fu- r- r h ceu in ii seufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01438/00840.pdftng syrup for children...

THE SIX ii iin r ILL L I r II 1 7 h z 4 TAIxF a = = = = = NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA Brief Happenings From Various Sections of State THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring in The Land of Flowers Things Boiled Down to Suit the Busy Reader Items of Interest to All A Classes- A concrete plant in content plated m Tampa The State Federation of Women Cub will meet at Tamps April 4th Work has been commenced on the sew building of the Y M C A at St Augartine E I Hobbs has brought suit against HilUborough for for road contracts annulled- A boy named Sanders fell off the flock at Pnacola and was drowned before assistance could be given him The sponge industry in the vicinity- of Tarpon Springs is causing talk and it is said the business is being injured EJ Brown colored found guilty of the murder of Mrs Dora Suggs near Miami last December will DO doubt L haw another trial I AO Floweree who has a grove Avs refused for hi grapefruit crop He sold it by the box at a fancy price the man CUll icted of counterfeiting a Tampa lat week will serve about 16 months in the Federal prison at Atlanta Milton is bothered with firebugs While we dont like to mob the remedy for those fel- lows is the hemp eiterniinitor The laundry of 1epper Hros recent- ly destroyed at Petersburg involv- ing a of 4000 will be rebuilt at once There wa f20 insurance The Sea Island Cotton Growers A- todatinn of Taylor county hat been organized with G R Battles presi cent and J E Pound a secretary i H W Steinbtiis of the National Building Trades Council is in Tampa- to settle the trouble between the Ma- ster Painters and the Painters Union Fourteen schools of Manatee county have made 80 per cent under chapter 6381 of the school law securing two months school in addition to the reg alit term The Stock Growers Association at Kissimm March 6tb should be attended by all who are in the advancement of stock raising In the State A negro was arrested in Pensscola for resisting an officer and The Re eorder said the offender would have to pay for pulling the buttons off the po Hcemans coat and valued them at 23 each The three children of Junius Rach who lives near Oxford Somter county were burned to death in their home Saturday night during the ab- sence of the parents They were aged respectively five two and one year The Tampa Northern Railroad is elaiaaed to be a Seaboard Air Line scheme to bottle up Tampa The scheme wee exposed by J W Pidcock a Sooth Georgia railroad man who says the new line will never go as far as Atlanta Miami has had the greatest tourist trade ever known thereduring the put winter and all the hotels and boarding- houses in the city have crowded Miami has good road fine drives sod gentlemanly lot of carriage driven who please the people B pra Grice a colored woman waa sentenced by Judge Mackey of St Aug- ustine Monday to three months at bard labor for the county in default of a fine of 100 and costs the woman being convicted of carrying a revolver concealed upon her person A few miles from the town of Titus vine a negro named Lewis Herring shot and killed a colored man by the name of Alexander Rogers There had been a quarrel before the killing which ended in Rogers being by Her- ring while the former was trying him with r knife After the ing Lewis Herring gave himself up to the authorities If the Bsoy is Cutting Teeth Be sure amuse that old and well tried remedy Mrs Windows soothe tng Syrup for children teething It soothes the child oft n the gums best remedy for diarrhoea Twen cent a OCJO lOt COO 15C If Stephens heat t I ben t- aut all cures colic the fin A i consider- able leer l George encourage- r loss i In- terested t ergs a r t shot shoot I s allay wild and ii > ¬ ¬ > ¬ >> MOZLEYS LEMON ELIXIR a Century a t CONSTIPATION v til i 11 lurC- IHM I 1 v ir It i a in ii l f n- poutil I 1 t t I in i t i T ili in t i f r Iw jKiren r rtmlj fitit If Hi hi r never u i l it f fk tu neighl r I HIGH SPRINGS NEWS Marriage of a Popular Meeting Other Notes High Springs March 28 A quiet but very beautiful wedding took place- in town Sunday evening March 25th that of Miss Mamie Barn daughter of Dr C C Urn mayor of High Springs and John Vassie of this place This event excited unusual interest on ac- count of the popularity of the bride and the high social standing of the family The house was beautifully decorated with green vines and flowers while the wedding bell suspended from the ceil- ing in the where the roupl stood gave the hymeneal sir to the occafion The couple entered the parlor to the strains of the Mendelssohn Marsh played by Mrs PP Wood The bean tifol Presbyterian wedding ceremony was touchingly performed by Rev E Thompson The bride was lovely ic a white silk princess gown with white hyacinths in her brown hair aril on her roreaK The groom is a young nnn of tint character iriK many lerliug qualities of heart and mind There was a goodly company of friends to witness the ceremony and extend congratulation to the young couple Ethel Barn of Jacksonville brother of the bride and Fred Vaiiie brother of the groom were the only out of town guests Elegant refreshments were served by the charming hostess Mn Barrs and the evening was one of pleasure to all News Notes- A protracted seeling was begot in the Presbyterian church by Rev EE Gordon assisted by the pastor Rev G E The entertainment given by the La dies Aid at the residence of Mn E K Anderson for the benefit of the Pres byteriaa parsonage WM quite a success socially and financially- A special train was made up here yesterday for Dr Cox of Brocksville who had missed connection to overtake passenger train 43 which had oae half hour the start Engineer OBan son and Conductor Conner with en- gine 261 made up the distance Kodaking ia the favorite amusement of the young foks here Invaluable For Rheumatism I have been suffering for the past few years with a severe attack of rheu matiim and found that Ballard Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate- my palo March 24 02John C Degnan Kinsman III 25c 60s and 1 Sold by W M Johnson Sundays Fire An alarm of fire was turned in Sun- day at 110 p m which summoned the department which its usoal promptness to the home of Mn Dennis corner West Main and Court streets The roof was discovered to be on fire caused supposedly from a spark from the chimney but the damage was slight The alarm attracted a large number of people The department on this occasion a all others recently rendered quick and effective work which demonstrates that it is in the hand of officers who thorocghly understand their business and Chief ONeill and hit lubarjlinate have the confidence of the people of the city who know how to appreciate a goml and etllcient service The Best Cough Syrup- i L Apple ejprubatw judge Ot taws county Kansas writes This to that 1 u ti ttallardd Horehound syrup f ir year and that be t cough Vied od l 7 U M Johnson For rf 0 j 1 I It rt 1 1 Sec f fotf lou I 1 Ilftl llIr CoupleRevival Thompson I- nn I I do not hesitate to rtommend II I hue Z6c and U I r that tt e t d1 < t t rata fll recess appro- priate posses I i gay hare it syrup ever rk < > < > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ + VEROSE t AMI H ni hearty where the hrti nunr launch 10 ikinc h r prttt t mtt- liiC Bid fennant HjinK n morninu in tri high t e it through th no if into the pleasure of lty vA to du h r be t A row butt ws mwe i- behird containing the lunchein wtrK T A Hirt in charge On tie arrival while of the invade explorrd the jangle and b aiti of the Patch Mr Hsmlyn and a few of her friends with the atj unc of Mr- Birt et the tahle and spread out the good thing provided by Mr Itutihliri of the Bay View House A more umo t ou repast it would be difficult to imagine nothing had he n forgot- ten not even the and pepper which are usually l ft After doing full justice to all the good things provided all of the guests enjoyed the different games brought along by the hostess until the setting sun showed that the hour of return had Toe trip home was putted mon plea aptly by singing and story telling and thus ended one of the enjoyable days of the Melro e The meeting of the L and I S will be held April 6 Mn King will furnish a papr on the Nature of Art and relation to daily life Mrs E Marshall and daughter have returned from a trip to Live where they were the of C W Rogers S Mullen i very proud of her new Lester which arrived on Thursday The lowe t point of the temperature was 36 degrees and no damage peen amounting to any- thing Only the flatwon to have tuffereii Quite a number if the guests at the Huffman House went over tq Magne- sia Springs Thursday A dispensation meeting was hell by F A M No F9 Lodge on Saturday night and several brethren from Gainesville and Starke attended Clears the Complexion Oriuo Laxative Froit Hyrtip stimu late the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clean the complexion of pimples and blotches It is the best laxative for women sad children as it ia mild and pleasant and does not gripe or sicken Orino is much supe- rior to pills aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics as it dots not irri tate the stomach and bowels J W MeCollom A Co Concern Raises Stock Albany R Y March 27 Tht Southwestern Telegraph and Tele- phone company of New Yor kclty- BU filed with the secretary of state A certificate of Increase of Its capital from 110000000 to lSf A Scientific Wonder The cores that stand to its credit make BuckleD Arnica Salve a scien wonder It cured E R Mulford lecturer for the Patrons Husbandry Pa of a case of piles It heals the worst burns sows ulcers Outs wounds chil- blains and salt rheum Only 25c at all drug stores Notice of Dissolution To Whom it May Concern The first of A M Pouraell A Son has this daybeen dissolved by mutual consent A M Poornell retiring P E Poor sell will continue same stand and assumes liabilities and collects all bills due said firm A M POCRVEIL March 281008 PE Pu KNELL T F UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE OF NEW GOODS AKNTS JXU- MOMHENTS TOMIWTONKM and IRON FENCES- Peryjoai Aiteetiun to J aiurr In tats nor Mali ordri- Qalncsvllle Florida THE tiEtvSFRU A Pc- Ch 111 r hrt n tl W yo fU- It I Iqtlillllu II 1 11- Itrrlo at nto W 1 3 I a IV lIt Jk their farms t It hi- M 1 WIt Isun meant most other salt arrived mutt season last I its pianoa half reported toO lift h e TUNAS cJr e I r aIe proms tJ n E Jy dlrh r Yuli of 11 r t IArhi tn r- i It r ci s ifMllilf Ii se tide hn tt Ihd p ICs r h t1 sit imr llferi ad ienibid ti ti tlr way et and every ne spirits and h water she entered the and b hind flak guests Mrs Mss here seem 60 to net t ervh tie attended tuv < < < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + KING OF ALL LINIMENTS CURES RHEl iATISM AND ALL PAM IAD nm- M C Ned fowavUlt ejgwkkC I was indaeed to try Ballafe aiar Meiiianm whkh eared a e after watay three jte WMM imTBal CRBAT8ST I UMD kva- uwaded M to b f- vitkoct craldica sad aM deal of UCla labs UM fan- aTHRBC St2 S 35 SOc AND 100 BALLARD SNOW UFNIMEMTCCXS- T UWW U t A SOLO AND RECOMNNUlBMUft BY The Oldest Whiskey House in GeorgiaEs- tablished 1881 OLIN HHAMPE WILLIAM Pure fine old By the Ilea fl00 Four full 340 EXPRESS PREPAID GEO J Pure Pennsylvania Rteh and mellow the Ration 137ft full W 00 EXPRESS PREPAID ala Pure Mbstantial family whiskey By 13 arU PRESS PREPAID By W fli Fear fell OLD KENTUCKY CORY 3 EXPREiB Direct from bonded warehouse flee and old By the gallon 1800 WHt CLUB OMB Four tall quarts WW Rtea eltew By ttoffailM JtJt EXPRESS PREPAID f1 We handle all th leading bread of Ryaaa4 Baarkea Watokiaa tk as ket and will save eat y ar panaaaea Bead far arfaa list and catalogae Free THE ALTMAYER I FLATAU LIQUOR CQiPARY Ghv e H C UR ES RTUatlOta f 1 IOn TtIMiI iN otiose ML CUD I wIda rk NT CII- lmaNl W rfI r niB H Roar IlL the lie tUf rtM an PAID LIt r EXaalPU D 0 a CON Tat a 14ae ew eNY- Ot0 ORDOR 6aaRhe- Narlll OlYN atIR11 OOIMt weRa esutR eu lsYasIN SINUaala aaa rsltaarmnses t a sY- YB r t i was mach tided etlsse welter t gsI boat on atc te a deal S n- i a beeis1 g asw walk eat a pM s s M Joi rrsoiq a 111bi aetltviiie t I i I I K r IIiiW l 0410 the gull tearis sad a ape apple > = >> > < Purest Paint Made DAVIS 100 Per Cent PURE I od under guarantee by the HARDWARE CO of ItegMratlun- Nutcr Ulvro that the rrvUtrHtlon tx f Ai4hu snouts lor the rrttUUatlon- ol li t r Mil e 4 j rn on Monday Mach n- K t the 4ft OIM in nee jj iw l ir tlon until the tCtb ilar ur Ai ni ll ar or rekNtralloa from 9 n fficTt a m to 12 m tt J from tit i t HJ d ir t r Ti tratlon officer rill open r Utra tloa books In 3ih dutrlct Iron 9 m to 12 m and from I to m for rrttUirttloo of el a t jr k Ift tr1ct will t e otxrn two darn la- vHib dlxtrlcl rr Utr Uoa oQccr- wU Kite by iourrf Danlaf ilmfn the book w own M S CUKVES I Y BAIRD Ire of r The s I boot and Irene be Swtornt r Atachua NotIce the the of fuel 7 ee t not ee Itegttrnton Couatr Starch 15th IW4 < > > > > <> < < + DSWIFT REOSLACKER I SON JlAJlUrACTUa- aJ j 1 JIateriI1 rt Into ABX GLASS I BCDL For Best Reeults Advertise in Su- P tree IIHoI eta ten f- M4 utar TOII I x SP I1i r r- and BuildingC- NAllarTOlf Ill C- Suk Ides 4 X The A rnt seblalhfw Rirvawes- ae Ttasarjr u rsiaaetspea yea bwtai tell sit r drth rue arul wJeb aaa rpm onr inr- wraseearwT win sdIi 4 bfnr awt ewes t aoll Urs l as sous- tlsCSan4 1L PBS IeN s s yasya I pails Ola- sAN eri h r cbt v ter + + = = μ + +

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Page 1: fU- r- r H Ceu iN Ii seufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01438/00840.pdftng Syrup for children teething It soothes the child oft n the gums best remedy for diarrhoea Twen cent

THE SIX ii iinr ILL L I r II 1 7h



TAIxFa= = = ==



Brief Happenings From VariousSections of State


Transpiring in The Land of FlowersThings Boiled Down to Suit theBusy Reader Items of Interest toAll



A concrete plant in contentplated m Tampa

The State Federation of WomenCub will meet at Tamps April 4th

Work has been commenced on thesew building of the Y M C A at StAugartine

E I Hobbs has brought suit againstHilUborough for forroad contracts annulled-

A boy named Sanders fell off theflock at Pnacola and was drownedbefore assistance could be given him

The sponge industry in the vicinity-of Tarpon Springs is causing

talk and it is said the business isbeing injured

EJ Brown colored found guilty ofthe murder of Mrs Dora Suggs nearMiami last December will DO doubt

L haw another trialI AO Floweree who has a grove

Avs refused for higrapefruit crop He sold it by thebox at a fancy price

the man CUllicted of counterfeiting a Tampa latweek will serve about 16 months inthe Federal prison at Atlanta

Milton is bothered with firebugsWhile we dont like tomob the remedy for those fel-

lows is the hemp eiterniinitorThe laundry of 1epper Hros recent-

ly destroyed at Petersburg involv-ing a of 4000 will be rebuilt atonce There wa f20 insurance

The Sea Island Cotton Growers A-

todatinn of Taylor county hat beenorganized with G R Battles presicent and J E Pound a secretary

i H W Steinbtiis of the NationalBuilding Trades Council is in Tampa-to settle the trouble between the Ma-ster Painters and the Painters Union

Fourteen schools of Manatee countyhave made 80 per cent under chapter6381 of the school law securing twomonths school in addition to the regalit term

The Stock Growers Associationat Kissimm March 6tb

should be attended by all who arein the advancement of stock

raising In the StateA negro was arrested in Pensscola

for resisting an officer and The Re

eorder said the offender would have topay for pulling the buttons off the poHcemans coat and valued them at 23

eachThe three children of Junius Rach

who lives near Oxford Somtercounty were burned to death in theirhome Saturday night during the ab-

sence of the parents They were aged

respectively five two and one year

The Tampa Northern Railroad is

elaiaaed to be a Seaboard Air Linescheme to bottle up Tampa Thescheme wee exposed by J W Pidcock

a Sooth Georgia railroad man who

says the new line will never go as faras Atlanta

Miami has had the greatest tourist

trade ever known thereduring the putwinter and all the hotels and boarding-

houses in the city have crowdedMiami has good road fine drives sod

gentlemanly lot of carriage drivenwho please the people

B pra Grice a colored woman waa

sentenced by Judge Mackey of St Aug-

ustine Monday to three months atbard labor for the county in default of

a fine of 100 and costs the woman

being convicted of carrying a revolverconcealed upon her person

A few miles from the town of Titus

vine a negro named Lewis Herring

shot and killed a colored man by the

name of Alexander Rogers There had

been a quarrel before the killing which

ended in Rogers being by Her-

ring while the former was trying

him with r knife After theing Lewis Herring gave himself up to

the authorities

If the Bsoy is Cutting Teeth

Be sure amuse that old and well

tried remedy Mrs Windows soothe

tng Syrup for children teething It

soothes the child oft n the gums

best remedy for diarrhoea Twencent a




If Stephens







all cures colicthe





leer l













shoot I


allay wild and ii








a Century

a t

CONSTIPATIONv til i 11 lurC-

IHM I 1 v irIt i a in ii l f n-

poutil I 1 t t I

in i t i T ili in ti f r Iw jKiren r

rtmlj fitit If Hi hi rnever u i l it f fk tuneighl r


Marriage of a PopularMeeting Other Notes

High Springs March 28 A quietbut very beautiful wedding took place-in town Sunday evening March 25ththat of Miss Mamie Barn daughter ofDr C C Urn mayor of High Springsand John Vassie of this place Thisevent excited unusual interest on ac-

count of the popularity of the brideand the high social standing of thefamily

The house was beautifully decoratedwith green vines and flowers while thewedding bell suspended from the ceil-ing in the where the rouplstood gave the hymeneal sir

to the occafionThe couple entered the parlor to the

strains of the Mendelssohn Marshplayed by Mrs P P Wood The beantifol Presbyterian wedding ceremonywas touchingly performed by RevE Thompson

The bride was lovely ic a white silkprincess gown with white hyacinths inher brown hair aril on her roreaK

The groom is a young nnn of tintcharacter iriK many lerliugqualities of heart and mind

There was a goodly company offriends to witness the ceremony andextend congratulation to the youngcouple

Ethel Barn of Jacksonville brotherof the bride and Fred Vaiiie brotherof the groom were the only out oftown guests

Elegant refreshments were servedby the charming hostess Mn Barrsand the evening was one of pleasureto all

News Notes-

A protracted seeling was begot inthe Presbyterian church by Rev E EGordon assisted by the pastor RevG E

The entertainment given by the Ladies Aid at the residence of Mn E K

Anderson for the benefit of the Presbyteriaa parsonage WM quite a successsocially and financially-

A special train was made up hereyesterday for Dr Cox of Brocksvillewho had missed connection to overtakepassenger train 43 which had oaehalf hour the start Engineer OBanson and Conductor Conner with en-

gine 261 made up the distanceKodaking ia the favorite amusement

of the young foks here

Invaluable For RheumatismI have been suffering for the past

few years with a severe attack of rheumatiim and found that Ballard Snow

Liniment was the only thing that gaveme satisfaction and tended to alleviate-

my palo March 24 02John C

Degnan Kinsman III 25c 60s and1 Sold by W M Johnson

Sundays Fire

An alarm of fire was turned in Sun-

day at 110 p m which summoned

the department which its usoal

promptness to the home of Mn Dennis

corner West Main and Court streetsThe roof was discovered to be on fire

caused supposedly from a spark from

the chimney but the damage was

slight The alarm attracted a large

number of peopleThe department on this occasion a

all others recently rendered quick

and effective work which demonstrates

that it is in the hand of officers who

thorocghly understand their business

and Chief ONeill and hit lubarjlinate

have the confidence of the people of

the city who know how to appreciate a

goml and etllcient service

The Best Cough Syrup-

i L Apple ejprubatw judge Ot

taws county Kansas writes This

to that 1 u ti ttallarddHorehound syrup f ir year and that

be t coughVied od l 7 U

M Johnson

For rf0

j 1 I


rt 1


Sec f fotf louI 1 Ilftl llIr






I do not hesitate to rtommend III hue

Z6c and U





e td1

< t t








gay hare

itsyrup ever














AMI H ni


where the hrti nunrlaunch 10 ikinc h r prttt t mtt-liiC Bid fennant HjinK n

morninu in trihigh t e itthrough th no ifinto the pleasure of lty vAto du h r be t A row butt ws mwe i-

behird containing the lunchein wtrKT A Hirt in charge On tie arrivalwhile of the invade explorrd the

jangle and b aiti of thePatch Mr Hsmlyn and a few of

her friends with the atj unc of Mr-Birt et the tahle and spread out thegood thing provided by Mr Itutihliriof the Bay View House A more umot ou repast it would be difficult toimagine nothing had he n forgot-ten not even the and pepperwhich are usually l ft Afterdoing full justice to all the good thingsprovided all of the guests enjoyed thedifferent games brought along by thehostess until the setting sun showedthat the hour of return hadToe trip home was putted mon pleaaptly by singing and story telling andthus ended one of the enjoyabledays of the Melro e

The meeting of the L and I

S will be held April 6 Mn Kingwill furnish a papr on the Nature ofArt and relation to daily life

Mrs E Marshall and daughter havereturned from a trip to Livewhere they were the of CW Rogers

S Mullen i very proud of hernew Lester which arrivedon Thursday

The lowe t point of the temperaturewas 36 degrees and no damage

peen amounting to any-

thing Only the flatwon tohave tuffereii

Quite a number if the guests at theHuffman House went over tq Magne-sia Springs Thursday

A dispensation meeting was hell byF A M No F9 Lodge on Saturdaynight and several brethren fromGainesville and Starke attended

Clears the Complexion

Oriuo Laxative Froit Hyrtip stimulate the liver and thoroughly cleansesthe system and clean the complexionof pimples and blotches It is the bestlaxative for women sad children as itia mild and pleasant and does notgripe or sicken Orino is much supe-

rior to pills aperient waters and allordinary cathartics as it dots not irritate the stomach and bowels J WMeCollom A Co

Concern Raises StockAlbany R Y March 27 Tht

Southwestern Telegraph and Tele-phone company of New Yor kclty-

BU filed with the secretary of stateA certificate of Increase of Its capitalfrom 110000000 to lSf

A Scientific Wonder

The cores that stand to its creditmake BuckleD Arnica Salve a scien

wonder It cured E R Mulford

lecturer for the Patrons HusbandryPa of a case

of piles It heals the worst burnssows ulcers Outs wounds chil-blains and salt rheum Only 25c atall drug stores

Notice of Dissolution

To Whom it May Concern Thefirst of A M Pouraell A Son has thisdaybeen dissolved by mutual consentA M Poornell retiring P E Poorsell will continue same stand andassumes liabilities and collects allbills due said firm A M POCRVEIL

March 281008 P E Pu KNELL








Peryjoai Aiteetiun to J aiurr In

tats nor Mali ordri-

Qalncsvllle Florida



Ch 111

r hrt ntl W yo fU-

It I Iqtlillllu II 1

11-Itrrlo at nto W


3 I aIV lIt Jk

their farms t

It hi-M 1 WIt







last I



half reported





cJr e I r aIe




E Jy dlrh r

Yuli of11 r t

IArhi tn r-

i It r


ifMllilf Ii se

tide hn tt Ihd p ICs r ht1 sit imr llferi ad

ienibid ti ti tlrway

et and every nespirits and h

water she enteredthe


b hind

flakguests Mrs






net t ervhtie attended tuv














IAD nm-M C Ned fowavUlt ejgwkkC

I was indaeed to try Ballafe aiar Meiiianm whkheared a e after watay three jte WMM imTBalCRBAT8ST I UMD kva-uwaded M to b f-

vitkoct craldica sad aMdeal of UCla labs UM fan-




The Oldest Whiskey House in GeorgiaEs-

tablished 1881

OLIN HHAMPE WILLIAMPure fine old By the Ilea fl00


GEO JPure Pennsylvania Rteh and

mellow the Ration 137ftfull W 00


alaPure Mbstantial family whiskey By


By W fli Fear fellOLD KENTUCKY CORY 3 EXPREiBDirect from bonded warehouse flee

and old By the gallon 1800 WHt CLUB OMBFour tall quarts WW Rtea eltew By ttoffailM JtJt


We handle all th leading bread of Ryaaa4 Baarkea Watokiaa tk asket and will save eat y ar panaaaea Bead far arfaalist and catalogae Free



CU R ES RTUatlOta f1IOn TtIMiI iNotiose ML

CUDI wIda rk





niBH Roar

IlLthe lie

tUf rtM anPAID


rEXaalPU D

0 a



a14ae ew eNY-

Ot0 ORDOR 6aaRhe-Narlll OlYNatIR11 OOIMt weRa esutReu lsYasIN SINUaala aaa rsltaarmnses t a sY-




was mach tided etlsse weltertgsI

boat on atc te a deal

S n-i abeeis1 g asw walk

eat a pMs s

M Joi rrsoiq a 111bi aetltviiie t


i II




the gull tearis


aape apple









DAVIS100 Per Cent

PUREI od under guarantee by the


of ItegMratlun-

Nutcr Ulvro that the rrvUtrHtlontx f Ai4hu snouts lor the rrttUUatlon-ol li t r Mil e 4 j rn on Monday Mach n-K t the 4ft OIM in nee

jj iw l ir tlon until the tCtb ilarur Ai ni ll ar or rekNtralloa from 9n fficTt a m to 12 m ttJ from tit i t HJ

d ir t r Ti tratlon officer rill open r Utratloa books In 3ih dutrlct Iron 9 m to 12 mand from I to m for rrttUirttloo of el at jr k Ift tr1ct will t e otxrn two darn la-

vHib dlxtrlcl rr Utr Uoa oQccr-wU Kite by iourrf Danlaf ilmfnthe book w own M S CUKVES









Swtornt r Atachua


the theof



ee tnot ee

Itegttrnton CouatrStarch 15th IW4

< >

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rt IntoABX


For Best Reeults

Advertise in Su-





M4 utarTOII




I1i r


and BuildingC-NAllarTOlf Ill C-

Suk Ides4



Arnt seblalhfw Rirvawes-ae Ttasarjr u rsiaaetspeayea bwtai tell sit r drth rue

arul wJeb aaa rpm onr inr-wraseearwT win sdIi 4 bfnrawt ewes t aoll Urs l as sous-tlsCSan4 1L PBS

IeN s s yasya Ipails Ola-sAN

eri h r cbtv


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