gambit h+k employer branding

Employer branding – en ny mulighet for rekrutteringsselskapene? #EBAftenposten Hilde H. Kallevig, Inger Lise Svaleng, Julie D. Bryn

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Post on 24-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Gambit h+k employer branding

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different

saturations of the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background , 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Insert client logo 1. Select placeholder 2. Choose Insert from top menu 3. Choose Picture from file 4. Select client logo 5. Click OK

To view drawing guides 1. Right click on slide and select

’Grid and Guides...’ 2. Check ’Display drawing guides

on screen’ 3. Select OK

Employer branding – en ny mulighet for rekrutteringsselskapene?


Hilde H. Kallevig, Inger Lise Svaleng, Julie D. Bryn

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Page 2: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Inger Lise Svaleng Julie D. Bryn Hilde H. Kallevig

Page 2

Page 3: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the Increase/Decrease Indent

buttons found in the Top-PowerPoint menu

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the Increase/Decrease Indent

buttons found in the Top-PowerPoint menu

The «right match»?

Page 3

Page 4: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Rekruttering + employer branding =

Hvordan kan vi ansette de riktige folka?

Hvordan kan virksomheten redusere risikoen for å velge feil


Page 4

Page 5: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Morgenens agenda:

1 Rekrutteringsbransjen om employer branding

2 Litt teori

3 ...og litt praksis

4 Og til slutt noen tips!


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Page 6: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the Increase/Decrease Indent

buttons found in the Top-PowerPoint menu

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the Increase/Decrease Indent

buttons found in the Top-PowerPoint menu

Høy kjennskap, men stort potensial for å øke kunnskapen enda mer og oppnå bedre resultater både for dere selv og kundene deres

”Vi forteller en historie, den skal være riktig og bra. Så er vi også avhengig av de som er ansatt og som driver med employer branding. Kandidater som ikke fikk jobben skal også snakke bra om vår kunde etter prosessen. Så vi har forsåvidt en viktig rolle i forhold til branding av våre kunder.” – Respondent fra Aftenpostens undersøkelse, januar 2014

Undersøkelsen: Stort potensial både for dere og kundene deres

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

48 svar. 36 Ja / 12 Nei

Kommentarer hvis Ja

• Som rekrutteringspartner representerer jeg kunden og tar derfor ansvar for at kandidatene får en best og mest mulig realistisk opplevelse av kunden som arbeidsgiver/arbeidsplass

• Viktig medspiller og rådgiver i forbindelse med rekrutteringsprosesser

• Vi forteller en historie, den skal være riktig og bra. Så er vi også avhengig av de som er ansatt og som driver med Emp. Brand.. Kandidater som ikke fikk jobben skal også snakke bra om vår kunde etter prosessen. Så vi har forsåvidt en viktig rolle ift. branding av våre kunder.

• Kreativ rolle

• Svært viktig!

• Employer branding blir viktigere og viktigere i jakten på talentene. Der konkurransen er stor, vil de selskapene som klarer å markedsføre seg som gode arbeidsgivere være vinnere.

• Vi har en aktiv rolle i intern- og ekstern kommunikasjon blant annet gjennom mediebruk.

• Initiativtaker

Kommentarer hvis Nei

• Er ekstern konsulent i rekruttering. Viktig kunnskap å ha med seg.

91% kjenner til employer branding

og 77% benytter employer branding i dag

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Ja 90 %

Nei 10 %

Og nesten alle – 90% ønsker å bruke employer branding fremover!

Ønsker du å bruke employer branding i prosjekter for dine kunder

i løpet av 2014?

”Employer branding blir viktigere og viktigere i jakten på talentene. Der konkurransen er stor, vil de selskapene som klarer å markedsføre seg som gode arbeidsgivere være vinnere.

Vi har en aktiv rolle i intern- og ekstern kommunikasjon blant annet gjennom mediebruk”.

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Page 9: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Nei 66 %

Ja 34 %

Ansatteløfte/EVP er et ukjent begrep for 66%, og blir derfor ikke brukt aktivt

Benytter du ansatteløftet (EVP) aktivt i dialog med kandidatene?

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Page 10: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour and click OK

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour and click OK

Et definert employer brand er fordelaktig og resulterer i bedre rekruttering

97% ser en verdi i at kunden har et definert employer brand

87% mener employer branding er med å sikre mer effektiv og treffsikker rekruttering

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

48% av kundene har uttalt et behov for employer branding – men behovet og bevisstheten varierer fra kunde til kunde.

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Page 12: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

– viktigere enn noen gang Employer branding

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Page 13: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Definerer og differensierer selskapet som arbeidsgiver

Employer branding:

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Page 14: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Selskapets helhetlige tilnærming til å bygge omdømme & identitet rundt bedriften som arbeidsplass

Employer branding:

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Page 15: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

= Merkevaren folk jobber for!

Employer branding:

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout




”Det som holder meg våken om nettene er utfordringen med å beholde og rekruttere de riktige menneskene og den riktig kompetanse som kan ta Hydros utvikling videre ” - Svein Richard Brandtzæg i Norsk Hydro

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Bør sjekke disse tallene da de er fra augut 2013

40% lavere kostnad per ansettelse

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

50% mer effektiv rekruttering med employer brand

40% lavere sannsynlighet for at kandidaten slutter innen 6 mnd.

Bør sjekke disse tallene da de er fra augut 2013

Source: LinkedIn

Vurdere å sette inn skjermbilde fra EY sine linkedin-sider for å illustrere?

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Fra 24% til 47% sannsynlighet for at de ansatte er ambassadører

Bør sjekke disse tallene da de er fra augut 2013


47% Janecke:

Kan det være ulike farger på kaken slik at det står mer frem?

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Attraktiv /relevant



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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Du må avdekke ditt employer brand – ikke konstruere det

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Ansatteløftet (EVP) er det strategiske fundamentet til et employer brand

Employer value Proposition (EVP)

EVP Page 23

Page 24: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Things you can’t do anywhere else – best at leadership development


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Page 25: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Amaze yourself. Amaze the world.


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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Page 27: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Nye forventninger endrer spillereglene

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Page 28: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Det handler om å forstå og respektere den makten og de forventningene folk har til deg og ditt selskap.

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Teknologi endrer måten vi jobber på og måten vi ansetter på

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

La employer brandet gjennomsyre alle kontaktpunkter i ansattereisen








Career development

like love

work/follow-up belonging

trust on-boarding

ambassador re-hire

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Page 31: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Employer Branding Live

Inspirerende eksempler

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Page 32: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Hydro Case:

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Page 34: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

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Page 37: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

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Page 39: Gambit h+k employer branding
Page 40: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Page 41: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Technip Case:

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Page 43: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Ansatte som verdiformidlere

1 Technip som en god arbeidsplass

2 Technip som en teknisk leder

3 Technip i Stavanger

4 Technip vokser

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Technip – a good place to work

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Technip- A Technical Leader

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Technip – in Stavanger

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Technip- Contracts winner

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Page 48: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

COWI Case:

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Page 52: Gambit h+k employer branding

”ofte når en ser kampanjer fra ingeniørbedrifter så er de pompøse og lover mye – ”internasjonal karriere i tverrfaglige miljø” – COWI har laget en kampanje som er pirrende men hvor en faktisk kan holde det en lover. Upretensiøs og nerdete og smalt”.

– NIR podcast

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Page 53: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations of

the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Helt enkelt Employer branding

Page 53

Page 54: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)



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Page 55: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

2 tanker i bakhodet…

1 Din rolle som strategisk employer brand-rådgiver

2 Ditt eget employer brand-arbeid internt

Page 55

Page 56: Gambit h+k employer branding

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

En organisasjon i krise

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Positiv psykologi



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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

• Martin Seligman, formann i American Psychology Association

• Fra fokus på sykdom og behandling, til hvordan få frem det beste i individer, grupper, organisasjoner og samfunn

• Fokus på menneskers positive egenskaper, styrker og potensialer

• Ikke en happiology!

• Konsekvenser for hvordan vi leder, behandler og inspirerer på arbeidsplassen

Positiv psykologi i et nøtteskall

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Hva bestemmer

40% det du gjør

50% utgangspunkt

10% situasjon

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Følelse, tanke, handling

• Kognitivt - tankeevnen utvides

• Fysiologiske resultat

• Ringvirkninger for arbeidsplassen

• Kort fortalt er lykke god business – og god employer branding!

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Fra employer brand til employer stand

CSR Lederkommunikasjon Helse

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Mening og verdier

Net Impact (2012). Talent Report: What Workers Want in 2012.

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

• ¾ blir skuffet over ny arbeidsgiver fordi virkeligheten ikke er som lovet

• Policy – hvis det ikke kan (be)vises, er det ikke sant

• Lederverktøy for integrering av strategi, visjon og virkelighet – med fokus på deltagelse, mestring og anerkjennelse

• Løsningsfokusert og praktisk tilnærming med mellomledere i fokus

• ”Flyt” som mål

Fra styremøte (eller stillingsannonse)

til virkelighet

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•Random acts of kindness

•Mindful work

•Walking meetings


•3rd space

Total rewards

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the Increase/Decrease Indent

buttons found in the Top-PowerPoint menu

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the Increase/Decrease Indent

buttons found in the Top-PowerPoint menu


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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout


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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout


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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout


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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout



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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout



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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout


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