gall blader stone

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  • 7/29/2019 Gall Blader stone


    Gallstones Overview

    Gallstones (commonly misspelled gall stones or gall stone) are solid particles that form

    from bile in the gallbladder.

    The gallbladder is a small saclike organ in the upper right part of the abdomen. Itis located under the liver, just below the front rib cage on the right side.

    The gallbladder is part of the biliary system, which includes the liver and thepancreas.

    The biliary system, among other functions, produces bile and digestive enzymes.

    Bile is a fluid made by the liver to help in the digestion of fats.

    It contains several different substances, including cholesterol andbilirubin, a

    waste product of normal breakdown of blood cells in the liver.

    Bile is stored in the gallbladder until needed.

    When we eat a high-fat, high-cholesterol meal, the gallbladder contracts and

    injects bile into the small intestine via a small tube called the common bile duct.

    The bile then assists in the digestive process.

    There are two types of gallstones: 1) cholesterol stones and 2) pigment stones.
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    1. Patients with cholesterol stones are more common in the United States;

    cholesterol stones make up approximately 80% of all gallstones. They form when

    there is too much cholesterol in the bile.

    2. Pigment stones form when there is excess bilirubin in the bile.

    Gallstones can be any size, from tiny as a grain of sand to large as a golf ball.

    Although it is common to have many smaller stones, a single larger stone or any

    combination of sizes is possible.

    If stones are very small, they may form a sludge or slurry.

    Whether gallstones cause symptoms depends partly on their size and their

    number, although no combination of number and size can predict whether

    symptoms will occur or the severity of the symptoms.

    Gallstones within the gallbladder often cause no problems. If there are many or they arelarge, they may cause pain when the gallbladder responds to a fatty meal. They also may

    cause problems if they move out of the gallbladder.

    If their movement leads to blockage of any of the ducts connecting the

    gallbladder, liver, or pancreas with the intestine, serious complications may result.

    Blockage of a duct can cause bile or digestive enzymes to be trapped in the duct.

    This can cause inflammation and ultimately severe pain, infection, and organ


    If these conditions go untreated, they can even cause death.

    Up to 20% of adults in the United States may have gallstones, yet only 1% to 3% developsymptoms.

    Hispanics, Native Americans, and Caucasians of Northern European descent are

    most likely to be at risk for gallstones. African Americans are at lower risk.

    Gallstones are most common among overweight, middle-aged women, but the

    elderly and men are more likely to experience more serious complications from


    Women who have been pregnant are more likely to develop gallstones. The same

    is true for women takingbirth control pills or on hormone/estrogen therapy as this

    can mimicpregnancyin terms of hormone levels.

    Gallstones Causes
  • 7/29/2019 Gall Blader stone


    Gallstones occur when bile forms solid particles (stones) in the gallbladder.

    The stones form when the amount of cholesterol or bilirubin in the bile is high.

    Other substances in the bile may promote the formation of stones.

    Pigment stones form most often in people with liver disease or blood disease, who

    have high levels of bilirubin.

    Poor muscle tone may keep the gallbladder from emptying completely. The

    presence of residual bile may promote the formation of gallstones.

    Risk factors for the formation of cholesterol gallstones include the following:

    female gender,

    being overweight,

    losing a lot of weight quickly on a "crash" or starvation diet, or

    taking certain medications such as birth control pills orcholesterol lowering


    Gallstones are the most common cause of gallbladder disease.

    As the stones mix with liquid bile, they can block the outflow of bile from the

    gallbladder. They can also block the outflow of digestive enzymes from the


    If the blockage persists, these organs can become inflamed. Inflammation of the

    gallbladder is called cholecystitis. Inflammation of the pancreas is calledpancreatitis.

    Contraction of the blocked gallbladder causes increased pressure, swelling, and, at

    times, infection of the gallbladder.

    When the gallbladder or gallbladder ducts become inflamed or infected as the result of

    stones, the pancreas frequently becomes inflamed too.

    This inflammation can cause destruction of the pancreas, resulting in severeabdominal pain.

    Untreated gallstone disease can become life-threatening, particularly if the

    gallbladder becomes infecte
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    Gallstone Symptoms

    What Are the Symptoms of Gallstones?

    As gallstones move into the bile ducts and create blockage, pressure increases in the

    gallbladder and one or more symptoms may occur. Symptoms of blocked bile ducts areoften called a gallbladder "attack" because they occur suddenly. Gallbladder attacks often

    follow fatty meals, and they may occur during the night. A typical attack can cause

    steady pain in the right upper abdomen that increases rapidly and lasts from 30

    minutes to several hours

    pain in the back between the shoulder blades

    pain under the right shoulder

    Notify your doctor if you think you have experienced a gallbladder attack. Although

    these attacks often pass as gallstones move, your gallbladder can become infected and

    rupture if a blockage remains.

    People with any of the following symptoms should see a doctor immediately:

    prolonged pain - more than 5 hours

    nausea and vomiting

    fever - even low-grade - or chills

    yellowish color of the skin or whites of the eyes

    clay-colored stools

    Many people with gallstones have no symptoms; these gallstones are called "silent

    stones." They do not interfere with gallbladder, liver, or pancreas function and do notneed treatment.

    Gallstones and Diet

    The role of diet in the formation of gallstones is not clear.

    We do know that anything that increases the level of cholesterol in the blood

    increases the risk of gallstones.

    It is reasonable to assume that a diet with large amounts of cholesterol and other

    fats increases the risk of gallstones, but it is also important to remember that theamount of cholesterol in your bile has no relationship to your blood cholesterol.

    Loosing weight rapidly seems to increase the risk of gallstones and so doesskipping meals.

    Obesity is a risk factor for gallstones.

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    Eating a fatty or greasy meal can precipitate the symptoms of gallstones.

    Gallstones Symptoms

    Most people with gallstones (60% to 80%) have no symptoms. In fact, they are usually

    unaware that they have gallstones unless symptoms occur. These "silent gallstones"usually require no treatment.

    Symptoms usually occur as complications develop. The most common symptom is pain

    in the right upper part of the abdomen. Because the pain comes in episodes, it is often

    referred to as an "attack."

    Attacks may occur every few days, weeks, or months; they may even be separatedby years.

    The pain usually starts within 30 minutes after a fatty or greasy meal.

    The pain is usually severe, dull, and constant, and can last from one to five hours.

    It may radiate to the right shoulder or back.

    It occurs frequently at night and may awaken the person from sleep.

    The pain may make the person want to move around to seek relief, but many

    patients prefer to lay still and wait for the attack to subside.

    Other common symptoms of gallstones include the following:

    nausea and vomiting,


    indigestion,belching, bloating,

    intolerance for fatty or greasy foods, and

    jaundice (yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes).

    Gallstones Diagnosis

    Upon hearing the patient's symptoms, the health care practitioner will probably suspect

    gallstones. Because the symptoms of gallbladder disease can resemble those of other

    serious conditions, he or she will ask the patient questions and examine them to try toconfirm this diagnosis and rule out other conditions.

    There is no blood test that can identify gallstones.
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    Blood will be taken for tests that can help to determine if the gallbladder is

    obstructed, if the liver or pancreas is inflamed or not functioning properly, or if

    the patient has an infection.

    If you are a woman, the blood may also be tested to check for a possible


    Urine may be tested to rule out kidney infection. Kidney infections can causeabdominal pain similar to that caused by gallstones.

    Ultrasound is the best test to examine the gallbladder for stones.

    Ultrasound uses painless sound waves to create images of organs.

    Ultrasound examinations are very good at seeing abnormalities in the biliary

    system, including stones or signs of inflammation or infection.

    This is the same technique used to look at a fetus in a pregnant woman.

    Finding gallstones by ultrasound does not diagnose gallbladder disease. The

    doctor has to correlate the ultrasound findings with the patient's symptoms.

    An alternative to ultrasound is an oral cholecystogram (OCG).

    An X-ray is taken of the gallbladder after the patient swallow pills containing a

    safe, temporary dye.

    The dye helps the gallbladder and gallstones show up better on the X-ray.

    Both ultrasound and OCG can detect gallstones in the gallbladder about 95% of the time.

    Ultrasound is usually the first choice because it is completely noninvasive and

    involves no exposure to radiation.

    If either test gives an uncertain result, another test usually is necessary.

    These tests are the alternatives to ultrasound and OCG. They are better choices ifgallstones have left the gallbladder and moved into the ducts.

    Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan): This is a test in which a solution is injectedinto an IV line in the patient's arm. The liquid is absorbed by the liver, then

    passed on to be stored in the gallbladder (much like bile). The solution contains aharmless radioactive marker, which is seen by a special camera. If the gallbladder

    is inflamed or blocked by gallstones, none of the marker is seen in the gallbladder.
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    CT scan: This test is similar to an X-ray, however more detailed. It shows the

    gallbladder and the biliary ducts and can detect gallstones, blockages, and other


    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): A thin, flexible

    endoscope is used to view parts of the patient's biliary system. The patient issedated, and the tube is passed through the mouth and stomach and into the small

    intestine. The device then injects a temporary dye into the biliary ducts. The dyemakes it easy to see any stones in the ducts when X-rays are taken. Sometimes a

    stone can be removed during this procedure.

    A chest X-raymay be performed to make sure there are no other reasons for the

    abdominal pain.

    Sometimes problems in the chest (such aspneumonia ) can cause pain in theupper abdomen.

    Occasionally the chest X-ray can also show stones in the gallbladder.

    As most gallstones are asymptomatic, many times gallstones are diagnosed when the

    patient undergoes a test for another reason.

    Gallstones Treatment

    Self-Care at Home

    After a diagnosis of gallstones, the patient may choose not to have surgery or may not be

    able to have surgery right away. There are measures the patient can take to relieve thesymptoms to include:

    intake of only clear liquids to give the gallbladder a rest,

    avoid fatty or greasy meals, and

    take acetaminophen (Tylenol, etc.) for pain.

    Call a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen or if new symptoms appear.Abdominal pain with vomiting, fever, or jaundice warrants an immediate visit to a

    doctor's office or a hospital emergency department.

    Gallstone Medical Treatment

    There is no permanent medical cure for gallstones. Although there are medical measures

    that can be taken to remove stones or relive symptoms, they are only temporary. If a

    patient has symptoms from gallstones, surgical removal of the gallbladder is the besttreatment. Asymptomatic (producing no symptoms) gallstones do not require treatment.
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    Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL): A device that generates shock waves

    is used to break gallstones up into tiny pieces.

    These tiny pieces can pass through the biliary system without causing blockages.

    This is usually done in conjunction with ERCP to remove some stones.

    Many people who undergo this treatment suffer attacks of intense pain in the right

    upper part of the abdomen after treatment.

    The effectiveness of ESWL in treating gallstones has not been fully established.

    Dissolving stones: Drugs made from bile acids are used to dissolve the gallstones.

    It may take months or even years for the gallstones to all dissolve.

    The stones often come back after this treatment.

    These drugs work best for cholesterol stones.

    They cause mild diarrhea in many people.

    This treatment is usually offered only to people who are not able to have surgery.

    If an individual goes to an emergency department, an IV line may be started, and pain

    medication and antibiotics may be given through the IV.

    If the patient's health permits it, the health care practitioner will probably recommend

    surgery to remove the gallbladder and the stones. Surgical removal helps prevent futureepisodes of abdominal pain and more dangerous complications such as inflammation of

    the pancreas and infection of the gallbladder and liver.

    If there is no infection or inflammation of the pancreas, the operation to remove

    the gallbladder can be performed immediately or within the next several days.

    If there is inflammation of the pancreas or infection of the gallbladder, the patient

    will most likely be admitted to the hospital to receive IV fluid and possibly IV

    antibiotics for several days prior to the operation.

    Gallstone Surgery (Cholecystectomy)

    The usual treatment for symptomatic or complicated gallstones is surgical removal of thegallbladder. This is called cholecystectomy.

    Many people who have gallbladder disease are understandably concerned about having

    their gallbladder removed. They wonder how they can function without a gallbladder.
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    Fortunately, you can live without your gallbladder.

    Living without a gallbladder does not require a change in diet.

    When the gallbladder is gone, bile flows directly from the liver into the small


    Because there is nowhere to store bile, sometimes bile flows into the intestine

    when it is not needed. This does not cause a problem for most people, but causes

    mild diarrhea in about 1% of patients.

    Laparoscopic removal: Most gallbladders are removed by laparoscopiccholecystectomy. The gallbladder is removed through a small slit in the abdomen using

    small tube-like instruments.

    The tube-like instruments have a camera and surgical instruments attached, whichare used to take out the gallbladder with the stones inside it.

    This procedure causes less pain than open surgery.

    It is less likely to cause complications, and has a faster recovery time.

    A laparoscopic procedure is preferred if it is appropriate for the patient.

    The procedure is performed in an operating room with the patient under general


    It usually takes 20 minutes to one hour.

    A general surgeon performs the operation.

    In some cases a laparoscopic procedure is started and then changed to an open

    abdominal procedure (see below).

    Open removal: The gallbladder is sometimes removed through a 3 to 6 inch incision inthe right upper abdomen.

    The open procedure usually is used only when laparoscopic surgery is not feasible

    for a specific person.

    Common reasons for doing an open procedure are infection in the biliary tract andscars from previous surgeries.

    About 5% of all gallbladder removals in the United States are done as open


    This procedure is performed in the operating room with the patient under generalanesthesia.

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    It usually takes 45 to 90 minutes.

    A general surgeon performs the operation.

    Occasionally, ERCP is done just before or during surgery to locate any gallstones that

    have left the gallbladder and are located elsewhere in the biliary system. These can beremoved at the same time as surgery, eliminating the risk that they might cause acomplication in the future. ERCP also may be performed after surgery if a gallstone is

    later found in the biliary tract. Sometimes ERCP is done without surgery, for example in

    people who are too frail or ill to undergo surgery.

    Gallstone Outlook

    If gallstones block one of the biliary ducts, the result is inflammation and swelling of theorgans "upstream" of the blocked duct.

    This complication alone can cause symptoms and warrants treatment, possiblysurgery.

    If untreated, it can lead to more serious conditions such as infection and damage

    to the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas.

    If these organs sustain enough damage, they can no longer carry out their normal

    functions. This is a life-threatening complication.

    If a patient has surgery, you should know the following:

    A person who has had laparoscopic surgery to remove the gallbladder may leave

    the hospital 12-48 hours after surgery and return to full activities within three


    If open surgery was required to remove the gallbladder, recovery takes a little

    longer. The person may leave the hospital within three to seven days and couldresume normal activity after a six week recovery period.

    The most common complication of surgery is damage to the biliary tract. If bile

    leaks out of the biliary system, it can cause an infection.

    If a person chooses not to have their gallbladder removed, it is likely you will have

    recurring abdominal pain and possibly complications.