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G14: Male Reproductive System David A. Morton, Ph.D. ANAT 6010- Medical Gross Anatomy Pg. 48

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G14: Male Reproductive System

David A. Morton, Ph.D.ANAT 6010- Medical Gross Anatomy

Pg. 48

1) General: Male Anatomy

Pg. 48

Pg. 48


Pg. 48

3. Scarpas2. Campers


Pg. 48

4. Ext obliq

4. Ext sperm fascia

Pg. 48

5. Int obliq

5. Cremasteric muscle and fascia

Pg. 48

6. Tr abd

Pg. 48

7. Tr. fascia

7. Int sperm fascia

Pg. 48

8. Ex p fat

8. Areolar CT

Pg. 48

9. Par Perit


3. Testis

Pg. 49

Spermatozoa production and pathway

3. Testis; 4. Spermatic Cord

Pg. 49

Spermatozoa production and pathway

Pg. 49

3. Testis

Vascularization of testis

4. Spermatic



I. Ductus def

II. Testic a. and v.

III. Cremaster m.

IV. Gen. br. (L1-L2)

V. Autonomics

VI. Lymphatics

Pg. 49

5. Ductus


Pg. 49

a) Pathway

b) Vascularization

(via prox aa. & vv.)

a) Symp innervation

6) Seminal Vesicles

Pg. 50

a) Location and Function

b) Relationships

7) Prostate

Pg. 50

a) Ejaculatory duct

b) Prostate lobes

c) Prostate function

d) Vascular supply

e) Autonomic innervation

f) Digital rectal exam

g) Prostatectomy/Impotence

7) Prostate

Pg. 50

a) Ejaculatory duct

b) Prostate lobes

c) Prostate function

d) Vascular supply

e) Autonomic

f) Digital rectal exam

g) ProstatectomyInferior vesical artery

7) Prostate

Pg. 50

a) Ejaculatory duct

b) Prostate lobes

c) Prostate function

d) Vascular supply

e) Autonomic innervation

f) Digital rectal exam

g) Prostatectomy/Impotence

7) Prostate

Pg. 50

a) Ejaculatory duct

b) Prostate lobes

c) Prostate function

d) Vascular supply

e) Autonomic innervation

f) Digital rectal exam

g) Prostatectomy/Impotence

GAFS 5.62.BPg. 50

8) Urethra and Bulbourethral Glands

Pg. 52

8) Urethra and Bulbourethral Glands

Pg. 52

8) Urethra and Bulbourethral Glands

Pg. 52

9) Penis - a) Structure

Pg. 52

Pg. 52 GAFS 5.71-4

9) Penis - a) Structure

Pg. 52 GAFS 5.71-4

9) Penis - a) Structure

Pg. 52 GAFS 5.71-4

(Superficial fascia)

9) Penis - b)Fascial Layers

Pg. 52 GAFS 5.71-4

(Buck’s fascia)

9) Penis - b)Fascial Layers

Pg. 52 GAFS 5.71-4

9) Penis - b)Fascial Layers

Pg. 52 GAFS 5.71-4

9) Penis - c) Ligaments

9) Penis - d) Vascularization

Pg. 52

9) Penis - d) Arteries

Pg. 52

GAFS 5.77

9) Penis - d) Arteries

Pg. 52

GAFS 5.66

9) Penis - d) Veins

Pg. 52

Pg. 509) Penis - e) Innervation

e) Sympathetics of the penis originate from T10-L2spinal cord levels and enter the inferior hypogastricplexus from:

- Hypogastric nerves

- Sacral splanchnic nerves

Pg. 509) Penis - e) Innervation

f) Parasympathetics of the penis originate from S2-S4spinal cord levels and enter the inferior hypogastricplexus from:

- Pelvic splanchnic nerves

Pg. 53

9) Penis - e) Innervation

GAFS 5.62.BPg. 50

9) Penis - e) Innervation

Semen, Erection and Ejaculation

• Semen

• Sperm, seminal vesical, prostate, bulbourethral


• Erection

• Parasympathetic control

• Ejaculation

• Sympathetic control

• Emission and Ejaculation

Pg. 52

Semen on glass

Erection - Parasympathetic

• Parasympathetic control (S2-S4)

• Dilatation of the deep arteries increases blood flow

into the cavernous spaces of the erectile tissue

Pg. 52

Erection - Parasympathetic

• Parasympathetic control (S2-S4)

• Dilatation of the deep arteries increases blood flow

into the cavernous spaces of the erectile tissue

Pg. 52

Emission - Sympathetic (L1-L2)

• Contraction of smooth muscle within ductus deferens

and seminal vesicles and prostate

• Contraction of internal urethral sphincter

• Emission - Release of sperm and gland secretions into

the urethra

Pg. 52

Ejaculation - Sympathetic (L1-L2• Sympathetic control (L1-L2)

• Closure of the urethral sphincter

• Contraction of smooth muscle in ductus deferens

• Somatic (pudendal) control (S2-S4)

• Contraction of the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles

Pg. 52


• Sympathetic control (L1-L2)

• Constriction of the smooth muscle of the

helicine arteries, arresting arterial blood flow to

the erectile tissue

• Venous blood leaves the erectile tissue via the

dorsal deep veins, which drain into the prostatic

venous plexus

Pg. 52

Pg. 109

Netter 396

Pg. 109

Netter 390

Pg. 109

Netter 395