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Elective in Robotics – Haptic and Locomotion Interfaces 1 Elective in Robotics Geomagic Touch Prof. Alessandro De Luca

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Elective in Robotics – Haptic and Locomotion Interfaces 1

Elective in Robotics

Geomagic Touch

Prof. Alessandro De Luca

Geomagic Touch haptic device

Elective in Robotics – Haptic and Locomotion Interfaces 2

3D for2 devices available at DIAG Robotics Lab

two penbuttons

Phantom Omni (it is the same!)

SensAble Technologies ⇒ now 3D Systems

PHANTOM Omni ⇒ now Geomagic Touch

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Geomagic Touch data sheet

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(1.42 kg)

(6 Degrees of Freedom)

(3 Degrees of Freedom)

Geomagic Touch in action(actually, a Sensable Omni...)

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Haptic rendering control loop

� joint displacement sensing (on device)

� (direct) kinematics� collision detection


� surface pointdetermination

� force calculation � kineto-statics� actuation

(on device)

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Force feedback from Virtual or Real world


modeled with a spring/damper

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Force generation signals

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desired force(in software) counts




end-point(3D) force


© Allison M. Okamura, 2015

voltage or current

transmissionsand kinematics

Haptic/visual rendering architecture

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OpenHaptics 3.3.0

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common stepsn parsing geometry files from

popular animation packagesn creating graphics windows and

initializing OpenGL environmentn initializing the haptic devicesn scene and camera designn mapping force and stiffness

parameters to objects in the scenen setting up callback responses to

interaction devices

makes programming simpler by encapsulating the basic common steps to all haptics/graphics applications in C++ classes of the QuickHaptics micro API

OpenHaptics Toolkit

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OpenHaptics Toolkit

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Haptic Device API

Haptic Library API

OpenHaptics Toolkit

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QuickHaptics micro APIclasses and properties

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location of theHaptic Interface Point (HIP)

on the Touch device

n DeviceSpacen workspace of motion for haptic device

n QHRenderer (OpenGL)n on-screen window that renders shapes

from a camera viewpoint and lets the user feel those shapes via the device

n Shapen base class for one or more geometric

objects that can be rendered both graphically and haptically

n Cursorn graphical representation of the end point

of the second link of the device (HIP)

implemented in C++, with 4 primary functional classes


QuickHaptics micro APIclasses and properties

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OpenHaptics Overview

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HHD = Haptic Device Handle HHLRC = Haptic Rendering Context

PDD = ... Control

Setting up the system

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CPU IP address

pairing the device

calibrating the device (stylus in the ink well)

Range of device motion

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macro movements micro movements(of the stylus)with fixed HIP

only the first three joints are actuated!

pen buttons• stylus switch ON if pressing dark gray button• presence switch ON if pressing light gray button

Degrees of freedom

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first three joints(positioning of the HIP):


last three joints as spherical wrist(orientation of the stylus):


n DH parameters and forward kinematicsn inverse kinematicsn Jacobian matrix and singularitiesn joint level PD and PID controln trajectory planning (joint space vs. task space)n various haptic (force) rendering laws

n force fields, “god point”, hard and soft contacts

n on-going development of a software environment for the simulation of the haptic device...

What could be studied?

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Medical application

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Laboratory test bedwith KUKA LWR4

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slave = KUKA robot manipulator

master = Touch haptic device

reference frames

Teleoperation control(4-way) general scheme

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Teleoperation control2-way and final 3-way implemented solution

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n B. Hannaford, A.M. Okamura, “Haptics”, Springer Handbook of Robotics (O. Khatib, B. Siciliano, Eds.), Springer, 2008

n K. Salisbury, F. Conti, F. Barbagli, “Haptic rendering: Introductory concepts,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 24, pp. 24-32, 2004

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“hands on” trial

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First demo presented in April 2016 byAndrea Perica and Francesco Iodice

This year demo is on December 1, 2017 16:00-18:00, c/o room A4introduced by Prof. Marilena Vendittelli