ft20130317 $100 guarantee (250996975), no limit hold'em

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  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324184744: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 10/20 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:41:02 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (3,000)Seat 2: Mirabis (3,000)Seat 3: yura69rus (3,000)Seat 4: Illonus (3,000)Seat 5: skv (3,000)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,000)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,000)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,000)Seat 9: zZerOo (3,000)rari57 posts the small blind of 10Mirabis posts the big blind of 20The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [9c 4d]yura69rus calls 20Illonus foldsskv foldsKrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 20zZerOo calls 20rari57 has 15 seconds left to act

    rari57 has 89 seconds to reconnectrari57 has timed outrari57 foldsrari57 is sitting outMirabis checks*** FLOP *** [Kd 9h 4s] (Total Pot: 90, 4 Players)Mirabis checksyura69rus bets 40alfred8 foldsrari57 has reconnectedrari57 has returnedzZerOo calls 40Mirabis folds

    *** TURN *** [Kd 9h 4s] [Ad] (Total Pot: 170, 2 Players)yura69rus checkszZerOo bets 60yura69rus has 15 seconds left to actyura69rus calls 60*** RIVER *** [Kd 9h 4s Ad] [Ac] (Total Pot: 290, 2 Players)yura69rus checkszZerOo bets 140yura69rus foldsUncalled bet of 140 returned to zZerOozZerOo muckszZerOo wins the pot (290)*** SUMMARY ***

    Total pot 290 | Rake 0Board: [Kd 9h 4s Ad Ac]Seat 1: rari57 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Mirabis (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 3: yura69rus folded on the RiverSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 folded on the Flop

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 9: zZerOo (button) collected (290), mucked

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324203200: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 15/30 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:44:04 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,990)Seat 2: Mirabis (2,980)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,880)Seat 4: Illonus (3,000)Seat 5: skv (3,000)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,000)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,000)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,980)Seat 9: zZerOo (3,170)Mirabis posts the small blind of 15yura69rus posts the big blind of 30The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Kc 5s]Illonus has 15 seconds left to actIllonus foldsskv foldsKrullZ raises to 90

    BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldszZerOo foldsrari57 foldsMirabis foldsyura69rus foldsUncalled bet of 60 returned to KrullZKrullZ mucksKrullZ wins the pot (75)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 75 | Rake 0Seat 1: rari57 (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 2: Mirabis (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: yura69rus (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ collected (75), muckedSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: zZerOo didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324207069: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 15/30 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:44:42 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: rari57 (2,990)Seat 2: Mirabis (2,965)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,850)Seat 4: Illonus (3,000)Seat 5: skv (3,000)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,045)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,000)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,980)Seat 9: zZerOo (3,170)yura69rus posts the small blind of 15

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Illonus posts the big blind of 30The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Jh Tc]skv foldsKrullZ raises to 150BapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldszZerOo foldsrari57 foldsMirabis raises to 300yura69rus foldsIllonus foldsKrullZ calls 150*** FLOP *** [As 2s Ac] (Total Pot: 645, 2 Players)KrullZ checksMirabis bets 420KrullZ calls 420*** TURN *** [As 2s Ac] [5c] (Total Pot: 1,485, 2 Players)KrullZ bets 210Mirabis raises to 630KrullZ raises to 2,325, and is all inMirabis calls 1,615, and is all inKrullZ shows [Ah Kc]

    Mirabis shows [Td Ad]Uncalled bet of 80 returned to KrullZ*** RIVER *** [As 2s Ac 5c] [Ks] (Total Pot: 5,975, 2 Players, 1 All-In)KrullZ shows a full house, Aces full of KingsMirabis shows three of a kind, AcesKrullZ wins the pot (5,975) with a full house, Aces full of Kings*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5,975 | Rake 0Board: [As 2s Ac 5c Ks]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Mirabis (button) showed [Td Ad] and lost with three of a kind, AcesSeat 3: yura69rus (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (big blind) folded before the Flop

    Seat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ showed [Ah Kc] and won (5,975) with a full house, Aces full of KingsSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: zZerOo didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324213519: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 15/30 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:45:41 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,990)Seat 2: Baumy00 (3,000)

    Seat 3: yura69rus (2,835)Seat 4: Illonus (2,970)Seat 5: skv (3,000)Seat 6: KrullZ (6,055)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,000)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,980)Seat 9: zZerOo (3,170)Illonus posts the small blind of 15skv posts the big blind of 30The button is in seat #3

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Illonus: sick*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [5c 4s]KrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 calls 30alfred8 calls 30zZerOo calls 30rari57 foldsBaumy00 calls 30yura69rus foldsIllonus calls 15skv checks*** FLOP *** [5s As 3c] (Total Pot: 180, 6 Players)Illonus bets 120skv calls 120BapTaHoBu4 calls 120KrullZ: in deedalfred8 calls 120zZerOo calls 120Baumy00 folds*** TURN *** [5s As 3c] [7s] (Total Pot: 780, 5 Players)Illonus checksskv checksBapTaHoBu4 checks

    alfred8 has 15 seconds left to actalfred8 checkszZerOo checks*** RIVER *** [5s As 3c 7s] [6c] (Total Pot: 780, 5 Players)Illonus bets 300skv raises to 600BapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldszZerOo foldsIllonus calls 300*** SHOW DOWN ***skv shows [Qs 9s] a flush, Ace highIllonus mucks

    skv wins the pot (1,980) with a flush, Ace high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,980 | Rake 0Board: [5s As 3c 7s 6c]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 folded on the FlopSeat 3: yura69rus (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus (small blind) mucked [5c 4s] - a straight, Seven highSeat 5: skv (big blind) showed [Qs 9s] and won (1,980) with a flush, Ace highSeat 6: KrullZ didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 folded on the RiverSeat 8: alfred8 folded on the RiverSeat 9: zZerOo folded on the River

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324224815: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 20/40 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:47:25 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,990)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,970)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,835)Seat 4: Illonus (2,220)Seat 5: skv (4,230)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 6: KrullZ (6,055)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,850)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,830)Seat 9: zZerOo (3,020)skv posts the small blind of 20KrullZ posts the big blind of 40The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Ac Jc]Illonus: good playBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldszZerOo foldsKrullZ: thxskv: tyrari57 foldsBaumy00 calls 40yura69rus foldsIllonus raises to 160skv foldsKrullZ raises to 600Baumy00 foldsIllonus raises to 2,220, and is all inKrullZ calls 1,620

    Illonus shows [Ac Jc]KrullZ shows [Ah Kd]*** FLOP *** [Qh 4s Tc] (Total Pot: 4,500, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** TURN *** [Qh 4s Tc] [7s] (Total Pot: 4,500, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [Qh 4s Tc 7s] [Ks] (Total Pot: 4,500, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus shows a straight, Ace highKrullZ shows a pair of KingsIllonus wins the pot (4,500) with a straight, Ace high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4,500 | Rake 0Board: [Qh 4s Tc 7s Ks]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 folded before the Flop

    Seat 3: yura69rus didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus (button) showed [Ac Jc] and won (4,500) with a straight, Ace highSeat 5: skv (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: KrullZ (big blind) showed [Ah Kd] and lost with a pair of KingsSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: zZerOo didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324230027: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 20/40 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:48:12 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: rari57 (2,990)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,930)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,835)Seat 4: Illonus (4,500)Seat 5: skv (4,210)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,835)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,850)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,830)Seat 9: zZerOo (3,020)KrullZ posts the small blind of 20

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    BapTaHoBu4 posts the big blind of 40Illonus: sorryThe button is in seat #5*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [5s 9c]alfred8 calls 40zZerOo calls 40rari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsyura69rus foldsIllonus foldsskv raises to 120KrullZ calls 100BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 80zZerOo calls 80*** FLOP *** [9s Kd Td] (Total Pot: 520, 4 Players)KrullZ: its aiht, ill get it back...KrullZ has 15 seconds left to actKrullZ checksalfred8 checkszZerOo checksskv bets 360

    KrullZ calls 360alfred8 foldszZerOo folds*** TURN *** [9s Kd Td] [5d] (Total Pot: 1,240, 2 Players)KrullZ has 15 seconds left to actKrullZ checksskv checks*** RIVER *** [9s Kd Td 5d] [7h] (Total Pot: 1,240, 2 Players)KrullZ checksskv checks*** SHOW DOWN ***skv shows [Kc Qd] a pair of KingsKrullZ mucks

    skv wins the pot (1,240) with a pair of Kings*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,240 | Rake 0Board: [9s Kd Td 5d 7h]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: yura69rus didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: skv (button) showed [Kc Qd] and won (1,240) with a pair of KingsSeat 6: KrullZ (small blind) mucked [Qs Tc] - a pair of TensSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 8: alfred8 folded on the FlopSeat 9: zZerOo folded on the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324241083: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 20/40 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:49:50 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,990)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,930)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,835)Seat 4: Illonus (4,500)Seat 5: skv (4,970)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 6: KrullZ (3,355)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,810)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,710)Seat 9: zZerOo (2,900)BapTaHoBu4 posts the small blind of 20alfred8 posts the big blind of 40The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Ts 2h]zZerOo has 15 seconds left to actzZerOo foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 calls 40yura69rus foldsIllonus foldsskv foldsKrullZ calls 40BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 calls 20alfred8 checks*** FLOP *** [3d Jh 7d] (Total Pot: 160, 4 Players)BapTaHoBu4 checksalfred8 bets 60Baumy00 calls 60

    KrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 folds*** TURN *** [3d Jh 7d] [Kh] (Total Pot: 280, 2 Players)alfred8 bets 100Baumy00 foldsUncalled bet of 100 returned to alfred8alfred8 mucksalfred8 wins the pot (280)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 280 | Rake 0Board: [3d Jh 7d Kh]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 2: Baumy00 folded on the TurnSeat 3: yura69rus didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ (button) folded on the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 8: alfred8 (big blind) collected (280), muckedSeat 9: zZerOo didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324251111: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 25/50 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:51:15 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: rari57 (2,990)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,830)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,835)Seat 4: Illonus (4,500)Seat 5: skv (4,970)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,315)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,770)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,890)alfred8 posts the small blind of 25rari57 posts the big blind of 50

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Jd 5c]Baumy00 foldsyura69rus foldsIllonus foldsskv foldsKrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 calls 50alfred8 calls 25rari57 raises to 200BapTaHoBu4 calls 150alfred8 folds*** FLOP *** [8s Ad 5d] (Total Pot: 450, 2 Players)jegaad sits downrari57 bets 450BapTaHoBu4 raises to 1,800rari57 has 15 seconds left to actrari57 foldsUncalled bet of 1,350 returned to BapTaHoBu4BapTaHoBu4 mucksBapTaHoBu4 wins the pot (1,350)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,350 | Rake 0

    Board: [8s Ad 5d]Seat 1: rari57 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: yura69rus didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (button) collected (1,350), muckedSeat 8: alfred8 (small blind) folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324258206: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 25/50 -

    No Limit Hold'em - 10:52:16 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,340)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,830)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,835)Seat 4: Illonus (4,500)Seat 5: skv (4,970)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,315)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,470)Seat 8: alfred8 (2,840)Seat 9: jegaad (3,000)rari57 posts the small blind of 25Baumy00 posts the big blind of 50The button is in seat #8

    *** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [3s 3h]yura69rus calls 50Illonus calls 50skv foldsKrullZ calls 50BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 raises to 400rari57 folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Baumy00 foldsyura69rus calls 350Illonus foldsKrullZ folds*** FLOP *** [4d Td 5h] (Total Pot: 975, 2 Players)yura69rus checksalfred8 bets 650yura69rus foldsUncalled bet of 650 returned to alfred8alfred8 mucksalfred8 wins the pot (975)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 975 | Rake 0Board: [4d Td 5h]Seat 1: rari57 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Baumy00 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: yura69rus folded on the FlopSeat 4: Illonus folded before the FlopSeat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ folded before the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 (button) collected (975), muckedSeat 9: jegaad is sitting out

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324265684: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 25/50 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:53:18 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,315)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,780)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,435)Seat 4: Illonus (4,450)Seat 5: skv (4,970)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,265)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,470)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,415)Seat 9: jegaad (3,000)

    Baumy00 posts the small blind of 25yura69rus posts the big blind of 50The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [5h 9c]Illonus foldsskv foldsKrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 has timed outBapTaHoBu4 foldsBapTaHoBu4 is sitting outBapTaHoBu4 has returned

    alfred8 calls 50jegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsyura69rus checks*** FLOP *** [3d 2h 8s] (Total Pot: 125, 2 Players)yura69rus checksalfred8 bets 125yura69rus foldsUncalled bet of 125 returned to alfred8

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    alfred8 mucksalfred8 wins the pot (125)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 125 | Rake 0Board: [3d 2h 8s]Seat 1: rari57 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: yura69rus (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 collected (125), muckedSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324272330: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 25/50 -No Limit Hold'em - 10:54:14 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,315)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,755)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,385)Seat 4: Illonus (4,450)Seat 5: skv (4,970)

    Seat 6: KrullZ (3,265)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,470)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,490)Seat 9: jegaad (3,000)yura69rus posts the small blind of 25Illonus posts the big blind of 50The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Ts 5h]skv foldsKrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 calls 50alfred8 folds

    jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad calls 50rari57 foldsBaumy00 calls 50yura69rus foldsIllonus checks*** FLOP *** [7s Kc 4h] (Total Pot: 225, 4 Players)Illonus checksBapTaHoBu4 checksjegaad checksBaumy00 checks*** TURN *** [7s Kc 4h] [9h] (Total Pot: 225, 4 Players)Illonus checks

    BapTaHoBu4 checksjegaad checksBaumy00 checks*** RIVER *** [7s Kc 4h 9h] [Jc] (Total Pot: 225, 4 Players)Illonus checksBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 bets 3,420, and is all injegaad foldsBaumy00 has 15 seconds left to actBaumy00 folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Illonus foldsUncalled bet of 3,420 returned to BapTaHoBu4BapTaHoBu4 mucksBapTaHoBu4 wins the pot (225)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 225 | Rake 0Board: [7s Kc 4h 9h Jc]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 (button) folded on the RiverSeat 3: yura69rus (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (big blind) folded on the RiverSeat 5: skv didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 collected (225), muckedSeat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad folded on the River

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324306702: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 25/50 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:01:26 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,315)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,705)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,360)

    Seat 4: Illonus (4,400)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (3,000)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,265)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,645)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,490)Seat 9: jegaad (2,950)Illonus posts the small blind of 25Rocky 961 posts the big blind of 50The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [8d 5d]KrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to act

    BapTaHoBu4 has timed outBapTaHoBu4 foldsBapTaHoBu4 is sitting outBapTaHoBu4 has returnedalfred8 has 15 seconds left to actalfred8 calls 50jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 calls 50Baumy00 foldsyura69rus foldsIllonus calls 25Rocky 961 has 15 seconds left to act

    Rocky 961 checks*** FLOP *** [2c Jh 9d] (Total Pot: 200, 4 Players)Illonus checksRocky 961 checksalfred8 bets 50rari57 has 15 seconds left to actrari57 calls 50Illonus foldsRocky 961 calls 50*** TURN *** [2c Jh 9d] [Qd] (Total Pot: 350, 3 Players)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Rocky 961 checksalfred8 bets 50rari57 has 15 seconds left to actrari57 raises to 500Rocky 961 foldsalfred8 has 15 seconds left to actalfred8 foldsUncalled bet of 450 returned to rari57rari57 mucksrari57 wins the pot (450)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 450 | Rake 0Board: [2c Jh 9d Qd]Seat 1: rari57 collected (450), muckedSeat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: yura69rus (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 (big blind) folded on the TurnSeat 6: KrullZ didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 folded on the TurnSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324323352: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 30/60 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:03:51 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,615)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,705)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,360)Seat 4: Illonus (4,350)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (2,900)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,265)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,645)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,340)Seat 9: jegaad (2,950)Rocky 961 posts the small blind of 30

    KrullZ posts the big blind of 60The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [2h 5s]BapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 60jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsyura69rus calls 60Illonus foldsRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to act

    Rocky 961 foldsKrullZ has 15 seconds left to actKrullZ has timed outKrullZ checks*** FLOP *** [Kd 6c 4c] (Total Pot: 210, 3 Players)KrullZ checksalfred8 bets 90yura69rus foldsKrullZ foldsUncalled bet of 90 returned to alfred8

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    alfred8 mucksalfred8 wins the pot (210)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 210 | Rake 0Board: [Kd 6c 4c]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: yura69rus folded on the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: KrullZ (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 collected (210), muckedSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324332754: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 30/60 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:05:12 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,615)Seat 2: Baumy00 (2,705)Seat 3: yura69rus (2,300)Seat 4: Illonus (4,350)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (2,870)

    Seat 6: KrullZ (3,205)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,645)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,490)Seat 9: jegaad (2,950)KrullZ posts the small blind of 30BapTaHoBu4 posts the big blind of 60The button is in seat #5*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [8h 6d]alfred8 foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad has timed outjegaad folds

    jegaad is sitting outrari57 calls 60Baumy00 raises to 240yura69rus raises to 2,300, and is all inIllonus foldsRocky 961 foldsKrullZ foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsjegaad has returnedrari57 has 15 seconds left to actrari57 foldsBaumy00 calls 2,060

    yura69rus shows [5c 5s]Baumy00 shows [Ks As]*** FLOP *** [Kc Td 6c] (Total Pot: 4,750, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** TURN *** [Kc Td 6c] [3h] (Total Pot: 4,750, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [Kc Td 6c 3h] [Tc] (Total Pot: 4,750, 2 Players, 1 All-In)yura69rus shows two pair, Tens and FivesBaumy00 shows two pair, Kings and TensBaumy00 wins the pot (4,750) with two pair, Kings and Tens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4,750 | Rake 0

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Board: [Kc Td 6c 3h Tc]Seat 1: rari57 folded before the FlopSeat 2: Baumy00 showed [Ks As] and won (4,750) with two pair, Kings and TensSeat 3: yura69rus showed [5c 5s] and lost with two pair, Tens and FivesSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324342045: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 40/80 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:06:32 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,555)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,155)Seat 4: Illonus (4,350)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (2,870)Seat 6: KrullZ (3,175)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,585)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,490)Seat 9: jegaad (2,950)BapTaHoBu4 posts the small blind of 40

    alfred8 posts the big blind of 80The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [6d Jc]Paintball 95 sits downjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 80KrullZ raises to 320BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to act

    BapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 240Rocky 961 calls 240*** FLOP *** [Ts 7c 5c] (Total Pot: 1,000, 3 Players)alfred8 checksRocky 961 checksKrullZ bets 1,000alfred8 foldsRocky 961 raises to 2,550, and is all inKrullZ calls 1,550Rocky 961 shows [Td 6s]KrullZ shows [Ad Kh]*** TURN *** [Ts 7c 5c] [Qd] (Total Pot: 6,100, 2 Players, 1 All-In)

    *** RIVER *** [Ts 7c 5c Qd] [9d] (Total Pot: 6,100, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Rocky 961 shows a pair of TensKrullZ shows Ace King highRocky 961 wins the pot (6,100) with a pair of Tens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 6,100 | Rake 0Board: [Ts 7c 5c Qd 9d]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 5: Rocky 961 showed [Td 6s] and won (6,100) with a pair of TensSeat 6: KrullZ (button) showed [Ad Kh] and lost with Ace King highSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 8: alfred8 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324349996: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 40/80 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:07:42 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,555)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,155)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (2,495)Seat 4: Illonus (4,350)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (6,100)Seat 6: KrullZ (305)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,170)Seat 9: jegaad (2,950)alfred8 posts the small blind of 40jegaad posts the big blind of 80The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [7h 8h]

    rari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus raises to 1,200Rocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actIllonus: pressed wrongly lolRocky 961 foldsKrullZ calls 305, and is all inBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad folds

    Illonus shows [7h 8h]KrullZ shows [Kc Td]Uncalled bet of 895 returned to Illonus*** FLOP *** [5c Jc Jh] (Total Pot: 730, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** TURN *** [5c Jc Jh] [Qh] (Total Pot: 730, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [5c Jc Jh Qh] [9h] (Total Pot: 730, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus shows a flush, Queen highKrullZ shows a straight, King highIllonus wins the pot (730) with a flush, Queen high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 730 | Rake 0Board: [5c Jc Jh Qh 9h]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus showed [7h 8h] and won (730) with a flush, Queen highSeat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: KrullZ showed [Kc Td] and lost with a straight, King highSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: jegaad (big blind) folded before the Flop

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324358749: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 40/80 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:08:58 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,555)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,155)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (2,495)Seat 4: Illonus (4,775)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (6,100)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,130)Seat 9: jegaad (2,870)jegaad posts the small blind of 40rari57 posts the big blind of 80The button is in seat #8*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Qh Ac]Baumy00 foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus raises to 240Rocky 961 calls 240BapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldsSMyca sits downIllonus: sorry guys, meant to be a 200 bet

    jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 has 15 seconds left to actrari57 folds*** FLOP *** [9s 4h Jc] (Total Pot: 600, 2 Players)Illonus bets 320Rocky 961 calls 320*** TURN *** [9s 4h Jc] [9d] (Total Pot: 1,240, 2 Players)Illonus checksRocky 961 bets 400Illonus calls 400*** RIVER *** [9s 4h Jc 9d] [5s] (Total Pot: 2,040, 2 Players)Illonus checks

    Rocky 961 bets 1,280Illonus foldsUncalled bet of 1,280 returned to Rocky 961Rocky 961 mucksRocky 961 wins the pot (2,040)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2,040 | Rake 0Board: [9s 4h Jc 9d 5s]Seat 1: rari57 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus folded on the RiverSeat 5: Rocky 961 collected (2,040), mucked

    Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad (small blind) folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324366436: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 40/80 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:10:06 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,475)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,155)

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    Seat 3: Paintball 95 (2,495)Seat 4: Illonus (3,815)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (7,180)Seat 6: SMyca (3,000)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,130)Seat 9: jegaad (2,830)rari57 posts the small blind of 40Baumy00 posts the big blind of 80The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Kh Ac]Paintball 95 calls 80Illonus raises to 320Rocky 961 calls 320SMyca foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 raises to 3,130, and is all injegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 folds

    Uncalled bet of 2,810 returned to alfred8alfred8 mucksalfred8 wins the pot (1,160)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,160 | Rake 0Seat 1: rari57 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Baumy00 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 folded before the FlopSeat 6: SMyca didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 collected (1,160), mucked

    Seat 9: jegaad (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324371222: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 40/80 -No Limit Hold'em - 11:10:48 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,435)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,075)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (2,415)Seat 4: Illonus (3,495)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (6,860)Seat 6: SMyca (3,000)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)

    Seat 8: alfred8 (3,970)Seat 9: jegaad (2,830)Baumy00 posts the small blind of 40Paintball 95 posts the big blind of 80The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [8h Kd]Illonus foldsRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    SMyca foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actSMyca is sitting outSMyca has returnedjegaad raises to 160rari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsSMyca is sitting outPaintball 95 calls 80*** FLOP *** [7h Ts 7s] (Total Pot: 360, 2 Players)SMyca has returnedPaintball 95 checksjegaad bets 80Paintball 95 foldsUncalled bet of 80 returned to jegaadjegaad mucksjegaad wins the pot (360)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 360 | Rake 0Board: [7h Ts 7s]Seat 1: rari57 (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 2: Baumy00 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: SMyca didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad collected (360), mucked

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324380049: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 50/100- No Limit Hold'em - 11:12:06 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: rari57 (2,435)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,035)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (2,255)Seat 4: Illonus (3,495)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (6,860)Seat 6: SMyca (3,000)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,970)Seat 9: jegaad (3,030)Paintball 95 posts the small blind of 50Illonus posts the big blind of 100The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Illonus [Ad 4h]Rocky 961 calls 100SMyca raises to 500BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 has timed outBapTaHoBu4 foldsBapTaHoBu4 is sitting outalfred8 foldsBapTaHoBu4 has returnedjegaad has 15 seconds left to act

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    jegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 400*** FLOP *** [6d 6s Kc] (Total Pot: 1,150, 2 Players)Rocky 961 checksSMyca bets 1,725Rocky 961 raises to 3,450SMyca calls 775, and is all inRocky 961 shows [Kd 8h]SMyca shows [9s 9h]Uncalled bet of 950 returned to Rocky 961*** TURN *** [6d 6s Kc] [Td] (Total Pot: 6,150, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [6d 6s Kc Td] [6h] (Total Pot: 6,150, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Rocky 961 shows a full house, Sixes full of KingsSMyca shows a full house, Sixes full of NinesRocky 961 wins the pot (6,150) with a full house, Sixes full of Kings*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 6,150 | Rake 0Board: [6d 6s Kc Td 6h]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 3: Paintball 95 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 showed [Kd 8h] and won (6,150) with a full house, Sixes full of KingsSeat 6: SMyca showed [9s 9h] and lost with a full house, Sixes full of NinesSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324388480: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 50/100- No Limit Hold'em - 11:13:23 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: rari57 (2,435)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,035)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (2,205)Seat 4: Illonus (3,395)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (10,010)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,970)Seat 9: jegaad (3,030)Illonus posts the small blind of 50Rocky 961 posts the big blind of 100The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [6c Qs]

    BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actsecco9950 sits downBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 raises to 350Baumy00 foldsPaintball 95 calls 350Illonus folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Rocky 961 folds*** FLOP *** [Qh 5h As] (Total Pot: 850, 2 Players)rari57 bets 2,085, and is all inPaintball 95 foldsUncalled bet of 2,085 returned to rari57rari57 mucksrari57 wins the pot (850)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 850 | Rake 0Board: [Qh 5h As]Seat 1: rari57 collected (850), muckedSeat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (button) folded on the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324395766: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 50/100- No Limit Hold'em - 11:14:28 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,935)

    Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,035)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (1,855)Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,910)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,000)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,970)Seat 9: jegaad (3,030)Rocky 961 posts the small blind of 50secco9950 posts the big blind of 100The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [7s Qh]

    BapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 100jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 50secco9950 checks*** FLOP *** [2h 4d Qd] (Total Pot: 300, 3 Players)Rocky 961 checkssecco9950 checks

    alfred8 checks*** TURN *** [2h 4d Qd] [Jh] (Total Pot: 300, 3 Players)Rocky 961 checkssecco9950 bets 100alfred8 foldsRocky 961 calls 100*** RIVER *** [2h 4d Qd Jh] [Qs] (Total Pot: 500, 2 Players)Rocky 961 checkssecco9950 bets 200Rocky 961 calls 200

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    *** SHOW DOWN ***secco9950 shows [8d Jc] two pair, Queens and JacksRocky 961 muckssecco9950 wins the pot (900) with two pair, Queens and Jacks*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 900 | Rake 0Board: [2h 4d Qd Jh Qs]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (small blind) mucked [3c 2c] - two pair, Queens and TwosSeat 6: secco9950 (big blind) showed [8d Jc] and won (900) with two pair, Queensand JacksSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 folded on the TurnSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324402486: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 50/100- No Limit Hold'em - 11:15:28 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,935)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,035)

    Seat 3: Paintball 95 (1,855)Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,510)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,500)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,545)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,870)Seat 9: jegaad (3,030)secco9950 posts the small blind of 50BapTaHoBu4 posts the big blind of 100The button is in seat #5*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Kc 5h]alfred8 folds

    jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad has timed outjegaad foldsjegaad is sitting outjegaad has returnedrari57 calls 100Baumy00 foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 foldssecco9950 calls 50BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 checks

    *** FLOP *** [2s Qd Ad] (Total Pot: 300, 3 Players)secco9950 bets 100BapTaHoBu4 calls 100rari57 calls 100*** TURN *** [2s Qd Ad] [3s] (Total Pot: 600, 3 Players)secco9950 bets 300BapTaHoBu4 foldsrari57 foldsUncalled bet of 300 returned to secco9950secco9950 mucks

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    secco9950 wins the pot (600)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 600 | Rake 0Board: [2s Qd Ad 3s]Seat 1: rari57 folded on the TurnSeat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 (small blind) collected (600), muckedSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (big blind) folded on the TurnSeat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324411689: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 50/100- No Limit Hold'em - 11:16:52 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,735)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,035)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (1,855)Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,510)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,900)

    Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,345)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,870)Seat 9: jegaad (3,030)BapTaHoBu4 posts the small blind of 50alfred8 posts the big blind of 100The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [2d 3s]jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 calls 100Baumy00 foldsPaintball 95 folds

    Illonus foldsRocky 961 foldssecco9950 calls 100BapTaHoBu4 calls 50alfred8 checks*** FLOP *** [5c 2h Qd] (Total Pot: 400, 4 Players)BapTaHoBu4 checksalfred8 checksrari57 bets 400secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldsUncalled bet of 400 returned to rari57

    rari57 mucksrari57 wins the pot (400)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 400 | Rake 0Board: [5c 2h Qd]Seat 1: rari57 collected (400), muckedSeat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 6: secco9950 (button) folded on the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 8: alfred8 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324418505: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 60/120- No Limit Hold'em - 11:17:55 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (3,035)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,035)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (1,855)Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,510)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,800)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,245)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,770)Seat 9: jegaad (3,030)alfred8 posts the small blind of 60jegaad posts the big blind of 120The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Ad 9c]rari57 folds

    Baumy00 foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 120secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 calls 120alfred8 calls 60jegaad checks*** FLOP *** [Kd 4s 2d] (Total Pot: 480, 4 Players)alfred8 has 15 seconds left to actalfred8 checksjegaad bets 120Rocky 961 calls 120

    BapTaHoBu4 calls 120alfred8 folds*** TURN *** [Kd 4s 2d] [8c] (Total Pot: 840, 3 Players)jegaad bets 120Rocky 961 raises to 360BapTaHoBu4 foldsjegaad calls 240*** RIVER *** [Kd 4s 2d 8c] [9s] (Total Pot: 1,560, 2 Players)jegaad checksRocky 961 bets 840jegaad foldsUncalled bet of 840 returned to Rocky 961Rocky 961 mucks

    Rocky 961 wins the pot (1,560)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,560 | Rake 0Board: [Kd 4s 2d 8c 9s]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Baumy00 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 collected (1,560), muckedSeat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (button) folded on the TurnSeat 8: alfred8 (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 9: jegaad (big blind) folded on the River

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324427459: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 60/120- No Limit Hold'em - 11:19:17 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (3,035)Seat 2: Baumy00 (5,035)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (1,855)Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (10,470)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,800)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,005)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,650)Seat 9: jegaad (2,430)jegaad posts the small blind of 60rari57 posts the big blind of 120The button is in seat #8*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [2s 2h]Baumy00 calls 120Paintball 95 raises to 1,855, and is all in

    Illonus foldsRocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldsjegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 calls 1,735Paintball 95 shows [Th Td]Baumy00 shows [6c 6s]*** FLOP *** [4s 2d 9h] (Total Pot: 3,890, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** TURN *** [4s 2d 9h] [8d] (Total Pot: 3,890, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [4s 2d 9h 8d] [7c] (Total Pot: 3,890, 2 Players, 1 All-In)

    Paintball 95 shows a pair of TensBaumy00 shows a pair of SixesPaintball 95 wins the pot (3,890) with a pair of Tens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3,890 | Rake 0Board: [4s 2d 9h 8d 7c]Seat 1: rari57 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Baumy00 showed [6c 6s] and lost with a pair of SixesSeat 3: Paintball 95 showed [Th Td] and won (3,890) with a pair of TensSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 8: alfred8 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad (small blind) folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324431994: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 60/120- No Limit Hold'em - 11:19:58 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,915)Seat 2: Baumy00 (3,180)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (3,890)

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    Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (10,470)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,800)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,005)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,650)Seat 9: jegaad (2,370)rari57 posts the small blind of 60Baumy00 posts the big blind of 120The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Kd 2s]Paintball 95 calls 120Illonus foldsRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 calls 120secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 120jegaad calls 120rari57 calls 60Baumy00 checks*** FLOP *** [9c 2d 9d] (Total Pot: 720, 6 Players)rari57 checksBaumy00 checks

    Paintball 95 checksRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 checksalfred8 checksjegaad checks*** TURN *** [9c 2d 9d] [2h] (Total Pot: 720, 6 Players)rari57 checksBaumy00 bets 720Paintball 95 foldsRocky 961 foldsalfred8 has 15 seconds left to actalfred8 has requested TIMEalfred8 raises to 1,440

    jegaad foldsrari57 foldsBaumy00 raises to 3,060, and is all inalfred8 calls 1,620Baumy00 shows [2c Th]alfred8 shows [9s Kc]*** RIVER *** [9c 2d 9d 2h] [3s] (Total Pot: 6,840, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Baumy00 shows a full house, Twos full of Ninesalfred8 shows a full house, Nines full of Twosalfred8 wins the pot (6,840) with a full house, Nines full of Twos*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 6,840 | Rake 0Board: [9c 2d 9d 2h 3s]

    Seat 1: rari57 (small blind) folded on the TurnSeat 2: Baumy00 (big blind) showed [2c Th] and lost with a full house, Twos fullof NinesSeat 3: Paintball 95 folded on the TurnSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 folded on the TurnSeat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 showed [9s Kc] and won (6,840) with a full house, Nines full ofTwos

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    Seat 9: jegaad (button) folded on the Turn

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324445323: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 60/120- No Limit Hold'em - 11:22:04 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,795)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (3,770)Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (10,350)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,800)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (3,005)Seat 8: alfred8 (7,310)Seat 9: jegaad (2,250)Paintball 95 posts the big blind of 120The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [2s 4d]Illonus foldsRocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 calls 120alfred8 folds

    jegaad foldsrari57 calls 120Paintball 95 checks*** FLOP *** [Ah 3d 9h] (Total Pot: 360, 3 Players)ZMEII sits downPaintball 95 checksBapTaHoBu4 checksrari57 checks*** TURN *** [Ah 3d 9h] [2d] (Total Pot: 360, 3 Players)Paintball 95 checksBapTaHoBu4 checksrari57 checks*** RIVER *** [Ah 3d 9h 2d] [5c] (Total Pot: 360, 3 Players)

    Paintball 95 checksBapTaHoBu4 checksrari57 checks*** SHOW DOWN ***Paintball 95 shows [5s 5h] three of a kind, FivesBapTaHoBu4 mucksrari57 mucksPaintball 95 wins the pot (360) with three of a kind, Fives*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 360 | Rake 0Board: [Ah 3d 9h 2d 5c]Seat 1: rari57 (button) mucked [7d Js] - Ace Jack highSeat 3: Paintball 95 (big blind) showed [5s 5h] and won (360) with three of a ki

    nd, FivesSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 mucked [Kd Jd] - Ace King highSeat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324451546: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 60/120- No Limit Hold'em - 11:23:04 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,675)Seat 2: ZMEII (460)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (4,010)Seat 4: Illonus (3,345)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (10,350)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,800)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,885)Seat 8: alfred8 (7,310)Seat 9: jegaad (2,250)Paintball 95 posts the small blind of 60Illonus posts the big blind of 120The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [6c Ah]Rocky 961 foldssecco9950 raises to 240BapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsrari57 foldsZMEII raises to 460, and is all in

    Paintball 95 foldsIllonus foldssecco9950 calls 220ZMEII shows [4s 4h]secco9950 shows [Qs Kc]*** FLOP *** [Js 3d 3s] (Total Pot: 1,100, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** TURN *** [Js 3d 3s] [Td] (Total Pot: 1,100, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [Js 3d 3s Td] [Jh] (Total Pot: 1,100, 2 Players, 1 All-In)ZMEII shows two pair, Jacks and Fourssecco9950 shows two pair, Jacks and ThreesZMEII wins the pot (1,100) with two pair, Jacks and Fours*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,100 | Rake 0

    Board: [Js 3d 3s Td Jh]Seat 1: rari57 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: ZMEII (button) showed [4s 4h] and won (1,100) with two pair, Jacks and FoursSeat 3: Paintball 95 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 showed [Qs Kc] and lost with two pair, Jacks and ThreesSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324456053: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 80/160- No Limit Hold'em - 11:23:46 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: rari57 (2,675)Seat 2: ZMEII (1,100)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (3,950)Seat 4: Illonus (3,225)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (10,350)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,340)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,885)

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    Seat 8: alfred8 (7,310)Seat 9: jegaad (2,250)Illonus posts the small blind of 80Rocky 961 posts the big blind of 160The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [As Kd]secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 160jegaad foldsrari57 calls 160ZMEII foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus raises to 480Rocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 has timed outRocky 961 foldsRocky 961 is sitting outRocky 961 has returnedalfred8 has 15 seconds left to actalfred8 has requested TIMEalfred8 calls 320rari57 calls 320

    *** FLOP *** [Kh 3s 4h] (Total Pot: 1,600, 3 Players)Illonus bets 2,745, and is all inalfred8 foldsrari57 has 15 seconds left to actrari57 calls 2,195, and is all inIllonus shows [As Kd]rari57 shows [Kc Th]Uncalled bet of 550 returned to Illonus*** TURN *** [Kh 3s 4h] [3d] (Total Pot: 5,990, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [Kh 3s 4h 3d] [2d] (Total Pot: 5,990, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus shows two pair, Kings and Threesrari57 shows two pair, Kings and ThreesIllonus wins the pot (5,990) with two pair, Kings and Threes

    *** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5,990 | Rake 0Board: [Kh 3s 4h 3d 2d]Seat 1: rari57 showed [Kc Th] and lost with two pair, Kings and ThreesSeat 2: ZMEII didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus (small blind) showed [As Kd] and won (5,990) with two pair, Kings and ThreesSeat 5: Rocky 961 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 folded on the FlopSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324465996: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 80/160- No Limit Hold'em - 11:25:21 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 2: ZMEII (1,100)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (3,950)Seat 4: Illonus (6,540)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (10,190)Seat 6: secco9950 (3,340)

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    Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,885)Seat 8: alfred8 (6,830)Seat 9: jegaad (2,250)Rocky 961 posts the small blind of 80secco9950 posts the big blind of 160The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [2s Ts]Illonus: tyBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 160montreal911 sits downjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsZMEII foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 calls 80secco9950 raises to 480alfred8 calls 320Rocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 calls 320*** FLOP *** [9s Ah 2d] (Total Pot: 1,440, 3 Players)

    Rocky 961 checkssecco9950 has 15 seconds left to actsecco9950 bets 640alfred8 raises to 3,360Rocky 961 foldssecco9950 calls 2,220, and is all inalfred8 shows [Qd Ad]secco9950 shows [As Kh]Uncalled bet of 500 returned to alfred8*** TURN *** [9s Ah 2d] [Jc] (Total Pot: 7,160, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [9s Ah 2d Jc] [Kd] (Total Pot: 7,160, 2 Players, 1 All-In)alfred8 shows a pair of Acessecco9950 shows two pair, Aces and Kings

    secco9950 wins the pot (7,160) with two pair, Aces and Kings*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 7,160 | Rake 0Board: [9s Ah 2d Jc Kd]Seat 2: ZMEII didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 (big blind) showed [As Kh] and won (7,160) with two pair, Acesand KingsSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: alfred8 showed [Qd Ad] and lost with a pair of AcesSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324474985: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 80/160- No Limit Hold'em - 11:26:48 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,690)Seat 2: ZMEII (1,100)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (3,950)Seat 4: Illonus (6,540)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,710)

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    Seat 6: secco9950 (7,160)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,885)Seat 8: alfred8 (3,490)Seat 9: jegaad (2,250)secco9950 posts the small blind of 80BapTaHoBu4 posts the big blind of 160The button is in seat #5*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [9h Ah]alfred8 calls 160jegaad foldsmontreal911 foldsZMEII foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus raises to 480Rocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsalfred8 calls 320*** FLOP *** [9c Qs Ts] (Total Pot: 1,200, 2 Players)alfred8 checksIllonus bets 640alfred8 foldsUncalled bet of 640 returned to Illonus

    Illonus mucksIllonus wins the pot (1,200)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,200 | Rake 0Board: [9c Qs Ts]Seat 1: montreal911 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: ZMEII didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus collected (1,200), muckedSeat 5: Rocky 961 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 8: alfred8 folded on the Flop

    Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324477863: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 80/160- No Limit Hold'em - 11:27:17 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,690)Seat 2: ZMEII (1,100)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (3,950)Seat 4: Illonus (7,260)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,710)Seat 6: secco9950 (7,080)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,725)

    Seat 9: jegaad (2,250)BapTaHoBu4 posts the small blind of 80jegaad posts the big blind of 160The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Ks 5s]jakesen sits downmontreal911 foldsZMEII foldsPaintball 95 folds

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    Illonus raises to 480Rocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsjegaad foldsUncalled bet of 320 returned to IllonusIllonus mucksIllonus wins the pot (400)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 400 | Rake 0Seat 1: montreal911 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: ZMEII didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus collected (400), muckedSeat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: jegaad (big blind) folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324481654: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 80/160- No Limit Hold'em - 11:27:53 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: montreal911 (2,690)Seat 2: ZMEII (1,100)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (3,950)Seat 4: Illonus (7,500)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,710)Seat 6: secco9950 (7,080)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,645)Seat 8: jakesen (3,000)Seat 9: jegaad (2,090)jegaad posts the small blind of 80montreal911 posts the big blind of 160The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Illonus [6d Ts]ZMEII raises to 400Paintball 95 raises to 1,280Illonus foldsRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 has timed outRocky 961 foldsRocky 961 is sitting outRocky 961 has returnedsecco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad has timed out

    jegaad foldsjegaad is sitting outmontreal911 foldsZMEII calls 700, and is all inPaintball 95 shows [Jh Ah]ZMEII shows [Kh 9h]jegaad has returnedUncalled bet of 180 returned to Paintball 95*** FLOP *** [Qd 8h 5s] (Total Pot: 2,440, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** TURN *** [Qd 8h 5s] [7h] (Total Pot: 2,440, 2 Players, 1 All-In)

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    *** RIVER *** [Qd 8h 5s 7h] [4h] (Total Pot: 2,440, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Paintball 95 shows a flush, Ace highZMEII shows a flush, King highPaintball 95 wins the pot (2,440) with a flush, Ace high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2,440 | Rake 0Board: [Qd 8h 5s 7h 4h]Seat 1: montreal911 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: ZMEII showed [Kh 9h] and lost with a flush, King highSeat 3: Paintball 95 showed [Jh Ah] and won (2,440) with a flush, Ace highSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: jakesen is sitting outSeat 9: jegaad (small blind) folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324489463: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 80/160- No Limit Hold'em - 11:29:14 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,530)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (5,290)Seat 4: Illonus (7,500)

    Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,710)Seat 6: secco9950 (7,080)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,645)Seat 8: jakesen (3,000)Seat 9: jegaad (2,010)montreal911 posts the small blind of 80Paintball 95 posts the big blind of 160The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Js Td]Illonus foldsRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin sits down

    Rocky 961 has timed outRocky 961 foldsRocky 961 is sitting outRocky 961 has returnedsecco9950 raises to 480BapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen foldsjegaad foldsmontreal911 foldsPaintball 95 foldsUncalled bet of 320 returned to secco9950secco9950 muckssecco9950 wins the pot (400)

    betolorin has been disconnected*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 400 | Rake 0Seat 1: montreal911 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 collected (400), muckedSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: jakesen didn't bet (folded)

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    Seat 9: jegaad (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324494244: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 80/160- No Limit Hold'em - 11:30:02 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,450)Seat 2: betolorin (6,120)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (5,130)Seat 4: Illonus (7,500)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,710)Seat 6: secco9950 (7,320)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,645)Seat 8: jakesen (3,000)Seat 9: jegaad (2,010)Paintball 95 posts the small blind of 80Illonus posts the big blind of 160The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [5d 7s]betolorin has reconnectedRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 foldssecco9950 folds

    BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen calls 160jegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsmontreal911 foldsPaintball 95 calls 80Illonus checks*** FLOP *** [3s 9h Jh] (Total Pot: 480, 3 Players)Paintball 95 checksIllonus checksjakesen checks*** TURN *** [3s 9h Jh] [Qd] (Total Pot: 480, 3 Players)

    Paintball 95 checksIllonus bets 320jakesen calls 320Paintball 95 folds*** RIVER *** [3s 9h Jh Qd] [4h] (Total Pot: 1,120, 2 Players)Illonus checksjakesen bets 480Illonus foldsUncalled bet of 480 returned to jakesenjakesen mucksjakesen wins the pot (1,120)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,120 | Rake 0

    Board: [3s 9h Jh Qd 4h]Seat 1: montreal911 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: betolorin is sitting outSeat 3: Paintball 95 (small blind) folded on the TurnSeat 4: Illonus (big blind) folded on the RiverSeat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: jakesen collected (1,120), muckedSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324501397: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 100/200- No Limit Hold'em - 11:31:16 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,450)Seat 2: betolorin (6,120)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (4,970)Seat 4: Illonus (7,020)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,710)Seat 6: secco9950 (7,320)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,645)Seat 8: jakesen (3,640)Seat 9: jegaad (2,010)Illonus posts the small blind of 100Rocky 961 posts the big blind of 200The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [3d 8h]secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad folds

    montreal911 foldsbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has reconnectedbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsUncalled bet of 100 returned to Rocky 961Rocky 961 mucksRocky 961 wins the pot (200)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 200 | Rake 0

    Seat 1: montreal911 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: betolorin didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 (big blind) collected (200), muckedSeat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: jakesen didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324505602: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 100/200

    - No Limit Hold'em - 11:31:59 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,450)Seat 2: betolorin (6,120)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (4,970)Seat 4: Illonus (6,920)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,810)Seat 6: secco9950 (7,320)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,645)Seat 8: jakesen (3,640)Seat 9: jegaad (2,010)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Rocky 961 posts the small blind of 100secco9950 posts the big blind of 200The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [2d 9d]BapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen foldsjegaad has 15 seconds left to actjegaad foldsmontreal911 foldsbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 raises to 600Illonus foldsRocky 961 foldssecco9950 calls 400*** FLOP *** [Qh 5d Kc] (Total Pot: 1,300, 2 Players)secco9950 checksPaintball 95 bets 600secco9950 foldsUncalled bet of 600 returned to Paintball 95Paintball 95 mucksPaintball 95 wins the pot (1,300)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,300 | Rake 0

    Board: [Qh 5d Kc]Seat 1: montreal911 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: betolorin didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 collected (1,300), muckedSeat 4: Illonus (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: jakesen didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324509538: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 100/200- No Limit Hold'em - 11:32:42 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,450)Seat 2: betolorin (6,120)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (5,670)Seat 4: Illonus (6,920)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (9,710)Seat 6: secco9950 (6,720)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,645)Seat 8: jakesen (3,640)Seat 9: jegaad (2,010)secco9950 posts the small blind of 100BapTaHoBu4 posts the big blind of 200

    The button is in seat #5*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [2h As]jakesen foldsjegaad foldsmontreal911 foldsbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus has 15 seconds left to actIllonus folds

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    Rocky 961 raises to 600secco9950 calls 500BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 folds*** FLOP *** [Js 9h 5s] (Total Pot: 1,400, 2 Players)secco9950 checksRocky 961 bets 600secco9950 calls 600*** TURN *** [Js 9h 5s] [4h] (Total Pot: 2,600, 2 Players)secco9950 checksRocky 961 bets 1,000secco9950 calls 1,000*** RIVER *** [Js 9h 5s 4h] [6s] (Total Pot: 4,600, 2 Players)secco9950 has 15 seconds left to actsecco9950 bets 1,800Rocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 foldsUncalled bet of 1,800 returned to secco9950secco9950 muckssecco9950 wins the pot (4,600)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4,600 | Rake 0Board: [Js 9h 5s 4h 6s]Seat 1: montreal911 didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 2: betolorin didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (button) folded on the RiverSeat 6: secco9950 (small blind) collected (4,600), muckedSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324518777: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 100/200- No Limit Hold'em - 11:34:17 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: montreal911 (2,450)Seat 2: betolorin (6,120)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (5,670)Seat 4: Illonus (6,920)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (7,510)Seat 6: secco9950 (9,120)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,445)Seat 8: jakesen (3,640)Seat 9: jegaad (2,010)BapTaHoBu4 posts the small blind of 100jakesen posts the big blind of 200The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Illonus [3c 9h]jegaad foldsmontreal911 foldsbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 raises to 600Illonus foldsRocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen calls 400

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    *** FLOP *** [3h Td Js] (Total Pot: 1,300, 2 Players)jakesen checksPaintball 95 bets 600jakesen calls 600*** TURN *** [3h Td Js] [Th] (Total Pot: 2,500, 2 Players)jakesen checksPaintball 95 bets 1,000jakesen has 15 seconds left to actjakesen foldsUncalled bet of 1,000 returned to Paintball 95Paintball 95 mucksPaintball 95 wins the pot (2,500)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2,500 | Rake 0Board: [3h Td Js Th]Seat 1: montreal911 didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: betolorin didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: Paintball 95 collected (2,500), muckedSeat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: secco9950 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen (big blind) folded on the TurnSeat 9: jegaad didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324523427: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 100/200- No Limit Hold'em - 11:35:07 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (2,450)Seat 2: betolorin (6,120)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,970)Seat 4: Illonus (6,920)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (7,510)Seat 6: secco9950 (9,120)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,345)Seat 8: jakesen (2,440)

    Seat 9: jegaad (2,010)jakesen posts the small blind of 100jegaad posts the big blind of 200The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Ks Ts]montreal911 calls 200betolorin raises to 800Paintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 800secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to act

    BapTaHoBu4 has timed outBapTaHoBu4 foldsBapTaHoBu4 is sitting outjakesen foldsjegaad calls 600BapTaHoBu4 has returnedmontreal911 calls 600*** FLOP *** [Qd 4s 9c] (Total Pot: 3,300, 4 Players)jegaad bets 200montreal911 folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    betolorin raises to 600Rocky 961 foldsjegaad calls 400*** TURN *** [Qd 4s 9c] [9h] (Total Pot: 4,500, 2 Players)jegaad bets 200betolorin raises to 600jegaad raises to 610, and is all inbetolorin calls 10jegaad shows [Kd Qh]betolorin shows [As Qs]*** RIVER *** [Qd 4s 9c 9h] [2s] (Total Pot: 5,720, 2 Players, 1 All-In)jegaad shows two pair, Queens and Ninesbetolorin shows two pair, Queens and Ninesbetolorin wins the pot (5,720) with two pair, Queens and Nines*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5,720 | Rake 0Board: [Qd 4s 9c 9h 2s]Seat 1: montreal911 folded on the FlopSeat 2: betolorin showed [As Qs] and won (5,720) with two pair, Queens and NinesSeat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 folded on the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Seat 8: jakesen (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: jegaad (big blind) showed [Kd Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and Nines

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324532777: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 100/200- No Limit Hold'em - 11:36:45 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (1,650)Seat 2: betolorin (9,830)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,970)Seat 4: Illonus (6,920)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (6,710)

    Seat 6: secco9950 (9,120)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,345)Seat 8: jakesen (2,340)montreal911 posts the big blind of 200The button is in seat #8*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [Js 4c]Squirrius sits downbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 raises to 600secco9950 folds

    BapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen foldsmontreal911 foldsUncalled bet of 400 returned to Rocky 961Rocky 961 mucksRocky 961 wins the pot (400)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 400 | Rake 0Seat 1: montreal911 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin didn't bet (folded)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Rocky 961 collected (400), muckedSeat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: jakesen (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324535395: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 100/200- No Limit Hold'em - 11:37:12 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (1,450)Seat 2: betolorin (9,830)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,970)Seat 4: Illonus (6,920)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (6,910)Seat 6: secco9950 (9,120)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,345)Seat 8: jakesen (2,340)Seat 9: Squirrius (3,000)montreal911 posts the small blind of 100betolorin posts the big blind of 200The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Illonus [8c 8d]Paintball 95 foldsIllonus raises to 600Rocky 961 calls 600secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen foldsSquirrius foldsmontreal911 calls 500betolorin folds*** FLOP *** [4d 5h Qc] (Total Pot: 2,000, 3 Players)montreal911 bets 850, and is all inIllonus raises to 2,000

    Rocky 961 calls 2,000*** TURN *** [4d 5h Qc] [Kd] (Total Pot: 6,850, 3 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus checksRocky 961 checks*** RIVER *** [4d 5h Qc Kd] [Kc] (Total Pot: 6,850, 3 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus checksRocky 961 bets 2,100Illonus calls 2,100*** SHOW DOWN ***Rocky 961 shows [7h 6s] a pair of KingsIllonus shows [8c 8d] two pair, Kings and EightsIllonus wins the side pot (6,500) with two pair, Kings and Eightsmontreal911 shows [Qh Td] two pair, Kings and Queens

    montreal911 wins the main pot (4,550) with two pair, Kings and Queens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 11,050 Main pot 4,550. Side pot 6,500. | Rake 0Board: [4d 5h Qc Kd Kc]Seat 1: montreal911 (small blind) showed [Qh Td] and won (4,550) with two pair,Kings and QueensSeat 2: betolorin (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Illonus showed [8c 8d] and won (6,500) with two pair, Kings and EightsSeat 5: Rocky 961 showed [7h 6s] and lost with a pair of Kings

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 6: secco9950 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: jakesen didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: Squirrius (button) didn't bet (folded)

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324541114: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 120/240Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:38:12 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,550)Seat 2: betolorin (9,630)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,970)Seat 4: Illonus (8,720)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (2,210)Seat 6: secco9950 (9,120)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,345)Seat 8: jakesen (2,340)Seat 9: Squirrius (3,000)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25

    BapTaHoBu4 antes 25jakesen antes 25Squirrius antes 25betolorin posts the small blind of 120Paintball 95 posts the big blind of 240The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [9c 2c]Illonus foldsRocky 961 raises to 2,185, and is all insecco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actBapTaHoBu4 folds

    jakesen foldsSquirrius raises to 2,975, and is all inmontreal911 foldsbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsSquirrius shows [3s 9h]Rocky 961 shows [As Jc]Uncalled bet of 790 returned to Squirrius*** FLOP *** [8s Jd 5d] (Total Pot: 4,955, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** TURN *** [8s Jd 5d] [3h] (Total Pot: 4,955, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [8s Jd 5d 3h] [8h] (Total Pot: 4,955, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Squirrius shows two pair, Eights and ThreesRocky 961 shows two pair, Jacks and Eights

    Rocky 961 wins the pot (4,955) with two pair, Jacks and Eights*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4,955 | Rake 0Board: [8s Jd 5d 3h 8h]Seat 1: montreal911 (button) folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 showed [As Jc] and won (4,955) with two pair, Jacks and EightsSeat 6: secco9950 folded before the Flop

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded before the FlopSeat 9: Squirrius showed [3s 9h] and lost with two pair, Eights and Threes

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324545508: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 120/240Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:39:00 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,525)Seat 2: betolorin (9,485)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,705)Seat 4: Illonus (8,695)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (4,955)Seat 6: secco9950 (9,095)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,320)Seat 8: jakesen (2,315)Seat 9: Squirrius (790)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25BapTaHoBu4 antes 25

    jakesen antes 25Squirrius antes 25Paintball 95 posts the small blind of 120Illonus posts the big blind of 240The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [3d 3c]Rocky 961 calls 240secco9950 foldsBapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen foldsbetolorin has been disconnectedSquirrius raises to 765, and is all in

    montreal911 foldsbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has reconnectedbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has reconnectedbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has reconnectedbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus raises to 1,290

    Rocky 961 calls 1,050*** FLOP *** [Ks Qs 7c] (Total Pot: 3,690, 3 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus bets 480Rocky 961 foldsIllonus shows [3d 3c]Squirrius shows [2c 4s]Uncalled bet of 480 returned to Illonus*** TURN *** [Ks Qs 7c] [3s] (Total Pot: 3,690, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [Ks Qs 7c 3s] [7s] (Total Pot: 3,690, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus wins the side pot (1,050)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Illonus shows a full house, Threes full of SevensSquirrius shows a flush, King highIllonus wins the main pot (2,640) with a full house, Threes full of Sevens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3,690 Main pot 2,640. Side pot 1,050. | Rake 0Board: [Ks Qs 7c 3s 7s]Seat 1: montreal911 folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin (button) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (big blind) showed [3d 3c] and won (3,690) with a full house, Threes full of SevensSeat 5: Rocky 961 folded on the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 folded before the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded before the FlopSeat 9: Squirrius showed [2c 4s] and lost with a flush, King high

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324554024: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 120/240Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:40:29 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,500)Seat 2: betolorin (9,460)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,560)

    Seat 4: Illonus (11,070)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (3,640)Seat 6: secco9950 (9,070)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,295)Seat 8: jakesen (2,290)Seat 9: RoMarioBK (4,458)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25BapTaHoBu4 antes 25

    jakesen antes 25RoMarioBK antes 25Illonus posts the small blind of 120Rocky 961 posts the big blind of 240The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [8d 9h]secco9950 calls 240BapTaHoBu4 foldsjakesen has 15 seconds left to actjakesen foldsRoMarioBK foldsmontreal911 folds

    betolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has reconnectedbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 checks*** FLOP *** [Tc 8h 7h] (Total Pot: 825, 2 Players)

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Rocky 961 checksbetolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has reconnectedsecco9950 bets 480Rocky 961 calls 480*** TURN *** [Tc 8h 7h] [6d] (Total Pot: 1,785, 2 Players)Rocky 961 checkssecco9950 checks*** RIVER *** [Tc 8h 7h 6d] [Th] (Total Pot: 1,785, 2 Players)Rocky 961 bets 840betolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has reconnectedsecco9950 foldsUncalled bet of 840 returned to Rocky 961Rocky 961 mucksRocky 961 wins the pot (1,785)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,785 | Rake 0Board: [Tc 8h 7h 6d Th]Seat 1: montreal911 folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 (button) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 (big blind) collected (1,785), mucked

    Seat 6: secco9950 folded on the RiverSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded before the FlopSeat 9: RoMarioBK folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324562704: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 120/240Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:41:52 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,475)Seat 2: betolorin (9,435)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,535)Seat 4: Illonus (10,925)

    Seat 5: Rocky 961 (4,680)Seat 6: secco9950 (8,325)Seat 7: BapTaHoBu4 (2,270)Seat 8: jakesen (2,265)Seat 9: RoMarioBK (4,433)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25BapTaHoBu4 antes 25jakesen antes 25

    RoMarioBK antes 25Rocky 961 posts the small blind of 120secco9950 posts the big blind of 240The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [3d Ad]BapTaHoBu4 has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has reconnectedBapTaHoBu4 folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    jakesen calls 240RoMarioBK foldsmontreal911 foldsbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin has reconnectedbetolorin has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin calls 240Paintball 95 foldsIllonus raises to 720Rocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsjakesen calls 480betolorin calls 480*** FLOP *** [7d Kc Kd] (Total Pot: 2,745, 3 Players)jakesen checksbetolorin checksIllonus bets 960betolorin has been disconnectedjakesen foldsbetolorin has reconnectedbetolorin foldsUncalled bet of 960 returned to IllonusIllonus mucks

    Illonus wins the pot (2,745)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2,745 | Rake 0Board: [7d Kc Kd]Seat 1: montreal911 folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin folded on the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (button) collected (2,745), muckedSeat 5: Rocky 961 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 7: BapTaHoBu4 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded on the FlopSeat 9: RoMarioBK folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324569782: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 120/240Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:43:02 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,450)Seat 2: betolorin (8,690)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,510)Seat 4: Illonus (12,925)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (4,535)Seat 6: secco9950 (8,060)Seat 8: jakesen (1,520)Seat 9: RoMarioBK (4,408)

    montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25jakesen antes 25RoMarioBK antes 25secco9950 posts the small blind of 120jakesen posts the big blind of 240

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    The button is in seat #5*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [9h 7c]RoMarioBK calls 240montreal911 foldsbetolorin has been disconnectedbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsbetolorin has reconnectedIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 240secco9950 raises to 720jakesen foldsRoMarioBK calls 480Rocky 961 calls 480*** FLOP *** [Kc Tc 5h] (Total Pot: 2,600, 3 Players)secco9950 checksRoMarioBK bets 240Rocky 961 has 15 seconds left to actRocky 961 foldssecco9950 calls 240*** TURN *** [Kc Tc 5h] [3d] (Total Pot: 3,080, 2 Players)secco9950 checksPottermus59 sits down

    RoMarioBK bets 480secco9950 raises to 1,200RoMarioBK raises to 3,423, and is all insecco9950 calls 2,223RoMarioBK shows [Th Qs]secco9950 shows [Kh Kd]*** RIVER *** [Kc Tc 5h 3d] [Ad] (Total Pot: 9,926, 2 Players, 1 All-In)RoMarioBK shows a pair of Tenssecco9950 shows three of a kind, Kingssecco9950 wins the pot (9,926) with three of a kind, Kings*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 9,926 | Rake 0Board: [Kc Tc 5h 3d Ad]

    Seat 1: montreal911 folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 (button) folded on the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 (small blind) showed [Kh Kd] and won (9,926) with three of a kind, KingsSeat 8: jakesen (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: RoMarioBK showed [Th Qs] and lost with a pair of Tens

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324579642: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 120/240

    Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:44:31 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,425)Seat 2: betolorin (8,665)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,485)Seat 4: Illonus (12,900)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (3,790)Seat 6: secco9950 (13,578)Seat 7: Pottermus59 (3,415)Seat 8: jakesen (1,255)montreal911 antes 25

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25jakesen antes 25Illonus: sick sickjakesen posts the small blind of 120montreal911 posts the big blind of 240The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [3s Jh]betolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 240secco9950 foldsjakesen raises to 1,230, and is all inmontreal911 foldsRocky 961 calls 990jakesen shows [Qd Ac]Rocky 961 shows [7d Tc]*** FLOP *** [4c 5h 8c] (Total Pot: 2,875, 2 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus: well played just now

    *** TURN *** [4c 5h 8c] [4h] (Total Pot: 2,875, 2 Players, 1 All-In)*** RIVER *** [4c 5h 8c 4h] [5s] (Total Pot: 2,875, 2 Players, 1 All-In)jakesen shows two pair, Fives and FoursRocky 961 shows two pair, Fives and Foursjakesen wins the pot (2,875) with two pair, Fives and Fours*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2,875 | Rake 0Board: [4c 5h 8c 4h 5s]Seat 1: montreal911 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 showed [7d Tc] and lost with two pair, Fives and Fours

    Seat 6: secco9950 (button) folded before the FlopSeat 7: Pottermus59 is sitting outSeat 8: jakesen (small blind) showed [Qd Ac] and won (2,875) with two pair, Fives and Fours

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324582702: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 120/240Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:44:59 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,160)Seat 2: betolorin (8,640)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,460)Seat 4: Illonus (12,875)

    Seat 5: Rocky 961 (2,535)Seat 6: secco9950 (13,553)Seat 7: Pottermus59 (3,415)Seat 8: jakesen (2,875)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Pottermus59 antes 25jakesen antes 25montreal911 posts the small blind of 120betolorin posts the big blind of 240The button is in seat #8*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [6s Qc]Paintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsPottermus59 has 15 seconds left to actPottermus59 has requested TIMEQuads7Deuce sits downPottermus59 foldsjakesen foldsmontreal911 foldsUncalled bet of 120 returned to betolorinbetolorin mucksbetolorin wins the pot (440)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 440 | Rake 0Seat 1: montreal911 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin (big blind) collected (440), mucked

    Seat 3: Paintball 95 folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 folded before the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 folded before the FlopSeat 7: Pottermus59 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen (button) folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324586840: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 150/300Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:45:36 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (4,015)Seat 2: betolorin (8,935)

    Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,435)Seat 4: Illonus (12,850)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (2,510)Seat 6: secco9950 (13,528)Seat 7: Pottermus59 (3,390)Seat 8: jakesen (2,850)Seat 9: Quads7Deuce (3,000)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25

    Pottermus59 antes 25jakesen antes 25Quads7Deuce antes 25betolorin posts the small blind of 150Paintball 95 posts the big blind of 300The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [3h 2h]Illonus foldsRocky 961 folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    secco9950 foldsPottermus59 has 15 seconds left to actPottermus59 foldsjakesen foldsQuads7Deuce foldsmontreal911 foldsbetolorin foldsUncalled bet of 150 returned to Paintball 95Paintball 95 mucksPaintball 95 wins the pot (525)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 525 | Rake 0Seat 1: montreal911 (button) folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 (big blind) collected (525), muckedSeat 4: Illonus folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 folded before the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 folded before the FlopSeat 7: Pottermus59 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded before the FlopSeat 9: Quads7Deuce folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324591373: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 150/300Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:46:17 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (3,990)Seat 2: betolorin (8,760)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,785)Seat 4: Illonus (12,825)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (2,485)Seat 6: secco9950 (13,503)Seat 7: Pottermus59 (3,365)Seat 8: jakesen (2,825)Seat 9: Quads7Deuce (2,975)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25

    Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25Pottermus59 antes 25jakesen antes 25Quads7Deuce antes 25Paintball 95 posts the small blind of 150Illonus posts the big blind of 300The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [4h 6h]Rocky 961 calls 300

    secco9950 calls 300betolorin has been disconnectedPottermus59 has 15 seconds left to actbetolorin has reconnectedPottermus59 foldsjakesen foldsQuads7Deuce raises to 900montreal911 foldsbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 folds

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Illonus foldsRocky 961 calls 600secco9950 calls 600*** FLOP *** [9s 2d Qd] (Total Pot: 3,375, 3 Players)Rocky 961 checkssecco9950 has 15 seconds left to actsecco9950 checksQuads7Deuce bets 900Rocky 961 foldssecco9950 foldsUncalled bet of 900 returned to Quads7DeuceQuads7Deuce mucksQuads7Deuce wins the pot (3,375)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3,375 | Rake 0Board: [9s 2d Qd]Seat 1: montreal911 folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin (button) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 folded on the FlopSeat 6: secco9950 folded on the FlopSeat 7: Pottermus59 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded before the Flop

    Seat 9: Quads7Deuce collected (3,375), mucked

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324599919: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 150/300Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:47:35 ET - 2013/03/17Seat 1: montreal911 (3,965)Seat 2: betolorin (8,735)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,610)Seat 4: Illonus (12,500)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (1,560)Seat 6: secco9950 (12,578)Seat 7: Pottermus59 (3,340)

    Seat 8: jakesen (2,800)Seat 9: Quads7Deuce (5,425)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25Pottermus59 antes 25jakesen antes 25Quads7Deuce antes 25Illonus posts the small blind of 150Rocky 961 posts the big blind of 300

    The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [7h Ah]secco9950 foldsPottermus59 has 15 seconds left to actPottermus59 foldsjakesen foldsQuads7Deuce foldsmontreal911 foldsbetolorin raises to 900

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Paintball 95 foldsIllonus calls 750Rocky 961 raises to 1,535, and is all inbetolorin calls 635Illonus calls 635*** FLOP *** [Ts 9s 3c] (Total Pot: 4,830, 3 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus checksbetolorin checks*** TURN *** [Ts 9s 3c] [Ks] (Total Pot: 4,830, 3 Players, 1 All-In)Illonus checksbetolorin bets 600Illonus foldsbetolorin shows [Kd Ac]Rocky 961 shows [Th Kc]Uncalled bet of 600 returned to betolorin*** RIVER *** [Ts 9s 3c Ks] [Js] (Total Pot: 4,830, 2 Players, 1 All-In)betolorin shows a pair of KingsRocky 961 shows two pair, Kings and TensRocky 961 wins the pot (4,830) with two pair, Kings and Tens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4,830 | Rake 0Board: [Ts 9s 3c Ks Js]Seat 1: montreal911 folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin showed [Kd Ac] and lost with a pair of Kings

    Seat 3: Paintball 95 (button) folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (small blind) folded on the TurnSeat 5: Rocky 961 (big blind) showed [Th Kc] and won (4,830) with two pair, Kings and TensSeat 6: secco9950 folded before the FlopSeat 7: Pottermus59 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded before the FlopSeat 9: Quads7Deuce folded before the Flop

    Full Tilt Poker Game #32324608095: $100 Guarantee (250996975), Table 6 - 150/300Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:48:50 ET - 2013/03/17

    Seat 1: montreal911 (3,940)Seat 2: betolorin (7,175)Seat 3: Paintball 95 (6,585)Seat 4: Illonus (10,940)Seat 5: Rocky 961 (4,830)Seat 6: secco9950 (12,553)Seat 7: Pottermus59 (3,315)Seat 8: jakesen (2,775)Seat 9: Quads7Deuce (5,400)montreal911 antes 25betolorin antes 25Paintball 95 antes 25Illonus antes 25

    Rocky 961 antes 25secco9950 antes 25Pottermus59 antes 25jakesen antes 25Quads7Deuce antes 25Rocky 961 posts the small blind of 150secco9950 posts the big blind of 300The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Illonus [4h 7d]

  • 7/27/2019 FT20130317 $100 Guarantee (250996975), No Limit Hold'Em


    Pottermus59 has 15 seconds left to actPottermus59 foldsjakesen foldsQuads7Deuce raises to 600montreal911 foldsbetolorin foldsPaintball 95 foldsIllonus foldsRocky 961 calls 450secco9950 calls 300*** FLOP *** [5s Ts 2h] (Total Pot: 2,025, 3 Players)Rocky 961 checkssecco9950 checksQuads7Deuce bets 600Rocky 961 calls 600secco9950 folds*** TURN *** [5s Ts 2h] [Kd] (Total Pot: 3,225, 2 Players)Rocky 961 checksQuads7Deuce checks*** RIVER *** [5s Ts 2h Kd] [3h] (Total Pot: 3,225, 2 Players)Rocky 961 checksQuads7Deuce checks*** SHOW DOWN ***Quads7Deuce shows [Th 8h] a pair of Tens

    Rocky 961 mucksQuads7Deuce wins the pot (3,225) with a pair of Tens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3,225 | Rake 0Board: [5s Ts 2h Kd 3h]Seat 1: montreal911 folded before the FlopSeat 2: betolorin folded before the FlopSeat 3: Paintball 95 folded before the FlopSeat 4: Illonus (button) folded before the FlopSeat 5: Rocky 961 (small blind) mucked [2s Qs] - a pair of TwosSeat 6: secco9950 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 7: Pottermus59 folded before the FlopSeat 8: jakesen folded before the Flop
