gazouille: detecting and illustrating local events from geo … · 2015. 9. 29. · dalai lama....

Gazouille: Detecting and Illustrating Local Events from Geo-localized Social Media Streams Pierre Houdyer 1 , Albrecht Zimmerman 2 , Mehdi Kaytoue 2 , Marc Plantevit 3 , Joseph Mitchell 1 , and C´ eline Robardet 2 1 Tapastreet Ltd., 36 Dame Street, Dublin, Ireland 2 INSA-Lyon, CNRS, LIRIS UMR5205, F-69621, France 3 Universit´ e Lyon 1, CNRS, LIRIS UMR5205, F-69622, France {pierre,joe}, [email protected] Abstract. We present Gazouille, a system for discovering local events in geo-localized social media streams. The system is based on three core modules: (i) social networks data acquisition on several urban areas, (ii) event detection through time series analysis, and (iii) a Web user interface to present events discovered in real-time in a city, associated with a gallery of social media that characterize the event. 1 Introduction Social networks (such as Twitter, Instagram, ...) are rich sources of information that can be used to build a huge number of applications and services for certain end-users (b2c), for companies, e.g. with analytics platforms (b2b), but also to help governments and charitable organizations. Through several public APIs, one can access streams of messages, often provided with text (including hash- tags, user mentions and URIs), media (images or video) and geo-tags giving the position of the user emitting the message (called post in the sequel). One way of exploiting such data is to discover global trends and detecting events in the streams of posts. The motivations are manifold: disaster detection, epidemic surveillance, identification of newsworthy events that traditional media are slow to pick up, identification of trends, monitoring of brand perception, etc. The question of how to identify events in streams of text data has been a research topic for more than a decade now, starting from e-mail, via blog posts, to location-based social networks data [2]. The general idea underlying most of that work is identifying “bursty” topics (mentioned significantly more often during a time period than in the period preceding it). Whereas most of the existing systems identify only global trends, only a few take into account the geo-localization of the posts for detecting local events [3]. This is actually the goal of Gazouille: harvesting data from urban areas, the system is able to detect spatially circumscribed events in real-time and to intelligibly characterize them (with their periodicity, users, key-words, and via a media gallery, e.g. in Figure 3). In what follows, we present an overview of Gazouille (Section 2) and a use-case 4 on the City of New-York (Section 3). 4 Online material can be found at

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Page 1: Gazouille: Detecting and Illustrating Local Events from Geo … · 2015. 9. 29. · Dalai Lama. Plotting the concerned geo-localized tweets on the map result in a very concentrated

Gazouille: Detecting and Illustrating LocalEvents from Geo-localized Social Media Streams

Pierre Houdyer1, Albrecht Zimmerman2, Mehdi Kaytoue2,Marc Plantevit3, Joseph Mitchell1, and Celine Robardet2

1 Tapastreet Ltd., 36 Dame Street, Dublin, Ireland2 INSA-Lyon, CNRS, LIRIS UMR5205, F-69621, France

3 Universite Lyon 1, CNRS, LIRIS UMR5205, F-69622, France{pierre,joe}, [email protected]

Abstract. We present Gazouille, a system for discovering local eventsin geo-localized social media streams. The system is based on three coremodules: (i) social networks data acquisition on several urban areas,(ii) event detection through time series analysis, and (iii) a Web userinterface to present events discovered in real-time in a city, associatedwith a gallery of social media that characterize the event.

1 Introduction

Social networks (such as Twitter, Instagram, ...) are rich sources of informationthat can be used to build a huge number of applications and services for certainend-users (b2c), for companies, e.g. with analytics platforms (b2b), but also tohelp governments and charitable organizations. Through several public APIs,one can access streams of messages, often provided with text (including hash-tags, user mentions and URIs), media (images or video) and geo-tags giving theposition of the user emitting the message (called post in the sequel).

One way of exploiting such data is to discover global trends and detectingevents in the streams of posts. The motivations are manifold: disaster detection,epidemic surveillance, identification of newsworthy events that traditional mediaare slow to pick up, identification of trends, monitoring of brand perception,etc. The question of how to identify events in streams of text data has been aresearch topic for more than a decade now, starting from e-mail, via blog posts,to location-based social networks data [2]. The general idea underlying mostof that work is identifying “bursty” topics (mentioned significantly more oftenduring a time period than in the period preceding it).

Whereas most of the existing systems identify only global trends, only afew take into account the geo-localization of the posts for detecting local events[3]. This is actually the goal of Gazouille: harvesting data from urban areas,the system is able to detect spatially circumscribed events in real-time and tointelligibly characterize them (with their periodicity, users, key-words, and viaa media gallery, e.g. in Figure 3). In what follows, we present an overview ofGazouille (Section 2) and a use-case4 on the City of New-York (Section 3).

4 Online material can be found at

Page 2: Gazouille: Detecting and Illustrating Local Events from Geo … · 2015. 9. 29. · Dalai Lama. Plotting the concerned geo-localized tweets on the map result in a very concentrated

2 System Overview

The system architecture is illustrated in Figure 1: a crawler engine harvests socialnetworks (e.g. Twitter and Instagram) in specific locations (cities) and populatesa database with posts. An event detection module is running continuously with asliding window, and enters detected events into the database. Finally, a Web userinterface allows to choose a time window, and explore the most highly expressedevents with a simple and intuitive characterization (see elements in Figures 2and 3). We explain the different modules now.

Data acquisition. For acquiring data, trackers are set on a selected city, onwhich a grid is defined: each cell gives rise to a geo-tagged query on each socialnetwork every 5 minutes (default refresh rate). The back-end is realized in Ruby,connects to data providers’ official APIs, and stores data in a PostgreSQL DBMS.

Data preparation. From each geo-tagged post, we extract meaningful key-words (e.g. hashtags and user mentions from tweets). Natural language process-ing tools could also be used here for stemming, lematization, etc. In the end, acity gives rise to a single stream of pairs (timestamp, {word1, ..., wordn}).

Event detection. The detection is performed in a window of a given size.Each time the trackers refresh, the window is right-slid and a new detection isperformed. Based on our review of the state-of-the-art, we have selected a light-weight method for bursty term detection [1] and implemented it with severalmodifications to handle texts from social networks (the method was originallydesigned analyzing news corpus). The method described in [1] transforms eachterms’ DFIDF scores over time via a Discrete Fourier Transform and derivesits periodicity and strength of expression from the resulting periodogram. Orig-inally, the authors of that paper used stopwords to identify “irrelevant” termsbut since those are not available in our setting (and difficult to derive for Twitterin general), we classify all terms with less than average expression thus.5 Indi-vidual bursts are modeled as Gaussians. We forgo the term correlation/topicconstruction step.5

Front-end. The user selects a window of time in which events are detected.Bursty terms are ranked w.r.t. their strength of expression. The user selects the

5 Those two design changes are liable to change once full Tweet text is considered.



Event detectionengine

Social mediatracking engineWeb

Fig. 1. System architecture

Page 3: Gazouille: Detecting and Illustrating Local Events from Geo … · 2015. 9. 29. · Dalai Lama. Plotting the concerned geo-localized tweets on the map result in a very concentrated

terms he is interested in and the rest of the interface updates (details hereafter).We used Google Charts6 and magic wall7 UI components.


Page 4: Gazouille: Detecting and Illustrating Local Events from Geo … · 2015. 9. 29. · Dalai Lama. Plotting the concerned geo-localized tweets on the map result in a very concentrated

3 Use Case: New York City

We collected tweets posted from October the 31st to November the 4th 2014in New York City, covering the districts of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queen’s, andStaten Island (geo-tagged queries to the Twitter API every five minutes). Weaccordingly tracked 200, 000 geo-localized tweets in a period containing the 2014NYC marathon (November 2). Our goal is to validate that this event will bediscovered in time and space, but we should also be able to identify severalother events that happened in this area and time frame. The event detectorengine is run with a sliding window of 128 time stamps, each corresponding toten minutes.

As an end user, the window in which discovered events should be given canbe selected and moved. We set the window to the day of the marathon (notethat dates are in Dublin GMT timezone), see Figure 2. The ordered list of burstyterms is then refreshed automatically. In this case the most strongly expressedterms are #nycmarathon and @nycmarathon. Expression is given in percentageof expression w.r.t. the maximum, i.e. the most bursty term. We then select thosetwo first terms and all tweets gathered by our initial trackers that involve theseterms are displayed on the map. The shape of these geo-localized tweets stronglyresembles the known marathon course (left map bordered in black). The thirdbursty terms also concerns the marathon. The fourth term is the user mentionof a singer from Harlem that released a song that day, freely available on theWeb, thus shared and discussed on Twitter. Finally, the last given bursty termconcerns @CRinQC who we identified as a Republican tweeter whose criticismof President Obama was re-tweeted by noted New York business and formerRepublican presidential hopeful Donald J. Trump, amplifying his expression.The user can then discover other terms in the list.

When shifting the time window one day later (see Figure 3), the interface up-dates. We now have a new list of bursty terms. Whereas tags related to the NewYork marathon are still present, they are not the burstiest terms anymore. Weselect the four most strongly expressed terms (@dalailamatruth, #dalailamabea-con, #religiousfreedom, and #dalailama) since one may assume they concern theDalai Lama. Plotting the concerned geo-localized tweets on the map result in avery concentrated area: the Beacon theater where the Daila Lama was giving alecture on November 3 and 4 2014, in front of which protesters gathered, as themedia gallery related to these posts suggests.


1. Q. He, K. Chang, and E. Lim. Analyzing feature trajectories for event detection.In SIGIR 2007, pages 207–214. ACM, 2007.

2. P. Symeonidis, D. Ntempos, and Y. Manolopoulos. Location-based social networks.In Recommender Systems for Location-based Social Networks, SpringerBriefs in Elec-trical and Computer Engineering, pages 35–48. Springer New York, 2014.

3. C. Xia, R. Schwartz, K. E. Xie, A. Krebs, A. Langdon, J. Ting, and M. Naaman.Citybeat: real-time social media visualization of hyper-local city data. In WWW2014, Companion Volume, pages 167–170. ACM, 2014.

Page 5: Gazouille: Detecting and Illustrating Local Events from Geo … · 2015. 9. 29. · Dalai Lama. Plotting the concerned geo-localized tweets on the map result in a very concentrated

Fig. 2. Detecting events in New-York on November 2 with selected bursty terms #nyc-marathon and @nycmarathon, corresponding geo-localized tweets (right map), and theknown NYC 2014 marathon course (left map).

Fig. 3. Detecting events in New-York on November 3 with selected bursty terms@dalailamatruth, #dalailamabeacon, #religiousfreedom, and #dalailama and corre-sponding geo-localized tweets all concentrated around the Beacon Theater. A galleryof the corresponding media is also given.