fuji x-pro1 photographers guide

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Post on 13-Oct-2015




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This is an official guidebook for the premium interchangeable lens camera, FUJIFILM X-Pro1. It is intended to help users enjoy photography even more with tips on how to use each of the various functions. It also includes an interview of photographer Mr.Yoichi Sone on the spectaculars of X-Pro1 and a gallery of his works from Macao.


  • FUJIFILM X-Pro1 Photographer's Guidebook


  • 2When you wrap your fingers around the grip of the FUJIFILM X-Pro1, your thumb supports the back

    of the camera while your index finger rests lightly on the shutter button. Your middle finger touches the

    viewfinder selector on the front of the camera and the tip of your thumb is just on the command dial

    on its back. You have only to slide your thumb up a little to use the exposure compensation dial. Being

    able to use most of the camera controls without changing my grip or taking my eye from the viewfinder

    leaves me smiling. In the course of their development, digital cameras seem to have moved away from

    the basic photographic technique of looking through the viewfinder, but looking through the X-Pro1s

    hybrid viewfinder has made me aware once again not only of the importance of framing pictures in the

    viewfinder, but of the pleasures of framing pictures in the viewfinder. The X-Pro1 really communicates

    the manufacturers drive and passion.

    Yoichi Sone

    Professional tool X-Pro1

  • I was able to capture natural expressions because the X-Pro1 is not intimidating

    Notes about using the X-Pro1 in Macao by photographer Yoichi Sone


    Even though the X-Pro1 has a very good viewfinder, I often shot using the live

    view while looking at the liquid crystal display when people were in the shot. You

    look at the subjects eyes through the viewfinder when taking pictures of people.

    As a result, the subject is aware of the camera and gets nervous. When you

    shoot using the LCD, this doesnt happen. It puts some separation between you

    and the subject instead of you staring directly into their eyes. And this results in

    softer expressions. I think the LCD is useful for taking pictures of people. The

    LCD displays clear images and is easy to see even in the daytime. In addition,

    you are able to capture very good expressions because the body of the X-Pro1

    is not overpowering like a single lens reflex camera. The resulting pictures are

    equal to or better than those of the single lens reflex camera. I was shocked by

    the amazing resolution.

    Section InteviewInterview in Macao Part 1 Impressions of using the X-Pro1 in Macao

  • Notes about using the X-Pro1 in Macao by photographer Yoichi Sone

    The X-Pro1 is a camera that lets you appreciate photography


    The time taking snapshots in Macao was divided by the use of the OVF,

    EVF, and LCD. When people were in the shot, I used the LCD to reduce the

    awareness of the camera and was able to capture natural expressions. Because

    you can see the background outside the shooting range, the OVF is useful

    for knowing what to try and capture from that background. This really made

    things enjoyable I wanted to take pictures quickly without careful framing. In

    the first place, it is more interesting to take photos this way. As well, sometimes

    unwanted objects get into the image because framing is done so roughly, and

    this can produce an unexpectedly good accent. I think that this is the true

    pleasure of taking snapshots. At the same time, I also frequently used the EVF.

    When there was a subject that I definitely didnt want to have the periphery, I

    used EVF with a 100% field of view ratio for framing. It was very convenient

    because you can also view the shooting results. I feel that this camera lets you

    appreciate photography.

    Section InteviewInterview in Macao Part 3 Impressions of using the X-Pro1 in Macao


    XF18mmF2 RProgram AEF81/350sec-2/3EV WHITE BALANCE/Fine ISO200FILM SIMULATION / ASTIASoft


    XF18mmF2 RProgram AEF21/50sec-1EV WHITE BALANCE/AUTOISO200FILM SIMULATION / VelviaVivid

  • Notes about using the X-Pro1 in Macao by photographer Yoichi Sone

    The sync terminal is evidence that this is a professional camera


    I think that I was able to take pictures in Macao without any problems because the

    usability of the camera is so well thought out. An example is the gentle slope for the

    shutter button and exposure compensation dial. The slope has an exquisite feel and

    is very easy to use. I was very thankful that I was able to use the camera without

    taking my eye off the finder, as you would expect from frequently using the exposure

    compensation dial in particular. It is also really good to have the ability to instantly

    switch the exposure mode without having to set this and the exposure mode dial

    individually. Another thing that impressed me about the X-Pro1 was the sync terminal

    on the side surface of the body. I think that this is evidence that the camera was

    designed considering professionals shooting in the studio. There have been cameras,

    even single reflex cameras, without sync terminals recently. This made me realize

    again that the X-Pro1 is a professional camera used by professionals. Just imagining

    the cord of a large strobe attached to the sync terminal of the X-Pro1 in a studio

    makes me want to take pictures.

    Section InteviewInterview in Macao Part 2 Impressions of using the X-Pro1 in Macao

  • The Allure of the X-Pro1

    Film Simulation

  • Notes about using the X-Pro1 in Macao by photographer Yoichi Sone

    Film simulation is a function that pros can use in their work


    This time I chose ASTIA setting for the X-Pro1 film simulation when shooting

    and again I was very pleased by the excellent color tone. While the coloring

    was vivid, the graceful color tone was very good. The film simulation function

    is very well done. PROVIA and Velvia offer the same images as those taken

    with standard film. No other camera manufacturer can provide this kind of

    color reproduction. Fujifilm was able to develop this function because of their

    history manufacturing film. It was also amazing to be able to take pictures while

    changing the settings to suit various situations. This is because photographers

    like me used to actually choose film and shoot in this way. In this respect, I think

    film simulation is a function that professionals can use in their work. While color

    shots are good, monochrome and sepia shots are amazing. The fact that it

    feels like a genuine printed monochrome photo is amazing. Sepia is also good

    because it has no artificiality. In addition to the standard monochrome mode,

    there are also three types of proper monochrome filters. I frequently used the

    Ye filter to increase the contrast slightly while shooting this time. When taking

    pictures of clouds, I attached the R filter and shot while remembering the days I

    shot using film. The experience was extremely meaningful for me.

    Section InteviewInterview in Macao Part 4 Impressions of using the X-Pro1 in Macao

  • Section III Fun with the X-Pro1


    PROVIAFilm Simulation

    XF18mmF2 RProgram AEF51/450 sec-1/3EVWHITE BALANCE / FineISO200FILM SIMULATION / PROVIAStandard

  • Section III Fun with the X-Pro1


    ASTIAFilm Simulation

    XF18mmF2 R Program AE(F2 1/170 sec ) -1/3EVWHITE BALANCE / Fine ISO200 FILM SIMULATION / ASTIA SOFT

  • Review ReviewShooting Data Shooting Data

    PRO Neg.Hi PRO Neg.Std

    Enlarge Enlarge


    Section III Fun with the X-Pro1

    PRO Neg.Hi/PRO Neg.StdFilm Simulation


    XF18mmF1.4R Program AE(F5.6 1/150 sec ) -2/3EVWHITE BALANCE / Fine ISO200 FILM SIMULATION / PRO Neg. Hi

    XF18mmF2 R Program AE(F8 1/350 sec ) -1.3EVWHITE BALANCE / Fine ISO200 FILM SIMULATION / PRO Neg. Std

  • The Allure of the X-Pro1

    Fujinon XF lens series

  • Notes about using the X-Pro1 in Macao by photographer Yoichi Sone

    The sharpness and beautiful bokeh. These three XF lens are very enjoyable to use.


    All of these lenses are really superb. While all of them are very compact, in

    particular I was surprised by how small the 60mm lens is. Because the focal

    plane is crisp and sharp, the smooth gradation of blur moving away from

    it stands out very strongly. Like the 60mm lens, the blur of the 35mm lens

    is beautiful. I realized when shooting at F1.4 that the blur around the focal

    plane is not uniform but instead gently moves out of focus. This effect is very

    beautiful. With snapshots, the blur around F5.6 has the stereoscopic effect that

    is also very good. The XF 18mm, converted at 35mm size, is a wide angle lens

    equivalent to 27mm. This angle of view is about the viewable range when one

    eye is closed. Ive always liked this angle of view and took many snapshots

    using it. I feel that there are a lot of fun ways to use this lens. At maximum

    aperture, you can produce photographic expressions that include both blur and

    perspective because the blur is so good. By reducing to around F8, you can use

    a more orthodox shooting

    method to shoot in a pan-

    focus style. This lens makes

    it fun to change the aperture


    *18mmXF18mmF2 R 35mmXF35mmF1.4 R 60mmXF60mmF2.4 R Macro


    Section InteviewInterview in Macao Part 1 Impressions of using the X-Pro1 in Macao


    Section XF LensXF18mm F2 R

    XF18mmF2 R Program AE(F2 1/30 sec ) -1EVWHITE BALANCE / AUTO ISO1000 FILM SIMULATION / Velvia Vivid


    Section XF LensXF35mmF1.4 R


  • Section XF Lens


    Its history began in 1940 /The long history of Fujinon LensFujinon Lens

    The day I bought a Fujinon lens

    During the second part of the period I spent working as an photograph assistant, we received much more work from photographic magazines. I was asked more often to carry out jobs in place of my mentors and began to think about working independently as a photograph. After I resigned from the studio, I thought I would find jobs as a product photograph for advertisement thanks to my experience accumulated in the studio. However I was asked for collaboration by a photographic magazine focusing on snapshots. This is how I had to delay the achievement of my dream of having a Sinar camera and Fujinon lenses for 10 years. Single lens reflex (SLR) cameras were mostly used then but I was personally interested in compact camera for their portability. As I felt a particular attraction toward Fujifilm brand, I bought a Fuji Cardia Travel Mini Dual-P. It was the prime of SLR cameras and photographic magazines were displaying shoots I had taken with my Travel Mini along with pictures taken with SLR cameras in the same issues. At that time, most people were thinking that professionals would never use compact cameras but the contribution made by my Travel Mini was brilliant enough. Then I could make my dream come true. As soon as I heard about the launch of the Tiara compact camera mounted with EBC Fujinon lens, I bought one. The model I bought featured a single-focal 28mm lens. I was really impressed by the shutter response and its portability and became soon fond of it. I was really productive and sent a great deal of pictures I took with it. Later I fell into such raptures about the newly available GA645/GA645W that I bought two in a row. I could familiarize myself with medium-format cameras thanks to these 2 models. Even if I worked with the GA645W more often, I spent so much time observing different scenes though the EBC Fujinon lens of the GA645 that it became like a part of my body. Even after spending 35 years observing the world through a Fujinon lens, I felt a rare joy when I could acquire a Fujifilm X-Pro1 and start using it the further enhanced Super EBC Fujinon lens.

    Yoichi Sone

  • Section XF Lens


    Its history began in 1940 /The long history of Fujinon LensFujinon Lens

    Professional Voice Yoichi SoneThe day I met the Fujinon lenses

    In 1976, I joined without hesitation the third class of Daido Moriyamas course at the Workshop Photography School when I saw its billboard saying Workshop Photography School, last year of teaching. After graduated, I became an assistant photograph in a studio taking mainly pictures of products to increase my photographic skills. Equipment at the studio was mainly composed of Schneider and Rodenstock lenses for 4x5 in, but the two mentors I worked with were using more often EBC Fujinon 210mm F5.6 lenses. For people who were working there at shooting products for advertisement, EBC Fujinon lens was synonym of good lens. During the work, I was standing under the camera installed on the product stand, and was following the instructions from my mentors. I was in charge of moving the products, checking the configuration through the ground glass, charging the shutter and so on. I spent a lot of time manipulating Fujinon lenses while looking at products in front focus. I was authorized to stay alone in the studio and take pictures after work, so I had the opportunity to shoot a same subject with 3 different EBC Fujinon lenses (90mm, 150mm, and 210mm). At that time, the emulsion of 4x5-inch sheet films wasnt stable so we were using them with gelatin filters. But with Fujinon lenses the center of the focal plane was very sharp even without narrowing much the aperture. In addition, colors were reproduced vividly with remarkable color shading. I spent this period as an photograph assistant dreaming of the time I would be able to buy my own Sinar camera and a set of three EBC Fujinon lenses to work as a professional.

    Yoichi Sone