genetics and biochemistry secondary metabolism in plants

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  • 7/21/2019 Genetics and Biochemistry Secondary Metabolism in Plants


    Plants produce an amazing diversity of

    low molecular weight compounds.

    Although the structures of close to

    50 000 have already been elucidated1, there

    are probably hundreds of thousands of such

    compounds. Only a few of these are part of

    primary metabolic pathways (those common

    to all organisms). The rest are termed sec-

    ondary metabolites; this term is historical and

    was initially associated with inessentiality but,

    here, a secondary metabolite is defined as a

    compound whose biosynthesis is restricted to

    selected plant groups.

    The ability to synthesize secondary

    compounds has been selected throughout the

    course of evolution in different plant lineages

    when such compounds addressed specific

    needs (Fig. 1). For example, floral scent

    volatiles and pigments have evolved to attract

    insect pollinators and thus enhance fertiliz-

    ation rates2,3. The ability to synthesize toxic

    chemicals has evolved to ward off pathogens

    and herbivores (from bacteria and fungi to

    insects and mammals) or to suppress thegrowth of neighboring plants47. Chemicals

    found in fruits prevent spoilage and act as signals

    (in the form of color, aroma and flavor) of

    the presence of potential rewards (sugars,

    vitamins and amino acids) for animals who eat

    the fruit and thereby help to disperse the seeds.

    Other chemicals serve cellular functions that

    are unique to the particular plant in which they

    occur (e.g. resistance to salt or drought8,9).

    The chemical solutions to a common prob-

    lem are often different in different plant lin-

    eages. For example, the compounds that make

    up floral scents vary widely from species to

    species, even when the same class of pollina-

    tors (e.g. moths) are attracted to the differing

    bouquets10. The variety of herbivore-deterring

    chemicals produced by plants also seems to be

    vast, and individual plant lineages synthesize

    only a small subset of such compounds11.

    Each species contains only a subset of

    genes for secondary metabolism

    Although the pathways that produce most sec-

    ondary compounds have not yet been eluci-

    dated, it is clear that there are possibly

    hundreds of thousands of different enzymes

    involved in secondary metabolism in plants.

    There are many known instances in secondary

    metabolism in which the synthesis of multiple

    products can be catalyzed by a single enzyme,

    either from different substrates12,13 or, more

    rarely, even from the same substrate14.

    However, in most cases that have been investi-

    gated, the enzymes in plant secondary metab-

    olism are specific for a given substrate and

    produce a single product.

    Plant genomes are variously estimated to

    contain 20 00060 000 genes, and perhaps

    1525% of these genes encode enzymes

    for secondary metabolism15,16. Clearly, thegenome of a given plant species encodes only

    a small fraction of all the enzymes that would

    be required to synthesize the entire set of

    secondary metabolites found throughout the

    plant kingdom. This article focuses on the

    molecular evolutionary mechanisms that are

    responsible for generating the great diversity

    of plant secondary metabolites.

    Gene duplication is not the only

    mechanism of evolution of new genes

    in secondary metabolism

    It is believed that, at least in primary metab-

    olism, new genes almost always arise by gene

    duplication followed by divergence17,18. This

    leaves the organism with one gene that

    maintains the original function and a second

    copy that is not restricted by natural selection.

    This second copy can then accumulate

    mutations until, rarely, it has acquired a new

    function and might then become fixed in the

    population. Domain swapping, with or without

    prior gene duplications, can also create new,composite genes19.

    How often do genes for secondary metab-

    olism arise by gene duplication and diver-

    gence, and how often do they arise by simple

    allelic divergence? To resolve this issue, com-

    parative analyses of orthologous loci from

    related species that also include the identifi-

    cation of gene function must be carried out

    but such data are not yet available. Obviously,

    if the original gene had an essential function,

    as genes of primary metabolism would be

    expected to have, gene duplication is a

    necessary prerequisite. However, it is theo-

    retically possible, for example, for a newallele in one of the plants genetic loci to be

    selected for if it encodes the ability to make a

    new defense compound, whereas the older

    alleles specify the synthesis of another defense

    compound that is no longer effective at deter-

    ring the plants enemies. Thus, in secondary

    metabolism, there is a potential for new genes

    to evolve without a prior gene duplication

    event. In such cases, orthologous genes in

    related species might encode proteins with dif-

    ferent functions.

    Origin of new genes for secondary


    A gene can be defined as new and distinct

    from its ancestral gene when: (1) it encodes an

    enzyme that catalyzes a chemically similar

    reaction but on a different substrate than the

    enzyme encoded by its progenitor gene; or (2)

    the encoded enzyme carries out a different

    chemical reaction on the same substrate. A

    single-step change in both the substrate and

    the type of reaction is much less likely. How

    often do new genes of secondary metabolism

    arise from other genes of secondary metab-

    olism, and how often do they arise from genes

    of primary metabolism?The recent advances in whole-genome

    sequencing EST databases have provided

    important information for this question, but no

    definitive answers. In general, the order of ori-

    gin of different genes in primary metabolism

    can be inferred from their level of relatedness

    to each other (i.e. their level of sequence iden-

    tity). Current sequencing projects are uncover-

    ing many gene families whose existence and

    extent was only suspected before (Table 1).

    These families are defined by their shared

    motifs in the encoded proteins (which

    might constitute the active site and/or bind-

    ing domains of substrates and co-factors).

    However, because the true functions of most

    members of plant gene families are not yet


    trends in plant science


    October 2000, Vol. 5, No. 101360 - 1385/00/$ see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S1360-1385(00)01741-6

    Genetics and biochemistry of

    secondary metabolites in

    plants: an evolutionaryperspective

    Eran Pichersky and David R. Gang

    The evolution of new genes to make novel secondary compounds in plants is anongoing process and might account for most of the differences in gene function

    among plant genomes. Although there are many substrates and products inplant secondary metabolism, there are only a few types of reactions. Repeatedevolution is a special form of convergent evolution in which new enzymes with

    the same function evolve independently in separate plant lineages from a shared

    pool of related enzymes with similar but not identical functions. This appears tobe common in secondary metabolism and might confound the assignment of

    gene function based on sequence information alone.

  • 7/21/2019 Genetics and Biochemistry Secondary Metabolism in Plants


    known, it remains difficult to answer the

    questions posed above completely.Thus, the large plant gene family of

    cytochrome-p450s-dependent oxygenases con-

    tains only a few members currently recognized

    to be involved in primary metabolism, such

    as in steroid and phenylpropanoid biosynthe-

    sis20. This large gene family also contains

    members already identified as being

    involved in secondary metabolism (e.g. the

    formation of menthol and carvone21). A

    similar situation also exists in the family

    of genes encoding O-methyltransferase

    enzymes, which are involved in primary

    metabolism (e.g. lignin formation) as well

    as in secondary metabolism (e.g . phenyl-

    propene and alkaloid biosynthesis1,22).

    Another example is a family of secondary

    metabolism glycosyl transferases that also

    contains the gene for carboxypeptidase ofprimary metabolism23. By contrast, several

    large families of genes have recently been

    identified that contain only a few members

    with a defined function, all involved in sec-

    ondary metabolism. For example, a large

    gene family, with an estimated70 members in

    Arabidopsis alone, encodes enzymes for

    acyl transferases involved in the synthesis

    of various scent, pigment and defense

    compounds24. Some members of this gene

    family might be involved in primary meta-

    bolism but none has yet been identified.

    The distinction between primary and

    secondary metabolism is difficult to make

    with our present knowledge and, in some

    cases, such a distinction is simply not

    possib le. For example, some of the acylated

    anthocyanin derivatives that are synthesized

    by enzymes belonging to the aforementioned

    acyltransferase family might be synthesized

    by all plants, at least under some specific but

    presently unknown conditions, but this has

    not yet been ascertained. Even if they are

    not uniformly found in all plants, the ability

    to make such compounds might be an

    ancestral trait that has been lost in various

    plant lineages; this means that, at one point

    in time, these compounds were primary

    metabolites (produced by all plant groups).

    Thus, although comparisons of available

    sequence information indicate that many

    genes of secondary metabolism have evolved

    directly from other genes known or presumed

    to be involved in secondary metabolism, it

    is reasonable to assume that, in most cases,

    the ultimate (and sometimes the proximate)

    ancestor was a gene involved in primarymetabolism. Indeed, genes of primary metab-

    olism can serve as a pool from which similar

    genes of secondary metabolism could evolve

    over and over again.

    Gain and loss of genes for specific

    secondary compounds are continuing


    There are many examples of a specific sec-

    ondary compound that is restricted to one

    plant lineage and is not found in related lin-

    eages, especially the ancestral one (such an

    observation should always be considered pro-

    visional because it is of course possible that

    other lineages will later be found to make such

    a compound). This represents prima facie evi-

    dence that the ability to synthesize this com-

    pound arose within this lineage.

    Molecular evidence for the origin of a

    new gene encoding the enzyme that catalyzes

    the formation of this compound requires

    analysis of the presence of the gene in this

    and related plant lineages, as well as a com-

    parison of its sequence similarity to other

    related genes. For example, the gene from

    Clarkia breweri (family Onagraceae) that

    encodes the enzyme IEMT [which catalyzesthe methylation of (iso)eugenol to give

    (iso)methyleugenol and is involved in floral

    scent biosynthesis] has been shown to have

    arisen from the gene encoding the enzyme

    COMT (which methylates caffeic acid to

    give ferulic acid and is involved in lignin

    biosynthesis) some time after the divergence

    of the order Myrtales22 (Fig. 2). However,

    such data are rare.

    The number of changes in the primary

    sequence of an enzyme that are required to

    alter its substrate specificity or its mode of

    action can vary. Sequence comparisons of

    related extant enzymes do not address this

    issue directly because enzymes accumulate

    neutral changes over time, making the


    trends in plant science


    October 2000, Vol. 5, No. 10

    Fig. 1. Examples of plant secondary metabolites and their proposed function in the plant fromwhich they were isolated. (a) Rutin, obtained fromForsythia intermedia, thought to act as a visualpollinator attractant. (b) Rotenone, obtained from Derris elliptica, thought to act as aninsect feeding deterrent. (c) Linalool, obtained from Clarkia breweri, thought to act as an olfactorypollinator attractant. (d) Berberine, obtained from Berberis wilsoniae, thought to act as adefense toxin. (e) DIMBOA, obtained from Zea mays, thought to act as a defense toxin.(f) Brassilexin, obtained fromBrassica spp., thought to act as an antifungal toxin.
































    O OO

















    (e) (f)

  • 7/21/2019 Genetics and Biochemistry Secondary Metabolism in Plants


    amino acid substitutions critical for change

    of function difficult to identify. This is

    especially true because, in most cases, the

    active site and binding site of the enzyme,

    as well as other functionally important

    domains, are not well defined22. Nonetheless,

    examples are known in which pairs of

    enzymes with different substrates differ

    at one or a few positions25. In addition, in

    vitro mutagenesis experiments have shown

    that the substrate preference of O-methyl-

    transferases and the type of reaction catalyzed

    by a fatty acid desaturase can be changed

    by as few as 57 amino acid substitutions

    (turning the fatty acid desaturase into a

    hydroxylase)22,26. Finally, in the terpene

    synthase (TPS) family (in which exon shuf-

    fling could have been involved in the

    evolution of some members27), domain-

    swapping experiments with sesquiterpene

    epi-aristolochene synthases have shown thatthe exchange of a single small segment

    could result in new substrate preference or

    in different products being made from the

    original substrate28.

    There are currently not enough data to cal-

    culate how frequently such changes have

    resulted in new enzymes of secondary metab-

    olism. However, several factors seem to facil-

    itate this process. The new substrate (new for

    the newly evolved enzyme, but not necessarily

    new to the plant) often closely resembles the

    old substrate, so that one or a few amino acid

    substitutions can allow the altered enzyme to

    recognize the new substrate (while maintaining

    the same catalytic domain). Sometimes, the

    enzyme recognizes only a small part of the

    substrate to begin with, although as long as

    that part of the molecule is similar between

    the old and the new substrate, a small change

    in the substrate-binding site of the enzyme is


    It should be remembered that many

    enzymes of secondary metabolism can

    already recognize more than one substrate,

    although they often have different catalytic

    rates toward them29. In addition, the existence

    of large families of enzymes, which arethemselves the product of repeated cycles

    of gene duplications and divergence,

    increases the probability that a small change

    in one or another member of the family will

    result in an enzyme that can carry out the

    same type of reaction on a new substrate,

    or carry out a different reaction on an old

    substrate. This snowball effect (the more

    genes there are in the family, the faster new

    members arise) can probably explain in

    part the large size of the O-methyltrans-

    ferase, terpene synthase, cytochrome p450

    and dehydrogenasereductase gene families

    (Table 1), to name just a few.

    Furthermore, because the new product

    would not be essential for the survival of

    the plant, the recently evolved enzyme that

    catalyzes its formation need not initially be

    efficient. However, if the production of the

    new chemical confers a selective advantage

    to the plant, genetic changes will be

    selected for over time that favor increased

    synthesis. Such changes could involve

    additional amino acid substitutions that

    increase the catalytic efficiency of the

    enzyme. However, an alternative way to

    increase fitness would be to increase the

    expression of the gene encoding the new

    enzyme. Indeed, the turnover numbers of

    many enzymes of secondary metabolism

    are many orders of magnitude lower than

    those of enzymes of primary metabolism,

    even for enzymes from the same gene fami-

    lies. As a consequence, plants often achieve

    high synthesis rates of some secondary

    metabolites by expressing their genes athigh levels in a given tissue and under

    given conditions (e.g. following pathogen

    attack), to the point that the enzymes can

    constitute 0.11.0% (or more) of the total

    protein in the cell 30.

    New genes are likely to be expressed

    in specific tissues or cells, or at a

    specific time

    The biosynthesis of secondary metabolites

    is often restricted to a particular tissue and

    occurs at a specific stage of development.

    For a new gene of secondary metabolism to

    provide an adaptive advantage, it therefore

    needs to be expressed in a specific tissue or

    type of cell at a specific time. As described

    above, the new enzyme is likely to be a

    variation of an existing enzyme that uses a

    similar substrate and catalyzes the formation

    of a similar product. It is probably more

    likely to arise from a gene that is already

    spatially and temporally expressed in the

    same manner in which production of the

    new chemical is advantageous, even if

    the new and old substrates and new and old

    products are not as structurally similar as

    they otherwise could have been. This is because

    descent from an enzyme that recognizes a more

    similar substrate but is not expressed in the

    right tissue or at the right time will require

    mutations in both coding regions and pro-

    moter elements (i.e. in two separate parts of

    the gene). If, on the other hand, modifica-

    tion of only the coding region need occur,

    genes encoding new enzymes can evolve

    more rapidly.BEAT (acetyl-CoAbenzylalcohol acetyl-

    transferase, which is involved in floral scent

    biosynthesis) and GAT4 (anthocyanin 5-

    aromatic acyltransferase, which is involved

    in floral pigment biosynthesis) might be an

    example of this24. They are acyltransferases

    that share significant sequence similarity and

    show coincident expression in flower petal

    epidermal cells, although the substrates for

    the two enzymes differ greatly (small benze-

    noid versus larger glycosylated flavonoid,

    respectively). It is therefore not surprising

    that, in secondary metabolism, there is little

    discernable correlation between the relatedness

    of enzymes and the relatedness of the corre-

    sponding substrates and products.


    trends in plant science


    October 2000, Vol. 5, No. 10

    Table 1. Selected plant gene families with at least some members that are

    involved in plant secondary metabolism

    Enzyme gene family Example from secondary No. of copiesmetabolisma in Arabidopsis

    2-Oxoglutarate-dependent Flavone synthase 10dioxygenases

    Acyl transferases Acetyl-CoA:benzylalcohol acetyl 70transferase

    Carboxymethyl methyltransferases S-adenosylmethionine:salicylic acid 20methyl transferase

    Cytochromes p450 DIBOA hydroxylase 100

    Glutathione-S-transferases Petunia An9 gene 20

    Methylene bridge-forming enzymes Berberine bridge enzyme 10

    NADPH-dependent dehydrogenases Isoflavone reductase 50

    O-Methyl transferases (Iso)eugenol O-methyltransferase 20

    Polyketide synthases Stilbene synthase 10

    Terpene synthases Linalool synthase 20

    aNot fromArabidopsis

  • 7/21/2019 Genetics and Biochemistry Secondary Metabolism in Plants


    Changes in location of new enzymes

    If, however, a new enzyme does arise in a cell

    or organelle separated from where the new

    reaction can impart benefits to the plant or

    from where the new substrate is present, there

    are several possible scenarios that could

    result in selective advantage. In one scenario,

    additional mutations in the control region of the

    gene (including the coding part that specifies

    subcellular location) or in other genes

    encoding regulatory proteins could alter the

    enzymes distribution. In a second scenario,

    additional changes elsewhere in the genome

    could result either in the de novo synthesis

    of the substrate in the appropriate location or

    in the transport of the substrate into the cellu-lar or subcellular location of the new enzyme.

    The latter changes might explain the obser-

    vation that biosynthetic pathways for sec-

    ondary metabolism are sometimes split over

    more than one subcellular compartment or

    across two or more types of cells or even

    tissues (the biosynthesis of alkaloids provides

    examples of all of these1). Such shuttling of

    substrates between different cellular compart-

    ments or different cells is often cited as exam-

    ples of a mechanism for the regulation of the

    pathway. However, the possibility that such an

    arrangement is the result of the contingent

    nature of the evolution of new enzymes (and

    therefore of the new pathways) should not be

    ignored. Thus, although it is possible that a

    regulatory mechanism has evolvedpost facto

    to take advantage of the need to shuttle inter-

    mediates in the pathway, such a mechanism

    cannot be assumed ipso facto.

    Evolution of gene expression

    As discussed above, changes in gene express-

    ion are often crucial, although not sufficient

    by themselves, for the evolution of

    new genes (and new pathways).

    However, such changes can often be

    confused with the origin of a new

    gene. For example, C. breweri syn-

    thesizes linalool in its petals whereas

    its close relative Clarkia concinna

    does not, even though C. concinnapossesses the same enzyme respon-

    sible for linalool synthesis, linalool

    synthase (LIS), as C. breweri does.

    However, in C. concinna, LIS is

    found only in the stigma and at a

    much lower level of expression than

    in C. breweri2,27. Thus, if a plant

    species is found to synthesize a sec-

    ondary compound in a particular

    organ and its relatives do not synthe-

    size this compound in that same

    organ, it is important to verify

    whether these relatives produce

    such a compound elsewhere in the

    plant. If they do, this probably means

    that no new biosynthetic genes have

    evolved. Instead, the expression pattern of

    existing biosynthetic genes must have

    changed (e.g. through an altered promoter or

    transcription factor).

    Evolution of new pathways

    In discussing the origin of new enzymes that

    catalyze the formation of new products, we

    should not lose sight of the fact that bio-

    chemical pathways do not run in parallel,

    independently of each other, but instead are

    more accurately represented as intercon-

    nected networks of reactions. Although a

    new reaction in secondary metabolism, poss-

    ibly more so than in primary metabolism,

    usually gives rise to an end product that is not

    further metabolized by the plant, the sub-

    strate on which the new enzyme acts could in

    principle be an intermediate in an existing

    pathway and not necessarily an end product

    by itself. Indeed, an instant new pathwaycould be created when a new enzyme con-

    verts an intermediate in one pathway into

    an intermediate of another pathway, thus

    linking the two (Fig. 3).

    An example of this concept was recently

    demonstrated for plant primary metabolism

    when sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)

    coniferyl aldehyde 5-hydroxylase (CAld5H)

    and 5-hydroxyconiferyl aldehyde O-methyl-

    transferase (COMT isoform) were shown to

    convert coniferyl aldehyde to sinapyl alde-

    hyde via 5-hydroxyconiferyl aldehyde, sug-

    gesting that a CAld5HCOMT-mediated

    pathway to sinapic acid might be functional

    in some plants31. This is in contrast with the

    generally accepted route to sinapic acid from

    ferulic acid through 5-hydroxyferulic acid.

    A new pathway might be formed even with-

    out the creation of any new enzyme simply by


    trends in plant science


    October 2000, Vol. 5, No. 10

    Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree consisting of COMT (which methylates caffeic acid to give ferulicacid and is involved in lignin biosynthesis) sequences from several species and including theClarkia breweri IEMT sequence, showing that Clarkia IEMT evolved from Clarkia COMTafter the origination of the order Myrtales.Modified from Ref. 22.


    subsp. trichocarpa


    Fig. 3. Two methods by which new biochemicalpathways can originate: (a) through the formationof a new enzyme that links two pre-existing path-ways; (b) through co-expression in the same com-

    partment of selected enzymes from two pathwaysthat share the same intermediate.

    A B C D E

    V W X Y Z

    New enzyme

    A B


    D E

    V W Y Z



  • 7/21/2019 Genetics and Biochemistry Secondary Metabolism in Plants


    expressing in the same compartment two sets

    (or partial sets) of enzymes belonging to two

    different pathways that share at least one inter-

    mediate (Fig. 3) but that have not previously

    operated in the same compartment. As this

    discussion shows, as long as we continue to

    think of pathways as linear arrays of reactions,

    it is difficult for us to determine the sequence

    of events that gave rise to them. Only a

    detailed examination of the presence or

    absence of particular reactions in related plant

    species whose true phylogeny is known can

    allow us to determine which reactions came

    first (based on parsimony analysis). Such

    analyses are yet to be attempted.

    Nevertheless, new pathways can also be

    created by repeated cycles of gene duplication

    and divergence. Two examples illustrate this

    point. First, in the pathway leading to the syn-

    thesis of the defense compound DIMBOA,

    four sequential hydroxylation reactions arecarried out by similar cytochrome-p450-

    dependent mono-oxygenases32. For such a

    pathway to evolve over time, the intermedi-

    ates must have conferred some selective

    advantage by themselves. Alternatively, the

    original mono-oxygenase of the DIMBOA

    pathway might initially have been able to

    catalyze all (or some) of the four hydroxyl-

    ation reactions, with the high substrate speci-

    ficities observed32 in the current enzymes

    evolving later.

    A second example is found in the flavonoid

    biosynthetic pathway, in which two homolo-

    gous enzymes (flavone synthase and antho-

    cyanidin synthase) are core enzymes in two

    distinct pathways that diverge from the prod-

    uct of flavanone 3-hydroxylase. All three of

    these enzymes are 2-oxoglutarate-dependent

    dioxygenases and share high sequence simi-

    larity33. Anthocyanidin synthase is in the path-

    way leading to the anthocyanins, whereas

    flavone synthase is a branch-point enzyme,

    shunting flux to the formation of flavonol

    glucosides instead. Thus, by multiple du-

    plication events and subsequent divergence of

    the flavanone 3-hydroxylase or its pre-

    cursor gene, multiple new enzymes andtwo pathways evolved.

    Convergent and repeated evolution in

    secondary metabolism

    One of the most remarkable observations

    about the evolution of secondary meta-

    bolism in plants is clearly the many cases

    that appear to represent convergent evolu-

    tion. For example, cyanogenesis (the release

    of hydrogen cyanide as a defense com-

    pound) appears to have arisen several times

    during plant evolution. Recently, it has been

    shown that the enzymes that catalyze the

    release of HCN from cyanogenic glycosides

    (hydroxynitrile lyases) have arisen inde-

    pendent ly several times, with some being

    related to oxidoreductases, some being related

    to carboxypeptidase and others being of

    unknown provenance34.

    Even more intriguing is the observation that

    many examples of convergent evolution in

    plant secondary metabolism are of a special

    case, termed repeated evolution, in which a

    new genetic function arises independently but

    from orthologous or paralogous genes27,29.

    For example, the repeated evolution of the

    enzyme homospermidine synthase, which

    catalyzes the committed step in the synthesis

    of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, from the ubiquitous

    eukaryotic enzyme deoxyhypusine synthase

    (which catalyzes the first step in the acti-

    vation of a translation initiation factor) has

    been invoked to explain the sporadic occurrence

    of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids throughout the


    In another example, the cyanidin-3-gluco-

    sidegluthathione-S-transferases from maizeand petunia each arose independently from

    paralogous members of the gluthathione

    S-transferase (GST) family36. Similarly,

    limonene synthases in both gymnosperms

    and angiosperms are each more similar to

    other terpene synthases within their lineages

    than to each other (Fig. 4), but the terpene

    synthases from gymnosperms and angiosperms

    are also related to each other37. This indicates

    that specific limonene synthase enzymatic

    activities evolved in plants more than

    once but, in all cases, they evolved from a

    member of the terpene synthase family. It

    appears that the universal presence of

    several related enzymes in each of the GST

    and TPS families that catalyze reactions in

    primary metabolism or in related branches

    of secondary metabolism might provide a

    pool from which new enzymes can evolve,

    sometimes more than once.

    An important consequence of repeated evo-

    lution is that the catalytic function of a newly

    described gene or protein cannot be assigned

    solely on its degree of sequence identity to

    known enzymes27,37. It is currently a common

    practice (as can be seen by perusing the

    sequence databases) to assign function to

    newly obtained sequences based solely on

    homology to other sequences in the database,

    and, less often, on the determination of ex-

    pression level and cell-type location. These

    approaches carry a high risk of misidentifi-

    cation of the true role of enzymes involved in

    plant secondary metabolism.

    Thus, it was recently shown biochemically

    that a methyltransferase gene fromArabidopsisthat had originally been thought to encode

    COMT, based on its sequence similarity to

    other known COMTs, actually encodes an

    enzyme that methylates quercetin, a flavonol,

    and is not active with caffeic acid38. Similarly,

    anArabidopsis TPS gene initially identified

    as limonene synthase based on sequence

    comparisons alone has now been shown to

    encode myrcene synthase39. Clearly, actual

    biochemical data demonstrating catalytic

    function will be required to uncover the true

    function. Experiments yielding biochemical

    data demonstrating catalytic function are not

    always straightforward and can be difficult to

    carry out in practice, especially for large


    trends in plant science


    October 2000, Vol. 5, No. 10

    Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree of terpene synthases from gymnosperms and angiosperms showingthat limonene synthases evolved separately in these two plant lineages. Modified fromRef. 37.

    ()-4 -limonene synthase ( )

    ()-4 -limonene synthase ( )

    ()-4 -limonene synthase ( )

    1,8-Cineole synthase ( )

    (+)-Sabinene synthase ( )

    (+)-Bornyl diphosphate synthase (


    Pinene synthase ( )

    Myrcene synthase ( )

    ()-4 -limonene synthase ( )

    ()-4 -limonene/()--pinene synthase ( )



    -Selinene synthase ( )

  • 7/21/2019 Genetics and Biochemistry Secondary Metabolism in Plants


    numbers of genes with vast numbers of poten-

    tial substrates. However, if analysis of the

    sequence homology is coupled to a detailed

    understanding of the metabolite composition

    for a given species (biochemical genomics),

    these experiments do become possible.

    Future prospects

    In future work, researchers will hopefully

    examine the provenance of new genes of sec-

    ondary metabolites. This should be done by

    comparing them with the ancestral genes in

    related species, using established statistical

    methods that have been used extensively in

    taxonomic studies40. As detailed above, many

    of the questions raised here how often new

    genes of secondary metabolism arise, which

    genes are more likely to serve as the source of

    new genes and what the specific changes are

    that occur when new genes of secondary metab-

    olism evolve can be better addressed whendata of such comparisons are available.

    The increasing availability of plant genome

    sequences and EST data sets makes this

    approach feasible, but there is a need to carry

    out additional EST data acquisition from plant

    species other than the standard crop plants of

    the Western world, because it is such non-

    standard plants that hold most of the diversity

    of secondary plant metabolites. Moreover,

    EST projects that are concerned with sec-

    ondary metabolism should strive to analyze

    tissues that are especially active in the syn-

    thesis of such metabolites, to increase the

    probability of obtaining as many sequences as

    possible from mRNAs that are normally found

    in low abundance in generalized tissues. The

    recent report of an EST data set acquired from

    the peltate glands of mint (specialized tissue

    for the synthesis of monoterpenes) is a good


    Finally, there is a pressing need to develop

    an efficient system to test en masse the

    catalytic activities of the enzymes whose

    sequences are being revealed by the ongoing

    and future mass-sequencing EST projects,

    because it is clear that, in secondary metab-

    olism, only the demonstration of enzymaticactivity can unambiguously identify the func-

    tion of the protein. It is also clear that, with all

    the new tools of molecular biology and bio-

    chemistry being put to use to address these

    exciting questions, our understanding of the

    evolution of plant secondary metabolism is

    poised for major advances42.


    Research in our laboratory was funded by

    NSF grant MCB-9974436 and by a Margaret

    and Herman Sokol Post-doctoral Fellowship

    in the Sciences to D.R.G. We thank

    Jonathan Gershenzon, Leslie D. Gottlieb and

    three anonymous reviewers for their useful

    comments on the manuscript.


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    Eran Pichersky* and David R. Gang are at

    the Biology Dept, University of Michigan,

    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048, USA.

    *Author for correspondence (tel 1 734

    936 3522; fax 1 734 647 0884; e-mail

    [email protected]).

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