fusion energy powering the xxi century

Fusion Energy Fusion Energy Powering the XXI century Powering the XXI century Carlos Matos Ferreira, Carlos Carlos Matos Ferreira, Carlos Varandas Varandas and Duarte and Duarte Borba Borba Instituto Instituto Superior Superior T T é é cnico cnico , , Lisboa Lisboa , Portugal , Portugal 20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

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Fusion EnergyFusion Energy

Powering the XXI centuryPowering the XXI century

Carlos Matos Ferreira, Carlos Carlos Matos Ferreira, Carlos VarandasVarandas and Duarte and Duarte BorbaBorba

InstitutoInstituto Superior Superior TTéécnicocnico, , LisboaLisboa, Portugal, Portugal

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal


•• World Energy ConsumptionWorld Energy Consumption

•• Global WarmingGlobal Warming

•• Advantages of Fusion energyAdvantages of Fusion energy

•• Present machines close to breakevenPresent machines close to breakeven

•• ITER (Next step device)ITER (Next step device)

•• SummarySummary

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

World populationand energydemand growingrapidly

Predictionssuggest stronggrowth willcontinue

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Assuming that theworld populationstabilises at 10 Billion

World energyconsumption willexceed the currentenergy sources

Shortfall must besupplied byalternative sources

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

World energyconsumption isdominated by the useof fossil fuels

The use of fossil fuelsposes seriousenvironmental problemsdue to emission ofgreenhouse gases to theatmosphere

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Average temperature in the northhemisphere at the surface

CO2 concentrationreadings


CO2 datafrom ice


Global warmingis alreadyhappening

There is evidence thatthe main cause ofrecent global warmingis atmosphericpollution

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Global temperatureincreases of 1-3degrees is forecasted,depending on theglobal CO2 emissions,in the next 100 years

Natural causes Human Impact

Combined(Natural andHuman impact)

Average globaltemperature atthe surface



Global temperatureincreases of 1-3degrees will have amajor impact on theglobal environment

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Number ofdays with

maximumtemperatureabove 35ºC

1961-1990 Optimistic scenario Pessimistic Scenario


20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Sources of Energy in XXISources of Energy in XXI

Nuclear FissionNuclear Fission (Long term, High level (Long term, High level radioactive waste)radioactive waste)

Fossil fuelsFossil fuels (Coal) (Coal) (Green house gas (Green house gas emissions and Global warming)emissions and Global warming)

RenewablesRenewables (Solar,Wind) (not suitable for (not suitable for very large energy demands very large energy demands peak power >>1GWpeak power >>1GW))

Nuclear FusionNuclear Fusion (Safe & low level radioactive (Safe & low level radioactive waste, no atmospheric pollution)waste, no atmospheric pollution)

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Deuterium available for millions of years Lithium (to produce Tritium) available forthousands of years

Fuel abundant (available world-wide)

No Greenhouse gases (CO, CO2) and no acid rain(SO2, NO2)

Short life radioactivity (associated with plant activation)No need for transport of activated materials

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Progress in fusion canbe compared with thecomputing power andparticle physicsaccelerator energy

Present machines producesignificant fusion power(TFTR 10MW in 1994) and(JET 16MW in 1997)

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Present machines areclose to produce fusionenergy comparable withthe energy required tosustain the plasma(breakeven)

Next step devices (ITER)are expected to producesignificantly more fusionenergy than the energyrequired to sustain theplasma (close to Ignition)

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal




Active MHDActive MHD











5 MA3.5 MA2.5 MA7 MA7 MA0.65 MA1.6 MA1.7 MAPlasma


4.4 T2.2 T5.2 T5.2 T3.45 T2 T4 T4.5 TToroidal field

3.45 m1.67 m2.48 m2.96 m2.96 m1.75 m1.65 m2.36 mMajor radius




(Japan)DIIID (USA)








Union in

the UK)





Tore Supra


Main Main tokamakstokamaks around the world around the world

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

30 years

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

2.5%, 0.7T, P


85P (MW)

40-90Paux (MW)

410410PPfusfus (MW) (MW)

15(17)IP (MA)

5.3Bt (T)

20002000flat-top length (s)flat-top length (s)

2a (m)

6.2R (m)

ITER will be a nuclear machine: 1.5 x 1020 neutrons/s

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal


Presently 2 options exist for large scale energy production in thePresently 2 options exist for large scale energy production in thesecond half of XXI century:second half of XXI century:

Nuclear FissionNuclear Fission (Long term, High level (Long term, High level radioactive waste)radioactive waste)

Fossil fuelsFossil fuels (Coal) (Coal) (Green house gas emissions and global (Green house gas emissions and globalwarming)warming)

RenewablesRenewables cannot provide a solution for the global energyproblem

We need a 3rd option:We need a 3rd option:

Nuclear FusionNuclear Fusion (Safe & low level radioactive waste, no (Safe & low level radioactive waste, no atmospheric pollution)atmospheric pollution)

20th International Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal