gada skates 1987-2007

ievads 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Architecture of Latvia 1987-2007 J.Poga, architect. St.Petersburg, 21.09.2007.

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J.Pogas gatavots pārskats par Gada skatēm un konkursiem laikā no 1987-2007.


Page 1: Gada skates 1987-2007



Architecture of Latvia 1987-2007

J.Poga, architect.St.Petersburg, 21.09.2007.

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Rkz 1987 1


The concert hall in Citadel, Riga.

International competition. 23 entries.

Participants ofLatvia andYugoslavia.

National jury.

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Rkz 1987 2

Winner’s project, device 39213. “Pilsētprojekts”, architect V.Kadirkovs and colleagues.


The concert hall in Citadel, Riga.

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Lnb 1The National library in Riga.


Invitation by Riga City.

ArchitectG.Birkerts (USA).

Page 7: Gada skates 1987-2007

Lnb 2


Sketchies. Architect

G.Birkerts (USA).

The National library in Riga.

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Lnb 3


Sketch design. Architect

G.Birkerts (USA).

The National library in Riga.

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1. Gs 1995 1

National jury.


17 entries.

The 1st annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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1. Gs 1995 2

Nomination Interiors.The “Ufo” bar at Brīvības St.195 in Riga. Architect A.Lukševics.


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1. Gs 1995 3

Nomination Restorations.

The tenement’s houseat Vīlandes St.1 in Riga.

Architects G.Vaivars, G.Lūsis-Grīnbergs.


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1. Gs 1995 4

Nomination Renovations.The cinema and cafeteria “Andalūzijas suns” in Riga.

Architects V.Sarma, G.Grikmane, Z.Gaile.


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1. Gs 1995 5

Grand Prix. Nomination Newly erected buildings.

St.Gregor’s school at Lielā St.26 in Saldus.Architects A.Andersons un I.Andersone.


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2. Gs 1996 1

National jury.


17 entries.18 entries.

The 2nd annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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2. Gs 1996 2

Nomination Unrealized projects.Renovation of the hospital in Sigulda.

Architects A.Dēliņš, D.Dēliņa, I.Vistapole.

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2. Gs 1996 3

Nomination Town planning.The residential block “Šampēteris” in Riga.

Architects U.Šēnbergs, V.Balode.


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2. Gs 1996 4

Nomination Renovations.

Cafe “Lindaga” in Ragaciems.Architects M.Malahovskis, S.Ņikiforovs, piedaloties I.Freilībai,

I.Kauliņam, J.Miltiņai, A.Pētersonei, D.Redlihai, V.Redlihai, I.Stepanovai.

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2. Gs 1996 5

Grand Prix. Nomination Interiors.

Parfumery shop and beauty parlour “Kolonna” in Riga. Architect R.Balode.

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2. Gs 1996 6

Grand Prix. Nomination Newly erected buildings. The residential house at Bajāru St.59 in Riga.

Architects K.Alksnis, A.Kļaviņš, S.Fogele, E.Miķelsone.

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3. Gs 1997 1

National jury.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.

The 3rd annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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3. Gs 1997 2

Nomination Renovations.

“Konventa sēta”at Kalēju St.9/11 in Riga.

“Konventa sēta”, “Arhitekta

E.Vecumnieka birojs”,“P.Hübotter & Partner”,architects B.Bērziņa,

D.Bērziņš, E.Vecumnieks, P.Hiboters a.o.


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3. Gs 1997 3

Nomination Interiors.

“Garants Rīga” office at Āzenes St.12 in Riga.

Architects A.Ģelzis, I.Liepiņa, O.Salputra,



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3. Gs 1997 4

Nomination Newly erected buildings.

The social insurance office at Tilta St.9 in Riga.“Arhitekta E.Bērziņa birojs”, architect E.Bērziņš.

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3. Gs 1997 5

Grand Prix. Renovation of church

in Vecpiebalga.Architect A.Skujiņa.


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4. Gs 1998 1

National jury.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.

The 4th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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4. Gs 1998 2

Nomination Town planning.

Renovation of the park Jūrmala in Liepāja.“AKA birojs”, architects A. Kokina, A. Kokins,

with participation of G.Straume, A.Sisenis, N.Paupe, D.Kreičmane.

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4. Gs 1998 3

Nomination Projects.The office building “Ziemeļu vārti” in Riga.

“Jonika”, architects A.Purviņš, B.Maike, A.Tereško.


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4. Gs 1998 4

Nomination Renovations.

The Free port Ventspils office.“Nams”, architects I.Karahona, A.Kursiša, M.Malahovskis, S.Ņikiforovs,

A.Pētersone, I.Stepanova, I.Šteimanis, G.Rūse.


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4. Gs 1998 5

Nomination Renovations.

The shop “Māja” in Liepāja.Architect A.Padēlis-Līns.


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4. Gs 1998 6

Nomination Interiors.

Nacarete’s church in Liepāja.architect G.Jurjāns.


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4. Gs 1998 8

Grand Prix. Nomination Newly erected buildings.

The ice hockey hall in Liepāja.“Arhitekta U.Pīlēna birojs”, architect U.Pīlēns.


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5. Gs 1999 1

National jury.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.34 entries.

The 5th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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5. Gs 1999 2

Nomination Projects.

The library in Ventspils (competition’s project).“Brīnišķīgo projektu birojs”,

architects A.Ģelzis, O.Salputra, I.Liepiņa, J.Prusaks, D.Krūmiņš.


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5. Gs 1999 3

Nomination Projects.

The family house “Villa Lielupe” in Jūrmala.“Arhitektonika”, architect I.Lazdiņš.


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5. Gs 1999 4


Nomination Interiors.

The “Retex” office in Riga.“Kubs”,

architectD.Brezinska, participation

I.Skadiņa, S.Fogele, D.Bajārs,


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5. Gs 1999 5

Nomination Renovations.

The embassy of Latvia in Minsk, Byelorussia.“LX projekts”, architects M.Apsītis, A.Āboltiņš,

A.Plankājs, I.Grietēna, D.Grāvere, M.Rudzīte.


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5. Gs 1999 6

Nomination Renovations.

The family houses at Visbijas pr.5/7 in Mežaparks, Riga.“Gints un kolēģi”, arhitekti G.Vaivars, G.Lūsis–Grīnbergs,

participation I.Daksne.


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5. Gs 1999 7

Nomination Newly erected buildings.

The frontier surveillance post in Siliena.

“Arhitektonika”, architects I.Lazdiņš, V.Lukstiņa.


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5. Gs 1999 8

Grand Prix. Project “Ventspils

lineārā centra spēles”,Architectural and

town plannig bureau of

Ventspils City Council.


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6. Gs 2000 1

National jury.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.34 entries.54 entries.

The 6th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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6. Gs 2000 2

Nomination Projects.

The office building at Baznīcas St. in Riga.“Arhis”, architects A.Kronbergs, V.Šlars, B.Bula, E.Beernaerts,

arch.stud. J.Vizulis, Ē.Grīnbergs, A.Staris, R.Saulītis.


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6. Gs 2000 3

Nomination Town planning.

The masterplan of the residential village Beberi.

“Arhitektes L.Saško birojs”, architect L.Saško.


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6. Gs 2000 4

Nomination Family houses.

The family house at E.Birznieka–Upīša St.21 in Jūrmala.

“Arhis”, architects A.Kronbergs, L.Biseniece, arch.stud. E.Grīnbergs.


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6. Gs 2000 6

Nomination Interiors.The night-club “Nautilus” in Riga.

“Graf X”, “Dizaina nams”, architects P.Strancis, A.Vecvagars.

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6. Gs 2000 7

Nomination Restorations.

Turaida land-agent house in Sigulda.

Architects I.Caunīte, I.Janelis.

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6. Gs 2000 8

Nomination Renovations.

“Felix Holding” building in Riga.“Arhis”, architects E.Treimanis, S.Kassaliete, participation I.Štāle,

in co-operation “A.I.G.”, “Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava”, architect A.Sīlis.

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6. Gs 2000 9

Nomination Newly erected buildings.

The pavilion of Latvia at EXPO 2000 in Hannover, Germany.“Brīnišķīgo projektu birojs”, architects A.Ģelzis, O.Salputra,

I.Liepiņa, J.Prusaks, D.Krūmiņš, artists A.Bikše, H.Elers.


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6. Gs 2000 8

Grand Prix.The office building at Palasta St.7 in Riga.

“Arhis”, architects A.Kronbergs, A.Dimiņš, Ģ.Kilēvics.


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7. Gs 2001 1

National jury.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.34 entries.54 entries.47 entries.

The 7th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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7. Gs 2001 3

Nomination Town planning and projects.

The office building “Jaunais tilts” in Ķīpsala (competition’s project).


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7. Gs 2001 5

Nomination Renovations.The palace of Livonia order

in Ventspils.



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7. Gs 2001 6

Nomination Renovations.

The guest-house at Peldu St. in Riga.



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7. Gs 2001 7

Nomination Newly erected buildings.

The bank of Latvia Riga branch.

“Kronbergs, Kārkliņš un partneri”.

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7. Gs 2001 8

Grand Prix.Renovation of the international aeroport “Riga” (the second stage).

“Arhis”, “Kronbergs, Kārkliņš un partneri”.


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8. Gs 2002 1

National jury. 2 stages valuation.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.

54 entries.34 entries.

47 entries.38 selected projects.

The 8th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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8. Gs 2002 2

Nominationa Landscape.

The “Ozo Golf Club” in Aplokciems, Riga.“Arhitekta J.Pogas birojs”,

archtects J.Poga, I.Asmusa, M.Cabule,landscape architect M.Štembergs,

the golf-course designers R.Svedberg, T.Svedbreg.

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8. Gs 2002 3

Nomination Interiors.

The sport’s and recreational centre “Bowlero” in Riga.“Sīlis, Zābres un Kļava”,

architects A.Sīlis, P.Kļava,

D.Grāvere, I.Orbidāne.


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8. Gs 2002 4

Nomination Design.

The fontain “Kuģu vērotājs” in Ventspils.

Sculptor I.Dobičins, architect R.Dobičina.

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8. Gs 2002 5

Nomination Newly erected buildings – family houses.The family house at Kūrmājas St. in Ventspils.

“Modra Ģelža birojs”, architects M.Ģelzis, M.Stefaņenko, S.Laganovska.

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8. Gs 2002 6

Nomination Newly erected public buildings.

St.Brigita church in Grobiņa.

“AKA birojs”, architects A.Kokina, A.Kokins, interior designer I.Ķauķe.


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8. Gs 2002 7

Grand Prix. Nomination Renovations – public buildings.

Āgenskalna gymnasium in Riga.

“Brīnišķīgo projektu birojs”.


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9. Gs 2003 1


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.34 entries.54 entries.47 entries.38 selected projects.89 entries, 47 selected projects.

National jury. 2 stages valuation.

The 9th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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9. Gs 2003 2

Nomination Projects.

The concert hall in Liepāja (competition’s project) “Saund of Dune”. “Arhis”.


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9. Gs 2003 3

Nomination Interiors.

“Hotel Bergs” in Riga. “Zaigas Gailes birojs”.


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9. Gs 2003 5

Nomination Landscape.

The commemorative sign “Melnais slieksnis”

(the black doorstep) in Riga. Sculptor G.Panteļejevs,

architect A.Veidemanis.


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9. Gs 2003 6

Nomination Restorations. “Filozofu namiņš” at Balasta dambis 68a in Riga. “Zaigas Gailes birojs”.


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9. Gs 2003 7


The old warehaouseat Aldaru St.10 in Riga. “Zaigas Gailes birojs”.


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9. Gs 2003 8

Grand Prix. Nomination Newly erected buildings.

The shopping centre at Kr.Valdemāra St.112 in Riga. “Kubs”, architects Z.Kalinka, P.Venckovičs, J.Lauris.


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Liepājas kz 1

Participants:”PTW Architects” (Australia),

“Peeter Cook, Perez-Arroyo and Huirtado” (United Kingdom),“HLT” a/s Henning Larsens Tegnestue (Denmark),

“Arhis” (Latvia),“Giencke & Company” (Austria).

International competition. 5 entries.Customer: Liepāja City Council.

International jury: Latvia, USA, Finland.

The concert hall in Liepāja.

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Liepājas kz 2 austrālija

The competition’s project, device “ALLEGRO”.

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Liepājas kz 3 lielbritānija

The competition’s project, device “ELLO”.

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Liepājas kz 4 dānija

The competition’s project, device “Diamont of Liepaja”.

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Liepājas kz 5 latvija


The competition’s project, device “Sound of Dune”.

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Liepājas kz 6 austrija

The winner’s project.“Giencke & Company”


The competition’s project, device “URBAN LOOP”.

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10. Gs 2004 1

The first stage – national jury,The second stage – international jury:

Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Denmark.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.34 entries.54 entries.47 entries.38 selected projects.89 entries, 47 selected projects.92 entries, 50 selected projects.

The 10th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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10. Gs 2004 3

Nomination Projects.

The Baltic’s cybercity in Valmiera. “Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava”, architects A.Sīlis, P.Kļava, I.Orbidāne, L.Skučere.

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10. Gs 2004 4

Nomination Renovations.

The City library in Ventspils. “Arhitekta J.Pogas birojs”, architects J.Poga, participation Ž.Turova,

M.Cabule, I.Asmusa, J.Ulbiks.

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10. Gs 2004 5

Nomination Newly erected public buildings.

The “Mercedes Benz” centre in Riga. “Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava”, architects A.Sīlis, P.Kļava.

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10. Gs 2004 6

Grand Prix. Nomination Newly erected buildings – family houses.

The family house at Gulbju St.6 in Sigulda. “Arhis”, architects A.Kronbergs, J.Lasis, arch.techn. K.Šulcs.

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11. Gs 2005 1

The first stage – national jury,The second stage – international jury:Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.34 entries.54 entries.47 entries.38 selected projects.89 entries, 47 selected projects.92 entries, 50 selected projects.113 entries, 64 selected projects.

The 11th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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11. Gs 2005 2

Nomination Interiors.

The gallery “Garage”at Berga bazārs in Riga.“Zaigas Gailes birojs”,

architects Z.Gaile, I.Cibule, A.Smiltenis, artists L.Kaugure,

F.Kirke, M.Birznieks, I.Kundziņa.

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11. Gs 2005 3

Nomination Design.

The exposition “Runājošie akmeņi” (the talking stouns) in France. “Arhitektonika”, architect I.Lazdiņš, disigner K.Suipe,

author of conception E.Stendzinieks.


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11. Gs 2005 4

Nomination Renovations.

The “Diena” office and edition building at Mūkusalas St. in Riga. “Arhis”, architects A.Kronbergs, B.Bula, J.Lasis, I.Šteinmanis.

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11. Gs 2005 5

Nomination Newly erected public buildings.

The office building “Baltais vējš” at K.Ulmaņa alley 119 in Mārupes pagasts. “Kubs”, architects D.Brezinska, P.Venckovičs, M.Važa, D.Krēsliņa, R.Jansons.

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11. Gs 2005 6

Grand Prix. Nomination Newly erected buildings – family houses.

The family house “Drupu māja” in Sakas pagasts, the district of Liepāja. “F.L.Tadao&Lukševics”, architects U.Lukševics, M.Ošāns.


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Rīgas kz 1

International competition. 11 entries.Participants:

“Arhis” (Latvia),“Sarma un Norde” (Latvia), “Arhitektonika” (Latvia),

“Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava” (Latvia),“Venta Didrihsona arhitektūras studija” (Latvia),

„„Z4”/”Standartsituation”/”B+G Ingenieure”” (Latvia), “Coop Himmelb(l)au Prix & Swiczinsky & Dreibholz Zt” GmbH (Austria),

“Benisch, Benisch & Partner Architekten” (Germany), “KADA + Wittfeld Architekten” (Germany),

“Snøhetta” AS (Norway), “Henning Larsens Tegnestue” A/S (Denmark).

Customer: The Ministy of Culture.

International jury: Estonia, Latvia, USA, Austria, Switzerland.

The concert hall in Riga.

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Rīgas kz 2

The competition’s project, device “351348”.

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Rīgas kz 3

The competition’s project, device “GRAND VERANDA”.

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Rīgas kz 4

The project, device “where music meets the city”.

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Rīgas kz 5

The competition’s project, device “sound profile”.

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Rīgas kz 6

The competition’s project, device “LATVIAN SONGBIRD”.

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Rīgas kz 7

The competition’s project, device “PHOENIX FĒNIKS”.

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Rīgas kz 8

The competition’s project, device “ADD.LV”.

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Rīgas kz 9

The competition’s project, device “KULTŪRAS VERTIKĀLE”.

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Rīgas kz 10


The competition’s project, device “ŪDENSROZE SEAROSE”.

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Rīgas kz 11

Runner-up. “Henning Larsens Tegnestue” A/S (Denmark).

The competition’s project, device “KEYNOTE”.

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Rīgas kz 12

The winner’s project. “Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava” (Latvia).

The competition’s project, device “LINEAMENTUM”.

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12. Gs 2006 1

The first stage – national jury,The second stage – international jury:

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, France.


17 entries.18 entries.27 entries.25 entries.34 entries.54 entries.47 entries.38 selected projects.89 entries, 47 selected projects.92 entries, 50 selected projects.113 entries, 64 selected projects.73 entries, 50 selected projects.

The 12th annual show of the best

architectural project in Latvia.

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12. Gs 2006 2

Nomination Projects.

The Concert hall in Riga (competition’s projekt). “Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava”, architects Andis Sīlis,

Aleksejs Birjukovs, Ilze Miķelsone, Renāte Pablaka, Kristīne Grava, artist Holgers Elers.


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12. Gs 2006 3

Nomination Interiors. The exposition “Grindeks izaugsmes galerija” at Krustpils St.53 in Riga.

Designers Inguna Elere, Holgers Elers.

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12. Gs 2006 4

Nomination Landscape.

The “Way of jungle” in Jūrmala park, Ventspils. G.Rēķis, A.Neilande, A.Kausenieks, D.Ošenieks.


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12. Gs 2006 5

Nomination Restorations.

The international litterateur’s house at Annas St.3 in Ventspils. “Nams 3”, architects Ē.Cērpiņš, A.Špaks, D.Zepa, I.Grīviņa.


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12. Gs 2006 6

Nomination Renovations. The office building

at Dzirnavu St.68 in Riga. “Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava”,

architectsA.Birjukovs, A.Sīlis.


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12. Gs 2006 8

Nomination Newly erected buildings – family houses. The private house in Pāvilosta. Architect J.Sauka.

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12. Gs 2006 9

Nomination Industrial buildings. The juice concentrate’s terminal in Ventspils.

“AKA birojs”, architects A.Kokina, A.Kokins, K.Strēlita-Strēle.

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12. Gs 2006 10

Nomination Newly erected public buildings. The office building at Zivju St.11/13 in Liepāja.

“Daces Zalānes projektu birojs”, architect D.Zalāne, arch.stud. A.Roķis.


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12. Gs 2006 11

Grand Prix. Nomination Newly erected residential buildings.The appartament house at Jūras St.32 in Jūrmala.

“Modus Mood”, architects J.Alksnis, N.Saulespurēna, A.Rubenis.

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Skates 1-12







Location of Grand Prix.


Resume of shows from 1st till 12th.

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Venstpils kz 1

International competion, 2 stages.Customer: City Council of Ventspils.

National jury.The first stage – international workshop (2005). Participants: Latvia (4 teams), Germany, Ireland,

Lithuania, Estonia, Netherlands.

The second stage – two winners in workshop.

The concert hall in Ventspils.

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Ventspils kz 2 igaunija

The finalist’s project.“Luhse & Tuhal” (Estonia).

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Ventspils kz 3 vācija

The winner’s project.“Benisch Architekten” (Germany).

Page 112: Gada skates 1987-2007

Izmantotie materiāliNo Latvijas Arhitektu savienības lietvedības arhīva.No Latvijas Arhitektūras muzeja arhīva.No Ventspils pilsētas domes Arhitektūras un pilsētplānošanas nodaļas arhīva.No Liepājas pilsētas domes Būvvaldes arhīva.No SIA “j3b” arhīva. No arhitektu biroju “AKA birojs”, “Arhitektonika”, “Nams”, “Arhis”, “Arhitekta J.Pogas birojs”, “Kubs”, “Zaigas Gailes birojs”, “Graf X”, “Sarma un Norde”, “Arhitekta E.Vecumnieka birojs”, “Sīlis, Zābers un Kļava”, “Arhitekta U.Pīlēna birojs”, “A.I.G.”, “LV projekts” , “5. Avēnija”, “Gints un kolēģi”, “Jonika”, Brīnīšķīgo projektu birojs” arhīviem.No arhitektu A.Skujiņas, P.Blūma, E.Treimaņa, I.Lazdiņa, U.Šēnberga, M.Ģelža, G. Legzdiņa, O.Redberga, A, Veidemaņa, K.Alkšņa, I.Grundules, R.Balodes, A.Dēliņa, A.Andersona, G.Jurjāna, E. Bērziņa, A. Padēlis-Līņa personīgiem arhīviem.No žurnāliem “Latvijasarchitektūra”.Gada skates logo autors mākslinieks I.Mailītis.



Page 113: Gada skates 1987-2007


J.Poga, architect.St.Petersburg, 21.09.2007.


Thank you for attention!