g. d. apte chartered accountants

The Board of Directors TAKE Solutions Limited G. D. Apte & Co. Chartered Accountants Limited Review Report 1. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results (the statement) of TAKE Solutions Limited for the quarter ended June 30, 2021. This statement which is the responsibility of the Company's Management has been approved by the Board of Directors. The statement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Indian Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Statement based on our review. 2. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity", issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the statement is free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 3. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. 4. We draw attention to the following matter in the Notes to the standalone financial results: a. The management has taken into consideration the impact of the known internal and external events arising from COVID-19 pandemic in the assessment of recoverability of trade receivables, contract assets and certain investments in subsidiaries up to the date of approval of these financial results. In this assessment, the company has performed sensitivity analysis on the key assumptions used. Such review and analysis performed by the company did not reveal any impairment losses. Since the impact assessment of COVID-19 is an ongoing process given the uncertainties associated with its nature and duration, the Company will continue to closely monitor any significant impact on the financial position. The impact of global health pandemic might be different from that estimated as at the date of approval of these financial results. b. As at March 31, 2021, the income from financial assets and financial assets exceeded 50% of gross income and total assets respectively due to which the company satisfied the Pune Office: GOA House, Plot No.85, Right Bhusari Colony, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038, Phone - 020 - 6680 7200, Email - [email protected] Mumbai Office: Windsor, 6 th Floor, OfficeNo-604, C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098

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Page 1: G. D. Apte Chartered Accountants

The Board of Directors TAKE Solutions Limited

G. D. Apte & Co.

Chartered Accountants

Limited Review Report

1. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results (the statement) of TAKE Solutions Limited for the quarter ended June 30, 2021. This statement which is the responsibility of the Company's Management has been approved by the Board of Directors. The statement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Indian Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Statement based on our review.

2. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity", issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the statement is free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

3. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.

4. We draw attention to the following matter in the Notes to the standalone financial results :

a. The management has taken into consideration the impact of the known internal and external events arising from COVID-19 pandemic in the assessment of recoverability of trade receivables, contract assets and certain investments in subsidiaries up to the date of approval of these financial results. In this assessment, the company has performed sensitivity analysis on the key assumptions used. Such review and analysis performed by the company did not reveal any impairment losses.

Since the impact assessment of COVID-19 is an ongoing process given the uncertainties associated with its nature and duration, the Company will continue to closely monitor any significant impact on the financial position. The impact of global health pandemic might be different from that estimated as at the date of approval of these financial results.

b. As at March 31, 2021, the income from financial assets and financial assets exceeded 50% of gross income and total assets respectively due to which the company satisfied the

Pune Office: GOA House, Plot No.85, Right Bhusari Colony, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038, Phone - 020 - 6680 7200, Email - [email protected] Mumbai Office: Windsor, 6th Floor, OfficeNo-604, C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098

Page 2: G. D. Apte Chartered Accountants

G. D. Apte & Co.

Chartered Accountants

"principal business criteria" for Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) as per RBI directives. The company, on the basis of its operational plans believes that this scenario would be temporary and the quarterly financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 have been prepared in the formats applicable to the companies other than NBFCs.

Our conclusion is not modified in respect of the above matters.

For G. D. Apte & Co. Chartered Accountants Firm Registration Number: 100515W UDIN: 21113053AAAACR8455

~~ Umesh S. Abhyankar Partner Membership Number: 113 053 Pune, August 11, 2021

Pune Office: GDA House, Plot No.85, Right Bhusari Colony, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune -411 038, Phone - 020- 6680 7200, Email - auc;li [email protected] Mumbai Office: Windsor, 6th Floor, OfficeNo-604, C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098

Page 3: G. D. Apte Chartered Accountants

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Read Office: 27, Tank Bund Rood, Nungambakk■m, Chcnnai 600 034 www 1akeaolulio111 com

Sl•lemenl of Uoudlltd S1111d• lnne Fln .. dal Re11t111 ror Iha q11u1or u4ml J 111,. 38, 2011 It I ■ L■ knurenl ouah■redJl•l

Quarter l:nded

P11..Ch:ulnra Jun 30, M■rll, Jun JO, Mar31, znz1 1011 .... 1011

(Unaudllodl IAu<lllodl (Unoudllodl (Audllodl CONTI NII ING OPERATIONS tto,aue Ovm operations I 73 IR6 09 Oil~• Income 692 41 6925 4ll 53 1,0)5 6l To11t lnto,ne 6'1.41 69,25 4:15.16 1.zu.n ,.,,,.,....

Coat or rtvenue I 59 154 94 Employee benent expenm 98 63 10317 122 93 412 JS Finance coll 7 86 B 21 949 3557 Deprod1llon end amortis■lion 3' 76 3906 39 24 156 71 Olher ""PlnllS 234 29 141 l0 19H0 1,192 15

TDl■ I Ezpentet 376,54 191.SI 3455.455 l,!1111.79 PnRl/tl.an) ... ,.,. noepllonol llenn ••d IH fM) JIU7 (123.U) 69.61 (7J0.07) £,rctfl4lon,1 llfflll

Pmn1 on Hie orsublidi ■n 1,381 ,Bl ProRl/(Lou) ... ,.,. In (5+6) 319.17 (JlJ,26) 69.61 651,74 THHptnH

Cun11111ax 14 15 12 34 Shonron / (ecxceaJ provision or udlor ) urs (99 70) (99 70) Deronot 1a, (3907) 0 54 (4196) 12712)

Prontl(LDA) ror Ille perio4 from oonllnulna op<ntlan1 (7-1) .J40.79 (114,10) 99.ll 779.26

DISCONTINUED OPltARATIONS ProRl/tLou) from dlaeonllnuod optndona before tu . Lou: T"' c.,_ on disconilnuod oporwtiona . ProRl/(Lon) for the period from d■conllouod oparollona (10-1 I) •Rar In . -ProRl/tLou) ror the period ft+ll) :Mll,79 (114,10) !IJ,2J 779.16 Otlter C••prebndve fnume a) i) llom1 1h11 will nol be recl•ifood lo proru or (Ion) 152 17 l9) (0 92) s 7l

ii) Income IL, pn>Yllion /(revfflOI) rwlalina lo \ho II""• Iha! 11111 nol bo recloulRed IO profit or (loss) 0 JR (114) (O,J3) 1"4

b) i) llom11ho1 will bo reclonined 10 proRt or (lou) -ii) Income i.., pm\'iJion/(reunal) relnilng lo lhe ilorn, lhat will be

red.,.lfled 1oorofuor(i<w) . l'otol Olhas- Compreh<ml,. lnoomo J,H (!Al) (0.69) 4.19 Tolol Compret,...i.., I•-• :Ml.fl (llf.55) ,. .... 191.55 Pohl-up tqully alllR oopllil (r, .. ""'' , 1/- uth) 1,47"34 J,479.k 1,47'.k '""'""' Eornlnp per"'""' (ort 1/- ach) (noumuoliHd)

(1) Blllio (In ,, 0 23 (00R) 007 0.53 (b) Dilu1od (in ,1 0 23 (00R) 0 07 0 53


I Th• Slondillone ~, .... 1a1 R.oaulll lbrlhoqii.1rlo,cndod Juno )0, 2011 "'" b.--m .. , .. 11-0, 'arid ....... ,....i..i b1 IN• /\lldil ('on11n ·~ ... 1111pmffll b)· lh• """"' or Diroclofl ofll,e CODlpill)' in dtrlir roapo,:lil'O meoline, held on Auguol 11, 2021 Tha 1Wu1oty audilOfl of !he company ho,,. wri«t oul Li11i1ed Rel'iow ofOi, resulls for 1he quanor ended Juno JO, l02 r The m...,.,.001 h• liken inlo a,,.idonlllon U,e implCI or lhe l.nown intomal end ""lemll ""'" lllillna from COVI0-1? (IIIIC!omlc In lhe _,,,.,, o nic:ovonbilily of !node ,-ivabla, oonlroc\-. ond certain inve,lmmlll in ,ubsidilrios up lo lhc dale of approval of a,.,. St■nd■lone Fin■ncial ,..Jill In 1h ....,.,II, lhe company hu performed 1onalUvily 11111~1i1 OIi Ille key .. umplio,. Ulod Sud, review ■nd anal)'lis performed by the company did no, ,. ... 1111 lmpainnonl loaea Slnto Lhe impl<I __, .. , ofCOVI0-19 ii on oni:oing procas ;ii..., Iha .-om1111 -,,:taied wt1h Ill nalure and duralion, the Company will oonlinuo 1 clo>el) monilOr any ■i1P1inC111I imp0<:I on lho nnanciol po■ilion Tho impocl or global health pand1111ic miaht be dilT_,, from "-1 •llmaled 11 11 lho dole 11 _,,,,&) orlhose _, ....,,11 TI,o Company on 06 A,.1111 2021 has 1111....r lalO a dennilil,. qreemail lbr aslnlegic partnor,t,ip "ilh ., affiliale of H r O c.pilll lo all'eci the Ille of 1,'lh equily inl"""1 In lhe oompill)'·• dlniQI ,.,..n:11 orpnllollon busi,- oonducled by 1he 00mpony'1 auhlldiaria In India a,d ov.,... The completion or dM p!Opottd lllrUeclion b aubject IO oppn,ul of1he aharoholde11 oflhe CompMI), meipl orltnder, eovemmenl■I and oontrtelllll ......,1,

A111 Mardi l I, 1011, Ibo l000mo llom n..,,.1,1 IIIUII onJ n""""■I •~ a,ccoe<J<d SO'II. org,ou /nooo,o llld !0141 _, 1ap«1l,~ly duo IO \\hlth Iha ••mP>IU ,ali■lled ,,,. 'pclndpal bullnetl cthOfil' lb< tlon-Bonl:n1 l'lnllld&I Comp■ro- (NU~C) OS 111r ROI dh<Clhtl 'rho COlllplll)', on lho bull oflll oponi1lon1l jilonl belio1·er lhll lhh 1oenario \loufd bo l&mpol'AI)' and lbe qu1rttll)' nn111el1I ...,ulls lbr lh< q01rt<t on~ad Juno 1021 havo _.., p,tptrcd In lho formt111ppli,tbla 111 !he oompanl11 othe, thtn 1'1BFC1

$ Tl,c Code on Sooill Socuriiy, 1020 flho Coda) has bcc11 t\'IOCl.ad, whld, would lmp"'l oon11l1,111lon by lho Con111111y 1owwd1 1ppllceblo IOClol aocurily 11'flcna The M nl&1ry orl .. 1bou, IIIICI Emplo)1111nl i.., oho ,.loaod dial\ n,IOI 1h<R•114,r on No1wnbtr ll. ,010 and hot lnvlltd ••fl!•llom from 111koholdt11 which.,. •nd• lldn'o oomldcntlon by lhe Minlll l)' 'l'ho&1wil lmP"'I OIi ....,uni a(l~l, •h- 11lll bool'llulled nl ocoounled for ~1,m no11n .. llon bo<ome, clTecll,,. 111e C0'1plll)" on • sforll!Alona 1'lois operales In 1ho busillffl NQmlffll or p1oinollon of ucvlcea rcllllld IQ Uro S.lenot1 and hec)oo lh«o I• only one bullrin, IOJjJlllfll Tho eompon on I ll■ndtlono t,a,lt 1, prlm ■rlly OJl"JOllna ln Indio. whkl\ la ooorldcrod a, ,inj\lo aeo11nipl,la■ I IOIOllnl A«ordlng~•, 11<4111<,ll inlllrmo!lon ho nol boo/> Mp■roltlydloolo,od

Du1ina tho quarter ended Juno 30, 2021, omployeos h■1,i nol ""Oldsed 111y aquily lhareopllono under Employee Slock Opllon Scl,eme or the Com pony

Prll'ioia period foauroa hll'e boon rocroup..t ,,..,_1ried. MIOfO\lr ~ lo conform IO cum,nl period~ claBiflCOlion

ror ,nd on boboll orlh• loard or Dtrot1on

I AJ..'M v-D<' flVI.___;~- ••

Place: Chenmd 8rlnln•n H.R.

Dalo I """'-'t 11, J0JI Vito 0,olrmon A Alon, 11 Dlr.dor