futurism- f.t. marinetti

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submittedby:12617126251262612644FuturismSpeed!Technology!Industry!Youth!Violence!Fillipo MarinettiAuthor of The Futurist Manifesto (199! a "elebration of youth# speed# and ma"hinery$n%orn in &'ypt (e"$ 22# 1)76*ad a lo+e for literatureFrom youn' a'e,hoose literary -o"ation o+erla.1$ /e .ant to sin' the lo+e of dan'er# the habit of ener'y and rashness2$ 0iterature has up to no. ma'ni1ed pensi+e immobility# e"stasy and slumber$ 2$ %eauty e3ists only in stru''le$ There is no masterpie"e that has not an a''ressi+e "hara"ter$ 4oetry must be a +iolent assault on the for"es of the un5no.n# to for"e them to bo. before man$4$ /e .ant to 'lorify .ar 6 the only "ure for the .orld 6 militarism# patriotism# the destru"ti+e 'esture of the anar"hists# the beautiful ideas .hi"h 5ill# and "ontempt for .oman$5$ /e .ant to demolish museums and libraries# 1'ht morality# feminism and all opportunist and utilitarian "o.ardi"e$The Manifesto of FuturismFilippo Tommaso MarinettiFuturism be'an in 199 7 pursued many of ideas that ,ubists e3plored$ %e'an as a literary mo+ement but soon en"ompassed all the +isual arts# "inema# theatre# musi"# and ar"hite"ture$4ublished his Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism8 in a 4aris 9e.spaper$4romoted a ne. taste for speed# ener'y and po.er of modern te"hnolo'y and modern urban life$ ,onte3t: :ust before the outbrea5 of //;$ ;taly is 'oin' throu'h its o.n "ultural "risis$ ;t is an old "ountry .ith a lon'# ri"h "ultural history "au'ht bet.een its 'lorious past and its modern present$ They .ant to lea+e the past behind so badly that they are not e+en "ontent .ith "at"hin' up to the present< they .ant to push for.ard to the future$ They thus embra"e all thin's modern# "elebratin' the bi' "ity and the ma"hine$FILIPPO TOMMASO MARINETTI is the leader of this movement. LITERATURE AND POETRY are the rst t!o artisti" dis"i#lines to $e anal%&ed $% the f't'rist. The "han(e of the r'les is drasti". The old st%le is denitivel% $anned. The milestone is )MAFAR*A IL FUTURISTA+ #rinted in ,-.-/ at the same time of the manifesto of f't'rism.The novel !as #'t in #ro"ess $e"a'se it "ontained e0#li"it "alls a$o't ra#e/ se0'al sim$ol and l'0'r%. Se0 and violen"e entered for the rst time in a italian $oo1.MARINETTI is on the rst #a(e of all ne!s#a#er and a"hieve his res'lts2 all s#ea1s a$o't f't'rism and his revol'tionar% ideas. MARINETTI for!ard some themes that !ill $e fa"ed %ear and %ears after $% others artists.Pilota stratosferi"oRenato di 3osso ,-45 =A9> T?M% T?M%in ,-,6 marinetti !rote )&an( t'm$ t'm$+ the rst #oem of !ords in freedom .the f't'rista #oetr% is onomato#oei". is the ra##resentation of the noise of the o$7e"ts d'rin( their a"tion. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti# Futurist .ords7in7freedom# 1915Filippo Tommaso Marinetti# from poem (?9parole in libert@# 1914$ Marinetti "reated a m'ltisensor% e0#erien"e $% 'sin( a "reative and darin( t%#o(ra#h% in an 'n"onventional la%o't/ that had a lastin( im#a"t on (ra#hi" desi(n.A,*A;BrrrrrrBB#A also titled A0ettre dCune :olie femme a monsieur passeisteA# ser+es as the "o+er for the mini7antholo'y of MarinettiCs "olle"ted .ritin's and typo'raphi" e3periments published in Fren"h in 1919 as A0es mots en libertE futuristesA (Futurist .ords in liberty!$ meanin' of the poem se3 for sale hypo"riti"ally presented as lo+e$1Be"ipes from the Futurist ,oo5boo5The &3"ited 4i'A .hole salami# s5inned is "oo5ed in stron' espresso "oFee and Ga+ored .ith eau7de7"olo'ne$(iaboli"al Boses Bed roses# battered and deep7fried$Himultaneous ;"e7,ream -anilla dairy "ream and little sIuares of ra. onion froJen to'ether$,hi"5en Fiat A "hi"5en is roasted .ith a handful of ball bearin's inside$ K/hen the Gesh has fully absorbed the Ga+or of the mild steel balls# the "hi"5en is ser+ed .ith a 'arnish of .hipped "ream$L) 8UOTES + KA ne. beauty has been added to the splendor of the .orld6the beauty of speed$LA/e .ant to 1'ht fero"iously a'ainst the fanati"al# un"ons"ious and snobbish reli'ion of the past# .hi"h is nourished by the e+il inGuen"e of museums$ /e rebel a'ainst the supine admiration of old "an+ases# old statues and old ob:e"ts# and a'ainst the enthusiasm for all that is .orm7eaten# dirty and "orroded by time< .e belie+e that the "ommon "ontempt for e+erythin' youn'# ne. and palpitatin' .ith life is un:ust and "riminal$A A/e aMrm that the .orld8s ma'ni1"en"e has been enri"hed by a ne. beauty: the beauty of speed$ A ra"in' "ar .hose hood is adorned .ith 'reat pipes# li5e serpents of e3plosi+e breath N a roarin' "ar that seems to run on 'rapeshot is more beautiful thanThe -i"tory of Hamothra"e(191!$LK;dealists# .or5ers of thou'ht# unite to sho. ho. inspiration and 'enius .al5 in step .ith the pro'ress of the ma"hine# of air"raft# of industry# of trade# of the s"ien"es# of ele"tri"ity$LKArt O$"an be nothin' but +iolen"e# "ruelty# and in:usti"e$L) 8UOTES + Marinetti states that K .e .ill sin' to the lar'e "ro.ds# a'itated by .or5# by pleasureorby mutiny# .e .ill sin' to the multi "olouredand polyphoni".a+es of the.or5shopsO$$To the lo"omoti+es O$ To the hed'ehoppin'airplanes$L*e pla"es the industrial "ities # the ne. "ity and the dynamism in "entre to the theme of thefuturist moment$This theme #"learly urbanand ar"hite"tural# is "hiselled .ith a dose of maturity in the approa"h to.ards poetry and paintin' as is re+ealed in bo""ioni8spi"ture$ KThe roads enters homeL19117mean.hile# a 1rm positionin' relati+e to thene. ar"hite"ture and the ne. "ity# on the part of the futurists$9destroy the museums# the libraries# e+ery type of a"ademyO Othe 'reat "ro.ds# sha5en by .or5# by pleasure or by riotin'LO O/e .ill 'lorify .ar N the .orld8s only hy'iene N militarism# patriotism# the destru"ti+e 'esture of freedom7brin'ers# beautiful ideas .orth dyin' for# and s"orn for.oman$4aintin'7 the roads enters home by bo""ioni) 8UOTES + K/hile an artist is labourin' at his .or5 of art# nothin' pre+ents it from surpassin' (ream$ As soon as it is 1nished# the .or5 must be hidden or destroyed# or better still# thro.n as a prey tot the brutal "ro.d .hi"h .ill ma'nify it by 5illin' it .ith its s"orn# and thereby intensify its absurd uselessness$ /e thus "ondemn art as 1nished .or5# .e "on"ei+e of it only in its mo+ement# in the state of eFort and draft$ Art is simply a possibility for absolute "onIuest$ For the artist# to "omplete is to die$LKTime and spa"e died yesterday$ /e already li+e in the absolute# be"ause .e ha+e already "reated eternal# omnipresent speedO O(.e .ill sin' of! the +ibrant ni'htly fer+our of arsenals and shipyards .ith +iolent ele"tri" moons< 'reedy rail.ay stations that de+our smo5e7plumbed serpentsO Odeep7"hested lo"omoti+es .hose .heels pa. the tra"5s li5e the ho+es of enormous steel horses$LKArt deals .ith profound and simple moodsO O0et us suppose that the artist N in this instan"e 4i"abia N 'ets a "ertain impression by loo5in' at our s5ys"rapers# our "ity# our .ay of life# and that he tries to reprodu"e itO$ Ohe .ill "on+ey it in plasti" .ays on the "an+as# e+en thou'h .e see neither s5ys"rapers nor "ity on it$L 4aintin'ands"ulptureMarinetti8smanifesto inspired a 'roup of youn' painters in Milan to apply Futurist ideas to the +isual arts$?mberto %o""ioni#,arlo ,arrP# 0ui'i Bussolo#>ia"omo %alla# and>ino He+erinipublished se+eral manifestos onpaintin'in 191$ 0i5e Marinetti# they 'lori1ed ori'inality and e3pressed their disdain for inherited artisti" traditions$They .anted to depi"t +isually the per"eption of mo+ement# speed# and "han'e$ To a"hie+e this# the Futurist painters adopted the,ubistte"hniIue of usin' fra'mented and interse"tin' plane surfa"es and outlines to sho. se+eral simultaneous +ie.s of an ob:e"t$ %ut the Futurists additionally sou'ht to portray the ob:e"t8s mo+ement# so their .or5s typi"ally in"lude rhythmi" spatial repetitions of an ob:e"t8s outlines durin' transit$ The eFe"t resembles multiple photo'raphi" e3posures of a mo+in' ob:e"t$The Futurists preferred sub:e"ts su"h as speedin' automobiles and trains# ra"in' "y"lists# dan"ers# animals# and urban "ro.ds$%o""ioniis "onsidered to ha+e most fully realiJed his theories in t.o s"ulptures#(e+elopment of a %ottle in Hpa"e(1912!# in .hi"h he represented both the inner and outer "ontours of a bottle# and?niIue Forms of ,ontinuity in Hpa"e(1912!# in .hi"h a human 1'ure is not portrayed as one solid form but is instead "omposed of the multiple planes in spa"e throu'h .hi"h the 1'ure mo+es$Futurist prin"iples e3tended toar"hite"tureas .ell$Antonio Hant8&liaformulated a Futurist manifesto onar"hite"turein 1914$ *is +isionary dra.in's of hi'hly me"haniJed "ities and boldly modern s5ys"rapers pre1'ure some of the most ima'inati+e 2th7"entury ar"hite"tural plannin'$T:AN*YOU