gender perceptions on contraception among couples of childbearing age in jatinangor, sumedang

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  • 8/18/2019 Gender Perceptions on Contraception Among Couples of Childbearing Age in Jatinangor, Sumedang






    Dea Natalia1, Dini Pusianawati

    2, Irvan Afriandi

    1Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran,

    2Dept. of Obstetric and

    Gynecology, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, 3Dept. of Public Health, Faculty of

    Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

    1.  Dea Natalia

    Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

    Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21

    Jatinangor, Sumedang, IndonesiaTelepon: +62 81519173322

    Email: [email protected]

    2.  Dini Pusianawati, dr., SpOG(K)

    Department of Obstetric and Gynecology

    Hasan Sadikin General HospitalJalan Pasteur No.38

    Bandung, IndonesiaTelepon: +62 811225795

    Email: [email protected]

    3.  #$%&' ()$*&'+*, +$-, .$- /0 

    Department of Public Health

    Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

    Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21

    Jatinangor, Sumedang, Indonesia

    Telepon: +62 81320395588

    Email: [email protected] 

  • 8/18/2019 Gender Perceptions on Contraception Among Couples of Childbearing Age in Jatinangor, Sumedang




    Background. Contraception use among couples of childbearing age is an

    important part of family planning. Gender differences on family planning areshown by lack of male participants in contraception use. Studies showed that

     perception is one of the factors that influence one’s participation in various

    subjects. In this study, knowledge and perception level between males andfemales among couples of childbearing age were compared to see whether there

    were significant differences between the two.

    Method. A quantitative cross-sectional analytic survey was conducted using an

    interviewer-administered questionnaire on knowledge and perception about

    contraception. 154 respondents or 77 couples of childbearing age were recruited

    to participate from 12 villages in Jatinangor district, Sumedang, with multistage

    sampling method from September-November 2014. Analysis of knowledge and perception levels was done with SPSS Statistical 20.

    Results. Contraception use among females was high (74.02% from total female

    respondents, 37.01% from total respondents) while use among males wasconsiderably lower, only 2.59% from total male respondents or 1.29% from total

    respondents. Mean knowledge and perception scores were higher in females ascompared to the males. Certain differences between males and females are noted

    (Knowledge on IUD p

  • 8/18/2019 Gender Perceptions on Contraception Among Couples of Childbearing Age in Jatinangor, Sumedang




    Latar Belakang. Penggunaan alat kontrasepsi di kalangan pasangan usia subur

    adalah bagian penting dalam program keluarga berencana. Ketimpangan genderdalam program keluarga berencana ditunjukkan oleh rendahnya partisipasi priadalam penggunaan alat kontrasepsi. Penelitian menunjukkan persepsi adalah salah

    satu faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi seseorang dalam berbagai kegiatan.Dalam penelitian ini, pengetahuan dan persepsi pria dan wanita mengenai alat

    kontrasepsi di kalangan pasangan usia subur dibandingkan untuk melihat adanya perbedaan yang signifikan diantara keduanya 

    Metode, Survei analitik kuantitatif potong lintang dilaksanakan dengan kuesioner

    tentang pengetahuan dan persepsi mengenai alat kontrasepsi. Sampel sebanyak

    154 responden atau 77 pasangan usia subur diperoleh dari 12 desa di kecamatan

    Jatinangor, Sumedang, dengan metode sampling gugus bertahap pada September- November 2014. Analisa pengetahuan dan persepsi dilakukan denganmenggunakan SPSS Statistical 20.

    Hasil. Tingkat penggunaan alat kontrasepsi pada wanita tinggi (74.02% dari total

    responden wanita, 37.01% dari total responden) sedangkan tingkat penggunaan pada pria lebih rendah, hanya 2.59% dari total responden pria atau 1.29% dari

    total responden. Rata-rata nilai pengetahuan dan persepsi lebih tinggi pada wanita

    dibandingkan dengan pria. Perbedaan pada nilai antara pria dan wanita terlihat

     pada pengetahuan mengenai IUD (p

  • 8/18/2019 Gender Perceptions on Contraception Among Couples of Childbearing Age in Jatinangor, Sumedang




    Family planning in Indonesia is taken into account by Badan Kependudukan dan

    Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN). Originally, family planning was

    directed more on demographical aspect with focus on decreasing fertility and

     population rate. However, ever since International Conference on Population and

    Development (ICPD) 1994 took place, there was a change of paradigm in family

     planning, focusing more on reproductive rights and gender equality1.

    Contraception is expected to be used both by male and female spouses of

    couple of childbearing age. Ideally, the use of contraception should be a shared

    responsibility2. However, as reported by BKKBN Bandung and Unit Pelaksana

    Teknis Badan Keluarga Berencana (UPTB KB) Jatinangor, contraception use was

    still dominated by female participants3. This condition highlighted the fact that

    there were gender differences regarding contraception use.

    Gender differences in contraception use is furthermore elaborated in other

    studies. One study discussed that one of the reason there was lack of male

    contraception use is because there is a tradition or habit in the community to

    delegate the task of family planning to the women4. A previous study also showed

    gender bias in terms of contraception use among couples of childbearing age. One

    of the factors discussed in the study was gender ideology, in which contraception

    use is regarded as one of women’s roles in the community5. These gender

    discrepancies cause inequalities in terms of reproductive rights and health,

    especially for women. An increase of participation in contraception use by men is

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    necessary to elevate reproductive health both in women and men, gender equality,

    and subsequently, increased quality of contraception providers6


    Knowledge is related to perception. Better understanding of certain

    subjects would cause people to have more readiness to accept it. This notion is

    often referred to as perceptual set. Basically, it is the tendency to perceive or

    notice some aspects of the available sense data and ignore others. Liew summed

    up that knowledge is a mixture of data and information acquired by an individual,

    involves the belief and experiences of the individual and strongly tied to one’s


    Meanwhile, perception is the process by which organism interpret and

    organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world8. In other

    words, perception is defined as an act of being aware of one’s environment, which

    denotes an individual’s ability to understand. Thus, perception explains why

    certain person acts or behaves in a different way from other person and interprets

    stimuli differently although it was experienced similarly9. Studies showed that

     perception is one of the factors that influence one’s participation in various

    subjects10, 11. Thus, it can be inferred that higher level of participation is related to

    higher level of knowledge and overall better perception.

    The aim of the study presented in this article was to compare knowledge

    about and perceptions of contraception between males and females among couples

    of childbearing age in Jatinangor, Sumedang, to see whether there were

    significant differences between the two.

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    This study was designed as a cross sectional, observational survey. The Health

    Research Ethics Committee Universitas Padjadjaran approved this study in

    September 5th, 2014 (No. 285/UN6.C2.1.2/KEPK/PN/2014). Before the

    questionnaires were given, a written informed consent form regarding the method,

     purpose, and meaning of this survey was provided to the respondents. If the

    respondents wished to take part in the survey, they were asked to affix their

    signatures on the page. Written informed consent forms were obtained from all

    respondents prior to the investigation.

    Subjects of the study

    The criteria for eligible participants were as follows: (1) couples of childbearing

    age with the female aged 15 to 49 years, (2) residing at one out of 12 villages in

    Jatinangor, and (3) can provide written informed consent. The excluding criteria

    were: (1) the inability to be contacted by interviewer and (2) failure to finish

    answering the study questionnaire.

    Sampling strategy

    12 administrative zones were each selected out of the 12 villages in Jatinangor

    district, Sumedang from September to October 2014. One community was

    randomly selected from each zone. Subjects were randomly recruited from each

    community. Respondents following the research was up to 166 individuals, or 83

    couples of childbearing age; with 77 couples fulfilled inclusion criteria, passing

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    the 38 couples minimum samples criteria; while 6 couples either decline to

    continue their participation in this study or unable to finish answering the


    Statistical methods

    A questionnaire, prepared in the Indonesian language, was administered to each

    study participant after previously validated using statistical software SPSS version

    20, with a total of 58 questions on knowledge and 70 questions on perceptions.

    This questionnaire sought to obtain information on socio-demographic

    characteristics, knowledge and perceptions on various contraception. Knowledge

    was scored with Guttman scale while perception was scored with Likert scale.

    To test the statistical significance between groups, Wilcoxon signed-rank

    test was used for measurement variables and chi-square test was used for

    categorical variables. The inclusion P value was 0.05. Statistical software SPSS

    version 20 was utilized to perform the statistical analyses.


    Table 1 shows the demographic of the respondents. A total of 77 couples or 154

    respondents were examined. The majority of male respondents age was 36-49

    years old, while the females’ was mostly 21-35 years old. Both male and female

    respondents had mostly completed their education up to senior high level,

    however there were still female respondents who did not graduate from primary

    school. Most male respondents were employed as private employees, while the

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    female respondents were mostly formally unemployed. The average monthly

    income of the couples of childbearing age was less than 1 million rupiahs, which

    was lower than Sumedang district Minimum Wage Standard of 1,735 million

    rupiahs. Regarding the age at which the male and female respondents were first

    married; the male respondents were mostly married at age 21-35 years old, while

    the females were mostly married under 21 years of age. Almost all respondents

    are in their first marriage, with only 4 men and 3 women stating that the marriage

    they are currently in is not their first marriage.

    Table 2 shows the types of contraception known and ever used by the

    respondents. Injectables was the type of contraception commonly known

    (94.15%), followed by pills (82.46%), while the least commonly known

    contraception was the rhythm (calendar) method (3.89%). The proportion of the

    type of contraception most commonly used reflected the type of contraception

    known. The most commonly used type of contraception by the female

    respondents was injectables (29.87%), followed by pill (14.28%). Meanwhile,

    only 2 respondents out of 77 male respondents were using contraception. The type

    of contraception used by the male respondents was vasectomy. It was also

    observed that there were still respondents who were not using contraception,

    consisting of 20 female respondents (25.97%) and 75 male respondents (97.40%),

    adding up to 95 respondents or about 61.68% of total respondents.

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    Table.1 Socio-demographic Characteristics

    Male (n=77) Female (n=77) Total (n=154)

    Age (years)

    ! 20 - 2 (2.59%) 2 (1.29%)

    21-35 28 (36.36%) 41 (53.24%) 69 (44.80%)

    36-49 44 (57.12%) 34 (44.15%) 78 (50.64%)

    " 50 5 (6.49%) - 5 (3.24%)

    Highest education level

     part primary - 2 (2.59%) 2 (1.29%)

    completed primary 20 (25.97%) 11 (14.28%) 31 (20.12%)

    completed junior high 21 (27.27%) 30 (38.96%) 51 (33.11%)

    completed senior high 31 (40.25%) 32 (41.55%) 63 (40.90%)

     bachelor degree and higher 5 (6.49%) 2 (2.59%) 7 (4.54%)

    Employment status

    labor 10 (12.98%) 1 (1.29%) 11 (7.14%)

    farmer 8 (10.38%) - 8 (5.19%)

    government employee 3 (3.89%) 1 (1.29%) 4 (2.59%)

     private employee 31 (40.25%) 8 (10.38%) 39 (25.32%)

    entrepreneur 23 (29.87%) 5 (6.49%) 28 (18.18%)

    unemployed 2 (2.59%) 62 (80.51%) 64 (41.55%)

    Monthly income

    < 1 million rupiahs 38 (49.35%) 38 (49.35%) 76 (49.35%)

    1 – 3 million rupiahs 33 (42.85%) 28 (36.36%) 61 (39.61%)

    > 3 million rupiahs 6 (7.79%) 11 (14.28%) 17 (11.03%)

    Age at first marriage (years)

    ! 20 8 (10.38%) 46 (59.74%) 54 (35.06%)

    21-35 67 (87.01%) 31 (40.25%) 98 (63.63%)

    36-49 1 (1.29%) - 1 (0.64%)

    " 50 - - -

    unspecified 1 (1.29%) - 1 (0.64%)

    Number of previous marriages

    0 73 (94.80%) 74 (96.10%) 147 (95.45%)

    " 1 4 (5.19%) 3 (3.89%)

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    Table.2 Types of Contraception Known and Used

    Male (n=77) Female (n=77) Total (n=154)

    Contraception Known

    injectables 70 (90.90%) 75 (97.40%) 145 (94.15%)

     pill 63 (81.81%) 64 (83.11%) 127 (82.46%)

    implant 37 (48.05%) 49 (63.63%) 86 (55.84%)

    IUD 36 (46.75%) 52 (67.53%) 88 (57.14%)

    tubal ligation 15 (19.48%) 29 (37.66%) 44 (28.57%)

    vasectomy 14 (18.18%) 24 (31.16%) 38 (24.67%)

    rhythm/calendar method 5 (6.49%) 1 (1.29%) 6 (3.89%)

    withdrawal method 8 (10.38%) 3 (3.89%) 11 (7.14%)

    condom 37 (48.05%) 39 (50.64%) 76 (49.35%)

    others 1 (1.29%) - 1 (0.64%)

    Current Contraception Use

    injectables - 23 (29.87%) 23 (14.93%)

     pill - 11 (14.28%) 11 (7.14%)

    implant - 4 (5.19%) 4 (2.59%)

    IUD - 7 (9.09%) 7 (4.54%)

    tubal ligation - 5 (6.49%) 5 (3.24%)

    vasectomy 2 (2.59%) - 2 (1.29%)

    rhythm/calendar method - - -

    withdrawal method - - -

    condom - - -

    others/unspecified - 7 (9.09%) 7 (4.54%)

    not using contraception 75 (97.40%) 20 (25.97%) 95 (61.68%)

    Table 3 presents the findings on contraception knowledge among the couples.

    Compared with the female respondents, the male respondents generally had lower

    mean score on knowledge, except on knowledge on condom (3.51 vs. 3.31).

    Statistical test for knowledge difference on IUDs elicit a statistically significant

    result (Z = -3.609, p < 0.001). Median knowledge rating for males was 4 and for

    females was 5.

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    Table.3 Knowledge on Contraception

    Male Female Statistics


    maximum (6) 6 6 Z = -0.930

    minimum 0 0 p = 0.35

    mean ± SD 3.51 ± 1.984 3.31 ± 1.948

    median ± IQR 4 ± 3 4 ± 3


    maximum (3) 3 3 Z = -1.550

    minimum 0 0 p = 0.12

    mean ± SD 0.71 ± 0.998 0.91 ± 1.041

    median ± IQR 0 ± 2 0 ± 2

    Tubal Ligation

    maximum (5) 5 4 Z = -1.425

    minimum 0 0 p = 0.15

    mean ± SD 1.27 ± 1.699 1.58 ± 1.641

    median ± IQR 0 ± 3 1 ± 3


    maximum (10) 10 10 Z = -1.110

    minimum 0 0 p = 0.26

    mean ± SD 5.09 ± 3.208 5.38 ± 2.734

    median ± IQR 5 ± 5 5 ± 4


    maximum (12) 12 12 Z = -1.853

    minimum 0 1 p = 0.06

    mean ± SD 5.09 ± 3.297 5.61 ± 2.691

    median ± IQR 4 ± 5 6 ± 4

    Traditional (rhythm/calendar method, withdrawal method) 

    maximum (7) 7 7 Z = -1.609

    minimum 0 0 p = 0.10

    mean ± SD 3.22 ± 2.674 3.74 ± 2.707

    median ± IQR 3 ± 6 4 ± 6


    maximum (10) 10 10 Z = -3.609

    minimum 0 0 p < 0.001

    mean ± SD 3.18 ± 2.905 4.40 ± 2.988

    median ± IQR 4 ± 5 5 ± 4


    maximum (5) 5 5 Z = -1.703

    minimum 0 0 p = 0.08

    mean ± SD 2.16 ± 1.885 2.57 ± 1.705

    median ± IQR 2 ± 4 3 ± 3

    * maximum score of each category is determined by maximum number of questions on each category

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    Table.4 Likelihood of Having Knowledge on ContraceptionYes No Crude OR 95% CI Statistics

    Condom p = 0.74Female 39 38 1.00

    Male 37 40 0.901 (0.479, 1.696)

    Vasectomy p = 0.062

    Female 24 53 1.00

    Male 14 63 0.491 (0.231, 1.043)

    Tubal Ligation p = 0.013

    Female 29 48 1.00

    Male 15 62 0.400 (0.193, 0.830)*

    Injection p = 0.086

    Female 75 2 1.00

    Male 70 7 0.267 (0.054, 1.327)

    Pill p = 0.832Female 64 13 1.00

    Male 63 14 0.914 (0.398, 2.099)

    Rhythm (Calendar) Method p = 0.096

    Female 1 76 1.00

    Male 5 72 5.278 (0.602, 46.275)

    Withdrawal Method p = 0.118

    Female 3 74 1.00

    Male 8 69 2.860 (0.729, 11.219)

    IUD p = 0.009

    Female 52 25 1.00

    Male 36 41 0.422 (0.219, 0.812)*

    Implant p = 0.051

    Female 49 28 1.00

    Male 37 40 0.529 (0.277, 1.007)

    Table 4 shows significance on knowledge about contraception on couples of

    childbearing age. Generally, women were significantly having more knowledge

    on tubal ligation and IUD.

    Table 5 presents the findings on perception score among the couples.

    Compared with the female respondents, the male respondents generally had lower

     perception score, except regarding IUD (18.26 vs. 18.04). Statistical test for

     perception difference on Tubal Ligation elicit a statistically significant result (Z =

    -2.888, p = 0.004). Median perception rating for males was 22 and for females

    was 25.

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    Table.5 Perception on Contraception

    Male Female Statistics


    maximum (60) 58 59 Z = -0.026

    minimum (10) 10 10 p = 0.97

    mean ± SD 28.99 ± 10.083 29.97 ± 11.574

    median ± IQR 26 ± 15.50 27 ± 16.50


    maximum (30) 30 30 Z = -0.841

    minimum (5) 5 5 p = 0.40

    mean ± SD 16.53 ± 6.684 17.53 ± 6.088

    median ± IQR 16 ± 11 18 ± 10

    Tubal Ligation

    maximum (42) 42 42 Z = -2.888

    minimum (7) 7 9 p = 0.004

    mean ± SD 22.38 ± 8.766 25.32 ± 8.136

    median ± IQR 22 ± 14 25 ± 11.50


    maximum (36) 35 36 Z = -0.761

    minimum (6) 8 9 p = 0.44

    mean ± SD 21.06 ± 5.327 21.87 ± 5.865

    median ± IQR 21 ± 6 21 ± 7


    maximum (36) 36 36 Z = -1.392

    minimum (6) 10 10 p = 0.16

    mean ± SD 24.90 ± 5.801 26.01 ± 5.454

    median ± IQR 25 ± 8 26 ± 7

    Traditional (rhythm/calendar method, withdrawal method) 

    maximum (30) 30 30 Z = -0.285

    minimum (5) 5 5 p = 0.776

    mean ± SD 18.05 ± 6.200 18.32 ± 6.233

    median ± IQR 19 ± 9.50 19 ± 9


    maximum (30) 30 30 Z = -0.446

    minimum (5) 5 5 p = 0.656

    mean ± SD 18.26 ± 5.807 18.04 ± 6.101

    median ± IQR 20 ± 8 16 ± 9


    maximum (24) 24 24 Z = -0.519

    minimum (4) 4 8 p = 0.60

    mean ± SD 15.90 ± 4.558 16.53 ± 4.521

    median ± IQR16 ± 7 17 ± 6

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    Social Norms

    maximum (90) 78 79 Z = -1.227

    minimum (15) 41 46 p = 0.22

    mean ± SD 59.90 ± 8.210 61.01 ± 8.212

    median ± IQR 60 ± 13 61 ± 12


    maximum (42) 42 41 Z = -1.474

    minimum (7) 12 12 p = 0.141

    mean ± SD 30.01 ± 5.243 30.69 ± 5.413

    median ± IQR 30 ± 4.50 32 ± 4

    * maximum score is determined by maximum number of questions on each category

    Table.6 Likelihood of Participation in Contraception UseYes No Crude OR 95% CI Statistics

    Participation p < 0.001

    Female 57 20 1.00

    Male 2 75 0.009 (0.002, 0.042)

    Table 6 shows significance on participation on contraception among couples of

    childbearing age. Generally, women were significantly more likely to use

    contraception than men.


    Findings show that the female respondents are younger, being married at earlier

    age, and mostly unemployed. Considering the average of monthly income of the

    respondents in this study, most of the couples in this study were of lower

    socioeconomic status. The most commonly known and used type of contraception

     by the respondents was injection, followed by pills. This trend in knowledge on

    contraception and contraceptive use is consistent with those reported in

    Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012. The number of

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    respondents. However, results show that there is lack of significant differences

    regarding knowledge and perception level between the male and female


    The lack of differences in perceptions might be explained by the fact that

    male respondents were more indifferent about contraception use, leading to a

    ‘yes’ attitude regarding the option of female contraception available for his

    spouse, as long as his spouse experienced no adverse effect while using the


    On the other hand, lack of significant differences on knowledge and

     perceptions between male and female respondents may indicate that indeed the

    knowledge and perceptions about contraception of male respondents are similar to

    that of the female’s. This may imply increased concern about contraception from

    the male respondents. However, due to the substantial gap between the number of

    men showing positive perceptions about contraception and the number of men

    actually using contraception, this study could not explain why male participation

    level regarding contraception was still low. Although, when compared, the

    likelihood of men to use contraception was also much lower than women.

    Future efforts must focus on further increasing both men’s and women’s

    knowledge about contraception, as mean knowledge score for both men and

    women were still less than 50% of total attainable score, except for condom,

    injection, traditional method (rhythm and withdrawal method), and implant. The

    objective of this effort was to prepare the couples to make a fully informed

    method choice. The high number of couples of childbearing age with risk of

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    having high-risk pregnancy highlight the need for further improved family

     planning counseling for all couples, especially about safe, effective, and long-term

    contraceptive options, such as IUD and tubal ligation.


    There were no significant differences on knowledge and perceptions between

    male and female respondents regarding contraception, except on knowledge about

    IUD and perceptions about tubal ligation. The overall mean score for knowledge

    for both men and women were lower than 50% of the attainable score; with the

    women being more likely to score higher than men. Meanwhile, perception score

    of both men and women were similarly quite high. Relating to participation in

    contraception use, it was found that women were more likely to use contraception

    compared to men.

  • 8/18/2019 Gender Perceptions on Contraception Among Couples of Childbearing Age in Jatinangor, Sumedang




    "- :&;$*& ?@'+@$ +&A&B C@=@D&;&' E@F$G+>H=*- #'I JCCJK//?+/C/, @+*;G$- L&H&$;&I JCCJKM 1994-

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