game development with cocos2d

iOS Game Development with Cocos2D SaalisUmer [email protected]

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Page 1: Game development with Cocos2d

iOS Game Developmentwith Cocos2D


[email protected]

Page 2: Game development with Cocos2d

iOS Game Developmentwith Cocos2D

Part 1: Why Cocos2D?

Part 2: Cocos2D Basics

Part 3: Let’s build a Cocos2D game

Page 3: Game development with Cocos2d

Part 1:Why Cocos2D?

Page 4: Game development with Cocos2d

Anatomy of a simple gameCPU & GPU

Page 5: Game development with Cocos2d

Meet Cocos2D for iPhone

Open source iOS game development framework

Developed by Ricardo Quesada, acqui-hired by

Zynga (2011)

Stable v1.1 Based on OpenGL ES 1.1

Beta v2.0 Based on OpenGL ES 2.0

3,500+ iOS games shipped

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The Cocos2D Family







Windows Phone 7 (C#)


iPhone/Android (C++)



Web (Javascript)

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Proven Success

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Great Effort-Flexibility Balance

Direct OpenGL/







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Cross Device, Cross Resolution

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Active Ecosystem

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And most importantly..

Tons of great features for games

Sprite Sheets


Lense, Ripple, Wave..

Particle Systems


Scene Transitions

Tile Map Support

Integrated Physics Engines

Shaders (v2.0)

Parallax Scrolling


Move, Rotate, Scale..

Text Rendering

Sound Support

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Part 2:Cocos2D Basics

Page 13: Game development with Cocos2d

Basic Cocos2D Concepts

DirectorClass that creates and handle the main Windowand manages how and when to execute the Scenes.

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Basic Cocos2D Concepts



Creates and handle the main Windowand manages how and when to execute the Scenes.

A scene (implemented with the CCScene object) is moreor less an independent piece of the app workflow. .

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Basic Cocos2D Concepts




Creates and handle the main Windowand manages how and when to execute the Scenes.

A scene (implemented with the CCScene object) is moreor less an independent piece of the app workflow. .

A CCLayer has a size of the whole drawablearea, and knows how to draw itself.

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Basic Cocos2D Concepts





A layer has a size of the whole drawablearea, and knows how to draw itself.

Creates and handle the main Windowand manages how and when to execute the Scenes.

A scene (implemented with the CCScene object) is moreor less an independent piece of the app workflow. .

It is a 2D image that can be moved, rotated, scaled, animated, etc.

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Director & Scenes

Director Loss

Intro Main Menu Level I Level 2 Victory


High Scores

Game made up of “game screens” called Scenes

Each Scene can be considered a separate app

Director handles main window and executes Scenes

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Each Scene contains several full screen Layers

Layers contain Sprites which are the game elements

Layers useful for Controls, Background, Labels, Menus.

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Nodes are anything that gets drawn or contains

things that get drawn (= Scene, Layer, Sprite)

Can: Contain other Nodes

Schedule periodic callbacks

Execute Actions

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Sprites in Action


CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame = [[CCSpriteFrameCachesharedSpriteFrameCache]


CCSprite* sprite = [CCSpritespriteWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];

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Sprites in ActionwinSize.height

Add to Layer

(x,y) at anchor point


sprite.position = ccp(x, y);

[layer addChild:sprite z:5 tag:666];

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Sprites in Action


CCMoveTo *moveToAction = [CCMoveToactionWithDuration:duration


[sprite runAction:moveToAction];

Properties can be transformed directly or through actions

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Sprites in Action


CCScaleTo *scaleToAction = [CCScaleToactionWithDuration:durationscale:scale];

CCRotateBy *rotateByAction = [CCRotateByactionWithDuration:durationangle:angle];

CCSequence *sequence = [CCSequenceactions:scaleToAction, rotateByAction, nil];

[sprite runAction:sequence];

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Sprites in Action


CCAnimation* animation = [[CCAnimationCachesharedAnimationCache]


CCAnimate* animateAction = [CCAnimateactionWithAnimation:animation];

[sprite runAction:animateAction];

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Sprites in Action

Schedule Updates

[scene schedule:@selector(updateSprite:) interval:interval];

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ActionsCan be performed on Sprites or any Node

Basic Move, Scale, Rotate, Bezier, Hide, Fade, Tint..

Composition Sequence, Repeat, Spawn, RepeatForever..

Ease Ease, EaseExponential, EaseBounce..

Effects Lens, Liquid, Ripple, Shaky, Twirl, Waves..

Special CallFunc, Follow..

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Added as a child to the layer

Created with TexturePacker or Zwoptex

Memory considerations, 16bit images, .pvr.ccz

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- (void)ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

- (void)ccTouchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

- (void)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

- (void)ccTouchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

Implement directly based on CCStandardTouchDelegate

Can use UIGestureRecognizer classes

Open source implementations of joypad/buttons available

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Part 3:

Let’s Make a Game!

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Part 3:

Let’s Make a Game!..but first we need a story, graphics, music and sfx :)

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Because he likes to kill paratroopers

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Music & SFX

Background music, shoot sound, death sound

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Steps for making KillTimeApplication Setup

Step 1: Adding Background

Step 2: Adding Our Hero

Step 3: Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)

Step 4: Killing Bad Guys (Adding UI)

Step 5: Check for Bad Guy Death

Step 6: Animating Our Hero

Step 7: Animating Bad Guys Dying

Step 8: Adding Body Count

Step 9: Adding Sound & Music

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New Cocos2D Project

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@interface HelloWorldLayer : CCLayer


// Player sprite

CCSprite *_player;

// Target and bullet sprite arrays

NSMutableArray *_targets;

NSMutableArray *_bullets;

! // Body count counter and isShooting flag

int _bodyCount;

BOOL _isShooting;

!// For body count label

CCLabelTTF *_labelTitle;

CCLabelTTF *_labelCount;


Page 37: Game development with Cocos2d


// Create the new scene including this layer

+(id) scene


! // Create the scene

CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];

!! // Create the layer

HelloWorldLayer *layer = [HelloWorldLayer node];

!! // add layer as a child to scene

! [scene addChild: layer];

!! // return the scene

return scene;


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Hello World

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Step 1: Adding Background

(In init)

// Get the window size to place elements

CGSizewinSize = [[CCDirectorsharedDirector] winSize];

// Add the background imageCCSprite *background = [CCSpritespriteWithFile:@"background.png"];

background.position = ccp(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2);

[self addChild:background z:0];

self.isTouchEnabled = YES; _bullets = [[NSMutableArrayalloc]init];

_targets = [[NSMutableArrayalloc]init];

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Step 1: Adding Background

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Step 2: Adding Our HeroPreload the spritesheet

(In init)

// Load the sprite sheet

CCSpriteBatchNode *batchNode = [CCSpriteBatchNode


[self addChild:batchNode];

// Load the sprites into the shareSpriteFrameCache



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Step 2: Adding Our HeroAdd the hero sprite

// Add the player sprite

CCSpriteFrame* playerFrame = [[CCSpriteFrameCachesharedSpriteFrameCache]


_player = [CCSpritespriteWithSpriteFrame:playerFrame];

_player.position = ccp(_player.contentSize.width/2 + 10, winSize.height/2);

[self addChild:_player z:1];

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Step 2: Adding Our Hero

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Step 3: Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)Schedule a new target every second

(in init)

[self schedule:@selector(addTarget:) interval:1.0f];

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Step 3: Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)Create a sprite for the target

// Create a new enemy

-(void)addTarget:(ccTime)dt {

// Create the target sprite

CCSpriteFrame *targetFrame = [[CCSpriteFrameCachesharedSpriteFrameCache]


CCSprite *target = [CCSpritespriteWithSpriteFrame:targetFrame];

// Add the target to the layer and the array

! [self addChild:target];

! [_targets addObject:target];}

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Step 3: Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)Generate a random x position for the target

// Determine where to spawn the target along the X axis

CGSizewinSize = [[CCDirectorsharedDirector] winSize];

// Find a random X for the target in the right half of the screen

intminX = winSize.width/2;

intmaxX = winSize.width - target.contentSize.width;

intrangeX = maxX - minX;

intactualX = (arc4random() % rangeX) + minX;

target. position = ccp (actualX, 320 );

target.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);

// Determine speed of the target

intminDuration = 2.0;

intmaxDuration = 4.0;

intrangeDuration = maxDuration - minDuration;

intactualDuration = (arc4random() % rangeDuration) + minDuration;

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Step 3: Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)Create a move action for the target with a

callback when reaching the bottom

// Create and run the actions

CCMoveTo* moveTarget = [CCMoveToactionWithDuration:actualDuration


CCCallFuncN* actionForTargetMoveDidFinish = [CCCallFuncN


[target runAction:[CCSequenceactions:moveTarget, actionForTargetMoveDidFinish, nil]];

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Step 3: Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)Add the callback method for a target that

dies or reaches the bottom

// Method for removing a target that has died or reached the


-(void)targetMoveFinished:(id)sender {

CCSprite *target = (CCSprite *)sender;

[ self removeChild :target cleanup : YES ];

[_targets removeObject:target];


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Step 3: Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)

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Step 4: Killing Bad Guys (Adding UI)Detect the touch

- (void)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {

// Choose one of the touches to work with

UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];

CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];

location = [[CCDirectorsharedDirector] convertToGL:location];

if (!_isShooting) {

_isShooting = YES;

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Step 4: Killing Bad Guys (Adding UI)Create the bullet

// Create the bullet

CCSpriteFrame* bulletFrame = [[CCSpriteFrameCachesharedSpriteFrameCache]

spriteFrameByName: @"bullet.png" ];

CCSprite* bulletSprite = [CCSpritespriteWithSpriteFrame:bulletFrame];

bulletSprite.position = _player.position;

// Bullet actions

CCCallFuncN* actionForRemoveBullet = [CCCallFuncNactionWithTarget:self


CCMoveBy* bulletMoveBy = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:1.0f

position:ccp(winSize.width, 0)];



// Add bullet to layer and array

[self addChild:bulletSprite];

[_bullets addObject:bulletSprite];

_isShooting = NO;

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Step 4: Killing Bad Guys (Adding UI)

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Step 5: Check for Bad Guy Death

-(void)update:(ccTime)dt {

CCSprite* bulletToRemove = nil;

for (CCSprite *bullet in _bullets) {

for (CCSprite* target in _targets) {

CGRecttargetBox = CGRectMake(target.position.x, target.position.y,

[target boundingBox].size.width, [target boundingBox].size.height);

// Check if bullet is in the target's bounding box

if (CGRectContainsPoint(targetBox, bullet.position)) {

// Animate target death and remove target

bulletToRemove = bullet;



// Remove bullet if target was hit

if (bulletToRemove != nil) {

[self removeChild:bulletToRemovecleanup:YES];

[ _bullets removeObject :bulletToRemove];



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Step 5: Check for Bad Guy Death

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Step 6: Animating Our HeroPreload the animation from the spritesheet

(In init)

// Load the animation for player

NSMutableArray *animFrames1 = [NSMutableArray array];

for (inti = 1; i< 11; i++) {

CCSpriteFrame *frame = [[CCSpriteFrameCachesharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:


[animFrames1 addObject:frame];


[[CCAnimationCachesharedAnimationCache] addAnimation:[CCAnimation

animationWithFrames:animFrames1 delay:FRAME_DELAY] name:@"player"];!

Adding Player animation in init

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Step 6: Animating Our HeroPreload the animation from the spritesheet

(In init)

//// Load the animation for villain kill

NSMutableArray *animFrames2 = [NSMutableArray array];

for (inti = 1; i< 8; i++) {

CCSpriteFrame *frame2 = [[CCSpriteFrameCachesharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:


[animFrames2 addObject:frame2];


[[CCAnimationCachesharedAnimationCache] addAnimation:[CCAnimation

animationWithFrames:animFrames2 delay:FRAME_DELAY*5] name:@"kill"];

Adding Kill animation in init

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Step 6: Animating Our HeroAnimate the hero when shooting

(In ccTouchesEnded)

// Actions for shooting animation

CCCallFunc* actionForShootDidEnd = [CCCallFuncactionWithTarget:self


CCAnimation* playerShootAnimation = [[CCAnimationCachesharedAnimationCache]


CCAnimate* shootAnimate = [CCAnimateactionWithAnimation:playerShootAnimation];

[_player runAction:[CCSequenceactionOne:shootAnimatetwo:actionForShootDidEnd]];

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Step 6: Animating Our Hero

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Step 7: Animating Bad Guys Dying

(in update)

// Set up actions for animation and target removal

CCCallFuncN* actionForDeathDidFinish = [CCCallFuncNactionWithTarget:self


CCAnimate* deathAnimation = [CCAnimateactionWithAnimation:[[CCAnimationCache

sharedAnimationCache] animationByName:@”kill"] restoreOriginalFrame:NO];

[target runAction:[CCSequenceactionOne:deathAnimationtwo:actionForDeathDidFinish]];

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Step 7: Animating Bad Guys Dying

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Step 8: Adding Body Count

(In init)

NSString* bodyCountString = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%d", _bodyCount];

_labelCount = [CCLabelTTFlabelWithString:bodyCountStringfontName:@"Arial"

fontSize : 16 ];

_labelCount.color = ccc3(0,0,0);

_labelCount.position = ccp(110, winSize.height - 16);

[self addChild:_labelCount z:2];

(In update:)


NSString* bodyCountString = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%d", _bodyCount];![_labelCountsetString:bodyCountString];

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Step 8: Adding Body Count

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Step 9: Adding Sound & Music

(In init)

! // Start background music, set lower volume

SimpleAudioEngine.sharedEngine.backgroundMusicVolume = 0.4f;

! [[SimpleAudioEnginesharedEngine] playBackgroundMusic:@"explosive_attack.mp3"];

(In ccTouchesEnded)

!// Play sound effect on every shot and on death


[[SimpleAudioEnginesharedEngine] playEffect:@"shot.mp3"];

! [[SimpleAudioEnginesharedEngine] playEffect:@"death.mp3"];

(In update: where the target is killed)

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Let’s Play!

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KillTime 2.0

Enemies can move and attack


Move our hero

Different weapons, power ups and health

Game menu and high scores


Save/Load Game

Refactor code (More scenes and layers)

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More stuff to explore

Physics Engines - Chipmunk and Box2D

Particle System


Menu Interface

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Where can you learn more

Cocos2D Demo Library (Comes with Cocos)


Ray Wenderlich:

Steffen Itterheim:

Sapus Tongue Source Code:

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