gender &policies - nudrat mufti


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Page 1: GENDER &POLICIES  - Nudrat Mufti

Women Rights' Legislation In Pakistan and Women Empowerment

Nudrat Mufti

Page 2: GENDER &POLICIES  - Nudrat Mufti

Self-Presentation in Professional Life

Self Grooming Professional Life And Its Importance

Professional Attitude Mindset

Professional Success

Professional Appearances,

Visual Appeal

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Self Assessment- Evaluate Your Priority














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Interpersonal and Official Communication

Office Communication

Conversational Language,

None Verbal

Tone Of Voice

Email Expression

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Women Empowerment

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Unlawful Discrimination

The Integrity Of The Employment Relationship

Compromises Equal Employment Opportunity

Debilitates Morale

Interferes With Work Productivity

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All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights

Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment

Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work

Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection

Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life.


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Protection Law And Legal Rights Available Professional Sphere

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Internal And External Laws






International Codes

Islamic laws

Constitution of Pakistan




By laws


Institutional Mechanisms


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Constitution of Pakistan ARTICLE 263 Gender and number. ARTICLE 25Equality of citizens. ARTICLE 26. Non-discrimination in respect of

access to public places.ARTICLE 27. Safeguard against discrimination

in services.ARTICLE 37 Promotion of social justice and

eradication of social evils.ARTICLE 34 Full participation of women in

national life.

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Women's Action Forum (Waf). Dar-Ul-Amans (Shelters For Women) Women's Concerns In The Planning Process. Set Up Women's Police Stations, Courts Ministry Of Women's Development (Mwd) Established Women's

Studies Centers At Five Universities In Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, And Lahore In 1989

The First Women Bank The Social Action Program The 16 Goals Listed In The Pakistan 2010 Program (1997) The Country's First All-Women University, Named After

Fatima Jinnah Establishing Helplines And Offices In The Districts Of Sukkur,

Jacobabad, Larkana And Khairpur. Etc

Women Empowerment In Pakistan

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Pakistan Women's Rights Committee. Establishment Of The Women's Division In The Cabinet Secretariat, Chapter On Women In Development Was Included For The First Time In The

Sixth Plan. Majlis-E-Shoora (Federal Advisory Council) Inducted 20 Women As Members, 96 Day Period Of Waiting (Iddat), Women Rights' Legislation And Empowerment In Pakistan And Commended

By Human Rights Commission Of Pakistan And On International Level. On 29 January 2010 The President Signed The 'Protection Against

Harassment Of Women At Workplace Bill 2009' Two Additional Bills Were Signed Into Law By The President In December

2012 Criminalizing The Primitive Practices Of Vani, Watta-Satta, Swara And Marriage To Holy Quran

Punishment For Acid Throwing To Life Imprisonment. National Commission On Status Of Women Etc.

Women Rights' Legislation In Pakistan

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Internal Structures Within The OrganizationBroadly, a Human Resource Policy should include policies on

Personnel Finance Administration

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Personal Policies/By Laws

Employee Benefit PolicyRecruitment PolicyPerformance Evaluation PolicyGender PolicySexual Harassment PolicyGrievance Settlement Policy Disciplinary Action Policy Conflict of Interest PolicyETC

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“Working Women Benefits” Discriminating against an individual with regard to terms and

conditions of employment Treating an individual differently. Calling another by an unwanted nickname which refers to one or

more of the above characteristics, or telling ethnic jokes which harass an employee or create a hostile work environment.

Using derogatory references regarding any of the above characteristics in any job-related communication.

Engaging in threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts, in the workplace, based on the foregoing classifications.

Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

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How to Approach for a Job

Professional Life

Job interview

Professional Resume and Cover


Identification of Job


Personal action and Professional action
