full integration of topmodel into gis

Environmental Modelling & Software 17 (2002) 261–268 www.elsevier.com/locate/envsoft AVTOP: a full integration of TOPMODEL into GIS Bo Huang a , Bin Jiang b,* a Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore b Division of Geomatics, Institutionen fo ¨r Teknik, University of Ga ¨vle, SE-801 76 Ga ¨vle, Sweden Received 10 July 2000; received in revised form 23 April 2001; accepted 3 September 2001 Abstract The integration of environmental models and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) usually takes two approaches: loose coupling and tight coupling. This paper, however, presents a full coupling approach within a GIS environment that is achieved by developing the existing hydrological models with the macro language of GIS. Such an approach makes it easy to capitalize on the GIS visualization and spatial analysis functions, thereby significantly supporting the dynamic simulation process of hydrological modelling. The full coupling approach is illustrated by AVTOP — a realization of TOPMODEL (TOPography-based hydrological MODEL) with the macro language Avenue of ArcView — within which all stages of model building are undertaken, from the initial parameter input and transformation of datasets, to the visualization of intermediate maps and the final presentation of results in various graphical formats in their geographic context. Furthermore, this approach provides a convenient and single environment for users to visually interact with the model, e.g. by adjusting parameters and observing the corresponding results simultaneously, which significantly facilitates users in exploratory data analysis and decision making in relation to the model applications. 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. Keywords: TOPMODEL; Environmental models; Geographical Information System; Integration; AVTOP Software availability Name of software: AVTOP Developer: B. Huang and B. Jiang Software required: ArcView/Spatial Analyst/3D Ana- lyst Program language: Avenue Availability and cost: Freely available by contacting authors 1. Introduction The development of Geographical Information Sys- tems (GIS) has gone beyond initially data management and thematic mapping, to sophisticated modelling and visualization for both scientific research and decision- * Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-26-648901; fax: +46-26-648828. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Huang), [email protected] (B. Jiang). 1364-8152/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. PII:S1364-8152(01)00073-1 making processes. Attempts have been made to integrate various models into GIS to meet the increasing need of enhancing functionality in environmental modelling (Goodchild et al., 1993, 1996), urban modelling (Longley and Batty, 1996) and analytical tools in a more general sense (Fotheringham and Rogerson, 1994; Fischer et al., 1996; Fotheringham and Wegener, 2000). In these efforts, there are generally two approaches to the integration of environmental models and GIS: loose coupling and tight coupling, as reviewed in the field of environmental and hydrological modelling (Maidment, 1993; Karimi and Houston, 1996; Sui and Maggio, 1999). Loose coupling [Fig. 1(a)] relies on the transfer of data files between GIS and environmental models. The advantages of this approach lie in the fact that both sys- tems can be developed or be used independently. How- ever, the exchange of data files, usually taking text files (ASCII files) as a link between two systems, is inherently cumbersome and not user-friendly. Tight coupling [Fig. 1(b)], on the other hand, is usually developed within a GIS and is extremely useful for mod- ellers depending on the various functions of a GIS. They

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Page 1: Full Integration of TOPMODEL Into GIS

Environmental Modelling & Software 17 (2002) 261–268www.elsevier.com/locate/envsoft

AVTOP: a full integration of TOPMODEL into GIS

Bo Huanga, Bin Jiangb,*

a Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singaporeb Division of Geomatics, Institutionen for Teknik, University of Gavle, SE-801 76 Gavle, Sweden

Received 10 July 2000; received in revised form 23 April 2001; accepted 3 September 2001


The integration of environmental models and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) usually takes two approaches: loosecoupling and tight coupling. This paper, however, presents a full coupling approach within a GIS environment that is achieved bydeveloping the existing hydrological models with the macro language of GIS. Such an approach makes it easy to capitalize on theGIS visualization and spatial analysis functions, thereby significantly supporting the dynamic simulation process of hydrologicalmodelling. The full coupling approach is illustrated by AVTOP — a realization of TOPMODEL (TOPography-based hydrologicalMODEL) with the macro language Avenue of ArcView — within which all stages of model building are undertaken, from theinitial parameter input and transformation of datasets, to the visualization of intermediate maps and the final presentation of resultsin various graphical formats in their geographic context. Furthermore, this approach provides a convenient and single environmentfor users to visually interact with the model, e.g. by adjusting parameters and observing the corresponding results simultaneously,which significantly facilitates users in exploratory data analysis and decision making in relation to the model applications. 2002Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: TOPMODEL; Environmental models; Geographical Information System; Integration; AVTOP

Software availabilityName of software: AVTOPDeveloper: B. Huang and B. JiangSoftware required: ArcView/Spatial Analyst/3D Ana-

lystProgram language: AvenueAvailability and cost: Freely available by contacting


1. Introduction

The development of Geographical Information Sys-tems (GIS) has gone beyond initially data managementand thematic mapping, to sophisticated modelling andvisualization for both scientific research and decision-

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+46-26-648901; fax:+46-26-648828.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Huang),

[email protected] (B. Jiang).

1364-8152/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.PII: S1364-8152 (01)00073-1

making processes. Attempts have been made to integratevarious models into GIS to meet the increasing need ofenhancing functionality in environmental modelling(Goodchild et al., 1993, 1996), urban modelling(Longley and Batty, 1996) and analytical tools in a moregeneral sense (Fotheringham and Rogerson, 1994;Fischer et al., 1996; Fotheringham and Wegener, 2000).In these efforts, there are generally two approaches tothe integration of environmental models and GIS: loosecoupling and tight coupling, as reviewed in the field ofenvironmental and hydrological modelling (Maidment,1993; Karimi and Houston, 1996; Sui and Maggio,1999).

Loose coupling [Fig. 1(a)] relies on the transfer ofdata files between GIS and environmental models. Theadvantages of this approach lie in the fact that both sys-tems can be developed or be used independently. How-ever, the exchange of data files, usually taking text files(ASCII files) as a link between two systems, isinherently cumbersome and not user-friendly. Tightcoupling [Fig. 1(b)], on the other hand, is usuallydeveloped within a GIS and is extremely useful for mod-ellers depending on the various functions of a GIS. They

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Fig. 1. Different approaches to the coupling of environmental modelswith GIS.

capitalize on direct access to a spatial database, seam-lessly integrating model data with other project data andproviding immediate visualization of model results. Gen-erally the models are developed into Dynamic LinkLibraries (DLLs) by using advanced programming lang-uages such as Fortran and C/C++, and the DLLs arelinked into the macro language of GIS. It should benoted that differences in data models have significantimpacts on the computational manipulation of data in theabove coupling process.

Compared with loose coupling of the early days, tightcoupling is considered to be a more effective integrationmethod and has been widely used in analysis and model-ling efforts linking to GIS (e.g. Ding and Fotheringham,1992; Batty and Xie, 1994). However, it sometimescauses serious problems due to the complicated com-munication between GIS macro languages and DLLs.This is especially true when models need GIS functionsin the middle process of modelling (e.g. in an iterativeloop) that makes the organization of DLLs more diffi-cult. In addition, this approach requires a transparentinterface to the data structures of GIS, which is, how-ever, rarely provided by GIS vendors.

The availability of large volumes of spatio-temporaldata has raised a high demand for dynamic modelling(Burrough, 1998) that requires closer integration of GISfunctions and environmental models. We noticed that thePCRaster package (Deursen and Heil, 1995) provides apowerful and flexible modelling language forimplementing spatio-temporal dynamics. Visualization,previously employed for mapping analysis results, isnowadays considered an important tool for spatial analy-sis (DiBiase, 1990; Jiang, 1996); various new terms havebeen used to reflect this change such as spatial dataexploration and exploratory visualization (/simulation).By simulation we mean that spatial phenomena areinvestigated in an exploratory way, and analytical pro-cesses can be simulated for visual interrogation. If wehave environmental models fully integrated into GIS, theanalytical processes can be simulated thereby makingvisual exploration more straightforward. With such ahighly interactive platform, end users are able to obtain

a comprehensive perception of reality through itscounterpart in computer systems. Typical examples inthis connection are highly interactive visualization toolsfor spatio-temporal exploration (e.g. Gahegan, 1998;MacEachren et al., 1999; Claramunt et al., 2000). Withinthese systems, end users can easily change settings forexploratory purposes to uncover the patterns and struc-tures in space and time dimensions.

A full integration of environmental models with GIS[Fig. 1(c)] is, therefore, advocated for both modellingand visualization purposes. Such an integration can beachieved by using a single programming environment,either advanced programming languages like C++ or GISmacro languages. Here we use the latter option for thesake of ensuring longevity, stability or compatibility ofthe software as well as avoiding reprogramming GISfunctionality.

We take the implementation of TOPMODEL(TOPography-based hydrological MODEL) withAvenue, an object-oriented macro language of theArcView GIS, as an example to illustrate the advantagesof such a full integration manner for modelling and vis-ualization. It is noted that the improvement of TOPMO-DEL itself is not the focus of this paper.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.Section 2 introduces TOPMODEL concepts and currentpractice of TOPMODEL implementation as both a stan-dalone package and loose/tight coupling to existing GIS.Section 3 presents a new implementation: namelyAVTOP, a full integration of TOPMODEL into GIS forenvironmental modelling and visualization. Section 4illustrates various results of the full integration approachwith some sample data. Finally, Section 5 draws the con-clusion.

2. TOPMODEL concepts

TOPMODEL, proposed by Beven and Kirby (1979),is a physically based watershed model that simulates thevariable-source-area concept of streamflow generation.This model requires Digital Elevation Model (DEM)data and a sequence of rainfall and potential evapotran-spiration data, and it predicates the resulting stream dis-charges. TOPMODEL has become increasingly popularand widely used in various applications in recent years,as it provides computationally efficient prediction of dis-tributed hydrological responses with a relatively simpleframework for the use of DEM data (Beven, 1997).

Since the theoretical basis of TOPMODEL has beenclearly reported elsewhere (Beven and Kirby, 1979;Beven, 1997), we provide here only a brief descriptionof the model. TOPMODEL makes use of a topographicindex of hydrological similarity based on an analysis ofthe topographic data (Quinn et al., 1997), which can bedescribed as follows:

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ln(a/tan b),

where a is the cumulative area drained through a unitlength of contour line, and tan b is the slope.

The subsurface flow rate per unit width of contourlength, qi, at any point on the hillslope is approxi-mated by:

qi�T0 tan bi e−Si/m, (1)

where T0 is the average soil transmissivity (a homo-geneous soil throughout the catchment is assumed), bi isthe slope angle, Si is the local storage deficit and mdescribes the change in transmissivity with depth.

Based on this exponential approximation, the localdeficit is derived as:

Si�S�m[��ln(a/tan b)i], (2)

where S is the average storage deficit and � is the arealaverage of ln(a/tan b). Eq. (2) is used to predict the satu-rated contributing areas at each time step. A negativevalue of Si indicates that the area is saturated and satu-ration overland flow is generated, while a positive valueof Si indicates that the area is unsaturated. Unsaturatedzone calculations are made for each ln(a/tan b)increment.

The calculations use two storage elements, SUZ andSRZ. SRZ represents a root zone storage, the deficit ofwhich is 0 at ‘fi eld capacity’ and becomes more positiveas the soil dries out; and SUZ represents an unsaturatedzone storage which is 0 at field capacity and becomesmore positive as storage increases. Storage subject todrainage is represented by SUZi for the ith increment ofln(a/tan b). When SUZi�0, vertical flow to the zone iscalculated as



, (3)

where the parameter td is a time constant.Evapotranspiration is taken from the SRZi store. The

maximum value of storage in this zone is SRMAX. Therate of evapotranspiration loss E is assumed be pro-portional to a specified potential rate Ep and the rootzone storage SRZ as


The sum of vertical flows weighted by the area asso-ciated with each ln(a/tan b) increment is added to reducethe average saturated deficit S. An outflow from the satu-rated zone, Qb, is calculated as

Qb�e−� eSi/m. (5)

A water balance calculation for S produces a new end-of-time-step value that is used to calculate the new valueof Si at the start of the next time step. There should be

no water balance error involved since the incrementalchange in S is equal to the areally weighted sum ofchanges in the Si.

The model is applied to each of the subcatchments,obtained by dividing the catchment into smaller areasbased on the channel network. The flow is then routedto the outlet based on the assumption of constant kinem-atic wave velocity. Over the past two decades, TOPMO-DEL concepts have been implemented with variouscomputer languages upon different computer platforms(see, for example, Beven, 1997). The tools developedhave been used widely in the application of hydrologicalmodelling in various catchments in the world (Beven,1997). In the mean time, various attempts have beenmade to improve the concepts, such as uncertainty evalu-ation when using the TOPMODEL model for hydrolog-ical modelling.

Efforts have also been made on integrating TOPMO-DEL with GIS mostly from a hydrological perspective.For example, Chairat and Delleur (1993) used GRASSfor hydrological parameter determination, hydrologicalassessments and to link the TOPMODEL. The linkingmethod, however, belongs to loose coupling as GRASSis mainly employed to access the input and output datafrom TOPMODEL. Another effort from Stuart andStocks (1993) focused on the integration of a set of gen-eric modelling tools into the SPANS GIS. As the macrolanguage of SPANS, SPANS Modelling Language(SML), is relatively weak due to lack of a looping con-struct, a limited number variables and a limited precisionfor calculating with arithmetic, this inevitably restrictedits usefulness for practical purposes. The outputs pro-duced may be interpreted as indicative rather than pre-cise. Furthermore, the visualization of dynamic changesof soil moisture that is important for understanding themodel was left out, probably due to the lack of anadvanced visualization tool within the GIS packages util-ized. In AVTOP, with the help of the powerful GISpackage ArcView and its macro language — Avenue,the weaknesses in the above implementations are over-come. The whole simulation process including streamnetwork generation, topographic index map, and compu-tation of soil saturation deficit and the predicated stream-flow is implemented solely by Avenue, in which the soilsaturation status is visualized on top of the three-dimen-sional (3D) watershed surface for a better understandingof the predicted contributing area with respect to the dis-tribution of the topographic index.

3. Development of AVTOP

3.1. The ArcView GIS

ArcView is a desktop GIS with components includingthe view, table, chart, layout and script. Each of these

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serves different purposes for spatial data processing andpresentation. Among others, of importance is Avenuescript which permits customization of the ArcView inter-face and provides some additional spatial functions.Avenue possesses important programming facilities suchas lists and looping constructs for graphics manipulation,spatial queries and basic arithmetic calculations.ArcView also has a set of extensions such as SpatialAnalyst and 3D Analyst. The Spatial Analyst presentsgeneric spatial analysis functionality on grid and featurethemes such as proximity analysis, cell statistics andmulti-map calculation, while the 3D Analyst allowsusers to create, analyse and display surface data. WithArcView and its extensions, AVTOP is developed as aset of tools by modifying existing ArcView controls(menus, menu items, buttons and tools) and linking somescripts with new controls created in any of the multi-dimensional windows (i.e. Project, View, Table, Chart,Layout or Script).

3.2. Implementation details

The functions of AVTOP are illustrated in Fig. 2. Allof these functions are coded in Avenue scripts by inte-grating the use of Views, Tables, Charts and 3D perspec-tive views. A set of icons is created and linked torespective Avenue scripts for operation of the softwarepackage. In this implementation, Spatial Analyst is usedfor data preparation and 3D Analyst for terrain visualiz-ation of the catchment under study, while the full modelis computed through the Avenue language.

The development of AVTOP mainly involves twoparts. In the first part, Spatial Analyst is used to derivea and tan b, which results in a topographic index map.

Fig. 2. Various functions developed with AVTOP.

At the same time, the stream network of the watershedis interactively derived through a hydrological modellingextension offered by ArcView 3.1. The second part inte-grates all hydrological parameters and precipitation rec-ords for simulation purposes. The calculations are madefor areal subdivisions based on the ln(a/tan b) subdiv-isions. The saturation deficit for each subdivision is cal-culated from the mean subcatchment deficit (SBAR) atthe start of each time step.

Each increment also has a root zone storage (SRZ)and an unsaturated zone storage (SUZ). SUZ has anupper limit of the local saturation deficit SD. The localcontributing area is where SD�SUZ is less than or equalto zero. Finally, channel routing calculations are done.These steps are realized by making full use of theAvenue programming capabilities. For example, thecode for calculating local storage deficit [related to Eq.(1)] can be sketched as follows:

’NStep: number of time steps’NAC: number of ln(a/tan b) subdivisions’SZM: value of m in Eq. (1)’TL: mean ln(a/tan b) value’ lstSD: an array of saturation deficit values’ lstST: an array of ln(a/tan b) values

for each IT in 0…(NStep�1)…for each IA in 0…(NAC�1)’Calculate local storage deficitlstSD.Set(IA, SBAR + (SZM ∗ (TL �lstST.Get(IA))))if (lstSD.Get(IA)�0) then ’saturatedlstSD.Set(IA, 0.0)

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’Display the saturated cells in the IAthln(a/tan b) subdivision’ thetheme can be a theme in a 2D view or a 3Dperspective viewtheSymbol =theTheme.UpdateLegendend


end ’end of time step loop

List is utilized to represent the array such as the abovelstSD and lstST by using Set and Get commands to setor get an array value. We also find that the 3D visualiz-ation of saturated contributing area is conducted alongwith the calculations. Only within a single language cansuch a sort of visualization be easily accomplished byGIS functions. Otherwise if some DLLs are built upinside the macro language, it would be difficult toorganize these DLLs because there are two loops and toaccept an array of output data from these DLLs. Further-more, frequent passing of a pile of parameter valuescould lead to low efficiency of the program.

The output of AVTOP includes various graphical dis-plays such as a hydrograph showing a curve of predictedstreamflow, animation of soil saturation status at eachtime step in 3D perspective view, a two-dimensional(2D) map of soil saturation deficit, and other maps. Allof these are made available by employing various partsof ArcView as well as Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst andDialog Designer extensions via Avenue coding.

4. An illustration of the implementation

As we centre upon the integration approach and theenvironment development, we use sample datasets of theSlapton Wood catchment, Devon, UK to implement themodel primarily due to data availability at the TOPMO-DEL website (http://www.es.lancs.ac.uk/hfdg/topmodel.html).

The Slapton Wood catchment covers 0.94 km2, 60%of which lies above the 90 m contour. Above 90 m, theslopes are gentle (generally less than 5%) and the landis intensively farmed, mainly as grassland and for cerealand root crops. Below 90 m, the slopes are steeper (upto 25%), and there is permanent grassland and a wood(which covers 13.5% of the catchment). The soilsthroughout the catchment are mainly freely draining acidbrown soils with a clay–loam texture.

The sample datasets include the ln(a/tan b) subdiv-isions, the rainfall, potential evapotranspiration andobserved discharge data. Using these datasets, a set ofexamples has been developed mainly for deriving thetopographic index map and supporting the whole simul-ation process of TOPMODEL.

4.1. Topographic index

According to TOPMODEL, the predicted hydrolog-ical responses depend upon the distribution of the topo-graphic index. In this study, the ln(a/tan b) index mapis derived by using grid cell-based functions in the Spa-tial Analyst.

Fig. 3 shows a catchment DEM and the resultantln(a/tan b) index map. The DEM has 71 rows and 51columns with the cell size of 20 m. By analysing therange and areal extent of ln(a/tan b) values, a single dis-tribution function can be derived (Fig. 4, left). A distri-bution function for accumulated ranges of theln(a/tan b) index can also be derived (Fig. 4, right). Pix-els having the same value of ln(a/tan b), or within thesame range of ln(a/tan b), are assumed to behave in ahydrologically similar manner. These pixels are there-fore modelled simultaneously, hence reducing the num-ber of calculations performed by the model.

4.2. Simulations

One of the important TOPMODEL predictions is theamount of streamflow, which is presented by a hydro-graph as shown in Fig. 5 (for presentation purposes, only300 of the whole 950 time steps are displayed). Thishydrograph is drawn upon completion of the modellingprocess by using the Layout and Graphics related com-mands, from which the difference between the predictedflow data and the observed data can be found. In thiscase, the value of SRinit (initial value of root zonedeficit) is ‘0.5’ . By changing it to ‘0’ , the differencebetween the two curves becomes much smaller (Fig. 6).This indicates that the value of SRinit is very sensitiveto the prediction result since it determines the amountof saturated deficit Si that is essential to run-off gener-ation in TOPMODEL.

The prediction of streamflow involves a series of cal-culations such as local storage deficit, root zone deficit,unsaturated zone storage and saturation excess. Duringthis process, visualization of the dynamic changes of soilsaturation status and saturation deficit is very helpful tounderstand the catchment responses to rainfall, or howthe model works, from which users may be able todecide if TOPMODEL is suitable to represent a parti-cular catchment under study. The saturated contributingareas are therefore displayed at each time step using a3D perspective view (Fig. 7). The colour of the terrainsurface stands for the topographic index value, while thesaturated cells are displayed in yellow. The saturatedcells in this case are closely related to the areas withhigher topographic index values, which are close to thechannel in the catchment.

The information about the time step is shown at thebottom of the window by using a working status bar.The saturation status map is updated at each time step

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Fig. 3. Elevation data and the derived topographic index map.

Fig. 4. A histogram of the topographic index value and a curve of the accumulative topographic index value.

Fig. 5. Prediction of streamflow at each time time step with SRinitvalue as ‘0.5’ .

once the calculation is done, which possesses animationeffects. Such an intuitive and dynamic view greatlyfacilitates users’ understanding of the relationshipbetween the hillslope run-off production and terraincharacteristics. This commends itself to the objective of

Fig. 6. Prediction of streamflow at each time time step with SRinitvalue as ‘0’ .

TOPMODEL development as the model is always sug-gested as an aid to understanding before it is used as apredictive tool (Beven, 1997).

The saturation deficit map can also be displayed (Fig.8), which is derived from the stored saturation deficit

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Fig. 7. A 3D perspective view of the saturation status at a time step.

Fig. 8. Local saturation deficit map at a time step.

data at each time step by using the reclassification func-tion. For this users need to input a time step number ata dialogue window.

To sum up, AVTOP developed here illustrates how itcan give some insight into the spatial patterns ofhydrological responses in a visual way, in terms ofpresenting both hydrographs and maps of the predictionsof saturated area in the catchment under study based onthe distribution of the topographic index.

5. Conclusions

This paper has sought to achieve a full integration ofenvironmental models into GIS through the use of GISmacro languages. This is illustrated by the implemen-tation of a typical hydrological model, TOPMODEL,fully through the macro language Avenue of ArcView.This full integration provides an exciting environmentfor the authentic fusion of environmental models and

GIS, within which all stages of model building can beundertaken — from the initial selection and transform-ation of datasets, to the final visualization of results invarious ways such as chart, layout, 2D map and 3D per-spective view in their spatial context. This environmentis also high interactive, and it allows for users to conduct‘what–if’ modelling easily. Through adjusting para-meters and dynamically observing the correspondingresults, it significantly facilitates exploratory data analy-sis, and makes better use of the model for decision mak-ing.

The new implementation of TOPMODEL in this studycan serve as a tool to demonstrate how the integrationof environmental modelling and GIS could be mutuallybeneficial. Environmental models may become moreeasily accepted due to the visual presentation providedby GIS, while GIS shows its potential in supporting awider range of applications by exploring its existingfunctions. Such an implementation could also be a goodexample for environmental visualization (Bishop andKaradaglis, 1996), which attracts increasing interest inthe field of environmental modelling.

The implementation of TOPMODEL can also includeinteractive parameter calibration and sensitivity analysis.We hope that the implementation described in this paperprovides a basis for further implementations of thismodel.

It is noted that the implementation speed of a macrolanguage may not be as fast as the programs written inlow-level languages such as C/C++ and FORTRAN. Totackle this problem, an ideal alternative is to use thesoftware components of GIS, providing that thesecomponents can fulfill the spatial analysis and visualiz-ation functions as required, and can be easily interfaced.We are looking forward to such a development of GISindustry towards more interoperability that is able to pro-vide a more convenient environment for facilitatingenvironmental applications.


The authors would like to thank Professor K.J. Bevenand his research group at University of Lancaster, UK,for providing various reports, source codes and sampledata at their TOPMODEL website.


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