gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-01...

THK DAILY SUN HLORJJOA ctAJN VTll F pEn 1 1909 p ER UNION ACADEMY patrons Endorse Action of Supt Kelley- In Holding Oral Examination In rvMonse to a call of Dr R U chairman of the colored board Of trustees the patrons of Union Academy met on august Suth at the school building Alter discussing many vital school questions nn ad Tlsory board was elected to cooper- ate with the county and boards after which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas for some time there have been rumors afloat UB to fraud in examinations among some of Aluchuas teachers and whereas as a result of these rumors the Honorable Board of Public Instruction and Supt Dr Kelley f Alachua county have recent ly ta n measures to purify the pro fe loa of teaching in Alachua county and especially Gainesville Therefore be It resolved That we the patrons of Union Academy and citizens of Gainesville do hereby ei dorse the action of the board In giv- ing the teachers an oral examination thus enabling the true teachers to come front under the cloud of sus- picion He It further resolved That we thank ie hoard for Its action with regard to Union Academy the evident object of which was to place the school on a higher plane of UMfulm and share Union Academy is tin only high scl ul In the county fur negro youths w pray the Honorable Hoard that T UH far as practicable they ai olnt a man who has at bust a normal education and ran furiilhli testimony of successful experience In work as principal and He it further resolved That In all things Irtalnlng to the betterment of our si ool Interests we pledge our hearty fipport Hoppity Hop Ar MI just barely getting arnmui by the aid of crutches or a cone UiiU v u have lost a limb or have- a defority if your trouble Is rluuma ism lumimgo sprain ftlff joints or tnuhiii of like nature ue Hallards Snow Lainunt and In no time you can throw away your crutches and be as w il as anyone Price lic Vt and M Sold by V M Johnson Some article that Is simply In the way at your house might if adver- tised be sold to someone who Is anz- tously looking for Line of L C SMITH HighGrade Hammerless Guns Th ftnith Guns never shoot loose and are so guaranteed It iock are so Dimple and strong take up all wear automatically Tli mi is distinctively a top tiongun t mlt and till inplieity of the locks tturcs for wjiich it has U famous th with rntr I l ur nan I burr dliMjUH- ltli ii4 r do9l- H IS Mi itniitf Js- ly t rt 11 t 4750 GAINESVILLE HARDWARE CO r 1 1 hlJh school I I 1 f I 7O j the tllngth lllI u1 k- ai U 1 it rd it lit t Is k I I h 1111 lat II I I I I Ayer sub dlstrlct c r I Let i a- New n a HIY11N- I aulIr iHrrd cuts urt qll nst l t i- 14r rxlN t r ti t i ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ < > > < ° < = > < = DONT EXPERIMENT- You Will Make No Mistake if You Follow This Advice Nver neglect your kidneys- If you hose pain In the hack url unij disorders dizziness and new outness Its time to act and no time to experiment These are all of kidney trouble and you should seek a remedy which Is known to urn the kidneys Deans Kidney Pills Is the remedy- to use No need to experiment It pas cured many stubborn cases In this vicinity Can Gainesville residents demand further proof than that contained it tho following testimonial Oacr OaUrnian of Starke Fla pays I give Deans Kidney Illl highest recommendation as they proved of more benefit to me than any ov or remedy 1 had previously used- I Buffered from kidney trouble for stae time The kidney secretions too frequent In passage and I vas forced to arise from six to eight tunes during the night I also had backache and was bothered by a pain through my loins 1 finally procured Doans Kidney Pills and they soon helped me Hy the time I had taken the contents of two boxes the back- aches and pains entirely disappear- ed and the passages of the kidney atcrttlons soon because regular 1 now fell fifty per cent better than before in n long time For tale by all dealer Price 0 cuts Co Buffalo v York sole agents for the United States Hiinember the name Doans ami take no other An independent Miller When Fnilerkk built his famous palace of Suits Sum1 there happened to be a mill thai really hampered tutu i the execution of his plans and he asked miller fur how much he would sell It The miller replied that for n long of y Pars his family had owred the mill which had passed from father to son und that be would not sell it for any price The klnu used every solicitation offered to build him n mill In a setter phue and pay him li Idi 4 ny sum ln ini lit maiiil but the obstinate miller still per hinted III Isis determination to preserve the Inheritance of his ancestors Irritated at last by hi conduit the king sent for him nnd sold In pn an- gry tone Why do you refuse to sell your mill notwithstanding nil the advantages I have offered you The tuUler ri H iitnl his reasons Do you know continued the king tint I could take It without giving you a lemur Yes returned the miller calmly If It were not for the chamber of justice at Herlln The king was so flattered by an- SW T which showed that lie was Inca pable of nn net of Injustice that lie dismissed the miller without further entreaty and changed the plan of his garden A Philosophers Fable Arthur lull is responsible fur thi one fully Genius mud Common Sense ours went walking and ninie to a stream Genius his head In the cloud nntunilly started to across paying no attention to tin depth The waters soon went over his bond and be wns drowned Common- Sense bunted fur n way to get across surd tlnnlly he found a foot lug As he Jut out about the center of the stream the Nwnyed nrd be fell Into tie water and sank to rise no store Folly stopped the Iirtllk of the stream to now c himself by throwing ixbbles kilo lie water nnd watching till waves lie SRI U n the moist c M iMtik in til rap bt n cold likli- dovetiiHtl tutu iiii MiuH nItt of wlikh- lu s nn illcil Moral It diitimt iimkei- uM h tlltTereiMT after nil whether ywi are H gc tilu K Mije t or M fool Youll pet It sootier or tater jutywuy Told to Earn His Own Salary JNIIKM II Itiillir then In the eiiik v of tin Krli mllriwd a IMMII lh ltv l ttn frHfdit drwrtiiHiit of DM On i nil iitiibit IMiiIuiurt News It Is tvlHttnl thin mtliif Mfler be took cltMrce of tie CttitrMr truiUc 4h f nuttier tithed MI ittuiUMnlore to subunit M ilau hu riH u4 iit When he M Muliil He proakltiHtI- tHfkwl MI Mill H m k l- ItHttiT nltnt O H UK Now Y rk Tin rwt ly WHS tho- fr Miciii inttMf ilcjHiriiMHM- iAmi HH H ihw H Well ii l mt i iMHi MH tw wflm jrwiir sal WH juilitw iMl eke iv- MUKfHciwy lluttor Till thin fur e r4 1 I the series tit this tit uutrbIJI tlIstovreI iii lie till lit fr I eke bar 1 Illtltl rr dire kl lit tl II u kirral I onSetd symp- toms sere Foster Maburu tin riu wade safe lie ltxcli14Nr Culuusstora Ire say Ito Crulrul ply IHI H yetr Peed inttui tug rue u i tn fr yuw you Ihtur wewt41 nuid rerred tkrwigk- hl N IsIm uI Irauw 1I kl tit Iku tulilral spinal ¬ ¬ > < > ¬ > > > > < > < > + AMERICAN WANDERLUST- A Habit Which Strengthens the Co- hesive Unity of the Nation Less titan half the members of tin United States senate and house of rep resentativf are native born In the states which they represent Nothing could more clearly show the alert ac tlvltles of the American people nod that constant Intermingling of the In- habitants uf the several states which adds so much to the cohesive Witty of the tuition The boy who goes to n distant state often accomplishes Wine than the one who goes straight on in the footprints of his father In the home village Even Daniel Webster was not bunt In the old Hay State whose Influence and dignity be so well sustained und whose people mourned him so sincerely when his great life closed This wandering from state to state has resulted In the organizing III New York city of many state societies which aim to together the na- tives of their respective states an- nually to revive the pleasant memories of the old home days with their clinging tits What would happen If the Ameri- can people should n wander about the country Is u question often asked It Is said that an eastern mutt never amounts to anything until he goes west tutu that n western than has to come east In order to attain hN full stature mentally The northern man Is to go south to learn gentle courtesy and chlvalrlc bearing the southerner to go n zit to ndd more Iron to blood There can be no doubt that this cot ant evolution has encouraged blni i v Liens just as the whirling of tin npe developed n toy into our puMut won- derful moving pictures which gives us glimpses of life In motion nil over the worldJoe Mitchell Chappie In Na- tional Magazine THE HURRYING BARBER Speed Manifested More In the Motions Than In the Results Barbers remarked the man with the sliort hair are born unublu to hurry Just you go Into a shop as I Jill the other day wanting a hair rat and ask the how long It will take lie told me Ob about twenty minutes anti I said to go ahead That barber honestly liclleved lie was hurrying but he couldnt leave out those little snipsnips about the back of the net to they are all so fond of doliitf nnd be had to rut the hair as If he were chiseling priceless marble When It got to be about half an hour I said to him Youre n pretty had judge of time arent your lie came bark with something about nut want- ing to turn out a job Ive known it to hapiKMi often In the case of thnvlng When you tell a burlier to hurry be dashes around on the tiled lloor at Imminent risk of fall- Ing and he sjfrHies the lather Into your eyes ail your mouth butt the fart remains bat hi Mkcs much time as usual to rub tin lttlier Into your fair and as much lime to shave you I livln to iMMcve llicre Is Home perl of rule regarding titer that all observe I have timed them One I knl a barber to hurry shaving me and he hind all the motions but tool up Jot as time as when he went along at his usual gait I Imagine they the nstomer will be satisfied wltb the appearance of speed and thats the reason they rut around so and breathe heavily as If winded when changing from of the chair to the other New York Sun Children of Criminals It is a curious fact one all at Mtiee with the do trlnes of heredity hilt Ijorne out by police records that the children of crooks of all classes rarely turn out to Iw crooks them selven dottier study of the subject revenl that they Art M ssesried of the criminal lifllifis but that the I UlfUt Mild WrftclieillMJM that HttWIIll H erliulnul tarter Iws been a terrifying ilfttrrvnt Tl o filet Nt any rate re- main The rti uen pwHerki of Sent iHtid Y nl New York Mud CUIcngo- luuy lie Mifclfal In VHln fur photu- xr i lH of n f tM r Mwl a son Argw An Altai klckH i trolley ear olf truck It may Hle Hl Ctkl Hl1 to llillrb ll HlUl th ol wr Mi uui iiiu4 ll MALARIA A Statcinetii of a Sueo Mrs MallhtiU I rttMi- WW IAMAlV U io Mi ly u MW 4 Mal fM IU r Fur I I PAMALA CtHttuiiu no Qutnlnv AU Draft W UtUec eerie advised huts I lit i hurler poor I 111 lit I lil fit lilt puuish the INUit Ia the ala r Cure t 1 I kr11 j I I ft Io t w I gather thou- sand Is bit rbers lie ause a urn h out- ride van ietully r wale neatly t t i ae1t e sad I a ke- wesIha II the MNNwl 4- l glIINM Mlf eii Mll list 14 la- ptmIL MstrlI kN1 kI w sN s q y- ewl tied p i- ew4 I t Iwl U Iarts AI Nw- uvw wtwla ea ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < > > < > > > + + + + + THE DUTCH KITCHEN I Largest Room In the House and Has a Bed In the Corner Holland of nil countries Is n memo- rial to the unceasing labor of mans hands It exists not bemuse the sea higher than Its green stretches suffers It to but because man by the labor of his hands nod of his brain has kept the water back The Dutch people have not only earned their land tbey have made It When have they found time to do It all you ask yourself lint you are to know more of tbe work which In Holland never ceases Of the work which goes on within those houses you know nothing until nt Delft you make your first acquaintance wltb a Dutch kitchen The kitchen Is properly a large room as compared with tbe other rooms to the house for It Is the gathering place at nil tittles for the family The table- Is round nnd stands not quite In the center of the room but so that the mistress sitting at one side can reach her hand out to the stove without ris- ing In one corner of the kitchen Is such n bed as you have never seen before The Btlinv starched white muHiln cur talus make It look like n blind window but the grandson pulls the curtains bark and In the recess formed by the closet on one side and the corner of the room on the other you see the place where your hostess sleeps There are a high feather led nnd runny cover- Ings TIll stove Is n brick one set In a deep tircphtcp The nlil mantel Is titled with brass vessels which the old wnmnn uses an though they were rommoii tin On om side In a china statue ot tbe Virgin On lilt other side under a glass globe In a waxen statue of Queen Wllbelmlnu In her wedding gown New Idea Magazine Th Oldest Three old sports were chatting after a copious dinner when one of thrill staid I let my none U the oldest j The let was immediately accepted and be produced his curd reading Mr Abel Oh dear 5 said the second show- ing his card I am Mr Adam Mine I the bet replied the other producing his cunl and they could I read Mr n Ginning printed on It Judges Library A Bright Boy Now Tommy said the teacher you tray glee me nn example of coin cldonce Whyer said Tommy with some hesitationwhyerwby me fodder and me madder was both married on de same lny Harpers Weekly Shrewd Girl KllnRolla Is an economical girl Stella There Is no doubt about that She U engaged in a clergyman nnd ho says that she naked him If lin i cnuldnt pfcTfnrm the imtrrlairc cen- mony and save the wedding tee NVw York Ires i National Pride Sleepy Has 1 see paper iys KtfJlaiTil mid Wnle have TIMNMI lean per Vivirv Watlcltit I nt hike ii Fntllii pith lilivlit itlioin Home thin WtfctT iiiiiii Per Infants and The Kind You Haya Ateajs Sought Bears the ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS Published for Information of the General Public Atlantic Coast Line iv fur Juckvllk Tlia p- Xr i III Jckvlll 12 j 7 p v fur Ocalafc Tjwim 1 p iv UN ilk for MI nH H y Kte F3 p m Iv 0 llle for Iliad 1 Elf 3 o n 1 i Trinton fclu 3 j m- G ill for wriox Hie m- Vr frost lb ru oluu 2 M r fr Mtcauopy tc u m- Vr Hlh Kt m- Ar flvlllt fr Treirtoa Etc HI Ar Ovll fr Wlkot Kte m Seas ard Air Line Iv Qvlllc ri r Jnckvltl a 3 j- Iv f H l 4r Kf i lo fr Jmiuiilw u 4 i iw Ule truest Iwlar nlu a m Tampa and JaeU e wli e R R thin fur Mkaun a w- l v 0i tfUMMMUtl riljr ri i M- Ar Chiiw from MUNIMH 5 i OvliU fr M NI MM iMt l m p m One who IU a In a furnUhwd room an bo wtM liN ii intN fur pd keep eke b t t bu had wUbln till old I I I I I 1 just CASTOR IA Oif1 Y1- Ifgt d f c I II i fro 1I fur 1 C lit I n tilt fro S 1 I u I lt nI like fa- r I r 1 K I I 1 fart pretty reach j ills ann CIli hen u r G Ilk w es 111 Ilk is i s ilk p e m- Ar the ¬ ¬ < > > < > > > > < > < + + + ELECTRIC THEATRE Situated in Rear of Millers All Week LATEST MOTION PICTURES PRICES GEO W DAVENPORTP- IANO an OMAN Tuner Rebuilder Estimates Furnished and All Work Guaranteed References Address JesseFtvnchrianoCo GAINESVILLE Ludden Bates FLA Dr A Mild Medicine Treatment for Horses and Mules Eyes Gainesville Florida DR GEO S WALDO DENTIST Present LicatiM Graham Will Reline ti East Site Cwrt llfiu Square as spoil as rtmirftl if new offices is ciirpkttil The Finest Materials Latest Metkwls if Practice have cinscientiiusly cm sidered this question and aim to make my charges as low as First Class Werk wiH permit T F THOMAS UNDERTAKING CO PULL LINE OP New ROODS AGENTS FOR SOSUJlHiTS TOMDSTOSEa and IRON IEXCEM- SVSee our samples Persona Ationtloc to U matienia Mail sal tolecrapb ordure prompiir kkieded u Qalnecvlllc Florida No Wo Make a Specialty of All Clasaod of Dryly Work Dotter Soo Us First Flier awl 0118i ul With Now AIR DOME and Dolan lIiIIIiII ill fEEI tOP I ilIA line I Hauling n IttIiIh u livtr- wII M A VI Nan II j IIIlJ i 10 pall 15c do Heavy I 4 1 > +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-01 · 1 1 hlJh school I I 1 f I 7O j the tllngth lllI u1 k-ai U 1



patrons Endorse Action of Supt Kelley-

In Holding Oral Examination

In rvMonse to a call of Dr R U

chairman of the colored board

Of trustees the patrons of UnionAcademy met on august Suth at theschool building Alter discussing

many vital school questions nn adTlsory board was elected to cooper-

ate with the county and

boards after which the following

resolutions were unanimously adopted

Whereas for some time there have

been rumors afloat UB to fraud inexaminations among some of Aluchuasteachers and whereas as a result of

these rumors the Honorable Board

of Public Instruction and Supt Dr

Kelley f Alachua county have recently ta n measures to purify the pro

fe loa of teaching in Alachua county

and especially GainesvilleTherefore be It resolved That we

the patrons of Union Academy and

citizens of Gainesville do hereby ei

dorse the action of the board In giv-

ing the teachers an oral examination

thus enabling the true teachers to

come front under the cloud of sus-

picionHe It further resolved That we

thank ie hoard for Its action withregard to Union Academy the evidentobject of which was to place theschool on a higher plane of UMfulm

and share Union Academy is tin only

high scl ul In the county fur negro

youths w pray the Honorable Hoard

that T UH far as practicablethey ai olnt a man who has at busta normal education and ran furiilhli

testimony of successful experience In

work as principal andHe it further resolved That In all

things Irtalnlng to the bettermentof our si ool Interests we pledge ourhearty fipport

Hoppity Hop

Ar MI just barely getting arnmuiby the aid of crutches or a coneUiiU v u have lost a limb or have-

a defority if your trouble Is rluumaism lumimgo sprain ftlff joints ortnuhiii of like nature ue Hallards

Snow Lainunt and In no time you

can throw away your crutches andbe as w il as anyone Price lic Vtand M Sold by V M Johnson

Some article that Is simply In theway at your house might if adver-tised be sold to someone who Is anz-

tously looking for

Line of L C

SMITH HighGrade

Hammerless Guns

Th ftnith Guns nevershoot loose and are so

guaranteed It iock areso Dimple and strong takeup all wear automaticallyTli mi is distinctively a

top tiongunt mlt and till

inplieity of the locks

tturcs for wjiich it hasU famous

th with rntr I l urnan

I burr dliMjUH-

ltli ii4r do9l-

H IS Mi itniitf Js-ly t rt

11 t







hlJh school







j the tllngth

lllI u1 k-



1 itrd it lit

t Is kI I h

1111 lat II




sub dlstrlct









a HIY11N-

I aulIr iHrrdcuts urt qll nst

l t i-

14r rxlNt r ti t


















You Will Make No Mistake if YouFollow This Advice

Nver neglect your kidneys-If you hose pain In the hack url

unij disorders dizziness and newoutness Its time to act and no timeto experiment These are all

of kidney trouble and you shouldseek a remedy which Is known tourn the kidneys

Deans Kidney Pills Is the remedy-to use No need to experiment Itpas cured many stubborn cases Inthis vicinity

Can Gainesville residents demandfurther proof than that contained ittho following testimonial

Oacr OaUrnian of Starke Flapays I give Deans Kidney Illl

highest recommendation as theyproved of more benefit to me than anyov or remedy 1 had previously used-I Buffered from kidney trouble forstae time The kidney secretions

too frequent In passage and I

vas forced to arise from six to eighttunes during the night I also hadbackache and was bothered by a painthrough my loins 1 finally procuredDoans Kidney Pills and they soonhelped me Hy the time I had takenthe contents of two boxes the back-aches and pains entirely disappear-ed and the passages of the kidneyatcrttlons soon because regular 1

now fell fifty per cent better thanbefore in n long time

For tale by all dealer Price 0cuts Co Buffalo

v York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Hiinember the name Doans amitake no other

An independent MillerWhen Fnilerkk built his famous

palace of Suits Sum1 there happenedto be a mill thai really hampered tutui the execution of his plans and heasked miller fur how much hewould sell It The miller replied thatfor n long of y Pars his familyhad owred the mill which had passedfrom father to son und that be wouldnot sell it for any price The klnuused every solicitation offered to buildhim n mill In a setter phue and payhim li Idi 4 ny sum ln ini litmaiiil but the obstinate miller still perhinted III Isis determination to preservethe Inheritance of his ancestors

Irritated at last by hi conduit theking sent for him nnd sold In pn an-gry tone

Why do you refuse to sell your millnotwithstanding nil the advantages I

have offered youThe tuUler ri H iitnl his reasons

Do you know continued the kingtint I could take It without giving

you a lemurYes returned the miller calmly If

It were not for the chamber of justiceat Herlln

The king was so flattered by an-

SW T which showed that lie was Incapable of nn net of Injustice that liedismissed the miller without furtherentreaty and changed the plan of hisgarden

A Philosophers FableArthur lull is responsible fur thi

onefully Genius mud Common Sense

ours went walking and ninie to astream Genius his head Inthe cloud nntunilly started toacross paying no attention to tindepth The waters soon went over hisbond and be wns drowned Common-Sense bunted fur n way to getacross surd tlnnlly he found a foot lugAs he Jut out about the center of thestream the Nwnyed nrd be fell Intotie water and sank to rise no storeFolly stopped the Iirtllk of thestream to now c himself by throwingixbbles kilo lie water nnd watchingtill waves lie SRI U n the moistc M iMtik in til rap bt n cold likli-dovetiiHtl tutu iiii MiuH nItt of wlikh-lu s nn illcil Moral It diitimt iimkei-

uM h tlltTereiMT after nil whetherywi are H gc tilu K Mije t or M foolYoull pet It sootier or tater jutywuy

Told to Earn His Own Salary

JNIIKM II Itiillir then In the eiiik v

of tin Krli mllriwd a IMMII lh ltv l

ttn frHfdit drwrtiiHiit of DM On i niliitiibit IMiiIuiurt News ItIs tvlHttnl thin mtliif Mfler be tookcltMrce of tie CttitrMr truiUc 4h fnuttier tithed MI ittuiUMnlore tosubunit M ilau hu riH u4 iit Whenhe M Muliil He proakltiHtI-

tHfkwl MI Mill H m k l-

ItHttiT nltnt O H UK Now Y rk

Tin rwt ly WHS tho-

fr Miciii inttMf ilcjHiriiMHM-

iAmi HH H ihw H Wellii l mt i iMHi MH tw wflm jrwiir sal

WH juilitw iMl eke iv-

MUKfHciwy lluttor

Till thin fur e r4








uutrbIJI tlIstovreI iii



frI eke

bar 1

Illtltl rr

dire kl


tl II ukirral





Foster Maburu

tin riuwade








Crulrul ply IHI H yetrPeed inttui tug

rue u


tn fr yuw you

Ihtur wewt41 nuid rerred tkrwigk-hl N IsIm

uIIrauw 1I kl tit Iku tulilral





< >












A Habit Which Strengthens the Co-

hesive Unity of the NationLess titan half the members of tin

United States senate and house of representativf are native born In thestates which they represent Nothingcould more clearly show the alert actlvltles of the American people nodthat constant Intermingling of the In-

habitants uf the several states whichadds so much to the cohesive Witty ofthe tuition The boy who goes to n

distant state often accomplishes Winethan the one who goes straight on inthe footprints of his father In thehome village Even Daniel Websterwas not bunt In the old Hay Statewhose Influence and dignity be so wellsustained und whose people mournedhim so sincerely when his great lifeclosed

This wandering from state to statehas resulted In the organizing III NewYork city of many state societieswhich aim to together the na-

tives of their respective states an-

nually to revive the pleasant memoriesof the old home days with their

clinging titsWhat would happen If the Ameri-

can people should n wanderabout the country Is u question oftenasked It Is said that an eastern muttnever amounts to anything until hegoes west tutu that n western thanhas to come east In order to attain hNfull stature mentally The northernman Is to go south to learngentle courtesy and chlvalrlc bearingthe southerner to go n zit to nddmore Iron to blood There can beno doubt that this cot ant evolutionhas encouraged blni i v Liensjust as the whirling of tin npedeveloped n toy into our puMut won-

derful moving pictures which gives usglimpses of life In motion nil over theworldJoe Mitchell Chappie In Na-

tional Magazine


Speed Manifested More In the MotionsThan In the Results

Barbers remarked the man withthe sliort hair are born unublu tohurry Just you go Into a shop as I

Jill the other day wanting a hair ratand ask the how long It willtake lie told me Ob about twentyminutes anti I said to go ahead

That barber honestly liclleved liewas hurrying but he couldnt leaveout those little snipsnips about theback of the net to they are all so fondof doliitf nnd be had to rut the hair asIf he were chiseling priceless marbleWhen It got to be about half an hourI said to him Youre n pretty hadjudge of time arent your lie camebark with something about nut want-ing to turn out a job

Ive known it to hapiKMi often Inthe case of thnvlng When you tell aburlier to hurry be dashes around onthe tiled lloor at Imminent risk of fall-

Ing and he sjfrHies the lather Intoyour eyes ail your mouth butt the fartremains bat hi Mkcs much timeas usual to rub tin lttlier Into yourfair and as much lime to shave you

I livln to iMMcve llicre Is Homeperl of rule regarding titer that all

observe I have timedthem One I knl a barber to hurryshaving me and he hind all the motionsbut tool up Jot as time aswhen he went along at his usual gait

I Imagine they the nstomerwill be satisfied wltb the appearanceof speed and thats the reason theyrut around so and breathe heavily asIf winded when changing from

of the chair to the other NewYork Sun

Children of CriminalsIt is a curious fact one all at

Mtiee with the do trlnes of heredityhilt Ijorne out by police records thatthe children of crooks of all classesrarely turn out to Iw crooks themselven dottier study of the subject

revenl that they Art M ssesriedof the criminal lifllifis but that the


UlfUt Mild WrftclieillMJM that HttWIIll H

erliulnul tarter Iws been a terrifyingilfttrrvnt Tlo filet Nt any rate re-

main The rti uen pwHerki of SentiHtid Y nl New York Mud CUIcngo-

luuy lie Mifclfal In VHln fur photu-

xr i lH of n f tM r Mwl a son Argw

An Altai klckHi trolley ear olf truck It may

Hle Hl Ctkl Hl1 to llillrb ll HlUl

th ol wr Mi uui iiiu4 ll

MALARIAA Statcinetii of a Sueo

Mrs MallhtiU I rttMi-WW IAMAlV U io Mi ly u MW

4 Mal fM IU r Fur


PAMALACtHttuiiu no Qutnlnv

AU Draft W UtUec




I liti




111 lit I

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I kr11jI I

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bit rbers lie ausea

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wale neatly

t t i


e sad I a ke-wesIha II the MNNwl 4-

l glIINM Mlf eii Mll list 14 la-

ptmIL MstrlI kN1 kI w sN s q y-

ewl tied p i-

ew4 I t Iwl U Iarts AI Nw-uvw wtwla ea






> < > >


> > >


+ +




I Largest Room In the House and Has aBed In the Corner

Holland of nil countries Is n memo-rial to the unceasing labor of manshands It exists not bemuse the seahigher than Its green stretches suffersIt to but because man by the labor ofhis hands nod of his brain has keptthe water back The Dutch peoplehave not only earned their land tbeyhave made It

When have they found time to doIt all you ask yourself lint you areto know more of tbe work which InHolland never ceases Of the workwhich goes on within those houses youknow nothing until nt Delft you makeyour first acquaintance wltb a Dutchkitchen

The kitchen Is properly a large roomas compared with tbe other rooms tothe house for It Is the gathering placeat nil tittles for the family The table-Is round nnd stands not quite In thecenter of the room but so that themistress sitting at one side can reachher hand out to the stove without ris-ing

In one corner of the kitchen Is suchn bed as you have never seen beforeThe Btlinv starched white muHiln curtalus make It look like n blind windowbut the grandson pulls the curtainsbark and In the recess formed by thecloset on one side and the corner ofthe room on the other you see theplace where your hostess sleeps Thereare a high feather led nnd runny cover-Ings

TIll stove Is n brick one set In adeep tircphtcp The nlil mantel Istitled with brass vessels which theold wnmnn uses an though they wererommoii tin On om side In a chinastatue ot tbe Virgin On lilt other sideunder a glass globe In a waxen statueof Queen Wllbelmlnu In her weddinggown New Idea Magazine

Th OldestThree old sports were chatting after

a copious dinner when one of thrillstaid I let my none U the oldest

j The let was immediately acceptedand be produced his curd reading MrAbel

Oh dear 5 said the second show-ing his card I am Mr Adam

Mine I the bet replied the otherproducing his cunl and they could

I read Mr n Ginning printed on ItJudges Library

A Bright BoyNow Tommy said the teacher

you tray glee me nn example of coincldonce

Whyer said Tommy with somehesitationwhyerwby me fodderand me madder was both married onde same lny Harpers Weekly

Shrewd GirlKllnRolla Is an economical girlStella There Is no doubt about that

She U engaged in a clergyman nndho says that she naked him If lin

i cnuldnt pfcTfnrm the imtrrlairc cen-mony and save the wedding tee NVwYork Ires


National PrideSleepy Has 1 see paper iys

KtfJlaiTil mid Wnle have TIMNMI leanper Vivirv Watlcltit I nt hike

ii Fntllii pith lilivlit itlioin Homethin WtfctT iiiiiii

Per Infants andThe Kind You Haya Ateajs Sought

Bears the


Published for Information of theGeneral Public

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Situated in Rear of Millers

All Week







Tuner Rebuilder

Estimates Furnished and AllWork Guaranteed

References AddressJesseFtvnchrianoCo GAINESVILLE

Ludden Bates FLA

Dr AMild Medicine Treatment for

Horses and Mules Eyes

Gainesville Florida


DENTISTPresent LicatiM Graham

Will Reline ti East Site Cwrtllfiu Square as spoil as rtmirftl

if new offices is ciirpkttil

The Finest Materials

Latest Metkwls if Practice

have cinscientiiusly cmsidered this question and aim to

make my charges as low as FirstClass Werk wiH permit







SVSee our samples

Persona Ationtloc to U matieniaMail sal tolecrapb ordure

prompiir kkieded u

Qalnecvlllc Florida


Wo Make a Specialty of AllClasaod of Dryly Work

Dotter Soo Us First

Flier awl

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