fujitsu semiconductor limited aizuwakamatsu plant ... · page 2/6 report on objectives and re sults...

2. Business Establishment Profile Name: Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited Aizuwakamatsu Plant Established: October 1984 Number of employees: 640 (including affiliated companies) Business: Semiconductor manufacturing (logic LSIs, etc.) Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited Aizuwakamatsu Plant Sustainability Report Page 1/6 Plant Manager Hitoshi Hori Aizuwakamatsu Plant 1. Welcome 2012 The Aizuwakamatsu Plant is one of Fujitsu Semiconductor Group’s production centers, situated in Aizuwakamatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture. It is blessed with a rich natural environment, and the abundant water that is essential for semiconductor production. Since the plant began operation, we have aimed to become a “green factory” with lower environmental load, preventing global warming, cutting waste emissions, and reducing emissions of chemical substances. Every company employee works together on these and other related activities. Especially in the previous fiscal year, all employees worked for energy-saving activities in response to the power saving request due to pressure on the electric power supply. We are also actively extending our activities to environmental social contributions, such as cleaning up the area around the plant and its local area. We currently have approximately 2,700 lavender plants that we planted in the areas surrounding the plant, and during the flowering season, we invite the local people to pick the lavender flowers for drying and making potpourri. We also suffered damage in the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, but the diligent efforts of our staff enabled us to restore operations early, ahead of other companies. This success greatly increased our customers’ confidence in us. As a member of the community, this plant will join in with the community to pursue environmental management, based on our awareness of the importance of environmental activities. We hope you will read this Environmental Report, as it is our tool for sharing information about our environmental activities. As a semiconductor front-end process plant, the Aizuwakamatsu Plant has taken on manufacturing mainly CMOS logic and analog devices for digital Audio/Video, game machines, digital home appliances, automotive products, and mobile phones. This plant has been meeting customers’ design specifications and demands for multiproduction with flexible quantities, along with the increase of COT business in recent years. We are also working on the development of power devices using Gallium Nitride (GaN), which consumes less electricity. Report URL:

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2. Business Establishment Profile

Name: Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited Aizuwakamatsu PlantEstablished: October 1984Number of employees: 640 (including affiliated companies)Business: Semiconductor manufacturing (logic LSIs, etc.)

Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited Aizuwakamatsu PlantSustainability Report

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Plant Manager Hitoshi Hori

Aizuwakamatsu Plant

1. Welcome


The Aizuwakamatsu Plant is one of Fujitsu Semiconductor Group’s production centers, situated in Aizuwakamatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture. It is blessed with a rich natural environment, and the abundant water that is essential for semiconductor production.Since the plant began operation, we have aimed to become a “green factory” with lower environmental load, preventing global warming, cutting waste emissions, and reducing emissions of chemical substances. Every company employee works together on these and other related activities. Especially in the previous fiscal year, all employees worked for energy-saving activities in response to the power saving request due to pressure on the electric power supply.We are also actively extending our activities to environmental social contributions, such as cleaning up the area around the plant and its local area. We currently have approximately 2,700 lavender plants that we planted in the areas surrounding the plant, and during the flowering season, we invite the local people to pick the lavender flowers for drying and making potpourri.We also suffered damage in the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, but the diligent efforts of our staff enabled us to restore operations early, ahead of other companies. This success greatly increased our customers’ confidence in us.As a member of the community, this plant will join in with the community to pursue environmental management, based on our awareness of the importance of environmental activities.We hope you will read this Environmental Report, as it is our tool for sharing information about our environmental activities.

As a semiconductor front-end process plant, the Aizuwakamatsu Plant has taken on manufacturing mainly CMOS logic and analog devices for digital Audio/Video, game machines, digital home appliances, automotive products, and mobile phones. This plant has been meeting customers’ design specifications and demands for multiproduction with flexible quantities, along with the increase of COT business in recent years. We are also working on the development of power devices using Gallium Nitride (GaN), which consumes less electricity.

Report URL:

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Report on objectives and results of activities in 2011

Since 2010, Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited Aizuwakamatsu Plant and Fujitsu Semiconductor Technology Inc., which share the same site, have being pursuing joint environmental activities. The following activity objectives are for the two businesses together. All objectives were attained in 2011. Results were particularly notable in activities for the prevention of global warming.

Objectives in 2011 Results Achievement Status

Reduce the emissions of CO2 by 43.4% or more, compared to the result in 2007

50.5% reduction through air conditioning improvements Achieved

Suppress the emissions of greenhouse gases other than CO2

(PFCs) by 24.0% or more, compared to the result in 199527.2% reduction throughthe introduction of scrubbers Achieved

Reduce emissions of priority chemical substances (IPA) by 63.1% or more, compared to the result in 2007

63.9% reduction through the installation of new equipment and process changes


Reduce the amount of wastes by 61.7% or more, compared to the result in 2007

67.7% reduction by promoting conversion of waste to valuable substances


Implement three activities for environmental and social contribution, and four activities for biodiversity conservation

3 activities for environmental and social contribution and 4 activities for biodiversity conservation implemented


* In the Wakamatsu area, we integrated with Fujitsu Semiconductors and Fuji Semiconductor Technologies for these activities, starting in 2010. Figures in the table are combined values for two companies.

Objectives of activities in 2012

2012 is the last year of the 6th Fujitsu Group Environment Action Plan. The investment environment is still severe, but we are working on measures against global warming (CO2/PFC reduction), mainly consisting of power saving, as well as waste reduction, biodiversity conservation activities, and other efforts.

Objectives in 2012

Reduce the CO2 emissions by 48.5% or more, compared to the result in 2007

Reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases other than CO2 (PFCs) by 19.8% or more, compared to the result in 1995

Reduce the emissions of priority chemical substances (IPA) by 66.5%, compared to the result in 2007

Reduce the amount of wastes by 63.2% or more, compared to the result in 2007

Implement 4 activities for environmental and social contribution, and 4 activities for biodiversity conservation

Report URL:

3. Aim and Achievement in Environmental Activities

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Examples of main improvements in 2011 Green process activitiesThis factory is developing green process activities that cut the amounts of chemicals used in production processes,thereby cutting costs and reducing the environmental load.In 2011, we also made progress with the transition from exfoliating fluid of high environmental impact to a lower-impact cleaning fluid.

6. Environmental Education / Environmental Awareness Activities

4. Green Factories

5. Environmental Social Contribution Activity

Cleanup activities around the plant Presentation at the Aizuwakamatsu City Environment Festival

Holding environment seminars Site visit to environmental facilities Picking lavender flowers

Report URL:

Cleanup activities around the company have been continuously carried out every year and we have also participated in the local cleanup activities for a long time. At the presentation to an environment festival held by the city, we held a magic show by "Uncle Forest" with collaboration with the environment head office to call for activities for the environment by citizens and enhance our association with the region.

Participation in local cleanup activities

We hold various events for improving the environmental awareness of each employee and improving the motivation. In the environment seminar, we invited a specialist lecturer to hold a seminar based on the theme close to life “The water environment of Inawashiro Lake." We also carried out annual picking of lavender flowers and a site visit to environmental facilities. We handed out nursery plants of morning glory, which were cultivated at the company garden in order to encourage biodiversity activities at home, to employees to try to create green curtains.

Energy-saving activities (attachment of light shielding film)Light shielding films were attached to 115 windows at connecting corridors etc. Cutting solar radiation heat and suppressing the increase of room temperature reduces the load on air conditioners (turbo freezing machine) and saves power.Film was nicely attached to windows by our company employees.

Attaching the light shielding film

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10. Environmental Management Systems

7. Efforts for Safe and Secure Plants

8. Compliance with Environment-Related Rules and Regulations

We perform periodic environmental analyses, in compliance with applicable environmental laws and ordinances, to prevent the occurrence of environmental risks. In 2011, we monitored the function of a newly constructed enhanced street gully, which was installed near the boundary of the site.We also run regular health and safety patrols, implement risk assessments in all workplaces, hold safety conferences with partner companies (58 companies), and other measures to maintain and improve a safe workplace environment.

Local Safety Conference with partner companies

9. Environmental Accounting

Report URL:

In 2011, the maintenance management effect was considerably reduced to 44% by decrease of added value due to decrease of output.As a result, the effect in the business area decreased by 53.2 million yen (116.8 to 63.6 million yen) compared with the second half of 2010.We will work for the activation of green process activities.

2011 Environmental accounting results table (unit: million yen)

Item Scope Cost Outcome

Costs and outcomes within the operation area

Preventing pollutions, preserving the global environment, recycling resources, etc. 94.8 63.6

Costs and outcomes in upstream and downstream processes Waste product recycling, green procurement, etc. 0 0

Management activity costs and outcomes ISO14001, environmental education, environmental public relations, etc. 11.4 0.5

Research and development and solution business costs and outcomes Research of environmentally friendly technology for products, etc. 0 0

Social activity costs and outcomes Donation to and support of environmental preservation groups, etc. 0 0

Handling environmental damage costs and outcomes Restoration from soil and groundwater contamination, etc. 0 0

Total 106.2 64.1

Integrated certificationThe Fujitsu Group acquired ISO14001 integrated certification, which applies to Fujitsu and its linked companies, in March 2005. In 2006, we expanded the scope of integration further, to global integration that includes all linked overseas companies.

Date of acquisition of Fujitsu Group World-Wide integrated certification March 23, 2006 Certificate number: EC98J2005

Aizuwakamatsu Plant was evaluated as being compliant with ISO14001: 2004 based on the results of an updatecheck by the Japan Audit and Certification Organization (JACO) in December 2011. Internal environment auditingAizuwakamatsu Plant conducts internal audits every year to obtain an overall understanding of the status of environmentalload and preservation and to evaluate the state of compliance with ISO.

Street gully monitoring

We periodically check changes of regulations, codes, and compliance. In 2011, the person responsible for handling poisons and deleterious substances moved (as of September 21) and a new person responsible for handling poisons and deleterious substances was appointed. We had to make an application to the public health department within 30 days, however, it was delayed. We made the application to Aizu Public Health and Welfare Office on November 15, however, we reviewed the in-house standard to take preventive measures. For the compliance of legally specified values, we have not detected any more values in excess of prefectural ordinances in the environmental analysis of water discharged from factories, etc.

Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited Aizuwakamatsu Plant

Purchased electric power: 66,407 MWh

Heavy oil: 2,580kl

Heating oil: 59kl

LPG: 4 tons

Water: 939,000 m3

Chemical substances: 45.2 tons

CO2 emissions: 34,416 tons

NOx emissions: 6.2 tons

SOx emissions: 2.4 tons

Amount of generated waste: 340 tons

Discharged water: 900,000 m3

Chemical substances: 0.5 tons

Amount of use (INPUT) Amount of emissions (OUTPUT)

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11. Fujitsu Semiconductor Group Environmental Policy

12. Environmental Load Data

(Supplementary) How to calculate the chemical substancesINPUT: amount of chemical substances used, which is the target of PRTR law in factoriesOUTPUT: calculated by being multiplied by total emissions or total exhausts after measuring the concentration emitted from waterdrainage ports or exhaust ports of chemical substance factories, which is the target of PRTR law, or calculated based on input and output amounts of chemical substances

With our customers, we contribute to the protection of a rich globalenvironment, using state-of-the-art technology to provide semiconductor

devices with superior environmental characteristics. Operational Principles

By applying the following principles, we work to prevent pollution of the global environmentand reduce the environmental burden of our products throughout their lifecycles, includingdevelopment, procurement, manufacture, sales, usage, and disposal:

April 6, 2011

President Haruki OkadaFujitsu Semiconductor Limited

1. By aggressively promoting the development of Super Green Products and the proper management of product chemical content, we improve the environmental characteristics of our products and actively reduce the burden on the global environment and our customers.

2. We aggressively promote measures to counteract global warming and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2, PFCs).

3. We aggressively promote chemical management and reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

4. We aggressively promote waste reduction and appropriate recycling.

5. We conform to environmental regulations around the world and keep our promises to customers.

6. We work to improve the individual environmental consciousness of our employees, to help them become good environmental citizens, promote the preservation of biological diversity, and make environmental and social contributions in their local communities.

7. We expand the effectiveness and transparency of our environmental management system, driving continuous improvement and development.


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Publishing supervisor: Hitoshi HoriEditing supervisor: Motokazu SuzukiIssued date: November 2012Report covered period: April 2011 to March 2012

Name of supervising division: AdministrationDivision, Aizuwakamatsu PlantAddress: 3 Kogyodanchi, Monden-machi,Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, JAPANTEL: +81 242-38-1132 FAX: +81 242-38-1414


13. Change of Environmental Load Data over Years

Energy consumption

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

電気 A重油 灯油 LPG

Unit: GJ

77,388 75,05570,971

36,009 34,416

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Unit: tons-CO2

CO2 emissions

Amount of water used



992,358 939,607

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Industrial waste




433 340

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

総発生量 有効利用率Unit: m3 Unit: tons, %

Amount of chemical substances used






2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

[Main cause of increase / decrease]

- Reduction of sludge of septic tank (frequency is continuously reviewed)

- Reduction of waste oil (amount of use of ACT and IPA is reduced)

- Value for which substances contained in use amount of chemical substances; heavy oil A are newly recorded


- Part of past data is reviewed due to improvement of finer tallying definition

Unit: tons


Report URL:

1,813,105 1,746,6801,597,952

792,748 756,116

Total generation Effective use rate

Electricity Heavy oil A Heating oil LPG