george washington

The Father of His Country George Washington

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This is a powerpoint on George Washington that was used for my observations as an education student.


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The Father of His Country

George Washington

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Background: Early Life

Born: February 22, 1732 in VA

Father Dies 1743

Pope’s Creek Estate

Connection to Fairfax family

Mother does not allow George to join Navy

Appointed to official surveyor of Culpeper County

Brother dies of Tuberculosis; job divided

Given rank of Major in Militia Joined Free Masons

French & Indian War

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Washington in the French & Indian War

1753: Sent to deliver letter to French informing of land claims.

French Refuse; Washing sent to present day Pittsburgh to defend building of fort

Fort attacked before Washington arrives; French build fort Duquesne

Washington’s Troops and Indian allies ambush French troops

1754: Washington captured at Fort Necessity; released back to Virginia

Troops sent and war declared by 1756

Washington plays major role in Battle of the Monongahela

Named Colonel of Virginia Regiment and fought in over 20 battles of the French and Indian War

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Gaining Experience

British Military Tactics

Military Skills Organization Logistics Battlefield Tactics Organize Drill Discipline

Political Skills Leadership Skills Displayed:

Command Presence Toughness Courage

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Life After War

Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis Moved to Mount Vernon

Had no children of his own with Martha due to illness.

Professional Life (Pre-War)


Tobacco WheatAristocrat


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Early Revolution

Passively opposed the Stamp Act of 1765

Became actively involved after passing of Townshend Acts in 1767

Attended First Virginia Convention & First Continental Congress

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Revolutionary War

Washington appointed to Major General and Commander-in-Chief of Continental Army

Siege of Boston

Duties include: Lead American Forces Organize and Train Army

(Friedrich von Steuben) Symbol

Loss of New York

Victories at Trenton and Princeton

Loss of Philadelphia; move to Valley Forge

Badgering British on their way to New York



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The First Presidency


Hiring Advisors Residence Act Whiskey Rebellion Jay Treaty Two-Terms Served


Presidential Cabinet Washington D.C. Domestic Defense English-American

Relations Model for future


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Returned to Mount Vernon to run his Plantations

Military advisor under Adams’ Presidency

Passed away December 14, 1799 at Mount Vernon

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The pictures in this presentation lack citation. The citations can not be found at this time. If an owner of any of these photos would like me to take them down I would gladly comply. Thank you for your understanding.