fy 2015 budget presentation to congress

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FY 2015 Budget Presentation to HOR


  • Presentation to the Committee on AppropriationsHouse of Representatives August 6, 2014


  • I. IntroductionII. Key Features & ReformsIII. Budget DimensionsIV. Priority Programs



  • Php 2.6 Trillion

    Proposed National BudgetFiscal Year 2015


  • I. Introduction


  • Comparative GDP growth shows Philippines performing better in recent years




  • Credit Rating Upgrades

    Baa3in October 2013

    BBB-in March 2014

    BBBin May 2014

    Ba3in July 2009

    BBin May 2009

    BB-in July 2009

    BBBin May 2014

    BBB-in Mar 2009


  • Poverty and EmploymentThe countrys poverty incidence in terms of population has registered a decrease falling to 24.9%in first semester of 2013 from 27.9% and 28.6% in the first semesters of 2012 and 2009, respectively;

    The unemployment rate declined to 7.0% in April 2014 from 7.6% in April 2013*


    It would seem that our poverty reduction interventions are taking effect. This only shows that we need to intensify and sharpen the focus of such interventions to substantially reduce poverty.*Note: unemployment rate excludes Leyte

  • II. A Budget for Inclusive Development:Features & Key Reforms


  • 1. Expanding with the Economy


  • 1. Expanding with the Economy


    Key Budgetary Sectors(as percent of GDP)

  • 2. Consistent with the Fiscal Consolidation Strategy

    Deficit at 2.0 % of GDP

  • Enabling Environment for Inclusive Development

    Climate Change Adaptation and


    3. Budget Strategy: Focus on Social Protection and Job Creation

    Social Protection and Social Services

    Economic Expansionand Job Creation


  • 4. Focus on poverty areas and tailor-fit interventions


  • 5. Increases citizensvoice on how their taxes are spent

    Grassroots Participatory Budgeting From P20 B in 2014 to P22.4 B in 2015


  • 6. Increases accountability for results

    New feature: Outcome-basedPerformance Informed Budget


    Construction of 31,728 classrooms Hiring of additional 39,066 teachersProvide GASTPE to 1,082,798 grantees

    15,148,560 learners ages 5-11 years old are enrolled in kindergarten and elementary education 5,904,740 learners ages 12-15 years old are enrolled in kindergarten and elementary education

    Cohort survival rate increased:81 % - Elementary 83 % - Secondary

  • 7. Supports the rapid and effective delivery of public services

    One-year validity of appropriations

    GAA-as-release-document Procurement innovations Performance-Based Bonus (PBB)

    and Performance Enhancement Incentive (PEI)

    Absorptive capacity of agencies


  • III. Budget DimensionsBudget Level

    By SectorTop Departments


  • 2015Expenditure Program

    P2,606.0 billion18.4 % of GDP

    15.1% Growth from Last Year

    Overhead ExpensesP80.6 billion3.1 %

    Debt BurdenP399.4 billion15.3 %

    Internal Revenue AllotmentP389.9 billion15.0 %

    Personnel ServicesP761.7 billion29.2 %

    Developmental Expenditures*P974.5 billion

    37.4 %

    Operations programs of the following sectors:

    Economic Services P490.4 BSocial Services P328.6 BGeneral Public Services P114.2 BDefense P 41.3 B

    Budget Level

    *The PS requirements and overhead costs of developmental expenditures are as follows:Economic Services P32.7 billion PS and P40.7 billion overhead cost; Social Services P475.0 billion PS and P20.0 billion overhead costDefense P70.3 billion PS and P3.9 billion overhead cost; General Public Services P183.7 billion PS and P16.0 billion overhead cost

  • 19

  • Top Ten Departments (2014 vs 2015)(in Billion Pesos)


    Level Rank Level Rank

    Education 1 309.5 1 365.1 1 17.9

    Public Works and Highways 2 219.9 2 300.5 2 36.7

    National Defense 3 123.2 4 144.0 3 16.9

    Interior and Local Government 3 136.1 3 141.4 4 3.9

    Social Welfare and Development 4 83.4 6 109.0 5 30.7

    Health 2, 4 90.8 5 102.2 6 12.6

    Agriculture 5 80.0 7 88.8 7 11.1

    Transportation and Communications 2, 4 48.8 8 59.0 8 20.9

    Environment and Natural Resources 3 23.9 9 21.3 9 (11.0) 6

    Science and Technology 4 13.1 19.4 10 47.7


    1 Inclusive of School Building Program and transfers from MPBF2 Inclusive of budgetary support to attached corporations3 Inclusive of transfers from MPBF and PGF4 Inclusive of transfers from MPBF5 Inclusive of budgetary support to attached corporations and budgetary support to NFA, PCA and NIA

    2015 Proposed Growth Rate

    6 The reduction is due to DENR's lower PS requirements because of completed rationalization program, and lower requirements for cadastral survey and geo-hazard mapping activities

    Particulars2014 Program

    Figures indicated here are the "all in" budgets of these agencies: their agency-specific budgets plus allocations from the following special purpose funds:

  • Programmed Special Purpose Funds,2014-2015


    (in Billions of Pesos)2014 2015 2014 2015I. NEW GAA 282.6 378.6 12.5 14.5

    A. Lump-Sum SPFs 51.3 48.1 2.3 1.8 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund 13.0 14.0 0.6 0.5 Contingent Fund 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.1 Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program 20.0 1.0 0.9 0.0 Allocations to LGUs (Special Shares, etc.) 17.3 31.1 0.8 1.2

    B. Determined Implementing Agency/Nature ExepensesB. Disaggregated SPFs 231.3 330.5 10.2 12.7 Budgetary Support to Government Corporations 46.3 61.3 2.0 2.4 Allocations to LGUs (MMDA) 2.3 2.0 0.1 0.1 E-Government Fund 2.5 1.0 0.1 0.0 International Commitments Fund 4.8 7.4 0.2 0.3 Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits Fund 53.5 118.1 2.4 4.5 Pension and Gratuity Fund 120.5 140.6 5.3 5.4

    II. Automatic Appropriations 747.0 816.0 33.0 31.3 Budgetary Support to Government Corporations 1.0 1.3 0.0 0.1 Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) 341.5 389.9 15.1 15.0 Net Lending 25.0 26.5 1.1 1.0 Tax Expenditure Fund 26.9 25.5 1.2 1.0 Debt Service Fund-Interest Payment 352.7 372.9 15.6 14.3

    Total Special Purpose Funds 1,029.6 1,194.6 45.5 45.8

    PARTICULARSLevels % Share to Budget

  • Enabling Environment for Inclusive Development

    Social Protection and Social Services

    Job Generationand Economic Expansion

    Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

    IV. Priority Expenditures


  • 1. Social Protection2. Universal Healthcare3. Basic Education 4. Socialized Housing



  • 1. Social Protection Programs


  • 1. Social Protection Programs(Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program)


    Particulars 2014 2015

    Total CCT Php 62,614 M Php 64,738 M

    Regular CCT Php 60,611 M Php 59,788 MNo. of beneficiaries1/ 4,329,769 HHs 2/ 4,309,769 families 3/

    of which: Children Aged 15 -18 (extended age) 509,366 509,366Modified CCT 4/ Php 2,003 M Php 4,950 MNo. of beneficiaries 131,963 families 126,963 families Itinerant 3,956 families 3,956 families Homeless Street Families 7,007 families 7,007 families Indigenous People 116,000 families 116,000 families

    4/ Increase in budget for 2015 is due to inclusion of additional assistance package.

    3/ An expected 25,000 families w ill be exiting from the program in 2015 since they no longer have children aged 0-18 years old

    2/ Includes 20,000 families affected by typhoon Yolanda w ho are not covered under the existing CCT program of the DSWD

    1/ Conversion of household to family as unit of measurement w ill happen in 2015 Included in Regular CCT in 2015 based on the results of the 2nd round of household assessment under the NHTS. Based on the NHT Off ice calculation, there is an estimated 1.117 family/ies per household.

  • 1. Social Protection Programs


    2014 2015Kalahi-CIDSS National Community-Driven Development - Php 17,513 M

    Project (DSWD)No. of sub-projects covered - 6,735 No. of regions covered 14 No. of provinces covered 58 No. of municipalities covered - 826 No. of barangays covered 19,352 No. of households covered - 1,515,375

    Sustainable Livelihood Program (DSWD) Php 2,439 M Php 4,943 MNo. of families served through Micro-enterprise Development

    Pantawid Pamilya 77,912 265,175No. of families facilitated for employment 33,402 113,647

    Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens (DSWD) Php 3,109 M Php 4,763 MNo. of indigent senior citizens provided with social pension* 479,080 739,609


    *The senior citizens to benefit from the social pension was expanded to cover 71 years old and above in 2015 from itsprevious year's coverage of 77 years old and above.

  • 2. Universal Healthcare


  • 2. Universal Healthcare2014 2015

    National Health Insurance Program Php 35,338 M Php 37,189 MNo. of NHTS-PR Indigents covered 14.7 M 15.4 M

    Health Facilities Enhancement Program* Php 13,541 M Php 13,098 M No. of Barangay Health Stations upgraded 1,365 1,242 Rural Health Units/ City Health Centers 1,028 587

    LGU Hospitals 389 128

    DOH Hospitals 59 19

    Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers - 11

    Preventive and Promotive Health ProgramHealth and Human Resource Php 2,970 M Php 4,256 M

    Doctors 319 398

    Nurses 11,000 12,540

    Midwives 2,700 5,749

    Dentists 480

    National Immunization Program Php 2,970 M Php 3,336 MNo. of children fully immunized 2.7 M 2.2M

    No. of pneumococcal vaccines provided

    infants 333,000 429,000

    senior citizens 1.2 M 1.4 M*For FYs 2010-2014, a total of P29.6 billion has been allocated by the National Government for the

    construction/upgrading/rehabilitation of BHS, RHUs, LGU Hospitals and DOH Hospitals. Of the said amount,

    P23.8 B or 80.2 percent has already been obligated. In terms of physical accomplishment, 2,715 health facilities

    have already been completed; 1,139 health facilities are currently being constructed/upgraded/rehabilitated; and

    744 and 2,316 health facilities are still under the procurement and pre-procurement stage, respectively.



  • 2. Universal Healthcare2014 2015

    Family Health and Responsible Parenting Php 2,539 M Php 3,274 MOf which:

    Micronutrient Supplementation Php 900 M

    No. of children below 5years old provided with vitamin A supplement. 5.9M 4.4M

    Family Planning Php 1,036 M

    No. of women provided w/ FP commodities & services to LGUs 2.2M 2.7M

    No. of women provided with sub-dermal implant for contraception 1.0M

    Community Health Teams Php 250 M

    No. of Community Health Teams deployed to visit 5.2M households 26,376 30,407

    TB Control Program Php 1,062 M Php 1,094 MNo. of cases treated 257,972 252,913

    Treatment of Public Health Diseases Php 827 M Php 788 MNo. of persons treated:

    Malaria (No. of D&T cases treated) 6,962 5,978

    Schistosomiasis (No. of mass drug treatment) 2.07 M 2.03M

    Filariasis (No. of mass drug treatment plus ICT and disability kit) 20M 17M



  • 3. Basic Education


  • 3. Basic Education2014 2015

    Php 44,626 M Php 52,874 MNo. of classrooms constructed 30,000 31,728

    No. of classrooms repaired 9,500 9,500

    No. of water and sanitation facilities

    Constructed 13,586 13,586

    No. of seats procured 1.4M 1.3M

    No. of technical vocational laboratories

    Constructed - 455

    Php 8,564 M Php 9,965 M

    No. of teaching positions created 33,194 39,066

    No. of non-teaching positions created 1,500 1,500


    Creation of Teaching & Non-Teaching Positions

    Provision of Basic Educational Facilities


  • 3. Basic Education2014 2015

    Php 4,019 M Php 8,531 MNo. of information communications tech packages 15,966 24,028

    Php 7,447 M Php 8,437 M

    No. of grantees 995,010 1,082,798

    Php 1,700 M Php 3,462 MNo. of textbooks delivered and procured 42.3M 70.5M

    Php 1,968 M Php 1,968 MNo. of out-of-school youth benefited 1,000,000 1,000,000

    Abot-Alam Program

    Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE)

    DepEd Computerization Program

    Provision of Textbooks & Instructional Materials



  • 4. Socialized Housing


  • 34

    4. Socialized Housing2014 2015

    Total Socialized Housing Php 17,161 M Php 10,987 M

    I. Projects Php 15,862 M Php 8,674 M


    SHFC Php 3,665 M Php 3,743 MNo. of beneficiaries 6,400 7,754

    NHA Php 5,494 M Php 3,586 MNo. of beneficiaries 16,807 8,108

    2. Micro-Medium Rise Building Php 770 M* Php 770 M*

    No. of Housing Units 472 472

    3. Interim Shelter Fund Php 475 M Php 475 M No. of Beneficiaries of Rental Assistance 26,367 26,367

    4.Php 5,458 M Php 100 M

    No. of beneficiaries 20,000 341

    * Includes administrative cost/social preparation

    AFP/PNP/BFP/BJMP/BuCor Housing Project (NHA)


    Housing Program for ISFs Residing in Danger Areas in Metro Manila

  • 35

    4. Socialized Housing

    2014 2015Php 1,300 M Php 2,313 M

    1 Community Mortgage Program (SHFC) Php 1,000 M Php 1,000 MNo. of beneficiaries 16,200 16,500

    2 Emergency Housing Assistance for Calamity Victims Program (NHA) Php 100 M Php 736 M

    No. of beneficiaries 3,000 26,426

    3 Resettlement Program (NHA) Php 200 M Php 577 MNo. of beneficiaries 3,089 7,215

    ParticularsII. Programs


    1. Transport Infrastructure2. Agriculture Development3. Manufacturing Resurgence4. Tourism Development5. Tech-Voc & Tertiary Education


  • 1. Transport Infrastructure Program


  • Road TransportNational Roads and Bridges (DPWH) Php 130,449 M Php 174,550 M

    Percentage of National Road Network

    paved (Total length - 31, 242 km)

    Percentage of bridge along national roads

    made permanent (Total length - 345,978 lm)

    Road Transport (DOTC) Php 3,765 M Php 7,019 Mof which:

    Road Transport IT Infrastructure Project Php 1,298 M Php 2,098 M

    Integrated Transport Systems:

    South Coastal Php 2,467 M Php 800 M

    South Php 1,180 M

    North Php 750 M



    (28,483 km)


    (342,172 lm)


    (30,316 km)


    (345,978 lm)


    1. Transport Infrastructure Program


  • Air Transport (DOTC) Php 9,114 M Php 13,282 Mof which:

    Bicol International Airport Dev't Project Php 150 M Php 1,554 M

    Puerto Princesa Airport Dev't Project Php 1,700 M Php 1,552 M

    Clark Airport Php 270 M Php 1,200 M

    Busuanga Airport Php 16 M Php 1,022 M

    General Santos Airport Php 959 M

    Kalibo Airport Php 388 M Php 950 M

    Iloilo International Airport Php 275 M Php 791 M

    Ozamis Airport Php 695 M

    Calbayog Airport Php 33 M Php 678 M

    Camarines Sur (Naga) Airport Php 670 M

    NAIA Capacity Expansion and


    - Php 592 M

    *Funding of 2014 requirements came from 2013 carry over


    1.Transport Infrastructure Program


  • 1. Transport Infrastructure Program

    Php 15,003 M Php 16,853 Mof which

    LRT Line 1 South (Cavite) Extension Php 5,172 M Php 4,774 M

    Subsidy for Mass Transport (MRT 3) Php 4,091 M Php 4,658 M

    Rehabilitation of LRT 1 and 2 - Php 2,820 M

    LRT Line 2 East Extension (to Masinag) Php 265 M Php 2,400 M

    MRT 3 Infrastructure Outlay - Php 804 M

    LRT Line 2 West Extension Project - Php 200 M

    Maritime Transport (DOTC) Php 3,167 M Php 5,142 Mof which

    Philippine Ports and Coast Guard

    Capability Development Project

    - Php 1,944 M

    Maritime Safety Capability Improvement


    Php 2,087 M Php 1,603 M

    ParticularsRail Transport (DOTC, LRTA, PNR)

    2014 2015


  • 2. Agriculture Development


  • 2. Agriculture Development

    Rice Program (DA)Volume of Production:

    Palay 19.07 M mt. 20.09 M mt.Corn Program (DA)Volume of Production:

    White Corn 2.54 M mt. 2.75 M mt.

    Yellow Corn 5.83 M mt. 6.27 M mt.

    Cassava 2.77 M mt. 3.28 M mt.

    Php 1,797 M Php 2,297 M

    Particulars 2014 2015

    Php 6,900 M Php 7,004 MAgricultural Commodity Programs


  • 2. Agriculture DevelopmentCoconut Program (PCA)Coconut (copra)

    Volume of Production 2.78 M mt. 2.81 M mt.Yield 0.87 mt./ha. 0.88 mt./ha.


    No. of seednuts sownNo. of seedlings distributed

    Coconut FertilizationNo. of salt fertilizers distributed

    Coconut Agro-Industrial HubsNo. of agro-industrial hubs established

    Integrated Pest Management

    No. of laboratories upgraded/maintained

    No. of quarantine chackpoints maintained/improved

    No. of trees fertilized

    No. of trees treated

    Accelerated Coconut Planting and Replanting

    ProjectPhp 704 M Php 838 M

    39,298,400 kg. 39,754,600 kg.

    6,642,400 16,477,100 Php 416 M Php 424 M

    Php 4,086 M*

    9,963,600 24,565,000

    Php 50 M Php 250 M

    Php 305 M Php 308 M5 major hubs 2 major; 12 small hubs




    Particulars 2014 2015


    Php 2,384 M

    43* Includes Farm-to-Market Roads amounting to Php 1.5 billion.

  • Banana 8,905,120 mt. 9,172,280 mt.Cacao 6,500 mt. 7,790 mt.Coffee 81,370 mt. 84,380 mt.Mango 840,680 mt. 865,910 mt.Pineapple 2,532,170 mt. 2,608,140 mt.Rubber 476,530 mt. 496,550 mt.

    Livestock and Poultry Program (DA)

    Volume of production

    Hog 2.05 M mt. 2.10 M mt.

    Chicken 1.64 M mt. 1.72 M mt.

    Php 1,350 M Php 1,526 M

    Volume of Production:

    2014 2015Particulars

    Php 1,673 M Php 2,200 M

    High Value Crops Development

    Program (DA)


    2. Agriculture Development

  • Fisheries Program (DA/BFAR)Volume of production:

    Bangus 0.424 M mt. 0.443 M mt.

    Tilapia 0.334 M mt. 0.350 M mt.Seaweeds 1.64 M mt. 1.72 M mt.

    Fishery InfrastructureFish Landing (DA - BFAR)

    No. of fish landing constructed

    Municipal Fishports (DA - PFDA)No. of fishports constructed

    No. of fisherfolk provided with technical advisory

    No. of fiherfolk provided with production support/supply

    No. of fisherfolk provided with fishery equipment and facilities

    Php 1,290 M No allocation Php 756 M

    ParticularsPhp 4,194 M Php 4,599 M


    - 252

    Php 480 M Php 534 M

    Php 480 M

    2014 2015








    2. Agriculture Development

  • Irrigation (NIA)41,158 has. 20,650 has.

    5,999 has. 23,200 has.

    Canals 184 kms. 586 kms.

    Canal lining and other facilities 90 kms. 512 kms.

    Service Area Restored

    Repair and Maintenance

    2014 2015

    Service Area Generated

    Php 21,112 M Php 25,983 M




    Service Area Generated the area of an irrigation project wherein the facilities have already been completed and which could already be provided with irrigation and drainage system.

    Service Area Restored the work being done on damaged irrigation facilities to restore water flow.

    2. Agriculture Development

  • Farm-to-Market Roadsof which:

    DA (Regular)Roads constructed 1,000 kms.

    Philippine Rural Dev't Project (DA)

    Roads constructed 419 kms.

    Philippine Coconut Authority -- *Roads constructed

    PAMANA (DA)Roads constructed 147.73 kms.


    Php 4,191 M

    Php 14,497 MPhp 18,361 M

    Php 4,899 M

    625 kms.

    Php 12,150 M Php 6,400 M

    Php 1,500 M

    166.71 kms.

    Php 1,477 M

    2014 2015

    Php 1,417 M

    644.9 kms.

    150 kms.


    * Funds intended for FMRs in Coconut areas are included in the FY 2014 budget of the DA for FMRs.

    2. Agriculture Development

  • 3. ManufacturingResurgence


  • 3. Manufacturing Resurgence

    2014 2015Php 739 M Php 874 M

    No. of MSMEs assisted 90,570 100,084

    Php 173 M Php 194 MNo. of plans and policies updated,

    issued and disseminated50 31

    Number of industry

    roadmaps/feasibility studies conducted17 24

    ParticularsPromotion and Development of MSMEs

    Design and Development of Plans, Programs and Policies for Industry Development


  • 3. Manufacturing Resurgence2014 2015Php 662 M Php 662 M

    No. of jobs 12,681 14,710

    No. of firms provided with S&T assistance 1,841 1,984

    No. of technology intervention 3,746 4,392Research and Development Projects (DOST, PCIEERD) Php 121 M Php 132 MOf which:

    Php 33 M

    Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (DOST)

    Establishment of the Advanced Device and Materials Testing Laboratory

    National R&D Program for Natural Rubber Processing and Rubber Products Manufacturing

    Php 10 M Php 24 M

    Establishment and Operation of the Philippine Electronics Product Development Hub

    Php 22 M Php 18 M


    Php 30 M Php 30 M

    Establishment and Operation of the Philippine Institute for Integrated Circuits

    Php 35 M


  • 4. TourismDevelopment


  • 4. Tourism Development

    * Amounts are also included in the Transport Infrastructure Program

    Php 14,732 M Php 16,254 M

    No. of road kms. 450 km 784 km

    Air Transport (DOTC) * Php 6,743 M Php 9,939 M

    Maritime Transport (DOTC) * Php 534 M Php 275 M

    Php 3,065 M Php 3,638 M

    International Arrivals 6.8 M 8.2 M

    Domestic Travellers 47.7 M 51.7 M

    Construction/improvement of access roads leading to declared tourism destinations (DPWH) *

    Tourism Infrastructure Dev't

    Tourism Promotion (DOT-OSEC & TPB)

    2014 2015Particulars


  • 5. Tertiary and Tech-Voc Education


  • 5. Tech-Voc Education2014 2015

    Training of WorkersTraining for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) Php 1,404 M Php 2,000 M

    No. of TWSP Enrollees 163,300 210,526

    No. of TWSP Graduates 146,970 189,473

    Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) Php 1,022 M Php 543 MNo. of beneficiaries 74,947 40,248

    Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) Php 200 M Php 200 MNo. of PESFA enrollees 26,667 26,667



  • 5. Tertiary Education


    2014 2015

    Total Php 9,046 M Php 7,876 M

    Expanded Students' Grants-in-Aid Program for Php 2,500 M Php 2,500 MPoverty Alleviation (SUCs)

    No. of beneficiaries 40,453 40,453

    Tulong Dunong Scholarship Program Php 4,124 M Php 2,459 MCHED Php 4,124 M Php 1,471 M No. of beneficiaries 340,280 121,372 SUCs - Php 988 M No. of beneficiaries - 81,540

    DOST Scholarship Program (Science Education Php 1,675 M Php 2,155 M Institute)No. of beneficiaries 14,389 18,479

    Students Financial Assistance Programs (CHED) Php 742 M Php 762 MNo. of beneficiaries 51,537 54,208




    1. Build Back Better2. Risk Resiliency Program


  • 1. Build Back Better


  • 1. Build Back BetterPhp 13,000 M Php 14,000 M *

    Php 4,850 M Php 6,508 M

    DA-OSEC 500 M 500 MDepEd 655 M 1000 MDOH 500 M 500 MDND-OSEC 353 M 353 MDND-OCD 530 M 530 MDPWH 650 M 800 MDSWD 663 M 1,325 MDOTC 1000 M 1,000 MNIA 500 M

    Php 20,000 M Php 1,000 M


    Quick Response Fund

    Calamity Fund

    Rehabilitation and Reconstruction



    *of which P1 B is for Peoples Survival Fund


  • 2. Risk Resiliency Program


  • 2. Risk Resiliency ProgramFlood Control and Drainage Projects (DPWH)

    Php 33,620 M Php 44,841 M

    National Greening Program (DENR-OSEC)

    Php 6,205 M Php 7,022 M

    Area planted (has.) 300,000 300,000

    No. of seedlings produced 165 mil 222 mil

    No. of extension officers hired 1,600 2,396

    Unified Mapping Project (DENR-NAMRIA)

    - Php 398 M

    No. of topographic base maps at scale

    1:10,000 produced

    Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) (DOST-OSEC)

    Php 921 M Php 1,153 M

    2014 2015

    1,500 large scale

    image maps;

    1,500 large scale

    topographic base maps



  • 2. Risk Resiliency ProgramHazard Assessments

    National Geohazards Assessment Php 431 M Php 89 Ma. Land Php 412 M Php 63 M

    b. Coastal Php 19 M Php 26 MNo. of coastal municipalities assessed and

    mapped (1:10,000 scale)Enhancement of Earthquake and Volcano Monitoring and Effective Utilization of Disaster Mitigation Information in the Philippines (DOST-PHILVOLCS)

    Php 8 M Php 8 M

    Enhancement of Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami Warning Systems (DOST-PHILVOLCS)

    Php 10 M Php 9 M


    166 coastal cities/


    122 coastal cities/




  • ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT1. Good Governance and Anti-Corruption2. Just and Lasting Peace and the Rule of Law


  • 1. Good Governance and Anti-Corruption


  • 1. Good Governance and Anti-Corruption2014 2015

    Php 1,794 M Php 1,732 M

    Personnel Services Php 1,492 M Php 1,492 M

    MOOEMaintenance & Other Operating Expenditures Php 199 M Php 199 M

    Capital Outlays Php 103 M Php 40 M

    Of which:

    Corruption Deterrence Services Php 575 M Php 543 M*Investigation Services

    No. of complaints and grievances resolved acted upon 18,378 18,913

    No. of fact-finding investigation completed 4,038 4,155

    No. of preliminary investigations conducted 3,470 3,571

    16% 16%

    15% 15%


    No. of administrative cases adjudicated 3,537 3,866

    No. of criminal/civil cases prosecuted in court 2,584 2,659

    85% 85%

    88% 89%

    15% 15%

    Percentage of decided cases not resulting in quashal, outright

    dismissal, or demurrer to evidence

    Percentage of administrative cases adjudicated within one year


    Percentage of investigations conducted resulting in the institution of

    the criminal and/or administrative cases

    Percentage of investigations completed or conducted within one year

    Percentage of decisions in appealed administrative decisions that have

    been affirmed by the appellate courts


    64* Net of completed non-recurring ISSP

  • 1. Good Governance and Anti-Corruption

    2014 2015SANDIGANBAYAN

    Php 405 M Php 410 MPersonnel Services Php 195 M Php 210 MMaintenance & Other Operating Expenditures Php 121 M Php 124 MCapital Outlays Php 89 M Php 85 M

    Of which:

    Php 290 M Php 295 M

    No. of cases received/handled 3,300 3,796

    No. of cases disposed 408 418

    Disposition rate 12% 12%


    Adjudication of cases involving graft and corrupt practices

    committed by public officials, employees and accomplices

    Resolution of Graft and Corruption Cases (SANDIGANBAYAN)

    Total Budget


  • 1. Good Governance and Anti-Corruption

    Php 12,643 M

    Acquisition of additional machines * Php 11,436 M

    Other expenses related to preparatory NLE Php 1,207 M

    Registration Php 147 M Php 155 M

    Php 1,175 M Php 936 M

    Preparation for FY 2016 National and

    Local Elections (NLE)



    2015 Sangguniang Kabataan (SK)


    * Additional 41,800 new units at Php 90,000 each will be acquired to augment the existing 80,000 units of PCOS machines

  • 2. Just and Lasting Peace & the Rule of Law


  • 2015Total Php 2,690 M

    Php 2,462 MDSWD Immediate Assistance Php 950 M

    Auxillary Social Services for PWD Combatants

    Sustainable Livelihood Program

    Cash for Work and Cash for Training

    DA Agri-enterprise support program 31 municipalities Php 880 M6 acknowledged camps

    TESDA Technical Vocational Training Identified areas in Regions IX, X, XI and Php 335 Mand XII

    DEPED Literacy Program (Alternative Learning System) Php 231 M

    PHIC Philhealth Insurance Cards Php 50 M

    CHED Php 16 M

    II. Annex on Normalization Php 228 MOPAPP Implementation of Annex on Normalization Php 228 MIdentified areas in Regions IX, X, XI and


    Agricultural Development Support Program: SWIP, FMRs,

    Farm inputs and machineries, Seeds

    Identified areas in Regions IX, X, XI and


    Identified areas in Regions IX, X, XI and


    Construction and renovation of Community Based

    Infrastructure: (access roads, level 2 water system)


    Identified in areas in Regions IX, X, XI

    and XII.

    Transformatioin of MILF Camps: CHED Scholarship Program Total of 1,550 beneficiaries in 31


    I. Socio-Economic

    Support for Bangsamoro Development


  • 2014 2015Php 7,215 M Php 7,301 M

    Php 1,547 M Php 3,143 MCommunity-Driven Development (DA) Php 1,735 M Php 1,800 MCommunity Support (DSWD) Php 922 M Php 760 M

    Community-Driven Development (ARMM) Php 2,660 M Php 655 M

    Road Construction (DPWH) Php 519 M

    Reforestation (DENR) Php 200 MPhp 57 M Php 100 M

    Support to Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Php 57 M Php 62 M

    Health Insurance Premiums (PHIC) Php 15 M Php 48 M

    Study Grant (CHED) Php 4 M Php 9 M

    Solar Electrification (DOE) Php 19 M Php 3 M

    Sitio Electrification and Brgy. Line Enhancement

    Projects (NEA)


    Community Infrastructure and Support (DILG)Total

    PAMANA Program


  • 70

    Presentation to the Committee on AppropriationsHouse of Representatives August 6, 2014