '!' 'j<T. ! .rtt-; i;i ¦Eetnm Ticket! are Issuod between-any two *Btatlons^avaU.! ible for the date of issue and^ay^ollowing ' -i.tho^tissofldfoi any distancevexeeeding 50j miles• ten availiole forretainonj Ae day ' of; iatue . and-the. seven tollowiag days-^SandayS kot : ¦eckonod. >. Ueturn- Tickets toned on Saturday are retumabk: 3B Saturday, flonday; or Monday. '£•££' j;fc2J *l5yTRtfVi 'fcil . - . ¦ L -^ 7J - T -»- -*> '. - I i v- - •wr.twn. LT*MaussoiwW- 'ii WATEBFOBD ANDLIMEBICK BArXWAYi 'i :?;-; ' l - , . . ¦: ¦j . . , *«. -nA»i . o«w»^»H ---^- ; ;.;v«; ; Wyi j WOTBT OaB- r i. ' i i' . 'i Mail v t i if KiitlHaO MaCli ^ TOSSKCX " Vkt V*B |55 l-» 8 1*2 1-28 W*8 !' ;. -.• K'. ' ¦ Clast. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class, class '¦' - , ¦ ' I i " *• «. ' >' .K. . ' J* " , w; 'r.n.- ;r.it; 'lati {Waterford dep. 530 -9 :0 U 35 . 2 45- ¦;— , -i 8 80' 8 80: Carriok-on-Sulr 612 »45 12 7 3 25 .— I 9 15 9 18 Clonmat..::.. ; .... 6 SO 10 20 12 35' 4' .4 ' ,.' 10 0 100 fri pperary...^. ' .:. 8 0 ' 11 27 '1 45 5'9 —-1 U 85 U.85 1 JunSionarrival B2& 1812 . 2,23 5 45 ¦ - 'I S ti 12 25 . Dublin..... : ;..;, - ' 11^8 1 IS , -S. 5 4. 40 10-0 4.( 5 4-5 ¦ Corfc. I...;, I SO" 8.0 4 35 8, 15 -?- f 2iO. 8;0- Jnbun depftrttni—• 9-0 10SO 10 5 0 745 7 45- ' Cork' ..?j;iZs .... V-- 8. 0 1*80 , , : 3J 2 45 10^ ft 10 .6 'Junction.,. - .:.:... 8SS U 12 2 25 .5-45 10 15. 12^3 13 23: ; itoartS' ajrivU9<0 12 82 3.15 <Vo . U 15' l'SO •y ' Spj; i ..; . -;/ ^.iJ(^¦^ dtnryr<i^l» , ^Z^ l^^^r^et. i ^ ¦^" ;;;J^$i^ . ; ;. . ' TBADrSOH W»BX PaTB v :- . . . p;>-p> [ Sd js; * ¦ liMuci ' r --:;i - 'Z -i ' x ' -TK'M.- iH^Mall Matt ' : ; TO unnm 12 * 81 a 13 -t'A 2 ;1' 4 2 124*1 4 213 3 ; - f ¦ , - ; , . Class . Class. Class. Class. CUss 'Oasr. Class. : . . " ¦ '" , ' ::' .. ¦ A.W.'1'I. K. A,>t; r,tt. M £ ; | p.m ; »¦»: iLlnwrlck -deil.V. ' 6 ;0 ta «' 11 0 1 1-35. !4T .OH0 ' 40i 10 . 40?' ;jancttonrarriv.:7 tl5 ; 8 . 10,12 - . 5 8 15; 8 ISWISO U' BOij- ' Cork, :;<i.Yr,,. »»' , 130, 2 0- 4. 35 .8.1B;L-fW » i <«- DaMin ; ' " 5 1 ;^ :: 115 5 '5- 540 UrtO.^r 4 - Jjr , Dublin 1 v fep.V. r— - "" 9 0" 10 80- l»0' 7 45 T4K Cork :;, ... :— ' -^ «iO ' I2 8O -V4S>W- -* Wj[* Junction4 < ii.. 6S* 8 45 12 15 225 5 35 j 9-85, 12.S3 ' Tl pperary .... ^. 7 85 6^0 12 80. 2 85 AW JJ 80 IftJUii] Clonmel ' .: ..... , ' , . - 132 3 30 -7 i <0f2 »¦ , **»?, CarrIck...C;. ; ...... 9 80 ::«-:¦ 20; 4j5- 7ri5|8 . : 0 *f?j Wstorford«rriv lo: o - . -^: . , 2 85: ;*;40; 1 8 8oJ^4t AAlf i FiM»-Hirt Cl»«SingJ« n(iket.l4s. . «(li«»oeB4rt»M ll*' J' Third do.i 6S. «L, . Betnrn-Ftart Ctass ^ nj^I^aaoBa*^^ H- WATEBFOBD;ANP : TBAMOBE^TJAILWATJWtj ' £ ^ :: ; ^ >;¦^a.i : V;^ ^^ ^Pay;^a^M.^}!^;?' ^ ^^ •^^|^ ,..iv. - I ' V. - I ;:2 \|;s. -|74.qi5^n6>' v, > - ,7»; ¦ ¦ i s~iv- ?\ nu :i. n). a m .| » m I p m I pm I j) m pm pmj9; h * m I h m hTm I h m hm hm : iW" k-io jv * WM «8-0|-11--OU15>2 0 4-0 5SO ;7;15 »-^0 < h; rm ' re , *15 *a30( 1161,8,0 4 80 6..0lr7faS fcBOiil'A /:L : .' :r^'?^S-yyBtt^y -irttfa«^^^; '^@^j;^ ¦ >;' . . i. ¦ il" .4| ' :?» . ' ' *i' fi8>>i»-*-4«l i .ifa i 'S . " i• ' ¦*¦ •;»¦7-«l« fr BT"f ' - "S Hbic. )^n|{, 'i . «^|.pj-tfj y-a j' pjh' >a^j :j.;« >y iajp 'j ig; : "Tv| iVL" 6' J nfJ.l»' "ia? hmjlim' ' -tt afi'Va^li&Kp Wffrd 8-jO UT# Vt JS' 1 80- 80' *4'80}'5W IP Sjo Ta ' rei 9iqMMiw4s;Ta?o{*iO' ! y !o;v«vv>]S im *!{» : ^Firrt'QaM ' Sh^UiTlcki^ U^B Tt^lTlol^WMtS v>;;,> ii:;.^. t WIIJJAlI ; BBA i;8<ewtmry,i»<yiM«f'; ^ WATEBfpW^Wt^VAX. ' fc^LraroBEt BAlLtrATJ :- -' flsortSrWwSSi Coisi^Tiifw;irt i 'jatium«rr^W» :. :' '?.?- ' - TOUJTABUt W-^' fl^^l«. "JUr > '187». v &iKtJ) l gH , ^^^^vQ^i tW^MrxM !nt;lMir<>THOi^y!;^^ii||j ;. ' - ' . <.- > ¦ ")>'/- ' ; :¦-:¦ . ' . ;->»0» w/O *MW0Mlh??W't *riie;l) #B$4 'M ^i ;- ,;.^ STATIOS85iWJf;;; «^;iWiA>^f^1 |haifUi SSKS?:- aSSc: SS .5 . 3 |JH ; v ,:S- ,-rV4ii*>«. *' , ' -(•/. ' TO'WiWPWCi»b. ' 'i«Wt' ' -*/3<isf»» r-s»i8. 'fc * .V« 'BkflwayJSr ?»l?i?«3ii?; * J£M ; WK*^i^W4«JWr *|&^ •*•; -IMi fflRBg'SS^rwI^Kv ««iS5" -i^ ; »3 i*3i*?§w^^S^ ^*» " ' ^w s^^i^i^ ^s la ^i " /: ' f ¦ ' •;; & ; to iailfTH'S , Glasgow Hoiise , . t*/. liEEE-yon We this iLUKrEST STOCK to ohooao from, and tho CHEAPEST BOOTS and . : *- * : x " : - . ¦ < ,. - ¦ : I ; : J^^iSHOES in WATERPOED. .;Ladies '. Buttoned, Lacid;/^rf Elas ti o Side 'GirlB'. -; do. ; ¦ do. ' r-^i do. . . , t -Genta * .Elaatio SideT hnd •£**& Boota , -Boys ' ~ , ;;do. ¦ ; ' : ' -do. |tf»'.hdo. Man? . ; ' Strong -v WorteigfjBoWv -f- ¦ : Latoa! and Gents ' SuiwJgpf: . . . [yj , . ; ; Please olba «M^> j ilhe - Sign of the Biff Boot, " Waterford : m- 1 : vj Bishop & Sona ' i Qi i«i£#lniB. , . . . : ¦ - T.^i^a*d IG0RA3 ^SatifefiS ly nna contains Ono^lrsin ' of C^iinie , each Glass. : ; ' ' l»>;'^' -H ^- , ->s; SoLp.EviarffHiES. S; ' - . . , -. " . - !.> DuWtnr -Wholesale by BoniAU & BOTD, M'MABTEB, 30DQ80N; 4 CO. jvHUQK. MopBS - &' Co. ) AtlSXAHDIB FiKDtfTOS-A'Cd^. PAWcEW * Cd. j CaNTEiix and <3ocHBAN»i HBetail by - HaNET-ToBrn , JAKSB ' FLANA- ' OAH; J OHNSTON and OLDHAM, and othors. ! piackroci—J.HicHARDHOH.l - ! CorJ^-ToKKrNsand S ON, W OOD » ORD, BOUENK, & •CO. i H. MOEKIB , J.-MoBOAN SmTU. I ' ' ¦ ' BMut-~WlLtlA.lt DoBBrN i, Co ; OLAEffA M'JfDL- jii NrJ ' lwd'J. 'HABtsrr , ' HUGH WHITB, EAKIN & KJo., and . 'MATHEJT , C ODLTKE, and HOWABD, and W. jQruioBS * Oo. .- : ¦ ¦ " . !• ' ; . - ' . ¦¦ ' •' .,Xondomterry— OBBORNE & PATTEK, J AMBS THOMP BOK and SoN, ;. , , ' •• .- . . . ¦ j ¦ :.. . - . - -. : Dungannoiiand Anghndcloy—S. M. FEBOUSON & Co. ; . Manufaotared and Bottled by Mosnrs. BISHOP and SOKS^TnrsBUBTDisTitLBB'j' . ' LOKrON' . ap4.7m ; ' ¦ ' - ' ¦ .: ' ; XarUe and Stone Works, y lBJERtiBTORD-STREET, WA.TERFORD i V'l' r vif 1 :; i v (EBtabli8hed ' l830) J ' " ¦' Al TZENNEDYro- ' Lay * XV /spectfully BO- licits.tho attention of tho 'Public to tho large Stock of ¦MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD-STONES , and ; MHBAL TABLETS, &o. j n Wa largo Stock of Marble Italian and Irish. -Marbles, jStatuary, (Marble : ChimnejMPieceB , ; richly Carved, ' and whioh will be disposed of at OnC-half the Orig i- |nal' Pricea.S'.> ) ' ¦¦ ' / " i ¦ ^Tij)\;-;< ALI, 'BdJIE MANUFAC TURE. ¦ TJIBBABB^-PREVENTED, ^^|0;; ' ::gp|EALTH . EESTORED , ifi ®£|i;, :. -Ar i 0w |™> «« jP^E'S , ; ^.; 'T\r 0ItSDELL'S PlLLS , ;-iWbicn';tlie experience of over 60 years proves ¦ . ' ¦j &i ' '\< : {. - ' ¦' - to be the ' •?i'^- ;fi BbBt .'Family| Kedicine. ¦ i ' . ' ^' - .ii ' . ^-:.- ' . " .. - . ' . THEY . 1- rUBIFT THE BLOOD s ! I CLEAN8E THE STSTEM, BEHOVE OBSTRUCTIONS, I tMPEOVE-rnr DIGESTION i miH'^MV -tESTABIiISH THE HEALTH. . vSp ldieyerywhere at 1 B. ljd.. 2a, 0d., and 4 B. Od. it^ ii'l^;^^"" :; . -:- ' per- box. , \ j. . , ' ; ¦ jal7.0 m |:fft:.:jv ¦ ; .; ;; JUST BliCEIVED; v ; ; ' " ' iV ,IiAEQE , and_ Freah Stpply ' oE. Drl DKEOOS' , OL^ VJ OBHWIK it Co' s PBEPARATIQMB, consisting rf tbe fcll pwing-j ' ' ' \ . ' ' <• ¦ , ' I - ¦ . . -;¦ ¦5 T J ; cJiD»B6o8 ' . , worW-famed GUTXS V IT * , ;or ^e getabloLifo DTopeV- , *; j : ; - ? i' ' . - ' J?Dr. 'D*Eoo«!'Comiloiuid BBKA£ PiLfcs, Pricflis ' lidCBBaaaiiOd. " ' ' •': , ' . .. !' ; ! , I»r/.I )KEoos > ;HjjE.EEnTOBEE , Prico 4i> ; _ ¦ S . " . -U ^ ' ^ i; ^ 5 " :- ' V^/ -:S:¦¦:¦ ¦ : \J f W^^ii^f Wmii- '^ ' ; ? ; 81/ ; -^ATBiIOS: : i S»rBE:ET, 0OBK , ' iV 'Ci 1 ' "'V itanufaclures on thi Premiiet : : i- ' POTTMANTEAUSrh i'^-lN : ; , ' v. - - ' .! -I (JLADSTOira! ,v BAGS> i :!- :>¦ . lLADIES' -BiSKET TRUNKS, ^ JAv ^ v i 'iiC; -; -BULLOOK-tTRTTNKS , i:;' - ... . .j. : . < . 'ii 1 .-i'. -i- . ' . ':. \ - . •;! , ¦ ¦ < " .ii^'M-: " ::} io^ dc. ' ¦ ' <S" Best Qaality aU HAND Sswif. •si!• j Country.iOrdorB; sont -CAS RUOI . PAID. . ¦ ; 7 7act<niik~rCisii' B; t ANS | Airi) ' MIBOABBT.;STBEBT; ! !^5^or A6«j&--81 J ,' PATBidk-STWtBTi'C pBK. ' : ^ k^v^ i^- ^i ' . - k:i\ r . i .:u} i ^: ! : :(ap25 .iy OldTrunkB , ic. 'Kepan-ed , or taken in exchange. ) f i$ti!h .$;.: I- , ' .; . ? ¦ - '1^::-^!. 1^ :- . - ¦ ' /^ X/ l Hxj i t / iv*. ¦ ' ¦ :¦[ ¦¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' :" ;|J : r/ 'i. : l '4'' ' ? . " * ' -1 :1 ^ - '' ¦fii^PtEB'S'QUimNE^ani T^QN:TONIC puri- Jfcoa-as.ahd enricheslhe ' :-mo<)a; : irtrengthenB ' the Nerves a«dMiia<inl«rByitam | promoUe-Ap^titieiand im prove* Di- fttUrit animates the Spirits and jKenUl FatulOei; tho ronchly..recruits the: genenl] bodfly-healtli^and induces a proper healthy condition of the N«rroos nnd Physical Foroes. JBoMles containing S2measureddoee« , <s. 6d. , ' - ^jjn iV^prepaiation . thl»;Tonlo the gmatest care is exer> cls»l''It to a faithfnl cqmpnad. ot QaiElne , the active prln- dples ' of' Telldw Cinchona , oclPemvfcn Bark , blended with a f l>«sil trnrtworthy propatatton Of-Irooi prodaoed in a lorm wklefc4be ;emerience of-miay yar» KM proTod the best. TUB Tottio ' offers a ready nms^is at jfalnimg the. strength and otter mbttU afforfid by. QpifcinVand Iron , wit|UMit any. fear ofgsfismjenceryas ttitcnnposlttoiitfthaUt>Prtfre4 of by ts*'fr«»tWjot^of:mb^d ^'tkrtathoot iiif country. qn«»PiVBV.OTJIirn!EB*iiadfriB Oir (TONIC. '- X^r-Bottle. ' containing S8 lnea«nr *Hloaes . 4s , 6d ,,, Tonlc ws««s*ltf>ill jronove 3; Ind9M«Uom; aTatalsiioaJOonstant Bsa«tk«rn, Weakne»s oj thfl ptestweb, Eiakms; Sensationa in •krtj w*«CManseB , Ac^_ TU« .whoto.digsaUva functions are powerfully Msistad t^umln» _ aa*I*on;^. -t> : >' - : ' ;. - rtt^P^^8?Qtiai^i»dliBON |TONIC. i- Ai^ilQ^liinetadjToriXorm tb#;»ortp«*«ttT« treatment in) sirodsnlamts arising- Izam , <i nataossj iof; tie if acrou* 8j *- teBt. '*:ln the mos^ weoken eil Mata ofitiis Herveia , a course of' QnWa«:a»iJronitasiire Wv bes^siCiAr^lWaUca , ' Wcik-l ZmUtht Itoig ProstaaU6b ,gb»oipJenSi»rabi5s78t..Vitns > : . Dnn«^:g«y«rs ^te;^^;a-^i<'^#!l >^r^ai 'VV,v - , " ¦ ¦: ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ B >, P >R ^? s^ui^RiSiaa^ncoNiTOKic ,; ^¦¦: '^^3^my^jr TettOn* ' Ff™^*"i»f t ^ '^iJTt)Ht * lSlfj ft^ft ^1> t n ' i'* ftI , aadt'lttnUaeouimode ot tinndstissMlilssjii sstoiiii Ins Tlin K^-I E39«!r ? o^ts^ '"a2 f^es5»r>«^aSSJlr5BS?S , fa«V 5iWhi3llW 7 day* 5Sni« no*S>S5BFil». v , 's*Botent to : sat W day».\The Btona JanyeoM atJbiteacVoontain nearly. >t<ip£x 4m£W$: *CJPHTliAAK , 'i. Stiniuknt ' ^^klf^-fe'H HMOI fTrf - iy-.- llBBHi, ^B^ ^jrw-ww ^ PAjr i. BBB iH i Boots do. t, IN EVEET STYLE AND . ' do. r LATEST FASHIONS ¦\ ¦ •:- . >'• WEXFOEp FAIRS. A 'PAIE; will be ' held jij WEXFOED for Cattle, J£ M£ Sheep, -4 Pigs/.andillorscs .V on - the,' 8rd< of OCTOBER, - 1678./, Afterj Itat date a Fair wfll .be Jbeld-dn thevTJOTB^ElckMo>(TH > . with. . the excep- tion of th0;May Paar^whlcl^t6 "%> held im the 'Piwt Day of May.; ' . AD the Fairs will in . fnture-be held at the : WINDMILL HILLS, ' and the Approaches thereto; "'' . , - The . Fairs which are published in the Almanacs for 1879, will not be held. —(By. order) ' jyilSt JOHN J. WALSH, Mayor. Pains in the Book, Gravel , Ltunbago. Bhenmatum, Uout , Diseases ot the Kidneys and Bladder , Strictnro , to. T|B. DE ZOOS' COMPOUND BENAL PILLS JLj nio celebrated all ovor the world, as tho most safe and speedy remedy for tho above dangerona complaints, Dls- tttmi ot any kind , Stone in the Bladder , and Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs generally. Possessing tonlo properties , they agree with tho most delicate stomach , strengthen the digestive organs , increase the appetite , im- prove the general Bealth, ' ana In three days will cueot a cure, when copaiba , cnbebs , and all dangerous medicines of tha- class have utterly failed. Frtqo Is. lid., 2s. 0d., ia. Od., Us. and 83s, per box. These oelebrated Pills arc an: infallible remedy in the most obstinate coses. By their ura alone many thousands have been annually restored to health, when every other medicine has foiled. Their vast superiority over everything else in the cure of the above complaints is universally acknowledged , and the extraordinary demand for them ever since their drat In- troduction is without ' procedtmt. In no instance hare they : ever been known to fall , or produce those dangerous symp- ' toms BO often resulting from copaiba, cnbebs, turpentine, and : other medicines usually resorted to. They require neither 'eonflnoment nor change of diet, and may justly be considered 1 the only safe, efllcacions reuiody tor all stages ot thoso dis- \ orders for which they are recommended. The most astonnding Cures am dail y being eflected in cases ¦ of NerTOuo Dobility, Impurity of Blood, Detective Circula- tion, L&ngour, Lassitude , Depression of Sp irits , Indiges- tion, Pain and Palpitation in the Side, Harassing Dreams , ic., by means of TTVK. DE BOOS' -nrorld-famcd GXJTT^ VITJI, I * . or Vcgetablo LIFE DBOFS, whose effects are really mag ical in restoring lost tone to tho system (arising from whatever cause), rc-invlgoratl»g and enlivening the whole cor- poreal frame, and gradnally but cSetively bonding np the most ¦battered constitution Although this truly wonderful recuperative tonic is not put forward imparting immortality, -it is not too much to say that by its meanaKow Life , is , as it were , imparted to tho nervous and debilitated, who were evidently sinking into an early grave ; whilst to those of maturer years it will gently and serenel y protract the CIOBO of life. Thousands ot appa- rently hopeless cases , given up by the faculty, arc- now in the enjoyment of health (life' s ireatost blessing), a living testi- mony to the unapeokablo vj.ie of this remarkablo medicine. Hundreds of. testimonials , too . numerous to publish , may bo BOM by any one. The preparation is extremel y pleasant to take, and none need suffer w)iilst snch a miracnlons medica- ment is in existence. Persons of studious habit ' , debilitated females, and those on whom the wear and tear of life is be- ' ginning to tell, should persevere steadily with this lite-reviv- ing tonic for one month, and they will bo astonished at Its results. All thoso who have tried other means , galvanic and elootrico app lioncpa, &c., without any beneficial result, are earn- estly recommended to make (sir trial of this medicine , which, "being made up on the highest scientin ' c principles, invariably suooeeds. -The great snocess attendant on this wonderful discovery has led to a hostot worthless imitations. Pries 11*. and 33s. per bottle. The large sue contains snmciont for ior four weeks.: .. •- . . . . ; I InTOttTAjrr NOIICT TO.rHS PUBLICEvery package of Dr. iDe Boos ' preparations bfeore the Government Stamp, with the ' words, " Walter do BOOB, London," in white letters on a red ground , by ordor of hor Msjesty s Honourable Commission- 'era, withont* which none can possibly be genuine. Dr. Do- JBops 1 world-famed Medicine* are sold by.MrSonney, " Water- ford News" Offioo , and may be obtainou of every Patent Medi- cine-Vendor in the world, and of most Chemists ; or, shonld theAeost dimculty occur , will be forwarded to any part ot the UnH» d Kingdom (carriage free), per return, on receipt of the nmonnt , by Dr. De Eoo» , 43, HoUord Bquare , ' London, W.U ;' THE MOST WONDEBFDI, PILLS IN THE WOBLD. BE. DE. ROOS' PILULE VIT^I , or VzaE- TJLBLX Lin PILLS. All sufferers from genoral ner- vousness and morbid feelingr, low spirits or harassing dreams, unnecenary fears , mental irritability, failure of the mental and bodily powers, weakness of tho nerves , headache , noises .in the head, giddiness , indigestion, and other symptoms of chronic disease , will hail with joy the discovery of Dr. De 'Boos' Life Pills , which rpoolil y. and almost magically remove ipatn and disease, of whatever nature ; restore cheerfulness to .the sp irits , vi gonr to the body, and strengthen all the organs Ion which lite and death' deiiend. - They do not contain a par. , 'ticle of mercury, but are purely vegetable, and for affections jot the liver, flatulency, bile, siak headache , diuiness, loss of ! appetite; lowncss ot BplriU , sensations ot fulness at the pit of {the stomach , pain between the shoulders , and < the distress -arising from indigestion and genoral debility, they will be I found of unox&mp led efficacy ; and it is no small advantage that the y con be taken at any time wi thout dange r either | from wee or cold, or necessity for restraint from business oz pleasure. ' They net mildl y on the bowels, without pain or griping, impart strength to the stomach , provide a healthy notion of the liver, thus preventing, or when present, curing the Jaundice and dropsy, ' cleansing tho eldn, removing I sollowneas and pimples, rarifying the blood, bracing the I nerves, and - marvellously, invigorating the wholo system, i Females of all ages will" JInd them invaluable , and should ! never be without them. Price Is. lid., 2s. M.. ts. 9d., Us., 1 and S3«. per bor. -. ¦- .. ¦ - - ear- , Sold at Tax News Omcs, WaterCord. Ai fcS' S Ca^ lirt.vt ED Sr-ftfc'DlES , > KNOW:: :or. 2- " i VEAKS ,, f or: Purity and Quality. Skm> * CEL-JP.Ai ED BRANDIES, HOTT CED AT Co ' OKAB. ' AUVAV8 GEXUIKE. '" ¦ See Name is on Cork and Capsule. SAYER'S CEUI»ATE3 BRAMDIES , MASKED AOCOBDIKO TO AOE, D/>a,.Tm> , 7hr$B, and four Stan SAYER'S CELEBRATED BRANDIES AVOID iNrKTuoB BRANDS , ' ' how ' largely Sold. Debility and Norvousness. iBorissne of '! THB:Wi^NINQ VOICE," Dr. SUITH ^ ' . ' Celebrated Work, of -which 500 ,000 Copies wero sold. ; -Bevi8ed-Edition. '>---i -- -;/ :: ~ . Now Beady, 152 pagosjjjy post to all ports of tho World \^' -ri ! 'i'AUin l&velope. two Stamps. i' . ' w- j nRHE WABNDfG . VOICE. —This is a special ATedknl ' i 'J-ij ^ Book nddressed.mj Ypnth- ' and Manhood on the JCwae. - . Syjnptoms, ' Consequences, and-Treatment of Dobnitating-DiBeasoa , ' by-HiNBT 8MITH,- Doctor of ' Medicine of thoUiiivetfityi ' of'Jena , by Dip loma , I860. :; This .Work gives " ad)ioe and ins truotions (tho result of 30'-ycarB '~'praotico)i for'fie ' Cnre ' of lajl sDiseasosJof ! the JKervous - , Syafcim , ! Nervous, DebUity^ Montal^ and I^ y ^o*l"D<ipreBaion ' , 'I l alp it»tiott:of , .the Heart, 'Noiso« lin thotHead. MidJ' jCT. Indeciaion , Impaired-Sight and i Memory, . . Indigestion, ' Loss; of- .Energy, PainB. 'in the iB»ok, ;Con«tipaii6n, Bloshing- , HyBtorm , Timidity, Belt. Dk _ tr^t , DijsHries]i(L9voofSolitride , Grounaie8sf' evra , , ' lCna^)*.y 'tfti|^nii^oTij' * f ^!o. -*' . ":T^4n1felvlg i f ' fnTn' -flvriftTiiitioYl : of ; Nervo Power , ^ th« Jeffect of. Orer-taxed :En ergiea , ;Enerj»twg "HaW^' ( ' 8-^d"other ftbnges of the ; system , ' .Cttroi the ^nee ^ aina )a*trn6ti6na ^by. ' r TUoh thonsands havo boon rw{c>rfidto}ialtti,V _ <IUnatrated by Cases and Testiiponialsl Jtrom' .gxitefal: patients, ' - with moana of -Cure used'in ©aoh, cast:^ <-//*^:'ti 1^*^ : ' :' )) ' - ' ' ¦ ' < . ' 1 •> '; ¦ DrrKBrSirrtar8-3aB6n : -Crabnt , London , W'O. ^S'^^NINBTBSPW^THOTJSAin):. ,S- ' . :, ; I^ty-mcaBflgta'vtagilotliy ViJod , post^^froe^or SEVEN if ;PHYBICAJ5^EDU£fATION:i :•: ' «, ctto -1 PEOPLE'S GUIDE TO-HEALTIf{;ovi thi Culture of tho Heal th . . ii^W ^TrBis<rr^ t^B^y iieUi!dtac«tipnVLa^ofM«V EreTentioaT 0 ffDis«M(^Cor>. ' of^)i»eos« > .Air. t Light , ' Bkiii^Diet .^Batti? J. -ft *«;* Gitea vlmtrnotioni "for . ;D^eW^iS l^t»«sanilth«'Hiu^ B<>dj>'How: :to iii^Lo»VHsaC«s3stafJrom;Lc«V oi y«rT» Pow»»j;th»iBJ«e»^ci pwrta»edJB»«rgi»t , < , OTer-vork;' /• J ^ J ttm^L"j %tTMsisiWB ft !A£} +LM & ' 'V.lkm ^L ^ZZt^tl »!. ' "*-PIJL _I-_ 1 \ jnj *wXQ»^*VtQT*j$\ *JW JklB*^0sU j>JUIsJWroBlsJBlO#* r iXiIIv*T»*»t 3#S SiriiMMSi'iriiii'rT ' .iT •^¦wj ifiBL 25J £22^ss^k^s3«isMk'alMriMiaS itsai 'AsMk 'Msa mff SS m^SsS^wSSm'SimSmi SHIP aad COMKEaCIAl. HOffEL , .! M, r QXJJrt ,; WATERXORD. W I MIGHA^SLi ' -Kl ' liW ' AgiT . HAVING purchased ; InteKebhhiiXh ' o above r HOTEL/ bega to announce tKaittds Estab- lishment QPJSNKD on SATimDAT;5PB*rl6 , 1879. M. -K..::tiwli^b y;striot atfen« ' on; t ^^JO8e who patronise ;TH« S HIP: ' AND COUMKICUI^I PTKI ,, to merit' a contihaahce of their patnmi s^^: ' - Qua yi,Waterford ,; Peb. 12 , l«n&®<m> - -l - t2S.U THE GREAT GI^BE JiPTEL , , DOTHN (BstabliahodiOiTei* ' ^ ' ¦ 4, 5 , 6, Bjid 7. I/OWER BBnXJMfpEET , . ... ^.EIOHAHD OpFFBYn^|pT«fc ;i I r I lkit ^^^w^iUBh ^ '0>^haa^O. fte J- . . jnodern\improvementi! of . tneda»faid is nnder ' tho conBtantmipOTviEOT otMr. audMt»ifem«T. From ita central porition 'it,mli,be fopndjT^sgjomisniapt for the viritor , being,In the-Immediate;.^ «ffl|tyiifth« L»w : Courts , flyaio tenminnteii ' . drivsfrtrMji^CSty Eafliray Terminu«iand > »;fe^d«oii&o'JiEift |rtl«»Tram-»-ay( ereaqi , and. -Tegetablej from therfar^TjUily, and sot- jrithstandint!present ¦hi gh , .rat«f r MEDn are extremely moderate. Breakfasts from 1>. 8d. T iDimten from 2f. Bods, from Is 6df. each. . Table d'Hoto daily: woek days at three o' clock ; on Sundays at five o ' clock. . ¦ Gentlemen ' s Coffee and- Smoking Booms.: Ladies ' Coffee and Private Sitting Booms. Bath Booms. - A Night Porter in attendance , and all Servants paid by the Proprietor. ' . . f26.1y Imperial Hotel , LOWEB SACKVILLE-STBEET , DTJBLIK. (Opposite the General Poat-Offloe and Telegraph Office) - The most central in the City. , BBEAKPASTS, with ohop, eggs, or cold meat , 2a. ; steak or fish , 2s. 6d. DINNERS :, Soup, entree, joint*; ' sweets , and cheeBO, 3s. —with fish , Cd. extra. Beds, 2a. ' and 3s.; attendance, Is. each. Ladies ' Coffee Boom , Billiard-room. CHABLES LAWLEB, proprietor. P.S. —A reduotion made for Ladies or Gentlemen -who wish to board by the week in.tho hotel. fR .tf CITY MANSION HOTEL, 30 LOWEB BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN I BEG to inform my numerous Frionds and tho Pnblio that , through elision of time, I have bocomo Pro- prietor of the above old-established Hotel. I havo completol y and most comfortably rd-fnrniahed it, and have conr'derably onlargod it, fitting it up throughout in best modorn stylo. ' : ¦ I trust by careful and constant attention to the wants nnd comf orta of my vieitors to merit the patronage so liborally bestowed on my late .ther , and respootfully solicit an early trial. . MICHAEL COFMTX , Proprietor. Son of lato MAPBICK JOI -FEY . Plcaao noto Address—30, LOWEB BBIDGE STBEET, DTrBLIN. ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - , [dll-Smi KEUrS CEOWKIHOTEL , MONCK STREET , WBXPOED. (CLOSE TO THE BAILWAT 6TATIO»)i ¦ . rpHIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel in irhioh JL everything can bo had on tho most moderate termB. . v ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦¦" ¦ " ¦ Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; also, Brandies , Wines, Porter, George Younger and Son' s celebrated Alloa Ales, Ao. ' . -. . .. ' . . : Cars on Hire at tho shortest notice. - . (an-15-t£ Visitors to Iioudon \\rHJj find Home Comforts , onmodorato terms! at T T " The Sherwood Private Hotel ," 19 , Adam-St. Strand. F. SLACK, Proprietor., ¦ . .. ' ¦ ' : f22.tf ¦ t ' . D. U:B:L;IN. . > ^..J' , - . r-: . - . Comm ercial and Private Xodgin^'Hoaae , 49, MARLBOROI7GH. STREET. .- ,.v. , PABTEES Visiting Dublin - can ' be ~ aocommodat«d , with- or withont Board , and all the comforts of a home, on Moderate Terms. . ., ' , ,.^ .. ' [o2!ptf]' .835 " Situation central, dose to Saokyille-Btreet. : : The European Hotel ¦\TISITEBS to DUBLIN will find at the E UROPEAN , Y BOLTON-STBEET , firstclass accommodation, with-moderate charges and assiduous attention. Largo and elogantly-appointod LADIES' - COFFEE BOOM;- ' - : ' - - * ' . ¦ ' -f ' - , ; - . Kg" . Grand BANQUET TTAT.T. ' for ' Publio Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts, Balls, Snppera , &o. i ;: - ' ' Bpgtauranta—Billiards. Bods , 2s. Gd.. -2a., mid Is: 6d. . .• ¦:>¦ ¦•!- -j [mSl-tf] : J. M O L O N T , Proprietor; ' Oysters ! Oysters I :; Oysters:;! — - ;• ¦ ' . ' ¦ ''¦ ¦ ;• . : ' ¦ ' y- ' ¦ :. •- ; : ' ¦; The Commeneemtnt 0/ the g«i»o», v ' , BUBLINGTON BEbTAITBANT AND OYSTBE BAR, DUBLnf. '^ ) ';. = -; ;: THE PROPRIETOR begs' . tb\acquaint , MB . Friends and tho Pnblio that.iie ifl now prepared with a constant Supply ' of rBED' . BANK ¦ BtJKRIN OYSTEB3, Frosh overy DayifromlriB OWTi Bodnin the County Clare.. The inoroasod demand for these doliraoM bivalves rendored it ; imperative on tho Proprietor to accoro an nnfailing anpply for his Cnstomers. ¦ : Lunoheons , Dinners, Soppers , a la Carte as UBQal. ' ' 'Wines and . Spirits First-class; -; John Jameson and Son' s '73 Whiskey: ' :. -' ,, . ¦h ^) iy -- - , . ' ¦-• . , ' - , - ' Dry Amontillado Sherry, Hartell and HennoaEy ' f *** Vory Old Brandy ; Sautorne; Chabli8.&o. ' j;, :-: . - : ..:% JOSEPH COBLE8S: PabVarj i coB ' j , ;, :" , ; {; 28, ST. ANDBEW ST. & CHuBCH-JtANE ^DcBiilH. n22) OYSTEBS^ 1 OTSTEBS 13. 'OTST EB8 I •;.. tf Tte Clyde Hotel , i . <:- - - ' > ANDEBSTON QUAT/i <3LA%GrOW , - ¦; j ; * IS in the immediate Ticixuty. of the Engieb. and : Irish Steamers , including! the .'Cl yde Bbipping Company ' B Steamers. " Tourists ' and' famillea rislt* ing : Scotland will find 1 <his Hofel a. " comfortable home. ' Charges Terymoderate^-j-i^r ('^V B6.1y^ Tho Portobollo Hote|ii3hibllii , r- " 'P Five Minute ' s ' walk from the 'HsiTOurt*treet Stitidn of ' ! tho Dnblln and WloklowEailivay Company, -i-1. " : XTCEST-CLASS FAMH,T . JH0TEI;; ' .nktrtaiJedSby JO » the Officers of both 8ervioesy PriTaU) , ^Gettlemen , Ladies and Clergymen , partianlarl y ' auifod W th» latter, being so quiet and home-like.^Ji-I^- 'f Vt^1' ; " ' ' <i " •; ' H" ' : ' i - Handsome Family Coffee Boom , exclusively for Fanri- Eoa stoppingfathe Hb tel;- : ;.^¦ ' rt^Z VV&iZ-?' . ¦ T; Bed and Sitting Booms , :»r». ' »ut£«.;iHot aTid:Cold Baths. Billiard Booms. ^ TableRHoto dallyake^O.)^ Tariff of Prices sent 6n v ap^cattottmtne ' «pprii>for. : j. cpua;?. - . ; ; , ' . ' . ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦-¦ r >:>:>' tW 4^S^al»-ttir i ' ; ^THE'UCr Wm0H^iKOMafc'^«>y:: ¦ { -<;. - . . PATBICK . . :8BETlIDW;zGmi&?MiW : . (Late of ;the City Manaion. 'HotclJ. 'iRBbpiiBToa. ,; ' , s!Entrance^«/ Ctollege-;Stteefcfe'2feSt!fPtM*erSfri ' attendarce. ' ^n^^4VH^Mi?4Jl^ j8M*fei !-, - > ¦; t-TO . --HOTEi. ^PBqpwqs»oj,f. * j «-,: 4^Jx- <. 1 -a ' '!5i' 'r. '*v.i[V< ?^i a^^i^^M^fK? ¦ liif cxi . f TB X r AmRiaAjf t^YIM^m?m j Pr(THB i 8p«CTAi. 'A3rtBl0AH-0i«ijfv 1 n«l . ETJiir;r«y« IS. the BEST 1Aj)vBBtIBra«5SdB l>roitin! % ; WOBLD for , HOTELS'^j OUier i Etlablish. 1 :xnentis seeldnff tnejpatronage of >owiitii tA^tiBlibjfaV' j v Before;j^v^:VQut . tadtExtJ^me«Vt'^S{jjer^8* , ' diums send for a . Copyof the 'VVMi(^Wwtt^. *£t, i terating readiscin^tter'w3lVa1a»%1^ iifOrnjatiiMi for jTonrists and'TraveUere taah' sif y^tne^Melav; journal extant. " ^^ ' rf^^^^^^ilti*^ 1 , i B'^im^mmmmmpssMmi "~^~;~~2~SSSS!24^5SS!SSS5S2H!!S22S. ' »i plaSi8 ' »wayi i i ? At . the seasidottt^JnraloaWifoi ' pKF serTinffi>omMofflo>Hd ' w<>rrJ (1l5^^^j^Tfef^;S THtaoicaabrdeitmnd'fot&tWttlslKimMlNMb ev ^e*\u^wtMii - , vwvm *ij (hki *mS2m *r JNs^r^TB^aAasS35S |a||^M c$S|| : . : NOW READY, ' Printed on Good Paper , and in largo clear Tjye , A NEW EDITION BUTLER'S _ CATECHISM. TL THE CATHOLIC CLERGY , BOOKSELLEBS , *a : ' . - ' . . On 8alt at The Neiii OJ»c» , . With tile Beoommendation of the Biahopof Waterford . and liismore , the Bight Bov. Dr. JPOWBB A Catechiflm for the Instruction of Children. - ' ., ' - . ' " ' rf' 1 ' BY TH» MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Aroh* bishop of Cashel and Emly. - . . KXCOmiZNDATION I " Iappt/ve of of thia Edition of tno Bight Bar Dr. JAMB8B UTLEB ' S Catoonism , and recommend it to tha "Faithful of these Dioceses. ' - . v $f " JOHN POWEB, B.O.B. > "Waterford, Sept. 16th, 1878." ' pEDBBSfrom any part of the Diocese, sent in and directed- .to ,C. rBiBUOHD , Printer and. Publisher , WaUrfori' <Ntu>$ O&oe, '49 King-street , promptly tk- tended to: '-The ^ Trade supp lied on moderate terms. ¦f^May behad Ketail from every Catholio Bookseller in tfb'DIiapeser^v ; . •« ,(, - ¦¦ , ¦¦ , . ¦ . . ¦ a^y-Ma3e v *"Clbtliiiiff'^)epartmeat. P. TOBIN & SONS " ' BKO TO ANNOUNCE TBXIB TJenAL HALF- YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE ¦ ' or BOYS' , YOUTHS' , AND MEN'S BEADY- MADE CLOTHING, COMMENCING OK lBt AUGUST, WHEN the BEBIDE OP SUMMER STOCK - (in thia Department only) will be re- marked at and, in many instances , consi- derably under COBT PBICES. N.B. —A FEW L ADIES' JACKETS, ULBTBBS, aal . AND MACKINTOSHES . SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES . OBSERVE19, NASSAU STREET, DUBLIN (From late Moat Bovd. Dr. O'BEIEN, Bishop of Watorford). " I havo used Mr. SOLOMONS' Spectacles with great advantage to my sight, thoir cooling and comfortiiig properties proving most agreeable and bonefioial, cf- focts which I never cxporiencad from aify other kjnd of glass or pobblo. " + D. O'BEIEN, Bishop of Waterford." (From Most Bev. Dr. Conway, Lord Bishop of Killala) . " Tho experience I havo had for some tune of 3fr. E. Solomon' s Spectacles enables mo to state they axe the only lenscB which afford me the case and comfort to be desired in reading, writing, ic. lam, indeed, clad that I procured theso famed sight preservers, for the use of other glasses and pebbles had caused me to imagine that such satisfaction could not bo secured. " + HCOH CONWAY, Bishop of Killala , Ballina. " (From Most Bev. Dr. DUQOAN, Lord Bishop of Clonfert). " I have to express my entiro satisfaction with the Spectacles you supplied, and which I have used with great oomfort for many years. I have not changed tho degree of power I procured originally from you. " + PATEICK DUOOAN, Bishop of Cloofert, Longrea. " To Mr. Solomons , Optician, Dublin. " (From the Very Bev. Dean O'BKTEN, Founder of tho Catholio Young Men' s Societies). "Ifeel pleasure in bearing tes timony to the excel- lence of the Glasses with which I have been supp lied by Mr.'Solomons. Having had occasion to employ thorn both by day and night for some years, I con say with certainty that the relief which they afford and tho as- sistance which they give are quite boons to a reader or writer. " B. B. O'BSIEN, D.D., Dean of Limerick Newcastle, Co. Limerick. " (From tho Bov PATEICK LAVELLE, P.P). ' DBAB SIB I have been for some time using your Spectacles, especially at night , and am happy to inform yon, with the neatest benefit , and oven comfort. I have lately read with them for three hours uninternp- tedly at night , withont the slightest inconvenience or distress of sig ht. —I am , yours truly, - . " PATRICK LAVELIE, P.P., Cong, Co. Mayo. , "To Mr. Solomons , Optician , Dublin. " ' . " Anhdeaoon. O'SmAr-fcP., in happy to inform Mr. E. Solomons , that the Spectacles supplied to him somo ten years since have been eminentl y snocessfnl in afford- ing him ease and comfort, which he had not experienced from the glasses and pebbles ho had been using pre- viously. Archdeacon O Shea has now enjoyment in read- ing and. writing by day or night, - and hia sight appears to have been totrengthoncd and improved. He considers that he is indebted to Mr. Solomon ' s Spectacles for much of tho benefit derived. —Ballyhale , Co. Kilkenny. " ¦ ; The Bov. PATRICK KENT, P.P., procured Mr. Solo- mons' Spectacles many years eirjoo , and found them to be most oom' ortablo and benoflciaL He still.wears Mr. Solomons ' .; lenses , which convey a coolaoss ,' ease, and advantage he oonld seoure from no other glasses and pebbles. Several members of the Bar. Mr. Keat s family, who have availed themselves of Mr. 8olomons ' Spectacles, have also derived much benefit from their use. —-St. Patriots , Waterford. . . Mr. - E. SOLOMONS' Spectacles has been used by emi- nent Members , of the Faculty, Nobility, Clergy, Ao., including the late Chief Justice of Ireland , the Marquis of Clanncarde , late Earl of Bondes. 'LordVanxof Har- roivdon, Clonbrock , Dmnboyno , Atklumney, his Grace the Most Bev. Dr. M'Gettigan, 'Archbishop of Armagh , bis Grace the late Most Bev. Dr. Leahy, Archbishop of Cashel; Big ht -Bev. Dr. 1 Moriarty, Bishop of Kerry; Bight Bov. \Dr. Leahy; Bishop of Dromore Big ht Bev. Dr. Dorian/Bishop of Down and Connor ; Bight Bev. Dr. Duggan , Bishop of Clonfert ; Bight Bev. Dr. Byan , Bishop of Killaloe ; Bi ght Bev. Dr Power, Bishop of Waterford , <tc., 4o. , . .. ; ' . - » Persons/in ' tho country con be ' supplied with Speetioles , 4c., by. Post.. Eepoirs . promptly ' attended to. [ Improved-Telesoops , - Opera , Baoe , and Field QlasjwS; . also , Microscopes at most moderate prices ; Baro meter s, Thermometers; Magio Lanterns , ti. CAUTION I—In oonaoqnence of numerous attemp t* at imppijtioni' it is necessary-to note " name and address , aria : ta - rATH<mlarlv bear in' . mindi that MB. F/. SOLO- MON'BEstablishmentis '- . 1 . " . Number NINETEEN , NASSAU-STEpT , DUBLIN, (Qitranoe ' 'by Hall-Door), within one door of Dawson- street , DUBLIN ^ deet not virittliaProvinces; hot no connectionwiih any,ether hatui orpertonof tame , timi- lar or other name, and that he Employs NO AGENTS of TBA.VELLEBS. . . ¦ __ ' NINETEEN , NASSAU STBEET, DUBUN/ONLT ' ¦)¦ ¦ ¦ f^IEND OF- ALL ! - KOilOWAT'8' PILLS ¦ -, Pr/BiTT . BLOOD EssEinaAii TO. Lms ,. HEALTH AND S TBSHQTH . These Pills surpass all other known Medicines for. Purifying tha Bioos;. being safe and yet effectrre '/they are . available fot nll as a>Dcrmestio and :Housebold , yemedy. ; ' In ' oongestions and obstructions of jtheXuNaa and LIYZB, they quickly remove the cause of •the disease; andinocm«tipation and disordered oondition of the Bowitts . 'thoyact as a clBanmflff ' BpeTieiit; remov- ing irritant matter from tha intestinat- ' caiuU , 'and reliov- ing spaams ^ crampa , andpainfnl gripings. . i ' TtBiiaouBBiADAbHisTNAnBEA AND FOUL STOHACH, Eo»B.O»;A?*jfriTB;Ajn>' .LowNE8S ' or BtjsrrB. The deaiising: properties 1 of these ; Pills soon ; produce a wonderful change jn the constitutioii.irembying all ex- oess of b3e/ hea2tecie/p^j)itation ' , pains aftoreating;, and ) gUolneu. : 4'Tnoy ~ festore r the > . ap^>stite , cleat the com- ylEtion ' , ' and improte the gen oral health. . ' .: ,. ; ; K T|* 'Me^HM ' syFMWnj.'f-FiKaiiM ' Srtartca. tEvary Mother of .a lamily should know the value of those ¦BOlJln removing auaccumulations and' restoringjaua- 6ended3ortT«rvert«d;seorotionn ; ^atlvaonoruB.critiakl 5wrida»jD*ienT»lBlif» thrr ,are iDBrful bejond measurer l fk^c*a bo taken iafely. byiemalos ; Ot. : sdl ages , ' and nra ^vyuabTe^sJlx^dron ' scomp Iaiiits... - . - .. .. . :• , ,, f4'^5Aw^;iTJitwoo;VAiri) UBBTBTrctioNa OF ~ THB atoznrrti^If these Pills be 'takenrertlarly every night , ^«fad ^a)oWr ^n««^Hth:t^; ' pTm^'diniBtionB ^ tha mSrt6b«tiiiate cases " will soottyiold ; the sccretionfrom ^Hdneytfwffllbocems dear and limpid; ' no function of thebo$f shouldjb* more; carafully , watchdd; ' . 'most ierion«j«mseqn«noe«; ensue from.; neglect , in this rc- iipeofefe^^;;s&i^^v ;; ;]^.i. V: ' -! - -:^ ' j^. ---?,:i: : :. ^8o»Tft»OAiB , -?Di?TaiBiA- ,. Conora,,C pLps ! AND AijL'BTaOHOHiAI» AyTacTioN8 nhould be immediately S5^MtKeee ? Piia l ? wHch' - wfll/^irne^ combmoayith thieffwitnal tiM of the. Ointment to tha part affected , »B(W »^» ' l Q fe* H ^" of ^ua " la ' 8c *^^ ored ftlo ! the jomt liendyjpf tho two' Wmodies is {so fpotent'tnai every fomtdaMfrpoMemaiyaga^onboooniwameatJjIa wX» ' -trts*»wnt;>f s j^T'Vvi- ' '' I ^ ^ >" '^' W^* Uii ¦ *' - ' ; i'" . -f ' - JSj>»»n^AT3I>.Co»BTmD'nOB»i l2CBiirjBtlNOS ,jAND Kii*' <i», / N»Javoira:iEinrEOT. —ThewrPills! BM^niimiti psy> »aA, s^ . «ryine^^cj ^th^wrrec>al^ ' ^^^^ }l^d^^^iai^^^^ ' X: ¦: . ' . ftiMMi tif>(it)ri|inrT fTininffirn miffnmii finin TTin>niisj : ' - ' - ' WWra^tt:ever>]torn W6%U-give them-fc : fair and o ; ¦ , •: ¦Hail

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LABOS8T ClKCOLATXON IN THE SoOTH OF <lBII AND,• 'P.HWwd ttcrv FRTDXr Eteninsi at Ko. 50, JKnj-SJrMt,


P BICE—THREEPENCE ; Yearly(in Advanoc , 13s.

By Post (Yearly), 15s., in Advance.! {3T All Cheques and P. 0. Otdore, made payablo¦ to COBNELIDS REDMOND, at this Offioo. ; ,

- The NKW8 (liberal in politics) circulates extern dvclyi amongst the merchants, traders and nobility, gentry,¦ (annhifr classes, &6., in Watorford, Kilkoany.TippBrary,: and Iho south of Ireland generally.' . Tho Nrwp hasi attained a circulation never equalled-by any paper; published in Waterford, and is admittedly the li adingi fcrurria in this important city, with whioh. there is direct! daily communication from London, j • ' - .!. ' P&rticnlar attention mid to commarcia] and a; Tioa!n j; Biuiv^M*4 WVVWMUVU §<IMIA v V*^ai l l lIW I i I ft I iWJvk t» i n»ij

j tiiral matters." - . . - . . . ', - T ;:. - i '.j t Advertisements roceivod tor, the NEWS by all n speot-itable Newspaper Agents in the United^Kingdom. Pro-inpayment roqnisito from parties not known at th? offioq.]i- r :"-';( ¦ AOKNTS >OB SALK' OP THE NEWS -- - ¦ ;¦iTVATEBFOBD^Mr. W. KBIT;little George' i-afc""[JTEAMOEE—Miis CLiNOri BofrAshmcntfJlioo] u. ln:.>'¦'.Strand-street. , '¦ . . ' ' •

j ' ' ¦ ' ¦''""{¦ ¦ ' .- - »: -

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-PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses LOVB, Hotel, Sqi are.;;';' CAEKIfiK-ONtStJIB-^Mf J- K-'MOBPHTI News. Lgont ;LONDON—(For Advts.JMr. WrriiAH'CABBol L, 18,.

Crnwshay Boad, Vassal Boad, Nj)rth Brixton. . .. .DUBLIN—Advertising Agents : ^Messrs. W.H; SMITH

4 Sos, Abbey-street. I '¦DUNGABVAN—Mr. EDWAED BEINNANJ Sta ioner,

•&c.', Post and Telegraph Office, Tio Square.: CASTLECOMER—Mr. J. HOLOHAN, Main-fitr© it.



;. -» _^ % . NOTICE.—Tijo Steamers of thiso£ HiX. ' line, take tho £one Bontea, vooom-

-*\ffr1MM VSv mended by Lieut MAUBT,.. O a both¦BSGBBBSwtho Outward and Homewar 1 Pag-

gaffes* ' . ¦ ¦ , ¦ • " I

Tnese wcU-known magnificent 8teamors,allooD. itrnot-ed by Messrs. HABLAND & WOLFE; of Belfast; areappointed to sail weekly a3 nndor.carrynnj her Majesty'sand tho United States Mails :—

From LIVERPOOL t— • jBALTIC ... 'Tuosday, 2nd.Sapt.CELTIC ... Thursday ... 11th 8opt.BRITANNIC. ... Thursday, ,.. 18th S«.pt.;ADRIATIC ... Tuesday, , .:. 23rd - Sept.

. OEBMANIC -.. Thursday. ' ..; . 2nd SJopt.; From Qncenstown (Cork) .tho following daj.' j . , \ FBOM._NEW Y.OB:;; ' . - ' . '

CHINA, . ... Thursday, .. 21st Ani ust.BBITANIC. ... Saturday, .. 30th August.

Tneso splendid-vessels REDUCE'tlie PASSi .GK toho sbortestpossiblo timo, and.afford to Passong in thehighest degreo of comfort hitherto i attainable at ea. .

Average Passage, 81 days .in Summer ; 0 days in. Winter. Each Vessel is Winitruotijd'in 7 water i-tight

oonipartxneiits*-^ : < — "¦ j j ;i - -

' The SnEKKAOBS are unusually sfJadoui well-1 ghted,ventilated, and warmed, and Pasmtngers of'thii class

: receive the utmost civility and attention." Cattie, Sheepor ,Pigg are not taken by thia fine. An an imitod

; supply of Cooked Proviisioas. Medical oomfor a free' of charge. . Stewardesses in ' Steerage to atte id (he; Woinen and Children. ¦ • ' ¦'"1 Passengers booked through.at low rates, to all i arts of; tho United States and Canada. •¦.'¦ ¦ ¦

• i ', : . ¦ : ' :: ATPLT TO : ; ;.- i ¦¦ . • , .' T. S. HABVEJ, IitUe Cteorm's-stroet, Wattirford,

jAilES HENNESST, Great George's -at, Watorford.• j. M.;MTJBPHY, 43, New-Ian Carriek-on-S ulr: i -

JOHN WALL, Jun., Dungaryan. ,' ' •I'. !JOHN HOLOHAN, Castlecoiner. . ¦. - .• : ¦.- ,JAMES WATTS. Bonmabon: . :¦ ¦¦. - : . ¦:> .JAMES SCOTT 4-Co., Queetitown i or ti '.;

¦ ISMAT, IMEIE ACo., 10,Water-street, Liverpool.

|fv;ENGLANI> AJtD'SQtJTH WJL LE8;>NI) THX5t:>-r'.-..-. BOOTH or IEELlND.../ t .

I ' Altered and Increased .Service ay. Great. Western, Bailwuy Company's Trains anS Steam Boots, viali Milford Haven,-; in connectio't wilijiajy ATSB^i-r'-'toEirgaSXSiSaicKttn'd!WAT] BSO&D &CX <TBALH^v . - ^WttaJOiilinJifc .;. ",> . .'-.;". i. _ |.| ^,V-.^'.'if' i'.V,' -i; BhortBBt 'Boute and B duced Fares.:' ' r»iiiife*~iTT ^'*¦¦ '¦¦ ' ¦&****** ~ f ' in* :atld ' . ratt i¦


; ¦ : . -:i : j ; - . . - , . , i .THESE ;B0AT{ . : , -j:j . t_ .K

, ¦ DQ\VN.—IiiATB4LoJiDON_(Paddi lgibn)' at 5.1 J p.m.,

I ¦¦¦' .:': -; ¦' ind ABSITE AT WATBB: ¦OBD ¦ (weath x . and

> r "' • ' drcumatancoapermittingjibont eleven a.ni.','in' - '¦¦• i ". timo focthe Trains on, rthe Waterf w and;.

. . . ! ¦', Limeriot,-. Central Ireland and Iismdre lines.0P.—Leave Waiorford »t 5 p.in.'i awh.Woek'I ajr.on

.. ! .Arrivalof tho .1.35 P.n»'5 rainfrom lin eriok;.¦ ¦¦] ¦ • iO.85!:'aan.;;Traia: iront Maryborongl, .and. , , ¦ ll^Oi «,m. Train fromLi more.AMUV no in. .! , j LONDON ;' (weather . and cireumstaace ., per;" J I miUingVat 10.45 a.m., the following-day. On Saturdays the .Steamer, learing* Waterfo d wfll

convar Cattle; Sheop, and'figa, on I Paasengert travel-lai thereby -will proooed fromNew MUfordby a 9.«Train on 8onday morning. '¦¦' • • f : . - ¦, ;•; -- i -. ;¦¦' ¦ '•

On'Sundayg, a Special Stoamor nil sail frort Vater-fotd (Jerryhank Wharf) at 5 0 n. n.,'carryinK ««en:ger»!and-General.Cargoonly ; an lwill cdlatJ delphimlrf on tho' ,7th. and 20th SEF 'EMBEB to« nbarkPaMbeer8|*nd.theJr,Lii«?»«e,8ta -tillg tt.eneei irNw.KOfora.-at .6: a-nt, id connection i ith tho 5 pi» Tr nfor London.' ,#, Oh* September 14*a 128 th* steamer willsS from Pirrybank direct for Ne* Milf ord at $Qa.nv

infkr<mt»li bareoeivtd on fCH »rd after 4.4 p.m..jud the gtagogwOlilien be ranw Tea;-to ena' Iff theSteaoieratd deportPuHCTtiALLti :the»pj»mw I ttma.Tl» 2.45ajaXBAIN fon SOT) [ILFOKDwil ,ta»Ucase8VWArr.thei'ABBrr'AL ofjSI ttmvt rxd: £-.*%

Under no dremnM»nloo can Pa ingort.holdini ThirdOasiTickot«.boaJto»8a the naeof Satoon. ;> -j i :

;8p«cialB<)att;.winj*eatBef an. e on™'}*0?" :mMngKaatt: jfrtm-WaterfordttO ITew^MiJfot; r Witt<J»ttfcv Sheep, and KgB/ on Mot dayt.'.frwrii oelphlWharfVaO p:ja;,>n3 .on,Too8d kyr/trogi FefiybankWharf, at 5 p'.m:; caDingat Aflel jnlTVharf w en thestate of .the (tide permits "s alBO o i loch" other-« *7*a *

toop. (arable .5;^ f g Ug- £g» ' \" ': ¦ ard CLJaiidForeCabin 20»0d

HKTUKKS (aT»ilabto i roonth«)11gi Claiftf* Salo n» 7Cs.'; « < "., „,/• .>. -. I2n I Class A Salt on 59s.

" , .1 " ' ¦ "3rdClks»'kni . Fore;C»bin, 33«6d;PuTtherinfonnatlbir can.be o ta neatwm: Jfc :£'~JF

Bowjnr.Baaway TerrainiisjLbni rWtj-^.W; Di

McHAkABA, AdelpS:Wliarf; Wa en ordl'-Tho. Bl DOOTD?AB«8 between otter important Stations; "th i riimerabies, and Tkrongh1 Bates ffc Gto«W. 4o->; »»|b«obtained of Mx.W. J. BDS»«%., fhojGrtat.J JerteraEaihrfty {)0Brpan B;;pU^ Ag; n jWWnUt *$»$

,°^: j::! i-rj f. OB1BBP0N Ctaicrat.a&a Mtenv-

.Paddington-TenninM, Wji S 9; - -::y-:- -j i^tf-¦^ i---- . » ^AiiBBiid Jritt*i-'i -fl '?&¦

/^ ^l .j.-joBrrE-pji STATES : 141JJ1

'£ ) - -CUUvs »t-jQaeaBrtpwi«yery.Thnr*da u •' 4-N ?lr»U«. -»owpred _«MwJl4p»,«»*I P^W

p«fei 4»Lw aa&&i$«»? atfs•%, »LOBD CLITB Sept.- IT 1D » i»5 ££-£

>. «ad«5i'extr»auinber,of W« PtewrTM- vWj •*JJm;I - iabdaabnfojr'alIcla o»'p«feM«r« i« «W«> >«WS«;

• dar tbjmt roof.-, there-, are Be etaneqvnop j»t ,w?r^tea paOTtoSo^N^^^' WP5s> flM, a d Bsirgatffl ExprwM Offl« ; £tfjOV|*; «5M£-

a.i-i^*»«Mbo»f***u*»«f.i« "•b;ssis S. SaJ£S-• •MiBiBJifiwrtiSrWosnniiaeaipflJWcjy*1?.' ? «-


Begular Steam Communication betwernWATEB-rOBD . .¦ and XOXT D OJST ,Via Southampton and - London, and Soutit Western :

• • ' • " ¦ ¦ • BaUway. '. ¦ •> . ¦• •' - ¦ .¦• :• •;¦ •- ••> ,


-v Li.T riTHE'New and.poworfnl ScrewI I I MIK ftv _LiSte&meoiCOFELAHI>,TOWASD,

) fiS|MMl POBTtAW, LAtllllK , PASTNET.J ¦ . - , ^ ^^ DDMMOSR EOCKABIL1,'> '.. '.;ue intended to 8afl as tmaer,'weotfior permitting (tmleU pre-vsat«d - by unforseen «ironautaneai),"wiU> liberty to TowTeasels, and to call »t »njr tort d* fortsin any. «MoA in oxoat of the castomarr ooarte, toi««lre)U)4DiKh«r»e 0»rjo,oxforaivrotherjpnrpoi»wlii4ioev«r.rv:<(JL -;.-.ri;;i .> . .->:i .. . . T^FfiOM WiTEBrOEDlTO'OIiisOOW.r. ... ¦ ;¦;Toetouyr • ¦ 2nd ;Sept. , • l.!p.ai.^;iDir«ct.-;;tr ,.

¦. ' . • . ,

WednewW; • 3rd . . „¦ ;_ ;'ll-pSai^Tia Cork,";1 - * " ¦'Sriday, ¦; -.: Sth ; „- . i: inpjn-V vl*O*rk»n4B«U»i(SktnidsT, . . 6U» '. „ - ' e^p-Ta-.-'TiiBdlMt;!''-?- -. ''..Tntoday;' ./ ' 9tK1 „: '¦ r *i lj!.pja "«..»fti Bnhaa.si;. d*T.Wfdnesdajr. -lOUi!,' „¦- •. -.;"Mr p.m-.j-rt* Cork. .sv » -.» ;- ¦•.,»:

S»tnrd«r. '"13th;- „- : 6 juni);ivlaBelfast.- ,;"" , , .Toe»diyr. . - 18th „ v 1 •p.inl.-.iDirect.--.V ; . ' .;¦Wednesday, - 17th „ ¦ 1. p.m.,-vl«Cork.- - ¦ -V-IMd»r. J . • . 19th' „ 1 ¦ p.m., vlaCorkand BelfastSaturdAy, 20th . „ . 6 p.m., Tin BeUut. . 'Toesday, ' 23rd „ •> 1 • p.m., • via Dublin., •' ; ¦:•Wednesday. 2*th „ 1 p-m., via Cork. . .. .Friday, ; 28th „, 1 p.m.;- via Cork ud BdtutB»tui5«r, 27th „ , 6 p.m^- vlaBeUsst -Tuesday/ SOth „.. ^1 p.m., • Direct. • 'i • ¦ • I TSOM OUJWOW TO W1TOT0M).- • - . ; . .ETery MONDAY, WEDKE8DAT, and FSIDAY, at 2 p.m.

' ColodonlaaTrmlntoOrt«nookat6pjm..' ' '

¦ Hora—The Steamer on Frl'Uy goes via Cork/

••• TBOK WATSS1OKB IO"BKLri»r.Every FBIDAY, via Cork, • ¦¦ - - ¦' nt 1 p.m.Evory SATUSDAY, direct ... •; - »t 6pjn.

BiLnm TO winsrOBD, direct, erery THT7BSDAY,. , . Vi» Glasgow, oi«rr MONDAY, -j . ,

»KO« WAIKKTOEO TO POMIIT, dilOct.TUESDAYS, Sth and 23rd Etptember, at 1 p.m.

(VU QUagow) TUESDAYS, 2nd, 16th an<l I!Hh Sept.,"¦ :»tl-pjn;-. DUBUK TO wuauacm.y u .cosx. .

. .Every SATDBPAY.- , raoK WATEUOU) TO coax. Direct.Evdrv WEDNESDAY .., . | ... , ... atlp.ro.EreryPBIDAY, : ",;.. *-' ¦ r... ' ... ¦ atljua.


. . _ W*Tli»OaD TO lOBDOS. ¦' Steamer,to Soathompton,! tbenoo by 'London sud '8onthWestern Bailway to .Nino Ebns Slntlon, at Through Eatai,

Every SATTJSDAY. nt i p.m.:¦ ¦• LOTDOK TO WiriBiDBD-flJTery TUESDAY. .Goods received at any ot th* Eeoeiving BOOMS ot the

London and Sooth -WesUra EaUway Company, and at NineElnnStation, vp to 6J0 p.m. > " K

* - 'WAT8&VOIU> T9-Z*].T]IOUTB, Oirect,Every SATURDAY, at 4 p.m • ¦ • ¦ .-

• PLTMOOTH-TO-'WATlilORD, dlMCt,Every FETDAYJht Noon."

WirtETOttD TO BOCTBUUTOS, VIA FLTXOUTD,. . Erery BATHEDAl'at 4 p.m.SooTamrroit TO Wirraroic. VIA PrmoirTB, -

Every WEDNESDAY, at Noon.ThcBO Bteomen have '- exo8ltaf-»ocommodatlo» for

rawengOT. •¦ ¦¦ • ¦ - . '-• • • ; ;iL -.-:l'j.L-:¦;—- '— - PAHSA GE.jCOlfEr.." ¦ ' i » I ' - '¦', U '-^^CaUn.' Betom.: Deck

Watorford to Glasgow and Belbtt 17*. 6d. 25s. 10s.• „ Cork,. ... •-¦-K.it '- .^Sfc 14«. 5a.

' „ ' Plymouth It Sonthlunpton.KW. SOs. - 10a. „ London, -.'.; •>- ' ..¦ Jv • . »•.-;::¦ ... .«¦...

Children above S and under 12 jean of age;HaH Fare..: «-; Non.—The Clyde Shlpplnc Compuy Insore til Qoodishipped by these lines of Steamers it 3M id percent, to Trader*having yearly agreements,'andrflts pet Cent to occasionalShipper.. Values to bedecla 'aitlmeot Shipment. Formsand&n information So be had at the offloe*.; '¦ - • • -• - • ! -> >• For Bates of Prek*t,--**i applrito -J. ;<X Pi»rr»T0»,Belfast i HJCTUT J. WAUxa 4 Co, Plymoath j ; TaoiusMXJuutrr, London and; Sonth-Westen BaUway Company.Exeter, BiUldiags, - Arthoz Street; West, aad at the L. * R W.EaJlw»y Becelring -Hon»«v throoghortt' London:- CITCISHirnsa Co., GIMWOW, GreeaaekrU Thomu-ft., Limerick;Southampton 121 ESen Qoay.-DabUs»Patrick's Quay, Cork,¦• ¦ : • CtYDE-BHt?^rNa OOTTPANY ' , . .

j Custom Ho«uie,Qaay;Wat«rtord.- Special forms of Blll« ] of La. Un»-required by the, ClydeSupping- Oompsnyrto )>• hadb?.the-AjtnU. .-: , . - . ' ¦- . ¦' -¦ . -'

Waterford , Stcamsliip , Company . :. . . , \ r , _ . -, ; i ; , : . i i : ';(UaaXXDf r i ':->*~y ; < • -• '-' •

INTENBED OBDEB' OE IBAlLlNO-aEPT.;. 1879:: '¦„. ' • -. • .-¦ :. . - I - ' ¦- ¦ 8TEAMBJsi.-> .;j. -.- ; v-^. - . ,>^ >EEQINALD; . COMEBAOH,. LARA, .ZEPHTB,; BANGEB, .JDA,,,T1NTEBN/ EBLN, feOSA, andt'EXEaESS.-•.- :- .:\:.*",si<' ;.-v, :i v - - :- . - v'...-,-. . . . . :.

| SMp mu^ _

0^;:;W i)rd

. ¦ s^MTIit.v' Vf J-l Steejnahip Company (Limited)-T^ Clj V\V

reoelve Goods and Uit

Stock for Shlp-

^ al|M^ fl|flBH Lment ¦ on the oondltlbns mentioned ini^ ^^ ^^ ^ Safling Iiit»,'4c.; to:be had at their¦ .rf ,WimlulD> AKD- B B I8 T O L V.' - .i :rao* WAxrooutoHunoi* ; ¦ i TSO« INSTOL to WITIUOU),; - ...«. -. Direct^!. ¦•'- ;>- l !- .-- l: v !!¦.¦; "-V'(-;.- DIreot» . ¦ ¦Tuesday: Sept 2..J01 mornbg WednesdaySept 3 ... 7 alfnFriday, « &..1(4 mortOnf Saturday,...',, « ...8aft'a

"nesdv, .. ».. S aft-aSS WednSaay,1",, 10 ...U mgbtFrid»yT .,. '12... 4 effnoon Siturday, ;:„ 13 ...11 nightTnetday; •• ' 1«- • 8 '.' morning Wednesday -,, 17 '..'.' t alt'nFriday, „ 19...HH morning 8«turday, , ¦ „' 80 ... a aft'nTnesday. » 23..JI attemoo? Vf<dnesday;.i,,'. 24 ...U night

•rSarT „ 86... 4 iJfnoon Saturday, ., a ...11 juriit;Toeedw/ „ - SO.:: S< morning | WeOneadky/Oot: 1 ;„ 6 afVn¦ ar On early Morning SaQugftUCabiM of the' iteamers winbe open to' reoeiva Juseiigeza arriving- by. tho Night- .Mat]

*raln.> - r ¦ : - V ,-.U :. * -A4 V;*y . ^. -¦ - - . ¦'- ; , i'- , r ¦ -lane—Cabin,'IB*, f Betorn-da: {available for One month),

5f.-i CMIdn JOB.1 Ser lbaWOinr ttftmJliMl 10j.Betorn, 15*. t Deck,: 7a;; Sd. sEeturn Tioksta b» JDublln, Cork;or ' Wezford, «•:' ExtiMoa - of ,Tima granted'on all BetnrnTiokMa ori th* foOowtog -tenui t - Tor a Fortnight,' 9s. «4.,iand for every snbeeqnent week,:ti;.f>Ai? to:<i. / '< .'.a'.' ''.-.;'¦. .- '; W AiTEBFOBP/-A«jp.-IiITEB.P.OOli . :' . '. »»OK 'wii»»*6«pi.,iV.:-iVTV |r KaOM trrwrooi».. -- ' :ktonday,' Sept. l;v.:-2 'JAfVjii7ibidoy,• 8ept.< :l ...10 morn

Wednesday, ,, S .„•* C Atft WTedneeday- ,, ( 3 ...12 nooaJSS V 6 ... 1 Affn irrKUwr?-"- I 5 ..rl afVntoSday.ta' ,i;8y...-i4<AfV>i Soodayj! y.. .-a .'.; 1 morn

Wedneediy, „ 10 ... 4 AfVp Wednesday, „; 10 ... 4 ¦ art'nFridayT^ ;.12,...10J More tfrtdayT -

,, ju •» » ;»«»1»^dayjU ;,' XuK&r-Soau Utmflay.fi-: v?IS „. »-n>orn

Wednesday; •„' ,11a U A«n Wjanesflay, 17 COT more

Friday,.- -,. „ i l»-.ri-li *rVp)?riday,r^'r--,,;10.v:JS aoos|SSy: -';!- 5«Ur'4 ''Affn SWnday;: ' ,,-'22^.a '.morn

tooday ." ; Si; NooaPCoadar,*•,,, , »..t«,i mor«^CabiiiTan, J7s, 8d i. Servant* (trav«Umy with CunBtos) andChildren, 10*jDect lOi."! CbikTrettTSf. r -V-t ?NJt 1;. -'Sjift oooSieWrsdiaattiaTg aiTaar^¦ nooda,Booi^.throqrii froin- aUt.prfndpfcli etation» cnGreitOfbrtSii.ViaicasMiji iia

^rbiksbirWfiLomaoii an*

Jorth Western j" Maneheeterj hefleM/aM.'Lfacomibirarand JIidIamltBaflwayr.toAW»{e»for4;t, Thron«h. Bookin£»also to Linwrlck.!Ttpperary,:*W.n£-s£^^> Goods Booked through frooi »D Stations on WaUrford andCentral Ireland BaUway, Waterford: ¦D4uuclrva< and Llsmoxe

• WJLTEBTQ^P ¦ »fe.>»iP:Rairfey:i.' H.. v ;: wATiwroa»'«rSra«Aavir|!*jiHi»ai6vi«"Te,wAW»io»i)i ¦

I i - flrtorfayVfieptombej1 S0.il:. fcSviv7,£?>-; 10 JforniDg',!¦• J.

' l dayi8«<emberO;,w.;«i..1A» - Tid« pemH«.,;. .i

F«».H»w: -go»S*%^ «»»flM« at^ rFm« W*Tioio« Ps «Biqiday«i»«eept jd.<a4»45 pjn.!ji

- F»0* DTOCAWOW-XJaOyJflcmaays *£«Vt*j>'«t 8.JS »*>,,;?;pHorS^ tor ffli S gi ?^

V^ BS ,T 3K^SSgW6a .«j* 5l«My

^^A.TSt li |8SS»«^Oad at Ocn«i|iM | »i>;g Jt*^ aCTa»oM^



aLKENNY jaSOTION BAH.WAYS,The shortest route from Watorford and Kflkenny to Dublin,

Athlone.Parsonstown, orNenagh. is via /Maryborough. -Improved qaiok and through dally communication between

JlaryboroughV and other stations, to • WaUrford. thenos titMew->niford to London, and all SUUons on. the Great West-era. Bailway of England. ;: ;.¦:.

¦. . :- ;:i - v . - ; ; < £ v :V'i;.i '. .'. .Servioa improved and accelerated One hoar.:. , , . * ¦

Tiiiir AiTxaiTioits—On Snndays iadditionBl'Tnms willleave Maryborough at 8.80 a.m., and Waterford at 6.90 p.m. >

... .no*.wiTuuOBD. v,. ;« .¦ ¦¦¦:' ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦''. ¦¦.

. , '¦;,., , mm W.TTU y^'r \ ¦ «g»°at».;.

STiKOW. • ' • ¦' ¦¦ 1S431 4 2 ,3 2*312*8 183; 123Class Class ;Clus. Class. Claas. Clau,

. -:; • ' A.K.- :W«i- |-"T.'«*.'|!>.lsi MMm'j > ' KX. l

-' . , . . ,., i - •' , ( h.m h. m**h.m. hjm. b/ m.'.p.nw:Wat ord.'diparture, 7 15' !1 0. 4 " 0 6 1S- 12- .0 .8 B0

;Kflmaoow..i....13:.'..;"..;l 1 25 1-10- 4 10 8 85 18. 13'. 7 . 0SSSSmtci....::..-.;. 1 si ¦- .: 4^'«-« ».g^Z J2'iBaUyhale......... ;........ 7 65 185 4 40. -.7 -IS 12 S 0v 7 8 0

!Thoma»town ..:„.:.:... •« 10 '1.50. 4,45' 7 30 ¦-.}• ¦» ;.Z «9Bennetobridg* .:...U: 8 2S -2-8 5'-<5 7 45 ¦¦¦l»f?'f 'fKilkenny_.i.uiarrival g40. 3-20; 580. 8ilS iVfO^Sffi' Do\r...:..departu« ,8 » 2 30: S.aO


A^ iiii liiip

p idiffSE3loroU..'...arrlvallft lO: iSS 8 « S .- Vtf SSiwT*)Maryborough dap.tSWJa 4:2 —: ' ¦¦—P r-S . Ji?^?.:PorUrllngtonjrund.rJ.hl'U 417: - " . -.—-¦ 8 «. .-rDublin .'...^1 arrival 1 IS 5 40 — — :640 '~...Athlone Jnno.:, arriv. 4 43' 8 30 — - . -, . — ,-, ;. -?*-Maryboro" dep.down 10 SO ..—:; 7 11 .-;— ¦-?' - . fi 32floDvbroolir ,....-.:..;.. 10 M / — • 7 4« '— >.>—i' 10 25Sosow*.......;.;. ....US4 — ', 8 8, - — -.iParjonstown ..: IS,4 ' —. -,• » ; 0- r— — _ — .:Nenagh... J3 23 '¦'— 9 20 —

¦ — - 1 . ¦— ¦ > •TemplemtTe .........;.. 118 — 8-17" • — . — 10*4Thafies arrival 188, , — 8 85 — — U IS

TO WATKM01P- .- ¦ . ¦¦ ' IVmrnts .os wni BATS; - SOSDATS. J

sTiTioiis. ¦

. 1 2 8 l'ss i ifc 'arrtt fa- ^- 'i " :- > CJas». Class. Class, Class. 12*312*3

. : . • A.K. A.M..| *¦*.: »•¦», CltSS. CUSS.

• ' hm hm hm hm hm pmThoilee - dep. —: 7 10 - - —. — , 2'8 .1Templemora - < ¦ — 7 29 ; — ~ — > — 2 20 .Ballybrophy- .' ' , '. ' — 7 59 — : — " — 2 ,47 ,Nenagh - - — 6 30 — — _ . t — >Parsonstown .'• ¦ - — 6.40 '. — '— : ',—.; J^niBoecrea - - — 7 18 .- — — — , — : ;Maryboro"- arrl np — . 8 38 '— , — — 3 34 ..lAthfone JoncUon ¦ - — — 815 2 30 _ ,• ¦ < —

¦- •Dublin - dep. — 6 0 0 0 1 .0 ,—• 9 30rortarUngrtonJunc'tn — 8 3 0 49 .2 45 — , . — ¦ - .¦;Marybon? arvl dwn — 8 25-<10 1S- 3 . 9 — ' 1152 ,'. DOWB Tum.' - Mail 1, 8, 8 . . — •. -.'•

¦ ¦:Maryboro'' ¦ dep. • — " 8 40 10 35 3 30 £-30. 4T0.(Abbeyleli -' ¦ • — 9 0 10 55 ,380 8 60 4'S»>}Sttanarii ' '- " " '- — . 9 15 — 4 .5 . 9 5 4 85f ':BoHyrigst •- - — • 9 25 II 15 4 IB 9 15 4 45 SKUkenSV- arrlnl —' , 9 4S 11 <0 *S&. 9 40 *10 .(

Do. departure 9 30. ID. 0.11 45 4(0 8 80 6 20 1Bennetebridge -. ¦ ¦: • 7 45. 10 12 . - . 5, 3 10-2 6 83 >Thomastown ¦•¦ '¦'- - 8'S 10 25' 12 -5 S120 1015 S 44 JBallyhale • ' - 8 25' 10:40 12 15 5 30 10 SO 8 ,0 jMnlllnavat . ; , ..,; : 8 (0 11-; 0, -';r-j 6>..O 10.45 8,25 -4;£ilmncow- - - 9 5 1110 1245 610 11*5 655}Waterford • 'arrival 9 30 111 30 1 0 6.30 U 80 7-,0{

SmriAT EXCOSSIOHS—Exc rdon TiekeU to Waterford will"be issned by .the train leaTing. BIaryborottfh'at SJO n-m.,.avallableto retnrh'by the «.6O p.m;train'fremWiterfdrd.-Fares from Maryborongh, > Abbeyliexj'i Attanagh; and Bainy.ragget,-to (Wsterford,, taii^^Ti ff luf ^ 'S ^iKBtvaii.Class,4s.i Third Class, 3a. From Kilkenny.toWaterford,andbaok-First.Class 4».'- - Second ,CUss,; 3s.; SdvV ThWClau, 2s. 6a. Beaaeubxide and iThomaatown—Ss. 6d., 2ft9d., and e»: BaHyhale-2s.'«d., 2a., and Is: 6d. . KalUnavst-^'Is. 6d., Is. 3d.; and Is.; Kilroaoow-U. M , I».,and94. 'And*ctween intermediate BtaOons at' Single- Fare*. •> Ticket* notPransferable, no LOggngeallowed, nod no Half 'FaMtSH'ftu--:¦<¦¦

8pedal Fares are charged' to, FiJ«t and Second Class Pas.sengera booking to travel by the/Express UaiL Trams onOreot Soothern and Western'tine.- :.' ;•¦: <¦. ."¦ . ¦¦; te\x 'V-. ,-"•?,:

¦Tiokets issned for Single; Jonmey are available only for the,Crainby whienthey areiasned.'i ;> ;¦¦'¦- •' ¦;;/ '- 5 ¦' ¦. -::¦¦•¦¦¦. < •:

HaikBt, Tickets to Waterford and. back'.wlll be Issued at iKarybbrongh.AbbeyteiivAttanagh,' 'and Ballrragget/by.the1.40 a.m DownTraia,i STaOablofprreturn by. .the 4.0 pjninp:rroin on date of issue. j"ares--Fint^ Class, 128.; Second Class,-'Is. and Third Oast, fa. ¦¦< w '- ." "f.!-rr-'!-.<.., i~''!'-«'j<T.!.rtt-;i;i¦Eetnm Ticket! are Issuod between-any two *Btatlons avaU.!

ible for the date of issue and ay ollowing'-i.tho tissofldfoiany distancevexeeeding 50j miles• ten availiole forretainonjAe day' of; iatue.and-the. seven tollowiag days-^SandayS kot:¦eckonod. >. Ueturn- Tickets toned on Saturday are retumabk:3B Saturday, flonday; or Monday.'£•££'j;fc2J *l5yTRtfVi'fcil

.- .¦ L - 7J - T -»--*>'.-I iv- -•wr.twn.LT*MaussoiwW-'ii


-, . . ¦: ¦j ..,*«. -nA»i.o«w»^»H--- -;;.;v«; ;Wyij

WOTBTOaB- r i.' i i'.'i Mail v t i if KiitlHaO MaCliTOSSKCX" V k t V*B |55 l-» 8 1*2 1-28 W*8

!' ;. - . • K '.' ¦ Clast. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class, class'¦'-, ¦' I i " *•«.' >'.K..' J*" ,w; 'r.n.- ;r.it; 'lati

{Waterford dep. 530 -9 :0 U 35 .2 45- ¦;—,-i 8 80' 8 80:Carriok-on-Sulr 612 » 4 5 12 7 3 25 .— I 9 15 9 18Clonmat..::.. ;.... 6 SO 10 20 12 35' 4'.4 '—,.' 10 0 1 0 0fripperary... .'.:. 8 0' 11 27 '1 45 5'9 —-1 U 85 U.85 1JunSionarrival B2& 1812. 2,23 5 45

¦- 'I S ti 12 25.

Dublin.....:;..;,- ' 11^8 1 IS, -S. 5 4.40 10-0 4.( 5 4 - 5¦Corfc. I...;, I SO" 8 . 0 4 35 8,15 -?- f 2iO. 8 ;0-Jnbund e p f t r t t ni— • 9-0 10SO 1 0 5 0 745 745-'

Cork'..?j;iZs.... V-- 8. 0 1*80, ,: 3J 2 45 10 ft 10 .6'Junction.,.-.:.:... 8SS U 12 2 25 .5-45 10 15. 12 3 13 23:;itoartS' ajrivU9<0 12 82 3.15 <Vo. U 15' l'SO •y'Spj;i .. ; . -;/ .iJ(^¦ dtnryr<i l», Z l ^ r et. i^ ¦ ";;;J $i^

. ; ; . . ' ;¦ TBADrSOH W»BX PaTBv:-... p;>-p> [Sdjs;

* ¦ liMuci'r --:;i - 'Z -i 'x '-TK'M.- iH^Mall Matt':

; TO unnm 12 * 81 a 13 -t'A 2 ;1' 4 2 124*1 4 2 1 3 3; -f ¦ ,- ;, . Class.Class.Class.Class.CUss'Oasr. Class.: . . "¦ '", '::'.. !¦ ¦ A.W.'1'I.K. A,>t; r,tt. M£ ;| p.m ;»¦»:

iLlnwrlck -deil.V. '6 ;0 ta «' 11 0 1 1-35. !4T.OH0'40i 10.40?';jancttonrarriv.:7 tl5 ; 8.10,12 -.5 8 15; 8 ISWISO U' BOij-'Cork, :;<i.Yr,,. »»' , 130, 2 0- 4.35 .8.1B;L-fW » i<«-DaMin ;'" 51 ; :: 115 5 '5- 540 UrtO.^r 4-Jjr

, Dublin1 v fep.V. r— - "— " 9 0" 10 80- l»0' 7 45 T4KCork :;, ... :— ' -^ «iO' I2 8O - V4S>W--* Wj[*Junction4 < ii.. 6S* 8 45 12 15 225 5 35 j 9-85, 12.S3'Tlpperary.... . 7 85 6^0 12 80. 2 85 AW JJ 80 IftJUii]Clonmel ' .:..... 8« ,', — . - 132 3 30 -7i<0f2 »¦ ,**»?,CarrIck...C;.;...... 9 80 ::«-:¦ 2 0 ; 4j 5- 7ri5|8 .:0 *f?jWstorford«rrivlo:o -.-^:. ,2 85: ;*;40; 18 8oJ^4t AAlf i

FiM»-HirtCl»«SingJ«n(iket.l4s..«(li«»oeB4 rt»Mll*'J'Third do.i 6S. «L, . Betnrn-Ftart Ctass^nj I aaoBa*^^


:: ; >;¦ a.i:V;^^ Pay; a^M. }! ;?'^ • |, ..i v. - I

'V.-I ;:2 \ | ; s . - |74.qi5 ^n6>' v,>-,7»; ¦¦i s~iv-?\

nu :i.n). a m.| » m I p m I pm I j) m pm pmj 9 ;h* m I h m hTm I h m hm hm :iW" k-io jv*

WM«8-0 |-11--OU15>2 0 4-0 5SO ;7;15 »-^0 <h;rm're, *15*a30( 1161,8,0 4 80 6..0lr7faS fcBOiil'A/:L: .':r '?^S-yyBtt y -irttfa«^^ ;' @ j;¦ >;'. . i .

¦il".4 |':?» .''*i'fi8>>i»-*-4«li.ifai'S ."i• '¦*¦•;»¦7-«l« frBT"f'-"SHbic.) n|{,'i.«^|.pj-tfjy-a j'pjh' >a j:j.;«>yiajp'jig;

:"Tv| iVL"6'JnfJ.l»'"ia? hmjlim' '-ttafi'Va li&KpWffrd 8-jO UT# Vt JS' 1 80- '« 80' *4'80}'5W IP SjoTa'rei 9iqMMiw4s;Ta?o{ *iO' !y !o;v«vv>]S im *!{»:

^Firrt'QaM'Sh^UiTlcki U^BTt^lTlol^WMtSv>;;,>ii:;. .tWIIJJAlI;BBAi;8<ewtmry,i»<yiM«f';

WATEBfpW^Wt^VAX.'fc^LraroBEtBAlLtrATJ:- -' flsortSrWwSSi Coisi^Tiifw;irti'jatium«rr^W»:. :'••'?.?-' - TOUJTABUt W-^'fl^ l«."JUr>'187».v&iKtJ)lgH, ^ ^ vQ i


!nt;lMir<>THOi y!; ii||j;. ' -' . <.->•¦")>'/- ';:¦-:¦.'. ;->»0» w/O *MW0Mlh??W't*riie;l)#B$4'M

i;- ,;. STATIOS85iWJf;;; «^;iWiA> f^1|haifUi

SSKS?:- aSSc: SS .5.3 |JH

; v,:S-,-rV4ii*>«.*','-(•/ .' TO'WiWPWCi»b.''i«Wt''-*/3<isf»»

r-s»i8.'fc*.V«'BkflwayJSr ?»l?i?«3ii?; *J£M;WK* i^W4«JWr

*|& ••*•; -IMi

fflRBg'SS^rwI^Kv ««iS5" -i^; »3

i*3i*?§w^ S *»"' w» ws^ i i s g« la


"/:' f ¦' •;; & ; to iailfTH'S, Glasgow Hoiise, .

t*/.liEEE-yon We this iLUKrEST STOCK to ohooao from, and tho CHEAPEST BOOTS and. : *- * :x ":/¦- .¦ < , . - ¦ : I ;:J^ iSHOES in WATERPOED.

.;Ladies'.Buttoned, Lacid;/ rf Elastio Side'GirlB'.-; do. ;

¦do.'r- i do. . .,t-Genta* .Elaatio • SideT hnd •£**& • Boota,

-Boys' ~ , ;;do. ¦; ' : '-do. |tf»'.hdo.Man?.;'Strong-v WorteigfjBoWv -f- ¦

: Latoa! and Gents' SuiwJgpf:.. .

[yj ,. ; ;Please olba «M >jilhe- Sign of the Biff Boot," Waterford

: m- 1: vj Bishop & Sona'i Qi i«i£#lniB. ,. .. • : •¦ -

T. i a*dIG0RA3 SatifefiSlynna contains Ono lrsin'of C iinie, each Glass.: ; ' 'l»>;'^'-H - ,->s; SoLp.EviarffHiES. S;' -. . , -." .-

!.> DuWtnr -Wholesale by BoniAU & BOTD, M'MABTEB,30DQ80N;4 CO. jvHUQK. MopBS - &' Co. ) AtlSXAHDIBFiKDtfTOS-A'Cd^. PAWcEW* Cd. j CaNTEiix and<3ocHBAN»i HBetail by - HaNET-ToBrn, JAKSB'FLANA-'OAH; JOHNSTON and OLDHAM, and othors.! p iackroci—J.HicHARDHOH.l -! CorJ -ToKKrNsand SON, WOOD»ORD, BOUENK, &•CO. i H. MOEKIB, J.-MoBOAN SmTU. I ' ' ¦' •

BMut-~WlLtlA.lt DoBBrN i, Co ; OLAEffA M'JfDL-jiiNrJ ' lwd'J. 'HABtsrr ,' HUGH WHITB, EAKIN &KJo., and .'MATHEJT, CODLTKE, and HOWABD, and W.jQruioBS * Oo. .-:

¦¦" .! • ' ;. - ' . !¦ ¦¦' • '.,Xondomterry—OBBORNE & PATTEK, JAMBS THOMPBOK and SoN, ;. ,, ' •• .- . . . ¦

j ¦ • : . . . - . - -. :Dungannoiiand Anghndcloy—S. M. FEBOUSON & Co.

; . Manufaotared and Bottled by Mosnrs. BISHOP andSOKS^TnrsBUBTDisTitLBB'j'.'LOKrON'. ap4.7m

; '¦

' -'¦ .: ' ; XarUe and Stone Works,y lB J E R t i B T O R D - S T R E E T, WA.TERFORDi V'l'r vif 1 :;i v (EBtabli8hed'l830)J ' "


Al TZENNEDYro-'Lay * XV /spectfully BO-licits.tho attention of tho'Public to tho large Stock of¦MONUMENTS, TOMBS,H E A D- S T O NE S , and

;MHBAL TABLETS, &o. jn Wa largo Stock of MarbleItalian and Irish. -Marbles,

jStatuary, (Marble : ChimnejMPieceB,; richly Carved,'and whioh will be disposed of at OnC-half the Origi-|nal'Pricea.S'.> ) • '¦ ¦ '•/ ": ¦ • i ¦



^ |0;;'::gp|EALTH .EESTORED,

ifi®£|i;,:. -Ari0w|™> ««jP^E'S,;^.;'T\r0ItSDELL'S PlLLS,;-iWbicn';tlie experience of over 60 years proves¦. '¦j &i '• '\< :{. - ' ¦'- to be the '•?i' - ;fi BbBt .'Family| Kedicine.¦i'.

'^'- . i i '. ^-:.- '. ". . - .' .THEY . 1 - •

rUBIFT THE BLOOD s ! I CLEAN8E THE STSTEM,BEHOVE OBSTRUCTIONS, I tMPEOVE-rnr DIGESTIONi miH'^MV -tESTABIiISH THE HEALTH. .vSpldieyerywhere at 1B. ljd.. 2a, 0d., and 4B. Od.it ii'l^;^^"":;. -: - ' per- box. , \ j . . , ' ; ¦ jal7.0m|:fft:.:jv

¦;.; ;; JUST BliCEIVED; v ;

; ' " ' ;¦iV ,IiAEQE,and_ Freah Stpply'oE.Drl DKEOOS',OL

VJOBHWIK it Co's PBEPARATIQMB, consistingrf tbe fcllpwing-j'— ' '\ {¦• . ' • ' < •

¦, ' I - ¦ . . - ; ¦¦5 TJ;cJiD»B6o8'. , worW-famed GUTXS VIT*, ;oregetabloLifo DTopeV-, *; j : ; -? i ' ' .- '

J?Dr. 'D*Eoo«!'Comiloiuid BBKA£ PiLfcs, Pricflis'lidCBBaaaiiOd."' ' •': ,' . .. ! ';!,I»r/.I)KEoos>;HjjE.EEnTOBEE, Prico 4i> ; _ ¦ S .".

-U^' i; 5 " :- ': ¦ V / -:S: ¦¦: ¦ „ ¦: \J

f W^^ii f Wmii-' ' ; •? ;81/ ;-^ATBiIOS::iS»rBE:ET, 0OBK,'iV'Ci1'"'V itanufaclures on thi Premiiet : :i- 'POTTMANTEAUSrhi'^-lN :;, • '• v.--'.! -I (JLADSTOira!,v BAGS> i •:!-:>¦ . lLADIES'-BiSKET TRUNKS,?¦ JAv vi 'iiC; ¦-; -BULLOOK-tTRTTNKS,

i:;'- .... .j. :.<.'ii 1.-i'.-i-.'.':.\ - . •;! ,¦¦< " .ii^'M- :"::} io dc. '¦ ' <S" Best Qaality aU HAND Sswif.

•si!• j Country.iOrdorB; sont -CASRUOI. PAID. . ¦; 77act<niik~rCisii'B; t ANS| Airi)' MIBOABBT.;STBEBT;! ! 5 orA6«j&--81J,' PATBidk-STWtBTi'CpBK. ' : ^k v i - i '. -k:i \r.i .:u} i^:! ::(ap25 .iy

OldTrunkB, ic.'Kepan-ed, or taken in exchange.)f i$ti!h.$;.: I- , '. ; .? ¦ - '1 ::-^!. 1 :- . - ¦ ' /^X/ l Hxji t / iv*. ¦'¦:¦[ ¦¦:¦ ¦¦¦¦ ' :"; |J :r/ 'i. : l'4'''?.

"* ' - 1: 1 -''

¦fii PtEB'S'QUimNE ani T^QN:TONIC puri-Jfcoa-as.ahd enricheslhe':-mo<)a;:irtrengthenB'the Nervesa«dMiia<inl«rByitam| promoUe-Ap titieiand improve* Di-f t t U r i t animates the Spirits and jKenUl FatulOei; thoronchly..recruits the: genenl] bodfly-healtli^and induces aproper healthy condition of the N«rroos nnd Physical Foroes.JBoMlescontainingS2measureddoee«, <s. 6d. , '-jjn iV^prepaiation o£.thl»;Tonlo the gmatest care is exer>

cls»l''It to a faithfnl cqmpnad.ot QaiElne, the active prln-dples'of' Telldw Cinchona, oclPemvfcn Bark, blended with af l>«sil trnrtworthy propatatton Of-Irooi prodaoed in a lormwklefc4be;emerience of-miay yar» KM proTod the best.TUB Tottio 'offers a ready nms is at jfalnimg the. strength andotter mbttU afforfid by. QpifcinVand Iron, wit|UMit any. fearofgsfismjenceryas ttitcnnposlttoiitfthaUt>Prtfre4 of byts*'fr«»tWjot of:mb^d 'tkrtathootiiif country.

qn«»PiVBV.OTJIirn!EB*iiadfriBOir(TONIC.'-X^r-Bottle.'containingS8 lnea«nr*Hloaes.4s, 6d,,,Tonlcws««s*ltf>ill jronove 3;Ind9M«Uom; aTatalsiioaJOonstantBsa«tk«rn, Weakne»s oj thfl ptestweb, Eiakms; Sensationa in•krtj w*«CManseB, Ac _TU« .whoto.digsaUva functions arepowerfully Msistad t umln»_aa*I*on; .-t>: >' - : ';. -

rtt P^ 8?Qtiai i»dliBON|TONIC.i-Ai^ilQ^liinetadjToriXorm tb#;»ortp«*«ttT« treatment in)sirodsnlamts arising- Izam, <i nataossjiof; tie if acrou* 8j*-teBt.'*:ln the mos weokeneilMataofitiis Herveia, a course of'QnWa«:a»iJronitasiire Wvbes^siCiAr lWaUca,' Wcik-lZm Utht Itoig ProstaaU6b,gb»oipJenSi»rabi5s78t..Vitns>:.Dnn«^:g«y«rs te;^^;a- i<' #!l> r ai'VV,v -,:¦ "¦ ¦: ' ¦¦ ¦

^B>,P>R ? s ui RiSiaa ncoNiTOKic,;¦¦::«' 3^my jr TettOn*'Ff™^*"i»ft ' iJTt)Ht * lSlfj ft ft 1>tn'i'*ftI,

aadt'lttnUaeouimode ot tinndstissMlilssjii sstoiiii Ins TlinK -I E39«!r?o ts '"a2f es5»r>« aSSJlr5BS?S,fa«V5iWhi3llW7day*5Sni« no*S>S5BFil».v,'s*Botent to:sat W day».\The Btona JanyeoM atJbiteacVoontain nearly.

>t<ip£x4m£W$: *CJPHTliAAK,'i. Stiniuknt'^ klf -fe'H

HMOI fTrf - iy-.-

llBBHi,B^ jrw-ww



Bootsdo. t, IN EVEET STYLE

AND . 'do. r LATEST F A S H I O N S

¦\ ¦ • : - . > ' • WEXFOEp FAIRS.A 'PAIE; will be'heldjij WEXFOED for Cattle,

J£M£Sheep,-4 Pigs/.andillorscs.V on - the,' 8rd< ofOCTOBER,- 1678./,Afterj Itat date a Fair wfll.be

Jbeld-dn thevTJOTB^ElckMo>(TH> .with..the excep-tion of th0;May Paar whlcl t6

"%> heldim the'PiwtDay of May.;'. AD the Fairs will in .fnture-be heldat the: WINDMILL HILLS,' and the Approachesthereto;"'' . , -

The .Fairs which are published in the Almanacsfor 1879, will not be held.—(By. order) 'jyilSt JOHN J. WALSH, Mayor.

Pains in the Book, Gravel, Ltunbago. Bhenmatum, Uout,Diseases ot the Kidneys and Bladder, Strictnro, to.

T|B. DE ZOOS' COMPOUND BENAL PILLSJLj nio celebrated all ovor the world, as tho most safe andspeedy remedy for tho above dangerona complaints, Dls-tttmi ot any kind, Stone in the Bladder, and Diseases ofthe Kidneys and Urinary Organs generally. Possessing tonloproperties, they agree with tho most delicate stomach,strengthen the digestive organs, increase the appetite, im-prove the general Bealth,'ana In three days will cueot a cure,when copaiba, cnbebs, and all dangerous medicines of tha-class have utterly failed. Frtqo Is. lid., 2s. 0d., ia. Od., Us.and 83s, per box.

These oelebrated Pills arc an: infallible remedy in the mostobstinate coses. By their ura alone many thousands havebeen annually restored to health, when every other medicinehas foiled. Their vast superiority over everything else in thecure of the above complaints is universally acknowledged, andthe extraordinary demand for them ever since their drat In-troduction is without'procedtmt. In no instance hare they

: ever been known to fall, or produce those dangerous symp-' toms BO often resulting from copaiba, cnbebs, turpentine, and: other medicines usually resorted to. They require neither'eonflnoment nor change of diet, and may justly be considered1 the only safe, efllcacions reuiody tor all stages ot thoso dis-\ orders for which they are recommended.

The most astonnding Cures am daily beingeflected in cases¦ of NerTOuo Dobility, Impurity of Blood, Detective Circula-tion, L&ngour, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Indiges-tion, Pain and Palpitation in the Side, Harassing Dreams,ic., by means of

TTVK. DE BOOS' -nrorld-famcd GXJTT^ VITJI,I * . or Vcgetablo LIFE DBOFS, whose effects are really

magical in restoring lost tone to tho system (arising fromwhatever cause), rc-invlgoratl»g and enlivening the whole cor-poreal frame, and gradnally but cSetively bonding np the most¦battered constitution

Although this truly wonderful recuperative tonic is not putforward a« imparting immortality,-it is not too much to saythat by its meanaKow Life, is, as it were, imparted to thonervous and debilitated, who were evidently sinking into anearly grave; whilst to those of maturer years it will gentlyand serenely protract the CIOBO of life. Thousands ot appa-rently hopeless cases, given up by the faculty, arc- now in theenjoyment of health (life's ireatost blessing), a living testi-mony to the unapeokablo vj.ie of this remarkablo medicine.Hundreds of. testimonials, too . numerous to publish, may boBOM by any one. The preparation is extremely pleasant totake, and none need suffer w)iilst snch a miracnlons medica-ment is in existence. Persons of studious habit', debilitatedfemales, and those on whom the wear and tear of life is be-'ginning to tell, should persevere steadily with this lite-reviv-ing tonic for one month, and they will bo astonished at Itsresults. All thoso who have tried other means, galvanic andelootrico applioncpa,&c., without any beneficial result, are earn-estly recommended to make (sir trial of this medicine, which,"being made up on the highest scientin'c principles, invariablysuooeeds. -The great snocess attendant on this wonderfuldiscovery has led to a hostot worthless imitations. Pries11*. and 33s. per bottle. The large sue contains snmciont forior four weeks.: .. • • - . . . • . ;I InTOttTAjrr NOIICT TO.rHS PUBLIC—Every package of Dr.iDe Boos' preparations bfeore the Government Stamp, with the'words, " Walter do BOOB, London," in white letters on a redground, by ordor of hor Msjesty s Honourable Commission-'era, withont* which none can possibly be genuine. Dr. Do-JBops1 world-famed Medicine* are sold by.MrSonney," Water-ford News" Offioo , and may be obtainou of every Patent Medi-cine-Vendor in the world, and of most Chemists ; or, shonldtheAeost dimculty occur, will be forwarded to any part ot theUnH»d Kingdom (carriage free), per return, on receipt of thenmonnt, by Dr. De Eoo», 43, HoUord Bquare,' London, W.U;' THE MOST WONDEBFDI, PILLS IN THE WOBLD.BE. DE. ROOS' PILULE VIT I, or VzaE-

TJLBLX Lin PILLS.—All sufferers from genoral ner-vousness and morbid feelingr, low spirits or harassing dreams,unnecenary fears, mental irritability, failure of the mentaland bodily powers, weakness of tho nerves, headache, noises

.in the head, giddiness, indigestion, and other symptoms ofchronic disease, will hail with joy the discovery of Dr. De'Boos' Life Pills, which rpoolily.and almost magically removeipatn and disease, of whatever nature; restore cheerfulness to.the spirits, vigonr to the body, and strengthen all the organsIon which lite and death' deiiend. - They do not contain a par.,'ticle of mercury, but are purely vegetable, and for affectionsjot the liver, flatulency, bile, siak headache, diuiness, loss of! appetite; lowncss ot BplriU, sensations ot fulness at the pit of{the stomach, pain between the shoulders, and < the distress-arising from indigestion and genoral debility, they will beI found of unox&mpled efficacy ; and it is no small advantagethat they con be taken at anytime without danger either| from wee or cold, or necessity for restraint from business ozpleasure.' They net mildly on the bowels, without pain orgriping, impart strength to the stomach, provide a healthynotion of the liver, thus preventing, or when present, curingthe Jaundice and dropsy, ' cleansing tho eldn, removing

I sollowneas and pimples, rarifying the blood, bracing theI nerves, and - marvellously, invigorating the wholo system,i Females of all ages will" JInd them invaluable, and should! never be without them. Price Is. lid., 2s. M.. ts. 9d., Us.,1 and S3«. per bor. -. • • ¦ - . .¦ - - ear-, Sold at Tax News Omcs, WaterCord.

Ai fcS' S Ca^ lirt.v t ED Sr-ftfc'DlES,> KNOW:: :or. 2-"i VEAKS •

,, f or: Purity and Quality.



'"¦ See Name is on Cork and Capsule.


D/>a,.Tm>, 7hr$B, and four Stan


Debility and Norvousness.iBorissne of '! THB:Wi NINQ VOICE," Dr. SUITH^' .' Celebrated Work, of -which 500,000 Copies wero sold.; -Bevi8ed-Edition.'>---i -- -;/• :: ~ . • Now Beady, 152 pagosjjjy post to all ports of tho World\^'-ri! 'i'AUin l&velope.two Stamps. i' .' w- jnRHE WABNDfG. VOICE.—This is a special ATedknl

'i 'J-ij^ Book nddressed.mjYpnth-'and Manhood on theJCwae. -. Syjnptoms, ' Consequences, and-Treatment ofDobnitating-DiBeasoa,' by-HiNBT 8MITH,- Doctor of

' Medicine of thoUiiivetfityi'of'Jena, by Diploma, I860.:; This.Work gives "ad)ioe and ins truotions (tho resultof 30'-ycarB'~'praotico)i for'fie' Cnre'of lajl sDiseasosJof

! the JKervous -, Syafcim,! Nervous, DebUity Montal^ andI y o*l"D<ipreBaion','Ilalpit»tiott:of,.theHeart,'Noiso«lin thotHead.MidJ'jCT. Indeciaion, Impaired-Sight andi Memory, ..Indigestion,' Loss; of-.Energy, PainB.'in theiB»ok,;Con«tipaii6n, Bloshing-, HyBtorm, Timidity, Belt.Dk_tr t, DijsHries]i(L9voofSolitride,Grounaie8sf'evra,

, 'lCna )*.y'tfti| nii oTij'*f !o.-*'.":T 4n1felvlg if'fnTn' -flvriftTiiitioYl: of; Nervo Power, th« Jeffect o f . Orer-taxed :Energiea,;Enerj»twg"HaW '(' 8-^d"other ftbnges of the; system ,'.Cttroi the nee aina )a*trn6ti6na by.'rTUoh thonsandshavo boon rw{c>rfidto}ialtti,V_<IUnatrated by Cases andTestiiponialsl Jtrom'.gxitefal: patients,'- with moana of-Cure used'in ©aoh,cast: <-//*^:'ti1 * : •' :')) '-''¦' <. '1 • > '; ¦DrrH«KBrSirrtar8-3aB6n:-Crabnt, London, W'O.S' ^NINBTBSPW^THOTJSAin):. ,S- '. <¦; ¦:,

; I ty-mcaBflgta'vtagilotliyViJod, post^ froe or SEVEN

if ;PHYBICAJ5^EDU£fATION:i :•:'«, ctto -1 PEOPLE'SGUIDE TO-HEALTIf{;ovithi Culture of tho Health..

ii^W TrBis<rr t B yiieUi!dtac«tipnVLa^ofM«VEreTentioaT0ffDis«M( ^Cor>.'of )i»eos«>.Air.t Light,

' Bkiii^Diet.^Batti? *« J.-ft *«;* Gitea vlmtrnotioni "for.;D^eW iSl t»«sanilth«'HiuB<>dj>'How::to iii^Lo»VHsaC«s3stafJrom;Lc«V

oiy«rT»Pow»»j;th»iBJ«e»^ci pwrta»edJB»«rgi»t,< ,OTer-vork;'/•J^J ttm L"j %tTMsisiWBft !A£} +LM &''V.lkm L ZZt tl»!.' "*-PIJL _I-_ 1\jnj *wXQ»^*VtQT*j$\ *JW JklB* 0sUj>JUIsJWroBlsJBlO#*riXiIIv*T»*»t

3#S SiriiMMSi'iriiii'rT'.iT • ¦wj ifiBL25J £22^ss^k^s3«isMk'alMriMiaS itsai'AsMk'Msamff SS m ^SsS ^wSSm 'SimSmi


I MIGHA ^SLi '-Kl 'liW 'AgiT .HAVING purchased h« ; InteKebhhiiXh'o above

r HOTEL/ bega to announce tKaittds Estab-lishment QPJSNKD on SATimDAT;5PB*rl6, 1879.

M. -K..::tiwli by;striot atfen«'on;t JO8e whopatronise ;TH« SHIP:'AND COUMKICUI IPTKI,, tomerit'a contihaahce of their patnmis^ :' -

Quayi,Waterford,;Peb. 12, l«n&®<m>--l - t2S.UTHE GREAT GI^BE JiPTEL

, , DOTHN (BstabliahodiOiTei*' ^ '¦4, 5, 6, Bjid 7. I/OWER BBnXJMfpEET,

. ... .EIOHAHD OpFFBYn |pT«fc;i I

r I lkit ^^ w iUBh '0> haa O. fteJ- .. jnodern\improvementi! of.tneda»faid is nnder'tho conBtantmipOTviEOTotMr. audMt»ifem«T. Fromita central porition'it,mli,be fopndjT sgjomisniapt forthe viritor, being,In the-Immediate;.^ «ffl|tyiifth« L»w :Courts, flyaio tenminnteii'. drivsfrtrMji^CSty EaflirayTerminu«iand>»;fe^d«oii&o'JiEift |rtl«»Tram-»-ay(

ereaqi, and.-Tegetablej from therfar^TjUily, and sot-jrithstandint!present ¦high,.rat«frMEDn are extremelymoderate. Breakfasts from 1>. 8d.T iDimten from 2f.Bods, from Is 6df. each. . Table d'Hoto daily: woekdays at three o'clock; on Sundays at five o'clock. .¦ Gentlemen's Coffee and- Smoking Booms.: Ladies'Coffee and Private Sitting Booms. Bath Booms.- A Night Porter in attendance, and all Servants paidby the Proprietor. ' . . f26.1y


(Opposite the General Poat-Offloe and Telegraph Office)- The most central in the City. ,

BBEAKPASTS, with ohop, eggs, or cold meat, 2a. ;steak or fish, 2s. 6d. DINNERS :, Soup, entree,

joint*;'sweets, and cheeBO, 3s.—with fish, Cd. extra.Beds, 2a.' and 3s.; attendance, Is. each. Ladies' CoffeeBoom, Billiard-room.

CHABLES LAWLEB, proprietor.P.S.—A reduotion made for Ladies or Gentlemen -who

wish to board by the week in.tho hotel. fR .tfCITY MANSION HOTEL,


I BEG to inform my numerous Frionds and tho Pnbliothat, through elision of time, I have bocomo Pro-

prietor of the above old-established Hotel.I havo completoly and most comfortably rd-fnrniahed

it, and have conr'derably onlargod it, fitting it upthroughout in best modorn stylo. ' :¦ I trust by careful and constant attention to the wantsnnd comf orta of my vieitors to merit the patronage soliborally bestowed on my late .ther, and respootfullysolicit an early trial. .

MICHAEL COFMTX , Proprietor.Son of lato MAPBICK JOI-FEY.

Plcaao noto Address—30, LOWEB BBIDGE STBEET,DTrBLIN. ¦ ¦ • '¦ ¦ - , [dll-Smi


(CLOSE TO THE BAILWAT 6TATIO»)i • ¦ .rpHIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel in irhiohJL everything can bo had on tho most moderatetermB. . v ¦ ' ¦' ' ¦ ¦" • • ¦ "¦

Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; also, Brandies,Wines, Porter, George Younger and Son's celebratedAlloaAles, Ao. ' .-. . . . ' . .:

Cars on Hire at tho shortest notice. - . (an-15-t£Visitors to Iioudon

\\rHJj find Home Comforts, onmodorato terms! atT T "The Sherwood Private Hotel," 19, Adam-St.

Strand. F. SLACK, Proprietor., ¦. .. ' ¦' : f22.tf ¦ t

' • . • D. U :B:L;IN..>^. .J ' ,-.r-: . - .Commercial and Private Xodgin^'Hoaae,

49, MARLBOROI7GH. STREET. .- ,.v. ,PABTEES Visiting Dublin - can'be~ aocommodat«d,

with- or withont Board, and all the comforts of ahome, on Moderate Terms. . -» ., ', ,.^ .. ' [o2!ptf]'

.835" Situation central, dose to Saokyille-Btreet. : :

The European Hotel¦\TISITEBS to DUBLIN will find at the EUROPEAN,

Y BOLTON-STBEET, firstclass accommodation,with-moderate charges and assiduous attention.

Largo and elogantly-appointod LADIES'- COFFEEBOOM;- ' - : ' - - * ' . ¦ ' - f ' • - , • ; -

. Kg". Grand BANQUET TTAT.T.' for' Publio Dinners,Wedding Breakfasts, Balls, Snppera, &o. i ;: - ' '

Bpgtauranta—Billiards. Bods, 2s. Gd.. -2a., mid Is:6d. . • . • ¦ : > ¦ ¦ • ! - -j [mSl-tf] :

J. M O L O N T , Proprietor; 'Oysters ! Oysters I :; Oysters:;!



•. :

'¦' y - '

¦:. •- ; : '

¦ ; The Commeneemtnt 0/ the g«i»o»,v ' ,BUBLINGTON BEbTAITBANT AND OYSTBE

BAR, DUBLnf. ' ^ ) ' ; . = - ; ; :THE PROPRIETOR begs'.tb\acquaint, MB

. Friends and tho Pnblio that.iie ifl now preparedwith a constant Supply' of rBED'. BANK ¦BtJKRINOYSTEB3, Frosh overy DayifromlriBOWTiBodnin theCounty Clare.. The inoroasod demand for these doliraoMbivalves rendored it; imperative on tho Proprietor toaccoro an nnfailing anpply for his Cnstomers. ¦ :

Lunoheons, Dinners, Soppers, a la Carte as UBQal. '' 'Wines and . Spirits First-class; -; John Jameson and

Son's '73 Whiskey: ' :.-' , , . ¦h ) iy -- - , (¦ .' ¦-• . , '-, - 'Dry Amontillado Sherry, Hartell and HennoaEy'f ***

Vory Old Brandy ; Sautorne; Chabli8.&o.'j ;,:-: .- : ..:%JOSEPH COBLE8S: PabVarjicoB' j ,;,:",


28, ST. ANDBEW ST. & CHuBCH-JtANE^DcBiilH.n22) OYSTEBS 1 OTSTEBS 13.'OTSTEB8 I •;.. tf

Tte Clyde Hotel, i .< : --- ' >ANDEBSTON QUAT/i <3LA%GrOW, - ¦; j ;*

IS in the immediate Ticixuty. of the Engieb. and: Irish Steamers, including! the .'Clyde Bbipping

Company'B Steamers." Tourists'and' famillea rislt*ing : Scotland will find 1 <his Hofel a. "comfortablehome.' Charges Terymoderate -j-i^r

('^V B6.1y^

Tho Portobollo Hote|ii3hibllii, r- "'PFive Minute's' walk from the'HsiTOurt*treet Stitidn of' ! tho Dnblln and WloklowEailivay Company, -i-1." :XTCEST-CLASS FAMH,T.JH0TEI;;' .nktrtaiJedSbyJO » the Officers of both 8ervioesyPriTaU), Gettlemen,Ladies and Clergymen, partianlarly'auifod W th» latter,being so quiet and home-like. Ji-I -'f Vt^1';"''<i "•; ' H"':'i - Handsome Family Coffee Boom, exclusively for Fanri-Eoa stoppingfathe Hbtel;- :;. ¦'rt Z VV&iZ- ?'. ¦ T;

Bed and Sitting Booms, :»r».'»ut£«.;iHot aTid:ColdBaths. Billiard Booms. TableRHotodallyake^O.)^

Tariff of Prices sent 6nvap cattottmtne'«pprii>for.:j. cpua;?.-.; ;, ' . '•.

¦- ¦¦¦- ¦ r>:>:>'tW4 S al»-ttiri '

; ^THE'UCrWm0H^iKOMafc' «>y::¦{ -< ;. - . . PATBICK..:8BETlIDW;zGmi&?MiW:.(Lateof ;the City Manaion.'HotclJ.'iRBbpiiBToa.,;',s!Entrance «/ Ctollege-;Stteefcfe'2feSt!fPtM*erSfri'attendarce.' n^ 4VH^Mi?4Jl j8M*fei!-,->¦; t-TO. --HOTEi. PBqpwqs»oj,f.*j«-,:4^Jx-<.1-a''!5i''r.'*v.i[V<? ia^ i ^M fK?¦liif cxi .f TBX r AmRiaAjf t^YIM^m?m

j Pr(THBi8p«CTAi.'A3rtBl0AH-0i«ijfv1n«l.ETJiir;r«y«IS. the BEST 1Aj)vBBtIBra«5SdBl>roitin!%

; WOBLD for, HOTELS' jOUieriEtlablish.1 :xnentis seeldnff tnejpatronage of >owiitii tA tiBlibjfaV'j v Before;j v^:VQut.tadtExtJ^me«Vt' S{jjer 8*,'diums sendfor a.Copyof the 'VVMi(^Wwtt .*£t,

i terating readiscin tter'w3lVa1a»%1^ iifOrnjatiiMifor jTonrists and'TraveUere taah'sify tne^Melav;journal extant." 'rf^ ^ ^ ilti* 1,

i B'^im^mmmmmp ssMmi"~ ~;~~2~SSSS!24 5SS!SSS5S2H!!S22S. '»i

plaSi8'»wayiii?At. the seasidottt^JnraloaWifoi'pKFserTinffi>omMofflo>Hd'w<>rrJ(1l5^ j Tfef ;S

THtaoicaabrdeitmnd'fot&tWttlslKimMlNMb eve*\u^wtMii-,vwvm*ij (hki *mS2m *r

JNs^r^TB^aAasS35S|a|| M c$S||

: • . : NOW READY,' Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Tjye,



: ' . - • ' . . On 8alt at The Neiii OJ»c», .With tile Beoommendation of the Biahopof Waterford

. and liismore, the Bight Bov. Dr. JPOWBB

A Catechiflm for the Instruction of Children.- ' . , ' -. '"'rf'1' BY TH»MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Aroh*

bishop of Cashel and Emly. -. . KXCOmiZNDATION I

" Iappt/ve of of thia Edition of tno Bight Bar Dr.JAMB8B UTLEB'S Catoonism, and recommend it to tha"Faithful of these Dioceses.

'- . v $f " JOHN POWEB, B.O.B.> "Waterford, Sept. 16th, 1878."' pEDBBSfrom any part of the Diocese, sent in and

directed-.to ,C. rBiBUOHD, Printer and. Publisher,WaUrfori' <Ntu>$ O&oe, '49 King-street, promptly tk-tended to: '-The

Trade supplied on moderate terms.¦f^May behadKetailfrom every Catholio Bookseller intfb'DIiapeser v ; . • •«,(, - ¦¦ , ¦¦, . ¦ .. ¦

a y-Ma3ev*"Clbtliiiiff' )epartmeat.P. TOBIN & S O N S " '




WHEN the BEBIDE OP SUMMER STOCK- (in thia Department only) will be re-

marked at and, in many instances, consi-derably under COBT PBICES.



(From late Moat Bovd. Dr. O'BEIEN, Bishop ofWatorford).

" I havo used Mr. SOLOMONS' Spectacles with greatadvantage to my sight, thoir cooling and comfortiiigproperties proving most agreeable and bonefioial, cf-focts which I never cxporiencad from aify other kjnd ofglass or pobblo.

" + D. O'BEIEN, Bishop of Waterford."(From Most Bev. Dr. Conway, Lord Bishop of Killala).

" Tho experience I havo had for some tune of 3fr. E.Solomon's Spectacles enables mo to state they axe theonly lenscB which afford me the case and comfort to bedesired in reading, writing, ic. lam, indeed, clad thatI procured theso famed sight preservers, for the use ofother glasses and pebbles had caused me to imagine thatsuch satisfaction could not bo secured.

" + HCOH CONWAY, Bishop of Killala, Ballina."(From Most Bev. Dr. DUQOAN, Lord Bishop of Clonfert).

" I have to express my entiro satisfaction with theSpectacles you supplied, and which I have used withgreat oomfort for many years. I have not changed thodegree of power I procured originally from you.

" + PATEICK DUOOAN, Bishop of Cloofert, Longrea." To Mr. Solomons, Optician, Dublin."

(From the Very Bev. Dean O'BKTEN, Founder of thoCatholio Young Men's Societies).

"Ifeel pleasure in bearing testimony to the excel-lence of the Glasses with which I have been supplied byMr.'Solomons. Having had occasion to employ thornboth by day and night for some years, I con say withcertainty that the relief which they afford and tho as-sistance which they give are quite boons to a reader orwriter.

" B. B. O'BSIEN, D.D., Dean of LimerickNewcastle, Co. Limerick."

(From tho Bov PATEICK LAVELLE, P.P).' DBAB SIB—I have been for some time using your

Spectacles, especially at night, and am happy to informyon, with the neatest benefit, and oven comfort. Ihave lately read with them for three hours uninternp-tedlyat night, withont the slightest inconvenience ordistress of sight.—I am, yours truly,

- . " PATRICK LAVELIE, P.P., Cong, Co. Mayo., "To Mr. Solomons, Optician, Dublin."'. " Anhdeaoon. O'SmAr-fcP., in happy to inform Mr.E. Solomons, that the Spectacles supplied to him somoten years since have been eminently snocessfnl in afford-ing him ease and comfort, which he had not experiencedfrom the glasses and pebbles ho had been using pre-viously. Archdeacon O Shea has now enjoyment in read-ing and. writing by day or night, - and hia sight appearsto have been totrengthoncd and improved. He considersthat he is indebted to Mr. Solomon's Spectacles for muchof tho benefit derived.—Ballyhale, Co. Kilkenny." ¦

; The Bov. PATRICK KENT, P.P., procured Mr. Solo-mons' Spectacles many years eirjoo, and found them tobe most oom'ortablo and benoflciaL He still.wears Mr.Solomons'.; lenses, which convey a coolaoss,' ease, andadvantage he oonld seoure from no other glasses andpebbles. Several members of the Bar. Mr. Keat sfamily, who have availed themselves of Mr. 8olomons'Spectacles, have also derived much benefit from theiruse.—-St. Patriots, Waterford. •.. Mr.- E. SOLOMONS' Spectacles has been used by emi-

nent Members, of the Faculty, Nobility, Clergy, Ao.,including the late Chief Justice of Ireland, the Marquisof Clanncarde, late Earl of Bondes.'LordVanxof Har-roivdon, Clonbrock, Dmnboyno, Atklumney, his Gracethe Most Bev. Dr. M'Gettigan,'Archbishop of Armagh,bis Grace the late Most Bev. Dr. Leahy, Archbishop ofCashel; Bight -Bev. Dr.1 Moriarty, Bishop of Kerry;Bight Bov. \Dr. Leahy; Bishop of Dromore Bight Bev.Dr. Dorian/Bishop of Down and Connor ; Bight Bev.Dr. Duggan, Bishop of Clonfert ; Bight Bev. Dr. Byan,Bishop of Killaloe ; Bight Bev. Dr Power, Bishop ofWaterford, <tc., 4o. , . . . ; '.- •»• Persons/in' tho country con be'supplied withSpeetioles, 4c., by. Post.. Eepoirs. promptly' attendedto. [ Improved-Telesoops,- Opera, Baoe, and FieldQlasjwS; . also, Microscopes at most moderate prices ;Barometers, Thermometers; Magio Lanterns, ti.

CAUTION I—In oonaoqnence of numerous attempt*at imppijtioni'it is necessary-to note "name and address,aria :ta-rATH<mlarlv bear in'.mindi thatMB. F/. SOLO-MON'BEstablishmentis '-. 1 . " .Number NINETEEN, NASSAU-STEpT, DUBLIN,

(Qitranoe''by Hall-Door), within one door of Dawson-street, DUBLIN A« deet not virittliaProvinces; hot noconnectionwiih any,ether hatui orpertonof tame, timi-lar or other name, and that he Employs NO AGENTSof TBA.VELLEBS. . . • ¦__' NINETEEN, NASSAU STBEET, DUBUN/ONLT

'¦)¦*¦¦¦ f IEND OF- ALL ! -

KOi lOWAT'8' P I L L S¦-, Pr/BiTT.o» BLOOD EssEinaAiiTO.Lms,. HEALTHAND STBSHQTH.—These Pills surpass all other knownMedicines for. Purifying tha Bioos;. being safe and yeteffectrre'/they are. available fotnll as a>Dcrmestio and:Housebold, yemedy.; ' In'oongestions and obstructions ofjtheXuNaa and LIYZB, they quickly remove the cause of•the disease; andinocm«tipation and disordered oonditionof the Bowitts.'thoyact as a clBanmflff'BpeTieiit; remov-ing irritant matter from tha intestinat-'caiuU,'and reliov-ing spaamscrampa, andpainfnl gripings. . i 'TtBiiaouBBiADAbHisTNAnBEA AND FOUL STOHACH,Eo»B.O»;A?*jfriTB;Ajn>'.LowNE8S' or Btj srrB.—Thedeaiising: properties1 of these ; Pills soon ; produce awonderful change jn the constitutioii.irembying all ex-oess of b3e/hea2tecie/p j)itation', pains aftoreating;, and)gUolneu.:4'Tnoy~festorerthe>.ap >stite, cleat the com-ylEtion','and improte the gen oral health..' . : ,. ; ;K T|* 'Me^HM'syFMWnj.'f-FiKaiiM' Srtartca.—tEvary Mother of .a lamily should know the value of those¦BOlJln removing auaccumulations and'restoringjaua-6ended3ortT«rvert«d;seorotionn ; atlvaonoruB.critiakl5wrida»jD*ienT»lBlif» thrr,are iDBrful bejond measurerlfk c*a

bo taken iafely.byiemalos;Ot.:sdl ages,'and nravyuabTe^sJlx^dron'scompIaiiits...- . -. . .. . :• , , ,

f4' 5Aw ;iTJitwoo;VAiri) UBBTBTrctioNa OF~THBatoznrrti If these Pills be'takenrertlarly every night,«fad a)oWr n«« Hth:t ;'pTm 'diniBtionB tha

mSrt6b«tiiiate cases"will soottyiold; the sccretionfrom^Hdneytfwffllbocems dear and limpid;'no functionof thebo$f shouldjb* more; carafully ,watchdd;'.'mostierion«j«mseqn«noe«; ensue from.; neglect, in this rc-iipeofefe^^;;s&i^ v ;;;]^.i. V:'-! --:^'j .---?,:i: ::.

8o»Tft»OAiB,-?Di?TaiBiA-, . Conora,,CpLps!ANDAijL'BTaOHOHiAI»AyTacTioN8 nhould be immediatelyS5^MtKeee?Piial?wHch'-wfll/ irne combmoayiththieffwitnaltiMof the.Ointment to tha part affected,»B(W»^»'lQfe*H "of ua" la '8c* ^

oredftlo !the jomt liendyjpf tho two' Wmodies is {so fpotent'tnaievery fomtdaMfrpoMemaiyaga onboooniwameatJjIawX»'-trts*»wnt;>f sj^T'Vvi-''' I >"' 'W^*

Uii ¦ *' -'; i'". -f '-JSj>»»n^AT3I>.Co»BTmD'nOB»il2CBiirjBtlNOS,jANDKii*'<i»,/N»Javoira:iEinrEOT.—ThewrPills! BM niimitipsy>»aA,s .«ryine^ cj th^wrrec>al '

^^ }l d^ iai^^ 'X : ¦:. '.ftiMMitif>(it)ri|inrT fTininffi rn miffnmii finin T T in > n i i s j :'- ' - 'WWra tt:ever>]torn W6%U-give them-fc:fair and o ; ¦, •:




To be sold by Auction, fe'.' \On THURSDAY, th : 4t7i day 0/ SBPTBJfBEB&BTOt

At Twelve o'Clook, by directions of TO*. P. 1S3?.' WALSH (who s changing hor Residence), i ¦

HER INTEBHST in the LEASE of the nicolySituated H OUSE, known as No. 2 ROCK-

LANDS, TRAMO iE. Tho HonsB is only builtaViAnfr. VfliiT Vo^pa IT

^A hl\a the ftdYttJ\tftg9. of. ftll tfe.0.— — - ¦ ¦ —^ ^ - 1 1 ¦ 1 -r< T»—> r^MI ¦ ¦* ¦

i»o3ern Improvccn int8.~ Itreointn&nds a Bplendid>f*w-'j&f OthoTISeaV £n&> StrapcL "and >witbin hreerainutodVWifckif tb; Baitaay'TirminuB, fjie Hpussia hold for an nnexpii-ed Term of 27 Years, withclaiwe onSurreHa )F>reve"ry"Thro^ tare77at~S5(>per Annum. Imm sdiatt Poaaassion will be giv.enjImmediately after Jtill b© Sold the ;> -. i f !. .%• " .'!

ENTIRE'^ppSEHOLD FURNITURE,which is all bill new"tuid iii 'Excellent ordor.

iN^EHErTftUEE .PJUNCIPAL.arrrmQ.ROOMSwill'hfr fobfaa> -R< cKninff and-Mixinr Ohkks', Cnsh-io:i3,,LoiuiEC3, Ottomaii»,'Cfintre and Kidq Tables, withIKrblA tojtS-.XHien-o lier Wttb%«»!pfiia« i' Whatnots.Sot of PiorTiiblcBi' Chimney'Mirror arid Orhamonts,•ArtificlAl*: under; ;G1 *S Sbrvdas, Valuable^ Oleographs,Kugrarings;; Flawar Stands, Brnaaela. Carpota, Bugs,

,}Yool BlaU, Fondorf .Steels, and Cool YtiMt * .Window'fraWl <fSd'- Ytk -aan-Blilias, 'dim "iiim1! BronifeGasaliera, 12 MahocanyilNmnjr Boom .Chairs,' Arm

•jCiiflfr<vngW«;; I<*dif$! tod. GcntlemppV); Easy,; Chairs,Sit of Dinin;riTabhy)); Kdq 'Board, S«oophagas,j$ideTnblos, Whatnot,, top ,.J)nmb"-gaiter, Harmonium,HuajoAy.ajjBon a^ajStpoIi- Chimriey1 and Pier Glasnos,

*Wwt^nt«[Tn' OJi^ :Ca8ps,,Catoptj. MornlnK and'EfthinVSoft of Chliiii; 'Largo;,'S.ctai'6r Djimer^Wftte,llaiuh/jmq. Assort jSorvjco; Rfohly Cut-Glass's' sonicStMhts SllrtrTSf6oip',;Eotk8.afld Slices, Plated Forks,Spoons, Ladles, n dasebf Dossorc Knives tad Porks,

I)K»jiil Basket; Coasters*; Bottle Stand,- Sonp; Tureens,.•Biflua>j>ih(j», Dish Covers, and Cutlery, Boma Paintings• iui(^IKpg»»inga,'Boo c Caao,. Carpets,':Blinds,.Window

Katuonst^and' Hal •Chairs. .'Table.' Umbrella Stand,nIMi iKacfo .Lamp, Brackets.- and ;Statuary/ ..Qong,

I5arom'6tor, EnBrdvihcs, Oilcloth, Mats, Steir, Carpets,*S->wM (wd liods, liable, IBaths, Boot &iok,.4o. ,\Ihtl'<J fcdrpoh{S(d> tifi todidtanK IronBed»to(»asiS»ringnnd Hair Mattrassc .TPoaUior Bods, Bolsters, Pillows,and Beddinj,(Eaaj .Chairs,.- psns Do. j-oMahoganyWanlrobos.'with I'll to'Gloss Panncls.Ncstsof D,rawoni,Toilce'IWrics.MBasia Stetds, 'Bed Steps. Commodes,

'^majibrcsi.ToUet1. Jlateoa.W Wire, .Tdwelv AiroM,Presaus and Book StandsjcvPoUshod Wardrobes, PierGlt&tf t tj fbrpefck'Pi *8,, odsrt,'JronB,iWindoif Hang-inss," Children's jB aitefuis and Bads, Firo Guards,S.nmll TuMtiKVfco.', ic"..,,China. CloBets, Pantries andKitaViqn a'ro ejbtandanlly furnished. ''All will. be Sold

-%iNioWrofcMo.i'. J. 'crms1 Crtih with'5'porcent. Anc-tioniE'ooa.HTo 'prevent 'OTer^rpwding a ohatgeof Is.each ¦wUlbe made:at the Door, which will! be xetnrnodto purohasors on|y; -^c< -. ,; -u v l ; ¦¦.: ¦ •[/

THOMAS WALSHJc SON. AudUoncers.Thp Malh Waterfppd, August lst,:187p._ .;aul-4t


J)i, ffte'3Iaiier.6y.'JqnNJPBKNDBBQABT .- d Bonlfrvj{;. ¦iK K-.JU. . .l.-.i.r l-. . ! ' i 'I • • ¦. . .¦¦> - ,' - -¦: ¦¦ < ¦¦ -• • •¦'

v ^To. bo Sol l

^by; Public Auction, . (At Hr. CKABIIES QABBOTHWES'' Salerooms,

J l i V . j. .:,. - . . • . ». .-, CLOi«IEL,-.-. ;r • ;•- . . .- . , : •; ' •

On- SATURDAY; i\4 80th:day of AUGUST; 1870,• '¦'• .^At tho'hbur (fiOins.o 'Clook,-Afternoon.•.¦¦;¦ -M :


¦CIL. said Bankrup i, bis Assignees and Mortgagees;in. aii'd'W the"H( uaeI arid Premises' in UPPER¦JOHNSON'-STRE: ST. Ciibiratst, in the County of

1 tfipperary, -lately, n'jthe occupation of the |saidJlink-runfc 'as. a. Licensed . .Vintner. . containincr. • inirontuto,;naid Street 123 feet, held by Lease; dated28tluFEBauABT, 1374,- for 99 years, at the-YearlyRent of,'i820, fcayal lo half-yearly—25th March and29,th September.:- - < •' •*• ;" ; - ¦

> >¦ ¦' > .¦ •i-ji -J .. :-. ; .'¦- . : •¦¦ ¦: '¦¦¦

¦],The!ip$ading3 't ken by tbo ''Auctioneer, will be,SpVulftteil"'to jr ihoj Cburt'.it 'the 1POTO ; CotJRxi/fl^Lfef

^bi'.JUESJJAx,', the iud'day'.of -SBPJBJtr

8* . 873/ w5eh,'.-1.: 'approved !.if,;Jh'ei;J^urcKaserwillb«;dec)ar6d.'r: • '•?,», .'.•• •!.'-:-;ir .' "i r .ww i ' j'i'v',-;.4- £.fll4tdtti8nt;of: ritlfl and ¦Conditions of: Sale arelodged ¦ in|the;O!ffi« i «f;'the Court,, and-may be soenafsoiioi ihtf Office of Uhp;lun'dernatned . Solicitorshaving carriage of: ihe'Sale".'1']''/': ""

¦•i: ;-! . ; ; • .Jia&Hhfe Uth> ay<iflAugust. 1878.-¦ »'£ , ';¦ '. .

;f.:".3i " isCRfe OTB ARTICULARS^-ij^;,i,1h'piRp(aJle4Lic jnaad. Promises have a froiitageof 40 feet facing J( union atroet, and'47 foot (siingOafherinbJatreet,!:. otisistiny-lof! .a.lArgo doubleHouse,1 laWyVocdu jied.by-ths.'Bankrupt, and-arefitted #\t8Cdrf af e~t .Drawer*; 'and all requisites foratl1dkan8iv8;»r66Si y.Bdsihies;' - -.T ' .'•'- ;'- |;ii1-: '^Tie'ffl^TOT i r'feetl-mde/ftrehed ove^*^toe'ji^M ' ioinin '-< Housea also' .front"Johnson-9fee« ^M.TO)fjBet-i, ..y 5lU • -|;i.i?j1v..j'i f; t i[«.i[ThelTard, entered by.arohiray, is ttei withjsUble0'Jtor:B.nnmb ir.of;Korses•• 390 f«fcfcjpf Shed-ding) used as .Tim >or,Stores, Sawpits,.Workshops,Office; \&c: •- - The;-' ranll i>* 120 k l3S^ xoluidv«! ¦ ofH6us#Wr Sheds;lit dTroa used asa,'Coai Yofdl-Th^Hcvose Sdjoing Yan wna.uaed as a Mial Btor«::Tho!«ma'i3|%

! P?epi« ^arflf vTwp 'Hou eV.'lot'tb Xw6 \vf&]f a'Xe]ia$ts,j} ying 410,88.'Od,y l)ri8JBh:f.;Jf.!HjjAQl Pjirobaaa^c n haTe icumodiate.'possession' of,tijoVnUce J?«.miae£ ",excepb:'fcne>eTwpRouses,.andj'caa:ihava .the Fix urea-at .the Auctioneer's Valu^ationVix.-«!«l!Jii" •¦'¦) >£«5I >'t;i!.Ur1;.|rJT.iwTi Ust-inii .yrjr lo-'ittbrtosals-for Pi rVJKistf by^Privat^fJontribt^willVLf&gite&tir'VBa- ) SiauiX "Aasigaee'up J»"th'e hour;onz'd'CIocK ;Dropi ffthVZSrd'daylof.¦•^TJOTST.j«7S.''i$C itUQfter je, pJia«|,,i(ftoeli*.can' SocomVfmM l011 ij'vft i*?1 ¦*» '¦H y«* >>;u»s-icifsy^r-iurtoerrinf )r«iiitiont apply,to>o.f ! .?^

¦•••i-KfVi¦ . ", {:• LUCIUS. a.-;DEERnra;*'EMf;'..Official.•Im -(, [)f. rABsigoi e.-lS/MerchantB* Quay; Dcblin..-I'* vji-at^WB t &iWELDON;'3olipitorsJfoi>jfi»j .i«R pSrfe 4la,nnff

; Catria8<e'. l6f Sals;!'X lU.?!irr

a". P ««J» :'fGre 'G(e6rgl1«i ;f.Sfceefc,J

It;,.„ «;..•;• ,-,pf 550 iandCondibonBpf.JSale,;;.^: ,!.•hw>) ' •.T Jip'JpNlJELL ^ .^BEi! ^.rv!H(biit Assign ieB,<Bacbelortf(;VMlfciiJ?ttblil»K;;{.h:i jfiiOHABLE 3iCAEROTHEB8j!Auctioneer,(awgftfltl .-/^l;jiJxi i;>f<31bnniel;vifi-ar.iw- jii;.M1!> tiriifciil- .-. Twrt --1 .VM:-Hfe.- i t l - : ¦•¦'¦l:.:'i^ Ww'-iH

Br'airtcUonsofth rEf.-Honi ViscountillioNrBAici,'' On WKDNEBDA r.i-afS - ©/ 8BPTBM%9B?l$l9f irHi^ f^ de' Q'abclf/ ttifpfcVM - ';

-.•fiil iaid Gouj tytfjfithf the.DwKLUHaflopB?»j»na> Oor-Omefcs theredn, lately'in ,tno*<)«seasion?of'iMr. 'LxDBMni Hicarr/ containnlg;'abdh6i>B0JiS46.M-.ft Mi^ >\lv>1' MV-'M|V1'4 it!'* iv41"*">>M»ijLiii!>! A large, quantity of CropaconBisting 'ibo'niiSii1AWoftWHdtf; I jufAites'bfipats,-togethra«irlffisome Barley and J oUtcxjs/arejjow growing on| theLands.aArqjrniiik able<portio 1;of;the'-Lwids- arenndet'Paauirewii f nmoMf agteee: *. ; ; ™'w- "jiraFccpartioolar .ftpp^fto:; *fvi i.}:£ vv iyuf^1 --M i;wNUirar .£*DEr.AN3BBEil SolidtoMi^s - i ;);o'to i;rl88. P«ter.SU»ey!!W«ttrf6rd;:: «:.t6'li>ii :;< TH0MAi ijWALSH.ASONrAnctioneersL?*-Tl e' Mftili'Wati fori.-Augnrt i3tkf l8!9)<f 4mii

;'Ci«j irarice; tea] s : <Kjnn|dwmjl(UoJ|i;j

i I. - . '.-.• ¦ - ¦".f.-Jj; ir;j lcrr '{-'f.rb';t*pi4;-w;iS;«fite^QD!BSCRIBEE£ havereceived-instinDtJonftfrom^Htbe:

' MININQ COMPANX,OErviRELAND(LIMlTEP)?b> t EiL^by' "AUCTION^ theit-j/.-TTfti. -4^:Tivani JS. BONMAHOK, '11 ?"'f'5i:! •:oi;;ijrBJ?»*flH irfp rf tBxigzx m&iB'tof M

abler.Qi»y,firaftjl w; elI'.lEwrei to.Splpwto,.»|. goodjIwn.Ssfe/.^ inelMi*.h%b,Jl8 Tpd>i;W,d«ta!j

StabogonyrDcsta id WialMfaui ) n«tes^CiMliiCTabter/Fdndersi: iro:IroiU,vCMT!enttlr»<J^B«aflni»«i

: BfrTlljPaiar>BkrK Wj^MdeM'j^^^ ttifcfJtig

- I : $i% ,,iorigjJarg« lJbail ^ ^Sc SieiWttS' Mmir/ftfiSZfwide^J imiDar^noaiiSwfciPiii loM /

• yatenbHarpcrwi"* a)a!T»oet7rt)ljBw»WW5#^!#4»AU(tjrai bat-«o it jbiVloU tojrinSfe EaDruisieM*- • Term i-^CasHH ^ s;;iy fept 3gi#W^:w-*- , a&OMB, Nliw&'vxmwxi Mim}< ¦ ' .'; ' ¦ v;VsteMWitt'TWJi tf6r^ w 'ttf/JIWI !a?A**S

i^%d(SnMBO*'toS«W m ; '.PiiWS «3lJ^piJr li




„ . v^Vj bwfbrAAnd Ximsriok Bailway. =^;:

i !'•¦* J^VifeS? - i? f' -' /Ci ' -" ''' > ' " ' V\*-''--'"l tv>".j IV U :the BirntEiaBTk^HAU-YrABLT asKiEAl.-^ 3-, JjEsitiifc of-^he Shareholders of •the abovo^Comnak'lield at the Head Offices' of the Company;ATffl ^ aij g/ oryjMONDAYiihAgBtnday

¦w>AUauST; wrei' :. ' ¦ v ^ 'T - .i . T :.^1--^

Tnou4s STNNOTT, Esq., J.P. (Chairman of the- ¦ ¦- ', ' ¦ ¦ Company), in the Chair,' ¦ /. '- ¦ • ^ 7*"

The Secretary having regdi^^notiop'co yeniHgtho Meeting, the Seal of the Company1 was afitxed to

^1» « er.of-J fi6tdrtr^dUbVfdll6*fn«f21ei55r

luUons were severally carried unanimously:— *.Jl *l.'Toatfte Repprt;of, tho Dirootors now read, ana'•^•ij.the'Btatetaent of "Aooonnts of tho Company for__ the HaU-yoar endiae 39)i.J[antiJaat^aa famished.

•-• to the'STittreholders^ba receivod and adopted. ;¦'2. That Bividends'be ow deqtared for the Half-year

. . . to 30th June last, . n"po'n'tha several olasses of. -.-,shares in- this - Company at-the-.ratoB following,

Of -?' per "cent:-iiir :anrin'm"bn too 4 per oent.Consolidated'Preferential Stook. -

Of.4i'p6r'(ient/peranmixn bh the 4J per cont.:-.¦ ! . : . • Consolidated Preferential Stock. C ! • v /. '.':.. ; i,|. • . . . | Of 5 per.cent.¦por.annnol on .tho 5 par cent.,, ;;r

v '.-v ,Pr6torential Share Capital; ;; .. -. > .;-. , ; :>:.'., ;:¦ " .. ' " ' Of Si per oont" per annum oh'thoSf per cent.• V " '¦'¦' :: ,VPrelerontial Shard. Capital;''' :'iJ-;.' '.-, .'¦. '¦ v •; ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ Of 8Tper <»nt."per.annumT>n tho Ordinary Shan

. • • Capital s. ¦¦¦¦¦<. - *> »l i - J - - -«[.-<;r;.,..: .. .'/- .;;.¦< .i'.iAnd that suoh pividends—lels-Inoonw Tax- bo res-•~~~B«oUtely"Siado'"payablo"to thVproseiif nolders on

'IC&tHprox. •;?. • ; ,>¦-'-' . .-v. -i. '.|. .; - - ;•¦«. « i -. ¦.

The business of the Ebrtroordinaiy General Meet-ing wds'entiered'u jn purenant to notice/in refer-ence to an agreement: proposed to be entered intowith the Limerick and K rry Railway, and the fpl-lowing resolutions were unanimously passed — -, 'Aupiced—I..: That the Bgreementtori working the.:. ' ( Railway oft tho' -Limoriok. and 'Kerry Railway'¦¦' ' Company,submittedto.thiameetdngof theShare-¦ :•. I ¦ holders and' Stockholders of: the. WaUrford and

v. ' ~ ; a Limerick Railway Company, be,'and the oamo i*v-. ".:i:.l»reby approved and sanctioned. -"'¦?.!¦ '^¦••i' - •II. That-the Waterford and;Limeribk;Rallway Com-- '• . : i pan; be authorised from time to time tOsnbsbribt-: '¦¦<. : . r any anins ; which vthfl'iDirootprS'Jmay1 think 'fit. -.'.. " towards tbo"nnd8ttaking»of'the' Linlorick'- and:';¦¦•¦¦' Kerry Railway Company,'not eioeedingin'the

rwhole the'shm of JtSbf tH, and for that purpow' . 'i; n. tUere be created 250 riew rwdecmaWe-'Preferenoo

Shares of X10C each, bearing ihtereet At 4, 4i,"6r'.'¦r.-: '.-5 pwr oadti as tho Directors may determine, to be

::.: !i8ancd and disposed of at a'aon times 'tm'suon' terms and condition1!, and

^in isuob manner 'as the

Directors think advantagfeous to the Company..Tho ; business:' of 'J the .I traordiriiUT .1 Ueneral

.Meeting,- convened - forTapbrovalof workina; agteeinient with the Rdtbkeale. andiN^wcastJe JunctionOSa'ilway Company waa(theil ent«te<l':upotx'jand.th9following'resolution wga passed* unanimously..''J'rrH

• Bcsolved-That ¦ thei'agr«'einynt '-ifor;''wbrkingy .th'e'''¦¦¦• Ratbkoale and Nowcastle 'Junction¦'Rai}w'»y,Comrpany submitted to this moetink'pf'ShireBolders

, and Stookholdors of the WaterfoW an.a.Limeriok' - Railway ' Company "ha ',', aid': the Isiime uTJiersbj;

" approvod and sanctioned: '-'7' '¦H.ViJ-' 'w.-j'.-i.'.'ii• -,-n. -, -THOMAS SYNNOTT,;Oh»irman. ?

The Chairman;having;,vacated, .theCchair,-: andRICHARD O'SHAuaHNtssT/Eeq.VMJ .i having'beencalled thereto, a cordial vote of thanks'.was nassedtb the Chairman, for his dignified conduct in thebh'air, : and' for.' the' deep interesk,taXen;.by;,him,:ii}tbo Company's welfare. ' ¦:,X,, ;

i'i- -1!'-- '".>i-'-" ¦«'*'-•',-» •? ¦'¦<

!,., ' i - :- ;/.. VM..J,KENNEDY, Secretary. ,ei" Uciid Offices, ' Watorford ;Termii»u8; M'i;:^ ; - -i>i

:'¦¦ : ", - . , . ; • : ::v:25Hi Augusti'1870:Mr^T:f;-'!-. ". > '


Beturn Tickefca,^ at Single J Pares, . ;'TlTrLL be:ismW'on SAn^JfiDA'TS^avaDiible- TV - for Return on SUNDAY; or by $he first trftinson MONDAt¦tWMi£i '0SS& ¦C tiUa./lv-v. ¦<-,>:

From SATDBDAT,'8rd MAT, 1870, till Further Notice,'RetnrhTickets at Single" Fares"wfllnjb'' Buedfrbm'Limoriok and: Intermediate' Stations'to;1 Waterford by,thd-Tralis leaving Limeriok.»f4 p.mli'aridlO.'tOpjii.'jO•¦-"From Waterford and Intermediate Stations to limp-vrick by the Trains leaving Waterford at 2.45 p.m.; and8 0"pin:' ' :i ':Jl •¦• ¦;¦- - 7- '' Ak^V'-'-:v':;.s ^ iA

From Limoriok, Ennia'and Gort. to Galway,'by the3.20 plm. Train ; and from Tuam by the 3;45j>.Tn. 1;?;'-

Front Iimeriok to Enms.Klllaldo.Foyiief/KithkBale,and Newcastle by:tho -last Up,Trains;:and also fromthoeo stations to Limoriok by the laat Down Trains... C-J.Tioketa iot- transferable,' > and '•• avillablft«asi abovestated i'- ". ,".''¦'¦ '%•¦ ¦'¦• '¦'¦¦ ;",.:vswyM.-i'?i'f^!(B',stl'f "?.'.¦:%' X ~¦- iJ . '-Ut JOHN.BOBERTS,' fii'M»nMcer^?: WATERFOBD JLXD OENTEAtilEBtiAND"AmP.

, Sunday-ExcnrMOiis at Cheap :PareB,v>[ ^ TBOSOUQa'iltojKILKpl .TO; OU SUNPAY, 1st JUNE, andthfl lo ow gundays'r until further noboo, Exonrsjori. Tickets will, be'.usuediat all Station's,by"the^ Tain leavinyilaryborong'at 8 JOa.m available for. Relurn .same day by the Tratn leav-'ing 'Waterford f lt<;6.5Q p.m.,' uai.irHrUtgii fUarrTb>rougha>'6.40>m..;5^S

;VT^-«j5 iiift#^ '• ¦•¦i1ABB8.TO-.WAr«B»0Bl> ¦AWD]-BACK,'i'X>ftn'«j'*

f vLoaro Maryborough at ,8,30 a.m;,lst jjla»si,'6s.-,j 2ndolsssj ie. ; 3rd class, ;8s;-. Abbeyleix;-8 0',a:m.V^S«ir,?

r4a.;t and 3s. ' •AUanagh;' 9.5, a.m:,";;5«r,' tffl..'randi3s.BaUyraggett, 0.15 a.m., 5«V,. 4s.',' *nd"3s.J-, Kilkenny,'9.50 a.m.a48.,3a. 3d., and 2a.6d,^Beanetabridge; 10.2.a.m., 3st 6d., 2s, 9d., and 2s. :Thomast6wn, 10.15 a.ntT.¦is.Hi:, Zi 9i.i and zs, . iJauynaie; WAW ».m va. oa.;-2sr,-ttnd li.-6d. - Mnllin*vat,-10.S5"a3n.i*rl«,':6d.4.-lg:-3d., anaa0.-;sKilmaoo«r;>lL5 a.m.", U) 3d.',TJC&nd 9d.Arrivimj in Waferford, at 11.30. :¦ >;. \)r ! i ; :; >:r.v;- 5 -:-;

CSS* Return Tickets between lintermodiato Stations •a<r Single Fares.- 1 Tiokeb.iapt transferable ;flo logg»geaDbwed.andno half-faros« ei'.'..'j»: r.' i r;\ > ;;.j- -<?x -.¦; cji '..: S*Ar BATHiNO-;Traini ran nearly, every half ;honr,'ana'fromTramore^W?-'^H'> -yf )>i.^^'i-J!f;

i ptaeQC:'.rWILLIAM -WILLIAMS,' 8oore&ry"A'SatA Offloes', WaterfordTerininas, ij-1 a^i !-:fv.'L'IIJ . nt 'yM . r JS *f\S;18 W?-i<}34^V? %foa2S^• J ffate rford-and Central lrelaiidfBAilway^'i- i •, ¦; • ¦rvr;r :'i.v -K»:i/ • : :;'( t»fii««!<rq<'r ')^:jy!yytOAHST on >DJ?B£yTtf/{B8,':iJSflBffy UW?:8T0CK>¦':¦* z* or DEPOSIT ofJOrij rAial xmiraieiii i:^^m a.E;;,,,^ IE B.O;T;..piB.SjMfpiffe'<Ke pttr?.JL- Sxise "of REPLACING* the INSEAL3£jGNT8jof tha"OOV^NMENT IX)AN.:»"p4 BONOT'ijUlingrdue,ran<prepared: 4lntil;. fnrth( tNotic«/'to;4oc«pj;<LOANS ONMORTqAGffiBONDS at',-!,' pvCenti,'biyiblo.tlponpno.Year's ;n"oti6e,ror' for inch?tenri ofcicaric>t.mayyitefixed";"and for\ttfl .Debenture-Stookiiliiifinjf;equalpriority with the'Mortg 3onu>^b«aimj Int«rert ati per Centttp^rpetm'tf.-^^ S 'Mp . i: 'I They-will also »ooeptiXOAN3 xtaJDEPOSjT/ bearmgInt tUat.g 'PERCaQra.^piyabJo^m.'Wxi'lContis',notiOfl:*nd at 3 tier Cent; ntfablfrcnS Monttk'jiiotloe:>¦aSos-jtheiiJoarjen^Re*iDt» were X37.3M 17s. 5d.-r .yroffaaff»nd1<rtl«tfEx^Kio.being ife,509'8.tia£ vi«K?biS»ne^pf.jei7,88S4i«'.^Vb '>inore!fti aM(|« lie*»mountreqm«d7or,th9 Interept pn/If<w»^*f tU paymentof wMoKthero;is",J thetefoN,Vb^atoWAuMn»'fordivlden:dVto;81iarehblder«;.%^'OT9y>in/!eTery:H -yoi>; .siwdittf,c*cli Crsaitort,jKfawift^ife'iQinwitig thfi 'fall wh.VHWif .T'ii rid A'm'nnTit'ftf

.AppUc*t^piu.to.be;aadre2^Wt^^8rBii »inr r 'i V-ii' iir^ ^ teMK . ¦

From;il4 b<WoragV8Wlon tar0«»»hm S|*k«f,Von tne- ^ e fJtafl i yrrom oW»rBnito lJo^^(Conttifnted a' separate CapitaFindnudertakuig under

[luM'.a/.'* f<(^M^ f |E^ FvpM» i(({ 'li!<Jt'W<J»nd.'«/S'f«R Otii i>i»r:ainiiM4'>W;«iM*:iSf*fftirsL THE DIRBCTOR8/p4 «iiiV-WiU^ord1^^C«i6»l

relai .JWlww."(P<)OipW #««W*ltai*!M^SssssSSsNiaa


K Tn&BVLlJSrE COWVEHT,fffct. Mary's,^i ' : ]':. «xiit ; i raaPMi):- • : v j"QT. ANNE'S 1?AY SCHOOLS, under the Patron-IOI . age of the Most -Rev. Dr. .POWIB, willRE-OPEN SEPTEMBER 1st, 1879. I

; .' . ; :: . '•• - . ! . .¦ , - , ¦ . T E R M S . -: ' . i"V One Guinea Entrance, t 'lj, : ' - I'¦' » 6 Guineas per A THIIITTV , vv'" ¦, ^

y 4 Guineas for Children'under Twelve. ". i''Payment in' Threo' Terms. No extra charge isi adaiofjFWnflh or -Italian, nor for tne use of Cars,'Which'dre sent1 daily'tb'll, MicHAsL-STBEsr foryoung1-ChUdren.Tand-:for thoBO. who live at a dia-tonco. On wet days they aro sent for all. ¦ j' Music, German., and Dancing aro Extra Charges.German is taught by-Natives. '• For Terms applyto Convent. . .„,...- . ^._ . . . - , -¦

August 13th, 1879. • . ' 8t


BUSINES S - WILL COMMENCE in thisEducational Convent on MONDAY, the 8th

of "SEPTEMBER, Feast of tho Nativity of theBlessed Virgin Mary. ;

\ i M E E M B . ' 'I. FOB BOABDKES.—(a) 20 Guineas por Annum,

Extras not included, or (6) 25 Guineas per Annum,all Extras included.

II. ..FOB > DAY '.. PufiLS.r-(o) XI per Quarter,Extras not "included, or (6) JE1 10s. por Quaiter,all Extras included. ..¦'Application for Pupils about to enter to bo madefor . the present to the Rev. JOSEPH DUNIJBY,Adm,, SwsvBBOB,-' WATSBFOBD—later -on to. theSuperioress._,._'.: .1 . . . . /. :. . .. > jl 25-tf

' ¦ - . - . . , .:;.v A. u. >&i>;a:: 1 . ;¦

The College School, WaterfordnpATRON—The. Most Rev. JOHN POWER, D.D.,J-' •¦ '< Lord:Bish6p of Waterford and Lismore. '- (• >:,> - .<W0HAELMA8 TERM, A.D. i 1879. >'1 ¦?¦: TjaE^CHIEF' AIM OF THIS SCHOOL. !U to givo;'B6ys 'of Waterford andthe neighbour-hood* a';thprough"Moral and-Literary Education',without' depriving ;them, at the same time, of thatother . arid nbt'less' valuable Education, which'maybe obtained only under the influences and among theassociations of honieA. ' ¦¦¦ '¦ ' '¦¦ ¦ '. Koj ECeLESlASTICAL DEPARTMENT. 1

As ,tae 'Diooesan Sobool, under tho Patronago ofthe I Bishop,' it : offers peculiar advantages to thoseP1*!11?™1?. for : tte Diocesan College,' with which" itha* ..been for some years immediately connected. Stu-aenta , are . also prepared for any of the other IrishColleges. it» -.::!r. '7 - .t, -j,( .-( ¦¦ •; . ¦ ¦: . .• - . . . : . • •


¦''.; — .• COURSE. .

¦ . , :.

v reat'eare. is bestowed upon .tho. study of EnglishLanguage: and'Literature and upon tho CommercialDepartment.' Every help is afforded to those intendingto><l_ pass;i'.'any -.rSpecial 'Examination.- .Experiondod«««»« ytvpvv *ur wiu . u aiversiues, • jnouioal, and•Legal Professtons,' aid- Publio' Competitive Examina-tionB.,^ Whpe no oJTort.is spared in esehewing the evilsorithei?,'.oramminif? : system,- and- in imparting knEdncabon, in the. large and true Bcneo of the word—the onltare, that is, of; body, : mind, and soul—thecourse of instruction is, in all casos/shaped to meetthe-particular.-need* of tho calling in after lifo forwhich each boy may 60. intondod. Nearly all thoses«nt ¦Ironf . the - School; to Ecolcsiastical Colleges,Universities.ProfoBsronB.or Civil Service, during the pastnine .years; have had at onco markod success, and most6t«iemnbw.thonghyoung, .hbld re8poclablo positionsin CommoroiaV and Professional lifo ':- ^ 'i IV .T'PREPARATOEY CLASSES. ' ¦ ! • ' ¦, Boys.from. six ,to ton years old art eligible for theseclasses, i . Applicants for admission aro frequently andsenoualy'retarded-in their 'course,'in consequenoo 'olhftvjng-remained too long" In'primary sohools, whorothe.'sygetm .of instruction is vory different. ¦¦¦ ' , i

".vy^THB GPVEBNMBNT -DifTBBMEDIATE Iivtl.oJ 'M^' i.il EDUCATION BILL - ' ¦¦ i 'ia speojaMy intended for the benefit of snoh institutionsas1 the aCpU dV'S dpl;?; Every effort' will bo made to?.??.t;tift'''»qWremenla.for thb'.advanmgo of the pupilsl n K Wepotting.tarmi^Exhibitions of .e20, 430, and?».ijm»y;iba;obtained respsotively by boys under 1G,;17;>-and.ilB f7earsrof.i»BB> Classea.will at once bore»formed,raoodrdtag ?toytho'>I. i E."i CommissionorsPr?)K**}?ait«.*r'»en\P'»bltflied.1~As the number of 8jO00^Wfe M811"*6*-/1*Classics (Greok and Latin)iism"P?. *°KWFiW» for.iany.other branch, young boysi;wtotn»»y?iin fnturelyoars.'oompete for prizes, should'join these classes a* early as 'possible ' ' ' !-vt '/f^: rnVSCHOpg:!ROPMS,-&o. "' - '• ' ¦ [ ' ' 1 !• ^ tt .Mntr .wdloliTOted ituation; in

the BUO

aidTentuationV of,ita. halU(the ofiss-rooms are capable ofieawly- apoommodatingitwo::hundred boys), in its pl»y-; ground and external ammgwhents jenerally.orp offored.'advantages rarely found in such establishments. ¦¦' | ,'Hrrf' -^ -i 'A iOAKpilIG'BOUSEs,' • •' ' •¦! ¦•p.ili?.toa dW c«TOieo1 7^^^.opened for .itte ,vaoaqmm<)aaBon*n>f--tfltnaent« not;re«wentaflf;theCi( «JSKV:li i.rf '!': !.i ': • ]. .- :• [,:. :L *; fr > ? \rr.itw ''.\t<-~:*vttv.r. t:ntTr\f\T' Ax *i ?va-

¦ ¦¦- • 1 : . l' ;> !-.;ireKaentSflt^etWyjfmJKKVfe^v rt V -.M ¦¦ '¦: ¦ ¦ ]. .- :• [,:.,:v*Ki *h'S'i<-,e;THBC-S0HOOL'FEES':¦'

¦• ' ' ;: ' r:.' "-'

iyefgnbV'as to brWui advantages.of. this Bucccsafui•T««wWfAqt»/ atf etoobfiwithin the : reach of;all .vfio'•eek for, their ehudreh «aything- more than a' gratottpuISJ tWU& -Sri 'i ( t» iW ;H'c^.V^ • : " ¦.- . -¦¦; '¦!'. ¦. t.;.-j l«w»',A»»-Mn>Dt,t Sakoops (in-"\ f' "" :; ": ¦ vi {.'|»plndtoK the»iaitic«ipur<i^and h FIVB: GUINEAS^ «d» l»«ni '.Groek1,',.Modeni f i , ,;; YSABLTJ ii

^&,W&W**i' •9*X i-£«%,i\l.Tlovii GWXNIIASrBfew 1®* 0 "'pm*--4V*:<) >. *<; YBARLT.: ( \' iJ-fcj> 2> . o«pa««-jr<V-yMrfy;t'n advance. '¦ '¦>. : : i\'' '- ¦-rita fil^K HiU-yearlv,- and Singing, is.

Half-yearly . form cart - if' tha Ordtnnni Oourm. .' '' :(C'flsraW-rrlMtrnmenial Mniio and Dancing., ." .. •¦vj- &?*9lti*<>P *<!*-B™*&*S a-m.fto:3p.m: Satir-;day«i ,4J'jk.m.>tQlp.ni^^ 'i> s, - .; ; . -ri.! - :;|;:. -A.t

V^ ' N<>«oe''«)fI-;irJttdrawl'r<)qm 'in over*oaaenQutrterentarod iroon ehargedin full. !' ' • ' ' •?*mj iQBO0l}< Wtyf} mS on MONDAY next^Uie^ HraaiBER . Boys 'shoBldi Botuni or Entor atWg:*2^&ri*&kX:iltl;;-!pf i 'M?: ;rh. ¦. y.;:.> . -, y? i >(JFor furtherlnformatjonyapply to; > ¦* '¦'¦: \ - : |:' :• '•S;?:J5!! =y: JBi»T-;'JOSEPH';A.'PHELAN, • 'Pr'to:vr:vU v 'v iB«r JAMES F.:DALTONi' : ¦'¦'.^BUphon troetpr

8t; John's'College.--> ,'• ¦; i ¦; ¦ • '':'¦ ',

ms&:3&atinniU-hcloiiliigfj^CaWr.1 •¦ •¦¦¦» \ f'Wl'«Si( *#-v*<'S;«!f.i4t.'-l ?iiiJ ,i> '-i ';M :=« ' - ' ¦ ¦ ' » X' :U'¦ HBmBf ^ 'r^^onTiJEabXrXBar 'ik-;Ai/j¦.¦j xMiiBiavl Ptuiotnal attendance is requested;in. view of the lntennediate Programmer"; The HBWBuildings now afford'fine accommodation, i '• au20'3tflX'viainiactho j ;mftE (SISTEBS !|iPfMERCY; kiLMAoVHOMAB,JL^ beg tccannoniice that their BAZAAR, whichwas< tolpe':h'eld' pn'itho 6th/SKWMiBjB,: has beenPpS3a^QfNBD;unai^he 1st;bt NOV«M«B' next] -

llliiSir?^ ;; • ¦ i -¦Ji- ' ^VA «

< sf' i:f'?:it'i':;i;*">''i"H "¦•• ¦¦ -!i ¦ • : • •*¦- i ;


-jvJ-B>U»j^Mii^,and to Order, .; ' : ; 1 ;

i\]/ 4 )P ^^a/ , [iaiffeiint Regimcnti., :H^; -- .W.;;j ;i^v7Jr :T' -J<vc :r-V- :--*- '' - '"-.-j - !.

¦ ' ¦:ii' - -.; **j» 'A"'fV' '*''!-'lf :J - '..

'. .:'"¦ '•¦'• *. ' ¦:•¦¦: •¦ •' ¦ ¦- :• .'/

¦•¦' ¦

¦: i- 'v - ' .P.'iitSP BIN n&.^.ONS , : j '- t ; -ft ClOth erV, Hatteni ondiabit Makers ; Indian ": '¦

'iiii i^'/ ^ a^O B&aia. - ¦ ¦ '¦. ; ¦ «-¦

* ?l«Ct f ,U^4'»4?W;<QUM/WATM«>BD.'|i

CTlHBv^QnSEj»MoM»;ta .THOMA^lIl13Jl-J^EACE pdntaiBiDffiHve wirtoenfft'pPl

HI mi ai i,^ fe


— ¦ '2V2ZNE88 NO TICES.

. ' : : Cheap Provisions .

\l\f tt are offering , at our Shop, PETER-• .TV. STREET, Watorford, tho very finest MUDCUBED BACON, at ¦ FOUB PBJJOE per Pound! We areCharging same prfco at Shop in MAIN-STBEET, Tra-more. .> '-!'¦ \ '-i ¦. " .

¦ '¦HAMS , RI$8. STEAKS , BEEF and BUTTER, at

very LOW PRICES.T .. Mnoh;Lower Quotations for Wholeaalo Buyers at¦StorisB, QUBEK-STBKET, WATEBTOBD. ;

jeMm " J. FANNING & CO.



HAVING just returned from London, re-: j spectfully invite attention to their

J ' " Stock of the above,




Being in Recoipt of Fresh Supplies of

N E W S U M M E R G O O D S ,' Will bo found worthy of Special



. ^

-v . W A B E J I O U B E ,

75, QUAY, WATERFOBD .June 16th, 1879.The ; American' Fresh Beef Store,




• ...• -PBI'CKS MODEBATB. SDPEBIOB QnALlTT.a'ulS.tf W. E. JONES, Proprietor.

Good Bread ! Good Bread !


HAVING purchased the Bakery Concerns oftho late T. F. KEILY, aro now in a position

to supply a want long felt in Waterford—that of. ! ; G O O D B R E' A D ¦! - _ • , y. •*

Using nothing but the Best' Brands of . 'Flour, .wearo noy turning out Bread second to, none via theSouth of Ireland. • ; ¦ ¦ : - '¦ "¦ ''¦r 'i^''} '-


: .


: : • WATEBFOBD.(LATE, or LITTLE Gsosaae's STBEBT), :

dfficei and Show Room : No. 10 LADY LANE. :aREEN-HOUSES, CONSERVATORIES, and

PUBLIC BUILDINGS HEATED by Hot; Wa-ter, on the most approved principle. -¦ - ;; ¦• Testimonials, too nomcroua , for, insertion, from theleading Gentry of Waterford and surrounding Countios,whose places I have heated, may be Boon at my offices.' P.S.—Having purchased at the Sale at Little Goorgo'sstreet the ontire otook of Brass, Wood, and Load Pat-terns connected with the Foundry, for Brass Castings,I am. enabled to executo all ordors for Casing tit theshortest-notice, and oh reasonable terms.' - Entrance to Works from Peter street. [mhj - '' ; ' IMPORTANT NOTICE.! Partios about to Supply their Houses with the nowPIPB-WATEB will consult thoir own interests by callingat the above Establishment,.where estimates can be hadfree. ¦¦ ¦

* . _ . ¦ ¦ ¦

. ¦

. ¦ ' ¦,¦ ¦


. . •: :

I All work will bo guaranteed of tho best material andworkmanship, and will bo o oouted on tho most REA-8O1»ABLB T.KBM8. ¦ ¦. , .- . ; ;

- A trial respectfully solicited. ?•10; Udy Lone, Watorford, Aug. 27, '78.

• .y^^'BTif G:. H- ' ?at c L E A s., . A ;JI.'PLUMBER, BRASS V FOUNDER, GAS-FrSTEB, . . . : ...; [ LEAD MERCHANT, ,Ac., - - f J v] .-- - a,\ LITTLE OSOBQS 'B STREET, '¦¦

y r.' '- ¦ • • • : ' .• - i WATERFOSD:

Having purchased the Interest and Plant of tie late¦ .¦'¦¦ ¦ ¦ i;| ¦ : -.i •'Firm o f- ¦

| > •• M c L E A N AWD M o l N T O S H , "Enables mo to oxeouto all Orders entrusted to "jho asrOLUMBER. .BBASg: FOUNDER/ and .GAS-FIT-*S-/ - TEBJj'also Heating of Green-houses,"Conserva-tories,' and] Pablio. Buildings, on the most improvedprinciple, by the oiroulation of hot watori : . - • .'¦¦'' •I House:and:Ship 'Wattr: Closets '; Baths ; Lif t andFortePump t\ i Hy draulic Bams '; Qasaliers, Qas Beat-'ing, and Cooking Stoves always on hands.' ¦ ' [mh2.tfi; • ' ' ; | H U G H ;,Hol'Blit'i-; ?':> 'y 'K ¦

: ' 3, Little-Ge6rge'*-itreet;:Wat€Tford.


rriHE LADIES who cbnductea tbe SBEVANTS'-4- HOME in LiDT LANS, having;transferr«d theBusinoss to Mrs. WAXLIB; tho Servants' Registry Officeia;carried on, as heretofore, in the same Promises ;and Mrs. WALUs'avails of this- opportunity to veturnher best thanks for the largo patronago received by.hersince the transfer/i'r.'.-:. :j-> >-

¦•' ¦ ¦;: ' v- ':'• ¦ i • -••. ¦ < ' •- ¦¦: '

.'" »•> ».»¦¦•;-?

,-l&if No Servant! recommended before the strictestBorutiny is made regarding oharaoter. There »ro atpresent'disengaged, Cooks, Thorough Servants, Pjulanrand Housemaids; Butlers,' Coachmen; &o, .¦'¦: f f !B^m»'i C£r Then) are at present several vaoanaies for Cookiof steady habits'; House and Parlour Maids, Coaohmenand Pages, 4o. '« )¦•.¦:• [?¦'.!.•. •-.

¦¦-¦•«• i^'-.; -. • - '• . • ? ¦:¦:¦ -:.¦¦¦ ' .• -/f-i.i:/

M.R i B I L T O Ni i-PBOFESSOR OF-JtUSIC'•(jjj: Nuy::iS^;HgNHU!TTA STREET.'\'h.'¦%»:./ ", Torms/oii application. ',,.•; ;

'- ._ • r:. . ',-¦ id4-Smji-

'{£*-t 'AAi'fTO IlOO, obtaiaablo :;br:' in^qWJLVU,; . vesting, J61' to £20 In' BONDS payableto' boarori' with interest j CouTONa'attsched j in atfeas tho ENOLIBK FCMDS., Apply to ANTHONT ifELIX& Co., 27;;Bl8HOPBaATI-STBBKT, LONDON. ' • Iiu8.18t

<¦ : '"rTATERFOBDacbACH ; COMPANY! i !. .¦;.>: ,;¦: > .- .r 'f • -'- ¦Jvfe- rf ¦'• ¦ ¦» ¦- - '¦! .:¦

¦:> ¦ ¦•'¦ ¦. , ':;.v.^ : ', . '. : .< ! l

: :- !:v j<if»iB^|Ma cdwiAx/;';; !iCOACH BUILDERS -AND HARNESS MANUFAC

^—¦.v-'' r- .O \L- -- - ter,?>£-. TVBEB8f ri "i*>--'s . - - . ' .' . :i!'.ki e.: eCATHERINE STREET 'AND PARADE QUAY,

: : V - ,\:-i 'V:A::;VrWAXERFpRD, :;, ' - . . ;^if ".:u1 Build Carriages of vthecNewest Design and Finish,vK- '-'-'•• ":< >':j- i- ; ' v '4-^boihbining : .'•• ;¦'->: ¦ •'.' i'!-S- - ¦• ¦ ¦ ', . [ ' : '¦ :,'.. ' ELBaAKci, LlOHTNESSJ AUD D0BABILJTr. 'Ayvariety;of;ph»rton8;iSidei Cars, Dog ancl olo,i.- CartB, Croydens; 4c, will be sold reasonable, _-.Caxr s Stor^ BoughtjprSoldon commiaiipn.

: ^*i ffe A*e i .W w/:wij:>:;i;;. '-; n4!; -rFir8tf !;:cla»» SWortaaMwhlp::\ "andi; best "'<: •¦ Seiwoned^T.fe« -? .!tJ)ttWiia Gnar»nteed;-V;,;iV ~t- i' j 'iy ^^{ •H^B^EjVSlfM-.orp.ErE A,!C:1? :#];%<. Carnages K for ;iHir«^V», th j^op^onv.of i pw-chaae.


JIl.*BOim8.*-Tki»:m^a1'>oi»riorJ"d«1Mrl|4ion'of8OTl«fHOaPHATB*.6rvjWproT0d ;;B<>NKl]DUST

birtT^^BafclUteria iat wtal^^eO'per^ jt of]mEBsmsBB^&&sm^.Coin or (MM.LMd, M^ U obhtaint ftlio;* luftjjiepor-,Urto^^PHATB :-Tni.Uanciieil.nV*[aBmre,




• The MANAOEMENT has the honor to announcomWO GRAND EVENING CONCERT S asA above, by the following eminent LondonArtistes, viz:i MADAME CROSS LAVERS ... ... SOPEANO.

(New York Conservatoire),London, Bristol, Bath, Cheltenhan/and West of

England Concerts, &c.Miss HILDA WILSON ... „. CONTBALTO.

• ¦ - - (Royal Academy of Music).-London, Birmingham, Bristol, and Cloucester

Concerts, &c. .Mr. WALLACE WELLS „; TKNOB.

Sacred Harmonic, CryBtal Palace and Birmingham• Festival Concerts, &c.

, Mr. HENRY CROSS ... .„ BASS.(Prizeman National Music Meeting, 187G.)

Sacred Harmonic, Crystal Palace, St. James's riall,Covent Garden, and London Ballad Concerts, &c.SOLO PIANOPOBTE ... Mr. HUMPKBY J. STABK . -DIBKCTOB Mr. HENRY CROSS.


:FJL:RT X.1. Part Song, " On a Lake," (No. C,

Op. 41) Mendelssohn2. Song, " Love leads to Battle," JSuononcim

MR. HENRY CROSS.3. Bong, ¦ •• The Old, Old Story," Blumenthal

MISS HILDA WILSON.4. Song, . " Tbe Sailor Sighs," . Balfe

MISS WILSON AND MR. WELLS.5. Bong " She Wander'd down the

.: ¦ . - ¦ .. - ¦¦ Mountain Side," F. Clay* , - ; MADAME CROS.S -LAVERS. •

G. Bong, " Eily Mavourneen," BenedictMR. WALLACE WELLS.

7. Duetiino, " We Two," H. SviartMADAME CROSS LAVERS AND MR. CROSS.

8. Port Songs, a. " Ob! Fly with me,"(No. 2, Op. 41) Mendelssohn

o. " A Cold Frost came," 3, „c. " Over her Grave," 4, „

Interval of Five Minutes.DP-A-3EaT IX

1. Duet, " Maying," A. J. SmithMADAME CROSS LAVERS AND MR. WELLS2. 'Solo Pianoforte, a. " Melody in F," Rubenstein

s ¦ ' ¦ b. " Hungarian Dances," BrahmsMR. HUMPHREY J. STARK.

3. Ballad, " Twickenham Ferry," Marzials' MADAME CROSS LAVERS! -

4. Song, . " Tom Bowling," DibdinMR. WALLACE WELLS.

5. Trio, " Tho Troubadour," ' Macfarren.MADAME CROSS LAVERS, MISS WILSON

AND MR. CROSS.6. Song, " The Three Sailor Boys," Manials.

MR. HENRY CROSS.V. Song, " Darby and Joan," Jlfotloi/.

MISS HILDA WILSON.8. Trio, " Tbe Mariners," (I. Naviganti) Randegger.MADAME CROSS LAVERS, MR. WALLACE

WELLS, AND MR". CROSS.9. Part Song, " Good Night, beloved," Pinsuti.


1. Part Song, " Hunting Song," (No. 6,Op. 59) Mendelssohn.

2. Sonj, " The Bay of Biscay,"MR. WALLACE WELLS.

3. Duett, " Why answer thus demurely,"(Lo Nozze de Figaro) Motart.

MADAME CROSS LAVERS AND MR. CROSS.4. Song, "The Storm," Hullah.¦ MISS HILDA WILSON.5. Bong, " I fear no Foe," Pinsuii

MR. HENRY CROSS. .6. Duett, " Home to our Mountains,"

(Il Trovatore) - FerdiMISS WILSON AND MR. WELLS.

7. Bong, " Kathleen Mavourneon," Crouch.MADAME CROSS LAVERS.

8. Part Song, " Spring Song," ; . Pinsuti: Interval of Five Minutes.

:F_A.:RT n.1. Duett, " The Moon hath Raised," Benedict

MR. WELLS AND MR. CROSS.2. Sono, " She woro a Wreath of Roses," Knig ht. '¦ ': . MADAME CROSS LAVERS.3. Solo Pianoforte, " Gavotte in F," • Alma Banders

. . - MR. HUMPHREY J. STARK.4. Irish Bong, " Norab, the Pride-of •

Kildare," - J. Parry, senrMR. WALLACE WELLS.

6. Bong, " The Fiaherman's Wife," B. ToutsMISS HILDA WILSON.

6. Trio, "O Memory," LeslieMADAME CROSS LAVERS, MISS WILSON- AND MK. WELLS.7. Irish Melo dy, " Cruiskeen Lawn,"

i" ; - MR. HENRY CROSS.8. Quartett, "Let Erin Remember," Arrd. by Balfe.MADAME CROSS LAVERS, MISS WILSON,

I !;• ."¦; ME.' WELLS, AND ; MR. CROSS.!9. Part Bong, ". . Fisherman's' Good Night," Bishop.¦: TICKKTS.—Reserved Seats, 3s, 6d; Family Ticketsto admit 6, 16s. ; Private Boxes, 26s. to admit 8 jStalls, 2s. 6d. ; Pit, Is. 6d. • Gallery, 1B.

I Seats to be obtained' at HOWABO'S Music Ware-house; 03 Quay.

£30,000 TO LEND,IN. O N E OB M O R E S U M S


JL -BOILDINO SOOIETT.invite attention to the re-vised tables of tho Society,- under which unprecedentedadvantages are offered in; assisting persons io acquireFreehold or Leasehold prowrty. i . . - . . - . ' ;;, '.

-The Loans ore ropayablo by quarterly instalments,'according to the; following tables, whioh include Princi-'paland Interest : '.'•¦ :> i '¦ ' ¦' . ' ¦ • :vT. :¦: : '- ¦. -¦• REPAYMENT TABLES, -IBHKWIKO TBS QUABTERLY PAYMENTS JOB EACH ilOOI •'¦ ' . APVAMCBD'rOB THE PEBIOD8 8PKOITOCD. ¦

.¦,- - , ,-Tablel.". , : - ¦ . -: . : Xable3. • ; . .: -AppUoabloto Loanaon Feo. —AppUcahla to Loans on ...I ¦ ' • ' . ¦ Siapl» Property. ¦ , , . :.,leajehoU Property. "

'¦ NyeSr* I Amoa°t- I ^ye^ST0' i **°™*-' 5~ £5 16 0 '• ; 5 ~~- £8 2 9

: " 10 ' " : ' - 3 5 :0 . : l i: '¦•' '¦ 3 U- 913 . 2 8 4: - ' -.- ¦• 15 . , . 2 1 5 6

; '» ;' ¦= " •"¦¦« 0;8. ¦¦] ' X ;''¦ - "2 7 a

The costs attending a Loan are very low; and (pedal fadll.i ties are afforded for the completion of purohues through the•C OIIIU. 1 '--

¦' .' •¦• •• » • ,•? ;.- - V ' - ; .- ' ..: : .

¦ ..;

H ¦ ', '.'? '¦: DEPOSIT DEPABTMENT .'".: ->; :

,Tha present rate of .Interest (llowed.on Deposit EeceipU is, H per Cent, per-innnm...Special zates for fliodDepodti. '. .

.Current AooounU opened and check boolaiapplled;, --..ilntereitallowedontheinlnlmmnmonthlorbalinoe;,, . --

1 :Dopo«ltor» haretho following guarantoej.-rti.t—;', . . ,; Th* ntirt FMndt nutt, nndtrilu Uct of -ParUamnt.U in-'vf t td m Xorigagt of Fr4choUorX$iUtholiPr<mrty. ¦'¦ ¦ , ': Th* tof«l tmovtd 'TtuivabUmitmniU llmtUi p\j tin'Act oftwo-thirl *ofih * balance ia* to tKa Sotfety mi UXortgagu.'

i Tlie.PloapeetiwwdbTarjriliifojmfttfasD'mAjr'tw'liad, free of

, . , ( , : ¦ '^¦¦•-¦v.- ; .. w;5g>. T<ni>> . a»ciarato<itn«t.'Pnblfa.'A.; " ' " MATTHEW HOWiyiLocal Burrejor, >1 ' ; ' ..• , ': -.;:¦; f V^^ 5;:Ber«»for4-«tewt,Sr»ierf6rd. .

. The Society has' already adtasoed>!ov«r]£690j0°0 BUrliiiglon. mortg«Kc. - . : i4ij- -.1hii'i;»|*.'-.';'::y.C CwlO.flm., ¦•

' ;: .i- ' v:; j . ' : :.'tf m&v? f r i '¦ -f iM :ff ' ¦ : ':!\i .-;-.:r^ ¦ s- :ja gtt ^W^ r~[ y ^; •"'! - UMiQxrAiLiD- i'JiLl i^OT w&roB¦ \i'yM i i:V.';>'?:trWi-'a«'TT»»?6»-?fe jS:r :'Vi 3r'-i¦XliMn/lESuEdJlNVALIDS/lnfinitelyBuporior!iJD::i:?f;'tb'"imy:btheriaeiM-toitho.Pdbilo^«*-'i:i. <S!i-j ¦¦¦ • i! ;«v?; lit 'i*. -^ <i?iiJilii^:fe» ! -ivfe« \-.«) ;

^\'. ¦': OSTAJ D' THS^'FMBtMBl -bUB ti^;/

¦¦¦•^ :•-^i^/ • • *^ ¦<jBXHJBITr0lr;:188a.>g i:y^>i?;v ;/n^.;.:; ^^^s}- :.:;::;:; ^iifep?. !r;¦;. May l pptauwdv6fj»U|; rocers;: andtWiie i'

;<l '.;.j JIolfiMiS-%ithiw l|bai theV;Ob^¦ And Wholesale (in'.'WoOd and BotUe) from the»<


npKmSTJANTMwtMmW#» ClWary Divii]m»de i.< tlKB45«?.gf.

TUieKri»te of $ DAVID'p«,;



. Hon. Secretary to the late Art Exhibition.

AT the Meeting held on tho 19th AUOCST. 1879,in the Town Hall, Waterford, for the piu pose

of inaugurating a Testimonial to Aid. ST. U EOBG EFBKEMAN, J.P., Hon. Secretary tothclate Art Exhi-bition, the following amongst other resolutions vnsadopted :

Proposed by Dr. JR. ATKINS ; seconded by DAVIDKENT, Esq., T.C., and

" Rssolved—That ft Subscription List be nowopened ; that John N. Whito, Esq., T.C., be re-quested to act as Hon. Treasurer ; and that the Sub-8criptions be limited from One Shilling to. OnePound, in order that nil classes may have un oppor-tunity of testifying their appreciation of the servicesrendered to the Art Exhibition by the HonorarySecretary."

, ADDITIOKAL SUBSCKIPTVONS.Tho Earl of Bcssborongh ... ...£l 0 0Tho Countess of Bessborough ... ... 1 0 0Lady Camilla Fortescuo ... ... 1 0 0Connt Kdmond Do la Poor. High Sheriff of

tho County ... ... ... 1 0 0Rov. Robort Power , C.C., Goorge's-strcet ... 1 0 0Robt. T. Carow, D.L., Ballinamona Park ... 1 0 0Sir Robert Paul , Bart.... ... ... 1 0 0P. Barron-Nowell , J.P., John's-hUl ... 1 0 0Henry Villiera .Stuart, D.L., Dromana ... 1 0 0W. G. Hamilton, L.G.I., Fiddown ... 1 0 0N. Power O'Shco, D.L., Gardonmorris ... 1 0 0Augustus Smith, Sion Lodgo, Ferrybank . ... 1 0 0Thomas St. Leger Atkins, Bank of Iroland... 1 0 0Samuel King, J .P., Mount Pleasant . . . 1 0 0Colonel Mollan, C.B., R.M. ... . . . 1 0 0Dr. William Carroll, Lady lano ... ... 1 0 0Dr. George Walker, Bonmahon ... ... 1 0 0Rov. E. Norman, Rectory, Tramoro ... 1 0 0Riohard Harncy, Killottoran ... ... 1 0 0Richard Cooko, Cathorino-stroot ... ... 1 0 0Professor Cameron, Dublin ... ... 1 0 0Mrs. Camoron. do. ... ... ... 1 0 0James Dowling, Model Seho-jl ... ... 1 0 0Dr. Cavit, Borosford-stroct, ... ... 1 0 0Very Rov. Doan Morgan ... . . . 1 0 0Patrick Kent, solicitor - ... ... 1 0 0Dr. Alcook ... ... ... . . . 1 0 0Thomas S. Harvey ... ... . . . 1 0 0Joseph D. Lapham ... ... . . . 1 0 0Peirad Kelly, solicitor ... ... . . . 1 0 0Robert A. Egan, T.C. ... ... . . . 10 0Robert Locke & Co. ... ..: . . . 1 0 0Dr. Gcorgo T. Haro, Limorick ... ... 1 . 0 0James Gallwcy, J.P., Colligan Lodge . . . 1 0 0Thomas R. Whito ... . . . 1 0 0William Lloyd ... ... . . . 1 0 0Mr. John Malcomson ... ... . . . 1 0 0Mrs. John Malcomsoa... ... . . . 1 0 0John Phelan ... ... ... 0 10 0Mr. Wakefiold ChriBty... • ... . . . 1 0 0Mrs. Wakefield Christy ... . . . 1 0 0ThomRs White Jacob, J.P. ... . . . 1 0 0Isaac Thornton, Solicitor ... . . . 1 0 0James McDonnell, Inland Revenue ... 0 10 6Rov. J. Flcury, John's Hill ... ... 0 5 0Edward Roberts, J.P., Weston ... ... 1 0 0Rev- John Bourke, Kilmeoden ...• ... 1 0 0R. E. Brennan, Post Office, Dungarvan ... 1 0 0John Mullally ... ... ... 0 10 0Messrs. T. Cranfiold & Co., Dublin . . . 1 0 0Messrs. Ward, Brothers ... ... 1 0 0

Further Subscriptions will be received and dulyacknowledged by any Member of the Committee ;by the Mayoror hiB Secretary, at the Mayor's Office;by the High Sheriff ; or'by

JOHN N. WHITE, Hon. Treasurer,King-Street, Waterford


BEG to call tbe special attention of tbe Publicgenerally to tho


B O O T S A N D S H O E S ,Now on view at

36,. M I C H A E L . S T R E E T , WATERFOP.D.Please Note—TEBMS : CASH.

No SECOND PBICE. .'.. No CBEDIT GIVEN.$28" Particular attention paid* to Repairs. au29.1y


Apply to JAME8J. FEKLT, Solicitor, King-Street, .Waterford. ' : . ¦ : . • aul.tf


Farmers' Club Hooting in £iiuorick,. On 8UNDAY;Mst AUGUST, 1879.


August, a Special Train, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class, willrun as.follows t - ¦• ¦ . - : ¦ : ' :

Leave' 'Watorford at 7.0 a.m. \. Fiddown, 7.25 ; Car-riok, '.7.35. Fares :• .1st olass, 7s. ; 2nd, 4s Cd; 3rd,3s. Kilshoclaa, 7.50 a.m.; Clonmol 8.5. ; Cahir,8.35. Fares : 1st, 6s; 2nd, 3s 9d; 3rd, 2s 6d. Bansha,8.55 ; Tipporary, 9.5 ; Limeriok Jnnotion, 9.20 ; Oola,9.30; Pallas, 9.45 ; Dromkeen, 9.50 ; Bohor, 10; arrivein Limerick, 10,30 a.m, i i. . ...

Single Fares for Doable Journey.RETDBNIKQ -from Limeriok at 6 p.m., and reach

Waterford about 10 p.m; • ;These Tickets will bo available by the Special Train

only. No half - Tiokets will be issued. Return' Ticketsat Singlo;Fares will bo issuod betwoen the IntermediateStations at which these Trains stop.

JOHN ROBERTS, Traffio Manager.Traffic Manager's Office , Limerick Torminus, '' . ¦ ¦¦:¦ August-20th, 1879. .


• . (Did Bails for Sale.THE ;Directors of the iabove Company are pre-

pared to receive TENDERS for tbe purcbasoof ¦ about :1,000 TONS OF IRON BAILS, lyingalongside' Company's Wharf at Waterford. .. Full particulars and form of Tender can be had

from , the undersigned, who -will receive Tenders,properly ".endorsed; as such, up to and inclusive ofWEDNE8DAT, 10th proximo.- : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ : ¦

' ' i^' " , M. J. KENNEDY, Secretary.. , Head.' Offices, Waterford Terminus, au22.2t'! '•! .i! -:i ! ' ¦'; 21st August, 1879. ' ' . • . . .TEHDE-aS FOR IBON BAILIHG


for th'e" EB tCTION of. about 132 Yards of IRONBAILING"jok ; the" NEW. QUAT. Specifica pns andparticulars an'ay be obtained on application to theunderaignea, -• ¦• - .- ."- » •" . ¦ • .¦. •• : . ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦"'Te'niors to" be lodged on or before SATURDAY,13th1 . Sfeptetttber. next. The ;Waterford HarbourConuninicnier8 do not bind themselves to accept theIoweBt,7n'6rniiy Tender. . ' ; . . '. ''. - , . 'V'-'i:ii^|'.

:- Yii«i ;W: C. ; ALLINGHAM, Secretary:-TBallaBt Office , Waterford, . - ¦ ¦• ¦

•;:''.;:,;22nd'Angust,'1879. . / - . ' . .' It- WATZBFOCD -' AHD CENTBAX, . IBILAND AND

. lifKiiixBinrr JUNCTIOK .RAHWATB. ;. r \m; i i $v<;- ; : \-±-r : ¦¦¦ . / • / • ::• :¦ - . •

. ,.;,}.Tranioro Annual Eegatta. . ,rflUE8IU,Y>' 2nd i SEPTEMBEB.-r-On the above•X i day,'RlrBt; Second, and Third Class'BETURNTICKBT8j»trSIrTGLE FARES.x.wiU .be: issuedfrom all StitioUB to Waterford by the 7.30 a.m. and8.40•alni/Down.TrainB, available foie the day only.: ^ril^WILLIAM .WJLLUMSr.Secretary/;Heaa'Offlc^ a ord TeiminnBiAagpstr27.%'TO.;

4»^Mqp ifl/JJ(r<hi,M'arriajM,an4D<al(i»,m»i(t«iv-e )oi4

-jAt fS-liJJMl-if:. - Jp;f'-J" !-A;:«J ™ . «i:.- .: -- .'.ri :- - '.:>i - ¦¦¦¦¦' ¦. '-¦ Anguft 34,-iit her residence, lady-lane,. toe wife of th»'BlghfeWowalipfal Aid. a LtMaokesy, 113., Mayor of Water-

AiiiufcStVjV mSiowe-rood, Shepherd's,iBikn- londonVWfsvtMjMii'ot'/obnA..CondOD; E»q.f ot. a dangnter. :¦¦-> :: AofMiI4,*tFoTerat^

wn P«m«gB9i aonmeL tha>JaotJohn -B«tleri,lE«q4tJJfj> >f'IPiiniBTii. .oo.^Kllfcwiny, of a.

• Onil7thIak.A*UiaJ£aoa«,f>PortUif,the wifeof the Eer.W/XiS^Kebyc M-A^?PariihtMlnUter. of Bfatay,Orkney,-• On J0U^5ft.J««rine,co:lJiB«rkk, th« wifeof Eobert

-At jO*)isw»«o%¥Umerick. tlie?wU»:<>t.' iniaia Leahy,mmmmmmmmm*pnnuM^Mif snrjwrvrvgnneu, uuu., Army jnenical Deprt-

" A (8&P»ti?^*SaS•nr«tlWilllm;;A^uier»ott;:BJ^^to

Joi^ f; *UH.VE^^W<»<Bairt.-:oo,-CUre> toiDUnB.

MMM MMi ^^

BPKVNn liftgR¥Jff fflrfir9 nX9P*ft$WVj'X»P£*urad.'

WATE11F01W MARKETSWaterford . August 2DM», 1870 .

BLACK OATS-Only one smoll p iroel offered this »eekMAIZE—Dull , at a decline o! »1.WHBAT-Dull.FLOUR—Firm.

¦J. & -S. PHELAN

P R I C E S C U R R E N T . ^IH1SH.

~ Old! :

WHEAT," i>cr barrel of jUlLs. . "s.~

d.'~8. ~ (i8 ~ji "~,'—.-

- Whito - - - W O t o . O '.CO o'toM «- Hed .- - - - ( W u uo «vo u w n— fahi[/iung- do - - iv 0 0 000 o SiBAKr.EY, pcr uuirel ofi>llb3. . ¦ °° •

— UrimlLis ¦ - - CO 0 00 ,,(*) 0 ( O n— MaltuiK - - WJ 0 uy 000 u U! °OATS, i*r barrel of lUOlls u °° 0

— Black - - - • 'JO 0 00 OK n , c- White - - . .* U $ UM S IH , ¦- Urey . - - ft) U W 000 n m. *

1'LOUU, lKjr iick. or 2801bs. >I1H ° ° «- Supcriinea - - - :;5 0 36 duo 0 no— li:t^rior» - - - 31 u a> (ijo o f^ „

OATifEAL. porS^k - - 30 0 si 0W 0 WBKAN . perCwt. t o 4 « o O ,.. °i-01-bAUL.do. - . - .; ¦ 5 O _ JJ. U_«_SJ JrOKEIGN. " ". FBt£7-

WIIHAT , i'or burro! of -JSOlbs. v ~,i — American Siiriii;; ¦ ¦ - . j k «'.. J; "— Kcd Winter old . . . . "4 I t0 S «— Red Winter new W 0 no— Ghirku, Tujfuiiroif, "ud Odessa . .a 0 "i 2— Ibnul DO n m S

ND IAN CORK , Yellow, Odessa and Galati -U 6 K r,— — Ibniil and 1'oxoniau (old) .0U 0 on n- American Old - - -13 9 li 0— — Do. New . . . is a li 1!— - Uauubian Old - . :-W 0 00 0

FLOUR. American, per barrel of 196lbs - I'oo 0 no 2INDlrAKfetSeaVpef k I £ 8 g

_ _ ( Home Manufacture, per > | , .I suck, of 2801ba. ;|15 ° 16 0

Imports and ixporls for ueek ending Tkunda.i 2SHiIHPOJtTS. EXPORTSIndian Com....i5100 Quarters. Indian Corn —bnart .„Wheat IC71 do. . Wlicat -XrM."Oat« _ do. | Oats _ ""rrclj.

Barley — Sacks. ! Barley "."" _ 4*-Fl0« { ^ Bar^s. j Sfe-r-" 8

^JIcaL lo Sacks. | Indian meal ... _ ^

(Corrected this day for the Walerford Niw t).PUOVISIONS.

BACOX Pios, iwr cwt. — - C0s. 0d. to618 mblKAKS UO. - - (il 0 (fj 'oFELT do. — — -j o in uIU-ADS do. 24 " * oSciura do. — _ 4) 0 « 11LARD (cUandlcr/B) — — ( w o 0 n

BUTOHEES1 MEAT.So -per-lb. Z Z *<f '" «..»^K = Z °o 86 l \Pen., per ib. . . -„ - 0 0 °

9 lI'OTATOES.New, i>cr stono — — iw f.>,i .„ n_ o.

Old, i«r atone - - 0 0 0 0BEEAD. °

WJIITB, per libs. - - Os. 5R to 0s «HOOSEHOLD, per do. — — 0 0 o nWHISKEY. °

COJILIH , per gallon - - 19s. Od.lo -iOs.MCon*, puncheon, - - u 0 id 0OLD CO.IK, gnllou, — — m u nn JP I S H.NEWf-oouDLAMD. por cwt. - - iys. Od.to 2hj.OJHERElsaa, per barrel — — ii u n oSAIMOH, per lb. — _ 0 0 0 0PKAL, per do. — — 0 0 0 0SOLE, per do. — — i ¦> 1 •,TURDOT, per do — — 1 3 [ J

FOWL AND EGGS.CnicKKS.pcrpair - - :is. ChI. lo 4a.0JTurkej-s, per pair . — — j;> « H ODocKS.pcrpair — — s o " sEnus, per la) — — 6 6 y 0F°WL. l«r pair - _ _ - __ 3 0 i 0

SOAP AND CANDLESWHITE, per cwt. — — 2 . od to 2ls. MBROWK, per do. — — 20 11 a 0MOULD, per dozen lbs. — — 5 0 6 0DIPT, per do. — — 5 3 5 3

WOOL AND HIDES.HOOOBT WOOL — — O3. 10d. to 0s OdWRUEB & EWE — — « 0 0 0SSIN WOOL " — — 0 8 0 0HIDES, per cwt; — 22 0 22 0KIPS, per lb. — —• 0 2 0 0CALF, per dozen — — 2G 0 00 4

TIMBER.£ED PINE per ton, - - 53a. Od. to 6>X M.YELAOW PiNK iwr do. — — W O 70 uSTAVES, per 1000 — — W o 70 0TJATUS, per do. — — 12 0 13 0

C O A L S .COILS, per ton — — 13s. 0d to Ua. Od.COKX, por do. — — 13 0 00 0

. l'0DDE2 AND GREEN CEOPS.HAT, per ton (old) — — 65s. Od. to 70s. Od,

Do. (now) — — « 0 « 0STCAIT, wheaten, per do. — — So 0 60 0

Do., oaten, per do. — — 35 0 *0 0XDBHIPS, per do. — — 00 0 00 0MAJTOOLM, por do. — — 00 0 OJ 0 •CAEBOTS, per do. -v. "" t. OC 0 .


¦ EXTENSiyiO AND ATTEACTIVE SALE : ¦;. ;.Of the ENTIRE PLANT used in the Construction;oj:;

The Waterford and Dungarvan Railway. . i::Subscribers have received instrnctions from Joinr

ABHWELLi Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, ««:•¦MONDAY, SEi-TEMBEE 22nd, 1879, at-hit*Yard, ' ' _ .'V%\;

THE ENTIEE VALUABL.E PLANT ugedVi jtbe Construction of the Line, Comprising 6jjj

Wheeled Controctor'a Engine, 2 years in use j;Cfe¦Wheeled Single Engine, 25 Horse-Power ; Pdrtabto^Engine, 10 Horse-Power ; Portablo Do. Doubts!Cylinders ; 6-ton Traction Engine, (Aveling andj,'Porter) 6 -ton Trucks for do.; 101-yd. Contrwite'^Earth Wagons, 10 3-yd. Contractors WaggoM,l£20x9; Stone Breaker (Blake), 1 23 x 9 r*i:(Archer); 1 6in. Plunger Pump, to lift 70 feet Com-;i;plete ; 1 4-ton Timber Carriage, 2 6-feet Mortor i!MLUa complete ; 1 Percussion Eock Drill to ;Bpre tiinches in diameter ; 1 Air Compressor and Eeceiyer;'for same. The Iron Work and Chains coinplete ol-.a'4-ton Scotch Crane; the Iron Work and Chain* bf.ia 2-ton Scotch Crane, Screwing Tackle, Iron. *B4i'Brass Polly Blocks," Iron Smiths' Hearth.Pair, 'double Blast Circular; Bellows, Anvil, Smiths'Tods-!A. quantity of Picks; Hammers, Drills, Bar*;'*;,":quantity of new Iron and Steel Corrugated tem:Koofing ; several tons of 18 lb. Steel Bails, 8,1;;:Horse Carts ; 4 Valuable Horses,' 15 Wheel-Barii-(5ws ; largo 'quantity- of Planks nnd Timber;\'jWooden Cireuiar Saw Table, 0 Circular'S»wi» IsPlaning and Mortising Machine, (by Eansome),;.Eoversible Croyden, 1 Spring Float.. CatalogueiiWith full particulars can be hod on application Irom'the Auctioneers. ' • • : ¦ ; '¦.¦' : ;K'

Sale at Twelve o'Clock. Terms Cash; : !j '- '--J^WILLIAM SMITH & SON, Auctioneers ;};'43, Michael-street and 'Lady-lane, ;

Waterford, Atigust' 32nd, 1879.. ' .'-'anS&Si^




Of ¦ :' ¦ .";'-? i .:'i

. Farm Implements and Machinery, liti ¦: ,

¦' : : ¦ ¦: ' ¦ ¦¦:- SEEDS, etc. . -.'

:;'• " ¦*¦.?:£

iWILLIAM SMITH & SON wiU SellbyAUCTiOHJ^;; on "MONDAY; 8thi SEPTEMBEE,:i879A*t;ir(i8.ji;

, 35 and 86 KING STBEET, and at the STOEBS --j;sLITTLE PATEiqiC.STEEET, .- ¦ ; :!>:i |i-rpHB vbry extengivo STOCK" in TR£D^7't&>)X : Messrs.V'POWEE & COTTEE,, who;~i»pdissolving Partnershipi'compriBing :" "'' ¦K 'kV^r Two jSelf-deLirery 'jBeapers, by VVoods, '3 . Singlf^ll.hqrse Eeapere, by fiomsby ; Ono-Horsa Eeapfflf;"? >floods), 1:- Belf-delivery Eeapcr, 4 HornsbyjSXj^(Mower, and Eeaper.' (TBurgess.4 XayJ;:iM6wer.s;snnd vEeaper, . [Keogh]; ¦ 3 : l Horse , EeapaVi|(Hornsby);' 2-Horse| Eeapcr and Mower/ (Wdoatf tf cH OKirby Combined 'Mower, 1 trebla torttog peal. di;Sto/ :]r w(!ocb :&:;Barv:25.I««t« Si |.i9iM^''eoml^odhfl Ipen-^ '''SIie( -:f prt i[p%};jWilliam? ¦ & >8on," Pioksley; Simma A\Co.jWm«oa,?*McGregor,•>and other makerB);" 27'"''CliUK'Ct ptS^same makers; 13 Donble'Monld Board Wfieel'Mpaonmg/.aai- wc6d -beamed .PlStighi.-bjrVltciirft© 'Ban8ome8; 8imms," »^:Denning.&Ca>^Ctoffife:¦B<4ife> .Trtrt*iVi- SAin^V /TA n':-piTir.i ir/T»«T«iVoi>V>i;Slttifting-Chairi-Pump.-. by'Mum^ ®J0«*^Bruisers,- lrGrass:Seed^Sower.anda^nkniora'Mg;Seed Diatributof;. Wheatop s ,FatdntV(bT:f'Bn»ttlSIWaggon VWorknT- Co.) " Lawn- Mowers,- -.6un«ttvJlS*gf-.WeightsM. Uenning's" Hay Tedder.jr^Kbi j'MjBimiM? Horse Rake with geaf and leyorjbnfriS.wK^KThreBhing"!Drwii;rBeadin{r L^^worl»ti?Wtpea)M#innojfing.MacWnea, 3 Skslefett ad witK'lW JiM

l°CiienmberATb6d u'mi»r;'l'1. teBb. Si^ iHp|^Macbiiipirip: 'Mti^Winiwwlng rMaootiia i^WltffltM8Jsets of Threahing Machine do.V 2 Qrii la UP Ifcy PJckBley, Chum B«rrelfli two.'tirij ;Thre«li«»PJg|tturoy/, iChaniirig GeaM/DenniiWi'CfSf'Jl^S^R*3iud«Fb>l -Throttgbij- 12:.TuiTj1p*aie$^ MFraljici^with: Boilers sanJBciesTifjiMfe p M !¦ itu.Cha ji Moving a tta&mentfgiM«i« .fftEMScieliT%:i e^mi/sSes'ana eigTiiB%I it^

, %biM; iT^ achcb.CSoyth"es;.J J|*&«S^j lb iShov8l8; ;larg8\and 8aiaU;<>)UD |ei^^^tnd Soalesi -tfatent ij-Sedd nS6wrM5CM*Q«^


I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ I

.¦¦. •¦'- . DuAgorvaa Bazaar. ¦ ¦¦' .• . .

i The following ut the 'Winning Numbers — 11273 , 3180 •¦ 720G v 4014 I ' - MUD 1890

f : 87U0 3273 ; 1G12 '¦ 7099 f - 751 2015V> 2754 > 4654 • 818* \ 2857 4 1100 7275 "-.i- -;255 6951 -"•¦ 3428 ! 2656 -.5636 7725 ' -. 8890 5536 2089 > 1903 3261 1732 '

1 , - 2949 7199 ! 1737 3130 1 278 - 9182,"• '.9742 : 5444' - C904 I 13G9 r 348 6366

> 7977 ' 2494. 8185 i 8103 ! 1211 2005\ .2465 ¦• .- 497 5687 "I 4723 j -¦ 3060- .' 8039

8398 15550 7243 I - 8 6 5 3- ' 7047 6917 . 'I 5123 . 1308 3050 I 7268 ! 401 2090', 1749 : 1677 2185 i 2622 755 3266i 8024 ; 3272 6740 i 1818 i 1765 4705¦ 6845 S14(J 9732 I 1761 I 3815 5561i 1351 83G8 30 I 791 I 6916 3141 >•i 7390 7121 8643 i 8657 I ' ¦ .- 281 6897I 8878 0407 7973 ' 1173. i¦ Winners -will please forward tho WinningjNumbor tothe Siatora of Morcy as soon as convenient, and sayhow they wiU havo their prizes forwarded. I

! tjort jiTwsh-^assaflfl¦I j . -. A R R IY E - 1 > .¦; SWh-liimerick;1 «,' MUfotd; ;t j 'Sea VieW, Liverpool-Boss, cods j Eeddiffo, Newport, coal« ; Eovar, Newport-coals i Cosmopolitan, Con'-'T. coals; William Patrick, Kow-.pcrt, ootis. : - . . - . . . .; •. SSth-fiVoltnre, s. iinford, g cj Z«pnyr, s, Brlstol.g e ;

Wary Dx\\n, Newport. Cork, coals j Chase, Cardiff. Arthurs-.town ; OMOIIO, Cardiff. Boss, ooats, Eetrel, Ne iport, Cork,coals } prasa Muter, Newport, Cork,'coals i JaVa, Canton,Uawriek ' salf y Victory, Newport, 'Cork, cools : AnnieJ*one, ,»«wport, 'Bandon, ooals; Agses Louie., Nowpoi t,Tr«l«e,l6enieut. •: ¦

' ¦. - . ¦•• ; ¦¦ i - I

26th—Portland, s, Glasgow, go i MiHord, s, afford, g o ;Kegin»M,s, Llrerpool,eo. , ;' 27th—JSaroholm, a, Liverpool. . Boss, g o ; AVicMow, s,Glasgow; g o ; .Vulture, »,-MAford, g c.; |' ' ij ; S A Ili E D' . ' . ' . ;¦ Stth-jHnford, s. M-lford, go: EUon, Qork, cofla j Albion,Cork, ooals. ; : ; '¦ • . ;¦ 25th-4Zepb/r, s, Iarerpool; g c j Boath, Nowp >rt, ballast ;Limorlck, «, Milford, go. ¦< ¦ - I - % . I ¦ i¦ 36th-fMat0da Buck, Ljdney, ballast ; ifoJJiiornaeon,BorUnhjoad, iron| LUIev. s, Newpoit, ballast )JFortland, 8,Qlasgow.g c ; lora, s, Bristol, g o ; M ford, «, 3 UUord, g- o jinectraJCardiff, ballast, ' ; • '. . . ¦ ¦< > ' - ¦ ¦- 27th—Reginald/ a. Llterpool, go; Belliughu i," s, Cardiff,tnllast ii Wickkrtr. w , Glasmn, g o t 'Waterford, a, Mllfora,;«l Naioy, Cardiff, ballast ;.i:' J

j : LOCAL BAILWAY TRAFFIctFor. Wetk Enainj FBWAT, AUGUST 22n I. 1679.

! ,'Watorford Atbenry I I ¦. Kllkennj-I and ¦ and . I Waterfordi JunctionI Limerick Eunix I and Kil- Eailwny,(141* miles. (36 miles kenny . (31 (28k milesI ; open). I open). ,milesopan) open).

_ i £ s. d. . £ a. d.' : £ B. d. £ e. d.v.isscBgore. . i

Sarcels,4c lS10 a0 0 74 17 0 - 2H 4 » 120 i 0Gooo«(qattleH73 12 0 t2 U 0 Uaj'6 s| 85 2 1¦ Total JV ... 2584 3 0 1C7 8 0 ! 683 U 3 Q

~SOS 6 1

Corresplding ; Rwoek lart 7r.|21£2 2 0 187 17 0 j 747 11 9|| 183 1 5

WATBEFOED Bin?TEE| MABKET. .ifum*ei- «/>Hn» wtiahed at the Publ ic ButUr MarM.• ¦o J°i." «»<K»9 Friday ftMt ' dayj'and bricc*.&turdar. N_ eJl- - . 83s.; (H. to- 9 s. 0<LMondaj, , -; 171 . _ ; 84sJ Od. to 9 s. M.^ ¦li ~ \.° - oos. 1 oa. to ' oo». oa.Wednesday- Ki _ ; 85s. j Od. to 3v. Od..Thursday,. — S» _ 86e. Od. to l08s. Od.¦ ^ ft.- -J~ 9 , - , 00s. Od. to 000s. Od.No. of Piliiiis corresponding-«.eok last year 1132Price per cwt ¦¦ ¦¦ .¦M4s.; 0d. to }2<Sa. Od.


¦ i f ? TOB THB CUBBKNT WIBBT.; :-FOKDES.—The supply oontinuea Urge, a id indeed,

eicoptionally so, ooneidcring the seaaoli with which wotxe fieitod. ¦Tho qoality is fair, and prioos' are in thegame"proportion. Best quality Hay on yeafe 'day wentnp to 42i.' and secondary, 35a. por ton. . Ow ng to tho.rains at night tho supply waa not BO largo as formerly,bat still Hay wag nraoh looked after, the demand tellingmuch against the season. : . ! M ". BICOM.—Thoro is sot any material chango in Bacon.Bent American Bacon stands at from 78s. to! 0s. f.o.b.,and Bacon Pigs at 60s. to 61a. por cwt. ': POTATOBS.—Tho quality of Potatoes to o r market

is free from blemish despite tbo reports ' in {ither dis-tricts, of:blight. They ore large, ana particalorly olean,and at th« latest dato (yeatorday) oola at frotn 6{d. to8d. por atone. ¦ • f • • : | ' ¦

! : ••: '; '¦ ! TO CORRS8PONDSItTB.: j' Commnnicatiens, w hether ;adTortiscmcnts!or ,otherTfuo.'aronot soro of insertion when receives only onFridays.- . : , ; ;|

¦; .[ . .


•' ;.¦¦' J ' MOON'S CHANGES. '

' l^Vteet |n ay7^^New Moon;... Sunday, ; ,, W ..-• 810 p.m.First Quarter Sunday, ;. „ 24 3.12 p.m •

• Foll MopnJ...; Sunday, j „ 31 ...... 5|J8 p.m

iffpie f: lete.. : ' !|

" ','ilK JUST, Ajro'FsUSj KOT."... . - . I

PElbAY.' : EVENINCr. 'AUGUSr 20. 1879' ;.


¦- - »- ;-. i :-T- : -^;;, . It gives us the highest pleasure to olist rre that'

the estiiijato; of the merits ofj Alderman FJ BEMAN,J.P., to which we have given expressioi in nrg-isg hisj claims to a handsome', iestirno lial,. arefuBy aiuued .in byjil classes of the con munity,a%is amply shown B tho ihignly repre entatiracharacter of the second 'Buibscription lit t, ¦whi<ih'wejubliBh thia evening, arid infwhicn,' is n.thefirst, will be found names of gentlemen T ho8e re-,Joyaition of merit any man might be J frofcof.He commit toe,-we tbinkj most wisely ;||mgconfined the mazimamsnbscriptaonto'on i pojrAljhave-th'ereby. given' all-classes on [opp jrtunityoff'shbVing their appreciation.! of; the serricearendered by Alderman iXSEEAN, p.oi oniy m uu^capacity as Hon. Secretary to'tie.'. An EihibL'tion, but as a good andlnsefnljcitiien, a kind-buartedand generous friend,; and in hi vprofes-sionalciigagementa onc^bd

is held in tit qighestesteeni and respect—in all of wtich'cap: cities anopportunity is now afforded to aU. tHose who de-Bxro to' flhovr they ; value his desserts; aad'thobest wsj to do that is to dqut.quicil ¦; as thecommittee, are determujed to cloce the i abee'rip-'tion list at 4;he earliest possible' rhomen .•!;';:;., "¦ onrTeport

of the'meelingjheld.to promote

this Testimonial, it should have been sti ted thatthe Mayor had. received leijterslof apok zy (fromSirBOBT. J.PArajBart.nadMr PdB:! IBWKIJ,;both of whom'regi ted ttcW'inabniw'to'.ati•»«-;> .. »),,» j,iuf to" bo -Dresent at7C&ll»haneSessions:in an important"Jcase ' ,'Sir WOBKET;PAUL writes:—'' Pleaso j put : my naitne lenm <towhatever, yon '¦ arrange as to''ft testin onial.'to.Alderman JPBKBMA .": ;Mr.-N/Bwiii. yt rife«>p" I consider Mr; FBEEITAN deserves thi 'markedthanks {of all : members; of thfi'fcpmmn xit « forloB valnaWc BerriceB in (Vmnection With the^ArtExhibition. .; As far 03 I am jconoerna iiTahallbo gla'djto: join anjrinovepent tp eip 5eB|i>onrrrecognition of his great and anccesafnl ifforte."Gonnt 4B •PosB,tf initai t6''ffiff 1O tj 'BigSgherMci from T :'0K h l j i;t~ 'yil!!"11most .glndly bbcomo^cnoiof ithe'-tubei nbenC'Aaid the Hon. D. F ;FoRTK8otJx; in)i«en ling-thesubscription of Lady OAMatAiFoBTK f Otnlia'aaditibn toVhis'roifnlVwri^^^ Iratn glad'ribBele thht the ihoyeri?enthosbeen-Wcll ti ennm.'.'

; B.(B.1BEi^An;jDtthga>y *&>)(a aing i. hi | bfcripU6tt, omps e«,i wj^ }iajla|ir>(

ing'admiral let^ VT^ i iJi'S&SR i cjjwihf

' I ?.'.::;.!iv-:;vi^ ty.;j i*:W l a5SifB *j imP&

tHbotionlto the t«timinn«l>:tO'-Aia*rmjut Sfefawrftj-F^wunan.'. Thapwpleot-.WaierfoTdwonltl .jr»«fa»-

: iagratitnao if they neglected to iMHvS t JMration

' ¦ j t M.\J ju \t *¦ % si i it £& *j f * 1 ^B( ' at VF ¦ vY d i A wkifls 1

ta/ kT

i'VBB fe j Sh*k£aM8V^ Vai)^V

• * b« wall;for,tho rr nl(j;of;iwlajj4jU.'ttl»bti U» arrpMi

• . wpnld.be to: create -ana torttr a. U«t»J[dit«iii ajgiatrif--;: : tare, and.thui fonn't»«to« tUW»*flaa*si** ut&*M

1 ~ ' jj L'fi^ TvXjF ssnr6 wG VXOSJBIUCFW ' yQa i 9VDvJc r BrWpsjsjtB*M Dl# 3vt^& X3S*i

'I ' . '- 1 ! l* :;j:>iir!v ^'' .- ¦¦¦¦ •¦* ¦¦-- '¦ -lw ^ t«i;»4i«3 ii> wt 'Jtro '4^

concern.*'/, The!circular convening the - meet-'ing, ''after;stetibg the' deficiency, added:that

mtherto_the' directors iiad paid the , dividends inadvancer in anticipation of the sums received bythe company from the county andfeity of Water-ford as the result' of the baronial /uaranteo; andthey werahowreluctantly c<>mpefied to state it¦would be impossible in future'to'obntinuo to doBO. There was, a large' attendance, and Mr.:ABEAHAM DKNHT, J.F., chairinan of tho com-'pany, occupied the chair. ' The chairman made astatement of considerable length explaining theposition of the company, and showing that tho'deficit had arisen mainly from undcr-estiinateof the cost of cpnBtructing the line, for whichthe board wero not fairly responsible, inasmuchas they, acted upon the statement* submitted tothem. Jt was necessary, therefore, that a sumof £125,500 should ] be raised to dischargo theliabilities, and no revenues being available tomeet the sum of £5;000 required yearly to pay4 ner cent: interest on: the-snm to be en raised.the . directors suggested that' the holders of thecompany's share capital,of je280,000 should agreeto charge their dividend of 6' per cent, per annumderived from the baronial guarantee with the pay-ment of that JE5. 0 0 0 : ; - : . : ; , .

A 'lengthened' discussion took place, in whichMajor -Burrowes, Dr.; Eeynett, Mr. M'Cldlan, ofGlasgow 5 Mr. William Findldter, Mr. Croiton, Mr.Hughes, Mr> Fitxgcnld '¦. (of Messrs. D. ivnd • T.Fitzgerald), ; and Mr.1 iEdmond Power, took part.The last DAmed'gentlemail, dealing.witB the ques-tion from a shareholder's point of view,', expressedhimself hopefully as to the future prospects of theundertaking if the present difficulty was got overby mutual co-operation, and forbearance.

The position of-the preferred as contrasted withthe deferred sharcholdors was diBouBsed, but uponthe whole a marked desire to co-operate with thedirectors in relieving the line from its difficulties,consistent with maintaining whatever special rightsthe preferred shareholders had, was manifested, andfinafly,' on the motion /of Mr. WiUiam Findlater,seconded by Mr. Eichaid Keane, a resolution passedappointing a committee'of -shareholders to take theopinion of counsel as ifi their present position andrights, and to'confer mth the diroctoiB as to thebest course to pursue under existing circumstances,and to report to an adjourned meeting.- The follow-ing committee -was appointed to act under thtresolution :—Major 'linrrowes, ' Messrs. RichardKeanei "William Findlaier. T. Y- Hughes, Simms,and Dr. Reynett; Messrs. D. and T. l itrgeraldwere appointed solicitors to this committee. . • .

A vote of thanks to ilie'fhairman for his conductin the chair, and to Mr.: Eduiond Power, solicitor;for explanations he had: rfven as to the position ofthe company, terminated the proceedings, a detailedreport of which, it was arranged; should bo sent toeach4f tho shareholders. . ' .


Thirty-eight of the forty members of theTown Council, assembled in their Chamber onyesterday for the purpose of electing a BoroughTreasurer;- in room ' of Mr. J. DKLABrrrHTT,M.F., whose Btate of!health compelled him. toresign, after ;a .faithful and useful service ofthirty-Beven years. The voting lay between twogentlemen, solicitors, and resulted in Mr. PAT-KICK KENT being elected by a 1 vote of twentymembers; his'opponent, Mr. J. J. FEELT, ob-taining eighteen. - This is the fullest vote- weremember; in a uartei-

of a century's experience,

being recorded in that Council on any occasion—not excepting the most heated of contests lorMayor:: Some .'years 'ago, when the late Capt.JOHNSON and llr. CHABLKS NETTPOET werecandidates, for Ihe': office , of Mayor, -the fustday's contest ended in a tie; each having seven,teeh votcs ; and'though an'odjoarnment tookphice,1 matters' became; ho better. ' ti order tosettle tho difficulty thus created/Aid; LAIOB, thethen out-going . Mayor,, declined to yoto .foveither, and thus remained in office another year.We never knew, eighteen to be a beaten numberuntil yesterday. ':'; It isj gratifying to'add, and wedc so with the greatest pleasure, that the best ofgood feeling was shown on all sides .throughoutthe contest, that no bad humor was'anywhereended,"as it shouldvbe, in a"gentlemanly spiritamongst gentlemen. \ Wo feel confident that inhis new, position, tho newly-appointed BoroughTreasurer will prove" HmseU a most zealous. andattentive official; giving satisfaction to the Cor-'poration and the public generally. ' •;¦ . ¦

' .THE ST.DOMnttCk'S'iNDUSTEIAI, " -• : ., SCHOOtS* BAZAAE, AVATEEFOED.' The bazaar in aid of the Industrial Schools of St.Dominict, Manor, Waterford, was held in the Town

: Hall, on. Wednesday .and yo'aterday, and although;the weather on1 the opening morning : was vtryunfaroorable; still as tho day wore'on, tho elements

j became brighter, and with that .change the attend-ance' at the Bazaar rapidly increased. • On yesterday

I the rooms wereWell filled, and last night the crowdI became so great that, motion was a matter of muchdifilculty. , However, oil seemed to' enjoy the crushthoroughly, and the throng, continued tul tho'dos-;ing hour. Stringed instrumental mnaic by the Wa-'torford Artillery Staff, Irfndly lent: for the • occamon|by the courteous adjutant; Major Cuffe, contributedmnrii to the pleasure of the Bazaar, and last even':jing the.musical programme ym a; agreeably diyersi-'fied^bj the playing of. Corporal.G. Hamilton onthe}>armqiuum.,',|We nava' much and sincere pleasurein saying that 1 we scarcely remember a rcore sue-,cesaful bazaar on the whole, adding that the arrange-:menta were admirable, jind thoroughly carried: outby the committee; The numerous decorations whichWere lent for, the occasion by the Marquis of Water-:.ford,-with his lordship's usual courtesy; added not a]little to tho brilliant appearance, of the room. ) Thedesigns were' carried out by Mr. Miohael Manning,.assUtediby the ladies'presiding aVtbo,tobies, and;»e congratulate theuiion the.exquisite,tasto dia-.played in tho arrangements. We could not conclude.adthout a -word 'for thefrd.es, to whom the greatest'>rake is due for their exertions in this good cause,-

and: we feel assured all will agree with us that theirefforts fully merited the thorough success (which' 'At?-tended 'their efforts in1 such a 'meritorious' cause/'Me following is a list of the ladioB'.' hd presided at.the stallfl.and the winners.tff jthe; principal prizest—:I Miss Long—Handsome eperene TMBS, writing desk,jads'boxj oCcigars.' First prise won by Mr.M. Man-ning: aitond, JHr/J.lp'JIcar».-;i,;- .i-.< if: ,-;i<i1 i ;V .'•. .¦• >i iMw.; T.iJ>--WaUA-rGronp of. Eoman peasants, s»a ¦Vronza ornaments.- JKrst pilie; Mr.M. Jf. Cox i sooond,

H19Misses Powers-Fancy table, case of: birds, Hun-»risj»"'m>blt1»,-«>ad.ito«,: serrido. ,> Hrst prise, iMiss]oXji«WidAld.L.Af,By*nrthird, .M&» HortOHt.louzth,Jlr.>MoQratlu ^.ii^Mi».'.,i:. »---'»^ '-';ri;i *Mliw'Dobbja—Ship and c*ee of wjie; First, Mr.

J MiM-iWi'aod JIiss'! Kkwan-rCaie of r wino and .epergn«.iiKr«t,'Mr.J0'J(eai,, and »eoond not known.I M£TO'Neill;*nd Mi \-iWoolridg«-B«ulner soxeen;BoUj*tc»p/aim*** **TO»«'*M.iialbnm^r.JSrsliMr;

Kelly« se««oa ;Putl*t W^MriKeogh; VK ;rf <'TjSsiiWjkUt-^Dollwid »mokiiig,c»p: Rr«t,Eov. P.-

" iO JD bby^M 'aMoW^pi of^^ «S »^omiiFirttiMi»«.FlftTinjv360ond,fMr.

Asbwelli tbjrd; JllM lfO«Mn,i {0W»9»«?M aioieaaf tai':lt*D»<fCo™«UTrSo*«»P«>Mm>-WQrk«» ,:.fea»dorstooTind b>by>'peli«ej;jjiRriiyiMiM FUrinj seoond,

- :Srfr^Slyt«^Mi»jia|U>r^^AMir of candelabra

:¦ '¦S^MIiWKe r-Ooojsto^WM.and-Iiwof Ota

ii'iatoSH& ib^^Hand.pamt Jsrdiilera.!

-¦ i SUD0EBFJDEATH!OF AK5:INFANTOn; We^ncedayVE?:lir;-Fo,weii :Esq.;' Coroner; held

an: inquestiMv the -Eoyal' Oak't1 Hotel; GreatGeorge .street'(Mri; J-iO'Eeflly; T.C.;: proprietor);into; the '.cause "of death of an infant, three monthsold.rmmeki l&teDnnne, who was ffiund daid'in bermother's room,'in Chapel-lane,"on Tue&day morning;an event which' caused "considerabl* excitement in, that very..ipopulou8:]ocality.\':;The ifoUowing re-spectable 'jury ,was .provided• byvHead-constableO'Brien, acting under Mr.' T.'Whelan, S.i;; who ap-peared on liobalf of the Crown i—^'•;-•". -';;[' •' |" c. . ; .. Messrs OWBJr'Powii,- Great Georgb's-street;. fore-man; Peter Coonan, John Began/James Moehan; Chas.Hayden. DavidGrant, Pat;'Walsh,'Joseph P. Kennedy.*Jeremiah Lane,' Nicholas Phelan; James Attrideo, ondMl. MoMahon^'iv "i"' r^

;J";;;. r:^:"'l- \ ¦':¦: '¦ ¦'." 'The-jury, visited the room in which'the deceased

lay; and on tbeir'roturn^tbe foreman'and his brotherjurors expressed strong censure of the filth'and thosqaalor of the entire place.. 'The following evidencewas given 1— : - 'M -:. .:: ':

''¦' i : '. -i'v,'''':

'«¦. '-"¦" ''¦¦ < ¦ ¦¦¦¦> } * '¦: ..' . Bridget McDonnell, of Chapel-kne, deposed (jtafcshe knew the deceased; it was a'child of one NancyDunne ;' deponnnt lives on" th'f same landing with-'

ota ; up cnua was noyer.iasen out 01 ine room j ,mrsCullon used to care the .child ; .these two 'womenlived together;. used to .'see the mother bringingmilk to it; these people had but the one room j themother was; very. muoh given-to.drinkyisaw MrsCuUen wasb,t*be child/ when it cried most bitterly,and then Mrsy Cujlen used to beat it on- tbq body ';saw. her doing so' on Monday last;, Bho ' used toBpeak'barshly to the child, saying; 'f.,the'd—1 takeyou; whafa •wayTin in with thei*Iikeiof . .'youV'-MrBDnnno Bells vegetables; 'theruotherwaa land to thechild; the child was a healthy child V: eaw the childlvinfi* on ¦ straw:• on Monday morniito~ 'fl.f; -: hi&Jf'-Y>&Bt

naa AUUJ UUXRJXA j wt?jr -. *vvr(7 •Diuj£ing uiilill Uluvcu,and then McDonnell and his wife went away j heard.the child crying1 Very bitter 5 then Mrs Cullen.;tookthe child from the bed, and tried to get the drunkenmother to tike the child ; could hear well what tookplace ;' heard Mrsl1 Cullen smack , the child'threetimes.; the: infant then stopped . quiet • for - tenminutes ; .between • twelve•¦ and one ¦¦'the1; childwakened ina Bcreaming manner, and then ; MrsCullen struck the child three times again, and afterthat she heard nothing more from' the' child i^seitmorning the child was dead ; heard Mrs. Cullen,..callout in"tbo ntght.j/'d—n your, soul,'why don't youtake the child. ?"i' Jtnew Mrs' Cnllen's voice-veryIT70II • . O wntnnfi Vi»WTT/»Vt+¦ * »« '. «n/\*><9 IA fraMATiAtt^1 tKnf

^s.s. j \f Ri 11VJ. ¦ W£k)^} A OAf* # &C3 J J A4tSUV TTUU O f J VM AX1 1 O *^UUGUiand asked idr i why ihe 'did not'report the'child'sdeath; and Mrs Cullen said; "ah'l' what was'tbenso ;the poor littis-thing is;dead, - 'arid we'llbnry itia thobourse of the day.; . f yqu'll . not touch the body,"-'r»rplied deponent, " until I bring it under the nbtioe of thepolice.", ' , •¦::- :.- :. - w- .v _ j -> -. > '> ,;,.f^r,vS' Corbnerr-Very'proper. condncV'on. ybnr part.'. Tonacted very properly, in whioh opinion tne: jury expressedtbeir'nnanunong oonoorrenoe." / '• '' V - 4 ~ - • f

Dr. Cntlar, Watarford medical'officer, 'deposed thathe made a yoit mortem examination of the body of thischild in conjunction with Dr. Whitry (al»o,of theWater-ford dispon8ary);'he found the body that 6f a healthychild, without any marks'of; violence ';' there'was somediscoloration about the nook; which'denoted a strainingof blood in'that port, of . the body ; found; a portion oftho longs' BOowing 'signs' of' oongestipn;and tho rightauriolo of .the heart in the same stato;,'believoa:t|iatdeath was caused by congestion of the lungs;;' iy' -'i".:

Coroner—Could yon say thot death' arose [from vio-

nn,uct>a—a. HUUUJC wouia oauas. aeain, unuer .cornuudrenmstanbes; but I could hot swear that cause of deathin this case arose from' violence,1 because there woro|nomarks on tho body, to/lead to .that conclasibn:;,'I .oer-tainly wonlinot like to swear that; this death .waa theresult of viqlendft "¦ :" '• '.-\" "': ' V- •:'/,' ":;''., ^U> "51: ¦;

Dr.v J. :P.' Whitty jgayoi'suniUar eyidencey.and hejury found tho ' following verdict ''.That the' saiddeceased, Mary*'Kato Danne,'di6d at-Chapel-lane, inthis city, on tha night of Monday, 25th August; from lieoffocts of violence inflicted on her by Margaret Colle n";and we are also of the; opinion' that Anne Dnnne,-themother of the'child; 1B guilty of otilpable; neglect.";. , ",

sabsoquently arrested and'brought- before Aid. PJA.-Power,; locum, tment. for '; tho 'Mayor, 'charged -withhaving cauaed1 the-deathof the 'child. , Kead-oonstableO'BricnJ appli qd:for'a 'remand' fb* 'eight>days.>v iTheprisoner stated that the mother of the child oamo homobeastly 'drunkM>lnd lay i on tho'floor V that ihoi'.'waiunable,to got her awake to tako the'ohild ; that sip pntit in tho bod with her, and did not know any thing'more,'"•-rrririfl irnn '(rnntml '"* ¦<¦¦'-"¦ ¦'- - -T

• Tboso sessions were held ln.-tho'Oburt Houso IbefonJ;Aid. P.A. Pd.wer..aV.W.;Jaoob; ;P. K.;Eeid, ind^fjoLMolIan.E.M.f.Mr.rThsldn, S.I.', was also'Sn attendwwo.

AflSADLTSi -John- Maroni, anvItaliaD',% jrasr'ohsrgodwith having assaulted^Ir Hayeaat his;,tobaoo6- Bhf>p;Quaj---MrvH».w» said Vb» netgnd»Tit>ano6.inU>bis shopand assaulted £iaL Bevenl4iffles^He asked for-.»"otickfor which he oflered 6d.,bnt when ha, (Mr. H»yos) toldhim he coxJd nOt"gotW« that> ho»ss»ulted him biihit-"ting him with Ha flsts; and- than striking him witt thestick.',"! Cross examinod ,by,Mr.Monui t Defendant of fenbonght tobacoo at'-mv:sb6p'j,'I asked-iMarbni 2s.rforthe stick and he .offered.. m<i 6d-;for it j I tooktbafatickfrom him; andihb strnok nw;with,huhand<y;f'4/."li:'4irjv;i' . Laurence O.'Drien. deposod he -oaw the prisoner ttw-sling with Mrr HsjesuM.wsjtjgolnglnio tbo shop, andha; put , l%ioal.'oQt of th'p door,. '-Witness said .he-: sawdefendant strike Mr1. Haj^.twioe'.'.;rj;'1':i'Vj/ ;; "Rviviiis'. .

knifo in his hand, but tnel.plaincuttComa;iiOf swear no.had the kjifeopen, althonghho threatened to.ttab: aim.*,Mr'. Hayes was recalled,:andhe swore he'sawjUia de-

fendant itrike .O'Brien.: Con«table'Koating;BaidthatO'Brion ; told; him Mrj:-Hayes .had been'passaultsdjand that the defendant Was golugaboot the Quay witha Joafe in his hand » he (tho constable) arrested hnnand

; lodged-him iaI y-lsie.\:;j-.ri -j-. . ;ti ifc?s:Sy< .:;!Vi)?'; -I'ho oopit^Bcidedthat tho defendant wouldjbofe.riaonoione iaippthin .each case with'hirdlabQQr.'j .si!;

j Mr; McKay, tailor, cnaigod the same person jwithihaving auaaltod him in :King-stroot.:JMraMoEay ssid:tho defendant bad, bwri lodging, in his house for about20 , wool«';:.one day I ¦h'eard'. somtf hiKh:>ord8i,ia,the¦kitchcn,'aqdi;h|»rd.thoiilefBnds4it using some.abniirolanguage, although the, defendant Hldhe; did not know

{EnglisV(, Mr, MoKay ;in,. his .statement; said he -couldspeakjit.'.tixat he: undsrstobd i.EpgUsh.7perfoctIytf :ith«jonly mobv he hab\ for^Attacking'! mo was* i>Hat my1 wife[told him to g«t401ns other/ plaoo to' live: in,: in ccmso-!quenoe.of, u«ing Bomp indisorect UnKuage.vVi UM .'S'

iXhecpnrt_depided thaHitbe.-dofonaant.-bb imprisoned»ne^^v,wj£tt'I)uiirdMw9 '»6aJ/1|i'>.TAC ' V' 4l>Ji|Vi* Tiia iamnnnannAr 'nachftTired with havimr«&SBaQltsd

K Mr,; Andrews proved the aasault; and tha pnsonar wasaentenoodtp twanumthf withihsxdlkbour. i.'iriiJ 4^i'

AaSiULTS.—Margaret-Cane charged Margaret Swat-ion, with- h'avlng,a»rtultod>.'her on.,th«s2Bth* August;CbmpUinanv; aepbwd i'The 'delendapt l>urt,my haqd i>yshnttinga aoor on it viMontlyi and without caosei;, Thedefendantdenl«d tte^h e. ssjing'thitVthepWntiirused-Tiry.ftbnslre'langiwge towards hif.K;Ji"n«*',C»pe.Bon of pIstatifl,'B»idnl»'mctter.V«*Jton odtb '»i sb?ingonbo6 W«oflthfl'»testoer<{'8w» nith'oji|Ut'togttU;from'her,'sid«h»shutrtii'>d6*'-6tt'her iia;;ritnesit(x>kh 'of;tne dcortiadT i -hiBmoVter'<

hand;' tha mate promised the waihiBs/to' Us: inothefj'itshe Mkedfor lt nrst-;f arf«*o tw«iflned2i,-'.«iiand costs.'irMaty Ke^ody cljarttea lwhoibancT, Plnioo,with:.a»sanltin^!her.te'New fet, 6n;[tho ftliJttt.The plauitiff'«»ld'hM1h%sb iM:tttrnl»d>i^;out atfl2ofd6ckonToi(Uy:;night fpi;tte; W'JniQ i;MUnADaSuWfUlyMIOyu t UiaBsW J^

shTsa e'could Cnot^BiTe it'S'Sii isn?^ .it;'h8'strackh<^me»e^ 5lJl»d» J*5M1iKat&0sJim rb fUW<^@iMd 4s|«agp

eaxth; V in'dstsJAlii bs} Urtiift

I ;v. ;5if f.flEBTWSUilBll

S efcVe yKlc^Si)n "Ti tigf iiTid ttTrfiiftint^Tl

.;.. j ;'t BOAEp|OF iQtTAEDIANS-WBnKB8DAT. ' i;-v ;j '$'¦ - ;V ';L- . - . .PASJAOK S

'BWBEAOE. ¦' ¦ . ':. ': !A desultory conversatiou ensued with respect to

the proposed improvement of the sewerage of Pas.:sage, as decided upon by the committco having thematter in obarge. tb'e.CHAIRMAN explaining to theHon. Mr. Fortescuej wh'o reiterated his previously;expressed objectiou to covered sewers, that what the'committee had decided npon formed the only meanswhoreby tho evil complained of. could bo remedied.'

Mr.' FISHES suggested tbat they ask the LocalGovernment BoardT; to send down theiv sanitary-engineer, Mr. Cottdn, .to examlnp the plans andworks, and report onlthorn to the board.;.r iTbo. Hon. Mr FoETKSODB'said that with every re-spict to -Mr. Duffin (County Waterford Surveyor),who had prepared the plans agreed on, he would bofor having Mr Cottoa to examine the proposed works,because, Eke other eiigineers.Mr. Cotton had turnedbis; attention to sanitary matters-more ti>an, as arule; was done by olvtl engineera'. • Ho would proposothat all uctioh .be stopped at present.•j. CHAIEMAN—The committee were giver .£100, andwere told to do the best they could with ti:at sumin carrying out this work. That they havo done.¦' Mr. BLOOMFIKLD—Mr ForteBcue can write to theLocal Government Board, asking them to stop tboworks for the present. • .:..•' Mr. CLAMPETT supported the report of the com-mittee, and he could not help saying they would bo" fooliBh idiots" (hear, hear), if they resolved nponbringing down another engineer, which could not bedono except tit much cost to the ratepayers.-. Dr. (Aid.) SCOTT, J.P., said ho did not see thereason of delay in a work of such importance; whileat the same time he -was ''of opinion that the ideaof the Hon. Mr.' Fortcscue was one deserving of fullconsideration, and if Mr. Cotton could be broughtdown without much expense to the ratepayers, ho(Dr.- 8.) felt they- might await his report with ad-vuntaee. ¦ ' . j : ¦ • ¦ .;-A vote was here USen on the suggestion of bring-

ing down Mr. Cotton or not, and tho following vacthe result :— ' . * ¦ . ' ¦ • ¦ . —h",for—Captain POWOT, Messts Fishor, O'Qorman,Shoehy, Shanahan, Fqrtcsono, Carow, Conn, Elliott,Soott.'Hally—11. ¦. ¦ . • ¦; Against—Mossrs. Eogcrs, Bloomfield, Hcaru, Kelly,Clampott; Fitzgorald-u: . . .

Declined—Messrs. Alien, .Forrostol, Lawless, audMabkesy (Mayor)—1. i : , : .¦'¦. The uiofion, to'ask the Local Government Boardto send down. Mr. Cotton to report on the Passagosewerage; was declared carried.;: '• ' ¦: ¦• ¦ ' ' ' A! MOEQUK .'¦' Tho MATOB brought, before the board the greatdesirability of having, a morgue in the city, andstated that the Corporation, directly interested inthe matter for the borough; felt itself compelled toask the assistance of tbe Board of Guardians, partlybecause of-th e expense, and partly from the fact?-lin.fr. nilmv nf tiinaa nnfni4i,nAii,(t whX wAnt rlrnwTlmi

wuwu loujuicu 11OIU j iut) Cl&jr*: IUD IMU nao »M-mated at X90, and he,was there to ask tho board toassist the Corporation! in, carrying out a work whichwas very much required. - ¦ ' ¦ . '<¦;; Mr:-ALLEN; supported by !Mr. Fisher, hero inter-rupted to stop tho_ Mayor in his proposition, on thoground bf alleged' informality, but these reprosen-ttttiveu wero speedily brought up by the quiet, firmcall of tho Chairman to "order, Sir Eobertinform-ing the malcontents that they should bear . theMayor, who was not there, he would observe, asMayor of'the city, but as a member of the board,possessing the same rights'as anj other guardian.'¦; AB the Bubject -was ono involving an outlay pf tberates, it .was ruled by the Chairman that a notice ofmotion would be required, aud a notice was accord-ingly put in by tho Mayor to ask the concurrence ofthetboard with the Corporation in a joint expendi-ture in erecting a morgue in the city.V '.WBnNEsnAT,' 27.—Captain POWEE, V.C., in thov»Ji«.irJ Alun nrpnpnt • YTrm Tt V T^Arf ORnnp. M^RRrB.

ainpeu, Eisner, Lieauiy, iieorno, ii.eny.«i!! .¦


'5- r :-. - ...- -¦ COLLECTOBS' BOND.The Clerk read tbo following letter fiom the ratllw.ftnrw in ruln-finn f ft tht\ ivindR ?— . ' '

Watarford union, beg to state for tha Information ofyour board that we havo no objection to execute the newbonds and warrants required to seonro the faithful dis-charge' of our dntiea, but wo hesitate to ask, and in foot06 old not reasonably expoct any respectable and solventP^";*? Joto.rMy,r^Myrrfo^"'tta"ttn ^nfiFnftin Btubbs' Slack List, and their credit injured to an 01-tont far in oiceas of thoir logal obligation. Wo' beliovothat the' order of tbo Local Government docs not strictlyenforco on your board tho daty of having such jndg-ments entered, but merely reoommondod that it shouldbe dono, and where thcto was. no necessity to do so onlha old bonds and warrants at urcsout. ia forco agMBstus and.onr surotlcs' daring thj many years We baveserved; wo hopo yo.ur ojird will now have sufllctunyeon-fldoncqin us to forego"o measure, tho effect of which, ifpersovorcd in, would canso at least some of us to resignonr aDDointmonta. ;. '. ? •- 14 . • • : ' ! - ::¦3 < >•:•; * :¦) •'( " KlCHAun FrrZOEEALD,,'"" • ¦ : -.. - . ' "GEOBOE GinsOM,.; „.- .- . ! ¦ . . . . . " MAETIH BAEBON,;-• ••:. • • • • • ;¦ • - " JAMES IIALLT, './ • To J. Mackoy, Esq;1' : ". •1 After disoassion, it was agrood to endorso on the lot-ter ;the.following npto :-f-. That this board does notoonsidor. it expedient to;adopt tho suggestion of theLocal Qoyernmdnt Boiird as .'.to fileing tho warrants inthe Conxt of Queen's Bonoh, tho colleotors and theirsureties being thotonghly respectable and solvont.""ALTBHATION IK EA'TB BOOK;—Mr.' Patrick Kentapplied,to- bo rated with' his : father for the boaso inHenrietta-streot. Mr. Fitzgerald reported that it waaall right.—Agreed to. • .\\\ .:;; . : ;. - . ; ¦ '. ¦ :¦ '< ¦ ¦;^SxRAy.—The Clerk ; reported that tho Master .had, bought a load of straw >t »s. per ton, and be had rof usedpaying for . it'without tha direction of tho board; it hod

1 beca'coutracted for at 2Js.| f i r ton. ' Mr. Clampctt ; WhyInot sno: tbo contractorr ;.JUr,'i;'ishor 1 ,xno aiiwcor ro-jported that some of thb'sbaw. supplied was bad; and was(returned tavhim';"he also reported that ho could buyisbfaw at a loner rate, and b» did pnrchase somo at 21a.j per, ton.]: Under thoso air onmstanocsj the con tractor Iiadibcon.rolioyod.; ..The p»J(m«nt was. ordered:: . ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦.f'SOTjSBANMUATiqK.rr-Mr..'Holly ;,moved that Jit.-^pwer/Jfbrmerly ."workhouse; portur,' should bo super-'aim.uatod.jrHi8.BBlarjr. and rations were .£26a year. He[tnopghtthay 'might £ivp'.him two-thirds. He. had beenjflf(eeo >cars in tn'a BomboV ' Tho amonnt was nlkunatelyIflxed atieiOVyaaV-f;>' 'T'. : , :!. ::: ':'' • •, ¦¦ :' ' . ¦'(•v'W»jE»HT.Qint8TTOH—PaOPO8AiFOBEE£»0CTtON '.[—Mr, Cflampett,then;pirocced6d to movci in accordancejwith' notice,1 that ithe present^ depreaaed stato. of tho'countryiiwassuqh.Kthit.if'.the tenant, fanners are not'motiw'ti A libenU.roduction of,their,ront8,.niany of'themi Will hava eithor tov]oave the country or, Bock for•Wwt«r-|n ftur workhouneB. and that,1 therefore it is'de-iirable that the- landlords of'iWaterfprd union snouia.¦Uke the "rottttOT-into.:tieir; obnsia'oration. 'Ho asked'Itpdlords who-give r«arietioil!tb give'-it^with suiilin'g1

IfiieiiscIJbtithem. Eay.'iJthei 'rent ia -£10a,' give me JKSO,andifjthe times drf not:improvo I-will;bo propurod to1•nj s* ioa;gen9rpn»ly;a(nun rf Ho booola<3ed by express^iag,th«'hopa that jho.rflgqlptipn'wonld be'.unanimously 1iobpieiJ;'|lnd-he.wa« sqre thatirit.wtre enpportcdby,Krr«prte50iie,'ifc'irbttl .have'a powerful .effect, on thootter lahdlorda'pf jieunion/";?.; ; - , ;: v .r. ;;'ri";;/; •;,. .; ". I?^Mr.t'Hally:had gre t pleasure in; seconding tbo' reap-

.r-aon>pJForHescue,T).L;;-Mid ho - could hpt,aUow.fe'.'*o)»#wn.of,that Hnd-tp-passwithont making sbmo'ob-">M ^K UoM/AS.ajTeprejiijnUtive at:thst;bo>rd of a class!Whicliilisd'boenspocij Ur allnded

to a« being the sole-wJfcmfc'by ,tbp' epre> |ion'Uiat:exi«M,.ftn<lTie!did so!>»OfcWhe,dia no £hK :the;sjibject had boon taken upMi dMr jrdttnda' Jtt wh; :E'-Ii« 'ihoOf kt;« nptioo\ot that:

SHMjStoft As'fejjBiMf »?Ai»6lBti«n and the mover;S^ T^a-th^lr.^CUteWM himself,* Isadr'

SSrawM^ fefe* iWi^ (SMWik»t;^hbi;IkWBftVkQeapaaft''! *«*tod;thtm ifrsinoe the oomiMM*«f this*den mm ?Mi.C\»mp *tbia*»i»

* pssSMSy¦ J"BSBBK^mj^f Ir* * ji2i B s s5'^ j^ i l> ^ ^ "'B LT B ^ BBS B BT^ L *


The Council met yesterday, pursuant to adjourn-ment, to elect a borough treasurer. Tbo followingmouibers were prenent :—

Aldormdn—T. Purooll, P. Manning, St. G. Freeman,J.P., L. A. Byan, Richard Power, P. A. Power,J.P., E. Mahony, J. F. Scott, J.P., C. Eedmond.Councillors: M. O.'Mcara,"E. C. Fielding, W. Kelly,M. .J. Cox, L. Freomttn, J. MoEnory, J. Loamy, D.Kent, B. A. Egac, E. W. Chorry, Bolr., W. Chorry, J.O'EoiIIy, N. M. Allen, H. Gallwey, J.P., P. Maokoy, J.H. MoQrath, W. E. KoUy, A. Farrcll, W. G. ». Golf ,J. N. Whito, G. Wolpolo, J. Moran, H. Grainger, W.J. Smith, J. Eyan, J. Clampott, B. MorrisBy, and T.Pholan, with Mr. J. W. Howard , solr., Town Clerk ,Mr. T. F. Strango, solr., Law Agont, and Mr. B. H.Eyan, City Engineer, and a largo number of citizons.

The TOWN CLEBIC called over the roll, and there-upon

Mr. CLAMPETT moved thai, in tho absence of tboMayor, the chair be taken by Councillor Allen. Aid.MAUONY seconded the raotion.-

TOWN CLEEK—Gentlemen, I have to inform youtbat I have received a letter from . the Mayor, nd-dressed to mo by his worship's seeretni-y, statingtbat the Mayor cannot attend tbe Council, and thathe had nominated Alderman P. A. Power his locumtenens, and he hoped Alderman Power, " of coursewith tho permission of tlie Council," would take thochair at tbe meeting. % .

Aid. PUBCELL—I now move that Alderman P. A.Power do tako ttte chair.

Mr. MCENEBY—I second the motion.. Mr. E. W. CHEESY—It would be an insult to the

Mayor to pass over Aldcruinu Power when ho hasbeen appointed by the Mayor to represent him(hear, bear). ¦

Mr. CLAIIPETT—There is no insult intended, butI say tho Mayor has no power to appoint any mem-ber of tho Council, to tuke tbe chair (hear hear,with ob6ervation8 cf a contrary character).

TOWN CLEEK (appealed to)—Of course tho meetingcan appoint any chairman it pleases.

Mr. GOPT—I tbink it would be a positive insultto tbo Mayor if Aldoruian Power is not allowed totako the chair.'" Mr. MCGEATH—I am rather surprised that theMayor did not write t hat letter direct to Aid. Power.

Aid. EYAN—Is the course taken by the Mayor inthis instance th*e usual rule adopted when his wor-ship is away ? TOWN CMSBK, : It is. Aid.EYAN : Then -why have any discussion on tbepoint »

Mr. ALLEN—I would be sorry that any ill-feelingshould spring up in this Council, and I wish towithdraw my name from tbe chair.

Several members then asked Mr. Clampett, asthe mover of tho resolution, what was to bo doneon tho withdrawal of Mr. Allen's name, and inanswer to another atmeal.

Tbo TOWN CLEEK Baid that Mr. Allen bad nopower to withdraw his name. Tbe whole power laywith the mover of the resolution.

Mr. CLAMPETT said, he had no object in movingMr. Allen to tho choir beyond a desire that thoCouncil should excrciso its power to have a chair-man of their own selection. Some membersthought that tho M ayor had the power to elect anyperson be pleased to the chair in his absence, andit so happened that when the Mayor was away eitherone of two gentlemen was always named for thepurpose. He (Mr. C.) could say there was no suchpower possessed by tbe Mayor, and be (Mr. C.) feltthat n member of tho Council not accuBtomea tobe in tbe chair would be more likely to catch tboopinions of tbe members of this meeting, but asMr. Allen had withdrawn his na me be would now pro-pose that the chair be taken by Alderman Mahony.

Mr. KENT—If it was only as a compliment to tlieMayor, I say we should have Alderman Power in thechair (heur, hear). The chair has bten always mostsatisfactorily filled by Aide: man Power (bear, hear),and I tniiot say that tbe Mayor is above nominatingany ono for the chair for a purpose (hear, hear).

Mr. O'EEILLY hero seconded Mr. Clampott'smotion, that the choir be taken by Aid. Mahony.

Mr. CLAMPETT—I don't know as to AJdermanPower being locum tenens for the Mayor, for I wastold by a corporate officer that Alderman Freemanwas to act for him.

Mr. KENT asked Mr. Clan-.pott to name the officer,

me- that be bad asked Alderman PojvexJiO-flCXiflr-atfy 01 Cue oorougn constables requiro instructions,and tbat Alderman ¦ ower would not be at hand, hewould be obliged if I would then act for him. Nodoubt, it is tbo right of tho Corporation to selecttheir own chairinan, in the absence of the Mayor,but our practice; for years, has been to havo themember selected by the Mayor, and I think it wouldbe a.bad compliment, indeed, to our present Mayornot to have us tbe chairman to->duy the gentleumnselected by him us his representative. Our not do-ing so would amount to, almost, an expression of noconfidence in him.; TOWN .CLEBK—I would wish to say tbat I was nottho corporate official who said that AldermanFreoman was appointed locum tenens.. Mr. CLAMPETT—No, you wero not. I will nowask, if Aid. Power is voted to the chair, that be willnot, ns Mayor's representative, use tbo power ofgiving a casting vote. . . . .

Aid. P. A. POWEB, J.P.—My answer is, that I willgivo, no. pledge if I aui put into tbe choir (bear).

Mr. GALLWEY—The Acfgivcs .that power, shouldtho necessity arise. : ; ? . '.

The TOWN CLEBK read the section of the Muni-cipal Act which gave to the" chairman presidingovert the meeting of tbe Council the giving of acasting vote, should tbe necessity ariao., Tho Council then divided, as follows, as to whether

Aid.(rower or Aid. Blabony should Uku tbe chair,and the following was the lesult :—for. Aid. /Wer -Ke8srs. St. G. Freeman, Goff . E.

W. qhorry, Walpolo, J..-N. Whito, Parcell, Egan, Kent,Kelly) Manning, . Sbott. Loamy, Gollwoy, L. A. Eyan,M'Ejery, pIMeora, W. Chorry, G. Whito, Grainger- 10.. 'For 'Aid: Mahony—Messrs. Clampett, Smith, Cox,Kellyi-Fielding, Mahouy, Farrcll, Mackey, E. Power.Ebdmond,' J. Byari,' Moran, O'Eeilly, Photon—W. ¦ '¦¦ ¦Declined—Messrs.' !AUen, P. A. Power, L. Freeman,Morrissy. McGrath—S. '' Al(i. P. A.. POWES, J.P., -was accordingly called

to the chair. ¦. . :¦¦ . • .' ¦: ¦ . . .- Aid. POWEE assumed the chair, and thanked theCouncil for tho honor dono him in calling on him topreside. •, ". ' - • : > - . '¦ ' . •

¦¦'¦ ¦ ;-

::. The TOWN CLEBE then read tho report adopted bythe:prior Council, fixing the sabiry of the incomingofficer at ,£300 a year, and regulating that his hoursof.business shall be from ten in the morning to four

i in- the 7 evening, ¦ and on . .-motion of MH -'KBILY;seconded by Mr. MCOBATU, that report was adopted.

(Jit. Howard (Town Clerk) then read the applicationslas follows 1--. ; ;. 1: i'r- --- - i- ~- ¦.- - " - • * i ' wi-;. ' .-.; ' ;.'; I - ' . -M '

\ ;j-Mr. Eichord Parrell, High-street, shipping agent.'f,-.Mr< J. 'J;.Feely; solr.,- King-street ; and .•• • , . .:,. . . ••

'. < f.Mr.;Patriuk Kent; solr.vLady-lanc... * -i < - i •¦£ v- >..•KCHAIBMAN-^I rise with great pleasure to propose'iw» Vanf t/\r -rotir rdoD'tion.uHe is'a youujr'nianof ;rau6h jability,>on<ianimated with' overy desire to;

; do bis duty, if appointed.-/ ',- If you elect him/be will:j carefully :loofc after ij pur interests; and: will do What,'he'ean toiticreasoyourrent-ioll (hear, hearJ. rHeit

'. a t native o£ Wat erfco.-d.wwhere bis family, have ibeen'!for Sentoriea,'and if )]fl.is elected he wili do his duty,

'jif'Mj. Kjtis fe.1 vfel^'uch/pleaOTre in seconding) McV'Kent's nomioation,' and; in doing so; to expretni'my cbnviotionthatrisjabllitics are euohaa to welli^UAlify himfortheiUKbargdiof Ihoidutiea bf Itbe:

WM&< PoEC«LL--I-l>eg';to;movp the eldction dm-|J>^ ^ #^ ^ «%Si '' ySi ?;^ aC^ rxTTBe iridedithemotion.-snd ingoing|sof:i«idviojshpuld:,1i e(exceptlOT:'to.'onerenUrka mi jby rAld«nnsa'a?owOT^

kaifeKentvWM'elKleaih^wbtflaitoereirtJiwBi /^a>Jie''iOtfiSO;>%mild:'fai -Mr.^Kpiit>si'ffi u^ i !

W creaw]^ ]bn^jos prite'tenanftvl «e'Sa*.e» Cpf «et»rec«on(

ffhir-ieart PihH*'f Mrit C.) bad n6 doubt bntrtbi&t

!dldi»ottUnk at traswM Vany5argumontJn-fav<>fr

Mldad iSttewntroll without tiicreBitog tho *rart*?

feir1' GAJJlWTirrJJjetT Tour pordoKtlt Fws4'by4ji»:ftJi 4&^^CB3»i|»l-^TW«.i*0o :,tiiBo>!/,Tl»»:J i» oi <»e«ti tt'rnotsberore'in«'(><*r)>'

M jgi aaiy ttS j|ft 'jMtff tgf irt''Ttn Vfff* ift ri ¥$?


PETTY SESSIONS—TnnssnAT.Before Messrs H. W. BBIBCOE (in the chair), Capt.

Slocke, E.M. ; T. Lalor. D.L. j T. B. Wilson, andC. Scully. : . ; . /

A DESEBTEB.—A nns named McCarthy, a tailor,was brought up in custody, charged by Sub-con-stable Finnegan with absenting himself from thelast two trainings of the Watorford ArtilleryMilitia. Serjeant - Duggon, cf tbe WaterfordArtillery, deposed that on the 3rd of March, 1878,he enlisted-the prisoner, who had not attended atraining since ; it was under the name EdmondWalsh he enlisted. Prisoner acknowledged thoeffence. - Ho waa fined £5 or two months' imprison-ment, with hard labour.

FBAUDULENT ENLISTMENT.—Sub-constable Wol-pole prosecuted James Sexton for . that he, beingenlisted in the North Tipperary, joined the Kil-kenny militia. Mr. Qoirke . appeared fop Sexton.Sub-constable Walpole said, he arrested him fromdescription. . The recruiting-sergeant of tho Kil-kenny's identifid the prisoner, and said that the ac-cused waa in another company from his, but it washe who enlisted him. Proof was given for prisonerthat he was working at Messrs Goodbody*a factory,at Clara, King's County, on the, day it was sworn hehad enlisted. Tho court ordered him to be dis-charged, and Mr. Quirke asked fpr expenses.Captain Slacke said tbe court hod no power to giveany. Mr. Quirke said coats should be given, andhe would give what the court, would allow to Sexton.Captain Slacke asked against whom , tho order wasto be mode ? Mr. Quirke": Against prosecutor, themilitia 6ergeant. Captain Slacke : The prosecutionis by the police, and .we can't give any ensts.

SOME HAPPY FAMILIES.—Mary Dav.u summonedEllen Dooley for having, at.Clareen, on. tua 11thinstant, assaulted her. . Complainant deposed thatdefendant went into her house abusing her bro-ther's son ; witness put her out ; she came backand pelted stones at the door ; after a while,witness opened tho door, when defendant draggedher and tore her cap, and would .have struckher with u chair only. she.was prevented, , MartinBrien .'deposed that .he saw defendant catchMrs. Davin's cap and tear it; she caught hold of achair to hit complainant, but witness took it fromher. Michael Shanahan deposed that he saw da-'fendant catching the chair to hit complainant, andalso saw her dragging the cap off her ; complainanttook a stick, and said if defendant didn't leave thebouse she would hit her with it( ; For the defence,Catherine DiUton deposed that Mrs. Davin and herdaughter had a hold of defendant, and h&d a stickbetween them ; complainant struck her twice on theface j witness went in to bring , out defendant.Honora Byan deposed that the complainant's sonstruggling with defendant ; she know nothing morentvMir if. . : ! '

Bridget lluiphy summoned Nicholas, William,and Eichard Savin, for being riotous and endeavour-ing to get into her houBe to assault her at Clareen,on tbe 13th insfc. Complainant deposed tbat shesaw ,Nicholas Davin kicking her door. HcnoraEyan deposed tbat she saw Nicholas and WilliamDavin kicking complainant's' door;; theft: motherwas trying to prevent them. Catherine Dalton de-posed to seeing Nicholas and. Richard Davin kickingtbe door. Ellen Dooly, a former defendant, deposedthat she saw Eichard Davin running with twostones to throw at complainant's door, and Nicholasthen wont and kicked the door. Michael Shanahandeposed for tho dofenco that complainant was givingdefendant's mother all sorts of scandal, and ho couldn'tbear it; complainant tbon went into the hoaso, andbrought out a poker, with which she said nha wouldbill him: ¦ ' •¦' : '¦ ¦'¦

Mary Davin, defendant's mother, charged BridgetMurphy, the ootnplainant in this case, with being riotousand disorderly, and inciting hor to commit a breach pfthp peaco. . . ' ;

Mary Callahan summoned Ellon Dooley for assanlt-ing her and knocking a can of wator off her' head onsame day. Defendant : It was water she was. bringingto drown mo (laughter) ; she was paid by Mrs.'Daviu todo so. Tht) same complainant had Bridget Murphx-j*-formor complainant,, summoned for fljnt>—r1'™00*her, after EUen Dooley imiJuyv-HrtnTEaye an. elegant(to tho Clerk ofJJott-rflraing. This is -the -most; dw-loti ot>wateof affairs of whioh we have hoard for along time. In the coso of Mary Davin against EllenDooley, dofondant is fined 5s. and costs, or aweok, andin tho caso'of Mary Callahan sho is alto fined. 5s. or a«««t- Tha thraa Davins aro fined in a similar penalty,and Brjdgotj -pfcy«» fined 7s:_6dilIottiM»—

A SEPBAC fBrmtrPBB".—Patrick Doolin, o.pauper,was charged with assaulting another pauper, namedPatriok Butler, with a stick, on the 3rd .of Angnst.Patrick Cleary deposed to seeing dofendant BtrikeButler. Dofendant was sont to jaol for a month. , ,". . ,

DisoEnEBLiES.—Mary Clifford wosj ohargbd .withbeing drnnk and disorderly in Carriokbeg.' She wasnearly drunk when sho appeared in court; and sho wasBoutonced to a month's imprleOnmont. -\ There were twoother snuunonsM ogaiust her for like o&enceg, for each ofwhich she got 21 days: Two men namod Carthy andButler woro ohargod by Sub-constable Dalton withboing disorderly, by fighting on tho Green, on 9th inat,and ware finod lOs. and costs each, or, in default, 10days' imprisonment. ' - .' A numbor of coses of drunkenness concluded thelinaifinBB nf ihn ronrt. ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦


Guardians present—Lord Beasborough, J. Hearn, J.'D. Powcr. M. Droban, E. Walsh, J. Eichartison; MrJHamilton, L.G.I., and Dr. O'Eyan wero also in atten-dance1. .- ¦' ¦' ' ¦••' '. '¦ , ";!:. '" ¦' ' 1 i ' -v .'.' i ' "• .; . . . .¦

STATE OF TUB HOUSE.—In tho houso at lint report,287 ; admitted during the week, 28;: discharged, 28;diod, 1; remaining on above date, 280 ; provinionB andneccseeiriea received, J827. ISa. Od. ; do consumed,. £3&la lid. ; general , average cost, 2s 2}d ; do in- theinfirmary, 2d Hid. .. .' ' ;. ' ; - . • ' ': ." ": ,|''*.- ' .. " , ' .! ' .'

KE018TKATIO N OF DArBrE8.—Irianswar to tha queryof tho board as to-whether- dilry-keepers- who wereprosecnted a fb»v wobks ags oonld ' bo' registered:now,rtho Local Oovornment Board wrote stating tlvit copiesof a new Dairies' Order would soon bo transmitted., -

PILTOWN DI8PENBABY—ELECTION, Or MtDWAL , '. .;- ¦¦¦¦: . , • ¦ , - r - . OMIOSB;.. .» ¦» .; ir, -. .^ , -i +¦,.;; , ,

THE . PILTOWM DISPKNSAEY.—The Piltown Dispen.,sary. committco reported, that; at .'an.' extreiotdinarymooting' of tbo committee,' held at' PiUowh*otx'the 20thinst. , the following members' buing present-^The Earlof B?saborough (in the' chair), • J. Blackctt; J.P.;'(secretary)' Thomas Lalor.'D.L.i D.^AJ Milward; J.P.;J. Barnes, J:P.,Peter Walsh, J.P., Clomont Sadleir, JvP.vP. Brophy, E.. Larkin,' John Eiohardson, M. ilorria,Eov. J. Lyons. T. BowersrI!.*Bower8,vP.,fla!he8sy,iT.iTonoy, T. Butler, and D. Coghlan—it was moved byMr. Lalor.- socohdod by, Mr.:,P, WalBh. 'andipassedunanimously'-'-" That in the, event of auyjiivdiial officer,now Pr hercafter'to b'o''appointed;-. reauiring Icave 'ofabsence'bn:thorground'of ill'-health/nb higher iram thai-two gTun'eas'a week' shall be5 allowed'to a'snbgtitutoi1and' if any. farther snm1 b IrcqalredH'shsJ!) bo made'iood by the medical ofifeer requiring lcaye of.i.bseuort.'Ji¦ M» TjirUn nroooged ond.Mt.'-T.JBntlflr seconded/the)appomtment.i()f/l>r.'.G«orge;»He >s; n eii,pmoer1for the district ,Mr,D, A. Milword prqposed.-and Mr..E. Bowers Beoended, .that Dr:;Thpmi»>My^Iarbn>eappointed; "A poll being; en,.-pf: Martinwns electedby toh bfei to eight^ '*i.^4r- |J 7J!i S-¦The 'fbllbwins •resoluacm was 'a pplw 'VThat-the1

rerister now iu-iiso'Wand'tt'-hewby'approved of Jtadot;'tho terms of tho ConnofliOirier^daied^SirustSifiaro.ilaud that the perebns now.reriBtaredascow,-k9npersandtipurvoyprsof milk pe. deemed;toib£py^n»rtgis1jereoVj Wer .the aboveWted order; a4a;tytWv^^ment(be issua' under - the . above1 orMifcC^moiIj^A/Ki

I journed..: ;vy ;r-;i4^S^^WHf |i ?'Mi

ii - '.U^ -^ .fi tjiasr^T-itlKQilttDl t^^^ ffi'1I ¦' •: ^Tha threS-inspertoW Wmmm ^Wmwim^Braay (m the fth^rMaJMxIsx tn^ pBjasWQ^

cmwtionjnthiretpectitaithBdt (twimnwiiipiin|lio

:v']£ ukkr|-'BoIr 'Carrlc j(8ta>if^TOp!®^£,tKAA<rrrJ <mf^tMbinsnr fo OTO0*)8 fl lcQTirll pnwipf¦

Liii^ jaHbj^ ] ^|fi^ it^Mfi |


Bay, is a continuation of that inquiry. At Water-ford some evidence was given by the cotmen, butnot such as would justify us in acceding to the re-quest contained in the memorial. I would ask thosnap-net men to proceed to give UB further evidencein reference to the allegations which have been madeto ua.

_ Mr. O'Donnell—There IB not a Bingle man thatsigned that memorial now present in court, bnt th«locnJ snap-net men here in attendance are as deeplyinterested in tho matter, being equally, if not more,aggrieved by those great seine-nets in the narrowsof the river.

Mr. Quirke—Major Hayes himself inspected thuplace where they nre used, and saw them at work.Major Hayes : I did.

Mr. Quirke—As I am instructed, the averagolength of seine-nets is at least 90 yards each. AFisherman: They vary from 80 to 100 yards, and

Major Hayes—There was a " shindy" between tbosnap-net and seine-net men 6omo time since, andwhen tho police were sent specially to see after thomatter, both snap and seine men joined together,and turned against tho police (laughter). That-wasa strange way to preserve tbo fisheries.

Mr. O'Donnell—Tho snap-ncte on the tidal watersaro fair enough, but not above in the fresh waterportions of tho river.

Mr. Quirke—My instructions, gentlemen, nre,first, to ask you to atop the seine-neta, and next todraw your attention to the total want of preserva-tion on tbe upper part of the river.

Major Hayes—We got that out pretty clearly theother dav. .John Power examined—I am a snap-net fisher-man, and for 35 years past have been fishing at

Carnck-on-Suir, from Ballylinch to Ballydine—fourmiles altogether ; I used to work one of tbo seine-nets myself for three years down at a placed calledPurtnaghnaboe—two miles below Carrick, on thatideway ; we used to draw it about a quarter of aniJe in one draught; for the last six years I havofashed with the snap-net at all times of the tide ;there were seven or eight seines watching a haul inmy time on the ono stretch of the river ; before I wasdone below at tho tarn the second man would be throw-ing ont about 300 yards above, so tbat nothing couldV?*V£l} ° firat ?*rt of tho tido th9 seine-net would bostretched across the river as a fixed engino ; the Boiria-net men, aa a general rule, fish by night with snap-nots,and by day with seines, as they have license for both—at least I anpposo thoy havo; the nsual size of the meshof a seine-set is from three-quarters to two inohes ; thon«8?T iilS8*11 u 80 yatds : X 8aw the riTcr> nt the drainof the fade , as narrow as 45 yards, where thoso seineswere used ; I beliovo thero aro'npwa'rda of 14 or 15 seine-nets between Carrick and Fiddown.

Major Hayes-Why did you givo np your seino-net P"??i.nou ai £ &fo"ow ic : J conld nof stand both itand tho boat budding, which was more profitable to mo

than tho fishing ; I earned this year with the snap-net,«?7 -BAa

*rw ' aBont £2Q '' J couId not aay I evor eam<!d.£50 with tho snap-net in the season.

Major Hayes—I had tho information tho othor day /*'that they earned between .£40 and .£50 a year per man. {

Witness—I havo often got 15 and 16 salmon in a ^week with the snapmet ; this year (1870) was a very '?, y??-ivfor 8DaP-not fishing, the mon earning not morothan .£20 each ; in February this year I got, at a cal-culation, seven or eight fish a week for the time I fished—all nrst-olaBs.fine fish—bnt tho flood came and stoppedus ; I got no spent nor " full" fish in February ; thoaverage woight of the salmon taken that month wasfrom 9 and lOlbs , to 221bc, and the price 2s. por 1b. ;I fished very little in Februory-onlyfourtoen or fifteendays out of tho month ; in March it was the very some—floods off and on, nnd getting fi8h only now andagain, more rain having fallen this year than I everMmAmnflr

Major .Hayes—Do you know of any fishing going onduring the close season ? Answer the question truthfullyand yon neod not feer any prosecution will arise out ofit. I might see it going on, but that is all I knowabout it. Is it not the general feeling abroad thatpoaching is corned on dnnng the weekly CIOBB season^Well,' it is, sir ; but it is not a. great deoLot- T '

Mr. Brady-Aocor aing^ .2^ ?0"expenses for four veB»—-T ~X tirao, *»u ¦¦

eajning« B i -oi«rniy fish down to Waterford for^ •-rTTO got no spent fish during the month of Feb-ruary with the snap-nets for tho lost five yeais ; thoygo with the floods before- that : yon could not get, forvnara cast, a snont fish in March : thero are ten (roodfish, in February np here to tho ono bad one j it wonWbb a pity to stop fishing with us in t>>«—-«'u ul JfeD"ruary, as'we get good fish then."• Mr: Brady—Tho fishermen in Mooncoin and MountCongreve, according- to tho ovidenco we had bofore UB,•fro«a&d they got Soptember. It would appear thaAthe " slats'' ore swept down there by tho floods. \. Witness (to Mr. Johnson)—Seine-note have been inuse for the, last 35 years ; I never made a complaintbefore, and would not hav« done so now only that I got -

snotico.of this inquiry; I think that every man should ; ,fish with sn&p-ncts, and that soino-nots should bo dono 1 /away with ; every one should have- only the ono way of I 'finhin(r with nets. : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • . ' \, -James Banks, Carrick, examined—I havo been 3Uyears enap-net fishing, ofton as far up as Clonmel andKilsheolan, down to Tybroughnoy Castle : gonerallyspeaking, I. have been fishing on tho same ground ashist witness ; it would bo of tho greatest advantago tous to put down tho 8eino-nets ; I caught only three oldfish (aponts) in tho months of February and Marchthig yoar. - :

To the Chairman—There 13 plonty of fish taken inJanuary by poaching1—now fish -, I myself caught sevennew'fish on ono New Tear's night, seven years ago.1 To Mr. Brady—I fished only two or threo nights i;January last, and got only two or throo Jnotr fish ; ISold them to Power, and got Is. Cd. per lb.

Mr.'Quirke—6d. per lb. is tho gonoral price for sal-mon at'Carrick before the season opans (laughter)..*¦ Witness—In the month of Fobruary last year, I knewa "clear" of cots to kill 16 . new salmon during ononight !¦: ¦ ';•• ' ' .v Major. Hayes—How could you stop this illegal fishingui January.? , jl don't see any way except to pay thebailiffs,; we might fish, in the freeh water at night, butonly.at times—not regularly j this night , fishing goeson from a place called Glen ; »ny man that con do itwill, of conrae, fish by'night (laughter) ; the regularfishing'on-'an averagb'.for tho lost five years was betterthan for the five years' boforb ;' my own share for tho26-weoks of the season would be 12a. per week all round ;not more. • ^¦v / : i : i a • ' ' - '. ¦¦ 1

'. v - •.;.- : : ¦ : ' ¦ ¦¦ .¦

,, Mr. Burka—There is so bailiff on for 20 nulcs of theriver from Mooncoin to Kilaheelan- in the annual closetime, when preservation is most needed. .

Edmond-BurKe, .a, snap-.net. .Os&erman ana aiso adealer W salmon; bxanuhed—I'caught'seven salmon thofirst day'in'Febrnary; they wero worth about .£13; Ifished'only eight or ten daysin February, the remainderbein'g flooded ;¦ for tbs whole month of Fehraary.I gotonlyiitwolve salmon;: in 1 March, which w«s a bettermonth/tX got twenty good fish ; .the price dnrinff Marchajrerag 28.,2d. pet lb.; ia April, 3s. 3d. per lb?and inMay,' 2s'.|6d. per.lb,,; any, salmon over 161b. is counted,a lar b one, ah'd.the'pnoe is out ; on 13th February theprico wisJa-10M. per lb.; on the 24th, 2s. 4d. ; therois"a:g»od aeal of poaching any' tijno. th? fishennen getthS;eBana:7y.", J '*:1 < :jU -!'*:; " ¦' ; '. ; : ''''I 7 " •i .-JIdJo^Hayeii—How^obuld- thatbo'atoppedr ;I don'tkspwiji I hive no interest1 in-'slopping'the weekly olbsoseason, bnt I.would not Ukotb'sae salmon 'killed in tbeannual close season ;"if thq close-'season was in tbo day

:time, and the i flshormen :werolill6wod to-fiah in thoj night,-1,think it- would do; awtyi with ipoachinff albo-;ge^her, as poaching could not b&caxriod on dnriDgtheiqayVif tho,tonservators,KonldJTr»toh the tribntanen of ~, tha'Bub"^unngthe.clci84,Beaepn:asr well as they wotch. . .

;;tXebp^Blre ',;.tKey,.wouldjdo:sbm« good;;.thero is

&s:th lwifs'sie'disahatg 'darinV-th4elbio season. ' ;LJ'Ms v^^XftAMr^ oJ >m*Sctor'6f ?iir»ter-- -:b»iliffs)^Hs,TO yoinTO'jaisisSattr f'jNoviiii; h«'vnu»:;d^Bbontta"ued':baoWith«icoinnKnce;ment.'of':the ckwe • .tUjlWOjiS*U'i^?i3ii(V:'<:''ii'Ii-i*-?; i«Jj'^J.ri!iO-';>'-.» ' .:• t S -.,;jMrrJ bnapnprToU;will got etDry aasistanoo from the .Minstonlirr iuYea tbs nr8,nillliig,to assist when;¦taair;6th*'ontie».danot>nterfet».i?f,r7'<ih- ¦*;(¦¦? 1 ¦¦>Uj-^^f"Hai^ Q there » gb siimon Jivbr between,O»rKtfifiSlWa»rfcWf^ , V»'LCac uMhVwhich'i»' ¦Wbf.tWittt'spSwtdhg' mers ia the district'; the Kil-!ilit^^Kll'tt'-dsO'iTpW-rlTel! ^ ;: . ;¦';¦•,. ..V;V ' t ^ - ' ¦¦ . - . .f nllriaraut(wato4)<ailn7HM«tanWhelanandMaiUn ' .|W*teWwsWbffli«s:on thoClodlagh;IbeKevetheyj 'ih»v»b*Wjdi»<4vwyrf Uie^iijad^.i^i^:-ij -r. ;-./- ¦•, ', ;¦: . ' .fe»^ «l ?h>W; ft6r du«.«troainin Cay rr ; , .,

Ai^Sett'wS ' nring .^ y -'t .'-7 ¦ •

iit-iajwhilB'thej; iWat WOTk/winwf» for thrW'-honra" -^;J|»t»Wo*«rf iirfib(jt t^nVx>dtid«,'or;elghth<)ttrs' ;-pMt oftiw't #pfcy^offrij .Tboyfifh Jn-fynf iinf"t"' r'pip f m t ¦


^^ ^at^ ^ |l | Mni;|: . ; | :V;

" T^ flM SE1:". Tut™ tS2gjto£$a , iM.tM* H »ii»'J'.j' •' • : .• ;'¦ ;Brth« n»^<tirlterertl»rw»» <t>if«llt t<) tie )"- . " .'. :." ,i . ¦AnatbB\rtnd-pla)«da:EBn> iXriib tl ftJht andtM iUwl, ;- , Anath(T(ft(ifilii«R>.»»Jf?«\» m>d.ttfl B«5 W»»o1i - • ' ¦' !' Afadtho uuketana uw ne raruaen witlul, )

And the wifc and ttap ohi!* eu three, ,r ', • ' :!. . - ' : :ir^ -t :-.;-,:;:? CWttirai ¦»'!•;« J- — l '- ':--! ' V - - . \, ;;W«»;opJojlng5>hrt iB>lp lc,'.'>X»tt<»."j f : " ¦¦- • . ' : -• " . ' .

; . Bobfcis «V8.raUedJri*l;«» he rutfetettt wind¦•; ' ¦ ' ; .[' Whl ed bta aiodH batfa'siBfctot^o.t') c'J rj ' 'j'< : >

And ITe'sWore aSatfostVu ae.chuUered.andgrinned, -.'.•While hi« Wife roter-Ms lie idhttrfcart haadkerfMW Wnned,And the children howled lo id, with their faces all sHsnmea

,. And tbe/ir tMUj>er» iffl bpj .4tthBlT»e,- ¦:,-.." ¦> .-. ;;.-¦ . , ¦ For jou sto... , *„ . , • . , . ' . ; , - . iTThb east Wind wns iuioonm only free; ': :. '. . ' . . . - , ' ¦ 'Tbon the merqUen r a on &e Rea-wnUjnnota, . : , .. :

i 'Ami the ginehnm-wa* blow i inkldooot i ". ",'. .. ' ,And the «y paruoli'Md t) e shawl,'and the coat ; • .- - ,

¦: And tho Eow apd thB jjaiket w^re jbdrly afloat,1 >' And the wire of his" Botom Jown over a boat, • ¦ ¦

Ana tho bqtyes.all firing al irot— .¦ ... . ; . • j;• . ¦¦¦¦¦'' Such * not I ¦¦'»' '¦¦ ; " '


•T>T3saplUfal«l»h», witto it doabl. ¦ , . " '• ;StlU Uutt atagular.'mauktp Ms rtrange wlM .eonrao ' .l)j the maivoof th«t mod (oreredbvi T- '• , " • '"*/ !And helanghedASTim, laai b,,th»» w«» «tridont andhoarw.1As ho saw bow the wtoa ha 1 pronbunoed » divorce ; .For his wito and bts babes rote 'boToe on by 1U force, 'Till thej vuoiahed tntulrt t ir away; -~ i

j . Imajsoy <¦ -. - .- ¦ '. ¦• ¦' ¦•- • . • . - . ' '•I was shocked ot Ms'soeinu B so'ga}.} ; > ,\ - ,y ': - . . ,-I was griovod a* I marked 1 ow, through pitiless rain, .He ir«nt wandering on alt I lit day j'. ? . , - ,' • , • ¦ !And I thought, If I hoppo* d tAjneet Wm «gttln;' ' ' ;I would ask fur. what sin hi MtdortdallUU« pala'i'/. ¦'¦ .;And this reason he roved or the brink-pf. the main. : ¦ - •' !AVWlo hls wifo and Ki«"batx» wereartrarj',-:-. ¦, . ... - •¦

Seemed a strange sort of t lag to display. '¦• ¦_ '. - • ' ' ' \8o I aikod that weird manif he1d:BiTS.iD3 the tip " '" " * , .;-.Why ho.wanderedoo thns iirongMJtbtlpoor-; ¦' ¦': ; ; ~ 'And ho cTedjme-withaoarn wMloapdwcariedhUUp,!.,. '-And ho aoswered;' ¦*;,ThJ»"h»ri is a cheap PI«utue,Tr>Pi:i 'Soren hours :bjr the ao -arida'blow and a dip','? '¦¦"- . . ./ '¦.And 4 walk byithebootifulthore V ¦ - • ¦ ¦ • " . " ¦ » l -

" .. ; ¦.. ¦ , Than he sjfore l ,. . - •.; : . ' : ;: ' :ri:^l ;For he'd got all he'd paid Mr—and mo re., -,. ., ;—PyncJv.) ¦.:

THE "VOICE -OIF THE STOBJi 1.' .' .'' '• • ; .. ) •¦

.. '¦• •. . - - |

•' • -V ' v ' •¦ •' '

¦.¦• : .

Wildly the gnll acreama, flaelsg for shelter,-\ - ¦ ¦ - ' - .' While the bpis'trons «ea,i!iD Hnge billows xidea : -

Fiercely and mail j, wild gnlea^are groaning, ' . , '•¦ - ."WhUe yonder horqse, hel ilesa, drifts o'er thA Ude . :

Pale faces areBloopiiiig.Vi higonypainteil.I j ... ; ;' Tbelr cries or dospal^JiOi blond with,the itonn; ,, .The nQbts are brarelywUl stem Heath battling,,, ~ .: With feolloga of horror; 1 IOW tremble each 'form.'..'. .Still onward,'tinid orglng, o' ir thepitileaa sea- i J, •' Fast drives jooacr ship > ith the welgh of despair i .The dark rocks ire'loomlng* like sentinels gloomy, '; ¦ ,

The Petrel's wild dirge s m echoes the aari"'<The pale lightning'* flash o! ir.inewat'rT surges;. , .

More dismal and ghastly he. rocks la their gloom jNearer the snrf the Tossel a liiroaches,: ' ' . '

The Toieeof,the'tempest (dhanUnghet doom.Thon down Itf the'tottei Qf nWiUogVater,-'. ' ;' Doepdownln the'abTsa,< (Ok faihoms' below— ¦

•Horrorand jnoahingirith • oda si Intoning', ;'; ' .And aighing-.their dirges < f'eoMow and woe.. , * '.

Ton buqnowith i iVictimi ,'sloep 'Death thoocean, ..:' Are silent fhdee voices that spoke in their pride;; \ .

The tempest has coa»'d all i « wild commoUOD;' . .. The pue'moonjnov shine o'er the aUretr Ude.' ' - '

TJnnriBedlt gloaini like ajn nUifii«hrd inlrror, ;. '. '. . ¦ . ,The wind aud the «orpe» I ato silently fl.edi : . .

Nansht is there now ean'br ng back to onr TWons; ¦., -. Those lOT'd.'absentfaoes, that sleep with the'deoar ' <

. . -. , . ',¦".-.;,¦...,;;-1';

¦-:—i.'atixcis Btmx*aotr.

" ¦;:'; p:vie,o &tuN I T T-V ¦ ../ • ;¦¦ ;i -HowlnHghtly ontho brii'lt UeB l-^.' , " - . .:

Purpla monircbrW UigTiiflo—-' "',4 ¦ ' ',

, i Hail him,'crown him;« yoo wait/ '. 'I 'Twill foreTCrbetooUto. . ': | : ¦ [ ' ¦ • ¦•' - :

-' -Touth;l)y May's'ehqhttnbnent Jod,"¦ . . ' , ,.. .Dreams of rosier days ahead, .

: ;But oal/ hewho £r<4uthelionr ' ' "' > ¦¦• ¦ .. , CarvM the spiralpalhto power.- ' . '. ¦¦ :i '¦ iMaiden'wfth'lh'epi ttyiace'l : '' '. ;. ,:

I 'All th» *4rid admli s your grace; V; : 'i'orm.'ahdsweatee* :„• Bright Blue-Eyes I - ''

. rot PQ Vrua in^b; e-and-byes.'.'- ¦" • > :;¦ ¦•;' ! .'"TUIDlillJlubJlTriT'nTii mbnicails,,, '. "' - ''" ' '• •:,',..,oSSbSnTftHIm E beWls,!'- '. ' ' ' ' , ;„: And p>»n it shnttf rioBWws tSSr

; . ; •!¦'

that. .it , i? . nec©ss»ry (q 8ujppJy.,them';iiritl» B9me .fA Xnepd of nunetiaad ,l», mei WhenillcoDgnlted hiinto tytiulttQcUkAi-J-r- ¦¦¦ iV, . r-r-rvT-zY¦ifiub on-phe;gr»i«T-?Sli »p require -no'water-to

vdrlnk.whVncthopdstures ixe sucoulent, bnt oii. drypasturee, when tbe "grass kOcomes partly ptircfifei indry '• weatUor'.Mt iisVery'; lieeesiBary -to 'supplyIthemyritti. plentyof['itT:.'It.froi H( be >rell atidl:times,«tohalyo a,sripply accessible t ) Bheop. V They could tHeppartaVeof itwhen,'ttey r »nireitl-%-r;:? :v .'iV/ y>;ih:

. COLIC in HoE«g.—A YODNU FABKIE.—Orie tfjny hork iB subject : to., requienf fits of ?colic-\ '-Utake3hiin at different tin eiof the day; after :-work;and after feeding.'Is thei s any proventiyej'aiid what

> medicine ahould;!* givB -^IMB^OT''stony;Jwd". cretion? in the'nnnnjy bi other internal ror aSs/'ia

Bometimei mistateifor ' jollc 'Ia; there, j any ;dim-culty in voiding' nrirje? 'Colic ' is 'jprodncgd:;prin?AtMikiin \^«v ¦ MII i I'usilii ¦ fj mJ I Z i *m Y«A«1 £A A J * ¦ ' ¦** * * ' ' 'cipally by irregular feedu g, bad iood.-rfor' 'iwatering:at improper times.(jHorf >« fed on grain of any kindshould norer gef water it imediatelyafter being fed;There are very many sob tonoea wbioh may be usedwithadvantajfein.1 speanodiq 'colic.'tBrandy.'.'gin,'orturpentino, if conrenic at.'njay be used.t.Thetur-pentino hcru d be;comb n<jd

jwith';piL S We;haye

(oand.th,e fpIIpWing verj - good; -SuIpEurid,'etuer,<ine ounce ;laudanum,.oi e ounce gifen jna pint ofwater ;|the dbee to bo rep ated aftax ¦'half' anlhqur;unles9.relief:,bo;obtain3d. 'Clyster*of warm-waterBhouldibortBTown np,iui( stimujatlnglotioria' of oilandtnrpentjneor mvstai l'appiledtothe'belly.- ' }:r MAHR WJrt'OANicra;- •Ihare'.'a!"niare'that has'esnlrer'in the foot.' "I ha- e:'tried 'seTerallremediei'witPout aTOim t-jjiet icSw. whatilftm tiido'?Keja>6To..Wl.furg gK w.t i \o »,le»el wiUi the.'-fcooi?( e tb^^geworthag^^ bioh f.oUowa-.byfitouohingthb" parts lightly liwith ' .' little -muriato- of-anti-mony>MEemoTe'careftil '.all' looseihorn/or thatpart Boparated from the senritiTefsble^; Sprinkle'the exposed surface1;with the'foUo jjiowdet'i—Chloride of littej one-bus >e'f idum'one"oiua»'jxaBiitwobnncca.TyMake'np'ft ^ *reji asrequiwcQaathb kilitnrft^wflL'.'not lu sp.Y,CdTOT;theiborn7>«ndpowder^Tet,'parefnlljr:,wi k fiyarsitfilintlfind-tbir,'M as'jtpicjcolndemOiatnw and; keep an eren 1pre»ienreonthe idiaeased.-pat •JBitoT.rf.irontorjtteelBEpped under- the'eb6e w d bieri the -ioe'wfll. keepdp¦'tbe;pn«t)»B. 'fC«»*t ie ft»t e«lV''ary, i:tcacK'eWice Ta'd aijlg ttbTe' ypKSayipi*?and'Tcpeat tHe';dressing aind; pccAsure,^"Brccaroi'fully coSau^ tlbSitrt tm t; drBe et «Sthe.footget.wet,jouf,wil .uin^tioTconner-otLtiwe,-OTeroome .this'i^naatyidis aad,-,:.which, 'liki I maayiotbersj isthereiult ofdir and'carele6«nert/t'.:>»-gvi^

%$&$ff i%®m &*&%$$$$%$$' -vFor] eotiw -tiinfr/Pa**. •peettlation h *» iboen'rife1;cbrywberajthroughoat herconntry«B to'irhattl*'c inK1bi«T^ l»AiaUyl)e>t!AU aIcifrfit,'WB«:diffiisatttt i*caTt!iwitli'5 to/!ia§riW'of)7fegaafj^The1 incessant rain*'af tM ^eire' iiaa io uij.Bwun otitoppnJfenm ;;t|M>isifiMaJsi:pB>ri«^!lfca'oehjea^ jfitfte peQpI wejje'oft thia J«* .IprDotbing Jbntla,wn?»:« inMonoses foUowiaroae;another llnijrapidjMOOW donfisffliia Utehemot,lb»:eea n,;: esp iaJlyin: di. trict* imturaUy bo^kwaW,"!nreyei»tad''«».'li>nwtta ^ Jip taWtawW *'&tfV1fettm«;Zwo «Bhoii te Be;y(^^weekflttttal;!iiDy'"deflnite'L le JoojiHbejjflyjeii tiw,

howerer. that the maip itMmo ZbaettMMM&itheir :«ntira !gro tb »: pretty;aocurat*lconelu«tocan'Jbo !WtrtTed.i:B>t>'i»!, to*%^w tri»*uiMr1«!returns j and, notwithst ndi^ Ve^

di^arafe^itgih6 »b«ld;<mtj«t|b 5Sgi|g; JW35S«rbfeardaiK'a'iMidi and la e MrveBt aMotiiw rbfi1T^ctf'eqoilJT imliintinj ,^S artl»*P*.l6?»itf»'

. wa^ aM.ftftoljjriaJ dn afloSrawfa: ! . .nnparalWe<Jt;«**«IAty;of the;weatb«y«tb«i)ptDtaehar»«*tpjoini«)»slona.w] ole/to beome*itii*bi)S'the iarmeri:toay Jber;T«r r pi>p»ti«fteil^Wev»»y>:"on a boIe/' becauM aa^wiiirfoiiroftta*Trii»i<

'atmoiEneho'ljSbaagCj !; ?WMJ"Sliy» fftW«,

tliatVthO-MWoaiwWch; reii^rMpUlj!iiM<MilaM.'thrtogbiiptW»riiK5 « aU^ -;t*T«:ifr«td l;

mmm¦¦:'HtwP»lfr»M|i»liffl2S? is*!

^Ko veTSdenoyurthiB reBptcvtban in past years.Of'tho VdiBor''crops'(reportVepeak8 favourable inmoeti parts,;: Turnips; suffered considerably at thestart; toeSeMl/JBOwiBg'.Vpasmiig^ -thrbngh.a fowTreflkiientlrely unOTitia to tboir growth, but of latea -oh«n^«i ror -'the •tietter.'-lms set in/and they nowlook ;healthy iu the extreme.. The bay crop hasbeerii secaredi'and is perfectly safe>and the returnhaVbten larse'nearly everywhere.'. > :: ,;i}:Taldnff ;-afl ;these. things .'into account, it wouldappear; as• -if" thip ' agricultural porBbir of the; com.i:ttunity'N'w'ere 1 reilly''irife>' more 'prosperous: state•tliab>waB:atfiiBi( supposed:? Ot course a great dealiwfll'td^ptaa npbn the'prices to be realitedfor thetaridua Hnd« of marketeblo produce, as this alonecan'nupply^ the "great'want of inbriey' which baabeeu'ifelt'-?bver a' lengthened period, :; But'thero isat JeaBt a hope in the 'fiiture of the'pextfewinpnthV-'that' we are on: the eye '61 better times,'and''that thq-depreeaing influences which have so

•lonjf' surrounded us are «t length assuming a moreauspiiiaous lobk. '•! . • ¦' V ! ; ' • , ' , , \ i

jlg lB:;1calv5 60Sir5n6ep» :16.O87 / piyu, «Mt85.jlni'tlie game ¦way.V-we find from the Bcgwtrar-Oone-ral's eturnlth t in mUch'cars there hag been a fal]-ing'uff! in: tbe nunibeik thrbughbut the "cbuntry'of19,( r ain (»tUe "of jtwo eare'and'upwards; ofJ5,6 ttak ei VtotalVof; 65312 -But ia*.cattlennddt twoj- years, tbere Ja'.on JnbreajBe. of 1 ?7,C£6.Th"eneIfigures'give 'an/apparent.iijcraae* o€ sotne-:' thin j I'oTer, ,81,000; head of cattle,': but iw- can notshutjnir tey&ttoV the nnfavoUrable featurea of,'thedra ot^TOefaU ffrowni cattle «tejsoingfftwayi !andttieMtaustlMiar'decreiae-inJnwneyrTalue'-ia1 thei^Oeft1witi''n«wnMqaentvpo?3b^r'yon^ness ijri sheep .thereHas beek deem&otnjSiS,aiaM ^mot ,m f im^aM^m ^^0afalling off in'our trade is only Tery much- inaooord-ance.; with thp; number "of atOejin the1, country;and this:"riew. is' bornei "out! in theVreturn! of theezpo irom'!pn'bliiiS vhida''i£ai9 ailc»!bS( 31 per^ Tttta nte Jai ^ 'on nt.cen wWeTviHrafherjheaWi-'j^expenditore.qn ihe:)iae'.1riJ}mi>g:£lie iiall'.T6»r]tb'ettdditibnalv«xperifle:' haa'baealjB2 88,irhichi~ji :thenet resnJt°(rf thyJinCT«ased)oo»^^

therel'is f an':lndreas« in ISepter * J! OfJUf i OO!rather e tibnalilif'waa'irtej it'wwspecJi ' to lads tage / ';are Mt'disposed; in,' the*.pref Wt'aBMKt'brrjuljray affiuW;' oveiitcr,:into any',9ew.%cJ ji^ j|ictte.^ nwln,: e.ob^tiai iaoVlw the ptton' j,t|i ii9E0^AiMr.1 Joh» Mofopey-'-cbmplmned-tofvtJie high rateacbar ^ ^-tr^ or^W wyc 'r theeffecV Wsaid,'f ilkeuitiig ttam y other lines: ¦*«iSJ^ jt^ ci' wex tt X'wo dUpse'the

! in" iM ' t&'i tib i t-pf.t i^W rtord id:'mmm^ s^mWmw^there fbt.tb«'Xn«li»KAni«rlp«toi»t-\Wer found this, w » Mtfoh^h«tjpeife*!lvTh|B 5tt*tl«Cittade^w»a; jrery.infiKirtMttatheoc^ fa^ftheldirectori ought¦ab o^ iol'lower thrSfe forithe^ranaittof.aiifl

fj>^%:^ ^ p| tH .sn«:'i xCMi ^&J «

k4«^Ba«x» ijirtM li£Qan (kader.st«s>^diafc^ pjn t.viai rj fcijcatib oa;

: thtoliw'wwi i ttet l th^^^1 extrioWin*ryVtbJ^Hl s'hs couHb«conTay9dfro^&^iprioa'to'KMJiM'toWii ^

mtmuMkiMabmmmiiia ^mia f ,) ^

Wm^ mms^ stmmM


. Ttiei depressed - condition' of . .trade in this:couitry IB too eloquently and-too tfaly told'iii)tho'l6Ubwing:fa<i;ts'and"figure8 by the 'chairman'Mr.'jAMEa .O. COLTILI )) of pur principal Irish;EailwayoCompany, - the i Great- Southern andj•WBaterni '-wHen oadressingi thff 'ehareholders at•thei.'«eTeil firBtl halfiyeary ' geneM; meeting,]held ia'Ddbliri'Qn Satnrclajr :r-"'.: .t!: » "!• ' v<X'lmagintf that;every:pewon in 'thls rtfpm must!ha#e ' ectoi-kso^deriii^ that-'we -are: in".thiBjfourthryear of V VerT ,'teyere;'depressibik"aifecting,'tbcP'iiitire¦ Tlnitied'Kttgddini -to Mvd'found some,falling6ff in-the\revenueYrof the/railway.\-Bat Iconfess thlo falling off' has much, 'exceeded bur ex-:pectatjons.1' rhid Very litUe'idea -the'deflcitVould: haye amounted to' what' our!r5port'puta .before: you::•The'jmws' decreaie in'our trafflo is. over J629,OdOi re-''duceii byan increase in coal'and a trifling , increasein the maUaerVIce'to'a net total of X28,443.; Thedecrcsieis'distributed over thVpasBengcr,J goods,and' cattlei! traffic "In the passenger-trafflo: thefalling'(jff'ia spread in pretty nearly fair proportions¦betifeenf all 'clasaeB.' "There ! ia a decrease ;in :theflrBtclass passeng'erB"of 10,850,repreeentinj? X4,47e.;in -BOcond laBS;6,059;. JB1.M2 ;;and'this balf-yearwe have the unusual feature of a falling off in third-class'passe'ngerB to the extent;of 32,401;.repre3ent-'ing t!£4,754; making a total lors to'the''company"of

• JBllvl71;;f In the carriage of'goods'there"i8 a fall-ing off amounting in -money Value to JeiO,893', abouttwo-thirds of that accruing upon' the Dublin end,'andthe remainder upon'the: Southern end bf the line.A remarkable instance^bf ' tho'effect at'ttej'depire)?-eion generally existing fs :ti be found 'under thehead of carriage of artificial manures, of. which therewas t» falling off of 3,274'tons,' Infant the formingclassw were not able to pay jfor the'w manures nndcbnsoque'ntly 'they'did; not 'go into'^'niuidption.-We have a falling, off in the butter trsj of boul885 tons.-! That is really a smaller falling ' off" "tban'I wbuld^have'"expected to' have' foutia;i''OnrtheDublin end of -the line the falling off was 68$fons,but on'the Bouthern-' end ' there' was :"an' increaso'of¦825:tbns;leaving* the' net decrease only 868 tons/:TepreiBenting. about: 10,000:firkins./ "While "bri'tliis¦'snbjoct,' I 'may say tbat: one; cannot biit be gw&toknoTitthat in every part of the counbyarieat Effortis being made to put the butterirade in:bettir'oon>ditioh sthivn'.beret»fore,.bbth. inrinaking.'ttie' ititttterand its' packing and "preparation' for 'the* 'English,imarlre'ti;"'A't'the eaule time,'gent]emen~ you are;tounderstand that X do not mean to say tbat the, tali-ing ;qff in;4be,butteritraflicjis attributableto badmanufacture.' ,Qn the contrary,*! believe^Jitidno' Us.dopr oai 'trade ftna-reJultantTtailurefii'don-Buinption. '-¦ < The Registrar .'General's wtnrns 'pub-

-lvili«4;-4>idayK8hbw ithat: tliere"ls V filling "off of•'20,^V

:miW* T '.th'e ' ^ -'V

l*h^'siire if,ttfa Vi^uhttberb is ati increase jmcoaL j.rVfbitoejauTied 6 66 tons more Ihanin the


^ nea^ifafe!

^ «2«id aay.jBiaway. north or aiivmSlmSS^^^

{TUef Mgrifevbelhg dag out 'and coal is now>ld(tnd'¦beithe'

¦**w l8i!?^^WilingToff .of Bliiro representipg:*



- ¦_ .. ! • ; • :_ .: .: ' - v . iitixBsxKrei- U'-Vr'. '-y . ': .

; Tho half-yearly-meeting b!;the shareholders ofthis company -was held on'Monday,"at1 the board-room, terminus offices, Newrntb; commencing at teno'dbek; the'flhareholders'.'beirig'notifled.'iu the ad-ivertMemcnti that two sp.eclal'ineetings would follow;one at'll'Vilwk'in^wBpect to-a.propoee^agree-

,'m'ent'.M:to the working of the Limerick and Kerryrailway, and the Mother' inimediately.afterwardsiitbdetcnuine whether or not 'the.'Waterfordcompanywould continue tho working of-the -Kathkeaje rail-way, the subsisting 'arrangement terminating .in1887." -At ten 'o'clock,' the chair was' taken by thechairman.of the'company; THOUAB STNNOTT, Esq.;!J.PJ ' There werb-alao'preaent: ; \ . ' . ;• "MeaBrs. Abraham Stophons, J.P., E. O'Shaughnessy,;M'R .'Waltei; Breen.'J.P., DrJ AtkbBon: E. MeCready,'E. . Mshony.S. Burke, andJamcBSpakht. direotors;¦ J: O'Connor, solicitor to the company.; M.Jy Kennedy,secretary; J.'.Tighel'.eneinoer i ¦&• Eoborts, tafflo su-perintendent ; Hon. D.F. 0Forte8oue, DrL., T.'Curran,J. J. Shee, J.P., Bev. W. iGriffln, J. J. Mnrphy, ao-oountant; J. E.'Byrno, &o. ' - '• • ¦ ¦ : .

. The Secretary read the notice convening the meet-ing, after which the* Beal of the company was affixedto the register, of shares. Tbo following report ofdirectors and statement of accpunte to 30th June,1870; were submitted :, ; '¦ :

" The dirootors snbmit to the shareholders tho naualstatement of- traffio - receipts of the company) exclusiveof tho*Athonry lines, for tho Iprst Half-yoar, as com.pared with the correspondinghalf-year of, 1878. :

"Tho traffic' receipts, inoWdiog thG 'Athcnry and)Ennia'and'Tuam-lines, exhibit n- decreatpof J£8,257on the half-year, as compared With the corresponding:period of laaiycar- .The falling off'ocean in tho threo;principal Items of your trafBo—vix., passengers, good*,

•and cattle, uwhioh show deoreascs pf >£2fi32i £2,B18,\and' 3,054.respe9tively. ,It.|s;hardly necessary to;point .to 'thejong-oontiiued and general, depression intrade 'as' tiio cause,'of the rodnctioni in your revenue,;and which' has' been- 'increased by tho sovore weather1'¦we 1 have" haa '-opi.tb 'the' proaent. 'Tour directors canrofor with saHflfaotion to th'eisnbBtantial rednctionwhioh,'• without '• impairing " its •' offldenoyi ¦ they haveeffected in .the working erponses of the fine during thehalf-year, amounting to close on <£S,000,'and they trustthat' by a continuance of striot supervision,' they willm6et,,to<a con'siderabloi extent, tne reduction in yourreceipU arising from the tausea'before referred" to.•" After providing for thqpaymentof tho intereston-your mort^Beo, and- debentnre'debt, the balance avail-

-able for dividend on the stook and shore capital of thocompahy'amonnta1 to 24.625'48.' 5d:, 'out of- whichyour "dirootors proposo to pay the usual dividonda 61Si'and 5 per cent, jer annum on - the prefortnee shares,and.' 4i and; 4 per (Sent. per. annum respectively on theconsolidated stock,-leaving a surplus of,.£6,783 17s. 8d.,out ,of .whioh they recommend a dividend'at the rato oftwo'per"cent, per annum on tho ordinary.Btook of theoompany," carrying ' forward JE94217a. Sd. to the creditof next half-year's accbtmt.- ' ¦¦ ' •

"The first section of the Sonthorn Bailway botWcenClonmel •'and Fethard was opened last month, and theremainder of .the line to Thurles is progressing towardscompletion. . .¦ '. ;• . , , ¦; ! v ." Th« notices in referenoe to tho Iiimeriok and Kerry

IBailway,' whioh have reached you,' indicate that yourdirectors, propose, making an important, extension toyonr 'system, which'will, in theii; opinion, form a valu-able feeder to' the main line, by opening up tho richand fertile district' surrounding the thriving town ofJJKtowel,'1 and establishing : unbroken- railway, - com-munication between the port of Tralee and the harbourof fWaterford. ., '. '! THOMAS SrNNOTT, Chairman..¦'.. ¦¦ .- . .'¦¦, i . ¦ . .- ,¦ ¦ "M. J» KBNifEDT,>Sccrotary.j>, " Board Bbomj Dublin, 7th AugUBt, 1879."f

* .Tho'rppbrts of Messrs." James Tigho, Chief Enginoor,and!' E ; Barry,' Locomotive Superintendent, certify tothe go6d working;condition of thp lino and to tho goodorder'and"f"repair of the company'a plant, rollingBtOOft'ftb;'-'1 ' ¦ ¦•¦'.»

¦•¦ ':. . ' :¦ ¦' , ¦' • '¦. :¦ • • ' - •

-¦-- The CHATBHAN then rose and said—Gentlemen :Although thb.stetemept of accounts which you have,.no doubt, perused, ia not as gloomy a« might havebeen anticipated, yet'the falling off in the' trafficreceipts is a 'very serious figure, amounting to noIe8s'<th'an:£8<267>in the half-year, being one-tenthof the^receipte) of the; corresponding half-year./Thigialling.'off is,-1 regret;to*say, due to'no localcausQ.'bnt it -is -general: all over tbe system, andalmost in every species of- traffic, through'trafBc asmuch as' local. > '- Coals' and*' horses shorr an increaseamounting to X700, and of i butter,'' bacon, and suchtrafflo W6 carried"considerable quantitiee; the credit/Dfjwhioh is mainly due to the deep water extension-S5? 5?oflJtind t0 the'fMlUUes •afforded by'tbeiio tatao m ui eiiJ patera

Bailway Cdm-

^fc tUtpprt regfn]arly;?Jn-cOTneetton 'with, the but-

17*.1 in money. i Goods* in the"JBggregate1 are'dojrn$;4»0 tons jin 'money; JS2;U4lGi., 'and'cattle, 29,040in numberBi and in^r.oney, i' 2.88213s: 10d.: I Theenormous importationsof-American produce, whichi»rein6rea«ing every year; in my opinion account forajfreatdeal of thedepression of trade in the country.¦We hayo recently1 revised tho rates;for -cattle, for"the purpose of enabling the-agricultural ,*nd tradeinterests to compete as well as possible with Ameri-.can importa, and'to<:encouraget export.",.The result: is not yet yei7 clearly percoivod.' ; Taking the otherside of ;the account, a inoro favorable view "presentsjtself,« The expenditure ia more within -the controlof ithe^board'thaai 'receipts;- and/ accordingly wehavo' been enabloditorebfuoo'the expenditure byabout JK6.000, be«ides -jei,400 off; the suspense ac-count,! and ibringing 'other4 exceptional -chargesagainst the revenue of the half-year'; for instance,between1866 arid 1867. the Waterford and LimerickCompany; th'e Waterford arid Central Ireland'Com-Gr t - We«ternv<impaiiy.concurred in: subsidizinga line of steamers ¦ between ¦ Waterford and Milford,'wTJch'has been'since devoloped into that" splendidservibt at present plying betweep. these ports. TheWaterfojd-pand' Limerick'Company'. were ¦ debited.with some JK2,060 tor their share of this'guarantee;8everalryeara of 'eorre8pondence:have taken-placein'reference to thi».;ftTour,board thought - it for tfeeinterest of the comiiany-tor settle 'tnis claim1 forJB1.260, which waarj^djwithtothe-last six months,and this is; ttie ' ( m jftjpmiirnigiii^VT^Dr^ ¦ accountsundertHe:-hc*eUjig,'6i.v-;t Tjatc: [feuth^ alM TraffloAa»nnt"',8tWenlent. rLilthe'nisintonMiceof'.wand works " tons of,raihtjiareboenlnid/aiag064;l6t last'j'ear*.';iui.d|*He;< ff^efitat part of ithe, raihipniji'. intoithe;iWft^a^rrtWiJiJWWinefr^


have beea used, aB^agauut OR 248 lastyear/rifTlje'

lbopmotiTe,'expense*Vart?^ l*.down, !Lin;(^measTireby;rewri'of the'trainjmileage^being ver"M.000 jnUe»:leB«;U) tharoorre«ponding^^yett^ThejtwSo\ exjimt€»! x« '}Bljff l6 lees1;, this isa natural consequence of. decreasing 'traffic,': and ia(aJsbdiie to tfcetspedal-eieitioM? which'have beenas4etorMaos: th«xp ei::ifivge^and cbmpensaHon ohairgM luivff b«en reduced' aboutjeDM/^^mpirrf'.withJtEi*; tlm^ twelvei mbnthfl.SinceJourjlast haltyeMlyimeeting.jiwe.have beenengagaiiinexpensive; bnt Ii'iunlhappy^tb aad;fnc-:pM«t^^Hgi«6ni<:.7itk;thi tbenz7.^brought in a"'BiU: aaking Parliament to authorise asile .^raUirey to'tueiiMidland Great-.WesternC6mpany ii.Tb«y alsbf^ndoavoired to obtain a (sumof'.£3,000 ai a iabacriptibn,i might lay tt donation;to;ttpAO»eBiyiC<«p ;sjb'it'<lwMch ;neithdiwetor* swr he Court^Queen's Bench could see'iheir'rwiajr'fltoli gaimipB^^hiTi fum' ^^^<gi .»'%i«04o 'bkr^and«* i l!ihigfcMMle^5 v;ic«7pros ting*a-offtW»';<»b i iEultoW%«iOie'Athenrycom/t,C** ebrt^yatm»aliuaton ithoi>t

sKkM^Ms i ilsWMMrmitfU'kB-MvuUe'sotia'

ssste^nBsS«s i v4iS^B lssftM*''VH sW'U ssssss lssssssssstsst"'4'"WV ' l.ril JwlA J>

^L% iSS^S°H't


~ ).;'The'maltitenanco;ancl"manag'emen"t by th*e Water-ford and Iimoriok Bailway Company, of the Bailwayof the Limeriokand Kerry Bailway Company, and oftho works conneoted therewith. ¦¦ ¦¦ '¦ .

2. The use or working of the said Limerick and KerryBailway, and the oouveyanoe of traffio thereon. • .

3. The supply, of rolling or irorkiag stock and ma-chinery, ana tho employment of offlcorB and servants.' 4. The fixing and collection and apportionment of thetolls, rates,' onargea. * reeeipts,' . and revenues levied,tahon, or arising in reBpoot of traffio.'

5. The payments and allowances to be mado, and thoconditions to bejwrformod with respect to the mattersaforesaid. , . • .• • The Company's Solicitor (Mr.; O'Connor) read thearticles of the proposed agreement, and then

The.CHAiEMAN rose and said—Gentlemen, I wouldask your consideration of certain articles containedin this proposed agreement. Tour'directors feelthat .the best; criterion by which to judge of thoprospects of this line is to be taken from the trafficreturns of the. Eathkeale line, which is the nearestportion of the system,' and which serves a county,tho main features, of r which are -very similar to theKerry county.. -The receipts of the' Bathkeale linenow; and for the last two years, average £J per mileper week, and it is 'only fair to assume that theKerry railway will, at least, produce equal resultson this basis (hear, hear). We shall be safe; irre-spective of the additional: traffic whioh this exten-sion will throw over the main lino. The portion ofthe country, round LiBtowel 'is rich and populous;the; population of that district is, I understand,35,000, and the valuation .£52,000. The populationOf Tralee is about 10,000, which this' railway willconnect with the city of Limerick,with its populationof 50,000, and on the whole, we consider the Kerrycountry, compares favorably: with tho district tra-versed by any of your branch lines (hear, hear). It isa much better country than that through which theAt henry and Tuam railway runs, which we work atabout 60 "per cent. The traffic of the Kerry Com-pany seems" to belong naturally to the Waterfordand Limerick company, and possession of the rail-nay to be desirable for the protection of your branchrailways lying to the south of -Limerick (hear,hear).' It is a certainty that much of its traffic willfind its way to Waterford ovec the entire length ofyour system. We are to subscribe £25,000 on theterms set out in the agreement; and I can say thereis- no danger of our being compelled to pay in ad-vance of the periods agreed on, as we had. to do inthe case of the Southern Company (hear, hear).You'will be in receipt, therefore, of the traffic of aportion of the line before you will have to pay any-thing beyond £5,000 (hear, hear). Tho arrangementisi not to take offect until the agreement for workingthe Bathkeale railway in perpetuity become? bind-ing, arid is approved by the shareholders. It cannotbe altered, and must be adopted or rejected by youas it how. stands (hear, hear). Mr. Synnott , in con-clusion, moved the following resolution :—

' "That the Waterford and Limeri6k Boil way Com.pitny be authorised from time' to time to subacribo anysums ' whioh the'directors may think fit towards thoundertaking of -the' Limerick and Kerry Railway Com-pany, not exceeding in the whole tho sum of £25,000,and for that pnrpoBO thore bo created 250 now redoem-able preference shares of £100 each, bearing interest ati, H, or 5 ve'roont., as the directors may detormino, tobe issued and disposed of at such times, on such termsand conditions, and in such manner as tho directorsthink advantageous to the Company."

!Mr. BunKE seconded the motion, which passedwithout discussion.

' " _ • THE BATHKEALE LIKE.:The next meeting was alBo presided over by Mr.

STNNOTT, and met to consider tbo following: ';1. Tho working by the Waterford Company of tho

undertaking of the fiathkealo Oompany. -2. The conveyance by the. Waterford Company of all

ot any part of the traffio passing upon or over the rail-way of tho Bathkealo Company, or any part thereof.

,3. The supply of . any rolling or working stock to'theBathkealo Company. .

A. Tho management, mointonanco, and repair by thoWaterford Company pf tho said railway,'or any portthereof. • ' ¦ " ' •. '5. The costs and expanses of snoh working, manage-ment, maintenance, and repair.

i 6. The accommodation, conveyance, forwarding, inter-change, and management of traffio , on, to, and fromtno.said railway,.or any part thereof. . - . . .

{7. The division'botwoon the companioi of tho profitsaid receipts arising from tho traffio upon tho saidrailways, or any part thereof. • . •. 10. me.wus, rates, anacs, ana cnargos, rent, orothor consideration, to bo charged in roepect of suchtraffipi j or to'.be paid in respect of such use, and thefixing arid appointing of such tolls, rates, duties, andc.taxgfigjbfl3gjgt_Pj'Ofegr considera'aon or any of them.

X| ThoiCd*A4BX<fir rose and said—The agreenientfoiworking the Bathkeale railway is simply an exten-sion in perpetuity of the present agreement, whinhid to, terminate on the 1st January, 1878. I cannotsay that the working per centage ia favorable to thiscompany, being only 45 per cent., but the line ia ashort! one,'and is ihdispensablelo enable us to worktheJjteVry railway, froui .the opening of "which thereiij no doubt a very, considerable Kse will take placeia .trftfflo'receipte.,; -The agreement cannot now bealtered; and'must be elther'adopted or rejected byyou" ini'its /entirety.(bear.' hear). The Chairmanthen moved the adoption of the agreement. . "

j Mr/O'lTAHONr seconded the'jaotion, which wasagreed to, arid the proceedings ended. ¦I ¦ ¦¦

¦ - i ¦ -

¦ : ¦ . _ ¦ i

* ' ¦• "-

' -

THE SOUTHEBN- BAILWAY; Tho 'works on this line are now fast approachingcompletion.j;;Pbr:8om'cf'tiriie,'!the difficulty in get-ting Up'a'amall'quantity of land between Laffan'aMills 'and/ Thurles oecessvilvinterrapted Che con-t|nupus-'jprogress of the . works and • caused delay::Up to: SatQrday - last/ the rails- bad been laid downafong . the entire length frpm-Pethard - to within;exactly itoo miles of the point of junction with.the.(ireat. Southern- and .[Western ' Bailway': Line :-'at;TJhnrlesJ' and Kthese/'two '.miles' * will .be . finishednitbini a fortnlghW .'or threo^weekB"',the farthest0}be*jj!th'ree;';station8 ,' at .CCarrigeen; ,(for.Cashel),:Laffan'sV, Bridge, .and Horse-and-Jockey,-! oreii in;course',; ofi:;r erection,- j and: aro; alm'oet • ready-'for;rbofinfCJ.and. at the- Thurles end-.the '.'crossitigs,have!- been; formed, and signals are being placed in1I oiBition: vj, Tne"; iron girders fare' laid' across' the-t ridge-brer "-the river 4 Pair,' within: a mile 'and a? oartpr*,bf Thurles '• s ta tiori;;'azid^^ in

:; one •' nioritb/jj orhaps less,, we; expeotto find'a locomotdye engine]rhnniDg'frbm 'Clonmel '1 to ¦Thnrles, 'isi Irbni end. toend;pfrj,thi8 important:/' loop f line, > *Mi.1?W<F/IffiuMan Ithe'•• contractors'- enoinwr.1. and rMBfumi:'hurtby, and' Metcalfe; the company's 'resident'

eagin'oera, arb • moat energetic' injushing forwlird:the Works, go as'to be prepared for thfrOovernment;Ijnspector :at*'tho earhett poMrible mb'ment. \ There;ib!a l 'rbo deaJof, bftlla^

ing to be dono,.ajd,one pr

tVolfcrage'j pproabheBjto' forJotbihg* totp«»vent the opening 'of the : remainingreo on8!ro|<the'toe^(frbni^rthardinto.Thurlei),'Ibr >puUio ~traffli$,'=. by \ tb e' Ufe oi November'nexfc1;We>a« ;glaaSto;hear.that',the,': traffio smce .-thec pening'itO'Fethird jhas beeiTBteadily increasirig','1t Bp«iiaUy iit« »ttlei (which>'pr«rii6!e8 . to'-bring-':'*;

. .:. ¦;,Wt«i'iU^'I.irTTl"fBOKjOWHXIKi- xo- TXmSBDf X t f .¦< .'Thl«];'jn lh"'a^chiW'je:;has :.b

.tokjn?;iervj|ceiof 'this^'jline.-^hichiiB foundtewtek\ ' ,/and^a«orai;more convenkntai tiVaef liahaMtanbi of;F*ith»rd; " .The trains now'ihiirs talo#^CCii. !H^::M^^h t»i«W: ^ 8-' ^"t' W aoonVand &&$&&' .mumi ^of i^OMta&i 4.10plm.',and7il5b^lU «I«Hlwarta;-'we:-i;e;» ^

. f.Mtei.T^wM^W- itoroWftiwillb*:> •S fc'-ioVro7t-l liW i* tioB geWngthei'< S3E ;i»k wl0cb:h«Mh)sW*W iU way^^Wl fl j^ -Wi^ j-^ng&nsWOTO^

I SWl lMsa tek pOf^ lwd jjf th,



wmmBswS !KSSBMSSSSWJK swSliw^wfwSiWmmm



Guardiona present—W. M. Ardagh, P. Walsh (Bal-linaparka) ; John Condon, Simon O Brion , John Hunt,John Walsh, Cspt. Cnrran, P. WaU, Thomas Power,11. A. Anthony, Wm. O'Brion, P. Brott, JcromiahHarty. Nioholas Beresford.

MBDICAII OFFICER'S EEPOBT.—Tho medical officerreported that the milk, moat, and bread supplied to thoinmates were " good." Thore woro 9 chickons and 6loaves consumed by two patients in hospital last woek.1'hoso patients wero in a position to pay ; one of themwas a policomar , and the other brotner to ono of thocontraotors. Ordered to be charged with tho amount.

ILLEGITIMATE .—It appeared that a girl camo into thoworkhouse pregnant about threo months ago. Sho isntill in tho houso. With reforonco to tho case, CaptainCurran asked whether sho bad been discharged? Master:Ho, Bho wants shoes. Capt. Curran : Give them to hor,and Bond her away.

THE STATE OP THE COUJJTEY.—With referonco totho notico of motion giron by Mr. Fitzgerald to increasetho sohool-mistrcss'B salary by £10 a year at last meet-ing, Mr. David WaU said he wished evoryfarmor's wife5n tho country coald dross liko her. Mr. Fitzgorald :Tho increase will not bo ono ponny out of the ratopayorspockets. Capt. Curran : The unfortunate ratepayerswould not get a sank of meal ou their word. 5Ir. JohnCnrran : No, nor half a cwt.

TENDEBS.—Two tenders woro rccoived for tho sup-ply of potatoes up to Docember. Ono at 8Jd. and theother at 7d: per stono. These wore considered too high,and the master was ordorcd to purchaso potatoes forone month. .

PBOPOBED SANITARY IMPBOVEMENTS AT MEELNA-HOBNA SCHOOLS.—Mr. Anthony proposod that ono-third ot the oxpensos to bo paid by tho guardians in re-spect of "--hese works should bo lovied off the union-at-Iargo' Mr. John Walsh proposed that it bo placed onthe electoral division. Messrs . Wall and O'Brien sup-ported Mr. Walsh's proposition, which was put to thomeeting and carriod.

CLEEK 8 E8TIMATE OF NEW BATE.Electoral Division. s. d. 8. d.Ardmoro ... Estimated rato 2 8 .Adopted 2 CBallymacart 2 3 2 0Cappagh 2 7 2 4Carrigloa 2 0 1 0Clonea 2 7 2 4CoUigan 2 5 2 2Commaraglin 2 2 2 0Dromana ... ... . ... 2 7 2 4Dromoro • ... ... ' ... 2 7 2 5Dungarvan ... ... ... 3 7 3 0Koireen 2 5 2 2Knookanbrandann .. ... 2 0 1 10Modeligo 2 5 2 2Mountstuort... ... ... 3 0 2 6Bingville 3 3 2 10Seskinano ... • 2 8 2 4Whitechnroh 2 1 2 0

Capt. Cnrran said the only thing that could bo donowas to reduco tho estimate by something reasonable.If they went a littlo in debt, they would, ho trusted, boIn a better position to meot it noxt year. Mr. Anthonyaptiroly concurred with this suggestion, and said thatin any circumstances thdy could not bo much worse.Mr. William O'Brien : Somo yeara ago tho guardiansdeclined to adopt the clerk's estimate, and tho conso-qnenco was that they ran into debt. Mr. David Wall :But yon aro not in debt now, and " tis timo onough tobid the d 1 good morrow when you meot him."

1 Captain Curran—I mast say that only for the kind-nosa and indulgonco of tho rate-collector, many personswould find thoir rates heavier.' Ho (Capt. Curran) Biiidthoro was ono question to which ho would direot thoguardians' attention. Persons camo to the board whonthoy knew the guardians of tho district was absent,and'obtained relief. Mr. Simeon O'Brien : Very right.Those parties will attend.

Capt. Curran—More parties apply for reliof on gettinga recommondation from the guardian of the division inwhioh thoy reside.

Mr. William O'Brien—They protend to bo siok, andsand for tho doctor, and then when he turns his back ,and orders them wino and punch, they jump out of bodand laugh at him (great laughter). Ho knew a woman,who lived in his own neighbourhood, who feigned aick-ness,' and deceivod ono of the doctors to such an extentthat jhe allowed hor Ss. a week for brandy, and when hohod gone away this " sick" woman got out of bod, andwent to the minister in Clashmoro, in ordor to get apiece of a cow which she heard he intended distributingto the poor (laughter.); IMPOETANT TO BOABDS OF GUABDIAN8.—Tho fol-lowing ;important observations are appended to theestimate'whioh tho clerk of the union (Mr. J. F. Boyle'read for the guardians to-day:—" The-amount reqniredto'meet the liabilities of the union at the close of thepresent financial year, and its expenditure for the yearending 29th September, 1879, is .£7,357, and is in excessof similar requirements at this time twelvemonths by.S431. The avorago cost of each pauper for this yearwas.l7s. HA: less,than the preceding year. This savingwas effected by the guardians' having secured muchrtTWITi i flffltVpi ita ¦ thfltf* *"* many year9 previously."1J205 over Iast year. flSa' nl i **'' which'was thia yoarservations : " TMs n iWatTlW ii'WiiM' rmj'greater number of orphans and deserted children bavinsbeon boarded out, and the payment of 61 additionalper annum, for each, in lien of clothes, which in formeryears it was customary for the guardians to grant them.Upon the subject of out-door relief generally no hard-and-fast rulo can be judioionsily adopted. Each boardof guardians must be guidod by its own jndgment andspecial knowledge of the ' circumstances of each cose.It may, however, be truly stated that .this- manner ofrelief is more* acceptable than Intern relief to many ap-plicants, and," being more popular, it' has offen happen-ed that persons applied for it, because, losing nothing,they hoped to obtain-it. . The number-of gnch appli-cants has been'growing less, and the board of trnsr-dians of this union; in consistently following the wisocourse of requiring-tangible proof of its necessity, andspooiol aptitude to oaoh ¦ case,- render an efficient - dis-charge of duty to tho ratepayers, whilst inflicting noevil on the applioanta themsolves.' Tho danger to beapprehondod from odt-door relief, especially-in the caseof widows having two or more children, arises from thecircumstanoo of .gratuitous: dependencoi with whioh itassociated the early lifu of the latter, and the-naturaltondenoyit creates in their minds to ;l(Ak to others inafter life for their support. rather than"o tho indepen-dent course of honest industry."- ' > >> ~ ¦ ; ¦ '- ¦ ¦i Tho Chairmao said that the board ought to feel verymuoh obliged to the clerk for tho able report just road.CaptainJ Curran : And so - tho - guardians do. Mr.Anthony > 'It cost him a great deal of trouble to preparethat'estimate.' ¦; ¦ ¦ :-

¦• < . - ¦ . .. .'. ¦ . . .;:;DlBI>KN8ABT 'MBDICAJL OFUCBB'S SAiABIES.—A'oirouliir ;was'- obio; read from tho Local GovernmentBoard suggesting an inorease of salaries to dispensarymodical«ffieen,nnder the Publio Health- Aot. -!v-Mr;S. O'Brien—The doctors ought to come-forwardthemselvesiand- a»k- the guardians to reduce theirsalaries,: in; view of the ¦ depressed state of the times.Jf r.vKURorald; I don't think they will. Mr. D. Wall:Mr. O'Brien is quite right. ( The farmers want Tenant-right arid Home Bulfl, and the d-~l knows what, and.«llctlMir:sanitary aots are only raising taxation (greatlaughter).-" !Mr. Anthony :• That's tho reason wo wantHoBiil«nleft.*r;S - v.- v , ., -. ¦- .!-'-; , v- , - - :- , . • ; •¦

^Mr." WaU—I "doa't understand Homo Bale, but I'think if people tried to keep down the rates, and got the:QoTeinjnent to give some money but of the funds to keep¦downtaxation; it would bo much better;; - Adjourned.

i jji 'f pjfrTirV SESMpi« siTUBnAT. :." ¦;.'• ::?iefore -SitiHvSisr!:S^waiLi,t Bart-- . (ohairman),H;;A Ugorald,"Fr»ric<a'Sh«eh»n, and W. M. Ardagh.tAJutiTTLTlNO "i BAiirrF.—The o»«e where J, Qlscson,fartte ,"'and"'.his 'wife,wero oharfed with' causing three

,*biflp».tb'jriTB rip a"cart. which they, seiied-on a dooree,ViWt-of.Chaqrj^oCartby) draper,' of this town;* which¦h»4' be«n'adiourri£fd for ,tHe "ottendimco qf defe'ndantaJbniSaturdaj iitt/and f ully Mpor^^M'amin'brought

rfepoted tnat uieeson, tne maw aerendmnt, whippod.thellndhpiiU-outbf i the/w/an'dUiat hU wiie th eatoriedtltiiinliri'£.:a''sDro*ng^qioloftheoart go," if there were ten bsoliHsfrbmDanBarvan

toe ien eoVenc ti^uek'aac^

Vtm,the;tirqri»a\who MeiakpiiBUa *in>>gavaoorror.,¦tJo&ve vidBnw -lCr.Ht^BwH'ingg^;w6maab» lrt o«,'---sh.':wpg5^W tl>l fluenoe'c - htiab dijVCliuriiiMt may

fcrttol hifriwlCiri.aaO^Mdt ffiiitiH ia rOeach..

&»aa'rt^^<x£™~t *Sitt-mtikewom& re-.MK Wf,w> Bu.v; mr.-,*;i»f»*iua-icinore are a lot oi|»|i«»/(wo«eri,ia;'aie workhoB«e, who ought to.be-earn-P^ Ltli^ 'f S^ ' °^for¦iS hi» o aA-'an:<)« ;Se,oo 'wS0

«end|*SS» » 'IW JUtth .Hayesii was' ¦¦granted ¦ a'tt|lWrf;il llD«wjii«Mbyawkto*MraMaryMeany,immt m Mm^ B m -xm v &** .^PwWJ rf^ fiM IW-Wttted

Oarrett ConneU,

J^^^lfp^ alle^^aMattl fcv.ilt.tran.;;aiBWM*5^1rt.*iwro&-TO{ themjrwhen the^ ^g a ' ri Ud itnjeot;hlni:by force.

M g^ ^PKU HaaaigtA p'a'wnbroker,JiiMiteallM^ rtM.ihtUaMd inhii efflcoinm^^^m Smim»»ii(S >oai

nenfelf '.and-

¦ ^E *^ i ^P*»« fti^ y' B Rr>? y| W ffiwti ' '*f'yTj

S£l lIl;! \St^ j | |j i*|||*|||J || ^ ^ ^ p ^ **' ^ ^ |j^|| -i^1 ^ ^mMmmaBSmmmSmSS ,W&SfBKmNL^ k Kf kmUmmmmii&'WimiL

White ehargod Miohael Walsh, publican,- with havinghis honso open for tho sale of intoxicating liquor onSunday last. Dofandant admitted the offence, and wasfined 10s. and costs. Fonr persons who wero found ontho premises, wero fined 3s. eaoh. Adjourned.


Present—JOHN E. MAHONI , chairman ; T. O'Connor,E. Kcohan, P. Flood, and C. McCarthy. Mr. Hunt,solicitor, was also proBont. In compliance with a re-quisition, signed by five members of the abovo body, aspocial meeting was held on Friday last for tho purposeof authorising Mr. John Hunt, Rolicitor to the board,to tako immediate proceedings for the recovery of pos-session of tho Markot-bonso and tolls on the Square,overheld by Mr. Organ, tho contractor. Mr. Flood :Did ho ref uso to givo up possession ? Chairman : Yes.I called on him myself for possession, and ho refusodtogivo it up. A resolution was proposed by E. Keolian,seconded by P. Flood , and passed, authorising Mr.Hunt to tako tho necessary steps to recover possession,after which tho board adjourned.

BKASS BANDS —EXCURSIONS.—Tho Forresters' Bandfrom Clonmel, having arrived in Waterford by theexcursion train, started on the County Ruihvay for thistown, and accompanied by tho band of tho co-operativebakers' society, played a selection of spirit-stirring airsthrough tho town and Abbeysido. It is a matter ofgoneral regret that tho programmo of the Teetotal Bandof St. Nioholas, who for the first timo played throughtho town in a beautiful uniform of gold and bine, didnot includo a suitable reception to tho oxcursioniats fromthe premier connty. However , tho bakers' band, undortho direction of Mr. Cody, played tho respcctablo con-tingont to tho railway station, where hearty cheers woregiven by tho townspeople as tho train left tho station,and was responded to with light good will by tho ladsfrom gallant Tippcrary.


Tho annual Bpecial devotions, accompanied with aprocession, took pluco in the above church, on Fridaythe IStb inst. The clay was exceptionally fine, withbright sunshine. The ceremony commenced with agrand procession of tho children of both sexes fromthroughout the parish. Having formed into line atPassage, they were conducted through the severalstreets en- route to the church, displaying a series ofbanners of handsome design, singing byuis andcanticles, with musical accompaniment. On enteringtho yard and approaches to the church, tho sightbecame of a voiy imposing character. Only a shorttime previous, this tolitary locality had all the ap-pearance of being literally deserted, and now it wasmetamorphosed into a- fairy scene by the decomtions. evergreens in profusion, triumphal arches withwreaths and bouquets of flowers hanging unsparinglyround the " Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes." Theinterior of the church also presented a bright scene ;tho altar nap aglow with many lights, whose chasteradiance imparted a new charm to the many tintedflowers which loving hearts had laid in the sanctuaryas a votive offering to their Creator, and whiqk thusexhaled in His service that 'fragrance which theyowed Hiui. Eleven o'clock Mass was celebrated bythe Very Ecv. Dr. Eyan, of Waterford, who alsopreached a most impressive sermon on the merits ofthe Assumption of Our Blessed Lady, whose exaltedand powerful position in heaven the rev. gentlemandwelt on at length,'to the very great edification andadmiration of his hearers, expressing at the conclu-sion his appreciation of the vocal and instrumentalabilities o£ the choir, so ably conducted by Mrs.Moylan, teacher at Passage, and the skill and tastedisplayed in the decorations and arrangements ofthe altar and sanctuary. The devotions ended withBenediction of the Blessed Sacrament, which wasadmini.-tered by the Kev. K. Coffey, of Checkpoint,who also celebrated first Mass, and assisted generallyat the ceremonies. Tbo rev. gentleman has boenlately ordained for the Foreign Mission, and is sonof the respected commander of the steamshipReg inald.—Correspo ndent.

ST. MAEI'B (CLONMEL) SACBED HEART ASSOCIA -TION olf MEN—INTEMPERANCE.—Becently we hadoccasion to refer, in terms of praise and commenda-tion, to the establishment of this excellent society ; toits object, and tho good likely to be obtained thronghits agenoy, as well as tho practical performance of itsrules. On Friday evening tho usual monthly meetingwas held in the beautiful church of St. Mary's, whenwe were happy to notico the accession of many newmembers, and tho presence and earnestness of theolder ones in furtherance of a cause dosorving of everyencourogemont, and the warmest approval. After recit-ing the preparatory prayers, the indefatigablo spiritualdirector, the Eev. P. F. Wolsho, C.C., addressed themembers of tho Association on one of the fundamentalrules of the society—a rule tbat most onliet the sym-pathy of oU'good mon who wish well to their fellow-men

¦ CTETOOXlUlSbXng unu&u; juuDiuatui vuuou tvuuac i*&mu£brought them in contact with tho people, suoh aspriests, doctors, and magistrates,' must oe convincedthat tho vico of intemperance—drinking to oicesa—isthe greatest sooial evil of the present day ; an ovildeeply rooted,and it ia to be regretted widespread in thecommunity. Does this roqnire proof? Who amongyou that does riot know instances—perhaps an ac-quaintance, an associate, or, it may be, a dear friend—addicted to this body-and-soul-destroying vioo 1 Notonly is ruin brought on themselves and their families,bnt tho wholo community—society at large-^suffors.Visit tho habitual drnnkard's homo. Ho may bo him-self in gaol—the asouciate of the hardened, infamous,or degraded criminal. His home is probably tho sceneof abjeot misery—hopoless rnin ; his wife, it may be,wretohed, half-naked, pinched with cold, or Btarvedwith hungar, a poor broken-hearted victim, if Bho hasnot had also to submit to bodily r 'l-usage. Whatof tho children reared—rather say starved anddebased—under such circumstances and with suchsurroundings : children for whose souls thoso parentsmust ono day account before the Throno of the Eter-nal God ? How can such cifildron become good andexemplary member! of society? How can thoy bo everexpooted to bcoome sdber, temperate, and religionsmembers of tho community? How many that hoar methat has not known, or heard of far worso results fromexcessivo intemperance, that might bo added to thisoutline? Go out into tho streets and lanes, often lateat night, especially on Saturday night—often, too, onthe Sunday—and what sights and scenes too frequentlyshock tho oyea and ears ! : Inquire what causes all—what causes the oaths and imprecations—tho quarrelsand - fighting, tho raign of terror and consternation towhioh a wholo street or part of a town is snbjocted?TherC is always ono answor—tirunkonncss ! oxcessiveintemperance 1 Such scenes are a disgrace to a Chris-tian land, and it is ono of thoso evils tho members ofthis Association ore most urgently and earnestlyrequested, by ovory means in their power, not only todisoountenanco among their employe's or neighbours,bnt to aid. their spiritual director, and-the priestsand. civil'* anthbrition of tho parish, in repressing.Eoligiously, socially, and civilly, it is your duty, aswell as yoar interest, to do so. Yon have to feed andclothe tho drunkard in gaol-his bad example maycompel you to have to do tho name for hie children.You have to do tho'samo for him when ho has foiled toearn an honest' livelihood, and has to enter tho work-house, or you may trace him or her hopelessly ruined,religiously, : socially, mentally, a raving mamao to theasylum, a Bad oiample, but a warning. Thia is not afancied- picture. Take - up tho reports of FatherNugent, Chaplain to the Kirkdalo Gaol, near Liverpool,or tho Bomon Catholio Chaplain's report of one of thelargest gaols in London. What.do they state fromseveral - years' experience? That in nine cases out often the - criminals,come there through intemperanooFSo muoh-for the haroo, rnin' and misery to the homesand happiness of the-poor and their families. Is -thereno other class in society to which this noxious evil haspenetrated? Alas! look beneath the surface and'itwill bo: too' frequently found that the ¦ great - evil 'ofsociety,'-from the highest to - the lowest of thia nine-teenth- oontury,' is OKoesaive drink. ¦ Who is not-awareof - many' who might have spent useful and honourablelives if the vice of ; intemperance had not blasted theiriiopes,-"xuinod their • health, shattered-their prospectsin-life, and brought them to an uatimoly eridrVv'On'-theothor' hand, religion, morality and social well-being,and, it might be added, stilrdy mdepenclencaambrig ourpeople, all point towards and aro the- fruits; of -teni-poranco, 'whioh I urijently and earnestly commend toall present,* and to those within their¦reaoh; arid as am ons towards on end—tho practice of'a religions lifeand the frequent reception, of the Baoraments.-^JThisearnesti and; praotioU disoours? was brought to a. closeby ithe; redting- of-. the"'NovBnar by; Father-Flynn,Donnybrook, and the' BenedJctfou -of • the BlessedSacrament to ¦ Be'present.- CisrrMpon.denf. .;¦ . .J - -.W-

"i ; -THB^CaniBCB o^T -HnMs' Brdhlin/swuc'beaotybfveyery varietr towBringVhittr; clothed, with 'wild;gorse and 'fern,- :-rcrdant1VBjes; of teeming pasture^flower-gemmed nookb, noisy with this mmdo of FlU-bomW»*OT, wocJcdhdghta,.(jliarming in frondageof everyauej deepj clear lakon,'arid rushing 'streams/'sparklingIn the glorious Augdiii araBhtae,1 tbe valley' of-flib-Nlre;as it appeared to the vievrof.tKe-maa vigltorsrto-thedistrict on last Srindnyv presented i icvi mitmbU-, mag-,nifloentbejohd tho power of telling.'S-The dir was oneto be remembered, with happiest thought,1 in thefnture,'inasmuch as it was fixed for the 'occasion: 6f the-blea-ting of the beautiful Gothie-Charohof: the Hqljr Cross,'¦but recently oomplobjd, thrbugh the pjouB ieal- of =;thobeloved pastor of |hei pariahi"S>? ;Be*r;Will)waiiPow«r/:and tha munifioanbe tod devotion of thB flock eritrtitM;to hi* gplritntl care.' From wj early honrthe .-haray,peasanw came trbbping f roii he hills.'and up from the;¦faney^Larw n« «r« bl


Clonmel;(^rrick^0l3e*aeenana'i«urro^ma .-djjtriot»'<*iroveto t*b«- C*hn ,' so:laoredWifflce w O'.-owded' itfW^"^^j| und Uurron»ding a»r|Ua«iii |b*y-i

mulntuae. -/The bios ting of tn* }Ctaii«lt?indL'n(rr6rinQa^te;>os perfornfed Ui^"C toet pfe b^ in?th«ttittalf'by^VMtotiBsrl^DKlI rMK'lW

MveraL: olerygmtn.'i'iloolytoliT *a>SAfe!S«reli»l o'clock:totenuf-High M ss. imsmf >o) )(W asSoele"br»ted^HULordslnp-thi BUh0Kpre3i^^^pri8»t»»tteiidMit 'at tho throne

¦&• w tie vJKejt^BowBrT,"Ire»idant.'af j ^iipa &mt^mltv m^ ri&

from tho inspired lips of the Prophot when ho saw thofuture spread before him—when ho beheld in the yearsto como tho offering of the great Sacrifice of tho Bodyand Blood of Jesus Christ, compared with which theSacrifice of Melchisedech was as nothing. This was tho" clean oblation" of tho Mass through which man re-ceives many gifts temporal a.s well as spiritual a" clean oblation" verifying tbo prophecy of Malachias.Tho rev. preacher then proceeded to show how, evenfrom the timo of Adam, tho Holy Sacrifice of tho'llasswas foreshadowed from thn Sacrifico of Abraham tothat of David , and thon tho Sacrifice of the Cross, whichsince, through all ages and nations , at tho bidding ofGod Himself , is commemorated from the rising of the Runto its going down , and all tho liturgies, and all thecouncils from tho earlioat times havo spoken andwritten of tho Mass aa tho Sacrifice of tho bodr andblood of Christ received from Jesus Christ, us had beenprophesied by Malachias. Tho sermon was a splendideffort of power and eloquence, and was listened tothroughout with tho most profound attention. At thoconclusion of tho Solemn High Mass a procession wasformed, headed by tho cross-bearer and acolytes , eaohcarrying lighted tapers. This then proceeded throughtho centre aislo to the platform elected at the other endof tho church, on which was placed a. very fine now bellwhich in the future will call tho people to prayer throughmany generations. Tho ceremony of the blessing havingconcluded, his Lordship returned to tho Sanctuary ,and addressed tho congregation in words of fatherlylovo and solicitude. Ho congratulated the good pastorand tho oarnest priests who had wrought so zealously.He spoke warmly of the devotednes3 of the people who]hero, amidst tho wild beauty of nature, had placed aperfect gem of art—a fit tomplo for the worship of thoMost High. Whon tho gifted preacher had spoken oftho sufferings endured in tho past by tho Irish for thocauso of religion, it struck his lordship that tho cere-mony of tho day was a happy illustration of the clmngoin the times since the period, not many years ago, whenin this spot tho Holy Sacrifico of tho Mass was cele-brated in a littlo thatched building. Tho bell , too,which his Lordship had blessed, recalled the fact thatat the time alluded to tho people here were summoned toprayers by tho blowing of a horn, and henco tho littlochapel was called " Chepeal an airka ," or chapel of thohoni. After a loving address, liis Lordship adminis-tered tho Papal bonodiction to tho kneeling congregation,with which tho interesting proceedings wero brought toa termination. The young lady who presided at tho har-monium was assisted by un efficient choir, who renderedtho sacred music with much taste during the ceremonies.

A largo number of visitors were subsequently moBthospitably entertained in tho school-house by tho R«ViW lliam Powor, the excellent and popular paster of thoparish.

CARDINAL HOWARD .—Cardinal Howard , of the Nor-folk family , ia at present on a tour through tha southof Ireland. It is alleged by a correspondent of a Lon-don pnpei that his Eminence has a private commissionfrom tho Holy Father to observe and report upon thocondition of the Church in tho United Kingdom.

F A S H I O N A B L E N E W SMajor and Mrs . Cuffe and Mr. and Mrs. Bur-

ton Persse, Moyodo Costlc, are staying at CJrcenaDe, ona visit with Colonel and Mrs . MaHsergh.

The following have l>een staying at the Im-perial Hotel , Waterford :—Tho Earl of Howth, Majorthe Hon. G. Hill , Dr. Mapothor (President College ofSurgeons), Major and Mrs. Andrews , Captain Moore ,M.P.. (Clonmel), C. Fcnnell, Esq., (Clonmel), Lord andLftdy Massy, BicharJ Power, Esq., M.P., the Hon.Captain and Lady Emily Chichcstcr.

The Earl and Countess of Doncughtnore Lavearrived at Knocklofty from Londop.

MAKRIAOE OF LADY MA*Y HELY HUTCHI\-SON .—The marriage of Mr. Lewis Vivian Lloyd, Grena-dier Guards, and Lady JT.iry Sophia Holy Hutchinson ,oldest daughter of Jlichnrd John , Fourth l',arl ofDonoughmoro, atiJ sister of tho present Karl, wassolemnized on Tnnraday last, nt St. George's Church,Hanover-sqf'iro, in tho presence of an enormous con-gregation of the relatives and intimate friends of bothfamilies. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. HenrySt. John Mildmay, Grenadier Guards, as hia best man.Tho bride, on her arrival at the church, was met by herbrother, who afterwards gave hor away, and sevenattendant bridesmaids, who accompanied her to thealtar—namoly, Lady Margaret Hely Hutchinson (sisterof the bride), Mis3 Gertrude, Miss Evelyne, and MissGwendolino Lloyd, Lady Eva Bourke, Miss Jocclyn,and MIBS Tremayne. Tho bride wore a white satin,dress, over a wreath of gardenias and orange blossoms,fastened to the hair by diamond ornamonts ; a veil ofpoint d'Ajigleterro. Hur jowels woro principally dia-monds. Her bridesmaids, who wero dressed alike,were attired in dresses composed of white satin,polonaiso over-skirts of Indian Muslin, trimmed withlace ; bonnets of white satin, ornamented with bouquetsof forget-me-nots. Each yonthful lady woro a pearland diamond arrow, with the initials of the bride, andfans, with " Mary" in forgct-me-nota, tho gift of thobridegroom. Tho nnptiiil rite was performed by theHon. and Eev. Georgo Wingfield Bourke, M.A. Aftertho ceremony the wedding party adjourned to DowagerCountess of Donoaghmorc's residenco in South Audlcy-street for breakfast. Shortly after two o'clock the

1- j ..1 -—...I,, l .tt ¦-- -- on-- nn.^.'nfra and fOUrgroya tor Mont's Urchard, Mr. Lewis Lloyd's seat,West Wickham, Kent, to pass tho early days of thohonoymoon. Tho wedding presents were very numerons,and included many valuablo gifts from a number ofrelatives and a host of friends.

The Earl and Countess of Donoughmore havearrived at Knocklofty, Clonmel, from their Londonresidence. . . |

Mrs. Osbornc and the Misses Fairholmc havoloft Newtown-Anner for Maples' Hotel, Dublin.

Captain Sankey, R.N., and Mrs. Sankey, ofCoolmore, have left Biohmond House, Clonmel, for theCrown Hotel, Harrogate. . ,

Tho Right Hon. the Attorney-General, M.P.,has left Ireland for Wiesbeda, and will be absent until15th September.

The Arab steamboat plied on the Hudson in 1807.The first watches were mode at Nurcmbere in


suffering; from irritation of the throat and hoarseness,will be agrocsblysurprised atthc almost immediate relief,affordod. by tho usb of " Brown's Bronchial Troches.",Theso famous "lozenges " are now sold by most ro-apectablo Chemists in this country at Is. 1 Jd. per box.People troubled with a' hackingcongh.'a'! Blight cold,"or bronchial affections , cannot jtry them too soon, assimilar troubles if allowed to progress result insuriousPulmonary and ; Asthmatic affections. Sco that 'tSowords ' Brown's BrouchialTroches,' are on tho Govern-ment stamp around eochbox.—Manufactured by John LBrown & Sons, Boston, United States. Depot, 491 Ox*ford-street, London. : d2d.ljv

" NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND."—¦¦, Pro- ;crastination with many is tho besetting sin. Every-,thing'is'put off till " to-morrow.". The torpid liver isunheeded until jaundice, consumption, or abecaa of theliver is established. These maladies are curable i f 'arrested in time by that fine tonio and alterative medi-cine, Page. Woodcock's Wind • Pills Thousands arataking them for almost over; complaint, and aro being.onrod. "Itenever'too latetomorid." Of allChemirts,at Is. lid-, and 2s'. 9d. per box: ! -' ja3I.ly' HOLLOWAT*B PILLS AND OINTMENT.- —The irio&ieffectual Cure, for-Gout and Eheoniatiam.—A frequent;cause of thoso complaints ia the inflammatory state ofthe blood, attended with bad digestion, lassitudenand'great debility, showing tho wantof a proper circulationof tho flnid.ana that impurity of tho blood greatly aggra-vates these disorders. Holloway's Pills are of so puri-fying1 a nature that a fow doses taken in timo are aneffectual preventive against gont and-rheumatinn, bntanyone that has an attack of either should rise Hollowiy'iJintment also, theipoworful properties of which) com-!nried with the . effects of the PQIii ensure a certainrare.' The Ointment Bhould bo thoroughly' rubbed -intohi parts affected at least twico' a. <'-.t , •'arter'taey-iiavp.>een sufficiently fomented with warm'water-to open tho'(ores to facilitate the introduction of the Ointment to;he glands. . ¦ - j i : | ¦ ¦. ¦•'-. -

^', , ¦ . : '

FMlBlijNE.r-FoB THE TBETH aid BREATH;T-A few dropR of the liquid Florif ine,sprinkled cn'a wotoothbrnshiprodricesa pleasantlather, which thoroughlyileaisee;'. ' he ' Teoti from all parasites -or' impurifies,

hardens; the gums', prevents taHar, steps, decay,'giveso.the Teeth a peculiar pearly whiteneasiand a delightful

fragrancotothe breath, It remotes all unpleasant odonririsinp from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. < The J'Va-flfoht;iV)r>lin_«,hpiiiB composed part of honey and sweeticrbs, is deliciocs (to the taste .'and the greatest ToileliaooveryfrOf tho|age.- Frioe 2s. '€d. of all Chemists and

perraiaera.Prepared by:H. C.!GAii,nT, 493 Oxford-tree^LqadonvJ. 'U .v -;, :. ' \ ¦;¦¦. . .' d29.\y,yAI.T/ABLB ;DlBCOVEE.Y PbB THE HAIB 1.—If

•our hair :1s turning grey or White, or fallingpff . usol' 'The Moxioaa' Hair, Benewer,'?—for if will poiititdu .reitpre -itc ) evnv\caiey any or White Kairteits:originalcolonr,1'without-leaving tho disagreeable; smell of ttist:'Eefltorers." -, jlt lmaies-tho Ihkir .'oharmingly wau--'iful, as well as-promoting thai-growth of :tho hair onbald, epbU"where the .glands 'are not docayed. Ask

QUi ,<aeihist for , Tn« MEXICAN HAIB BINBWIB,'1 -. ¦ ¦irepared.'by- HBrrBT;.C.v , GAiinp,493Oiford.Street,' - .¦':jondfcri -iwg so)d $y',;CheniiBts-.arid- perfnmera every,'' . :. 'vhereat'3s."6J berjbottl ').i -.. . . [ ¦ . . , :'•. :.¦,-. : : -, f :,-: -- . ' ., -.": . . / ;. '. .

v ;lto8BApH' iteB.r-BesttTa*BleT7atcr known. - "-p -.|a<iee^:to ;OT8snl«;pniit3^:jina, jrhcdeio«e i proi>erUes. : ;'¦; .¦

Bosboch. U'liSBOPJWOB to any other Mineral Water I b»T-': '•'. --• '¦-'¦'¦ mtuntnM(ProfeMoryr»ntlyn'sreport): : ChtapOTthm arti r • '-?;Idal waters.? In tied>down cases, ntauVSs, per do«. smJI,'',• ¦ • '¦ ,;*

«s;«drpwab*.'l»rge ,'botOes. -In -tiea-down "cSee,- 60targ«; ¦ ' >,*fc»;Bd| lW smaUlwtti Mi. ; ThoEo«b«AConinanT, Umi'- ; ¦- . : >lpa,- :ni ! CJr«»w:*roo*ir>=E.c.j'«*^^^i The^ M iciBlPftfeaBion a euoTv ordering

Ca&'< " I&M

iory> CocoaEesonco, in thonrands of -cues.'becaow lt"con-i . ¦ l i f i f cDili* more}nutripou»ianij flesb-fomisr: eloaenU thwanj;' .; '-¦¦'%;~i£

:6ther(T>«T0r /ondl8?pre;ci»MetothotUck»tow^ordipkrQys I^ -'Wowio'a iuOc for'C nrya'CdcOTSi*) ' "KfeS« (nni-tlxu JWI get ft.'** slu fkeepers often posh iroiUtloiis r_ - ,> ;: 'Oi*or.tho uia ot extni-proit.—Mukerato; tlto-Queon. Prin-:. . -rW'tiS?Jpil »«BOt fl0;'}?*d>otigH>? St Hohdre." "Tv-:-¦;•• apUJy.'. ~> :*g&$

EooD^ Sinfer Bl'nbK r ;'! f pabH'-'ftB"#aaI*rsVot the Hiikn«7,dlittiit,roport8,'.tl»t til the nrnplm ¦ -^ ;4f%S?

;«fcocwh^«i»mSBe ex |t<>ne;'.wtT»' »gia^M;;iDirtaTa^'oojp ]sVMroivTOOi'tadsagv,'iilie :ezo07tio&^{QmK-Csdbar7/s.>ri;^

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