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By Manish K Choudhary

June 2012


I certify that I have read this report and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering.


Dr. Tapan Mukerji



Uncertainty in the geological model presents a key challenge in development decisions. Production data from the field are acquired only at limited locations and are sparse. Time-lapse seismic data is available field-wide but has limited resolution. In addition, increasingly production logging data is being recorded in wells, which provide information regarding vertical heterogeneity between wells. The available data set is still sparse for accurately modeling spatial distribution of reservoir properties. Hence, multiple geological realizations can exists which match the given production history and generate varying forecast, all of which should be analyzed for decision-making.

In my research thesis, two optimization algorithms have been tested for generating multiple history- matched geological models. The reservoir inversion problem has been formulated using optimization technique, with an objective of minimizing the variance between observations and output of numerical models using one, two and all three datasets as described above. Optimization is carried out in reduced model space. Model reduction is achieved by spatial principal component analysis (PCA), where optimization search space is projected to a subspace of much smaller dimension.

Local optimizers often tend to find solutions faster than global methods, though they can be trapped in local minima. Randomly generated multiple initial points can be optimized in parallel to locate multiple models matching history. Hook-Jeeves direct search (HJDS) algorithm, simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm has been used for optimization and results are compared with rejection sampler. The minima points identified through optimization represent geological models that are consistent with the production history of the field. The methodology has been tested on three different synthetic case studies with both categorical variable and continuous variables The optimization process locates geological models that are consistent with production history but present a varying forecast which can help in decision analysis.



I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr. Tapan Mukerji for his guidance, and support during my Masters research. His deep and insightful suggestions were the building blocks of this research. His continuous patience, motivation and enthusiasm helped me at all times in my two years at Stanford. I deeply appreciate his tireless reading of my thesis.

I am greatly indebted to the faculty, staff, and students of Department of Petroleum Engineering for their support and contribution to my academic achievements.

I would also like to express my thanks to David Echeveria for his computer code, which was the starting point of this research. I would also like to thank Mehrdad Shirangi for explaining SPSA algorithm to me.

I would like to thank the companies supporting the Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting (SCRF) affiliate program at Stanford University for their financial contribution that made this research possible.

Finally, I owe my greatest gratitude to my family for their love and devotion. Without their support, I would have never made it this far. I am grateful to my friends for their support and constant motivation to achieve my objective.



Abstract ............................................................................................................................... v

Acknowledgments............................................................................................................. vii

Contents ............................................................................................................................. ix

List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... xi

List of Figures .................................................................................................................. xiii

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Principal Component Analysis ............................................................................. 3 1.3 K-Medoid Clustering............................................................................................ 3 1.4 Optimization Algorithm ....................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 Hook Jeeves Algorithm................................................................................. 4 1.4.2 SPSA Algorithm ........................................................................................... 4

2 Testing the Idea - Case Study I & II ........................................................................... 5

2.1 Model Description ................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Dimension Reduction ........................................................................................... 6 2.3 Observables and Objective Function.................................................................... 6 2.4 K - Medoid Clustering.......................................................................................... 7 2.5 Model Set - 1: Continuous Property based Model ............................................... 8

2.5.1 Model Generation ......................................................................................... 8 2.5.2 Dimension reduction and Clustering ............................................................ 9 2.5.3 Optimization Results ..................................................................................... 9 2.5.4 Optimization Algorithm Efficiency ............................................................ 11 2.5.5 Forecast Uncertainty ................................................................................... 12

2.6 Model Set - 2: Categorical Property based Model ............................................. 12 2.6.1 Model Generation ....................................................................................... 12 2.6.2 Dimension reduction and Clustering .......................................................... 13 2.6.3 Inclusion of Seismic Tomography Data ..................................................... 15 2.6.4 Optimization Results ................................................................................... 16 2.6.5 Optimization Efficiency .............................................................................. 18

2.7 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 19 3 Expanding the Idea – Case Study III ........................................................................ 21

3.1 Model Description .............................................................................................. 21 3.1.1 Geology ....................................................................................................... 21 3.1.2 Petrophysics ................................................................................................ 22 3.1.3 Relative Permeability & Capillary Pressure ............................................... 23 3.1.4 Fluid Properties ........................................................................................... 23


3.1.5 Rock Physics Model ................................................................................... 24 3.1.6 Production Strategy ..................................................................................... 24

3.2 Model Decomposition & Reconstruction ........................................................... 25 3.2.1 Principal Component Analysis ................................................................... 25 3.2.2 Dimension Reduction.................................................................................. 26 3.2.3 Model Generation ....................................................................................... 27

3.3 History ................................................................................................................ 28 3.4 Optimization ....................................................................................................... 30

3.4.1 Workflow .................................................................................................... 30 3.4.2 Observables & Response Function ............................................................. 30

3.5 Results ................................................................................................................ 31 3.5.1 Flow Only ................................................................................................... 31 3.5.2 Flow & PLT Data........................................................................................ 32 3.5.3 Flow, PLT and Seismic Data Optimization ................................................ 34

3.6 Rejection sampling algorithm ............................................................................ 36 3.7 Optimization Efficiency ..................................................................................... 37 3.8 Forecast Uncertainty .......................................................................................... 38 3.9 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 39

4 Summary ................................................................................................................... 41

Nomenclature .................................................................................................................... 43

References ......................................................................................................................... 45


List of Tables

Table 2-1: Dynamic properties of the model ...................................................................... 6

Table 2-2: Porosity Variogram: Model - 1 ......................................................................... 8

Table 3-1: Fluid Properties ............................................................................................... 24

Table 3-2: Rock Physics Model ........................................................................................ 24

Table 3-3: Weight for Optimization ................................................................................. 31


List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Schematic of Hook-Jeeves pattern search algorithm ....................................... 4

Figure 2-1: Porosity-Permeability Relationship ................................................................. 5

Figure 2-2: Relative Permeability Curve ............................................................................ 5

Figure 2-3: Proxy distance computation for clustering....................................................... 7

Figure 2-4: PDF and CDF of porosity: Model Set - 1 ........................................................ 8

Figure 2-5: K-medoid clustering: Model Set - 1 ................................................................. 9

Figure 2-6: Cumulative oil production vs. Time: Model Set - 1 ........................................ 9

Figure 2-7: Cum. oil production vs. cum. water injection: Model Set - 1 ........................ 10

Figure 2-8: Layer 5 - History matched models: Model Set - 1 ......................................... 10

Figure 2-9: Optimization function efficiency: Model Set - 1 ........................................... 11

Figure 2-10: MDS view of initial & final models: Model Set – 1 .................................... 12

Figure 2-11: Forecast uncertainty of history matched models: Model Set – 1 ................. 12

Figure 2-12: Principal components (1st, 2nd, 5th & 30th): Model Set – 2 ........................... 13

Figure 2-13: Variance of principal component: Model Set - 2 ......................................... 13

Figure 2-14: Model reconstruction: Model Set – 2 ........................................................... 14

Figure 2-15: K-medoid clustering: Model Set – 2 ............................................................ 14

Figure 2-16: Tomography Survey: Model Set - 2 ............................................................. 15

Figure 2-17: Layer – 5: Flow only history matched models: Model Set – 2 .................... 16

Figure 2-18: Layer – 5: Flow & seismic history matched models: Model Set – 2 ........... 17

Figure 2-19: E- Type of final solution models: Model Set – 2 ......................................... 17

Figure 2-20: Variance of final solution models: Model Set – 2 ....................................... 18

Figure 2-21: Optimization efficiency : Model Set - 2 ....................................................... 18

Figure 2-22: Forecast variability: Model Set – 2 .............................................................. 19

Figure 3-1: Reservoir structure and Channel Training Image .......................................... 21

Figure 3-2: Porosity distribution in the reservoir .............................................................. 22

Figure 3-3: Histogram of porosity for Sand and Shale ..................................................... 22


Figure 3-4: Relative permeability curveand Capillary pressure curve ............................. 23

Figure 3-5: “Zamba” Production Strategy ........................................................................ 25

Figure 3-6: Variance of first 3000 principal components ................................................. 26

Figure 3-7: Cumulative variance of first 3000 principal components .............................. 26

Figure 3-8: Reconstruction of model using limited set of principal components ............. 27

Figure 3-9: Bounds for PCA coefficients ......................................................................... 27

Figure 3-10: Randomly generated models using 3000 major principal components ....... 28

Figure 3-11: Production history of the Zamba reservoir .................................................. 28

Figure 3-12: Fluid saturations over time .......................................................................... 29

Figure 3-13: Spinner survey data for well - 4 and well - 6 ............................................... 29

Figure 3-14: Optimization workflow ................................................................................ 30

Figure 3-15: Water Cut - flow only Optimization ............................................................ 32

Figure 3-16: Layer 5 of history matched models: Flow only optimization ...................... 32

Figure 3-17: Water cut - flow & PLT data optimization .................................................. 33

Figure 3-18: PLT data match - End of 3rd year for Well - 6 (Injector) ............................. 33

Figure 3-19: PLT data match - End of 3rd year for Well - 4 (Producer) ........................... 34

Figure 3-20: History matched models: Flow & PLT data optimization ........................... 34

Figure 3-21: Water cut - flow, PLT and seismic data optimization .................................. 35

Figure 3-22: P-wave velocity match - flow, PLT and seismic data optimization ............. 35

Figure 3-23: History matched models: Flow, PLT and seismic data optimization .......... 36

Figure 3-24: Comparison with rejection sampler ............................................................. 36

Figure 3-25: Optimization Code Efficiency for Hook – Jeeves algorithm ....................... 37

Figure 3-26 : Optimization Code Efficiency for SPSA algorithm .................................... 38

Figure 3-27: Forecast of history matched models ............................................................. 38


Chapter 1

1 Introduction

Selection of the best development plan for an oil field is one of the significant decisions undertaken by oil-field operators. The decision is based on analysis of oil & gas forecast from multiple reservoir models generated using reservoir simulation. Numerical simulation models require reliable estimates for various reservoir parameters that cannot be measured directly (Slater & Durrer, 1971; Friedmann, Chawathe, & Larue, 2003). Of many reservoir parameters, sub-surface heterogeneity i.e. spatial distribution of porosity and permeability is one of important sources of uncertainty (Stephen & MacBeth, 2008; Srinivasan & Deutsch, 2004). It is why operators rely on forecasts from multiple reservoir models to quantify the uncertainty and risk associated with development plan (Cruz, Horne, & Deutsch, 2004; Rivera, et al., 2007).

Limited data is available to classify the spatial distribution of reservoir properties accurately, resulting in multiple geological models that match historical observations. Production data from the field is acquired only at limited locations and is sparse. Time-lapse seismic data is available field-wide but has limited resolution. Increasingly spinner surveys (Kading, 1976)) are being recorded in wells. The data though being sparse, provides information about connectivity between wells and can be used for history matching (Yoelin & Howald, 1970; Vogelij, Leach, & Kapteyn, 1993; Panda & Nottingham, 2011). These independently recorded observations from the field provide information about spatial distribution of rock parameters at different resolution, all of which should be integrated for history matching and uncertainty quantification (Stephen, Soldo, MacBeth, & Christie, 2006; Litvak, Christie, Johnson, Colbert, & Sambridge, 2005). Decisions pertaining to selection of best plausible development option should be based on performance analysis of all history matched subsurface realizations.

The process of history matching involves adjustment of model parameters to match model response with the observed dataset. The traditional history matching approach or cascaded approach, involved independent adjustment of model parameters and is usually ad-hoc. As such, it can result in models that are quite different from prior models. The modern history matching approach calls for a closed-loop workflow where facies distribution is perturbed in a geological consistent manner to obtain a good match between model response and observed dataset. This ensures that posterior models have similar features as prior models (Caers, 2011). Different methodologies have been proposed to minimize the mismatch between model prediction and observed data - simulated annealing, pattern search, gradual deformation, Markov chain, iterative re-sampling, gradient based optimization, etc (Caers, 2011; Himmelblau, 1972).

The mismatch or error minimization problem can also be set up as an optimization problem. Many authors have proposed formulation of simultaneous matching of


production and seismic data as an optimization problem (Huang, Meister, & Workman, 1998; Sarma, Durlofsky, Aziz, & Chen, 2006). The formulation can also be extended to other data set like spinner survey. A petroleum reservoir can have close to million unknowns (porosity, permeability, facies etc.) and any optimization in the original space will be inefficient and would have extremely high computation costs. (Echeveria & Mukerji, 2009) suggest using principal components to reduce the optimization search space while maintaining geological consistency. The process of optimization would locate a model which has minimum variance across observed data points and estimated values, in the local space (local minima) or across the entire solution space (global minima). This process would only locate one solution model and hence does not provide any mean to capture production forecast uncertainty. This research thesis builds on earlier proposed optimization scheme of (Echeverria & Mukerji, 2009) to locate multiple history matched models.

1.1 Methodology

The inversion process is formulated as an optimization problem, with the aim to reducing the error between observations and calculated dataset, similar to the one proposed (Echeverria & Mukerji, 2009). Let 𝑈𝑛 denotes the 𝑛 dimensional space in which the reservoir models are defined, 𝐺 is the set of admissible geological models which closely matches observed data and g denotes the indicator property (facies) or reservoir property (porosity and/or permeability) which is used to define the geological model. The system of models can be expressed as 𝑔 ∈ 𝐺 ∪ 𝑈𝑛 . The optimization problem can be defined as in Equation (1-1)

𝒈∗ = 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧

𝒈 𝝐 𝑮⟦ℝ(𝒎) − 𝕆𝒎⟧𝟐


where 𝕆m ∪ Un comprises all observed data in the inversion, and ℝ(𝑚) ϵ Un represents the numerically computed observables for the model 𝑔. Varying weights/normalization for different components in the observables (production, seismic, flow survey etc.) can be included in the optimizer function (Euclidean norm in this case) to take into account variable uncertainty in the data acquisition & observations. The optimization problem is ill conditioned due to much larger number of inversion parameters than observations (𝑛 >> 𝑜) and model reduction using principal component analysis have been proposed earlier. Optimization is carried out in subspace of lower dimension (principal components: 𝑛𝑅 < 𝑜), statistical information for which is obtained from prior knowledge of the reservoir. The principal components also can be used to randomly generate geologically consistent reservoir model from randomly generated coefficients for each principal component. Local optimizers are strongly dependent on the initial guess but tend to be more efficient than the global optimizer. Multiple optimization run starting from different initial guesses can help to obtain multiple minima across the solution space, while using efficiency of local optimizers.


1.2 Principal Component Analysis

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a mathematical procedure that linearly transforms an original set of variables into a substantially smaller set of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components. The number of principal components is equal to the dimensionality of the space that can be much smaller than the dimension of original variable set. The limited set of principal components represents all information of the original data set (Jolliffe, 2002). The transformation generates principal components in the decreasing order of variance i.e. the first principal component has the largest possible variance and accounts for maximum variability among the variable set, the second principal component has the second largest variance and is orthogonal to the first principal component. Each succeeding component add less and less variability to the model and is orthogonal to all other principal components (Gass, 2007).

The principal components are independent of each other only if the variables are normally distributed. PCA is a linear technique and any extension to non-linear variables approximates the method. PCA is sensitive to the relative scaling of the original variables. The PCA technique is also called by other names such as discrete Karhunen–Loève transform (KLT), the Hotelling transform and proper orthogonal decomposition.

1.3 K-Medoid Clustering

Reservoir models are large dimensional models and it is often difficult to visually compare models with each other. Prior models generated using geostatistical technique look similar visually but can produce widely varying production response. likewise, models which look different may have similar oil & gas forecast. Since the local optimizers are very sensitive to initial guess, it is important that the starting models be spaced as far as possible to prevent convergence to same minima.

K-Medoid clustering algorithm can be used in a multi-dimensional space (Caers, 2011) to select initial models for optimization. A forward model computation may be too expensive so a proxy distance mapping can be used for clustering. The K-Medoid algorithm attempts to cluster the dataset by minimizing the non-metric distance between points and selects models that are deemed center of the cluster. The selected prior models are likely to be spaced far apart and will generate different posterior models. (Caers, 2011; Maulik, Bandyopadhyay, & Mukhopadhyay, 2011).

1.4 Optimization Algorithm

Local optimizers tend to be efficient than global optimizers as they quickly converge to a local minima. A gradient-based optimization can further increase speed, but gradients are costly to compute. Adjoint based simulator can help in accelerating the search but require access to source code. In most cases, adjoints are unavailable in commercial simulators or they are too complicated to work with. Two gradient free algorithms were used for optimization during the study and are briefly described in the section below.


1.4.1 Hook Jeeves Algorithm

Hook Jeeves Direct Search (HJDS) is a gradient free optimization method, where approximate numerical slopes are calculated from function calls (Hooke & Jeeves, 1961; Gottfried & Weisman, 1973). The pattern search method consists of sequence of exploratory moves about a base point that, if successful, are followed by pattern moves. The purpose of exploratory moves is to acquire information about the function in the neighborhood of the base point. The base point is perturbed one dimension at a time and function value is evaluated resulting in general into a new base point. If no function reduction is achieved, the step length is reduced and procedure is repeated.

A pattern move attempts to speed up search using information from preceding base points. A translation in the best search direction is made and function is reevaluated. The alternating sequence of exploratory and pattern moves is continued until convergence or if the step length has reduced to specified small value. Figure 1-1 shows a schematic of Hook-Jeeves methodology in two-dimension space

Figure 1-1: Schematic of Hook-Jeeves pattern search algorithm 1.4.2 SPSA Algorithm

Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) is a modified version of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz algorithm (Kiefer & Wolfowitz, 1952), where stochastic gradient for the function is estimated by perturbing one parameter at a time. Kiefer-Wolfowitz algorithm is unfeasible as evaluation of objective function for perturbation in every parameter is impractical in case of history matching.

A stochastic approximation (SA) for minimization uses some sort of random process to select the search direction for every iteration (Robbins & Monro, 1951). SPSA improves on the SA algorithm by simultaneously perturbing all model parameters randomly to generate a search direction for every iteration. The search direction can be random walk but is chosen downhill for every iteration. The algorithm behaves similar to steepest descent direction (Gao, Li, & Reynolds, 2007) and can be implemented with any simulator.


Chapter 2

2 Testing the Idea - Case Study I & II

The multistart optimization methodology was tested on two different synthetic box models to test its applicability for continuous property based models and categorical parameter based models. The reservoir models constructed for both case studies were of identical dimensions and had same fluid properties. First set of models used continuous property as primary variable, (in this case porosity) with a defined two point variogram. Porosity models were generated using SGSIM1 with statistical data was extracted from well logs. The second set of models used categorical variable, in this case facies to model reservoir heterogeneity. Reservoir facies models were generated in SNESIM2 using a channel-training image. The facies model used for the exercise was extracted from Stanford VI reservoir (Castro, Caers, & Mukerji, 2005).

2.1 Model Description

The reservoir box model consisted of 4000 grid cells with 20 cells in X-direction, 20 cells in Y-direction and 10 cells in Z-direction. A bi-modal histogram was used to populate porosity in grid cells the first case. For the other case, a uniform distribution was used to populate porosity for each facies. Permeability was assigned to grid cells using Kozney-Carman based porosity–permeability relationship (Mavko, Mukerji, & Dborkin, 2009). Figure 2-1 plots the porosity-permeability relationship used in the models

Figure 2-1: Porosity-Permeability Relationship

Figure 2-2: Relative Permeability Curve

1 SGSIM – Sequential Gaussian Simulation 2 SNESIM – Single Normal Equation Simulation




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5





Porosity, φ













0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8



e Pe



y, k




e P





Water Saturation, Sw




The reservoir model represented an inverted five-spot pattern. All five wells were modeled fully penetrating. Both sets of models were constrained using porosity/facies at the well locations. PVT properties for the fluids in the reservoir were modeled as black oil with no free gas in the system. The reservoir was considered saturated with oil and connate water at the start of simulation. The reservoir model was simulated for water flood scenarios. Oil-water relative permeability curves were generated using Corey functions (Ahmed, 2010; Dake, 2001). Figure 2-2 shows the relative permeability curves used in the model. The key dynamic parameters of the model are listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1: Dynamic properties of the model

Property Value Oil Viscosity 1.20 cp Water Viscosity 0.325 cp Rock Compressibility 5 x 10-6 psi-1 Well Control Constant pressure injector and

Constant pressure producer Production Strategy (Water Flood)

4 Water injectors in the Corner 1 Oil Producer in the Center

2.2 Dimension Reduction

Large set of realizations are required for extracting principal component using PCA technique. An ensemble of 1000 realizations was generated for both model set using SGSIM (Model – 1: Porosity based model) and SNESIM (Model – 2: Facies based model). PCA was performed using MATLAB® software on both ensembles to generate principal components and their associated coefficients. The variance for each principal component and cumulative variance was analyzed to select optimum number of principal components for model reconstruction and thereby achieve dimension reduction. Additionally, original model realizations were compared with models reconstructed using limited set of principal components to verify the optimum number of principal components.

Lower and upper bounds of the coefficients were also computed to determine the range of coefficient for each principal component. The range of coefficients was further extended by (+/-) twice the standard deviation of coefficients. New realizations for each model were constructed using limited set of principal components by selecting coefficients randomly sampled from the uniform distribution of the lower and upper bound.

2.3 Observables and Objective Function

The reservoir models were simulated for water flood for oil recovery. Four water injectors were located near the corners of the model that inject water at constant bottom-hole pressure. An oil producer was located at the center of the grid that is also constrained by constant bottom-hole pressure. The five-spot well pattern described above


is simulated using Stanford's GPRS3 simulator for a period of 90 days of reservoir exploitation. Flow data at wells is sampled at an interval of 10 days.

𝑅𝐹 = ��𝜔𝑖𝑛𝑗[ℝ𝑖𝑛𝑗(𝑡) − 𝕆(𝑡)𝑖𝑛𝑗]2

�𝕆𝑖𝑛𝑗(𝑡)�2 + 𝜔𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑

[ℝ𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑(𝑡) − 𝕆𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑(𝑡)]2

�𝕆𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑(𝑡)�2 �



𝜔𝑖𝑛𝑗 = 0.5 𝜔𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 = 0.5 (2-1)

The observable ℝ(𝑡) for a model refers to the cumulative production and injection data of the wells over time, whereas 𝕆(𝑡) referred to the production and injection history dataset. The historical data set was generated by simulating the true reference model for water flood. The response function (𝑅𝐹) used for optimization was the normalized variance of model response with respect to observed data set. Equal weighs for production and injection data was used as a part of optimization algorithm. Equation (2-1) shows the response function used for optimization algorithm. The optimization algorithm attempted to minimize the response function by perturbing the coefficients for each principal component.

2.4 K - Medoid Clustering

A large set of random realizations were generated for both types model. The large set of realization were clustered together to select 10 initial realizations for multi-start optimization. Clustering was performed using multidimensional scaling (MDS) K-Medoid clustering (Scheidt & Caers, 2009) which helps in selecting models for optimization, which are distinctively different from each other.

Figure 2-3: Proxy distance computation for clustering A proxy distance was used for purpose of MDS clustering. The proxy distance that was used for both model set was calculated using harmonic average of permeability in grid

3 GPRS – General Purpose Reservoir Simulator


cells between each injector-producer combination. Figure 2-3 shows a schematic of proxy distance computation. Permeability across the layers was arithmetically averaged in vertical direction prior to computing harmonic averages along the injector – producer. This represented a four-dimensional vector for each realization that was mapped to a two-dimensional space for clustering

2.5 Model Set - 1: Continuous Property based Model

2.5.1 Model Generation

The first model set used porosity as primary variable. Porosity was modeled as a Gaussian variable using the histogram derived from well data and spatially correlated by a known variogram. The histogram of the porosity data modeled is shown in the Figure 2-4. The parameters of the variogram model used for generating realizations are listed in Table 2-2.

An ensemble of 1000 realizations was generated using SGSIM in SGeMS4 constrained to five well locations for principal component analysis and dimension reduction.

Figure 2-4: PDF and CDF of porosity: Model Set - 1 Table 2-2: Porosity Variogram: Model - 1

Parameter Value Nugget 10% Range Max – 10; Med – 5, Min – 2 Model Exponential

4 SGeMS - Stanford Geostatistical Modeling Software: http://

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.350











Porosity [Fraction]




0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.350


















2.5.2 Dimension reduction and Clustering

PCA was carried out on model ensemble in MATLAB® software to generate principal components and coefficients. The number of dimension was reduced to 50 after analyzing the variance associated with each principal component with intent to capture approximately 50% of the total variance. A set of 100 new realizations was generated to using limited set of principal components to select 10 starting models for optimization. Clustering was performed by using the proxy distance defined earlier (Section 2.4). The MDS plot of the selected 10 models and all other models is shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5: K-medoid clustering: Model Set - 1 2.5.3 Optimization Results

Figure 2-6: Cumulative oil production vs. Time – Initial and final models: Model Set - 1


Figure 2-7: Cum. oil production vs. cum. water injection - Initial & final models: Model Set - 1 Hook-Jeeves algorithm was used as an optimization algorithm for perturbing models for history matching. Figure 2-6 plots the cumulative oil production vs. time and Figure 2-7 plots the cumulative oil production vs. cumulative water injection for the initial starting models and the final solution models for the period of history match. As it can be observed, optimization results in reduction of mismatch with production history.

Figure 2-8: Layer 5 - History matched models: Model Set - 1


The process of multistart optimization results in 10 different realization that match the production history. These realizations represent possible geological scenarios all of which match production data within the chosen tolerance.

Figure 2-8 shows a cross section view (Layer 5) of the final models after optimization. As it can be observed, they represent widely different scenarios.

2.5.4 Optimization Algorithm Efficiency

The variance of flow response with the historical data was computed (Response Function) at end of every iteration to monitor efficiency of optimization. Figure 2-9 plots the response function for the realizations as it is perturbed through the iterations. At the end of Hook-Jeeves iteration, 80% of the initial models converged to a cost function value of less than 10-2.

Figure 2-9: Optimization function efficiency: Model Set - 1 Multidimensional scaling can be also used to analyze the difference between the initial guess models and the final optimized solution models. Figure 2-10 shows a multidimensional-scaled plot of initial models and final perturbed models along with the true solution mapped to two-dimension space. The response function value across ten time steps was used as distance between the models.


Figure 2-10: MDS view of initial & final models: Model Set – 1 2.5.5 Forecast Uncertainty

The final models were simulated for an additional period of 180 days (Total - 270 days) to ascertain the uncertainty in forecast captured through these models. Figure 2-11 shows the forecast of ten final models compared with the true solution. Oil production forecast of the ten models vary from each other and provide a measure of uncertainty

Figure 2-11: Forecast uncertainty of history matched models: Model Set – 1 2.6 Model Set - 2: Categorical Property based Model

2.6.1 Model Generation

The second model set was generated with an indicator property – facies. Facies value of one at a grid location represented sand while zero represented shale. A channel training


image was used to generate multiple realizations constrained to well locations using multi-point geostatistics algorithm (Strebelle, 2002) - SNESIM in SGeMS for Stanford VI reservoir (Castro, Caers, & Mukerji, 2005). A subset of Layer-3 of Stanford VI reservoir model was extracted for the purpose of study. An ensemble of 1000 realizations was used for PCA and dimension reduction. This model set has been used for previous studies by Echeverria (Echeveria & Mukerji, 2009; Echeverria & Mukerji, 2009).

2.6.2 Dimension reduction and Clustering

Facies is a binary parameter and hence model reduction using PCA approximates the process. Facies reconstructed with limited set of principal components would no longer be binary but instead convert to a continuous property with values greater than one and less than zero. Rescaling and thresholding was used to convert the reconstructed facies to an indicator property. The principal components were extracted in MATLAB® along with associated coefficients and variance.

Figure 2-12: Principal components (1st, 2nd, 5th & 30th): Model Set – 2 (Yellow- Sand; Black – Shale) Figure 2-12 shows X-Y cross-section of few the principal components. The higher principal components provide less and less information. Figure 2-13 plots the variance associated with principal components. The first 30 principal components were selected for model reconstruction as it captured over 50% of the total variance.

Figure 2-13: Variance of principal component: Model Set - 2

This image cannot currently be displayed.


Figure 2-14 compares the reconstructed models generated using 10, 30 and 100 principal components. As it can be observed, model reconstructed with 100 principal components is very similar to model reconstructed with 30 principal components.

Figure 2-14: Model reconstruction: Model Set – 2 (Yellow- Sand; Black – Shale) A set of 100 new random models were generated by using first 30 major principal components. These models were clustered using proxy distance defined earlier (Section 2.4) to select ten starting models for optimization. The MDS plot of the selected ten models and all other models is shown in Figure 15. The reconstructed values were mapped to porosity and permeability as inputs for flow simulation

Figure 2-15: K-medoid clustering: Model Set – 2 (Yellow- Sand; Green – Shale)


2.6.3 Inclusion of Seismic Tomography Data

An additional set of optimization was performed to test the impact of inclusion of seismic data set. The travel time data associated with cross-well seismic tomography (Stewart & Domenico, 1991; Lo & Inderwiesen, 1994) is used as the second observable. Seismic tomography estimates sub-surface properties (seismic velocity or attenuation) by analyzing elastic wave field propagation from sources to receivers. Travel-time data for cross-well tomography are governed by rock physics relations (Mavko, Mukerji, & Dborkin, 2009) that are dependent on rock porosity, saturation and facies type. Figure 2-16 shows a schematic of cross-well tomography and tomography survey set-up for the study.

Figure 2-16: Tomography Survey: Model Set - 2 Cross-well tomography travel time was calculated for the true reference model and was used for optimization by modifying Equation (2-1) by including the normalized variance between model response and recorded data of reference model. Equal weight for flow data and seismic data was used for optimization algorithm. Equation (2-2) shows the modified response function used for flow & seismic data optimization.

𝑅𝐹 = ��𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑗[ℝ𝑖𝑛𝑗(𝑡) − 𝕆(𝑡)𝑖𝑛𝑗]2

�𝕆𝑖𝑛𝑗(𝑡)�2 + 𝑤𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑

[ℝ𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑(𝑡) − 𝕆𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑(𝑡)]2

�𝕆𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑(𝑡)�2 �



+ ��𝑤𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑠[ℝ𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑠(𝑡) − 𝕆(𝑡)𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑠]2

[𝕆𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑠(𝑡)]2 � 𝑡=𝑇


𝜔𝑖𝑛𝑗 = 0.25 𝜔𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 = 0.25 𝜔𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑠 = 0.5



2.6.4 Optimization Results

Hook-Jeeves algorithm was used as an optimization algorithm for history matching. The optimization algorithm reduces the mismatch between model response and history Flow Only

Figure 2-17: Layer – 5: Flow only history matched models: Model Set – 2 (Yellow- Sand; Green – Shale) Figure 2-17 shows the X-Y cross section of the final solution models along with the true reference model. Here yellow color represents the sand and green represents the shale facies. As it can be observed, final solution models vary with each other but at the same time all models contain the trace of bottom channel facies in Layer – 5as in true reference model. Flow and Seismic Data

Inclusion of cross-well tomography data provides additional information across the inter-well section. The data is not descriptive for the entire reservoir hence the impact of seismic data does not drastically change the final solution models. Figure 2-17 shows the X-Y cross section of the final solution models along with the true reference model. Here yellow represents the sand facies while green represents the shale facies. As it can be observed, the solution models are different from true reference model and all models contains majority of sand facies along the lower edge of the model similar to true model.



Figure 2-18: Layer – 5: Flow & seismic history matched models: Model Set – 2 (Yellow- Sand; Green – Shale) Ensemble average and Variance

The ensemble of final solution was combined to compute E-type and variance. Figure 2-19 shows the E-type of first, fourth, seventh and ninth layer and Figure 2-20 displays the variance. The inclusion of cross-well seismic data slightly reduces the variance.

Figure 2-19: E- Type of final solution models: Model Set – 2 (Yellow – Sand; Green – Shale)


Layer - 1 Layer - 4 Layer - 7 Layer - 9

True Model

Production Data Only

Production & Seismic Data


Figure 2-20: Variance of final solution models: Model Set – 2: (Yellow – Sand; Green – Shale) 2.6.5 Optimization Efficiency

Figure 2-21 plots the response function over the function evaluations. The optimization algorithm is able to reduce the response function value to less than 10-2. In addition, it can be observed that the inclusion of the cross-well seismic tomography data slows the convergence algorithm and it takes longer to converge to values less than 10-2.

Figure 2-21: Optimization efficiency : Model Set - 2

Layer - 1 Layer - 4 Layer - 7 Layer - 9

Production & Seismic Data

Production Data Only

True Model


Forecast Uncertainty

The converged models were further simulated to quantify the forecasts and their variability. Figure 2-22 compares the mean and spread of prediction runs for both sets of inversion with true model forecast. As expected, inclusion of seismic data in optimization reduces the forecast uncertainty.

Figure 2-22: Forecast variability: Model Set – 2 2.7 Conclusions

Multi-start optimization in reduced model dimension works effectively with both continuous property and categorical variable for generating multiple geological models. The resulting models are consistent with production history of the field but have different forecast and hence represent possible subsurface realizations. Model dimension reduction using PCA does cause of loss of geological information associated with higher order Eigen vectors, but offers a reasonable model approximation. The technique also offers flexibility to include additional data such as seismic data or well survey data for reducing solution space uncertainty.


Chapter 3

3 Expanding the Idea – Case Study III

The observations from the box model guided us to test the idea on a larger field-scale model with complex features. The intent for a larger model was to ascertain the usefulness and practicality of dimension reduction using PCA where reservoir models are complex and forward simulations are computationally demanding. Additionally, a larger field-scale model envisaged development of workflow that integrated geostatistical simulation technique within the framework of optimization. A large synthetic reservoir model was hence created with over 90,000 grid cells for this study. Multistart optimization algorithm was used got history matching with multiple data sources like field production data, seismic data and spinner survey data

3.1 Model Description

3.1.1 Geology

The reservoir is a box model made of 75 cells in X–direction, 50 cells in Y-direction and 25 cells in Z-direction. The reservoir was named “Zamba”. The reservoir structure dips towards south at an angle of 20 degrees with respect to horizontal. The reservoir consists of two facies representing sand and shale. A channel-training image was used to generate the reservoir structure using SNESIM5 algorithm of SGeMS6. Figure 3-1 shows a schematic of the reservoir structure and the training image used for generating the reservoir facies. Sand is shown as red while background shale is shown in blue. The reservoir has eight wells placed in 3 rows. The top row of well consists of 3 producers (Well 1, 2 and 3), middle row contains 2 producers (Well 4 and 5) and bottom row contains 3 injectors (Well 6, 7 & 8)

Figure 3-1: Reservoir structure (Left) and Channel Training Image (Right): (Red – Sand; Blue –

Shale) 5 SNESIM - Single Normal Equation Simulation 6 SGeMS - Stanford Geostatistical Modeling Software: http://


3.1.2 Petrophysics

Both sand and shale have been considered porous and permeable in the reservoir model. The porosity in sand and shale facies were populated independently using SGSIM7 algorithm of SGeMS. Porosity variogram in sand was considered anisotropic with continuity along the channel direction, while shale variogram was less anisotropic with maximum, medium and minimum direction comparable with each other. Figure 3-2 shows the porosity distribution in the reservoir. Figure 3-3 shows the porosity histogram of the sand and shale facies. The effective porosity in sand varies from 16% to 33% while it varies from 3% to 16% in shale.

Figure 3-2: Porosity distribution in the reservoir

Figure 3-3: Histogram of porosity for Sand (Left) and Shale (Right) Permeability in the grid cells was computed using a porosity permeability relationship. A modified porosity permeability relationship from Norne field (Suman & Mukerji, 2012) was used for the model. Equation (3-1) and Equation (3-2) represents the porosity permeability relationship used in the reservoir model for sand and shale respectively.

Sand log 𝒌 = 5.095 ∅ + 2.0580 (3-1)

Shale log𝒌 = 14.610 ∅ + 0.1745 (3-2)

7 SGSIM - Sequential Gaussian simulation


3.1.3 Relative Permeability & Capillary Pressure

The reservoir model is simulated for water flood scenario with both oil-water contact and gas-oil contact. A three-phase relative permeability model was used to model flow across grid cells. Oil-water relative permeability for sand was generated using Corey functions (Ahmed, 2010; Dake, 2001) with Corey exponent of 2.75 and 4 for oil and water respectively. The Corey exponent for oil and water in case of shale are 3.25 and 3.75 respectively. Connate water saturation in sand and shale was assigned as 12% and 30% respectively.

Modified capillary pressure data from Norne field was used for sand and shale facies. The relative permeability model and capillary pressure model used in the model are shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4: Oil – Water relative permeability curve (Left) and Capillary pressure curve (Right) 3.1.4 Fluid Properties

The reservoir simulation model included a three phase fluid system - Oil, Water and Gas. An isothermal black oil formulation was used to describe fluid behavior. Oil in the reservoir was assigned an API gravity of 30o with a saturation pressure of 3600 psi. The gravity of the gas in the reservoir was assigned as 0.85. The salinity of water was assumed 50000 ppm. The reservoir temperature was set at 180 o F. The model was initialized with an oil-water contact (OWC) within the structure at 6800 feet. No free gas existed in the model at the time of initialization.

The PVT properties for oil and gas were generated for different reservoir pressures using Standing correlation (Standing, 1947). PVT properties for water were calculated using McCain correlation (McCain, 1989). The key fluid properties are listed in Table 3-1























0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0











Water Saturation [fraction]

Kro - ShaleKro - SandKrw - ShaleKrw - Sand









0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0








Water Saturation [fraction]



Table 3-1: Fluid Properties

Fluid Property Value Oil API 30o API Gas Gravity 0.85 Separator Gas Gravity 0.90 Reservoir Temperature 180o F Saturation Pressure 3600 psi Water Salinity 50,000 ppm

3.1.5 Rock Physics Model

Rock physics model defines how seismic attributes change due change in pressure and saturation of the rock. An uncemented-sand (or “soft-sand”) is used for sand facies. The model assumes that the sand grains were deposited as a dense random pack of identical spherical grains and average number of contacts per grain between five and nine (Mavko, Mukerji, & Dborkin, 2009). Seismic attributes are defined for this type of setting using Hertz-Mindlin theory (Mindlin, 1949). Sand is assumed to be made of Quartz, Feldspar and fragments, while shale is made of clay and quartz.

Seismic attributes for shale facies are estimated using Gardner’s power law for (𝑽𝒑) P wave velocity (Gardner, Gardner, & Gregory, 1974) and “Mudrock line” for (𝑽𝑺) S wave velocity (Castagna, Batzle, & Eastwood, 1985). In-situ fluid properties are computed using Batzle-Wang relations (Batzle & Wang, 1992) which are used to compute seismic properties for rock saturated with fluid mixture using Gassmann fluid substitution (Gassmann, 1951; Mavko, Mukerji, & Dborkin, 2009). The key parameters of rock physics model are listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2: Rock Physics Model

Parameter Value Sand Composition 80% Quartz, 15% Feldspar, 5 % Rock fragments Shale Composition 85% Clay, 15% Quartz Sand Vp & Vs Uncemented Soft Sand Model Shale Vp & Vs Gardner’s relation (Vp) & Castagna relation (Vs)

3.1.6 Production Strategy

The “Zamba” reservoir model was simulated for water flood scenario. The top and middle rows of well were assigned as producers. The top row of the wells (Well – 1, 2 and 3) were completed with preformation in all 25 layers, while the middle row of wells (Well – 4 and 5) were completed in top 20 layers. The middle group of wells was constrained at a rate of 13000 bbl. per day, while top group wells were constrained with a maximum liquid rate of 8000 bbl. per day each. A lower rate constraint was assigned on top group of wells to minimize formation of secondary free gas due to pressure drop. All


producers had a minimum bottom-hole pressure (BHP) constraint 50 psi. Figure 5 shows the location of wells in the reservoir

Figure 3-5: “Zamba” Production Strategy Water was injected through the bottom row of wells (Well – 6, 7 and 8) to push the oil to the producer and to maintain producers. The injectors were completed in all 25 layers and were set to inject at a rate of 15000 bbl. per day with a maximum injection pressure of 3500 psi. Injected water replaced the voidage created in the reservoir by the producers thereby maintaining pressure, at the same time pushing the water towards producers. The reservoir model was simulated for 4 years of water flood.

Oil, gas and water production rate were recorded from the well at every month. Production rates from every layer were recorded once every year simulating a production logging survey – spinner survey in the well.

3.2 Model Decomposition & Reconstruction

3.2.1 Principal Component Analysis

The multistart optimization methodology for history matching described in Section 1.1 is carried out in a reduced model space. A large set of reservoir models – 10,000 models were generated with the same training image using SNESIM8 algorithm in SGeMS software. The training image is indicative of the reservoir geology is a prior information available with geoscientists

Principal component analysis was carried out the matrix of reservoir model to compute the major principal components. The principal components are set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables, such that first principal component has the largest possible variance and each succeeding component in turn has the next highest variance. PCA of

8 SNESIM – Single Normal Equation Simulation


the model set resulted in 10,000 principal components. Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 shows a plot of variance and cumulative variance of first 3000 principal components

Figure 3-6: Variance of first 3000 principal components

Figure 3-7: Cumulative variance of first 3000 principal components 3.2.2 Dimension Reduction

Few of the models were reconstructed using limited set of principal components and were visually compared with true model for consistency. Figure 3-8 shows a reconstruction of layer 5 of the model number 1000 using 30, 70, 1000, 3000 and 5000 principal components. As it can be observed, the reconstructed model closely resembles the true model when it is reconstructed using 3000 principal components. The first 3000 principal components represent 90% of the total variance that can be inferred from Error! Reference source not found. & Figure 3-7. This is in line with observation made by in other papers (Choudhary, Mukerji, & Echeverria, 2011; Echeverria & Mukerji, 2009) which suggests that models reconstructed with 25% of non-zero principal components closely match the true model.

Additionally, it can be visualized that model reconstructed with 70 principal components reproduce the significant channels. The higher order principal components only add to finer details to these channels.


Figure 3-8: Reconstruction of model using limited set of principal components. (Yellow – Sand; Black – Shale) 3.2.3 Model Generation

Figure 3-9: Bounds for PCA coefficients The computational capacity limits the number of dimensions in which optimization can be performed, hence a smaller subset needs to be selected, which at the same time should be able to reproduce the key features. For the purpose of optimization for this case study, models were reconstructed using first 3000 principal components, while optimization was only performed in the first 70 principal components. Coefficients for each principal component are selected sampled from a uniform distribution between minimum and maximum coefficient value obtained as part of principal component analysis. The


minimum and maximum bound for coefficients of the 3000 major principal vectors is shown in Figure 3-9 along with coefficients for a randomly generated model.

Figure 3-10: Randomly generated models using 3000 major principal components (Yellow – Sand; Black – Shale) Sand and shale facies is assigned in the model generated using with limited components using a threshold equal to prior sand proportion. Figure 3-10 represents two-dimensional X-Y slices (Layer 1) for three random realizations generated using 3000 principal components.

3.3 History

Figure 3-11: Production history of the Zamba reservoir The “Zamba” reservoir was simulated using Eclipse® for water injection for a period of 4 years with wells on rate and pressure constraint. Injected water maintains the pressure of the reservoir and pushes the oil towards the producers. The simulated production for 4 years is used as production history for purpose of optimization. Additionally, the layer wise flow rate data for the wells was recorded annually to simulate PLT survey. Figure 11 shows the field production history of the reservoir.


Figure 3-12: Fluid saturation at Initial Condition, End of first year and at end of third year Figure 3-12 shows the oil, water and gas saturation in Layer 5 of the true reference model at initial condition, at end of 1st year of water flood and at end of 3rd year of water flood. As it can be observed, water injected is gradually pushing oil towards producers up-dip. The saturation data combined with rock physics model are input for synthetic seismic computation, which is used for history matching.

Due to heterogeneity in the reservoir, production and injection in the well do not occur uniformly across layer. Spinner surveys (or PLT Data) capture the vertical trend of heterogeneity by measuring the oil, water and gas flow rate from each layer of the well. Figure 3-13 plots the spinner survey of the Well - 4 (producer) and Well - 6 (injector) at end of 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year. The data shall be used for optimization algorithm

Figure 3-13: Spinner survey data for well - 4 and well - 6


3.4 Optimization

3.4.1 Workflow

Figure 3-14: Optimization workflow An automated workflow was developed in MATLAB® for the purpose of optimization. Facies for the reservoir is constructed using randomly generated coefficients and limited set of principal vectors. The facies model is used an input in SGeMS for populating porosity and permeability in the grid. Porosity for each facies is generated using SGSIM9, while permeability is assigned using porosity-permeability relationship. The generated reservoir model is simulated for water flood in Eclipse® and observables compared against history. The mismatch between simulation output and history is used to perturb PCA coefficients, which in turn generates an updated reservoir model. Figure 3-14 shows a schematic of the workflow

3.4.2 Observables & Response Function

The observables for reservoir model include both well level data and grid level data. Oil, water and gas phases are recorded for wells at the end of each month, while pressure and saturation data for entire grid is recorded on a yearly basis. The grid level data (pressure and saturation) is used to generate normal-incidence impedance grid that is also used for optimization. Additionally, layer wise phase rates are also recorded for every well on a yearly basis to simulate PLT spinner surveys.

Equation (3-3) represents the cost function used for optimization. Here ℝp(t) denotes the model response for given parameter, 𝕆p(t) denotes the observed history data, ωp represents the weight for given data type, WC represents water cut and PLT represents spinner survey data for wells. A weighted sum of the normalized variance of

9 SGSIM – Sequential Gaussian Simulation


the model response with respect to observed data set is used as a response function for optimization. The weight for each data type can be altered based on data quality.

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒 𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = �𝜔𝑝 ���ℝ𝑝(𝑡) − 𝕆𝑝(𝑡)�






p = Field WC, Well WC and PLT data


Optimization was performed for three different scenarios - flow data only, flow data & PLT data and flow, PLT and seismic data. As the “Zamba” reservoir is primarily under water flood, only water cut at field level and well level was included for purpose of flow only optimization. In case of flow and PLT data optimization, layer wise phase rates (oil, water and gas) for all eight wells combined with field level and well-level water cut was used computing the response function. For the third scenario, Born-approximation (Mukerji, Mavko, & Rio, 1997; Lo & Inderwiesen, 1994) of P-wave velocity was for every grid cell was also included in the response function computation for optimization. The seismic data is a field-wide data set can help in constraining facies away from wells. The weights used for all the three scenarios are listed in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3: Weight for Optimization (Normalized by Total in Algorithm)

Flow Only Flow & PLT Data Flow , PLT and Seismic Data Field Water Cut –10 Field Water Cut – 10 Field Water Cut – 10 Well Water Cut – 20 Well Water Cut – 20 Well Water Cut – 20 Well PLT Data – 30 Well PLT Data – 30 Seismic Data - 30 Total - 30 Total - 60 Total - 90 3.5 Results

A set of 10 randomly generated initial models was optimized using the optimization algorithms. The results for each of the scenario are discussed below.

3.5.1 Flow Only

The response function for "Flow only optimization" was computed using water cut measurement at field and well level. The process of optimization resulted in seven models with appreciable match. Figure 3-15 shows the water cut response of the reservoir and individual wells. At the end of 3rd year, water breakthrough has already occurred through the middle row of producers (Well - 4 & Well - 5). No water breakthrough has occurred in top row of producers (Well - 1, Well - 2 & Well - 3) as such have not been plotted in Figure 3-15. The blue lines denotes models which match water-cut history, grey lines denotes model which did not match water-cut history and red points denotes the history dataset.


Figure 3-15: Water Cut - flow only Optimization

Red – History, Blue – Models matching History, Grey – Models not matching History Figure 3-16 shows the XY slices of the fifth layer of models, which converged during iterations along with the “True Model”. As it can be observed, the converged solutions are quite different from the true solution.

Figure 3-16: Layer 5 of history matched models: Flow only optimization 3.5.2 Flow & PLT Data

The second set of realization included the PLT dataset. Spinner survey data provides layer wise phase-rates that provides information about vertical heterogeneity and spatial connectivity of channels between well pairs. A good match of PLT in turn improves the water cut match since well-level water-cut is an aggregated sum of spinner survey data. A

0 500 1000 15000








Time (Days)


er C

ut (f



Well - 4

0 500 1000 15000








Time (Days)


er C

ut (f



Well - 5

0 500 1000 15000






Time (Days)


er C

ut (f





higher weight to PLT data should also be avoided due to inherent inaccuracies in measuring phase rates down-hole. The process of optimization resulted in 11 models with appreciable match. The water cut match of the model with respect to the history dataset is shown in Figure 3-17.

Figure 3-17: Water cut - flow & PLT data optimization

Red – History, Blue – Models matching History, Grey – Models not matching History The PLT data match for an injector (Well - 6) and a producer (Well - 4) is shown in Figure 3-18 and Figure 3-19 respectively. The optimization process results in models that capture all significant vertical flow rate variation in the well.

Figure 3-18: PLT data match - End of 3rd year for Well - 6 (Injector)

0 500 1000 15000








Time (Days)


er C

ut (f



Well - 4

0 500 1000 15000








Time (Days)


er C

ut (f



Well - 5

0 500 1000 15000






Time (Days)


er C

ut (f





Figure 3-19: PLT data match - End of 3rd year for Well - 4 (Producer) The XY slices of the fifteenth layer of solution models are shown in Figure 3-20 along with the “True Model”. The converged models do contain the major channel trends as in the true reference models.

Figure 3-20: Layer 15 of history matched models: Flow & PLT data optimization 3.5.3 Flow, PLT and Seismic Data Optimization

The third set of optimization was performed using all three data set. The P-wave velocity cube provides field-wide information at lower resolution. The change in P-wave velocity


at each grid cell is a complex function of pressure and saturation. Changes in P-wave velocity over time can only be resolved for a significant change in saturation and pressure. The water front movement in the reservoir represents a transition from oil-saturation to water-saturation and affects P-wave velocities in the grid cells. Seven models converged to solution models. Figure 3-21 shoes the water-cut match of middle row producers and field level water-cut with respect to history data set

Figure 3-21: Water cut - flow, PLT and seismic data optimization Red – History, Blue – Models matching History, Grey – Models not matching History The P-wave velocity match of selected models is shown in Figure 3-22. The converged models capture the major channel trends in the reservoir that are seen in the true model.

Figure 3-22: P-wave velocity match - flow, PLT and seismic data optimization

0 500 1000 15000








Time (Days)


er C

ut (




Well - 4

0 500 1000 15000








Time (Days)


er C

ut (




Well - 5

0 500 1000 15000






Time (Days)


er C

ut (






The XY slices of the fifth layer of models that converged during iterations are shown in Figure 3-23 along with the “True Model”. As it can be observed, the converged solutions capture major channel trends, but they still differ from each other due to different sand channel placement in the reservoir.

Figure 3-23: Layer 15 of history matched models: Flow, PLT and seismic data optimization 3.6 Rejection sampling algorithm

Figure 3-24: Comparison with rejection sampler


The results of optimization are compared with rejection sampler to estimate the efficiency of optimization algorithms. The "rejection sampler" or acceptance-rejection method is called an "exact" sampler as it perfectly follows the Bayes’ rule. A rejection sampler requires exhaustive evaluation of very large set of prior models. All models that do not match the historical data set are rejected, while retaining subset of models which history (Caers, 2011).

For rejection sampling, 10,000 prior models generated for PCA were simulated for water flood using Eclipse® and model response compared with the history. Rejection sampling was carried out for all three scenarios - flow only and flow & PLT data and flow, PLT and seismic data optimization. Over 1000 models were selected during rejection sampling of flow only case scenario, 71 models were only selected for flow & PLT optimization and 42 models matched the history data within tolerance for flow, PLT and seismic data optimization. Figure 3-24 compares the X-Y cross-section of the E-type of models obtained from rejection sampling with E-type obtained from multi-start optimization.

3.7 Optimization Efficiency

Figure 3-25: Optimization Code Efficiency for Hook – Jeeves algorithm Convergence is slow with both the algorithm for a large model used in case study. While, Hook- Jeeves algorithm moves step-by-step towards the minima, SPSA algorithm uses stochastic gradient computed in randomly generated directions. The convergence for Hook-Jeeves algorithm is shown in Figure 3-25 for first 40 iterations, while Figure 3-26 shows convergence of SPSA algorithm for four convergence cycles. The lines in green denote the flow & PLT optimization scenario while lines in red represent the flow, PLT and Seismic data optimization. The convergence rate for a large model like "Zamba" was slow, due to complex spatial distribution of facies. Inclusion of additional dataset further slows the convergence.


Figure 3-26 : Optimization Code Efficiency for SPSA algorithm 3.8 Forecast Uncertainty

Figure 3-27: Forecast of history matched models The history-matched models obtained from multi-start optimization were further simulated in forecast mode for three more years to ascertain the variability in the forecast. Figure 3-27 shows the water cut forecast obtained from history -matched models. As it can be observed, water cut prediction varies within these models. The variation in forecast is less for flow only optimization due to tighter tolerance used for history - matching. The tolerance of flow & PLT data optimization and flow, PLT and seismic data optimization was same. It can be observed that the uncertainty expressed by the models from flow, PLT and seismic data is slightly less than the PLT data optimization similar to the observation made in Section 2.6.4. Inclusion of additional data set further


constraints the reservoir parameters resulting in models that are more comparable to "true" reference model. The break in the water cut trend at the end of third year is due to change of group oil-rate constraint for the top row of producers from 30,000 STB/day to 33000 STB/day.

3.9 Conclusions

The technique of multi-start optimization in reduced dimension is a simple to use methodology for generating multiple geological models. The resulting models are consistent with production history of the field hence represent possible subsurface realizations. This method thus helps in capturing non-uniqueness and variability in subsurface modeling and is able to locate possible realizations, which should be investigated prior to any development decision.


Chapter 4

4 Summary

This thesis presents a workflow for generating multiple history-matched models using optimization in reduced dimensions. In this thesis, it has been demonstrated through multiple case studies that field observations i.e. production data, seismic data, spinner data etc. are too sparse for defining reservoir parameters accurately and multiple solution models exists which closely match the historical observation.

In the thesis, it has been shown that principal component analysis (PCA) can be used to reduce the dimension of the reservoir model to less than ten percent of original dimension. It is also shown that random model generated using PCA can be optimized in in a multistart approach to generate history-matched models that are different from each other produce varying forecast for hydrocarbon production.

In the thesis, it has also been demonstrated that inclusion of spinner data representing injector-producer connectivity and field–wide seismic can help in reducing the uncertainty of the posterior models. Any economic analysis of the field should be carried out only after analyzing production forecast from all models that matched history.

It can also be concluded from Case III that PCA technique cannot accurately reproduce fine scale features and other model reduction technique should be tested in cases where facies description is non-linear. The choice of model reduction technique and number of reduced dimensions is a subjective discussion. The section should be based on analysis of unconstrained prior models.



∅ Porosity 𝑘 Permeability 𝜔 Weight for optimization 𝑔 Reservoir property 𝐺 Posterior model space: Space defined by history matched models 𝑚 Reservoir model 𝑛 Number of dimensions 𝑛𝑅 Reduced number of dimensions for optimization 𝑜 Dimension of observations i.e. history data set 𝑡 Observation time 𝑇 End of history 𝑈𝑛 Prior model space: Reservoir model space made of 𝑛 dimensions 𝕆(𝑡) Model observables - History data ℝ(𝑡) Model response - Simulation output



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