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  • 7/30/2019 Gender Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


  • 7/30/2019 Gender Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    Gender is the phenomena of sexuality at different levels such as individual, social,psychological, legal and even economic perspectives. Thus gender studies is a fieldthat encompasses all these disciplines to derive concepts relating to the

    applications of gender difference and gender based behavior

    Sexand gender'may sound the same. However, they are different since sexisthe physiological distinction while genderis the sexualityof the individual

    The concept of social identification to the interactions between the opposite sexuality are

    analyzed for the purpose of greater understanding of the human race in generalTerms such as equality, womens rights, gender based crime or discrimination,etc; are closely associated and belong to this academic discipline

    Key Definition

  • 7/30/2019 Gender Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    Key Term DefinitionsTerm Definition and FunctionsThis is the basic demarcation of the biological identificationThe interaction between opposite genders. This is considered a social

    construct than a biological reactionRestriction on access to resources based on the gender differenceThe magnitude of disparities between the two genders in different socio-

    economic eventsThe process of determining the gender gap and issues arising out of it

    The question of sexuality and the exact psychological ratio of the gendercharacteristics of each individualThe social opportunities, challenges and constraints affecting both genders

    SexInequalityGender GapGender Relations

    Gender AnalysisGender IdentityGender Issues

  • 7/30/2019 Gender Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    Key Term Definitions Contd.,Term Definition and FunctionsThe biological difference between male and female physiology other thanthe primary and secondary sexual differences E.g.: Height, Weight

    The commonly assigned tasks to each gender by the societyOversimplified assumption of certain characteristics as belonging to a genderStrong preference on access to resources in a society based on gender.The term is often applied with negative effect towards to the female

    gender in a feminist context.

    A mild stereotype applied by the society determining the role of women tobe more involved in private activities or domestic activities and men in thepublic activities or the work related and social tasks.

    Sexual dimorphismStereotypesStratificationGender Roles

    Private-Public Contrast

  • 7/30/2019 Gender Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    Gender Based Society DistinctionsTerm Definition and Functions

    A society in which the women did most of the work and had better controlof the society through the higher contribution they made

    A social pattern where the male partner is supposed to live in the house ofthe female partner after marriage. Often seen in matriarchic societieswherein the leadership is passed on through the female lineage.The social system that supposes the absence of the father in a family as a

    common occurrence often due to the adult men being travelers away from

    home. These societies are not matriarchic even if the domestic decisions aremade by women.

    Matrilineal- SocietyMatrilocal- Society

    Matrifocal- Society

    There are different social structures from past and present based on gender roles

    These distinctions are seen in current and historical societies right from the foragers.

  • 7/30/2019 Gender Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    Social Transfer of Power in HistoryIt is asserted that ancient societies were often based on the structures defined above.However, a shift took place to frame the male-centricpattern that we see todayLack of resources due to long-time foraging or natural calamities led to local warfareLocal warfare rendered the women targets and were constrained to their homes during crisis

    Physical strength was considered as the commodity of the hour and alliances were formedbetween the men of different groupsThese groups elected leaders who were obviously men and this gave rise to a male-centric

    political structureThe gender roles were assigned to protect women from exposure to the war zones [which

    was pretty much everywhere outside the houses]This difference and change of roles has been identified as theroot of many gender issues even in todays society

    Plausible Reasons for the Shift

  • 7/30/2019 Gender Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    ScholarAnswer, a leading Gender Studies Homework Help provider presents thisinformation for students looking for Psychology Homework Help

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