galiwin’kupuy dhäwu - · from the 17th to the 22th of october...

MIWATJ HEALTH MIWATJ HEALTH SMOKING STINKS Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu [email protected] (08) 8970 5290 [email protected] 0417 736 219 November 2011 FREE Like us - DigiFM Follow us - DigiFM1 Healthy Lifestyle Festival ‘Healthy Heart’ Galiwin’ku have just finished celebrating another Healthy Lifestyle Festival. Jean Rurrkunbuy organises the an- nual event with the support from Ŋalkanbuy Health and Miwatj Health Aboriginal Cor- poration. Although the festival runs for one week during October, Jean and her helpers plan the event for months and sometimes the year before. The inspiration of the festival is to promote health and well be- ing in the community, spread- ing a serious message, this years message was Healthy Heart. More pictures continued on Page 3 GALIWIN’KU WOMEN’S FIRST GRAND FINAL PHOTOS BACK PAGE JUNIOR GRAND FINAL PAGE 11 Photographs courtesy of Duane Preston GET SET FOR THE WET YOUR GUIDE TO STAYING SAFE THIS WET SEASON PAGE 8 2011

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Page 1: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m



Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu [email protected] (08) 8970 5290 [email protected] 0417 736 219

November2011 Like us - DigiFM Follow us - DigiFM1

Healthy Lifestyle Festival

‘Healthy Heart’Galiwin’ku have just finished celebrating another Healthy Lifestyle Festival. Jean Rurrkunbuy organises the an-nual event with the support from Ŋalkanbuy Health and

Miwatj Health Aboriginal Cor-poration. Although the festival runs for one week during October, Jean and her helpers plan the event for months and sometimes the

year before. The inspiration of the festival is to promote health and well be-ing in the community, spread-ing a serious message, this

years message was Healthy Heart.

More pictures continued on Page 3

Galiwin’ku women’s First

Grand FinalPhotos Back PaGe

Junior Grand Final PaGe 11

Photographs courtesy of Duane Preston



pAGE 8


Page 2: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

November 20119th November Airport disaster Strategy

Stakeholder Meetings11th November remembrance day11th November Full Moon16th November CEA CdEp Building

Supervisor Skills Mentor visit19th November property Investing Workshop23rd & 24th November

Miwatj AGM

24th November NTES Monthly Meeting28th November Marthakal AGM

1st decmber ALpA Boat draw2nd december Shepherdson College Book

Launch2nd december donydji Book Launch5th - 9th december

dr. Emma - Vet Visit Galiwin’ku

DigiFM Digital Future Media (DigiFM)

is a communication centre based in Galiwin’ku for the Community and Homelands

The monthly Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu is the local tabloid newspaper which is printed through the centre. DigiFM are a Marthakal Homelands Resource Centre CDEP project which is funded through FaHCSIA. The media centre is for Yolŋu to create stories through Newspaper, Radio (East Arnhem Shire managed through the TEABBA Network) and Film, the aim is to communicate information and use digital technology for cultural maintenance and self expression.

Communication OfficerCDEP Position• Answering telephones• Main office duties• Communicate information• Website design and updates• Update Facebook and

Twitter accounts and other Socail Media

• Assist Media Team on l ocation if needed

Must have good computer skillsknoweldge of Social Media(facebook)

Would YOU like to work at DigiFM?

We are looking for staffPhotographer

CDEP Position• Take Photographs• Edit Photographs

(Photoshop)• Print Photographs• Assist in the Design &

Layout of newspaper & other graphics

• Shoot Video• Flexiable Hours• including nights and


Must be able to use or learn photoshop

ReporterCDEP Position• Interview people• Write stories for

newspaper and website• Attend events• Take Photographs• Shoot Video

Must have good computer skills and be interested in Sports

DesignerFull-Time Marthakal (MHRC) Position• Design the layout for the

newspaper• Graphic Design contents for

newspaper stories• Make Posters for print and

website• Assist photographer with

editing photographs• Must have attention to de-

tail• Be able to meet deadlines• Design of computer graphics

Positions open to Galiwin’ku and Homeland residents Both male and female encouraged to apply

Training and support offered to all positions

If you are interested in any of the positions, please leave your resume at DigiFM Offices or call us

8970 5290 from the Homelandsemail: [email protected]

Applications close on Monday 9th January 2012

red Crossthe red cross cel-ebrated the start of the healthy Baby healthy communi-ty Project on June 21.Parents and grand-parents come in-side the office to have a look at what the project is all about. the project en-

courages parents with babies and young children around nutrition and children’s growth and devel-opment. Parents can get advice and support from Joan malku d h a m m a r a n d j i and nurse cathy woods.

in november the team will teach par-ents about cooking healthy baby food. the project is starting work on a beautiful fruit and vegetable garden including Yolŋu Fruit trees for par-ents and families to enjoy.

By Cathie Martin

Galiwin’kupuy dhäwuPublisher: digital Future mediaJournalism and Photography: maletta York, James Bayung & cathie martindesign & illustration: sally claytonPmB 62, Galiwin’ku, Via winnellie, northern territory, 0822Telephone: (08) 8970 5290mobile: 0417 736 219 (news) 0417 345 028email: [email protected] or [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] clayton, coordinator - [email protected] 12 page free tabloid publication distributed first week of each month. email for advertising costs and more information.

this work is copyright. apart from any use permitted under the copyright act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of marthakal mala leaders

Photograph by Bruce Mawalan

Page 3: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

Healthy Lifestyle FestivalFrom the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m as a special guest and wirringa Band from milingimbi to perform at this year’s festival. during the week days there were jumping castles, healthy free drink at alPa store, no suGar drinks day, live longer day, Fat and Your heart day. on wednesday the 18th it was the B2m concert down at the basketball court. there were crowds of peo-

ple waiting for B2m to go on stage. it started at 6pm to 10pm and they sang some songs. the healthy lifestyle Festival in Galiwin’ku has been happening for many years, each year has a dif-ferent theme with this years being healthy heart. the festival has de-veloped over many years and gets bigger and bigger each year, more and more service providers join in and the activities and bands get big-ger and better. the companies that got involved

in this years festival were: miwatj Health, Skinnyfish Music, Ngalkanby health centre, alPa store, tuka-rina and Bottom shop, Perkins ship-ping, easc Youth services, red-cross, FaFt-iPss, darwin castles, Galiwin’ku Police.this year’s healthy heart message showed us how can we get together and make healthy food for our body instead of smoking and eating junk food and drinking sweet drinks. if we cut down on eating junk lollies we might live a longer life.

By Maletta York

Above: courtesy of duane Preston

Above: courtesy of duane Preston

Above: courtesy of duane Preston

Above: courtesy of duane Preston

Continued from Front Page

Page 4: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

A Special day for Mobile Schoolmobile school now have a classroom of their own at shepherdson college.a special open day was held to celebrate their new class-room on october 28.all the mobile school stu-dents and their parents came to shepherdson college to celebrate and alfred wuy-atiwuy, who has 100 per cent attendance, cut the ribbon to officially open the classroom.Teacher, Peter Yilaŋgi said the classroom was good for the rainy season because mobile school have their les-sons on the church lawn. “all the children are happy to come to school and are hap-py about their classroom,” he said.“the teachers, Barbara Miŋgal, Malayak 2, Emanuel, kelly and my wife look after the children and i want to en-courage their mothers and

fathers to send their children to school five days a week.”teacher emanuel holbein said it was great mobile school had their own space.“its great the school gave us a classroom before the wet season because now we have somewhere to go to continue our learning when it rains,” he said.

By Cathie Martin

dental visits to Gäwa and mäparu was a great success with good attendance and treatments provided. the dentist dr robert williams saying that “the teeth of peo-ple in Gäwa and mäparu are very good”. the dental team were very impressed with the good condition of the home-land’s people teeth.the dentist dr robert wil-liams and dental assistant Vicki macFarlene spent one week in Gäwa and the sec-ond week in mäparu. the communities made them very welcome and invited them to join in community activities, when they weren’t working hard. they learnt how to cook crocodile and wallaby, ate fresh crab and crayfish,

watched a black pig tip over the rubbish and take the lid off before eating and spread-ing the rubbish around. they loved the healthy lifestyle Festival and want to come back to attend next year.Vicki provided an extra ser-vice by face painting many children and adults. the dentist and dental assistant had many stories, interesting experiences, issues such as no power to operate their in-struments, no water to have showers and no lights at nights but it didn’t stop them providing a great service. the dental team have asked if they can come back. mar-thakal homelands health service manager, sue lang-don would like to thank the people of Ban’thula, Gäwa and mäpuru for all their sup-

port in seeing and supporting the dental team. “we con-gratulate all the people with good teeth, keep up the good care, good eating and brush-ing!”

Homelands Keeping their Teeth Healthy

TOO MANY DOGS IN GALIWIN’KU… is yaka manymuk!!

…. Dog bites from cheeky dogs

makes people scared

…when there are too many puppies,

often they are sick & hungry

… lots of dogs means lots of germs

spreading to people

…. Lots of mess from hungry dogs

scavenging through bins

…too much humbug from dogs and noise at night keeping us awake

…sometimes dogs are sick and can’t be treated. Lets stop the suffering

by putting them to sleep

Ask Dr Emma to give your dog an operation to stop them from having puppies, or medicine to make them healthy. Sick & unwanted dogs can be put to sleep.


By Sue Langdon

Shepherdson College Book Launchall shepherdson college Family and Friends are in-vited on Friday 2 december 1.00pm to the school Bas-ketball court for the launch of the two main prize-winning books published as a result of thier recent Galiwin’ku writing competition. one hundred copies of each of the two books, the colourful tree by natasha Rräpuŋ Burarrwaŋa and

nyamir’yunawuy Yothu by Jermaine Guyamatjinya campbell, will be available for purchase at $30 each at the Book launch.

if you want to be sure of re-ceiving copies of natasha’s and Jermaine’s books on the day, bring your money to the Front Office of Shepherdson college and we will reserve your books for you.

Page 5: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

Not To Scale

Authorisation Under Sect 178 28131 sought byGROOTE RESOURCES LIMITED, ACN 119 494772 over an area of 79 Blocks (197 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the ROSE RIVER locality.

NMIG Map Sheet No: 6069

Arafura Sea

A 28131

14º 22'


135º 57'


Authorisation Under Sect 178 28132 sought byGROOTE RESOURCES LIMITED, ACN 119 494772 over an area of 51 Blocks (115 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the LIMMEN locality.

Authorisation Under Sect 178 28133 sought byGROOTE RESOURCES LIMITED, ACN 119 494772 over an area of 117 Blocks (278 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the LIMMEN locality.

Authorisation Under Sect 178 28134 sought byGROOTE RESOURCES LIMITED, ACN 119 494772 over an area of 319 Blocks (773 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the MT. YOUNG locality.

Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6068

Arafura Sea

A 28132

14º 35'


135º 48'


Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6068

Arafura Sea

A 28133

14º 47'


135º 45'


Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6067

Arafura Sea

A 28134

14º 44'


135º 29'


Not To Scale

Authorisation Under Sect 178 28135 sought byGROOTE RESOURCES LIMITED, ACN 119 494772 over an area of 163 Blocks (388 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the ROSIE CREEK locality.

NMIG Map Sheet No: 6167

Arafura Sea

A 2813515º 18'



Authorisation Under Sect 178 28881 sought byOCRE ROUGE RESOURCES PTY LTD, ACN 151 217 079 over an area of 219 Blocks (537Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the ELCHO locality.

Exploration Licence 28824 sought by AUSTRALIAN MANGANESE RESOURCESPTY LTD, ACN 129 524 161 over an area of 79 Blocks (113 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the ROSIE CREEK locality.

Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6074

A 2888111º 41'


135º 57'


Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6167

EL 2882415º 25'


136º 18'


Not To Scale

Exploration Licence 28085 sought by NORTHMANGANESE PTY LIMITED, ACN 143 504 590over an area of 485 Blocks (1350 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the BLANE locality.

NMIG Map Sheet No: 6171

Arafura Sea

EL 28085

13º 15'


136º 28'


Exploration Licence 28086 sought by NORTHMANGANESE PTY LIMITED, ACN 143 504 590over an area of 473 Blocks (1338 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the BLANE locality.

Exploration Licence 28087 sought by NORTHMANGANESE PTY LIMITED, ACN 143 504 590over an area of 403 Blocks (1152 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the GREY locality.

Exploration Licence 28882 sought by OCREROUGE RESOURCES PTY LTD, ACN 151 217079 over an area of 198 Blocks (452 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the ELCHO locality.

Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6171

EL 28086

13º 09'


136º 07'


Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6271

EL 28087

13º 00'


136º 40'


Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 6074

Arafura Sea

EL 28882

11º 43'


136º 00'


Not To Scale

Exploration Licence 28883 sought by OCREROUGE RESOURCES PTY LTD, ACN 151 217079 over an area of 298 Blocks (835 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the HOWARD locality.

NMIG Map Sheet No: 5973EL 28883


135º 31'


Exploration Licence 26868 sought by TERRITORY MINERALS PTY LTD, ACN 121200 299 over an area of 211 Blocks (454 Sq Kms) depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the ANSON locality.

Exploration Licence 26869 sought by TERRITORY MINERALS PTY LTD, ACN 121200 299 over an area of 82 Blocks (133 Sq Kms)depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the DOMBEY locality.

Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 4971

EL 26868

12º 52' FINNISS RIVER130º 20'


Not To Scale NMIG Map Sheet No: 4870

EL 26869

13º 30'LITCHFIELD129º 49'


Arafura Sea Arafura Sea

Arafura Sea Arafura Sea

Arafura Sea

Timor SeaTimor Sea


Mining Exploration Applicationsthe Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu is running this story to inform you of these mining explora-tion applications lodged, we hope to have applications like this advertised in our newspaper in future and we need your support to show that our newspaper is impor-tant to pass information like this on locally.EXpLOrATION LICENCESan application for an explo-ration licence may be made over any land in the north-ern territory by following procedures set out in the mining act and regulations. different land tenure has dif-ferent processes for grant-ing exploration licences.the mining act is adminis-tered by the minerals and energy Group of the depart-ment of Primary industry, Fisheries and mines (the de-partment) and is responsible to the minister for mines and energy.exploration licences may be granted for an initial period of up to 6 years and allow the holder to explore for all min-erals. (it is important to note that minerals are the prop-erty of the crown and the northern territory has a right to benefit from those miner-als.) however, the grant of an exploration licence is not automatic and the mining act provides an opportunity for affected landholders and occupiers to comment on or object to the proposed ex-ploration licence.the mining act has a num-ber of provisions designed to protect the rights of land-holders while allowing le-gitimate explorers access to land. the applicant must no-tify the affected landholders or occupiers within 14 days of lodging an application for

Shepherdson College Shines at the Smart School Awards

On the 15th of October 19 staff from Shepherd-son College flew to Dar-win. They went into Dar-win for the Smart School Awards that were held at the Darwin Conven-tion Centre. Shepherdson College won the Smart Awards for Community Engage-ment. Principal Bryan Hughes said the school won be-cause it is a Strong Start Bright Future College.“Our college is a Strong

Smart Bright Future Col-lege that has programs like Families as First Teachers, Pre-school, Primary School, Middle Year’s School, Senior Secondary School and a new program called Three to Nine Adult Learning,” said Bryan. Anyone in the commu-nity who would like to start some learning and be educated can go to Shepherdson College. “That is one of the major reasons we won,” said

Cultural Liaison Officer Daisy Goṉḏarra.Shepherdson College will now look at programs for young mothers and open the school up for them so they don’t miss out.The school also hopes to do more work with other businesses in the community like ALPA, Marthakal Homelands Resource Centre and the Ŋalkanbuy Health Clinic.

By maletta York

The notice below was sent to the NT News and the Objection Period has closed.

CONTACT INFOrMATIONdepartment of Primary industry, Fisheries and

mines - minerals and energy titles divisionaddress: 5th Floor centrepoint Building, 48-50

smith street, darwin nt 0800 Postal address: GPo Box 3000, darwin nt 0801

Phone: 08 8999 5322 Fax: 08 8981 7106 email: [email protected]


an exploration licenceCOMMENTS Or OBJECTIONSit is a requirement under the mining act that an explora-tion licence application is advertised in the newspaper (the nt news). this applica-tion was advertised in the nt

news. the landholders / oc-cupiers then have 2 months to lodge a comment about or an objection to that applica-tion, with the department. comments or objections must be in writing, detailing the grounds on which they are made. The 2 month

deadline for this applica-tion has passed.if a comment or objection is received within the 2 month period, the department will forward a copy to the ap-plicant, allowing 21 days for them to respond.The 2 months period

has passed for com-ments or objections but Galiwin’kupuy dhäwu have been told some objections have been lodged and the Gumurr marthakal rangers would like to thank those who lodged their concerns.

Page 6: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

Leila Comes HomeBy Cathie Martin

it’s a long way from Galiwin’ku to melbourne, but that’s how far leila Gurruwiwi has gone.leila was born in Yirrkala and is now a presenter on the Marngrook Football Show. she came home to Galiwin’ku in october to see her family and to talk to people about an exciting new tV show that will be shown all around aus-tralia.“the show will be called dance off and it will be an opportunity to showcase the dance talent of Yolŋu people of all ages in both contempo-rary and traditional dance,” she said.while leila was in Galiwin’ku she spoke to the Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu about what it has been like living away from home and work-ing for the Marngrook Foot-

ball Show.“You don’t realise how much you develop and change,” she said.“When I first started out I was so shy. i had to talk to lots of people i didn’t know.”But leila’s family helped her build up her confidence and now she flies all around Aus-tralia to meet and talk with lots of different people.“there is no reason why oth-er girls cant do what i am do-ing,” she says.“don’t be shame, allow your-self to grow.”leila says to the day she dies she will always be a Yolŋu woman from arnhem land.“when i have kids, which wont be for a while,” she laughs. “i want them to be strong in both cultures.

workshop team members from community engage-ment australia (cea) cdeP have had their first visit from charles darwin university Project coordinator and Pro-ject Officer, Anthea Nicholls and david suttle.the group worked on prob-lem solving, computer skills

and thinking exercises to build up their brainpower. Jan deacon from cea cdeP said a very good time was had with the participants.they are now working to-gether to solve a fun and simple ‘problem’ for the next mentor visit in november.

CEA CdEp Workshop Team

when Vet, dr.emma ken-nedy came to Galiwin’ku in July, Judy manany went to see her with her dog Birri-birri.Birribirri had a broken leg and some nerve damage.“Birribirri was dragging her

leg around and she was walking on top of her paw,” said dr. emma.“Birribirri was in a lot of pain and the only way to help her was to remove the pain.”Judy spoke to emma and they thought together that

it was best to remove Birri-birri’s leg.“she is very happy and healthy now,” said Judy.“every night we massage where her leg was.”

Love and Care helps BirribirriAbove: Birribirri with some of her family

By Cathie Martin

Standing: Gorrpala-two Burarrwaŋa, Dhawaratji GanambarrSitting: anthea nicholls (Project coordinator), Mangutu Bukuḻatjpi, Dhawuti Dhamarraṉdji, Len Dhamarraṉdji & David Suttle (Project Officer).

Gargulkpuy talks to Melbourne and Canberra

Joanne Gargulkpuy from Yalu went to canberra and melbourne for a canberra she presented a paper on a project called Remembering Mission Times at the aitsis Bien-nial confrence and in mel-bourne she presented the same paper at the oral his-tory of australia Biennial conference. Gargulkpuy spoke about clan connection, roles and responsibilities and memo-ries of school days during mission times. she also said that old connections and

responsibilities need new strength and she asked the question what has changed since during the mission times.“Back in the mission times Yolŋu were responsible to work by themselves, they had all the skills and their outcomes were archived,” said Gargulkpuy. Gwenda Baker from monash university who worked with Gargulkpuy said ‘Gargulk-puy spoke very strongly about the Yalu centre; it’s meaning and development.’

By Maletta York

Gurrumul now Triple platinum

Gurrumul the highly ac-claimed self-titled debut by Gurrumul Yunupiŋu has offi-cially been declared a triple Platinum selling album. Gurrmul has just returned from a successful european overseas concert tour and upon his return he performed for hrm Queen elizabeth at Parliament house, canberra on october 21. along with the news of six aria nominations the week prior this artist was smiling from ear to ear. “Gurrumul is over the moon. he was on tour in europe at the time and he stayed up until 4am to get news on the aria nomina-tions,” says manager mark t Grose. “he is so honoured to be recognised by the industry and exceptionally pleased for his family.”

Page 7: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m


to promote boat safety, Galiwin’ku alPa is giving away this boat and all the safety gear that goes with it. if you spend $20 or more in the alPa store, put your receipt with your name and number in the box at the front of the store and you may be the lucky winner, ask staff for more details. remember, safe boating is manymak boating!

ALpA are giving away a BOAT

Gumurr Marthakal rangers working with Quarantine to stop weeds and diseases Gumurr marthakal rangers and scientists from austral-ian Quarantine and inspec-tion service (aQis) worked on an observation activity aimed to determine if any ex-otic pests, weeds or diseas-es had entered the wessel islands group through known Foreign Fishing Vessels (FFV) landing sites. earlier this year aQis team mathew cvetko-lueger, eli-za Finlay, stephen mckenna and tony Postle and Gumurr marthakal rangers, matthew atu and ralph Garrawurra, Desmond Wunuŋwurra and alex Yumbulul with the sup-port of traditional owners, nt Police service and the people of elcho island trav-elled around the wessel is-land group to carry out the observations. the aQis team of scientists and the rangers were able to

collect numerous termite, ant and plant samples for identi-fication. they collected samples and sent the samples away for testing.ranger, ralph Garrawurra said the trip was good be-cause it is always good to learn more skills. “we learnt a lot of new things with the scientists from Quar-antine. its good to learn more about what different depart-ments do,” he said.northern australian Quaran-tine strategy reported that no exotic pests, weed or diseas-es were found at the places where the samples were tak-en from.aQis would like to pass on their appreciation for your assistance in protecting aus-tralia’s way of life from exotic plant and animal threats.

To win this Stacer 429 Rampage boat with a Mercury 30hp 2 stroke motor (worth $10,000)Shop at ALPA (Galiwin’ku) and spend over $20 (Yaka Ŋarali)Entries close on 30th November Drawn on 1st December Photograph by Bruce Mawalan


the Police have been very busy again this month; they have been involved with the healthy lifestyle Fes-tival and with men’s health.the response from the community after the community meeting in helping night patrol and the police has been great, please continue to help night patrol as

they do a hard job. we would like to thank Yalu staff for their ef-forts in interviewing community members on how to help engage the youth that are out at night causing trouble and Sniffing.Police and night Patrol will be going around and talking to all clan leaders for their ideas on how we can help

each other make this community safer.unfortunately there is still a small group of youths that continue to spoil the community by smashing the cdeP building, digital Future building and marthakal employment services building. these are be-ing damaged almost every night. pLEASE help stop these chil-dren from causing this damage.

a second group of chil-dren have been van-dalising the farm by breaking and smash-ing the banana trees and water melon vines. People you are only hurting yourselves as this food was be-ing grown for our own community. pArENTS pLEASE STOp YOur CHIL-drEN FrOM dOING THIS SENSELESS dAMAGE

police report

Page 8: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m


every year during the wet season in the top end, we get big storms and cyclones with strong winds, heavy rain and light-ning strikes. although people that live in the northern territory are used to this type of weather, it’s important that we remember it can cause a lot of dam-age to our home and community. Get prepped for the wet and be safe. the wet season storms and cyclones can cause the power to go out and some-times interrupt water and sewerage ser-vices. each year, Power and water corpora-tion prepares for the wet season by en-couraging the com-munity to get pre-pared. tips for during storms include: unplug appliances like your television, stereo and micro-wave etc. in case of power surgesuse a torch not candles, which can be knocked over and cause a fire have a battery op-erated radio with spares so you listen to the local station for updateensure your mo-bile phones is fully chargedmake sure your overflow relief gully

(orG), the drain near your house is not blocked or cov-ered with plants so that water can drain away from your home or propertyPower outages are usually caused by lightning strikes or when something touches a powerline like a tree branch or animal. this triggers a safety protection system that discon-nects the power. during a storm or cy-clone, whole power-lines can be brought down with high winds or fallen trees.Before the wet sea-son, make sure you have enough fresh water, food and oth-er essential items in your cyclone kit to last up to 72 hours in case the power goes out or your water is cut off. if you are going on holidays or will be away from your house for some time, unplug all your appli-ances before you go. if the power goes out in your home:o wait at least 15 minutes – most of the time the power will come back on within 15 minutes;o if your power is off for more than 15 minutes you can check our website ( for informa-tion about planned

works or unplanned outages. You can also call us on 1800 245 092 to report a fault or follow us on twitter (@Powerwa-tercorp) where up-dates are provided between 8am and 8pm.if the power goes out, we recommend you switch off and unplug all electronic equip-ment, this could help stop things like your television or comput-er being damaged when the power is

turned back on to your area. if you are evacuating to a cyclone shelter, turn your power off at the main and your water at the meter, this will make the property safe and re-duce the risk of pow-er surges.after big storms or cyclones, remember not to swim in flood-ed areas because downed powerlines could be submerged in the water.

as the wet season rolls into east arnhemland we start to prepare for the change of season. these changes help protect our homes and families from

harm that the wet season can bring.novemebr 1st marks the offical start of the cyclone season, which will contin-ue until the end of april .

cyclones can hit at any time or not at all:Be prepared and stay safe

power and Water Corporation Get prepped for the Wet

Tips for during storms include:

• unplug appliances like your television, stereo and microwave etc. in case of power surges

• use a torch not candles, which can be knocked over and cause a fire

• have a battery operated radio with spares so you listen to the local sta-tion for update

• ensure your mobile phones is fully charged

• make sure your overflow relief gully (orG), the drain near your house is not blocked or covered with plants so that water can drain away from your home or property

If the power goes out in your home:

• wait at least 15 minutes – most of the time the power will come back on with-in 15 minutes;

• if your power is off for more than 15 minutes you can check our website ( for infor-mation about planned works or un-planned outages. You can also call us on 1800 245 092 to report a fault or follow us on twitter (@Powerwa-tercorp) where updates are provided between 8am and 8pm.

Above: First rains of 2011 approaching elcho island over howard island digiFm

during a cyclone, we need to consider dogs as well. al-though dogs are likely to be very scared during cyclone, they are unfortunately not allowed into cyclone shel-ters – there is only a limited amount of space and human safety is a priority. dogs shouldn’t be tied up during a storm or cyclone as this

is likely to cause more inju-ry, especially if they are not used to being tied up. most dogs will be very capable of seeking out a safe place and fending for themselves when left outside during a cyclone, if you are unable to keep them with you.

Dr. Emma

Storms and our animals  

police 000 131 444BOM 1300 659 211


don’t put things off - preparation is the key to

surviving a cyclone

police Cyclone NewsIT’S CYCLONE SEASON AGAINthis means it’s time to clean up your yards and around the house, take any rubbish to the dump and use the shire cleanup days to get rid of the larger rubbish, bits of tin and other metal. any old car bodies that you don’t want call the police and we will arrange for mar-thakal or the shire to get rid of them.please be prepared – know where you will shelter, have your cyclone kit ready and listen to all reports by the Police, shire and rangers. the Galiwin’ku shelters are, marthakal workshop, the shepherdson college’s new hall. the new houses built by territory alliance are very strong houses and

should also be used.Please remember the hous-es with a big red s are NOT cyclone shelters.when a cyclone has been located the police will tell the community and the Po-lice, ntes and rangers will go around and speak with people.not all cyclones are the same. there are Five cat-egories of cyclones with a category one being the least destructive and cat-egory Five being the most.if Galiwinku is prepared and ready for a cyclone we will minimise the damage and harm caused by the cy-clone.

Page 9: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

Brain Trainingsolutions on Page 10


Shepherdson College Adult Classes

SAVE MONEY Look after your car!

Learn basic car maintenance

Oil change Coolant Belts Tyres Leaks Suspension

Lights and electrics

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS For personal or work use

Get on the internetOpen an email account

Look at online banking and shop-

COOK HEALTHY FOOD Cook healthy food and eat it at the

school or take it home for yourfamily


BECOME AN AFL UMPIRE Blow your own whistle!

Learn with Ralph and Sam,get proper AFL accreditation








ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, 22nd November 2011

10.30am to 1.30pm Full Board Meeting

23rd & 24th November 2011 – 8am – 4pm

Venue: Gumatj Corporation Board Room Gunyangara Community

The purpose of the Annual General Meeting is for the election of the Governing Committee for the next two years. To confirm the minutes of the previous AGM, consideration of all reports, financial and annual, appointment of Auditors and the inspection of the Register of Members The Bulunu Ward Meeting will take place prior to the AGM. The purpose of the Ward Meeting is to elect 5 Miwatj Health Members to represent the Bulunu Ward for a period of two years. A Full Board Meeting will follow on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th November 2011.


For further enquires please contact Julie Strauss, Executive Secretary on 8939 1917

Tel: 8939 1900 Fax: 8987 1670 Postal: PO Box 519 Nhulunbuy NT 0881 Address: 1424 Arnhem Road Nhulunbuy

Notice of AGM

Thursday 28th November 2011

11am the marthakal homelands resource centre will be holding its annual General meeting at the new health administration building at Galiwinku.Please contact your General manager daisy Gumbula on 08 8970 5569 for co-ordination of transport to this important event.

regards ceomarthakal homeland & resource centre

NTES Galiwinku - Monthly MeetingThursday November 24th at 5:00pm

At the CEA CDEP Office

Members & Interested Guests Welcome

For further information please contact Gary Baker 0448 329 947

or Jan deacon 0488 083 160

Page 10: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

Leal Technology supporting Galiwin’ku Junior FootballFREE Property Investing

WorkshopFor the first time ever, the Queensland Government is helping investors create wealth through property.

This FREE workshop is your first step in understanding how to make real money from property.

We’ll teach you...•How to build a $2,500,000 property portfolio•How to manage this until it’s worth $5,000,000•How to manage the cash flow to get you there•Why the smart investor is accumulating assets now•Where the smart investor is buying •What you must do to ensure every chance of success...

*’Boosts’ refer to the Queensland Building Boost & the Investor Property Super Boost promotion. Conditions apply.

FREE Property Investing WorkshopWhere: Marthakal Health Service Riyalangura St Galiwin’ku

When: Saturday 19th Nov 10am for 10.30am start OR 3pm for 3.30pm start

Call Rachael on:

BOOK NOWFor 10am OR 3pm session

1800 248 911

SAVE $10,000 - $20,000or more on your next purchase!*



darwin Castles donate a waterslidedarwin castles are new to Galiwin’kus healthy life-style Festival with 2010 being their first year; not only have they brought fun during the last 2 festivals but they are now leaving some of that fun behind with their kind donation. owner andrew Firley was excited to come back and bring more exciting inflata-bles to this year’s event.andrew and the team lis-tened to the children at

their first festival and re-membered what they most wanted, so this year they brought with them the in-flatables and toys they thought the children would like. some from last year came back, the enclosed jumping castle and the water dunk but some new games including the wild splash, which is a tunnel you run and jump down with running water in. there were queues for all

rides but the wild splash brought much attention when the temperature got the festival grew to the end there was one less item to pack up as owner andrew Firley donated the wild splash to miwatj health.already the wild splash has made another ap-pearance at the children’s week event.

mawul rom is an accredited masters course at charles darwin university (cdu). the four-year course recently seen 15 participants graduate in their masters of indig-enous mawul rom with a ceremony held at the darwin

convention centre on october 21st.mawul rom is the law of Peace-mak-ing, which is offered by dhurili clan na-tion as a legitimate point of entry into ceremonial life, and law of the system of madayin law.applications are

now open for next year: please the australian centre for indigenous knowl-edge’s and educa-tion 08 8946 6482 Mawul Rom Office at charles darwin uni-versity or email on [email protected]

Masters of Indigenous Mawul rom

Leal Technology has come on board as a sponsor of the GFA, providing 300 new junior footballs for the boys u13 & girls u15 competitions. Managing Director of Leal Technol-ogy, Jesse Leal said that a recent work trip to Gali-winku was the inspiration behind the sponsorship. As AFL NT Remote Pro-jects Manager, Tavis Perry put it, ‘Jesse couldn’t be-lieve the enthusiasm that the kids in Galiwinku had

for their footy, and he con-tacted me to see how he could assist. He then gen-erously donated 300 new junior footballs, providing them with an opportunity to play all year round.’ Football in Gaiwinku con-tinues to grow, with over thirty teams across five leagues. AFL NT Regional Development Manager Sam Ellis continues to do an outstanding job and the entire community is looking forward to the

senior competition start-ing soon.

Steps Towards Work

Above: Photograph by Bruce Mawalin

every monday morning from 9am to 11am one group of men and one group of woman meet at marthakal employment services (mes) to share stories and talk about work.marrawili Gondarra who runs the workshops for men said the program was one way to close the gap.“we talk about work and the barriers that stop peo-ple from getting work,” he said.

“this will be an ongoing

program and everyone is welcome to attend.”Job club will encourage

people to participate in work and help them to write a resume.

Brain training solutions

Page 11: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

Junior Boys Grand Final

on the 29th of october there was two Grand finals held down at the oval.

The first game played was the under 13’s Bomber’s and st mary’s. it was a good match to the end of the fourth quarter.

saint’s tried their best to win but Bomber’s won the under 13’s premiership for the year.

By Maletta York

NT Thunder & power and Waternorthern territory thunder Players came to Galiwin’ku on the 11th of october with Power and water to support the community to stop wast-ing water.nt thunder players, cam-eron hotton, lachlan argus, matthew argus and kelvin williams met with students from shepherdson college and spent the afternoon at Galiwin’ku oval. the players held a footy clinic and then talked about water conser-vation. the message was to conserve our water by not wasting water ‘ turn off taps and report any leaks’ said matthew argus.the nt thunder players were so excited to come out to the community and sup-port our community. they also had fun teaching the

students their skills and how they play aFl. Galiwin’ku resident and nt thunder player carlos Burar-rwanga turned up to the oval and helped his teammates out. shepherdson college stu-dents were happy that they met the players in real life - it was a shock to them. Power and water water re-source officer Mike Allandale said ‘in Galiwin’ku we want to reduce the average daily per person use.’ nt thunders had prizes for the students who could an-swer the right question about water conservation. some answers were hard, but most of the senior boys got them right. it was a good thing as well for them to learn both things

– not to waste water and learn things to share how to save our water.So if Yolŋu see water leak-

ing anywhere please contact Power and water 1800 245 092 to save our water. au-gust 2011 reported 819 litres per month used and Power

and water would like to help bring that down to 500 litres per month

helping water conservationBy Maletta York

Photographs James Bayung

Page 12: Galiwin’kupuy Dhäwu - · From the 17th to the 22th of october Galiwin’ku miwatj health workers held a healthy lifestyle Festival. they invited B2m

pink Eagles Win the Thrilling first Women’s Football Final….The first ever wo-mens Grand Final was held at the Galiwin’ku football oval on the last weekend of octo-ber. Before the grand fi-nal the tigers were on top of the lad-der and the eagles were in second

place. it was a close game with the tigers scoring a goal just before the horn went off. The final score were eagles two goals five points and the tigers two goals.

By Maletta York

Photographs courtesy Duane Preston