fusion accounts user guide


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Fusion Accounts User Guide


Page 1: Fusion Accounts User Guide
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1 Introduction to Fusion Accounts 1.1.1 Welcome

1.1.2 Web-based Accounting

2 Getting Started 2.1.1 Signing up with Fusion Accounts/Setup Process

2.1.2 Logging In to Fusion Accounts

3 Home page 3.1.1 Fusion Environment

4 Managing Users 4.1.1 Creating a New User Account

4.1.2 Editing, Deleting, Resetting a Password

5 Manage Businesses 5.1 Business Options: List Businesses, Business Details, Invoice Template, Currency Rates

6 Manage Customers 6.1 To Add a New Customer

6.1.1 Adding/Editing a Contact

6.2 List Customers

6.2.1 To Edit an Existing Customer

6.3 Aged Debtors

6.4 Customer Reports

6.5 Recover Customers

7 The Sales Ledger 7.1 Add/Producing a Sales Invoice

7.2 List of Sales Invoices

7.3 Add/Producing a Sales Credit Note

7.4 List Products

7.5 Sales Reports: User Sales Summary, User Product Sales Summary, Invoice Transactions

Report, Outstanding Invoices Report.

7.6 Sales Orders

8 Manage Receipts – Money In 8.1 Customer Receipt

8.1.1 To send an e-statement to a customer

8.2 General Receipt

8.3 Batch Receipt

9 Manage Payments – Money Out 9.1 General Payment

9.2 Supplier Payment

9.3 Batch Payment Sessions

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10 The Purchase Ledger 10.1 Add Supplier Invoice

10.2 List Supplier Invoices

10.3 Add Supplier Credits

10.4 Purchase Orders

11 Manage Suppliers 11.1 To Add a New Supplier

11.2 List Suppliers

11.2.1 To Edit an Existing Supplier

11.3 Aged Creditors

11.4 Recover Supplier

11.5 Supplier Reports

12 Money Management/Banks 12.1 Bank Accounts

12.2 Bank Transfers

12.3 Bank Reconciliation

12.4 Bank Reports

13 Manage VAT 13.1 VAT Returns/Dual VAT availability

13.2 VAT Transactions

13.3 VAT Reports

15 Financials 15.1 Transaction Audit Trail

15.2 Nominal

15.3 Add Nominal

15.4 Nominal Categories

15.5 Nominal Adjustments

15.6 Completed Adjustments

15.7 Profit & Loss

15.8 Trial Balance

15.9 Balance Sheet

15.10 Year End Sessions

15.11 Nominal Reports

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1 Introduction to Fusion Accounts

Fusion Accounts provides businesses with real-time access to their cash flow and accounts.

Why not give your accountant access to Fusion Accounts so that they can provide you with real time accountancy


Why Fusion accounts

Whether you are a business owner, bookkeeper or an accountant Fusion Accounts can help you reduce costs and increase productivity. Fusion Accounts offers an innovative yet simple and practical online accounting solution. All you need is an Internet-enabled PC with a broadband connection and you can access your accounts at any time and from any location.

Why Businesses Are Switching to Fusion...














Fusion Accounts are committed to providing our clients with a high quality product and a high level of service.

Should you have any questions, or need any help in getting started please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our online accounting software.

Sales: +44 (0)28 90 246 171

Email: [email protected]

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1.1 Welcome

Fusion Accounts the on-line accounting software can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

Open up an internet browser and visit www.fusionaccounts.com.

Log In:

If you have already signed up to Fusion Accounts choose the log in option at the top right hand side of the screen.

The Introductory Screen

• Grey Section: The left hand side of the screen allows the user to play a demonstration video showing how

fusion accounts can make a business more profitable.

• Blue Section: The middle portion of the screen lists the benefits of switching to Fusion Accounts.

• The right hand side of the screen allows the user to sign up to a 60 day free trial of the program. Click Get

Started and follow the onscreen steps to setup the business details.

Notice the tabs along the top of the screen.

Home: The first page displays 3 coloured areas: Grey, Blue, Purple

Accountants & Partners

Fusion Lite

Business Benefits

Free Trial







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2 Getting Started

First Time Users

To start using Fusion Accounts the user must Sign up to using the software and complete 4 easy steps.

Log In

The next time the user wishes to use Fusion Accounts, they can do so by using the Log In option.

2.1 Signing up with Fusion Accounts/Setup Process

Once the user has decided to accept the 60 day free trial click the Get Started button on the Introductory screen.

The user must select the option for hearing about Fusion Accounts. Click Continue.

4 steps are now required to setup the business details.

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Step 1

A setup process will allow the user to enter details about the business.

Enter the following details:

The business name.

Tick if VAT registered and

enter the VAT Registration

number. (If not VAT

registered then ignore these


If Cash Accounting VAT

applies to either Supplier or

Customers then place a tick.

Tick if foreign currency

transactions are required.

If you require multiple vat

functionality contact

[email protected]

to activate this.

Complete the Address fields.

Click Continue.

Step 2

Complete the contact details, also creating a user name and password. Click Continue when finished.

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Step 3

Enter security questions. Click continue.

Step 4

The user must agree to the terms and conditions as set by Stiona Software Ltd to gain access to the software. Click


Once successful the user will see the next window welcoming them to Fusion Accounts.

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Click Continue. All 4 steps have now been completed. The user will be taken to the Home Page. On completion of

your initial sign up you will need to log in again.

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2.2 Logging in to Fusion Accounts

Open up an internet browser and visit www.fusionaccounts.com.

From the homepage click on the ‘Login’ tab at the top right hand side of the screen

Enter Log in details: Username, Password and a security question. Click Log in.

Note: If password details have been forgotten click on the link click here if you have forgotten your password and

follow the online details to retrieve the password details.

This will take the user to the Home Page.

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3 The Home Page

The Home Page gives the user a complete overview of the company’s accounting position. The centre window

displays the overview effectively by showing bank information – money in, money out, bank accounts and yearly

profit figures.

3.1 The Fusion Environment


Along the top are tabs that quickly take the user to the various areas of the software such as,

Businesses, Customers, Sales, Money In, Monday Out, Purchases, Suppliers, Bank, VAT and Financials.

These tabs allow the user to navigate easily and quickly throughout the program.

There are different ways to navigate the Fusion Accounts Home window by either:

a) using the tabs along the top of the window

b) using the quick links at the left hand side of the window

For the purposes of this training manual, references will be made to the tabs along the top of the window.

As the user becomes more familiar with the program they can use either method: the tabs or the quick links to

navigate the software.

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4 Managing Users

An unlimited number of users can be created allowing other people to access the program from their remote

locations. This makes the software very powerful as it creates an on-line, multi-user environment.

4.1 Creating a New User Account

At the Home Page, click on the Business tab/Users.

Click the Add User button. Enter the user details and click the Create User button. Once you have created a new

user it is important that you then assign them roles, otherwise they will be unable to see anything when they login.

Select the user and then click on roles. The ‘client admin’ role will provide the user with full access to the system.

4.2 Editing, Deleting, Resetting a Password

Edit User: This option will allow the user details to be changed. Select the relevant user, click Edit.

Make the necessary changes and click Save.

Delete User: This option will delete a user. Select the relevant user. Click Delete User.

Reset Password: This option will allow a user’s password to be reset.

Roles: This option will allow a user access to certain parts of the program. Certain users may have

restricted access. Select the user. Click roles. Choose the roles for that particular user and

click Update

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5 Manage Businesses

The user can create an unlimited number of businesses with Fusion Accounts thus accessing multi-company

software. There is a cost for each additional business license created.

The manage business window allows the user to access the business of their choice, list all of the businesses, change

businesses details, select invoice templates or edit currency rates.

At the Home Page, choose the Businesses tab


A menu choice of six options is given.

Business Dashboard: This menu option will provide you with a summary of your business at that point in time

List Businesses: This menu option will refresh the screen with all the current businesses. The Add button can

be chosen to create a new business.

Users: This option will allow you to create and manage users.

Business Details: This option will allow the user to change or update business details such as the name and


Note that some of these fields may already be populated by information used when creating

customer or supplier transactions such as a default invoice or order number. However this

information can be changed if so desired.

Invoice Templates: This option will display all the Invoice Templates available to the user and allows the user to

select one as the default. Select the relevant invoice template and click Set Default.

Currency Rates: A list of currency rates is listed for different countries along with their country code and

currency rate for the valid from date. In this example the Euro (EUR) against the pound

sterling (GBP) is 1.12 on 1 May 2009. If the user wishes to use a different rate today, click on

the Edit button and change the rate to today’s rate or rate of user’s choice.

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6 Manage Customers

The Manage Customer option allows the user to:

Add Customers, List Customers, Aged Debtors, Customer Reports, Recover Customers.

6.1 To Add a New Customer

At the Home Page, choose the Customers tab/Add Customer.

This window allows the user to complete the fields with the appropriate customer details.

Note: The first field - A/C Ref should be a unique code for each new customer and will allow up to 8 characters. In

this example the customer ABC Marketing Ltd has a code of ABC001. If another customer has a similar name, ABC

Systems the code used could be ABC002 and so on.

Complete the other details such as Name, Tel no, website, settlement days, VAT no, currency and address. Tick the

box allows transactions in other currencies, if applicable. This option will be available if you have activated Foreign

Currency and you wish to invoice customers in more than one currency. Click the Save button at the bottom right of


The customer details are now saved.

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6.1.1 Adding/Editing a Contact

Multiple Contacts can be added to the customer account. In this example details of the Marketing Director and Sales

Manager are kept on file. This information can be updated when necessary.

To Add a New Contact

If a contact within the company is required, scroll further down the screen and click Add Contact.

Enter contact details. Choose Create.

(Note when creating a contact, the user must create and Save the customer account first).

To Edit a Contact

To make changes to an existing contact choose the Edit Contact button.

Make the necessary changes and click Update.

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6.2 List Customers

The List customers’ option allows the user to add customers, view or edit the customer list.

From this window the user can also:

• Add customers

• Create notes

• List invoices

• View the customer account

• Allocate receipts

• Print or email statements

• Delete a customer.

At the Home Page, choose the Customers tab/List Customers.

A list of customers already created will be displayed. An example is given below:

A filter can be used to search for a specific customer if desired. This is useful when the customer list becomes longer

and the user has to scroll up or down to find the required customer. Type in the name of the customer you are

searching for into the ‘Name’ field and hit return. You can perform quick searches using any of the boxes provided

i.e. A/C Ref, Balance.

Above the list of customers you will also see a range of action buttons. E.g. ‘Details’, ‘Add Invoice’. To perform this

actions you can either select a customer and click on the action tab or you can select a customer and use your right

click function.

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6.2.1 Editing an Existing Customer

At the Home Page, choose the Customers tab/List Customers.

Select the customer you wish to edit and either click on the action tab ‘Details’ from the menu option above or right

click on the customer and select ‘Details’

The customer details will appear. Make the relevant changes and click Save.

The Contact can also be added or edited at this stage, if desired.

In the Customer List window other options are available:-

• Add Customer

• Add Invoice

• Notes

• Receipt

• List Invoices

• View Customer

• View Activity

• Allocate

• Statement

• E-statement

• Delete

You can also right click on the customer to receive the same options as listed above.

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6.3 Aged Debtors

This option allows the user to view the Aged Debt of the customers.

At the Home Page, choose the Customers tab/Aged Debtors.

The invoices are slotted into the relevant 30, 60, 90 or older day periods. The number of days can be changed in the

business details page to suit each business.

Credit control is an essential part of any businesses and this is an excellent window for the user to chase up the

outstanding invoices with the customer. The telephone number is listed along with the customer name to allow the

user to contact the customer.

If a different period is desired, for example 28 days instead of 30, the user can change the figures within the Period 1,

2 and 3 fields and click Run to search for the criteria.

Note also the To Date field. This will default to today’s date and count the ageing period from the date entered here.

This date field can also be changed if desired.

The results of the search can be sent to MS Excel or MS Word.

If you right click on any of your customers you will be able to perform a range of tasks e.g. Receipt, Add Invoice,

Receipt. See below.

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6.4 Customer Reports

The customer reports window allows the user to run reports on specific customers or all customers for certain


At the Home Page, choose the Customers tab/Customer Reports.

Year End, From, To - The report can be run for the current year, all financial years or for specified dates.

Filter List by Customer Name, Ref, and Contact – A filter can be used to search for a specific customer if desired.

This is useful when the customer list becomes longer and the user has to scroll up or down to find the required


Selected Report – The user can choose a month or yearly activity report or a list of transactions. Choose the desired

report type. Click the Run button.

Exporting Reports for Printing Purposes - The report information is displayed with a choice of file formats allowing

the user to export the file.

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6.5 Recover Customers

The recover customers’ option is available for customers that have been deleted and the user decides they would

like to re-instate them.

At the Home Page, choose the Customers tab/Recover Customers.

Highlight the relevant customer/s. Click on the Recover Customer button.

The customer will now be added back into the customer list.

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7 Sales

The Sales tab gives the following options:-

Add Invoice, Quick Invoices, List Invoices, Credit Notes, List Products, Sales Orders, Quotes and Sales Reports.

7.1 Add/Producing a Sales Invoice

At the Home Page, choose the Sales tab/Add Invoice

Customer Details

From the Customer details section click on the list box to choose a customer. You can also type in the first letter(s) of

the customers name to view possible matches. The customer name and address will appear below the list box.

Ensure the correct customer has been chosen. If you need to create a new customer you can use the quick tab

above ‘Add Customer’

Sales Invoice Details

Four fields exist over to the right hand side of the invoice window. The user cannot type into the No field but can

enter data into the other fields.

Enter the invoice date, settlement days and if applicable, choose the relevant sales person.

If a business has already created invoices using another system they can set the invoice number to begin at a number

other than 1. This is done through the business details page. They can also add other fields to the invoice.

Sales Invoice Items

To add item lines to the invoice, click the Add New Item button.

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Sales Line Item: Select the item line from the list box. If products have been created, then the user can select the

product codes from this list also.

This list can be added to or edited which is discussed in the List Products section - 7.4.

Description: The user can type a description for the sale of the product or service.

Quantity and Net Price: Enter the quantity sold and net price per unit.

Tax Code: Choose a relevant tax code. (Tax codes are discussed further in the VAT section)

Click the Add button. This will now place a sales item in the Sales Invoice Items part of the Invoice window.

Continue entering the sales item lines to the invoice by clicking the Add New Item button.

Edit/Delete: The items line can be Edited or Deleted if chosen.

The invoice can now be Printed, Save to Drafts, Save to Accounts or Cancelled.

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Print: The invoice will be created in pdf format allowing the user to preview the invoice before printing.

Save to Drafts: The invoice can be saved in draft format which means it is not posted yet to the sales account. In this

format the invoice can be edited or changed at a later time.

Save to Accounts: The invoice is posted to the customer account.

Cancel: The invoice can be cancelled at this stage.

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7.2 List Sales Invoices

The user may wish to view or check sales invoices or credit notes that have been created for a specific month/period.

The invoices can be edited and changed, printed, emailed or deleted from this option.

At the Home Page, choose the Sales tab/Sales Invoices.

A filter can be used to search for a specific customer if desired. This is useful when the customer list becomes longer

and the user has to scroll up or down to find the required customer.

To perform a search against a customer enter the customer name into the search field provided and hit return

Sales Invoice will now appear in the window with the Invoice number as a reference.

The user can consider how to view the sales Invoices. The white tab will highlight the status of invoices you are

currently viewing. The grey tabs list will allow the invoices to list in different ways:-

Drafts - will display sales invoices in draft form

Outstanding - will display sales invoices that have not been paid yet

Overdue - will display sales invoices that are due for payment

Paid - will display sales invoices that have been paid in full

All - will display all sales invoices

For example, to see a list of all sales invoices, choose the All tab.

The user can also right click on each invoice to complete the tasks below.

Review Invoice - will show the sales invoice and also any receipts against it

Add Invoice - will allow the user to add an invoice

Clone Invoice - will copy a previous invoice

Print Invoice - will print the purchase invoice in pdf format

Email Invoice - will allow the invoice to be emailed to a recipient/s

Add Notes - will allow notes to be added to the invoice

Receipt - will allow a receipt to be recorded against the invoice

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7.3 Add/Producing a Sales Credit Note

The credit note is similar to creating a Sales Invoice except the user is crediting the customer account.

At the Home Page, choose the Sales tab/Credit Notes.

Similar to creating a Sales Invoice, choose the customer from the drop down list and check to ensure the correct

customer has been chosen. Enter a date for the credit note.

Add item lines to the credit note, listing details of returned goods, quantity, unit price and relevant tax code.

The lines on the credit note can also be either Edited or Deleted.

Once all the changes are complete click the Save Sales Credit button or choose Cancel to abandon the credit note.

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7.4 List Products

The user can create products and then call upon these products when creating sales invoices or credit notes. This

will not only save time of re-keying the same data but the software will hold a stock control system.

To create a New Product

At the Home Page, choose the Sales tab/List Products.

The user can Create, Edit or Delete products from this window. Click the Create button and enter details for the new


Type: Choose if the item is a service, stock or non-stock item.

Product Code: Type a product code

Description: Enter a Description for the product

Cost: Enter a cost price

Sales Price: Enter a sales price

Sales Tax: Select a tax code

Sales Account: Choose the relevant Sales Account Nominal code

Stock Level: Enter the current stock quantity

Click Create.

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7.5 Sales Reports

The Sales Reports index will produce four sales reports: User Sales Summary, User Product Sales Summary, Invoice

Transactions Report, and Outstanding Invoices Report.

At the Home Page, choose the Sales tab/Sales Reports. A report index screen appears.

User Sales Summary

The report shows how many users/persons have been using Fusion Accounts for this business, how many invoices

have been raised and to which value in the specified date range.

When running this report the user will be asked for a date range.

User Product Sales Summary

This report gives the same information as above but additionally will display in graphical representation the different

products used giving quantity and sales price for the date range specified.

Invoice Transactions Report

The Invoice Transactions Report displays a list of all the invoices created for the chosen period listed by Invoice

number. The report shows the invoice number, invoice date, the user who created the invoice and the total value of

the invoice.

Outstanding Invoices Report

This report displays the sales invoices that still need to be paid but are not yet overdue.

Printing Sales Reports

To print any of the 4 reports, the user must click on the Select a format field and make a choice for Export. For

example to send the report to MS Excel, choose Excel from the list and click on Export.

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7.6 Sales Orders

Create a Sales Order

At the Home Page, choose the Sales tab

From the Sales tab select Sales Order

To create a sales order select the ‘Add’ button.

Customer Details (see diagram below)

From the Customer details section click on the list box to choose a customer. The customer name and address will

appear below the list box. Ensure the correct customer has been chosen.

Sales Order Details

Four fields exist over to the right hand side of the order window. The user cannot type into the ‘No’ field but they

can enter data into the other fields. The currency field can only be altered if you have activated Foreign Currency

from the ‘Business Details Page’ and have also selected ‘allow transactions in other currencies’ field from the

customer details page.

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Enter the date and the status of the order.

Sales Order Items

To add item lines to the order, click the Add New Item button.

If you have created a product you will find your product in the drop down list in the ‘Select Line Item’ search box (See

product section 7.4)

Click on the required product, adjust the quantity add then select ‘Insert’

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Once you are happy with the ‘Sales Order Items’ select ‘Save Sales Order’

Once you have added a ‘Sales Order’ you will see from the ‘In Stock’ box whether or not you have enough stock to

fulfil this order. If the box is ticked then you have enough stock to fulfil the order.

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To commit the order you will be required to do two things

Change the status of the order. To do this select the required order and click on ‘Edit order’, i.e. you can change the

status from ‘outstanding’ to ‘despatched’

Allocate the order. To do this select the required order and click on ‘Allocate’. This will cause the level of stock to

automatically decrease by the amount in the order.

In the above diagram you will see that the order 8 has been marked despatched and allocated.

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Create an invoice from a Sales Order

To create an invoice against a sales order firstly you need to select the sales order, in the example above we have

selected sales order ref 8. You can then use the right click on your mouse to select the ‘Create Invoice’ tab or you

can use the action buttons provided above. Once you select the create invoice tab the invoice will then be saved to

‘Drafts’. From the ‘Sales tab’ go to ‘List Invoices’, view the invoices in ‘Drafts’ and then select the required invoice

and ‘Save to Accounts’.

Once you create an invoice you will see the Invoice number that has been assigned to this sales order. In the

example above you will see that Invoice No. 28 has been assigned to Sales Order ref 8.

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8 Manage Receipts – Money In

Receipts are a way of recording money coming into the bank.

Fusion Accounts has 3 different types of Receipts:

Customer Receipts

General Receipts

Batch Receipts

8.1 Entering Customer Receipts

Once the customer has paid for the goods/services this can be recorded to show the money coming off the customer

account and also show the money coming into the bank.

At the Home Page, choose the Money Inn/Customer Receipts tab.

The list can be refined to show only one customer. For example type the customer name into the search field at top

of column and hit return to show only this customer’s invoices.

Select the relevant customer and use your right click function to choose Receipt

All outstanding sales invoices for this customer will appear. Complete the fields:

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Total Transaction Amount: Enter the amount received from the customer.

Amount Left to Allocate: Note - This field cannot be completed by the user. Later when amounts are

allocated to invoices this field will display the balance left over.

To Bank Account: Select which Bank the money is to be paid into.

On Transaction Date: Enter the date the money is lodged into the bank.

With Transaction Reference: Enter a reference, for example, the lodgement/paying in book number.

And Optional Description: This field allows the user to be more descriptive about the transaction if


Amount to allocate: Click into the Amount to allocate fields and enter the amounts allocated

against each sales invoice. In this example £1200 is allocated against invoice

no 1, and £2500 is allocated against invoice no 5. Neither invoice is paid in

full but is being part-paid.

Pay in Full: If the invoice is to be paid in full, then click Pay in Full. The greyed-out box

Amount Left to Allocate will now display any balances. Click Save. A

message bar will appear asking the user to confirm details. If the amounts

are agreed then click Continue and the transaction is saved.

Clear: Will clear any values that were entered in the Amount to allocate fields but

leave the data entered on the left side of the screen.

Pay all Invoices in Full: This will pay all the invoices in full and automatically enter the invoice values

into the Amount to allocate fields.

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8.1.1 To send an e-statement to the customer.

An e-statement is where the user can email a statement straight to the customer.

From the Customer menu select ‘List Customers’,highlight the relevant customer or type the customer name to

refine the customer list, then by using the right click tab select Customer E-Statement. Alternatively you can use the

action tabs above.

Choose the e-statement button.

Enter the Recipient’s email address and any message the user wishes the customer to see. When creating a

customer you will have the option of entering an email address in the customer details page. This default email will

automatically appear each time you choose to select the ‘Email invoice’ option, hence you will not need to enter it

manually each time.

Choose Send. The statement will print in pdf format.

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8.2 General Receipts

General receipts are money coming into the banks which do not pass through the sales ledger. Such examples would

be money received as a loan, a VAT reclaim or capital introduced by the owner of a company. There is no customer

but the bank needs to record the money coming in.

At the Home Page, choose the Money In/General Receipts tab.

The following window appears.

Currency: If a foreign currency is being use, edit the currency rate.

Bank: Choose the relevant bank.

Date: Enter the lodgement date.

Gross Amount: Enter the amount lodged.

Ref: Enter a reference, for example, the lodgement/paying in book number.

Description: Enter any additional detail about the transaction.

Nominal Account: Select the relevant Nominal Account.

Tax Code: Select the relevant tax code and tax amount. (Note the tax amount can be over-ridden)

Click Record.

The bank is updated with this amount.

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8.3 Batch Receipts – Coming soon

Batch receipts are similar to general receipts but the transactions can be entered as a group therefore allowing for

quicker processing. Batch receipts like general receipts do not pass via the sales ledger. An example of using Batch

receipts could be where several cheques are lodged on the same date using the same lodgement number and could

therefore be entered as a batch entry.

At the Home Page, choose the Receipts/Batch Receipts tab.

The following window appears with tabs along the top – In Progress and Completed.

Within the In Progress tab further tabs exist:

New will create new bank receipts.

Resume will continue entering batch receipts.

Delete to delete bank receipts.

Clone to copy a bank receipt.

Commit to proceed and record the bank receipt.

In Progress and Completed tabs

Note: The In Progress tab will allow the user to enter receipt details without having completed the full task. The

Resume button allows the user to continue with the task at a later time. Once the transaction/s is finalised and the

Commit button has been selected the transactions will now move to the Completed tab.

To Create New Batch Receipts

Click New and the following window will appear.

Enter a reference and date for the receipt followed by the Add button.

The next window looks very similar to the General Receipts window except a Reference and Date field also exist at

the top of the window.

As with the General Receipts complete the window with the following details:-

Currency, bank account, date, gross amount, reference, description, nominal account, tax code and tax amount.

Click the Record button when each individual entry is made and the transactions will be listed.

Choose Edit to edit any bank receipt or Delete to delete the receipt.

When all transactions for this lodgement have been entered, click the Commit button.

At this stage the transaction is batched together as 1 grouped transaction and no longer shows in the In Progress


Completed tab

If the user wished to go back and examine the transaction/s at a later period, click on the completed tab.

The transaction will show here as 1 transaction with a Session ID and 1 reference. To drill down and examine the

individual transactions tick the relevant Session Id box and choose the View button.

The individual transactions are listed.

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9 Manage Payments – Money Out

Payments are a way of recording money going out of the bank.

Fusion Accounts has 3 different types of Payments:

General Payment

Supplier Payment

Batch Payment Sessions

9.1 General Payments

General payments are money going out of the bank which does not pass through the purchase ledger. Such

examples would be money wages, a VAT payment or bank charges. There is no supplier but the bank needs to

record the money going out.

At the Home Page, choose the Money Out tab/General Payments. The following window appears.

Currency: If a foreign currency is being use, edit the currency rate.

Bank: Choose the relevant bank.

Date: Enter the payment date.

Gross Amount: Enter the amount paid.

Ref: Enter a reference, for example, the cheque number, BACS, DD etc

Description: The Payee and enter any additional detail about the transaction.

Nominal Account: Select the relevant Nominal Account.

Tax Code: Select the relevant tax code and tax amount. (Note the tax amount can be over-ridden)

Click Record. The bank is updated with this amount.

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9.2 Entering Supplier Payments

Once the supplier invoice has been created, payment can be recorded against a purchase invoice or purchase credit

note. The bank will also be reduced by the payment amount.

At the Home Page, choose the Money Out tab/Supplier Payments.

The list can be refined to show only one supplier. For example type XYZ001, click Refine List to show only this

supplier’s invoices.

Tick the relevant supplier and choose the Payment button.

All outstanding purchase invoices for this supplier will appear.

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Complete the fields:

Total Transaction Amount: Enter the amount paid to the supplier. In this example the user is making a part

payment of £400.00.

Amount Left to Allocate: Note - This field cannot be completed by the user. Later when amounts are

allocated to invoices this field will display the balance left over.

To Bank Account: Select which Bank the money is to be paid out of.

On Transaction Date: Enter the date the cheque is written.

With Transaction Reference: Enter a reference, for example, the cheque number, BACS or DD etc.

And Optional Description: Enter the Payee and any additional information if desired.

Amount to allocate: Click into the Amount to allocate fields and enter the amounts allocated against each

purchase invoice. In this example £400.00 is being paid of an invoice amount of


Pay in Full: If the invoice is to be paid in full, then click Pay in Full. The greyed-out box Amount

Left to Allocate will now display any balances. Click Save. A message bar will appear

asking the user to confirm details. If the amounts are agreed then click Continue and

the transaction is saved.

Click the Save button.

A message appears confirming details of the payment.

Click the Continue button and the user is taken back to the supplier window to continue with entering supplier


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9.3 Batch Payment Sessions – Coming Soon

Batch payments are similar to general payments but the transactions can be entered as a group therefore allowing

for quicker processing. Batch payments like general payments do not pass through the purchase ledger. An

example of using Batch payments could be where several payments are made on the same date and could therefore

be entered as a batch entry.

At the Home Page, choose the Payments tab/Batch Payments.

The following window appears with tabs along the top – In Progress and Completed.

Within the In Progress tab further tabs exist:

New will create new bank payment.

Resume will continue entering batch payments.

Delete to delete bank payments.

Clone to copy a bank payment.

Commit to proceed and record the bank payment.

In Progress and Completed tabs

Note: The In Progress tab will allow the user to enter payment details without having completed the full task. The

Resume button allows the user to continue with the task at a later time. Once the transaction/s is finalised and the

Commit button has been selected the transactions will now move to the Completed tab.

To Create New Batch Payments

Click New and the following window will appear.

Enter a reference and date for the payment followed by the Add button.

The next window looks very similar to the General Payments window except a Reference and Date field also exist at

the top of the window.

As with the General Payments complete the window with the following details:-

Currency rate, bank account, date, gross amount, reference, description, nominal account, tax code and tax amount.

Click the Record button when each individual entry is made and the transactions will be listed.

Choose Edit to edit any bank payment or Delete to delete the receipt.

When all transactions for this cheque or BACS payment have been entered, click the Commit button.

At this stage the transaction is batched together as 1 grouped transaction and no longer shows in the In Progress


Completed tab

If the user wished to go back and examine the transaction/s at a later period, click on the completed tab.

The transaction will show here as 1 transaction with a Session Id and 1 reference.

To drill down and examine the individual transactions tick the relevant Session Id box and choose the View button.

The individual transactions are listed.

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10 Purchases

The Purchase tab gives the following options:-

Add Supplier Invoice, Supplier Invoices, Purchase Credits Notes, Create Purchase Orders, Purchase Orders.

10.1 Add Supplier Invoice

At the Home Page, choose the Purchases tab/Add Supplier Invoice.

From the Supplier details section click on the drop down list to choose a supplier. You can also type in the first

letter(s) of the suppliers name to find possible matches The supplier name and address will appear below the list

box. Check the correct supplier has been chosen. If you need to create a new supplier you can this do from the

quick tab above ‘Add Supplier’

Enter the invoice date.

To add item lines to the invoice, click Add New Item button.

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Select the item line from the list box. If you have created products then these will also appear within this list.

The user can type a description for the purchase of the product or service.

Enter the quantity purchased and net price per unit and choose a relevant tax code. Click the Add button.

To enter another item to the invoice, click the Add New Item button.

The items line can be Edited or Deleted if chosen.

Continue entering the purchase item lines to the invoice until all items are listed.

The invoice can be Printed, Save to Drafts, Save to Accounts or Cancelled.

Print: The invoice will be created in pdf format allowing the user to preview the invoice before printing.

Save to Drafts: The invoice can be saved in draft format which means it is not posted yet to the purchase account. In

this format the invoice can be edited or changed at a later time.

Save to Accounts: The invoice is posted to the supplier account.

Cancel: The invoice can be cancelled at this stage.

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10.2 List Supplier Invoices

The user may wish to view or check purchase invoices or credit notes that have been created for a specific

month/period. The invoices can be edited and changed, printed, emailed or deleted from this option.

At the Home Page, choose the Purchases tab/Supplier Invoices.

A filter can be used to search for a specific supplier if desired. This is useful when the supplier list becomes longer

and the user has to scroll up or down to find the required supplier. You can search invoices for a specific supplier by

using the filter above. Type the supplier name into the box provided and hit return.

To List Purchase Invoices

The user must consider how to view the Purchase Invoices. The greys tabs listed will allow the invoices to list in

different ways. The tab that is highlight white is the status of invoices you are currently viewing:-

Drafts - will display purchase invoices in draft form

Outstanding - will display purchase invoices that have not been paid yet

Overdue - will display purchase invoices that are due for payment

Paid - will display purchase invoices that have been paid in full

All - will display all purchase invoices

For example, to see a list of all purchase invoices, choose the All tab.

The dark Grey tabs above will also allow the user to:

Review Invoice - will show the purchase invoice and also any payments against it

Add Invoice - will allow the user to add an invoice

Clone Invoice - will copy a previous invoice

Edit Invoice - will allow the user to make changes to a purchase invoice

Delete Invoice - will delete a purchase invoice

Save to Accounts- will save the purchase invoice to the supplier account

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Print Invoice - will print the purchase invoice in pdf format

Email Invoice - will email the purchase invoice

Add Notes - will add notes to the purchase invoice

The user can also right click on the supplier name to view the list above.

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10.3 Add Supplier Credits

The credit note is similar to adding a Purchase Invoice except the user is crediting the supplier account.

At the Home Page, choose the Purchases tab/Purchase Credit Notes.

Similar to creating a Purchase Invoice, choose the supplier from the drop down list and check to ensure the correct

supplier has been chosen. Enter a date for the credit note.

Add item lines to the credit note, listing details of returned goods, quantity, unit price and relevant tax code.

The lines on the credit note can also be either Edited or Deleted.

Once all the changes are complete click the Save Sales Credit button or choose Cancel to abandon the credit note.

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10.4 Purchase Orders

Create a Purchase Order

At the Home Page, choose the Purchases tab and then select Create Purchase Order

Supplier Details

From the Supplier details section use the drop down arrow to receive a list of all suppliers. Alternatively you can

type in the first couple of letters of the suppliers name and a short list of suppliers that match these letters will be

produced to reduce the time it takes to search for a supplier. The supplier name and address will appear below the

list box. Ensure the correct supplier has been chosen.

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Purchase Order Details

Four fields exist over to the right hand side of the order window. The user cannot type into the ‘No’ field but they

can enter data into the other fields. The currency field can only be altered if you have activated Foreign Currency

from the ‘Business Details Page’ and have also selected ‘allow transactions in other currencies’ field from the

supplier details page.

Enter the date and the status of the order.

Purchase Order Items

To add item lines to the order, click the Add New Item button.

If you have created a product you will find your product in the drop down list in the ‘Select Line Item’ search box (See

product section 7.4)

Click on the required product, adjust the quantity add then select ‘Insert’

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Once you are happy with the ‘Purchase Order Items’ select ‘Save Purchase Order’

Allocate a Purchase Order

Once the order has been received you need to do two things

Change the status of the order to show ‘delivered’. To do this select the required order and click on ‘Edit order’.

Change the status from ‘not received’ to ‘delivered’

Allocate the order. To do this select the required order and click on ‘Allocate’ . This will cause the level of stock to

automatically increase by the amount in order.

11 Manage Suppliers

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The Manage Supplier option allows the user to:

Add Suppliers, List Suppliers, Aged Creditors, Recover Suppliers, Supplier Reports.

11.1 To Add a New Supplier

At the Home Page, choose the Suppliers tab/Add Supplier.

The next window allows the user to complete the fields with the appropriate supplier details.

A/C Ref - should be a unique code for each new supplier and will allow up to 8 characters. In this example the

Supplier XYZ Computer Supplies Ltd has a code of XYZ001. If another supplier has a similar name, the code used

could be XYZ002 and so on.

Complete the other details such as Name, email, Tel no, mobile, fax, website, settlement days, VAT no, default

nominal code, currency and address.

If applicable, tick the box ‘allow transactions in other currencies’, this option will only be seen by those businesses

that have activated foreign currency.

Click the Save button at the bottom right of screen.

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11.2 List Suppliers

The List Suppliers option allows the user to add, view or edit the supplier list.

From this window the user can also can add invoices, create notes, list invoices, view the supplier account, allocate

payments or delete the supplier.

At the Home Page, choose the Supplier tab/List Suppliers.

A list of Suppliers already created will be displayed. An example is given below:

A filter can be used to search for a specific supplier if desired. This is useful when the supplier list becomes longer

and the user has to scroll up or down to find the required supplier. Enter the supplier name into the search filter

titled ‘name’ and hit return.

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11.2.1 Editing existing Suppliers

At the Home Page, choose the Suppliers tab/List Supplier.

A filter may be used to look for a specific supplier.

Notice the tabs above the filter. We can also perform these functions by right clicking on the supplier.

Add Supplier allows the user to create a new supplier

Details allows the user to view suppliers details

View Invoices allows the user to view invoices against this supplier

Add Invoice a purchase invoice can be created

Notes notes can be made against a specific supplier

Supplier Statement produces a supplier statement

Allocate Balance to invoice allows user to allocate a balance to an invoice

Delete allows the user to delete a supplier

Payment allows the user to make a payment to a supplier

To Edit an Existing Supplier

Place a tick beside the chosen supplier and click on the ‘Details’ button. Alternatively right click once on the selected

suppliers name.

This will allow the user to change any supplier details and click the Save button to record any changes.

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11.3 Aged Creditors

This option allows the user to view the Aged Creditors list showing the business who is due to get paid.

At the Home Page, choose the Suppliers tab/Aged Creditors.

The invoices are slotted into the relevant 30, 60, 90 or older day periods.

Credit control is an important part of any business. It is imperative that creditors are paid on time to ensure smooth

delivery of goods, products and services.

The telephone number is listed along with the supplier name to allow the user to contact the supplier if there are any

queries on their account.

If a different period is desired, for example 28 days instead of 30, the user can change the figures within the Period 1,

2 and 3 fields and click Run to search for the criteria.

Note also the To Date field. This will default to today’s date and count the ageing period from the date entered here.

This date field can also be changed if desired.

The user can also right click on the supplier name to perform a range of task.

The results of the search can be sent to MS Excel or MS Word.

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11.4 Recover Suppliers

The recover suppliers’ option is available for suppliers that have been deleted and the user decides they would like

to re-instate them.

At the Home Page, choose the Suppliers tab/Recover Suppliers.

Highlight the relevant supplier/s. Click on the Recover Supplier button.

The supplier will now be added back into the supplier list.

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11.5 Supplier Reports

The supplier reports window allows the user to run reports on specific suppliers or all suppliers for certain periods.

At the Home Page, choose the Supplier tab/Supplier Reports.

Year End, From, To - The report can be run for the current year, all financial years or for specified dates.

Filter List by Supplier Name, Ref, and Contact – A filter can be used to search for a specific supplier if desired. This is

useful when the supplier list becomes longer and the user has to scroll up or down to find the required supplier.

Selected Report – The user can choose a month or yearly activity report or a list of transactions. Choose the desired

report type. Click the Run button.

Exporting Reports for Printing Purposes - The report information is displayed with a choice of file formats allowing

the user to export the file.

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12 Money Management/Banks

Many businesses operate with more than one bank account.

Fusion Accounts offers 3 bank accounts, 2 credit card accounts and a petty cash account.

Other bank accounts can be created if necessary within the Manage Nominals section.

12.1 Bank Accounts

At the Home Page, choose the Bank tab/Bank Accounts.

The banks are listed in the window. Action tab above will allow the user to:

General Receipt Record a general receipt

General Payment Create a general payment

Customer Receipt Record a customer receipt

Supplier Payment Create a supplier payment

Bank Transfer

Details View details of the chosen bank account

Statement Run a bank statement

Reconcile Reconcile the chosen bank account

To access the information the user needs to highlight the relevant bank and click on the button of their choice.

Alternatively they can perform these actions by right clicking on a selected bank account.

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12.2 Bank Transfers

Bank Transfers allow the user to transfer money out of one bank and into another or vice-versa.

At the Home Page, choose the Bank tab/Bank Transfers

An example of a bank transfer might be when a cheque is written for petty cash from the main bank account of £100.

The transfer is then from the bank account and to the petty cash.


From Account - Select the bank the money is coming from

Date - Enter the date of the money transfer

Gross Amount - Enter the amount

Reference - Enter a reference, for example, the cheque number

Description - Enter a useful description

To Account - Select the bank the money is going into

Click the Record button.

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12.3 Bank Reconciliation

Bank reconciliation is a process of matching the Fusion bank records with those from the physical bank statement.

Whilst performing bank reconciliation the user will need to add any missing transactions such as bank charges and

interest receipts listed on the bank statement.

To begin a bank reconciliation you will firstly need to choose the Bank tab followed by Bank Accounts. Then select

the required bank account and click on ‘reconcile’. Thereafter each time you want to access this bank rec go to the

Bank Tab followed by Bank Reconciliation.

In Progress and Completed tabs can be used to examine which bank statements have already been completed or any

reconciliation that are still in progress.

In Progress will allow the user to continue bank reconciling. The user may have paused to continue some other task.

Completed tab will allow the user to look back at previously reconciled bank statements.

To Reconcile the bank

Tick the relevant bank, and within the In Progress tab, click the Resume button. Bank transactions entered earlier

will now appear in the window. The transactions are listed by Type, Ref, Description, Transaction date, payables and


• Statement Date - Enter the date from the bank statement.

• Opening Balance - Once reconciliation has begun the opening balance field will display the last closing


• Closing Balance – The user can enter the closing balance figure taken from the bank statement.

• Reconciled Balance – The user cannot edit this field. Balances will be displayed here once the user starts to

reconcile transactions and click the Save button.

• Difference - This figure should always be zero when transactions have been matched otherwise the user will

have typed an incorrect closing balance figure.

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If a transaction appears on the bank statement, place a tick beside the same transaction on the fusion bank

reconciliation window.

Continue ticking the transactions that appear on both the bank statement and Fusion to match both.

Save – will save the transaction and refresh the window to show the updated Reconciled Balance.

Complete – will complete the reconciliation process.

Record Payment/Record Receipt

The user will come across transactions on the bank statement that are not yet entered in the Fusion accounts


These may be transactions such as bank charges or fees, direct debits or standing orders. The Record Payment

button within the bank reconciliation window will allow the user to record them from here without having to leave

the reconciliation window.

There may also be money coming into the business from a non-customer, for example , a refund from HMRC- VAT

Reclaim. The Record Receipt button is available within the bank reconciliation window to record the money coming


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12.4 Bank Reports

Bank Reports allow the user to run reports to validate and check the data entered.

At the Home Page, choose the Bank tab/Bank Reports.

A filter can be used to search for all or only specific dates.

Tick the relevant bank.

A choice of four reports is available.

1. Reconciled and Un-reconciled Transactions

2. Reconciled Transactions only

3. All Transactions

4. Un-reconciled transactions only

Click the Run button for the type of report required.

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Exporting Reports for Printing Purposes

The report information is displayed with a choice of file formats allowing the user to export the file.

In this example, the report has been exported in pdf format.

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13 Manage VAT

Preparing the VAT Return is easy with Fusion accounts.

Fusion Accounts supports businesses that need to complete more than one VAT return, i.e. dual VAT. Dual VAT

makes it possible to run a UK VAT Return and/or an EC VAT Return.

13.1 VAT Returns

In this example a UK VAT Return is discussed.

At the Home Page, choose the VAT tab/VAT Returns.

In Progress and Completed tabs.

In Progress will allow the user to create a New VAT Return, Resume or continue running a VAT Return or Delete a

VAT Return.

Completed tab will allow the user to look back at previously reconciled VAT Returns.

To Create a VAT Return

Within the In Progress tab, choose the New button.

Country – This field displays the currency for this return.

Period Start/End – Some businesses will complete the VAT Return quarterly, some companies monthly. Enter the

start and end date for this VAT return. You do not need to be too concerned about the start date as Fusion will pick

up any outstanding transactions that have been performed since the last VAT return was completed.

Click the Calculate button to generate the values for the requested date range.

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The window is quite similar to the VAT 100 form required by HMRC. The boxes 1 – 9 are completed with the relevant

values from the quarterly postings.

The bottom pane will list the grouped transactions that make up the VAT Return. An arrow exists to the left side of

the transaction to allow the user to drill down further if necessary.

The main column headings show:-

Type this column will display the type of transaction, for example a purchase or sales tax type transaction

Description will display if the transaction was a standard rated, zero rated or a non-vatable transaction

Tax code the tax codes used are listed, T1 = standard rate currently 15%, T5 = 5% VAT, T0 = zero rated,

T9 = non-vatable

Net the net amount

Gross the gross amount

Sales tax the tax amount will show as a plus + figure if a sales item and a minus- figure if a purchase item

(A more detailed list, if desired, can be viewed from the Vat Transactions menu discussed in the next section, 13.2).

Completing the VAT Return

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Generating the VAT Return allows the user to check that all the relevant transactions are listed. When the user is

satisfied that the figures have been checked and the return is correct, click the Commit button.

This will remove the VAT Return from the In Progress tab and place into the Completed tab.

The following message appears.

Click Done to finish.

If the user wishes to look back at a previous return, they can be Reviewed within the Completed tab.

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13.2 VAT Transactions

A more detailed list of VAT Transactions can be viewed within the VAT Transactions menu.

At the Home Page, choose the VAT tab/VAT Transactions.

Enter the Vat Session dates. In this example the period is from 01.04.09 to 30.06.09. Click the Show button.

All transactions belonging to this period are listed.

This column view gives a lot more detail than the previous VAT Return window.

The transaction list can be exported to MS Excel or Word by clicking on the relevant choice.

The list can be grouped by a particular column by dragging the column header onto the blue bar below the Excel and

Word buttons and may allow for easier checking.

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13.3 VAT Reports

VAT Reports allow the user to run reports to validate and check the data entered.

At the Home Page, choose the VAT tab/VAT Reports.

A filter can be used to search for all or only specific dates.

Enter the specified dates and place a tick beside the relevant VAT Return. Click the Run button.

The report information is displayed with a choice of file formats allowing the user to export the file.

In this example, the report has been exported in pdf format.

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15 Financials

The financials part of the window is used to:

1) Set up the Fusion Accounts program with regard to Nominal types. (These are discussed further in this

section – under Nominals).

2) Run management reports such as Audit Trail, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet.

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab.

The various options are listed and will be now be discussed further.

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15.1 Transaction Audit Trail

The Transaction Audit Trail displays a list of all the transactions on all of the Nominal accounts. This is an excellent

report to run when checking entries on the system or to check a user’s work.

To run the reports enter the required dates. The user can enter the date of the transaction or the date the entries

were made on Fusion accounts. You can also perform a search against ‘reference’, ‘description’, ‘number’, etc.

A different Year End can be chosen, if desired.

Click the Display button.

The list of entries can be sent to MS Excel for the user to manipulate in a spreadsheet.

The entries can also be reversed or the transaction/s can be edited from this window. (Check)

If the user wishes to see the transaction further broken down this can be achieved by clicking on the + sign to the left

of the transaction.

On the right hand side of the screen it will also show which user has performed which transaction. See ‘User’

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15.2 Nominals

The Nominal Ledger is the core of the Fusion accounts software. As the user starts to enter transactions such as

sales and purchase invoices, recording bank payments and receipts etc they will be asked to choose a Nominal type.

These types make up the company’s assets, liabilities, income and expenditure and form the layout for the Profit and

Loss and Balance sheet reports.

The Nominal types within Fusion Accounts are listed in alphabetical order which make it extremely useful for look-up

purposes. They also have a 4 digit number. These are recorded in a standard layout i.e. Sales nominals start with a

4000 number while purchases start with a 5000 number. When adding a new nominal Fusion will automatically

generate a nominal code based on what nominal type we select.

The standard Nominal types/categories that come with Fusion Accounts can be added to or existing codes can be

amended which allow a company to customise the software to their specific requirements or industry. For example

the sales types are currently listed as Sales type A, Sales Type B etc. These can be renamed to suit sales in different

geographical areas or sales by product type. The business can then analyse their sales in these different areas by

running specific reports or by highlighting the relevant Nominal type and looking at the Activity that has happened

within that account.

Adjustments and reversals can also be made if necessary.

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15.3 Add Nominals

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/Add Nominal

Nominal Type: Choose a type from the list box. (In this example Sales has been chosen).

Nominal Category: Choose a category from the list box, for example, Product, Export, Other or Sale of Assets.

Note: These category types can also be edited or added to if necessary.

Next Nominal Code: This box will be greyed out so the user cannot use it but the next Nominal code number

available will be displayed.

Currency: Choose the type of currency, if applicable.

Nominal Name: Enter a description for the new Nominal account.

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To Amend an Existing Nominal Account

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/ Nominals.

Highlight the relevant Nominal type and choose the Amend Nominal button.

Change the Nominal category, if applicable and the Nominal Name.

Click Update.

Click Done.

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15.4 Nominal Categories

To Add or Edit Nominal Categories

The Nominal Categories are used to group the Nominal types. On the standard Fusion Accounts layout any types

that fall between 4000 and 4099 numbers are grouped as Product Sales, any types between 4100 and 4199 are

grouped as Export Sales and so on. However these groupings can be edited and changed to suit the needs of the


The standard layout allows for Product, Export, Sales of Assets, Credit Charges and Other Sales.

It may be that an organisation would like to categorise their Product Sales and Service Sales separately. A new

category that falls within 4300 and 4399 could be created or 4100 to 4199 could be edited and renamed.

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/Nominal Categories

To Add a New Category

Click the Add button. Choose the relevant Nominal Type. Enter a Category Name. Enter the Lower and Upper


Click Save.

The new category will be added to the list.

To Amend an Existing Nominal Category

Highlight the relevant Nominal category and choose the Edit button.

Change the Nominal category, if applicable and the Nominal Name.

Change the Category Name and Lower and Upper References, if applicable.

Click Save.

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15.5 Nominal Adjustments

15.6 Completed Adjustments

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15.7 Profit and Loss

The Profit and Loss will show if the business is making a Profit or a Loss. It is one of the most requested reports by

management or the owner/s of the business.

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/P&L.

Select the Year End from the list box.

If a Profit and Loss is required for the current financial year, enter from and to dates. Click Generate.

The Profit and Loss report will show on the screen. The user can scroll up and down the window to view all of the

information or the zoom button can be changed to suit the user.

If a printout is required the report can be exported in various formats: XML, CSV, TIFF, PDF, Web archive and Excel.

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15.8 Trial Balance

The Trial Balance is a list of all the debits and credits entered onto the Fusion Accounts program. Users who have no

prior knowledge of bookkeeping rules do not need to worry when using Fusion Accounts as the software will place

the transaction on the relevant debit or credit side.

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/Trial Balance.

Select the Year End from the list box.

Enter the to date. Click Generate.

The Trial Balance will show on the screen. The user can scroll up and down the window to view all of the information

or the zoom button can be changed to suit the user.

The Trial Balance report can be exported in various formats: XML, CSV, TIFF, PDF, Web archive and Excel.

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15.9 Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet shows the financial position of the business, that is, what the business is worth, what is owned

and what is owed. The Balance Sheet should always balance, just as the Trial Balance discussed earlier in this

section. The last line on the balance check therefore should always be zero.

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/Balance Sheet.

Select the Year End from the list box.

Enter the ‘to’ date. Click Generate.

The Balance Sheet will show on the screen. The user can scroll up and down the window to view all of the

information or the zoom button can be changed to suit the user.

The Balance Sheet like the other reports can be exported in various formats: XML, CSV, TIFF, PDF, Web archive and


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15.10 Year End Sessions

This option will allow the user to create a New year end, Review or Delete a previous year end.

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/Year End Sessions.

To Create a New Year End

Click on the New button.

Enter the year end date and any relevant notes.

The Preview button will allow the user to examine the Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet totals before completing the

Year End.

Once the user decides to complete the Year End, choose the Complete button. The Edit button will allow the user

back to the previous window to change the year end date or the notes.

To Excel will allow the user to send the data to MS Excel if desired.

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15.11 Nominal Reports

The Nominal Reports have the ability to drill down on specific Nominal types and report any activity or history on

specific areas of the accounts.

At the Home Page, choose the Financials tab/Nominal Reports

In this example, the April 2009 – March 2010 period has been requested and the Nominal types Hardware Sales A

and Software Sales have been ticked. You can choose to run reports across selected nominals or all nominals.

At the bottom of the screen, click Run.

The next window will show only the relevant information which can be exported in various formats: XML, CSV, TIFF,

PDF, Web archive and Excel.