gender-responsive policing: nepal police and survivors of gender-based violence

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  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence



    Nepal Police and Survivors ofGender-Based Violence

    Karina VealSenior Social Sector Specialist, SARD

    18 November 2014

    The views expressed in this presentation are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian

    Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the governments they represent ADB does not guarantee the accuracy

    of the data included in this presentation and accepts no responsi!ility for any conse"uence of their use The countries listed in this paper

    do not imply any view on ADB#s part as to sovereignty or independent status or necessarily conform to ADB#s terminology

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    WCSC Project

    Aitional !inancin" # 1$ ne% istrictsD&'D( )*,200,000

    +DC&( )*00,000AS&( )$00,000

    -ri"inal Project # $ istricts.&PR( )/$0,000D&'D( )1$,000

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    'nte"rate approac e"al Protection

    S3pport Services

    Preventive campai"ns

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    Counr! Percena"e of

    #o$en in Police

    Counr! Percena"e of

    #o$en in Police

    C%ile 11* Ban"lades% *$

    Nicara"ua 2/4 Guae$ala 111

    &f"%anisan 0 Sri Lan'a $*

    India 55 Nor#a! *1

    Nepal ()* &usralia 244

    Pa'isan 04 Ne%erland 28

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    +ener6responsive Policin"+RP !oc3ses on police re!orms ens3rin"

    tat te principles o! "ener e73alit aresstematicall inte"rate tro3"o3t allpolice proce3res, protocols, r3les anre"3lations, rein!orce tro3" "enersensitive trainin"s an evelopin"

    monitorin" an eval3ation tools !orassessin" tese meas3res

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    S3pport Services

    evels o! +9: are i" in Nepal

    &or cilren, inter"enerational an irect

    Conse73ences are severe

    'n!rin"ement o! %omen;s 3man ri"ts

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    Preventive Strate"ies

    Comm3nit cons3ltations

    A%areness campai"ns

    93il comm3nit net%or

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    'mpact StatementRe3ce te v3lnerabilit an elplessness o!

    %omen an cilren in Nepal b proviin"pro!essional an coorinate protection anassistance to %omen an cil victims o!

    rape, omestic violence, pol"am, alle"e%itccra!t, cil ab3se, cil marria"e antra!!ic

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    -3tp3ts=i> -3tp3t 1( Civil societ cons3ltations prior to establisin"


    =ii> -3tp3t 2 ?stablise te central WCSC in @atman3 an20 WCSCs in istricts o! Nepal

    =iii> -3tp3t * Stren"tene instit3tional capacit o! te NepalPolice an civil societ in ealin" %it crimes a"ainst %omenan cilren

    =iv> -3tp3t 4 ?pane, stren"tene, an instit3tionaliBe


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    Res3lts=i> 'ncrease o! *0 in te n3mber o! reporte crimes a"ainst

    %omen an cilren in te !irst 2 ears o! implementation=!rom 200 baseline>

    =ii> $0 increase in con!ience in WCSCs an s3pportin"a"encies b te en o! te project

    =iii> At least 50 o! crimes a"ainst %omen an cilren reportein te last 2 ears o! te project are satis!actoril anle bWCSCs an te s3pportin" a"encies

    =iv> 9 te en o! te project, te n3mber o! reporte crimesa"ainst %omen an cilren tat are prosec3te asincrease b $0

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    Not 73ite tere et

    Reportin" levels co3l be i"er

    Act3al policin" co3l be better

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


    Bara Rau%a Danus%a Doi +u$la

    Do$esic violence

    cases repored

    42/ 180 48/ 151 2$8

    Do$esic violence


    *1 148 1/0 18 2$/

    Do$esic violence filed

    a cour

    2/ 22 ** 6 6

    Social violence repored 2* 1/ 288 $

    Social violence


    1 14 22 $

    Social violence filed acour

    5 1 5 1 6

    Los #o$en repored 5* 18 28 24 5

    Los #o$en found * 11 15 / 4

    Los c%ildren repored 18 *4 44 *1 1/

    Los c%ildren found 8 25 8 / 1/

    Cu$ulaive Case Daa of ,CSCs in %e Proec Disrics. afer %e

    proec I$ple$enaion. as of +une /*01

    So3rce( Project report, .3ne 201*

  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


  • 8/10/2019 Gender-Responsive Policing: Nepal Police and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
