gears calculation

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  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation


    1 Gears Calculation

    Module 2mm

    Facewidth 20mm

    2 Gear 1

    2.1.1 Guide

    Design Guide - Center Distance

    Unit Corrections Guide - User

    Type of Load Calculation - Torue calculation for the speci!ed power and speed

    Type of "trength Calculation - Chec# Calculation

    Method of "trength Calculation - $"% &''&()**&

    2.1.2 Common Parameters

    Gear +atio i ),0000 ul

    Desired Gear +atio iin ),0000 ul

    Module m 2,000 mm

    eli. /ngle 0,0000 deg

    1ressure /ngle 20,0000 deg

    Center Distance aw &3,'0' mm

    1roduct Center Distance a &3,000 mm

    Total Unit Correction 4. 0,)532 ul

    Circular 1itch p &,26' mm

    7ase Circular 1itch pt8 5,*03 mm

    %perating 1ressure /ngle w 20,92*) deg

    Contact +atio : ),&2&5 ul

    Limit De;iation of /.is 1arallelity f . 0,0))0 mm

  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation


    Limit De;iation of /.is 1arallelity f y 0,0055 mm

    2.1.3 Gears

    Gear ) Gear 2

    Type of model Component Component

    or# 1itch Diameter dw &3,'0' mm &3,'0' mm

    Facewidth 8 20,000 mm 20,000 mm

    Facewidth +atio 8r 0,')25 ul 0,')25 ul

    /ddendum a? ),0000 ul ),0000 ul

    Clearance c? 0,2500 ul 0,2500 ul

    +oot Fillet rf? 0,'500 ul 0,'500 ul

    Tooth Thic#ness s ',)32 mm ','&& mm

    Tangential Tooth Thic#ness st ',)32 mm ','&& mm

    Chordal Thic#ness tc 2,993 mm 2,*92 mm

    Chordal /ddendum ac ),3*0 mm ),9&2 mm

    Chordal Dimension > 2),5&) mm 2),992 mm

    Chordal Dimension Teeth =w 3,000 ul 3,000 ul

    Dimension %;er @7etweenA >ires M &6,*62 mm &*,503 mm

    >ire Diameter dM ',500 mm ',500 mm

    Limit De;iation of eli. /ngle F 0,0))0 mm 0,0))0 mm

    Limit Circumferential +un-out Fr 0,02)0 mm 0,02)0 mm

  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation


    Limit De;iation of /.ial 1itch f pt 0,0095 mm 0,0095 mm

    Limit De;iation of 7asic 1itch f p8 0,0090 mm 0,0090 mm


  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation


    Circumferential "peed ; ','5) mps

    +esonance "peed n) )5**0,30* rpm

    2.1.5 Material

    Gear ) Gear 2

    User material User material

    Ultimate Tensile "trength "u 900 M1a 900 M1a

    ield "trength "y '30 M1a '30 M1a

    Modulus of lasticity 20&000 M1a 20&000 M1a

    1oissons +atio H 0,'00 ul 0,'00 ul

    7ending Fatigue Limit IFlim '52,0 M1a '52,0 M1a

    Contact Fatigue Limit Ilim ))30,0 M1a ))30,0 M1a

    ardness in Tooth Core JB 2)0 ul 2)0 ul

    ardness in Tooth "ide BB &00 ul &00 ul


  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation

    5/21 Factors for Contact

    lasticity Factor )6*,6)2 ul

    one Factor 2,33& ul

    Contact +atio Factor : 0,66* ul

    "ingle 1air Tooth Contact Factor 7 ),006 ul ),002 ul

    Life Factor < ),000 ul ),000 ul

    Lu8ricant Factor L 0,*&2 ul

    +oughness Factor + ),000 ul

    "peed Factor ; 0,*&6 ul

    eli. /ngle Factor ),000 ul

    "i=e Factor N ),000 ul ),000 ul

    >or# ardening Factor > ),000 ul Factors for Bending

    Form Factor Fa 2,506 ul 2,'&' ul

    "tress Correction Factor "a ),&50 ul ),92' ul

    Teeth with Grinding

  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation


    "tatic "afety in Contact "st ),&*9 ul ),909 ul

    "tatic "afety in 7ending "Fst )2,962 ul )2,**2 ul

    Chec# Calculation Positive

    3 Gear 2

    3.1.1 Guide

    Design Guide - Module and

  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation


    3.1.3 Gears

    Gear ) Gear 2

    Type of model Component Component

  • 8/9/2019 Gears Calculation


    Limit De;iation of 7asic 1itch f p8 0,00&& mm 0,0090 mm

    Birtual 0,*60 #>

    "peed n )000,00 rpm ''6,9) rpm

    Torue T *,53* < m 29,&2* < m

    ciency E 0,*60 ul

    +adial Force Fr )&2,&&6