ge 1979 lamp catalog

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  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog




    FOAM 92001979 EDITION


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    100 YEARS:General ElectricPerformance Value lampsThe lamp products in this catalog are backed by100 years of General Electric lamp-making ex-perience. This catalog reflects a century of prog-ress in the continuous creation and improvementof lamps. For you, this means GE PerformanceValue lamps that can save you substantialoperating dollars in most of your lighting require-ments.Various printing techniques are used in thiscatalog to highlight the lamp choices that presenta savings opportunity to you. Pages 5-8 contain around-up of energy-saving, cost-saving choicesyou can make and what it means to you in dollarsand energy.For example, replace a iSO-watt 130 volt longlife lamp with a 100-watt 120 volt lamp to get aboutthe same light and save 32 watts of .enerqy persocket At 4 per KWH that is equivalent to $.96savings to you over the life of the lamp. Or, as

    pages 5-8 show, replace an obsolete incandes-cent lighting system designed to give 100 foot-candles of light in a 10,000 sq. ft. area with a newl.ucalox" system; you'll get the same light andsave as much as $11,250 annually. These figuresare based on a 3,000 hour annual burning rate at4 per KWH.

    Choosing the right lamp o r lighting system foryour lighting needs parallels the nation's energyconservation program. The lighting energy yousave can be used to help meet itsIncreasing demand for other uses of electricalenergy.For further information, consult your General

    Electric Lamp supplier or the nearest GE LampSales Office. They are your connection to GE'sfree personalized lighting cost analysis servicethat computes your initial costs for a new lightingsystem: compares annual operating expenses forboth the new and old lighting system; and tells youhow fast the new system will pay for itself.You'll find you can get a lot of lighting help fromthe Company that has been the leader in lamptechnology for a hundred years.

    ". __ Let General Electric help make yourrole easler as we both strive to ..... putAmerica in a "new light" today and saveenergy for America tom orrow ... "

    C O V E R P H O T O : "Ughting the First Incandescent Lamp."Edison's Laboratory, Menlo Park, N.J. on Oct. 21, 1879.Slightly more than forty hours into the test, when Thomas AlvaEdison realized he had invented the first practical incandescentlamp, he gave in to temptation and forced the lamp withsuccessively higher voltages until, with a dazzling glare, itburned out. We have chosen this iffustration by Dean Cornwellthat depicts those last moments of the experiment -for itSignaled the beginning of 100 years of lighting progress forGeneral Electric Company.


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog



    ENERGY SAVING GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMPS-on pages 5-8 of this Catalog, severallncandes-cent, Multl-Vapor' Lamp Family 78Preheat Lamps 79-82"Bright Slik"'" Self-Ballasted Lamps 82"F-30" T-12 36" Standard andWATT-MISER Rapid Start Lamps 82-83"F-40" Standard Rapid Start-Preheatand WATT- MISER Rapid Start Lamps. .. ... 83-85"Mod- U-Line' "iii" U-Shaped FIuorescent Lamps 85-8640-Watl Instant Start Lamps _. . . . . 86Fluorescent Appliance Lamps 86Circline Fluorescent Lamps 87Slimline Standard andWATT-MISER Lamps 87-91High Output Standard andWAIT-MISER Lamps 91-92Power Groove Standard andWATT-MISER Lamps..................... 931500 Ma. T-12 Standard andWATT-MISER Lamps 94All-Weather"'" 1500 Ma. T-tO and T-12Fluorescent Lamps 95Germicidal Lamps 96Fluorescent Lamp Footnotes 99WAIT-MISER Lamp ApplicationRecommendations 99






    '" Copyright General Elect ric Company 1979

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    Look 0G eneral Eec nc. . .

    fo r best user valueGeneral Electric has the lamps, the systems, and the services to best meetyour lighting needs.GElamps and lighting systems are saving our customers millions of dollars inenergy costs every year. Our services-like free, computerized lig.hting costanalyses, local and Nela Park energy seminars, Progress Express lightingdemonstration vans-help our customers select lighting systems that are rightfor them.With costs rising and energy supplies dwindling, the need for better lightingthat can improve productivity, safety and security, while saving energy anddollars, has never been greater. As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of lightthis year, General Electric is committed to maintain our leadership position byhelping our customers to ... put America in a "new light" and save energy forAmerica tomorrow.


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    Energy-SavingUghting-NOW!Start saving energy and dollars now with GE retrofit lamp types. Simply take out yourold lamps and replace them with Energy-Saving retrofits ... and get more light immediately-with no capital investment.IncandescentIn downlights of all kinds-bullets, top hats, pin hole spots and stacked-baffles-switchfrom standard incandescent lamps to GE "ER" lamps, Reduce energy costs by 20% to 50%,and get as much or more light from deep-baffle fixtures,




    15DA LONG LIFE ~ 1 1 \130 VOLT '\II~ 100A , ' 1 1 1 '120 VOLT '-Il\I~





    UP TO 100% MORE"




    100 WATT 50ER30



    $ 4.0075 $ 6.0080 $ 6.4030 $ 2.40180 $14.4050 $12.0032 $ 0.96

    150 WATTFLOOD 75ER30


    *8ased on 4/KWH energy rate over average rated life of replacement lampGlves more light where you need it

    200 WATT 120ER40

    150 WATTFLOOD 120ER40 ! 1 \ ! '

    130V Long Life vs. 120VIf you are uS'ing 130 volt long life lamps of 150 watts or greater, you can usuallysave money and get about the same light, by switching to 120 volt standard lampsone wattage step lower (for example, 100 watts in place of 150 watts). 120 voltstandard lamps can be a solution to rising energy costs.



    Calculateyour savings: watts saved/socket x1000

    hrs.rvr x $0.

    $ x _Annual Energy Savings/Socket Total Sockets

    Ikwh =$ Annual----- EnergySavings$ Total Annual Savings

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    FluorescentReplace your standard fluorescent lamps with GE Lite White Watt-Miser II. Cuts energycosts by 14% - 20% immediately; gives almost as much light as standard fluorescent larrps.Watt-Miser tluorescents are also available in standard fl.uorescent white colors. Same energysavings, but less light than Lite-White Watt-Miser II.


    1= ," r-- ~Also available In Cool White Approx. Equal 7 $ 5.60eluxe (CWX), Daylight (D),Warm Whtle (WW), While (W),Warm White Deluxe (WWX)F40 Rapid Start F40LW/RSIWM $ 5.60" Setteft 7:""-=-=- --::r -F48T12 Slimline F48T12ICW!WM $ 6.48- Approx. Equal 9, . 'F48T12 Slimline F48T12/LW/WM $ 6.48ettert 9~ .. .F96T12 Slimline F96T12/GW!WM

    1- -"}-=, '" $12.60lso available in Cool White Approx. Equal 17.5Deluxe (CWX), Daylight (0),Warm White Dsluxe (WWX),White (W), Chroma 50 (C5C)I F96T12 Sllmline F96T12/ LWIWMI .) Bettert 17.5 $12.60~ ,~

    F9ST8 Sllrnllne F96T8/CW/WM $ 4.401 ) . ~f~ Approx, Equal 11F90 Pre-Heal F90T17/CW/WM $ 2..52~~~.~~D ~ Approx. Equal 7l"'~~-~ ~

    F96HO High-Output f96T1 2!CW / HOI WM $12.60" 1 , . :I Approx, Equal 17.5F96HO HighOutput F96T12! LW/HO/WM $12.60, J Bettert 17.5F96T12-1500ma F96PG17 /CW /W M __

    $24.60~~ ~ -.... Approx, Equal 41F96T12-1500ma 1_~6PG\7/LwlwM $24.6~Bettert 41"IIi;; I~ .~

    'With group relamping and fixture cleaning.* . Based on 4 IKWH energy rate over average rated lile at 12 hours per start.tBased on Lite While's higher efficiency.Calculate Annual

    ------ EnergySaVingsyo u r savin g8 : -=====:: : : .~w~a~ tt: :,_s~s~av~e :_,: :d'.: !~so:. . :c~k: ': :8~1_x=======~ h". . : rs: : . : ./~y~r .~x~$~O ~.=====~! k~w~h= s

    1000$ -

    Annual Energy Savings/Socket Tolal Sockels_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ x _ $ --- Total Annual Savings

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    Mercury Lamp RetrofitGE "I-line" Multi-Vapor-Replace your existing mercury lamps with GE "I-line" Multi-Vaporand get at least 50% more light immediately.


    400 WATT 400 I-LINE M-V -~ UP TO 300% MORE"MERCURY .. .1000 WATT (I1)f~ 1000 I-LINE M-V UP TO 440% MORE" 85 $34.00MERCURY

    Based on 4 I KWH energy rate over average rated life of replacement lamp"When older mercury lamps are group replaced and fixtures cleaned

    E-Z-Lux@)-Replace low wattage mercury lamps with GE "E-Z Lux". Get more(at least 120%) light yet save watts.


    UP TO 140% MORE"" 25 $12.00UP TO 160% MORE" 35 $16.80

    175 WATTMERCURY 150 E-Z LUX '"


    Based on 4!KWH energy rate over average rated life of replacement lamp** Based on mean lumen ratings for vertically operated lamp

    Calculateyour savings: Ikwh :eo $ Annual------ EnergySavingswatts saved. socket x hrs.. yr. x $0.1000$ x _ $ Total Annual SavingsAnnual Energy Savmqs/Socket Total Sockets

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    New Ughting SystemsReplace your obsolete lighting system with GE Energy-Saving Lighting and cut yourenergy costs by 50% or more.This chart shows typical annual savings for lighting a 10,000 sq. ft . area to 100 footcandles@ 4 per KWH electricity rate, 3000 burning hours per year.





    MULTI-VAPOA~:MV175 II r iMV250 III.LUCALOX' ~lll.[lUl00C LU150

    WATT-MISER II FLUORESCENT:F40,F96,F96HO $10,450$10,450$11,250


    $ 9900$10,280



    $ 1100



    MULTI- VAPOR:MV250 ~ $ 1590V400MV1000LUCALOX~ $U250 ~(I~ , " r 2380U400LU1000

    Find out w hich lighting system best m eets your needsGE's free, personalized lighting costanalysis will: Compare initial costs to replacean obsolete system Compare annual expense to operateyour present system vs. suggested replacement Tell you how fast a new lightingsystem will pay for itself


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GE's 4-Foot Fluorescent Lamp/Ballast Systemcan reduce energy costs up to 20%,yet gives the full light of standard systems.GE has combined the exclusive newMAXI~MISER II ballast with energy-savingWATT-MISER II fluorescents, creating whGE believes to be the most efficient 4-10fluorescent lamp indoor lighting systemcommercially offered in volume today-theMaxi-Miser system.The MAXI-MISER system provides the looverall cost of light of any 4-foot lamp syon the market. Of course, WAn-MISERlamps and MAXI-MISER II ballasts cost mthan conventional, less efficient lamps anballasts. But, compared to standard F40systems, the MAXI-MISER system requirefewer fixtures; installation labor costs arelower; and wiring and distribution costslower. Plus, the MAXI-MISER system provup to 24% more light per watt than standF40 systems.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    G E ls you r on e sou rce fo r all lamp a nd lig htin g n ee ds . In a dd itio n to a llo f the incandescent, fluorescent, h ig h in te n sity d is ch a rg e a n d Q u a rtz lin e la m p sin th is cata lo g, G E also o ffe rs a w ide variety o f h igh q uality p ro du ctstha t g iv e yo u to p v alu e.


    GE has: the world's most complete line of audio-visualand stage-studio lamps; 50 years of leadership in thephoto industry, including. such inventions as FlipFlashand Flashbar; projection lamps used in business,industry, theaters, etc; lamps for microfilm readers;reprographic lamps.

    A broad line of GE rechargeable batteries and chargershelp minimize your battery costs. GE batteries arerechargeable up to 1000 times.

    GE's Christmas line features sets and bulbs that are bothbeautiful and save energy. The GE line includes indoorand outdoor bulbs, midget and standard string sets, plusspecially items like candoliers and tree toppers to helpcreate the holiday spirit in office, plant, store and home,

    General Electric offers the industry's most complete lineof Miniature and Sealed Beam lamps for every lowvoltage need - inc Iud ing lam ps for transportation,flashlight. instrument, indicator, switchboard and elec-tronic applications,

    For efficient use of energy, heat with GE Quartz InfraredHeat Lamps. For people heating and product heating.

    GE offers a complete line of fluorescent and highintensity discharge ballasts, including energy-savingMaxi-Miser@'! fluorescent ballasts and HID FIXER@)ballast replacement kits for quick and easy replacementof mercury, metal-halide and high-pressure sodiumballasts. The GE line also features ballasts foremergency lighting, dimming applications, and signs.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog



    LAMPS LISTED IN THIS CATALOG are sequenced in four product groups-Incandescent. Quartz, HigIntensity Discharge and Fluorescent Lamps. Incandescent and Quartz Lamps are listed inorder of wattage, bulsize, base and voltage. High Intensity Discharge and Fluorescent Lamps are listed by operating characteristicssuch as wattage. bulb size or lamp length. and base. Within each product group, lamps are further sequenced b"popularity" (high volume-high demand) and, in general, follow in identical order the lamp listings in variouPrice Schedules.LAMP ORDERING ABBREVIATIONS are shown inthe "Lamp Ordering Code" columns, along with packagingvariations (48PK, CARDED, etc.). When ordering, to obtain the exact lamp you require, please indicate thcomplete Lamp Ordering Code as shown, and the voltage desired, if any.LAMP PERFORMANCE RATINGS for average rated life and approximate light output in lumens are listetogether with other lamp data within this Catalog.HIGH PERFORMANCE AND VALUE-General Electric lamps, offering the best value for most applicationsconsidering light output, life and cost of electrical energy, are identified inthe Catalog by the use of the "HigPerformance & Value" statement.ENERGY SAVING GE LAMPS-Incandescent, Multi-Vapor, Lucalox and WATT-MISER fluorescent lamps ashown as energy sav ing alternatives to lamps in lighting installations you might now be using on pages 5-8 in thCatalog. \I\le suggest that you carefully evaluate their advantages in this section.LAMP PRICE INFORMATION is available from various GE Lamp Price Schedules.FOR MORE INFORMATION consult your supplier of GE lamps or the nearest GE Lamp Sales or DistributionCenter Office shown on the back cover.


    VOLTAGE SPECIFICATIONS'Lamps listed in this catalog are available only inthe voltage (s) shown. When more than one voltage is listed int"Volts" column for a particular lamp type, the lamp is available in either of the two voltages shown (for example6,12 volts or 230,250 volts). When ordering, the voltage desired (one of the two voltages indicated) shouldspecified together with the "Lamp Ordering Code."Range VoltagesLamps listed in range voltages [e.g. 115-125, 125-130, 230-250) are available only in the range voltage indicatedWhen a hyphen connects the voltage limits as in "115-125", the lamp is intended for use on circuits varyinwithin the voltage limits. The lamp is designed for a voltage suitable for operation on such circuits.Design VoltagesLamps intended for operation in range voltages have design voltages as follows, unless otherwise noted:

    Design Voltage is:Range Vol tage shown:

    SYMBOLSWhen no symbol appears in the "Ease" column, the lamp type is offered only with an aluminum base.The symbol" A" in the "Base" column indicates the lamp type is supplied only with a brass base.The symbol"." in the "Base" column indicates the lamp type is supplied only with a nickel-plated brass baseThe above information is applicable to all candelabra screw, intermediate screw, medium screw and mogul screbases.

    The symbol "*" in the "Bulb" column indicates that the lamp has a special glass bulb-heat-resistant.The symbol" 0" (see "Description" column in Quartzline Tungsten Halogen Lamp sections) indicates that,"non-jacketed" lamps, screening techniques should be used where appropriate to protect people ansurroundings in case of shattering.The symbol "iii" indicates that while the lamp is of the highest quality in material and workmanship, ithas beedesigned to meet certain purchaser requirements which preclude a guarantee of performance.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog



    234 5 6 7I I I I I I I I J J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _l I I I I I k i l l . . . . . . L . . . . L . . . ~



    E R

    INCANDESCENT BULB INFORMATIONINCANDESCENT BULB SIZE or diameter (maximum) is expressed in eighthsof an inch ( V a " ) . For example: an A-21 bul b is 21-eighl hs of an inch or 2%" in diam-eter at its maximum dimensions, To determine the bulb size, the full size scale above(calibrated in eighths) may be used. Place one edge of the bulb to be identified on leftedge of scale and measure approximate diameter by reading the scale at the opposite edgeof the bulb. Typical bulb shapes of some popular types are shown in the margin below.

    INCANDESCENT BASE INFORMATIONS.c. ORD.C, PREFOCUS-BASED LAMPS- The plane containing the base axis and the majorlocking eyelet. which is the eyelet equidistant from the other two eyelets, will be at rightangles to the plane of the filament or lead wires unless otherwise indicated.The letter (A) shown inthe "Base" column after S.c. or D.C. Prefocus-based lamps indicatesthat the distance from the bottom of base contact or contacts to the bottom of the collar is.405". In the case of D.C. Prefocus-based lamps, the letter (A) also indicates Lhat the planecontaining the base axis and contacts is at right angles to the plane containing the base axisand the major locking eyelet.FILAMENT DESIGNATIONSThe configuration of the filament in all tungsten filament lamps is referred to by anidentification made up of a prefix letter and a suffix number. The prefix letter indicateswhether the filament wire is straight or coiled, and the suffix number indicates the form orarrangement ofthe filament on the supports, The number of supports and the exact details ofthe supporting structure shown for the filament shapes in the border on page 13 will varyamong various lamps,Prefix LettersS-SLraight. The wire may be straight or slightly corrugated.C-Coiled. The wire may be wound into a helical coil or it may be deeply fluted, the objectbeing to drape a long length of wire into a small space.CC-Coiled Coil. The wire is wound into a helical coil and this coiled wire again wound intoa helical coil.R - Ribbon. The wire is flat in cross secti on ... SR" and" CR" descri be ribbon fil amen ts whi chare straight or crimped.


    BASES (lI1us1rations nol to Scale)

    LB SHAPES (Not to Scale)Qo S T C~ " Q


    I ' 1 ~11.'~~I~~~ I~~ 0 ':~111"'~ T -

    1'1"E '' ~~f "::/ {,I '=--'Mogul E I1ended

    End prurog~ Mogull I End P ronD1-1 , , , , f-- 2 1 , , , . . ~ (F/,."' Dia.)Me~lumS ide P rong

    j t . ) / I ' " JMed ium 2 P ln


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    TECHNICAL NOTESThe following information is intended to provide detailed explanation of variousreferences and statements used in column headings and the "Description" columnthroughout the catalog.Average Rated LifeAverage rated life is the approximate hours life obtained from specified operatingconditions. Avariance from these life figures may be obtained if lamps are operated atother than specified conditions.Maximum Over-all Length (M.O.L.)Maximum over-all length is the longest over-all length of a lamp including base, bulband other rigid parts, except as noted. For wire terminal lamps, the maximum over-alllength shown is the maximum length of glass parts, and the lead dimension shown isthe length extending beyond the glass parts.Light Center Length [L.C.L.)Light center length (L.C.L.) is the distance from the center of the light source to theplane containing the points indicated below for the base used. It is an averagemeasurement to which the lamp is designed and is subject to the manufacturer'stolerances.LIGHT CENTER LENGTH MEASUREMENT GUIDE

    Base Type LCl ReferenceAll Screw Bases ... Bottom base contactMini-Can ........ Intersection of 4SQ taperwith max. diam. of base3-Contact Mediumor Mogul ... Boltom base contactMedium Prefocus . Top of finsMogul Prefocus ..... Top of base finsMedium Bipost .. Bottom of bulb (base end)Mogul Sipost .. Shoulder of posts2-Pin Prefocus .... Bottom 01 base

    Base Type 'lCl ReferenceS.C. or D.C.Bayonet Candelallra Top 01 base pinsMedium Bayonet ..... Top 0 1 base pinsS.C. or D.C. Prefocus Plane of locating bosseson prsfccus col larD.C. Medium Ringi . Plane 01 locating bosses. on pretoeus collarInde.x:ing Ring Top 01 indexing ringProng ........ Nut, washer, or shoulderof base prongMedium 2-Pin .... First ceramic plWJe lrnmedl-ately below metal base.

    Color TemperatureColor temperatures expressed inthis catalog should be considered as approximatemean Kelvin color temperature ratings.Listed Colored Incandescent LampsAll listed colored Incandescent lamps are outside enameled unless specifically indi-cated otherwise in "Description" column.Light Source Dimensions (W x H)Light source dimensions (generally "Source W x H") are given for many dear bulblamps with filament forms commonly associated with relatively precise optical con-trol elements. "Source W x H" refers to the average Width and Height of the usefulprojected area of the filament.Axial Alignment (AA)Axial alignment (AA) refers to the precision with which the center of the light sourceis located inrelation to the base axis and is su bject to the manufacturer's tolerances.

    BASES and NOMINAL DIMENSIONS (Illustrations not to Scale)

    M"'"~k i r t e ~ UMedium(!Iso 3Conl~cl)f 1 ' 1 ,0" Dla.) Mogul(also3Conlacl)(lnl,." Cia.),;,_:x:~':'~~-":~j

    ScrewTerminal M o y u lP re I D e a s(1'1,,' Di8.)0 0 ubIeConactMedium('10"' Ola.)

    Call~8tabra('Ii' Ola.)

    TYPICAL FILAMEN(lIIustrat iOI lS not to

    C 2 VC C 2 V

    C 6CC6

    C 8eC8

    c - sI[J.OOOM


    C 1 3 1 1



    O o D C l000

    SEt fIOt>.ITOP


    I. . .C17

    C - 2 2 S


    j ; ' ! m ! r 02 or 3Lug '" BayonlllS leeve M ID iC an ("I.' Dla.)(' "/ ,. '" D is .) ('I,," OIa.) ~~ ~ (FerraIB) W,-- ~(Ira'" Ola.)

    Races s ed Single Conlaet D is D(WOia. '

    CandelabraP,eloeus( "/.' D la .)

    Me~lumPlaloeD!(1 'M' Dla.)

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog



  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    ANSI CODE REFERENCE GUIDEFor ANSI-Coded Incandescent and Quartzline Lamps

    Many General Electric Incandescent and Quartzline lamps, principally used in stage lighting, television. motion picproduction and optical devices, are identified by a "three-letter" ANSI (American National Standards Institute) CUItima tepurchasers ofthese lamps frequently order their requirernsn tsby the ANSICoderather than the rnanufactuLamp Ordering Code.The following table will serve as a cross reference, in alphabetical order. between ANSI-coded IncandescentQuartzline lamps and their respective GELamp Ordering Codes.To ensure fast and accurate processing of orders, it is important that such lamps be ordered by their complete GELOrdering Code and voltage-not by the ANSI Code alone.The table does not include ANSI-coded Photo Lamps. since the GEPhoto Lamp Ordering Codes and their assigned ACodes are identical. Ifyou cannot find the ANSICode in the following table, please check Form PH-3200 General ElePhoto Lamp Master Catalog to determine if the ANSI Code is assigned to a Photo Lamp product.

    ANSI CODE TABLEGeneral Electric General ElectriC Genera1 ElectricANSI Lamp Ordering ANSI Lamp Ordering ANSI Lamp OrderingCode Code Volts Code Code VOlls Code Code Vo

    BOD 150T8SC 20 DVV DVV-0150DT8/4CL 120 EHZ Q30013 1BFE 750T20P/SP 120 OWC 1S0R/FL 120 EJO EJD-Q 1000T3/3CL 1BWA BWA-Q200014CL/BP 120 OWT 01000T6/CL 120 EJG EJG-Q750T3/4CL 1BWF BW F-Q2000/4C L 120 .EMO EMO-0750T3/4 1BWG BWG-020DD!4 120 EBA 10K/G96!1 120 EME EME-0800T3/ 4C L 2BWL BWL-Q2000/4/95 120 EBB 1M/T24/13 120 EMF EMF-Q800T3!4 2BWM BWM-Q 750T7/4CL/TP 120 ECG 2M1G48/1B 120 ESL 01S0CL/MC/2V 1aWN BWN-Q 1000T7/4C L/TP 120 ECK 2M/G48/14 120 ESM Q2S0MC 1BXA 7.SA!TBSCP 10 ECN 5M/G6417 120 E.SN Q100CL/MC 1axe 4A/T8J25 8.5 ECP 10K/G96 120 ESP Q150CL/ DC/2V 1aXE 7.SA/TB/92SC 10 ECY 1500PSS2/78 120 ESR 0100CL/DC 1BXG 7.5A/T8SC 10 EDC SOOT20/63 120 ESS 0250CL/DC 1BXK 4A/T8/B5 8.5 EDG 750T24/16 120 ETB 02S0DC 1BXM 4AITBSCP 9 EDH 750T24/13 120 ETC Q150CLlDC 1BXN 5A/T8SCP 10 EDL 2M/T48/4 120 ETD Ql00aG 1BXR SA/T8SG 10 EDM 2M/T48/4 120 ETE 0100MC 1BYA 7_SA/T8/94 10 EON SMIT64/1 120 ETF Q1S0DG 1BYS 4A/T8/87 9 !EDR 100TB'h/9 120 ETG 01S0GL/MC 1BZA 100T8!1SC 20 EDS lBA/Tl0/1 6 ETH Q1S0MC 1EDT 18A/TiO/1 P 6 EVR EVR-QSOOCL!MC '2CLD 100T8Ya/8 120 EDW l8A/Tl0/2P 6CPS 100TiO/7 6 HR EER-Q2000T30/4CL 120 FCL 0500T3/CL 1CPT 100T10P 6 EGC EGC/E GD-0500/SC L/ P 120 FCM FCM-O 1000T3/4Cl 1cxz CXZ-01S00T11/4CL 120 EGO EGC/E GD-QSOO/SC L/ P 120 FCV FCV -01000/4 1CYV CYV-01000T7/4CL/BP 120 EGE EGE-Q500Cl/ P 120 Fez OSOOT3 1CYX CY X-Q2000Ti O f 4CL 120 EG'F EGF-0750/4CLI P 120 FOB FO B -O 1500T 4/4C L 1EGG EGG-0750C L / P 120 FOF FD F-Q500T3/4CL 1DEB 500T12/8 120 EGJ EGJ-Ql 000/4GL/ P 120 !FON FDN-Q500T3/4 1OKX DKX/DSF-01S00PS52/4 120 EGK EGK-O 1000/4/ P 120 FEL FEL-01000/4CL 1DKZ o KZ/ DSE -01000 PS52/4 120 EGM EGM-01 OOOGLIP 120 FER FEA/EHS-Ol 000T6/4C L 1DNS 500T12/9 120 EGR EGR-0750Tl/4C L 120 FEY FE Y -02000T8/4G L 1ONT 7S0T12/9 1.20 EGT EGT -Q 1OOOT7/4C L 120 FFN FFN-Q1 OOOPAR64/1 12ONV 1M/T12/2 120 EHB EHC/EH 8-0500/ SCL 120 FFP FFP-Q1 OOOPAR64/2 '2DNW 500/T20/64 120 EHC EHC{EH B-QSOO/SC L 120 FFR FFA-Q1000PAA64/5 1DPY DPY-0500 DT20/4C L 120 EHO EHD-0500C L/TP 120 FFS FFS-01DOOPAR64/6 12DSE a KZ/ D3E- 01 DOOPSS2/4 120 EHF EHF-Q7S0/4CL 120 FFT FFT -01 000T3/1 C L 12DSF DKX/DSF-Q1500PS52/4 120 EHG EHG-07 so c L/TP 120 FGM FGM-Q1 000 PAR64/3D 12DTY DTY-010M!T24/4CL 120 EHM Q300T3/CL 120 FGN FGN-01 000 PAR64/7D 1DVF 2M/G48/18 120 EHP Q300T4/CL 1'20 FGP FGP-Q 1000 PAR64/8D 12DVG 500T20/63 120 EHR 0400T4/GL 120 FGT FGT -Q1S00T 4/ 4 12DVH 750T24/16 120 EHS FER/EHS-Ql000T6/4CL 120 FGV FG v -01 000T3/1 12DVN 2536 11S-125 EHT 0250CL/MC 120 FHM FHM-01000T3/4 12*DVS OSOOT3/Cl' 125-130

    GE equlvatsnt larnp is 130 design volts vs. ANSI type specified as 13SV_

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noled.

    Std. DESCRIPTION M. L. Mg. Approx,Filament O. C. RatedBulb Base Lamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Design L L. Lile InitialQty. Footnotes-Pages 53-54) Inches Inches) (Hours) LumensWATTS8-10 ...Cand. 2CAC/FL 120 60 Clear-" Flicker" - "C-Line" . .. . 3'/2 ... 2500 ...Decoralive- Comme rciai Service

    2CAC/FL CARDED 120 60 Clear-"Flicker"' - Decorative. ... 31/2 . .. 2500 . ..6-Pack-Carded.(1 lamp per card)~

    WATTS-5 WATTS56 Cand 356/5 120 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A Fla 1~116 3000 12

    356/5 125130 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A Pia 15/Ui 3000 12DC Bay 3S6/5OC 120 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A 1'3/,s ... 3000 12

    C-7 Cand 4C7 CARDEO/2 120 240* Clear-Night Ught. Carded C-7A 2'/8 ... 3000 16(2 lamps per card)4C7 CARDED/2 PM 120 240'" Clear-Night Light. Carded C-7A 2'/8 ... 3000 16(2 lamps per card)

    c: : PRICE MARKEDS-11 S.C Bay . 5S11/945C 10 120 Clear-Railway Lighl Signal (70) C-2R 23/s 1'1 4 1000 ' ..S-14 : Medium 5514 34 120 Clear- Train c -s 31/2 .. . 1000 ...WATTS5-6 Cand 656 TRAY 120 240 Clear-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A Pie P/,s 1500 44

    656 TRAY 130 240 Clear-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A FIe II,6 1500 44656/3 120 240 Clear-Signal Light (6) C-' Fie .. . 5000+ ...

    = 6S6 135,145 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A F/a 15/, 6 1500 426S6 155 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A 17 1 a 15/,s 1500 42656/R TRAY 120 240 Sprayed Red-Indicator. C-7A 11/8 .. . 1500 ...

    12-Lamp Tray656/R 130 240 Sprayed Red -Indicator C-7A F/a ... 1500 ...656/W TRAY 120 240 Sprayed White-Indicator. C-7A Fla ... 1500 3412-Lamp Tray656/8 120 240 Glossy Blue-Train C-7A vt, ... 1500 ...6S6/G 130 240 Sprayed Green -Indicator C-7A 17/e .. . 1500 ...--D.C Bay 656DC TRAY 120 240 Clear-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A 1'3115 11/16 1500 436560C TRAY 130 240 Clear-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A 113/16 11/' 6 1500 436S60C/G 130 240 Sprayed Green -Indicator C-7A 113,1,6 .. . 1500 .6560C/R 130 240 Sprayed Red-Indicator C-7A 113/16 ... 1500 . ..6S6oC 135,145 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A 113/'6 11/, 6 1500 < .

    Intermed 656/7 120 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A 1 ,3/,5 ... 1500 .T41/2 Cando 6T4"/~/1 120 100 Clear-Ind icator C-7A F/a ... 1500 42

    6T41/,/1 125'30 100 Clea r-Ind icator C-7A F/ a ... 1500 42T-4 ...Cand. 6T4/3 115-125 100 Clear-Coils in series (47) 2C-2F 17 /, 6 1 1500 ...S-6 Cand 656 6 240 Clear-Indicator C-2R Fie 15/11; 1500 ...

    656 12 240 Clear-Ind icator C-2V Fla P/16 1500 ...6S6 24 240 Clear-Indicator C-2V FI e 15ft6 1500 ...~ DC Bay. 656DC 24 240 Clear-Indicator C-2V P311 s 1'/Hi> 1500 ..

    Cand 656 30 240 Clear-Train C-2V FIB 15/'6 1500 50...Cand 656/88 32 240 Clear- Tram C-2V FIB P/'6 1500 ...Cand 656 48 240 Clear-Ind icator C-7A FIB 15/15 1500 ...

    656 60 240 Clear- Train C-7A Fie 15 /, 6 1500 ...J----c-D.C Bay. 6S6/S0C 60 240 Clear-Teletype Illuminator C-' 113!ts 11/, 6 1500 ...SC Bay. SSS/SSC 60 240 Clear- Train c: ,,3/16 11/,6 1500 ...- - Cando 656 7S 240 Clear-Train Indicator C-7A 17/a ,5/15 1500 ...D.C.Bay 6560C 75 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A 1 1 3 /, 6 1'/," 1500 ...

    Indicates tolal count of 2-lamp carded packs in standard packaqe, Multiply by 2 to determine actual quantity of lamps.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.

    -.,., .'INCANDESCEN~: . . LAMPBulb Sa e

    7 WATTS

    Std, DESCRIPTION M L Avg. ApLamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg, (See Incandescen! Lamp Filament 0 C. Rated InDesign L. L LlleQty Footnotes-Pages 53-54) (Inches) Inches)(Hours)Lu

    7C7 TRAY 120 240 Clear-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/8 . - 30007C7 TRAY 130 24Q Clear-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A 21/0 ... 30007C7/W TRAY 120 240 White-Night Light 12-LamP C-7A 21/8 ... 3000

    Tray7C7/W CARDED/2 120 240* White-Night Light. Carded C-7A 2'18 ... 3000(2 lamps per card)7C7/W CARDED/2 PM 120 240", White-Night Light. Carded C-7A 2'/0 ... 3000(2 lamps per card) PRICE MARKED7C710 TRAY 120 240 Orange-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'.10 ., . 30007C7/R TRAY 120 240 Red-Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/s ... 30007G18ClC 12PK 115-125 120 Crystal Filigree-Decorative. C-7A 3'/a ' . 300012-Pack

    C-7 C nd

    7.4 WATTS-9 WATTS, v 2 I DC ua 7.4T6'/~DC/IF 10.5 60 Inside Frosted-Exit Sign Use on C-B 5'/2 , .. 10000low-voltage circuits only (88)S-11 MedlUIT 7'/25 TRAY 120 240 Clear-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/4 ... 1400

    7'/2S TRAY 130 240 Claar-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2' /4 - -. 14007'/2S/CW TRAY 120 240 White-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 21/4 ., . 1400-- 7'/aS/CW CARDED 120 240 Whita-12-Pack-Cardad C-7A 2114 ... 1400-7'/2S/CW CARDED PM 120 240 White-12-Pack-Carded C-7A 2'14 ... 1400PRICE MARKED7' /2S/CW TRAY 130 240 White-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/4 ... 14007'/25/C8 TRAY 120 240 Blue-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/4 ... 14007'12S/CG TRAY 120 240 Green-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 21/4 , .. 14007'I2S/CO TRAY 120 240 Orange-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/4 .. . 14007'/2S/CO TRAY 130 240 Orange-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/4 ... 14007'/2S/CR TRAY 120 240 Red-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/4 ... 14007l125/CR CARDED 120 240 Rad-12-Pack-Carded C-7A 2'/4 ... 14007'/2S/CR CARDED PM 115-125 240 Red -12-Pack-Carded. C-7A 2'/4 .. . 1400

    PRICE MARKED7'/2S/CR TRAY 130 240 Red-12-Lamp Tray C-7A 2'/4 .. , 1400

    G 16'/2 2-Lug 9G16' /2/1 12 60 Clear-Railway Light Signal. Top CC-6 2'51'6 .. . 1500Steeve of filament 1 91" from lop of pins( 10)C DC Bay. 10C7DC TRAY 120 240 Clear- Indicator. 12-Lamp Tray C-7A 23/16 5000+

    10C7/1DC 115-125 120 Clear-Indicator (Noise Free) c-: 23/16 P!16 5000+10C715DC 120 120 Clear-Indicator. Rough Service C-7A 23/' 6 .. , 5000+f-Cand IOC7 TRAY 120 240 Clear-Indicator. 12-Larnp Tray C-7A 2'18 ... 5000+

    ~-S-14 --__ -.Mad urn 10514 115-125 120 Clear-Sign c-s 3'/2 2'/2 1500I v 10S14/1F 115-125 120 Inside Frosted-Sign C-9 31/2 2'ft 150010S14/CB 115-125 120 Blue-Sign & Decorative c- s 31/2 . - 15001DS14/CG 115-125 120 Green - Sign & Decorative c- s 3'/2 .. , 150010S14/CO 115-125 120 Orange-Sign & Decorative c- s 3 '1 2 ... 150010S14/CR 115-125 120 Red-Sign & Decorative c- s 3' 2 150010514/CW 115-125 120 White-Sign & Decorative C-9 3'/2 .. 1500r--'10S14/CY 115-125 12.0 Yellow-Sign & Decorative C-g 3'1 2 ... 1500S- r -- .- - d 115-125 Clear-Sign C-7A l'/sIo.lnterm 10511N 120 2"/'6 1500--10511N 130 12.0 Clear-Sign C-7A 2'/'8 l'/a 1500-- Interrrre (j 10511 N/IF 115-125 120 Inside Frosted - Appliance C-7A 2s/\6 15/e 1500

    t 2'14" diameter plastic crystal f iligree applied to 7C7 lamp.~r Indicates total count of 2-lamp carded packs In standard package. Multiply by 2 to determine actual quantity of lamps.

    10 WATTS

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.

    Sid. DESCRIPTION M L. Avg. ApproxFilamenl 0 C. RaledBulb Sase Lamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Design L. l. Llle InitialQly. Footnotes-Pages 53-54) Inches) Inches) Hours) LumensWATTS (Continued)

    5-11 .l .lnte med 10S11N/CB 130 120 Blue-Sign & Decorative C-7A 25/16 . , . 1500 - ., 10S11N/CG 130 120 Green-Sign & Decorative C-7A 25116 _ .. 1500 . ..10511 NICO 130 120 Orange-Sign & Decorative C-7A 2511S ... 1500 . ..

    :JI 10S11N/CR 130 120 Red-Sign & Decorative C-7A 2~/1S ... 1500 ...: 10S1IN/CW 130 120 White-Sign & Decorative C-7A 25/, 6 .. . 1500 ...10511N/CY 130 120 Yellow-Sign & Decoratlve C-7A 2~I!B ... 1500 . .., 10511N/TB 130 120 Transparent Blue-Sign (S6) C-7A 25/'6 p/s 1500 ... ,xan" coated- 10S11N/TG 130 120 Transparent Green-Sign (86) C-7A 25116 15/8 1500 r - : - : - : -her Brightness I 10S11N/TO 130 120 Transparent Orange-Sign (S6) C-7A 25/16 PIa 1500 ...lor Brilliance 10511 N/TA 130 120 Transparent Red-Sign (86) C-7A 25/'6 1sIs 1500 ...10S11N/TV 130 120 Transparent Yellow-Sign (86) C-7A 25116 PIs 1500 -. !

    Cand 10S11/79 115-125 120 Clear-Indicator C'7A 2'/4 19/'6 1500 II--- 10511/5SC,C.Bay. 120 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal (69) C-7A 23/ S 1'/4 1500 ...Cand 1056/10 230,250 240 Clear-e-lndlcator C-7A 17/8 15/,6 1500 74DC Bay 1056/10DC 230,250 240 C lear -Indicator C-7A 1 13 /,6 1'1; 6 1500 74Intermed 10S6/13 250 240 Clear-Indicator C-7A 1'3/'6 .. . 1500 ..

    1 WATTS-13M31/2 WATTSS-14 .I.Medium 11514 130 120 Clear-Sign. Group Replacement C-g 3'/2 2'/2 3000 SO11S14 BAG PACK 130 120 Clear-Sign, Group Replacement. C-9 3'/2 21/2 3000 80BAG PACK (see page 14)

    11S14/IF 130 120 Inside Frosted-Sign. C-9 3'/2 2'/2 3000 79Group Replacement- 11S14/IF BAG PACK 130 120 Inside Frosted-Sign. C-g 3'/2 2'12 3000 79r Group Replacement. BAG PACK11514/8 130 120 Blue-Group Replacement c -s 3'/2 ... 3000 . ..11S14/G 130 120 Green-Group Replacement c-s 3'/2 .. . 3000 . ..11S14/0 130 120 Orange - Group Rep lacement C-9 3'/2 .. . 3000 ...11S14/A 130 120 Red-Gmup Replacement C-g 3'/2 ... 300011514/W 130 120 Whi te-Group Replacement C-9 3'12 ... 3000 6911514/Y 130 120 Yellow-Group Replacement C-9 3'/2 - . - 3000 5111S14/Y BAG PACK 130 120 Yellow-Group Replacement. c-s 3'h ... 3000 51BAG PACK (see page 14)


    11S14/TB 130 120 Transparent Blue - Sign. c-s 3 '1 2 2 ' / 2 3000 ...Group Replacement (86)11514/TG 130 120 Transparent Green-Sign. c-s 31/2 2'12 3000 ,..

    Lexan' coated- Group Replacement (86)Weathertough 11S14/TO 130 120 Transparent Orange-Sign. c-s 3'/2 2'/2 3000 ...Higher Brightness ( Group Replacement (86)Color Brilliance 11514/TR 130 120 Transparent Red-Sign. c-s 3'/2 2'/2 3000 , ..Group Replacement (86)11514/TY 130 120 Transparent Yellow-Sign. C-9 3'/2 2'/2 3000 ...Group Replacement (86)S-11 S.C. Bay 11S11/4SC 10 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal (70) CC,6 23/s 1'/4 1000 ...

    11511SC 11 120 Clear~Railway Light Signal (70) eC-6 23/S 1'/4 2500 ...13/3'/2S11/95 10 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal. ~CC-6 23 / s 1'/. 1000 ...Filament in multiple (70) CC-1215 WATTSA 15 Medium 15A15 120 120 Inside Frosted C-g 3 ' 1 2 23/a 2500 125

    15A15 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted. 24-Pack C-g 3 ' 1 2 23/8 2500 12515A1S 24PK PM 120 120 Inside Frosted. 24-Pack C-g 3'/2 23 /S 2500 125PRICE MARKED

    23/8 -15A15 130 120 Inside Frosted c-s 3'/2 2500 125~ 15A/W 24PK 120 120 Soft-White. 24Pack Cog 31h 23/a 2500 120#' 15A/W 24PK PM 120 120 Soft-While. 24-Pack Cog 3'/2 2~!e 2500 120PRICE MARKED18

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    Bulb Base Std.Volts P!(g.Qty.

    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.

    lamp Ordering Code DESCRIPTION(See IncandescentlampFootnotes-Pages 53-54)M. L. Avg.Filament O. CRatedDesign L. L. Life(Inches Inches) (Hours)

    15 WATTS (Continued)B-10 Cand 15BC 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)-Decorative. C-7A 33/4 1 5/8 1500OLD: 15Bl 0/ F 12-PackCA~ ----.Cand 15CAC 12PK 115-125 120 Crystal (Clear)-Bent Tip- C-7A 391 1 6 19/,6 15000 Decorative. 12Pack (85)15CAC CARDED/2 120 60"llf Crystal (Clear)-Ben! Tip- C7A 39116 19/16 1500Decorative. Carded (2 lampsper card) (85)15CAC/F 12PK 115-125 120 Satin Frosted-Bent Tip- C7A 39 /'0 19 /, 6 1500Decorative. 12-Pack (85)15CAC/F CARDED/2 120 60* Satin Frosted-Benl Tip- C7A 39/'5 19 /, 6 1500Decorative. Carded (2 lamps

    per card) (85)15CAC/4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative. C-7A 39 /, " 19/'6 4000

    r-- - "C-Line". Commercial Service (85)F-l0 Cand 15FC 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)-Decorative. C-7A 3'/111 15/8 1500OLD: 15FC/F 12-Pack15FC CARDED/2 120 60* Crystal {Clearj-Decorative. C-7A 3'/n 1 5/s 1500Carded (2 lamps per card)15FC/4 120 120 Clear-Decorative-"C-Une." C-7A 31tr e 1 5/e 4000

    Commercial Service15FC/A 12PK 120 120 Blazing Amber-Decorative. C-7A 3'/11, ... 1500OLD: 15FC/A /F 12-Pack15FC/A CARDEDI2 120 60* Blazing Amber- Decorative. C-7A 3'/'6 1500Carded (2 lamps per card)15FC/A4 120 120 Blazing Amber - Decorative- C7A 3'/'6 1 5 /e 4000, "C-line'. Commercial Service15FC/AU 12PK. 120 120 Diamond Auradescent- C-7A 3'/'$ ... 1500OLD: 15FC/AU/F Decorative. 12-Pack15FC/AU CARDED/2 120 60"llf Diamond Auradescent- C7A 3'/'6 ... 1500Decorative. Carded (2 lamps

    1--::--- per card)G-161/2 15G16'/2C 115-125 60 Clear-Decorative C-7A 3 15/s 1500~ 15G16'/zC/W 115-125 60 Sprayed White - Decorative C-7A 3 ... 1500

    15GC/W 12PK 120 120 Sprayed White-Decorative. C-7A 3 ... 1500V OLD: 15G16'12C/W/F 12-Pack15GC/W4 120 60 Sprayed White-Decorative C-7A 3 15/8 4000"Cvl.ine." Commercial Service-T-7 D.C.Bay 15T7DC 115125 120 Clear-Appliance C-7A 2'14 ... (29)15T7DC CARDED 115-125 240 Clear-Appliance. 12-Pack-Carded C-7A 2'14 .. . (29)J i 15T7DC/IF 115-125 120 Inside Frosted-Appliance C-7A 21/4 (29)...

    Intermed. 15T7N CARDED 115-125 240 Clear-Appliance. 12-Pack-Carded C-7A 2'/4 ... (29)Cand 15TIC 120 120 Clear-Signal Ught. Appliance C-7A 2'/4 ... 1000(29)

    T-8 15T8C 115-125 60 Clear-Decorative C-7A 3'/11; .. . 750T-10 Medium 15T10 24PK 115-125 120 Clear-Aquarium. 24-Pack C-S 55/w .. . 2500A-IS .Medlum 15A/B 115-125 120 Blue C-9 3'/2 .. . 250015A/G 115-125 120 Green c-s 3'/2 .. - 2500

    15AIO 115-125 120 Orange C-9 3 '/2 .. . 250015A/R 115-125 120 Red C-9 3'/2 .,. 250015A/Y 115-125 120 Yellow C-9 3'/2 ... 2500---S-14 15S14/GR/CL 130 120 Clear-Sign. Group Replacement C-9 3 1 1 2 2'/2 300015514/ GR/IF 130 120 Inside Frosted-Sign. C-9 3' /2 2'/2 3000~~ Group ReplacementS-11 Cando 15S11/13 120 120 Clear-Decorative C-7A 2'/4 19/16 75015S11/14 120 120 Clear-Medical Spotlight C-7A 2'/4 13/e 200

    Medium 15S11/102 TRAY 115-125 24Q Clear- Retrige rater 12-Lamp C-7A 2'/4 ... 400Tray

    1 " r Indicates total count of 2-lamp carded packs in standard package. Multiply by 2 to determine actual quantity of lamps.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    "rJ!~S.; .",,uiii .... GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.Sid. DESCRIPTION M. L. Avg. Approx,Filament O . C. RatedButb Sase lamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (Sea lncandescent lamp Design L. L. Life InilialOty. Footnotes- Pages 53-54) 'Inohes) Inches (Hours) Lumens

    WATTS (Continued)T-6 Cando ,lST6 120 60 Clear-Switchboard C-7A 3'/H . , .. 2000 11415T6 140,145 60 Clear-Switchboard C-7A 3'{,s ... 2000 -----;06-1:; - ~_ Medium 1SA 12 120 Inside Frosted (11,53) C-6 35/s 23{S 1000 ..._~R 14 S C Bay 15AI4SC/SP 12 120 Reflector Spotlighl- CCB 25/. ... 2000 140Light Inside Frosted (15)

    15R145C/FL 12 120 Reflector Floodlight- CG-8 251B ... 2000 140 Inside Frosted (1 5)A17 Medium 15A 34 120 Inside Frosted-Train (1 i) C-9 3Va 23/S 1000 ...

    15514/1F/BB Inside Frosted-Locomotive Cab ----14 "'Medium 34 120 C-9 3'12 2'/2 1000 144-- -A-17 Medium 15A 75 120 Inside Frosled- Train C-9 35/. 2:l/0 1000 147S-11 D.C.Bay 15S1113DC 75 120 Clear-Train c-i 23/. 1'/4 1000 138A-17 Medium lSA 230 120 Inside Frosted C-7A 3f>/B 23/. 1000 120WATTS-1B WATTS

    S 11 S r, Bay. 17S11Se 13.5 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal (70) cc-e 2]/s 1'/4 2000 ...------ --A-IS 2-Lug tBAtS/3 10 120 Clear-RaHway light Signal CC-6 GJ /4 27!32 1500, ~ Sleeve (I 0,11) _3-Lug l8A15/7 10 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal CC-6 33/4 23/32 1500 ' ..Sleeve (10,11) ---2-Lug 18/3.5A1515 10 120 Clear-Railway light Signal. ~CC-6 3J!4 2'!J2 1500 ...Sleeve Filament in multiple (10,11) CC-6

    3-Lug 18/3.5A15/7 10 120 . Clear-Railway Light Signal. ~CC-6 3'/4 2'/'8 1500 ...Sleeve R lament in multlple (1 0,11 ) CC-68.,1 ---. S C Bay 18S11/1 sc Clear-Railway Light Signal (70) eC-6 23/s 1'/40 120 1000 250r- -18/3'hSll se 8 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal. lCC-6 2'/8 1'/4 1000 ...Filament in multiple (70) C-12

    18/3'/2S115C 10 120 Clear-Railway Ligh! Signal. lCC-6 2'/8 1'/4 1000 ...Filament in multiple (70) C-12WATTS

    A 17 ... Medlum 20A17/5 130 120 Clear - Flashing Sign C-9 3'la 2318 1000 158T-6'/; Intermed. 20T6'ld1F 120 60 Inside Fro~t:d-Exit Light C-8 5'h .. . 5000~ ...

    D C.Bay 20T6' /2DC /1 F 120 60 Inside Frosted-Exit Light CoB 5~/,s .."." 5000+ ...R-12 5 C Bay. 120R12SC 30 100 Train Reading Ught- Reflector. CC-B 2~/a .. . 500 ...Light Outside Frosted (1A, 22)WATTS

    A19 Medium 25A 120 120 Inside Frosted C-9 37/a 2'/2 2500 235Q 25A 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted. 24-Pack C-9 3'/a 2'/2 2500 23525A 24PK PM 120 120 Inside Frosted. 24-Pack C-9 3'/0 2'/2 2500 235PRICE MARKED25A 130 120 Inside Frosted c-s 37 /e 2'/~ 2500 23525A/W 24PK 120 120 Soft-While. 24Pack C-9 41/4 , .. 2500 19025A/W 24PK PM 12.0 120 Soft-White_ 24-Pack G-9 4'/4 .. 2500 190

    PRICE MARKED25A/CL 120 120 Clear-Sign & Decorative C-9 37/s 2'12 2500 235--25A/CL 130 120 Clear-Sign & Decorative c-s 37/8 2'12 2500 235...Medium 25A{iF 24PK 115-125 120 Clear- TUFF-SKIN. C-9 37/8 . . 2500 ...24"PackMediu _. 25A/AS 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted- Rough Service_ C17 37/B 291 1 6 1000 23524-Pack

    25A/RS 24PK 130 120 Inside Frosted- Ro ugh Service. C-17 3 716 29 /' 5 1000 23 524-Pack25A/VS 24PK 130 120 lnside Frosted- Vibration Service. c-s 37/s 211~ 1000 28224"Pack

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    BUlb Lamp Ordering CodeSid,

    Volts Pkg.Oly.

    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted


    (See Incandescent LampFootnotes-Pages 53-54)M. L Avg.Filament O. C. RatedDesign L. L. Lite

    (Inches)(lnches) (Hours)25 WATTS (Continued)8-10 Cand. 25BC 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear) - Decorallve. Bum C-7A 33/4 16/8 1500OLD: 25Bl0/F base down to horizo ntal. 12- Pack

    25BC CARDED/2 120 601' Crystal (Clear)-Decorative. Burn C-7A 33 /0 15/a 1500base down to horizontal. Carded(2 lamps per card)25BCIW 12PK 120 120 Pearl White-Decorative. Burn C-7A 33/4 ... 1500

    r OLD: 25810/W/F base down to horizontal. 12-Pack25BCIB4 120 60 Beaded-Whtte - Decorative. C7A 33/4 15/~ 4000 'C-Line." Commercial ServiceBum base down to horizontal .'-::-- Medium 25CAM/4 Clear-Bent Tlp-"C-Line." CC-2V 4'1.A-9 120 120 .. . 4000Commercial Service25CAM/F4 120 120 Satm Frosted-Bent Tip- CC-2V 4'/2 , .. 4000

    I ) "C-Line." Commercial Service(~

    CA-10 .It.Cand. 25CAC 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)-Benl Tlp- CC-2V 45/'6 2 ' / a 1500OLD. 25CA10/F Decorative. Burn base down tohorizontal. 12-Pack (85)25CAC CARDED/2 120 60fr Crystal (Clear)-Bent Tip- CC-2V 45/1 " 21/8 1500Decorative Burn base down tohorizontal. Carded (2 lamps percard) (85)25CAC{F 12PK 120 120 Satin Frosted-Bent Tlp- CC-2V 45 /, G 21/a 1500OLD: 25CA10/2/F Decorative. Burn base down tononzontal , 12-Pack (85)25CAC/F CARDED/2 120 60-~ Satin Frosted-Bent Tip- CC-2V 45/16 21/8 1500Decoratrva. Burn base down to

    horizontal. Carded (2 lampsper card) (85)25CAC/4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-'C-Line." CC-2V 45{16 ,.. 4000Commercial Service. Burn base

    down 10 horizontal (85)25CAC/F4 120 120 Satin Frosted-Bent Tlp- CC-2V 45/16 .. . 4000"C-Line," Commercial Service.Burn base down to horizontal (85)

    ST-l0 25STC 12PK 115-125 120 Crystal (Clearj-Straight Tlp- CC-2V 4 13{4 1500Decorative 12-Pack (85)25STC CARDED/2 120 60 ... . Crystal (Clearj-Straighl Tip- CC-2V 4 P/4 1500Decorative. Carded (2 lamps

    per card (85)25STC/F 12PK 115-125 120 Satin Frosted-Straight Tlp- CC-2V 4 P/4 1500Decorat iVe. 12-Pack (85)25STC/F CARDED/2 120 60t:. Satin Frosted-Straight Tip- CC-2V 4 13/4 1500Decorative. Carded (2 lampsper card (85)25STC/4 120 120 Clear-Straight Tip-"C-Line", CC-2V 4 P/4 4000Commercial Service (85)25STCIF4 120 120 Satin Frosted-Straight Tip- CC-2V 4 13/4 4000

    f-':- "C-Une". Commercial Service (85)Cl1 Cand 25CC/FG4 120 60 Satin-Glo'" - fiber wrapped- C-7A 41/4 11/8 4000"C-Une". Decorative.Commercial Service (55)C-15 Medium 25CMI FG4 120 60 Salin-Glo -tibet wrapped- C-g 411/. e 23/s 4000"C-Line", Decorative.Commercial Service (55)

    tr Indicates total count of 2-tamp carded packs in standard package. Multiply by 2 to determine actual quantity 01 lamps.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    INCANDESCENTLAMPS GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.Std. DESCRIPTION M . L. Avg Approx,Filament 0 G _ RatedBulb Base Lamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescsnt Lamp Design L. L. Lite InitialQly. Foolnotes-Pages 53-54) ( Inches) ( Inches) Hours) Lumens

    WATTS (Continued)f15 Medium 25FM 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)-Decoratlve. C-9 4318 ... 1500 240OLD: 25FIF 12-Pack

    25FM CAROEO/2 120 60* Crystal (Clear)-Decorafive. C"9 43/8 . _ . 1500 240Carded (2 lamps per card)J 25FM/4 120 120 Clear-Decorative-"C-Llne." C-9 43/& .. . 4000 ...Commercial SerVice

    25FM/W 12PK 120 120 PearlWhite-Decorative. 12-Pack C-g 43 /B . - 1500 179OLD: 25F/W/F25FM/W CARDED/2 120 60~r Pearl While-Decorative. C-9 43/ a ... 1500 179Carded (2 lamps per card)25FMJA 12PK 120 120 Blazing Amber-Decorative. C-9 43/8 1500OLD: 25F1 AI F 12-Pack25FM/A CARDED/2 120 60* Blazing Amber- Decorative. C-9 43/8 ... 1500 ...Carded (2 lamps per card)25FM/A4 120 120 BlaZingAmber-Decorative- C-9 43/s .. . 4000 ..."C-Line." Commercial Service25FM/AU 12PK 120 120 Diamond Auradescent- C-9 43/8 ... 1500 ...OLD: 25F/AU/F Decorative. 12-Pack25FM/AU CARDED/2 120 60* DiamondAuradescent- C-9 43/8 .. 1500 . - .Decorative. Carded (2 lamps

    "per card)

    F 10 Cando 25FC 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clearj-Decorative. C-7A 31/16 15'8 1500 ...OLD: 25Fl0C/F 12-Pack25FC/W 12PK 120 120 Pearl White-Decorative. C-7A 31/16 .. . 1500 ...OLD: 25F10C/W/F 12-Pack25G16'/2C 115-125 60 Clear-Decorative C-7A 3 15/e 1500 23525G16'/2CIW 115-125 60 Sprayed White-Decorative C7A 3 1500 21025GC/W 12PK 120 120 Sprayed White-Decorative. C-7A 3 ... 1500 210OLD: 25GI6'/2C/W/F 12-Pack25GC/4 1.20 60 Clear- Decorative-" C-line." C-7A 3 1sl8 4000 ...Commercial Service. . . 25GC/W4 120 60 Sprayed White- Decorative- C-7A 3 1 ' 1 8 4000 ..."C-Line." Commercial Service25G16'12CI B4 120 60 Beaded-While-Decorative- C-7A 3 151 a 4000 .."C-Une." Commercial Service- ------ --- -6-18' 2 Medium 25G18'/2/W 120 120 Sprayed White- Decorative C-g 39 /' 6 ... 1500 220

    6-25 25G25 120 60 Clear- Decoralive c-e 47/16 29 /,6 1500 24025G25M/4 120 60 Clear- Decorative-" C-Line." C-9 41/16 29 /, 6 4000 ...Commercial Service25G25/W 120 60 SprayedWhite-Decorative C"9 47 /, 6 ... 1500 220

    .. Medium 25G25M{SM/4 120 60 Smoke- Decorative-"C-Une." C-9 47/, 6 .. . 4000 ...-- Commercial Service (45)G 40 25G40lW 120 24 White- Decorative C-g 6'3 1, s .. - 2500 150

    25G40/CL 120 24 Clear-Decorative C-9 613/'6 ... 2500 16025GM/SMJ4 120 24 Smoke-Decorative-"C-Une." C-9 613 /,6 ... 4000 . ..Commercial Service (45)

    -- 25S19/CL4 120 60 Clear-"Americana" (Old Time)- . . . 45/8 ... 4000 . ..) Decorative. "C-Line." CommercialService (85)

    VIndicatestotal count 01 2-lamp carded packs Instandard package. Multiply by2 to determine actual quantity of lamps.


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    B a s e Lamp Ordering Code Volts Std.Pkg.Oty.DESCRIPTION

    (See Incandescent LampFootnoles- Pages 53-54)


    M L. Avgo C RatedL. L' Life

    Inches Inches (Hours)

    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.


    25 WATTS (Continued)An .rjA. r.irr 25A{B 24PK 120 120 Blue-Decorative. 24-Pack C-g 3 71 a .. . 2500

    I Q 25A/G 24PK 120 120 Green - Deco rative. 24-Pack c-s 3 ' la .. , 250025A/O 120 120 Orange-Decorat ive c-s 3 7/e . . 250025A/R 24PK 120 120 Red - Decorative. 24-Pack c-s 37/a _ .. 250025AIR2 120 120 Rose- Deco rative c-s 3'I B .. . 250025A/Y 24PK 120 120 Yellow-Decorative. 24-Pack C-g 371a ... 250025A19/GR/CL 130 120 Clear-Sign. Group Replacement c-s 3718 2'/~ 3000I 25A19/GRIIF 130 120 Inside Frosted-Sign. C-g 37 /8 2112 3000I Group ReplacementA-19 25A 191GR /TB 130 120 Transparent Blue-Sign. c- s 37/8 2'/2 30001 ' 9 I Group Replacement (86)25A/TB 6PK PM 120 120 Transparent Blue - Decorative. c-s 37 /a 2'1~ 25006'Pack (86) PAICE MARKED25A19/GR/TG 130 120 Transparent Green-Sign. Cog 3'18 2'12 3000Group Replacement (86)25A/TG 6PK PM 120 120 Transparent Green-Decorat ive. c-s 3 71 a 2'/2 2500

    ~, 0- I 6-Pack (86) PRICE MARKEDLexan "coated- 25A19/GR/TO 130 120 Transparent Orange-Sign. c-s 37 /a 2112 3000Weather-tough ( Group Replacement (86)Higher Brightness 25A/TO 6PK PM 120 120 Transparent a range - Decorat ive. c-s 37 /a 2'12 2500Color Brilliance I 6-Pack (86) PRICE MARKED-.~ 25A19/GR/TR Transparent Red-Sign. c -s 37 /a30 120 2' /2 3000Group Replacement (86)25A/TR 6PK PM 120 120 Transparent Red-Decorat ive. C-g 3118 21/2 25006-Pack (B6) PRICE MARKED25A19JGRITV 130 120 Transparent Yellow-Sign. c -s 371s 2 1 / 2 3000Group Replacement (86)

    i 25A/TY 6PK PM 120 120 Transparent Yellow-Decoralive. c-s 37/a 2'12 25006-Pack (66) PRICE MARKEDA-1S 25A15/RFL 130 120 Reflector Sign-Ught Inside c -s 3'12 23fo 3000FrostedA21 25A21/RFL 130 120 Reflector Sign-Light Inside C-7A 43/s 13'/32 2500

    Frostedc-" 'ts, 25G16'/zSC 120 60 Clear-Railway Ught Signal (69) C-5 3 1 '/4 1000S6 Cand 2556 115-125 240 ""Clear-High Intensity Indicator. C-7A Fla 1 5/,6 50Design volts: 115. ANSI: DVN811 25511/2C 115-125 120 ""Clear-Medical Spotfight C-7A 21/4 17/,6 500T6' 2 ntermec 25T61 z 120 60 Clear-Showcase C-8 5'12 . .. 1000. . - . 25T6'/2 125-130 60 Clear-Showcase C-8 5'12 .. , 1000

    25TS'lz/iF 120 60 Inside Frosted- Showcase C-8 5 ' / 2 .. 100025T6'/211F 125-130 60 Inside frosted-Showcase C-8 5'/2 ... 1000

    DC Ba 25T6112DC 120 60 Clear-Appliance- c -s 59 /, 6 ... 1000'y Scale Illuminator25TS'/2DC 125-130 60 Clear-Appllance- C-8 59 /, 6 - .. 1000Scale Illuminator25T6'/2DC/IF 120 60 Inside Frosted-Appliance- C-8 59/'6 ... 1000

    Scale Illuminator25T6'!2DC/IF 125-130 60 Inside Frosted-Appliance- CoB 5 9 , , " ... 1000Scale IlluminatorT8 25T8DC 115-125 60 Clear-Home and Industrial C-7A 251 0 ... (63)V Appliance25T8DC CARDED 115-125 240 Clear-Appliance. 12-Pack-Carded C-7A 25/8 ... (63)25T8DCIIF 115-125 60 Inside Frosted-Appliance C-7A 2518 ... (63)_,-nterrner: 2.5T8N 115-125 60 Clear-Appliance C-7A 25/8 (63)----Cand 25T8C 115-125 60 Clear- Appl iance C-7A 251 a 11/2 (63)---T 10 MedllJm 25Tl0 120 120 Clear-Showcase C-8 5$/9 - .. 1000(' 25T10 24PK 120 192 Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack C-8 55/8 ... 1000

    25Tl0 CARDED 120 120 Clear-Showcase. C-8 551s ... 100012-Pack-Carded. I ' . 25T10 125-130 120 Clear-Showcase C-8 55/ij ... 10000-00

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noled.

    DESGHlPTION(See Incandescent LampFootnotes-Pages 53-54)

    M . L Avg . AFilament O. C. Rated pprox.Design L. L. Lile Initial(Inches) (Inches (Hours) Lumens

    Sid.Volts Pkg.aty.Lamp Ordering Code

    25 WATTS (Continued)Tl0 Medium 25T10/IF 120 120 Inside Frosted- Showcase C-B 55/B ... 1000 244

    25T10/lF 24F'K 120 192 Inside Frosted-Showcase. C-8 55/9 ... 1000 24424-Pack

    25T10/IF '25-130 120 Inside Frosted-Showcase CoB 55/8 ... 1000 24425T10/6 24PK 115-125 120 Clear-Aquarium. 24-Pack CoB 56/8 ... 2500 . ..I R-14- Alntermed 25R14N 120 120 Reflector-Ught Inside Frosted. CC-2V 29/,e ... 1500 190"Little-R ,_." (36)

    I*PAFI-36 Screw 25PAR36 5.5 12 PAR-Display Spotlight. C-6 23/4 .. . 1000 .. .Terminal Filament shielded

    PAR-4'S 25PAR46 5.5 12 PAR-Display Spotlight C-6 33 /4 ... 1000Filament shielded.

    S-1 ALong 25511/7 6 120 Clear-lns1rument. Source WxH: C-6 21)/a ... 50 . ..Shell 4.4xO.8mm. Filament 5/,s"max.Medium tram end of bulb (31,76)

    LT-a S.C.Pre! 25TS/SCP 6 24 Clear-Instrument. Source WxH: C-8 31/B 1'/. 50 ...(AJ 0.Bx4.5mm. Burn base down to- horizontal (61)S-11 S.C.Bay 25511/45C 10 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal (70) CC-6 23/8 1'/. 1000--.

    A-19 Medium 25A 12 120 Ins ide Frosted (11 ,53,55) G-6 37/a 29/'6 1000 378*PAR-36 Screw 25PAR36NSP 12 12 PAR-Narrow Spotlight. C-6 23/. .. 2000 . ..~~. Termlna Stippled reflector. Filament shielded

    25PAR36WFL. 12 12 PAR-Wide Floodlight. C-6 23/4 .. . 2000 ...~ Stippled reflector. Filament shielded25PAR36/VWFL 12 12 PAR-Very Wide Floodlight. C-6 2Jh ... 2000 . ..

    Stippled reflector. Filament shleldedR-14 S.C Bay 25R14SC/SP 12 120 Reflector Spotlight- CC-S 25/" ... 2000 230light Inside Frosted (15)

    25R14SC 28 120 Reflector Spotlight- eC-8 25/8 ... 2000 ... Light Inside Frosted (15)---A-19 Medium 25A 30 120 Inside Frosled- Train (11) c-e 37/8 29/'6 1000 34525A 34 120 Inside Frosted-Train (11) c-s 37/8 29/16 1000 390

    T-8'/2 25T8'/2/1F 34 60 Inside Frosted-Train C-S 53 /8 ... 1000 . ..PAR-3S Medium 25PAR/FL 34 12 PAR- Train-Floodlight C-6 55 /' 6 ... 1000 . ..Skirted-- -A-19 Medium 25A 60 120 Inside Frosted-Train (11) C-9 31/" 2She 1000 285f T-81~ 25TB'/z/IF 60 60 Inside Frosted-Train C-B 53/8 ... 1000 ...A-17 25A17/RS 75 120 Inside Frosted-Train. C-9 35/a 2'/2 1000 250rA-19 .- Rough Service25A 230,250 120 Inside Frosted C-17A 37/8 29/16 1000 220

    25A 300 120 Inside Frosted C-17 31/8 28/'6 1000 ...-.. Medium 25A/R 230,250 120 Red C-17A 37/a ... 1000 ...LT-61/2 D.C Bay 25T6'/20C IIF 230 60 lnsfde Frosted- C-B 59/, & .. . 1000 .. .Scale Illuminator_ .. - Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack C-17A 55/8 1000-l0 Medium 25T10 24PK 250 192 ... . ..30 WATTSR-20 .. Medium 30R20 115-125 60 Reflector-Light Inside Frosted C-7A 3,5/,,, ... 2000 210

    30R20 6PK 115-125 60 Reflector-Light Inside Frosted. C-7A 315/'6 ... 2000 2106-Pack30R20 130 60 Reflector-Light Inside Frosted C-7A 3 161 1 6 .. , 2000 210~-

    G-161/2 D c.aa, 30G16 ' /2 /3DC 115 60 Clear-Medical Spotlight. CC-2V 3 5 /'6 "3 / , , , 500 ...Silvered Bowl Horlz.T-8 DISC L30 115-125 24 Clear-Lumiline CoB 173 /4 . ... 1500 ...

    r L30/lF 115-125 24 Inside Frosted-Lumiline C-8 173/4 " ... 1500 255I L30/W 115-125 24 White- Lumi line C-8 17J/4' ... 1500 210e Average over-ali length.


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noled.

    Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code Std.Volls Pkg.Oly.

    DESCRIPTION(See Incandescent LampFootnoles- Pages 53-54)

    M. L. AIIg AFilamenl 0 CRatedDesign L: L Lite ~(Inches) Inches) (Hours

    30 WATTS (Continued)S-ll DC Bay 30511/100 32 120 Clear -Train Marker_ C-7A 23/8 PI,e 500Burn base down to horizontal--T-8 Disc L30/W 60 24 White-Lumiline C-8 11 3/40 .. . 1500S-11 D.C Bay 30S'10C 64 120 Clear- Train Marker. C-7A 23/8 1'/4 500

    Burn base down to horizontal30511 DC 75 120 Clear- Train Marker Controt Stand. C-7A 23/8 15 /, 6 500BUm base down to horizontal

    30~70100 WATTSA-21 3-Conlacl 30/100 12PK 120 60 OSoft-White-3-Way. ~C-2R 5'/~ 33 f4 1500,V Medium Burn base down only. 12-Pack CG-8 1200,115030/100 12PK PM 120 60 OSoft-White-3-Way. ~C-2R 5'/4 33/~ 1500,Burn base down only. 12-Pack GG-8 1200,PRICE MARKED 1150

    36 WATTS36AfRYH Clear-Street Railway Headlight.Design amps: .342 (41)

    40 WATTSA-19 Medium 40A 120 120 Inside Frosted (11) c-s 41/4 2,5/,6 1500I v 40 A 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted. 24-Pack (11) Gg 4'/4 2'5/'6 150040A 24PK PM 120 120 Inside Frosted. 24-Pack (11 J c-s 41/4 2'5/'6 1500PRICE MARKED40A 130 120 Inside Frosled (11) c- s 4'/4 2,5 /, 6 150040A/W 24PK 120 120 Soft-White. 24-Pack (11) G-9 4'/4 2,5/,6 150040A/W 24PK PM 120 120 Soft While. 24-Pack (1 i) C-9 4'/4 215 /'6 1500PRICE MARKED

    40A/CL 120 120 Clear (11) c-s 41/4 2'5/,6 150040AICL 130 120 Clear (11) G-g 4'/. 2'1,6 1500... Medlum 40AfTF 24PK 115-125 120 Clear- TUFF-SKIN. 24-Pack (83) G-9 41/. .. . 150040A/99 120 120 Inside Frosted- c-s 41/4 2,5/16 ~500Exlended Service, (11)40A/99 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted- c-s 4'h 2'5/,6 2500Extended Service 24-Pack (11)ilOA/99 130 120 Inside Frosted- c-s 4'1. 2'S/1. 2500

    f--- Extended Service (11)A-IS Medium 40A15 120 120 Appliance-Oven SerVice (11) c-s 3'1, 23 /S 15001 0 40A15 CARDED 120 240 Appliance-Oven Service. G-9 3'/2 23fa 150012-Pack-Carded (11)40A15 CARDED PM 120 240 Appliance-Oven Service. c-s 3'/2 23/9 150012-Pack-Carded (11)- PRICE MARKED~-8-10 Cand 40BC 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Glear) - Deco rat iva, G-9 33/4 15/8 15000 OLD: 40Bl0/F Burn base down to horizontal.12-Pack (36)40BC CARDEO/2 120 60* Grystal (Clear)-Decora!ive. c-s 33/4 l/e 1500Burn base down to horizontal.Carded (2 lamps per card) (36)40BC/W 12PK 120 120 Pearl Whits-Decorative, c- s 33/4 .. . 1500OLD: 40Bl0/W/F Burn base down to hor izontal.12-Pack (36)

    40BC/B4 120 60 Beaded- While -Decorative- C-g 33/. 13/. 4000"C-Line." Commercial Service,Burn base down to horizontal (36)Average over-al l length.o Lamp should be screwed firmly, although not forcibly, into the socket to insure that all contacts are properly sealed. Otherwise, only one fimay light.

    i: r Indicates total count of 2-lamp carded packs in standard package, Multiply by 2 to determine actual quantity of lamps.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog



    M . L A vg AFilament 0 C Rated pproxDesign L' L . life Initial(Inches) Inches (Hours) Lumens

    DESCRIPTION(See Incandescent LampFootnotes-Pages 5354)

    Sid.Volts Pkg.Oty.Baseulb

    40 WATTS (Continued)8-13 Medium 40BM 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear) -Decorative. C-9 45{8 23/8 1500 425OLD: 40B131 F 12-Pack

    40BM/B4 120 60 Beaded-White - Decorative- C-9 49h~ 23/8 4000 ... I"C-Line." Commercial Servicer-c-A-9- 40CAM 12PK 120 120 Crystal (CJear)-8ent Tip- CC-2V 4'/2 251 1 6 1500 ,.r) OLD: 40CA9/F Decorative. 12Pack40CAM CAROEO/2 120 60n Crystal (Clear)-Ben! Tip- CC2V 4112 25116 1500 .,Decorative. Carded (2 lampsper card)

    40CAM/F 12PK 120 120 Satin Frosted-Bent Tip- CC-2V 41/2 25/16 1500 ...~

    OLD: 40CA9!2! F Decorative. 12- Pack40CAM/4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative. CC-2V 4'/2 ... 4000 . .."C-Llne." Commercial Service

    CAl0 ...Cand 40CAC 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)- Bent Tlp- CC-2V 45/16 21/s 1500 ...OLD: 40CA10{F Decorative. Burn base down tohorizontal. 12-Pack (85) I40CAC CARDED/2 120 6011 Crystal (CJear)-Bent Tip- CC-2V 45{'6 2' fe 1500 ...Decorative. Burn base down tohorizontal. Carded (2 lamps per iard) (85)40CAC/F 12PK 120 120 Satin Frosted-Bent Tip- CC-2V 45/'6 21/8 1500 ...OLD: 40CA10{2/F Decorative. Burn base down 10horizontal . 12- Pack (85)40CAC/F CARDEOl2 120 6011 Satin Frosted-Bent Tip- CC-2V 45/16 2'/s 1500 . IDecorative. Burn base down tohorizontal. Carded (2 lamps percard) (85) _ I40CAC/4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative. CC-2V 45{'6 ... 4000 .. ."C-l ine." Commercial Service.Burn base down to horizontal. (85)40CAC/F4 120 120 Outside Frosted-Bent Tip- CC-2V 46/'6 ... 4000 . ..Decorat ive. "C-lIne.' CommercialService. Burn base down tohorizontal. (85)

    C-11 Cando 40CC/FG4 120 60 Satin-Glo" - fiber wrapped- C-7A 4 1 / 4 17/8 4000 ..."C-lIne". Decorat ive.Commercial Service (55)

    C-15 Medium 40CM/FG4 120 60 Sat1n-Glo~-t iber wrapped- C-9 4"/'6 23 /& 4000 ..."C-line". Decorat ive.Commercial Service (55)F1S 40FM 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)-Decotative. C-9 4~IB ... 1500 435OLD: 40F15/ F 12-Pack

    40FM CAROEO/2 120 60::'r Crystal (Clear)- Decorative. C-9 43/8 ... 1500 435Carded (2 lamps per card)) 40FM/4 120 120 Clear- Decorative-"C-Line." C-9 4

    3/8 . . 4000 ...Commercial Service.. 40FM/W 12PK 120 120 Pearl White-Decorative. C-9 43{8 . .. 1500 390OLD: 40F1S/w I F 12-Pack

    40FM/W CARDEO/2 120 60* Pearl White- Decoratlve. C-9 43{8 ... 1500 390Carded (2 lamps per card)40FM/AU 12PK 120 120 Diamond Auradescent- C-9 43{8 ... 1500 . . . IOLD: 40F1S/ AU! F Decorative. 12-Pack* Indicates total count of 2-lamp carded packs in standard package. Multiply by 2 to determine actual quantity of lamps.


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY. except as noted.

    Std. DESCRIPTION M . L Avg. ApFilament O . C RatedBulb Base Lamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Design L. L. Ufe IQty. Footnotes-Pages 53-64) (Inches) (Inches) (Hours) Lu40 WATTS (Continued)0-161/2 Cando 40G161/2CIW 115-125 60 Sprayed White - Decorat ive. C-7A 3 .. 1500 20 Bum base down to horizontal (36)40GCI4 120 60 Clear-Decorative. "Cline." c-s 3 13/. 4000Commercial Service.[\. j Burn base down to horizontal (36)= D C.Bay. 40G161/z/3DC 115 60 Clear-Silvered Bowl CC-2V 35/16 1 '31, 8 500Medical Spotlight Horiz.--- 47/16-25 Medium 40GIW 120 60 Sprayed White-Decorat ive, C-g ... 1500

    AMedium 40G25MIB4 120 60 Beaded-White- Decorative- C-9 411,6 29/'6 4000"C-Line." Commercial ServiceMedium 40G25/CL 120 60 Clear-Decorative C-9 41/,6 ... 1500

    G-40 .Medium 40GMIW 6PK 120 24 White-Decorative-Moonglow. C-9 6'3/16 ... 2500OLD: 40G40/WIF 6-Pack40G40/W 130 24 White- Decorative C-9 613{,6 .. 250040G40/CL 120 24 Clear-Decorative C-9 613/lIi ... 250040GM{4 120 24 Clear- Decorative-' 'C-Line." C-9 6,31, 6 .. . 4000Commercial Service

    A-19 Medium 40A/OPK 24PK 120 120 Coloramic-Dawn Pink. C-9 4'/4 ... 1500r- -- 24-Pack (11)A-21 AMedlum 40A/B 115-125 120 Blue-Decorative C-9 43/8 .. . 1000

    40A!G 115-125 120 Green -Decorative C-g 43/8 .. . 100040AiO 115-125 120 Orange- Deco rative C-9 43/8 .. . 100040AIR 115-125 120 Red-Oecorative C-9 43/S ... 100040AIY 115-125 120 Yellow- Decorative C-9 43/8 ... 100040A!Y 130 120 Yellow-Decorative C-9 43{8 ... 100040A21 / GR{ CL 130 120 Clear-Sign. Group Replacement c-s 43/8 2,5/18 300040A21 {GR/IF 130 120 Inside Frosted-Sign. c-s 43/s 215/, 6 3000Group Replacement

    Lexan coaled- 40A21/GRITB 130 120 Transparent Blue-Sign. c-s 43{8 2'5/'6 3000Weather-tough , Group Replacement (86)Higher Brightness 40A21/GRfTG 130 120 Transparent Green-Sign. C-9 43/9 2,s/,s 3000Color Brilliance Group Aeplacement (86)r) I 40A21/GR/TO 130 120 Transparent Orange-Sign. C-9 43{a 2'5/,6 3000) Group Replacement (86)40A21/GR/TR 130 120 Transparent Red-Sign. C-9 43/8 2 ,5 /,6 3000~

    Group Replacement (86)40A21/GR/TY 130 120 Transparent Yellow-Sign. C-9 43/s 2,5/,6 3000Group Replacement (86)40A/TS 120 120 Clear- Traffic Signal. C-9 43/8 27 /,8 2000Burn base down to horizontal40AITS 130 120 Clear-Traffic Signal. C-9 43/s 271, s 2000Bum base down to horizontal--T-G'2 Intermed 40T61/~/2 120 60 Clear- Refrigerator C-8 5'/2 750

    ,~ 40T6'/2/2 CARDED 120 120 Clear - Refrige rator, C-B 5'/2 ... 7501. ) 12-Pack-Carded40T6'/2/2IF 120 60 Inside Frosted-Appliance C-8 5'/2 ... 750

    r - - - , = - - f- Medium 40TB Clear-Showcase C-23 1F/a8 120 24 ... 100040T8 125-130 24 Clear-Showcase C-23 11 7/8 ... 100040T8/IF 120 24 Inside Frosted-Showcase C-23 1Fla ... 1000

    ~ 40110 120 120 Clear-Showcase C-8 55/8 ., . 100040Tl0 24PK 120 192 Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack C-8 55/8 ... 100040Tl0 125-130 120 Crear-Showcase C-8 55/8 ... 100040Tl0/iF 120 120 Inside Frosted-Showcase c-e 55/8 ... 100040nO/IF 24PK 120 192 Inside Frosted-Showcase. C-8 55/8 ... 100024-PaGk40110/iF CARDED 120 120 Inside Frosted-Showcase. C-8 55/8 ... 100012- Pack-Cardeda 40T10/IF 125-130 120 Inside Frosted-Showcase C-8 55/8 .. . 1000

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog



    Burning Position-ANY, except as noted.

    Sid DESCRIPTION M . l. Avg. Approx.Filament 0 C. RatetlBut Base L!lmp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Design L. L. Life InitialQly. Footnotes-Pages 53-54) Inches) (Inches) (Hours) LumensWATTS (Continued)

    T-l0 Medl\! 40T10/RFL 24PK 120 192 Reflector Showcase - Light CC-S 55/8 ... 1000 430With Inside Frosted & side aluminized.Spflng M.O.L. is exclusive of springContact contact on base. 24-Pack- --Medium 40T10P 120 60 Clear-Airport. CC-2V 315/16 11/2 1000 ...Prnfocus Burning position: base down only

    0 WATTS-45 WATTST-8 DISC L40 115-125 24 Clear- Lumiline CoB lP/4" ... 1500 . ..

    _ r L40/IF 115-125 24 Inside Frosted -Lu mi line C-S 11,3/40 .. 1500 340L40/W 115-125 24 White-Lumi line C-S 1Pj." ... 1500 295. -. _ _ .._,40A15/2 120 I Clear-Railway Ught Signal C-2V 3~f. 27h~ ,15tJO-15 2-lug 10 ...

    Sleeve (10,1 i) - --3-lug 40A15/3 1'0 120 Clear-Railway light Signal C-2V 3"/4 2311. 1500 ...Sleeve (10,11)

    T-81/2 Medium 40T8'/2/1F 30 50 Inside Frosted- Train G-8 5Jla 1000.--.~ - -PAR 3 1 ; 1 Medium 45PAR38/6.6 6.SA 12 PAR -AI rporl- Flood light C-5 55 /, G . . 800 .. .Skirted

    WATTS.-19 Medium SOA/RS 120 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service C-22 vt 2~/16 1000 480J t--SOA/RS 24PK 120 1 20 Inside Frosled- Rough Service. G-22 3718 29/16 1000 48024-pack 37/8 29f1 " ~50A/RS 130 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service C-22 1000 480SOA/AS 24PK 130 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service. C-22 3'/8 2"/'6 1000 48024-Pack-:"Medlum --- - -50A/RS/TF 24PK 115-125 120 Clear-Rough Service. C-22 :!//s .. . 1000 ...

    TUFF-SKIN. 24-Pack_. --Medium 50A19/5 120 120 Clear-Rough Service C-22 37/8 29 /' 6 1000 . ,50A/VS 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosled- Vibration c-s 37/8 2'h 1000 550

    Service. 24-Pack50A/VS 24PK 130 120 Inside Frosted- Vibration c -s 37/s 2'/2 1000 550

    Service. 24-PackA 20 .. Medium 50R20 115-125 60 Reflector-Ught Inside Frosted (14) C-7A 3'S/16 .. 2000 440' v 50R20 6PK 115-125 60 Reflector-light Inside Frosted. C-7A 315/H; .. 2000 440SOR20 '--"30 6-Pack (14) --- -~ - -60 Reflector-Lig.hl Inside Frosted (14) C-7A 3'5/1 ... 2000 44050R20BW 115-125. 60 Reflector-Blue White (14) C-7A 31~11" ... 2000 . ..50R20PK 115-125 ' 60 Reflector-Pink (14) C-7A 31'116 .. . 2000 ...50R20/Pl 6PK 120 24 Reflector Plant Ught- C-7A 315/'6 2'/4 2000 ..."Gro and Sho'. 6-Pack (4,14,56)

    ER~O Medium 50ER30 120 24 Elliptical Reflector- CC-S 63/8 33/16 2000 525 I

    \ ,l ight Inside Frosted (4,35,56,62)

    50ER30lPK 120 24 Elliptical Rellector- CC-6 631s 33/18 2000 ...Transparent Pink (4,35.56,62)

    R-30 .I.Medium 50R30lFL 120 24 ,Reflector Floodlight- CG-6 53/a .. . 2000 ...Inside Frosted

    50R30/Fl 6PK 120 24 Reflector Floodlighl- CC-6 5318 . . . . . 2000 ....Inside Frosted. 6-Pack

    TID 50T10/RS/CL/TF 120 120 Clear- Rough Service. TUFF-SKIN C-S 551a .. . 1000 ...I- ---- -- -A21 Medium 50A21 12 120 Inside Frosted (11.53,55 ) C-6 47/8 37 /16 1000 875------- ...*PAA-36 Screw 50PAR36N'SP 12 12 PAR-Narrow Spotlight. C-6 23/4 .. . 2000 .. .Terrrunal Stippled reflector. Filament shielded-.~ 50PAR36WFL 12 12 PAR-Wide Floodlight. C-S 2]/~ .. . 2000 ...A..iJ6;:.,~ Stippled reflector. Filament shielded

    50PAR36VWFl 12 12 PAR-Very Wide Floodlight C-6 23/. ... 2000 . ..Stippled reflector. Filament shielded

    Average over-all length.ENERGY SAVING GE LAMPS shown on this page are printed in red,

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.

    Std. DESCRIPTION M _ L . Avg . ApFilament O. C. AatedBulb Base Lamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Design L . L. Life InOly. Footnotes-Pages 53-54) (Inches)(Inches (Hours) Lu50 WAnS (Continued)A-.d Medium SOA21 30 120 Inside Frosted-Train (11) C-9 471~ 37/'6 1000 8l A-19 SOA/RS 32 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service. C-9 371a 29 /, 6 1000TrainI~-- 3 7/11i21 SOA21 34 120 Inside Frosted-Train (11) C-9 47/s 1000A-19 SOAI9/RS 75 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service. C-9 37/a 2'/2 1000 51 0 TrainSOA 230,250 120 Inside Frosted (11) C-17A 37/a 2 " 1 , 6 1000 4SOA/RS 230,250 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service C-22 37/8 29/'6 1000 450AIG 250 120 Green C-17A 37/a . _ . 1000SOAIR 250 120 Red C-17A 37/8 ... 1000SOA19 300 120 Inside Frosted C-17A 37/8 2Qh6 1000

    50A19!35 300 120 Clear C-17A 37/a 2~I'6 100050-50 WATTSP-25 A3-Contact S0150P25!28 120 60 Clear-Marine Running Light. ~C-5 5'/'6 35/'6 750 3Mogul Filaments operated separately. G-9Burn base downT-12 A3-Contact 50/50T12 115 24 Clear-Marine Running Light. {C-5 55/,5 3 750Medium Fllaments operated separately. c-sBurn base down

    50100-150 WATTSA-21 3-Contact 50/150 12PK 120 60 OSoft-Whlte-3-Way. ~C-2R 5'/4 37/8 1500,Medium Burn base down only. 12-Pack CC-S 1200. 1

    1150 250/150 12PK PM 120 60 oSoft-White -3-Wa'l. jG-2R 5'/4 37 /s 1500,Burn base down only. 12-Pack GG-8 1200, 1PRICE MARKED 1150 2SO/lS0/DPK 12PK 120 60 OGoloramic-Dawn Pink. 3-Way. f - 2R 51/4 37/8 1500,"" Burn base down only. 12-pack CG-8 1200.(49) 1150SO/150/DPK 12PK PM 120 60 OColoramic-Dawn Pink. 3-Way. ~G-2R 5'/4 37/s 1500,Burn base down only. 12-Pack CC-8 1200,(49) PRICE MARKED 1150

    50-200-250 WATTSA-23 3-Contacl 50/250 12PK 120 60 OSoft-White-3-Way. f - 2R 53/4 45/,6 1500.Medium Burn base down only. 12-Pack GG-8 1200. 31150 4

    50/250 12PK PM 120 60 OSoft-White-3-Way. jC-2R 53/. 451, . 1500,Burn base down only 12-Pack cc-s 1200, 3PRICE MARKED 1150 456 WATTS

    56A21 Inside Frosted-Street Railway.Design amps: .519 (41)60 WATTSA-19 Medium SOA 120 120 Inside Frosted (11) eG-6 47/,8 31/8 1000HIGH PERFORMANCE & VALUE

    SOA 48PK 120 144. Inside Frosted. 48-Pack (11) GG-6 47/,,; 31/8 100060A 48PK PM 120 144. Inside Frosted. 48-Pack (11) CC-6 47/,6 31/s 1000PRICE MARKED60A 125 120 Inside Frosted (11) eC-6 47h6 3'/8 1000~ 60A 130 120 Inside Frosted (11) CC-S 47/16 31/e 100060A/W 4BPK 120 144. Soft-White. 48-Pack (11) eC-6 47/'6 ... 1000SOA/W 48PK PM 120 144. Soft-White. 48-Pack (11) CC-S 47"6 . .. 1000PRICE MARKED

    HIGH PERFORMANCE & VALUE-based on combined energy and lamp costs.o Lamp should be screwed firmly, although not forcibly, into the socket to insure that all contacts are properly seated. Otherwise, only one fllamay light. Standard package quantity is considered as 120 lamps in determining standard package count for "size of order" purposes.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    INCANDESCENTLAMPS G'ENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.SId. DESCRIPTlON M . L Avg. Approx,u b , Base lamp Ordarlng Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Filamerll O. C Reted lnitlalDesigrl t, L UlaQly. Fnornotes-Pages 53-54) Inches Inches (Hours Lumens

    WATTS (Continued)Al turn 60A/WP 24PK 120 120 Longille White. 24-Pack (11) CC-6 4'/16 3'/B 1500 820

    60A/WP 24PK PM 120 120 LOrlglife White. 24-Pack (11) CC-6 47/16 31/a 1500 820PRICE MARKED60A/CL 120 120 Clear (11) CG-6 4'/1. 3'/s 1000 87060A/Cl 24PK 120 120 Clear. 24-Pack (11) CC-6 47/1~ 31/e 1000 870~ 60A/CL 130 120 Clear (11) CC-6 47/U 3'/s 1000 870- -.olMr:dlu 60A/TF 24PK 115-125 120 Glear- TUFF-SKIN. 24-Pack (83) CC-6 47/16 ... 1000 . ..60A/99 120 120 Inside Frosted- CC-6 47/'6 31/8 2500 775ExtendBd Se rvice (11)SOA/99 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted- CC-6 4111 6 31/a 2500 775Extended Sa rvice, 24-Pack (11)- - 47/,ij 3'/a0A/99 130 120 Inside Frosted- CC-6 2500 775Extended Service (11) -Medium 60AID 115-125 120 Inside Frosted-Daylight (11) CC-6 47/16 31/8 1000 SOD60A/SB 120 120 Inside Frosted-Silvered Bowl (11) CG-6 47/'6 3'Ia 1000 74060A/Y 24PK 115-125 120 Yellow-Bug-Ule. 24-Pack (11) CG-6 4'/," ... 1000 550-60A/Y 24PK PM 115-125 120 Yellow-Bug-Lite. 24-Pacx (11) GC-6 47/1 6 ... 1000 550

    PRICE MARKED! 60A/Y 24PK 130 120 Yellow-Bug-Ute. 24-Pack (11) GC-6 4'/'6 ... 1000 550-- -- --- --60A/DPK 24PK 120 120 Coloramic-Dawn Pink. CC-6 41/'6 ... 1000 ...24-Pack (11) --60A/DPK 24PK PM 120 120 Coloramic-Dawn Pink. CC-6 471'0 ... 1000 ...24-Pack (11) PRICE MARKED --.olMeolum 60A/Pl 6PK 120 24 Plant Light-"Gro and Sho". CC6 47/,. 3'/a 1000 ...- _. - -- 6-Pack (4)r--- _8- 4Ca d 60Be 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear) - Decorative, CC-2V 4 .. . 1500 ...OLD. 60Bl 0/ F Burn base down to horizontal.12-Pack (85)

    60BC CARDED/2 120 60t< Crystal (Clear) -Decorative. CC-2V 4 .. . 1500 ...Burn base down to hor izontal.Carded (2 lamps per card) (85)A-9 Medlu 60CAM 12PK 120 120 I Crystal (Clear)-Bent Tlp- CC-2V 41/2 25 /11; 1500 .. .OLD: 60CA9/F Decorative. 12-Pack---60CAM CARDEDI2 120 60* Crystal (Clear)-Benl Tip- CC-2V 4'12 2 " / , & 1500 ...Decorative, Carded (2 lamps

    f- per card).-- -- ---60CAM/4 120 120 Clear- Bent Tip- Decorative. CC-2V 4'/. ... 4000~ "C-line," Commercial ServiceQCA-l0 .ole nd 60CAe 12PK 120 1 20 Crystal (Clear)-8ent Tip- GC-2V 45 1 ,6 2'/a 1500 ...OLD: 60GA 10/ F Decorative. Burn base down tohorizontal. 12- Pack (85) --- --60CAC CARDEO/2 120 60* Crystal (Clear)-Bent Tip- CC-2V 45 /'0 2'/s 1500 ...) Decorative. Burn base down tohor izontal. Carded (2 lampsper card) (85) r-------

    60CAC/F 12PK 120 120 Satin Frosted-Bent Tip- CC-2V 45/16 2'/B 1500 ...OLD : 60CA10/21F Decorative. Burn base down tohorizontal. 12-Pack (B5)---60CAC/F CARDED/2 120 60* Satin Frosted-Bent Tlp- CC-2V 45 /' 6 2'/e 1500 ...Decorative. Burn base down tohorizontal. Carded (2 lampsper card) (85) --60CAC/4 120 120 Glear-Bent Tip-Decorative. CC2V 45/16 .. . 4000 ..."C-Une." Cnrnrnercial Service.Burn base down to horizontal (85)

    -t . Indicales total count of z-iamp carded packs i'n standard package. Multiply by 2 to determine actual quantity of lamps.


  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    Bulb 9a e Lamp Ordering Code Std.Pkg.Oty.

    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY except as noted.

    Volls DESCRIPTION(See lncandescant LampFootnotes-Pages 5354)

    FilamentDesignM. L. Avg. AO. C. RatedL. L . lifE!

    Inches Inches Hours L60 WATTS (Continued)G-40 . A F u n 60G40/W 120 24 White-Decorative C-9 613/, 6 - _ . 2500

    60G40/CL 120 24 Clear- Decorative c-s 613/,6 ... 2500r - A-21 Med'um 60A21/B 115-125 120 Blue (11, 49) c-s 47/S ,,- 100060A21/G 115125 120 Green (11, 49) C9 47/0 _ . 100060A2110 115-125 120 Orange (11. 49) C9 47/8 -, 100060A211R 115-125 120 Aed (11, 49) C-9 47/S ... 1000I GOA21/R2 115-125 120 Rose (11, 49) C9 47/8 1000..60A21/Y 115125 120 Yellow (11, 49) Cg 47/~ ... 1000

    T-8 DIs L60 115125 24 Glear-Lumiline C8 173/4' ... 1500L60/IF 115125 24 Inside Frosted-Lumiline CS 173/." 1500..L60/W 115-125 24 White-Lumiline c-e 173/." _ . 1500

    A 21 ...Medlu 60A21/TS 120 120 Glear- Traffic Signal. C-9 43/8 27/'6 3000Burn base down to horizontal

    60A21/TS 125 120 Clear-Traffic Signal. C-g 43/e 27/, 6 3000\ ' Burn base down to horizontal)60A21 ITS 130 120 Glear- Traffic Signal. Cg 431. 27/'B 3000

    Burn base down to horizontal~---- 55/81D Medlurr 60T10/64 24PK 120 192 Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack. C8 .. - 1000Burn base down to horizontal60Tl0/IF 24PK 120 192 Inside Frosted-Showcase. Burn C8 55/a ... 1000

    base down to horizontaL 24Pack. . . . . . . . , . - PAR-Mine Locomotive Head- 33/ ..PAR46 Screw 60PAR 38 12 CC-2V .. . SODTerrnma- light (71)60PAR/2/R 38 12 PAR-Red Lens- GC2V 33/4 _ . 800

    E--:-- Train Warning (71)A 21 Medium 60A21 230 120 Inside Frosted C-17A 43/B 2Jt. 100067 WATTS.; I . j !J 67A21/TS 120 120 Clear- Traftic Signal. c-s 431 u 27/'6 BODOBum base down to horizontal

    ..-, 67A21 ITS 125 120 Clear- Traffic Signal. c-s 43/8 271, 6 SOOOBurn base down to horizontalI 67A21/TS 130 120 Clear- Traffic Signal. c-s 43/. 27/' 6 BODOBurn base down to horizontal

    69 WATTSA 1 ...Medlum 69A21/TS 120 120 Clear- Traffic Signal. C9 43/. 271,s 8000W Burn base down to horizontal69A21/TS 125 120 Clear- TraHic Signal. G-9 43/8 27/'6 8000Burn base down to horizontal69A21/TS 130 120 Clear- Traffic Signal c-s 43/8 27/16 8000Bum base down to horizontal

    75 WATTSA 1:l I unr 75A 120 120 Inside Frosted (11) CC6 47!ts 3'/B 750

    HIGH PERFORMANCE & VALUE75A 48PK 120 144. Inside Frosted. 48Pack (11) GG6 47/, 3'/s 75075A 48PK PM 120 144. Inside Frosted. 48-Pack (11) CC-6 41115 3'/8 750

    PRICE MARKED75A 125 120 Inside Frosted (11) CC-6 47116 3'/8 75075A 130 120 Inside Frosted (11) CC6 47/16 3' 8 75075A/W 48PK 120 144. Soft-White. 48Pack (11) CG6 47/, 6 3'/B 75075A/W 48PK PM 120 144. Soft-White. 48-Pack (11) CG6 47/16 3'i~ 7501.-. PRICE MARKED75A/WP 24PK 120 120 Longlile White. 24-Pack (11) CC-6 47/' 6 3'/s 150075A/WP 24PK PM 120 120 Longlile White. 24Pack (11) CG6 47"6 3'/8 1500PRICE MARKEDHIGH PERFORMANCE & VALUE-based on combined energy and lamp costs.

    Average over-all length . Standard package quantity is considered as 120 lamps in determining standard package count for "size 01 order" purposes.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    AMPS ., GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted,Std DESCRIPTION M. L. Avg. Approx.Filament o. c. RatedBulb Slliie Lamp Ordering Code Volls Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Design L . L . Li le lnltialQly, Footnotes-Pages 53-54) (Inches) (Inches (Hours) Lumens

    WATTS (Continued)A-19 Medium 75A/CL 120 120 Clear (11) CC-6 47/'6 3'/e 750 1190

    75A/CL 130 120 Clear (II) GG-6 47/16 3'/~ 750 1190f----- 75A/99 471 1 &..Medlum 120 120 Inside Frosted- GG-6 3'/B 2500 1000Extended Service (II )75A/99 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted- CC-6 47/16 31/a 2.500 1000

    ~ Extended Service. 24-Pack (11)75A/99 130 120 Inside Frosted- CC-S 47/16 31/B 2500 1000Extended Service (11)Medium 75A/DPK 24PK 1.20 120 Goloramic-Dawn Pink. CC-6 47/'ff .. . 1000 ...24-Pack (11)

    75A/DPK 24PK PM 120 . f20 Coloramic-Dawn Pink. CC-6 41/1ij .. . 1000 " .24-Pack (It)PRICE MARKED--75A/SKY 24PK 115-125 12.0 Coloramic-Sky Blue. CC6 47/16 " . 1000 ,. ,----- 24-Pack (11)75A/RX 115-125 120 Red-Exit L.ight (6,11) CC-6 471 ,6 31 /B 5000-+ ...-A-2t 75AIRS 120 120 Inside Frosted - Rough Service C-17 5'/4 3'31'6 1000 750v 75A/RS 24PK 12.0 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service, C-17 5'14 3'3/'6 1000 75024-Pack75A/RS 125-130 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service C-17 51/4 .313/18 1000 7501--- 3'3,,~5A/RS 24PK 125-130 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service. C-17 51/4 1000 75024-Pack75A/RSITF f-- -...Medium 24PK 120 120 Clear-Rough Service C-17 51/4 . -, 1000 . -,, , TUFF-SKIN. 24Pack (83), 75A/'RT 12PK 120 120 Clear- Rough Service. "Ruff-n' C-17 51/4 .. , 1000Tuff", TUFF-SKIN. 12-Pack (83)-- -- ._ - -Medium 75PARIFL 120 12 PAR - Projector Floodlight CC-5 5'/'8 ... 2000 765Skirted ,75PAR/FL 6PK 120 12 PAR - Projector Floodlight. 5- Pack CC-5 5 ~ / 1 6 2000 765_ ..- I-- --75PAR/FL 125;130 12 PA A - Projector Flood light CC6 55/'G ... 2000 76575PAA/SP 120 12 PAR - Projector Spotlight CC-6 5>/'6 .. 2000 76575PARISP 6PK 120 12 PAR - Projector Spotlight. 6- Pack CC-6 5'/16 .. . 2000 765, -----15PARISFl' 125-130 12 fA A - Projecto r Spotlight CC-6 5 '116 ,. 2000 76575PAR38/2FL 120 12 PAR-Cool-Beam-Floodlight. Use CC-6 5'/15 2000 900only in fixtures speclf lcal ly approvedfor Gool-Beam lamps. (14)75PAR38/2FL 125-130 12 PAR-Cool-Beam-Floodlighl. Use CG-6 S/,e ... 2000 900only in fixtures speci fically approved- for Cool-Beam lamps. (14)~ Medium 75PAR/3FL 120 12 PAR-Compact Projector Flood- CC-6 45/16 : 1000 765SIde Light. Support lamp by bulb rimProng or metal shell 01 base75PA.R/3SP 120 12 PAR-Compact Projector Spot- CC-6 45/16 ... 2000 75light_ Support lamp by bulb rimor metal shell of base- 3-Prong 75PAFl46/TS 120 12 PAR - Projeclor- Pedestrian CC-6 35116~ 6000 ., .

    .. _ .. _- - SignalR-3D Medium 75R30/FL 120 24 Reflector Floodlight CC-5 53/s , .. 2000 900FOR E NE R G Y SAVINGS .._ . C o n s id er 50 ER30 120 Voll.? 75R30/FL 6PK 120 24 . Reflector Floodlight. S-Pack eC-6 5Jle .. , 2000 90075R30lFL 125-130 Reflector Floodlight -GC-6 5jla 2000 9004 ,..~"'Medium 75R30 IL./ TF 120 24 Rafleclor Floodlight- Ce-6 5J/e ... 2000Medium

    TU_FF-SKIN (83) --- = 75R30lSP 1'20 24 Reflector Spotlight CC-6 53 /a ... 2000 900- - = -- _ . .75R30/SP 6PK 120 24 Ref lector Spotlight. 6-Pack CC-6 5aJs ,.. 2000 90075RJOISP 125-130 24 Reflector Spotlight CC-S 531s ... 2000 900-75R30/A 115-1'25 24 Reflector-Amber CC-6 53/e , .. 2000 _ ..75R30lB 115-125 24 Reflector-Blue CC-6 53/e " , 2000 ...75R30/B -6PK 115-125 24 Reflector-Blue, 6-Pack CC-6 53/8 .,. 2000 .. ---75R30/BW 115-125 24 Reflector-Blue-White CC-6 53 /a " . 2000 ,. -

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY. except as noted.

    INCANDESCENTLAMPStd. DESCRIPTION M . L. Avg AppFilament O. C. RatedBulb Base Lamp Ordering Code Volts Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Design L L. Life IniOty. Footnotes-Pages 53-54) Inches) Inches (Hours LUm

    75 WATTS (Continued)I [i-30 Medium 75R30/G 115-125 24 Reflector-Green 00-6 53/a .. 2000

    75R30/G 6PK 115-125 24 Reflector-Green. 6-Pack CC-6 53/s 2000. . . " " " ' " ' _ .. . ---' I i / 75A30/PK , 15-125 24 Reflector- Pink CC-6 5J/a .. . 2000 .75A30/R 115-125 24 Reflector-Red CC-6 53/a ... 2000 .75R20/R 6PK 115-125 24 Reflector-Red. 6-Pack CC-6 53/8 ... 2000 .75R30/Y 115-125 24 Reflector- Yellow CC-6 53/8 .. . 2000 .~..) 75R30/Y 6PK 115-125 24 Reflector-Yellow. 6-Pack CC-6 53/8 .. 2000 .-...Medlum 75R30/PL 6PK 120 24 Reflector Plant Light- CC-6 53/8 33/a 2000 ""Gro and Sho". 6-Pack (4.56)ER-30 Medium 75EA30 120 24 ElIlptlcal Rellector- CC-6 63/a 33{'6 2000 85r : ! Light Inside Frosted (4,35.56.62)75ER30 130 24 Elliptical Reflector- CC-6 63/a 33/18 2000 85() Light Inside Frosted (4.35,56,62)R-40 ~Medlum 75AfFL 120 24 Rellector Floodlight-I.F. (34) CC-6 69 /, 6 ... 2000

    FOR ENERGY SAVfNGS ... Consider 50ER30 120 Volt.75R/FL 125-130 24 Reflector Floodlighl-I.F. (34) CC-6 69/16 ... ~OOO .

    G40 75GM/W 6PK 120 24 White-Decorative-Moonglow. C-9 613l1s . . . 2500 86OLD: 75G40/W/F 6-Pack15G40/W 130 24 Whlle- Deco ralive C-9 613/'6 ... 2500 86c----.-- 75E17/TF/F Post light-InSide Frosted. CC-6 31/a17 12PK 115-125 120 5 4000

    --- TUFF-SKIN. 12-Pack (83)--T-l0 Medium 75Tl0{45 120 24 Clear-Showcase C-23 1Fls .. . 1000 .75T, 0/1 120 24 Inside Frosted-Showcase C-23 1Fls ... 1000 .---A-21 75A21 6 120 Inside Frosted (11.53) C-6 5'/4 313/16100075A21 12 120 Inside Frosted (11,53) C-6 5'/4 3'3/'5 1000 .-- --.-- PAR- Train-FloodlightPAR-38 Medium 75PAR/FL 30 12 C-6 55/'5 ... 1000 9Skrrted 75PAR/FL 36 12 PAR-Marine Floodlight- C-6 55/w 1000 ...

    --- Fishing Boat,,"PAR-46 Screw 75PAR46 48 12 PAR-Mine Locomotive Head- OC-2V 3 31 . ... 800Terminal l ight. Burn horizontal (71)

    jlrPAR-36 75PAR36/RS 75 12 PAR-Train Warning-Rough CC-6 23/. . , . 500 .Service

    A 21 Medium 75A21 230 120 Inside Frosted (11) C-7A 5 '1. 33/16 1000 .100 WATTSA-hI Medium ,100A 120 120 Inside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) CC-8 47/'6 31/s 750 17r J HIGH PERFORMANCE & VALUE100A 48PK 120 144. Inside Frosted-Bonus Line. GO-8 47/,s 3'/8 750 1748-Pack (46)100A 4BPK PM 120 144. Inside Frosted-Bonus Line. CC-8 47/15 31/6 750 1748-Pack (46) PRICE MARKED100A 125 120 Inside Frosted-Bonus Une (46) CC-8 47"5 3'/a 750 17

    100A 130 120 Inside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) CC-8 47/, 6 3'/s 750 17100A/W 48PK 120 144. Soft-White-Bonus Line. GC-8 47/, & . .. 750 1748-Pack. (46)100A/W 48PK PM 120 144. Sofl-White-Bonus Une. cc-e 47/15 . .. 750 17

    48-Pack. (46) PRICE MARKED100A/WP 24PK 120 120 Longlite White. 24-Pack. (46) CO-8 47/'6 .. . 1500 15100A1WP 24PK PM 120 120 Longlife White. 24-Pack. (46) CG-8 47"8 ... 1500 15PRIOE MARKED100AfCL 12.0 120 Clear-Bonus Line (46) CG-S 47 /, 6 31 /a 750 17100AfCL 24PK 120 120 Clear-Bonus Line. 24-Pack (46) eG-8 47/'e 3'/a 750 17100A/CL 130 120 Clear-Bonus Une (46) CG-8 41/1. 3'/E 750 17

    HIGH PERFORMANCE & VALUE-based on combined energy and lamp costs . Standard package quantity is considered as 120 lamps in determining standard package count for "size of order" purposes.ENERGY SAVING GE LAMPS shown on this page are printed in red.

  • 8/3/2019 GE 1979 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.

    Std. DESCRIPTION M . L Avg., Approx.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code Volts . Pkg. (See Incandescent Lamp Filament O . C . Rated InitialDesign L. L. Lilealy. Footnotes-Pages 53-54) (Inches) Inches) (Hours Lumens0 WATTS (Continued)-19 ~Medlum 100AI99 120 120 Inside Frosted- CC-8 47 /,6 3'/0 2500 1490Extended Service (46)

    100A/99 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted- cc-a 4 71 1 6 3'/s 2500 1490Extended Service. 24-Pack (46)100A/99 13 0 120 Inside Frosted- CC-8 471t6 3'/8 2500 1490_ - Ex1ended Service (46)- 100AILHT Inside Frosted- CC-8 4 71 1 6 3'/8 750 1750Left- 120 120

    Hand Left-hand threaded base (11)Me_dlum 100A/LHT 130 120 Inside Frosted- CC-8 .4 71 1 6 3'18 750 1750left-hand threaded base (11)A-21 Medium 100A21 120 120 Inside Frosted (11) CC-6 5 ' f 4 37/8 750 1690

    1DOA21 125 120 Inside Frosted (11) CC-6 5'/4 37/8 750 1690IOOA21 130 120 Inside Frosted (11) CC-6 5 ' / 4 37/a 750 1690

    ~Med,um 100A21/TF 115-125 120 Clear- TUFF-SKIN (83) CC-6 5'/4 .. . 750 . ..--100A21/99 120 120 Inside Frosted- CC-6 5'/4 37/a 2500 1440Extended Service (II)100A21/99 130 120 Inside Frosted- CC-6 5'/4 37/8 2500 1440f---- Extended Service (11)

    Medium 100A/RS 120 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service C-17 5'/4 3'3116 1000 1260(11 )100A/RS 24PK 120 120 Inside Frosted-Rough Service. C-17 5'/4 3 ,31 ,6 1000 126024-Pack (11)100A/RS 125-130 120 Inside Frosted- Rough Service G-17 5'1. 3"/16 1000 1260(11)100A/RS 24PK 125-130 120 Inside Frosted- Rough Service. G-17 51/4 313/t e 1000 126024-Pack (11)

    ~Medluf1) lOOA/RS/TF 115-125 120 Clear-Rough Service. C-17 5 ' f 4 ... 1000 .' .TUFF-SKIN (a3)Medium 100A/el/RS 24PK 120 120 Clear-Rough Service. 24-PacK C-17 5'/. 313/'6 1000 ...(11 )

    100A/el/RS 24PK 125-130 120 Clear-Rough Service. 24-Pack C-17 5'/4 31311 6 1000 ...(11 )--_ Inside Frosted-Vibration Serv- C-9 515/16 47/'6 1000-23 100A23fVS 24PK 120 120 1340ice. 24-Pack (12)100A23/VS 24PK 125-130 120 Inside Frosted - Vibration Serv- C-9 5'.5/'6 47/'6 1000 1340ice. 24-Pack (12)

    . 100AlD 115-125 120 Inside Frosted-Daylight (11) CG-S 51511s 41/' 5 750 910A-2i 100A/1SBIF 120 120 Inside Frosted-Silvered Bowl CC-6 Sif4 37/0 1000 ., .

    i11.28)100A21/SB 120 120 Clear-Silvered Bowl CC-6 5'1. 37/s 1000 I- (11.28)A-23 lDOA/SB 120 120 Inside Frosted-Silvered Bowl CC-6 5,5/'6 47/,~ 750 1470(11.28)

    A-19 100A/Y 24PK 115-125 120 Yellow-Bug-Llte. 24-Pack (11,49) CC-8 47/16 ... 1000 1010100AIY 24PK PM 115-125 120 Yellow-Bug-Lite. 24-Pack (11,49) cc-e 47 /' 6 ... 1000 1010PRICE MARKED100A{Y 24PK 130 120 Yellow-Bug-Ute. 24- Pack (11 ,49) CC-8 47f ,s - .. 1000 1010~A-21 10