full thrust event!

Full Thrust EVENT!

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Full Thrust EVENT!. Picard Manoeuvre. One of your ships makes a microjump . Move it forward by exactly 6”, but keep the same heading. Play at any time, but not part way through resolving an attack from fighters, missiles or a single ship. How to be in 2 places at once. Lucky!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Full Thrust


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Picard Manoeuvre

One of your ships makes a microjump. Move it forward by exactly 6”, but keep the same heading.Play at any time, but not part way through resolving an attack from fighters, missiles or a single ship.

How to be in 2 places at once

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Re-roll an entire salvo, either of your own or the enemies.Play immediately after the effect of a single attack is resolved against any one ship, either by missile salvoes, fighters or by a single hostile ship.

“I can’t believe how that happened!”

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Important Cast Members

A friendly ship that would otherwise be destroyed by taking too many hits survives this turn with a single damage point instead.Play at any time when a friendly ship takes damage via unfavourable dice rolls. Note that this cannot prevent automatic destruction (such as colliding with a planet).

“They can’t kill us – we’re needed in next week’s episode!”

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Rapid Fire!

All beam weapons on a ship or fighter squadron may fire twice at the same target this turn, but on a roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ they overload and break down instead.

Play after announcing an attack but before resolving the shooting. Breakdown is resolved as part of the first volley: a ‘1’ or ‘2’ causes the overloaded beam weapon or fighter to be destroyed. Surviving weapons roll a second volley without this penalty.

“Let them have it!”

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The engines willnae stand it!

Double thrust for 1 turn.Write movement orders for one ship using double normal thrust. Play this event when revealing those orders and roll a dice at that time. On a ‘1’, the engines take a hit and the ship moves straight ahead at its last speed for this turn. On a 2-6, the written movement orders are executed successfully.

“They won’t hold for long, captain!”

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Confused Orders

A random enemy ship moves erratically.Play after movement orders are revealed. Select an enemy ship at random and roll a dice:• 1-2: The ship makes any turns in the opposite direction to that written in its orders.• 3-4: The ship makes no turns during its movement.• 5-6: The ship executes its orders as written.

“Starboard? I thought you said Port!”

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Torpedo Malfunction!

A torpedo, missile or bolt just fired automatically misses its target. On a roll of ‘6’ it hits the firer instead.

Play after a ship declares that it is firing a torpedo or placing a missile salvo or plasma bolt marker.

“It’s coming right back at us!”

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Design Flaw

For one threshold check only, an enemy ship takes an extra ‘system’ test. If it fails, the ship blows up immediately due to a faulty power core or similar problem.Play immediately before resolving any threshold check.

“There’s something wrong with our ships today!”

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Match their shield harmonics!

For 1 salvo, an enemy ship counts as having screens one level lower than normal.Play immediately after announcing an attack from a friendly ship, but before resolving that attack.

“We have them now!”

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Legendary Engineer

For 1 turn only, each damage control party on a chosen friendly ship operates at 3x normal effectiveness.

Play before announcing attempts at damage control.

“Reroute the phase couplings through the Jeffries tubes!”

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Fire at will!

One friendly ship that hasn’t already fired this turn may fire immediately, pre-empting the enemy’s next ship.

Play just before an enemy ship announces its firing for the turn.

“Now! Fire all weapons!”

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Cochrane Deceleration

A friendly ship may come to a complete halt, no matter what its current speed, but may not change heading at the same time.

Write the (deceleration) movement for the ship during the order phase, then play this card when the order is revealed.

“Brake! Brake! Brake!”

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The counsellor on a friendly ship detects the enemy’s intentions. Move this ship as desired (within its capabilities), after all other ships have moved and without the need to write orders.Write movement orders as normal. Play this event when orders are revealed. If this event is cancelled (for example, by another event card) then the ship uses its written orders, otherwise it may move freely.

“I can sense something...”

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A random enemy ship has an infestation of tribbles, starting with 1 creature. At the end of each turn, the owner may attempt to destroy them with damage control parties; each success removes 1 tribble. Any surviving tribbles will split into 2 on a roll of 4,5,6. Once there are more tribbles than crew on board, the ship counts as uncontrolled each turn that it rolls a 5 or 6. Any ship that docks with the infected ship will also become infected, starting with 1 tribble.

Play at the start of any turn.

"I want these things off my ship!”

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Targeting Glitch!

An enemy salvo is redirected to the nearest friendly target within 6” of the intended target.Play after a hostile ship announces an attack on a friendly target. The attack is resolved at a different friendly ship within 6” of the intended target instead. Does not apply to placed weapons such as missile salvoes. This card cannot be used if the hostile ship has no other possible targets.

“No, no! Wrong target!”

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That’s not fair!

Immediately cancel the effects of any one event card which has just been played.

Play in response to any other event card.

“They can’t do that!”

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Superb piloting

For one turn only, one ship may gain a die roll modifier of +4 or -4 in its favour for the purpose of avoiding navigational hazards (such as dodging asteroids or crash-landing on a planet).

Play this event just before rolling the dice for the effect of the navigational hazard.

“Never tell me the odds!”

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Mines left over from a previous war are in this area. Place d6 mines or strip of mines anywhere on the table, but at least 8” from all ships, fighters, planets, bases and mines.

Play at the start of any turn.

Relics from a long-forgotten conflict

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Squadron Attack!

Immediately after a ship has fired, all other friendly ships that are no larger than the first and are within 6” may also fire, as long as they pick the same target(s) as the first ship.

Play immediately after any friendly ship has fired.

“Follow my lead...”

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Plasma Energy Burst!

Nominate a friendly ship to create a burst of energy. All ships, bases and other artefacts that are within 6” and no larger than the .ship with the plasma burst must take an immediate threshold check. Note that this does include the friendly ship itself, but not fighters, missiles and the like!

Play after movement but before any firing.

“Reprogram the deflector to emit a pulse of micro-tachyons!”

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Atmospheric Ionisation

Nothing may be moved to or from a planet’s surface by any means during this turn. This includes (but is not limited to) all weapon fire, boarding parties, missiles, fighters and streamlined ships.

Play at the beginning of any turn

“You<szkkt>’re <kztfzzz> breaking up!

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Plasma Fire!

A fire breaks out on a random enemy ship. At the end of each turn, the owner may attempt to put out the fire with damage control. If not put out, the fire causes damage equivalent to a class-1 beam each turn. Note that the fire is internal, so shields and armour are ineffective.

Play at the start of any turn.

“We’ve got an overheating conduit on deck 3!”

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Energy Vortex!

A random enemy ship encounters a sudden energy vortex. Roll 1d6 for clockwise and 1d6 for counter-clockwise: turn the model that many points without changing its location.Play at the start of any turn

“Hold on! We’re experiencing some turbulence!”

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Static Warp Bubble

A random ship is engulfed by a static warp bubble. For one complete turn it is in another plane of existence and cannot move, fire, be damaged or undertake any actions.Play at the start of any turn.

Frozen in time and space

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Rogue Comet

A comet appears at the midpoint of a long table edge, heading in a random direction at speed 8. It will cause damage in the same manner as a nova cannon at long range to anything it encounters when it moves each turn. Move the comet last, after all ships, missiles and fighters.

Play at the start of any turn

Make way for a really big snowball!

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For this turn only, all friendly boarding parties count double.Play just before resolving boarding actions, but only if a friendly ship has been damaged by enemy fire previously in the game

"Today is a good day to die"

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Tachyon Detector Grid

For 1 turn only, any hidden objects (such as cloaked ships) that are surrounded by friendly ships are revealed and may be targeted, or boarded as normal. To count as surrounded, an object must be within a perimeter traced around all detecting ships.

Play at the start of any turn.

“There she is! There she is...”

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Pinpoint shooting

For a single volley from a friendly ship, treat all regular beam weapons as needle beams in all respects.

“Target their engines only!”

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Nominate a system on an enemy ship. Roll for possible damage as if this system was shot at by a single needle beam.

Play at any time.

“Sabotage? How? When?”

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Evasive Manoeuvres!

A ship that hasn’t yet fired may forfeit its chance to shoot this turn. In return, all damage from fire directed at it in the same turn is halved (rounded up).

Play when a friendly ship is targeted.

“Hard-a-port! Jam their targeting!”

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Hot Shots

One enemy fighter squadron has been reckless with its fuel. Remove 1 combat endurance factor from it.Play at any time

“Rookies tend to show off”

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Poor Fire Discipline!

Choose which enemy ship fires next. You must pick a ship which is able to fire (has weapons and is in range & weapon arc).Play just before the enemy selects a ship to fire.

“Hold your fire! Wait for the command!”

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Shot down in flames!

A friendly fighter that is shot down whilst attacking an enemy ship collides with that ship! 1 defensive system on the ship (not area fire) may shoot again to try to destroy the fighter for good. If it fails then the collision does 1d6 damage to the ship.Play immediately after a friendly fighter is shot down during an attack on a ship.

“Brace yourselves! It’s going to hit us!”

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Panel Overload

If the next attack causes any damage at all then roll for systems failure as if a level-1 threshold was crossed. If the damage inflicted is enough to cross an end-of-row then this event has no effect; the regular threshold check applies instead.Play just before resolving any attack.

Circuit-breakers are for pansies

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Makeshift Repairs

Cannibalise (destroy) any one functioning system in order to repair any one other destroyed system automatically. This is over and above any repair attempts made by damage control parties.Play when announcing, but before resolving, normal damage control attempts.

“I used parts from the probe to mend the sensors!”

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Mind Control Parasites!

One boarding party on an enemy ship or base of your choice is taken over by an alien intelligence and turns on its fellows. It will fight for control of the ship; if it eventually wins then the ship is lost and effectively out of the game.Play at any time, but only on a ship or base that has at least 3 enemy boarding parties at the time.

“They're here already! You're next!”

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Reinforced Screens

When resolving a single volley of fire against a friendly ship, count that ship as having a level of screens greater than it actually has. If it has no screen then count as level-1, if it has level-1 then count as level-2. If the ship already has level-2 screens then ‘6’s do not cause penetration.Play just before dice are rolled for firing by an enemy ship.

“All Power to the Shields!”

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Weak Armour

All damage from one salvo ignores a single target’s armour (screens still have the normal effect, though). If the target has layered armour then only the outer layer is ignored.Play when declaring weapons fire from a ship, base or fighter squadron.

“All weapons! Target that spot!”

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Near Warp Transporters

Launch a boarding action from a single source (ship, base...) at a single target up to 24” away. All other restrictions (such as matching headings and speed) still apply.Play when the boarding attempt is announced.

“We can boost the signal strength...”

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Intermix Ratio

A random enemy ship’s FTL drive fails to work correctly. If attempting to leave the board by FTL, it continues in a straight line at current speed instead. If due to enter the board by FTL this turn then it is delayed until next turn.Play after movement orders (including FTL entry or exit) are revealed, but before they are executed.

Should be 1:1, shouldn’t it?

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Deja Vu!

Choose a single event card that has already been played. Act on it again, now, as if you’d just played it.Play at any time that would be appropriate for the chosen discarded card.

“Didn’t that happen already?”

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Hiding in plain sight

One friendly ship that is travelling at speed 6 or less may hide in an asteroid field, on a planet or moon, or ‘docked’ in the blind spot of a ship or base of at least 10 times its own mass. The friendly ship must be within 6” of the other item in order to hide. Remove the chosen ship from the board; it counts as cloaked for d6 turns. When it reappears (either voluntarily or when time’s up), place it adjacent to the larger item behind which it hid, at speed 0, with any desired heading.Play at the start of any turn

“Where did they go?!”

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Continuity Error

Move d6 items (ships, fighter squadrons, missile salvoes, planets...) by d6” in any direction. Each item moved must keep its heading and must not move closer to any other item that is within 12” of its start position.Play at the start of any turn

“Wait a minute, that’s not right!”

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Scanner Interference

Choose an enemy ship. For 1 turn, that ship’s attacks use double the actual range to each target when determining the chance to hit.Play when the enemy chooses a ship with which to attack.

“Captain, I can’t lock weapons on the target!”

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When this card is played, take a card at random from your opponent’s unplayed event cards into your own hand.Play at any time.

Disloyal to the core! Rotten!

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Fluctuating Power Levels

Choose an enemy ship; it suffers a minor engine problem and loses 1 thrust for this turn.Play at the start of any turn, before movement orders are written.

“Sir, manifold pressure is dropping!”

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Thinking 3-Dimensionally

Choose a friendly ship. It may do one of the following:• Roll 180° on its axis, thus swapping its left and right

arcs of fire for the remainder of the game.• On this turn only, travel “through” a planet, asteroid

field or similar obstacle as if the hazard wasn’t there, as long as the ship doesn’t end its turn inside the hazardous area.

Play at the start of any turn

“Why don’t we just go over it?”

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Medical Emergency

A medical emergency must be dealt with by a single damage control team. That team may not attempt any other actions this turn.Play on any enemy ship, just before they allocate tasks for damage control teams.

“3 to transport directly to sickbay!”

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Moral High Ground

If the enemy commits any of the following barbarous acts then they cannot win the game, no matter what other conditions are achieved. They could still draw, though.• Scoring 4 or more points of “overkill” damage on a ship

or base [i.e. 4 damage more than is needed to destroy it].• Firing on escape pods, surrendered vessels or unarmed,

static bases, whether or not any damage is inflicted.Play only at the start of the game.

“They’re not like us. They are barbarians!”

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The enemy player must look after a delegation of V.I.P.s. He/she must add an extra “system box” to a ship or base of his/her choosing. If the delegation is destroyed (e.g. by a failed threshold check) then the player with the V.I.P.s cannot win the game, no matter what other victory conditions are met – at best they could draw. The V.I.P.s may be transported between ships by using the normal rules for boarding.Play only at the start of the game

“We have a party of Tellurian observers on board”

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Use the Force!

Before rolling any one dice, announce either that the result will be doubled or that it will be halved (rounding up), as desired. Results of greater than ‘6’ still only count as ‘6, though’.Play before making any one dice roll.

“That was one in a million!”

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Organian Peace Treaty

A race of non-corporeal super-beings imposes a ceasefire during which no attacks may be made. Roll 1d6 at the start of this turn and, if necessary, each turn hereafter: the ceasefire starts on a 4+. Once in force, roll 1d6 at the beginning of each subsequent turn: the ceasefire ends (permanently) on a 4+.Play at the start of any turn.

“You must stop the violence!”

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Scanner Problem

One of the fire control systems on an enemy ship or base is not functioning properly and cannot be used this turn. The player of this card chooses which ship is affected.Play at the start of any turn.

“We’ve lost target lock!”

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Romulan Ale

The enemy player is confused and befuddled. He/she must discard all his/her remaining event cards and draw fresh ones to replace them.

Play at the start of any turn.

“I had a really good idea – but I can’t remember it!”