georgia's european way- eighth edition

# 8 / 03 / 2016

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Georgia's European Way eighth edition of the magazine საქართველოს ევროპული გზა მერვე პერიოდული გამოცემა


Page 1: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

# 8 / 03 / 2016

ISSN 1987-8486

Page 2: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

საქართველოს ევროპული გზა

Georgia’s European Way

saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatievropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi

Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Page 3: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

2 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016



daviT baqraZe 4 nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi 2016 6

saqarTvelo da nato

saxalxo diplomatiis forumi 8 viziti nato-s Stab-binaSi 10

saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

evropis saaviacio usafrTxoebis saagento saqarTvelos samoqalaqo aviaciis ganviTarebaSi exmareba 12 „saqarTvelos evropuli gzebi“ 14 kvalificirebuli diasporelebis droebiTi dabruneba samSobloSi (TRQN III) 18

biznesi da ekonomika

borjomis turistuli potenciali 22 evrokavSirma qarTuli matyli bazarze dauSva 34 geziT evropisken, sazRvrebis gareSe 36 bioRvino 40

saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

fotokolaJi 52konferencia

baTumis konferencia _ anonsi 62ganaTleba da kultura

`farSavangis kudi~ modernizmi; qarTuli speqtakli 1912-1936 66

Page 4: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

3aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Address 4 David Bakradze

6 NATO-Georgia Public Diplomacy Forum 2016

Georgia and NATO 8 Public Diplomacy Forum

10 Visit to NATO Headquarters

Georgia and EU 12 European Aviation Safety Agency Helps Georgia Develop Civil Aviation

14 Georgia’s European Ways

18 Temporary Return of Qualified National (TRQN III)

Business and Economy 22 Borjomi Tourism Potential

34 Georgian Wool to Be Exported to EU Countries

36 Towards Europe, Without Borders

40 Organic Wine

About of Georgia 52 Photocollage

Conference 13th International Conference „Georgia’s European Way“ 62 14-15 July, 2016 Batumi

Education and Culture The Peacock’s Tail Modernism, Georgian Performance 66 1912-1936

Page 5: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

4 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

saredaqcio sabWo

mariam raqviaSvili

evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris moadgile

zurab qarumiZe

politikis analizis, strategiuli dagegmvisa da koordinaciis departamentis, sagareo urTierTobaTa samsaxuris pirveli mrCeveli, saqarTvelos mTavrobis administracia

laSa tuRuSi

gazeT `rezonansis~ mTavari redaqtori

ivane CxikvaZe

evrointegraciis mimarTulebis menejeri fondi Ria sazogadoeba saqarTvelo

Tornike nozaZe

evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis strategiuli komunikaciis departamentis ufrosi

ana CixraZe

evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis strategiuli komunikaciis departamentis mTavari specialisti

gansakuTrebuli madloba:

Tamar miqaZe

saqarTveloSi evrokavSiris warmomadgenlobis politikisa da presis ganyofilebis TanamSromeli

daibeWda Sps `gazeTi saqarTvelos macneSi~

ISSN 1987-8486

Editorial Board

Mariam Rakviashvili

Deputy State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Zurab Karumidze

First Advisor, Foreign Relations Unit, Department of Political Analysis, Strategic Planning and Coordination the Administration of the Government of Georgia

Lasha Tugushi

Editor-in-Chief of Resonance Newspaper

Ivane Chkhikvadze

EU Integration Field Manager Open Society Georgia Foundation

Tornike Nozadze

Head of Strategic Communication Department of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Ana Chikhradze

Chief Specialist of Strategic Communication Department of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

SPECIAl tHANkS tO:Tamar Mikadze

Press and Information Officer at the Political and Press Section of the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia

Printed by ltD “Newspaper Sakartvelos Matsne”

ISSN 1987-8486

mas Semdeg, rac 2008 wels buqarestis natos sami-tze aliansma miiRo gadawyvetileba, rom saqarTvelo gaxdeba natos wevri, Cvenma qveyanam gawevrianebis gzaze mis xelT arsebuli instrumentebis, rogoric aris nato-saqarTvelos komisia, wliuri erovnuli programa da nato-saqarTvelos RonisZiebebis arse-biTi paketi, efeqtiani gamoyenebis Sedegad miaRwia mniSvnelovan progress.

bolo wlebis ganmavlobaSi saqarTvelom demokra-tiuli da Tavdacvis reformebis kuTxiT aRsaniSnav progress miaRwia da saukeTeso praqtikasa da Sesa-bamis gamocdilebas aqtiurad uziarebs regionSi da mis farglebs gareT arsebul qveynebs.

2015 wlis natos sagareo saqmeTa ministerialis gancxadebiT saqarTvelo flobs yvela praqtikul instruments, gaxdes natos wevri qveyana. aRniSnuli Sefaseba mniSvnelovania imis gaTvaliswinebiT, Tu ramdenad didi progresi ganicada saqarTvelom ev-roatlantikuri integraciis gzaze.

Cven vemzadebiT mimdinare wlis ivlisSi dagegmi-li varSavis samitisTvis da gvjera, rom aRniSnuli iqneba kargi SesaZlebloba, gadaidgas qveynisTvis kidev erTi mniSvnelovani nabiji aliansSi gawevri-anebis gzaze. Cven veliT progress rogorc poli-tikuri, aseve praqtikuli mimarTulebiT. mniSvnelo-vania ara mxolod is, rom aliansi erTgulad icavs Tavis wevrebs, aramed igi aseve aZlierebs Tavdacvis SesaZleblobebs partniorebisTvis da TamaSobs mniS-vnelovan rols regionSi usafrTxoebisa da stabi-lurobis ganmtkicebaSi.

saqarTvelos ganviTarebis gzaze uamravi dab-rkoleba arsebobs. maT Soris erT-erTia anti-dasavluri propaganda, romelzec yuradReba ga-maxvildeba natos kvireulis farglebSi, romelic saqarTveloSi 4-10 aprils gaimarTeba. RonisZiebaze saxelwodebiT, „saqarTvelo-natos sazogadoebrivi diplomatiis forumi“ mowveulni arian natos saer-TaSoriso samsaxuris da natos wevri da partnio-ri qveynebis warmomadgenlebi, saqarTvelos maRali rangis Tanamdebobis pirebi, aseve arasamTavrobo seq toris warmomadgenlebi imisaTvis, rom ganixilon efeqtiani sajaro diplomatiasa da strategiul ko-munikaciasTan dakavSirebuli Temebi, propagandas-Tan brZolis problemebi da perspeqtivebi, aseve varSavis samitis mTavari sakiTxebi da perspeqtive-bi. tradiciulad, nato-s kvireuli moicavs saxalxo diplomatiis sxvadasxva RonisZiebas: mrgvali magida, seminarebi, Sexvedrebi, konkursebi da gamofenebi.

natoSi gawevrianeba saqarTvelos mTavari sagareo prioriteti da qarTveli eris grZelvadiani mis-wrafebaa. miuxedavad imisa, rom am sakiTxze ukve ar-sebobs erTiani Tanxmoba, mniSvnelovania, rom Cvens moqalaqeebs mivawodoT informacia im sargebelsa da perspeqtivebze, romelic saqarTvelosTvis evroat-lantikur integracias moaqvs. minda vusurvo natos kvireuls bevri nayofieri Sexvedra, ideebis gazi-areba da im warmatebis miRweva, romelic saqarTve-los moqalaqeebs daexmareba miiRon meti informacia da codna im SesaZleblobebisa da sargeblis Sesaxeb, rac axla da samomavalod moaqvs natos Cveni qvey-nisTvis.

Page 6: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

5aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Since the Bucharest NATO Summit in 2008 where Allies took upon themselves a commitment that Georgia would become a NATO Member, our country has achieved tremendous progress by effectively utilizing the integration instruments at its disposal, such as NATO-Georgia Commission, Annual National Programme and Substantial NATO-Georgia package to move forward on the membership path.

In recent years Georgia has achieved remarkable advancement in its democratic transformation and defence reforms and has been committed to sharing its best practices and relevant experience with the countries of the region and beyond.

According to the December 2015 NATO Foreign Ministerial statement Georgia possesses all practical tools to become a NATO member. This appreciation is an important one, when considering just how far Georgia has moved forward on Euro-Atlantic track.

As we prepare for the Warsaw Summit in July this year, we believe it will provide a good opportunity for our country to make another important step in the direction of the membership in the Alliance. We expect progress in that regard both in political and practical realms. What is important is that Alliance is committed to protection of its members, but also to boosting defence capacities of its partners and playing active role in strengthening of security and stability of our region.

There are many challenges along the way for Georgia. At one of those challenges - the anti-Western propaganda, we takes a closer look at the key opening event of the annual NATO week that takes place on April 4-10 in Georgia. The event titled “Georgia-NATO Public Diplomacy Forum” will gather representatives of NATO International Staff, NATO Member and Partner States, Georgian high-ranking officials as well as non-governmental sector representatives, to discuss the issues related to effective public diplomacy and strategic communication, challenges and prospects for combatting the propaganda warfare, as well as key issues and prospective deliverables of the Warsaw Summit. Traditionally, the NATO week will be comprised of multitude of public diplomacy events: roundtable discussions, seminars, meetings, competitions and exhibitions.

Achieving NATO membership is Georgia’s key foreign priority goal and the long-standing aspiration of the Georgian nation. Notwithstanding the overwhelming consensus on the issue, it is important, along the way, to explain to our citizens the benefits and prospects that the Euro-Atlantic path brings to Georgia. I would like to wish the NATO week many fruitful discussions and exchanges of ideas, and wish it success in helping Georgia’s citizens to become more aware and knowledgeable of the opportunities and benefits that the present and future with NATO brings to our country.

დავით ბაქრაძე

ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრი

David BakradzeState Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Address | mimarTva

Page 7: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

6 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

Address | mimarTva

Page 8: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

7aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Address | mimarTva

Dear friends,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 2016 NATO-Georgia Public Diplomacy Forum. This Forum provides a key opportunity to discuss topical issues related to the increasingly complex modern security environment. The new challenges that this environment poses require new responses, and that is what this Forum will seek to address.

As a NATO-aspirant country, Georgia places great importance on strengthening ties with this crucial international organization. We have readily taken on our responsibilities by participating in the NATO Response Force (NRF) and several NATO missions, such as the participation in ISAF, and we will maintain the current level of engagement in the Resolute Support Mission until the end of 2016. With the Warsaw Summit to be held this summer, Georgia seeks to obtain a clear sign on its prospective membership.

In the modern digital era, information warfare poses unprecedented threats to national security. Therefore, strategic communications have become an integral part of our policies to effectively address contemporary security challenges.

This Forum is an opportunity to discuss our strategies in depth, and exchange best practices on how to use strategic communications as a response to misinformation in our region and beyond.

I look forward to a fruitful discussion and thank the LEPL Information Center on NATO and the EU, which is organizing this Forum in cooperation with the State Minister of Georgia for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration and with the support of the NATO Liaison Office.

Zvirfaso megobrebo,

CemTvis didi pativia mogesalmoT nato-saqarTve-los saxalxo diplomatiis forumis monawileebs. dRe-vandeli forumi gansakuTrebul SesaZleblobas gva-Zlevs ganvixiloT Tanamedrove usafrTxoebasTan da-kavSirebuli rTuli sakiTxebi. usafrTxoebis kuTxiT dRes arsebuli axali gamowvevebi pasuxebs moiTxovs da swored am sakiTxebs daeTmoba es forumi.

saqarTvelo, rogorc aspiranti qveyana, did mniS-vnelobas aniWebs Crdilo-atlantikur aliansTan kav-Sirebis gamyarebas. saqarTvelo asrulebs mniSvnelo-van valdebulebebs imiT, rom monawileobs natos swra-fi reagirebis ZalebSi (NRF) da natos iseT misiebSi, rogoricaa saerTaSoriso usafrTxoebis mxardamWeri Zalebis operacia (ISAF). 2016 wlis bolomde Cven aseve SevinarCunebT „mtkice mxardaWeris“ misiaSi CarTu-lobis dones. imedi maqvs, rom natos varSavis samitis farglebSi saqarTvelo mkafio gzavnils miiRebs wev-robasTan dakavSirebiT.

minda xazi gavusva, rom Tanamedrove cifrul epo-qaSi sainformacio omi uprecedento safrTxes uqmnis erovnul usafrTxoebas. swored amitom, dRevandeli gamowvevebis sapasuxod strategiuli komunikacia Cve-ni politikis ganuyofeli nawili gaxda.

es forumi kargi SesaZleblobaa, rom ufro far-Tod ganvixiloT sakuTari strategiebi da erTmaneTs gavuziaroT gamocdileba, Tu rogor SeiZleba gamov-iyenoT strategiuli komunikacia imisaTvis, rom igi gaxdes dezinformaciasTan brZolis instrumenti ro-gorc Cvens regionSi, ise mis farglebs gareT.

imedi maqvs, forumis muSaoba nayofierad warimarTeba. aqve minda madloba gadavuxado forumis organizatorebs _ ssip „sainformacio centrs natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb“, evropul da evroatlanti-kur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTve-los saxelmwifo ministris aparatsa da saqarTveloSi natos samekavSireo ofiss.

გიორგი კვირიკაშვილი

საქართველოს პრემიერ-მინისტრი

ნატო-საქართველოს სახალხო დიპლომატიის ფორუმი 2016

Giorgi KvirikashviliPrime Minister of Georgia


Page 9: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

8 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

b elgiis samefoSi, q. briuselSi 22 Tebervals Catarda saxalxo diplomatiis mesame saerTa-Soriso forumi. forumi organizebuli iyo na-

tos saxalxo diplomatiis ganyofilebis mier, saxal xo diplomatiis centrTan, samxreT kaliforniis univer-sitetTan da belgiis samefos sagareo saqmeTa saminis-trosTan TanamSromlobiT.

forumma Tavi mouyara Crdiloatlantikuri alian-sisa da partniori qveynebis oficialur pirebs, aseve eqspertebs strategiuli komunikaciis sakiTxebSi. forumze ganixiles, Tu ra gavlenas axdens saxalxo diplomatiis rolze usafrTxoebis araprognozire-badi garemo, misi gamowvevebi da aRniSnuli sakiTxis mogvarebis saukeTeso instrumentebi.

forumis farglebSi Catarda seminarebi Temebze: saxal xo diplomatiis gavlena, efeqtiani cifruli dip-lo ma tiis axali meTodebis Seswavla, sapasuxo propagan-da da dezinformaciis gavrceleba. amave fo ru mis far-glebSi, monawileebs miecaT informaciisa da saukeTe-so praqtikis gaziarebis saSualeba diplomatebisTvis, saxalxo diplomatiis eqspertebisa da mecnierebisTvis.

სახალხო დიპლომატიის ფორუმი

T he third edition of the NATO public diplomacy forum took place on 22nd February 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. The Forum was organized by the NATO Public Diplomacy

Division in cooperation with the Centre on Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium.

The forum brought together officials from North Atlantic Alliance and partner countries, as well as experts on communication strategies. The forum explored how the unpredictable security environments impact the role of public diplomacy, what challenges it faces and what best practices can be applied.

Within the forum several practical workshops on impacting public diplomacy, exploring new avenues for an effective digital diplomacy and countering propaganda and misinformation campaigns were organized. Participants have contributed through this Forum, to the exchange of information and the best practices between diplomats, PD practitioners and academics. The event facilitated networking opportunities between all of them too.


Page 10: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

9aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

saxalxo diplomatiis forumma saerTaSoriso usa-frTxoebis dRis wesrigSi win wamowia komunikaciasTan da saxalxo diplomatiasTan dakavSirebuli sakiTxebi. forumze daisva SekiTxvebi komunikaciisa da saxalxo diplomatiis sferoSi arsebul problemebTan, sapa-suxo propagandis ganxorcielebis gzebTan, dezin-formaciis kampaniebTan da saxalxo diplomatiis axal tendenciebTan dakavSirebiT. natos wevri qveynebis mTavrobebi da institutebi moqmedeben hibriduli omis pirobebSi, dezinformaciis kampaniebi da mimdin-are krizisebi msoflios garSemo _ aris faqtorebi, romlebsac aqvT pirdapiri gavlena maTi moqalaqeebis keTildReobasa da usafrTxoebaze.

tradiciulad, evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatisa da ssip „sainformacio centri natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb“ organizebiT imarTeba natos kvireuli. aRniSnuli kvireulis far-glebSi tardeba nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplo-matiis forumi, romelic aris uprecendento movlena. aRniSulTan dakavSirebiT, Cven Zalian vafasebT natos saxalxo diplomatiis ganyofilebisa da saqarTveloSi natos samekavSireo ofisis monawileobas RonisZiebaSi.

forumi maRali rangis Tanamdebobis pirebsa da eqspertebs, maT Soris evroatlantikuri struqture-bidan diplomatiisa da komunikaciebis profesio-nalebs aZlevs saSualebas, ganixilon axali gamowveve-bi, strategiebi, gauziaron erTmaneTs saukeTeso gamocdileba da Seajamon komunikaciis strategi-is kuTxiT ganxorcielebuli RonisZiebebi. forumi fokusirebulia regionul ganzomilebasa da saqarT-velos rolze usafrTxoebis Tanamedrove garemoSi.

The Public Diplomacy Forum has brought certain issues related to communications and public diplomacy to the forefront of the international security agenda. The Forum has addressed questions concerning the challenges the fields of communications and public diplomacy face in the area of crisis communication, the ways of countering propaganda and disinformation campaigns and the use of new trends in public diplomacy. Governments and institutions of NATO members operate in an era of hybrid warfare, disinformation campaigns and ongoing crises around the globe – factors which have a direct impact on the well-being and security of their respective citizens.

The next edition of the NATO public diplomacy forum is held in the framework of NATO Weeks in Georgia.

Traditionally, the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration together with the LEPL Information Center on NATO and EU organizes NATO Weeks and this year, the event is marked with unprecedented flagship initiative - NATO-Georgia Public Diplomacy Forum. In this regard, we highly appreciate support of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division as well as the NATO Liaison Office in Georgia in co-organizing the event.

The Forum is a great opportunity for high level officials and experts, including public diplomacy and communications professionals from Euro-Atlantic community to discuss new challenges, strategies, share best practices and sum up the results of implemented activities. The main focus of the Forum is on regional dimension and a role of Georgia in modern security architecture.

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10 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

O n March 20-23, representatives of local governance of Georgia from across the country, including the Ajara autonomous, republic left for a working visit

to Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium. The visit was organized by Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration in cooperation with the NATO Liaison Office in Georgia and the NATO Public Diplomacy Division.

The delegates visited the NATO Headquarters and held meetings with the Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy and NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, James Appathurai, Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Public Diplomacy Division, Ted Whiteside, Representatives of NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Des-pina Afentouli and Robert Pszczel, Acting Head of Operations and Missions Section A, Operations Division, Mihai Carp, Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Emerging Security Challenges Division, Jamie Shea, Special Representative of the Secretary General, Marriët Schuurman, Head of the Mission of Georgia to NATO, Alexander Maisuradze. During the visit, round table meetings were also held with representatives of France, Romania and USA.

During the meetings, the sides discussed Georgia’s NATO integration-related reforms, current state of play and viable perspectives, as well as, ongoing and planned activities in the direction of strategic communication.

e vropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi in-tegraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis, saqarTveloSi natos same-

kavSireo ofisisa da natos saxalxo diplomatiis ganyo filebis organizebiT, 20-23 marts q. briuselSi gaimarTa samuSao viziti saqarTvelos yvela regionis, aseve aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis adgi lobrivi TviTmmarTvelobebis warmomadgenlebisaTvis.

vizitis farglebSi, natos StabbinaSi, Sexvedrebi gaimarTa natos generaluri mdivnis specialur warmo-madgenelTan kavkasiasa da centralur aziaSi b-n je-ims apaturaisTan, natos generaluri mdivnis TanaSem-wis moadgilesTan b-n ted uaiTsaidTan, natos saxalxo diplomatiis ganyofilebis warmomadgenlebTan q-n de-spina afentoulisTan da b-n robert pszcelTan, natos samoqmedo da operatiuli „A seqtoris“ xelmZRvanelT-an b-n mihai karpisTan, natos generaluri mdivnis Ta-naSemwis moadgilesTan usafrTxoebis mosalodneli ga-mowvevebis ganyofilebidan b-n jeimi SeasTan, natos gen-eraluri mdivnis specialur wamomadgenelTan qalebis, mSvidobisa da usafrTxoebis sakiTxebSi q-n mariet Sur-manTan da natoSi saqarTvelos misiis xelmZRvanelTan b-n aleqsandre maisuraZesTan. amasTan, mrgvali magidis formatSi Sexvedrebi gaimarTa natoSi germaniis, ru-mineTis da aSS-is misiebis warmomadgenlebTan.

Sexvedrebze mxareebma ganixiles saqarTvelos ev-roatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis proces-Si mimdinare reformebi, arsebuli viTareba da per-speqtivebi, aseve mosaxleobis informirebis kuTxiT strategiuli komunikaciis mxriv mimdinare da dageg-mili RonisZiebebi.

ვიზიტი ნატო-ს შტაბ-ბინაში


Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

Page 12: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

11aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

Page 13: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

12 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

ევროპის საავიაციო უსაფრთხოების

სააგენტო საქართველოს სამოქალაქო

ავიაციის განვითარებაში ეხმარება



e vropis saaviacio usafrTxoebis saagento (EASA), saqarTvelos samoqalaqo aviaciis gan-viTarebasa da evropul standartebTan miax-

loebaSi daexmareba.EASA samoqalaqo aviaciis usafrTxoebis sfero-

Si evrokavSiris saagentos warmoadgens, romelsac gaaCnia maregulirebeli da aRmasrulebeli funq-ciebi.

axlad SemuSavebuli teqnikuri TanamSromlobis proeqti did sargebels moutans aRmosavleT part-niorobisa da centraluri aziis qveynebs.

evropis saaviacio usafrTxoebis saagentom evro-puli komisiisgan dafinansebis saxiT miiRo €5,000,000, raTa evropuli standartebis Sesabamisad ganavi-Taros samoqalaqo aviacia somxeTSi, azerbaijanSi, saqar TveloSi, yazaxeTSi, yirgizeTSi, moldovaSi, taji keTSi, ukrainasa da uzbekeTSi.

aRniSnuli proeqti 2016 wlis Tebervlidan daiwyo da 4 wlis ganmavlobaSi ganxorcieldeba.

proeqti moicavs:

y saswavlo process, cnobierebis amaRlebis mizniT. y usafrTxoebis menejmentisa da samoqalaqo avia-ciis administraciis menejmentis gaumjobe sebas.

T he European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will help Georgia develop its civil aviation in accordance with the European standards.

For this purpose, the Agency has received funding from the European Commission.

The new Technical Cooperation Project will benefit the Eastern partnership and Central Asian countries.

EASA was awarded a €5,000,000-Contract by the European Commission to support the sustainable development of civil aviation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, in line with international and European standards.

The deal will be implemented during a period of 4 years starting in February 2016.

The project will include:

y Training, peer-to-peer and on-the-spot support, as well as awareness raising;

y Dedicated initiatives on safety management and civil aviation administration management;

Page 14: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

13aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

y efeqtiani gadawyvetilebis miRebas usafrTx-oebasTan dakavSirebiT, romlebic samoqalaqo aviaciis saerTaSoriso organizaciisa da ev-ropis saaviacio usafrTxoebis saagentos mier ganxorcielebuli gamokvlevis Sedegad gamoi-kveTeba. y arsebuli yovlismomcveli saaviacio SeTanx-mebebis ganxorcielebis mxardaWeras, rac er-Toblivi saaviacio sivrcis Seqmnas uwyobs xels. y regulaciebisa da samuSao praqtikaSi saerTaSo-riso usafrTxoebis standartebis harmonizaciis mxardaWeras.

saagentos ZiriTadi movaleobebia: samoqalaqo avi-aciis usafrTxoebis sferoSi analizisa da kvlevis warmoeba, evrokavSirisTvis rekomendaciebis gace-ma kanonmdeblobis SemuSavebisa da implementaciis dros, TviTmfrinavebisTvis kategoriebis mixedviT serTifikatebis miniWeba da aseve saaviacio teqnikis SekeTeba da damzadeba.

y Effectively addressing safety findings raised by the International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO or EASA audits;

y Support for the implementation of existing comprehensive aviation agreements, paving the way towards a Common Aviation Area;

y Support for the harmonisation of regulations and working practices with international safety and security standards.

y EASA is an agency of the European Union (EU) with regula-tory and executive tasks in the field of civilian aviation safety.

The responsibilities of EASA include conducting analysis and research of safety, authorising foreign operators, giving advice for the drafting of EU legislation, implementing and monitoring safety rules (including inspections in the member states), giving type-certification of aircraft and components as well as the approval of organisations involved in the design, manufacture and maintenance of aeronautical products.

ნინო ალავიძე, სტენსილი თბილისის ძველ იპოდრომზე

Nino Alavidze, Stencil at Tbilisi old Hippodrome

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14 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

s aqarTvelo istoriulad da kulturulad yov-

elTvis evropuli saxelmwifo iyo da misi kursi

naTelia, dabrundes evropul ojaxSi _ „saqarT-

velos evropuli gzebis“ fonze.

„saqarTvelos evropuli gzebi“ aris cnobili qa-

rTveli moazrovneebis eseebis erToblioba, romleb-

mac aRmoaCines saqarTvelos evropuli identobis

fesvebi da misi uZvelesi kultura.

„saqarTvelos evropuli gzebi“ cdilobs, warmoaC-

inos evropis idea qarTul politikur, kulturul da

esTetikur warmodgenaSi, raTa ganmartos, Tu ratom

miiswrafis saqarTvelos „evropuli ocnebisken“ ase


wignis prezentacia daigegma aTeulobiT evropul


gamocema miznad isaxavs warmoaCinos faqtebi saqa-

rTvelos evropul warmoSobasa da identobaze. ofi-

cialuri prezentacia ganxorcielda evroparlamen-

tSi, briuselSi, 2016 wlis 24 Tebervals. RonisZiebas

maspinZlobda evroparlamentis wevri, didi britane-

Tis social-demokratiuli partiis wevri kler mudi

wignis gamocemam miipyro evroinstituciebis, ker-

Zo seqtoris, analitikosebisa da mecnierebis yur-

G eorgia has always been historically and culturally European and is set today on a clear course to return to its place within the European family

of nations – against this backdrop the book ‘Georgia’s European Ways’.

‘Georgia’s European Ways’ is a collection of essays by eminent Georgian thinkers from various fields exploring the origins of Georgia’s European identity and its ancient culture. ‘Georgia’s European Ways’ seek to present how the Georgian political, cultural and esthetic imagination defined the idea of Europe in the minds of Georgians and to explain why Georgia pursues its ‘European Dream’ so passionately.

The edition aims to present the multiple facets of Georgia’s European origins and identity. It was officially launched in the European Parliament, Brussels, on February 24, 2016 at the event hosted by Member of European Parliament (MEP) Clare Moody from Social-Democratic Party in the United Kingdom.

The book launch attracted guests from European institutions, the private sector, think-tanks and academics, who heard first-

„საქართველოს ევროპული გზები“


დავით ბაქრაძე

ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის

საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრი

David BakradzeState Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Page 16: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

15aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

adReba, romlebmac pirvelebma mousmines wignis ga-

momcemels zurab qarumiZes, wignis erT-erT avtors

qeTevan kinwuraSvils, saqarTvelos elCs evropaSi na-

talia sabanaZes da bizantiuri literaturis cnobil

mecniers bernard kulies mowodebebs saqarTvelos

evropul wiaRSi dabrunebaze.

„xangrZlivi istoriidan da geografiuli mde-

bareobidan gamomdinare, saqarTvelos aris qveyana,

sadac mravali kultura da tradicia aris Serwymu-

li“ ganmarta natalia sabanaZem.

saqarTvelosgan gansxvavebiT, evropa Tavad aris

kulturaTa da civilizaciaTa SenadnobTa gaerTiane-


„Cven didi xnis ganmavlobaSi vcdilobdiT

gangvemarta, Tu ras niSnavs „evropuli“ ena da war-

momavloba _ iTargmneba, rogorc evropis ena“, ga-

hand from the book’s editor Zurab Karumidze, one of the book’s authors Ketevan Kintsurashvili, Georgian Ambassador to the EU Natalie Sabanadze and well-known Byzantine literature scholar Bernard Coulie, about Georgia’s ongoing quest to return to its European roots.

“Due to its long history and geographic location, Georgia is a country of many influences and a place where cultures and traditions have mixed and merged”, explained Natalie Sabanadze.

Not unlike Georgia, Europe itself is a melting pot of cultures and civilizations.

“We have tried for a long time to define what ‘European’ language or identity is – the language of Europe is translation”,

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16 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

nacxada zurab qarumiZem umberto ekos gamoTqmaze

dayrdnobiT _ „pirveli evropelebi erTianni arian


bernard kuliem agreTve ganmarta, rom identoba

aris mxolod SegrZneba _ „jgufisadmi mikuTvnebulo-

bis grZnoba, vinaidan Cven viziarebT saerTo maxasi-


rogorc evroparlamentis wevrma kler mudma ga-

nacxada: „saqarTvelos da evropas aqvT bevri saer-

To kanonmdeblobaSi, literaturaSi da farTo kul-

turul aspeqtebSi.

garda amisa, miuxedavad sabWoTa warsulis simZi-

misa, saqarTveloze didi gavlena iqonia evropulma

mxatvrulma moZraobebma: renesansi, modernizmi da

barokoc ki. yvela maTgani warmodgenilia qarTul

kulturul landSaftSi.

qeTevan kinwuraSvilma ganmarta, Tu rogor gaxda

Tbilisi „axali parizi“ adreul 1920-ian wlebSi qa-

laqis „evropul“ ubanSi mxatvruli kafeebis aRmocen-


1991 wels, damoukideblobis miRebis Semdeg, saqa-

rTvelos sagareo politika calsaxad proevropuli

gaxda, bolo siaxle aris evrokavSirTan asocirebis

xelSekrulebis xelmowera da implementacia da pro-

gresi vizaliberalizaciisken.

darwmunebuli var, SesaZloa qarTuli sazogadoe-

bisTvis bevri sakiTxi sakamaToa, magram Cvens evro-

puli identobis sakiTxis garSemo yvela ZiriTadi

politikuri partia Tanxmdeba. es aris saqarTvelos


stated Zurab Kuramidze, quoting Umberto Eco: “Europeans are united in diversity”.

Bernard Coulie further explained that identity is just a feeling – “a sense of belonging to a group because we feel we share characteristics”.

As MEP Clare Moody said, “Georgia and Europe share many commonalities in their law, literature and wider cultural aspects”.

Particularly Georgia, despite the weight of its Soviet past, has experienced many of the influences, which have successively captured European artistic movements: renaissance, modernism and even baroque. All have made appearances on the Georgian cultural landscape.

Ketevan Kintsurashvili explained how Tbilisi became the ‘new Paris’ in the early 1920s, with the emergence of artistic cafés in the city’s “European” district.

Since gaining independence in 1991, Georgia’s foreign policy has unambiguously been pro-European; the latest developments being the signature and implementation of the Association Agreement with the European Union and progress towards visa liberalisation.

I am sure Georgian society may argue a lot about many things but as far as our European identity is concerned all major political parties agree. This is where Georgia’s future belongs.

საქართველო ისტორიულად

და კულტურულად ყოველთვის

ევროპული სახელმწიფო

იყო და მისი კურსი ნათელია,

დაბრუნდეს ევროპულ ოჯახში.


“Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

Page 18: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

17aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

Page 19: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

18 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

T he International Organization for Migration (IOM) is implementing the TRQN III in Georgia and supports temporary assignments of qualified diaspora

individuals in public, private or civil organizations.

With an aim to identify experience and expertise available within Diaspora, IOM works with stakeholder organizations and individuals in Georgia and with Diaspora organizations and migrant networks active in the Netherlands and other European countries. IOM ensures dissemination of detailed information about TRQN III in order to identify institutional

ნათია კვიციანი

პროგრამების ადგილობრივი კოორდინატორი, მიგრაციის საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციის (IOM), მისია საქართველოში

Natia KvitsianiNational Programme Officer, IOM Mission to Georgia

კვალიფიცირებული დიასპორელების

დროებითი დაბრუნება სამშობლოში (TRQN III) ინსიტიტუციონალური და ადამიანური კომპეტენციების გაზრდა დიასპორის ჩართულობით

Temporary Return of Qualified National (TRQN III)Increasing institutional and human competences through Diaspora engagement

m igraciis saerTaSoriso organizacia (IOM) saqa-rTveloSi programis _ kvalificirebuli di-asporelebis droebiTi dabruneba samSobloSi

(TRQN III) ganxorcielebiT xels uwyobs qveyanaSi sa-jaro, kerZo Tu samoqalaqo seqtoris organizaciebsa da struqturebSi ucxoeTSi Sesabamisi kvalifikaciis mqone Tanamemamuleebis mivlinebas.

diasporaSi arsebuli gamocdilebisa da eqsper-tizis identificirebis mizniT IOM muSaobs daint-eresebul organizaciebTan da pirebTan saqarTvelo-Si, niderlandebsa da evropis sxva qveynebSi moqmed diasporul organizaciebsa da migrantTa arsebul

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

Page 20: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

19aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

needs and qualification requirements in our country and accordingly assign professional diaspora persons, with relevant qualifications residing in the Netherlands or other EU countries. The programme provides excellent opportunity for Georgian organizations to establish new, interesting contacts in the Netherlands, to support cooperation between different structures of these two countries, with our Diaspora acting as an intermediary. For more information about the programme, visit IOM Georgia webpage:

Ms. Maia Simonia is our compatriot from the Netherlands, who completed several assignments with NGO sector under the TRQN III programme. She is a clear example of those qualified nationals, who manage to combine in an interesting way experience and knowledge gathered before and during emigration; she believes that it is her responsibility to share it with her country.

Ms. Maia Simonia is a painter. She has extensive experience as an artist. In 2009, she founded an organization for cultural exploration and development “ArtJet-FCED” in Amsterdam. Later, she also worked in a family business in France. As a result, after observing economic activities in a French village in Provence, she developed some informational

qselebTan. IOM uzrunvelyofs TRQN III programis Sesaxeb informaciis gavrcelebas da detalurad gac-nobas, raTa Cven qveyanaSi arsebuli institucional-uri saWiroebebisa da sakadro moTxovnebis identi-ficireba moaxdinos da ucxoeTSi moRvawe, Sesabamisi kvalifikaciis mqone profesionali Tanamemamuleebi miavlinos. programa, Cveni diasporis SuamdgomlobiT saqarTvelosa da noderlandebs Soris, struqturaTa Soris axali saintereso kontaqtebis damyarebisa da ganviTarebis SesaniSnav SesaZleblobas iZleva. pro-gramis Sesaxeb damatebiT informaciis misaRebad ewvi-eT IOM gverds

q-ni maia simonia gaxlavT Cveni Tanamemamule holandiidan, romelmac saqarTveloSi TRQN III pro-gramis saSualebiT arasamTavrobo seqtorSi ramden-ime mivlineba ganaxorciela. igi erT-erTi naTeli magaliTia im kvalificirebul TanamemamuleTa Soris, vinc migraciamde arsebuli da emigraciaSi dagrovili gamocdilebisa da codnis saintereso sinTezi Seqmna da ris gaziarebasac samSoblosTvis Tavis movaleo-bad miiCnevs.

profesiiT mxatvari maia simonia, saxelovnebo moRvaweobis da holandiel megobrebTan maRali do-nis samzareulo gamocdilebis garda, amsterdamSi

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

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20 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

2009 wels saxelovnebo-kulturul organizacia Art-Jet-FCED aarsebs. mogvianebiT, safrangeTSi saojaxo biznesSic iRebs saTanado gamocdilebas, ris Sedega-dac, provansalis franguli soflis ekonomikur fun-qcionirebaze dakvirvebiT, qmnis saqarTvelos soflis Temis ganviTarebisaTvis saintereso sainformacio da dokumentur masalas. moklemetraJiani dokumenturi filmebi asaxavs patara evropuli soflis ekonomikur viTarebas, romelsac qmnian adgilobrivi mcxovreble-bi. miuxedavad imisa, rom q-ni maia ZiriTadad foku-sirebulia kulturisa da kulturul-saxelovnebo aqtivobebis ekonomikur mxareze, misi leqciebi aseve farTod mimoixilavs ekonomikuri ganviTarebis yvela aspeqts da gareSe xelSemwyob faqtorebs, rac kul-turis sazRvrebs cdeba.

reportaJebi ZiriTadad mcire zomis mewarmeebs eTmoba. eseni arian: xelovanebi, Rvinis mwarmoeble-bi, fermerebi, mesaqonleebi, meTuneebi, kempingis da restornebis mesakuTreebi da a. S. soflad mcx-ovrebi biznesmenebi martivi eniT mogviTxroben TavianTi biznesis warmoebis umTavresi detalebis Sesaxeb, strategiaze da ganviTarebisTvis aucileb-el pirobebze, arsebuli viTarebis gaTvaliswinebiT frangi mcire mewarmeebis uSualo gamocdileba gan-sakuTrebiT sainteresoa qarTveli glexis da mewar-meobis msurveli soflis sxva mcxovreblebisaTvis. mniSvnelovania ara marto sainformacio masala, ar-amed rogorc fiqris da ideebis generirebis pirda-piri da arapirdapi sababi, romelic udavod met mizandasaxulobas Sematebs maT (xSir SemTxvevaSi) gaurkvevel mdgomareobas.

soflis mkvidrTa mier farTod gaazreba imisa, Tu ra aris SesaZlebeli dRevandeli qarTuli sof-lis realobaSi _ arsebuli daukmayofilebeli moTx-ovnebi produqtebze, momsaxurebaze da a.S., romelic SesaZloa mcire ZalisxmeviTa da resursebiT daiwyo, moiZio dafinansebis saSualebebi saxelmwifo Tu do-nori organizaciebis sagranto/sasesxo fondebidan

material and documentaries relevant for development of rural communities in Georgia. Her short documentary movies describe economic situation in a small European village developed by local population. Despite the fact that Maia’s work mainly focuses on cultural activities and arts and culture, her lectures widely observe all aspects of economic development and external factors, which encourage such development and go beyond culture.

Coverage is mainly dedicated to medium-size entrepreneurs. These usually are artists, wine-makers, farmers, cattlemen, potters, owners of camps and restaurants etc. Village businessmen describe in a simple language main details, strategy of their activities and steps that are necessary for development in line with available opportunities. Information provided directly by small entrepreneurs from France is especially interesting for Georgian farmers and other potential entrepreneurs in the villages not only as information material, but also as a direct and indirect trigger for generating ideas, which helps them to define their purpose (as quite often there is a lack of determination).

For people in the villages to have broader understanding of opportunities that are available in Georgian villages today – existing unsatisfied demand on products or services that can be improved by small effort and resources, through

მიგრაციის საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაცია ხელს უწყობს უცხოეთში შესაბამისი კვალიფიკაციის მქონე თანამემამულეების მივლინებას.

CITIzeNs wITh appRopRIaTe

TRaININg aRe seNd oN

busINess TRIps wITh The

suppoRT of INTeRNaTIoNal


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

Page 22: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

21aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

da sxva _ ukve naxevrad miRweul miznad SeiZleba CaiTvalos.

q-nma maiam Tavisi leqciebis kursiT saqarTvelos yvela mxare moiara da soflebSi gamarTul Sexvedre-bisas qarTuli soflis mcxovreblebs aCvena momavlis soflis Seqmnis realuri SesaZleblobis perspeqtiva. es mkafio gzavnili eyrdnoba konkretul magaliTebs da martiv gadawyvetilebebs, sadac aucilebel faqtors warmoadgens mizandasaxuloba, aqtiuroba, informaci-is moZieba, realuri nabijebis gadadgma, romelic sab-olood mimarTulia survilisken dafiqrdnen _ rogor an ra saSualebiT SeiZleba miiRos sargebeli ojaxma da Temma.

identification of sources of funding such as grants from state or donor organizations/credit funds etc. – can be considered as partially achieved goal.

Maia visited all regions of Georgia, conducted lectures during her meetings with local population in the villages and presented to them real opportunity and perspective for developing village of the future. This clear message is based on specific examples and simple decisions, which mainly consist of determination, activity, information gathering, taking real steps etc. All of these are directed towards their willingness to think about contributing economically or intellectually to their families and community.

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22 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

ბორჯომის ტურისტული პოტენციალი


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23aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

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24 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

saqarTveloSi turizmis industria erT-erTi yvelaze mzardi seqtoria. ucxoel mogzaurTa raodenoba wlidan wlamde sul ufro matulobs.

TebervalSi saerTaSoriso mogzaurTa raodenoba 24%-iT gaizarda 2015 wlis analogiur periodTan Se-darebiT. turistebis raodenobis zrdis paralelu-rad sul ufro meti ganTavsebis obieqtebis Sendeba saqarTvelos kurortebze, aqtiurad xorcieldeba infrastruqturuli proeqtebi.

saqarTvelos kurortebidan borjomi da bakuri-ani rogorc saerTaSoriso, aseve qveynis Sida mog-zaurebs Soris oTxive sezonze gansakuTrebiT pop-ularulia. orive kurortze aqtiurad mimdinareobs infrastruqturuli proeqtebi, Sendeba ganTavsebis obieqtebi, dasasvenebeli centrebi. bolo 14 TveSi borjomSi ori saerTaSoriso brendi _ premium klasis sastumroebi Rixos da Crowne Plaza gaixsna. bakurian-Si ki 8-wliani pauzis Semdeg pirvelad koxtas sruli-ad axali tipis sabagiro amoqmedda.

saxelmwifom daafinansa ZiriTadi sabaziso infra-struqtura, moawesriga sabagiro da misasvleli gza, kompania „jiardisis“ mier kerZo investicia ganxor-cielda Tanamedrove alpuri standartebiT dageg-mili, faqtobrivad, axali dasaxlebis mSeneblobaSi. saubaria sastumroebze, gasarTob da savaWro centre-bze. samcxe-javaxeTis turistuli potencialis gan-viTarebis mizniT aqtiurad aris CarTuli turizmis

გიორგი ჩოგოვაძე

საქართველოს ტურიზმის ეროვნული ადმინისტრაციის ხელმძღვანელი

Giorgi ChogovadzeHead of the Georgian National Tourism Administration

T ourism industry is one of the fastest growing sector in Georgia. In comparison to last year the amount of tour-ists in February has increased by 24%. Along with the

growth of tourists, more and more placement facilities and in-frastructural projects are built in Georgia.

Borjomi and Bakuriani resorts are especially popular among international and local tourists. During the last 14 months two premium class hotels – Rixos and Crowne Plaza were built in Borjomi. Besides, completely new Kokhta trail was launched in Bakuriani.

Main infrastructure projects are financed by Government, but private investments were also made by Georgian Reconstruc-tion and Development Company (GRDC) to build modern al-pine zone which includes new hotels, entertainment and shop-ping centers.

Georgian National Tourism Administration is also actively in-volved in the development of Samtskhe-Javakheti’s tourism potential; they have organized media tours in terms of project “Meet Georgia”, furthermore in Borjomi many sporting events were held including media rafting.

In order to improve the quality of service, hotel workers in this region were trained by National Tourism Administration.

Borjomi is famous for its mineral water industry (which is the ma-jor export of Georgia). Archaeological excavations have revealed the existence of stone baths in the area, proving that these min-eral waters have been utilized by people for thousands of years. Because of the supposed restorative and healing powers of the area’s mineral springs, it is a frequent destination for people with health problems. Borjomi is also home to the most extensive ecologically themed amusement park in the Caucasus.

Top TEn TourisT DEsTinaTions To VisiT in Borjomi muniCipaliTy

minEral WaTEr park

The most remarkable virtues of Borjomi are its striking na-ture and unique mineral waters. One of the best places to experience this is the “Mineral Water Park” of Borjomi. The park itself dates back to the 1850s and is an attractive desti-nation all throughout the year. Here you can taste the natural Borjomi mineral water and relax in a beautiful environment. Try riding the cable car up to the Ferris wheel at the top of the park.

Borjomi musEum of loCal lorE

One of the oldest museums in Georgia; it first opened its doors in 1926. The building itself was constructed in 1890, and is unique both in its architecture and building materials used. To-day it houses over 36,000 items, including four permanent ex-hibits. The Museum offers a full range of information about the town, from the flora and fauna to documents confirming healing properties of Borjomi mineral waters. It also contains many of the 18th–19th century glass, bronze, porcelain and wood arti-facts, which belonged to the Russian Royal family.

Page 26: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

25aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

erovnuli administracia. Sidaturizmis waxalisebis mizniT, proeqt „gaicani saqarTvelos“ farglebSi, regionSi ramdenime presturi moewyo. administraciis mxardaWeriT, imarTeba sportuli RonisZiebebi, maT Soris mediajomardi borjomSi.

momsaxurebis xarisxis gaumjobesebis mizniT tur-izmis erovnulma administraciam borjomisa da bak-urianis sastumroebis TanamSromlebs treningebi Cau-tardaT.

borjomis municipalitetis kurortebis popu-larobaSi udidesi roli Seasrula vulkanuri warmo-Sobis mineralurma wyalma borjomma, romelic, bune-brivi monacemebiT, 1500 welze mets iTvlis. borjomi msoflios mraval qveyanaSia popularuli.

borjomis wyali dedamiwis zedapirze amodis 8-10 kilometris siRrmidan bunebrivi gazis,naxSirbadis dioqsidis wnevis meSveobiT. bevri sxva mineraluri wylisgan gansxvavebiT, ver aswrebs miwis qveS ga-ciebas da zedapirze amodis Tbili saxiT (38-41°С), romelic „gzadagza“ mdidrdeba kavkasionis mTeb-Si arsebuli 60 sxvadasxva mineralis kompoziciiT. borjomis wylis kvlevis Sedegebi aCvenebs, rom mis formirebaSi monawileobs siRrmiseuli mineralize-buli, Tanamedrove mtknari da dabali mineralizaci-is wylebi.

borjomis municipalitetSi arsebuli turistuli mimarTulebis topaTeuli.

mineraluri wylebis parki

borjomis ZiriTadi simdidre Tvalwarmtaci bune-ba da unikaluri mineraluri wyalia. maradmwvane xeo-baSi Cafluli mineraluri wylebis parki weliwadis yovel dros saocrad mimzidvelia da dasvenebisa da garTobisaTvis saukeTeso adgils warmoadgens. aqve SegiZliaT daagemovnoT borjomis samkurnalo wyali specialurad aSenebul „biuvetSi“. parks 30 heqtarze meti farTobi ukavia.

mxareTmcodneobis muzeumi

muzeumis Senoba ganTavsebulia ruseTis saimper-atoro ojaxis _ romanovebis kancelariis SenobaSi (fsevdogoTuri stilis arqiteqturuli nageboba 1890 wels germanelma inJiner-arqiteqtorma v.Sveierma aago). muzeumSi daculia unikaluri brinjaos samkau-li da iaraRi (Zv.w II-I aTaswleulebi); mravalferovani numizmatikuri koleqcia (Zv.w V-ax.w. XX ss.); roma-novebis piradi nivTebi: evropuli da aziuri warmoe-bis WurWeli, ferweruli da grafikuli namuSevrebi.

petres cixe

petres cixe, romelic q. borjomidan 3 km-s daSo-rebiT mdebareobs, Sedgeboda citadelisa da masTan dakavSirebuli qveda ezosagan. amJamad cixis galavan-sa da Sidacixes Soris SemorCenilia sxvadasxva nage-bobis naSTebi – sacxovrebeli darbazebisa da marnis nangrevebi. galavanSi datanebulia saTofurebi da salodeebi.

ბორჯომის მუნიციპალიტეტის კურორტების პოპულარობაში უდიდესი როლი შეასრულა ვულკანური წარმოშობის მინერალურმა წყალმა ბორჯომმა


pETEr’s CasTlEThe medieval castle is located on a high rocky mountain, a few kilometers from Borjomi. In the XvI century, after the Ottoman conquest of Tori (a historic region of Georgia), Peter’s Castle was the administrative center of the Ottomans. Currently, the preserved remains of various buildings lie within the fortress walls, including ruins of a residence hall and a wine cellar.

likanis’ palaCEThe Romanovs’ Palace dates back to the nineteenth century. In 1892-1895, the palace was built by architect Leontin Benua, under the order of Russian Tsar Nikolas II. The palace houses unique exhibits, including a table given to the Romanovs by Napoleon, armchairs given by the Shah of Iran, and a historical hand-made table carved by the Russian Emperor Peter I. You will also find a Romanov era billiard table in the billiards room. Location: village of Likani

Borjomi-kharaGauli naTional parkBorjomi-Kharagauli protected area is one of the largest national parks in Europe. Its total territory amounts to 85,083 ha, more than 1% of the territory of Georgia. The national park offers hiking, horseback riding, biking, cultural and educational tours – the routes function throughout the year. Picnic spots and camping sites are also situated along the routes. The National Park visitors’ center will be more than happy to help you with any organizational issues.

TimoTEsuBani monasTEry – ThE CaThEDral of holy VirGinLocated 17 kilometers from Borjomi, the church was construct-ed between the 12th – 13th centuries. The interior is decorated with some of the best examples of Georgian mural painting of the 13th century.

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likanis sasaxle

likani ZvelTaganve yuradRebas ipyrobda Tavisi ganumeorebeli bunebrivi silamaziT. swored amitom ruseTis didma mTavarma romanovma sasaxle aaSenebina renesansis stilSi, romelic maSin dasasvenebeli zaf-xulis rezidencia iyo. dekoratiuli nargavebiTa da skverebiT dafarul teritoriaze rva agarakia, rom-lis centrs mavritanuli stilis sasaxle warmoad-gens. sasaxle likanis ZiriTadi RirsSesaniSnaobaa.

borjom-xaragaulis erovnuli parki

borjom-xaragaulis daculi teritoria erT-er-Ti udidesi erovnuli parkia evropaSi. misi saerTo farTobi Seadgens 85,083 heqtars, rac saqarTvelos teritoriis 1%-ze metia. erovnuli parki vizitorebs sTavazobs salaSqro, sacxenosno, velo da saganmanaT-leblo turebs. parkis marSrutebi mTeli wlis gan-mavlobaSi funqcionirebs.

timoTesubnis RvTismSoblis monasteri

RvTismSoblis miZinebis saxelobis timoTesubnis gumbaTovani eklesia q. borjomidan 18 km-s daSorebiT mdebareobs. taZari XII-XIII saukuneebiT TariRdeba da qarTuli kulturis erT-erT umniSvnelovanes Zegls warmoadgens.

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kVaBiskhEVi ChurCh of ThE assumpTion

The three-aisled basilica, constructed in the 8th–9th centuries, is one of the most historic buildings in Borjomi valley, located just 21 kilometers from the town of Borjomi. The frescos within the church date back to the 12th and 13th centuries.

EiffEl BriDGE

A visitor will be impressed with the Eiffel Bridge, which was built in the Borjomi-Bakuriani narrow-gauge line. Construction of this bridge was ordered by Mikhail Romanov in France, to be built by the French engineer and designer of bridges, the architect of the famous “Eiffel Tower” erected in Paris, Gustave Eiffel. Con-struction of the bridge began in 1897 over the rive Tsemistskali.The on-site installation of the bridge was carried out by the de-signer vissarion Keburia. In January 1902, the narrow-gauge railway line Borjomi-Bakuriani carried the first small locomotive. The small locomotive still serves fans of skiing and tourism. The bridge is still called the “Eiffel Bridge” among people.


Located at 1,700 m in the Borjomi region of Georgia, Bakuriani is nestled in the shadows of the breathtaking Caucasus Mountains, only a three-hour drive from Tbilisi. Home to dozens of alpine slopes and cross-country trails, it offers some of the most spec-tacular skiing and snowboarding in Europe. Originally developed

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qvabisxevis eklesia

borjomis xeobaSi erT-erTi uZvelesi da sain-tereso nageboba wminda mariamis miZinebis qvabisx-evis eklesiaa. VIII-IX saukuneebis samnavian bazilika-Si kedlis mxatvroba XII-XIII saukuneebiT TariRdeba. taZarSi warmodgenilia SoTa rusTavelis unikaluri freska.

eifelis xidi

gasaocar STabeWdilebas tovebs mnaxvelze e.w eifelis xidi,romelic agebulia borjom-bakurianis viwroliandagian rkinigzaze. igi mixeil romanovma safrangeTSi SeukveTa frang inJiner-konstruqtor-sa da xidebis mSenebels, parizis cnobili „eifelis koSkis“ avtors aleqsandre gustav eifels.

xidis mSenebloba 1897 wels daiwyo mdinare cemi-swyalze. adgilze xidis montaJi ganaxorciela kon-struqtorma besarion qeburiam. 1902 wlis ianvridan viwroliandagiani rkinigzis xaziT borjomi – ba-kuriani, pirvelma ,,kukuSka” matarebelma gaiara. ,kukuSka” dRemde emsaxureba saTxilamuro sportis moyvarulebsa da turistebs.

as an Olympic training facility, unsurprisingly, Bakuriani is Geor-gia’s most popular winter sports and recreation destination. Enjoy the downhill ski runs, cross-country trails, horseback tours, sled-ding or simply take long walks through beautiful snowy forests.

Main trails in Bakuriani:

kokhta 2 (2,255 m high) also known as Tatra.

Twenty-five is an area of easy skiing located on the Circular, near the old 25 meter ski-jump which gives the area its name. Here beginners and children can learn to ski in a safe and pleasant environment, surrounded by the mighty Caucasus Mountains. you can also toboggan and sledge here, or take a horse drawn sleigh-ride through the ancient forests.

Didveli has one of the most amazing trails. From here, you can catch a gondola to the slopes of Mt. Sakvelo, and ski a range of blue and red routes. The longest piste is around 4 km long. Advanced skiers can continue further up the moun-tain by catching a chairlift at the top of the gondola to al-most the very top of Mt. Sakvelo itself. Here, you can enjoy stretching your ski-legs on very steep and difficult red and black runs.

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31aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


mdebareobs zRvis donidan 1700 metris simaRleze, gansacvifrebeli kavkasionis mTis Ziras. adre kuror-ti warmoadgenda olimpiuri sportsmenebis saswavlo bazas. ase rom, ar aris gasakviri infrastruqturi-sa da bilikebis aseTi maRali done. igi gvTavazobs yvelaze sanaxaobriv saTxilamuro da snoubordis trasebs evropaSi. yvelaze popularuli zamTrisa da rekreaciuli daniSnulebis kurortia. ixaliseT Cqari daSvebiT, ganitvirTeT sarben bilikebze, sacx-enosno turebiT, cigiT srialiT an ubralod datkbiT ulamazes Tovlian tyeebSi seirnobiT.

bakurianis ZiriTadi bilikebi:koxta 2 (2.255m simaRlis) cnobili rogorc TaTra.ocdaxuTi – ioli biliki, 25-metriani tramplin-

is maxloblad. es damwyebTaTvis da bavSvebisaTvis idealuri adgilia, usafrTxo da sasiamovno garemos fonze iswavlon sriali. Tqven aseve SegiZliaT isria-loT cigiT an mimdebare teritoriaze datkbeT sacx-enosno turiT.

didvelis trasa gadis erT-erTi yvelaze maRali mTis ferdobze evropaSi, swored aqedan iSleba saoc-ari xedebi. ferdobze moxvedra SegiZliaT gondolas meSveobiT, daSvebas ki lurji an wiTeli marSrutiT SeZlebT. yvelaze grZeli saTxilamuro zoli ga-dis daaxloebiT 4 kilometrSi. gamocdil moTxila-mureebs ki SeuZliaT gacilebiT Sors asvla. iqidan daSveba ki SegiZliaT cicabo da rTuli – Savi an wiTeli marSrutebiT.

sxva aqtivobebi:bakurianis jvaredini bilikebi izidavs ro-

gorc eqspertebs, aseve damwyeb moTxilamureebsa da snouborderebs. ori yvelaze rTuli daSveba Segi-ZliaT ganaxorcieloT koxtasa da didvelis mTidan. xolo Tu sriali da snoubordi TqvenTvis xelsayre-li saqmianoba ar aris, bakuriani gTavazobT dauviw-yari dro gaataroT zamTris ardadegebze, iseirnoT bakurianis parkSi da ijiriTod cxenebze. mTebi da xeobebi bakurianis garSemo idealuria imisaTvis, rom gadaadgildeT TovlmavliT. aseve SegiZliaT roman-tiulad gaiseirnoT etliT da datkbeT Tvalwarmta-ci soflis xedebiT.

gidis momsaxureba, maT Soris erTadgiliani da oradgiliani Tovlmavlebi SegiZliaT adgilze iqiraoT sastumroebsa da sxvadasxva maRaziaSi.

tabisyuris tba

samcxe-javaxeTis mxareSi, borjomisa da axalqa-laqis municipalitetebis sazRvarze,mdebareobs ta-bisyuris tba. igi zRvis donidan 1991 m. simaRlezea ganTavsebuli. sarkis farTobi 14,2 km²,-ia. wyalSem-krebi auzis farTobi 83,1 km², udidesi siRrme 40,2 m., saSualo siRrme 15, 5 m., wylis moculoba 221 mln. m³.

tbis qvabuli warmoqmnilia lavuri nakadebis Segu-bebis Sedegad. sazrdoobs miwisqveSa, Tovlisa da wvi-mis wylebiT. tba gamdinarea miwisqveSa gziT. wylis done dabalia TebervalSi, maRalia ivnisSi. gayinulia dekembris bolodan martis bolomde.

wyali mtknaria, mdidaria TevziT. tbis garSemo gaSenebulia soflebi tabawyuri da moliTi.

Other activities:

Bakuriani’s cross-country trails attract experts as well as be-ginners. Two of the most challenging runs begin on Mt. Kokhta (2,155 m) and Mt. Didveli. If skating is your winter pastime, Ba-kuriani offers plenty of opportunities, among them at Bakuri-ani Park and the rink at the Hotel Edem. The hills and valleys around Bakuriani are ideal for snowmobiling, but if you prefer to get around the old-fashioned way, horse-drawn sleighs are the traditional mode of winter transportation in Bakuriani, so for a romantic treat, take a romantic sleigh-ride around the pictur-esque village.Guide services, including renting single and double-seat snow-mobiles, are available through many hotels and shops.

TaBaTskuri lakE

Tabatskuri Lake is located between Borjomi and Akhalkalaki dis-tricts in Samtskhe-Javakheti region on the sea level of 1991m (surface 14.2 km²). It is of vulcanic origin, with a maximum depth of up to 40.2m (average 15.6m) and the water volume of 221 million m³. Therefore, it offers fishing for trout, barbel and carp.The lake basin was formed as a result of congestion of lava flows. It is filled by underground and rain waters. The lake flows through the underground routes. The water level is low in February, high - in June. It is Frozen from December until the end of March. The villages Tabatskuri and Moliti are located near the lake.

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T he first animal by-product to enter the EU market is wool. Georgia was added to the list of so-called third countries, from which raw wool can be exported to the

EU. At this stage, the EU recognized two wool manufacturing companies: ltd “Georgian Wool” and ltd “Georgian Wool Company”. Accordingly, these two companies are capable to export the raw (unwashed) wool to the EU.

The first sample quantity of the wool was sent to the European Union in September, 2015. According to the agreement between “Georgian Wool company” and “Curtis Wool Direct Limited”, the company had to buy 25 tons of wool, 1kg. for 1,05USD (including transportation). However, the first batch of wool to enter the Great Britain was returned. The reason was that Georgia was not among those third countries from which the raw wool export is allowed to the EU. Neither “Georgian Wool Company” had the EU recognition.

“We were looking forward for the completion of the recognition process. The agreement with “Curtis Wool Direct Limited” is still in force. We are still planning to send them the trial batch of wool. We need some time to collect it. We have sent the production we


GEorGiAN WooL To BE ExporTED To EU CoUNTriEScxoveluri warmoSobis pirveli produqti, ro-

melic saqarTvelodan evrokavSiris bazarze Seva, matylia. e.w. mesame qveynebis im sias, rom-

lebidanac evrokavSirSi daumuSavebeli matylis Setana SeiZleba, saqarTveloc daemata. am etapze evrokavSirma matylis mwarmoebeli 2 kompania aRiara: Sps `jorjian vul~ da Sps `qarTuli matylis kompania~. Sesabamis-ad, evrokavSiris qveynebSi daumuSavebeli (gaurecxavi) matylis gatana mxolod am or kompanias SeuZlia.

saqarTvelodan evrokavSirSi matylis pirveli sacdeli partia 2015 wlis seqtemberSi gaigzavna. `qa-rTuli matylis kompaniasa~ da Curtis wool direct limited-s Soris gaformebuli kontraqtis Tanaxmad, kompanias 25 tona matyli unda eyida, 1 kg 1,05 aSS dolarad (am fasSi Sedioda transportirebis Rire-bulebac). Tumca matylis pirveli partia, romelic britaneTSi unda Sesuliyo, sazRvridan ukan _ saqarT-veloSi dabrunda. mizezi is iyo, rom mesame qveynebis im nusxaSi, romlebidanac evrokavSirSi daumuSave-beli matylis Setanaa nebadarTuli, saqarTvelo ar iyo aRricxuli da arc “qarTuli matylis kompanias” hqonda evrokavSiris aRiareba.

მანანა ვარდიაშვილი

ევროკავშირმა ქართული მატყლი ბაზარზე დაუშვა

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35aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

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had to Ukraine and india. After processing our wool in Britain, we will see the availability of our long-term cooperation.” – stated Zaur Kuliev, owner of ltd “Georgian Wool Company”,

one German company was interested in purchasing Georgian wool. “We had an offer one year ago. As the recognition process is completed, negotiations will be resumed” – said Gia Khadilashvili, director of ltd “Georgian Wool”.

The representatives of National Food Agency say that the state did everything to ensure the EU recognition for these companies. Now, the companies should fulfill number of requirements. E.g. wool should be packed in a way to absolutely exclude packaging material contamination. package should not be opened anywhere until final destination. rules of transportation: the Customs, where the wool package will cross the EU border should be warned 24 hours earlier. These rules are not difficult. The EU believes in our state, its regulatory system – the National Food Agency and companies, in particular. We are committed to check these companies twice a year, what they do in line with the EU standards.” – stated Mikheil Sokhadze, Deputy Head of the National Food Agency.

Export of the wool to the EU, as an animal by-product is regulated by CoMMiSSioN rEGULATioN (EU) No 142/2011 of 25 February 2011 and Council Directive 97/78/EC.

To enter the EU market, Georgian wool should have a EUr1 Movement Certificate. Besides this, it must be safe for human health and have appropriate certificate. Additional two requirements are as follows: 1. wool should be well dried and packed safely and; 2. should be sent directly to the factory, where the processing will take place. This is necessary to prevent any spread of the disease.

if any of these requirements are not fulfilled, the wool will be considered as an ordinary animal by-product, which can harm animal health in the destination country and Customs will return it back.

Currently, ltd “Georgian Wool” and ltd “Georgian Wool Company” export wool to india, Ukraine and China. in these countries, the price for 1kg. unwashed wool is 0.7USD, including transportation.

`Cven aRiarebis procesis dasrulebas velodiT. Curtis wool direct limited-Tan SeTanxmeba isev ZalaSia. maTTvis sacdeli partiis gagzavnas isev vge-gmavT. garkveuli dro gvWirdeba imisTvis, rom maty-li movagrovoT. produqcia, rac gvqonda, ukrainasa da indoeTSi gavgzavneT. britaneTSi Cven mier Cat-anili matylis gadamuSavebis Semdeg gavigebT, Sedge-ba Tu ara Cvens Soris grZelvadiani TanamSromloba,~ _ ambobs saubarSi `qarTuli matylis kompaniis~ xelmZRvaneli zaur kulievi.

qarTuli matylis SeZeniT erT-erTi germanuli kompaniac iyo dainteresebuli. `1 wlis win gvqonda SemoTavazeba. radgan Cveni sawarmos aRiarebis pro-cesi dasrulda, molaparakebas isev ganvaaxlebT,~ _ ambobs Sps `jorjian vulis~ direqtori gia xadilaS-vili.

sursaTis erovnul saagentoSi acxadeben, rom saxelmwifom yvelaferi gaakeTa imisTvis, rom am kom-paniebs evrokavSiris aRiareba mieRoT. `aris mTeli rigi moTxovnebi, romlebic axla uSualod am kompa-niebma unda Seasrulon. magaliTad, matyli ise unda iyos SefuTuli, rom SesafuTi masalis dabinZureba absoluturad gamoiricxos. aRniSnuli produqcia miRebis saboloo adgilamde arsad unda gaixsnas. transportirebis drosac garkveuli zomebis miRebaa saWiro: 24 saaTiT adre unda gafrTxildes sabaJo im adgilze, sadac matyli evrokavSiris sazRvars ga-dakveTs. am wesebis Sesruleba rTuli ar aris. aRi-arebis am procesiT evrokavSirma Zalian didi ndoba gamogvicxada Cven _ saxelmwifos, mis makontroleb-el sistemas, anu sursaTis erovnul saagentos da am konkretul kompaniebsac. Cven aviReT valdebuleba, rom es kompaniebi weliwadSi orjer SevamowmoT da vnaxoT, ras da rogor akeTeben isini evrokavSiris standartebis da moTxovnebis dasakmayofileblad da asruleben Tu ara Cven mier micemul rekomendaciebs,~ _ acxadebs sursaTis erovnuli saagentos ufrosis moadgile, mixeil soxaZe.

evrokavSiris qveynebSi matylis, rogorc cxove-luri warmoSobis produqtis Setanas, evrokavSiris direqtivebiN142/2011 da N97/78 aregulireben.

imisTvis, rom qarTuli matyli evrokavSiris ba-zarze Sevides, mas aucileblad unda hqondes warmo-Sobis sertifikati _ EUr1. garda amisa, usafrTxo unda iyos adamianis janmrTelobisTvis da Sesabamisi sertifikatic hqondes. kidev ori moTxovnis Sesrule-baa saWiro: 1. matyli unda iyos kargad gamSrali da SefuTuli usafrTxod da 2. gaigzavnos pirdapir im sawarmoSi, sadac misi gadamuSaveba moxdeba. es saWiroa imisTvis, rom ar moxdes raime daavadebis gavrceleba.

Tu am ori moTxovnidan romelime ar sruldeba _ magaliTad, matyli ar aris SefuTuli usafrTx-od, an ar midis pirdapir im sawarmoSi, romelic mas gadaamuSavebs, matyli CaiTvleba Cveulebrivi cxove-luri warmoSobis produqtad, romelmac SeiZleba mimReb qveyanaSi cxovelTa janmrTelobas ziani miay-enos da mas mimRebi qveynis sabaJo ukan daabrunebs.

`jorjian vuls~ da Sps `qarTuli matylis kompa-nias~ amJamad matyli eqsportze indoeTSi, ukrainasa da CineTSi gaaqvT. am qveynebSi 1 kg gaurecxavi maty-lis fasi 0,7 aSS dolaria. am fasSi Sedis transpor-tirebis Rirebulebac.

სახელმწიფომ ყველაფერი გააკეთა იმისათვის, რომ საქართველოში მატყლის მწარმოებელმა კომპანიებმა დაუმუშავებელი მატყლი ევროკავშირის ქვეყნებში გაიტანონ.

The governmenT has done everyThing To ensure exporT of raw wool To eu counTries by georgia's wool producer companies.

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o ne of the biggest and low-budget airline in Central and Eastern Europe, WizzAir, entered Georgia, namely, King David the Builder Kutaisi

international Airport, in September 2012. At first, it offered passengers flights from Kutaisi international Airport to Kiev. Later, after successful bilateral negotiations between the airline company and the United Airports of Georgia, WizzAir started flights from Kutaisi international Airport also to other destinations allowing its customers to fly to numerous European cities in reduced prices.

Furthermore, airline attracted its passengers by comfortable and customer-oriented service, WizzAir Club, which entitles loyal customers to purchase tickets at a lower price anytime. Being a Club member is easy – in exchange of one-off payment of about 30 euros, you get all year long sales on tickets, plus the benefits of transporting extra luggage.

Currently, WizzAir flies in the directions of Budapest, Vilnius, Katowice and Warsaw and has transported more than 500 000 passengers since 2012.

centralur da aRmosavleT evropaSi cnobi-li erT-erTi yvelaze msxvili da dabalbiu-jetiani aviakompania WizzAir-i saqarTveloSi,

kerZod daviT aRmaSeneblis saxelobis quTaisis saer-TaSoriso aeroportSi 2012 wlis seqtemberSi Semovi-da. Tavdapirvelad mas mgzavrebi quTaisis saerTaSo-riso aeroportidan kievSi gadahyavda. mogvianebiT, aviakompaniasa da saqarTvelos aeroportebis gaer-Tianebas Soris warmatebuli molaparakebis Sedegad, WizzAir-ma quTaisis saerTaSoriso aeroportidan sxva mimarTulebiTac daiwyo aviareisebis Sesruleba da momxmarebels saSualeba misca evropis araerT qalaq-Si SeRavaTian fasad efrina.

aviakompaniam mgzavrebi komfortuli, momxmare-belze orientirebuli WizzAir klubis servisiTac mox-ibla, rac imas niSnavs, rom mis erTgul momxmarebels aviabileTebis SeZena nebismier dros fasdaklebiT SeuZlia. klubis wevroba martivia _ erTjeradad gadaxdili, daaxloebiT ocdaaTi evros sanacvlod, mTeli wlis manZilze aviabileTebze fasdaklebas, ufro meti bargis gadatanis saSualebac Tan axlavs.

გეზით ევროპისკენ,საზღვრების გარეშე

United Airports of GeorGiA


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37aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

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At the press-conference held on February 4, 2016, LTD United Airports of Georgia of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, introduced pleasant news to the customers of WizzAir – WizzAir Base will open at Kutaisi international Airport in September 2016. Thus, the company will place its permanent airplane at the airport and WizzAir will add seven more directions from Kutaisi international Airport: Berlin, Memmingen-Munich, Milan, Dortmund, Thessaloniki, Sofia and Larnaca. Customers can already purchase tickets on webpage -;

How to get to Kutaisi international Airport from different cities of Georgia? Where is the last stop of the airport bus? Maybe we should take a Taxi? You can travel from Georgia’s central cities by “Georgian Bus”. official partner of Kutaisi international Airport, “Georgian Bus” minibuses and minivans have their schedules planned according to flights. Therefore, they will get you to the airport at least one hour before the flight. Besides, if the passenger is in Kutaisi, the minibus will get to the address indicated by the passenger whereas from other cities you need to get to the specific station areas. Customers can purchase tickets on webpage - and also find out the exact location of the minibus stations in your city.

From March 17, 2016 using “Georgian Bus” will get easier for tourists and locals. particularly, when

quTaisis saerTaSoriso aeroportidan WizzAir -i amJamad budapeStis, vilniusis, katovicesa da varSa-vis mimarTulebiT dafrinavs da 2012 wlidan dRemde 500 000-ze meti mgzavri hyavs gadayvanili.

saqarTvelos ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTare-bis saministros Sps saqarTvelos aeroportebis gaerTianebam mimdinare wlis 4 Tebervals gamarTul preskonferenciaze WizzAir-is momxmarebels sasiamov-no siaxle gaacno _ 2016 wlis seqtemberSi quTaisis saerTaSoriso aeroportSi WizzAir-is baza gaixsneba. konkretulad _ aeroportSi mudmivad iqneba avia-kompaniis TviTmfrinavi da WizzAir-i quTaisis saer-TaSoriso aeroportidan kidev Svid axal mimarTule-bas daamatebs berlinis, memingen-miunxenis, milanis, dortmundis, salonikis, sofiasa da larnakas mimar-TulebiT. aRniSnuli mimarTulebebis aviabileTebis SeZena momxmarebels ukve SeuZlia vebgverdze _;

rogor movxvdeT saqarTvelos sxvadasxva qa-laqidan quTaisis saerTaSoriso aeroportSi? sad aris aeroportisken mimavali transportis gaCereba? iqneb, taqsiT gvesargebla? saqarTvelos centralu-ri qalaqebidan quTaisis saerTaSoriso aeroportSi kompania Georgian Bus-is satransporto saSualebebiT imgzavrebT. quTaisis saerTaSoriso aeroportis ofi-cialuri partniori kompaniis Georgian Bus-is mikroav-tobusebi da minivenebi reisebs frenebis ganrigis

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38 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

mixedviT asruleben. Sesabamisad, aeroportSi, sul mcire, erTi saaTiT adre migiyvanen, rom gafrenam-de yvela procedura Seuferxeblad gaiaroT. garda amisa, quTaisidan aeroportis mimarTulebiT gamgza-vrebisas transporti mgzavrs misTvis sasurvel mi-TiTebul misamarTze akiTxavs, xolo sxva qalaqebidan reisebi winaswar dadgenili teritoriidan xorciel-deba. samgzavro bileTebis SeZena momxmarebels Sem-deg vebgverdze SeuZlia _ aseve, vebgverdis saSualebiT gaigebT TiToeul qalaqSi transportis sadguris adgils.

17 martidan saqarTveloSi momavali turistebisa da adgilobrivebisaTvisac Georgian Bus-iT gadaadg-ileba kidev ufro martivi gaxdeba. kerZod, WizzAir-is vebgverdze aviabileTis SeZenis dros, mgzavrebs sa-Sualeba eqnebaT iqve SeiZinon aeroportidan trans-feris bileTi da quTaisSi Camosulebi sasurveli mimarTulebiT martivad gadaadgildnen.

aviakompania WizzAir-is siaxleebi _ quTaisis saer-TaSoriso aeroportSi bazis gaxsna da damatebuli av-iareisebi qveyanaSi turizmis ganviTarebis saukeTeso winapirobaa. axali mimarTulebebi saSualebas aZlevs saqarTvelos mosaxleobas xelmisawvdom fasad ifri-nos evropaSi. mTeli es procesi ki miuTiTebs, rom qveyana kidev ufro viTardeba da rom saqarTvelo ev-ropis didi ojaxis sapatio wevria.

purchasing airplane tickets on WizzAir webpage, passen-gers can also buy a transfer ticket for minibus from Kutaisi and travel easier to preferred destinations.

Airlines news in Georgia, such as, WizzAir opening base in Kutaisi international Airport and adding new destination flights, is the best opportunity for tourism development in the country. The new destinations give the chance to the population of Georgia to travel to Europe for affordable prices. The whole process indicates the countries continuous development and is an honorable member of the large European family.

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39aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

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g aremosa da jandacvasTan dakavSirebuli prob-lemebis gamo bolo wlebSi evropelebi arCev-ans bioproduqtebze akeTeben. am mxriv, gamon-

aklisi arc Rvinoa. evropa msoflioSi organuli(bio) Rvinis yvelaze msxvili mwarmoeblia, Tumca es ar niSnavs imas, rom mesame qveynebisTvis bazari da-ketilia, bioproduqciaze gazrdil moTxovnas adg-ilobrivi warmoeba ver akmayofilebs. biomeRvineebi saqarTveloSic mcire raodenobiT arian, maTi naw-ili sakuTar produqcias TiTqmis mTlianad evro-pis bazarze yidis, Tumca evropaSi jer kidev bevri adgilia, sadac bioRvinoze moTxona maRalia, qar-Tuli bioproduqtisa da saqarTvelos cnobadoba ki _ dabali. am dros evropeli momxmarebeli arCevans gamocdilebasa da miRebul informaciaze dayrdno-biT akeTebs.

irakli nikolaSvili erT-erTi pirveli mewarmea,

მაიკო გაბულდანი




in recent years, Europeans have been choosing organic products, due to environment and health related problems. Wine is not an exception. Europe is the biggest wine

producer, but that doesn`t mean that its market is closed for third countries. Local production cannot meet the demand for organic products. There are a few bio-winemakers in Georgia as well. Some of them export their entire product to the EU market. However, there are many places in Europe, where demand on organic-wine is high, but awareness about Georgia is low. At the same time, Europeans make decision based on experience and information.

irakli Nikolaishvili is one of the first entrepreneurs, who exported organic-wine to the EU market. in 2009 he exported it to Lithuania and then, in January of 2016, to Switzerland and Germany. Nikolaishvili decided to obtain a certificate, since he did not have the sufficient financial means needed for

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41aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

romelmac bioRvino evropis bazarze gaitana. pirve-lad, 2009 wels litvaSi gayida, bolo partia (1000 boTli) ki Sveicariasa da germaniaSi mimdinare wlis ianvarSi gagzavna. nikolaSvils reklamisTvis saWiro finansebi ar hqonda da gadawyvita, ekologiurad sufTa produqtis damadasturebeli sertifikati aeRo, rac misi produqtis popularobas gazrdida. dRes saferavis sertificirebuli biovenaxi gur-jaanSi 6 ha-ze aqvs gaSenebuli, Tumca biowarmoebis Senaxva iafi ar ujdeba.

„sertifikatamde rom mixvide 3000 evro ginda, sertifikatis aRebis Semdeg ki Semowmebebi yovelwli-urad, esec finansebTanaa dakavSirebuli. mere ar ici, gayidi Tu vera, iseve unda iwvalo, rogorc Cveule-briv Rvinoze. Cven rom daviwyeT biowarmoeba, maSin bevri ar iyo, evropaSic Zalian cotas hqonda da ami-tom ufro miviqcieT yuradReba, sertifikati rom ar mqonoda, albaT, amdens ver movaxerxebdiT“, _ ambobs nikolaSvili.

erT weliwadSi apirebs biosertifikatis aRe-bas guja goderZiSvilic, romelsac bakurcixeSi 2 heqtarze aqvs venaxi da weliwadSi daaxloebiT 2000-3000 boTls asxams. sertifikatis aRebamde britanel partniorebTan awarmoebs molaparakebebs da wlis bolomde 1200 boTlis gagzavnasac gegmavs.

„2 welia, rac bioRvinos vawarmoebT, 3 weli gvWirdeba imisTvis, rom biosertifikati aviRoT. SemoTavazeba iyo britanelebis mxridan da Cvenc ga-movexmaureT, male gavaformebT xelSekrulebas. 1-2 kviraSi gveqneba zusti pasuxi da gadaigzavneba pirve-li partia“, _ ambobs goderZiSvili.

bioRvinis mxolod mcire warmoeba aqvs (5000 boTli) iago bitariSvils mcxeTis raionis sofel CardaxSi, Tumca produqcias TiTqmis mTlianad evropul bazarze yidis da didi popularobiTac sargeblobs. bitariSvili ambobs, rom yvela ganvi-Tarebul qveyanaSi izrdeba moTxovna organul pro-duqciaze. iagos Rvino dRes 11 qveyanaSi iyideba, maT Soris, umetesoba evropis qveynebia (italia, safrangeTi, Sveicaria, germania, dania, SvedeTi, es-paneTi, slovenia, avstria). iagos Rvino natural-uri produqtis maRaziebSi daaxloebiT 20 evro, restornebsa da Rvinis maRaziebSi ki 3-jer Zviri Rirs.

„ekologiuri, jansaRi kvebis, daavadebebis Tval-sazrisiT, gansakuTrebiT aqtualuri gaxda jansa-Ri produqti (sakvebi, sasmeli) anu bio, organuli da es tendencia aramxolod evropaSi, aramed yvela ganviTarebul qveyanaSi sagrZnobia.interesis mxriv gamoirCeva italia, imis miuxedavad, rom TviTonac Rvi nis mwarmoebeli qveyanaa, italiaSi gatanis Semdeg sta bilurad moTxovnadia yovel wels. aseve, inglisi Zalian sain tereso bazaria nebismieri mwarmoeblisT-vis, SeiZleba iTqvas, rom franguli Rvinis popular-izaciaSi Tavis droze didi roli iTamaSa inglisma,

advertising. Currently he has 6 hectares of certified Saperavi bio-vineyard.

“You need 3000 euros to obtain a certificate and then yearly examinations.. Everything is related to finances. Then you are not sure if your product will sell. . But we attracted customers, because at the time there were very few bio-wine producers in Europe.” – Nikolaishvili stated.

Guja Goderdzishvili is planning on acquiring a bio certificate in one year. He has 2-hectares of vineyard in Bakurtsikhe and produces approximately 2000-3000 bottles of wine per year. Before obtaining a certificate, he negotiated with British partners and plans to send 1200 bottles of wine to Great Britain.

“It has been almost 2 year since we started to produce wine. We need 3 more years to obtain a bio certificate. We got an offer from the British side andsoon we made an agreement. We will know the answer in 1-2 weeks and the first lot of product will be sent to Great Britain.” – said Goderdzishvili.

iago Bitarishvili produces 5000 bottles of wine in village Chardakhi, Mtskheta region and exports almost the entire production to the EU market where it very popular. Bitarishvili says that the demand on bio-wine is increasing in all developed countries. iago’s wine is sold in 11 countries, including italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Slovenia and Austria. Wine is sold in specialized stores for 21-22 EUr and the price is twice as much in restaurants and bars.

“The trend of healthy-bio product – food, drink is very popular not only in Europe but in all developed countries. Italy can be distinguished in its interest in bio-products, despite the fact that it is wine-producing country. After exporting to Italy, the demand on bio-wine is increasing. Great Britain’s market is also very interesting for all wine producers. It can be said thatEngland played a vital role in promoting French wine. Our wine is sold in very prestigious places. A Few years ago we couldn’t even imagine this happening and today I believe that the UK market is very important for us.” – said Bitarishvili.

The Jakeli brothers are among those successful bio-wine makers. in 2001, Malkhaz and Zaza Jakeli planted a bio vineyard in the village Khashi, Sagarejo region. At first, they planted grapes on 5 hectares. Compared to simple ones, bio-vineyards usually produce 6 times less harvest. They decided to increase production and add rkatsiteli Qvevri wine to their assortment. They are going to involve neighboring farmers in their project. The Jakeli brothers’ wine is sold in Great Britain, Switzerland and polad.

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42 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

sakmaod prestiJul adgilebze iyideba. ramdenime wlis win amas verc warmovidgendiT da amitom didi britaneTi Zalian mniSvnelovani bazaria CvenTvis“, _ ambobs bitariSvili.

warmatebul biomeRvineebs Soris arian Zmebi jayelebic. malxaz da zaza jayelebma organuli ve-naxis Cayra sagarejos raionis sofel xaSmSi 2001 wels daiwyes. yurZeni Tavis droze mxolod 5 ha-ze gaaSenes, organuli venaxi ki CveulebrivTan Se-darebiT eqvsjer nakleb mosavals iZleva (2-3 tona/ha-ze), jayelebma gadawyvites, warmoeba gazardon da asortimentSi rqawiTelis qvevris Rvinoc daamaton, proeqtSi ki mezobeli fermerebis CarTvas apireben. dRes jayelebis Rvino inglisis garda, Sveicariasa da poloneTSi iyideba.

`moTxovna maRalia rogorc sazRvargareTidan, aseve adgilobriv bazrebze, magram ver vakmayofilebT _ sul 6-7aTas boTls vawarmoebT weliwadSi. venaxi ni-Sans 5 wlis Semdeg iZleva, magram srul msxmoiaroba-Si 8-9 weliwadSi Sedis, garda amisa, erTi ha-s gaSeneba 15-20 aTasi dolari jdeba, CvenTvis sakmaod grZel-vadiani da Zviri investiciaa, amitom gadavwyviteT, mezoblebs davexmaroT venaxi organulad gardaqmnan da saWiro raodenobis yurZeni maTgan SevisyidoT“, _ ambobs zaza jayeli.

jayelebis momaval partniorebs, sami weli das-WirdebaT imisTvis, rom biologiurad sufTa pro-duqti miiRon _ swored 3 welia gansazRvruli vada mravalwlovani kulturebisTvis. dRes saqarTveloSi saerTaSoriso akreditaciis mqone erTaderTi orga-noa „kavkasserti“, romelic biosertifikats gascems. kompaniis xarisxis menejeris zurab nadareiSvilis gancxadebiT, bolo 2 welia gaizarda meRvineTa ra-odenoba, romelTac sakuTari meurneobis organu-lad gardaqmna undaT.

„CvenTan daaxloebiT 20 meRvinea daregistrire-buli, aqedan naxevari sertificirebulia, anu kon-versiis periodi gaiares _ konversiis periodi niS-navs, rodesac mewarme gaakeTebs ganacxads, rom unda biomeTodiT awarmoos produqcia, mere unda gaiaros gardamavali periodi da 3 wlis Semdeg miRebuli pro-duqti iTvleba bioproduqtad. am 3 wlis ganmavloba-Si sertificirebis organo inspeqtirebebs utarebs...saqarTveloSi meurneobebi yvelaze xSirad daax-loebiT 0-10 ha-mdea. aseT SemTxvevaSi inspeqtirebas sWirdeba 3 saaTi, TiTo saaTi jdeba 120 dolari, sa-varaudod, erTi inspeqtirebis saSualo fasi kaxeTSi 400-450 dolaria. wlis ganmavlobaSi savaldebuloa 1 gegmiuri inspeqtireba. im SemTxvevaSi, Tu fiqsirdeba darRveva an Tu aris bio da standartuli meurneoba Serwymuli erTi meurneobis farglebSi, riski maRalia da SeiZleba Catardes gaufrTxilebeli inspeqtire-bac“, _ ambobs nadareiSvili.

“Deand is high, both abroad and at local markets. We produce approximately 7000 bottles of wine per year, but it is not enough. The vineyard needs 8-9 years for full harvest. Besides this, the cultivation of 1 hectare costs 15-20 thousand USD dollars. So it’s a long-term and expensive investment. We decided to help our neighbors to transform their vineyard to bio and buy additional number of grapes from them.“ – said Zaza Jakeli.

Jakeli brothers’ future partners will need 3 years to achieve organic products. Today, the only accredited company that issues the bio certificate is “Kavkasserti”. The quality manager of this company, Zurab Nadareishvili stated that the number of winemakers, who want to transform their vineyard to bio, increased during the last 2 years.

“About 20 winemakers are registered. Half of them are certified – passed the conversion period. The conversion period means that the entrepreneur applies, goes through the transition period and after 3 years the product is considered to be bio. During the 3 years, our company inspects them. Vineyards in Georgia are about 10 hectares. In this case, the inspection needs 3 hours. One hour costs 120USD dollars. The average price for the Kakheti region is 400-450USD dollars. One inspection a year is mandatory. If bio and standard vineyards are combined, company can inspect them without warning” – said Nadareishvili.

What is Bio-WinE?

Bio-winemakers try to avoid using additives and prefer natural processes. They have to maintain a high quality grape potential and uniqueness.

“Three points are important: plant protection, soil fertilization and weed control. Synthetic drugs must be replaced with organic ones. It’s the same for plant protection. As for weed control, only labor-saving devices are used here.” – said Nadareishvili.

rules of bio-wine producing laid out by legislation:

– produce only by organic grapes.

– Every product, including grapes, concentrated sweet, sugar or alcohol must be organic.

– it is restricted to use genetically modified micro-organisms and additives while conducting biological processes.

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43aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

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44 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

ra aris organuli Rvino?

organul meRvineobaSi meRvineebi maqsimalurad eridebian gareSe danamatebis gamoyenebas da up-iratesobas aniWeben bunebrivad warmarTul pro-cesebs. biomeRvine minimalurad unda Caerios daRvinebis procesSi da maqsimalurad SeinarCunos yurZnis potenciuri maRali xarisxi da gansakuTre-buloba.

„sami sakiTxia mniSvnelovani: mcenareTa dacva, niadagis ganoyiereba da sarevelebTan brZola. sin-Tezuri preparatebi unda Caanacvlon biowarmoebaSi daSvebuli saSualebebiT. mcenareTa dacvis SemTx-vevaSic igivea _ sinTezuri, sistemuri preparatebi unda Canacvldes biowarmoebaSi nebadarTuli kon-taqturi saSualebebiT. rac Seexeba sarevelebis kon-trols, aq mxolod meqanikuri saSualebebi gamoi-yeneba“, _ ambobs „kavkassertis“ xarisxis menejeri zurab nadareiSvili. dRevandeli kanonmdeblobiT organuli Rvino unda akmayofilebdes Semdeg moTx-ovnebs:

– While processing bio-wine biological, mechanical and physical methods are preferred.

– it is allowed to use all wine permitted additives. But it is desirable to use them only when necessary.

Until 2012, the official definition of “organic wine” didm’t exist in Europe. in 2012, the European Union adopted a regulation that defines the rules of production of organic wine.

EuropEan MarkEt

in Europe, the largest producers of organic wine are Spain, France and italy. in these countries, some of the most prestigious wine estates were transformed into organic farms. Wine holdsmore than 10% of the organic market in France and Croatia, 5% in Norway and Sweden.

According to the Dutch research institute CBi survey, the greatest potential for export from developing countries are

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45aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

_ damzaddes mxolod organuli yurZnisagan;_ yvela ingredienti, iqneba es yurZnis tkbili,

koncentrirebuli tkbili, Saqari (im qveynebSi sadac daSvebulia), spirti unda iyos organu-li;

_ biologiuri procesebis warmarTvisas dauSvebe-lia genetikurad modificirebuli mikroorga-nizmebis gamoyeneba. aseve, dauSvebelia genmodi-ficirebuli organizmebiT miRebuli danamatebi-sa da damxmare masalebis gamoyeneba;

_ organuli Rvinis damuSavebisas upiratesoba

eniWeba biologiur, meqanikur da fizikur pro-

cesebs da cdiloben naklebad Caerion qimiuri


_ daSvebulia meRvineobaSi nebadarTuli TiTqmis

yvela danamatis gamoyenebac, magram sasurvelia

maTi gamoyeneba moxdes mxolod aucileblobis


2012 wlamde, evropaSi „organuli Rvinis“ ofi-

cialuri ganmarteba ar arsebobda. 2012 wels evro-

kavSirma miiRo reglamenti, sadac ganisazRvra or-

ganuli Rvinis warmoebis wesebi.

evropis bazari

evropaSi, organuli Rvinis yvelaze msxvili

mwarmoeblebi espaneTi, safrangeTi da italiaa. am

qveynebSi zogierTi prestiJuli Rvinis mamulic ki

organul meurneobad gardaiqmna. safrangeTsa da

xorvatiaSi organuli bazris 10%-ze meti ukavia

Rvinos, norvegiasa da SvedeTSi ki _ bazris 5%.

holandiuri kvleviTi institutis CBi Catarebu-

li kvlevis mixedviT, ganviTarebadi qveynebidan or-

ganuli Rvinis eqsportis yvelaze didi potencialia

norvegiaSi, SvedeTSi, fineTSi, daniaSi, germaniaSi,

did britaneTSi, SveicariaSi, avstriasa da beniluq-

sis qveynebSi. rac Seexeba safrangeTs, italiasa da

espaneTs, naklebad dainteresebuli arian organu-

li Rvinis importiT, vinaidan sakuTari warmoebac

sakmarisi aqvT.

germania msoflioSi organuli Rvinis wamyvani

importioria, wliurad daaxloebiT, 30 milion

boTls yidulobs, ZiriTadad italiidan da es-

paneTidan. izrdeba rogorc sacalo movaWreebis,

aseve restornebis ricxvi, sadac mxolod organu-

lad warmoebuli Rvino iyideba.

imis miuxedavad, rom organuli Rvino mainc rCe-

ba niSur bazrad, zogierT qveyanaSi da maT Soris:

niderlandebSi, germanisa da skandinaviis qveyneb-

to Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria and the Benelux countries. France, Italy and Spain are less interested in importing organic wine, as they have enough local production.

Germany is the world’s leading importer of organic wines. Annually, they buy 30 million bottles from italy and Spain. The number of retailers as well as restaurants, where only organically produces wine is sold, are increasing.

MarkEtinG MEthods/tools

Wine producers are using different marketing methods in order to increase sales and popularize their product. Marketing methods include exhibitions and B2B meetings that utilizes direct contact between wine producers. The latest trend in Europe shows that producers offering the product to the consumer are using online-sales, though there are some countries (Scandinavian countries) where the direct online-sale is considered to be illegal.

According to the Association Agreement Action plan, in order to diversify the export markets, the Ministry of Economy

“ბიომეღვინე მინიმალურად უნდა ჩაერიოს დაღვინების პროცესში და მაქსიმალურად შეინარჩუნოს ყურძნის პოტენციური მაღალი ხარისხი და განსაკუთრებულობა.


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47aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

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(Enterprise Development Agency) has an obligation to develop the already existing portal which contains information about Georgian companies and their products, trade partners, customs duties and procedures.

Today in Europe, many people do not have information about the wines from developing countries, except South Africa and Chile. So the portal should have a connecting function, but so far there is no complete information about the export potential of Georgian products.

“The awareness of our country and our wine is not enough, still there are places, where people do not know Georgian wine, constant work is necessary in terms of marketing. We need to popularize Georgian wine. What is Georgian wine? What is Georgia? More people should know what the differentiator of Georgian wine is. A Wine festival will be held in May, it will be profitable if our government encourages to attract foreign journalists to write and broadcast our festival. It doesn’t mean that the government only spends money, it means that spending more money leads to selling more wine and increasing state budget” – says iago Bitarishvili

Si (dania, norvegia, SvedeTi da fineTi) ukve kargad

aqvT Camoyalibebuli organuli Rvinis bazrebi.

marketinguli meTodebi

Rvinis mwarmoeblebi sakuTari produqciis gas-

ayidad da populariazciisTvis sxvadasxva meTods

iyeneben, maT Sorisaa gamofenebi da e.w. B2B Sexve-

drebi, rodesac pirdapiri kontaqti dgeba mwarmoe-

blebs Soris. evropaSi, bolo periodSi SesamCnevia

tendencia, rodesac mwarmoebeli pirdapir momx-

marebels sTavazobs sakuTar produqts, amisTvis ki

yvelaze kargi gza onlain-gayidvebia, Tumca zogierT

qveyanaSi pirdapir momxmareblisTvis onlain-miyidva

aralegalurad miiCneva (skandinaviis qveynebi).

asocirebis SeTanxmebis 2016 wlis samoqmedo geg-

mis mixedviT, saeqsporto bazrebis diversifikaciis

mizniT, saqarTvelos ekonomikis saministros aqvs

valdebuleba (mewarmeobis ganviTarebis saagentom)

ganaviTaros ukve moqmedi savaWro portali, sadac unda ganTavsdes infor-

macia qarTuli kompaniebisa da maTi produqtebis,

saqarTvelos savaWro partniorebis, sabaJo gadasaxa-

debisa da procedurebis Sesaxeb. dRes evropaSi

bevrs ara aqvs informacia ganviTarebadi qveynebidan

Rvinoebze, Tu ar CavTvliT samxreT afrikasa da

Ciles, swored am damakavSireblis funqcias unda as-

rulebdes portali, Tumca,

jerjerobiT, ar arsebobs srulyofili informacia

qarTuli produqtebis saeqsporto potencialze.

„qveynis da Rvinis cnobadoba jer kidev ar aris

didi, jer kidev aris adgilebi, sadac ar ician qar-

Tuli Rvino, mudmivi muSaobaa saWiro marketinguli

TvalsazrisiT. ufro metad unda gavacnoT _ ratom

qarTuli Rvino? ratom saqarTvelo? riTia gamor-

Ceuli es metma unda gaigos. maisSi imarTeba Rvinis

festivali, kargi iqneba saxelmwifom xeli Seuwyos

ucxoeli Jurnalistebis Camoyvans, rom mere amaze

daiweros, gadaiRon. es ar niSnavs imas, rom saxelm-

wifom mxolod fuli daxarja, rac meti daxarja, miT

meti Rvino gaiyideba da fulic meti Seva biujetSi“,

_ ambobs iago bitariSvili.

holandiuri organizacia CBi, romelic ganvi-

Tarebadi qveynebidan eqsportis SesaZleblobebze

wers, eqsportiorebs urCevs:

1) potenciur „baiers“ miawodon srulyofili in-

formacia kompaniisa da produqtis Taobaze,

aseve, Seqmnan unikaluri da mimzidveli isto-

ria sakuTar kompaniasa da produqtze.

“ექსპორტიორები მიიჩნევენ, რომ საჭიროა მარკეტინგული აქტივობების გაძლიერება, ევროპაში ქართული პროდუქტის ცნობადობის გასაზრდელად.


Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

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49aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

2) gagzavnon mxolod sufTa da warmosadegi ni-

muSebi, mkafio etiketiT, sadac yvelaferi we-

ria fasiTa da moculobiT dawyebuli, sakon-

taqto informaciiT damTavrebuli.

CBI marketingul procesSi saelCoebis rolzec

amaxvilebs yuradRebas da aRniSnavs, rom saelCoebi

He writes about export opportunities, recommends the following exporters:

1) To provide comprehensive information about their companies and their products to potential buyers, also to create an unique and attractive history of the company and its products.

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

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50 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

gansakuTrebiT kargi SesaZleblobaa potenciur my-

idvelebze gavlenis mosaxdenad, vinaidan dainter-

esebuli arian sakuTari qveynidan produqciis pop-

ularizaciaSi da SeuZliaT gamoiyenon maTi qveynis

kulturis codna potenciuri myidvelebis misazi-

dad da dasarwmuneblad.

komerciuli diplomatiis rolis gaZliere-

basa da asocirebis SeTanxmebis ganxorcielebis

procesSi saqarTvelos saelCoebis maqsimaluri

CarTulobis mniSvnelobas axlaxan saqarTvelos

sagareo saqmeTa ministrmac gausva xazi. eugeorgi-ainfo-m evrokavSiris qveynebSi saqarTvelos sael-

Coebidan gamoiTxova informacia 2014-2015 wlebSi

asocirebis SeTanxmebisa da kerZod, misi savaWro

komponentis (DCFTA) efeqtiani ganxorcielebisaT-

vis gatarebuli aqtivobebis, maTi Sedegebisa da

dagegmili aqtivobebis Sesaxeb. informacia 23-ma

saelCom mogvawoda, gatarebul aqtivobebs Soris

Rvinis po pularizaciis mizniT ganxorcielebuli

aqtivobebi Warbobs, Tumca eqsportiorebi miiC-

neven, rom saWiroa marketinguli aqtivobebis ga-

Zliereba, rom evropaSi qarTuli produqtis cno-

badoba gaizardos.

2) To send only best testers and a clear label where everything is written about prices, product volume and contact information.

CBI underlines the role of the embassies in the marketing process and states that embassies are a very good opportunity to have an influence on the potential buyers, since they are interested to promote the products from their countries and can introduce their country’s culture to attract the potential buyers.

The foreign Minister has just emphasized the role of strengthening the commercial diplomacy and maximum involvement of embassies in the Association Agreement implementation process.

Eugeorgiainfo- has requested information about the completed and planned activities as well as results of the effective implementation of the trade component (DCFTA) from the embassies of Georgia in EU countries. The information was provided from 23 different embassies, the popularization of the wine is the dominant in implementing activities, though experts consider that there is a need of strengthening marketing activities in order to increase the awareness of the Georgian product in Europe.

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

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51aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

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About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

ბათუმის პანორამა

bAtumi pAnorAmA

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53aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

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54 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

6 maisis parki

6 may park

jvris monasteri _ VI saukune

Jvari monastery, built in 6th centuryananuris cixesimagre. Jinvalis wyalsacavi

the Ananuri Fortress on the banks of the Zhinvali river

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55aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

svaneTi. mwvervali uSba

Svaneti, mountain ushba

Suasaukuneebis rabaTi axalcixeSi rekonstruqciis Semdeg

the medieval rabat fortress in Akhaltsikhe after recent reconstruction

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56 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

გუდაურის სათხილამურო კურორტის ხედი

View From Ski reSort GudAuri

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57aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

გუდაურის სათხილამურო კურორტის ხედი

View From Ski reSort GudAuri

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58 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

ZiriTadi qarTuli delikatesi xili da CurCxelaa

the main Georgian delicacies are fruits and churchkhela

nacionaluri cekvebi saqarTvelos saganZuria

Folk dances are the national treasure of Georgia

kavkasiuri nagazis sacxovrebeli mTaa, sadac mglebi da daTvebic binadroben

A Caucasian sheepdog is indispensable in the mountains, where there are both wolves and bears

gogirdis cnobili abanoebi Zvel TbilisSi

the famous sulfur bathhouses in tbilisi’s old town

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About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

eklesia martoxela kacxis svetze

A church on the lonely katskhi pillarsaxifaTo gza TuSeTSi, saqarTvelos erT-erT Zneladmisadgom regionSi

this scary serpentine road leads to one of the most inaccessible regions of Georgia, tusheti

siRnaRi da alaznis veli saukeTeso qarTuli Rvinis samSobloa

Sighnaghi and the Alazani Valley are the birthplaces of the best Georgian wines

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About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

თბილისის პანორამა

tbiLiSi pAnorAmA

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About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

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მე-13 საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია

„საქართველოს ევროპული გზა“

14-15 ივლისი, 2016 ბათუმი

13th InternatIonal ConferenCe „GeorGIa’s european Way“14-15 July, 2016 BatumI

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63aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

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Conference | konferencia

14-15 ivliss, q. baTumi umaspinZlebs rigiT me-13 saerTaSoriso konferencias _ „saqarTvelos evropu-li gza“, romelic 2007 wlidan, tradiciulad, evro-pul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris apara-tis organizebiT tardeba. wels konferencia GloB-seC-Tan TanamSromlobiT gaimarTeba.

კონფერენცია ევროპულ დღის წესრიგში არსებულ ისეთ ძირითად საკითხებს მიეძღვნება, როგორებიცაა: ურთიერთდამოკიდებული სტაბილურობა, მრავალფეროვნება და განვითარება, ევროპული ინტეგრაცია და თანამშრომლობის ახალი ფორმები ევროკავშირსა და პარტნიორ ქვეყნებს შორის.

„saqarTvelos evropuli gza“ aRmosavleT part-niorobis qveynebis evropuli perspeqtivebisa da regionSi stabiluri ganviTarebis gansaxilvel mniS-vnelovan platformad iqca.

aRniSnul konferenciaSi monawileobas miiReben saqarTvelos, evrokavSiris wevri da „aRmosavleT partniorobis“ qveynebis maRali rangis Tanamdebobis pirebi da parlamentarebi, aseve samoqalaqo, akademi-uri, media da biznesseqtoris warmomadgenlebi.

konferencia evropul dRis wesrigSi arse-bul iseT ZiriTad sakiTxebs mieZRvneba, rogorebi-caa: urTierTdamokidebuli stabiluroba, mraval-ferovneba da ganviTareba, evropuli integracia da TanamSromlobis axali formebi evrokavSirsa da partnior qveynebs Soris, aseve regionis roli evro-pis energousafrTxoebaSi da Tanamedrove evropuli usafrTxoebis sistemis mTavari gamowvevebi.

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65aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Conference | konferencia

on July 14-15 2016, Batumi will host the 13th annual International Conference “Georgia’s european Way”. the Conference is traditionally organised by the Office of the State minister of Georgia on european and euro-atlantic Integration since 2007. this year, the conference will be held in cooperation with the GloBseC.

the ConferenCe WIll foCus on some of the key topICs of the european aGenda, InCludInG InterConneCtInG staBIlIty, dIversIty and development, european InteGratIon and neW forms of CooperatIon BetWeen the eu and Its assoCIated partner CountrIes

“Georgia’s european Way” has become an important platform for discussions on european perspectives of the eap countries and prospects for stability and development in the region.

The Conference will welcome government officials, Members of parliaments and representatives of business, civil society, academia and media from the european union and eastern partnership countries.

the Conference will focus on some of the key topics of the european agenda, including interconnecting stability, diversity and development, european integration and new forms of cooperation between the eu and its associated partner countries, a role of the region for europe’s energy security as well as challenges of modern european security architecture.

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Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura

modernizms Tavidanve hyavda rogorc fana-tikosi erTgulebi, ise dauZinebeli mtrebi. orive SemTxvevaSi, mizezi albaT isev da isev

misi iniciatorebis ganaxlebisken swrafvaa, zogSi aR-frTovanebis da miswrafebis grZnobas rom badebs da zogSi SiSisa da safrTxis. aqedan ibadeba is „siZnele“ (difficulty), romelic dRes modernizmis erT-erT maxasi-aTeblad aris aRiarebuli, da rac ucxosTan da gansx-vavebulTan asocirdeba associated with unfamiliarity and difference. (5, p. 4).

nebismier epoqas moaqvs Tavisi moTxovnebi da nebi-smieri epoqa warmoqmnis axal saSualebebs, romlebsac adamiani iyenebs yofasa da saqmianobaSi. meoce sauku-nem gansakuTrebiT bevri teqnologiuri siaxle moita-na. maTi simravle ganapirobebs axal formaTa mraval-ferovnebas xelovnebaSi.

termini, romelic yvelaze xSirad SegxvdebaT winamdebare statiaSi, kerZod, futurizmi, upirve-les yovlisa, faSizmTan asocirdeba. sxva mimdinare-obebis warmomadgenlebs Sorisac iyvnen faSizmisa da komunizmis momxreebi. sabolood, modernizmi swored am reJimebis samizned iqca. magram ganurCevlad imisa, Tu ra ideologias iziarebda ama Tu im etapze esa Tu is mxatvari, _ maT mier Seqmnili mxatvruli formebi avtorTa cocxali reaqciis, Tavisufali azrovnebis gamomxatvelia. es iyo talRebi, romlebic gadaecemo-da Soreul manZilebze. da radgan modernizmis bevri warmomadgeneli sabolood Seewira am ideas, arso-brivad is mainc azrovnebis TavisuflebasTan asocir-deba.

“A world without art would be blind to itself. It would be confined within the boundaries imposed by simplistic

rules. This is why totalitarian regimes, when they rise to power, set out to censor, prohibit and burn. This is how

they destroy ideas, dreams, memory, and the expression of differences, which are the fertile soil from which artists spring.”

Dan Frank (6, p. XI)

“The stupid minute will comeAnd everyone will be dragged to the graveyard,

So let the peacock’s tail, the peacock’s tailBlaze up brighter than tinder!”Sergey Gorodetsky (1, p. 21)

S ince the moment it emerged, Modernism has had both fanatic supporters and sworn enemies. In both cases, the reason was probably its aspiration for renovation,

which gives rise to the sentiments of admiration and yearning in some and those of fear and threat in others. It is here that the “difficulty” that is believed to be one of the features of Mod-ernism originated from, being associated with something alien and different.

Each era has its own demands and each era gives rise to new tools that people use in their lives and activities. The 20th cen-tury brought particularly numerous novelties, which determine a variety of new forms in arts.

The term you will most frequently see in this article - Futur-ism - is associated first and foremost with Fascism. There were supporters of Fascism and Communism among the represen-

„ფარშევანგის კუდი“მოდერნიზმი; ქართული სპექტაკლი1912-1936

ThE PEACoCk’S TAIl MoDErnISM, GEorGIAn PErForMAnCE1912-1936

ქეთევან კინწურაშვილი


Ketevan KintsurashviliArt historian

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67aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura

* * *modernizmi saqarTveloSi Sedga rogorc erTi didi

warmatebuli speqtakli. nebismieri mxatvruli pro-duqti Tu movlena, romelic mas ukavSirdeba, iyo sa-jaro, moqmedi pirebi iyvnen sayovelTaod cnobilni, gaaCndaT sakuTari imiji (Tundac poeti tician tabiZe wiTeli mixakiT) da maTi yoveli qmedeba atarebda sce-naze TamaSis elfers. mamakacebi iyvnen avtorebi, qal-batonebi maTi muzebi. es „aqtiorebi“ xSirad Tavadve irqmevdnen Teatraluri personaJebis saxelebs. didi speqtakli artefaqtebisa da legendebis saxiT Semoi-naxa. saqarTveloSi dasawyisi gacilebiT uwyinari iyo, vidre romelime sxva qveyanaSi. dasasruli ki sul sxva realobidan aRmocenda, pieroebis da kolombinebis istorias mowyda, da guSindeli fantastikuri speqtak-lis monawileni ulmoblad cxadi realobis, _ tragiku-li aRsasrulis gmirebad iqcnen.

* * *modernizmi zogadad ar aris xelsayreli Tema eris

identobaze sasaubrod. piriqiTac aris, radgan es mim-dinareoba epoqas gamoxatavs, sayovelTao xasiaTi aqvs da erovnul TviTmyofadobas faqtobrivad ugul-vebelyofs. magram is dasavleT evropaSi daibada da samarTlianad asocirdeba dasavlur kulturasTan. amasTanave, albaT arasdros da aravis umsjelia qar-Tul erovnul identobaze imdeni, ramdenic qarTvel modernistebs 1910-20-ian wlebSi.


1912 wlis zafxulis pirze, Zmebi zdaneviCebi _ ilia da kirile, _ tfilisis mkvidrni, dediT qarTvelebi da mamiT polonelebi, franguli warmoSobis rus mxat-varTan mixeil le dantiusTan erTad, ardadegebis ga-satareblad peterburgidan tfiliss gamoemgzavrnen. saqarTvelo am dros jer kidev mowyvetili iyo im avan-gardul mxatvrul mimarTulebebsa da ideebs dasavle-Tis SemoqmedebiTi samyaro da am sami peterburgeli studentis goneba rom moecva. Semdgom ilia igonebda, Cveni megobari daviT kakabaZec unda wamosuliyo, ma-gram universitetSi gamocdebma Seayovneso (3, g.71).

albaT aq iwyeba modernizmis istoria saqarTvelo-Si, radgan es sami megobari, axali ideebiT anTebulni, TavianT SemoqmedebaSi neoprimitivizmis da kubo-fu-turizmis mimdevarni, sul ramdenime dReSi, tfilisSi, duqan „variagSi“ aRmoaCenen niko firosmanis tiloebs.

modernizmis fenomens dasabamidan Seerwya intere-si akademiuri codniT Seuryvneli, TviTmyofadi xe-lovnebis mimarT. e.w. naivur xelovnebas miesalmebod-nen yvelgan, sadac Caisaxa an atacebul iqna modern-istuli mimdinareobebi. swavlobdnen kidec misgan. robert herbertis sityvebiT, „am wina-industriulma miTebma SeukeTes cecxli antiiluzionizms, romelic warmoadgens modernistuli xelovnebis centralur dialeqtikas. „…it is these pre-industrial myths that fueled the anti-illusionism which is the central dialectic of modernist art“ (9, p. 19).

amitom, saqarTvelos modernizmis erT-erT, Tundac periferiul centrad Tu miviCnevT, albaT, uwinares yovlisa swored imis gamo, rom bedad aq me-19-me-20 saukuneebis mijnaze niko firosmani qmnida Tavis ukv-

tatives of other trends. Finally, Modernism became a target of these regimes. however, no matter what ideology specific art-ists shared on specific stages, the artistic forms reflected the authors’ vivid reactions and free thinking. They were waves that reached far-away shores, and as many representatives of Modernism ultimately fell victim to this idea, it is nevertheless associated with freedom of thinking.

Modernism was successful in Georgia like one big success-ful performance. Any artistic product or event linked to it was public, the cast of characters were well-known with their im-ages (as was poet Titsian Tabidze with his red dianthus, for instance), and each of their moves had the overtones of playing on the stage. Men were authors and women were their muses. These “actors” often chose the names of theatrical characters for themselves. This major performance is preserved in the shape of artefacts and legends. The beginning was much more inoffensive than in any other country, but the end emerged from quite a different reality. It lost contact with the stories of Pierrot and Columbine and the participants in the fantastic per-formance of yesterday turned into the heroes of a mercilessly clear reality - a tragic end.

In general, Modernism is not a convenient topic when discuss-ing the identity of a nation. on the contrary, it is universal in nature and reflects an era, effectively disregarding national originality. however, it was born in Western Europe and is justly associated with Western culture. At the same time, no one has probably spoken as much about Georgian national identity as Georgian Modernists in the 1910s and 1920s.

ThE BEginning

At the beginning of the summer of 1912, brothers Ilia and kiril Zdanevich, who had a Georgian mother and a Polish father and were residents of Tbilisi, together with Mikhail le Dentu, a russian artist of French origin, left St. Petersburg for Tbilisi to spend holidays there. At that time, Georgia was still isolated from the Avant-Garde artistic trends and ideas that engrossed the minds of the creative world in the West and these three St. Petersburg students. Ilia recalled later that their friend David kakabadze was to accompany them, but he failed to do so, because he had exams at the university (3, p. 71).

It was probably then that the history of Modernism started in Georgia, because the three friends, who were full of new ideas and followers of neo-Primitivism and Cubism-Futurism, discov-ered niko Pirosmani’s canvases in the Varyag Inn in Tbilisi a few days after their arrival.

From the very beginning, interest in original art uncorrupted by academic knowledge mixed with the phenomenon of Mod-ernism. The so-called naive art was welcome where Modernist trends emerged or by those who were carried away by them. They even learned from naive art. As robert herbert said, “it is these pre-industrial myths that fuelled the anti-illusionism which is the central dialectic of modernist art” (9, p. 19).

Correspondingly, if we regard Georgia as one of the centres of Modernism, albeit a peripheral centre, this is first and foremost due to the fact that, fortunately, niko Pirosmani created his im-mortal pictures here at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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68 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

dav suraTebs. is iyo STagonebis wyaro da gezis mimcemi modernistTa yvela Semdgomi Taobis warmomadgenel-TaTvis _ mwerali iqneboda Tu mxatvari. firosmani ki Tavad SeiZleba vaRiaroT Zveli xelovnebis ukanasknel da modernizmis xanis pirvel warmomadgenlad _ ro-gorc warmavali samyaros tradiciebidan amozrdili da axali, qalaquri cxovrebis mWvreteli da aRmwere-li. misi Semoqmedic!

firosmanis aRmoCenidan erTi welic ar gava da da-viT kakabaZe peterburgSi Tavis kubistur avtopor-trets Seqmnis. imave wels kirile zdaneviCi parizSi gaemgzavreba. iq Cava poeti paolo iaSvilic, romelic or weliwadSi, safrangeTidan samSobloSi dabrunebu-li, quTaiss aRanTebs modernistuli ideebiT. sul male danTebuli cecxlis ali tfilisSi gadmoinacv-lebs. 1914 wels peterburgSi futurizmis apologeti ilia zdaneviCi futurizmis manifestis avtors toma-zo marinetis Sexvdeba. im wels msoflio omi daiwye-ba, male ruseTSi revolucia moxdeba da sayovelTao areuloba da siduxWire rusuli avangardis mowinave warmomadgenlebs msoflios sxvadasxva kuTxeSi ga-daisvris. bevri maTgani „bolSevikuri CrdiloeTidan menSevikuri samxreTisken“ „from the Bolshevik north to the Menshevik south“ (John Bowlt, 8, p.IX) aiRebs gezs da saqarTveloSi daidebs samudamo Tu ara, droebiT bi-nas. es qveyana - mziani, stumarTmoyvareobiT cnobili da, rac mTavaria, am dros damoukidebeli, gansakuTre-biT mimzidveli aRmoCndeba Tavis Sesafareblad. aq cocxali SemoqmedebiTi cxovreba duRs da modernis-tuli ideebiT STagonebuli poetebi da mxatvrebi si-amovnebiT uReben kars stumrebs. amgvarad, tfilisSi (da kvlav quTaisSi) adgils povebs movlenaTa mTeli rigi, romlebic saqarTveloSi modernistuli ideebis ganviTarebisTvis keTilmyofel garemos Seqmnis, xolo qarTvel modernistTa moZraobis marSrutebSi evropis qalaqebi, pirvel rigSi ki, ra Tqma unda, parizi, Tavis uryev adgils daiWers da istorias srulyofs.

* * *modernizmis akvani evropis gulSi dairwa _ saqarT-

velodan Sors, gansxvavebul garemoSi da gacilebiT adre, ukve me-19 saukunis 60-ian wlebSi, magram man saqarTveloSi, Tundac mogvianod da SedarebiT mcire masStabiT, mainc Zlieri gamovlena pova.

axalma eram _ „maSinizmis da kinematografis“ (daviT kakabaZe) sivrcis axleburi gancda ganapiroba da nova-toruli mxatvruli amocanebi wamoWra. daibada axali, dinamikuri _ industriuli epoqis Sesatyvisi mxatvru-li ena, romelmac mravalferovani ganStoebebi _ mim-dinareobebi warmoSva. isini ibadeboda did metropo-liebSi, swrafad vrceldeboda da sadac aRwevda, axal nergebs warmoSobda.

dualisturi dialeqtika

tfilisi, romelic 1910-iani wlebis meore naxe-varSi erT-erT bohemur centrad Camoyalibda, misi geografiuli mdebareobis gamo, odiTganve dualis-turi bunebis matarebeli iyo. mogzaurebi, poetebi da mwerlebi, misi mexotbenic da misdami kritikulad gan-wyobilnic, mudam mianiSnebdnen, rom is, - evropisa da aziis gasayarze ganTavsebuli, am ori samyaros niSnebs

he was the source of inspiration and the setter of the course for the representatives of all future generations of Modernists, be they writers or artists. And Pirosmani can be recognised as the last representative of old art and the first in the Modernist era, a viewer and depicter of the new urban life and its creator, too, who was based on the traditions of an obsolescent world.

less than a year after Pirosmani was discovered, David kaka-badze made his first Cubist self-portrait in St. Petersburg. kiril Zdanevich went to Paris in the same year, as did the Georgian poet Paolo Iashvili. on his return from Paris to his homeland two years later, Iashvili enflamed kutaisi with Modernist ideas and the flames soon reached Tbilisi. An apologist of Futurism, Ilia Zdanevich met the author of the Futurist Manifesto, Tommaso Marinetti, in St. Petersburg in 1914. This was the year when World War I started, soon followed by a revolution, and prom-inent representatives of the russian Avant-garde found them-selves in various areas of the world due to universal unrest and poverty. Many of them headed “from the Bolshevik north to the Menshevik south” (John Bowlt, 8, p. IX) and stayed in Georgia, if not for the rest of their lives, at least for some time. This country - sunny, well-known for its hospitality, and, what is most important, independent at that time - proved to be particularly attractive as a shelter. Vivacious artistic life was humming here and poets and artists inspired by Modernist ideas gladly opened doors to visi-tors. It was in such circumstances that a number of events that created a beneficial environment for the development of Modern-ist ideas in Georgia took place in Tbilisi (and, to an extent, in ku-taisi). In addition, European cities - of course, first and foremost Paris - retained their place in the routes of Georgian Modernists.

The cradle of Modernism was far from Georgia, in a different environment in the heart of Europe and much earlier, too, in the 1860s, but its reflection in Georgia, albeit belated and at a comparatively smaller scale, was nevertheless quite strong.

The new era - that of “machinism and cinematography” (David kakabadze) - determined a new perception of space and gave rise to innovative artistic objectives. A new and dynamic artistic language appropriate for the industrial era was born, producing varied branches and trends. They were born in big metropolitan cities, spread quickly, and produced new seedlings, wherever they appeared.

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მოდერნიზმი საქართველოში შედგა როგორც ერთი დიდი წარმატებული სპექტაკლი.


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69aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

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Seicavda sakuTar TavSi. es niSnebi ki TiTqmis yvela avtorTan urTierTsapirispirod ganixileba: dadebi-Ti - uaryofiTi.

dadebiTia im droisTvis qalaqis centraluri ub-nis (golovinis _ axlandeli rusTavelis prospeqti da misi mimdebare ganaSenianeba) namdvilad evropu-li saxe. es rom ar yofiliyo, saqarTvelos albaT arc Sveicarias Seadarebdnen (osip mandelStami) da arc „meore parizad“ CaTvlidnen tfiliss. aq yvelaferi mowesrigebulia, quCebs gvian, SenobaTa arqiteqtura evropulis Sesatyvisia, ar nuvos stilis Senobebic gvxvdeba da quCebi mokirwylulia. eleqtroganaTebac aris. Teatrebic aq ideben binas. am ubnebTan SedarebiT, „uaryofiTia“ Zveli qalaqi, sadac sibinZurea, romel-ic „aziaturia“ Tavisi bunebiT. Tumca, rodesac qalaq-is ganumeorebel xiblze saubroben, es ubnebic dadeb-iTad moixsenieba. aRfrTovanebas iwvevs aq mdebare aR-mosavluri bazari da sxvadasxva religiis mimdevarTa saeklesio saxlebi (orTodoqsuli qristianuliT daw-yebuli da mazdeanuriT dasrulebuli), mixveul-mox-veuli quCebi da kibeebi (knut hamsuni). firosmani Ta-visi mxatvrobiT am ori mxaris gamaerTianebelia. misi suraTebis didi nawili qalaqis Zveli ubnebis cxovre-bas asaxavs, magram gamosaxvis forma Zalian axlos aris modernistulTan. modernizmis Sesaxeb man araferi icis, magram im periodSi is erTaderTia, vinc Tavisi mxatvrobiT uneburad „akademiur“ wres upirispirdeba.

akademizmi, romelTan brZolac (misgan asxleta) dasavleTSi modernizmis erT-erT katalizators war-moadgenda, im dros saqarTveloSi mxolod Canasaxis saxiT Tu arsebobda. is ki ara da, es „akademikosebi“ _ ruseTSi da evropaSi ganswavlulni, garkveuli Tval-sazrisiT (impresionizmis niSnebi da sxva) da garkveul konteqstSi, modernistebadac moixseniebian xolme. amis mizezi is aris, rom saqarTvelos, romelmac gau-Tavebeli Semosevebis da omianobis gamo Suasaukunee-bis CarCoebs ver daaRwia Tavi, xelovnebaSi evropuli renesansis da misi Semdgomi periodebi (impresionizmis CaTvliT), ar gauvlia da dazguri mxatvroba aq ar gan-viTarebula. Sesabamisad, aq „akademistebi“ da „mod-ernistebi“ TiTqmis erTdroulad „idgamdnen fexs“ da albaT amave mizeziT, 1922 wels TbilisSi samxatvro akademiis (akademizmis savane) gaxsna garkveulwilad modernizmis istorias daukavSirda.

saqarTveloSi aseve mudam iyo midrekileba kon-servativizmisken, an ufro sworad, e.w. tradiciisadmi erTgulebisken, ris gamoc aqauri poetebi da mxatvrebi xSirad jiutad icavdnen warmavls. amitom aq modern-istebic yovelTvis am mimarTulebis Sesatyvisad ra-dikalurni da Tanmimdevrulni ar iyvnen. da aq modern-izmis „siZnelezec“ aravis umsjelia maincdamainc.

rac Seexeba e.w. aRmosavlur an aziur sawyiss, obi-eqturad Tu gavaanalizebT, is yvelgan warmoadgenda erT-erT masazrdoebel elements, romelic avangar-dul mimarTulebebs kvebavda da amitom modernizmis konteqstis organul _ dadebiTi nawilad ganixileba. da Tumca zogi misi mowinaaRmdege iyo, zogi „damcve-li“, da realur situacias iSviaTad Tu vinme ganix-ilavda obieqturad, es sawyisi qarTuli kulturis erT-erTi bunebrivi Semadgeneli nawili iyo mudam.

SeiZleba CaiTvalos, rom saqarTvelos kulturis swored dualisturma bunebam Seqmna noyieri niada-

DualisT DialECTiCs

Tbilisi that took shape as a Bohemian centre in the late 1910s had always been dualist in nature due to its geographical location. Travellers, poets and writers, and those who praised or criticised it always noted that being located at the confluence of Europe and Asia, it bore features of the two worlds and almost all authors con-sidered these features as opposing positive and negative sides.

The central district of the city at that time (Golovin Avenue, which is now rustaveli Avenue) was among positive features, as it had a genuinely European appearance. Without this, Tbili-si would probably not have been compared with Switzerland (osip Mandelstam) or described as a “second Paris”. Every-thing was in order here, streets were cleaned, and the architec-ture was European. There were buildings in Art nouveau style and streets were paved. Electricity was available and theatres were opened. Compared with this neighbourhood, the old city was “negative”, as it was dirty and “Asian” in nature. however, when they spoke about the matchless charm of the city, these neighbourhoods were also mentioned in a positive context. The oriental bazaar and places of worship of various religions (starting with orthodox Christian and ending with Zoroastrian), meandering streets and stairs (knut hamsun) caused admira-tion. Pirosmani and his paintings united these two sides. Most of his pictures depicted the life in the old city, but the forms of expression were very close to Modernism. he knew nothing about Modernism, but he was the only one in that period, who involuntarily opposed the “academic” circles with his paintings.

Countering academism (isolating oneself from it) was a catalyst of Modernism in the West, but at that time, academism was in an embryonic state in Georgia. Moreover, “academicians” - those, who had received education in russia and Europe - were referred to as Modernists in a certain sense (signs of Im-pressionism and so forth) and in certain contexts. This was due to the fact that Georgia had failed to emerge from the frames of Middle Ages because of endless invasions and wars and

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71aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

gi am qveyanaSi modernistuli mimarTulebis gansavi-Tareblad. Zvelis da axlis, qalaqis da soflis, aRmo-savluris (azia) da dasavluris (evropa), akademiuris da modernistulis Tanaarsebobis, maT Soris zRvaris simciris gamo „garedan“ Semotanili ideebi bunebrivad daemyno adgilobriv memkvidreobas. winamorbedi etap-idan gandgomis saWiroeba ar idga.

* * *qveynis damoukideblobam, im faqtTan erTad, rom

urTulesi problemebis winaSe mdgar mTavrobas xe-lovnebisa da literaturisTvis ar ecala, saqarTve-loSi Seqmna klimati Tavisufali TviTgamoxatvisa da saerTo SemarTebisTvis. xolo radgan menSevikuri saqarTvelos moto dasavleTisken orientacia iyo, Se-sabamisad tfilisi, ra Tqma unda, „axali parizi“ unda gamxdariyo.

kafe – ideaTa generatori

tfilisis Zveli nawilis mniSvnelobis miuxedavad, CvenTvis saintereso movlenaTa epicentrs „evropuli“ ubani _ axlandeli rusTavelis prospeqti warmoadgen-da. mis gaswvriv pova ganviTareba im movlenebma, ramac Seqmna modernizmis istoria saqarTveloSi. Camosuli stumrebic am prospeqtis mimdebare adgilebSi saxlde-bodnen (magaliTad, sergei da vera sudeikinebi griboe-dovis quCaze) an aq iyridnen Tavs. artistuli kafeebic aq ixsneboda.

artistuli kafe zogadad modernizmis istoriis ganuyofel da arsebiT nawilad Camoyalibda. kafeebi bunebrivad Cndeboda iq (da upirveles yovlisa, pariz-Si), sadac modernistuli ideebi isaxeboda da Rvioda. kafeTa cocxali istoria qmnida axal istoriebs axal adgilebSi. aq xvdebodnen, kamaTobdnen, ibadeboda ax-ali ideebi, iwereboda da ixateboda nawarmoebebi, aRmocendeboda mimdinareobaTa saxelwodebebi. iqve iqmneboda legendebi. urbanuli, modernistuli cx-

therefore, had not experienced European renaissance and subsequent periods in arts (including Impressionism) and easel painting did not develop here. Correspondingly, “academicians” and “Modernists” were becoming active in Georgia at the same time. It was probably for the same reason that the opening of the Academy of Arts (haven of academism) in 1922 was to a certain extent linked to the history of Modernism.

In addition, Georgia has always tended to be conservative or, to be more precise, loyal to traditions, which led to the situation, where local poets and artists stubbornly defended things that were ob-solescent. Therefore, Modernists were not always as radical and consistent here as it could be expected from representatives of the trend. And no one thought about the “difficulty” of Modernism here.

As regards the so-called oriental or Asian component, if we analyse things objectively, it was one of the sources of Avant-garde trends and therefore is regarded as an organic and positive part of Modernism. Although some were its oppo-nents, others defended it, and the situation was rarely viewed in a realistic and objective manner, as this side was always one of the natural parts of Georgian culture.

It is possible to say that it was the dualist nature of Georgian culture that created a fertile soil for the development of the Modernist trend in Georgia. It was due to the coexistence of old and new, urban and rural, oriental (Asian) and occidental (Europe), and Academic and Modernist, and narrow divisions between them that the ideas introduced from “outside” naturally merged with the local heritage and there was no need for sep-aration from the previous stage.

The independence of the country, together with the fact that the government faced complicated problems and could not afford to deal with arts and literature, provided an environment of free expression and an overall creative upsurge in Georgia. As the Menshevik government of Georgia was Western-oriented, it was natural that Tbilisi was to become a “new Paris”.

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ovrebis am institutis gareSe modernizmis istoria warmoudgenelia. tfilisic ar warmoadgenda gamonak-liss da am TvalsazrisiT dasakvexnic gaaCnda.

aq kafeebis gaCenas biZgi Camosulma stumrebma da Soridan Camotanilma legendebma misca. fantastiku-ri _ es epiTeti xSirad gaismis tfilisur avangard-Tan mimarTebiT. es swored pirveli tfilisuri kafes dasaxelebas ukavSirdeba _ „fantastikuri samikitno“. is 1917 wels gaixsna poet iuri degenis TaosnobiT. aq daaarses poetebma aleqsei kruConixma, ilia zdaneviC-ma da igor terentievma futuristTa sindikati da fu-turizmis universiteti.

Tavisebureba tfilisur kafeebs sufrisa da qei-fis adgilobrivma kulturam SesZina. albaT arsad, arc erT artistul kafeSi daleula imdeni sadRegrZelo, ramdenic tfilisur kafeebSi. ase SesZaxebs akmeisti poeti sergei gorodecki:

„Соедините ваши чувства,Дружнее гряньте вещий тост!Цвети, красуйся, щит искусства,Павлиний хвост, павлиний хвост!“

CafEs as gEnEraTors of iDEas

Despite the importance of the old part of Tbilisi, the “Europe-an” district - currently rustaveli Avenue - was the epicentre of the events we are interested in. The events that created the history of Modernism in Georgia unfolded along the avenue. Visitors, who came to Tbilisi, also lived in this area or areas adjacent to it (for example, Sergey and Vera Sudeykins in Gri-boyedov Street) or used to assemble there. Artistic cafes were also opened there.

In general, artistic cafes became an inseparable and essen-tial part of the history of Modernism. Cafes naturally emerged in places (first and foremost in Paris), where Modernist ideas emerged and developed. The vivacious history of cafes gave birth to new stories in new places. People used to meet and argue there. new ideas emerged there, new works were written and painted, and names were given to new trends. legends were also created there. It is impossible to imagine the histo-ry of Modernism without this institution of Modernist life. Tbilisi was no exception and could even be proud of some aspects in this regard.

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73aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

rogorc Cans, es kafe „farSevangis kuds“ exeba. sxva kafeTa saxelwodebebi iyo: „Zmuri nugeSi,“ „Wiqa Cai,“ „argonavtTa ialqani,“ „imedi,“ „internacionali“ da a.S. Tavidanve gaziarebul iqna kafeTa interierebis mox-atvis tradicia. am saqmes enTuziazmiT asrulebdnen kirile zdaneviCi, lado gudiaSvili, poloneli ziga valiSevski, moqandake iakob nikolaZe, tfiliseli so-mexi mxatvari aleqsandre beJbeuq-meliqovi, poeti ti-cian tabiZe da sxvebi. kafeTa Soris gansakuTrebuli saxeli moixveWa „qimerionma.“

yvelafristi futuristebi

CamosulTagan tfilisSi upirveles yovlisa e.w. futuristebi sWarbobdnen. egreTwodebuli, radgan maT mimarT albaT ufro gamarTlebulia terminis _ kubo-futuristi _ gamoyeneba. futurizmi (futurum _ momavali) zogadad yvelaze xSirad gamoiyeneba rusul da „sabWoTa“ avangardTan mimarTebiT (romelTanac is-toriul viTarebaTa gamo samwuxarod xSirad qarTuli avangardic asocirdeba). Tumca, futurizmi ruseTSi ar aRmocenebula. is italiaSi daibada 1909 wels. male kazimir maleviCma Seqmna axali mimdinareoba, romel-sac kubo-futurizmi uwoda. misi Tavisebureba imanac gansazRvra, rom am dros ruseTSi gansakuTrebiT mZlavrobda neoprimitivizmi (sxvaTa Soris, swored am viTarebam Seuwyo xeli firosmanis saxelis gatanas saqarTvelos sazRvrebs gareT). maSin aRmocenda aseve „pioner“ abstraqtul mimdinareobad wodebuli lu-Cizmi (лучизм – rayonism). da yovelive amis safuZvelze, luCizmis avtorTan mixeil larionovTan erTad, Zmebma zdaneviCebma da mixeil le dantium Seqmnes всёчество (sityvidan всё _ yvelaferi) everythingism, romlis mani-festSi maT ganacxades, rom isini mxars uWerdnen yvela stils Tu mimdinareobas, _ warsulSi Tu amJamad arse-buls.

1917 wels tfilisSi kiriles personaluri gamofena rom moawyves, iliam da aleqsei kriuCionixma mis mxatv-robas orqestruli ferwera uwodes (ilias orqestru-li poeziis msgavsad), rac isev da isev mraval sawyisTa simfoniur Serwymas gulisxmobda. maT Soris igulisx-meboda warsulic, romelsac mTeli sicocxlis manZil-ze eTayvaneboda da ikvlevda ilia. man, iseve rogorc araerTma qarTvelma modernistma _ lado gudiaSvilma, Salva qiqoZem, daviT kakabaZem da sxvebma, arqeologi-ur da siZveleTa Semswavlel eqspediciebSi miakvlies sakuTari (axali, _ modernistuli) mxatvruli enis SemuSavebisTvis umniSvnelovanes wyaroebs (qarTuli arqiteqtura, freskebi, miniatura) da amitom, zogi-erTma maTganma bunebrivad gaiTavisa aRmosavluri (bi-zantiuri, mogviano sparsuli, da sxva) mxatvruli el-ementebic.

temperatura - 41 gradusi

1917 wlis noemberSi ilia zdaneviCma, aleqsei kri-uCionixTan da igor terentievTan erTad, Seqmnes gaer-Tianeba, romelsac 41° gradusi uwodes (igulisxmeba Tbilisis meridiani da agreTve, adamianis sxeulis da alkoholur sasmelTa umaRlesi temperatura). Semo-qmedebiTi aRtkinebis am gradusze iqmneboda maTi er-Toblivi mxatvruli nawarmoebebi.

Foreign visitors and the legends they brought from far-away countries gave an impetus to the emergence of cafes here. The epithet of “fantastic” can often be heard regarding Avant-garde in Tbilisi. It is linked to the name of the first cafe in Tbilisi - Fan-tastic Inn. It was opened in 1917 on the initiative of poet Yury Degen. Poets Aleksey kruchenykh, Ilia Zdanevich, and Igor Terentiev founded a Futurist syndicate and Futurism university here.

The local culture of feasts (supra) made cafes in Tbilisi specific. no artistic cafes of the world have probably heard as many toasts as the cafes of Tbilisi. This is what Acmeist poet Sergey Gorodetsky wrote:

Join your feelings,unanimously break out a prophetic toast!Flourish and shine, the shield of arts,Peacock’s Tail, Peacock’s Tail!

These lines seem to be written about the cafe named Peacock’s Tail. other names of cafes were as follows: Brotherly Conso-lation; A Cup of Tea; Argonauts’ Sail; hope; International; and so forth. The new tradition of interior painting emerged from the very beginning. kiril Zdanevich, lado Gudiashvili, Polish artist Zyga Waliszewski, sculptor Iakob nikoladze, Armenian artist from Tbilisi Bazhbeuk-Melikov, poet Titsian Tabidze, and oth-ers did things enthusiastically. kimerioni was the most famous among the cafes.

EvEryThingisT fuTurisTs

The so-called Futurists made a majority of those who visit-ed Tbilisi. The word so-called is necessary here, as Cubo-Fu-turists is the term that is more appropriate to describe them. Futurism (lat. futurum - future) is most often used to describe russian and “Soviet” Avant-garde (unfortunately, Georgian Avant-garde is also associated with it due to historic circum-stances). however, Futurism did not emerge in russia. It was born in Italy in 1909. Soon after, kazimir Malevich created a new trend and called it Cubo-Futurism. Among others, the pe-culiarities of the trend were due to the fact that neo-Primitiv-ism was quite widespread in russia at that time (incidentally, it was thanks to this that Pirosmani became known beyond Georgia). luchism (russian лучизм -rayonism) that was believed to be the “pioneer” among abstract trends emerged at the same time. Based on all this, brothers Zdanevich and Mikhail le Dentu, together with the author of luchism, Mikhail larionov, created Everythingism (russian всёчество derived from the word всё - everything). They announced in their manifesto that they supported all styles and trends, past or present.

kiril Zdanevich’s personal exhibition was held in Tbilisi in 1917. Ilia Zdanevich and Aleksey kruchenykh described his paintings as orchestral art (like Ilia’s orchestral poetry), which again implied a symphonic merger of numerous sources. Among others, they implied the past that Ilia Zdanevich ad-mired and studied for the whole of his life. like many other Georgian Modernists - lado Gudiashvili, Shalva kikodze, Da-vid kakabadze, and others - he found sources that were most important for the elaboration of his own (new - Modernist) ar-tistic language in expeditions organised to study archaeologi-

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74 Georgia’s European Way | April 2016

* * *daaxloebiT 1913 wels peterburgSi daibada „zau-

muri“ (gonebis miRma beyond mind) poezia, romelSic dadaisturi da futuristuli sawyisebi Seerwya erT-maneTs. futuristi poetebi sul adreuli etapidan stumrobdnen xolme tfiliss. ukve 1914 wels vl. maiakovskim da ukrainelma Zmebma daviT da nikoloz burliukebma aq leqciebi waikiTxes. Semdgom tfilis-Si cxovrobdnen zemoT naxsenebi aleqsei kruConixi, igor terentievi, iuri degeni, kolau Cerniavski da sxvebi. aq Seqmnili futuristul-dadaisturi li-Tografiuli wignebi, sxva poligrafiul masalasTan erTad (afiSebi, programebi da a.S.), dResdReobiT saukeTesod inaxavs im periodis SemoqmedebiT tem-peraturas. es wignebi dRes bibliografiul iSvia-Tobad aris qceuli. maT Soris gansakuTrebiT Zvirad fasobs maSin sul or maneTad Rirebuli, kruConixis Учитесь Худоги (1917), romelic kirile zdaneviCma gaa-forma. es is kriuCionixia, vinc mixeil matiuSinTan da kazimir maleviCTan erTad, 1913 wels peterburgSi ga-naxorciela futuristuli opera „gamarjveba mzeze“. Sesabamisad, gasakviri ar aris, rom wignis garekanze gamosaxulia Savi kvadratis msgavsi geometriuli forma.

meore futuristuli opera, romelic imave 1913 wels daidga peterburgSi, maiakovskis „tragedia“ iyo, romelic gaaformes ioseb Skolnikma da pavel filon-ovma. 1914 wels peterburgSi, daviT kakabaZem da kidev ramdenime naklebad cnobilma mxatvarma swored filo-novis xelmZRvanelobiT Seqmnes avangarduli gaer-Tianeba _ „fermwerTa da grafikosTa intimuri saxe-losno“. es aris qarTul avangardTan dakavSirebuli kidev erTi furceli.

tfilisuri avangardis erTgvar anTologiad aRiqmeba 1919 wels ilia zdaneviCis mier gamocemuli wigni, romelSic msaxiob sofia melnikovasadmi miZ-Rvnili leqsebi da naxatebia Tavmoyrili. aq warmodge-nilia im wlebSi tfilisSi moRvawe TiTqmis yvela mod-ernistis namuSevari.

rogorc mxatvrobaSi, ise poeziaSi, am dros inergeba abstraqtuli azrovneba. arc sityva gamoxatavs zust Sinaarss _ JReradobaa wamyvani. da arc xaziT gamois-axeba konkretuli gamosaxuleba _ xazebis wyeba, maTi TamaSi qmnis JReradobis Sesatyvis ritms. orTqlmava-li gemisa Tu matareblis guguni, _ axali epoqis xmebi aRmoaceneben am JReradobas da rit mebs.

* * *1916 wels germaniidan samSobloSi dabrunebulma

dimitri SevardnaZem qarTvel mxatvarTa sazogadoeba Seqmna. sul male manve daaarsa erovnuli galerea, ro-melmac rusTavelis prospeqtze, adrindeli „didebis taZris“ SenobaSi daido bina. 1919 wels aq moewyo qa-rTuli xelovnebis istoriuli gamofena, romelmac safrangeTSi warsagzavni axalgazrdebi gamoavlina. am axalgazrdebma Cauyares safuZveli axal qarTul mxatvrobas. maTi saxelebi qmnian qarTul furcels modernizmis istoriaSi. eseni arian lado gudiaSvili, elene axvlediani, Salva qiqoZe, daviT kakabaZe, qeTevan maRalaSvili.

cal and ancient artefacts (Georgian architecture, frescoes, and miniatures). Therefore, he and some of his friends mastered eastern (Byzantine, late Persian, and other) artistic elements in a natural manner.

TEmpEraTurE – 41 DEgrEEs

In november 1917, Ilia Zdanevich, Aleksey kruchenykh, and Igor Terentiev created an association and named it 41 Degrees (allusion to the longitude of Tbilisi and the highest temperature of the human body and alcohol). Their joint works of art were created at this grade of excitement.

The Zaum poetry (russian заумь - “beyond mind”) emerged in St. Petersburg by 1913. It drew together Dadaist and Fu-turist roots. In 1914, Vladimir Mayakovsky and ukrainian brothers David and nikolay Burlyuk delivered lectures there. Aforementioned Aleksey kruchenykh, Igor Terentiev, Yury Degen, kolau Chernyavsky, and others lived in Tbilisi later. The Futurist-Dadaist lithographic books and other polygraph-ic materials (posters, programmes, and so forth) are the best testimony of the creative temperature of that time. The books have now become bibliographic rarities. Learn, Artniks (1917) written by kruchenykh and decorated by kiril Zdanevich that cost just 2 roubles at that time is particularly expensive now. It was kruchenykh, who staged the Futurist opera Victory over the Sun in St. Petersburg in 1913 together with Mikhail Maty-ushin and kazimir Malevich. Therefore, it is no surprise that a geometrical form similar to a black square can be seen on the cover of the book.

Another Futurist opera staged in St. Petersburg in 1913 was Tragedy by Mayakovsky. It was decorated by Iosif Shkolnik and Pavel Filonov. David kakabadze and several other artists of no special celebrity led by Filonov founded the Clubby Workshop of Painters and Graphics, which is yet another page linked to Georgian Avant-garde.

A book of poems and paintings devoted to actress Sofia Mel-nikova and published by Ilia Zdanevich in 1919 is perceived as a kind of anthology of Tbilisi Avant-garde. Works by almost all Modernists working in Tbilisi at that time were represented in the book.

Abstract thinking was introduced both in paintings and poetry at that time. Words did not express precise notions, sounds be-ing the leading component. Concrete pictures were not depict-ed with lines either. A series of lines and their playing created rhythms corresponding to sounds. The hooting of steamers or trains - the voices of the new era - gave rise to these voices and rhythms.

on his return from Germany to his homeland in 1916, Dimitri Shevardnadze founded an association of Georgian paint-ers. he also founded the national Gallery soon after. The building of the former Cathedral of Glory in rustaveli Av-enue hosted the gallery. A historic exhibition of Georgian art was held there in 1919 to identify youths to be sent to France. The young people then laid the foundation of new Georgian painting. Their names are on a separate Georgian

Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura

Page 76: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

75aprili 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza

Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura

qimerebis samyofeli

kakabaZe da gudiaSvili „qimerionis“ kedlebs xat-avdnen, tician tabiZe rom Sevida kafeSi da amcno, gaimarjveT da male parizSi gaemgzavrebiTo. maTTan erTad kedlebis moxatvaSi kirile zdaneviCi iRebda monawileobas. wamyvan Zalas interieris gaformebaSi rusi mxatvari sergei sudeikini warmoadgenda, ro-melsac adre moxatuli hqonda kafeebi peterburgSi da amasTan, Teatris mxatvaric iyo (am dros Teat-ris mxatvroba, rogorc damoukidebeli profesiuli dargi, saqarTveloSi jerjerobiT ar arsebobda). kedlebze kafeSi mimdinare realuri cxovrebis Ses-atyvisma gamosaxulebebma daido bina: qimerebi, kome-dia del artes personaJebi, mxatvrebi da muzebi, kaf-es mudmivi „moqmedi pirebis” mxatvrulad gardasaxu-li portretebi da sxva (es gamosaxulebebi Semdgom gadaRebes rogorc sabWoTa ideologiisTvis miuRebe-li. amJamad ZiriTadad aRdgenilia, Tumca, didi naw-ili dazianebulia). aq xSirad poetebic xatavdnen da mxatvrebic werdnen teqstebs.

Tavad sudeikini rusuli kulturis vercxlis (dekadenturi) epoqis warmomadgeneli iyo. mis Semo-qmedebaSi simbolisturi elementebi sWarbobda. misi freskebi „qimerionSic“ msgavs ganwyobas qmnidnen. kakabaZis („mxatvari da muza“) da gudiaSvilis („step-kos duqani“) kompoziciebi SedarebiT neitraluri xa-siaTisaa. zogadad es (dekadenturi) ganwyoba SeiZle-ba swored Sesatyvisi iyo saqarTvelos imdroindeli mdgomareobisa, radgan Tavisuflebis muxts, gasageb mizezTa gamo, Tan sdevda efemerulobis SegrZne-ba. amasTan, cisferyanwelebi, romlebmac daaarses „qimerioni“, swored simbolistebi iyvnen (dadaizmis elementebis TanxlebiT).

gurjievic aq aris

1919 wels tfilisSi aseve Camodis giorgi gurjievi meuRliTurT. mis garSemo ikribebian misi mowafeebi da mimdevrebi: kompozitori Tomas fon hartmani (vasi-li kandinskis megobari) da misi coli olga Sumaxeri, Teatris mxatvari aleqsandre fon zalcmani da misi coli Sveicarieli Jana. manamde Jana qarTvel gogonebs emil dalkrozis sistemiT aswavlida cekvas, magram gurjieviT moxiblulma, mas gadasca sakuTari studia da gurjievma „adamianis harmoniuli ganviTarebis in-stituti“ gaxsna. axla Jana misi asistenti gaxda, zal-cmani dekoraciebs xatavda, hartmani roialTan ijda, olga ki kostiumebs keravda. gurjievis mecadineobebs kirile zdaneviCi da igor terentievic eswrebodnen xolme. 1919 wels gaerTianeba „41°“ mier gamocemul er-TaderT gazeTSi terentievi werda: „The Gurdjeff method is twice as rich as that of Dalcroze“ (11).

saqarTvelos damoukideblobam didxans ver gasta-na. 1921 wlis 25 Tebervals amaod mimarTavda daviT kakabaZe saqarTvelos warmomadgenlobas parizSi, fra-iburgSi myof Salva qiqoZes mZime avadmyofobis gamo daxmareba sWirdebao. man ar icoda, rom im dRes tfili-sis Tavze wiTeli droSa afrialda. mTavrobam parizs miaSura. ucxoeTSi myof qarTvel studentebs finans-uri daxmareba SeuwydaT. Tumca modernizmis istoria saqarTveloSi aq ar Semwydara.

page in the history of Modernism. They are lado Gudiashvili, Elene Akhvlediani, Shalva kikodze, David kakabadze, and ketevan Magalashvili.

ThE haBiTaT of ChimaEras

one day, when kakabadze and Gudiashvili were painting the walls of the kimerioni cafe, Titsian Tabidze came in with some good news: they had won the stipend and would go to Par-is soon. kiril Zdanevich also participated in painting the walls. russian artist Sergey Sudeykin was the leading person dec-orating the interior. Previously, he had painted cafes in St. Petersburg and, at the same time, he was a stage designer (scenery design did not exist as an independent branch of art in Georgia at that time). Pictures that reflected real life in the cafe appeared on the walls: Chimaeras, characters of Comedia del Arte, artists and muses, artistically transformed portraits of the “cast of characters” of the cafe, and so forth. The images were covered with paint later, as they were unacceptable for the Soviet ideology. They have now been restored, although many of them are damaged. Poets often painted and artists wrote texts here.

Sudeykin himself was a representative of the Silver (Decadent) Age of russian Poetry. Symbolist elements prevailed in his cre-ations. his frescoes in kimerioni aroused the same sentiments. Compositions by kakabadze (The Artist and Muse) and Gudi-ashvili (Stepko’s Inn) were comparatively neutral. In general, the decadent sentiments were probably appropriate for the sit-uation in Georgia at that time, because due to obvious reasons, freedom was accompanied by the feeling of evanescence. In addition, members of the Blue horns group, who founded kimerioni, were Symbolists (with the addition of some Dadaist elements).

gurDjiEff is hErE, Too

In 1919, the influential spiritual teacher George Gurdjieff and his wife also arrived in Tbilisi. his disciples and followers as-sembled around him. They were composer Thomas de hart-mann (a friend of Wassily kandinsky) and his wife olga Schum-acher, stage designer Alexander von Salzmann and his Swiss wife Jeanne. Before that, Jeanne taught Georgian girls how to dance based on the method of Emile Dalcroze. however, Gurd-jieff charmed her and she ceded her studio to him. The latter opened the Institute for the harmonious Development of Man in the studio and Jeanne became his assistant. Salzmann painted decorations, hartmann played the piano, and olga made cos-tumes. kiril Zdanevich and Igor Terentiev also used to attend Gurdjieff’s lessons. In 1919, Terentiev wrote in the only news-paper published by the 41 Degrees association: “The Gurdjieff method is twice as rich as that of Dalcroze (11).

Georgia’s independence did not last long. on 25 February 1921, David kakabadze appealed to the Georgian representa-tion in Paris, informing them that Shalva kikodze was suffering from a serious illness in Freiburg and needed help. kakabadze did not know that the red flag was hoisted in Tbilisi on that day. The Georgian government fled to Paris and Georgian students abroad no longer received financial assistance. however, the history of Modernism in Georgia did not come to an end at that moment.

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Page 78: Georgia's European Way- eighth edition

# 8 / 03 / 2016

ISSN 1987-8486