genre: fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life.

Upload: clementine-french

Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life.

Page 2: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Prefix re- means “do it again”. What is this man rebuilding? Why?

What else might you need to rebuild? Why?

Page 3: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Talk between two or more people

What is their conversation about?

Page 4: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Brag about something, show off

Page 5: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

To climb or move quickly using hands and feet

The cat is scrambling to get on top of the wall

Page 6: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Move or swing back and forthWhy is the girl swaying?

Would you walk across a swaying rope bridge?

Page 7: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Take hold of something

Page 8: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

To cause a break in the process (conversation, lesson, story, etc.)

Page 9: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Weaving fabric Weaving basket

Spider weaving a web

Page 10: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Hairy spider legs

Page 11: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Chubby baby legs Chubby pig legs

Page 12: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life
Page 13: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

To move slowly with your body close to the ground like a reptile or insect.

Why is the man creeping?

Page 14: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Plants trapping food Spider trapping food

Page 15: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

to go at a quick, steady pace (like a horse that moves between walking and running)

Page 16: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Spending most of your time sitting and not moving

Page 17: Genre: Fantasy- a story about invented characters who could not exist in real life

Delicious, enjoyable, tasty Is this food delectable or not?