gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-26 [p...

THE DAILY SUN AIN SJ1LJ E t9U9 S vr FLORIDA + BIG UNION SERVICE FOR THIS EVENING CONGREGATIONS WILL UNITE AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev F H Craighlll Leaves to Take New Charge in Virginia- on Wednesday This being the last Sunday in which F II Craighlll rector of Holy Trinity church will he with the citizens of Jalncbville the various de- nominations have Joined in a union service which will be held at the First Presbyterian church this evening nt 730 oclock as a farewell service to the Christian gentleman who has done BO much for his church nil the cause since his residence here During his pastorate a new building bas been erected the membership Jias greatly increased and the church- is now In a most flourishing condi- tion but feeling that his services were needed most In the new Held lie resigned to accept the new charge Rev Crafghill has won a large circle of admirers since coming Gainesville outside of lib own con- gregation and the people generally regret to see him take huts departure Services at the various places of worship today are as follows First Presbyterian Church Rev T P Hay Morning service 10510 sub- ject The Great Misunderstanding Sabbath school 4 p in offering for Thorn well Orphanage tnlon serv- ice In evening as farewell to Rev Craighlll First Methodist Church Rev F R Bridges Sunday school i 30 a m Preaching at evening serv- ice First Baptist Church Rev Cloar No announcement received Advent Christian Church Elder J T Johnson Preaching at 11 a in subject The Holy Temple Sun slay school 10 a m Prayer service Thursday night The congregation and pastor will unite with the union farewell service at the Presbyterian church Holy Trinity Church Rev F II Cralghill Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion 7 a in Morning prayer and sermon 7 a m Sunday school 4 p m Evening prayer 3p m This Is Rev CralghlHs last New Line of L C MITH HighGrade- i i Hammerless Guns- The Smith Guns never shoot loose and are so guaranteed Its locks are so simple and strong take up all wear automatically This gun is distinctively a topaction gun the strength- of the bolt and the simplicity of the locks are features for which it has become famous Oo Grade with armor eteel barrel IS and Iti gauge A 2x 50inch barrels OVV OOE tie ejector above OE Grade barrels auto- matic ejector hngHh walnut etook- iMol 12 ami 10 gauge S830 t t I 1 A shooters to bu the gun that is manufactured for the money today ipVl 9V GAINESVILLE I HARDWARE CO i J lIe i r i to- t I I 10 lit o t i i f I II t M i 1 II with outomn 135 GO art Puma hcn up y 1 Li A r i r f k o remark- able A liraile cues gill S- a a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > COUNTY SCHOOLS ARE DOING FINE i WORKS- UPT KELLEY FEELS ELATED OVER REPORTS RECEIVED Attendance Has Increased In Nearly- All Sections of the County This Year Nearly all of tIlt schools of the county lane ojuned bur the tall and tfslons soul the remaining fro that are el to open will uo so- on Monday when everything in the educational lino will be In running ordiv Superintendent Kelley stated Satur- day that with but two or three ex- ciptions all of the principal schools of the county hud opened and nil ill je uen M Hilda lUjorts from the sections which him bt n heard from are to thus el feet that the attendance has ma- terially increased and that tin schools start out under most nourish- ing conditions which Is gratifying not only to the Superintendent but to the entire county During the past few years the edu- cational Interests of Alachua county have been gradually on the Increase both In buildings and the length of terms and the special which have been established have added new life to the school Interests and have had a great deal to do with the largely Increased attendance- At the present time there Is prob- ably not another county In the State that can show up the record of Alachua and the board as well as Superintendent Kelley arc proud of the record that Is bring made The teachers the Superintendent states are taking great interest In their work which of course causes the scholars to do likewise and he feels that much more good is being accomplished than In former years Sunday as he leaves on Wednesday afternoon to take charge of the church In Wythevllle Va Services at the Church of Christ on Fast Liberty street at 11 oclock instead of at 10 as heretofore- St Patricks Catholic Church Rev P J Lynch Mass will be held at J oclock a m Devotion of the Holy Rosary will be at 4 p m MARIANNA DAY Will Be Observed by Kirby Smith Chapter U D C Monday Monday September 27th Is Marl anna Day a day set aside for observ- ance by the various chapters of the Lnlted Daughters of the Confederacy in Florida and arrangements are be- ing made for its observance by Klrby Smith Chapter tomorrow afternoon beginning at 330 oclock at the home of Mrs II H McCreary East Liberty street An appropriate program will be pre- pared and all who attend are assured- a most pleasant and instructive af- ternoons pleasure Friends of the chapter are Invited Testifies After Four Years Carlisle Center N Y G n Bur hans writes About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four years I am again pleased to state that I have never had return of those symptoms and I am evidently cured to stay cured Kidney Remedy will do the same for you J W McCollurn Co Combining Two Buildings When the alterations are completed the Baird Hardware Company will have one of the largest retail hard- ware stores to be found in the State Thf have rented the Hroome build- ing adjoining their store and are now combining the two giving them almost double the space that they formerly had for the transaction of their rapidlyIncreasing business Since securing the Hroome building the changes in the hardware store proper have been discontinued outside of the glass front Good for Biliousness I took two of Chamberlains Stom- ach and Liver Tablets last night and I feel fifty per cent better than I have for weeks says J J Firestone of Al legan Mich They aro certainly a flue article for biliousness For sale by all druggists Samples fret an proposed u fut r sub ul 1st nets Foley > s > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BAIRD WILL BUILD DURING NEXT MONTH- MORE STORE BUILDINGS FOR GAINESVILLE Structure Will Occupy Vacant Lot on the Opera House Block Several more store buildings will be eructed during use coming month on the vacant lot ouied by li Baird and which III bulb Ka t Mali tad MiMHiie t treet For bonit time Mr Hnlrd has been contimphuliiK building upon lot but he felt that conditions were out Jtiht right and has In consequence held the off until the lime and alsj until his return Iron the North where he spent a jiltaunt The cf tin new building vlll be aiiiing the cry best to bi found in Gainesville outside of tin square or within a few more mouths the trend of business will start III this direction owing to the Govern nuiit building and the owner feel that he will not experience any trou- ble In renting the property upon completion- Mr Baird has had the plans madi for this work fur tome time but will probably change his first Ideas sumo what and erect a number of smaller buildings Instead of truc lures However these will be so constructed that the second story can be added at any time the demand war- rants When this work will have been completed the paving of East Maui street will then be pushed as Mr Baird with hula usual enterprise wants It done nod is willing not only to stand his part of the expense along his property here but all around till square stud on to the Federal building COMPLIMENTARY LINEN SHOWER Miss McClellan Receives Many Use ful and Handsome Articles Mrs M H Saunders tendered Miss Sallle McClellan a complimentary linen shower at her lovely home on Friday afternoon from 4 to 630 which was largely attended and prov- ed a most pleasant gathering for those present Miss McClellan will on next Wed- nesday wed Mr tarry Coo of Tampa and It was on this account that the shower was tendered About fifty of the young lady friends of till bride were present and all remembe- rs her In a most substantial manner a number of choice articles for the household being presented Light refreshments were served and in nil the afternoon was most pleasantly spent and will long be remembered by the large numbs participating The Acme Hotel The obOe hostelry is an apartment hotel of one hundred rooms situated- on the corner of nay and Julia streets in the very center of busy Jackson- ville The hotel has recently passed Into new hands Demos who runs the best tilckIunch room in tilt city being the purchaser and he now hrs ten workmen engaged cleaning rrpaiwriiiK painting laying now car- pets and matting and putting up new curtains which will snake the Acme second to no apartment hotel In the city All de ot cars pass the hotel and there Is not a more convenient or morn comfortable place in the city at which to stop With Mr Mortar from New York as manager told Col V J Shlpman at the desk guests can rest assured they will be well taken care of All rooms in the Acme are outside room toeing cant and west north and south and all of them ire clear of outside obstruc slots allowing the air free circulation Dont forget the Acme when visiting Jacksonville The Sun office for calling cards A WOMANS APPEAL 9o all knowing ntferen of Btucalar or of jalnU sciatica backache pains in kidneys or Btarabjla paint to write to her for home trtatmtnt which has rtpetedljr eared all of these tortnrct She cola it br dut to send it to all sullen 7KEB YoacurarourMlfathomaasteoaMadi- frota MJS blood IOOMH the tltttncd UM blood tb r toaa toth who I face there that It r lIt summer lit I r rheumatllmt the s rhlt tatlf7ao ehu or eUmele belu DICM bulb ario add All tutlclt sad m strete OU proof 9 firs K fiat R FAST GROWING pres tutus local Itu two story the e dfeco r r btu ate Tf the e Doe for itta sts fiwu stun t f e 1 d ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > >> + + NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED Dr C L Crow and wife who have h iii absent for several weeks relatives in Virginia tool other States returned to their home here yesterday Their friends are delight- ed to have them home again Miss Ethel Wlmberly who has been visiting her slater Mss Jessie In Jacksonville for the past several days returned home yesterday She was accompanied by Hu latter who canoe to a brief visit to her Dr E R Flint of the University faculty who has been absent for the past summer In Panama has return- ed home to resume hula duties He brought with him a young beacon strlctor which he will add to his col- lection i Hurnett of Hay was t visitor to the city yesterday He gays that the farmers are busy well untlslKd with their crops even If they did have n dry season In the early part and too much rain In the latter They feel that It will benefit all by the shortage of cotton for it advanced the price 5 Cents Per Line Each Insertion but no advertise- ment taken for less tnaa 20 cents Bli words make a line uo fractional llnea every word over each six coui ting at an addltloral line CAbH in advance must accompany all orders for laser Lions In tLlfl column HELP I WANTED Combination male stenog rapherbookkeeper by Gainesville concern Address 1J R care Sun SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED to sell to grocers druggists and confectioners 10000 per month and expenses California Cider Extract Co St Louis Mo FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED Lady to travel in Florida good pay and suit free in 90 days experience unnecessary reliable firm Write for particulars J K Mcfirady Co Chicago FOR RENT Sevenroom house near square Apply to J A Phifer FOR RENT Cottage In South Gaines- ville city water connection Apply at Sun office FOR RENT Three cottages with all modern Improvements In East Gainesville 10 month Gaines vlllc Furniture RENTNice large furnished room modern conveniences one block from court house Address P care Sun office ACME APARTMENT HOTEL Jack Honvllle V J Shlpman Manager Nice comfortable rooms at rates Roomers wanted or week Rates reasonable FOR SALE FOR SALE Thirtygallon gasoline tank Inquire this office LANG SHAN EGGS for setting also- a few fine cock rols for sale at C J MIxKons FOR SALE Lot 100x125 feet corner West Main and Boundary streets Half cash balance on own terms with eight per cunt Interest H II McCreary LOST LOST Ladles solid gold hunting case Oslxe Wnlthammovement watch with small scratched number- In back case X7179 on fob was a pin and halfdol lar charm May have been lost on road Reward for return of same to thli office Itt mother t I WANTS WANTEDMALE RENT- on Co- on by dll Randolph Mncon a visit- Ing north and- re IN tallor made six roont reason- able Galnoacllle Rochelle titicaa py ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ° Furniture Store- We are offering bar- gains the coming week nt prices never before equaled in Gainesville Look through the locals read our ads mid be convinced then see if you are willing to take advan- tage of these prices We merely mention while passing along the road of prosperity a few of these many bargains which you would do well to con- sider before buying elsewhere Look through the great ad- vertising medium Tile Sun for our bargain ads and be one among tho many of our satisfied cus tomers Gainesville Furniture Go DR GEO S WALDO DENTIST rrtst LicitiM iuiliii W RtiMve li East We Curt XMHC Squire as SIll ac rMitM- Mf if MW ifftccs is Tire Fucst Materials Latest IfetiMfe af Practice FEE S Oft cmcfeiiiMMly SflKfCI HCSVMt aM aM It make mj chtrics as few as Flit Class Warfc wiN Residence Magnolia Hotel Gainesville GEO W DAVENPORT rUNO t i OKM Tuner and Rebuilder Estimates Furnished Pmimrtly and All Work Guaranteed Reference Address few Fnnch Piano Co GAINESVILLE Ludden hates FLA PHONE No 9 We Make a Specialty of All Classes of Dray York Better See Us First Faacy and W J I m w Kji M OM With Nw itum The Big Iran CHI iHtIII C this Dr A Dolan VETERINARIAN HeaY Hauling S DA VIII wand itw permit do ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-26 [p 3] · 2009. 8. 3. · The Smith Guns never shoot loose and are







Rev F H Craighlll Leaves to TakeNew Charge in Virginia-

on Wednesday

This being the last Sunday inwhich F II Craighlll rector ofHoly Trinity church will he with thecitizens of Jalncbville the various de-

nominations have Joined in a unionservice which will be held at theFirst Presbyterian church this eveningnt 730 oclock as a farewell serviceto the Christian gentleman who hasdone BO much for his church nil thecause since his residence here

During his pastorate a new buildingbas been erected the membershipJias greatly increased and the church-is now In a most flourishing condi-tion but feeling that his serviceswere needed most In the new Held

lie resigned to accept the new chargeRev Crafghill has won a large

circle of admirers since comingGainesville outside of lib own con-

gregation and the people generallyregret to see him take huts departure

Services at the various places ofworship today are as follows

First Presbyterian Church Rev TP Hay Morning service 10510 sub-ject The Great MisunderstandingSabbath school 4 p in offering forThorn well Orphanage tnlon serv-

ice In evening as farewell to RevCraighlll

First Methodist Church Rev F RBridges Sunday school i 30 a mPreaching at evening serv-ice

First Baptist Church Rev CloarNo announcement received

Advent Christian Church Elder JT Johnson Preaching at 11 a insubject The Holy Temple Sunslay school 10 a m Prayer serviceThursday night The congregationand pastor will unite with the unionfarewell service at the Presbyterianchurch

Holy Trinity Church Rev F IICralghill Sixteenth Sunday afterTrinity Holy Communion 7 a inMorning prayer and sermon 7 a mSunday school 4 p m Evening prayer3 p m This Is Rev CralghlHs last

New Line of L C

MITH HighGrade-i


Hammerless Guns-

The Smith Guns never

shoot loose and are so

guaranteed Its locks areso simple and strong take

up all wear automaticallyThis gun is distinctively a

topaction gun the strength-

of the bolt and the

simplicity of the locks

are features for which it hasbecome famous

Oo Grade with armor eteel barrelIS and Iti gauge A2x 50inch barrels OVV

OOEtie ejector above

OE Grade barrels auto-matic ejector hngHh walnut etook-

iMol 12 ami 10 gauge S830t t I 1 A

shooters to bu the gun that ismanufactured for themoney today ipVl 9V



i J







10 lit o









1 II

with outomn 135 GOart


hcn up y





i r




























Attendance Has Increased In Nearly-

All Sections of the County

This Year

Nearly all of tIlt schools of thecounty lane ojuned bur the tall and

tfslons soul the remainingfro that are el to open will uo so-on Monday when everything in theeducational lino will be In runningordiv

Superintendent Kelley stated Satur-day that with but two or three ex-

ciptions all of the principal schoolsof the county hud opened and nil

ill je uen M HildalUjorts from the sections which

him bt n heard from are to thus elfeet that the attendance has ma-

terially increased and that tinschools start out under most nourish-ing conditions which Is gratifyingnot only to the Superintendent butto the entire county

During the past few years the edu-cational Interests of Alachua countyhave been gradually on the Increaseboth In buildings and the length ofterms and the specialwhich have been established haveadded new life to the school Interestsand have had a great deal to do withthe largely Increased attendance-

At the present time there Is prob-ably not another county In the Statethat can show up the record ofAlachua and the board as well asSuperintendent Kelley arc proud ofthe record that Is bring made

The teachers the Superintendentstates are taking great interest Intheir work which of course causesthe scholars to do likewise and hefeels that much more good is beingaccomplished than In former years

Sunday as he leaves on Wednesdayafternoon to take charge of thechurch In Wythevllle Va

Services at the Church of Christon Fast Liberty street at 11 oclockinstead of at 10 as heretofore-

St Patricks Catholic Church RevP J Lynch Mass will be held at Joclock a m Devotion of the HolyRosary will be at 4 p m


Will Be Observed by Kirby SmithChapter U D C Monday

Monday September 27th Is Marlanna Day a day set aside for observ-ance by the various chapters of theLnlted Daughters of the Confederacyin Florida and arrangements are be-

ing made for its observance by KlrbySmith Chapter tomorrow afternoonbeginning at 330 oclock at the homeof Mrs II H McCreary East Libertystreet

An appropriate program will be pre-

pared and all who attend are assured-a most pleasant and instructive af-

ternoons pleasure Friends of thechapter are Invited

Testifies After Four YearsCarlisle Center N Y G n Bur

hans writes About four years agoI wrote you that I had been entirelycured of kidney trouble by taking twobottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy andafter four years I am again pleasedto state that I have never hadreturn of those symptoms and I amevidently cured to stay curedKidney Remedy will do the same foryou J W McCollurn Co

Combining Two Buildings

When the alterations are completedthe Baird Hardware Company willhave one of the largest retail hard-ware stores to be found in the StateThf have rented the Hroome build-

ing adjoining their store and arenow combining the two giving themalmost double the space that theyformerly had for the transaction oftheir rapidlyIncreasing businessSince securing the Hroome buildingthe changes in the hardwarestore proper have been discontinuedoutside of the glass front

Good for BiliousnessI took two of Chamberlains Stom-

ach and Liver Tablets last night andI feel fifty per cent better than I havefor weeks says J J Firestone of Allegan Mich They aro certainly aflue article for biliousness For saleby all druggists Samples fret



u fut r

sub ul 1st nets














Structure Will Occupy Vacant Lot

on the Opera House


Several more store buildings willbe eructed during use coming monthon the vacant lot ouied by li Bairdand which III bulb Ka t Malitad MiMHiie t treet

For bonit time Mr Hnlrd has beencontimphuliiK building uponlot but he felt that conditions wereout Jtiht right and has In consequenceheld the off until thelime and alsj until his return Ironthe North where he spent ajiltaunt

The cf tin new buildingvlll be aiiiing the cry best to bi

found in Gainesville outside of tinsquare or within a few more mouthsthe trend of business will start III

this direction owing to the Governnuiit building and the owner feelthat he will not experience any trou-ble In renting the property uponcompletion-

Mr Baird has had the plans madifor this work fur tome time but willprobably change his first Ideas sumowhat and erect a number of smallerbuildings Instead of truclures However these will be soconstructed that the second story canbe added at any time the demand war-

rantsWhen this work will have been

completed the paving of East Mauistreet will then be pushed as MrBaird with hula usual enterprisewants It done nod is willing not onlyto stand his part of the expense alonghis property here but all around tillsquare stud on to the Federal building


Miss McClellan Receives Many Use

ful and Handsome Articles

Mrs M H Saunders tendered MissSallle McClellan a complimentarylinen shower at her lovely home onFriday afternoon from 4 to 630which was largely attended and prov-ed a most pleasant gathering forthose present

Miss McClellan will on next Wed-nesday wed Mr tarry Coo of Tampaand It was on this account that theshower was tendered About fiftyof the young lady friends of tillbride were present and all remembe-rs her In a most substantial mannera number of choice articles for thehousehold being presented

Light refreshments were servedand in nil the afternoon was mostpleasantly spent and will long beremembered by the large numbsparticipating

The Acme HotelThe obOe hostelry is an apartment

hotel of one hundred rooms situated-on the corner of nay and Julia streetsin the very center of busy Jackson-ville The hotel has recently passedInto new hands Demos who runsthe best tilckIunch room in tiltcity being the purchaser and he nowhrs ten workmen engaged cleaningrrpaiwriiiK painting laying now car-pets and matting and putting up newcurtains which will snake the Acmesecond to no apartment hotel In thecity All de ot cars pass the hoteland there Is not a more convenientor morn comfortable place in the cityat which to stop With Mr Mortarfrom New York as manager told ColV J Shlpman at the desk guestscan rest assured they will be welltaken care of All rooms in theAcme are outside room toeing cantand west north and south and allof them ire clear of outside obstrucslots allowing the air free circulationDont forget the Acme when visitingJacksonville

The Sun office for calling cards

A WOMANS APPEAL9o all knowing ntferen ofBtucalar or of jalnU sciaticabackache pains in kidneys or Btarabjlapaint to write to her for home trtatmtntwhich has rtpetedljr eared all of these tortnrctShe cola it br dut to send it to all sullen7KEB YoacurarourMlfathomaasteoaMadi-

frota MJS blood IOOMH the tltttncdUM blood tb r

toaa toth who




that It r lIt



I r



rhlt tatlf7ao ehu or eUmele belu DICMbulb ario add

Alltutlclt sad m

strete OU proof9firs K fiat R




local Itu

two story


edfeco r r


Tf the e Doe foritta sts fiwu
















Dr C L Crow and wife who haveh iii absent for several weeks

relatives in Virginia tool otherStates returned to their home hereyesterday Their friends are delight-ed to have them home again

Miss Ethel Wlmberly who hasbeen visiting her slater Mss JessieIn Jacksonville for the past severaldays returned home yesterday Shewas accompanied by Hu latter whocanoe to a brief visit to her

Dr E R Flint of the Universityfaculty who has been absent for thepast summer In Panama has return-ed home to resume hula duties Hebrought with him a young beaconstrlctor which he will add to his col-lection

i Hurnett of Hay wast visitor to the city yesterday Hegays that the farmers are busy

well untlslKd with their cropseven If they did have n dry seasonIn the early part and too much rainIn the latter They feel that It willbenefit all by the shortage of cottonfor it advanced the price

5 Cents Per LineEach Insertion but no advertise-

ment taken for less tnaa 20 cents Bliwords make a line uo fractional llneaevery word over each six coui ting atan addltloral line CAbH in advancemust accompany all orders for laserLions In tLlfl column


WANTED Combination male stenographerbookkeeper by Gainesvilleconcern Address 1J R careSun


SALESMAN WANTED to sell togrocers druggists and confectioners

10000 per month and expensesCalifornia Cider Extract CoSt Louis Mo


WANTED Lady to travel in Floridagood pay and suit freein 90 days experience unnecessaryreliable firm Write for particularsJ K Mcfirady Co Chicago


RENT Sevenroom house nearsquare Apply to J A Phifer

FOR RENT Cottage In South Gaines-ville city water connection Applyat Sun office

FOR RENT Three cottageswith all modern Improvements InEast Gainesville 10 month Gainesvlllc Furniture

RENTNice large furnishedroom modern conveniences oneblock from court house Address

P care Sun office

ACME APARTMENT HOTEL JackHonvllle V J Shlpman ManagerNice comfortable rooms at

rates Roomers wantedor week Rates reasonable


FOR SALE Thirtygallon gasolinetank Inquire this office

LANG SHAN EGGS for setting also-a few fine cock rols for sale at CJ MIxKons

FOR SALE Lot 100x125 feet cornerWest Main and Boundary streetsHalf cash balance on own termswith eight per cunt Interest H IIMcCreary


LOST Ladles solid gold huntingcase Oslxe Wnlthammovementwatch with small scratched number-In back case X7179 on fob wasa pin and halfdollar charm May have been lost on

roadReward for return of same to thlioffice



t I







by dll

Randolph Mncon






tallor made

six roont


Galnoacllle Rochelle titicaa py









We are offering bar-gains the coming weeknt prices never beforeequaled in Gainesville

Look through thelocals read our adsmid be convincedthen see if you arewilling to take advan-tage of these prices

We merely mentionwhile passing alongthe road of prosperitya few of these manybargains which youwould do well to con-sider before buyingelsewhere Lookthrough the great ad-

vertising mediumTile Sun for our

bargain ads and beone among tho manyof our satisfied customers

Gainesville Furniture Go


DENTISTrrtst LicitiM iuiliiiW RtiMve li East We CurtXMHC Squire as SIll ac rMitM-Mf if MW ifftccs is

Tire Fucst Materials

Latest IfetiMfe af Practice

FEE S Oft cmcfeiiiMMlySflKfCI HCSVMt aM aM Itmake mj chtrics as few as FlitClass Warfc wiN


Magnolia Hotel Gainesville


rUNO t i OKM

Tuner and Rebuilder

Estimates Furnished Pmimrtly and AllWork Guaranteed

Reference Addressfew Fnnch Piano Co GAINESVILLE

Ludden hates FLA


We Make a Specialty of AllClasses of Dray York

Better See Us First

Faacy and

W J I m w Kji

MOM With Nw itum








HeaY Hauling








