gathering at the airport victoria, jacinta, jeannette, gerry, christina and joyce. brian and david...

Download Gathering at the Airport Victoria, Jacinta, Jeannette, Gerry, Christina and Joyce. Brian and David Sr. Ninian and Fr Jock

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Gathering at the Airport Victoria, Jacinta, Jeannette, Gerry, Christina and Joyce. Brian and David Sr. Ninian and Fr Jock Slide 3 Our Coach and Driver, Julio. Slide 4 Most of the Pilgrims gathered on the 2nd morning of our pilgrimage. Slide 5 Visiting the Popes Palace which was built in the 14 th Century Slide 6 The amazing interior of the Popes Palace Slide 7 Inside the Popes Palace. Slide 8 Listening to the very interesting historical background Slide 9 The palace was used by 7 popes from 1305 - 1378 Slide 10 Are these statues really smiling? Slide 11 It was Catherine of Sienna who finally persuaded the Pope to return to St. Peters in Rome. Slide 12 Oh thats a nice outfit but whos going to be wearing it? Slide 13 The Famous Bridge of Avignon Slide 14 Slide 15 Sur le pont dAvignon.......... Slide 16 Lon y danse, lon y danse. Sur le pont dAvignon.... Slide 17 You can only walk to just over half way across the bridge. Slide 18 Victoria and Jacinta striding along the bridge... Slide 19 Looking along the bridge towards the Palace of the Popes. Slide 20 Relaxing after a tiring day of sightseeing! Waiting to get on our coach to go back to our hotel. Slide 21 St. John Marie Vianney 8 th May 1786 4 th August 1859 For 41 years he was the Cur of Ars Slide 22 The Basilica at Ars Slide 23 The Basilica built to incorporate the old church ( in the foreground) where the Cur prayed, celebrated Mass, preached and heard confessions. Slide 24 The pulpit from where the Cur preached. Slide 25 The Curs kitchen Slide 26 The Curs bed and where he died on August 4th 1859 Slide 27 The Chapel where St. John Marie Vianneys heart is buried and where we prayed for all the priests of our diocese. Slide 28 The chasse containing The Cur dArs incorrupt body. Slide 29 Fr. Jock at the end of our Mass at the altar in front of St. John Marie Vianneys chasse. Slide 30 A painting by Paul Borel (1823 1913) showing the Cur dArs blessing a child in the side chapel containing the chasse of St. John Marie Vianney Slide 31 The monument erected to mark the spot where the Cur asked a young boy to show him the way to Ars; He said if you show me the way to Ars I will show you the way to heaven. The boy (now a man) died four days after the Cur. So the Cur fulfilled his promise. Slide 32 Looking towards Ars from the monument. Slide 33 Cluny Slide 34 Architecture and ruins of Cluny Slide 35 Cluny was once the largest centre of Christianity. Slide 36 Cluny One way of getting around......... Some store room..........! Slide 37 Resting weary feet in Cluny.... Sr. Ninian, Kevin, Kathleen, Margaret and Maureen. Slide 38 Taiz Inside the Church of Reconciliation before the Saturday evening Liturgy Slide 39 Taiz Getting ready for the Sunday Eucharist Slide 40 The bells below summon people for prayer three times a day. Food distribution points and places for eating. Slide 41 Interior of the Chapel where Brother Roger and his first group of companions use to pray. Slide 42 Brother Rogers grave and the view across the Burgundy countryside from the cemetery where he is buried. Slide 43 TROSLY Fr Jock meets with Jean Vanier Slide 44 Jean Vanier comes to meet us. Slide 45 Jean Vanier with Rebecca, Victoria and Cecilia. Jean Vanier signing Rebeccas book Slide 46 Most of the group with Jean Vanier. Slide 47 Fr. Jock walks back with Jean to his house. Jean ready to leave...................for another meeting. Slide 48 Just to show we did enjoy ourselves too! Jacinta and Margaret Rebecca, Sr. Christine and Victoria Slide 49 ...and we ate rather more than the cold potatoes that was the staple diet of the Cur of Ars! Catherine, Maureen and Sr. Ninian Maggie, Carol, Fr. Jock and Monica Slide 50 Our last night in France at Compiegne Sr. Ninian and Maureen Brian and Monica Gerry and Kathleen Sr. Jeannette and David Rebecca and Julio Catherine Slide 51 Tricia, Julio and Carol Sr. Rosemary and Sr. Christine Victoria and Jacinta Fr. Jock and Joyce Slide 52 The harbour lights of Dover.... Wed made it back to the UK..with the aid of modern technology and a great deal of help from our friends! Slide 53 Thank you for all your prayers and support during Our Cluster Pilgrimage. Presentation made using photos from Kevin Homan, Sr. Rosemary Bayne and Sr. Jeannette McGlone. Thank you.