functionalist stylistics

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  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics




  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Historical Perspectives

    Functionalist stylistics has been regare

    as istinct !or" o! !or"alist linguistics

    I"portance o! situational conte#t an

    personality in language an society

    Halliay $%&'%( has o!ten been creite)ith eveloping the *ey concepts o!

    !unctionalist stylistics

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Function in the sense o! gra""atical or

    syntactic !unction

    Function o! language as a )hole

    Functional theory o! language atte"pts to

    e#plain linguistic structure an linguisticpheno"ena

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Ieational !unction, e#pression o! content

    an-or representational

    The spea*er or )riter e"boies in

    language his e#perience o! pheno"ena o!

    the real )orl

    .#perience o! the internal )orl o! his o)n


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Interpersonal !unction, using language as

    the "eans o! his o)n intrusion into the


    The e#pression o! his co""ents/

    attitues/ an evaluations

    0elationship that he sets up bet)een

    hi"sel! an the listener

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    .#pressive an conative

    Set o! co""unication roles is uni1ue

    a"ong social relations

    Language is re1uire to serve in the

    establish"ent an "aintenance o! hu"an


    Interpersonal !unction,interactional an


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Te#tual !unction, creation o! te#t

    Internal to language Language "a*es lin*s )ith itsel! an )ith

    the situation

    2iscourse beco"es possible Te#t is an operational unit o! language

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Sentence is syntactic unit

    It is the te#t that is relevant unit !or stylisticstuies

    Functional3se"antic concept an is not

    e!inable by si+e

    Internal organi+ation o! sentence )ith its


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics


    Synta# o! language is organi+e in such a

    )ay that it e#presses as a )hole the rangeo! linguistic !unctions

    The total the"e3rhe"e structure )hich

    contributes to the te#ture o! the iscourse

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics


    A constituent is a particular )or or phrase

    in a particular place4 but !unctionally the

    choice o! an ite" "ay have one "eaning/

    its repetition another/ an its location oin

    structure yet another3 or "any others as)e have seen

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    In the 5ueen6s re"ar* it6s a poor sort o!

    "e"ory that only )or*s bac*)ars

    Poor is a "oi!ier an thus e#presses

    subclass o! its hea3)or "e"ory


    5ueen6s attitue $interpersonal(

    It6s7that $te#tual(

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Functional theory o! language is a theory

    about "eanings

    Not about )ors or constructions

    Functions are i!!erentiate se"antically

    8"eaning potential9

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    The !unctions are si"ultaneously

    e"boie in his planning proceures

    I! )e atte"pt to separate "eaning !ro"

    choice )e are turning a valuable

    istinction $bet)een linguistic !unctions(

    into an arbitrary ichoto"y $bet)een"eaning!ul an "eaningless choices(

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    in transitivity i!!erent processes are

    istinguishe accoring to )hether they

    represent actions/ speech/ states o! "inor states o! being:

    Those are ienti!ie/ classi!ie an *no)n

    as ;aterial processes/ 0elationalprocesses/ an ;ental processes

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    ;aterial processes o! transitivity are

    processes o! oing/ usually physical an

    tangible actions: essential participants usually appear in

    "aterial process are the Actor < the oer

    o! the process < an the =oal < theperson or entity a!!ecte by the process:

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    ;ental processes usually encoe "ental

    reactions such as perception/ thoughts

    an !eelings: Mental processes have two participants:

    the Senser the conscious being )ho is

    involve in a ;ental process < an thePheno"enon < )hich is !elt/ thought/ or

    seen by the conscious Senser:

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    0elational processes construe the

    relationships o! being an having bet)een

    t)o participants: Ienti!ying 0elational $to*en an value(

    Attributive relational $carrier an attribute(

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    >et)een ;aterial an ;ental processes

    lie >ehavioural processes that

    characteri+e the outer e#pression o! inner)or*ing an re!lect physiological an

    psychological behaviours

    >ehavioural processes usually have oneparticipant )ho is typically a conscious

    one/ calle the >ehaver:

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    >et)een ;ental an 0elational processes

    are ?erbal processes/ )hich represent the

    art o! saying an its synony"s: Usually three participants are involve in

    ?erbal processes@ the Sayer is responsible

    !or verbal process4 the 0eceiver is the

    person at )ho" the verbal process is

    irecte4 an the ?erbiage is the

    no"inalise state"ent o! the verbal


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    An bet)een 0elational an ;aterial

    processes are .#istential processes )hich

    prove states o! being/ e#isting/ anhappening:

    .#istential processes typically e"ploy the

    verb be or its synonyms such as exist,arise, occur. The only participant in this

    process is .#istent )hich !ollo)s the there

    is /are sequences.

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Foregrouning is pro"inence that is

    "otivate $Halliay(

    A !eature that is brought into pro"inence

    )ill be !oregroune only i! it relates to the

    "eaning o! the te#t as )hole

    Pro"inence as a general na"e !orpheno"enon o! linguistic highlighting

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    T)o types o! pro"inence/ eparture !ro"

    a nor" an attain"ent or establish"ent o!

    a nor" here there is uni!or"ity there is


    8In so"e sources/ especially poets/ style"ay not be eviation !ro" but

    achieve"ent o! a nor"9 $Hy"es %&B'(

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    2eviation is the use o! ungra""atical


    Pro"inence "ay be o! probabilistic *in/>loch $%&D( as !re1uency istributions

    an transitional probabilities )hich i!!er

    !ro" those7in the language as )hole:This is )hat )e have re!erre to above as


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Assu"ption that nu"erical ata on

    language "ay be stylistically signi!icant

    Style is a "ani!estation o! iniviual/ it

    cannot be reuce to counting

    e are not a)are o! !re1uency in


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    The concern is )ith the linguistic options

    selecte by the )riter an their relation to

    the total "eaning o! the )or* hat cannot be e#presse statistically is


    Fre1uency istribution is no guarantee o!stylistic relevance

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Thus i! style cannot be reuce to

    counting/ this is because it cannot be

    reuce to a si"ple 1uestion o!pro"inence:

    The pro"inence in other )ors is o!ten

    ue to the vision

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Patterns o! syntactic pro"inence "ay

    re!lect thesis or the"e or other aspects o!

    the "eaning o! the )or*4 every level is apotential source o! "otivation/ a *in o!

    se"antic situational nor"

    Language in relation to all the variouslevels o! "eaning that a )or* "ay have

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Foregrouning e!!ect is the prouct o! t)o

    apparently oppose conitions o! use

    The !oregroune ele"ents are certain

    clause types

    Patterns o! transitivity


  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Se"antic choice an syntactic choice

    hat the author chooses to stay an ho)

    he chooses to say it

    The i""eiate thesis an the unerlying

    the"e co"e together in the synta#/ the

    choice o! subEect "atter is "otivate byeeper "eaning an the transitivity

    patterns reali+e both

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    The !act that a particular pattern

    constitutes a nor" is the "eaning

    Transitivity is the set o! options )hereby

    the spea*er encoes his e#perience o! the

    processes o! the e#ternal )orl an o!

    internal )orl Cornerstone o! the se"antic organi+ation

    o! e#perience

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    0elevance< the notion that a linguistic

    !eature belongs in so"e)ay as part o! the

    )hole .le"ents o! the language/ the )ors an

    phrases/ an syntactic structures ten to

    have "ultiple values

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics


    Functionalist Stylistics

    Any one the"e "ay have "ore than one


    A the"e that is strongly !oregroune is

    especially li*ely to be interprete at "ore

    than one level

  • 8/9/2019 Functionalist Stylistics



    eber/ : $%&&B(: The stylistics reaer@ Fro"0o"an a*obson to the present: Ne)

    Yor*/ NY@ St: ;artin6s Press/ Inc:

    Nguyen/ T: $G%G(: Transitivity Analysis o!

    Heroic ;other by Hoa Pha": International

    ournal o! .nglish Linguistics/ G $(/ J3
