gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-01-11...

TILE DAILY SUN iAINESVILLE FLORIDA JANUARY 11 HUH nm r r G UICIDEO TO ESCAPE INSANITY Or Stiger Graduate ef Vanderiilt Kills Self In New York Sew York Jan 10Dr II W gar saW to be a en I tae of Vtr r tilt unlversly aai i KUJI uv and of a fairily i iirrf in Xas rifle attempu to commit u clde at Auburn hotel Broadway ar j- Thirtyninth street some Sun jt tat by taking a mixture of choro form and morphine He reawv- d to Bellevue hospital where phs class say he cannot recover Dr Stegar took the pouon after tearing a note aaylac that he had suf- fered from Aulcldal and homicidal sjuala for years and that be coull net bear the suffering longer He wilted Lie body to the college of phy leltM aid surgeons Columbia unl wnttjr- ItottW M Rive Children Burned LewUtowa Pa Jan 9 Informa tics fca tracked sere that Tsaac tor his daughter Mrs Peter Martin al tier Ire children were burned to at their home la Pleasant View JwteU WUIiams by Chamblty Pout Oa Jaa 10 Clere- WMliUM was root three times by John OtaBbtoy Saturday afternoon Bevlak Ala Yooag Chasaoley was 4rlTlBf throscb a atrip of woods sear WffltaW toile It U said wien he wa tailed sad palled from the wagon 7 jrwaf Chenbley palled kte y4ctel al shot Wllllaasa three wfclle down oa hU back ktey west to Lafayette Ala and gave wf to ike sheriff Taere Is aot any haaee tor the recovery of Young It U retorted One KHktf Three Injured Ala Jaa lO oha wu kilIM aid Daa Aareln and J PalUiye are la a hospital here dan ajatomely lajared a tile reault of a col Idea ketweca two haadcars near Ash land Ala Phillip was runalag tie rear car wild smashed into the car- t treat oa a trestle oa the Louts TIDe sad Nuhrlile railroad Hobbs wu iaetaatiy killed Anreia had bvlli legs of and badly Injured the heaj Phillips was serious- ly iart about the hands head and the fcoBlders I Used Pelean and Revelvtr J New Haven COBB Jan 10 Sui- cide by means of both bullet and pot Is the explanation given by Con 01 Mix of the death of Charles A Edwards of New York city at the Abigail Hlller homeKteaJ here oa Tues day aight last This finding is con- tained la a preliminary report to State attorney Williams anJ Is based In or the discovery of morhphlno In body of Mr Fllwards by Medical Ex Iner Bartlett and the surgeons who performed the autopsy j Cured Lumbago A B Canman Chicago writes March 4 1903 Having been troubled with lumbago at different times and tried our physician after another then diffnrcBl and liniment Have It up altogether So I tried once and got a bottle of Mallards Bnow Liniment which gave me imtant relief I can cheerfully recommend It and will add my name to list of sufferers Sold by M Johnson Piinttr Decorator and Paper Hanger iJCH East Main St S Gainesville Fla All kind of outside and work promptly and neatly executed PAPER IIANOINU and SIGN WRIT INC a Specialty KINTIMi KAITItALL- VKElAltti sad KOlFKLY ItKSKNTK- UKOIIKKS UOSlKICII V WE CAN KELP YOU IttTAHL HOW K anti KIISKST IT THE SUN Giinesvillo Fla I i tT Ten I Tar coot Will Cham Willie rat JIM I I curt part I the W D 5IIAlflTOn P w P tamp r was k i lean y Sh- eer west sear t 4 tine t was trout son t net t J i t k r store al- most Ace a C inside i sv- p t f > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < EL DORADO CAFE in luoLJHif a Feature Everything in vaton Conked to Order OYS7EK5 AND SPEAKS COFFEE the Best p R I C E d It h A a O NAIII E WEST SIDE SQUARE lin Wet Min Street S A GRISLY SIGHT Never shall n man who han ouce watch nl the htiidJt T of a fur bcnl forgvt the ghastly right the iliHk of the blunt ivtl sealing thiunauils of seal fainilitrt l- out on the cll tcuiug Ice ilo s the dark inottl i bcxltrff of the adults standing out In relief against thv blue white itnm of their floating home white the unnw white fur of the baby bltuJji- nlnuwt luitHntptlbly Into the back ground Out from the ship hurrying over the Ice rush nearly intn of the crew each aruiwl with an Iron tlpiM club From near anti far uo up the upjrilzt cries of the terrifled real Floppinjr along over the Ice tbe adults rush frantically for the water doing their best to their young with them In iiimit cast their way of escape is cut off by the sealers With a blow of the Iron bound club the skull of the seal pup IN crushed Its blood staining the whiteners of the floe while Its i parents an allnwiil to get away In safety TeilinlcMl World Magatlue- to tu tort Il r Matt TIlt ways of women are beyond tlio- compn hensiou of mew man said her companion u after purchasing her stamps at thu general postofflr she carried her mall to the nearest post box Will you kindly explain why you did that V Simply because 1 hadnt tlwe to sort my nmll Into l ttHm N wHMiiH ni and Packages Foreign Domestic New York City and a few dozen other dub dlvlxlotDi anti then walk around that tnotiMn tui building to rind the roi r drupe fur the various articles ahe re pllwl It tnkcs time anti In jtostollliv ami I ilont ponMexs any u- tluiM tiling lilt the plain un cotnjillcniid letter box fur practical purpose I did of our u he remiirkiil that that wan just like a woman New York Prwu I CASTORIA For Infants and Children Ill KM Yu Hall Always Bovchf Heats the Sf JjS Signature of St tuna liitMntn tp The Knuti llitistnite Ma izlm- Mtv4 tint Itiit in tin n Iiiniiiii7 f in liP uiilrli nhxiivs l iijiriuli- tftrtil MMil hi arm valkiil with lluiu in tin orderly manner Hit down to ta like a num opened his napkin nml- vlpeil liiH ith It tnatle use of Kmn Mud forU poiintl out wine mid cliuke ula is NUInic Him t p I liclhvf I run truthfully Nay re tnirlff tin wit coinplarent moan that I have only one fault and thats a Uiall one Ve rejlhil the undid man jnt lib the hole In U ulekel It may l ea small hole tint It make the nickol u t i NlIhtladelihia- 1rws Maltiulxlvp What would you do Henry ked Mri Johnston If InirJars p t lulu the lion ll il her hii lmntl I JMJI- IMHW I viitilil do what they lulil- me Its iMtet liiid my unit way in- tluS h iio often ia li r to here tw mas- ters than ti master two j ervmit- rhlliul Chronic Constipation Cured One whu iiAVr from chronic coniti- pation ii in danger of many vriou- nilmenti Orino laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation BI it Hid di e tinn and timu1att the liver and bowels rentorinc the natural action of orcat s Commence taking it to- day and you will letter at once Laxative Fruit Syrup done not nauseate or gripe and id very pleasant to take Kefu e utrtitutf J V- McCollum A Co Seaboard Parlor Cars The seaboard fir Line operate buf- fet parlor cars tetween Waldo and Tampa un tram leaving Waldo that connects with the morning tram from Gainesville The clat 51e- UIUr Itm yVY C C u digit burr I t Ill t ItIIIO kenulty to Ituthhu III the I I IIr roe I 110 Jut I three feel lleaillsr e II1eshter d th tebr u th Se 1ie Neal From lYY uitrt CIVY cal aMt TIN pwt grnernl I dive ttali bit rats yet- I t il hit Ira urJ ono < > < > < < > > > ¬ > > > > ¬ + + + + The l adil Illrd- f tin1 brat I nut ull- Jfu if uiih lo He n rain the 1 herfii I i f th l the water urimtlnir tj inline at itlrti ttu of a waherniati wi- Thit i th say Neither nil n- LoJce of 111 i it lie in a dirty Uicliint dune in In took the least Trust Vrr j What iierie l the fair maid U tin ilifTereuix Ixtwivn a tru t and a 1111 afraid I cannot eplan the tilt fennee III u many wonN repletl the than In the hilt If youll your trut In me Ill Mow my ef for till morrow And ln her tru t lu hlmChl- ca c News Wnlry loUr The mother John and hades We ley the foutiilern of MethoiIUm one of the im t remarkahle character of her own ur any other age From tender years the principles of religion iind pnutical piety were instilled hy her In the minds of her ehlldreu She dolly took them into a private room and pniyed with and MO Imbued Weir minds with tilt spirit of religion that the Methodist movement was real- ly born in tier home Ural Pleasure suppoe there in nothlu that pleases a woman more than till devot- ed attention of the man of her ehole- plUssKxript perhaps the devoted at- tention of the intin of Home other girlH choice Kxrlnmue When a buyer declanil that he paid cash right on the nail Mud thereby a great bargain what kind of a nail did he refer What in meant by a doornail and the expression Dead aa a doornail Carry your present load tlrmly cor- rectly and and nome one will surely note at tit prox r time that you ore eitiai to a larger our Greatly in Demand Nothing in more demand than a medicine which meets modern require- ment for a blood and y tem cloanrer such as Dr King New Pills Thy ate what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles Try them At all drug nlorf Si guaranteed Louisville Nashville R R Best Lne to Hlrmlnitlum Nathtillr Memphis Kuoxtlllr Lou Uv 1 1 If Inclnbati St I 4Hii t Chicsiro and all point North and Wet in through Only line operating through sleepers hum to hie H Only line thrntiRh slceier from Florida to St Louis with dining- car clininKonrf Tviip in South Through tourist to Califor- nia For information n tn rate to all point North and MVsi chHnle and lull information call on or write GEO E HERRING Fla l a Act I k K II- Alaohim county ii so JAw sere in has MS railroad mile wagon road M pototice 113 Iudlic chooLi pho phatf plants l saw mill J75KW court houcH iuwpipt and pro turn cotton rice oats potatoes or ante t ih plums pi cans and nit kinii of vegetal Gainesville the County Seal Man fourteen churches two public rchooUthf UniTiroity Honda private ho i three newspapers state land the water tire alarm yem electric sod K lights two ice firtorie- ninchine iho three fact- nriiontt in Kit two mo fi iMoru three railrkirtdf two fertili er mars nfacturin cuinpanie one titer one rectifying tur jentine plant twc hanks and WIll stocked stores embracing erer thing in the commercial r i Ir trim a t liU l roi 1 La t I I II tilttnOti I ti unfit I I 1 l t ul 11 t 11111111 rl w pis II dud ti RI rim a jut rill t JackI I to ill Iif just II Finest the U6 n- AlACHUA COUNTYuli area Pit i 7 I sugar j l i t best l woos I mnufatur De tltu t t1r- rr tIr Ilriia 1 I e r h palty n t t1 turl t c Ih- r t h of t In S idlt- t hr tit l f 5 u t Ice fr prl rite tta unt to e- nliu l solo pooh d t t put was t ash sailed IItR nail- ed i dully cars service sleep ra > tlcil BaySlreet Jatkttulile niles tic due rye ineap I i pear i s > > > > > < > > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < + + ° + + + + + + Wt irs Now Ready TO QUOTE PRICES AMD SUIMIT SAMPLES OF FALL GOODS For lieu Women anti We carry everything reidytowear and all order will receive prompt anti careful attention ALWAYS REMEMBER 1 We i nd goo Is by express C O D subject to examination l eture accepting J We send two or three styles of garments for selection allow rr cent di oimt for cash except on contract H LEVY BUG GO TIE liB STORES SAVANNAH GA advertising is to convince you that YOU ought to a hank account soil thin the account should be in THIS BANK otter ABSOLUTE SAFETY our depositors Equipped as we are with a NEW FIREPROOF VAULT New Triple Time Lock ScrewDoor BURGLARPROOF- SAFE with our Officers Bonded with Fire and Burglar Insurance your money and valuable papers are safe with us FOUR PER CENT Interest Paid on Time Deposits BANK of ALACHUA JLlaclvua Florida THE NATIONAL FINANCIAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Reveals the News and Fact governing Values Studies underlying causes of Market Reviews analyzes and criticises Railroad and reports Has tables of Earnings of Properties Quotes active and inactive Stocks and Records the lust salt of Bonds and the yield on Investments at the price Answers without iiiquirits c n rcnnng Investments One win daily cmtMilN THF UAII STItHKT MHIINU lit Inf t ninniy afel and pnlllahlj and to adiUe alMHit Invest niMiN one dUI tint miUSHKP DAILY HY DOW dONKS cS CO 41 Itroad Street Netv York THE OIIIKST M S ixrv OF VAIL STKKKT- It a Year I a Month INVESTORS WALL STREET JOURNAL Chi Id nu t Ve III good B OBJECT te e TUf WAll STFFT JOURNAL oemell cOIn pl te ehal t I INittr gwllillwl I ran e OUR ti n READ THE > > I a I i 9 1 r

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-11 · TILE DAILY SUN iAINESVILLE FLORIDA JANUARY 11 HUH nm r r G UICIDEO


nm r




Or Stiger Graduate ef VanderiiltKills Self In New York

Sew York Jan 10Dr II Wgar saW to be a en I tae of Vtr rtilt unlversly aai i KUJI uv

and of a fairily i iirrf in Xasrifle attempu to commit uclde at Auburn hotel Broadway ar j-

Thirtyninth street some Sun jt

tat by taking a mixture of choroform and morphine He reawv-

d to Bellevue hospital where phsclass say he cannot recover

Dr Stegar took the pouon aftertearing a note aaylac that he had suf-

fered from Aulcldal and homicidalsjuala for years and that be coullnet bear the suffering longer Hewilted Lie body to the college of phyleltM aid surgeons Columbia unl

wnttjr-ItottW M Rive Children BurnedLewUtowa Pa Jan 9 Informa

tics fca tracked sere that Tsaactor his daughter Mrs Peter Martin

al tier Ire children were burned toat their home la Pleasant View


WUIiams by ChambltyPout Oa Jaa 10 Clere-

WMliUM was root three times by JohnOtaBbtoy Saturday afternoonBevlak Ala Yooag Chasaoley was4rlTlBf throscb a atrip of woods searWffltaW toile It U said wien hewa tailed sad palled from the wagon

7 jrwaf Chenbley palledkte y4ctel al shot Wllllaasa three

wfclle down oa hU backktey west to Lafayette Ala and gave

wf to ike sheriff Taere Is aot anyhaaee tor the recovery of Young

It U retorted

One KHktf Three InjuredAla Jaa lO oha

wu kilIM aid Daa Aareln andJ PalUiye are la a hospital here danajatomely lajared a tile reault of a colIdea ketweca two haadcars near Ashland Ala Phillip was runalag tierear car wild smashed into the car-t treat oa a trestle oa the LoutsTIDe sad Nuhrlile railroad Hobbswu iaetaatiy killed Anreia had bvllilegs of and badly Injured

the heaj Phillips was serious-ly iart about the hands head and thefcoBlders I

Used Pelean and Revelvtr J

New Haven COBB Jan 10 Sui-

cide by means of both bullet and pot

Is the explanation given by Con01 Mix of the death of Charles

A Edwards of New York city at theAbigail Hlller homeKteaJ here oa Tuesday aight last This finding is con-

tained la a preliminary report to Stateattorney Williams anJ Is based Inor the discovery of morhphlno Inbody of Mr Fllwards by Medical Ex

Iner Bartlett and the surgeons whoperformed the autopsy j

Cured LumbagoA B Canman Chicago writes

March 4 1903 Having been troubledwith lumbago at different times andtried our physician after another thendiffnrcBl and linimentHave It up altogether So I tried once

and got a bottle of MallardsBnow Liniment which gave me

imtant relief I can cheerfullyrecommend It and will add my nameto list of sufferers Sold byM Johnson

PiinttrDecorator andPaper Hanger

iJCH East Main St S Gainesville Fla

All kind of outside and workpromptly and neatly executed




VKElAltti sad







HOW K anti


THE SUN Giinesvillo Fla

I i












part I



D 5IIAlflTOn



P tampr













sont net








Ace a

C inside














EL DORADO CAFEin luoLJHif a Feature

Everything in vaton Conked to OrderOYS7EK5 AND SPEAKS

COFFEE the Best

p R I C E d It h A a O N A II I E

WEST SIDE SQUARElin Wet Min Street S


Never shall n man who han oucewatch nl the htiidJt T of a furbcnl forgvt the ghastly rightthe iliHk of the blunt ivtl sealing

thiunauils of seal fainilitrt l-

out on the cll tcuiug Ice ilo s the darkinottl i bcxltrff of the adults standingout In relief against thv blue whiteitnm of their floating home white theunnw white fur of the baby bltuJji-nlnuwt luitHntptlbly Into the background Out from the ship hurryingover the Ice rush nearly intn ofthe crew each aruiwl with an IrontlpiM club From near anti far uo upthe upjrilzt cries of the terrifled realFloppinjr along over the Ice tbe adultsrush frantically for the water doingtheir best to their young withthem

In iiimit cast their way of escape iscut off by the sealers With a blow ofthe Iron bound club the skull of theseal pup IN crushed Its blood stainingthe whiteners of the floe while Its i

parents an allnwiil to get away Insafety TeilinlcMl World Magatlue-

to tu tort Il r MattTIlt ways of women are beyond tlio-

compn hensiou of mew man said hercompanion u after purchasing herstamps at thu general postofflr shecarried her mall to the nearest postbox Will you kindly explain whyyou did that V

Simply because 1 hadnt tlwe to sortmy nmll Into l ttHm N wHMiiH ni andPackages Foreign Domestic NewYork City and a few dozen other dubdlvlxlotDi anti then walk around thattnotiMn tui building to rind the roi rdrupe fur the various articles ahe repllwl It tnkcs time anti In

jtostollliv ami I ilont ponMexs any u-

tluiM tiling lilt the plain uncotnjillcniid letter box fur practicalpurpose I

did of our u he remiirkiil that thatwan just like a woman New YorkPrwu I

CASTORIAFor Infants and Children

Ill KM Yu Hall Always Bovchf

Heats the Sf JjSSignature of St

tuna liitMntn tpThe Knuti llitistnite Ma izlm-

Mtv4 tint Itiit in tin n Iiiniiiii7 f in

liP uiilrli nhxiivs l iijiriuli-tftrtil MMil hi arm valkiil with lluiuin tin orderly manner Hit down to ta

like a num opened his napkin nml-vlpeil liiH ith It tnatle use of

Kmn Mud forU poiintl out wine midcliuke ula is

NUInic Him t pI liclhvf I run truthfully Nay re

tnirlff tin wit coinplarent moan thatI have only one fault and thats aUiall one

Ve rejlhil the undid manjnt lib the hole In U ulekel

It may l e a small hole tint It makethe nickol u t i NlIhtladelihia-1rws

MaltiulxlvpWhat would you do Henry ked

Mri Johnston If InirJars p t luluthe lion

ll il her hii lmntl I JMJI-

IMHW I viitilil do what they lulil-me Its iMtet liiid my unit way in-

tluS h iio

often ia li r to here tw mas-

ters than ti master two j ervmit-rhlliul

Chronic Constipation CuredOne whu iiAVr from chronic coniti-

pation ii in danger of many vriou-nilmenti Orino laxative Fruit Syrupcures chronic constipation BI it Hiddi e tinn and timu1att the liver andbowels rentorinc the natural action of

orcat s Commence taking it to-

day and you will letter at onceLaxative Fruit Syrup done not

nauseate or gripe and id very pleasantto take Kefu e utrtitutf J V-

McCollum A Co

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe seaboard fir Line operate buf-

fet parlor cars tetween Waldo andTampa un tram leaving Waldo thatconnects with the morning tram fromGainesville




Itm yVY C C u





Ill t ItIIIOkenulty to Ituthhu III the












II1eshter d th tebr u thSe 1ie



lYY uitrt CIVY




pwt grnernlI





I t

il hit Ira urJ




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The l adil Illrd-f tin1 brat

I nut ull-Jfu if

uiih lo He n

rain the 1 herfii I

i f th l

the waterurimtlnir

tj inline atitlrti ttu of a

waherniati wi-

Thit i th sayNeither nil n-

LoJce of 111 i it lie

in a dirtyUicliint dune in In

took the least

Trust Vrr j

What iierie l the fair maid Utin ilifTereuix Ixtwivn a tru t and a

1111 afraid I cannot eplan the tiltfennee III u many wonN repletl the

than In the hilt If youllyour trut In me Ill Mow my ef

for till morrowAnd ln her tru t lu hlmChl-

ca c News

Wnlry loUrThe mother John and hades We

ley the foutiilern of MethoiIUmone of the im t remarkahle characterof her own ur any other age Fromtender years the principles of religioniind pnutical piety were instilled hyher In the minds of her ehlldreu Shedolly took them into a private roomand pniyed with and MO ImbuedWeir minds with tilt spirit of religionthat the Methodist movement was real-ly born in tier home

Ural Pleasuresuppoe there in nothlu that

pleases a woman more than till devot-ed attention of the man of her ehole-plUssKxript perhaps the devoted at-tention of the intin of Home other girlHchoice Kxrlnmue

When a buyer declanil that he paidcash right on the nail Mud thereby

a great bargain what kind of anail did he refer What in meant bya doornail and the expression Deadaa a doornail

Carry your present load tlrmly cor-rectly and and nome onewill surely note at tit prox r time thatyou ore eitiai to a larger our

Greatly in DemandNothing in more demand than a

medicine which meets modern require-ment for a blood and y tem cloanrersuch as Dr King New Pills Thyate what you need to cure stomachand liver troubles Try them At alldrug nlorf Si guaranteed


Nashville R R

Best Lne to

Hlrmlnitlum Nathtillr Memphis

Kuoxtlllr Lou Uv 1 1 If Inclnbati

St I 4Hii t Chicsiro and all pointNorth and Wet in through

Only line operating through sleepershum to hie H

Only line thrntiRh slceierfrom Florida to St Louis with dining-car

clininKonrf Tviip in SouthThrough tourist to Califor-

niaFor information n tn rate to all

point North and MVsi chHnle andlull information call on or write

GEO E HERRINGFla l a Act I k K II-

Alaohim county ii so JAw sere inhas MS railroad

mile wagon road M pototice113 Iudlic chooLi pho phatfplants l saw mill J75KW courthoucH iuwpipt and pro

turn cotton riceoats potatoes orante t ih plums picans and nit kinii of vegetal

Gainesville the County SealMan fourteen churches two publicrchooUthf UniTiroity Hondaprivate ho i three newspapers

state land thewater tire alarm yem electricsod K lights two ice firtorie-ninchine iho three fact-nriiontt in Kit two mo fi iMoruthree railrkirtdf two fertili er marsnfacturin cuinpanie one titer

one rectifying turjentine plant twc hanks and WIllstocked stores embracing ererthing in the commercial


i Irtrim a t liU l roi


La t I I II

tilttnOti I

ti unfit I I 1

l t ul11


11111111 rl w pisII dud













Finest the

U6 n-


area Piti


I sugar




t bestl

woos I



tltu t t1r-rr tIr Ilriia 1 I

e r h palty nt

t1 turl t c Ih-

r t h of t In S idlt-t hr tit l f 5


Ice fr

prl rite

tta unt to e-

nliu l solo pooh

d t




t ash

sailed IItR


i dully



sleep ra


tlcil BaySlreet Jatkttulile



rye ineap I i























+ +



+ +




Wt irs Now Ready


FALL GOODSFor lieu Women anti

We carry everything reidytowear and allorder will receive prompt anti careful attention

ALWAYS REMEMBER1 We i nd goo Is by express C O D subject

to examination l eture acceptingJ We send two or three styles of garments

for selection

allow rr cent di oimt for cashexcept on contract



advertising is to convince you that YOU ought toa hank account soil thin the account should bein THIS BANK otter ABSOLUTE SAFETY

our depositors

Equipped as we are with a NEW FIREPROOF VAULTNew Triple Time Lock ScrewDoor BURGLARPROOF-SAFE with our Officers Bonded with Fire and BurglarInsurance your money and valuable papers are safewith us

FOUR PER CENT Interest Paid on TimeDeposits

BANK of ALACHUAJLlaclvua Florida



Reveals the News and Fact governingValues

Studies underlying causes of Market

Reviews analyzes and criticises Railroadand reports

Has tables of Earnings ofPropertiesQuotes active and inactive Stocks and

Records the lust salt of Bonds and theyield on Investments at the priceAnswers without iiiquirits c nrcnnng Investments

One win daily cmtMilN THF UAII STItHKTMHIINU lit Inf t ninniyafel and pnlllahlj and to adiUe alMHit InvestniMiN one dUI tint


DOW dONKS cS CO41 Itroad Street Netv York



Chi Id nu

t Ve IIIgood






cOIn pl te

ehal t

I INittr gwllillwl

I ran













