futuro perfecto – future perfect


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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect


Marlyn Brian C. Felix

Page 2: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect


Actions that will be completed before a certain time in the future.

Accion que puede ser completada antes de cierto tiempo en el futuro.

El futuro perfecto se usa para acciones o estados que habrán terminado en un momento dado en el futuro.

Suele ir acompañado por la preposición "by" (por/para) o la expresión adverbial "by the time" (para cuando).

Page 3: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect
Page 4: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect


I will have worked I'll have worked

You will have worked You'll have worked

He will have worked He'll have worked

She will have worked She'll have worked

It will have worked It'll have worked

We willl have worked We'll have worked

You will have worked You'll have worked

They will have worked They'll have worked

Page 5: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect


By the end of the course I‘ll have learned english.

Al terminar el curso, habré aprendido ingles.

I'll have finished my exams by next Monday.

Habré terminado mis exámenes para el lunes que viene.

I'll have finished by the time you get home.Habré terminado para cuando llegues a casa.

They'll have studied the lesson by Saturday.

Habrán estudiado la lección para el sábado.

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También se usa para indicar suposición.

Don´t phone her. She will have left.

No la llames por teléfono. Se habrá marchado.

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Forma larga Forma corta

I will not have worked I won't have worked

You will not have worked You won't have worked

He will not have worked He won't have worked

She will not have worked She won't have worked

It will not have worked It won't have worked

We will not have worked We won't have worked

You will not have worked You won't have worked

They will not have worked They won't have worked

Page 9: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect


I´ll not have cleaned the house by Saturday.

No habré limpiado la casa para el sábado.

You will not have finished your exam by 10 o´clock.

No habrás terminado tu examen para las diez.

He won´t have translated the letters by the time she leaves.

No habrá traducido las cartas para cuando se vaya.

She´ll not have visited her mother by noon.

No habrá visitado a su madre para el mediodía.

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Will + sujeto + have + verbo en past participle + ...?

Page 11: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect

Afirmativo Negativo

Will I have worked? Will I not have worked? Won't I have worked?

Will you have worked? Will you not have worked?

Won't you have worked?

Will he have worked? Will he not have worked?

Won't he have worked?

Will she have worked? Will she not have worked?

Won't she have worked?

Will it have worked? Will it not have worked? Won't it have worked?

Will we have worked? Will we not have worked?

Won't we have worked?

Will you have worked? Will you not have worked?

Won't you have worked?

Will they have worked? Will they not have worked?

Won't they have worked?

Page 12: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect

Will I have received it by 8 o'clock? ¿Lo habré recibido para las 8?

Where will you have discussed it with your husband?

¿Dónde lo habrás discutido con tu marido?

Won´t he have typed his essay by the time his teacher arrives?

¿No habrá escrito a máquina su ensayo para cuando llegue su profesor?

Will she have paid a lot of money by the end of the season?

¿Habrá pagado mucho dinero para final de temporada?

Will it not have rained by then? ¿No habrá llovido para entonces?

will we have done the ironing tomorrow? ¿Habremos planchado para mañana?

Won´t you have repaired the washing machine before the party?

¿No habréis reparado la lavadora antes de la fiesta?

When will they have arrested the criminal?

¿Cuándo habrán arrestado al criminal?

Page 13: Futuro Perfecto – Future Perfect

1-They___________ (arrive) before we leave.

2-The bus_________ (leave) by the time he arrives.

3-How long _______ you _______ (be) married when your son is born?

4-Bob _______ (not eat) when he leaves work.