generalized parser, daniel...

Generalized Parser Combinators Daniel Spiewak March 28, 2010 Abstract Parser combinators are a well-known technique for constructing recursive-descent parsers through composition of other, less-complex parsers. In fact, parser combinators are often held up as an example of the elegance and composability inherent to functional programming. However, like any application of recursive-descent, parser combinators fail to support grammars with left-recursion or most kinds of ambiguity. They also suffer from exponential runtimes in the worst case. We present a framework which allows the construction of parsers for any context-free grammar (including those with left-recusion or ambiguity), O(n 3 ) performance in the worst-case and O(n) for most grammars, all while still preserving the functional composability and natural control flow offered by traditional parser combinators. This framework also serves as the first implementation of the GLL algorithm in a functional style. Parser combinators were first proposed by Philip Wadler [12] in the late ’80s as a means of defining com- posable recursive-descent parsers in a functional style. The concept is based upon the observation that recursive-descent parsers can actually be seen in terms of monads. At a fundamental level, any recursive- descent parser may be viewed as a composition of the following rules: a|b Either a or b ab First a, then b x The terminal ‘x The empty string Table 1: Atomic parser operations Each of these rules may be defined in terms of the standard monadic operations. The alternation rule a|b would be a orelse b; the sequential rule ab would be a =(λx . b); a terminal x would be lift(x)(return x in Haskell syntax); and could be defined as either a special value, success, or the empty terminal (''). By encoding parsers in terms of these rules, Wadler was able to develop a framework for representing any LL(*) grammar through the use of an embedded DSL. This framework eventually became the basis for more sophisticated implementations such as Haskell’s Parsec [2] and Scala’s modular parser combinators [3]. While parser combinators are an extremely elegant way of encoding recursive-descent parsers, they also share all of the disadvantages of that parsing technique. LL(k) (for k> 1) alternates are handled correctly, but only through the use of infinite backtracking. This means that certain grammars can lead to exponential runtimes on invalid input. Additionally, parser combinators share the Achilles heel of top-down parsers in that they cannot handle left-recursive grammars (with the exception of some very specific edge-cases). Further, parser combinators — and recursive-descent in general — cannot handle most forms of ambiguity in their input grammar. The “most forms” qualifier refers to the fact that certain local ambiguities can be avoided through careful ordering of alternates in the parse process. As an example, the classic “dangling else” ambiguity found in many languages in the Pascal family can be resolved in a recursive-descent parser by declaring the if/else clause before the shortened if in the rule for matching expressions. It is sometimes possible to resolve operator precedence ambiguities using the same technique. However, in general, languages with ambiguous grammars cannot be parsed using parser combinators. 1

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Page 1: Generalized Parser, Daniel (2010... · Generalized Parser Combinators Daniel Spiewak March 28, 2010 Abstract Parser combinators

Generalized Parser Combinators

Daniel Spiewak

March 28, 2010


Parser combinators are a well-known technique for constructing recursive-descent parsers throughcomposition of other, less-complex parsers. In fact, parser combinators are often held up as an exampleof the elegance and composability inherent to functional programming. However, like any applicationof recursive-descent, parser combinators fail to support grammars with left-recursion or most kinds ofambiguity. They also suffer from exponential runtimes in the worst case. We present a framework whichallows the construction of parsers for any context-free grammar (including those with left-recusion orambiguity), O(n3) performance in the worst-case and O(n) for most grammars, all while still preservingthe functional composability and natural control flow offered by traditional parser combinators. Thisframework also serves as the first implementation of the GLL algorithm in a functional style.

Parser combinators were first proposed by Philip Wadler [12] in the late ’80s as a means of defining com-posable recursive-descent parsers in a functional style. The concept is based upon the observation thatrecursive-descent parsers can actually be seen in terms of monads. At a fundamental level, any recursive-descent parser may be viewed as a composition of the following rules:

a|b Either a or ba b First a, then bx The terminal ‘x’ε The empty string

Table 1: Atomic parser operations

Each of these rules may be defined in terms of the standard monadic operations. The alternation rule a|bwould be a orelse b; the sequential rule a b would be a �= (λx . b); a terminal x would be lift(x) (returnx in Haskell syntax); and ε could be defined as either a special value, success, or the empty terminal ('').By encoding parsers in terms of these rules, Wadler was able to develop a framework for representing anyLL(*) grammar through the use of an embedded DSL. This framework eventually became the basis for moresophisticated implementations such as Haskell’s Parsec [2] and Scala’s modular parser combinators [3].

While parser combinators are an extremely elegant way of encoding recursive-descent parsers, they alsoshare all of the disadvantages of that parsing technique. LL(k) (for k > 1) alternates are handled correctly,but only through the use of infinite backtracking. This means that certain grammars can lead to exponentialruntimes on invalid input. Additionally, parser combinators share the Achilles heel of top-down parsers inthat they cannot handle left-recursive grammars (with the exception of some very specific edge-cases).

Further, parser combinators — and recursive-descent in general — cannot handle most forms of ambiguityin their input grammar. The “most forms” qualifier refers to the fact that certain local ambiguities can beavoided through careful ordering of alternates in the parse process. As an example, the classic “danglingelse” ambiguity found in many languages in the Pascal family can be resolved in a recursive-descent parserby declaring the if/else clause before the shortened if in the rule for matching expressions. It is sometimespossible to resolve operator precedence ambiguities using the same technique. However, in general, languageswith ambiguous grammars cannot be parsed using parser combinators.


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This shortcoming dramatically reduces the usefulness of parser combinators. Natural language processingunequivically depends upon parsers which can handle ambiguity. Certain biochemical analyses have thesame dependence. Even languages which are not inherently ambiguous will often benefit from controlledlocal ambiguities in their grammar. Such ambiguities often serve to make the grammar cleaner and theparser more robust.

Despite all of these limitations, parser combinators have been widely adopted in functional languagesas the de facto method for constructing parsers. This is primarily due to their inherent composability andhighly-intuitive control flow. It is usually fairly easy to debug a parser composed using parser combinators.The parsers themselves are also quite flexible, easily satisfying use-cases such as interactive shells (wherelanguage fragments must be parsed in isolation) and asynchronous parsing, areas to which more powerfultechniques such as LALR are generally ill-suited. In short, parser combinators are favored despite theirshortcomings purely because of their ease of use.

We present a framework of combinators for the construction of parsers which can handle any context-freegrammar in polynomial time. The resulting parsers are composed of smaller atomic parsers, allowing for allof the flexibility of traditional parser combinators. Perhaps more importantly, the control flow of the parserfollows the structure of the grammar, just as in recursive-descent. This means that the “intuitive aspect” oftraditional parser combinators remains intact. In fact, we make the claim that the combinators defined byour framework retain all of the advantages of traditional parser combinators while adding support for usefulfeatures such as left-recursion and ambiguity.

This is accomplished through an adaptation of GLL [7], a new parsing algorithm proposed by ElizabethScott and Adrian Johnstone. We give an overview of the algorithm in its unmodified form in Section 2.Section 1 shows the development of a traditional parser combinator framework, and Section 3 explores ourmodifications to GLL, both those necessary for combinatorial parser construction as well as the modificationswhich would be required by any functional implementation of the algorithm. In Section 4, we examine theperformance implications of GLL in more detail, offering proof sketches of its asymptotic complexity alongwith some emperical results on a highly-ambiguous grammar.

All of our examples (and the GLL combinators framework itself) are written in Scala [5, 4]. Thislanguage was chosen as some of its unique features (including a hybrid object-oriented/functional design)were extremely helpful in the implementation of the framework. Generally speaking, the modificationsto GLL we describe could be applied to any functional programming language (including pure-functionallanguages like Haskell).

1 Traditional Parser Combinators

In this section we implement a cut-down parser combinator framework using the conventional approach.Input is received as an instance of Stream[Char], or a lazy-list of character values (similar to Haskell’sString). There is no support for regular expressions, line counting or error recovery — though, thesefeatures could be added without any significant alterations. The idea is to present the fundamentals ofparser combinators in a concrete fashion.

The first step is to codify the overall design of our framework. Every parser is an instance of typeParser[A], where A is the type of value returned by the parser upon success. Every parser is also a functionfrom Stream[Char] to Result[A], which is an algebraic data-type with two constructors: Success[A] andFailure. Instances of Success[A] represent a successful parse and contain the resulting value as well as thetail of the stream, the tokens which have yet to be consumed. Instances of Failure represent an unsuccessfulparse and contain only an error message detailing the failure.

There are three different implementations of Parser[A]: DisjunctiveParser[A], SequentialParser[A,B] and LiteralParser. Each of these represents an atomic recursive-descent parser operations given inTable 1. The ε parser will be encoded as a LiteralParser for the empty string. The code for these classesis given in Listing 1.

It is insufficient to just define the parser implementations, we must also provide some mechanism by whichone parser can be combined with another, producing either a disjunctive or sequential parser in return. We


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case class ~[+A, +B](a: A, b: B)

sealed trait Result[+A]

case class Success[+A](value: A, tail: Stream[Char]) extends Result[A]case class Failure(msg: String) extends Result[Nothing]

trait Parser[+A] extends (Stream[Char] => Result[A]) {// more to come...


class DisjunctiveParser[+A](left: Parser[A], right: Parser[A]) extends Parser[A] {def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = left(in) match {case s: Success[A] => scase _: Failure => right(in)


class SequentialParser[+A, +B](left: Parser[A], right: =>Parser[B]) extends Parser[~[A, B]] {def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = left(in) match {case Success(res1, tail) => right(tail) match {case Success(res2, tail) => Success(new ~(res1, res2), tail)case f: Failure => f


case f: Failure => f}


class LiteralParser(value: String) extends Parser[String] {def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = {if (in.lengthCompare(value.length) < 0) {Failure("Unexpected end of stream")

} else {val trunc = in take value.length

if (trunc.zipWithIndex forall { case (c, i) => value(i) == c })Success(value, in drop value.length)

elseFailure("Expected '" + value + "' got '" + trunc.mkString + "'")



Listing 1: Fundamental parser combinators


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could just force users to encode their grammars by explicitly creating new instances of the three core parsers,but that would be ugly. Instead, we will add two operators to Parser[A] and an implicit conversion ontype String (to easily create instances of LiteralParser). Scala’s built-in parser combinators use the ‘~’operator to signify sequential composition and the ‘|’ operator for disjunctions. For the sake of clarity, wewill maintain that convention. The modified Parser trait and its companion object are given below:

trait Parser[+A] extends (Stream[Char] => Result[A]) {def |[B >: A](that: Parser[B]) = new DisjunctiveParser(this, that)

def ~[B](that: =>Parser[B]) = new SequentialParser(this, that)}

object Parser {implicit def literal(str: String) = new LiteralParser(str)


Even with this incredibly simple framework, it is already possible to build basic recognizers. For example,the following code defines a recognizer for a 0-1 arithmetic language with right-associativity:

import Parser._

def expr: Parser[Any] = (num ~ "+" ~ expr

| num ~ "-" ~ expr| num


def num = "0" | "1"

Notice that this grammar is not LL(1) due to the fact that num is the first parser of each of the three rules inthe expr disjunction. We could very easily factor this grammar so that each production would have a distinctPredict set, but that is unnecessary. Even this nearly-trivial framework is able to handle this grammar byblindly stepping into each production in turn. If the first production it tries returns Failure, it moves onto the next one. This repeated backtracking continues until every branch of every possible disjunction hasbeen exhausted. If each parser in the disjunction fails, it will return Failure.

The real utility of parser combinators comes to the fore when they are being used to produce values ofgreater sophistication than simply Success or Failure. The expr grammar given above does a fine jobof determining whether or not a given input matches the grammar, but it doesn’t provide anything else ofuse. This deficiency is easily remedied by adding a ^^ operator to the Parser trait. This operator will takea function as a parameter and return a new Parser[B] corresponding to the result of mapping the givenfunction over the current parser’s value:

trait Parser[+A] extends (Stream[Char] => Result[A]) { outer =>...

def ^^[B](f: A => B) = new Parser[B] {def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = outer(in) match {case Success(res, tail) => Success(f(res), tail)case f: Failure => f



We can now modify our expression grammar from earlier to compute the actual numeric result of theexpression being parsed:


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import Parser._

def expr: Parser[Int] = (num ~ "+" ~ expr ^^ { case x ~ _ ~ y => x + y }

| num ~ "-" ~ expr ^^ { case x ~ _ ~ y => x - y }| num


def num = ("0" | "1") ^^ { _.toInt }

The syntax to invoke this parser against the input string “0+1-1+1+1” is as follows:

expr("0+1-1+1+1" toStream) match {case Success(result, _) => println(result)case Failure(msg) => println(msg)


As expected, this snippet prints “2” to the standard output stream when executed. It is worth noting thatthe semantic actions (the anonymous functions passed to the ^^ operator) are completely type-safe andstatically checked. This feature alone begins to provide some insight into why parser combinators are oftenconsidered to be much easier to use than external parser generators.

It is worth noting that this implementation of parser combinators does not define either of the monadicfunctions�= (flatMap in Scala) or orelse. This omission is merely for the sake of brevity; it would be quitesimple to add these methods to the Parser trait, allowing parser instances to be composed using Scala’sfor-comprehensions rather than merely through the chaining of the ~ and | operators.

2 Overview of GLL

Originally, GLL started out as a form of RIGLR [6]. In the original paper, Scott and Johnstone make theobservation that by applying a process they refer to as “terminalization” to all but the topmost instance ofeach non-terminal, the resulting RIGLR parser would have a control flow which would closely mirror that ofa recursive-descent parser. This idea eventually grew into GLL.

2.1 Recursive-Descent

Despite its origins in the world of bottom-up parsers, GLL is probably easiest to understand by startingwith recursive-descent, rather than the less-intuitive RIGLR. In this section, we develop a pseudo-coderecursive-descent recognizer for a moderately ambiguous grammar. However, recursive-descent can onlyhandle grammars which are at worst LL(*). We resolve this inadequacy by implementing two criticalmodifications, converting from vanilla recursive-descent to a full GLL recognizer. Consider the following:

S ::= a S | a | ε

To create a recursive-descent parser for this grammar, we must define a function for each non-terminal inthe grammar. Since our grammar only has one non-terminal (S), this task is fairly simple. Within thisfunction, we define a conditional branch to determine the relevant production based on which values areseen in the stream and whether they match the First set for a certain production. Note that this form ofrecursive-descent is actually only as powerful as LL(1). Its runtime is linear, but the class of grammars itcan handle is much smaller than a parser with full backtracking (or infinite lookahead). In psuedo-code, ourparser looks like this:

I[i] is the input character stream at some index ifail(i) is a function which aborts the parse and reports an error for some index i


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parseS(i) :if (I[i] = a) {i← parseNT (i, a)i← parseS(i)return i

} else if (I[i] = $) {return i

} else {fail(i)

}parseNT (i, nt) :

if (I[i] = nt) {return i+ 1

} else {fail(i)


This parser will successfully recognize any input which is valid according to the grammar we specified.However, it only accomplishes this by effectively ignoring the second production of the S non-terminal (“a”).In order to correctly handle this and other ambiguous grammars, we need to devise a way to follow allpossible derivations for a given input.

2.2 Generalizing the Parser

This can be accomplished through the addition of a dispatch stack (which we call R). At any point in theparse where ambiguities arise, we will use the stack to keep track of all possible “choices” arising from thatambiguity. We leverage this stack by using it to determine which “parse function” we should call and withwhat input. These modifications require some fairly serious restructuring of the recursive-descent algorithm.

The first thing we need to do is switch from parse functions to parse labels. We must also further sub-divide our former parse functions by giving each alternate its own label. Thus, our grammar will have parselabels LS , LS0 , LS1 and LS2 . There is also an additional parse label LS0′ representing the “continuation”of the LS0 production following the dispatch to the S non-terminal. The dispatch stack will store a list ofdescriptors of the form (L, s, i) where L is a parse label, s is a stack and i is an index into the input stream.The stack s is to keep track of the parse continuation. Whenever we reach the end of a production, we willpop this stack and push its head onto R. In conventional recursive-descent, we can simply rely on the callstack for this task, but since we are using labels instead of functions, a separate stack must be maintained.

Of course, if we are pushing things onto the dispatch stack, we must logically have some place where wepop them back off and perform the appropriate dispatch. We denote this section by the label L0. In essence,its task is to pop the head of R and then jump to the label given by the descriptor. If R is empty andour current index (denoted ci) is equal to the length of the input stream I, then we report Success. Thissituation corresponds to when all possible parse derivations have been exhausted and we have successfullyconsumed the entire input stream. The other alternative is that R is empty but ci < |I|. In this case, wehave run out of possible derivations, but we have not consumed all of the available input. Thus, we mustreport Failure. If we apply these modifications to our earlier example, we arive at the following parser:

I[i] is the input character stream at some index ici is the current index into input stream IR is a stack of descriptors (L, s, i)

parse() :R.push(LS , [], 0)L0 :

if (R 6= ∅) {


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(L, s, ci)← R.pop()goto L

} else if (ci = |I|) {return Success

} else {return Failure

}LS :

if (I[ci] = a) {R.push(LS0 , s, ci)R.push(LS1 , s, ci)

} else if (I[ci] = $) {R.push(LS2 , s, ci)

}goto L0

LS0 :if (I[ci] = a) {s← [LS0′ , s]goto LS

}goto L0

LS0′ :[L, s]← sgoto L

LS1 :if (I[ci] = a) {

[L, s]← sR.push(L, s, ci + 1)

}goto L0

LS2 :if (I[ci] = $) {

[L, s]← sR.push(L, s, ci)

}goto L0

Intuitively, any time we arive at a disjunction in the grammar, we push all possible alternates onto thedispatch stack. The real beauty of this algorithm is the fact that for grammars which are less ambiguous,most disjunctions will only push a single descriptor. When we push but one descriptor, the algorithmdegrades directly to predictive top-down parsing, which is O(n) in the length of the input.

Even though we have eliminated our parse functions, this algorithm is still a variant of recursive-descent.The stack carried along with each descriptor takes the place of the call stack in the original implementation.Further, within each alternate (LS0 , LS1 , etc) the parse follows exactly the same steps as the originalimplementation. The dispatch stack ensures that the traversal remains depth-first, and so even the controlflow can be traced as following the same route.


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2.3 Trimming Exponentiality

Unfortunately, for grammars which are recursive and even slightly ambiguous, the algorithm as it stands willbe much worse than linear time. In fact, the runtime would actually be exponential as an explosive numberof descriptors would be pushed. It is possible that a single token might be consumed an incredible numberof times in an attempt to exercise every parse path. Clearly, something must be done to reduce the numberof descriptors being pushed onto the stack.

The underlying problem is that we are repeating a great deal of work. Grammars which exhibit recursiveambiguity often derive on a path which diverges at points of ambiguity, but which eventually recombines at alater point in the parse (indicating a local ambiguity in the grammar). With our current scheme, the controlflow will never “recombine”. Instead, duplicate descriptors will continue being pushed onto the dispatchstack until the end of the input stream is reached. We need some way of detecting the points where onederivation rejoins another and a technique for “pinching off” the duplicate path.

As it turns out, the best way of accomplishing this is a 20 year-old data structure invented by MasaruTomita: the graph-structured stack [9], or “GSS”. The GSS is a way of literally modeling ambiguity in sucha way that common prefixes and suffixes of divergent paths are shared. We can leverage and extend thisdata structure slightly to avoid pushing duplicate descriptors.

The first thing we add is a set, Ui, which contains all labels which have already been pushed for index i.We must also add another set P which contains all pairs of GSS node and index (u, i) which have alreadybeen popped. This is to allow common suffixes to actually merge, rather than simply eliminating sharedpaths. When we implement GLL as a full parser (rather than simply a recognizer), we will also need to storederived “reduce values” in a related set.

The GSS nodes themselves are of a standard design. Each node u contains a descriptor (L, i) and pointersto its parent(s). A pop() action on such a node will return the set of all parents of node u. Thus, when wepop back to a continuation descriptor in the algorithm, we may actually push more than one descriptor ontoR. Conceptually, the GSS may be seen as a directed acyclic graph where only the leaf nodes may be seenat any point. A pop() action is as simple as removing the relevant leaf node, marking its parent(s) as leavesand new “heads” of the stack.

Very few changes are required to implement these conceptual modifications in our running example. Theprimary difference is that we will always check Ui for the prior existence of some descriptor before we addit to R. This action will be implemented by the add(...) function. We must add popped descriptors to P,so we define another function, pop(...), to handle this task. Finally, we define a third function, create(...),which generates a new GSS node u along with the appropriate edges.

I[i] is the input character stream at some index ici is the current index into input stream IR is a stack of descriptors (L, u, i)Ui is the set of labels L for index i which have been added to RP is the set of popped descriptors (u, i)G is the set of all GSS nodes (L, i)Eu is the set of GSS nodes adjacent to node ucu is the current GSS node

create(L, u, i) :if ((L, i) 6∈ G) {

let v be a new GSS node (L, i)add v to G

} else {let v be the GSS node (L, i)

}if (u 6∈ Ev) {

add u to Ev

for each ((v, j) ∈ P) {


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add(L, u, j)}

}return v

add(L, u, i) :if ((L, u) 6∈ Ui) {

add (L, u, i) to Radd (L, u) to Ui

}pop(u, i) :

(L, )← uadd (u, i) to Pfor each (v ∈ Eu) {add(L, v, i)

}parse() :add(LS , [], 0)L0 :

if (R 6= ∅) {(L, cu, ci)← R.pop()goto L

} else if (ci = |I|) {return Success

} else {return Failure

}LS :

if (I[ci] = a) {add(LS0 , cu, ci)add(LS1 , cu, ci)

} else if (I[ci] = $) {add(LS1 , cu, ci)

}goto L0

LS0 :if (I[ci] = a) {ci ← ci + 1cu ← create(LS0′ , cu, ci)goto LS

}goto L0

LS0′ :pop(cu, ci)goto L0

LS1 :if (I[ci] = a) {ci ← ci + 1pop(cu, ci)

}goto L0


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LS2 :if (I[ci] = $) {pop(cu, ci)

}goto L0

With this fairly simple set of modifications, we have gone from a vanilla recursive-descent parser all theway to a fully-general, GLL parser. Surprisingly, this technique also provides other benefits. Consider thefollowing grammar:

S ::= S a | a

This is a fairly natural left-recursive grammar matching one or more a tokens. If we were using conventionalrecursive-descent, we would be unable to create a parser from this grammar. This is because recursive-descentworks by calling the corresponding parse function for any non-terminals as they are encountered. When westep through the first production for the S non-terminal, the very first rule we encounter is again for thenon-terminal S. This means that the very first thing a recursive-descent parser would do when parsing thisgrammar would be to dispatch to the (hypothetical) parseS() function, which would in turn dispatch backto parseS(), and so on. Even on modern hardware, this process would very quickly run out of stack space.

However, a GLL parser treats disjunctions somewhat differently. Rather than persuing each alternate insequence, a GLL parser pushes every potential alternate onto the dispatch stack. In the case of the S non-terminal, this would be both the first and second alternates as a is the first token in both cases. Assumingthat the input stream represents the string “a, a, a”, the descriptor representing the second alternate wouldparse the first a from the stream and then report back to L0 with an empty dispatch stack. However, asthere are two more tokens to consume, this derivation will fail and we will be left with the left recursive casefor ci = 0. This descriptor will be popped and its relevant actions executed. Of course, the very first actionthis descriptor will perform is push a new descriptor for the S non-terminal and ci = 0.

This is the point at which recursive-descent breaks down. However, GLL maintains a set of labels whichhave already been pushed for a given index. At this point in the parse, that set U0 = {LS0 , LS1}. Inother words, the algorithm will prune the left-recursion before it explodes, preventing the infinitely-recursivedescriptor from being pushed onto R.

If you actually trace the control flow of the GLL parser for our left-recursive grammar, you begin tosee that something very interesting is happening in the GSS. For one thing, the post-left-recursive attemptto parse according to the second alternate is going to unify with the pre-left-recursive attempt (which hasalready succeeded). This represents a point in the GSS where two branches come together. The reallyinteresting thing is what happens in the GSS with the post-left-recursive attempt to parse the first alternate.The set U0 will prevent the redundant descriptor from entering the dispatch stack, but not before a newedge is created between an “earlier” node in the GSS and the current head. In other words, the GSS isno longer a directed, acyclic graph; we have introduced a cycle directly representing the left-recursion inthe grammar. Thus, when we pop back through the GSS (on reduction), we consider not only the parentnode representing the root of the left-recursive trace, but also the left-recursive sub-graph itself. We literallymodel left-recursive reduction as an ambiguity which can result in an arbitrary number of repetitions.

This same technique even applies to hidden left recursion, something which is beyond the capabilitiesof GLR [10], to say nothing of LALR [1] or LR(k). Consider the following modification of our earlier “as”grammar, incorporating hidden left-recursion:

S ::= A S a | aA ::= ε

It is easy to see that the S non-terminal is left-recursive in its first production. Unfortunately, for a standardLR automaton, this sort of grammar is impossible to handle. There are modifications to the GLR algorithm


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(such as RIGLR [6]) which do allow for hidden left-recursion, but the conventional way of addressing theproblem is to simply factor it out of the grammar.

With GLL, the fact that A is nullable poses no problems whatsoever. If you recall, the key element of thealgorithm that allows left-recursion is the set Ui. Whenever a GLL parser encounters left-recursion, therewill be some attempt to push onto R a descriptor for a label and index that has already been handled — andthus, included in Ui. Hidden left-recursion leads to exactly the same situation. The parser will recurse intothe A non-terminal, consume exactly zero tokens and then pop back to the first production of S. At thispoint, it will attempt to push the hidden left-recursive descriptor for S onto the dispatch stack. Since wedidn’t consume any tokens in A, we’re still at the same value of ci. Thus, the hidden left-recursion will becaught by Ui just as readily as the non-hidden form.

In short, GLL can handle any context-free grammar. Hidden left-recursion, cyclic ambiguity, none ofthese elements pose any serious problems. Because GLL is just a variant of RIGLR, there exist a set offormal proofs which clearly establish the correctness of the algorithm and the full breadth of grammars itcan manage.

3 GLL Combinators

In Section 1, we saw how to construct recursive-descent parsers in a functional and highly-compositionalfashion. In Section 2, we saw how we could modify hand-written recursive-descent parsers into a more-powerful, fully-generalized equivalent. Of course, this begs the obvious question: can we combine these twotechniques and construct GLL parsers in a functional and highly-compositional fashion?

The answer is “yes”, but it does require some re-imagining of the GLL algorithm. The core problemis that GLL was designed for an imperative language with an unrestricted goto. The pseudo-code givenin Section 2 makes it fairly clear that the algorithm depends upon several shared mutable data structures.The unrestricted goto is absolutely essential for the L0 dispatch area. When a descriptor is popped off ofthe dispatch stack (R), our pseudo-code uses goto to jump to the location given by that descriptor’s label.However, this means that goto must be able to jump to locations which are not statically predetermined, afeature which is fairly rare in languages.

The original implementation of GLL was in C, a language which supports shared mutable data structures,but not the unrestricted goto. To get around this limitation, Scott and Johnstone used a widely-branchingswitch/case statement where each case corresponded to a label. With this modification, descriptors coulduse integers to describe jump locations. The switch/case would serve as the prerequisite “unrestricted”goto, since its jump destination is unknown until runtime. Scott and Johnstone have proposed that thissame technique could be used to implement GLL in languages like Java which do not support any form ofgoto, unrestricted or otherwise.

While it is true that we could adapt the “giant switch/case” approach to implement a GLL parser inScala, the result could hardly be called either functional or compositional. Optimally, we should be able todefine parsers as atomic instances which are then put together one at a time to create more complex parsers.This design is obviously incompatible with a single, giant switch/case, so we need to find some other wayof looking at the algorithm at its most fundamental level.

3.1 Trampolines, L0 and Tail-Recursion

The critical observation which allows us to render GLL in a purely-functional setting is to see that GLL isreally much like a tail-recursive form of recursive-descent. In functional programming languages, algorithmsare often implemented first using recursion in whatever fashion seems natural. Later, these same algorithmsare often adapted to be tail-recursive for efficiency. Unfortunately, many algorithms (including recursivedescent) perform their recursive calls “in the middle” of their straight-line execution, meaning that a tail-recursive rendering of the algorithm must leverage continuations in order to procede with the remainder ofthe tasks which must be performed by that function call. As the terminology was intended to suggest, GLLcontinuation labels (e.g. LS0′ ) fit this role precisely.


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Tail-recursion is more efficient in many functional languages because the runtime is able to perform therecursion in constant stack space, discarding each frame as soon as the recursive dispatch takes place. This isvery easy to implement when the function in question exhibits self -tail-recursion1, since the tail-recursive callcan be translated directly into a jump. However, many algorithms (including recursive-descent) are mutually-recursive, meaning that any tail-recursive rendering thereof would have to be mutually-tail-recursive. Thisposes a problem that is very familiar to those who have implemented a functional language on platformslike the JVM or CLR. Scala itself can only optimize self-tail-recursion; optimization of mutual-tail-recursionwould require extra features from the JVM.

The generally-accepted solution to this problem of mutual-tail-recursion is called trampolined dispatch.In loose terms, all mutually-tail-recursive dispatch is handled by a single loop. Any trampoline-enabledfunction must return a thunk wrapping the required dispatch. In this way, the call stack always containszero or one frames, regardless of how many tail-recursive calls are made.

Now, if GLL is a tail-recursive variant of recursive-descent, then the L0 label would be the trampoline.Every label in the parser eventually jumps back into L0, effectively turning it into a while-loop, runningas long as the dispatch stack contains more descriptors. The only difference between L0 and a standardtrampoline is that in GLL, the trampoline loop is dealing with more than one queued dispatch. A standardtrampoline will only have to handle and dispatch one thunk at a time. The L0 loop in GLL has an entirestack (R) of dispatches to be processed, effectively representing a depth-first search through all potentialparse paths.

It is worth noting at this point that GLL does not actually depend upon R being a stack. We could alsoimplement R using a queue. This would convert the parser from depth- to breadth-first search. In practicehowever, this minor difference imposes some fairly high performance penalties — sometimes as high as 50%.For this reason, we have and will continue to confine our discussion to stack-based GLL parsing.

3.2 Functional Descriptors and Combinators

Having established the L0 dispatch loop as a functional trampoline, it’s not hard to see that the labeldescriptors we push onto R could actually be implemented using function values. Thus, instead of jumplabels or switch/case branches for each production alternate (e.g. LS0 , LS0′ , LS1 , etc), we could actuallymove the “alternate routines” each into their own function. Whenever we push a descriptor onto the R, thatdescriptor would contain a pointer to the relevant function, rather than a jump label.

This conversion not only eliminates the need for an unrestricted goto, it completely removes the needfor any goto whatsoever! We still rely upon shared mutable data structures (R, P, etc), but we have madesome fairly significant progress toward a functional design. We will revisit this issue of shared mutable datastructures later on. For now, the only remaining problem is one of composability. . .

With parser combinators (Section 1), we were able to take a set of mutually-recursive functions repre-senting a recursive-descent parser and split them appart into discrete, composable units. We did this byseeing recursive-descent in terms of three primitive operations: sequence, disjunction and literal. Thesethree operations were used to define three different types of Parser(s), and instances of these Parser(s)were composed together into larger, more complex parsers (either sequential or disjunctive). Since GLL ismerely a trampolined, tail-recursive variant of recursive-descent, it only makes sense that we should be ableto play the same trick and achieve a combinatorial implementation.

The one wrinkle in this plan is that we can no longer rely upon parsers returning either Success orFailure to determine the next course of action. As with most mutually-tail-recursive implementations, wewill need to use continuations in the form of anonymous methods2 to “continue the work” when one parserdispatches to another. These continuations will take as a parameter the result of the previous parse — whatused to be a return value. Since the parsers no longer return any meaningful result, relying instead ontrampolined dispatch to the continuation of that parse, the main “parsing” function of each Parser imple-mentation will actually return Unit. This may not seem like a very “functional” design since it immediately

1That is, when the tail-recursive call is directly back to the function itself.2Scala’s name for function literals


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trait Parser[+A] extends (Stream[Char] => Result[A]) {def apply(in: Stream[Char]): List[Result[A]]

/*** Abstract def for the main parse function of each* Parser implementation.*/

protected def chain(t: Trampoline, in: Stream[Char])(f: Result[A] => Unit)}

class Trampoline {// L_0def run() { ... }

def add(p: Parser[A], in: Stream[Char])(f: Result[A] => Unit) { ... }

def remove(): (Parser[Any], Stream[Char]) = { ... }}

Listing 2: Proto-Implementations of Parser and Trampoline

implies the use of side-effects, but as we shall see later, this perversion is only for convenience and efficiency.We can eliminate both the side-effecting parse functions and the shared mutable data structures with asingle, reasonable straightforward modification in design.

The other concerning aspect of GLL is the actual trampoline and its interaction with those troublesomemutable data structures. The simplest way to approach this is to wrap up the trampoline loop, all of theshared mutable state and the two all-important utility functions (add(. . .) and pop(. . .)) in a single class:Trampoline. Each parse process (starting at the head of the input stream and consuming completely tothe end) will have exactly one instance of this class, created at the beginning. To avoid unnecessary sharedstate, this instance will be passed to each parse function along with the current input stream, which will berepresented as an instance of Stream[Char] (as it was in Section 1).

Having made these design decisions, we can begin to outline the Parser and Trampoline classes whichwill be so foundational in our final implementation. This basic outline is given in Listing 2. Unlike traditionalparser combinators (given in Listing 1) which handle anything interesting within their apply method, GLLcombinators will perform most of their work in the chain method. This method implements the “main parsefunction” idea as described earlier. In order to preserve the API, every Parser[A] will also be a functionfrom Stream[Char] to Result[A], which means that every Parser implementation must define an applymethod which serves as the entry point for the parser. We will provide a more complete definition of thisfunction presently.

3.3 Terminals, Non-Terminals and the apply Method

In the interest of both efficiency and organization, we will group Parser implementations into two categories:terminals and non-terminals. At a high level, a terminal parser is defined as any Parser which does notcontain a disjunction. Thus, any composition of sequential and literal parsers would qualify as a terminal.Conversely, a non-terminal parser is defined as any Parser which does contain a disjunction. This disjunctionmay actually be nested within several sequential parsers; the “top-level” sequential parser in this nestingwould still be classified as a non-terminal. From these definitions, we can infer that disjunctions are alwaysnon-terminals, literals are always terminals, and sequences may fall into either category, depending on theirnested composites.

It is worth noting that these definitions of terminal and non-terminal differ slightly from those con-


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ventionally used to describe context-free grammars. This is necessary as a grammar defined using parsercombinators does not have any labeled non-terminals in the conventional sense. Every grammar is essentiallydefined in Chomsky Normal Form, making the conventional definition of “non-terminal” useless.

These definitions are significant as they immediately convey something about the grammar represented bythe underlying Parser: whether it can be parsed using conventional recursive-descent and thus, conventionalparser combinators; or if it might require the full power of GLL. By definition, terminal parsers do not requireany “decisions” to be made. There is no reason to impose the complexity of GLL on what is essentiallya recursive-descent parse. On the other hand, non-terminal parsers might be compatible with traditionalrecursive-descent, but this is not a certainty. Thus, any Parser which claims to be a non-terminal will requirethe creation of a new Trampoline and the added complexity of the continuation-based implementation.

Since we know literal parsers to be terminal by definition, it is fairly easy to define the relevant Parserimplementation. In fact, it is almost identical to the implementation required for a traditional frameworkof parser combinators. Listing 3 gives the definition of LiteralParser along with TerminalParser andNonTerminalParser, the only direct sub-classes of the Parser trait.

For a TerminalParser, the apply method is where all of the action is. There is no need to carryaround a trampoline or go out of our way to use the continuation-passing style. This simplicity allows us toimplement the chain method as a mere delegate to apply. However, in a NonTerminalParser, the applymethod cannot perform any sort of parse action. Instead, it must create a new instance of Trampoline andpush its own descriptor onto the dispatch stack (using the chain method):

trait NonTerminalParser[+A] extends Parser[A] {...

final def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = {val t = new Trampoline

chain(t, in) {case s: Success => f: Failure => ...




In terms of the API, the apply method for a given Parser instance will only be called once: by the APIconsumer to initiate the parse process. After that, any internal framework dispatch will be made on thechain method. The only exceptions to this rule are terminal parsers, but as these parsers do not performany GLL-specific operations, their use of the apply method is not a concern. The point is that apply maybe relied upon to perform initialization operations for a specific parse. Since GLL initialization is the samefor any non-terminal parser, these operations can be implemented safely in the superclass.

We have said before that the chain method is the main parse function for each non-terminal, but thisdoesn’t completely encompass its functionality. In general, chain takes care of pushing a single parser’sdescriptors onto the dispatch stack. Thus, if we need to queue up an entire parser (whatever that entails),we can simply dispatch to its chain method, passing the parse continuation as a parameter (f). Thiscontinuation will be invoked once for each outcome produced by the parser: either Success or Failure. Asthe algorithm supports ambiguity, there may be more than one Success produced by a single parser.

We now have enough information to actually define SequentialParser, the NonTerminalParser imple-mentation which will handle sequences. Note that it will also be necessary to implement SequentialParseras a subclass of TerminalParser. Rather than attempting to merge these orthogonal cases, we will imple-ment two different sequential parsers. The non-terminal case will simply queue up its first parser, passing acontinuation which queues up its second parser on Success:


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case class ~[+A, +B](_1: A, _2: B)

class SequentialParser[+A, +B](left: Parser[A], right: Parser[B]) extends NonTerminalParser[A ~ B] {def chain(t: Trampoline, in: Stream[Char])(f: Result[A ~ B] => Unit) {left.chain(t, in) {case Success(res1, tail) => {right.chain(t, tail) {case Success(res2, tail) => f(Success(new ~(res1, res2), tail))

case res: Failure => f(res)}


case res: Failure => f(res)}


The thing to notice here is that we still haven’t actually pushed anything onto the Trampoline, we’re justdelegating down to chain methods. This is because the dispatch stack is a way to manage alternative parsepaths. Since there are no alternatives in a sequence, there is no need to exploit this feature in any way.

An instance of SequentialParser will be returned from the ~ method for any sequence where eitherthe left- or the right-operand are instances of NonTerminalParser. Thus, we can immediately provide animplementation for the ~ method in NonTerminalParser:

trait NonTerminalParser[+A] extends Parser[A] {def ~[B](that: Parser[B]) = new SequentialParser(this, that)


This is valid because the left-operand for the ~ operator is already known to be a NonTerminalParser.We don’t need to check the right-operand as our result will be a NonTerminalParser regardless. Theimplementation of ~ for TerminalParser is not quite so straight-forward:

trait TerminalParser[+A] extends Parser[A] { self =>def ~[B](other: Parser[B]) = other match {case that: TerminalParser[B] => {new TerminalParser[A ~ B] {def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = self(in) match {case Success(res1, tail) => that(tail) match {case Success(res2, tail) => Success(new ~(res1, res2), tail)case f: Failure => f


case f: Failure => f}


case that => new SequentialParser(this, that)}


And here we have our sequential parser for the terminal case. This is quite analogous to the implementationfor the non-terminal case save that we use apply directly rather than working through chain and usingcontinuations.


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3.4 Dealing with Alternates

The one parser we have yet to address from our traditional parser combinators is the DisjunctiveParser.This is the parser which must manage more than one alternate sub-parser and make a decision as to whichbranch is correct based on the input stream. In a recursive-descent parser, disjunctions are handled bypredicting the correct production based on First and Follow sets, computed ahead of time. In our parsercombinator implementation from earlier, disjunctions are handled in an almost “brute force” manner: eachpossible production is handled in turn; if any alternate fails, the next production is tried until one succedesor there are no more possibilities.

As demonstrated in Section 2, GLL disjunctions fall somewhere between these two techniques. A GLLparser does predict the correct production(s) for a given input, but it doesn’t restrict this prediction to justa single production. Whenever the Predict set is ambiguous, all possibilities are pushed onto the dispatchstack and each is handled in turn. This immediately suggests the implementation of DisjunctiveParser forour GLL combinators framework. We must gather all possible alternates at a given point and use the addmethod of our Trampoline to simultaneously queue them up for eventual execution. A more sophisticatedimplementation could perform some basic predictive queueing (as in a hand-written GLL parser), but wewill omit this optimization for the sake of simplicity.

The only problem we have is the fact that disjunctions in a parser combinator framework are composedof exactly two alternates. Productions which logically contain more than two alternates are represented bynesting disjunctions in a left-associative fashion. For example, we would encode the rule a|b|c|d as ((a|b)|c)|d.This poses an annoying issue, since we must queue every alternate possible at a given point in the parse.Thus, we must somehow flatten our nested tree of disjunctions to produce a list of all possible alternatesreachable from the current disjunction. In Scala, this can be done using a very simple recursive visitation ofthe parser tree. In Haskell or some other functional language, a more complicated scheme would be required:

class DisjunctiveParser[A](l: =>Parser[A], r: =>Parser[A]) extends NonTerminalParser[A] {lazy val gather = gatherImpl(Set()).toList

private def gatherImpl(seen: Set[DisjunctiveParser[A]]): Buffer[Parser[A]] = {val newSeen = seen + this

def process(p: Parser[A]) = p match {case d: DisjunctiveParser[A] => {if (!seen.contains(d))d.gatherImpl(newSeen)

elsenew ListBuffer[Parser[A]]


case p => p +: new ListBuffer[Parser[A]]}

process(left) ++ process(right)}


Once we have our flat list of alternates, we need only iterate each possibility, pushing it onto the dispatchstack:

def chain(t: Trampoline, in: LineStream)(f: Result[A] => Unit) {// eliminate duplicate resultsval results = mutable.Set[Result[A]]()


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for (p <- gather) {t.add(p, in) { res =>if (!results.contains(res)) {f(res)results += res



3.5 The Trampoline

Now that we have seen how the basic parsers can be implemented in terms of GLL, we can finally return tothe all-important Trampoline, outlined in Listing 2. This class has two main functions:

• It encapsulates the dispatch stack and provides a run() method which loops while the stack is non-empty, popping off descriptors and dispatching as appropriate.

• It maintains the GSS in the form of several associated data structures.

The Trampoline class is the only traditional, imperative-style class in the entire implementation. All of itsoperations side-effect. This is done mostly for the sake of efficiency and convenience in the implementation;it is not a fundamental restriction of the algorithm. If we were implementing GLL in Haskell, we wouldlikely return a modified Trampoline from the chain function for each combinator rather than modifying itsdata structures in-place.

As seen earlier, every chain function takes the trampoline as a parameter. This is a simple requirementto satisfy as all of the dispatch to the chain methods is done either from the chain method in another parser(as in the case of SequentialParser or from the trampoline itself). With this in mind, we can sketch aninitial outline of the run() method in the Trampoline:

class Trampoline {private val stack = new mutable.Stack[(Parser[Any], Stream[Char])]

def run() {while (!stack.isEmpty) {val (p, s) = remove()

p.chain(this, s) { res =>...



private def remove() = stack.pop()}

Every descriptor is a 2-tuple consisting of a parser and a pointer into the input stream. This allows us to kickoff the next parser in line, but it isn’t quite sufficient yet. We also have to deal with parser continuations.This is handled in the conveniently-elided function value above.

As mentioned earlier, the Trampoline#add method takes a parser and a stream, as well as a functionvalue which represents the continuation of that parse process. These continuations literally represent theback-edges for the GSS. At any point in the stream, there will be a set of mappings from parser instances tosets of continuations. Thus, GSS nodes are actually descriptors represented by the 2-tuple of a parser anda pointer into the input stream:


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type FSet[A] = mutable.Set[Result[A] => Unit]

private val backlinks = mutable.Map[Stream[Char], HOMap[Parser, FSet]]()

As an aside, we will make some use of the HOMap data structure3 in our implementation. Please be awarethat this is not the same as a HMap. HOMap is simply a map where the key and value types are of kind ∗ ⇒ ∗and their type parameters are instantiated with the same (unrestricted) type. In simpler terms: both thekey and value types are functions of the same type. This allows the parameter type of the values extractedfrom the map to vary based on the parameter type of the key used to extract that value. This is requiredfor type-safe continuation dispatch, as we will see in a moment.

With the backlinks map defined, we can now move ahead with our implementation of the add method:

def add[A](p: Parser[A], s: Stream[Char])(f: Result[A] => Unit) {if (!backlinks.contains(s))backlinks += (s -> HOMap[Parser, FSet]())

if (!backlinks(s).contains(p))backlinks(s) += (p -> new mutable.HashSet[Result[Any] => Unit])

backlinks(s)(p) += f

val tuple = (p, s)stack.push(tuple)


Now that we have continuations saved in the GSS, we can properly implement the elided chain continuationin our run() method from earlier:

p.chain(this, s) { res =>backlinks(s)(p) foreach { _(res) } // this is where we need HOMap


This takes care of the dispatch stack and the GSS back-edges, but we also need to maintain a number ofother data structures. Primarily, we need a way of tracking parsers which have already been pushed ontothe dispatch stack for a particular index into the input stream (we call this set Uj in Section 2).

This set can be represented in a relatively straightforward manner, mapping from the input stream to aset of Parser(s):

private val done = mutable.Map[Stream[Char], mutable.Set[Parser[Any]]]()

It is important to note that we are assuming here (as well as for the backlinks set) that Parser instanceshave some sort of intrinsic identity. In other words, if we have a Parser which represents a particularnon-terminal, we should be able to test that parser for equality and receive true if the compared parserrepresents the same non-terminal.

This is very different from how traditional parser combinators operate. Consider the following grammarconstructed using the framework described in Section 1:

def s: Parser[Any] = ("a" ~ s

| "a")

3Credit to Jorge Ortiz for this very useful type-safe wrapper


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The important thing to remember here is even though the syntax may make s appear as a non-terminalin a grammar, it is still technically a method. By definition, repeated invocations of the s “non-terminal”actually produce new instances of Parser. Thus, if we attempt to parse the string “aaa”, three separateinstances of Parser will be created, each corresponding to the s “non-terminal”.

This technique works well for traditional parser combinators, but it breaks down as soon as we need toassociate any sort of semantics with specific Parser instances (such as ensuring that we don’t repeatedlyinvoke the same Parser on a particular index of the input stream). We could attempt to define equalityfor Parser in such a way that structurally equivalent parsers are recognized as being the same, but thisapproach very quickly runs into problems with recursive parsers. Actually, it’s not surprising that we areunable to define a structural equals method for Parser given the fact that determining language equalityfor context-free grammars is undecidable.

The solution to this problem is to ensure that repeated invocations of s (or any other name correspondingto a particular non-terminal) return the same Parser instance. If we can guarantee this, then equality canbe handled at the instance-level, neatly side-stepping the tangled morass of structural equality. Fortunately,Scala allows lazy values to have recursive definitions, giving us a convenient way to guarantee that we alwayshave a consistent Parser instance for each non-terminal in the grammar. Thus, the grammar from abovecould be handled almost as-is. The only change required is to swap def for lazy val4:

lazy val s: Parser[Any] = ("a" ~ s

| "a")

It is interesting to note that the parser combinator framework included in Scala 2.8 ran into a similar difficultyimplementing Packrat parsing and arrived at exactly the same solution. The Kiama framework [8] imposesa similar restriction on its parser combinators.

Now that non-terminals are guaranteed to have a consistent Parser identity, we can complete the mod-ifications to our add method with respect to the done set. Rather than simply pushing the descriptor ontothe dispatch stack, we first check to see if the descriptor has been previously pushed by looking in the doneset for the current index into the input stream:


val tuple = (p, s)

if (!done.contains(s))done += (s -> new mutable.HashSet[Parser[Any]])

if (!done(s).contains(p)) {stack.push(tuple)done(s) += p


This is sufficient to ensure that we don’t repeatedly consider a given parser at a particular index into theinput stream, pruning off redundant suffixes. However, this is not sufficient to ensure correctness in everycase. When a local ambiguity merges with a parse trail which has yet to be followed (still waiting on thedispatch stack), the additional GSS back-edge will allow reduction to follow through the ambiguous parsetrail. However, if a local ambiguity merges with a parse trail which has already been followed and reduced,we must take extra steps to immediately reduce along the ambiguous path using the results obtained by theealier parse. Thus, we must maintain not one, but two sets of completed descriptors: one which represents

4We also explored a slightly more devious solution which involved reflectively determining the auto-generated container classfor the left and right thunks contained by DisjunctiveParser. This worked reasonably well, but it was far less straight-forwardthan simply requiring lazy val and had some rather murky performance implications.


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descriptors which have been pushed onto the dispatch stack, and another which maps popped descriptorsto a set of results. This second set is the P set from the psuedo-code description of the GLL algorithm inSection 2:

type SSet[A] = mutable.Set[Success[A]]

private val popped = mutable.Map[LineStream, HOMap[Parser, SSet]]()

Here once again we’re using HOMap to associate Parser instances with a set of Success(es). We need thisto be a set (rather than a single Success) because a single node in the GSS may be traversed several times,resulting in more than one possible result during reduction.

Whenever we add a descriptor, we must now check it against the popped set before we check against thedone set. If we find the relevant descriptor in popped, we immediately reduce on that parser, once for eachSuccess in the set:


val tuple = (p, s)

if (popped.contains(s) && popped(s).contains(p)) {for (res <- popped(s)(p)) {f(res)

}} else {if (!done.contains(s))done += (s -> new mutable.HashSet[Parser[Any]])

if (!done(s).contains(p)) {stack.push(tuple)done(s) += p


Of course, this code isn’t very useful if we never add anything to the popped set. As indicated by thepsuedo-code in Section 2, we take care of this bit in the trampoline reduce continuation immediately priorto traversing the GSS back-edges:

p.chain(this, s) { res =>if (!popped.contains(s))popped += (s -> HOMap[Parser, SSet]())

if (!popped(s).contains(p))popped(s) += (p -> new mutable.HashSet[Success[Any]])

res match {case succ: Success[Any] => popped(s)(p) += succcase _: Failure => ()


backlinks(s)(p) foreach { _(res) }}

At this point, we have fully implemented the pseudo-code given in Section 2. However, this alone is notquite sufficient to allow for fully-general GLL parsers. The critical distinction is the pseudo-code given wasfor a GLL recognizer while our GLL combinators framework serves as a tool for building GLL parsers.


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As we note in Section 4, this distinction does have some interesting performance implications. Unfortu-nately, it also has an important effect on the correctness of our algorithm. Consider the following grammar:

lazy val s: Parser[Any] = (s ~ "a"

| "a")

This is a simple left-recursive encoding for the language of one or more a(s). As we showed in Section 2, GLLcan handle left-recursive grammars by treating the left-recursion as an ambiguity and by creating a loop inthe GSS. Our implementation represents such loops with indirect self references in the backlinks set. Morespecifically, we add a reduce function to backlinks which indirectly reduces back to the same state we arecurrently in. This allows left-recursive productions to loop as many times as necessary to consume the inputin question. Unfortunately, it can also lead to non-terminating execution.

Upon reflection, the problem becomes quite apparent. We are pushing a function which indirectly callsback to ourselves into the backlinks set. We eventually traverse the backlinks set and call every functiontherein. One of these functions will lead back to where we started, at which point we once again traversethe backlinks set, calling the same function we dealt with earlier.

Clearly we need some way of preventing a backedge from being traversed indefinitely for a particularindex of the input stream. This is remarkably similar to the problem we faced with our done and poppedsets, except instead of repeated invocation of a particular Parser, we need to prevent repeated invocationof a particular function. Function equality is just as undecidable as parser equality, but once again we canexploit the fact that we have real a real object which represents the entity in question. In Scala, functionsare objects, and so we can simply rely on instance identity to catch repeated invocation of the same function:

private val saved = HOMap[Result, FSet]()

Recall that Result encapsulates not only the Success or Failure of a reduction but also the current locationof the input stream. Thus, it is sufficient to map a particular Result to the set of all reduce functions whichhave been called with that value. This prevents a single result from looping around and around ad infinitumwhen our GSS contains a loop:


if (!saved.contains(res))saved += (res -> new mutable.HashSet[Result[Any] => Unit])

for (f <- backlinks(s)(p)) {if (!saved(res).contains(f)) {saved(res) += ff(res)


Instead of just looping over the set of relevant GSS back-edges, we now check each function against thesaved set for the current Result. If we haven’t yet invoked this particular back-edge, store the function inthe saved set and go ahead with the call. If the back-edge in question represents a loop, we will eventuallycome back to this exact point with the same Result. However, instead of recursively continuing forever, theinfinite loop will be nipped in the bud when the saved set reports that the function in question has alreadybe invoked for that particular Result.

3.6 Putting it All Together

Now that we have a complete implementation of the Trampoline class, we can finally implement the applymethod in NonTerminalParser:


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final def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = {val t = new Trampoline

var successes = Set[Success[A]]()var failures = Set[Failure]()

chain(t, in) {case Success(res, Stream()) => {successes += Success(res, Stream())


case Success(_, tail) => {val msg = "Unexpected trailing characters: '" + tail.mkString + "'"failures += Failure(msg, tail)


case f: Failure => failures += f}

if (successes.isEmpty)failures.toList



This is really nothing more than a starting point for the trampoline process. We create a new Trampolineand use it to invoke our own chain method. The most interesting part of this function is way in which afailed parse is identified. By its very nature, the GLL algorithm will report Failure for a large number ofparse trails even for parse which will eventually succeed. This is because every Failure is propagated all theway back the through the GSS to the root (which is precisely the apply function in NonTerminalParser),even when the Failure in question is for a local ambiguity which was resolved along another parse trail.

In order to provide sane semantics, we define a parse to be a failure iff all results are Failure(s). If anySuccess is received, it means that one possible parse trail has run to completion and successfully reduced.We make the (rather optimistic) assumption that this Success is the desired result and drop any Failure(s)we may have received. If we don’t receive any Success(es), we assume the parse is a failure and returnall Failure(s) received. The caller can then impose whatever hueristics are desirable to determine which isthe “definitive” Failure. For example, we could implement a longest-match error reporting strategy in thefollowing way:

lazy val p: Parser[Any] = ...

p(input) match {case successes @ (_: Success[Any]) :: _ => ... // handle ambiguous successes

case failures @ (_: Failure) :: _ => {val sorted = failures sort { _.tail.length < _.tail.length }val longest = sorted takeWhile { _.tail.length == sorted.head.tail.length }// traverse `longest` and report all errors



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It is also worth noting that we do not allow Success(es) which have failed to consume the entire input stream.We will actually receive a Success every time a Parser reduces successfully. While this is technically correct(reflecting the ambiguity between greedy and non-greedy matching), it is almost never the desired semantics.

In order to stem this torrent of spurious Success(es), we make the assumption that greedy matchingshould always be the default. This assumption is natural considering that traditional parser combinatorsalways match greedily. Arguably, it would be better to allow extension of this method to permit alternativestrategies (in fact, our full practical implementation does exactly this). However, we will conveniently ignorethis practical consideration for the sake of simplicity.

4 Performance

Of course, with any generalized parsing algorithm, performance is an important concern. Generalized parsingcan be naıvely handled in O(kn) time, clearly we should aim to be better than this. Conversely, it has beenshown that context-free language recognition is equivalent to matrix multiplication, a problem for whichthe fastest-known algorithm is O(nlog2 7) ≈ O(n2.807) and the proven lower-bound is O(n2), so it is highlyunlikely that our GLL implementation could do any better than this. In Section 2.3, we made the claimthat GLL is an inherently O(n3) algorithm which gracefully degrades to O(n) when the grammar is LL(1).In this section, we give a rough proof sketch for both of these claims as well as emperical evidence that ourimplementation maintains the performance properties of the theoretical algorithm.

Note that we will only consider GLL recognizers in our proofs. Generalized context-free parsing remainsan inherantly exponential problem because all possible results must be produced. A recognizer can pruneredundant parse trails when they are detected to converge to the same point; but a parser must consider notonly the point of convergence but also the possible values reachable from that point. Put another way, it isvery possible to construct a generalized parser which produces an exponential number of results. At the veryleast, these results must be enumerated by the parser if only for the sake of output. Thus, it is possible forthe values produced by semantic actions to utterly defeat the optimizations employed by generalized parsingalgorithms.

4.1 Linear Degradation

GLL is O(n) in the case where each disjunction in the grammar is unambiguous. This is to say that eachdisjunction has at most one valid production for any given input. Recall that left-recursion is treated as anambiguity by GLL. Thus, the class of grammars which can be handled by GLL in O(n) time is preciselyequivalent to LL(1).

Linear performance is achieved due to the fact that the parser will never follow more than one parsetrail. Whenever the parse reaches a disjunction, at most one production will be valid (by assumption) andthus at most one descriptor will be pushed onto the dispatch stack. This descriptor will be immediatelypopped off by the L0 trampoline. Thus, GLL will behave exactly like a predictive, tail-recursive form ofrecursive-descent, an algorithm which is known to be O(n).

4.2 Generally Cubic

Our proof for O(n3) performance in the worst case essentially relies on the fact that GLL is based aroundthe lazy construction of the same graph-structured stack data structure used by GLR, RIGLR and othergeneralized bottom-up parsers. Algorithms based around this structure are known to be O(n3), and thusGLL trivially inherits this property.

The only case where GLL differs from a standard GSS-based parse algorithm is when dealing with left-recursive rules. Specifically, GLL treats left-recursion as a local ambiguity which creates a special loop edgein the GSS to be used during reduction. Thus, left-recursive rules will parse with the same performance asa right-recursive rule. The main difference comes during reduction: GLL will reduce to the origin of theleft-recursive production as well as back into the left-recursive production itself. However, the loop reduction


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will complete in constant-time, either resulting in an additional parse trail in the GSS (if the reduction isambiguous) or failing immediately. Thus, left-recursive reduction has the same performance characteristicsas conventional reduction, indicating that GLL is indeed O(n3) in the worst-case.

4.3 Emperical Evidence

In an effort to reinforce the theoretical conclusions of the proofs, we have done some emperical testing usingan implementation of the GLL combinators framework. Note that this implementation is significantly moreadvanced than the basic implementation given in Section 3. However, the differences are exclusively constant-time optimizations and API refinements designed to make the framework more practically applicable, theydo not affect the asymptotic performance of the algorithm.









Student Version of MATLAB

Figure 1: Performance on Language Γ2

Figure 1 shows the results of our performance testing on the following highly-ambiguous grammar (whichScott and Johnstone refer to as “Γ2”):

S ::= S S S| S S| a

In order to obtain an approximation of the asymptotic performance, we tested the framework using inputlengths varying from 10 up to 100 at increments of 2. Each test run was performed fifteen times with thefirst three, highest and lowest results dropped. The remaining ten results were averaged and used as theruntime (in milliseconds) for that particular input length. In order to ensure JVM warmup, we the parserfifty times against a moderate input length before starting any testing. Listing 4 shows our complete testharness.

It is important to note that the parser used for testing defines all of its semantic actions to concatenatetheir string arguments together. As such, there is no ambiguity in the result values, effectively turning ourparser into a simple recognizer.

The results in Figure 1 are plotted on a cubic scale. The curve described by the data on this scale is veryclose to linear, indicating that the framework is indeed providing O(n3) performance modulo some constantfactor. The data curve does depart slightly from a pure cubic result (in fact, it is slightly better), but this


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abberation is well within the margin of experimental error, especially when considering the many advanced(and sometimes unpredictable) optimizations performed by the JVM at runtime.

All tests were performed on MacOS X with a 2.4 Ghz processor and 4 GB of memory running underApple’s JDK version 1.6.0 17 in 64bit mode (note that Apple’s JDK runs in -server mode by default).

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we have presented a practical implementation of the GLL algorithm in a primarily-functionalframework. While our implementation does make use of some mutable state, it is confined to very specificareas. As noted, it would be reasonably straightforward to replace the usage of mutable state with purely-functional alternatives. The primary motivation for the mutable state was convenience and not necessity.

In the interest of brevity, we have omitted many constant-time optimizations from the implementationpresented in this paper. For example, we do not attempt to perform any sort of predictive disjunctionhandling. This optimization (along with many others) are fully explored in our practical implementation ofthe framework, available at This implementation alsoprovides several useful constructs not mentioned in this paper, such as support for regular expressions, parsernegation (similar to SGLR’s [11] reject reductions) and line tracking (for error reporting). The performancetests in Section 4 were done using this real-world framework implementation rather than the simplified formdescribed here.

Given its obvious power and simplicity implementation, Scott and Johnstone — creators of the GLLalgorithm — predicted that GLL could become the generalized parsing algorithm of choice, overtakingmore traditional approaches like Earley and GLR. As this paper has shown, GLL is also quite amenable toremarkably simple and compositional frameworks such as parser combinators. We can only hope that futurelanguage implementors will consider using GLL in light of its vastly superior flexibility (when compared tocommon techniques such as LALR and LL(k)) and simplicity of implementation.


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[2] Daan Leijen and Erik Meijer, Parsec: Direct style monadic parser combinators for the real world, Tech.Report UU-CS-2001-27, Department of Computer Science, Universiteit Utrecht, 2001.

[3] Adrian Moors, Frank Piessens, and Martin Odersky, Parser combinators in Scala, Tech. Report CW491,Department of Computer Science, K.U. Leuven, 2007.

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[5] Martin Odersky and al., An overview of the Scala programming language, Tech. Report IC/2004/64,EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, 2004.

[6] Elizabeth Scott and Adrian Johnstone, Generalized bottom up parsers with reduced stack activity, 2005,pp. 565–587.

[7] , GLL parsing, Proc. of LDTA, 2009, pp. 113–126.

[8] A.M. Sloane, Experiences with domain-specific language embedding in Scala, Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Workshop on Domain-Specific Program Development, 2008.

[9] Masaru Tomita, Graph-Structured Stack and natural language parsing, Proceedings of the 26th an-nual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, Association for Computational LinguisticsMorristown, NJ, USA, 1988, pp. 249–257.


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[10] , Generalized LR parsing, Kluwer Academic Pub, 1991.

[11] Eelco Visser, Scannerless generalized-LR parsing, Tech. report, Citeseer, 1997.

[12] Philip Wadler, How to replace failure by a list of successes, Proc. of a conference on Functional pro-gramming languages and computer architecture (New York, NY, USA), Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.,1985, pp. 113–128.


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sealed trait Parser[+A] extends (Stream[Char] => Result[A]) {...

def ~[B](that: Parser[B]): Parser[A ~ B]}

trait TerminalParser[+A] extends Parser[A] {final def chain(t: Trampoline, in: Stream[Char])(f: Result[A] => Unit) {f(apply(in))


def ~[B](that: Parser[B]) = ...}

trait NonTerminalParser[+A] extends Parser[A] {final def apply(in: Stream[Char]): List[Result[A]] = { ... }

def ~[B](that: Parser[B]) = ...}

class LiteralParser(str: String) extends TerminalParser[String] {def apply(in: Stream[Char]) = {val trunc = in take str.lengthlazy val errorMessage = "Expected '%s' got '%s'".format(str,


if (trunc.lengthCompare(str.length) != 0) {Failure("Unexpected end of stream (expected '%s')".format(str), in)

} else {val succ = trunc.zipWithIndex forall {case (c, i) => c == str.charAt(i)


if (succ)Success(str, in drop str.length)

elseFailure(errorMessage, in)

} :: Nil}


Listing 3: LiteralParser and Friends


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import edu.uwm.cs.gll._

object Main {import Parsers._

def time(body: =>Unit): TimingInfo = {for (_ <- 1 to 3) { // warm-upbody


val results = (1 to 12) map { _ =>val start = System.currentTimeMillisbodySystem.currentTimeMillis - start

} toList

val trimmed = results sort { _ < _ } drop 1 take 10TimingInfo((0L /: trimmed) { _ + _ } / 10)


def main(args: Array[String]) {lazy val s: Parser[String] = (

s ~ s ~ s ^^ { _ + _ + _ }| s ~ s ^^ { _ + _ }| "a"


for (_ <- 1 to 50) { // warmups("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")


for (num <- 10 to 100 by 2) {print("Parsing length " + num + "...")System.out.flush()

val input = LineStream((1 to num).foldLeft("") { (str, i) => str + 'a' })val TimingInfo(avg) = time { s(input) }

println(avg + "ms")}


case class TimingInfo(avg: Long)}

Listing 4: Performance Test Harness