fun7.1 the nuclear atom notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom The Atom Learning Objectives I can describe the Geiger-Marsden Experiment I can describe how these results explain Rutherford’s Model of the nuclear atom I can define a nucleus in terms of Proton Number and Nucleon Number I know how ISOTOPES occur I know that some isotopes are UNSTABLE and undergo a RANDOM process of radioactive decay I know that Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation is emitted when an unstable nucleus decays I know the nature of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation and their defferent penetration The Scientific Process Phenomena hypothesis prediction investigate/experiments theory Law 1

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Page 1: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

The Atom

Learning Objectives

I can describe the Geiger-Marsden Experiment

I can describe how these results explain Rutherford’s Model of the nuclear atom

I can define a nucleus in terms of Proton Number and Nucleon Number

I know how ISOTOPES occur

I know that some isotopes are UNSTABLE and undergo a RANDOM process of radioactive decay

I know that Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation is emitted when an unstable nucleus decays

I know the nature of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation and their defferent penetration

The Scientific Process

Phenomena hypothesis prediction investigate/experiments theory



Page 2: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

Earlier Models of the Atom; JJ Thompson – Plum Pudding

Geiger-Marsden Experiment – Alpha Particle Scattering by a Gold Foil

The results of this experiment were:

The large majority of the alpha particles go straight and are not deflected

A small number of alpha particles are deflected through a small angle.

A very small number of alpha particles are deflected through a large angle (rebound)


Florescent screen Large majority of flashes occur straight ahead

Small number of α particles are deflected

Very small number of α particles deflected at a large angle

Page 3: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

Rutherford’s Model of the Nuclear Atom

The observations from the Geiger-Marsden experiment were used by Rutherford and led him to propose the theory of the nuclear atom.

Observation from the

Geiger-Marsden Experiment

Hypothesis proposed by Rutherford

Large majority of the particles go straight through the gold leaf

Most of an atom is ......... space and therefore the mass of the atom must be held in a small region, called the ..........

Some of the particles are scattered.

No useful hypothesis can be considered.

A very small number of positively charged particles undergo LARGE ANGLE SCATTERING. (repelled back through more than 90o)

There must be a …….., …………… charged nucleus, that contains almost all of the ………….. of the atom.

Other advancements (not required):

Niels Bohr postulated the quantum energy levels of the electrons.

1932 Neutrons discovered by James Chadwick.


Page 4: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

What Affects the Scattering of the Alpha Particles (required)

What affects the amount of deflection?

1. Charge – the alpha particles are positively charged that is why they experience ............... from the ............ charged nucleus.

2. Speed – Particles B and F are moving ............... than particle A. They experience a smaller deflection because they spend ........... time close to the nucleus.

3. Proximity to the nucleus – only the very small number of alpha particles that pass very close to the ............. experience enough repulsion for ‘large angle scattering’ such as particle D.


Page 5: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

The Rutherford-Bohr / Standard Model of the Atom






Negative electrons

Page 6: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

Atomic Symbols

Eg. Carbon

Z for example 6 is the proton number / atomic number, which is the number of protons in the nucleus. The proton number defines the element.

A, for example 12 is the mass number / nucleon number which is the number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleus.


A given element is defined by the given number of protons. However the number of neutrons can change. An isotope is different version of the same ……….. that

has a different number of …………….


Since neutrons play an important role in binding the nucleus together, too ……… or too ……… neutrons will affect the stability of the nucleus.

A radio-isotope has an unstable nucleus that can, at any moment, decay in order to try and achieve stability.





Page 7: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

Radioactive Decay

Decay is a random process by which an alpha or beta particle or a gamma photon is emitted from an ………….. nucleus which is trying to become stable.

Radioactive Particles

Name Symbol Nature Sources Ionising Power

Penetration Stopped by

Range in air

Alpha ………..



Larger nuclei

Eg. 208Po

High Low ……… 2-3cm

Beta An ………


smaller nuclei

eg. 40K

Medium Medium1-2cm of ……..

Few feet

Gamma γ

An EM wave. A

packet of …….

called a PHOTON.

Eg. 99Tclow high

Several inches of …….


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FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom

For this topic please make use of which has many electricity animations and explanations.

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Page 9: Fun7.1 the nuclear atom   notes

FUNDAMENTAL Physics – Atomic Physics: 7.1 The Nuclear Atom