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Functional Architecture Modeling for the Software Product Industry Sjaak Brinkkemper and Stella Pachidi Department of Information and Computing Sciences University of Utrecht P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. Although a lot of research has been carried out on the technical architecture of software systems, the domain of Functional Architecture in the software product industry lacks a formalization of the related concepts and practices. Functional Architecture Modeling is essential for identifying the functionalities of the software product and translating them into modules, which interact with each other or with third party products. Furthermore, the functional architecture serves as a base for mapping the requirements and planning the product releases. Some software vendors intuitively tend to design the functional architecture of their products, but this practice has been unstructured so far and realized only in specific business domains. In this paper, we present the Functional Architecture Diagrams, a powerful modeling tool for the functional architecture of software products, which comprises: a modular decomposition of the product functionality; a simple notation for easy comprehension by non-specialists; and applicability in any line of business, offering a uniform method for modeling the functionalities of software products. Keywords: software product, functional architecture modeling, modularity 1 Towards Functional Architecture Modeling Attuned to Software Products The discipline of software architecture, developed mainly during the last 20 years, is considered to be fundamental for the successful development of software products. According to Bass, Clements & Kazman [4] software architecture: constitutes a common language for the stakeholders architects, product managers, software engineers, consultants, customers, marketing departmentto communicate; captures design decisions in the early stages of a software product, which enable or inhibit implementation attributes and are used as reference in the future for managing change; consists of generalized constructs that can be transferred and reused in other product lines. According to IEEE Standard 1471 [13], architecture is defined as the fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships

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Functional Architecture Modeling for the

Software Product Industry

Sjaak Brinkkemper and Stella Pachidi

Department of Information and Computing Sciences

University of Utrecht

P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Although a lot of research has been carried out on the technical

architecture of software systems, the domain of Functional Architecture in the

software product industry lacks a formalization of the related concepts and

practices. Functional Architecture Modeling is essential for identifying the

functionalities of the software product and translating them into modules, which

interact with each other or with third party products. Furthermore, the

functional architecture serves as a base for mapping the requirements and

planning the product releases. Some software vendors intuitively tend to design

the functional architecture of their products, but this practice has been

unstructured so far and realized only in specific business domains. In this paper,

we present the Functional Architecture Diagrams, a powerful modeling tool for

the functional architecture of software products, which comprises: a modular

decomposition of the product functionality; a simple notation for easy

comprehension by non-specialists; and applicability in any line of business,

offering a uniform method for modeling the functionalities of software


Keywords: software product, functional architecture modeling, modularity

1 Towards Functional Architecture Modeling Attuned to Software


The discipline of software architecture, developed mainly during the last 20 years, is

considered to be fundamental for the successful development of software products.

According to Bass, Clements & Kazman [4] software architecture: constitutes a

common language for the stakeholders −architects, product managers, software

engineers, consultants, customers, marketing department− to communicate; captures

design decisions in the early stages of a software product, which enable or inhibit

implementation attributes and are used as reference in the future for managing

change; consists of generalized constructs that can be transferred and reused in other

product lines.

According to IEEE Standard 1471 [13], architecture is defined as “the

fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships

to each other and to the environment and the principles guiding its design and

evolution”. A lot of definitions for software architecture have been developed [24],

among which we find interesting the view of Johnson [9], who considers architecture

as “the set of design decisions that must be made early in a project”.

Architecture viewpoints in software products provide guidelines to describe

uniformly the total system and its subsystems. In the sense that the architecture should

address the concerns of the stakeholders of the system [13][14], a viewpoint can be

understood as a frame that identifies the modeling techniques that should be used to

describe the architecture in order to address a defined subset of these concerns.

Following the categorization of concepts by Broy et al. [7], we suggest that

architecture viewpoints could be divided into three abstraction layers: The functional

architecture describes the system by its functional behavior and the interactions

observable with the environment. The logical architecture describes the system's

internal structure, represented as a network of logical components that implement the

system's functionality. The technical architecture describes how the system is

realized, its software behavior, and its hardware structure.

A view represents the content of a viewpoint applied to a particular system.

According to IEEE Standard 1471 description, view is defined as “a representation of

the whole system from the perspective of a related set of concerns” [13]. Numerous

sets of views have developed since 1990, amongst which we distinguish Kruchten's

“4+1” view model of software architecture [16], the Siemens Four View model [22]

and the model proposed by Herzum and Sims [11] in their book Business Component

Factory. Furthermore, frameworks from the area of Enterprise Architecture such as

Zachman's Framework [27] and TOGAF [8] include sets of architectural views that

could also be applied in software architecture.

According to Van Vliet [25], the phase of designing the architecture of a software

product is placed in the product lifecycle between the requirements engineering phase

and the design phase. During the architecture design phase the architectural views are

developed and relevant design decisions are taken with respect to all stakeholders'

concerns and interests [14]. Hence, considering the requirements as triggers and input

for the architecture design phase, we look for a method of capturing the requirements

into the software product architecture. Although many well known techniques have

evolved at a low level (e.g. use case diagrams), we have observed that there is no

formal way of modeling the Functional Architecture at a high level, such that it can

comprise all requirements addressed to the product's functions, and it can be

communicated amongst all stakeholders in an efficient and effective way and

constitute a basis for the product design and planning. In this context, we have

developed and present here a technique for Functional Architecture Modeling.

We define Functional Architecture (FA) as an architectural model which

represents at a high level the software product's major functions from a usage

perspective, and specifies the interactions of functions, internally between each other

and externally with other products.

The Functional Architecture Model (FAM) includes all the necessary modules and

structures for the visualization of the functional architecture of a software product and

its relevant applications in the business domain. Consequently, it constitutes a

standard arrangement of all the requirements positioned in modules that correspond to

the product's functionalities. The Functional Architecture should be designed together

with product managers, architects, partners and customers, and should be expressed in

easy to understand diagrams. Referring back to the definition of viewpoints, we

clarify that Functional Architecture addresses mainly the concerns of stakeholders

like customers, marketing and sales employees, end-users, i.e. stakeholders with no

technical expertise.

The Functional Architecture Model that we propose, can be used by software

product manages to show the product roadmap to their customers and can constitute a

reference base for the architecture design phase in the software product lifecycle. As a

consequence, it can also be used as reference for managing the product vision for

subsequent releases, registering incoming requirements and dividing work amongst

development teams.

Many organizations already tend to design intuitively the functional architecture

of their software systems. A practical example is the effort to model the functional

architecture of Baan ERP, the main product of Baan, a vendor of enterprise resource

planning software that is currently owned by Infor Global Solutions. In [10], the case

studies indicate an effort to model the product's functionalities, but from a more

technical perspective. Also, in this context, we have noticed the use of reference

architectures during the design phase of enterprise solutions [20][3], which provide

generic templates for the functional architecture of applications in a particular line of

business. In [2], software reference architecture is defined as “a generic architecture

for a class of information systems that is used as a foundation for the design of

concrete architectures from this class”. The IBM Insurance Application Architecture

[12] is a reference architecture for the insurance domain, which covers all related

business functions. Another example is the Supply Chain Operations Reference [23]

which is a process reference model in the area of supply chain management. The use

of reference architecture in software engineering helps indicate the complete

functional coverage of a product, define the technical quality of its modules, and

identify market growth options and functionalities to put in the product roadmap.

Despite the invaluable contribution of reference architectures and other similar

modeling attempts in specific lines of business, there is no scientifically supported

way to design the functional architecture of software products in any domain. In this

paper we intend to formalize the existing practices in a uniform modeling technique

that can be used in all product lines and can be easily communicated to the non-

specialist stakeholders. This technique has been followed in the FA design of

approximately 40 innovative software products developed by the students of ICT

Entrepreneurship course in Utrecht University for the last four years [18].

In the following sections of this paper, we present the structures of the Functional

Architecture, provide guidelines for modeling the functional architecture of a software

product, and finally illustrate this process through an example.

2 Functional Architecture Modeling: Design Principles and


On our way of modeling the functional architecture of a software product, we get to

notice that architecture is a premier key to the success of the product. The elegancy of

a product is reflected in the elegancy of its architecture. A look at well known

software products that have met huge commercial success over the years, such as the

Google search engine, SAP R3 or Linux OS, gives us an insight that a robust and well

designed architecture constitutes a significant factor for the development,

maintenance, usability and performance of a software product. A good functional

architecture enables the usability of a software system, and should be able to survive

many releases, so that new functionalities can easily be incorporated without making

fundamental changes. These observations lead us to the search of structures that will

enable the design of a high-quality functional architecture. Bass et al. [4] suggest that

there is no scientific evidence to decide whether an architecture design is good or bad,

but there are several rules that should be applied in the architecture design. In table 1,

we mention their recommendations adjusted for the construction of a functional


Principles for the FA design process Principles for the structure of a FA

One single architect or else a group of a few

architects with an appointed leader to design

the architecture

Featuring of unambiguous modules following

the principles of hiding information and

separating concerns, with well-defined


Existence of a list of requirements and

prioritized qualities

Modules should be developed as much

independently from one another as possible

Documentation with notation understandable

by all stakeholders

Architecture independent of technical changes

Involvement of all stakeholders in the review

of FA

Architecture independent of particular

commercial products

Early inspection for quantitative measures and

qualitative properties that should be followed

Separation of modules that “produce data”

from modules that “consume data”

Forming of a “skeletal system”' that will be

used for the incremental growth and

expansion of the software product

Small number of simple interaction patterns,

in order to increase performance and enhance

reliability and modifiability

Table 1. Font sizes of headings. Table captions should always be positioned above the tables.

The design of a functional architecture is influenced by four main factors[4]: First

of all the requirements set by the stakeholders, functional and non-functional,

determine what kind of functionalities are going to be incorporated, as also technical

restrictions that have to be taken under consideration. Secondly, the developing

organization affects the architecture, with regard to earlier versions of the product, or

available design patterns to be used, or already known data such as an existing

database, etc. But also the customer organization has a strong opinion in the division

of functionalities, since they might also be affected by the architectural decisions later

on. Furthermore, the technical environment, which includes software engineering

techniques or industry standards available, available design tools and development

platform, can influence the architectural decisions. Finally, the background and

expertise of the architect influence the selection of architectural techniques to be


Based on the aforementioned principles and the influences on architecture, we

distinct three design structures for the functional architecture:

Modularity: According to Anderson [1], modular design is “a design technique in

which functions are designed in modules that can be combined in subsequent

designs”. Modularity is related to the decomposition of the software products in

several components, their positioning in the system and their connectivity.

Modularity in functional architecture has to be given a robust structure, so that

each module incorporates a well-defined functionality and can be developed

independent of other modules [19]. Flexibility is also an important aspect of

modularity, in the sense that the structure should not change often in subsequent

releases of the product, but should easily direct new requirements to its current

modules or a new functionality in a new module.

Variability deals with the fact that the product might need to run in different

organizational settings and cooperate with multiple products. Consequently,

variability is related to the extent to which the various components can differ.

Functional variability includes the product's modules that need to interact with

different functional components; for example an ERP system used in multiple

customer organizations might interact with different products in each organization.

We also recognize technical variability, in the sense that technical features may

need to differ on different platforms.

Interoperability defines the interfaces that need to be placed between the product's

features and external products. The product should have interfaces adapted to the

specifications of external products in order to enable interaction with them. Care

should be taken to design standard interfaces for optimal flexibility [1].

Furthermore, the decision of positioning these interfaces in the software product

needs to be taken within the interoperability structure.

In the following section, we elaborate the presented design principles and structures in

our suggested approach for modeling the Functional Architecture.

3 Modeling the Functional Architecture of Software Products

The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the need for a uniform technique to model

the Functional Architecture of Software Products. In this section we present the

concepts related to Functional Architecture and we propose the Functional

Architecture Model and its corresponding views, which are designed through the

Functional Architecture Diagrams. In the second part of the section, we elaborate on

the modular decomposition of the Functional Architecture.

3.1 Functional Architecture Model

As we mentioned earlier, the Functional Architecture reflects a software product's

architecture from a usage perspective. Evidently, such a model should resemble the

functions performed in the individual user context, or −when we have to do with a

corporate customer− the enterprise functions of the customer organization that are

supported by the software product.

In figure 1 we can see an example of the functional architecture of Baan ERP

Product [5]. Following the principle of modularity, each module in the FA represents

a function in the customer domain (e.g. Requirement Planning, Production, etc). The

flows represent interactions between functions or with external products. The

principle of variability is also reflected in the functional architecture of the ERP

Product, as it should easily run in different operating systems and platforms (technical

variability) and in different customer organizations (functional variability). Finally,

the interactions with other products or with the user indicate the interfaces that need

to be built so that the product can interoperate with external factors.

Fig. 1. Functional Architecture of an ERP product

We define the Functional Architecture Model (FAM) as the representation of the

primary functionality of a software product, consisting of its main functions and

supportive operations. The purpose of designing the FAM is to identify the main

functionalities performed by the software product; show the interactions of these

functions between each other and with external products; and create a clear overview

of how the product should operate in order to satisfy the user's requirements.

In order to model the FA of a software product we borrow the notation and rules of

Enterprise Function Diagrams, which are used in the domain of Enterprise

Architecture to model the primary process of an enterprise, its physical and

administrative functions [15]. Consequently, a Functional Architecture Diagram

(FAD) will contain modules that resemble the functions of a software product. A

function is defined as a collection of coherent processes, continuously performed

within a software system and supporting its use. Functions are implemented in a

software product by modules. The interactions between modules are represented in

the function diagrams by flows.

In figure 2, we can see the FAD of a collaborative authoring tool. This diagram

visualizes the product's usage context, and could be useful for the phase of product

roadmapping [26] as it indicates which modules need to be developed for each

functionality of the product, thus the management can plan the development of the

product releases. Furthermore, such a diagram could be useful for modeling domain

components of the software product in the context of core assets development in the

software product line [17].

Fig. 2. Usage Context for a Collaborative Authoring Tool

For instance, supposing that the functions of Publishing Strategy, Market

Intelligence, Reference Management, Reviewing and Image Handling are left out of

the first release, we can see the product usage scope of the collaborative authoring

tool in figure 3. The boxes (Authoring, Version Management, Templates

Management, Publishing, etc) are called modules, and correspond to the software

product parts that implement the respective functions. In the diagram, we can also see

how the modules interact with each other through information flows, by sending and

receiving requests, documents etc. An interface needs to be implemented in a module,

for each information flow with other modules or external products.

Fig. 3. Product scope

3.2 Modular decomposition

The Functional Architecture of a software product is not limited in the product scope

level. Instead, it can be modeled in more layers, supporting the functional

decomposition of the product. A module of the software product represents a set of

sub-modules which correspond to lower level functions that interoperate to implement

the corresponding functionality. On a second FA layer, we could consequently model

the functional architecture on the module level. In figure 4 we can see the FAD that

visualizes the module scope for the function Authoring. We strongly encourage

preserving the consistency between FADs on different levels. For example, in figure 4

we can notice the same external interactions for the module Authoring, as the internal

flows between this module and other modules in the FAD of the product scope in

figure 3.

Fig. 4. FAD of the module Authoring

From our experience, we have noticed that the functional architecture is usually

modeled in two to three layers. The FADs are designed following the same notation

and rules, which we will see in the next section. On the lowest level, each module is

supported by features, which represent the processes that constitute the respective

function that the module implements. We remind here that functions were defined as

collections of processes. A process is defined as an activity, the start and end of which

are clearly defined and its execution can be described in terms of needed and

delivered data. The features indicate what the software system does and not how it

realizes it. They include lower level of details than the module.

The names of features usually start with a verb, to indicate the process they

correspond to. Examples are: “open template”, “send template to”, “select rules”, etc.

Processes are modeled by Feature Models, which constitute a modeling tool for the

process support functionality in a software product. Riebisch [21] has elaborated on

defining feature models for supporting processes in software product lines. The

feature models are considered as a criterion for ending the modular decomposition of

the functional architecture, as we know that by reaching the process level we have

created a sufficient number of views of the functional architecture model.

In this section we presented the Functional Architecture Model, which is reflected

in the different views, visualized by Functional Architecture Diagrams, on different

layers of decomposition. In the next section we will suggest a technique for creating

the FAM in simple and uniform diagrams, applicable for any product domain.

4 An Approach for Designing Functional Architecture Diagrams

We now propose a technique for modeling the Functional Architecture of software

products; we introduce a notation and some conventions for designing the FADs

presented in the previous section; we suggest a series of easy steps for the design; and

we illustrate our approach through an example.

4.1 Notation and Conventions for Functional Architecture Diagrams

One of our goals is to have a very simple notation so that functional architecture can

easily be communicated with stakeholders with no specialization on software

architecture, such as the customers of the software vendor. The notation of a FAD can

be seen in figures 3 and 4. The following constructs are used:

a) We use boxes to model modules or sub-modules of the product, which represent

functions or processes. For the naming we use substantivized nouns (e.g. Planning

instead of Plan), which need to start with capital letter. The choice of names is

critical: since the diagram will constitute a fundamental means of communication

amongst the stakeholders, precise and determining terms that are well known in the

business domain are preferred. Finally, coloring can be used to categorize the

modules hierarchically or according to their use.

b) Arrows are used to model interactions between modules in the form of

information flows. Typical examples of information flows include notifications,

requests, feedback to requests, and documents. The names of information flows are all

written in lower case.

c) A rectangle is used to cover the modules of the product (or the sub-modules of

the modules) to indicate the product (or module) scope. The module name should be

stated in the lower-right corner of the rectangle.

It is a convention to position the modules hierarchically in the FADs. Vertically, we

position the modules according to their control, i.e. in a hierarchical order, from high

to low:

Strategic modules, which implement management related functions, such as

Business Planning, Product Innovation.

Tactical modules, which are related to control items, e.g. Requirements Planning.

Operational modules, which have to do with execution functions, such as

Production, Assembly.

Supportive modules, which are related to platform issues, e.g. Warehousing.

Horizontally, we position the modules from left to right according to the flow of


Modules that implement input functions (e.g. Purchase) are positioned on the left


Modules related to processing functions (e.g. Production, Assembly) are placed in

the middle.

Modules related to output functions (e.g. Sales) are positioned on the right side of

the diagram.

Third party products are positioned outside the product scope: External products

that provide input to the product's modules are placed on the left side, while

external products that receive the output of the product's modules are placed on

the right side.

4.2 Creating a Functional Architecture Diagram

In this section we present the basic steps for modeling the Functional Architecture of

a software product with a functional architecture diagram. We illustrate the process

with the example of a Dining Room Management Application. The usage context of

the product consists of all the functions that need to be performed in a restaurant,

from the handling of a reservation, the processing of an order, up to the customer's


Determine the scope

At first, we need to decide upon the product scope: the scope constitutes the

functionalities of the software product. All external products in the usage environment

need to be identified, with which the product will interact. Furthermore, products with

which the product will possibly be interfaced in the future need to be defined at this

stage. The Product Context Diagram [6] can be a starting point for identifying the

third party applications that will interact with the software product.

For example, if we are architecting a software application for dining room

management in restaurants, the external products would be a labor management

application, the ERP system of the restaurant, a book keeping application, and

possibly in the future it could also interface with an e-commerce application for

restaurant reservations (figure 5a).

Define request-feedback flows

After determining the scope, we need to define the functional interactions between the

modules of the product and the external products. Most of the times, the interactions

appear in a pair of a request flow and a return arrow that represents the feedback of

the result. This construction is called a request feedback loop. We focus on the main

interactions that are related to the primary functionality of the product.

Referring to the restaurant application example, the defined request-feedback

loops between the product and the third party applications are defined in figure 5b.

(a) Product Scope and external products (b) Request-feedback flows with external applications

Fig. 5. Steps i and ii

Model the operational module flow

The next step consists in modeling the operational module flow, i.e. the flow of the

modules that constitute the implementation of the main functionality of the product.

The operational module flow usually shows the input, the primary process and the

output. We identify the steps as module boxes, which are separated by flows that are

usually information flows or waiting queues.

Figure 6 includes the operational modules that are needed for the Dining Room

Management application. The Table Arrangement module includes the related

processes for finding an available table for a new customer request. The Ordering

module consists of the processes related to a customer's meals order. The module

Order Processing corresponds to the processing of orders in the kitchen and updating

the status of each order. The Inventory Control module contains the processes of

checking whether there is enough inventory for preparing a meal and thus realizing

the corresponding order. The Order Fulfillment box refers to the functionalities of

arranging the processed orders and delivering them to the tables. The Pricing module

is related to arranging the menu prices. Finally, the Payment Processing module

corresponds to arranging a payment method, executing the payment and printing the

invoice. Apart from these operating modules, we can also see in the diagram the

supportive module Wireless Communications Management, which ensures that all

wireless communications between the PDAs and the central component are

functioning correctly. For reasons of readability we have not added the flows of the

supportive module, which needs to interact with all the operating modules.

Fig. 6. The operational modules

Add control and monitoring modules

Usually, the operational module flow is controlled by one or more control modules,

which in turn are controlled by planning modules. We add the control module that

corresponds to each operational module. The interaction between an operational and a

control module is a request-feedback loop. On top of the control modules, we add the

appropriate planning modules.

In our restaurant application example we can only identify control modules, which

are added in the diagram. The module Reservations Management is handling the

reservations request, while the waitlist management arranges all requests that are

queued, either from new reservations or from new customers that have visited the

restaurant directly. The Order Management module schedules and prioritizes the

handling of orders. Finally, the Financial Management module corresponds to the

financial management processes, e.g. registering payments, storing the invoices, etc.

Fig. 7. Adding control and monitoring modules in the Dining Room Management application

Specify external to/from internal interactions

This step is related to the second step, where we had to identify the interactions

between the product and external products. At this point we need to perform further

analysis, to identify which of the modules will need to be interfaced with the external

product for each request-feedback flow. It is possible that we may discover new

modules at this stage which we had ignored in the previous steps. Also, for the sake of

certain interaction we may need to add more interactions also amongst the internal

modules of the product.

In figure 8 we can see the final FAD of the Dining Room Management

application. All interactions from the external third party applications to the product's

modules and vice versa are modeled in this step. The functions are triggered either by

a new table request, which corresponds to a request of a customer who visits the

restaurant without reservation, or by a new reservation request, which can be

performed either by a customer directly or through a related e-commerce application.

Fig. 8. The complete FAD of the Dining Room Management application

5 Discussion and Conclusions

In this paper, we accentuated the need for modeling the Functional Architecture of

software products. We proposed the Functional Architecture Model which can be

visualized through Functional Architecture Diagrams in different layers of

decomposition. We provided a technique for creating FADs and in parallel illustrated

the design process through an example.

The Functional Architecture Model has been introduced in a manner that supports

the design principles and structures for FA discussed in section 2. As far as the

principles for the FA design process are concerned: The FA can be designed by one or

few architects, based on the existing requirements and prioritized qualities, which can

easily be mapped on the product's modules. The notation is easily understandable by

non-specialists, thus all stakeholders (product managers, architects, developers,

customers, marketing and sales, end-users) can be involved in the review of FA. The

visualization of FA through FADs eases the identification of bottlenecks and the

inspection of qualitative and quantitative measures. Finally, the suggested modular

decomposition supports the creation of a “skeletal system” that can easily be

expanded in the future by adding new modules.

Regarding the principles for the structure of FA, first of all the modules in our

FAM separate concerns and support the hiding of information, while the interfaces are

placed only when request-feedback flows between modules and/or external products

are needed. Evidently, since each module corresponds to different functionality, it is

possible to develop modules quite independently from one another, while the focus on

functionalities makes the architecture independent of technical changes and of

particular commercial products, and enables the introduction of few and simple

interaction patterns that increase performance and enhance modifiability and

reliability. The suggested convention of positioning the modules hierarchically and

according to the flow of execution separates the modules that “produce data” from

those that “consume data”.

The suggested design structures for the FA were followed in our FAM approach.

Modularity is supported by the creation of modules which correspond to different

product functionalities and are later on decomposed in lower levels of abstraction. In

section 3, we inspected the modules of the product scope for a Collaborative

Authoring Tool and the decomposition of its “Authoring” module into sub-modules.

The FADs are structured in a way that the FA can easily be adapted in different

organizational settings. For example, the FAD for a Dining Room Management

application in figure 8 was constructed for a restaurant environment. However, it

could easily be adapted in other similar environments: certain modules (Ordering,

Inventory Control, Order Processing, Pricing, Payment Processing, Financial

Management) are standard for all organizational settings while the remaining modules

are variant according to the environment. If we wanted to create the FAD for a fast

food restaurant, we could simply remove the modules Reservations Management,

Waitlist Management, Order Management and Table Arrangement and insert the

module Order Forecasting. Finally, the inspection of the request-feedback flows

enables the identification of all possible interfaces that will need to be designed so

that the product can flexibly interact with different external products, confirming the

interoperability structure.

The Functional Architecture Model can facilitate the system design by describing

the inherent functional structure of the system's modules and their interactions, as

well as the interactions with external applications. The modular decomposition offers

a separation of the system's functionalities, thus it reduces complexity, eases the

communication and collaboration among stakeholders, enables managing the product

development by partitioning work into independent tasks, and set off transferrable and

reusable elements of the product.

We suggest that FADs constitute a powerful tool for modeling the functional

architecture of software products. The notation is rather simple thus they can easily

and quickly be designed, leaving space to the architect to deal with planning the

functionalities of the product in an optimal way and easing the communication with

the non-specialist customers, who can recognize the models without formal training.

FADs can be used to determine the modules of the software product. Although

certain programming languages like Java support hierarchical module structure, other

languages (e.g. PHP) have not developed modularity sufficiently. A module structure

is critically essential for designing a software product, in order to plan and organize

the development work [19].

Moreover, FADs indicate the interactions between the product's modules and the

environment. This is convenient from a development point of view, since we have a

visualization of which interfaces will need to be implemented for the software

product, as also from a management point of view, to have an indication of which

third party products will interact with the software product.

Finally, our proposed approach for Functional Architecture Modeling can be

applied in any type of business: public sector (healthcare, governmental) and private

sector (manufacturing, financial, services, food and beverage, project industries).

In our future research we intend to inspect the incorporation of scenarios with the

functional architecture diagrams, in order to visualize on a high level the flow

between the product's modules and third party applications for the implementation of

the system's functionalities.


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