general announcement::public expose material of listed indonesian

3/30/2016 General Announcement::Public Expose material of listed Indonesian subsidiary… 1/1 Tw eet 0 General Announcement::Public Expose material of listed Indonesian subsidiary Issuer & Securities Issuer/ Manager JAPFA LTD. Securities JAPFA LTD. - SG1AB9000005 - UD2 Stapled Security No Announcement Details Announcement Title General Announcement Date & Time of Broadcast 30-Mar-2016 18:25:56 Status New Announcement Sub Title Public Expose material of listed Indonesian subsidiary Announcement Reference SG160330OTHRW95U Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Maya Pradjono Designation Corporate Secretary PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) As required under IDX regulation, PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk has submitted its Public Expose material to IDX, as attached. Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited and DBS Bank Ltd. were the joint global coordinators, joint issue managers and joint bookrunners and underwriters (Joint Global Coordinators, Joint Issue Managers and Joint Bookrunners and Underwriters) for the initial public offering of shares in, and listing of, Japfa Ltd on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. The Joint Global Coordinators, Joint Issue Managers and Joint Bookrunners and Underwriters assume no responsibility for the contents of this announcement. Attachments Public Expose Material 2016 - Bahasa.pdf Public Expose Material 2016 - English.pdf Total size =4014K 0 Like

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3/30/2016 General Announcement::Public Expose material of listed Indonesian subsidiary… 1/1

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General Announcement::Public Expose material of listed Indonesian subsidiary

Issuer & Securities

Issuer/ Manager JAPFA LTD.

Securities JAPFA LTD. - SG1AB9000005 - UD2

Stapled Security No

Announcement Details

Announcement Title General Announcement

Date & Time of Broadcast 30-Mar-2016 18:25:56

Status New

Announcement Sub Title Public Expose material of listed Indonesian subsidiary

Announcement Reference SG160330OTHRW95U

Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Maya Pradjono

Designation Corporate Secretary PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk

Description (Please provide a detaileddescription of the event in the box below)

As required under IDX regulation, PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbkhas submitted its Public Expose material to IDX, as attached.

Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited and DBS Bank Ltd. were the jointglobal coordinators, joint issue managers and joint bookrunners andunderwriters (Joint Global Coordinators, Joint Issue Managers andJoint Bookrunners and Underwriters) for the initial public offering ofshares in, and listing of, Japfa Ltd on the Main Board of the SingaporeExchange Securities Trading Limited. The Joint Global Coordinators,Joint Issue Managers and Joint Bookrunners and Underwritersassume no responsibility for the contents of this announcement.

AttachmentsPublic Expose Material 2016 - Bahasa.pdf

Public Expose Material 2016 - English.pdf

Total size =4014K


Daftar Isi


Profil Perseroan

Kinerja Operasional

Ikhtisar Keuangan

Tantangan dan Strategi Ke Depan


Sekilas Japfa Tbk

Perusahaan agribisnis


berfokus di Indonesia

Pemimpinpasar dan


yang tinggi

Fokus sebagai penyedia protein hewani terjangkau di Indonesia

▪ Salah satu pelaku usaha perunggasan yang terbesar di Indonesia dengan penjualan bersih sebesar

Rp25,01 triliun dan EBITDA sebesar Rp2,3 triliun pada tahun 2015.

▪ Diversifikasi usaha strategis di bidang budidaya perairan dan penggemukkan sapi.

▪ Tercatat di BEI lebih dari 20 tahun dengan kapitalisasi pasar sebesar Rp6,8 triliun per tanggal 31

Desember 2015.

▪ Fokus di Indonesia, pasar pangan berprotein hewani dengan potensi pertumbuhan yang tinggi.

▪ Berhasil mempertahankan pangsa pasar yang tinggi selama lebih dari 30 tahun beroperasi.

▪ Skala ekonomis usaha yang memberikan keunggulan dalam efisiensi pembelian dan harga bahan


▪ Jangkauan geografis usaha yang luas, mendekatkan Perseroan dengan para pelanggan dan

pemasok bahan baku.

▪ Tingkat pertumbuhan penjualan bersih sebesar 15,5% CAGR dari tahun 2007-2015.

▪ Perseroan memilki pangsa pasar kedua terbesar untuk pakan ternak dan DOC.


Segmen Bisnis Yang Terintegrasi







Divisi Perunggasan Penyumbang Terbesar Penjualan Bersihdan merupakan Fokus Utama Usaha Perseroan


FY15 Kontribusi Penjualan Bersih Per Segmen Usaha FY14 Kontribusi Penjualan Bersih Per Segmen Usaha

Total Penjualan Bersih FY15: Rp. 25,0 Triliun Total Penjualan Bersih FY14 : Rp. 24,5 Triliun

Catatan: Konstribusi penjualan per segmen usaha diatas adalah berdsarkan penjualan kotor, dimana tidak termasuk penyeseuaian eliminasi antar segmen.

DivisiPerunggasan:85% dari total

DivisiPerunggasan:86% dari total

Diversifikasi bisnis dengan fokus yang jelas di bidang perunggasan, didukung oleh keahlian Perseroan dankeadaan industri perunggasan yang dinamis

Kilas Balik 2015

Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2015 tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.Melambatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi global serta menguatnya nilai tukar dolar AmerikaSerikat terhadap Rupiah sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia danmengakibatkan menurunnya daya beli masyarakat. Meskipun mulai menguat kembali padatriwulan ke-4 tahun 2015, nilai tukar Rupiah di akhir tahun mengalami penurunandibandingkan dengan awal tahun.

Industri peternakan pada tahun 2015 menghadapi sejumlah persoalan yang cukup pelik. Dibidang perunggasan, terjadi kelebihan pasokan (oversupply) Day Old Chick (DOC) yangmengakibatkan penurunan harga DOC dan unggas dalam semester pertama tahun 2015. Padasemester pertama 2015, industri perunggasan nasional berada dalam kondisi terburuk sejakkrisis ekonomi tahun 1998. Perseroan juga dihadapkan pada persoalan kelangkaan jagungyang terjadi pada tahun 2015. Kendati demikian, pada semester kedua, industri perunggasanmembukukan peningkatan.

Secara keseluruhan, bisnis perunggasan terintegrasi Japfa (Perseroan) di Indonesia mencatatkeuntungan di tahun 2015, dimana divisi pakan (feed) menyumbang laba operasi yang stabildan membantu mengurangi pengaruh rugi operasi dari divisi breeding (DOC).

Dalam hal kinerja operasional, Perseroan masih merupakan salah satu pemain yang palingefisien di bidang perunggasan di Indonesia. Kami tetap yakin akan prospek jangka panjangdan pertumbuhan industri perunggasan di Indonesia.


Ikhtisar Keuangan




(Rp. Milyar) (Rp. Milyar)

Catatan: Berdasarkan Lapkeu FY2015 Perseroan

Ikhtisar Keuangan




(Rp. Milyar)

Catatan: Berdasarkan Lapkeu FY2015 Perseroan


Strategi Ke Depan1. Perseroan telah mengurangi rencana belanja modal (capex) sejak tahun

2015.2. Perseroan terus melakukan lindung nilai (hedging) terhadap bunga obligasi

Dolar Amerika Serikat yang diterbitkan Perseroan.3. Perseroan melakukan operational hedging untuk pembayaran bahan baku

pakan ternak berjangka waktu 2-3 bulan ke depan.4. Menyediakan persediaan uang tunai dalam bentuk Dolar Amerika Serikat.5. Perseroan akan terus fokus dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan profitabilitas,

termasuk memperbaiki efisiensi dalam hal modal kerja.

TantanganPerekonomian Indonesia tahun 2016 diperkirakan belum akan membaik, antaralain dalam hal pertumbuhan permintaan konsumen yang masih flat. Harga-hargakomoditas dan tambang diperkirakan belum recover di tahun 2016. Ini semuaakan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi makro di tahun 2016, yangdampaknya juga akan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja Perseroan.

Tantangan & Strategi Ke Depan

Wilayah Kerja Perseroan

15Note: : Japfa memiliki 65 peternakan pembibitan ayam dan tidak semuanya bisa digambar di peta.



Company Overview

Operational Performance

Financial Highlights

Challenges & Strategies


An Introduction To Japfa Tbk






market share and


Focused on producing affordable animal protein in Indonesia

▪ One of the largest poultry players in Indonesia with net sales of Rp25.01 trillion

and EBITDA of Rp2.3 trillion in 2015.

▪ Strategically involved in aquaculture and beef offering diversification of revenues.

▪ Listed on IDX for over 20 years with a market cap of Rp6.8 trillion as of 31 December


▪ Focus on Indonesia, an attractive animal protein market with high growth potential.

▪ Japfa has maintained solid market share over the past 30 years of operations.

▪ Economies of scale providing advantages in terms of raw material purchases and

cost efficiencies.

▪ Deep geographical reach to be closer to customer base and raw material suppliers.

▪ Strong historical net sales CAGR growth of 15.5% from 2007-2015.

▪ Japfa has the second largest market share for poultry feed and DOC.


Core Competencies Across The Value Chain


Poultry Contributes Bulk of Revenueand is our Core Business Focus


FY15 Sales Contribution Per Segment FY14 Sales Contribution Per Segment

Total FY15 Revenue : Rp. 25.0 Trillion Total FY14 Revenue : Rp. 24.5 Trillion

Poultry:85% oftotal

Poultry:86% oftotal

Note: The % sales contributions from operational segments shown above are based on gross sales, which exclude elimination adjustments between segments.

Diversified business with a clear focus on the poultry sectorgiven our expertise and industry dynamics

Flashback of 2015


Indonesia’s economic growth in 2015 did not meet expectations. A global economicslowdown and the strengthening of the US Dollar exchange rate have greatly impactedIndonesia’s economic growth and impacted general purchasing power. Although the rupiahexchange rate started to recover in the fourth quarter of 2015, the year end exchange ratewas weaker than the start of the year.

The industry in 2015 faced a number of critical issues. In the poultry business, the Day OldChick (DOC) oversupply led to a decrease of DOC and livebird prices during the first semester2015. In the first semester of 2015, the national poultry industry was in its worst conditionsince the Indonesian economic crisis in 1998. However, in the second semester, the poultryindustry recorded an improvement.

Overall, our integrated Poultry operations in Indonesia were profitable in 2015, as feedgenerated a stable operating profit, mitigating the impact of the operating losses in DOCs.

In terms of operational performance, the Company remains one of the most efficient poultryoperators in Indonesia. We remain confident of the long term prospects and growth of thepoultry industry in Indonesia.

Proven Financial Track Record


EBITDA Net Profit

Net Revenues Gross Profit(In IDR billion) (In IDR billion)

(In IDR billion) (In IDR billion)

Note: Based on Company’s FY2015 Financial Results

Proven financial track record


Total Assets Net Debt / Equity

CAPEX(In IDR billion)

(In IDR billion)

Note: Based on Company’s FY2015 Financial Results

Challenges & Strategies


ChallengesIndonesian economy in 2016 is predicted not to improve, including a flatconsumer demand growth. Commodity and mining prices are expected not torecover in 2016. This all will affect the macro economic growth in 2016 andin turn bring impact on the Company’s performance.

Strategies1. Company has scaled back its capital expenditure (capex) plans since 2015.2. Company continues to hedge interest payment of USD bonds.3. Company performs operational hedging by purchasing feed’s raw materials

for the next 2-3 months. 4. Company ensures the availability of cash in US Dollar. 5. Company continues to focus on enhancing its operational efficiency and

profitability, including improving working capital efficiencies.

Pan-national distribution platform

15Note: Japfa has 65 breeding farms and not all the farms are reflected on the map.