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A 7 Step Guide for Managing Emotions, Stress & Overwhelm By Donna Woodwell FULL MOON Essentials ASTROLOGY HUB

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Page 1: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of

A 7 Step Guide for Managing Emotions, Stress & Overwhelm

By Donna Woodwell




Page 2: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of

Are you feeling anxious? Overly emotional? Spaced-out? Overwhelmed? Headache-y? Have trouble sleeping? Especially vivid dreams?

“That Full Moon was intense,” you say. Even a few days later you’re still struggling to find your footing again.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Each day, the Moon churns the waters of the Earth, causing high and low tides. During Full (and New) Moons, these tides run higher or lower than usual.

If the Moon can have such an effect on billions of gallons of water, it’s not hard to imagine that she affects us. Our bodies are mostly water, and the Moon rules over water and all watery things. She pulls us all the way down to a cellular level. Hospitals report a higher number of births, police a larger number of emotional-ly-charged incidents.

The Moon also governs our etheric, subtle body as well. Her passage stretches and contracts us on an energetic level. Her light stimulates us; we become more psychically open and charged. For those who are already sensitives, were born under a Full or New Moon, or are already over-stressed, this energy surge can be difficult to cope with.

Fortunately, there are a few simple techniques you can try to find relief from Full Moon overload (or any intense Moon, for that matter). These may seem simple, but remember, we’ve been learning to live with Moon energies for millennia. It’s only in the modern era that Western culture has forgotten how essential these simple acts are to our well-being – but at least we’re remembering fast!


Page 3: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of


1. Drink plenty of water. Drinking water is the simplest remedy for psychic overload. Water will instantly connect you with the flowing, changeable nature of the Moon. When you’re flowing, the lunar energies move through you, rather than getting stuck in your head, where it can cause pain, discomfort or brain fog. And, if you can also be mindful as you drink, visualize the water filled with rainbow light; that will help even more to stay in the flow.

Page 4: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of


2. Hug a tree. Nature is our best healer for restoring balance on all levels of being. If you are overwhelmed by your thoughts or emotions, go outside. Take a walk and feel the Sun. Sit under a tree. In your mind, imagine sinking down the tree roots. In just a few minutes, you’ll likely feel better.

Page 5: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of


3. Stretch. The Moon is about flow, and change. If you’re sedentary (like hunching over a computer for hours at a time), the lunar pull gets stuck. Get up and stretch to release the tight places. Better yet, do yoga. Opening and grounding into your body is an ancient technique for working with subtle energies.

Page 6: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of


4. Bathe in salt water. A bath in salt water (even better, a swim in the ocean) can restore your balance with your lunar nature. Adding calming herbs to the bath, such as lavender or chamomile, can also encourage your body to relax. (I often use Celestial Seasonings Chamomile tea bags, less mess, and it always makes me smile to think of an astrology-lover bathing in celestial seasonings.)

Page 7: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of


5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of us with which we sense the vibe of things. Holistic remedies such a flower essences, aroma therapy and homeopathy are especially helpful when this part gets frazzled, because they operate at the source of the imbalance. If during and after Full Moons you often feel out of sorts, consider investigating these healing modalities. A few to start with: the Bach Flower Remedy Clemantis can help when you’re feeling spaced out; Elm for a feeling of overwhelm. The herb Valerian helps with anxiety or panicky feelings. Most remedies are gentle enough that you can experiment for yourself during a Full Moon to see what brings you the most relief. Or a good holistic practitioner can recommend a combination that meets your needs.

Page 8: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of


6. Meditate. All sensitives, astrology lovers, thinking people and 21st-century humans should learn to meditate (yes, that includes you!). With so much noise, and so many distractions, in modern life, we all need some basic understanding of how our minds work, and how to compensate for the ever-present challenges of modern life. With regular practice, it can bring a grounded calm, and emotional self-regulation – research even suggests it’s far more effective solution for depression than any pharmaceutical. This is a not a short term solution, but it is one of the best long-term solutions. When you are aware of how you think, you develop the muscles to direct where you place your attention. In the case of lunar energies, it can turn feelings of overwhelm into joyous excitement. If you don’t know how to get started, there are a number of good smartphone apps like Calm or Headspace that can point you in the right direction.

Page 9: FULL MOON Essentials - Astrology Hub · ASTROLOGYHUB.com FULL MOON ESSENTIALS 5. Use a holistic remedy. The Moon governs our emotional and etheric bodies – the intuitive part of


7) Make friends with the Moon. Remember, the Moon is here to HELP us, not make us suffer. In fact, without the Moon, we would most likely not be here – literally. The more you work with the Moon, deeper your relationship will grow. As you understanding her moods – even her favorite things – you’ll be able to form a congenial partnership in all the things you do. Soon you’ll even look forward to the Full Moon. No more headaches, or overwhelm. You may even come to relish the vivid dreams for the illumination and self-understanding they bring.