german troops in (a). . .0 jo 0 j 0...

TIGERS (A). . . 0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 5 0 REDS ( N ) . . . . _______ , f ________________________________ L 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 ' 1 x ' ! . 4 10 2 Ticcnt'Rowe, Goralea, Hotehinstm and Tebbet(s:,Re<l8— Wallers and Wilson. VOL. XXIII. NO. 250—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. JlOXn.W. OCTOnKU 7. 1910. Ucnlxr of AuHII F OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER GERMAN TROOPS IN RUMANIA * * * + * * WALTERS SHUTS OUT TIGERS AS REDS EVEN SERIES tRIlAII SM AS m WINS. 4- By HARRY FERGUSON CROSLEY FIELD. CIN- CINNATI, 0., Oct. 7 (U.R) — a lowering home run over the left field vail and •pitching a superb .shutout, Bucky Walter.*? became a one- man ball team today to defeat the Detroit Tigers <1 to 0 and squnre the world series for the Cincinnati Reds. Ths big. bow-lcggod pllchor wa« the whole show ou thi.s cool niid cloudy ftftcmoon as lie brought the Reds oul ol Uie shadow of defeat ■nd « n t them Into the .seventh Rnd ilual game tomorrow with an even chance Tor the championship ot bn.ieball. Hit sinker , ball dropped and dart* ed. hts Alow one was ip tantalizing as a fefither In the trecM and a i the tev times he got into trouble the ClncinnaU infield rose Up with the.brilliant netdlng ta choice off runs'* . Alleirf Five tliU ' )';ve :rits powfrl^pa-^ could collect off W alt - ers. who has given a tot«l of only eight hits In 18 Innings and has ■t^'on two gamc8. It was a day of rpjolcing here In Uie Rhineland, but It was an alter- tioon of blnclt rtrspalr for School- boy Rowe, the veteran of the De- troit Tigers, wlio was knockcd oul ol the box for the second atrnlRht tUne, Four hit" ^^tit t,wn streaming across tlir plnir In Iho first iniiliiR and the ScljoAlboy, r<*- crlvlnu annllirr bitter les,»oii In the .■ichool of hard knnekn, Was tnkm out when he Imd only benn nbic to to get one man oul. Johnny Qorslca flnlhlird Uio flrnt Inning for' the TlKCrs. and pitch- ed nntll the clghtl), but tlie way Wallers WHS sweepliiK Ills ntuff across tlie plate, Drlroll never hiul chance after the first Inning. Ilowe 1.4-avri Game mil Wrrl>er, n painful tlinrij In tlin {lank of the Tl«ein In this mtIcs, riitdrd a rtouula iignlnnl the left Held wall In the first Inning and wfut down to thltd oi\ M. McGw* mirk'n nncrlfire, Ival Oooclman Ahol n sUikIb down, tlin flrNt bunc linn scoilng Werber, Frank Mi'Connli'k pirkrd oul one of tlie hrliooltmy'n ■llrgrd fast on<-n and Miinrkr<l sIhkI" to left, f.endlii« Ooodiniin second. Jimmy lllpple then lirouKlit about tUti dwnn of Uowb by alnNlilng n nltiKle to right that scored Oo< k1- nmn. and the srlux>lboy llirew his big leather Jacket around nliouldern iind ncnbled oul nf the blill game. ClniAlra. u rookie i Ighl-hftiKlrr, itl<l n rredllnblfl lellcf Job, but In the sIxtJi he gave ui> a run when and Jimmy Wlltion singled iui<| Kd- <lle Jt) walked. Clornlra uoi Hilly lo form Itlpjilo ul the i)Uito but when Waltri* ^mahhl•d ii groun- der to I'Inky lilgRlDs at Ihlrd and Wilson beat tha iluow to the plute for another run. Walters' home run rame In thi eiuhth Inning wltli I'retUlle llul rhlnn'm oti Hie jnound In plnce o Oor/ikia, who had been removed for H plneli hitler. Itie hall ci (HHuuls. It shot higti and slrulKlit for tlie left field fence an<l Hank Qreenlieig st«al helplewily in t tHill dropped over Into the street, I'LAY BY PLAV Irll > lilK. llr<li> W nrUI wkjl n<iw« u,' yri.k ^(Ii.|«UiiMi r. Mrl'miiilrK aUmlisI tn Ird, (|*kh|. - --1\ »l ■••<(111.1 lUpilin |.»|1(1W llhl. •I'oiliiK (locnhiiKii «||i| nrii>ll(>l r lollKl •It.liiuiy (torKk*. icmklr imni huiKlrr rn'licW ll.iw« lt> ll.r Im. i fo. III. 'in. •f». Wl1x.ll swllliclllll Jl««l Aitnwl ,i „c„iui, tniiUK u ^ ^r«ro riMU, Iniir hU«. I»1 fiiu ra |w<: W O H n INNlNtf Times-News Display and Open House Lure More Visitors Made e»pec«»ll7 timely beeai»e the world aerlea now hold* eyes of all baseball fani. the Tlme*-Newt display fe.iturlng a telrljpe In the Idaho Power eompany window Is drawing plenty of speclators, Uere's an unusual camera view ‘'from iailde lookint oul.” The «nl< licni Hre scanning Ihe world aeries play-by-play report a« It com«s over the teletypo and la broadcaft by loudspeaker. (Tlmrs Pliulo and EnjravlngJ ltUU«* mov« l»>an «n iwUex In 11»Ht w t. Ihe Tliiie<-Ne«s ojirn house. Inilruilm (rlghli, nlhlnlle dlrerliu', 111 the'e Krtrhum Junior lileli nrlioul sliulenlH Jrd Ihe ll^t (mlny for the Inncr^l-dMiuire v^ll^lr^ I" Ui«\«n >kllh the kluilnits itre, miilillr, Kay Jefferson, mii'lr ,itid art liihtrixlor, iuid lUril (iiinlncn iTIiiirii 1'lintII mill liiiKrii\ IUKI • BOX SCORE All It II o A . .0 0 0 0 1 II 0 D OKlllOIT llarlrll, tm ('rouelirr, m , MrCo^hy. el ... (iehrlnii-r. 2I> Greeiihrri, If \otk. Ih Camphrll, rf ............... 3li TeblK-IU, r Unwe. p . (loriloa, p x-Averlll sv-Hulllvan . lIuteMmdn, p .. T'llnl. ni 0 R 2< I'lialleil lor (Inrnlca In flth xx-l>i>lleil lor llartell In Hih < IN(JNNAII; AI) n II 0 Wrrher. 31. « 1 1 t M.MeC.iriiilrk. rf S o i I (iixKlman, r( 4 1 2 ! KMrCiiriiilik, lb . 4 I) | |{ Klpple. II t g 2 J WlUoii. e ....... 3 114 Joust, Zli Myers. » Wallers, p ......... 41 1 0 I 0 loUh at 4 10 M 14 ? llelroU . . . OUO BOD OM -O (■liirlniiall tOO Mil O l t - 4 Kuns hallrd In—<loodman. lllpple. Wallers *. Two basa hlls—Werlirr, llsrlell. Home run—Wallers, M»r- rl»rr«-M , MeCormlek. Ooedmnn I,et» on liases-DelroU fl. Clnrlniintl II.' Hases oti IihIIi off_Oor»lra 4| 1: W allen S. HIritekuMt by—<Jnr»lra 3i Huleliluion It Wal- lers 2. nil* off_|l«we 4 |Mi <Jor- ■Ira a-U 8/Ji llulehhusii |.l. Douliln plays—Joosl-Myers-K MeConnlek) MoCoh»loh.M|«ra.|r. MaMrmleki (Inrelra-TebbaUi.Yorhi W rriier- Jitost-K MeCormlek, WiniUng pit- ehw—Wallers. Loaliig pUolnr— Rowe. UmplrooxOrmaby (AI »laU| UalUnfaiit IN| (ln(| Uaill (A) see- nndi Klem (Nl Ihird, X»u>*-li01. Ailendane*—SOtUl. FDR Carries Campaign Into Upstate New York llVUi': I'AUK. N. V.. (h-i, V (U.ll) Uhutm .H, loiiiiy I'Ki'i'ii'd liis deroiinc-in:i|Mi'ijciti liiird trrni iuin up.Htuli' Nt'w Vufk v'oulvrs svjuvli may uii Nu\, (IfOidc whctliiir llii' .sliilc' 17 i-li'flnnil viilr.s ici iln: N«'\\ Drill. Whil'' his Ui'imlilicini nppuiiml 1.. Willlvi.' ,miii- •il in norllirrn New ,)ir.M'V, .Mf. U(hi, s.'\r|i IliniiiKli Allmny, W'lilervlict, ARVESTK ftiyiER W Jliiiv.iliiH of Rugnr beel.i ovn liMli ini' luirlh uiitl miuIIi nUlii Inui;, ^.a^ Mi.ctciwiiy tliih uItenio<in with Uir i\M|>ii<in of the m ri-. .Inimir Kiiil ('ll^tlerorlt hrctliiiiri whi-tr suih h.iivc ^1 "in Mnri •riniii-iliiy. orililul.’i 1,1 Mil' Auiiil«iiniiile<l MUKIII .•omimii) 111 r.iiiiir IniitiiniTn, liiiwevei-, fiiiiii- ci;i \uii- nut yet Ihiiiugli wllh linin liMivrslliur bei'uiinr „r wel llrliU I iiiiM il l)v itroloiiKcd rnlii>i itnii will hiilil III! 'Ill Ihe heel liiuvi'i,L uiilll l)i« liiiiiis im- Piim|i|rlril. •|'hr I 111I T Aniiilgiimiited Im lorlch I....... ... Idnhii UIO exi)e(;iril to hr- Kill |ii<M'i-»«ing 'hiendn^ or Wrdiii'n- iliiy iiiid olllclals |H)lnt out ihui. Ihry will run rnim iia to UO dAiii A tiilnl loniioge 01 Jtlft.tMKl Is exprrfeil lor ihc llircc plaou, 11 w anllclpni^ij that 400 inin, allh a monllily jmyioll ol imiood ««lll 1)0 employtd Bt Uio local plaiu, and aSO men it boU> (ho Rupert and Uiirley planta. with payrool? In each ease amounlliig lo »n •sllnmted »6(i,oou la wuih pUiit, inK riiv, iM('chanii;vilh', .Si liu\ Irr- SnvuhiHii t:il)riiiir • iiiul till' hirildi'ie Sni'iitdKii ) Im'IiI, all in thr iip n ta li I'KplM'll T. lulllv, W ln li' riimys Uintt . i nll. t tthlrh. III tlie I ini: limt Hriilenihi'i Mir'.l l.(K)0 n o ilio il. K' M'i'tlim nlwityo irl li<i.i> iiiHjoiiiy. II - 10. lidir iiijoill.v In Ni'« lo 1 iilven IliK nliiti-' iiir Iti'iiuhllninr.. ir.rlaiit III the Dri 'Ml Ihe Uri'UhUi j' II.K>: I began an ai'Uvr i k In vi'lt'n thli>l Ii'iiii iliUr. M<i rriuiiiN 1.) W nshliiglon Tiii'mIi.v vsllt tnivr Tliui'silay nlglii It r.<n\nn viWotnl I,ml (ihlii. Uii tiatiiMlHy iiiuUi - ('iihimhiin diiV —hP Will fl|iciiK by rn<lii> troin hU private i«lli<m<l tn Ihe nallon and tl)« New WoiM Ihe piiigiess of Uie rearmameni gnu* Uiniu 'I’lie addresa will bo ili'lltnud liom IJaytoH, O, 15,000 Soldiers Sent to “Protect” Oil Fields From British Destruction Plot BRIIISH D E N S E mFi mm EBS ly POWER LINE LONDON. Oct. 7 (U.R) — Briti.sli d e f e n s e s severely miiulcd fleets «C German raider.s over London and southcnst England-, today, .slashed at fleeinpr Nazi, bombers from all dirtetitin's and reportedly shot down 19 eneiiiy craft. Only a few battered raiders •^ t throus’h to strike at ob- jectives alonjf the Thames and in the London area during five daylight air raid alarms. Roar Into Ballle Once a few DrItLsh Spitfire IlKhl- ers, roared wildly Into battle with a luigc German formation crossing the southeast nt a Rreiit altl- tiKle, Rhootlns down ,'icveii In a vrrr bnttlfl near Weyniniitli. Succe.vslve wavr.s of ^aUler^. hiK advantage ol Uie btenk lit wi'iither to Nwrep in from llu' i.outh- rnst coaat, eame In Rreater ^l1•^nBlh than lor the piu.1 10 day;.. nut they ran Into «tU( (ipixi.slilon, Sjiltflrc and Hurricane paliols lurk- liiK In the rloiids dived down and drove bark a hiKh perrentiuie o[ Ihe raldrrN wllhin a frw nilniileh attiT they rros.iPd the coa/it, Poor Nuccess A|)|)roxliiiatrlv I.*)!) Oi iiiiiiii i>Iiiurs wen- I'liKaKed In five att<'iii|ii<'<l iKi'ks on l.<in<lon, arcoriliiiK * 1 o air 1111(1 luimr serurlty iuIuKUIc.n On only two mTiislom dUl iii-iman |i1«nrh hiicrrrd In pen'-liiillni! tlin l.cmiliiii iirra. aerordhiK In iiiliiii.Iilr.i, which rciinilrd that cmlv n lew biiinlw wrie dio|ii>ed and ncvcral hoiines wrre <lcinollshi'il In siiuUirrn and eafitrrn ilhiilili MnRll mimlwT o{ eaw ainri wen IHirted. :AlfKY. Oi l, 7 <; Niwlinuili. utHi'il iiilc'il lliiliiiil.iv at 'Ullt.- mn\llin II IHi I'lnili'i III til'- l.lltlc puiJiTl h nr FORMULA nOMK, o n . T UID A Inimiils lor niakliiu ^(Nl|l in (hr >>iilliiiili ti«n\ » inUtMiv of W»iMb'iiiii'i' I't n'xlii lUld Allli'iili) of mkIii iml)- llshcd J(U' houncwlve.i In Ihf ,’p1I- sunirlrn.'V Hcvlrw Ai:ni/lii Nu- rloimli- hen- lodiiv. It h i|i-.ii;iiril lo iiiiTi 11 u n io n s r<Hip .^imilaKe. liiary, Hailey, pending fiim') luiiiii'inenlx. Ni'whmidi cumc lo ih'- liliiliM about Ihier . vi' i . ia »i ; Oermany, llln only kiiiiwn irliillvi' U>n er, Heiny Nrwhouili. Iimhk h M li-h. ny HENRY T.OOIIRELL BL’CHAREST, Rumania, Oct. 1 tU.R>— German troops are in Rumaiiia^and addiUonal units arc expected by tomorrow by airplime. usually well informed .sources said today. The troops brought motorized equipment. Infurmanta estimated that approximately 15,000, or one division, would arrive by to- Thousands Watch As 2 Polar Bears Battle to Death SAN FRA.NC1SCO. Oct. T ViB- Blg Bill, ft nine • year - old polar bear, and Min. his mate, lought ft Ibottle to the death ye.stcrday be-' iJorc tljousanda ot • spectators as San Francisco's new, $2,000,0CK) zooloBlcal Bardcus were dedicated. For half an hour. Big Bill manled hls mate while attendanta poured stn;ania of water on the batUIng .'<rv;>-+m^un«it f.iSJe&.r Jerry, another bear, tried lo Jielp lier. hut he retired after one cuff from Big BlU-s paw. Tlie tight ended when Big Bill got a death grip on Min’s neck and held her under water for five mlnute.s. He finally was driven to a cave wllh ammonia guns, while keepers removed the carcass of his mate. KEWMWILS ArtENlOK” With 98 stuilrnts and iwo Inst tors fi'oin llir Ketrhum Junior high srhool taking lionori. u.i the group coming the longc^i distance, II Tlnn's and News oix-n house obser an<-e moved liiio concluding phases today. 'Hie 0|irn ronllnues until 9:;i0 II. m. ■nu'Mliiy. Till' Krli-hiiii) youni;Ntrrs made the li'lp In Una m IiooI dl.strlrfh bus. 'llipy rllmhi'd mil ot Ihe biK bus nlKirtly aflri- noon, iiinl Invaded all lU'linrtmenl.'. of thi- ■rimc.i-Nrw; tabllshment. Dlvlilrd into se\ liarlles. they wrie siipitllcd miUtea and were sU<»wn all ptofe^^e^ In the produrlloii of a ilally n jiaiicr, Insirui:torn who lurompunlrd the Kctrhum iniiiv wfie IK'fd Oorrlnge, foinier star Oiiklry alhli'te who Is now athlrtli' mijm'I vl.'nr and sixth Kiade liiNlrurtor at Krl<lnun, iinrt liny JrllrvMni. nt-vrntli and elHhVh irrado lliMlUrtnr, Hi'Inml imiiirs fioin a woie o olhrr coinmmillirn, jilu.i orKanlr. allons and liidlvliliial' liom many |iarta of MuiiH' Valley, lirniiKlit the oprn hou»n Kilal lo a]>proslmateIy 3,noO by a |i. 111. l<Klay. Many of Itir opi'ii himnn vUltoi iiri'orillnK to Iliini- in charge, hiivr been signing safny plrilur.i nml crlvliiK wlnilshlrUl bllrkrrn as |> of thii Magli' Vallry liafHr i.nU piogiam liiauHuraIrd by a numbrr of 'IVIn Knlln innchanU In nnijuno. lion wllh the Time* ami News, morrow. There were uncon- firmed reports two more di- visions might follow. It was reported the RumuUan government had agreed to the «ntry_____ of German troops, boUi to guohl'ttia oil fields and to aid In training and reorganizing the Rumatilan army, po&slbly with the cooperation o( Italian units. Fear Brltlsb *Tlot” Informants suggested, however, that the Oerman troop movementa were a direct consequenc* of cbafgts by the Rumanian government of * plot by Brills)) oil men wUh . 11 was understood the German troops .who had already arrlred had been based In the oil (lelds tn norttt*. east Rumania, and between-ploestl (35 miles nortli of Bucliarest) oil fields, and the Danub|an port of Olurglu from whkh oil is slilpped. The Germaiu were understood to have estubllslied an expeditionaiy corps headquartera here and to have effected contact wlUi tlie Rumanian Rcneml sUff. It was understood also that Aome Bucharest army barracks were being evacualcd to make room for German lroo}is. May 8end Moti Military clrrlrs rejwrled the t«t«l number uf German divisions be sent to Rumania would depend on telegraphic reporU to Beriin regard- hig the nc>cjl fijr perm an troop* to safeguarct Uie oil Industry agalMt sabotage. Italian sources in Buelurest aal4 they did not brllove any,Italian lrooi).s were In or eu route to Ru* mania at iinsrnl. It woe *mp»xa*,,.j Rizc<l 111 uxIh M)urrc.i th a t tlier< no a'lesllon of a)ll-i liw ia "oQCUpyiif'' liiR" Uumiinia but It was )X)lptcd ouL' ihiit the Uiimanlan Bovernment haft i-r(]iienl<>(l nlil In imritHnUlng tti6 Itumanliin army. GRIEF CAMHRIDGB, M»M. Oct, 7 (UR' —For Ihrrc ycait Frank O. Chalk liiKl b rrn a inemlM'r (>[ tho JOlM imniiiry. Mn.■u^achu^elU nalluniil gimrd. Dining a rherkup In aiitlrl|M- tliin of Induction Into federal iirrv-. Ifc,'liuanl (ifllcers InM week learn- ed that Chalk «».■> onlv 16 yfaia old—had (ol.'.Klcd hh SKr lo enllsi at 13. Ktlll under Hie lequlred agn i>r 10. Chalk wan dUrhaigeO lion- ornbly, Yerilntliiy white his parents were at chuixh, Frank turned ou four Jrts of a klUiirn Kan nlove. He was tiriid will'll Ihrv rrUirned home. Ile.ilde hin IhkIv waa a nute to hli iinither In which he eipiosaed Krlef ovn- the illsrhaine and ilntl Bi'iiinKriiirni.'' be made fdl!||;< fuU mllllatv luuriul Clergymen Emphasize Vital Need for Free Press To Maintain Democracy; Praise Times and News Kifii|iha.'-li Aniiil illHTly- iin<l |)iii|i>i' till I h r - ’l'linrn and NrKs m rvjinlinil.i ul Dint lim - diaii well' Miln-d In i IIumIi iiii1i>lls Zliliiday Ijv 'l» ln I'ull.i i>i\>i-. Mwt ol lln- ilU :i liiiMoii. liiiiiln brief mt'ntliiii <ii llu< < iiimi' hi Nu- llnnal Nruiiiiuiiri wrrk mIim i \ nncr, >*hl<l» In Ix-iiiK in Twin I’^illn liy Ihe .oprn Iioiimi iioW'iiiidi'l- Wi»v lit thi' 'rillirn iinil Ni'Wn pliilll. Hplillual Iradi'i/i iiDlntnl uni that Il'««<l<MH «! lUe « l n|wr<-H of worship iirtinll tll'innmliiitilon ol IliJ* tiutlis whii'h cillltrns In a ilnn- Jterany must know m order lo |*r»- •erve that democratiy. Uocause alinnst Uie nnlire woild exnept Ihe Unlle<1 Hlntex In blank- • led In proiiagaiHla and half-truUia US reniilt of miirT.trd iir»!i|iii|’i'r". ihn rli'iKyinrii Uiueil Iheli' imiiiii'i:al1(ilis l<i Klvn Ihftlikn (or Amriirii's iijilrt- If'lrd pirns. Manv III llir rluiHVnini |uiii-vnl ihn 'Ilmen ami N«\»b, laiuUun (Ur ciinent nlien hcninn oI im-iviiiut l>e- • ausr Hieater KnowledKe '>t news- IHiiMix will stimulate iliiirimlniitloii l<i maliitJiln Amnilcn’s pirin un- sliarkli-d. tloine of Ihe pulpit lominciiin li>N low; Wr». ii. t.. «»Vk, rusv Ian ihurfh—’"llie freedom ol as- npmlily, ol n|)eeoh, h»id ol prew Is a herltaie itrltMl by America. II Is a laiTod pMHasloii. It Is a frto- dom whlrh doe* not include nor iwrmit sedllloui molives or actions, nor aUtndtr nor llbeL "It la frei-doni of an.'.emlily to pVDiiiota the ueiirinl well being of niMi|ety a n d lo build up Ihe best Interests of the niinmunlly and nlnle. It Is not a llceiisn to destroy the giKid 111 aw lely iv*u 10 heap «> prnacli and calumny on slate and nation. "It In a freo(l0l|l ot speech to allow the widest dUoUulon of the many problems lo be Mlved that all possible light of trutl) may be Ihrown u|>on these problenu. dm m Brant tA'tiTk^tinft or llronse to vilify, /iefame or b*> ■inlrcit ihe good nania of ailoUier perion, oflmmtmUy or lUt*, It ti not a frtedom to bear falaehood and malleloui report aialiul ugr. It la freedom for truth. "it u a freedom of prMe to nak«

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Page 1: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

T I G E R S ( A ) . . . 0 j o 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0—

0 5 0

R E D S ( N ) . . . ._______ , f________________________________ L

2 0 0 0 0 1 0 ' 1 ’■ x ' ! .

4 1 0 2T icc n t'R o w e , Goralea, H otehinstm and Tebbet(s:,Re<l8— W allers and Wilson.

VO L. X X III . N O . 250— 5 C E N T S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O . J lO X n .W . O CT O nK U 7. 1910. Ucnlxr of AuHII F O F F IC IA L C IT Y N E W S P A P E R

GERMAN TROOPS IN RUMANIA* * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ + ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ * ★


ASm WINS. 4-


C IN N A T I, 0 . , O ct. 7 (U.R) — a lo w e r in g h o m e ru n

o v er th e le f t f ie ld v a i l a n d •p itc h in g a s u p e rb .sh u to u t,

B ucky Walter.*? b ecam e a one- m an ball te a m to d a y to d e fe a t th e D e tro i t T ig e r s <1 to 0 a n d sq u n re th e w o rld s e r ie s fo r th e C in c in n a ti R eds.

T h s big. bow-lcggod pllchor wa« the whole show ou thi.s cool niid cloudy ftftcm oon as lie b ro u g h t th e Reds oul ol Uie shadow of d e fea t ■nd « n t them Into th e .seventh Rnd i lu a l game tom orrow w ith a n even chance Tor th e cham pionsh ip o t bn.ieball.

H it sinker , ba ll dropped an d dart* ed. h ts Alow one was ip tan ta liz in g as a fefither In th e tre c M a n d a i the te v tim es h e g o t in to trouble th e ClncinnaU infie ld rose Up w ith th e .b r i l l ia n t n e td lng ta choice off runs'*

. A lleirf Five t l iU ')';ve :rits

powfrl^pa-^ could collect o ff W alt­ers. w ho has given a to t« l of only e ight h its In 18 Inn ings an d has ■t 'on two gamc8.

I t was a day of rpjolcing here In Uie R hineland, b u t I t w as a n a l te r - tioon of blnclt rtrspalr fo r School­boy Rowe, th e v e teran of th e D e­tro it Tigers, w lio was knockcd o u l o l the box for th e second atrnlRht tUne, F o u r h it" ^^tit t,wn stream ing across tli r p ln ir In Iho first iniiliiR a n d th e ScljoAlboy, r<*- crlvlnu an n llir r b itte r les,»oii In the .■ichool of h a rd knnekn, Was tn k m out when h e Imd only benn nbic to to get one m an oul.

Johnny Q orslca flnlhlird Uio flrnt Inning fo r' th e TlKCrs. a n d p itch ­ed nn tll the c lghtl), but tlie way W allers WHS sweepliiK Ills n tuff across tlie p la te, D rlro ll never hiul chance a fte r th e f irst Inning.

Ilowe 1.4-avri G am em il Wrrl>er, n pa in fu l tlinrij In

tlin {lank of th e T l«ein In th is m tIcs, r iitd rd a rtouula iignlnnl the left Held wall In th e f irst Inning and w fu t down to th ltd o i\ M. McGw* mirk'n nncrlfire, Ival Oooclman Ahol n sUikIb down, tlin flrNt bunc linn scoilng W erber, F rank M i'Connli'k p irkrd oul one of tlie hrliooltmy'n ■llrgrd fast on<-n a n d Miinrkr<l sIhkI" to left, f.endlii« Ooodiniin second. Jim m y lllpp le th en lirouKlit about tUti dw nn of Uowb by alnNlilng n nltiKle to r ig h t th a t scored O o<k1- nmn. and the srlux>lboy llirew his big leather Jacket a round nliouldern iind ncnbled o u l nf the blill game.

ClniAlra. u rookie i Ighl-hftiK lrr, itl<l n rredllnblfl lellcf Job, bu t In the sIxtJi he gave ui> a run when and Jim m y Wlltion singled iui<| Kd- <lle Jt) walked. Clornlra uoi Hilly

lo form Itlpjilo u l th e i)Uito but when W altri* ^mahhl•d ii g roun­der to I'Inky lilgRlDs a t Ih lrd and Wilson b eat th a iluow to the plute for an o th er run.

W alters' hom e run ram e In thi e iuh th Inning wltli I'retUlle llu l rh lnn 'm oti Hie jnound In plnce o Oor/ikia, who had been removed for H plneli h itler. I t ie hall ci

(HHuuls. I t sh o t hig ti a n d slrulKlit for tlie le ft field fence an<l H ank Q reenlieig s t« a l helplewily in t tHill dropped over Into th e street,

I ' L A Y B Y P L A V

Irll> lilK.

llr<li> W nrUI wkjln<iw« u ,' yri.k ^(Ii.|«UiiMi

r. Mrl'miiilrK aUmlisI tn Ird , (|*kh|. - --1\ »l ■••< (111.1 lUpilin |.»|1(1W

llh l. •I'oiliiK (locnhiiKii «||i| nrii>ll(>l

r lollKl

•It.liiuiy (torKk*. icmklr imni huiKlrrrn'licW ll.iw« lt> ll.r Im. i fo. III. 'in .•f». Wl1x.ll swllliclllll Jl««lAitnwl , i „c„iu i, tniiUK u

^r«ro riMU, Iniir hU«. I»1 fiiura |w<:


Times-News Display and Open House Lure More Visitors

M ade e»pec«»ll7 tim ely beeai»e th e w orld aerlea now hold* eyes of a ll baseball fan i. th e T lm e*-N ew t display fe.iturlng a te lr ljp e In th e Idaho Pow er eompany window Is draw ing plen ty of speclators, U ere's an unusual cam era view ‘'f rom ia ild e lookint oul.” T he «nl< licni Hre scann ing Ihe world aeries play-by-play report a« I t com«s over th e teletypo an d la b roadcaft by loudspeaker. (T lm rs Pliulo and E n jravlngJ

ltUU«* mov« l»>an «n iwUex In 11»Ht w t. Ihe Tliiie<-Ne«s ojirn house. In ilru ilm (rlg h li, nlhlnlle dlrerliu',

111 th e 'e K rt rh u m Junior lileli nrlioul sliulenlH Jrd Ihe ll^t (mlny for the Inn cr^ l-d M iu ire v^ll^lr^ I" Ui«\«n >kllh the k lu iln its itre, miilillr, Kay Jefferson , m ii 'lr ,itid a r t liih trix lor, iuid lU ril (iiin lncn

iTIiiirii 1'lintII mill liiiKrii\ IUKI


. .0 0 0 0 1 II

0 D

O K lllO IT lla r lrl l , tm ( 'rouelirr , m , MrCo^hy. el ... ( ieh rln ii-r . 2I> G ree iih rri, If \ o t k . Ih Cam phrll, rf............... 3liTeblK-IU, r Unwe. p .(lo riloa , p x-Averlll sv-H ulllvan . lIu teM m dn, p ..

T 'l ln l. ni 0 R 2< I 'l i a lle il lor (Inrnlca In flth xx-l>i>lleil lor lla rte ll In Hih < IN (JN N A II ; AI) n II 0W rrher. 31. « 1 1 tM .M eC.iriiilrk. r f S o i I(iixKlman, r( 4 1 2 !K M rC iiriii lik , lb . 4 I) | |{Klpple. II t g 2 JWlUoii. e ....... 3 1 1 4Joust, ZliMyers. » W allers, p ......... 4 1 1 0 I 0

lo U h a t 4 10 M 14 ?llelroU . . . OUO BOD OM-O(■liirlniiall tOO Mil O l t - 4

Kuns h a llrd In—<loodm an. lllpple. W allers *. Two basa h lls—W erlirr, lls rle ll. Home ru n —W allers, M»r- r l» r r« - M , MeCormlek. O oedm nnI,et» on liases-D e lroU fl. C lnrlniintlI I . ' Hases oti IihIIi o f f_ O o r» lra 4|

1: W alle n S. HIritekuMtby—<Jnr»lra 3i H u le lilu ion It Wal- le rs 2. n il* o f f_ |l« w e 4 |M i <Jor- ■Ira a-U 8 /J i l lu le h h u s i i | . l . Douliln plays—Joosl-M yers-K M eConnlek)

M oC oh»loh .M |«ra.|r. M aM rm leki (In re lra -T ebbaU i.Y orh i W rriier- Jito st-K MeCormlek, WiniUng pit- ehw —W allers. Loaliig pU olnr— Rowe. U m plrooxO rm aby (AI » laU | U alU nfaiit IN | ( l n ( | U aill (A) see- nnd i K lem (Nl Ih ird , X»u>*-li01. A ilendane*—SOtUl.

FDR Carries Campaign Into Upstate New York

llV U i': I 'A U K . N. V.. (h-i, V (U.ll) U h u t m .H,loiiiiy I'Ki'i'ii'd liis deroiinc-in:i|Mi'ijciti l i i ird t r r n i iu in up.Htuli' N t'w V ufk v'oulvrs svjuvli m ay uiiN u \, (IfOidc w h c tli i ir llii' .sliilc' 17 i-li'flnn il v iilr.s ici iln: N «'\\ D ri ll.

W hil'' h is U i'im lilicini n p p u iim l 1.. Willlvi.' ,m iii-•il in n o r l l i r r n N ew ,)ir.M'V, .Mf. U(hi,s. ' \ r | i

IliniiiK li A llm ny , W 'lile rv lic t,

ARVESTK f t i y i E R W

J liiiv .iliiH of Rugnr beel.i ovn liMli ini' lu ir lh uiitl miuIIi nUlii In u i;, ^.a^ Mi.ctciwiiy tliih uItenio<in with Uir i\M |>ii<in of th e m ri- . .In im ir Kiiil ('ll^tlerorlt hrctliiiiri w hi-tr su ih h.iivc 1 " in M nri •riniii-iliiy. orililul.’i 1,1 Mil' Auiiil«iiniiile<l MUKIII .•omimii)

111 r.iiiiir IniitiiniTn, liiiwevei-, fiiiiii- ci;i \u ii - nu t yet Ihiiiugli w llh linin liMivrslliur bei'uiinr „r wel llrliU I iiiiM il l)v itroloiiKcd rnlii>i itnii will hiilil III! 'Ill Ihe heel liiuvi'i ,L uiilll l)i« liiiiiis im- Piim |i|rlril.

•|'hr I 111 I T A niiilgiimiited Im lorlchI....... ... Idnhii UIO exi)e(;iril to hr-Kill |ii<M'i-»«ing 'h iendn^ o r W rdiii'n- iliiy iiiid o lllc la ls |H)lnt out ihui. Ihry will run rnim iia to UO dAiii A tiilnl loniioge 01 Jtlft.tMKl Is exprrfeil lor ihc llircc p la o u ,

11 w an llclpn i^ ij th a t 400 in in , a l lh a m onllily jm yioll ol imiood ««lll 1)0 em p loy td Bt Uio local p laiu, and aSO m en i t boU> (ho R u p e r t and Uiirley p lan ta . w ith payrool? In each ease am ounlliig lo »n •s llnm ted »6(i,oou la wuih pU iit,

inKriiv , iM ( 'c h a n ii;v ilh ', .Si l iu \ I r r -

S n v u h iH ii t:i l)rii iir • iiiu l t i l l ' h ir ild i 'ie S n i 'i i td K ii )Im'IiI, a ll in t h r i i p n t a l i

I 'K p lM 'll T. l u l l l v , W ln l i '

r iim ys Uintt .i n l l . t tth lrh . III tlie I ini: limt Hriilenihi'i Mir'.l l.(K)0 no ilio il.K' M'i'tlim nlwityo ir l li<i.i> iiiHjoiiiy. II


lidir iiijoill.v In Ni'« lo1 iilven IliK nliiti-' iiir Iti'iiuhllninr.. ir.rlaiit III th e Dri 'Ml Ihe Uri'UhUi j'

II.K>:I began an ai'U vr i k In vi'lt'n thli>l Ii'iiii iliU r. M<i

rriuiiiN 1.) W nshliiglon Tiii'mIi.v vsllt tn ivr T liui'silay n lglii It r.<n\nn viWotnlI,ml (ihlii. Uii tiatiiMlHy iiiuUi - ('iihimhiin diiV —hP Will fl|iciiK by rn<lii> troin hU p riv ate i«lli<m<l tn Ihe nallon a n d tl)« New WoiM Ihe piiigiess of Uie rea rm am e n i gnu* Uiniu 'I’lie addresa will bo ili 'll tnud liom IJaytoH, O,

15,000 Soldiers Sent to “Protect” Oil Fields From

British Destruction PlotBRIIISH D E N S Em F i m m



LO N D O N . Oct. 7 (U.R) — Briti.sli d e f e n s e s severely m iiulcd f le e ts «C Germ an raider.s over London a n d so u th cn st England-, t o d a y , .slashed a t fleeinpr N a z i , bom bers from all dirtetitin's and reportedly sh o t down 19 en eiiiy craft.

Only a few battered raiders • ^ t throus’h to str ik e a t ob­je c t iv e s alonjf th e T ham es and in th e L ondon area during f iv e d a y lig h t a ir raid alarms.

R oar In to B allle Once a few DrItLsh Spitfire IlKhl-

ers, roared w ildly In to battle w ith a luigc G erm an fo rm ation crossing the sou theas t n t a Rreiit a ltl- tiKle, Rhootlns dow n ,'icveii In a v r rr bnttlfl n e a r W eyniniitli.

Succe.vslve wavr.s of ^aUler^. hiK a dvan tage ol Uie btenk lit w i'iither to Nwrep in from llu ' i.outh- rn s t coaat, eam e In Rreater ^l1•^nBlh th a n lo r th e piu.1 10 day;..

n u t they ra n In to «tU( (ipixi.slilon, S jiltflrc and H urricane palio ls lurk- liiK In th e rloiids dived down and drove ba rk a hiKh perren tiu ie o[ Ihe raldrrN w llh in a frw nilniileh attiT they rros.iPd the coa/it,

Poor Nuccess A |)|)roxliiiatrlv I.*)!) Oi iiiiiiii i>Iiiurs

wen- I'liKaKed In five att<'iii|ii<'<l iKi'ks on l.<in<lon, arcoriliiiK *1 o a ir 1 1 1 1 ( 1 luim r se ru rlty iuIuKUIc.n

On only two mTiislom dUl iii-im an |i1«nrh h iic rrrd In pen'-liiillni! tlin l.cmiliiii iirra . aerordhiK In iiiliiii.Iilr.i, w hich rc iin ilrd th a t cmlv n lew biiinlw w rie dio|ii>ed and ncvcral hoiines w rre <lcinollshi'il In siiuUirrn and eafitrrn i lh i i l i l i MnRll mimlwT o{ e a w a in r i wen IHirted.

:AlfKY. Oi l, 7 <; N iw linuili. utHi'il iiilc'il lliiliiiil.iv at 'Ullt.- m n\llin II IHi I 'ln ili'i III til'- l.lltlc puiJiTl hnr

FORMULAnOM K, o n . T UID A Inimiils

lo r niakliiu ^(Nl|l in (h r >>iilliiiili ti«n \ » inUtMiv of W»iMb'iiiii'i' I't n'xlii lUld Allli'iili) of mkIii iml)- llshcd J(U' houncwlve.i In Ih f ,’p1I- sun irlrn .'V Hcvlrw Ai:ni/lii Nu- rloimli- hen- lodiiv. It h i|i-.ii;iiril lo iiiiTi 11 un io n s r<Hip .^imilaKe.

liiary, H ailey, pending fiim') luiiiii'inenlx.

Ni'whmidi cumc lo ih'- liliiliM about Ih ie r .vi' i. ia »i; O erm any,

llln only kiiiiwn irliillv i' U> n er, H einy N rw houili. Iimhk h M li-h.

ny HENRY T.O O IIR E L LBL’C H A R E ST , R um ania, Oct. 1 tU.R>— Germ an troops are

in Rumaiiia^and addiUonal un its arc exp ected by tom orrow by airplim e. u su a lly w ell inform ed .sources said today.

T he troops b rou gh t m otorized equ ipm ent.Infurm anta e stim a ted th a t approxim ately 15,000, or one

d iv is ion , would arrive by to -

Thousands Watch As 2 Polar Bears

Battle to DeathSAN FRA.NC1SCO. O ct. T V i B -

Blg Bill, ft n ine • year - old polar bear, and M in. h is m ate, lought ft Ibottle to th e d e a th ye.stcrday be-' iJorc tljousanda o t • specta tors as San F rancisco 's new, $2,000,0CK) zooloBlcal Bardcus w ere dedicated.

F o r ha lf a n hour. Big Bill m an led h ls m a te w hile a ttendan ta poured stn ;an ia of w ater on th e batU Ing . '< rv ;> -+ m ^un« it f.iSJe& .r Je rry , a n o th e r bear, tried lo Jielp lie r. h u t h e retired a fte r one cuff from Big BlU-s paw. T lie tig h t ended w hen Big Bill go t a death grip on M in ’s neck a n d held h e r u n d e r w a te r for five mlnute.s.

He finally was driven to a cave w llh am m onia guns, while keepers rem oved th e carcass of his m ate.

K E W M W I L S A r t E N l O K ”

W ith 98 s tu ilrn ts and iwo Inst to rs fi'oin llir K etrhum Junior high srhool tak ing lionori. u.i the group com ing th e longc^i distance, II T lnn 's and News oix-n house obser an<-e moved liiio concluding phases today.

'H ie 0|irn ron llnues until 9:;i0 II. m. ■nu'Mliiy.

T ill' K rli-hiiii) youni;Ntrrs made th e li'lp In U na m IiooI dl.strlrfh bus. 'l lipy rllm hi'd m il ot Ihe biK bus nlKirtly aflri- noon, iiinl Invaded all lU'linrtmenl.'. of thi- ■rimc.i-Nrw; tab llshm en t. D lvlilrd into se\ liarlles. they w rie siipitllcd miUtea a n d were sU<»wn a ll ptofe^^e^ In th e p rodurllo ii of a ilally n jiaiicr,

Insirui:torn who lu rom punlrd the K ctrh u m iniiiv w fie IK'fd Oorrlnge, fo in ier s ta r Oiiklry a lh li'te who Is now a th lr tli ' mijm'I vl.'nr and sixth Kiade liiNlrurtor a t K rl< lnun, iinrt liny JrllrvM ni. nt-vrntli and elHhVh irrado lliMlUrtnr,

Hi'Inml im iiirs fioin a w oie o o lh r r coinm m illirn , jilu.i orKanlr. a llons and liidlvliliial' liom many |ia rta of MuiiH' Valley, lirniiKlit the op rn hou»n Kilal lo a]>proslmateIy 3,noO by a |i. 111. l<Klay.

M any of Itir opi'ii himnn vUltoi iiri'orillnK to Iliini- in charge, hiivr been signing s a fn y plrilur.i nml crlvliiK wlnilshlrUl b llrkrrn as |> of thii Magli' V allry lia fH r i.nU p io g iam liiauH uraIrd by a num brr of 'IV In Knlln in n c h a n U In nnijuno . lion w llh the Time* am i News,

m orrow . T h ere w ere uncon­firm ed reports tw o m ore d i­v ision s m ig h t follow .

I t w as repo rted the R um uU ang overnm ent h a d agreed to th e «ntry_____of G erm a n troops, boUi to g u o h l'ttia oil fields a n d to a id In train ing a n d reorganizing the R um atilan arm y, po&slbly w ith th e cooperation o( I ta l ia n un its .

F e a r B rltlsb *Tlot”In fo rm a n ts suggested, however,

th a t th e O erm an troop movementa were a d irec t consequenc* of c b a fg ts by th e R u m an ia n governm ent of * p lo t by Brills)) o il m en wUh

. 11 w as understood th e G erm an troops .w ho had a lready a rr lred h a d been based In th e oil (lelds tn norttt*. e as t R um an ia , and betw een-ploestl (35 m iles n o rtli of Bucliarest) oil fields, a n d th e D anub |an po rt of O lu rg lu from w h k h oil is slilpped.

T h e G e rm a iu were understood to have estubllslied an expeditionaiy corps headquarte ra here and to have e ffec ted c o n tac t wlUi tlie R um an ian Rcnem l sU ff. I t was understood also th a t Aome Bucharest arm y barracks were being evacualcd to make room for G erm a n lroo}is.

May 8end M oti M ilita ry c lrr lrs rejw rled the t« t« l

num ber uf G erm an divisions be sen t to R um an ia would depend on te leg raph ic reporU to Beriin rega rd - hig th e nc>cjl fijr p e rm a n troop* to safeguarct Uie oil Industry ag alM t sabotage.

I ta l ia n sources in B ue lu rest aal4 they did n o t brllove a n y ,I ta l ia n lrooi).s w ere In o r eu route to Ru* m an ia a t iin s rn l . I t woe *mp»xa*,,.j Rizc<l 111 uxIh M)urrc.i th a t tlier< no a 'le s llon of a)ll-i l iw ia "oQCUpyiif'' liiR" U um iinia bu t It was )X)lptcd o u L ' ih iit th e U iim anlan Bovernment h a ft i-r(]iienl<>(l nlil In imritHnUlng tti6 I tum anliin arm y.


—For Ih rrc y c a it Frank O. Chalk liiKl b r rn a inemlM'r (>[ tho JOlM im n iiiry . Mn.■u^achu^elU nalluniil gimrd.

D in ing a rh erk u p In a iitlrl|M - tliin of Induction Into federal iirrv-. I fc ,'liu an l (ifllcers InM week learn ­ed th a t Chalk «».■> onlv 16 y fa ia old—h a d (ol.'.Klcd h h SKr lo enllsi a t 13. Ktlll under Hie lequlred agn i>r 10. C halk wan dUrhaigeO lion- ornbly,

Y erilntliiy white his paren ts were a t chu ixh , F ran k turned ou four J r ts of a k lU iirn Kan nlove. He was tiriid will'll Ihrv rrU irned home.

Ile.ilde hin IhkIv waa a nute to h li iin ither In which he eipiosaed Krlef ovn- th e illsrhaine and iln tl Bi'iiinKriiirni.'' be made fdl!||;< fuU m lllla tv luu riu l

Clergymen Emphasize Vital Need for Free Press To Maintain Democracy; Praise Times and News

Kifii|iha.'-liA niiil

illHTly- iin<l |)iii|i>i' till I h r - ’l'linrn and NrKs m rv jin lin il.i ul Dint lim - diaii w ell' Miln-d In i IIu m Ii iiii1i>lls Zliliiday Ijv ' l » ln I'ull.i i>i\>i-.

M w t ol lln- ilU :i liiiMoii. liiiiiln brief mt'ntliiii <ii llu< <iiim i' hi Nu- llnnal Nruiiiiuiiri w rrk mIi m i \ nncr, >*hl<l» In Ix-iiiK in T w in I’ illn liy Ihe .op rn Iioiimi iioW'iiiidi'l- Wi»v lit th i' 'r illirn iinil Ni'Wn pliilll.

H plillual Iradi'i/i iiD lntnl uni th a t Il'««<l<MH «! lUe « l n|wr<-Hof w orship iir tin ll tll'innmliiitilon ol IliJ* tiu t lis whii'h c illltrn s In a iln n - Jterany m ust know m o rd e r lo |*r»- •erve th a t democratiy.

Uocause alinnst Uie nn lire woild exnept Ihe Unlle<1 Hlntex In blank- • led In proiiagaiH la a n d ha lf-truU ia

US reniilt of miirT.trd iir»!i|iii|’i'r". ihn rli'iK yinrii Uiueil Iheli' imiiiii'i:al1(ilis l<i Klvn Ihftlikn (or A m riirii's iijilrt- If'lrd pirns.

M anv III l lir rluiHVnini |uiii-vnl ihn 'Ilm en am i N«\»b, laiuUun (Ur c iin e n t nlien hcninn oIim-iv iiiu t l>e- • au sr H ieater KnowledKe '>t news- IHiiMix will stim u la te iliiirimlniitloii l<i m aliitJiln Amnilcn’s p irin un- sliarkli-d.

tloine of Ihe pulp it lominciiin li>N low;

Wr». i i . t.. «»V k, ru sv Ian ih u r f h —’" llie freedom ol as- npmlily, o l n|)eeoh, h»id ol prew Is a h e rlta ie itrltMl by America. II Is a laiTod pMHasloii. I t Is a frto - dom w hlrh doe* n o t include nor iw rm it se d lllou i molives or actions, nor aU tndtr n o r llbeL

" I t la frei-doni of an.'.emlily to pVDiiiota th e u e iir in l well being of niMi|ety and lo build up Ihe best In terests of th e n iinm unlly and nlnle. I t Is n o t a llceiisn to destroy th e giKid 1 1 1 aw lely iv*u 1 0 h e ap « > prnacli a n d calum ny on s la te and nation.

" It In a freo(l0l|l o t speech to allow the w idest dUoUulon of the m any problem s lo be M lved th a t all possible ligh t of tru tl) m ay be Ihrow n u|>on these problenu. d m m Brant tA'tiTk tinft o r llronse to vilify, /ie fam e or b*> ■inlrcit ih e good na n ia of ailoUier p e rion , oflmmtmUy o r lU t* , I t ti no t a frted o m to bear falaehood an d m alle lou i rep o r t a i a l i u l u g r . I t la freedom fo r tru th .

" i t u a freedom of prMe to n a k «

Page 2: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L


In Boise W yom inr VIsUor*K. C nc iicli. .AnioUi KInlaysoii aiitl ‘ Mr. luid Mrh. MnX Cook. W o iln iif


JERSEY CITY, N. J„ O ct. 7 (U.R)- V.Viidrn L. wmtclp came lo D em o- cinilc J f isc y C ity todny and salrt Mavor Friinl! HMiiiP wns "» puny I llticr.-

WlUlcle spoKe !n Jo u n ia l s<junre, hcnrt of Hnduc's imUHcnl stronR - liold, (lenoiiiiclnn ruie" by "Htiy p p r ^ n th a t dcprlvrs you Ol llie ot civil JibtTllos" nn<1 wlio •Miould h r trcfttPd llk^ the enem y h r Is"

"H r (HiiRiiel m iisi liave forgo ttrn 111! nboiJl Amcrlcnn principles.” the lirpubllcnn presidential candkin tc .«.IId.

Some of ilic crowd booed.•■ m nk Hogue—F rank HnKne.

P rnnk Hague on the sh ip of s ta te , why llicre «on’t be any lh lnd lelV on

• the ship nf s tn te w hen he Rctfl th roush . T rank liague. the con tl- dnnt nf Prr.slciciiUs."

•'C irraf Raclie(crrv", 'Wlllklp said the New Deiil sought

"lo r '^ rp o n n tf '(-’’'■It l'> I'ovvci- by the conibliialloii of the g roup ot oorruptlonlr;t.s niul. rftckctocrs." He ItJid the rro « d th a t re.'ildrnt.'i of

, New Jersey griidimlly were losing the ir civil llbertle '. .

"I cnil uixin you lo b iuig civil Iib rrtlrs to lt.<> (uil rutictlonliig In Jersey City." he .‘■aid. " If we do th a t, and llic people do th a t In every city, oiM- Kront eoiwiiuillonftl llbor- tie;: will icm alii. bu t It w r do not, nncJ snip them off plcee by piece, all will fnll."

At Che sUtrl o f the spccch local Republicans exploded aerial botnbs, ninklng It linpos.Hlble for some of the crowd to hear. T lien the c hairm an 0) th e m eeting atked those In charge to "cease firing." Prevloiwly, Jersey City pollccmen. p a ri of a force of GOO m en a.*»lgtied (o p ro tec t th e c a n ­d idate. kept sirens blowing and motorcycle.? running during p a rt of th e Introductory exercises. T lie speakers could no t be heard a t the ouLsklrts of the crowd.

Crowd ApplaudsW hen th e crowd quieted, W lilkle

began ta lking about Hague. The crowd applauded. A few boos were Interm ingled.

Hague, Wlllkle said, trletl to tell Jersey City people who could speak In Jou rnal square and who could not.

Appealing for votes. W lllkle p rom ­ised to rebuild tiorncsUc-iMonomy. establlsi) adequate defense, prom ote na tional unity , con tinue relief u n til all unemployed go t Jobs,

T he Jersey c ity speech firs t of a tour tlirough no rthern New Jersey dlstrtctfl In search of the s ta te ’s H electoral votes.

_ UCKKl Nii'.'T w in v,Aiu were VCRh-lered wcok-tiid iu Jjnise hoifU.

Studies In flaU M li ' Miirv ili'over lb leaving ‘I’ue.i-

riny f6r th e Jullllurd School of Music. Ni'W VdtH CUy, '0 take advftiKfd

. K iiiibeily, If- fsi Nnairi'iif

Uic week­end wiiti h<T iKucm.v .Ml. and Mrs Hplini r

O ff it r Ki.rlirrIdiili'j sta le n iipiojnieiU kfivlcC'

o ltlcp opu i r,ich (lay su 6 u coiivfiilfnce to fanners

iceklni; he lp riurlin! liarvcsi season.

b tud lo >lovctT he Jftcpby photo studio has been

moved Irom 130 RVP5 lt nDiU\ to the C E. Jiu;oby re.'-Weiice a t M35 K im berly load. Complete m odern fiicimie.'- hiivr been .'<‘1 up at the now hfiK iquuilV u ,

O n M ountain O utl» t. 'V cni C. O lA'niy, .Ml.s. Flor- Rho«l(M, Ml^s Fannie Anicy,

Mlhs L ;iura Hoblti'^im. Mls.s flebcrca C iu tin , Mls,s EllralH-th SmlUi .ind R obritn Woods vpfiil th ii week-end

he S io iir rnblii 011 Bilker cici'k In th f Saw tooth niouniAlnj.

Reports CiivrnReport.s received by tlie c ity rlevk

to<lny inrluricd tho.'.e of F. J. Healy, phmiblrig liiJiptctoi. aiiti C . W. Kelly, elec trica l Inspector. T he form er show ed rollecilons of $115 for the m on th of Septem ber while Kelly showed collpeilnn.i of $170.13.

R rpubU cau D inner R epublican cnndl,datcs, prccliiet

com m ltloem eii and p rec inct workcr,s will a tte n d banquet a t the Park h o te l hi Tw in Falls Friday a t 7:30,......... K had been announced ,todayby L. H, V an R iper, co\»»iy een lra l com m lttec chairm an. Van R iper said t h a t approxim ately 100 persons expccted to a ttend .

F a rk e r t ListedT lie police blotter loilny showetl

11 persons had been fined I I each chargc-s of overtime pa rk ing S a t­

u rday and todny. Tlioae listed were S am G am ble, Dick H arbert, M rs. C, V ern Y ales, Fred H urst. R. M. O wens, O, U DoariKg, M is. U K. W right, Rex I.wm. C. K. Crookhnm, H arry Baird and C\'a L. Diinn.

Sunday for v,iih Mv. Cook's- f«.t.hM, l ie n u . Cook, and hJs .-iLsLcr, M rs. CHCnn Eg-

I’lr ilie F ra tern lljrUlll Fol.vom. son of Mr. a n d Mrs.

I, \V, Folsom, a n d O eorge DnvlMsn, !,oii nf ^Jr. nnd M rs, O eorge A. D avl- son, have pledged B e ta i n e t a PI a t Wn.shlnnton Stn to college. 11 lenriied liere loday.

o m HITS 153 " SCHOOL

S ta r lin g w ith an enrollm ent of 115 la sl T liu rsday . regis tra llon a t th e farm cam p grade school had soared to 153 youngsters todnv. '

In structional work "la going nice­ly," S upt, Homer M. Dhvl% sMrt

T lie pupils a l th e cam p school those residing In th e tran s ien t q u a r­ters, High school pupils from the tran s ien t nnd pe rm anen t quarters, ■IS well as grade schooler* irom the p e a n a u e u t cottaget.. Me b iw gh t. Twin Falla each day.

Infant SuccumbsJe rry , Bay Fox, In fan t daugh ter

M r. a ild Mrs. Rlmoii Fox, Filer, d ied a l fl;4S a, m. today a t the Tw in P a lls county general luv,pitnl, foU iowlng tliree weeks’ illness

T lie In fan t wnn born Aug.1840, a t Filer, Puneiul nervlces heW t l 3:30 p,.rn, lo»tnv a l the I V ln Falls ceiiietery. Rev, .Mark C, C fn b rrg e r, C hrl,ni«n pastor, offlcl- iitlng, In trrn ie n t wa« In elinige of the ‘IV ln I'Mlls m ortuary,

'I 'lie im rents nnd g n indpa ien ti, M l. hiul Mrs. E. W, (irln islrv , Fllrr, and Ktioch Fox, Dora, M o, su n iv r

News of RccordI .ice n sc B

OCT. AClarniiee Dale (.’ook, J«, ro i ntello,

and M adellnr Pearl M<'l'lier.ii>ii T w in Falld

Wllbin- K iu.'cr, JO, ..nil l,..ii,»liic Cam eron, 18, bo th ol MurinuKh

Atleti l,lcb.v«rk, J3, and F n ince i P lm hm an . 13. both of Kly, Ncv

l.yle HpinKlic, 30. and K nthryii H hvtt^l, 'iO. lt«ed»|Kirl, Oie.

I l i r lh H

To Mr, and Mrs Virgil Ynuii« T w in KalU, a n h i, Sept. at) nt Ih ’IV ln Falls ccninly general hosintnl.

r u n c r n l d

COIM.IN - K inirrnl neivlcrf. Willltttii 'r . Co|)llii, flo, llu te lton rHtii'hrr, who died Friday, wl he ld ,Tur,M|«v a t a ltd \\. \n,Asi'eiiKlciii KplfU'Djial chu irli Kov. liu ils 1,, Jrn k ln s ofllrlath ig! n u r lu l will lie In Tw in I 'a l^ c t«ry lu ider Ihn diretitlon of W hile iiKuluary,

r> lb t» i\ 'lo u rMra. Slna Lnlrd, g ran d cliu f of the

l'.\th inn Sisters of the Jurisdic tion ol Idaho, left Sunday on an extended tour Ilf lilt; sta te , p lanning to make ofliclul V1.S11.S to tem ples a i B onnerb l\T vy, K.cUoK . Cocuv CnvSg-innnt. (ieiie'.sec, O rnJigevllle, W els- ei- and Boise

Lod{r M eetsMoo'o lodKe will ineei T uefday a t

8 p. m. Al U\c 1 ,0 ,0 .F , luvU. A d c k - Kiktloii from th e Je rom e Moose iQtlge will l)c enterU ilncd. A program of voi-nl iind In s lru n ifn ta l music will l)c ]iMv.«’u tra , A cla^.s ol randldate.s will be In itia ted , R cfieshn icnU willlie •

n lty d u bUnlt> ilu b will n iei't w ith Mr.s.

iMiik H olm an Wcdne.sdny a l J p. m. 1-; W nlter Fender and M rs. Snni Hiiibli.' will be R.sslhtBni Uoiitc.''s

and -Mr.v C. V, Jonc.s wlU be In chaige ol the program . 'Ilitwe Imv- Inn rell''-'' of In d ian s of th e sou th -

,t. or po llery or cacti, a re asked brliiu them . Roll call responses I i«’ "DtKCrt. P laces oJ In terc i.l, ’ .

O its on CoastF rank Riiwcr, membf.r of th e 'IV ln

Fiill-s C anal com pany board for m any 5, nnd a t one lim e pre.sldcni of

ih e boitrd, died SatuK lny a l 9-.30 a .a l Lakeside. Calif., where lie had

operated an avocado grove to r the piLsi 12 years, C u rllf Bower. K im ­berly, and M rs. H ow ard Liirsen, Twin Falls, a sun and d a u g h ­te r o t vhe ploueev Idaho faiTOcr and stockm an, le ft Sundoy for C allfo r-

to a tte n d funera l services, com pauled by W arren L arsen, Tw in Falls , a g ran d io n .

i tr t DamagedFour cars. Involved In two accl

d e n ts Sa lu tday a llem oon, were sllghUj'- dam aged, police reports show today. One Involved opem ted by Ira Brooks nnd Oeorce AiUhls, both of Twin Falls, while th e o th e r. Involved cars driven by C harles L. SmUlv PUer, anti E, B, Moon, Idaho Palls; ' '

l ,u th e ra n ClassesRev, E, W, K astcn. pii.'lor of the

A m erican LuU ieran chiiivli, i.v s ta r l­ing two claises, one lor adults in L 'litheian C hris tian doctrine, ai ch ild ren ’s con firm ation i'liis.s. The advilts will m eel each Monday

1, and the children eiirh Mon­day a t 4;1S p. m. Both Kmup- ii,s,‘.emble a l the p a s to rs Miirty, 250 N in th avenue east, Anyone Interest- Nl Is lnvlt«d to a ttend .



C ha ln n e n of two ma)i>r piojeei of Uie T w in Fiilli nKTcluint.s' bii

I - the an n u al iraclirrH' in.ntltute and the Hallowe'en relebiatlon

e ie ftiinininceil today a.\ retailers iPl i\t ll\e Ro^^^v^ol\ h»\rl Ju d C lark wa i apiKilnIrd a.s cli

lan III charge ol t'ooiwrailim th e Oct. 3S-3S m eeting of the South C en tia l Idaiio F dunitlo ii a.ssiM'inllin J o h n O ard n er was nam ed chnnniit o{ th e H allov ifen tve in . lloUi lie will iinnoinice the li rn inm lltre aldi la ter

AlthouKh littu liie r and Um « .n e la irs will <leleinilne llie ivii* > H allow e'en iib.iervanre planned ■; th e m rvchnnl* th is year, tiie event will jiioliably parallel ia.M >eui’i « liiilow-.soapmii roiiie^t

T he tneri'lianiA votcil Iiuals in ns- .' ui th e leiii-iier Inntlluie diiii.r and l<i (irovlde prl/.en foi ih r Mul- lo>\f i'ii i>l)setvame.

Deoaiisr the bu ieau and ii. wi>ik a re rapidly expanding hi moiio, 'h e m rro h an ls dl.irus.^ed the suhie or setting up a lioaril of dlretdors TIis m n lirr will bn InlkNl liirth ri nt liie 0*-t. 31 nrRMem.

niuo can l syMem imw In rllev;l ■ wiis object r>f dl.M iii>slrm «t Ui- <luy'» luiu'heon.

lE.BL0E,5e, O lE S d llM

)iiui>ld ill a l) Ciranvllle llhie, 59, roloi'm ln rd ili‘‘at(ii nnd foiniei su- p rrin ieiK len l of 'l> ln Falln nrhiKiln. tllril siiiUienly of n h c a i l atlai^k a l hlN room^ near the lIntvr(M ty o{ Clilcilgo. w heie lie « a i aliHlvliig, I>eiith (K-4:uried Friday n lglit a t Chi- eago.

lie wan m aking a nuivey of the Uiilvernity nf Chiirago ediicalloti d«- l>ttfttuet\l pi»(y\rrttU»» f«v 1 1* d»»- lorat*. M rs, Ilhio wan w llli him,

H« Was head nf (lie d tp a rlm e n l ot c o n u in p o ra ry o lv lllu tlo ii a l Oolora-, <lo flta te T eachers ' rollege, ar<«Iey,'

l ie was a u im ln ic n d en t of Ilia lo­cal aftiooU dut»«\« Uw WotM war iw rlod a n d f « n t lo Oreeley from h e rn , ,Ho ■»* > nn u>ba>-ftt-ih« M »-

A Chief re g li tra r will be appoin ted In every T w in F a lls county p rec lncl

d irec t a rm y d ra f l reg is tra tio n In each of th e 26 a reas, according in structions r e c e i v e d today by County C lerk W nlter C, M usgrav

MuMtrave's du ties as g e n c i supervisor of the d rn fl rcg ls trtitlon Oct, 16 were outlined by L leul.-C ol. N orm an B, .Adklson, executive o f­ficer In chnrg# of Uie selective se r­vice 111 IdQ^io,

Boards and U lh e rt T he reg istra tion a sslstnn ts—nil of

whom will serve w ithout pay p e t , 16 — will consist of the regu lar clccUon boards plus other vohiiueer cltU cns, M any of th e «lectlon ofliclnls have n lrendy voh in trrred the ir ,ser\ nnd o thers wishliui to a.vslst may c on tac t Mr. Mu^Krave a t the e o u rl- hoiise.

As DUtlhieil by Colonel AdKl-son, th e county cleik will cariy out the following majQt diitle.t in addition to m any o thers n.s part of the regla- trn tlnn proceduie:

1. ApiMlnl n-Kisiration Uiaril.s ni a c iile f regl.slriir in encli precinct,

2. D istribu te da ta and the regls- (rn tlon blank* to each rh le i n 'gis t r a r ,

RepurU io Ikill3. Report by wire to llov. C. A

Hoitolfsi'ii, a l least th ree dn>', p rior Ui O ct. Ill, ron m n ln H Ihc ',st«ie of readliies.s" In the m iin iy .

4. fiCl In general BU|>ervl,Moii o] th e regkitrulloii,

5. A rrange for letjlM eilng d ra f t ellgibles who iiiav be tick. In ho.s- p lta ls . away nt sciiools and colleges, o r In Aiyltuiin and JnllA.

8, I le iw rl liy wiie to th e gm en io r, Im m ediately a fte r the CV-I ID leg- Is tratlo ii, regiiidlng llie tota l or com ­ple ted cards.

1. Deliver the leglMialicai laId,^ to ihe (-hah innu cii llie I'oiuiiv d ra f t bonrd, iHoiili- roiuitles vnll Inm- NUiie th a n one nueh boaid i'

SI in 3.T he Oi;t, lU riglstiatiD ii will lii-

rliii lr •all m en riinii 21 lo :i,l vems of agn inclusive. 'HiB slfaniip h nie ie- ly jiiellm inary , nnd the d riilt Imaid^ to bn nam ed iiv (he govrinin will a n y o u l Ihe work ol itlvldliin 'I" ' net! In to ellgit>le, evenipi nn<l d e ­te rred flannes.

A lthough Colonel Adklson did n o t m ake th e k ta teiiiriil In his Inimu]

:urlloii* lo Ml. .Mu'KIuvc today, he said In a pie^s Inli-ivlew ai llolne Hiiturilay n ight tliat there will be " a t lea.'^l 30 legh lia ir ," uee.leil In la rger pieclneto and 10 lo 1ft in sm a lle r oiie,<.

T O O K A T E T O ( ' I . A S S i n '


(I>r«i» P m On«)pace. The prin ted word as con­veyed to us by th e p ress w ields an influence of trem endous Itnpor- tiince, penetra ting every fam ily wiUiln the notion,

"The people of the IV in Falls empire are especially blessed by th e Evening Times nnd th e Tw in Falls New.v which brm g to our hom ej a ll the new.', clcan and itnndul- tera ted . The sta ff conducting the .same is courteou-s nnd e ffk le n t; w ith frlend.'hlp and fairness townrd,s all and malice and bias toward.s none.

"We a,sk God 10 blr;vs H in t earnest endenvons and Implore th iit they m ay be pro<lurllve of still more Kood In the fu ture of a g rea ter Twin Fnlls em pire"

Her. .M. H. Z a te l. Inim nnuei L u th ­eran church—"T he b e tter a cqua in t­ed ■ com m unity w ith th e 'inner n«chanW m ot new spaper the c rea te r will be Us In terest In iHls linpo rtan i institu tion , A live public liitere,st In n vita l in stitu tion will 1n,sure both the weKnrn o t th e pub-, lie and the in stitu tion as ■well."

R rx. 1.. n , Sm ith . C hu tcli Ol llie N a^nrene (Rev, S m ith 's nies,snge wa.s rend from tlie pulpit In Ills abscncc>

■|i thc*e diirk dnys of \kar, ag- ■slon and dlrinlor.shlp, we th a n k

(lod for the U nited S la te s of A m rr- We love and honor th e Hag

and the ronstltu tlon . We a re very thank tu l for the ihlngK o u r dem o­cracy guaran tees us, freedom of .speech and pres,s. T herefore very happy to observe N ational New.spnper WteX nnd tr u s t tj in t we shall ever have freedom of pr«M.

"We also ■i4-l5h to th a n k th e Tw in Falls newspapers, th e Tlme.i and News, for their, scrvlce to our churches and th e people of Idaho ,"

Rev. Claud P fa U . C hurch of Ood —•‘My calls m e aw ay from home a good m any tim es a n d I am always glad to r e tu rn anti again take up my read ing of th e Time*, and News. Wc tAko bo th papers. U Just seem-s th a t th e nevs.s l.s go tten up in a com pact fo rm a n d I feel like I can enlighten m yself a s to w h at going on w ithout read ing too m uch unnecew ary bulky rea d in g a n d from an advertising s ta n d p o in t wc don’t le d th a t we could get a long w ithout the T im es and News. T hey a re our g reatest a .uc t In a busincM way. We believe in th e new spaper a d v er­tising over han d b ills »nd c ircu lar letters. They bring us g rea te r r e ­sults.

."The edilorlala a re n o t stole."We feel th a t we have two of the

finest up to da te a n d liveliest papers wc have ever contac ted ."


Apples Cover Road as Farm Truck Upsets

T here woj a fine appie crop to ­day a t the Intersection of Uie eolf road and U, 8 . 30. In fact, tlie crop covered the intersection.

It nil happened Uils way;M, 0 . Holte. osjCTftUng r tavm

truck nt which 80 bvuhcls of ap ­ples were loaded, came down the golf course road. He applied his brakes as he npproached hiRliway 30, Init a steel pin dropped oul of, the btu-kcrod a tu l tt\e brakes wev« nil.

He n ttim p tcd to turn to tin- right ou Uie m ain highway but was iia ’.eling too fa,st to make live rlghi-.m ule tu rn . His truck tipiM'd ovev and th e 60 bushels of rolled out) -

Rolie WM not hurl. Ills truck was damaged consldcrnbly. So were the npple*.

Jurymen Excused Until Next Week.suift court Jurymen were ex­

cused Kvlay u n til ID a. m, next Monriny, Oct. U .

*.il nl th e JurjTiicn came whi n civil irinls scheduled 10 bCKln to ­day were ordered continued. Action now bt>ol<''d on the calendar for next Mond;iv IS th a t of Mr.'. W ith Mort I'le U nion Paclilc ta^liond

li ol R .wii in ft trn lii-ia r sm ash near Tw in Falls.


Im pressive la st rites fo r Mi-. Elolsc M orris S h inn . 02. F iler pio­neer m a tron , were 'conducted a t the F ile r M ethodist church Sunday afte rn o o n . Rev. Z. L. W hite offlcUt- Ing.

CJuaniltles of flo ral tribu tes ex- p re u e d ihe efiieem in w hich she wus regarded , and th e church was th ronged w ith friends of th e Shinn fam ily.

H er th ree surviving sons. Juneau I I . S h inn , Ben Shinn , Spo­k ane, 'Wtvsh.. and Dr. Don Shinn. D llllngs, M ont., a n d m em bers of th e ir fam ilies, w ere 'In attendance,- O fficcns of the O rder o t the Eas­

te rn S ta r officiated n i the graveside rite* In th e Flier O dd Fellows c te ry . and In term en t was In charge of th e W hite m ortuary,

M rs. Ouy H. S hearer. Tw in Falls, a c c o m p an ie d 'b y Mra. E, A. Beem, F iler, sang "T he O ld Rugged Cross."

P a llb e are rs were E arl Rajnsey. H. M unyon, R , K , D illingham , Leonard A, W inkle. W illiam Bunce and H ar­ry H am m erqulst,

COWBOYSLocal, police Sunday tu rned to

cowbov.s for a few m inutes.At 11:35 a. m, Mr». Claud P ra tt

called In to report th a t "a bunch o l boys" w as chasing h e r cow. ,

Police Investliiatrd Tliey lound th e cow b u t no t th e boyj.

Seen TodayClayton S tew art, fro m over

Sho.shone way. stopping acq u a in ­tance' on dow ntow n s tr e e t a n d asking w here h e c an find » m in ­ister. . . Sound c a r ' paaalng h igh school w ith b lare o f pu b lic ity Xor Young D em ocratic luncheon , a n d couple of high school boys exe ­cu ting w ell-know n th u m b a n d nose m ovem ent w ith s h o u t : "Hooray for W lUltle". . . T hree small boy*, m om entarily , lo st d u r ­ing open house In Tlm es-N ew s p lan t, w andering a round on th e ir own hook and hav ing f re a t lim e, . , Arm y rec ru i te r laugh ing uproariously a* h e rea d s le tU r from M. D. Davis, fo rm er navy rec ru iter here . . . 'And k ids tu m ­bling ou t of K etchum school bus for foray in to Tlm e«-N ew i es- ta b lh h m e n l.

m al n u n * of com plaint* a n d a r­ra ignm en t Id p robaU c o u r t

U n n a n d O alhretto wer* a tre sU d by pity police a fte r th e p a ir a w e rt- e d l; did some ahop-lU tlng In a Tw in FU U dep artm e n t t tw e . 'P rosecutor 'B verett M . Sweeley w as draw ing th e second-degree bu rg lary com- ■plaSnti lh l» a llem oon .


A cting to w arn tra n s ie n t shop ' U tters th a t T«Uv F a lls c ity a n d county arc poor spo ts In w hich to ply the ir trade , law en forcem ent au thorities here drew up two second-, degree burglary c o m p la ln u th is aftem ooni

Tvleanwhlle, A rthur U n n , Ely, Nev, and Jack G alb re th . L incoln, Neb, were In county Jail aw aiting th e for'

SCI Kadto Serrtea . D ei H udson-C U rk 'a P h . 529-W.

Yakima Pastor Starts Revival

A revival cam paign will begin a t th e B srrj'm an .C om m unity building, Uiree miles sou th and th re e 'm lle s cas t of Jerom e, T uesday a t 8 p, m. Rev, J , W, C arrel, Y akim a. W ash., will be Uie evangelist. a.sAlstrd by his wife.

Rev, and Mrs. C. W. Severn, Tw in F alls , and tliclr congreiiation. as well as the mlnl.ster-^ nnd churches of sou thern Idaho will b m Im in the camprtlgn, Car.s will leave Uie M rn- no u lle c hu rch ou T h ird iivpiuu’. ecuKt dally III 7:30 p, m , de,ilrlng to a tte n d the revival m ay meet here. T h e public Is lnvlte<l.

D uring th e first .six m im lhs of 1040, ih f . M illn ts ol Ihe U nited ' Stalr.-i iinve flown 4S3,077,17a pas- sehger miles.

U l i iwMlble to hava rad io equip- m e iu in a JIgh tttlan t for aboui •S7.B0.

K r o n W h (( r F{«o o f Sn fl• t^ / F li/ iu i/

S lx lcn n cotm ecuthe dnv* w itnon t a {a ta t t ra tf ic a c c i­den t in o « r M ag ic V nl/e j/.'

If you w anl lo make a "k lllin i" w ith new e a r pe rfnrn ianre at' used c a r rosl, n n Ihe It A O i»rd r a n a l the lltiiiiu M nlnr Cam- pany. The oiilv rom pli-lelj' re- rc iid lilo iu d r a n priced lo l»«.

40 Foi'd »U, Coupe ......... Jin.S30 Ford Dehixe Coupe . ... I.17I' 39 Fn rd DU Fw rto i, h e a te r Riid rad io losnsa Plym outh Ulx Coupe .......}4n,’>37 Ctievrnlct Town Sednn . .. I4JA 30 Pnntlao Coupe, heate r a n d ra ­dio .,. .......................30 N aah U ill Bcdan ........... IJUft30 V-B I.)lK Fiirdor, rndlo nnd heale r tiins37 V-B Ulx Fordor, rad io andhen ter ....... ................... HfiOS’f Ford 00 Oouiw ........ ... »:i7!i34 Dodga Ulx Hedan .......... S'J 'I


Truck Rareaianto P o rd PlrVtup, 4 Bpoed )0 f o r t l r ifk u p , 4 8j)en() ,57 Dodgs Pickup, 4 Speed ..30 podge Pickup, 4 8|>eed37 Fo rd pickup, 3 Bpeed ....Sft V-« BB T ruck ..... :,......31 C hevrolet T iuck .........

C ash » r (ermt,<U alwaya pay* to •M year Ford Dealer flr«i. tot •e«&«Bvlcal U ans9uttaU eu,

Take a BIG look at the BIG new FORD!

T i K 1011 F o r.l in tlip bicfU’st n s r l l i n l i ' m t r o l l e d o(T

liii« ‘ o f i h o Y v o r l i i ' f u t i i o i i s

Ron{<<i IM iuH l

iN o t jiiB t a n r w f r o n t r ii< l —

I m U u H ff ir ^ o t< y f

i J u i l t o n a l o n g e r t e l n ’f l h a a f l .

IN«!w l i o o r n . S c m l- c o i io c i iU M l

r u i n i i n ^ h o a r i l i t ^ ' A s l u i x ' l i iin

« 't i< ‘n ( i t l t l r d K o a t in f f i v i d t h

i i i h i i l i - ! W l i i i l n l i l r l i l a n d w in -

d in v K K o l> r o a d u n < I i l c c p t l i r y f ^ i v n

a s i n t i c l i tin 3 3 % m o r n glnsM a r e a .

W h e n i n i 'v c e c o i l I tn a Ik o a n d

n d i u i n - d il« I i r u n l y — l a k o t h o

ritia in ihU n e w l o r d . S l o p a i f a y f o n t r r ,

M'ilh im p ro v ed n rc o lo rn lio n . A i i e u - l y ( l e n i g n e d $ t a h i l i z e r c n o c a

h tf r r in g . , . h e lp s ih o rid e . . . inidiiloiiin linlancn o n ih n curvRS. IS'ow doft K |irings w ork p io ro f>lo>vlyf gen tly . Im p ro v e d sh o ck nhBni-hrrs nm ooth ih r . ' g o in g l

O nly ihn F o rd way o f dolfig huHUicfls co u ld p ro v u lf m m u ch ro m fo r t, rr lin b ll l ly oiid rnon* oniy a t low F o n l p rirc a . Any I 'o n l d r a i r r w ill h r firoud to allow y on th is b ig cur.

T l i rn see how ll tt io it coats to trad o y o u r p rc ic n t ca r. No mat* ic r how yon lo o k ni It — th e I 9 H F o rd m ea n s a good dealt

Get the facts and you'll get a FORD!

h i faellldei tn lha f>orld. Her* Iba (sdIm and «rpwi«iMa W Utnry Vwd. plui ihaaABUftey »t Ford MllDssn. predtwa quality c an la ku |a voIuom la M il al • low priM wlil« *«all proAi— to (list nhan rM buy a Pord Mr, yM let valaa (ar abova tba p ri» you payl


Page 3: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

HmdiiTi Octobwr T, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN PALLS. IDAHO Pag* Threei f

Removing Victim of Mystery Fall Over Canyon Rlni

« series of th ree -d ay recesses beyond election day d u r in g w hich & skeleton crew w ould so th ro u g h tn o m e n u ry noon -tlioe m otions of m eeting and recessing » couple *>f tlm ea » week,

w o rk s u n to B« D one Before t«k lng a va ca tio n , th e

house m u st act' on a con fe rence re ­p o rt on th e R am speck civil scrvlce b ill w hich would allow th e P re sid e n t t o extend clVlI service s ta tu s to sev­e ra l thousand fede ra l w orkers, and th e se n a te a n d house m u st a c t on conference re p o M on a r iv ers and h a rbo rs au th o riza tio n a n d on a to ease In sta llm e n t paym en ts , care fo r th e In surance prem ium s and p rese n t eviction of m en conscrl ' fo r m ilita ry tra in in g .

T his session refused to a d jo u rn la s t spring w hen P re sid e n t Roosevelt

' suggested th a t li t t le rem a ined for It to do. S ince th e n It h a s voted new billions for n a tio n a l de fense, ap- proved new ta x schedules. Imposed peace tim e conscrip tion and a u th ­o r i t y th e m obilization of th e l tlo n a l guard.

G o t W hat H e W an ted M r. Roosevelt go t subston tlally

w h at h e w anted . H e w as ab le to pro­te c t th e no tiona l labor re la tio n s a c t a n d th e w age-hotirs a c t from am endm ents. I t ex tended fo r th ree years Mr. Roosevelt's a u th o ri ty to nego tiate rec iprocal t r a d e a ^ e e - m cnts, required Uie r eg is tra tio n and

• f inger p rin ting of a liens, voted Rep. M artin Dies, D „ T ex ', m ore m oney fo r h is investiga tion o f un -A m erican activities, recodified n a tio n a l ity laws and placed w ater carriers—th e In­land w aterways ba rge lines—u n der th e In ters ta te com m erce com m is­sion.

Sen. W illiam E. B orah . R.. a te dean , a n d Speoker W illiam B. B ankhead . D.. A la., d ied . Sen. E rn est L uhdeen, P a rm er-L abo rlte , M inn., w as killed In a n a irp la n e cra sh .

A pproxim ately ip.OOO.OOO.OOO wai appropria ted o r c om m itted In con ­tra c t a u th o rl ta t lo n s for defense spending. Congress f irs t au tho rized a ti I I pe t c e n t I tw rease In th e navy and th e n a 70 p e r c e n t Increase.



By LYLE C. W ILSON W AflHINOTON. O ct. 7 (U.R>-The

th ird session of th e 76th congress— th e na tio n al defense congress — la ready for Its cam paign la y -o ff and probably will go hom e tom orrow or n e x t day.

DemocraUo leaders p ropose «l re ­cess u n til Nov. 18. ~

O E M 10 S P E A n O N H l

T he general pu b S c ’tod a y w as In ­v ited to a tten d a m ind tra in in g dem ­o nstra tion w hich w in be presen ted a t 7:30 p. m. today a t th e Id ah o Pow er com pony aud ito rium .

T h e dem onstra tion will be given by R. K . Ju d d P o r tla n d , O re., in ­s tru c to r In m ind tra in in g . H e h as traveled extensively in th e U nited S ta te s a n d h as conducted courses w ithpolice d e p ar tm e n t m em bers and b ank stAffs.

T he program Is prc.'icntcd espe- rlnlly for em ployes of thn Id ah o Pow er com pany, m em bers of the

’Staff and pupils a t tlie D eouty Arts Academy. T liere will be no adm is­sion charge.


W A S inN aX O N . O ct. ? W.m—r im d v ll aeronautics boa rd ha.i banned flying Ir.'sonJi n t Alr|>ortji, no «lii- (Irn t pilots will n o t In te rfe re w ltli ttio oiirfftllnii.S of m ilita ry a n d com- n ifrrlu l plim rs.

T lin OAIi mild f lig h t Inn tructlonn munt he rondncted six m iles from thn rirldn (lenlRnnted. T ra in in g p lanes, iiowever. will be p e rm ltte il to uno linnHnrs a t th e alrjMrtfl.

Romo fletils were l)lnced on lis t bem use "n illl ta ry nu tho rltlM have r)»»eil. o r p lan to base In th e near ^ |tll^e. extensive ta c tica l op- e ra llnns on these s ite s .” Tliewi In- cltirte a ttp o rts a t Boise a n d S a lt I-«k« O lty.


W ATA N ArO A council fire a t K lw anls nook a i

Bhoahonn fails w as he ld y rsle rday by m enibera of WatAna|x> group C am p n r e G irls, -n ie scene y "Seek Ileauty,"

A u i k wifl given by M rs. T lie lm a O lbson. M rs. N. O . Jo h n so n , guard ian , w as a ssisted by M iss I>»r- lene P earson . A lfred Pug ilano m ade thn conncll fire fo r tlio g roup.

G uests innluded p a r e n l s ' ■ ranilparents.

lU nk* and honors w ere aw arded to A nn Lotilse a i t» o n . B liirley llo sa, Je an Skidm ore, B a rh a m Jo h n - aon .sM aurlna Q oren, P a tsy O phel- tree . Velma R oberts. T h lrza " " BiUier r a y P o n n o n a n d M urie l i-ug .

■llano, mi lt> ra M a rtin a waa welcom­ed as a new m em ber.

BfUDK'H ATTKNDANTH ^ I f a new to d ress tiie b ridal a tte n - d a n U in aoft, g ray ish sh ad es nf blue,

yivM / a i r foliage colors, a u tu m n ‘" ‘I f by fash ionab le

b ridal aalDiu. O itr io h headd resses for brida a s well u m aJda a re

Uia brlda a n d orldegnK im A m srlcan

a n d a soft roM a hada th e y ••dregi of witi* "

T he body of a m an Identified as Lonis Com m lns. N am pa, was b r ln t rem oved from R ork r r r r k canyon asth is photo was snapped. Investigation found th a t tiie m an died In i th e rim of th e sleep canyon. T he sum of 116.76 was found in tiie i

I apparen tly acciden ta l p lunge from I clothing.

(Times Photo and EDgraTln'c)


By J .W .T . MASON .U nited Press W ar E xpert

Reports from B ucharest of- the a rriva l In R um ania of hcavly arm ed G erm an troops, who m ay be followed by an I ta lian force, a rc th e f irs t revelation o( new action by th e to ta lita r ia n dic tators slncc th e ir m eeting &t B renner p o « i A xis m ili­ta ry . concentra tion in R um ania would be a im ed a t BtrcngUienlng the encirclem ent of Russia, whose s tr a ­tegic' position b m enaced by th e new trip le alliance.

B erlin and Rom e deny troops have gone to R um ania and G erm any brought' p reu u re to bear on the R um an ian legation today to repudl- a l i Its earlie r con firm ation of the B ucharest reports. I t seem s a pparen t from th is confusion t l i a t HUler and Mussolini w an t to conceal a s fa r aa possible th e ir new D anublan action, which Is tan tam oun t to assum ing m li lta o ' control' of R um anlo , while th e Rum anians wish to call world a tten t io n to the sudden move.

R eports' th e G erm ans In tend to take over trnlnlng of th e R um an ian arm y undoubtedly a re tru e . T h e R um anian lighting, force h as been

demobilized and l.s In vcii’ I'oor condition. I ts rcorgnnlzallon by Cicr- m an specialists. In conjunction will; cstab llshraen l of G erm an divisional garrisons In U um anln. woUld streng­th e n considerably th e axis ])Osl- tlon In 'B oulheastem Europe nKiitnst Russia. '

Too. G erm an dom ination of the R um an ian arm y w ith th e In troduc­tion of G erm an m ilita ry dlscl])llne V.'ould check possibilities of an . rising against the recen t pa rtition ­ing of R um ania on G erm an and I ta l ian orders- Rum ors of Impending civil s tr ife In Rum ania have been clrcu la tcd ever slncc tlie te rrito ria l g ra n ts to H ungary a n d Bulgaria.• S ta te m e n ts th a t O ermaix m ilitary ac tion in Rum anlo Is sim ply to pro­tec t oil wells against sabotage show anxiety to cam ouflage th e real axis purpose. T he R um anians, them ­selves. have been able to safeguard th e wells from local Interference. But, Russia’s new m ilita ry bases In Bessarab ia p u t th e Slav a ir bomb* e rs w ith in h a lf an hour's flying tim e of th e R um an ian a ir fields, a n d th a t

L. D. S. Supports Governmental Plans to Aid U. S. Civil RightsBy RICRARD W. JO H NSTO NSALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 7 fU.RV

T lie Church of Jesus C h ris t of L a t­te r Day 8alnl,i waa on record today In support of govornm cntal pro* gram s which would he lp to g u a ra n ­tee American civil r lg iits and D em o­c ra tic procedures.

T he pledge o f loyalty, voiced by Councilor David O. M cKay, h ig h ­lighted Uie closing ses-^ion of tho l l t l i annual conference here , a t- tehded by more th a n 13,000 c hu rch m em bers from all part* of th e world.

M cK ay-secom l cotm cllor to tho f irs t p rrs ld rn c y -sp o k e to tho con­ference n t th e m orning session yes- lertlny. Ills address was b roadcast nationally .

C llet ftondageH(« c itn l tlie bondage of E uropean

na tions wlilah had " tost thn IiiIck* r ity nn<'es.iary to good Kovnrnmcnl," and urged !■. D. tt. in rin b rrs to nb- fltuln from evil and llvn ncrordInK <o UiB lilgh prinrlplps of M ormon doc­trine .

OptMlIn A. c . Hf)wcn m ade a sim i­la r arltlrMs a t tiie aflrrn ix in s r i - slcHi. iloclnrlng th a t Uio sa lvation of A merlco dejw nds on "toll • and sw eat." and Ih a t fa ltli in good and dem ocrntlo principles m iist be Im- plrtncn tw l by a willlngneas to make sarrlflcps,

Hel)er J . G ran t. Uio a s-year-o ld Itrrslden t and propliet of tlm ch iirrh , talkK i briofly a t imtii tlie a ften ioon and m orning sessions. P residen t G ra n t ap|)eBred a t Uie e arlie r m e rt- ings, b u t-b e c a u ie of hU rec en t ill-


vyiA H iim crroN , o c t , 7 tum - WHii a iir len l cerem ony th e suprem o cou rt today oiwned iU l(l«0-41 term , tvhlrh may be no table fo r lU Im prin t on llifl nntlon> preparedness effort.

C hief Justice C harles E v a n i Hughes, 78<ye«r-Dld and begLnnlnu his lOth full te rm a s he ad of thn U ibunal, pr*ced«J th e e igh t b lack- robed MsoclatA Justices to tlie bench.

Tlie ceremony opened a leasion wiilch U)ay produce ru lings on tin eonstltu llonailty of tiie Mew D ra ii wages and hours law a n d pronounce- m e n u affecting civil ll>>f>rtlei. at^ll*tru s t actions, governm ent w ar . . . . . tracU . federal espionage law s ami UU . adm lnlsU atlon 's public jx)wpr prugram .

Tho session was devoted m ainly to Uie adm ission of a tlom eya to tlie bar of tlie suprem e court, TJin Judgea now begin a week of secret conferences during w lilch Utey will exam ine 400 appenti to deter: '

■ ahkll b# accepWd, Action . of UiOM oases will be a n ­

nounced n > it M onday,

F irs t Councilor J . R euben Clark."Jr., presided.

T h e aged leader told m em bers he was gratified a t the re.spcct accorded Uio church , and praL-iotl Uic picture, '.'Brlgljam Young." as n fine tribu te to tho L. D. 0 . fallJi.

le ad e rs h ip Sustained T lie leadersh ip o f Uie church

susta ined w ithout dLuenslon by the thousands a ttend ing th e conference,

OUiflt speakers a t the concluding ses.'ilons were P residen t Rudger Clawson, Joseph Fielding Sm ith , and Churlen A. Calllif of th e council of twi'lve; A ntU ne li. Iv ins o f the f irs t rouiicll of seven ty ; T hom as E, McKny. siipervlsnr ol Euroiw an mis* Aloiu; and S. O. Ueiinlon of Uie sevciilv,

MrKiiy reported tlm t ml.sslonarles In nil (tiiiiitrles of Kuioiw except KniiM'c Imvc carried on tlielr work dc.iiilii' dm war. -


Local police today redoubled their e ffo rts to find rela tives of a m an found d e a d . In Rock crcck canyon Sa turday during th e noon hou r and also enlisted the a id of th e Federal B ureau of Investigation In estab lish­ing positive Iden tification . ■

T he m an, about 45 years old, te n tatively I d e n t i f i e d as Louis A rthu r Cum mins. N nm pa, b u t pollco th e re said they knew n o th ing of the m an . A check a t a n add ress found on h is pcr.son. In w hich h e had w ritten U iat Ho^c C um m ins, Nam pa, be notified in case o f h is Injury or death^ showed no one Uiere by th a t Tume. N clst.bors, likewise, d id c o t know of the woman.

Coroner A. A. N ew berry sa id today th a t th e m an suffered a "terrific" skull fracture w hich would have caused death Im m ediately. He was also Injured In terna lly . H e had fallen or had been pushed from the rim ond the body w as found nearly 100 fee t below a t th e edge of the canyon road.

Local police c losely questioned m any translentfi b u t could learn notlUng of th e m a n . I f he had a bedroll w ith h im som eone h a d taken It, they said.

Coroner N ew berry sa id th a t It would be n r x t to im possible to de­term ine If th e fractiu -e had been caused by a blow on th e head or entirely by th e fa ll . He. said no In­quest would be h e ld un less police Investigation “b rin g s som ctiilng to ligh t along Uio c rim in a l line.’'

Meunwhlle th e body rea ls a t the Reynolds fu n e ra l iiom e. FtnBc-r- p rln ts of the dead m iin ’s hund.s wore taken by police S u n d a y and ruMied to W aU ilngton. D. O., by airm ail.


I-ocal dealers th is afte rnoon ported th a t th e IdJiiio A dvertising com m t.'lon . th rough its c hairm an E. N. -Pettygrove, today re ltero led It.1 purpose of securing w ider d is­tribution and th e b est m e rc h an d is ­ing po^slble for Id ah o ru sse ts In Uie face of adverse p rice conditions.

"The low price now p reva iling for potatoes m eans th a t th e com m ission mu.1t do a ll In Its pow er to bring aboiil a w ider d istrib u tio n o l the spuds to preven t .g lu ts In te rm inal m arkets," Peltygrove w rote locfil dealers. •T h e com m ission’s adver- tLilnR agencies a n d Its dealOT-servlce field m en are w orking to th a t end."

G re a te r R esuU t NowPeltygrove i» In tc d to the

grea ter productive a ie ob ta ined from the adverth lng do llar secured, from t h e o n e -h a lf -c e n u p e r-h u n d re d - w elght tax on pota toes a n d orUons.

"Ground work for a dvertis ing of potatoes and ' onions . In th e best m arkets of th e n a tio n wos la id In 1938 and 1039." P e ltygrove wrote. ■Tliat now mean’s th a t everj- do llar expended today goes fu r th e r tow ard the actual m e rc h a n d ls in j ' of the tw o Idaho products .

"S ta rting from sc ra to h In 1938 •hen the com m ission w as given th e

'go a head ’ signal a f te r m ore th a n a year of lltlRaUon. It was. forced by necf.vilty of expending efforts and cash In studying and assem bling needed d a ta to p u l th e a c tu a l m er­chandising cam paigns on , a auri fooling.

"Now th a t work h as been accom ' pllshcd. It can easily be understood th a t the monies avollable from th e advertising fund a re p u t to w ork for the grea test good.

Fewer M arket! R eached"Reduction by the 103S leg isla tu re

of the advertUilng tax from one cen t to one-half cent, c u t th e budget In half. T h e cu l h a d th e e ffec t of curtailing no t the qua lity a n d e f-'Of the advertis ing , bu t of expaaslon Into new er m arke ts th a t would give potatoes o n d onions a g rea ter d istribution.

"For exam ple, ru ssets will be ad* verlUed th is sea.son In new spapers In 37 kev m arkets of th e eas t and the middle west, T iiere a re 50 to 100 other Im portan t m arke ta In w hich advertising would a id In th e sale and d istribution of Id ah o 's fam ed nis.sets.

" If th e money were dvalloble, we would be adv ertb ln g In some 80 m arkets Instead of In 37," P e tty - grove concluded.

NAMESin the

NEWSBy United P r r n

Bpeaklnc to 10.M0 I ta l ian glrl^ m em bcn of CatiioUc AcUea, Pope r i o i X II bemoaned th e f a c t th a t "modeiity U not In style ^ n y

H erbert Hoover, answ ering crlUcs of his proposals to send re lief to fam ine-threa tened Europe, sa id he d id n o t th ink anyone "desired to In ­ju re th e Drltl.sli cause" b u t th a t A m ericans should (ind a w ay t< feed an estlnintPd 15.000,000 Euro- l>cans who he said face s ta rv a tio n th is w inter, . .

M iusolinl’t spoknm an-ed lto r. Vlrglnln Gayda, wrote th a t P resi­den t Roosevelt U trying to m ake believe the a x h oppose* hU e lec­tion as a eam palm it r a le g y .. . He said actually tiie axl« Is Ind ifferen t to (he outcome of the A m erican election. . .

H einrich van Btahm ers. secret G erm an envoy who negoUated the Tokyo end of the new th ree -pow er pact, le ft Ja p an todav for G erm any by way of Siberia. . .

E arl Browder, C(

In B rlU ln . . . h ttt th e *U U d e­partm en t ta y i It haa receU ed n f , soph word from K ennedy. . .

Lord C roft, unde r-sec re ta ry for w ar In the B ritish coblnet, declared th a t G erm an casuoU les arc far g rea ter lh a n those In B rlto ln . . said th e sink ing of a G erm an troop tran sp o rt by a B ritish subm arine co.1t more G erm an lives th a n the to ta l num ber of B ritons killed In th e monUi August, . . -

H arry Bridfe*. C a litom la d irec­to r of the CIO, to ld delegates a t a s ta ir convention th a t "dnlons will lirrom e outlaw ed, re ta rd less of who wItu Ihe p residen tia l elec­tion" . . ,

I n H ollywood; Bob B u n u U • fa th e r again . . . . An 8 pound, ISH ounce son was b o m to M rs. B u n u yesterday. . . T h e new a rriv a l wa» liamed S tephen Poster B um s. . .

K ay S tew art, who got In the movies because she was th e p re t­tiest cheer leader N orthw estern university had . will be m arried W ednesday (o L angdon Proctor, polo p layer a n d h e ir to a Map fortone. . . T he m arriage o( film cowboy K en M aynard a n d B ertha Rowland, a e ria lls t w ith th e Cole brothers circus M aynard traveled ' w ith this sum m er, waa tevealed to­day. .

dIdate for President, advocates a "strategically powerful" a lliance amonK the United Stales, R tissla an d C hina. . . Wendell W ilikie will addcesf American youth on N a­tional Young Repubiiran day, O ct. BI. . .

Sen. W olter P. George. D .. Ga.. says th e financia l a id to G re a t B r i t ­a in will be 'o n e of the "acu to” questions before congress a f te r th e November elcctlon.s. . . Sen. W illiam H. King. D.^ U tah, ho.-i a lready p ro ­posed au thoriza tion for loan s to B rita in bu t adm lnU trallon leaders say B rita in Is no t In need of im ­m ediate financial aid. . .

L ondon newspapers say U . 8 . A mbassador Joseph P. K ennedy h as asked W ashincton to send a n o th e r U nited Ktates sh ip to B rita in to take home a ll A m eri­cans who have no u rfe n t boalnesa


.WICNOMl.!,. Oct. 7 t S p e d a l ) - U uikiim hiick to Hc|>tcmbor. 1010, WeiidvW lijdne w as ho st tofuliv liN) M(i(ioiirt F riday evening In a I'liiu tri ann iversary observance a t wliii'h lliyiiii U efenbach, Uolse, clilt'f MM'iiker.

Mr. D clrnba rh was g ran d m aster of tho Miilio g rand lodge In 1910, when ninn Id ah o grou [» received Uir'iv chill lers. Of Uin n ine lodges, only itiilili Lake, K an ilah a n d Am- e rlfiiii r iills wore n o t rep resen ted a t Uie here Friday . T h e oUiersam Ituhl, W endell, PUer. Jerm rie. (l.KHlliiK »nd HOIRO O rlen U l lodge.

Aiii'iiiu ilie lenders p rese n t were tlii'.M': Ami A. Vealey, M onliiellnr, grnnil in iistrr; Clyde I. R ush , Boise, HiiiiKl M virtnry; Ailiert S tone. Uolse, Junior Kii'iid w arden; lU y S liiy trr, Tw ill KiiUs, aword bearer; I r ­vin IV lt(*eiBOn, Jerom e, jw st grand niiinUT; Orville Dougloa, M eridian, HiiiiiiiKr Dikvis, Jerom e, and Joe A. C link, iliihl, resjicctively d is tric t dniiui.v Hiiind n ia s te ri fo r th e Uilrd, fuu illi mill flfUi dlsUloU,

Mitchell Hunt toL e a v e O c t 28t i i

lID in .. Del. 7 (apeo ia l> -M llc lie li iiiiiit. Jr., who iioji been called to w nik' In thn easte rn lU te a L. D. a. inlssUin. will leave Oct. 38, and un til tlin l tlinn Is a t Uie hom e of h is par- enii<, Mr. and M n . M itchell W, Munt. iieiir lUlhl.

'I'h rough n m isunderataru llng ot dales. It had l>een annotm ced Uiat h e le ft flsp t. aa. H li appo ln u n en l docs n u t eali fo r liim to leave un til O ct. I 28.

Ke<i aaU U ieana aa lew aa 4U<«, Hwlm invM tatan t 0» , . •~Adv.

Lost H unter Beats Searcli P arty Home

CASCADR. Idn.. O ct, .7 (UP) ~ Elrne.1t B uchla, C aacnde h u n te r who

Irut (or m ore Uinn 30 hours, tiikliig life en.iy today nfirr

h is sefirclilnH p a rly iwiiie,U uehta iK-came sep iiru led Irnm a

jinriv of tour h u n te rs In the upiirr neiicln'ood river a re a S a turday , lie witlkrd 30 miles, |>nrl of II Iliriiiii:li

w ltlioul sleep ing , finally m ni- iiill to a riiinp n e a r G iirdeii Vullcy y^^t.•r(lrlv. lln h ltc lililked a rlili- liiio Cinciiiic 10 Ifiirn t h a t slierltCn nlll- r in u rre fltlll h u n tin g for liliii.

I t 1.1 : cjiorted th a t Uie smi.m nlJitlons In th e linin

HIhIc.n nrll alm iit MOOO wnilU t giirioliiKi I'very m in u te .


CHICAGO. O ct. 7 (UW — Illinois m ourned today th e d e a th of Oov. H enry ' H orne r a fte r a long and m ysterious lllne.v;.

T lie body will be ta k en to th e 122nd naU onai gua rd arm ory to lie In fiiate u n til m ilita ry services ond burial tom orrow a t M oun t M ayriv cemetery, beside th e grave of his m other. R abbi Loula L. M ann will conduct th e services, a g is te d by a C atholic p ries t and a P ro testan t mlnl-iter.

T lie deo th of th e 61-year-o ld gov­ernor early yesterday a t th e subu r­ban W lnnetka 'm ansion w here he had been secluded four m on ths gave the pow ers of th e office to Llpiii. Oov. Jo h n H. Steile w ho had a t tem pted e a rlie r' th is year to seUi the governorship on th e ground tlin l H om er w as Incapac ita ted and th a t s ta te a ffa irs w ere being adm in­istered by a so-ca lled bedside net.

Leads M anufacturesO nta rio Is th e lead ing nianufne-

iMTlng pTovhice In Ihe Dom^nton of Canada, p roducing app rox im ate ­ly o ne -ha lf o f th e Kros.i vnliie of m anufactures for Uie Dom inion.

Help KidneysU TOO luOtr lr«m Duckiichi. o<iiidi

Op MlihU, Nit*ouitnM, !,<« A>ollriiAnklu tnil /Ml »orn oui. dui to iion-o>>k.u* ■nd non-«r>«mln Klitntr >i>d tlUddn Irnu- bl>i, TDU IhnuM Irr <'>••«< vlilrh l< (lilni jnroui txlp In nioiilitiKti. !'tiiit«<1 lutrnhl'a. Hftlitr birk uiiliM rci'nliltUIr tkllitirl.iir.- a<k rogt d ru iiu i lor i4>d>r. Onir i)<.

'Ihe LUde Hermits say:IT HITS THE MARK

for Quality, Flavor and Value!"

OLDH ERl^TllGEM M T U C X r tT IU I« N T lO W liM a


for F-A-S-T perfect

CLEANING SERVICE!R nnitone cleftninp w ill m ake th ose fa ll and w inter

c loth es look and fee l new aftain. R em em ber, too,

you g e t a 2 0 % discount on cash and carry Hervice.


TH IK KFor Those W ho They Can't Afford The Very Best

In Automatic Stokers-----

D E T W E I L E R ' S /N o w O i f e r T h e S t o k - A - F u r n a c ePriced Complete |

W itli A ll Controls


Completely Installed Ready to Go!


Check These Specifications With Other Low Priced Stokers!

i . In te rm it ten t lyj>e transmlAslon, hull ijciirliiR for feed screw th n iironre a n d tmll iM-arlnga on a ll slniCtA, solid one -p lrre steel w orm , alloy w oini wheel. All p a rta ope ra te In oil t>iitli.

I , O ne-pleiT h eal trea te d east steel feed screw 13(1,000 p innids ten ill a lreng th .

B. Chrom e alloy tuyere head.

8. 300-iH)und capacity coal hopper built o f e lec trlr welilrrl d trrl, Ireiited nn thn Inside w ith sound proofing m a teria l and IlnM ird In gii-on wjlnkle baked enamel.

1. F u ll floaU ng w titm In hop jw t base.

\ iMMltlvSiprrshure devire t0 . nto li-A -P lie smoke baeir m nn e ctln n _ rven t back gas.

10. Heavy V n e lt d r lr e a n d c u t iron pulley*.

11. Com plete se t o t Ix)w V oltage e lectric controls for controlling stoicer and

Page 4: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

Page Four IDAHO EVENING (TIMES, TWIN FAI^L8> IDAHO, Mond«y» Oeteber 7» 1040


•7«U Lm m 4 WIm 8*nr)e. UaHH Fr. I A»iocl»tlon- ran I I TMtuft 8«rTle*.


*1' rollc** r»<;ulr«4 bj ti» er b» «4«f ot court liihfl -frk lr will b« pgblljb«4 In lb* Thnnd*? U IS'IOI 1. C A. IfS:. u lh«r*(» bj Ch«Dl


Towtr. »0 au(b S tm l. S>n rr>tieli», C*Ht.

Whose Fault Will It Bo?H dw close the U n ited S ta tu s inay be today to an

ac tu a l declaration o f w a r w ill be much bettei' deter m ined by h isto rians 2D y e a rs hence.

The people in th is c o u n tiy do not w ant'w ai-. T hey will no t have it if i t can be avoided w ith honor. B u t i f congress is forced to m eet some black day and de­clare w a r ag a in st an a g g resso r nation , i t w ill be n e ith e r the people nor the g overnm ent who will have forced us into the conflict. Sole responsib ility w ill I'est upon the closed co rpora tion of N apoleons who have found the rest of the w orld too sm all fo r th e ir p illag in g operations.. W a r in th is coun try can never begin over any one

" in c id e n t.” R a th e r i t w ill come a f te r an accum ulation of in d ig n itie s, of a tro c ities , of g e s tu re s calcu lated to ind ica te a complete lack of respec t fo r the sovereignty of a dem ocratic people. I t w ill come, if i t comes, only a f te r the h o rro r t h a t is be ing in flic ted on the innocent becomes too g re a t to be e n d u red even vicariously

H is to r ian s today a re well a w a re th a t the L u s ita n ia d isa s te r ju s t before o u r e n tra n c e in to W orld w a r I w as n o t in i ts e lf responsible fo r th e U n ited S ta te s ’ decision to ^ e t in to the f ig h t. I t helped to c rysta llize feeling a g a in s t G erm any, of course. B u t fu n d am en ta lly , th a t an tag o n ism a lready existed b efo re the boat w as to r pedoed.

I t b eg an in the f ir s t y e a r o f the w ar, w hen G erm an tro o p s c u t th rough B elgium an d H olland in com plete d is re g a rd o f in te rn a tio n a l law . T h is enm ity tow ard G erm an y w as fan n ed d l ir in g the n ex t th re e y e a rs by hu m ilia tio n s A m erican c ra f t experienced .on the h ig h 4}eas, b y ren o r ts of su b m arin es lu rk in g in A m erican w a te rs , by the brazen o p e ra tio n s o f G erm an ag en ts on th e A m erican continent. d ragged the U n ited S ta te s in to th a t w a r b u t th e K a iser . A t the m om ent o f i ts beg inn ing , A m eri­can s w e re resigned to n e u tra lity , w ere n o t even ce rta in .■which side they favored.

If the m oral su p p o rt of v ir tu a lly the whole of the A m erican people m eans a n y th in g , we a re a lready in W orld W a r II. As new even ts unfo ld ,..^s the d ic ta ­to r ia l n a tio n s become bolder an d sign new trea tie s to em phasize th e ir r ig h t to d es tru c tio n , h a tre d for the methods of to ta lita rian ism becom es m ore intense among A m ericans.

T h e to ta l defense we have a t la s t u n d e rtak en m ay be th e in s tru m e n t needed to keep u s o u t of \vai-— to keep w a r aw ay from us. A m erican s hope it is. B ut i f i t becomes necessary to em))haflize o u r devotion to dem ocracy in any o th er,w ay , w e sha ll bo ready.

I f t h a t tim e ever comoa, rem em b er— the aggressor n a tio n s will have a.skcd fo r it.

Pot Sh o tsThe Gentleman in

the Third Row

Memo, Gratis, to Politicians

Pot Sho ts th lnka these county polltlrnl rnces don 't h ave e n o v ^

• To provide thU cl(i*s we've had thp Pot Shota a ta ff a rtis t clt^w up a fins .c o a l or a rm s for political cnnflidntcs. We hove purposclj' re* frnlnwi Iroiii copyrighting th is coat o l th a t ir ty a ll poViil-cal cnnd ldatc j c an Eccure It free of chnrge for th e ir s ta tionery , banners, cards, etc.

C andldat«s w ith coata of arm *, we feel, will pu t th e cam paign on a moiR cu ltu red bftsla. We WQuWn‘1 expect a conl of nrm s, of course, to ellm m a te ' tnud-throw lng en tirely su we'vc h a d our a rtis t Include on his suggested sh ield a ham m er. As you know, ham m ers a re fine for luioclc-ln«- i

H erew ith our con tribu tion to etC' r a te politics (candidates. In m a il­ing }'our request for usage please enclose th e top off one P o t Shots colyum).

SpauiHh Gains in PopiilarilyT h ere seom.s to be a considerab le su rg e in tlie po))

u la r i ty of Spanish in the n a tio n ’n schools this y ea r R ep o rts from widely sep a ra te d sections indieliti; (h a t s tu d e n ts a re tu rn in g from the lan g u ag es of Doethe and do M aupassan t to the lan g u ag e of C«ervantes.

N a tio n a l ties and aninlositic.s a lw ay s havt- a g rea t in fluence on language s tu d y , iu s t as they influence o th e r aspects of nu r n a tio n a l l if r . D u rin g the I'irsl W orld w ar, the (lorm an lan g u ag e fell in to (lisrcpute in th is coun try , ju s t as did the non-o ffend ing dachs­hund and the word siuu T k rau t.

A lthough these likcft and difiUkea o ften bccomo Im­m o d era te and indicate an u n h ea lth y a ttitu d e , the .spread of Spaninh ir en co u rag in g . I t has bet-n too long neglected fo r I'Vc^ncii, jx ipu larly bolic'vofl to ho inor'o c u ltu ra l , and Q prm an, w ith It.s w ea lth of scien tific w ritin g s .

P o p u la rity of Spanish can h a rd ly be a ttr ib u te d to a g ro a t love fo r S nain , so it ilujnt ind ica te an increased consciousm 'ss of ou r lies w ith L a tin A int'rlca, I t should do m uch to fosti'i- frien d ly rela tions, fo r no th ­in g 80 quickly lends to am ity w ith an o th e r people as An u n d e rs ta n d in g of th e ir language.


D e a r T h ird Row:1 notlee a v e rr valuable ea l has

^ iM ppeartO {rom » H oU ;wdixS m orle se t. thereby m akinc eostir re .U k e s necessary If ta ld k itty doesn 't retu rn .

Such a kIdD apini U cerU in iy a fcllny.

—PttM lee

P o t's n o te -O u r contrllw are go­in g In fo r Ingenuity In nditresslnc U ielr c a rd s to uv Came one from Diek S h u n a ry , ' pller, con t« ln lng n o th in g b u t the clipping of th e UltlB m a n from the top of the rolyum. A nd one from A niu i. Buhl, c o n ta in ­ing th e most a rth i lf effort we've Rotten ^o fnr. Anmis liiid d ip ijed colored Individual Iritcr^ fiom kosI)- knowR-where, to spell out I'oi Shots. C onten t* ol Mitrt n iuK asUiusly;

A’fT EN T IO N , i*OST O U H 'K ! P o l S h o ts:

slig h t con-.viloii .sliniilci I)T rniKle. NotiihiK 'waa w ritten by u irk S h u n ­a ry on th e ftrtdre.M slrtr of Him cn id . I 'm KOUlK to li'V iiiiulli niicl It r th in g iJi w iltlen beolrtr yom i n ian , liold tlie |w?,l ofdt-r rrriKifis

Ttlnn>t^. Polv fnr tlir hc.iKiuet abo« l mv oilKlnnlily,

— Dirk Sliui I lirr

IT SEEMS \VK ML'NT Ditor Tiir DiiArTt

D ear PoU .I saw In Uip ^:v^llnlr^ tiin<- w

an accKlriil u iiich Inrolvi'.l omi u m en drlverx. IV ilm i'i mui'II iIiIiIllKt l.'>irt UlUIMIlll. I’OI.V It IMII t f le t jn e to ililiililiin Nmv « |n ,t th e nlrn iirr iliiiftrO? W ill, iv, tlio iej,iilt.i will br (ll^cl^IIOll^ Wi driven liubbv's cm nil ilir im'H ilnk of llir n.-rUlriil>. liniifr for tlir iir<le»injiin I' hOApltal^ win be lli>n<l''il. UiuMi Ralore W lint nhn)



D r a f t ovaderH a re likely to fin d t lia t tho pen Ia also m ore co n fin in g than tlie uword.

M llliona o f youths o f m ilita ry age a re sa id to have b |id tee th . ThcHe a re the latls who will ge t m ore d r ill­ing than they b arg a in ed for.

U. S. govemmflnt is seeking harnoHB cntt«rs for tHo army, priforably tho«B who nave experience'on red

___ inedsmftl! nation in Europe,doesn’t evenU lttil heartv b reakfaat these days, no one «at-

p thw e any more.


r u L r r ic A i. w i.s itm i, n i m ORADK Kin IS II?|

D ear Mr, Pol HIihIa.I 'm only a lii i l t ixi' lo w'htn ol

a n d In (he tin i i mh> a lread y w h at i wniii

My te ac h e is tell me (Imi ir BDod boy. and noiK IihhI | ■

Iw Prenldent «omr dnv i>ik i i th e p ap ers—I don t u a iu to PreaUtenV.

'l liey cun «av mniliiiiK ni lU o r throw anyllilUK ni ym

you 're Preilrtant.I Ju st w an t lo iiinke loU of mr

a n d ru n for Piiv.iili'iii. Vun«f> t ll»« viujwrsk Mii" t»i«‘

' '* peojilP tIllll'^ nt your I ra in oven they uat tliu m n in Jail

id It nn is t tu»kr vwi fi'pl ft»fnlly

A ll e)uiTaeteTi, organixa tion t otui inc iden ts o f (his (c rlo i a rc c n tir tlu /icfiHotu.

\t:<lTERUAY> K U tr i i a * Vfr«-« s u r r >■ lb« bal y« r« «z-plal«« l«a law •■■Hr- Mr- C lark la Mary raalU«« lka(k« caa’I kelp k tr . Ibat aka a « a t aolT« O a p r a b l ta k«racU. W ha(If Xlek aa4 Var» kave ■ ■ tk lva tt* a u r« « ( r7 t la «ka( <-a«t. I s a H a rr

*« Ma«« * taal.

* ^ B T ME H E R K -T O N IO H T '’

CH A PT E R X X III rU N C H T lM E cam e and Sue

M ary p u t oa th e w id e - b rim m ed straw h a t th a t m a d e h e r looic lik e a U tU e.g irl. deepened th e golden s lln ta In h e r b ro w n eyes. H er ta n Jlnen d ress f lared Iro m th e h ip s ia the tam o w ay i t h a d d e llfh tcd he r, w hen ahe b a d w o rn it fo r th e first tim e w eeka ago. T he bangles on h e r w ris t sUU Jingled m errily , b u t ahe w u too .ibsorbed in h e r d is tra u g h t though ts to fee l th e confidence • w cU rgioom cd g ir l u su a lly pos­sesses.

She w as so absorbed th a t ah« lite ra l ly r a n in to Nick be fo re she sa w h im in th e lobby o f th e ofHce bu ild ing .

"So b lind y o u _ M n t ie « m e?' h e dem anded , taklfag h e r by th e e lbow s 'SEira shoviiig h e r ba ck owny from th e crow d com ing fro m th e e levators. “ I 'm n o t su re th a t p leases m e ." .

She (kew a tr lg h te o e d brea th , b u t m anaged to h ide h e r fe a rs a n d sm ile. “A fter a ll, one doesn’t ex. p tc t to see you h e re ."

•■But h e re I am , a n d fUesa w h y ? ” H is d a rk face w as close to h e rs and h is eyes looked deep in to h e r s ta r tled b row n ones.

‘T o te a y o u ,-m y de a r . W hen a m an 's in love h a w an ts to h is girJ. A nd th e re seem to b e less and less chances these days. Sue M ary , you itnow t h a t A t th e h a ll th e re a re a lw ays people; people w an tin g rae to do th is a n d th a t; ask in g quesUoits, w on tin g to ta lk . A nd a t (he a p a r tm e n t s ” H e shrugged h is shoulders. "W ell, th e re ’s e ith e r V era o r N aU lie— ”

" n u t N ick—" S h e d id n 't know w h a t w as eocniog, b u t in - stinc tive ty p r e p t r a d herse lf. “W hat e lse — t "

" I h av e to to lk to you, da rlin g .

m ust. I— I • though t, pe rhaps, ton igh t."

S he fe lt h e r m ind w h irling . T o - n ig h t—b u t to n ig h t N ick and V era m ean t to com e to th e office fo r those p apers . “ T onight." ahe r e ­p eated stupidly.

Yes, dear. N ata lie sa id y o u had to w ork la ts la s t n igh t. I though t m ay be w e could ta lk h e re . I cou ld ro e t t y o u a n d U k e you homfr—"

'B ut N ick— '* she g /oped lo r w ords try in g to un d e rsU n d how th is new n \ove fitted th e p ic tu re . "But— I— I d o n 't w o rk every n igh t. Las^ n ig h t w as a n e xcep ­tion."

Y ou could do i t again . If i t m ean t w e cou ld te e each o ther. T alk toge ther. O lve m e a chance to te ll you w h a t 's In m * heart,

‘•But he re— " • th e repeated,', “ W hy h e re l"

“ Because w e could b e alone, and th a t 's w h a t 1 w an t ,-d a rl in g . A lone w ith y o u fo r Ju st a UtUs w hile .

“You could ‘p re te n d you had som e •work l e t t ove r Iro m la st n igh t. "You co uld b e h e re fo r Just a lit tle w hile ,’* h e rep e a te d . “And I could ta k e you hom e. Say 10 o ’clock, Sue M ary . W e could m eet he re , and th e n in a n hou r—le a^ I t you w an ted —w e 'could leave.

“Prom ise m e, da rling . T here ’s so m uch I w a n t to te ll you . So m uch— " H e lean ed to w a rd her, k issed h e r lip s a n d a b ru p tly v a n ­ished in to th e crow d on th e stree t.

'T ’HE food be fo re h e r o .tnrr» COUntCr

th e drug tasteless.

She a te h e r sandw ich and d rnnk h e r m ilk, b u t she w o sn 't conscious o f the ta ste o f e ither.

I t N ick m e a n t to c a rry th rough h is p lan w ith V era , w hy d id he w a n t h e r p resen t? A nd surely, a fte r th e c a re fu l groundW ork b id by V era, h e w ou ldn ’t toss the w hole th in g aside ev en If—* s h e so a rd e n tly insisted—h e w as in love .ind d id w an t to

But th a t w as rid icu lous, she told herse lf. S h e kn e w rea l love w ith Joe , and she knew N ick w asn 't In love: no t rc'ally. T h is w as a m ove in h is gam e, b u t she s till couldn’t M e hftw sh e w ou ld flt in . U nless

m ean t to invo lve lic r so deep­ly th a t she co u ld n 't d isclose w h at w as going on.

H er h ands g rew co ld a n d she could feel th e b reeze from th e d ru g s to re fa n d iy th e p e rsp ira ­tion th a t b roke o u t on h e r brow. W h a t if V era kn e w she h a d been In the olHce la s t n ig h t In tim e to w itness h e r ic en * w ith young Ro.=s C lark?

W hat If Uiey w ere bo th a fra id of how m uch sh e knew T P erhaps they p lanned to m a k e h e r se rve .

X accom plice U udght and Y k e ep h e r from disclosing

th e i r plans?S h e had ‘ • fee ling th a t they

d id n 't t r u s t h e r . SHe knew they l l d n ' t t«»5* c t n o r le w h e r InleU l- gence . T o them , ahe w as aUU th « n a iv e , lonely lit t le g ir l w ho, s tra n g e a n d bew ildered , w ith n o th in g to do a n d n o w h fr t to go, h a d fa llen in to th e ir ' g roup . She h a d rM allow e^ th e ir phU ow phy, fo llow ed th e ir course, allow ed h e n e t t to b e used to th e ir ad - v a n U g e .'

I f she cou ld on ly th ink . I f th e c ou ld on ly te e w h a t to do.

S h e -knew th e e o u ld a i s tand Id ly b y a n d p e rm it them to carry o u t th e ir p la n . E very in s t in c t o f decency , e v e ry in s t in c t 'o f A m er­ican ism w ith in h e r 're b e lle d . T hey d id n t kn o w th e m ean ing of p a - tr loU sra. S h e sm iled t lit tle . I 'm th in k in g lik e a C lr! Scout, th e sa id td h e rse lf . -n >.•;

O nly , in th e se days, pa trio tism h a d su d d e n ly becom e e o m th ln g v i ta l a n d te r r ib ly im portan t. W ith a w o rld c ra ck in g ab o u t you, w ith y o u r c o u n try — th e coun try la w h ic h y o u r p a re n ts a n d g rand­p a re n ts h a d w o rk ed a n d tolled a n d ' liv e d to m ake I t fre e and k»fe— now fac ed w ith a tark d a n ­ger— p a trio tism w as m uc(i m ore th a n a w o fd , o r a ve rse , o r a song, o r a lin e f ro m a poertL

T T w o u lto ’t h av e been so bad,th e th o u g h t, U I co u ld stop

a n d th in k th is th in g ou t c learly , s a n e ly , b u t th e re 's Joe , too. W hat w as h a p p en in g to him ?

SKe c losed h e r eyes and plc^ tu rc d h im in th e hosp ital; qu ie t, m o tion less o n th e w h ite b e d , h is b lo n d h e a d sw a th ed In bandages, do c to rs a n d nu rses m oving abo u t h im ; c onsu lta tions. X -ra y s, dlog- n oses, ope ra tions.

L ife w ith o u t Jo<>— She gripped th « m a tb lc to p o l th e countm a t she fe l t h e r he ad sw im In dizzy c irc le s a n d a p a ll o f blackness be­g a n t9 descend . T he coolness of th e m a rb le , th e breeze from the fa n g av e h e r s tre n g th . Som ehow sh e go t b a c k lo th e off\c*.

T h e re w as o no te on h e r desk. C a ll M ercy H osplU I. S h e h a d le f t h e r n u m b e r and begged she b e no tif ied of a n y change. Now som e th in g h a d happened.

S h e t i l e d to d ia l th e n u m b e r, b u t h e r fingers shook so th a t th e n u m b e rs a l i r a e d b y .a im lessly . T ea rs d lm m M h e r eyes so th a t she cou ld b a re ly see.

I f • h e w a s w orse— B u t she d id n ’t d a re th in k o l th a t. H « c o u ld n 't d ie . Couldn 't, leave h e r.

S h e d ia le d th e num ber again a n d w a ited fo r th e answ er.

' (T o B « C onU aued)

^ O U R COUNTRYU s I e l M a rtto le* e a 'O u r

C e o n try ,'' w ritten exclusively lo r N SA Bervtee a n d l ^ e I r e n in i

B T K A TU A SIN S BRUSH A u th o r of n re v n g M an e f M anhst-

• -O th e r -T h is Uon M e," ate.H ot » Tery long ago, a few

in th ia coHntry of ours h av e a rero lu tion . F o r one th in s , they w ere fed u p w lth .aom e thlnKS th a t ft d e m tn U d o ld m an a t the h e ad o f aoma la w *nd aelf-lm por- t i n t m ln ls te n w an ted to do to th e ir pocketbodka, a n d th e y were also w re a t th e w ay b e w as going abou t It. T h e policy follQved w as th a t th e IS coloniea In th e New W orM were Just thaV -co ton les: a n d should b e de- lig h ted to t«ke o i le r s .from th e U o th n - C ountry . ,

I t d id n 't ta k e th e king a n d h li m ln b te n long te f ind e a t, e rm a t th ia early s tage e f A n crican h ts tw T . th a t A m ertean i don 't Uke U take M ^ ra . A nd th e . k i i i r a n eeaaso ra teaU sed th a t th e A m erieaaa w e n r ig h t, and

Europe—a ne g ativ e , one—« n d th e outcom e w ill m e an e ith e r ft reversal to feudaUsm o r a con tinuance of ou r way of life. A merica la fo r th e s ta tu s QUO of dem ocratic principles;

T h a t is th e A m erican case. The»e a re th e te n ets by whleh we tlv t . T h e w a ra th e th a t we re fu te te h a re polled out from u n d e r bs.




e f th e ir ew a ftad m ade th e ir coMBtry every M» fta d e a w e ra t le . aa th e ir la te ee len lef w ere.B u t tn o t l e f th e -------

o th e r co u n trie i In t h e O ld W orM w e r e n t a s d e te r .F euda lism w a s sUll th e o rder. w> those w ho were b e i n g o p p re s s^ t u r n e d to th e w est. T hey cross­ed th e ocean by ta l l a n d by steam a n d they cam e to A merica — where" o ppo rtun ity a n d th e r ig h t to work existed, a n d were recognized. And A m eric* grew — founded on a belief In freedom .

Now A m erfcans arc . w ithout d o ub t, th e m ost g e n e re u and Idealistic people l/> th e world. W e h e a r o t an earthquake, a fam ine, a flood som ew here, and im m ediate ly we Jum p to th e re s ­cue. I t Isn 't l>ecas»« w e're so d a m w ealthy : I t’s beea«ue w«

. p ride o a r i e lm on being hum an- lU ria n .So th k t’a w hy Ofur backs gel up

w hen we see w h at Is hnppenlng a broad . W e firm ly believe th a t such su ffe ring Is needles-i. W e firm ly be­lieve th a t we have basleally th e r ig h t form of governm ent. We ftrm ly bellexe it . a n d w e ll Just firm ly defend ou r belief.

T h e re ’a a revo lu tion going

H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City & County

15 Y E A R S AGOOCT. 7, i m

T h e T^v-entleth C entury club in reg u la r session Tv»e&dtiv ^{^tTnoon a t th e Justnm ere Inn decided to agnln be responsible for « Hallowe’en c a r ­n iva l in T «'in ITalls w ith th e co­op e ra tio n of o the r organ isations In th e town,

I t w as voted to pu l on a film du rin g a o o d Rook week, Je.t‘ e lfr -F rfu ie r-to -f tr t ns chfllrmun ol com m ittees to select plctllrp^.

N am es of s tand ing comniltleed a n d special committee* were rn id by M rs, Rose M urray N orth, necretarj.

6even hu n te rs retu rned yenterday w ith big gam e, li. F. P ra ter and Roy D avis brouRht lionie a <lrer and ii bear. B tephan Ilooi, CienrRp T. 6Ri\rtlAftltf, Ueu Rej\a«i\l. lUyou R e n d a h l and J, Pmil Johnmin rnn - sU tu ted ano ther party U iat broiiglU back a r tr rr aplci-e,

27 Y K A R S AGOOct. 7. ISIS

ArcordlnR to n . M. IViiloii, * ra n c h e r UvIuk n rn r tUb n ty . (h r blHge.1t ^ iiilicv i>rr m r r for nny p roduct on tli'" trn r t romru to lilm fro m a ti\iRrtrv «cvti ol rrUvy w h lrli (irodurrd DB imund.i. 'I'tiP need reia lU kt th ree dollors |>er |>Ound, n rltln ti the produntorn |3 n t At thlx ra le llie arreag* yield wnulri be t i n s or nipre Ihiin hna b rm ir - e.orde<t for any ao ta tuoductlon otv th e trac t.

hn p o r ta i it ami o ■rytlilnK' Z \

th e fine wnrdK i>ii<l lu vn K«vr to bo b lam ed lur nil tlir UiiniiR tim i ham w ned all ovn the wmlil.

T tisn yoil ra il live Iiit|)|ii1v ever a f te r on your ohii iiKHirv liei'uiixe o th e r jieojile put mi nil the money for you til nre ilie rnuiiiiv.


O U R B tll.U T IN BOARD r . I). K. Ilarker.U pper, 'l-win ^ .IU

- W e d o n ’t m ind political t>l*iu Imt H i If ycni can get us on i in w hlfh th e la rm e r 't go t a d irreren i cargo in th a t wagon. Y(>iir ynn i i t okay for lAlking $ u l no t h r p rinting.

FAMOUS L A IT LINK. I wouMh'I aiing m ud In IhU

ta m p a l in , bu t—i . .TIIR nitNTMCMAN IN

T U I T H IR D n o w

to do th e ir p a rt In m aking th e «t*i o le an -u p day se t (or next iiiurM l«v w ertU w htU to r Twin, fn lU , t« tUU end (he c ltU ent arc urKed to rnke old leaves, weeds and o ther rulitjiMi ly ing on th e ir property o r In the a tree ts a n d allays adjolnliiu, an th a t th e c ity m ay p res tn t a clean npiwitr. an ce In every section, TIia ilty nf. riolitls lliroiigh the street i|p |m it m c n t, will cooperate with the xood e tttse n i in ge tting rid o t the Ac­cum ulation of c leaning day. D im 't overlook th e elaan*up day.

Bcpt Harvest in Casfiia Underway

B U nL E Y , O ct. 'l (Bpea'lalt—Deet h a iv e s t In Oasala and Mlnlduki counUee ita r le d today, and th< twi fae torloa will begin allclng 'I'ueMlay.

R, O . H a trh . m anager ol iha iiu r- ley p la n t of Ihe A malgated a im sr coniiw iiy, stataa th a t a yield ahotit Uie aiae or th a t of la t t year It ex­pected a a d H w V y Moeek haa pst>« m a te d a t « « t tonnage o l Mft,ooo to u t. .

B o th iM torlaa, ■uriejp and Paul, w iii n in abou t U to M dayt, 0even h u n d re d m en are employed in U)o Burley and Paul factories w llh i t« i of • 100,000 niontiliy payroll.

* Answering Your'Questions About CONSCRIPTIONBy MILTON BROKNF.R

M anager, NEA-Tlmes Selective Serviee In ferm stion Bureau

W ASHINGTON - H e r e Is a chance to save a lo t o t readers o t th e Id ah o Evening Tim es tim e and pottA ge In the ir senrrh for In fo r­m a tion concerning one phase of service under the selective lervlce act.

T h e ' MEA-E%’cnViK T im es selec­tive service Inform ation bu reau tins received literally hundreds of ques­tions o f . th is tenor:

W h a t p rotection as a d raftee will I h av e I f -

1. I mvnWe^i In a civil c o iu l action?

2. I f inv deiirndriiM live dw elling for w hirh th e agreed re n t does n o t exceed IBO per m onth?

S. I f I have contraotetl to p u r­chase re a l or personal property upon th e in sta llm en t hnMs?

i . I f I have fihllgtitlnns rela tive <(> I R m ortgage on real or personal

p ro p erty ?8, I f 1 am obllRfttrd to pay

m ium s on llfp Itm irane" policies whose to ta l fare v«l\ie does not reed lf),00fl?

I f I have luxes falling mtmi re« l |iro()ritv?

Law U nder C ontlitrrallon T h e answ er to ell thej

th a t th e re nm Uw on th e auh|e< t

in th e Wnilri wn It lik\v whU'h Kiivi relief lo lolM lm r.nil M.llorn In the >ctlve aerv irr o( the tln lled n ta tea .

A tjlH contre.M U a l p ieoet\l eon- Mderlng Is dm w n verv much along tho lin e s o{ the m t j>«i> i*rl In the la st g re a t war.

T lie bill hiis )jr,-u f«vom l)Orted by the nm iiir roiinni m ilita ry affa irs iin<i in now c a le n d a r o t ih* firmiir.

I t la no t ot mill'll vnliie to go In te th e d e ta ils or tjir hill •* It li p re se n t w ritten, hei'Ausa It m ay he

I *ny le d e ta l

'o n s re s i passed


a u l l le y i’nit th e p*al y rur am ployod tiiei b ro u g h t hU yi»niii budi Mlae M arga re t iirndnhi llton , Calif., t.i vl«n I.IS Old W ill and >n»illy ov end, T lin ro iiplr wnn l>ovelock. N e v , n id i w hile en rou te hei to 0«>lff>riil<

M ilton B ronner will an sw .r questions of Idaho Evening Timea read ers regard inc conscription ruUnga a n d In terpreta tloas. Ad- dreaa qaeatlens te M ilton B ren­ne r, .m anager, NEA*!daho Eve­n in g Tim es fielective (k rric e I n ­fo rm ation B ureau, Twin Peila, Idaho . BE SURE TO ENCLOSE postage prepaid P««tcart

». Mir a

house of representattvaa.l> ralt B oards W ill K new

T he- m ain th ing for p rotpectlve d raftees u n der the selevtlce serv­ice. act i t to remember th a t th e law m akers a re trying to devise a way to p ro tec t Uiem. so they will no t be tinanctaUjf m p p le d by giving servlre to th e ir country.

T liev .ihould w atch the T im es to re u lu 'ih r r th e hill hecomen taw

.jnd w'liat ita provisions ere . Also, the sel>-rllve service local tx>erds will

■ Riven lu ll Inform ation on th e i l i jm 1111(1 «'lll he able lo give the Iiiv (>r(i<ui» Wi.o will take ih a rg e the liien Inducted Into aervlce,

A nother moot jxiliit, w hich de . l>endB iiiK in'the form th e law takes, is w liPihrr m en whn do not whit lo b? d ia lir il , b u t e n lu i in the arm y, will a l'o rnnie under th e scope nf this Iriial protection,


I GOODING M^ J u n io r W W a g lrh o f th e B a * tla t c h u rc h m e t e f tc r school T u es­day a t th e church w llh 12 girls an d th e ir sponsor, M rs. lU lp h H orton, p resen t. M ary R u th J e n ld tu ted th e de ro tlonals . T w o c h ap te rs of th e new m issionary study track, "T he F ru ited P lain .” were read , a n d the rem a in d e r of th e booic will be read a t succeeding m eetings. R efresh ­m e n ts were s e n e d w ith A da Olbson a s h o s te u .

M rs. H arry Edholm , presiden t; M rs. M, F . R jaD , treasttre r; -Mrs, R a lph H orton ’ a n d Mrs. L ida Tay> lor rep resen ted th o G oodins P n ren t- T ta c h e r aasoclation a l th e dlsU lct m eeting he ld In Je rom e la s t S a t­urday . Mrs. Edholm gave th e re ­po rt of th e local association.

C osm o |» lllan c h ap te r of Uie OES held a regu la r m eeting T uesday evening following d in n e r s e n e d by a c o m m llte t w ith M rs. K ihy l HeHer as chairm an . In itia tio n cerem onies were conducted for Mrs, E lla Wal- brechU Mrs. C ora M ae E vans and Mra^ R. M, Jacobaon. A nnounce- m en t w at m ade by W orthy M atron R oena E vans th%t th e W orthy g ran d m a lro n . Mrs. NOra J . Blake, C a ld ­well would pay he r official visit lo th is c h ap te r a t a tpecla l meeting T uesday . Nov. 19,

___ h o u r w hen A m erica Is s trug ­g ling to keep o u t of w ar, yen can im agine no m ore tim ely, im p o rta n t book th a n A rth u r D Howden Smith** b iography, "M r. H ouse of Texas'* IFnnk A W agnalls: SR50I. H ere Ia th e w hote am aslng s t i ry o( Colonel Rouse, m an oloeest to P re sid e n t W itaon In th e la t t w ar. h is Influenee in A merica ami Europe In w ar a n d peace. Ju s t a Jot o r h b p e n e tra tin g book U e s - cerp ted here ;T he on ly m a jo r change w hich Mr.

House m ade w ith th e passing years.In th is con tem pora ry estim a te , was a s tre n g th en in g of h is convleUon th a t th e ch ief e lem ent In tb e fa il­u re o f A m erican policy In P aris ■ as th e pre.sence of M r. W ilson.

"You m u stn ’t b lam e h im ." h e tn ld again , a n d again . "He Ixlleved he w as doing rig h t. B u t i t w as th e sort o f itftttatlon h e w asn 't used to or f itte d to h and le . .Dp to th e n I. had ' gw ie o u t a n d w restled w ith th e trouble-m akers, th e kind of m en he d id n 't like or know how to h a n ­dle, p c d id n 't know how to handle m en like Clem enceau a n d Llo>d George. D am ned good m en, my frien d , good p o litician s, w h s h a d spen t th e ir lives sm uggling for powel". . ,

" I t h u r t him to do th a t so r t ,of th ing . I t h u r t som eth ing in h im deep down, som eth ing very fine. And w hen th a t was h u r t, h e w asn 't a t h is best. H e got m ad . Arid h e could get m od fa ster a n d b e tter th a n any m an I know . W hy. I rem em ber th a t Just before h e w as to leave Parl.t, a f te r th e tr e a ty w as signed, one o( th e F renchm en who w as friendly To US cam e to m e and sa id th a t h e h a d given no a n .w c r to an inv ita ­tion from Poincare to s u t e d in ­ner. . .

" I w en t to ask h im ab o u t It. He said. 'No. I 'm no t go ing.. I l l be dam ned I t I do. I 'd choke If I h a d lo s it bc.side Po inca re ag a in .' ‘B ut you c a n 't refuse. Q ovem tn’.* I told h im , 'I t isn 't you. alone, w ho are InTOlved. T ills Is a com plim ent from th e pf® ^dent o f th e F re n ch rep u b ­lic to IQH a.s P re sid e n t o f th a U nited S ta te s , as th e rep resen ta tive of th e A m erican people. You would be In­su lting th e F re n ch people In th e nam e of th e A m erican people,*

“W ell, h e w ent, b u t h a s a t be­side P o incare glow ering, and he hardU ' ^^Id a w ord a ll evening, and le ft fti early as h e could,"

T C A S T L E F O R D *• — — -------------------------------- — •

M n . C hris H eeselhoit w a t hostess to Bid or Bye club W ednesday. Mrs. F red .R in g e rt a n d Mra, W alter T schannen cap tu red th e awards.

Mrs. A, E. H eller en terta ined- a t bridge T uesday In honor of; M n . Ben Heller, ionnerly o t Hoojjer, Neb. P rltea w ere aw arded Mrs. T . A. Reed and th e guest of honor.

Rev. R, T . Douglas, exeoutlve sec­re ta ry of th e church , S a lt lA ke City, was In Castleford th is week on bnslneM in connection w ith th e locnl church,

M rs. C. E Hlckok. and her moUt- er. M rs. EUia M errill. R upert. I tf l week for S a n Francisco, Calif., to vlsli Miss M elissa M errill, who Is Ul. \

Gene Sm ith , teivrn year old ton of I Mr. a n d Mrs. F r ii l S m ith , w ho had Ju.1t recuporated from a broken arm , (ell and rebroke th e i

.lohn Verm Ml. Vernnn. \ dav w ith Ur. »on.

n and son. Chester, 'sM i. visited W ednet- >n>1 Mrs. I. A A ndtr-

rr » lio han spent Viilin (Uty. Calif,1 n fru it concern,

the form er I, of H am - lother, Mra, ' th e week- m arried a t

Hept, aa They ii'Un'ned

M l. P a r .yalhm ,

■M'hfMil while ills h r ld i ft a tu d en t of a collrne In Callfor-

Miaa feva HchwlUer, 'iV ln Falla ro tm ty liealtit n u n e , will rnnduct • hom e nursing cIbm in I'onjiini'ilun

id Ml.' ciiDilea Aexlon and Mr. Hvln nrum ei. Hllvee Paak. Nav.. were week-end gueiU of th e ir mo­th e r, M rv HUnclie Brumet.

Mr*. Kunlce nudbury and d a u ih - te r, I.enni, Portland, Ore., and E d­win Clark, Dnise. were gueita th is week at the home of Mr, end M n.

M. Hmuh.Rev. and M u a . W. B arbete t

raiurtied M nndiv from » two woeks tr ip through CallCnenla w hich took (hem aa fa r as T ijuana, Max.. go­ing the roaei route, and ra tu m in i

th e Inland highway, w here they vlslied Yiiiietiilte and M ount Laaten na tions] |>aik«.

Ted Helrr and John F. O onrad of B tlllngtnn, Wanh., en route to Mit* eourl aiul Ohio, were guetU W ed' ne»(lay m iiie honii o t D r. ftnd M rt. I, A. Andn.vm.

>111 i(c»ervcs lield a mem- l>ni>hln (irun leceiitly will) e ll l l r l t

In Joining Invited to gfl anil Mrs. 1/ II Brawn retu rned

hom e last werk from a b u tln e tt tr ip • niHnn, Mnnl.

W ith lh « ftdult education course held a t th * aohool house. i>oglnnlng onW edneeday, Oot, D, T b it u a tu re . th e ........ffrs t of ita k ind to be held In H an - J tU u

.... ..........n l l r l tco n tin u e one h o u r each W edneeday th m u g h November,

M l* R y th Reed, lu p e rr tte r of th e a r t elftM reporU an en ro llm ent of •om e 40 m em bert, w ith an everage a tten d a p o e of 30 during arie rnoon a n d e re n i i i i mssIoiu .

k hike > r*<lsrplaysd la u ia t im lll a fte r auper w h in haiiihuraers end doughnuU were served. C ahln tt membera told (if lh a Work of the ir ci


Mra, R onald Flanm , M n . Ohftriae O relgliton and Barbara J t« n Flitr* w eather, wlm h»va bean gue iU ft» th e home of Mr, and M ra.V vM .Fud* t m tor lha past (aw w tek i. ,U T e retu rned lo tlielr hom i in lU tU , M ont,

D O B IZO N T A L1 P ic tu re d b e a t i8 I t b e longs to

th e h ighest o rd e r of m em - m a lt , t h e — - .

1 2 F ls b eggs.13 V en tila ted .1ft S e r ra te d tooLIQ Soon.17 Com monplecA

discourse.IB B a rra cu d a .SO H nitened,91 A la rg e r fo rm

o t th ia b e a it. 4 0 P o itg c r lp t

A nsw er ift F re v leu a Fusale — o ri in ' tre e i. |

l a S m all child. l4 T r» eln,10 A d am 'e m ate.18 L ion.SO O palo tcenL91 S o u n d o t • \ l r a n o i loov

d ra w n c o rk . M a lle t 34 O ne w ho rac«« B4 W ing.3» E xcuse . 99 B ackstitch .3d B u ilds. SS N otchcd .19 P e r ta in in g to AT Consum ad-

ap p le acid . I t is kn a x c c l

CO 11 hiis A ------dIspoM tlnn.

m o u ld e d .44 D octor 3 M ,d d iy ,.4B Thorny tree. < intlghL

a n a rk e d .a For.7 To sU imber. a P e rfe c t type, y O nager.

10 W oven airing . . . 11 P itch e r .

IS I t is .found in ' t r e n .

10 I t liv e s In > cllm nte.i.

21 P re v en ted .23 Ahscondji,25 T o choose.27 Ju ra .20 N om ina l va lue 30 K x p ert fly«-32 G rease,33 G ird le,37 W oolen c lo lh

(P i.) .- 43 T o ile t box. .49 D orm itory .4fl InU fiid n , 401CnBi;-l» title. 4aDlijllcD l p i l e a 00 M easure of

a re a .B1 Prom ie*. ft) Corptft.63 I.lm b.04 B ariey

splkelet. fin A lte rn o o n

(a b b r .l.

Page 5: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

:MmdayrOctol»r 7, IMO IDAHO EVENING TIMES„_TWIN. FAI.T.S, IDAHO '1 . .-iff

Page Five '

Here’s Why Times-News Commercial Printing Is TopsC M C

H t n (he ty p e setter “locks" tne form to r % Job. m ak inc It ready for p ro o d n c t o d prin t-

A passing to u ris t eagerly reads nn a ttrac tiv e p a m p h l e t describing polnta of In tere st In sou the rn Idaho . . . a bookkeeper w orks diligently a t hi* records and files . . . a group of s tudents fills ou t d ance proBrnms before a ll th e dances a re gone . . . o ff in In d ian a a w om an opens her m all and finds a clever announce­m e n t oI h e r d a u g h te r 's l l r s t born . . . the w om an '■next door" makes a form al call on a n e w ’r e s ld e n t . . . .

But very few sto p to w onder how th e pam phlet, th e ru led form s, the dance program s, th e announce ­ments, th e ca lling card s, th e s ta tio n ­ery, or any of hun d red s of sim ilar Item s were m ade.

A tr ip th rough th e jo b d e p ar ts ie n t o f the T lm es-New s, one of th e best In th e s ta te , m akes m ost people m ore a p p re c ia tiv e -o l a fin e piece of p rin ting th e n e x t tim e they see

Here, in th e d e p a r tm e n t seldom associated w ith th e new spapers, the T lm e s-N e w s m a in ta in a s ta ff of expert p rin te rs , ty p e « tt« r s and

While th e appren tice cots the paper the desired tlxe o a the electric pow er c u tte r . . .

pressm en, a scrle.t o f . h and and mechanical presses, a variety o( type fonts a n d a la rge supply of "Job" paper a n d Inks on hand to complete a Job In th e sho rte st tim e possible a t th e le as t cost possible.

T lierc 's g lam or in th e Job d e ­partm en t .., . even If the f irs t glance a t the type cases, paper cutters, presses, b inders , m e ta l saws, paper. Inks, punchers, p e rfo ra to r , round- corner cutters, .stapling m achines and stones Isn’t especially beau ti­ful o r alluring.

Jenny Jones h as been nam ed by the BoM tcrs' club n t th e City school to see th a t p rogram s a re ready fot the annua! spring form al. Tlie club w ants them p rin te d In th e tr colors, r e d 'a n d blue, on a sn llny white background w ith ft particu la r kind ol w hite cover. L et 's go w ith Jenny to th e Job dep artm e n t a n d see how she goes about ge itlng th e Job done.

F irs t, she ta lk s w ith th e job m an. telling him approxim ate ly w hat !>hc w ants and th e quan tity her club wants. He brings ou t sam ples w hich

T he pressm an receives the form a f te r It ha* been properly proofed and s ta r ts th e M iehle vcrliral aato m a tic pres*, r r l in d rr tjp * . which will p r in t th e p lacards a t tne ra te o f 3,600 to 4.R00 copies an hour.

And for booklets and folders, the d e p a rtm riit a ittls tan t “feeds” Ihe »heel» of p a p e r Ih ro u fh Ibe nrw B aum speetl au lom alJc /o lder a t the r a te of 2.W0 copies p e t hour.

an.swer lie r description of paper d e ­sired, Tliey determ ine the ilie finished program s will be, iiow many pages they 11 con tain , the kind of type w ith w hich bhe w ants them p r in t­ed . . . th e re are IGO d ifferent fonts for her to choose from, bu t only a certain portion would be sultnbtc fur the type of work she wishes done . . , and when she w ants them delivered, ■

If she wanLs them the iipxl day, chances a rc tlie Job mart will go to work a t oncc so she iiiiiy have a proof tlia t evening a n d the Job may be finished th e nex t niornlnK,

Jenny leaves the d e p artn irn t, and the Job m an goe,s (o work. He m arks cach line w hich will niipear on the completed program In the «lze and style of type w liich it i,s to be prin ted . . . selccts th e pni>er which Jenny chose and h w the prin te r's devil c u t it to th e d is lrcd sl::c . . . tu rn s the copy over to tlie ty j^ se tte r who "m akes up" the form for eoch page of the program . , , makes a copy for Jenn>' to “proof" . , , gets

th e fina l O.K, from h e r a n d p roceeds, to p rin t th e de.sired num ber of pro­gram s.

I f there',^ more tiian one pagtf to th e piogram , the p rin ted paEc,s go to a binder>’ ){lrl who assem bles them In tlie proi>cr order a n d staples or tle.s them toKcther . . . a fte r the Ink has dried , . . a n d they are a l­ready for the Bockslcr c lub 's dance.

A nd Ihere'.s your "glam or" . . ,paper,

cans or Ink combined w ith skilled fingers, excellent press, fine type and careful "fintsliers" to fonn an a ttrac tive dance program tlia t will be saved by m any who a tten d the dance as suiiieiiirs o f a good time.

I n kcrping w ith th e ir policy of doing a ll they can tow ard th e p ro ­gress of ncw.spaijers and work asso­ciated with newspapers, th e Tlme.s- News has an excellent equipped Job sliop.

Included In th e equ ipm ent are two C handler and P rice h a n d - feed presses, one w ith a 10-lnch by 15-

Inch bed and a n o th e r 12-lnch by 18-inch bed <a bed de term ines the sl?.e of paper w lilch m ay be printed on th a t ])artlcu lar p ress i ; a Miller M aster Speed au to m atic prew with on n by 17 Inch bod. which will p rin t a t the ra te o f 2,800 copies per hoiir.

A Miehle Vcrticle press, cylinder type, which n lll p r in t a t th e rate of 3,000 to 4.SOO copies per hour, w ith a 13 by 10 inch bed; a Baum electric folder, w hiclj will fold one .sheet of paper In to a th irty -tw o page booklet In one opera tion a t the rate of 4,000 copies per hour. I t will carry sheets as large as 19 by. 28 Inches.

T lie th irty -tw o Inch electric power paper c u lle r m akes th e Job of c u l­ling thoitsand.s of sheets the same size a sim ple m a tte r.

"G randdad of them nil" am ong Uie ' presses In th e Tlm es-N ew s job d e ­p a rtm en t Is th e .Miehle tw o-revolu­tion cvllnder press w ith a bed 28 by 42 Inches in size, w hich will feed

copy a t th e r a t r of 2.000 p e r hoiu-.O n th is pre.v'i It is pof>sible to p rin t

sl.-ctecn 0 by 9 In ili- pages a t one opera tion . , , w hlrh w ould mean a lo ta l of th ir ty -tw o th o u sa n d copies of a pnge th a t sUc in one hour.

T lie d e p a r tn iti i t c arries $^,000 worth of Job sfovk on h a n d a t all tim es . . . which m eans an ex­ceptionally wlile va rie ty of kinds, colors, tex tu re and g rade of pajKr,

And Koon to be oddcd—It is ex­pected th a t It will a rrive th e f ir tl of the week—is mi offse t sp ray gun, which will cnablo th e Job m en to cover th e pajicr w ilii a chem ical to p revent th e type Irom b lu rring as one .shcot touclic.s a u b lh e r Im m edi­ately a l te r comhiK off th e press.

So (nr as Is know n, th e re i only two or tlu e e such sp ray guns in use in Idaho, As Im proved m eth­ods o fp r ln t ln g are m ade available, th e Tlm es-N ew s secure these to enable th em to .- prvc tlie public In the fastc.-it and m ost economical m anner poMible.

Term ed one of th e world' slaiKllng sacred m usicians, R obert

! s s , A ustra lian composcr- pUiiilst, will a p p ea r a t 7:30 p. m. W ednesday, O ct. 9, In a program of siu-red music a t tlie F irs t B ap tis t cliuicli, Ttt’ln Palls,

llev. Hoy E, B a rn e tt, pasto r of the Bii|)tlsi cliurch, announced tlie rc- cliiil today and said th e p rogram "prej.eiit;! th e gospel them e in a re- filled nuislra l se tting ."

Rev, B arnett added;"It offers m any fea tu res o f un-

u.' uiil liiieri'st. H ym ns, old a n d new lake on a new m eaning as th is Aus- traliiin p ian ist In terp re ts Uicm w ltli tlnboriile vartalio 'ns. 'W ord reach ing here Indicates th a t Mr, H arkne-.s’ rendition of m any of ills own Instru - m i'iital comixxsltlons m arks him a Kroal artiste ’

Mr, H arkness Is th e compo;.er of over 2.000 hym ns and goiipci songs. In addition h e iias com po.«d jjian y an them s and p iano num bers. lie Is the composer and d irec tor of a home study correspondence course In eviuigelistlc p iano p laying. H e Is the au tho r of a popu\ar b ^ r a p h y o l the late Dr. B. A. T orrey , w ith w hom he e lid ed tile world In g rea t conipalgr.t.

His record of s ix com plete round- tiic world tours In th e work of sacrcd unisir gives him an in te rnational stundlng of note. His specialty Is i>inno accom panim ent.

; M URTAUGH '*I --------- ------------------------ «,Mr«, H , Cowley, N ovelly, Mo„

■ iio lias been v isiting h e r sons Ver- gni Cowley, Burley, a n d Alva Cow­ley. Eden, 1.1 v isiting h e r m any M is­sourian friends In M u rtaugh before she leaves fo r h e r hom e.

Miss Je n n Boyle, w ho le ft here two weeks ago w ith h e r s is te r and hu-sband, Mr. a n d M rs. M itchell, for Salem. Ore.. to a t te n d school. Is 111 and her m o the r. M rs. Jamc.s Boyle, k i t iM t week to b e w ith h e r.

Mr. and M rs. G . E. S a rg en t and two ch ild ren . M ontrose , Neb., have arrived to v b l t M r. a n d M rs. R , L. Van Sant, sisters, a n d will m ake the ir hom e here .

Parley P e rk in s, th e newly a p ­pointed postm aste r, took over the post office he re la s t week.

A com m ittee appo in ted by the Relief society o ffice rs Is spoasorlne an o ld-tim e d a n ce a t th e L I3.S . hall ton igh t. P roceeds w ill he u se d to finl-sh th e new R elief soclcty room s th a t a re being built.

O F F lC l l l lS P I l I l : !A C C K N I O E A i

EMMETT. Ida,. Oct. 7 ( ll.« -O em county sh e rlffs.o ffieers today Inves- tigated an automobile acc iden t four miles no rtlicast of he re in w hich 16- year-old G eorgia Sltopley 'of ESn- m e lt was killed and th re e o th e r persons were Injured.

Lawrence W illiams, th e driver, told Sheriff BoLse Riggs th a t th e automobile le ft the B lack canyon highway when he failed to m ake ft tu rn and rolled 235 feet. Miss .shnpley was crushed.

In the m anufacture of glove.'?, th e le.-vllier u.scd first Is c u t Into •■tranks," o r oblong.-, of le a th e r largo enough to fit th e glove p a tte rn .

Ifldestructible Bob Hope Busiest Actor in World

By PAUL H A RBISO N NCA Service S ta f f C orrespondent H O LL Y W O O I>-I hope Bob* Hope

Is still bobbins a ro u n d w hen you rea d th is , because I w an t to write a lit tle tribu te to th e saddle-nosed, lean , am iable I ro n M ao of tlie Movies.

U s t tim e I saw h im w aa a t Uio end of th e a e ria l 'excu rsion for "Tlie W esten ie r" preni!.-rc In T exas, As about 30 of us le ft ou r p lanes to go home and do a R ip V an W inkle for a week, Mr. H ope breezed aw ay amid gay quips to keep a golf d a te and th e n to w ork on a new script. Of course, h e m ay have fallen to pieces as soon as he got a round th e first com er.

U nqucstionahly, Dob H ope Is tlio busiest m astcv-o j-cctcm onlcs, pcr- aonal-appearance m aker, scrccn ac ­to r, rad io p e rfo rm er and benefit p layer w ho ever lived. H is Itnuiedlalc schedule Incliulc.s a week a t the Hun Fraiiclhco Auto Show and five iliiy* wiUi the W arner U ro thcrs ' expedi­tion to S ou th B end . Ind., for the "K nute Rockne" p rem iere. Tiiose chores will b righ ten h im up for his role, "with U lng Crosby. In "Tlie Hoad Road to Z anilbar,*

Tlie com edian does a ll rucIi th ings efioitleasly, a n d love.-i to <lo 'em. If nobody would pay h im tliousuiid.s of dollars a week, h e ’d do (lin ii lor dunes. He now han lo tu rn down lots of big o ffers , b u t h e ’ll htlll play a I'Imrlty benefit a t tlie d io p of a hint.

No llru sh -O ff fo r KansOn tills " W e s te rn e r ' tr ip to | ‘\)r t

W ortii and D allas, Hnpo liindHi a fte r a sleeplewi n ig h t a n d for two (lays and n igh ta maAlcred vvety ceremony In an e ven t-filled m a ra ­thon. Ho played four th e a tr ra . pro- ceding shuwlngn of th e p ic ture, of- flclated a t five broiidcusU , t<M)k over til* m lcrophonn a t twu lunciieons, onn d inner, five aaAorted p a rties and balls, a tid a big charity show.

He au tographoil evrry h a t, pro- g ra in ,s^ e n u a n d lu 'tnp of paper he could rPach, a n d evnn a few th a t were handed Into h is bathrtHiin one of th e ho tels. C ornered by crowd In a lobby or on a nlreet, lie'd trad e w isecracks w ith adu ilrers u n til rescued by police; lie iib v it tr lrd lo brush off th e fans.

If he had anyU ilng lo e a t, It wm on the second inu rn lng . w h it h rrak ' fa s t In hla room. I have never heard Bob Hope u tte r one com plalnin lll-l» im or« l word, even to those of iis ha doesn’t need lo Impress,

Of course, h e ’a a m erciless rlbberand a ru th le ss s te a le r of not.......A fter some Joking IntroductJon liy Charley U uggles, IIoim sa id , "Well, now th a t the tryou ta a re over, I ’d like to te ll you , .

A t one of th e th e a tr rn , h e delib­erately ignored—iintU th e la s t inln- u te —a n anxious E'tlward A rnold who could be seen w aving from th e wings. In roltillatlon, A rnold persuaded flam Q oldw yn and liruce C abot lo walk w ith him aoroua tiie stage be-

‘hlnrt Hope, c h a ttin g to g e tlirr and never glueing u t th e aud ience. Hope d id n 't even look a round to eoe who waa try ing to break up hln act, l ie m tr tiy le a tu re d a n d told h is audl- eu fic ..“t l w l 'a n new u n it b reaking In (or th e ahow n e x t weeV,."

a e l4 w » n H eurried |}urlng th e U i t ahow, In D allas,

th e co tned ltn aa lu a lly h a d Qoldwyn rn llin f ueun<I oii th a floor of tlie stage. T h e bM in lnc producer had been i t« n d in | a l aide a w a it­ing Kh tn iro a u o tto n .. H opa k e p t on

challliig , 50 th e flu stered Goldwyn gestured for th e m icrophone, Hope leaned ta rth e r aw ay, a n d Goldwyn reached for IL H ope lay down on Ihe stage a n d sa id , "All right. If you’re BO anxious, come on down and g e y t ! " So th e big m ovle-niakcr lay f la t on h is dignity and scuffled for the mike.

Tlicfll^mous producer finally made his speech. B u t H ope h a d the la st w ord; "Mr. Ooldw’yn hna been wi derful on th is tr ip . And, os you <

^ th e trip h as been wonderful Mr, Goldwyn,"

In .^pltr of h is activities, Bob and Dolores H oi« m a in ta in u sort, of home life. T hey have a one-year- old adopted d a u g h te r nam ed Lliidu, and d ining a pcriional appcaraiiec tour about th ree m on ths ago they stojiped a t 'ITie Cradle In Chicogo oud saw a tiaby boy they liked, llie y 'll (.top again a n d get him a fte r the big movie doings a t Bouth Detid In October,


P rank W atson. 58. of R ochester. N. H,. and h is sister, Mr.s. E lm er W lll- ou tt. 60, of N orthham pton , were r e ­united a fte r being separated f>7 years. As In fan ts Uiey were o r­phaned and adoptcil by differen t families, W atson learned of his sister's ' whcreabout,s recently , while checking a b irth record.

RIDA 10 GEMIAMI, Fla, (U .P)-Florldn w liilrr

seii^rm will he Inteihix-i.Md \^U|| iho m tIou-s droiii- of alrpliiiH'S and llic irriid ol muK'liliig fre t,

Ileeiuise of nlm<«t perfec t flving rondllions lie r r during the whilr Ihn stiUr will bc^comii tlin liiilnUiK ground for a large iium lier of ]>llols for llii) 90.000 a irp lanes nviknl by PiTfildrnt lloosev rit for Ihii imlltdi- al defense program .

A jiart of tlio iialloiinl guiiiil unit, called up by th n 'P res id en t will Irnin a t n i r t liaraiicn.n and C ani|i Hliind- ing and reeru lla o l lim arm y nnd navy land force.s will be in il ihNumii their puces a t o th e r cami>s In tin s tate. Piinds havn been approprlnt rd to iirovlde facllltle.i for 40,0(10 troops a t C am p liland lng .

(V>iistructlon of hotels, upurlm ent hou,ies and hom es vlelng wilit iKKim-tlme building was in evldenm IhrciiiKhout th e ntate. Iti the ( Ir ra le Miami urea alone, building peim lts for tlio flrnt n ine m oiitlin of tiin year loUilnl aluuk.1t 130,000,000. ’I1iis in- cludetl coim tructlon of 34 iiolrls nt M iami bench.

Al.'o a t M iami heucli. a |2IH).00n l>ermlt was iMued for constructlou of a Jal-itlal fron ton , w hich will Im Ihe MTriiid eourt In thn nlatn . . playing Ihe Hpanlnh gome. T lir o ili­er fronton in In Miami.

A nother horsn race track jilans to ope ra te a t 'I^tmjHi. bring ing to three Uie niimlier In th e s ta te . 'I lie re will bn dog racing a t <0 tracks, lour of which are In thn M iam i area. P a r i­m utuel wagering In offe led a t .. hornn anil dog trackn aiHl a t Ihe ja l- alftl frdnlonn.

l l i e winter sen;<on will foliuw year on one of llie m ost gBiirnilly siiccemlii) sum m ers Plorldn han m Joyed In yeain. 'l lic ro wan a sub sta n tla l Increase In sum m er tourists nnd favorublo reiHirta cam e fr liiiiny busliiesi and Indiiatrlal con- csins.

D uring tli^ te rm of years Hint O erm any was no t perm lllH l lo have niiliU ry pU iie i a n d h m n o t per' initte<t to tra in m ilita ry piloU. oo,- 000 pilots wera tra ined in glldoii I t t l i f cost of l i a yearly per pilot.

NATURE SHOW CLIMACTIC BOISE, (U.P) — sp e c ta to rs here

WRtchcrt s<nilrrcl!i gnaw & 'ho le In th e hollow b ranch of a tr e e where a sw arm of bees h a d ta k en up w in­te r quarters. O nce th e ho le was gnawed th rough, th e speed of the get-aw ny of nil p a rties concerned was first for th e bee.s. second for th e squirrels, a h d th ird fo r the on ' lookers-

Far AwayD U tance from th e e a r th to the

m ost dl.stant know n nebula Is 900,-


'J ills ta ilo red baMo frock, w iin Us a .uonipaiiylng nhawl In a rin.tlon by our own noted designer. J4a rlan M arlin , anil you can s titch it ii|i In ih^iuiiic-tjuiok tim e from It4 ainiDic pu ti'-n i anil im tru c iiv o Htiw i n n r t . Tlio Jaunty, yoked rirens is altracllVB "ail on lU o w n ,' w ith Uiose iui« uniirrased sk jr t p le a u th M are so easy lo do. H ave th e Inplftld ccm uaat, a n d m ake Ita frhiKP border youriieir. 'm achine a ltM h ln c n ia aim pllfy all iiie finlshlnii touotiM i i f t i^ T a t to rn , MBJ. U • W llr t l* In la lo 30. and Is tmly * ' "e o f th e M ariu)M artin s ty lea I w tn re d on ou r ffom en’s page.

Bend PIPTB E N .OBNTB In coins for th is M a rian M arU n P a t ln n U Idaho Svfcnlni T im es. P a tU rn l5»parlm rnt.

Catde G iti Coal comes to you frrihly mined from U u h 'i lineit roll mine*, w uhed, KT««n«l to •iic. and dcijprufcd in ooe oC America'! fineM coal preparation planti. I l 't dried, of couTM. I t’s a t (Iran ai coal ran be made. Order your wpply NOW I


S c rc tf lfd • M etered • M ixed

Giui l aiB(hid

Lumber & Coal Co.301 2nd S t . South , P h . 34

G tiy Rym an. M anager






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" V ia O R Y " tNOINt

*o m o iN U VACUUM-


iuaT A ioN iyc* i»w »o t»uu iio»n


h y d r a u u c brakes

it's the longest, targatt, most luxurious cor

the leader has ever built. . . with 3" more

wheelbase and "ihree-couple roominess"

In oil ledan models. . . wjth dashing new

“Ariitostyle" design and a new beauty-

leading Body by Fisher, found only on

Oievrolet and highir-priced carsi

1‘a ra d e Nlonft Ih e nveniie In ih ia ap ark jln tl b e a u ty , n n d y o u 'l l a l t r a c t every ey« . . . fo r Ihe new 1941 C heT roIot Is th a e m arie s ( c a r t h a t ever

«olof$ on mil Sp^cM D» (m i

w ore a r a d ia to r o c n a m e n t . . . (h< C ar o / the Un llt il Soiiesl

P e rfo rm a n c e ? —even m ore p o n e rfn l a n d even m o re e co n o m ic a l th a n C hev ro le t'a record^ , lireakltiA m a d a c tio n of la s t y carl K ldlnft com* r o r ( f ~ " t h e a m o o th e s i, s lr a d lc s t r id e o f a l l ." w ith l>« l .u ie K nee-A cilon a n d ba lan c ed ap rin itin ft f ro n t a n d re a r on a ll m otlela l

H ut, coniB, yon b* th e Jiidae of th e new m i C h e v r iila tl Kye I t —T ry I t—lluy U tK ee h o w finely a n d f a ith fu lly I t la dealSned lo b e ftn t a<<i/rt In p o p u la r favor a n d p o p u la r d e m a n d !



Twin Falls

Page 6: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L


• S o c ia i^ C ^ iu L d ^ c jC o c l^ e d

Committees for 20-30 Festivity

Receive PraiseC om m llttex wlio nrroiigffd clctfill* r UiP 20-30 rlub'.s cllniifr-dfinpr

Sntiirtiay evniniK In rotiiifcllon 111* fh n rl^ r m slil pro«ram , totlnv rrrnv liiB foinimtiilB-

lor Ihr Mirrr,>.s of tlic OCCR- slot). G liosis Mi'll' )l•l■ fnI from

Nrvnrift anri U'nl'i.

Hav McFiirl^mil rlin ln iin )) of Hrinnci'inriii'-, iiiul nl^o prPMclfd fts tonstm nsirr. D irk H ur- bc rt heaclpd llie c iU erlftlnm fiit com ­m it tee : Dick Mnxwpll, riccorfitlniw;

pvpv Cook, flnnucp; Pftul HnrclM- . dftics iintl rrrcp tlo ii; Jn rk Slelb,

rrtrp sliin n it.''; C lm rlri Ronk, b*ni q u r l. am i D irk H tjip lfr , corrw - ponripnce.

D in n e r wns served rnbn re t Rtyle, a t Inb les Brouped, nboul th e dance pav ilion . T iny ypllow chrysftnthe- m um s (Icckeri IaWw . and Uie sp e ak e rs ' tab le was centered w ltn a fan -sh ap e d var.c o f wlilte po ttery. hoIdlnB pink carnaUon.v

T h e llRhla w ere softly shaded Jor th e occn.'^lon. and clever m odern

of coUimti* nnd flow-

Talbot Jennings Will Address Gem Scribes

T a l lw t J c i i i i in j ; s , a ju i t iv c s o n o f I i ia h o . a t id now a n o te d ,«coiK irio w r i t e r , w ill c o m e f r o m B e v e r ly H il l s , ( . 'u li f ., f o r t h r a n n u a l f a i l c o n f e r e n c e o f l l i o I d a l io W r i t e r s ’ L c a p u e in B, O c t . 19, a n d w ill b e t h e f e a t u r e d s p e a k e r . A n n o u n c e - m c n l w a s m a d e to T w in F a l l s a n d U iir lo y c h a p t e r s o f t h e le a g u e I n d a y b y J l r s . F a i t h T u r n e r , B o i s r . s t a t e p r e .s id e n t .

.T fiin iiiK s liiis w r i t to i i s u c h w e l l - k n o w n s c e n a r i o s n s “ M u t in y o n t l i c B o u n t y ” a n d “ R o m e o a n d J u l i e t . " H is f i r s t m a j o r r c c o K i i i t io n w a s t h e p a j r e a n t , “ L i p h l o n t l i e M o u n ln in a ," w h ic h W as ^ iv e n th e in i t i a l f i r e s c n t a l i o n a l tl i e U n iv c r s - i ly o f I d a h o . M o sc o w , a n d i a i e r w a s p r e y e n l f 'd in a foot-* h ilt a iu ) > h i th c a le r n e a r B o ise .

Mpmbrri,' H crrption All n ilo n iw l rccopilon lor mpi'ii-

l):;rs finlv, nnd rpcls tra il'n i. will tnke place Frld:iy evrnlnK. O rt. 18, at the liotPl Bol'c . rniijprptipp lirndfjlinr- Irr r . and tlip •P.'.'.lnn' will get llll- (Irrwnv W'liU a birnklai-t S;il-iiiday norn liiR . Oct. 19.

.MaiUHiciie Finll, L)lcli;on. I'oPt,IniuPalP ol Mliiiiprota, niul e<llt<ir of ' C oiinirv m r<t." will fic tlie honor piip.'.t. w ith I1PS.V ro.'lci- .Smith, pip.'-lilhii; W lunlns poenir. In tiip rcccnc sM ic n jll be rend anoiiymoii«.ly a t tlip bipnkfuxl program, nntl Idaho poetj will re ­spond to ton.tts.

Tw in Tnil.s c linp trr of th r league, under the cilreciloii of Mr.s. M arilna Y elter, Bulit. will c^ id iic t a pro.-;e pniiPl a t Uip aJternooft .'•ps.'-iou. le a - turlnR article wrltliiR hi Its sevpral form!>. T lie wlnnluR arllcle will be rfnd anonym ously a t thl.i EPctlon. •

A w r l tm ' rniiml liible Is sch rd - uled for th e nfternoon nf th e poii- Jprence. In w lilrh spvpral well- knowTi author,^ will take part.

Conclude* W ith Banquet Closing session will be Uie banquet

Sa tu rd ay evening, w ith Roy Clvllle presiding a s toastjnaster. W inners In th e s ta te content in short storv. a rtic le s aftd poelry will be a n ­nounced a n d aw ards made.

An elec tion »1II b« held (or a taU offlcera o f th e league for the com ­ing year. AH' sessions except th e prellmlntbry reccption are open to n il p e r s m i Interested , providing Diey pay th e no m in a l regis tra tion fee.

¥ ¥ *

Rural and UrbanCouncil to Honor

Youthfiil.VotersR tira l-U rb sn Council, m eeting

S a tu rd ay a fternoon , continued plana for th e “Induction to Citizenship" celebra tion . t«ntatlvely »et for f)ov.9. v h e n tU young m en and young women o f Tw in F a lls count;’, e a s t 'In g rth a lr t i n t T o t« a t tbe election th is year, will be honored.

T hd g roup also h n r d an aadres: by Rev. M a rk O. Cronenberger, paS' to r o f th e C h ris tian ch u rth . on T h e S p iritu a l So lu tion to A m erican Problem s.” M rs. K tv J . l>rans, e h a in n a n . presided.

*nie induc tion ceremony will in ­clude a specia l speaker, m usical se ­lections a n d th e presen ta tion o( cer­tif ic a te s to th e eligible participants.T hose w ho will vote for th e first tim e th is year a re asked to register fo r th e Induction event a t the office of M rs. D oris S tradley or the office of th e C ham ber o f Commerce,

Rev, C ronenberger, in h is addrewi, aald , " I t is our business to make ou r governm ent be tter, n o t to con­dem n it,"

H e con tinued , ‘T reedom Is poss'Ible on ly w hen individual reiponsl- bllltles a re assum ed. Wa a re b«' com ing too soft, too willing to let some one else do our fighting US."

R e p rw e n ta tlv es from practically a lt su rro u n d in g communltUs and a num ber of o rg a n lu t lo n i a ttended S a tu rd a y s m eeting,

¥ ¥ *

Parties Continue For Bride-Elect

M ore th a n 100 frlriids and n e l |h l>ori of M iss W ilma Esiluger h o n ­ored h e r w l(h a beautiful ahower Friday afte rnoon a t the Com munity I'hurch,

A u tum n flowers In profusion dppo ra te d Ihe church parlors, A tra>’ luncheon a lto cjiriled out the tum n colors.

P lan o n u n ib f is w n e iilvm by Mrs, r.d lth B ales and Mrs, Hlcliard DavIs.

M iss Icsllniisi', whose mAnlage to Iro K uykendall will take place th is we»k. received m any lovely g lfn , w hich w err nrrniiHPil nu a loiiK Isliln fliinkecl hy txiwln of phIpikIhi.i

tih e Was assltted In unwrapplnK hri' Hlfis by lirr luotlipi, M is J. O,I'lsllngpl-, mill the niotlipr of lir r fl anue. M rs. 1{. O, Kiiykrinlnll,

w ere placed a t In tervals a s floor borders.

T h e even t w as sem l-form al, and R ay J e n n in g s and h is o rchestra p ro ­vided th e m usic. T here were rose- bud corsages for th e women guests,

M illard D aw son Is presiden t; O en e Shirley , vice-presiden t; Dick K epp ler. sccretrtrj-; T^Hnk O I«e , trea.«mrer: W ilbur M c k ra y , serge'Snt- a t- a n n a . a n d Ray M cFarland , Fred D ra k e , D on R yan and Ed U oyd a r t th e d irec tors.

T h e progTfttn Inchided "Qod BIpss A m erica," a.'wembly; Invocation, F a th e r Ja m es G rady ; " rin es , F im a n d P ro llc ”; dances, p resented by B ay Je n n in g s ; welcome address. M ayor Joe K oeh ler; principal a d - drPss, R , S. T offlpm lrc ; pre.'ontntlon a dd ress . Bob R odm an, Bovornor of th e c e n tra l In term oun ta ln distric t, B alt L ake C ity ; accep tance nddrew , M illard D aw son; p resen ta tion of c h a r te r . ^

¥ * ¥

Grand Matron ofIdaho to Visit

Chapter Oct. 22M rs. N ora B lake, Caldwell, woi thy

grftnd m a tro n of Uic Idtiho chapter. O rd j r of th e E asW rji S ta r , will be p rese n te d w ith a g if t from the Pnst M atro n s ' c lub w hen she makes her o ffic ia l vW l to th e Tw in Fiilh chap. te r . O .E S ;, T uesday . Oct. 7i.

P la n s for th e courtcsy were ills- c u u e d la s t week a t th e home ol Mra. Rev* Pence, R e s A rm s, presiden t of th e P a s t M a tro n s ' club. Tlie ch ap ­te r w ill e n te r ta in a t a dinner In her hono r.

P a s t m a tro n s will give tlie pro­g ram a t th e Novem ber m eeting ol th e c h a p te r. I t w as also decided. M rs. O race Joh n so n gave a re|>ort on th e general g ran d chapter s t t , slons held recen tly In Bsn F ra n ­cisco, ^ n d disp layed souvenirs.

M rs. Pence served refveshm eiits in tile H allow e’en them e, Mrs. R. K. M brehoiise will e n te r ta in tlip club Nov. 1.

Filer Club-Holds Annual Card Party

FIU C R . O ct. 7 (8|>ei;lall—Annual B ^ n e m H om e F iu id card purly Wai heu i W ednesday evening lim uM l' a te ly follow ing th e rm u la r chupiei Jiieetlng of Die O rder of KaMern H lnr In tlie M asonic IikIrb hall

Thlrl<<en tab les were a t play, tiuth pinochle a n d bridge. Prlf4“s wrro ow uideil III brldgo to Mrs C It fu x and M rs. A. A. I 'lin m , tw ih ol T » ln Falls , and In phiix-lile to Mrn l,u tltn r P ierce a n d O lenn P.ivin.

O om m lttef In charge of the itililes itiMl <-nidA WI.S M is. Oiovpi l)i.vh, M rs. J . 11, n in in u u . Ml.^ K. Klop- penbiirg and Mrs. Clifford Jnhimon,

R e treslu n en ts cununliie* ponshied of M rs. R a lph Ce^lailiolm, Mrs. Uu- p e r t W llllainsixi. Mr*, ( ileiin Havln. M rs. K. O. Mi.v CMtldictJD hnson , Mt». lle rb e ii Htroud. Mrs. c . n . Fox

Logan Girl Weds Harold K. Dibble

At Coast RitesM rs Fred W, H odgson. L ogan,

U tah, iiniiounces th e m arriage of ciaushter. Miss V irginia Hodg-

. iQ Harold K . D ibble, son of M r. and Mrs. R. K. D ibble, T w in PalU .

Mr. and Mrs. Dibble are a t hom e ... 441 South R a m p a rt boulevard. Los Angeles.

They were m arried Aug. 33 a t the home ol Rex K. Dibble, b ro th e r o f the bridegroom. A rcadia, Calif, Bishop Harold H olm an, of th e L a t te r Day S ain ts ch u rc h , o fficia ted In th e prc.<;pncp of Uie Im m ediate fam ilies. T lie bride wore a black afte rn o o n frock with an orch id corsa«e.

Both are fo rm er studen t* of U tah S ta te A gricu ltu ra l college. M rs. Dibble was a ff ilia te d w ith C hi Omega ,'ororlty th e re a n d Mr. Dibble

'1th Sigma C hi f ra te rn ity .¥ * ¥

Contest WinnerEntertains a tSchool Assembly

I>cinoiiMrfttmg songs and dances viJiicn helped h e r to win over 70 miiloiu.l iiiKl .itiite conte.'t.s. Ml.« Murli'l G(KKl;,i)teU wa.s presen ted to ■I'wiii Fulls hlKh school stydcnt.s In

I a.-..M'!iibly tlil.s m w hich MIS.S Q oodspccd i s won uicludc na tio n al a n d s tn t«

aw ards hi benuty, th in lc. dancing , Rlnnli'K, w riting, o ra to ry a n d d ra - mnllc.s. She told of several In te re s t­ing experiences inc lud ing th e sto ry

f w hining th e se contests. P r lie - Innlifg se lections In pleno, donc-

in s . OTU-ilc nnd readUjg were given.M 1.V1 O oodspecd was accom panied

and a.^slsted In h e r m usical rec ita l bv Paul K ing. Jr.. Los Angeles. Catlf,

¥ ¥ ¥

CalendarSt. lidw ard 'a P a ren t-T ea ch e r

association will m eet T uesday a t g p. m^ a t th e p a rish hall.

Bride—In Step With Style Low Tem perature Ideal for Meat,

Declares Expert"H igh te m p era tu re s have no place

In m e a t "cookery,” says M iss Jes.sle Alice C line, one of A m erica's fore, m ost hom e econom ist* w ho Is sched­uled to give a cooking dem onstration a t th e A m erican Legion Memorial h a ll W ednesday a fte rn o o n ' * o'c lock.

T h e T w in F a lls C ounty Livestock M arke ting a ssociation Is furnishing th e h a ll fo r th e ‘

Ki^UlI MLs&lon circ le will m eat T lm rndsy afte rn o o n a t th e home of Mra. W. S . H arrison .

¥ ¥ ¥Kinill G rftnge will m eet W cd-

ne.sdny ovenln* a t th e s c h o o l house. Special i)olUlcal speakers will address th e group.

¥ ¥ ¥Mnr>’-M arth n of th e B ap - chu rch will m e et T uesday a t 3 p. m, a t th e hom e of M rs. P . G. Snllsbury, l i t E igh th avenue east.

¥ ¥ ¥M. S. a n d B. club n-llf no t m ee(

W ednesday so tlia t m em bers m ay a tte n d th e m eal dcm on itra tlon a t the A m erican Legion m em orial hall.

¥ ¥ ¥Sunsh ine Circle club will m eet

a t th e hom e of Mrs. E. P , L aub- enhelm , B uchanan street, W ednes­day a t 2 p . m. Roll call res|X)iiscs will be th e niinif.s ol "Seciol 31s- terii."

¥ ¥ ¥- G ood W ill clut) will meet W ed­nesday a t 3 p. m. a t the liome of M rs. Janieh Pei.w iie ttt, "11 'I'lihd avpiiue n o rth . Roll Cfjll rpsponsps will bp favorite books. The p ro ­g ram will be on Internatlimikl ic - latlons,

¥ ¥ ¥Blue L akes Boulevard club will

m eet W ednesday a t the home of Mr*. R . O . M cDonald, 3S5 Elm s tre e t n o r th . E a c h ‘m em ber li re ­quested to b ring her wedding p ic­tu re . o r a p ic ture taken about U ist time.

¥ ¥ ¥Tw in F a lls clm pier. O rder of the

E as te rn S ta r , will a n t tr ls ln a t the a n n u a l benefit card p s ity for t|ie hom e fund , Ttir.'iday evening a t Ute M asonic tem ple following a brief business se.ulon a t g p. m. C ard gam es will begin ^tl0ltly a fte r S p. m. and refreshm ents will be served,


A clrem a ch ih m e n itx n K ir iv td new year books a t the dessert lun rli- eon la st week a t the home of Mri, W illiam Flsliar, Kimberly road.

Mrs, Mlnnlfi IlKVlrr was a «upsi Yellow and gold au tu inn tluw pu cen te red th e tab ir, cnvcred w ith a lace I'loih over yellow

M is . E vere tt lllce pichldcd. In lh< absence of M rs. O, Ivim Price, p resi­de n t. M rs, P . 1.. Con»wp|l, In charge of the proKriim, dcM iilin i « r«'<'eni <il|i to lloiKiliihi, la k n i hy oi h e r nieces, a n d dlspU yrd a inunber of pic tures t«keii din ing the iilp .

A to ta l nf in&.(3S m otor vriilrli wccn puxJiK'Pd In i lu i liif103B; 108.SSS of th is nuiulier a-ere pa.sspngrr pars, valuril a t 171,101,101.

Sm art fo r th e O ctober b r id e Is th is off-white aatln gown w ith appllqued scrolls ontlln fng th e d ropped waWlIn^. Notice th e heart- shaped decolletage. th e c luster of tin y white ostrich p lum es on the headdress, th a long po in ted sleeves.

The Story of Your NewspaperI Am Your Social Editor . . .

I a m you r Evening Times so iia l (d llo r. b iia n t n o r Imply.

I a m th e chran lcler of llie th ings th a t a re nearest, m ost h^tlmat* In your lives, even tliough m any of th e m will n o t apiMar on th e wo- mkn*! page ^ births, m arriages, d e g ttii, * i)d those evenU tn-belw een.

I «m th e w riter of those looa) h ip p tn ln g a th a t find Uielr way in lo you r H T ftpbooka-U i* m inu te v iU l •U U cttM u inounoM a babx 's

, b l i th i th e M ooim l of th e ohildren 'a W rttwUv pa rtlaa ; the

r u u i ,trw R tion :Mid gr*ndf»ther'a toldr

r. the (rultlM It t r lB t Um A n k lo i a U * .

Willi Its l^|lllnpl>^ mid lU shadow s.'I record II)p lil*h jiolnis of yuiir

goiiil llin rn llim iigh itu l th« yrnr, nnil k r r p vim In loiiuh w ith Uie m njor eyenln of yimi cliurch.

I am th e oiir) who loll* )ou r frien d s and nelghlHirs wh«n lh a t m ig h ty v is i to r has sii>pi>ed a t y<mr household a n d h a s taken a laved one . I am th e one who vnlrrs the tr il iu le of lh a com m untly when the tim e to r m em orial has come.

I am th e niie who shares your p r id e v h e n th a a tu d en t a t hom e or a w a y a t nohnol h a s eseelled In hin (> trtjau lar ta le n t o r profession.

1 Bm lh a one w ho keepa you irl lotM h w ith fo rm er rasldsn ts who m *y no longer be on ym ir lis t o f n o rre sp n n d en ta .'b u t w ith whoni you lik e to be in tou c h oocaslonilly. '

I t m th e pe rson who U lls you or

niiAemeiil, Ihe ru ltu ia l a llta c

who tells, you th a t

so." n r U tat you ra n li o f flo ral a n a n g e m rn ts

1 try 10 « le lerm lne-for you w h at m akes a no tab le "clink." w hen she a|>j>ears In m ir com m unity.

1 am th e one to whom you phone lo ask w hether a h a t ahould

woin to a oe ita ln lune llo tt | whioh aiinlversaiV In a "wooden'

m ost in ls re ste d In w tia t p e rso n a llr concerns you. T d o n 't exiHcl you to com m it a . ..m u rd e r to ba ’’news worUiy."

Utah and Idaho Demo Leaders Speak Here

Mrs. J a m es H. W olfe , D em ocratic' national com ih ittee- w om an from U ta h , and Mr.s. R alph Duvi.<, B oise, s ta te vice-

I’m an o f th e D em ocratic p a rty in Idaho, tv i)l'speak here F riday, Oct. 11,

T hey w ill conduct a precinct, cam paign school a t th e Idaho Power com pany a iid itoriiim a t 2 o'clock th a t a fternoon , under

th e sponsorship o f th e Twin F alls county D em ocratic W o­m en’s Study club.

Special hu itfltlons hiive been tended to th e Jerom e mid Shashonc D em ocratic Women'a clubs to a t ­tend . Mrs, Corn Stevens, local Demo- rrn tlc women's chiilrm un, nn nounced today,

Mrs. W. A. ilnbi'oi'k, p ie slilen i of le local club. wl|l prp.sUle. l-'olluw-

mg th e progrum , rclrc%hmenta will be served.

Mrs, R, C, Work, Mrs R, E. More­house and Mrs. Cora Hlpks a re mem- bern of the refreshm ent com m ittee,

Mrs, W olfe will also condtict p re ­c inct cam paign schools a t Boise, Oct. 13; Coeur d'Alene, Oct. 14, and Lewiston. Oct. 18.

has 3ust teiiiinpd lo S a lt Uike City from a tour ol th e Piiclflc nortliw eit-

¥ ¥ ¥

‘Buddy’ Milligan Feted at P arty

Mrs. C. E. MIUIhmi e iiteitalnecl g roup of boys and gh is Sa tu rday

In honor of th e liin h d sy ann lver- i i r y of her son. Hiiiiay.

A Hallow e'en theiiip whs fea tured , the ch ild ren enjoying jold-fashloned gnm es and contesi.' N ancy L atham and Bobby R lchsrds were contest w inners.

Hallow e'en ie lir ijn n e n l.^ w e r e nerved a t a snuile tab le centered w ith a chocolate h irihday cake top- l>ed'wllh orange ciiiidles. E ach guest

velved a Hsilawc’rn favor.O ueats were Loyal i’erry , Bobby

M illigan, Jerry and Sklppy Jen ien . Freddie Leoinld. Mmv and Nancy l-atham , Dick ruen ileling . San d ra Halmon, Jack ie H olland. Bobby Itlohards. Bill W aiiv D annv and Hay MoBrlde. Lee and C lark W hlte- he»d.

Otto Johnsons Will Celebrate

Golden WeddingMr. niul Mr.i. O tto Johnson , well-

Icnnwn pioneers of T w in Fnll.s. will cc lpbn itr l lu i r KOlden wedding a n ­n ive rsary WedneMli»y a fternoon , O ct. 0 , betw een ihe hours of 2 and * o 'c lock. F rien d s are Invited to a tten d Ihe "^ 'open 'house" a t th e ir country home.

All ch ild ren of the fam ily a re here to p a rtic ip a te In the festivities. Mr, a n d M rs. Johnson w ere m arried bO years ago In M onm outh, 111. T hey cam e to T w in Falls In 1010.

Mrs, Pcrcy J , U ltc, Jerom e; Mrs. E sth e r Johnson , D enver. Colo ; Mrs. J . 0 . M shnken , Bomls. Calif.; Arvid Jo hnson , Filer; MUs L illian JcHm- son, P o rtland , Ore.; Mrs. Riiby Large, R iverside, Calif., and OcoiKe Jo hnson . Lodi. Calif., a re th e sons and da u g h ters of th e .lohnsons who will be am ong th e guenta.

Delegate Named To WSCS MeetingMrs. W lllliim Buker h a s been

flee ted a lte rn a te lo a meelliiK of hll rep resen ta tives of W omen's Hi>clelV of C hrln tlan flervlce of the M etho- dls l chu rch es tn fdaho, a t Uulse Oct. 11. M rs, Roy J , ICvHn.', pre.^ldl■nt of tlie local ovBiinlratlnu, wiis elected delpgsle lo the m eeting, a t the RnnUntlon meeting her^

Mrs, U akrr wn.' seleried a t Ihe exeh itlve board m ealing last week a t th e home of Mrs. H. O. M rCallls-

a ish o p Bruce Haxler, I 'o rtland , O re., will be th e principal spnaker a t (ha Boise event.

T h e group al»n p lann rd (he an H arves t Home hV.Mival, (o be held th is m on th , and d ltc tu sfd p lans for th e gen era l m eeting of (h« society th is week,

M rs, M fC alllster served le a from a lace-covered labia cen tered w ith a low bowl filled w ith a u tum n b|oa< aonis a n d appoin ted In sliver. Mrs. Roy B lack and Mrs. H anley Payne presided a t th e service. A utinnn flowers In p iofuslon decked I rimms.

¥ ¥ ¥O C T O B IR W BlMtlNU VKII.K

llie ra 'a a 1940 shnphclty about even Ihe m ost e laborate wedding roedm ies, aciionfhig in Tlierese M oigan, direc tress a t a fumous brid al salon. T lie sm a rt O clolier b ilde w on 't hide Ihe good lines of tha w edding dresa w ith surplus y ird sg a ol veiling, t^hnit and halfO englli veils via w ith fu ll-leng th , trailing ones. A beautifu l gown wlUi a m a tch ing lace m an lllla In ite td of th e trad itiona l veil,


S heer wool and wool jersey d re s su In nubihled, ra th e r llih le r shades, black ooatume aulU w ith a sp lash of color In th e acceesorles a n d fur h a ts w alked off w ith Ihe atyle honor* a t tha opening of tha fall races « t Long Is lan d 's fashionable B elm ont P a rk recently .

M a rg a re t Hill, hom e dem onstraU on a g e n t o f th U d is tric t, wlU Introduce M iss C line, w ho conducted a slm lUr ev en t h e re l u t year.

H er ^ p e a r a n c e in T w in Palls is sponsored by th e U niversity of Idaho ex tension service, th e T w in Palls county L ivestock M arke ting assocl- aUon, th e N allonal Live Stock and M eat b o a rd . Chicago, a n d th e Idaho Pow er com pany.

Miss C line is on th e s ta ff of the N ational Live S tock a n d M eat board. She w as form erly p rofessor of fooda a t th e U niversity of M issouri, and 1* c o -a u th o r w ith D r. Louise Stanley, ch ief of th e U. S . b u rea u of home econom ics, of tlie college t«xtbook, "F'ood: I t* Selection a n d P rep ar­a tion.

B u t Ml&s C line Is n o t asking her audience to Uikc h e r word for Uie effec ts Of h igh tem pera tu res m eat. H er p rog ram will Include the a c tu a l ro astin g of tw o Identical cuts Of m eal, equal in size, w eight and shape, c u t from opposite sides of the sam e anim al.

O ne ro as t will be placed In a hot oven, th e o th e r In a slow oven. By w eighing th e tw o roasts a fU r they have been cooked, a lso m easuring Diem n n d m e asu r ln s th e drippings, th e a m o u n t of cooking losses of each roust will be gnuRed, T lie general e ffec t of th e cooking a t each tem ­p e ra tu re will also be Judged.

YWCASchedules Fall Conference

P lan s for th e a n n u a l fa ll confer­ence of th e G irl Reserves, w hich will be held In T w in P a lls th e last of O ctobcr o r th e f irs t of November, were dLscussed Rt a m eeting S a tu r­day of m em bers of M agic Valley a d u lt council a t th e Y . W . C. A. room s. T h e group w as addressed by M rs. R eed Moody, N am pa, p m U d r n t of th e w om en's executive coun­cil of S ou th ea ste rn Y. W. C. A. di.strlct.

T h e m eeting , w hich was repre­sen ted by m em bers from F iler, Eden, H azelton, B uhl. K im berly a n d T w in Palls, •was presided over by M rs, Bnllls, E den, p residen t of th e MiiRlc Volley dU trlct.

R esignation of M rs. H elen Lowell, P a rm a, w ho h a s been active *sso- c ln tlon secre tary for bo th th e South-

a n d M agic V alley dlsU lcts, was a nnounced a n d possible successors of M rs. Lowell were dlscusscd. bu t no d e c is io n 'w a s reached. South­eas t d is tric t board will m ake final se lection. It wns decided.

M rs. H elen H enderson will be In chargc o( a rrangem ent* for fall fcrcnce slncc there Is no secretary fo r th e com bined distric ts,

A dlscu.ulon was also held hav ing two sum m er cam ps next sum m er because oT the large a tten dance- Jasc year.

A p lann ing conference, which will be held In T w in Palls Saturday, Oct. la , a t the Y. W. C. A. rooms, will bo presided over by Mlsa Lll- llijn L aubenhelm , d is tric t O lrl Ra- serve presiden t. T h e conference will be a tten d e d by the p residen t o f yach Y, W. C. A. club In thtf distric t, e f- flclal represen ta tives and advisors of th e clubs.

¥ ¥ ¥

Bicycle Club to Meet Tuesday

T lie Bli'3’cle chib will m eet T ues­day iiflernoon a t 3:30 o'clock, wltl^ Mrs. Lee C arney serving a* road cap ta in .

Dorothy Fowler and Edgar Eslinger Wed

Sim p licity m arked th e m arriage Sunday o f M iss D orothy F ow ler and E dgar E alinger, both o f F iler . T h e vow s w ere e x ­changed a t 8 :30 o’clock yesterd a y m orn ing a t th e p arsonage o f th e T w in Falla C hristian ch urch , Rev, M ark C. Cronen­berger o ffic ia tin g .

R ev. and Mra. L yle G iven, T w in F a lls , a tten d ed th e couple. T he bride is tb e dau gh ter o f Mr. and Mrs. C. E . F ow ­

ler and th e bridegroom is tho son o f Mr. and M rs. W . F. E slin g er . a ll o f F iler.

Now on a w edding tr ip to S a lt L ake C ity, th e couple will be a t hom e in F iler a fte r O ct. 13. where th e bridegroom Is engaged In busi-

Pollow lng th e cerem ony, a w ed­d ing break fast was served a t W ray's cafe.

T h e bride wore a sm a r t a f te r ­noon dress of soldier blue crepe, w ith m a tch ing accessories, and a corsage of ta lism an roses.

Mrs. G iven wore a navy blue en ­sem ble. and a carnation corsage.

M rs. E slinger Is a g radua te of the F iler h ig h school, and M r. lis llngcr recclvcd h is h igh -school education a t E ldorodo Sprm gs. Mo,

Ohio and Wyoming PTA Conventions Draw Mrs. HayesM rs. Jo h n C. Hayes, na tio n al pub>

llelty ch a irm a n of th e N ational C on . gresa of Pa ren t* a n d T eachers, has gone to C incinna ti, w here she will be one of th e p rincipal speakers a t the Ohio P .-T . A. s ta te convention, w hich opens today a n d continue* through T hursday .

She will a lso speak in Columbus, O., th is (week, and will spend nex t week-end In Cleveland w ith h e r son, Jofm Hayes-

A fter conferring w ith offlclaU a t the P .-T . A, headquarters In C hl- cBffo, sh e .B ill leave for. th e wc.ii. where she has a speaking engage- m ent«at the W yoming sta te P,-T.A, convention a t Casper.


M lu L o rra ine Cam eron and W il­bur K ruser, M urtaugh . exchanged m arriage vows here S a tu rd ay eve­ning, Rev, Mackey J . Brow n. N a i- ■rene m in iste r, officia ting a t his home In tb e Sims apartm ent* .

Miss G race Rhodes and Orvol C am eron a ttended th e couple. T he bride Is th e daugh ter of M r. and Mrs. C harles B. C am eron, M urtaugh, and a ttended th e h igh school there . The bridegroom Is Uie son of Mr. and Mrs. I4 ’le R. K ruser. Arnold, Web.

Mr. and M rs, K ruser will live in M urtaugh,


Blckel P a rcn t-T ea ch e r association s tudy group resum ed activities lost wxek, assem bly n t th e .school a u d i­to rium for a lunchcon a n d program , M rs, A lbert In am a , g roup chairm an , presided, and also was c h a irm a n of luncheon a rrangem ents.

M rs. Roy J . E vans led in th e d ls- cu.'Mlon of child discipline. M rs. George Erwin gave a synopsis o f the P .-T . A. m agarlne and review ed the topic on citizenship.

M rs. M esrlll a n d M rs. Maxwell were nam ed m em bers of th e m em ­bersh ip com m ittee. T h ir ty -e ig h t a t ­tended . T he group will m eet regu ­larly during tlie season o n the firs t F riday of each m onth .


Bodales Pinochle chib m et Usi week At Ihe home of Mr*. L 0 W lldm an, SU 'f li lrd avenue north M rs M oll Sclim ldt wa* elK led to serve as presiden t for the coming year.

•Mrs. r)ule W llilinan was a iiiest. Al pinociiie, Mrs, F rank Hicks, Mrs 0 , K. Moillln and Mr*. J . M. U ln e n won honor*. 'H u h o tte s t served » tw o-courie luncheon following Uie gam es, a t tables decked w ith au tum n flowers. Next m reiing will be O ct n a t Ihe home of M n , Rlehard DImond,


STA-PMSSN o oxti'H charge for th is iild ed ser ­

vice pltift ftur , . ,

Rpyal Re-LusterCle a n in g Procew i

20% DlicountF o r Ciu»h and C n r r y !


rh.n. m rh.n. TU

* i ‘. i / M

PresentingThe Little Giant

o f th e

iron Fireman FamilyWn call I t tt|* "L ittle O la n t" bccuusc I t Is sm all and com peet . . . ye t It la one of th e m ost effic ien t heating p lant* on the m arke t. I t Is a furnace and stoker com bined In one un it. Can be Installed In the basem ent or on Uie f lrs i floor. W here bose- m in t InitallaU oii l i n o t i>osslb1e its beauty and small sl?e will fit In w ith .an y living room. I t hents, eirfliilaies and hum idifies a- contio lled volume of weim H r. and It au lom atlca lly fired.

T his Iron F irem an U nit

HEATMAKERIs i ideal For:

• H O M E S


• G A R A G E S



• W A R E H O U S K S




peTiu^ieRsAnd T he Follow ing AtHwclule Dealer*

RTKWART LUMBCA 0 0 - . Fairfield F R IO POVBY. Hailey

KKTOIIUM LUMBER C Q. .K cklium A N niR BO N * D P *N , Olenn* Perry

WQObrOUP MILb R a m i BORDKN'I U IM R IR . Ihealwne

r A O m w i'V L I O T R lO , »«hl

Page 7: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

b lm dtr. Oetelm T, U M IDAHO e v e n in g t im e s , TWIN FALLS, IDAHO _ Page 8«y*fl

moiMHnN I W Z E «

AUCKLAND. New Z ealand OJ-P- T h e tin y dom inion of New Z ealand U produclnc a w ar « ((o r t surpaaslns Its record of 1914-1018.

In th e W orld w ar. New Z ealand gave up 89.000 voluntecr.s In Uie f irs t 15 m onths of conflict. W ith tlie p resen t E u ropean b a ttle barely a year old th is dom inion In the deep S outh Pacific h a s produced 80,000 volunteers. A to u l o f ap­proxim ately 100,000 w ent overseas In the four years o f (he W orld waf. A ^pw weeks ago th e T h ird Echelon of New Z ealand 's m odem expedi­tionary force, th e la s t con tingen t o f a 20,000-man divis ion, sailed for du ty abroad.

'New contingent* a re being miis- tprcd dally, vo lun teer service re* cflvlng im petus by a new conscrip­tion law. New Z ea la n d ’s record of w ar e ffo rt seem s m ore alBnlflcant In view of th e fac t th a t lt« hom e defense problem Is m ore acu te th a n In 19M-18. In th e la s t w ar when Ilie Anzacs w en t a b road to f ig h t

■ they h a d little fe a r fo r th e im m e­d ia te safe ty of th e ir hom es. T oday Ihelr plcturesfjue. up -b rlm m ed ’’dlg- (ter" h a ts th e re la th e e ver-p resen t th w ijh l th a t Invftsiow "(rom tiie n o r th " Is n o t an Im pavlb lllty ,

A lert to H om e T h rea t New Z ealanders a re a le r t to the

tji re a t of lnva.sion. O ne veteran a rm y cap ta in exp lained the a ltu a-

I tlon like IhLs:"At p re.'ent we -are doing every­

th ing in o r r pow er to give G reat • B ilU ln m en and m a te r ia l n ld .'O u r

Im m ediate fa te lies in th e B a ttle of Brita in . G erm any a n d Ita ly send raiders he re b u t we fear nin.« a ttac k from them . O ur chief roncen i Is th e pos.slblllty of a war In th e Pacific. I n U ia t event New Zealand would be a n Invaluable base lo r any power. O u r huge h n r -

a f lo a f‘F o r Ita hom e de fense New Z ea­

land hopes to have a t least th ree dlvblonfi. A pproxim ately h a lf th is num ber h a s been equipped ihus far. T h eir equipm ent, how ever. coaMsts on ly of rifles, sm all field guns and som e a n U -alrc ra ft

, -pieces. At A uckland a n d W ellington there are coasta l ba tterie s .

P lan e i Second C lawIn Ita a ir force. New Z ealand has

Air.^pcetl O xford reconnalsaance bom bers. T hey a re f a r from w hat m ight be de.slrcd, b u t officers be­lieve tliey would be a m a tch for f igh ter p lanes a n enem y force could bring; to these shores.

T hus far th e re h a w been m ore th a n 15,000 rec ru its fo r th e a ir force. N early 800 pilo ts h av e gone to B rita in . W hen th e w a r began New Z ealand undertook to provide 1.000 pilots a year fo r th e em pire. T h a t figure subesquently w as increased to 1,300 and now h a s been raised lo 3.000. Some of- th e m will receive th e ir final t ra in in g in C anada un ­d e r the em pire o lr tra in in g scheme.

In addition to p lanes now on hand . New Z ea land h a s an order w ith delivery expected shorUy for 140 m ore A irspeed O xfords. 105 A m erkan ships, probaBly •H odsons' and 00 T ige r m oths.

New Z ealand h a s m ore coastline th a n E ngland , b u t its navy has e r been developed beyond a p redau- tionary stage. B efore th e w ar Uie navy personnel .w as on ly B2 officers and 1.257 m en. T ills h w now been Increased to 211 o ffice rs and 2.439 m en. I t h as only tw o llRht cruLiers— th e AcliUIea, wliici) pa rtic ipa ted In th e G ra f Six-e b a ttle , a n d Uie L ean-

•flfr. The.'«e .a re .supplem ented by some mine 8wec)>crs a n d auxiliary c iaJt,

Thinking of Y^>u

P r f u agents being netorioua practltlonera of th e old arm y game, i t 'i no th a t beau ­teous .Margfe H art, burlesque queen. wa» "w orried" th a t n a tio n ­al guardsm en m ig h t get lonely d u r ln j year’s a e tlw du ly . She sen t MaJ. Oen. W illiam H askell. New York com m andant. 9,000 a u to ­g raphed copies of he r photo, above, asked him to d is tribu te them t« h is troops. She specified “baebelort only."

Caiuli(Ialc8 Visit CaHsia.Democrats

B u m .E Y . O ct. 7 (B p e c U D -P lr it rally for Uie C assia county D em o- craln -was held W ednesday evening a t the h igh school aud ito rium , w ith Ben r M ahonoy, coun ty chairm an , prpaidlng.

Speakers were M rs. M yrtle Enklng, s ta te tr e a su re r and can d i­date for re-elec tion , a n d B ert M iller,

, form er a tto rney g en era l and candl da te for th a t position,

' Tuesday evening Uie c en tral com m ll te ts o t C a u ta a n d M inidoka couh^les met. H enry D aven was ele<;ted C a u ia coun ty se c re u ry , ta k ­ing Uie place of J a c k H enderson, who has gone to S a n I 'ranc lico .

[ HAGERMAN• ----------------:----------------- •

M lu M ary B ardon l and Jam ea Moorn, Mt, f lhastn . Cnllf., have Just nnnoun rrd IhPir m iu rlagn on May t;i. Mr,i. Moorr was a n ic inbrr o f the lti:iD M t. f lh a i ta g rad u a tin g class. Ja jiies M oorr Is (h r son of Mr*, R, A. O ould. He w as a m em ber of the lOlQ iraduatU vg v lass o ( th e H ager niiin high nrliool. ’llie y will m ake tiirlr hiiine a t Nt, Hhnntn,

T im H arm ony r lrc lr , which Ia nompoaed ol th e niiialc pupils oC Mrs, Hoy P a rsons m e t (Saturday a t

I (he hom e of Mr*. Vorn l ^ t l , w ith Mrs, Jack W oodnead assisting hos­tess. All in te rea tin g rllpp tng on miiniR wuH read by each m em ber. DHiilel L o tt read a pa p er on "M o­zart" a n d M iss R u th Resd gave an in te resting ta lk on h a r t r ip to Keotuoky,

Mrs, Don Utone a n d Mr*, M aryon (lill)bl* w ere h(wte**e* to MeUiodl*t rad io s ' Aid W ednr^day , ReV. and Mrs, D allas M cNfli, W eniiell, were prspeiit. ITev, McNeil spoke on tha r liin g ln g of th e society w hich will now know n a s " T l« BOclety of ChrU U an Service,” a n d Ute dutle* of (he soclely, T h e re were S3 ir h irs p resent.

C apta in H arold 0 . Parsons, wlio is w ith the Arm y Reserves, has been called to F iir t K no i, K e n , where h e will te ac h In Uie m eclm n- lr.od division: M r. a n d Mrs. Par* *••111 and M ary Jo e , wiio have been H> Hnli. Lake C ity, sp e n t th e week< riKl With h is pa ren lii, Mr. a n d Mrs, Roy Par*ons. be fo re leaving for

m K entucky on T uesday ,▼ llugn A ru rb u rn le ft T lju rsday .. .

h u m \ , Nttv: w h t n h e «IU vUil N orben A rU rb u m a n d M r, a n d M n . Uonvsr A rterb u m , B y .• Mias Bssaie S and* o* U v a J lo t Bprlngs Is vlfllUni a t t h i R alph K | . l ln home.


CHICAGO (U-W-A uniform regu ­lation for taxation of sales m ade across s ta te lines has been recom ­m ended l^y Uic NaUoiial A ssociation of T ax A dm lniitralo rs as a so lu­tion to loss of revenue Uirough saJea avoidance on In te rsU te sale.--.

T he propijsed uniform regulation would define as taxab le m a tte r goods produced by out-pf-.state com ­panies engaghig In b u s ln e u and m aking delivery in th e ta x in g s ta te . T he tax would be collccted from the seller.

I n sta te s adopting Uie ruling, sales of goods m ade by o u t-o f-s l« te com ­panies engaging In business and m aking delivery In Uic taxmK .slnte. ’The ta x would be collected from th e seller.

In statlee adopting th e ruling, of goods made by o u t-o f-s tn tc panies having local offlcc.s, lo r sh ip ­m ent in to th e -8 t» tt, would be able.

Door-to'-Door Salesm anLikewise nierchandLse •ordered

from door-to-door sa leiu icn for slilpm ent lo th e puVchascr from o u t­side th e stole would be subject to tax. This, the association ixilnLs out, would remove an un fa ir advantage out-of-.-itatc merchiinl-s now hiive.

T he prOjwstxi regulation d iffers from th e use tii.s In e ff tr l In 17 sta tes In thiit the r r l t r r lo n .lo r ta x ­a tion woiil<l 1)0 Mile atAl (icliveiy, r a lh r r (Iinn con.MUnpUon, In the tfcxinii

Under Ihe u,sr (ax con.sunied witliln th e s ta te Is ta x ­able even thounh Uie sale and d e ­livery of the inercluiiKllae muy have been completed out.side th e ta x in g state,

I>rfl.slnn W idens Keop«Need for Ihe juoiw sed renulaUon

arose from a re ren t decision of the U, 8, Aiiprrmr cou rt In th e Berw ind- W hite T he cou rt held th a t th e New York City sa les Ukx could be applied on Pennsylvan ia coal sh ip ­ped Into the oily on order from a New York b ranch office of the Pennsylvania firm. T ills decision widened the scope of s ta te tax atio n of in te rstate sales.

T he propoised regula tion wii.s adopted a fte r an extejisivp niudy liy a com m ittee nuuin uj> of repi;eBenln- tives of Iowa, Arkaiman, Ind iana , I l ­linois and M issouri sales tax deiMtrl- m e n ls ,,I t ha* been recom m ended to th e lU te s fo r leglsIaUvs acU on l>y Uie NaUonal A ssociation of T ax Ad- m lnU U aton .

The. com m ittee la s tudying oU irr instances w licie un lfnrm ity of tux reKulations would slmplUy th e arl- minlsU'iitlon of sales U x law,s and reduce the taxpayer's cost in coni- lilylng wlUi ihem .


AMARli-LO. Tex. (U P '-T lie ro ­m a n tic era nn tlie Pan liand lc PlaUis c«mo closer to its pa^^lng w ith Uie closing ol th e c ity 's Uii:.liiess in-sututlon—tile blacksm ith itiop.

jo ltn Ridings, pioneer A m aii resident. clOk'.ed liLs shop und sold h is buildings nnd equipment auction,

T lie W ga of UklUiHs and hL'. 50 years o f MnlUilii;:; parullcls Uu' ';o iy of th e developnipiii nf th e caiilc i w hea t country ol llu ' Piinliuim ir.Ls a story forged indelibly into h is to ry o! U \t s W f m the- m urks of Uie irons he iminmered lo brand th e -w h itcfaces•• of ihe cnttlitry .

Kbop O pened In lg!MIRidings cam e a.', n small ixiy to

Amarillo w ith hl.s failier, A L. R id­ings. In 1800 hl.s fa the r (iiioiird a

■blacksmUh shop and it h as con tin ­ued in opera tion by the family th rough th e years Uiat saw Uie horse, th e boots, th e b randing irons dom inan t In Uie hfe of the range.

T he sm ith 's shop moved several Umes. T he firs t building. Ridings sa id , was an ex trem ely fragile struc- turis.

“W hen th e w ind blew rig h t ha rd ,I never knew w hich side of Uie s tre e t th a t building wu.s going to end up on. T lie root would whip up a n d down a n d th e side boards would p u sh in a n d out."

Jo h n R id ings en tered Uie black- sm ith ing business ag a in s t th e wishes of h ls father.

" F a th e r never w anted m e .to get s ta r te d In sm ith ing ," he sa id , "and a s a young fellow I Uied by hand at being a cowboy. W orked for the old •X rr in 1891 a p d th e n e x t year moved o u t to New M exico a n d work­ed on th e old Circle 8 ran c h ,’’

G ave U p Range RidingH e soon “got. hLs flU ' of th a t and

re lu m ed to A m arillo to e n te r p a r t­ne rsh ip w ith h is la th e r , l l i e father a n d son worked tofcether unU l about 18 years ago w hen Uie elderly dropped ou t of business afla irs.

R id ings’ forges created m any of th e famous b rands of Uie cattle country.

"O ut of th e shopv" h e relsied, •'have come th e b ran d s w likli nuuk- cd tlie flanks o f cows belonging to th e X IT , th e T -A nehor, th e LX. the, Bivins, th e Jam es nrother.s. a n d - the C urtis B ro thers and a lot of o th e rs . '

Now RidlnK.s will rcilre . H e will keep h l i h and In iron work, how ­ever. by se ttln a up a portable foij;e a t h is hom e and niakm'g lancy non grill wotk.

Speaker Discusses O pium Problem

F IL E R , O ct. 7 (Sj>ecial) — FUer K iw anis club wa.s addressed a t theiv T uesday lunchcon tiicetlng by Henry

H all, executive seercinr>- of th e A n ti-N arco tic leauiic of C allfom la; he .addressed , m cm bcis on Uie -ub- Jeci of opium proilvicilon.

He also spoke In the N azarene c h u rc li M onday n igh t and a t an a s ­sembly of th e ru ra l high school stu d en ts Tue.sday luonilnx.

Q uoting ch ief O -M an J . Edgar Hoover, H all said more 10 year olds were finger p rin ted In 1339 tlian any oilier age group nnd 18 years was th e n e x t Amuns tiie 16 ycor nnd 24 year grouii. 200,000 w’cre f inger prVn'ted in IMD for th e first tim e.

At a recen t interiiaticim l con ler- cnce on opium . reiU ial of na tions to

: roopen ite in control of the d rug wa: m ade becatue of liuuc tlixes on Its p roduction proved a stum bling block.

C aliforn ia. Texa.'.. Illinois. Iowa, and N orth Carolina, in respective o rder, a re th e five leading a g ri­c u ltu ra l s ta te s of the Union,

Siiape of Things to Come'?

la k e a good look a t th is A m erlran a ir raid ^firltrr u h ie h A. C. Shire, techn ica l d ire r to r o f th e I). S, housing au tlinrlty I* peeking Inlo In W ashlncton . V ou're likely to see It again, for f rd rra l r.nchieers a re itudy lng It w ith view tow ard* Inclusion in low-r»tii housing p ro jec ts and w ar d e p ar tm e n t will soon ls.'<ue pam phlets clvlnc r iiiirits advice on shelter p repa ra tion .

By M wmiCA M nniD O E. M ass. (U.R)—U v e -

blrds, bewsrel The m ach ine ago is catching up with you.

Dr. K. I). Sliapple. H arvard thropnloiU-i, Uiis inven ted a n d p e r­fected a mechnnlcai device for meastirltii; iniinan- relations.

Biiiijecii'd to Us analysts, you m ight be tuld tha t, as a couple, you were onintioimlly Inconnutib le nnd th a t vdiir marrliige m ore likely th a n not wiMild etui on th e locks.

IVluiiUv IIS likely, thi.s innocuous- aiii>eflniu: miirhln* m luht repo rt th a t a icniple fairly hum m ed w ith harm oiu a i anj-'rftte, it Is designed a.-- a iiiiu'-savlng in s tru m e n t th a t will dl'cnvn- In » few mlniite.s w liai It tnkr-: rnme people years — nnd tcai.s—1(1 cll:,rover. Nam ely, U ia t they Just rnn 't get along. •

Here Is n way of Mcientiflciillv mcM.'.iii Dii: th e n n o tlo n a l tntcruc-tlons of peniile In oilier words, n ynrd - .stUK IIRS been w hittled ou t of ex ­actly iipiilled science w hich m ay be

one person adjustx hlm seU t . __othe r In harmony, o r d iscord. H m c lash of perscn tlitle# te lls t h e 'story.

Tillsm easuring the’ i . . .. . . ___viduals Is based on th e reco rd in ss of an apparatu s wtdoh be a rs a strong resemblance to a n a d d io fm achine,

T he couple subm itting to th e a h - nlysu placed In n sm a ll room w here they sit and converM . H id ­den by n one-w ay screen. D r. 6 h a p - plc records Uielr physical reactJon i by pre.sslng the keys of h is in s tn t- m eni, crystallizing them In Jagfed ink -lin rs on a .slowly m oving tape. W hen the test is over these m ark - l:n:'< can be analyzed w ith m a th e ­m atical precision, and w ith sim ple form ulas are in te rp re ted In term s of luiMiaii and foclal behavior.

CO.M. THIKVKS ,'IETHODIOAL, CHA(U,I-:.STpN, W. V a- (U.Rl — Knotmh coal to fill two rallrood earn lA htolen every m on th from ihc Nctv York C en tra l's eng ine re ­fueling Mdlng along Slack s tree t here. The ,coal dl.sappcars Into bn.shel i);\:,v;eu, wck.s, push carts, or wiuitevcr th e thieves bring along to carry th e ir loot home.

Musgravc O utlines Registerin': Plans

F a E R , O ct. 7 .S p c c liiD -R ea lily of m ilita ry conscrip tion for Filer m en was brought dober to home, w hen W alter C. Mu-sgravc. county clerk, announced th a t p ic ie n t elec- Uon boards would be asked to vol- im tce r th e ir seivlces tree In reg is­tering a ll m en betw een 21 a n d . 35. Uie eligible a^ie rnngc. on O ct. 16.

M usgiave a lso s ta te d U ial if any election board m em ber cunnoi .serve, he should noUfy .Mr. M usRrave in order th a t .•.uli-.tliutloiLs c an be made.

H ours of regl.stcrlng 1 a rc to be from 7 h. m . to B p. m . a t the regu lar prec liK t election places. C ounty com m issioners were asked to have Uie polling places available.

M embers of th e local election boauls, apiMiUiItd for the A ugust 13 p rim ary Include the following;

Filer prec inct, C. P. O liver. H arry U. ila m n in q u ls l. Hoy H am ilton. Cl.'orKe A nthony, O ia M unyon. \V. T, HIggcnIiothum.

Clover, R. L. 'IVnilikiced. Ed Ul- r lrh , H erm an lim ik c r , E. A. Ueinke. E. H. Perhlglll, R. L. Jagels.

M aroa, E. E. Hoag, Irene M. C hil­ders. Dort.s b lerer, B lanche Brown, J . O. Winkle. Lucille Jamer.son.


Mr. snd Mr*. M ark M onciir a r riveil Tuef.d«y evening from C all' en ie, Nev , iiud will make th e if home here duiing th e sugar fac tory c palun.

Mr, nnd Mrn. A, J , M endenhall and <lillili<n, RUhmoncl, U tah , a rc vUltluii liti p4iriiti>. Mr. an ti M rs R K

Mr. anti Mt.^. J . M. T oone and d a iig litri, Itiiiiioiia. left T lin rsday fur tiiOt I jik r Oily w here they will visll reliitUc.s aiKl a tte n d th e L. I). 8. confeicnce,

Mr;,. A I* D enning and M rs, D . C. W hidden were hontesse* to th e I.«- dle.',' Aid Miclety a t llje ' D e n n in i home iWeilnesduy a ftf 'rnooh .

A niiKc<'lli<neoun *|iownr w ith Mr* R. K M is. I.ens H u n t, MissVliiln Htc«k1ng iind M rs. J . F, M or­gan as lll^Me^ses, w as given Frlilav evrnitiK St tlie e h n rrh fo r M r, and Mr^ (ii.I.ien H lgley, Declo.

All-Sehool Plav .Selected at HJee

r iL E R , a t, 7 f S p w U D - "Clmi Bchool." a comedy, h a s been nleot«id for the all-school play to be held In th e n ira l high nohool aud ito rium November Bth. T ry -o u u for p a rts in Uie pUy wern held la*t Week.

Mr*, K arlron Davis, d ram a tic eo teh . h i s rhosen (he cast, T liry are . C larence aim w ers as Aiisth) llnvaim au lo salesm an. wlUi ideas w hich Dill Davis as Davis M aoK enile, s tudent, c o n a l d e r s hnpracH ual, though Jay N lrholsou a s U eoinc Boyd, an expert aerou idafil. la w ill­ing to cooperata as a re M urray M un­yon as Jlin <jlmpklns and Ju ry Maag a* 11m ainipkins, who toll n o t and havA never conslderetl sninnlng,

Jim B rennan as llfim er Johns g ua rd ian of Doris R slcha rt, as Eloulse Bnnedotte, prealdeiK. of tlie seillor class a t a school presided over by Mai-y Ellen N sala as Miss Knves who Is ioved and feared by a ll who know h e r Inoliidlna M argie W o(mI as Mil* Curtis, who In alw ays try ing (o th ink welt of (he »enlor c lass, con- sIsUhg of a e t ty Johnson m Bally Boyd, wtlO ll Q to r if l 'i AlaUr, Oblrley M oreland as M uriel, f --------aa KUie), Bealrio* T iinm aa as U illan , JoH D htn* JoHM aa M M ga and HiylVl* Allison as Allx,

' SOI K adla Bcrviee, D ew n sla in nwlMn.aaitV rh,'M|.W.

I iilti.'li Colum bia leads a ll o the r Can/Mlimi provinpes in fi.sheries in.Klu.iion, w ith Nova Scotia ta n k ­ing second.


D RIVEI at Magel's

% e ^ ' e n c e

PRINTINGWH A T E F F E C T y o u r p rin teiJ m a te ria l will h av e always

depends on th e care an d skill used in its p rep a ra tio n . . . fo r an e.xperienced c ra ftsm a n w ith an eye fo r e f­

fective p re sen ta tio n an d a knaclc fo r judicious ty p o g rap h y can m ake all printing- d istinctive .

As in ev e ry th in g else, h it-an d -m iss p r in t in g no lo n g e r m eas­u res up to m odern s tan d a rd s . R eproduction m u s t he . perfect, il­lu s tra tions m ust ra d ia te every (Jetail, colors m u s t be carefully blended and re g is te re d exactly.

' W orkm en in th e T im es and N ew s com niercial iir in tin p de­p a rtm en t p ride th em selv es in th e ir a r t is try a n d perfection . They realize b e tte r th a n anyone else th a t th e re ’s a d iffe ren ce in p r in t­ing, and th ey a re sa tis f ied w ith-producing n o th in g b u t th e best, They'll welcom e th e opp o rtu n ity lo su b m it ,Vou sam ples and prices of th e ir w ork if you a re intci csted in any k ind oT prin ting .

T I M E S - N E W SCommercial Printing Departm ent

T h « public e » r d i« I t y I n v i U d to v is it o u r C o m m c tc ia l P r l n t i n f D o p a rt i^ c n l

D u r in g " O p « n H o u m " W * «k

Page 8: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L



■ k ' i r ' k i r i e ' k - k ' k - k


B y H A RRY FEIIGDSONC I N C I N N A T I . 0 . . O c t . 7 (U.R)— A n 'K h t h a iu l

p i t c h o r s tn lK ]ill^ : in I h e b r c a c l i f o r I h e (,’in c iiK in li K e i ls , is t h u o n ly o h .s tiic lc l)li)ckin> ; t h e p a t l i o f l-lu' D i 't r o i t 'I'iKorH to c la y to t h e i r f i r s t u 'o r ld c h a tn i) io n .'< lii ii o f b a s e l i a l l s in u f t h e g r e a t e r a o f M ic k o y C o d i r a n c .

L ea c i in j; t l i r e o K a m o s to tw o a n d n o i 'd i i i^ o tily ntit> m o r e v i c to r y to w in t h e s c r i e s , t h o D e t r o i t T i« e r s .sw afJK C i'cd i n to to w n w i th t h e i r bi>r b a t s l a s t H u r l s S h l l l O U l

Tnlk oil iraliis t l ia t rn ltlc d till n ig lit belwecii D ciroll a n d C ln clii ' n a il was about Buck Newsom and (he courageous. gllUcrliiK ennic ho pllchcU yesterday to win (in B to 0 \lclor>' and ycnd D etroit o u t In I ro n t .Buck noi only 'threw n t h r e e - h i t game ancl tlie sliu tou t of th e series, b u t he did I t a t a tim e w hen h is h e a r t was 1icb\->’ w ith g rief a n d h is usually loquacious tongue wns stilled by sorrow. His f a th e r died In C incinnati on T lnirsdny mornlnK a d e r watchltitt Duck w in (he flr:>t world series game a n d one of th e la st wishes expressed on h is d e a th bed was th a t his boy should go o u t and win ano ther one.

Falls to Smile O rlm Iftced. and for Ihe f lr it- tlm e

in Ills IKc, .IndU feren l to Uie r e ­quest of photographers for a sm ile,Buck w ent oQt and m ade good on th a t promise.

T aking a w indup like a D u tch w indmill, and kicking hU leg h ig h In th e a ir. Newsom assum ed com ­m and of th e ball' gam e from Uis tim e he faced th e f irs t h itte r . M ean ­while. the bats of tho T igers volleyed a n d thundered and In th e th ird In ­n ing H ank G reenberg 's tow ering hom e n m high up In th e le ft field

. .s ta n d scored B arney McCosky a n d C harley Q ehrlnger a head of h im for enough runs to win th e gam e.

O lve ol‘ Buck a lead like a ^ d th e Insplm tlon of th a t prom ise to h ts fa the r, and h e Is unbeatab le.T h a t 's tlie way h e was In B riggs s tad ium yesterday and tow ard th e end o t tlie gam e he waa toying wlUi th e Reds, feeding them slow balls a n d Uien driving them back w ith h is high . li» rd one w hen Uiey got

■ recklesa and crow ded the plate.Power SU rt*

Ju n io r TljomlJSon. a r ig h t iw inder wlvo U completUig h is second sew on It) th e m aJorr.fjM s U w .victim of th e T igers ' wratJj. ’A fter G reenberg h it h is hom er and th ree run# poured a crav i In the th ird , n io m p s o n th o u g h t Ihe w orst h a d hnpi>ene<l to him . U itle did ho know of the m isery sUll ahead. In th e foiirUi T iger power exploded again w hen Dick B artell wham med a double down th e le lt field foul line scoring Billy Sullivan who had w ulkcd.W lien Tlioinpsoii yot m illed and valkcrt McCoAky. he vinn throiiK h and W hltey Moore camo In to try to kteni (he tide for (he Itcds.

l ie d idn 't Iniprovu iiio slitia llon and by wnlklnx O ehrlnger iiiid lUuly York and allowlug ilru re Ciun|t1>ril to shigle. Ue(ote tUe li\uU\« v>us over, four more runs had noored iincl the fled.t were out o( ilir k»» ip .

AII)ioii Normal Griddcrs Work On Defenses

M .inO N , Of\ 1 iH|>.-c:litll ('o ix l O n ’llle Mull und h h I'.in thoi' k iuI

' d r rs of Albion Noriiuil t 'd llriir «« down to the llu ln<■ .‘l ot ili 'trn siv play toilny a l l r r Ih r ho iur iciini til) Korbed n 33-::n hnillfiit fioiii Ih r C.'ol- lf(te ot U!nU<» C'«v«lr% yn fjn\ adernnoii.

N ext K»ine oti llir Allilon w h n li i l r lA agn lin t th« biiilt'U)) llnlM' Juiilo r rolleite and 1C h r r a n l>(l^^HJly ilo It, Coach ilu lt pinnn cm a l i r i t r r <1<'- fcnse,

'H ir Kmlnl in i'n lor A loinl In-rou H iilliiduj-ii unm r itiiit h b ilr lp iisr was wfuit and th r onlv Albion rhim co Win tn ouU i l i r In ia d n a . H ia l |irr<tl<'llnn |iii iv ii| to l>n ('orifS't.

T lio two clulw luiltlpil i<> n 7-7 drnd iiirk In ih r llra t iiim iH 'i, w ith (he CoyotC!! IioUIIiih ■ M-7 rilHe n t (he half. T he vlniiorx m cukI twUo III (he (h in t fliim e, lo Diirr liv llio PaiK heis, and n ir li rlu li wiil a to iirh - dnw n In (he Jlnal fraiui*,

Htandout, vw rtanim R w cit B herm an frw (he InvadKin and Oon K equa, r a n lh r r ( iiia rlriln u k . wlici a id aums (III* pawlMg nnil k lrk - Ing.

U iie tip i;ALBION r o t . m I.Prie# ..................lU anhIrrA lbertM n ...........I .T ..... I l a n h b a r i r rM r lla rg H ........ I,<1............. H (a rn rtte w li ...................C’ ................ MiM>rBW rixh l ...............U « .......... .............H ayrram w cU ..... K T ...... ....... H riim idlw n i u m .......... H R ....... ....... Ilogeralle p w o rlh ____ L l l______ R herm anrra M lM t* _____A l l . . .

Vandals Take 21-0 Beating From Huskies ;

SEATTLE. O ct. 7 lU.PJ—Idaho Vaiidnl.1 today h a d re tu rn e d to Moscow a fte r ' escaping fro m th e local field w ith a 21-0 d e fe a t p las- trred on them by th e iJn lv m U y a t Wd.slilngton H uskies.

Coach Jim m y P he lan used th re* full team s and m any o th e r eubsil- tiitrs again th e Id ah o agg regation and the home t«am piled up a 31-0 advantage In th e f irs t ha lf a n d then coasted th rough th e la s t tw o fram es.

I-'iMt score cam e on th e f i f th play of the gam e w hen Jack SU ckpool w ent th rough c en te r for 32 yards rtfjcl s touchdow n. T k-o m ore counC-

,<i came In th e sccond period and e ie s c o itd by th e reserves.Only Idaho th ru .it wa.s a g a in s t the

Hu,iky f irs t str in g team ,In th e op en ­ing quarte r—Just a f te r th e W ash ­ington score. Led by G eorge N ix­on, (he Vondala ploughed a h ea d to the Husky fivc-ya rd s tr ip e . onl>' lo be held fo r do»Tis a n d lose th e ball

1 the fou r-yard line.Lineups;

Pos.IdahoRyan ............ ......... . ..B. p iedm ont .... L T ...........ZenkovKeh ....... L G ........Kolinsky ........ .C..._...........W orkm an ........R G ........R athbun _____ R T ....... ..Berllus ------- ----R E . . . .....Beall .......... ........ Q B -------

N lion ............L l l .......


• The Box ScoreC IN Cir^N A Tl AH R I IP O AW erher. 3b ; 4 0 ( 0 0M. M cCormlek, ef 4 0 ( 5 tG oodm an, rf 4 0 n 1 0r . MeCormlek, Ib . . 4 I) 1 S 0n ip p le . I t ................... t 0 4 0W ilson, 0 ..................... 1 0 0 3 In a k er , e ! .................... .. 2 0 0 2 0J{K>S(, 2I» .................. 1 0 0 i IM yers, is J 0 0 2 0

1 n 0 0 1M oore, p ........ .. 0 Q (1 0 <tx t'r rr . 1 0 0 0 0V uiider Meer, p n n fl 0 0X X ltid f 1 (I 0 0 0H u(ehliii> , p . n 0 0 1

Tot«U :ii n 1 24 SxH a((ed for Mnnre III fliiii.x x lU tte d for Vniider M rer In

elfhO i.

D K T Itd lT All It H IM) AH ur(ell, M 4 1 : 0 1

v( ; S 0< irlirlli||er. 2I> 4 i 2 4(iree iitie ri. If % z 1 0York. Ih 4 n ft 7 0Camiihell, rf 4 0 s 2 0lllxKliM, 3li 2 . I) n 1 .1Kiilllvun, e 4 1 1 11 0Netvndiii. p 4 f 0 0 0

Ti.(alR 14 It 11 27 SKeiire (ly liiiiliixii:C ln i'lnnatl (MX) nrto 000—4■>e(rnlt 001 0 O il—R

ItiiiM ba lled til '- ( t iee iilie rc 4,lU rlell, <-ani|il>el( 3. h it—Ilarie ll. Home r U ll--<Jreenl>erf.H aerlllrr—New»i>nil Ooulilr play—

Dnglckloff - .C H ..

W ashinctonAlacDowcll

...... ConleyFrankow^ki

. . M ucha G r«en»ood

.... B. Nixon.......... M arx

.... M eans. . UteeleMcAdaiStackpoolFrank lin .....

Score by q u a rte rs : .. .Idaho . ................... 0 lOW ashlnclon ......... 7 U

W ashington tco rlng : T ouchdow ns, Slackpool. W alter* (sub for S tre le ); Y ounflovo (tub for M a rz ). Po in ts from try a f te r toucbdow o—Steele. Berg 2 (sub for M ean t) .' O rflc la lt: Referee, D oug Lowell (M ount A ngel); U m pire II. II. I lub- te l (M ich igan); head hnesm an . G eorge N. V arnell (ChleaK ol: field judge. Jim m y M itchell (G on iig :

By United P r e ^M t. S t. Mary’s 7. S(. F rancis 0. N iagara 28. C anltius 7.

• X avier l!i, St. Joseph 6.I,. I. U. 6, rro v ld rn re 0. b(. M ary’s iT rs.l 100 ( ru r r rc tt .

23rd lnfan(ry 0.

O regon S(a(e 0, I'. S. C. 0. W aih lng tou 2(, Idaho 0.S tanford 13, Orecon 0.C alifornia 0. S(. .Mary’s 6. W aih lng(on S ta ir (1. .M ontana 0. College of Idaho 33. Albion N or-

Here Are Deer Shot in Open Hunt

Tw » T a in F k ih t o w tm . »h»vn w en t h n n U n g fo r bucks a n d go t ]ost th a t, a s ih e p ic ture shows. O nth e le ft U Bus M onta««« who b reagh t do»n a 250 pound bock while a t th e r ig h t I t Ben Dolbow w ith his 200- pound back In tr« » t o f h im . Rifles nw d ar« resting In th e horns. The an im als.w ere sho t Sa tu rday m orn in g ' n ear A rt« a n d th e h « n t* n r t tu m e d lo Twin F a lls la st n igh t. Both anim al* were loo heavy to carry and as a resu lt M on tagm dragged h i t one and on r-h a lt m iles to cam p and Dolbow tn iD tported hla in th e tam e m a n ­n e r a d b ta a e * of Ih rte Bailee • (Times Photo and K ngravlng)

Reds in Favored Position With Walters, Derringer Ready to HurlPitching Edge (ioes to Ohio


____ ___MirtelUeee, A U w . F m la h , K nM ,

» w H k i* e « 8 e e , 9m m , MnlllfMs.

I la r lr ll , O rh rh u e r and York. K arn- rd run*—C liirlnnntl 0. l) r (ro lt 8. I,e ft nw (vKMk—<'iitr(nnat( l ) t ' (ri'K IS. nil h a lU -O rf Thninp-son 4 (IIIikIiii, ( ’amiitirll. Sullivan Mr(-<»ky). V aiidrr M frr i (>Ur(cll. t l l lf ln * . MrCiinkyl. l lu ( r h l i i |i <lll(K lnsl, Mnnre Z, ( i r h r ln i r r , Y ork), NewMiin 2 Itlpple).H lrurh oii(—Ity Thiim|>oin> t iC am p- brli, l l l i i l i i i ) , V aiidrr M rrr 2 (Sul- llvaii, V orhl, N rw iom 7 ri'hciinpioii, W rrh rr , Itaher, Jiin«(, tlnndm an, HIkis. F. M rCnrm lcki, I 'K rh ln i num . n ia ry : T honip ton fl ru n t H hl(a hi a li in ln iii 'M n iirr ] run 1 h i t In 2/1 Iniiiiii*) V andrr M rer o runs, t h ld .ln S In n liit ii llii(< liliig* I run 2 hl(» III I Inning, W ild |il(<-he»— llu(<'liliiga. p M x d (lali—W iUun, plren—Klein iN l.) |iU (r. O rnutiy (A l.l ((r>l (late, tU lt» n (n n t (N U second liaie. lU ill (AI,| th ird base>. A ltrndaiirfl paid: BA.II9. T im e tl2 e .

Ociitli Sciitc'iu'c»nU«v« Wnre hangTil (or n \« -

liny a t Ocraciike Isliind, N. C., In 17D3, when (im first- aentericp of de a th hniK’seil by a federa l ro iir t 'In the> llnK rtl Htnten Was pasned no rn , N. o .

Tem i>eia(ura of Ui» e a r th oieaaoa one d tg r te l^ l i r tn h e l t for every (K) fee t of dep th , accord ing to H lliu a le t.

lal 20.M ontana S tate 7, N orth Dakoti

H ta te 0.U tah 12, It. Y, U. fi.Colorado 7. K ainas St^te (I. Colorado S(a(e 0, Wyoming 0. Colorado ('o l)eie 37. New .Mestco

N orm al 7.T rnnektee 13. Duke 0.Cornell 34, ( 'o t|« (e 0.M lnnetu(a IS, N ebraska 7.No(re llam e 2&, t'o lle ie ol I 'aclfle 7. O klahonia 20, O kU hum a A iglea Z7. M ichigan 21, M lrh lia n .Stale I t . Columbia IS. M aine 0,Penn S(a(e 0, lliifknell 0.O hio 7, HiKlrr U. 7,Fon lhain :o. W. Vlrglnl* 7. N orth« r» (en i 40. S)ra<u>r 0. . Navy 14, ('liirlni>a(( 0.PK t (0. MNvuirl 13.W est Po in t :tO, W llllain« in. Virginia ill, Vair 14. lio ito n S, U|i»aU e.|j if a y r( (e U, New York (' 7. Peiinsylvaiila ftl, M urjU iiil o, K u (g en 33. S iirlm fleld n.PrIncetiMi 7. V andrrb lll tt.H arvard 13. A m tirm i 6.Brow n 20. Itlioitx lulauti 17.W aka I'o rrs t (B. Furm an 0.N orth t'aroU na 17, I)a«hl>on 7. T exas 13, liid laxa Q.Iow a H(ale 7, Kaunas 0.Iow a 4ti, Hoiiih l)ako(a 0.O hio 7, Ohio W ealryan IV F rank lin A M arshall Z3. D a r t­

m ou th 21.NfW llam iiO ilrf 27. I ta l r . «. K entucky 4), W«>l>. A |.re 12. Clemsoii ZU, North ( 'n in llna S la ta

7.Bowdoin ID, W esleyan 7.T rsaa Chrl«(lan 2U. Aikan>aa 0. W isconsin 33. M arqurK e 19.U». Tech. 27. Ilo ita rd 0.A uburn 20. T ulan* 14.O w g la 20. Tulane 14.Cleorg(a 33, Koudi C aro lina I. niippory Itork 27. W ea ln iln iter A. A tabam a 20. M etrer 6.M lsalstlppl 27. H outhw etlern •. Texas A. A M. 41. Tulsa •.Illinois 31, Bradley 0.W est Texas Hlala 4R. W estern

H tale IS,Kicks Collete 14. t 'a r o U C«M*(«

(H elena. MAnt.i, 0.W hitm an BA. W hl(«or(h 0. Hwacthmorr 14, W a>hliiflun t ’el

lege 7.

IIMIII KCIIOOI. Nt’OKKH noise 10, nu iley II.O lenna I 'e r r j 6. W endell •.

WINN M IIIO K 'r KA< R LANUIlUUNk;, W iitl , O et T

—Jo e CaiMiii (i( ( lie n l N erk. I< L. ha t\ked th e tl.bOO Itrs l p t M today a f te r winning Dm Kw-mlle n a tio n a l A. A A. midget aulninntilte cb«m - plnnshlp rni'fl a t Ijtiig liin iie apeed- way in 7ax)3;ei

In Last TiltsBy G bO RG K K IR K >i:V

CIN CIN NA TI. CKt. - TheN ational U';isue chanipio;'.'. im alli' h.-ive arrived a t th e r te.viti cour>e. It s th e I lrs t tune h i ' lort;r world series thovA e go tten d o a n to Uie si.xtli gam e.

Anrt m th e o ilie r n v.iJn t do th em «rv>' -sood b\v;iu.-o U'.cv pl4>-eU a ll Uieir a cfs se:;ii\g thiil far. I n 1936 th e Giant,'< had to gi' w ith F’rttUiy Fiti-Nimmoiu in me sLxth Joust a n d he w as licki-d by m e Y anks. T lie j.c;»r bcl-jte ih e CaUs cam e dow n to ih e s ix th ta.nic a;id h a d to go w iih U>rr> F’Jrii.-h Tiie 'n g e r s t>eat him lor Hie 1535 w w ld's (itle.

B u t In 1934 ilie C.n>ii;i«U c.ime down to th e siMli Kaiiie w iili m e b r o th f is Dc.vii irad y to to lo l!ie f iring line, T lu i ^erle^ Mi>,xl cMi. Uy as til ls one doc.% ivKltv,'. itie Timers leading by th ree K.»mc lo (wo. Pie D ean tToys D u a |u l Pau l, tooled oil (he Timers in the 1«M two l:ame,^ nii<t th e Carvls 'oon t;\e li t l f - i .- .c la^\ annexed bv itie NAiuuial Uagiir.

Two Ares AvalbM eT h e Uedb. like (he c .iu u of IWt.

a re t-omlng in to Uie .M inch with th e ir tw « tti’c j. IhuWy W .ilirrs »iul P au l DorrliiKiT, rr.utv lor . lu i^ it .- iu th e worvt go ttie im utM lohave (0 will w uh W .iiiri. rtinf, ringer a n d now m a t i wimi have 10 do •

C0lt^UlenllK r \ c:\tl\U \i; iJmlhBj>i>rne<t 111 Ihc sein> the «e\lv coiiMder lhem .M hc ' to iiu iiau have com e llil\ Ini llicv .ir Itlivyli^ 'a ithuu t ihe .'« i\i.c» reg iila ri — K r ii I e Uyuh.uili, hobbled th iin i^ ti |';mI ol »n r k a n d L onnie F re \ a int ih r \ im

Somebody Mixed up on Hunting Season; 4 Elk Killed Saturday

Winners Crowned In Pacific Coast Net Championships

BERKELEY. Cnllf.. O ct. 7 (U.R)— V lm liila W oltendni. San t'ranclsco , a n d Bobby HlgK', Chlcngo. he ld tho Pacific women’.i a n d m rii’nMnglrs crow ns today by v irtue of iil->sei MctorlCN OMT H elen Jacob.i, U eikelcy. lo n w r \V im bl« \on chn in - plon.iond Friiiilc Kovacs of O akliind.

Mls-s W olfeiicirn Imd little d lf ll- cully In sutiduliiH Mls.s Jacobs, 0-4, 6-a, while KIkks p la jed a tlg h l Komo to beat Kovncs, (1-4, a*0. <3-2. 0-J.

Burley Loses To Hoise Clul), 19-13

I Ki o 111

(a d <h a s iK'eii .Ml

O nce iwvt No i III (lie Cinclnii.iil D etro it IUiiKei> liit\e h.\>t lillli w orry atxm i Jiiiinu WMmni I. -J«H»l, Hilly MyrM »>lu> ihr \.u C lncliinall :iul>N||iulr> .muI |'|i h ltte l^ . h a \e aiv»Miiite\l l.>i ju .i mn>.

I lr a iy I tlU r itP inky H igiinn. No 7 l il i in u\

T igers lineup, ha« l<>|>)>r\l lh.<l hh lucU . M'oinig (« u and t lu i in six r n iu O r add U nii« I 'aiitpN It, D etro it'a No S hlK er. to lllKKni- they 've acrouiKe^t (iv inoie th a n th e c«iinl>lne\l ettoi(> ol esUlie C l iic au ia d l (eam C.\m ha» » c w d tnur ( i« \e \ m r t rtus' five o th e r lalllr^

B u t Inx ii l in e In th e l i k n going (a h a \e (n •wUvk Reds' t o o (0|I lll iig eu . \Vallei.> and D erringer l l i e i e a re n 't hi Iuk in i) any m ore ^^llnel» . 'n io u n i,.!! ' Moores. Uecg>c.^ e tce te ia n i* | i Ultleaa Die ' luckv t>u< k \ ( a m i,ol th e lo t i hxlay or ’ Hill Paul tni.l up tomorrow

White Sox Co|) Chicago Title

CM lCA tlO . O il 7 m e ' iiie r t i l - vagQ W hHe Wox \ th e elljr c liam nlw uJdp t« i«v KHrr de fe a tin g Ihe Cuba. & In <Inning gam e (h a t <ii>lr>t itie : i i d }n lra -rl(y s^ile«

TK lily cm Uie uu»ii»ito r th e and all.>«eil oniv m- lilla, one ni U irm a iuMne mid iir la s t o( Ihe lOlh bv ;:rke ll.Mmi

-m e Hnx (le^l (he Mme lii n in th In iiln i on a siiiKle hv T u li W rtgh t w h irti hnrnght JulU u JUlif in (n u n •e<;«inO tn e \ ii<ok tliM . W U Oil V ein O U h», th e Cuba' Maiih- |w w . In Ihe o ie rtim e |>eihxt and K o w l (* o ru n i nu Jin inn Wri.b-a single. Joe K iih tla (Vxible am i l.uke A p ^ ln g 'e tingle.

liAII.KY. O et. 7 ( tspecla l) — Srmcltody U m ixed up in th e (errl- locy covered by open wahon on elk hunting in Id ah o —and w hen th a t ^nmrbcHly U c augh t it U going to Sn l..ird w ith h im —o r them .

I'nur elk were killed Saturday up (iree n h o m gulch and (oday a

headed by Sheriff I). J. Hoaev. Tom M iser, conservndon ofticer, and D eputy Sheriff W ard Retk, were scouring th e country

fo r th e k s they d id a ll dayS un d ay and p a rt o f Saturday .

It, was announced here th a t th e so-called "sp o rtsm en ' had been identified by a local pa rly a n d will face severe penalties wlien a p p re ­hended by local authoritle.'>.

I t was believed th a t th e killers of th e elk were still h id ing (n G reenhorn gulch area.

T here I Is no open season on elk In th is te rritory.

USG Eliminated With Tie Against Oregon State; Stanford Wins

By JA M ES A. SULLIVAN ^S A N FR A N C ISC O . O ct. 7 ^U.R>— A rccapiluValion o f p T C -“ I

sea so n nom inees fo r th e R ose b o w seem s in order today. W ash in gton and S ou th ern C a liforn ia— rem em ber?' W ash in gton , d esp ite it s d e fe a t by M innesota, s ti l l seem s th e b est b et but S ou th ern C aliforn ia , w ith tw o tie gam es w ith in th e conference ra n k s, can a lm o st b e counted o u t. B u t co m in g up on th e o u tsid e is S ta n fo rd u n iversity , th e team th a t fa iled to w in a co n fer ­en ce gam e la st season .

Conch C lark Shaughnc.'ay l^n 't d rea m in g R w c bowl dream.s yet. He know s th e Ind ians hnve tilany tough h u rd les to top, and h e figures he m ig h t 'lo se a couple of them . B u t th e 13 to 0 drubbing S tan fo rd gave O regon S a turday was Just w h a t th e doc to r ordered to p u l th e w ell- know n vim. vigor and v lia lliy Into Uic In d ian atUick,

S ou th ern C alifornia found Itself w U h only a scorele&s tie to show for I ts e ffo rts again st O regon S la te , a n d C oach H ow aid Jo n e s no d o u b t Is w U hlng today for some plnyers like Ambrose Sch indler and Doyle N nve w hen lie contem plates nex t S a tu rd ay 's game w ith Ilhnols.

UCLA's Bruin-'., highly regarded In prc-sea.son forecasLs, took its second- b eating of the 'season a t th e h ands o f S a n ta C lara, by a score of 9 lo 6- I t wa.s a h c art-b reaker for (he B ru in s to lose, and It was by th e sa m e m argin th a t Sou thern M etho ­d is ts won (he previous week.

CftlHornlft, soundly thu m p e d by T om m y H arm on and Co, of A nn A rbor, bounced back w ith a 9 lo (! u p se t th a t spoiled (he coaching d e b u t o f Red S t r td e r a t S t. M b it ’s .

W ashington S ta te h a d conit>arn- tlvc ly little trouble Iti b eating M on­ta n a 13 to 0 and W ashington loaf' ed 21 to 0 to ivin over Idaho .

BO^SK, o ntXTl pii'-vink- ■ ihaxe hiillliii Itie lUSnvtVUK hlHh M'l.ihitSatiuiloi Kl(

rlllll Hriiiiv ilo d an (>oui's Ul-, od ie r III

T lie im .il HmiI.-v rou iile r ra ine Ihe Inst iiiinii(r of phiy w hen I. V enic Nel'tin iM-' rd tit IjCMer On n e r hi th e n iri 7,m e (o m ake (lie fina l coiiiit lt<-]:i.

7 i.siierln li—Home e>r- iiitk liv l)ob llarlKiiii', k, s|>rlleil d e ten t t(i (\>ivl>'v h i ntcxiiluill gimie here

i<-iiu>cin. 'P ie flniil ■-n

M'.llciis from , Cii;.\lii l>ili cl ii|i It 7-U a tlviin-

tl l - l hiilf, th e l^ol^e lo loun 111 th e th iu l loiiiiied iwlco on Hiir

mill th ru a dded nil r- tiniO d a m n via tli<

lU tAD THI-; T lM r a W ANT ADR.

Ferry Edges Wendell in Close Battle

Or.ENNS FERRY , 0 :1 . 7 iSpccliil) —G lenns Ferry , klng-p ltj of ttie ClBi,^ D ranks In houth c eu ira l Idaho for the past th ree years, •■ihowoil the rni.son here on B a lu r- day a lten ioon by di'fcatlng a good W endell eleven by a coun t of 6-0.

T he gam e wa.-i lhe h igh ligh t ot (be Kccond a nnual U nion Pacific and festlvul and was play­ed b rto ie a big crowd on th e liigh M'liiKil Held,

After the tu n tennis fiad battle il on even te rm s for the ( lis t ha lf, the PVrry club n c n t to work In th e lliln l (nim e and u inie nice blocking *hiiok Hpilford. IVtry ha ltback . loose Mid he KaUnpnl AH ynuta on e n d - atoiiiid pla>h. 'riieii, w ith th e hall on the heven yiiiil line, R cdlord f i r ­ed a paw to Cnine, end. In the end /tine thiit wAh tfood for (ho lone More of tlie ’ntni'.

You Will I'Mnd the Anmvfr to an

Important ({uc.stionOn imce 1(1 III Ihe O ct. Bth b'J'iin of till- Hniiiriliiy KvenliiK I’nst.

H U A I ) i n n A l ) T O D A YAnil Mull the Couixni

No OWlKadon

1.0U IIKLLKKOrpbeiim Hulidlng Twin l-'alU, Idaho


D R lV lN d

with thr

BALANCE-MASTERTill* n iiln iu S '-M a n te r halm ii'fn y m ir fn m t w Ih ' c Ih tu r n n d v r riuid Hhock. )vi'iivc niiil n liim m v. i t in (lio ni(Mli'i'ii n u 'd iiid o f a ddiiiK lll<i lo y im r c a r and c.nmfi'Vl in iJr iv ln g .

MAGEL A U TO GO.I>.KlBe IM y m «u th

A n k A b o u t fltcH m C lo u n in g fn r M o ln r nnrl Chaflfd"

Godoy Favorite to D efeat Dorazio

PHILADELPHIA. O ci. 7 (U.R) S o u th American heavyw eight c h a m ­pion* A rturo Godoy. a 8 -5 -b e tt in g favorite , was expected lo carry a 20- pound weight advantage In to Die r in g ton igh t w hen he m eets O us D orazio of Ph iladelph ia I n . s bout sc lw h iled fnr 10 rounds.

Godoy. who.v chief claim to pu- glll.«illr fame Is two de feats by

Tennessee and Minnesota Take Victories

NEW YO RK . O ct. 7 (U.R>—T ennes-!« .’M inneso ta . M ichigan and C or­

nell de fin itely cslab lb h ed th e m se lv n a s form idable con tenders for n a tio n ­a l football honors over th e w eek-end.

T lie lr rested s tre n g th s ta n d s ou t, a long w ith th a t of W lsilsslppl, l a til ls topsy-tu rvy young season w hich a lre ad y h a s 's e e n an alm ost u n p r t- cedented num ber of m a jo r eleven*, de feated , deadlocked o r m e n a c ln g iw ly pressed.

T o them will be added th e w inner o f Saliirdny '.i collision betw een O hio S ta le and N orthw estern, S tan fo rd a n d S a n ta -C ln ra , N otre D am e a n d Georgia Tech.

Tenne.ssee b eat D uke. 13-0. S a tu r ­day. M innesota downed N ebraska 13-1. M ichigan. Iresh from Us 41-0 c onnoest of Califo rn ia, tu rn ed back M ichigan S ta te . 21-M. Cornell opened Its season w ith a 34-0 vlc< lo ry ove r Colgate.

Y ale. D artm ou th , New Y ork U. a n d Holy Cross were vic tim s o t u jk sets, a n d Arm y escaped by a n eye* la sh w ith a 30-19 w in over lltU* W illiam s.

N orlhw estern Issued storm W arn­ings by .starting the season w ith a ■10-0 victory over Syracuse, while O hio S ta te w on a 17-14 a truggla from Purdue. N otre D am e m ade Ita deb u t, bea ting College of th e PacUio team , 35-7.

heavyw eigh t ch am pion Joe LouU tills yeai;. Is expected to weigh BlKiutM 307 pounds and D orazio n o t m o r a " th o n 188 w hen they, open P h lla - de lp h la ’.s Indoor boxing season at th e a re n a .






i f


I y. 1 MMV lEGIIITlia SEIViCE★ C it y H a ll . T w In '.F a l lR . Id a h o

Exceptional Opportunities r o R r o u TO l E / m i i » h d t o c a k m

T o d a y ’s Regular A r m y trtlna m «n In ■ variety o f c ra fu , tradea and (cchnlquei. I n m any ficlda It olTera greater chance* fo r

B H H . advancement than ever befor«.Ta ke fncdlcal Kience» fo r Itutance. T h a Medical Dc*

partment of the Rcgtdar A r tn y haa a long and glorloua liiK ory in the c o n q u u t o f diaeaae. l u lab rn toriea , libra>, rica and h o tplu la a r« world-fam oua. I t wdcornea, today, men iniereated In X*ray, laboratory, dcfntal, hoepltat, and veterinary work. A * y o u q u a lify in thcsa fialda, you a i «

1 ihe way to prom otion and Increased jpay.

yo u can p k k iKa U n d o f — N M ic a l D t p u n m a ,

I f yo u cnliat rig ht , , aervipe that Inteteata y o u moat- Infantrv, Field A rtil le ry , S ignal C o rpa, QM rtannaM a* Corp*, Including m otor mechanlcti radlcH M a p h o o yi « t c . .

T h e Regular A n ^ offer* to m en betwaan 18 and 3J • romantic career. T h e ra a ra chancaa fo ras well as vigorous w ork. I n a rm y posC your health will be guarded. Gei I t in com e*are provklad if yo u tam ain In (faa R a g u U t A m y .

U a r n tha whole s to rf fo r youraalf— b y laiephooe»mail, b y | M ^ n a l in q u iry fro m the sn iio tu lUted M o w .A ct

Page 9: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

H m d tjr . O v taM rT , M 4« IDAHO EVENING TIMES,-TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P » f e ; N l n »

Red# Hot Here—But They Wilted

(NEA Tei«photo]W hen th U p k lu r t v u u u p p c d a t n e tro l t . i t looked a s th o u (h Cln-

elniukti m l ih l lU r t In th ird W orld srrlei (Ati)t:— th e n came th e seventh iDQinc a n d Ut* T l f t r t ««r« Im m . I n th is lecond Inn in g ihow . E rn ie Lom> b v d l . C Incr e a teh cr, t l ld e i In to teoond a fte r h l t t ln i a double. Lom bardi U tn a r d l n t h h lnJor«d ankl*. DKk B artell, T l je r sho rts top , s lre tchf* a» h a U k t« (h« th row from O eh rin fer. T he T l(er« won, 6-3.

You Gan’t Convince Mac: He Still Picks Cincinnati

Three Bowlers Average Over Mark of 180

Relcat.6 of oIJicUl.uvorHiiea lii the Tw in P a lls bowUiiB leagues today showed three p layers over ih e 180 m ark , according to F red btoiie, see* reU ry of th e local assoclaiioiv

B est m ark for league pUy today U held by Ray Frcla of 'Oic f iresto n e club In th e Com m ercial Icugue. with a n average o( 201- N ext high Is WatWtT B eitech of Vhc K im b lc t M arke t club In Hie C ity league, while Corky Carlson hit.i a 181 « i th Coca c o l* 111 th e Com mercial,

Leading 10 bowlors In cnch Ipugtie follow;

C ity: aert.scli 184, Jones 176, Me- Couley 174. Hof |7 J , w , I. Johnsuu 1« , W agner n o , S tone J70. D. Soga

38, J . Ford J69, 11. lloone 168, C om m erelal; Frcl; 'JOl, CiirUnn

181, Vo6lka 171. A llan 110, Rosa m . Tim m ons 1C9, A dkins 168. Child* IG6, W endllnK 161. W ells 16t.

M erchant!: 6hlrle_>' I5fl, NJuilon IW. W tU o ii U6, H ayes U6, Schu­m acher US, W arner U3, Bathcne 143. C rane M3, W alker M2, J . S iulih 1«.

XiOdles: M. Oeo M&. B. A llan 140. L Slebcr 139, C, Voslka 136, L. B uh- ler 136, D. Anctre*'.i 131. D, Beri.sch 139. M. Gllkey H 9, M. B u chanan i'iS. H. W eller 137.

Bow ling Schedule

M EJtC llA N TS' L E A G L t M onday. O ct. 7—Alleys 1 and 2:

In te rm o n n ta ln Seed vs. C. t;. An- d e rto n ; alleys 3 a n d 4 ; Safew ay ts . 20?s0 c lub; alleys 5 a n d 6: Tlme»> N e m n . Gam ble s ; alleys 7, and 8: Id ah o EfK vs. T w in Falls Bank and T rust. (Ilan d lc ap i to be an* nouncad la ter) .

t 'lT V L E A U l'E T uesuay, O ct. 8—Alleys 1

K im ble's vs. N ew s-Tlm cs (331: 'a lleys 3-4; N ational L aund ry vs. Z ip* W ay: alleys S-S: Elks vs. Id ah o Pow er \S5); aU e js 7 -J ; L. k . N. vs. Time Den (5).

COMMERCIAL L E A G tE W edensday, Oct. & -A lle)» M :

H alle's Conoco vs. F lou r Mill (57): alleys 3*4; Tw in F a lls Lum ber vs. Coca Cola (271; alleys 5-6: D«t- w eller's vs. Fre<l D odds; alleys 7-1: F irestone r». C o sjrlff <80i.

Ay IIB N R Y MeLEMOREC IN CIN N A TI. O ct. 7 (U R'—D ar-

wltj' m ua l h a « b*«n righ t inaofar a s m y o v n b ran c h of th e hum an (am llj' v a j concerned , else how couM I b e so a t hom e ou t on a

' UmbTI U p-tocd H sh tb ' ou t on a lim b

w hen I p icked C incinna ti to win th e w orld series d ^ -s before the th in g s ta r ted . T tia t w m monkey

■business of th e f irs t order, be- , cause Uie N a tio n a l league h a sn 't

m n a a e r tts slDce th e Red CoaU b u rn ed th e W hite H ousa In 1814. (Note to pu rls ta : 1 know. I know, i t w asn ’t know n as th e W hile H ouM u n tu a few years a fte r th a t bu rn ing ).

Now. wU h Cvncvnnau behind tw o gam es to th ree . T am going to scam per f a r th e r ou t th e .■'nme lim b and re-pIck th e Reds to b eat th e D etro it T igers. In seven games. D etro ll h a s done all th e w inning th a t II Is Rolnif to do.

7 am not en tirely alone In this c onfidence In th e Reds, tl i r bookm akers have m nde the Ur(U even m oney favo rltm lo take th e series If you w an t to know w hy tills s ta te of affalrx exists. I ll (ell you.

T o s ta r t w ith, Bueky W alters gor.% today for th e Reds. Biicky, th e handsom e boy who turned from th lrd -b as tn g to become one of th e g rea tes t pitcher* In the gam e, H a dom esticated th e TlRera tn th e a« ;ond gam e of th e afrle*. giving th em J iu t th ree hll.t. No* bodv h i t th * h a ll w ry h a rd M\at day. T he G reenbergs. Uie MfiCoa- kys and th e O ehrlnR rr* don ’t n in wild Ihen they have to look a t p ltrh lng .

6o,‘ wa give th e Rrdii tMliiV’A gam e. I n oU>er wnrd*. we allow as how W alte rs ho lds th e 'Ili irrs w hile th e Keris work on Schoolboy

. Rowe. T lio SrhooiUoy la n o t tlie P ilche r h e vn i • few years ago K« m ada a rmnbaok. a ll rlRht. and m ore pow er to h im , bu t hU fast one 'a gone

Now, a lv in f today 's game lo ihn R etts. w hich eveiw ih c .%eiles,.wlvo m u il yo»» ride « l th tn the pnyoff ^^venlhT D etro it will h ave no <»ie 10 p ilch No fre-Mi hn rler , th a i 's •u re . Nawsom h as dona h is Job,

Bridges h a s reached th e brp wlicre h e needs a week of re s t lo reslore tlin i rift.sllclty to ills nn n . .ThiU leaves only th e likes of Tro iii. O or- slca, M cK aln. and a g roup o l d e ­lig h tfu l hvmiply-dum pUos.

C incinna ti w llf have Derrlnjier to go. Big P au l can g e l by with one day of rest. G iven two day.s a n d h e can reach peak efficiency. A nd D crrlnncr. now th a t he haa w on a world scries gam e, proved lo hlm .'olf th a t he has the &tiiff of w hich world scries w inners nre m ade, will be a loos^ tough , hard , ornery K».'’ to lioe.

So I give ,voii C incinna ti ns the w orld series w inner.

U sing i)ii' prcdlcU ons of th e past a s a yan lsh lck . I d o n 't see hnw ClnclnnaU cnn pos.slbl3i—win.

LADIES' LEAGUE T hursday , Oct. 10—Alleys 1-2:

F a rm er's A uto vs. Balsch M otor (11); alleys 3-4; .Sterling Jewelry vs. Blue Arrow (83); alleys S-6: Town T avern w . M ajestic P h s r- maey (171,


Tlmea-News ....................... 11 I .917Gam ble's .......... ................... 7 & .M32(>-3t Club ......................... - 7 5 .583In term onn ta ln Seed .... . 6 6 JOOT. F. Bank and T r o s t ..... eSafew ay ............................... fiIdaho E « .......................... 4C. C. A n d erso n ..................... 1 11 .830


1 T i m ‘l 1

Redskins Keep Perfcet Grid Record

( ■ 7 United rresti T h* on ly p e rfec t record In the

........... .............. llleagib«)ant*4 to the W uh ln gton Red* akina today, Waahtngton, nm n«r* iip to the New Y ork Qlanta for the east« e tn divis ion lUlo la« i year, .wallop* ed ih e rutatiurgli S tea lan . 40*10 be> fo re a trow d ttt U .||]< fa n i f lunday In rem ain at the head of (h e ir dU vlaltMi w ith U»ree vleiorle* in th i t e • ta r t s .

W llh 'B nm m y Baugh aa trigger' lu Uwlr (otw anl passing at«

U ck and Jim m y Johnston, former­ly o f lh « U n lW illy of W M hlhglon, ahowtng Ih* way along Ihe grmind, th e Redakini puahed over slit touch- downa to haivd th« aieeUr* ihelr Moond loaa o( th« aeason,

Ohioato‘« burly Beaars defeated U it O U veltnd llam t, I M 4 In U it only o th w ttunday «u n « , O tU olt d e .

kUng t h f o h ic a to OardlRaU. i iA i................... ... la ft M ina pualu ‘

t th« world aerlaa.

It la rtportad th a t 41 Mroent of al) nwMV m u m « i U ton (anna v d tn towns undar SMC po M U tio n . t m t K0.000 w im U on hkve II p tr o«nl t M motor

19U7 I’lyniniiUi Dcliixn 'I’ow ii Sc(i;»)i — M o lo i rccoiid i-tioiKHl, now f ii ih li , h ciili'f ................................... , « 4 5 01036 CliPVi-olet Coiipu — Motor, hndy, fini,sh...Kooii .....................................................................................> 3 6 9lO'IO C!liovi'oU'l lly lu x r ft I’lu s , — N oav tlvcR.i%(lio, lu u tto r ........................................................................ > 7 5 011)^7 I'licvi'o let Dcliixt^ ruwii Srdim — Good con d ition ,rndio ............................................... ...........................^ 6 Sin-lO llb evrolftt pnliixft Town Si iliiii — N ow Uri'H,lu-«U‘i', m.DOO miloH ..................................................... $ 7 8 01M 4 V ord Koi-dof HiKiun........................... .................. 9 1 9 81080 Ffird Coupo — Motor, bnilv, fiiilhh ffood,

liontor .............. r.............................. .................................. > 8 Uin n o D o d se 4 D oor S ftd a n .................................................9 9 8

- 10;K) Ford Foiidor S tu ia ii ..................11)2',) Kord Uojidm .T .........................

■ lO.’JT l'\)i-d CoupR — M otor rocoDilitioned, r a d i o ,h.m lor .......................................................................................9 3 7 8lo a ? Korrl Tudor flffdnn ~ I'lxci^llnii con d ition .. . . 9 * 7 8 lOJlO r iy n io iit li Doluxd Coiip'* (io nl (’.oin lltiim 9 3 8 0

^'Virynlor ftoyul <i pnor Si'iluti — M otor, flnlfth, i ip lio h to iy good, Blt'crliiB poul unn' ih i f l , nport lig h, h fiilo r ........................ ............................................ 9 7 S 8IflHf) ( ’)iyvrolot 4 D oor Sctlnii • ■ Motor rccoiid i- .

....................... ......................................................... 9 2 7 9i m Clj«vrol(jt C im p o '................................................... $ a u1082 F ord I'g ton Pickup. 4 cyl. niolor .............. 9 & 2 9108B C h evro let ton Truck - Long W . B„ 1940 lie. UKlfi C liovrolot Va ton Plrkiip, 1 ''ix't'd trnnHmla.

•io n ....................................... ............................................9 9 9 0lOJJO C h evro let li/.j ton Triicit — Bo«A body,

llfonne ..... ...................................1087 F ord H ton Pickup” ..,.

Glen G. JenkinsS A L K H & S E R V I C E

Page 10: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

P»g% Ten II3AH0 EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Monday, October 7, 1940



Young Husban^j^ets Jail Tertn at . Hard Work; County Must Pay Wife,


N .Y . S T O C K SNI’:W YORK. O cl.' 7 (U.R>—t l i e

h iarkct closMi lQ«cr.Air UcducUnn .. ................AlnsKft Jiincnu ................... .AUlrtl ClipmVal ..................Alllrrt Stores ......................Alll.% Clinlmcrs ........................Amrrlc-nn Cnn . .........Am. Com. Al ..........Am. . t Fori'iKii r o u r r .........

Mining Stocks Salt Lake

Alin T um ifl ...... ..UliiKliiiiJi MelAls ......Ciirillff .................Clilrf Con......................C ln jio ii Sllvpr ........CuUifAilo Coil..............Comlimcd Mel&U ___Criiff .....

si .suindtird ...........Till Coal ........... ..M Uiiih .. ...ickn Hulllon - ..... .

tu r - kn Lily Con.........•krt Mines ..........1 Silver ...............

K iniiirbrc . ................Krvsvoiit .....................Lrhl ’n n i lc ................M iininioth ..................Mom-ow .................... ;..MUi. City Copper .....N niltlrlvcr ....... ........

Pa rk ......New Qvilncy ...............

W nlker M tnlng .........W llberl .......................Ziimn .... .02’,

i.n;«noN r a r hilvek l.ONIHlN-SpQt b4r •llTtr hrU unrhitnii I at 21 ; / l ( Mnr* an uun< • Uxli}, bi

n,.e l/l« Dentir IH'rx'Ik llirik n( KtiiUntl m*ln(«lnr<] lli uul

buying pno» «l UK •hlUln«» J>«r «ln» uunciMKTAL8

VORR--7o.Uy'i cu.Ium imcHci ,I»llv»rKl m»Ul», criiu I'tf 1 1 1 Kl«lrt,l,llc 12 ( «ilK.rl t. m.

. r u t ln i r. o. b, rrflncry U S

Aluminum, 'rlrtint U.I'Ulinuni. ilolUr* v«r ounc#: S« Mul.'L>ll»r. dolUra i>«r (luk o( i

S E K S ffiE IS lE R E H I C Dj

IKW YOKK. f)f<- ... I rm iilir ilKllnr IUlhl»h»m .StKl »hi Velum- w u lliht.

•hum wci. lit tlli<i>rW imitll rl»n (lrn>«n'' *

pnund f

U infl bjr »ppro*chp*nl«-l hr airtnii rfw mo.Irli U r<Aurllim la runni^ n .l’lrnla 't.TuI

flmlnK I.»fl,. I ntfllr ■e UirtiU'tUhlih. N>il il> (iiln< l


BOISE, O ct. 7 (U.PJ—Oov. C . Dottolf.^en t« la y re jected a proposal to declare O ct. 16—th e day w hen Idftho m en will reg is ter fo r Bclec- live d ra tt—ns a legal holldny.

Tlie governor's decision -yAs m ade In necordnnce w ith declara tlona the d rn ri should no t be allowed to d is­ru p t com m unity life w ithout ne- ccioiUy. I t was po in ted ou t t h a t reg- l.itratlon a t elec tion preclnct.i will continue (or H h o u rs and should provltie su friclen t tim e for a ll m en to rcKl.^ter,

Employers have been asked to grm it leave for w orkers to regU ter.

M eanwhile, Increased w ork of the s ta te .selccUve l« rv lc c board brought a call from Brig. O en. M. O . Me- Connc) for 18 m ore ofClcers to be added to the s ta f f. M cConnel said the .state' d e tac h m en t of Ifl m en would be Inductcd In to federa l serv­ice tomorrow to a id In d irec ting reg ­istra tion work.

'Jtrrd, flolltn [. ................... I! K. I.JON.Wolfr«mll<-. ChlBM*, 6ull»r» . . . - ....

>nl M U llk roflUM, •luU' aiK.

Local M arkets


McNary Terms Demo Program

As ‘Synthetic’

g i i i P S s tir»al Norlhrtn


«i.i»i.. .<u.,l.,l|

lKr>rn <l'alri al.1al.

r. „unlHi „nrI'lnu- ^

■''"jTio"’.l« lrr. .....I^ll.'1.1

r..l«r».l h«n». ••<'*>Uir«0 h in t.. i I.«-aliurn hr»i.

VR VrnJl'rilT

mul.r i II..."z .

(?.>l.‘l'*<l fT.xlit,V i” » *

I'olorwl fl>»n. r..lor.J

lu t lu.

l.^linrn to'lian idiiiU K

Mi>n<Ur>U , . . Mr<llum * il i » M^ilum lUniUr.l

Hl-rk fud . »0a


Co«rl««7 Fred C. F«rm rr. Union raoU io f r r til i l ■ irn l.

T w ln r a t l i

NO RTH W O O D, la .. Oct. ff OJ.R) — R epublican V lcc-Preslden tlja N om ­inee C harle.i L. McNar>- denounced tJie New D eal’s far^n program today as a • 'syntlictlc p roduct" and accused h is D em ocratic opponent. H enry W allace, of seeking to" defend It thcQUgtx ‘'sweeping generaU iatlo ia ."

In v ad in g W allace 's home sU te a f te r a to u r tlirough w estern MUi' nesb ta . M cNory told a n oudlence in tills no rtJ ie m Iowa ham let of 1,000 persona U ia t "we do n o t believe th a t A m erica Is runn ing down."

“ Wo believe A merica h as a fu ture ond th a t th e fa rm e r L<i a cornerstone of th a t fu tu re ," he said. "We believe th a t, u n d e r th e In.iplrlng Irndershlp of W endell L. Wlllkn;, we .^llnll buoi be engaged In working out the bliiC' prlnt.n of th a t fu ture,"

T lie O regon ffniiitor said ■'indiistry a n d ag ricu ltu re nro In the same boot: they survlvo or perl.ih to ­g e ther." lie prom ised. If eU fted, to m nkn ku're th a t bo th survive.

M cN ary rtm ln ilcd hl.i li.iteners tl\ftt WMlftcc’n {ftVliCT. th e ^alr lienry C. W allace, had iKeii a supjinrter o( ttie M cN ary -lInugm plan w hen he was a Ilepubllenn accretary of agrf- r iiltu re .

T lin randU lnte fjiiotcd the e ltlrr W allacc'.i views on the McNary- H augen bill, «nUl they were e<iually valid today, niiit th ru opened up i s h a rp a ttac k on hl.i New Di'nl op p onent’, fo r elulmliiH r rr ill t for fed e ra l benefltA paid to fiirmcrit.

" I su sp e rt,” he (ial<l, " ih n t the fa rm e rs wiilild fa th e r Umi Hwne (bene tlt) rlie rk s hail ronie n;i n re­su lt of hiK lirr pVlcen, paid l>y tlir c onsum er and a t on re a b w l ird . than o u t oT th e accimnilatlnK ilrlil bur den of th e country,"

Dale P u llenw iderv ldaho F a lls , w m elected sub -d is tr ic t governor o f th e newly o i^ o l i e d d lf o lo t tw o. 30-30 clubs, as delegatea lcbncluded th e ir Initial convention he re a t th e Rog-

son hotel Sunday.Iclnlio Is now conaldered o sub-

dlslTlct of No. 1 w h lth U\cludcn Wyoming and U fah. W hen enough clubs are form ed In Id ah o i t Is the plan to consider th e s ta te as a aep*

rule district.Vrsierday'fl closing session s ta r ted

wlUi a b reak fast a t 10 a. m . and cnnduded by 1 p . m . P rinc ipa l

speaker was R obert R odm an. Balt Lake City, d is tr ic t governor, wht» lUo presided.

T o tir liU VIUI Durink his ta lk R odm an called for

'fa ir play" fo r tourU ta In th is Bec- tlon. ]K>lntlng o u t th a t they m ean as much money to th is a re a ■'as m any of the larger Industries .”

He touched on ro ad conditions In Idaho and U tah and .flayed condi­tion of d e to u n a n d * k o general road f.(atU5 du rlt\* tim e of co nstruc­tion. tn c on traa t to th e condition of detours In Id ah o a n d U ta h , he pointed to N evada, decla ring th a t detours there "a re a lm ost as good'as th e m ain roads."

He iirped a tten d a n ce a t th e na- Uonnl convention ol ^0-30 c u>>» which will be he ld In S a lt L ake City in 1941.

Also speaking du rin g th e clw lng se.vsloi" yesterday w as George Soiithworth, na tio n al tru stee from Reno, Nev.

Conscription U ••Duty”He declared th a t conscrip tion will

probiibly h i t th e ran k s of 20-30 club members m ore th a n any o the r organlM tlon a n d fo r thl.s reason urged an Intensive iQ em benhlp to "fill the tan k e u they a re dep let­ed.''

•'ConS’crlptlon.” h e sa id , "should be looked upon a s a d u ty and as personal .w crlflee for o u r country, Southwortli sftid.

Tlie nex t su b -d is tr ic t convention w m be held a t Boise, probably ntxV March.

A pproximately 25 ou t-o f-tow n del­egates were p rese n t fo r th e two- day .lesslon* w hich go t imderway Satvirdny n ig h t w ith * banquet 'and dancc a t th e A m erican Legion hall.

P rincipal speaker - a t S a turday 's c harter n igh t banquet wa.s Tofflcmlrc, local publisher, stre.iied th e Im portance of strong Amerlc^ in th is coun try today a n d .viid th a t fo re ign ag en ts spread the ir \irapaganda p a rticu la rly am ong th e youth.

" I t will be th e p rese n t day Amer­ican youth th a t will play a vital p a rt In determ in ing w h eth er our American trad itio n s ahall bo pre­served." Tofflem tro sa id .

Ray McPskiland w as toastm aster a t the banquet a n d tlie a d d re » of welcome was g iv e n . by M ayor Joe Koehler.

M illard D awson, p residen t o f the local club, received th e c h a r te r from M r. Rodman.

C alled th e f irs t sen tence of Ita k ind In T w in PalU . a d is tr ic t c o u rt o rder today se n t a 20-year-o ld h u sb a n d to la tt a t h a jd labo r a n d In­stru c ted th e county to pay th e m a n ’s fam ily n o t m ore th a n tl-M) for each day h e w « k a.

T h e husband Is K enne th D uncan , found guilty by a Jury la s t week c harge th a t he wilfully faUed to provide for h is wife.

Ju dge J . W. P o rte r sen tenced D uncan to 90 days In c oun ty Ja il "o t h a rd labor" on some .public work. T h e ju r is t th e n o rd e ird th e boord of com m issioners to pay D uncan 's wife fo r each day b e labors—a provision pe rm itted u nder Id ah p s ta tu te s . .

D uncan , w hen appearing for sen tence th is m o m in ;. told Ju d g e S o r te r He h a s tried fruitlessly to find work.

Now pending In d is tric t co u rt Is th e young husband 's s u i t ask ing an n u lm en t of h is m arriage to M rs. L orena D uncan on ground th a t she h a d n o t been divorced s ix m o n th s from h e r preyloua h usban d .


R M tE Y , O ct. 1 (BpeclaD—Johfl a. Amcstoy, believed to be a n s ld e n t o f K im berly, su sta ined head In juries w hen th e c a r he was driving tu rned over S a tu rd ay n ig h t seven mlleJ n o r th of Hailey,, A dm itted to th e H attey Cbnlco ' h o sp ita l a fte r th e accident, ho was s till uncoLsclous early th is m o rn in g -..

Police officers, InvestlgaUng the acciden t, said th a t h e a pparen tly dozed o ff a t th e wheel.

FOOD P U N COSi s n .000W A raiN G lfO N , Oct. 7 (U.R)-The

governm ent haa sp e n t app roxim ate­ly M5.000.000 du ring th e f irs t m o n th s for opera tion of th e agricu l­tu re d e p ar tm e n t's food stom p pro-, g ram , th e surp lus m arke ting odm ln- Is tra tlon announced today.

D uring A ugust th e program cost 14,501,000. T h e f irs t su rp lus food pro­g ram to opera te on the s ta m p plan began in R ochester. N, V.. In May, 1939.

D esigned to give relief fam ilies h a lf again as m uch food for th e ir monoy and to increase th e m arke t fo r su rp lu s fa rm products , th e p ro ­g ram now Is In ope ra tion In 140 c itie s and counties. I t will begin soon In 54 o the rs a lready desig n at­ed. W w t V irginia Is th e only s ta te w here the p lan Is n o t ope ra ting in a t le as t one c ity .

PLAY BY PLAY(Frvia Pfts* On*)

Urer« fktincd (vltiElnK. Wkl* t«f» roundN l out, Oorilc« to York. Wfrber *lngle<l to center. M. McCor­mick h it In front ot th« plkCt and w u out, Tebbttta to York.

No run*. on« tilt, no erroti, one left.



FLASHESLONDON, G et. 7 (U.fO—Ilemd-

q iu u te n Qt G en. C harles de OaoUe sa id ton igh t tt ia t "a la rg e fo rce” of F rcncb pU n ta b a d flow n fro m n o r th A frica t« G ib n ilU r to jo in F m F rench foreea th e re . T h e com m unique d id n o t specify w hen th e F rench planes w en t to G ib ra l­ta r o r w hether a ll l u d e d a t th e tam e tim e.

The com m tinlqae aajd th a t e igh t of the F ree FVeneh f l l o t i were th a t down b u t d id n o t say whom.

NEW YORK. O ct. 7 (U.PJ—G eorge Scallse. form er p residen t of Uic building service em ployes in to r jja - tiona l union, was sen tenced to d a y to serve from 10 to 20 year^ In prison upon h is conviction of s te a lin g fro m th e un ion trea iu ry by m e an s of forged s ta tem ents.

ROME, Oct. 7 (UJO—A B ritish snbm arlnc. pe n etra tin g to I ta ly 's R iviera coast, shelled th * c i ty 'o f Savona, a high com m and com* m unique diaelosed today.

I t was a sserted th a t p riva te houses w ere struck by th e shelU a n d th a t one person wa.i killed

v * S " „ ' f , X “ S S r , ‘ “S


W ASHINGTON, O ct. 7i(U.R>—Acf- m lra l J . O. R ichardson, com m ander In ch ief of th e fleet, reported today to SecreUiO' of Nnv7 P ra n k Knox o n " th e slluaU on in th e P a c m c and pitigrcss of expansion of the na tion 's sea-figh ting forces.

R ichardson arrived In W ashing ton from th e . west coast th is m orn ing a n d conferred im m ediately w ith Ad­m ira l H arold R. Stork , ch ief o f n a ­val operations. L ater h e m e t K nox, S tark . • U ndersecretary Jam es V. F o rrcsta l, and A&sistant Secr'^tary Lewis Com pton.

K nox announced th a t “ro u tine re­po rts of the flee t w ere received, the s itu a tio n In th e Pacific discussed a n d m a tle ra pprlnjnjjjg to fx p a n tlo n to d a te of the navaJ estobllslim cnt discussed."


buildings adm in istra tion today a sk ­ed landOATiers in fhe Boise a re a t? subm it bids T liursday for sales of

I acres or m ore of land to be used )r a m ajor defense housing pro jec t. T lie land will be purchased a s a

site fo r con.itrucllon o f single and m ultip le -un lt qua rte rs fo r betw een 350 a n d 400 commbMimed a n d non - commlMlone.d oftlcer* and, th e tr fam ­ilies who wlU be s ta tioned w ith an arm y bom bardm ent group.

Real e.itate m en estim a ted th e federa l governm ent would upend one m illion dollar* on th e proposed lioiiS' Ing project.

B ids will Include th e p rice per nro and a separnie quo ta tion for

he p roperly . J . L.M urphy, represeiilatlve of th e p u b ­lic building adm lu ln tra tlon , will be in Boise th is week to apprnvn the selected location and com plete the sale.

Idaho r a i l s dlntrlrt I’ot^Uiea IQO.T w in F a lls d lit r l r l iMUloea as,

onlnns 3, apple* 3 (for relief).O aldwcll dUUlct~.A|>plr« «o (SO

for relief), leltuen S, onlnni • , oar- ro ts I.

Nyaoa dliU lcl- -Onlnns ] . potaUi^s

B hipinenia for Humlny, Oct. fl:Id ah o r a lU dlnlrlct i'nt«ii>M 40.T w in r a i l s d U lr k t- P n ta to e i i .

oarro ta a.

An IcabAX was sotK to a t\ Baklnto (C harlie Paitollli, of HI. M ichael U lam ll -by Jam e* M oran, a sa la i- m an . a t Ju n e au , Alaska.


BER LIN , Oot. 7 HJ.m-An au thor- ice«t a ir fon-n A|>»kr.Mnun nnld t i- n ig h t th e LufLwitfle U no t conduct* mil ft "bliU krIeu" aualiw l llrlth in b u t h a s liivoke<l lunieiul wiint lie ra iled "ham m er blow BtnilvKy."

'I'lio a ir force n|H>krMnini, t4ilkliig w itii foreign prcn.i rnpreiientatlvei, sal<l i li ls ahowt^l th e nblllty of O er- m an a rm rtl force.i to changn the ir pure.

Htiwover, lie dt^'Uued to nmy v,iiy th e "h an u u e r blf.w" »ln»tenv Inul i)een aulM tltuled for Uie "blllrki lrn" theory.

Ho sa id U iat th e "flrnl pha'ie " ot tiie h am m er blow tet-linliiue hud Iwrn com plelwl and th a t llm n u n - pa lgn was presenlly h i llin ne< r)nil, or m iddle phanc. He liKllc«te<l th a t mie m ore |tlia*e Was yet Ui come

As th e spokesm an explained the new Q em ian s tra tegy , aulliDrlieil sources reporled th a t Clermnii ImhiUi- era du rin g Uie day a ttacked lou th - ran t IlrltaiiA (he Induatrlnl mlillniKls a n d tlia *l7ianien a rea w ith "iirnvlest h o m ^ ."


W ard, 73. was wotklng tii h u h a rness shop wii«n a huilv yixilli a n tared a n d announced he was g o ln i U) iiold up th e store,

"I d o n 't tiilhk you 'ie m an enough ,” W ard answ ered and flung lilnueU a l Uta arm ed w ould-ba band it. A few m inutes scuffle ron - vIncMt th a band it th a t W ard was r i f h t . H e fled.


Tw^n Fnltn law enforcem eiit un its will be reiirenentrct a l the one-day coord ination m erttng of local a n d treasury depn rtm en t Ageneles T u es­day a t Butte, Mnnt.

D eputy n iie iifr C laude W iley will rep resen t th e eouuty and C hief How ard O lllette the c tty . T hey left by a u to today for iliitte .

M eeting w ith i-ounty. m unic ipal and FB I repieAenlativea o f th e northw est will be the U eaaury de- [w rtm ent's various enfo rcem en t b ra n c h e s-sc c re t service, narr.otlrJi, custom s, liitelllgenrn. ro ast guard a n d alcohol tu*. T lie session will open *1 10 a. in. T uesday a n d Jo h n A. Carver, United H iates d is tric t atto rn ey for Iilaho. will be m a jo r speaker.

C om petlllvr p u io l m a tches are p lanned a l the n u tte U u n club 'I 'ueaday atierutm n.

Death Taken Dabe Of I'Mlcr Couple

M ary Ann Hwnnnon, I n f a n t d a u g h te r of Mr. and M rs. M . H. Hwanson, Filer, died H unday a l 11:00 p. m, a t (h eT w ill i^ l ls county gen ­e ra l iioapKal following a week'a Ill­ness. f lhe was born April 19, I9S9. In •I'wln ra ils .

ru n e r a l services will ha held W ednesday a t 4 p. in. a t th e T w in ra l l a m ortuary tiiap e l. I.. D. B c h u rc h offlc lah conducting th e serv- leee. In te rm e n t will 1m h i 'IV ln r a i l s cem elery.

T he p a rrn la , Uirea sisters, A rleen, Nanoy t<ee and U ’raliie Hwaiison, a n d th e g ran d p a in ils , Mr. an<l Mrs, B, O . Uwanson and W illiam Kelly auntlvo.

O allfom la h a s a |)opuUUon of 97 poTMiW par passmtgar ««r, wUUa Ar* kanaa* haa I t l i^eysnna pe r paasan*g er c a r T tie averageUi« U n ll« l S U tes Is 4.0 |>eisotu par p a a H n ia r car.

Kl on Io\ir ■truljihl pIlcliNi, tUlllic >iuf» Jo«*t rulinl out, Oelitlniierniii*. f>n<r hit, BO m of", le ft

KKillTII INMNOTxblwiu r>niiii<-Ml «>it, Werlwr

MrCiprinlrK. Axrill, batting ten CA. «riiuiii1*<l to McOoniiKk ano tiilNl when Uie n«a«' hral ii*n <1>c>pi><<d th* i«i| M li» col-

wllti IJmiilia llalliinlant. Aiilllvan IIS lor lUrlMI fii~. in U Uc. ilrli, A.rilll li

h u n d red tim es too fast. I ta lk a line.

m cr." T here 's e ig h t r ig h t oround w ith in 15 fee t o f me. Tlierft's trucks and cars a ll over Ihc yard. I t looks.

* llfh t- i« l»i< mill Crourlicr

, ......... ............... Ill* TIS»r». Mirrr*ii»iiir<l nwiiiHliii. Wkltera )>U a liniii*

' left fiflcl wall. Werlier ■»ini.l)«li. M. UcC..nnlck >'m»ii lliMt U> (IreeilliM*.

I mil. •iiin hit, no rtron. ooe lali.MNTII INNrN<J

PI* (I'hiliiirr KiiiiiiKtKt to Uyfra. lliicw wiiiK u> f|r«l, til* l>«ll aet-

. •<*•» IiKiii r. UfOiitiiilck. (leli- • Ins r I.iillisi un .1 ..e n d aiKl M)rers * u rUirKNl «|(h 1,11 rrrur. (Ire«iil>ete wilkM. Vitk hit Into k c1oiil>1* i>l>T, WfrlicT 1.1 Jr*-i 1,1 f, Mi(;orml<-k. Oth-

■iM>\liii( i<i 1,11 Ilia play.'II (llwl Ui, UcOiHmlck.

Murtau)?h Co-ed I)ie.s in Oregon

M D Jn 'M ld ll, O ct. 7 (H|)eclal> — Fuiiara l servlrm for Miss J e a n Boyle, 19. daiiKliiei <if Mr, and Mr*. J , I t. Hovie, will be h rld We«1ne»day a t 3:30 p. III. iiinirnd of 'fuesday . a t • he Twin I'alln m ortua ry chapel, Uev. j(»P|iii lu ii C oulter. H ansen , offklniliiK Inleriiien t will be in 'rw in F a lls reiiii-lery.

Miss Hoyle dleil H nlurday m orn ing a t th e Hftinn, O ie,. general hosp ital. H er m otlirr, wliu called to fia- leni by h rr llln rsi, nroom panled th e iKKly t<\ > .hrte i t w as m e lv eAMoiiclnV liy Ilir Twin P a l ls 'm o r tu ­ary,

Misa Hoyle Imd enrolled a l "Wlf' lam ella univeri.ity, Balcm, a few weeks ago. Hhe was bo rn J a n . 7, l»93 Hlie was grndualed from th a M iirta u ih h igh srliooi J u t spring .

H er |>ar(nta and iwo sU U n , Mra, B ertha MItehsI, n , |,m , a n d MU* Joseiihlna Boyle, M urtaugt), ■ tm lvfc


■ No. 10034 NEn« N Pm ir.ItL A N l)8 AMRUICAN

MOUTCIAOK HANK, LIM ITK U , a cariMratlon.

P la ln llH ,

flILAB O AfXKN, A IXDUISSI m a Y A L I.K N , husband and wife; CAKHAIt WUNNEU, a ninxlc m an ; O . A. WOOE. a bachelor; M. O. C U M M IN nu an d OKOliCiE E. PUCiH.

D efendnnta. U nder and by v irtue o f an o rd e r of

sa le and decree of forrclosuro is­sued ou t ot the DlflUlct C o u rt of th e E lrveiiih Jud ic ia l D is tr ic t of U\e H tale ot Ulnlw, In a rtd for 'IVlcx F a lls County, on th e I3t]i day of Soplem ber, 1040, In the ulxive nr.llnn, w herein New N etherlands A m erican MortKage llniik. L im ited, ob ta ined a decree against sa id de fe n d an ta on th e I3th day of H eptem ber, 1040, w nlch said d rctee was du ly recorded In th e Knrords of Judgm enla o f aald TWIn Falls County, I am co m m an d ­ed to sell all those c e r ta in Iota a n d l>arrela of Innd bounded a n d d e ­scribed as follows:

N E 'i and N^i N EU. Heo. 33;NW ‘*, Heo. 37; W 'i N W 'k

Bee. 33; NH N E U , Sec. 38; NW U HW H, Hec. 31, kll In Tw p. 11 fl., R', 17 E. B. M., Tw in P a lls Cm uity, Idaho , w ith 7B3i) sh a re s o f aUxtk In th a Balmon lllver C a n a l C om ­pany . LImJted, a coriM iratlon, a p - p iirtenan t.N O -nO * IB IIERED Y G IV EN ,

T h a t on Uie lOlh day of O ctober, 1940, a t 10:00 a, m . of U ia t da y . In frn n t of tlio C ourt H ouse In th e City a n d C ounty of Tw in Foils, I will in obedlenea to said order o f sa le a n d decree of foreclosure a ril th e above dcKrll^ed prrmLies, o r so m uch th e re ­o f a s m ay be n e c e a sa rf - to f a l i a ^ p la ln tK fa ludgm ent w ith Ulterefit a n d costs tliereon. In one pa rcel a t •no tio n to the n ig h n t titdiler.

1„ W . H A W K IN S, S h e riff,

p ub . Times, Bept. Ifl, M , W , OoU 1. 1B«0

of people clear down lo tlielr sock,'.

A Hpccial on ncHolulc ICehyl

D rive up nnd holler:■ “ E l h y n

T h ro u K h o H t Ih c e n llre m o n th o f O c lo b c r.

W e'ro uiilontllng a c iylond of p ly­wood tills H aturday anil th e (lint cnrload of A rkansas moUir o il will iindoublKdly be unloaded Uiln Mon- «liiy. And we're ordering a n o th e r c a r lo iK) shipped Im m eillntrly, O ur A rkansas m otor oil business U cri • ta ln ly Koliig w onderfully, I1 ie iieople a re n o t d«clve<l w hen they IwUove tlia l A rkansas h as iiroiluced Uie best m otor oil in Che en tire U nited B lates. And oiif glnss)junU)ess—mull,

' linn. It's Iniiiii-nsU. W e're shipp ing I t In carload loin now. Wo need a big wiircliouAn Imlll like a s la te ba iii - l) t) fool wide and 303 foot long w ith a leiiii-to on Uie back. Well, th a n k you, everybiHly. Ju s t keep on coin­ing.

A Hpvclnl on Ucmilul« K lh y l

D rive up tiiid h n llcn ••Kthyl"!.

Tht;oiiKhoiit th e en tire m onth o f October.

1 d o n 't w an t you lo forgot th a t we h ave-a good price on th e galvanised plt>e. I t 's a Youngstown prodiuit and no b e tte r galvanised p lix Is made. T lie h a lf- in c h Is Ifl.lO a huiiilied, a n d If you have a meinlieinlilii r a id I t's AC; off on tliiit. All o ther iirlres

lordlngly: on tlin Ih iee -c iu a rlers ' a«ul.oua.iJicli; lU Inch. I t i in c it a n d - 3 Inch.

Pratt Gim &-Glasn, Lumber. Oil & Coal Co.

“O n tlM Road U> Ilia lloapHal’'

Page 11: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

MonJ«Y. Oetelwr 7, 1940 IDAHO' EVENING TIMES, IJWIN FALLS, IDAHO P a g « E la v m

Consult Business & Professional Directory for plumbing assistanceW A N T A D R A T E S

For PubUcaUoD in Both T IM E S »nd KEW8;

RATES PEB LINE PE R OAT; 'Bis d»yv p e r Uoe pe r l U y --------12cT h m d*yi. per »no per <Uy _ l S e Oiw d»y. pw’ — ----------;— 2*0

33 1 /3 D iscount For Cash

Cash d iscounts allowed If advertise* m en t U paid for wllhlD tsven day# of tlr« t insertion.No e lau lf led ta U k en for less Uian

’ M e IncludlnB discount.L ina of classified ad v erlb in g com* pu ted on basis o t five medium* leng th words per line.



L««v« Ada a t K & W R oot Beer IN RUPJ31T

Leave Ads a t A e s ld c ^ e o t. - Mrs. Id a w n ee le r, n i B Bt.

IN BUHL \ •Leave Ads a t Joslli^s

Shell Super Service Station.300 Broadway South

T h is paper subscribes to th e code of e lh lcs of Che Association of News­p a p er Classified Advertising Man- (iRcn and reserves Uie r ig h t (o edit o r reject any classified advertising “ Blind* Ads” carry ing a News-Tlmes B o i num ber a re stric tly confldenUal a n d no In form ation can be givnn In regard to th e advertiser.E rro rs should be reported Immedi­a tely. No allownnce ts-111 be made fo r more th a n one Incorrect Inser­tion .


b e d bug fum igation. T . P PJoraL

DOROTHEA'S Rest Home. Invol- Kl»--*lderly. Mod. ratea. OlBB-tU.

A M H irCA N Dry C lenners guaran ' tea you high quality repairing and a ltera tions. 410 Sho. W. Ph. 371.


8W EBT d d e r 16c gal. Public M kt.

M ISSO URI so rg h u m . Public M kt.

Dress up your

home for winter

U p h o ls terh g and r e fin ish in g

services are lis ted in your

Bjisinesa and P r o fe m o n a l

D irectory


PERM, special: » i-«3 .50 : Ifr-JJJO . Craw ford Beauty Salon. Ph. 1674

SPECIA L »e wave tor |3 iO ; (4 and >5 w aves price. Idaho Barber & B eauty Shop. Ph . 424.

A R T IST IC BEADTV SALON O il pertn& nentsllA O up. P h IQO


o n P e rm an e n ts »1H0 up. Jun io r s tu ­d e n t work frea. lU M ain Wm L

K RA U T cabbage, 1 ml. E. ' i S. of E. end M ain. K ny’s O ardens.

SW EET e lder; treaU?d ns required by Pure Pood law. Id ah o Vinegar te C ider Co. 535 W all S t.

G RA PES, 05c. you pick. OellclQUS. Jo n a th a n apples. 35c to 90c. C. V. Jones, a ’ k ml. S, of South Park.

DELICIOUS. Jo n a th an , Rom e Beau- Mcs a t B ren t’s, 3 m l. S., 2 E.. ‘v S. of K im berly. R a tes to truckers.

W IN TER BHmiiiii, Dcllclous, GrlmM G olden, Jo tm lh an npple.s. Bu. truck load. 1W„ \ S. Klmb, H,

APr*LES, Delicious, Jo nn ihnn and Rom s Beaulies. Kenyon Oreen, 1 rill. 6-. ' i W.. U S, of Bo. Park.

O E T your w inter’s supply of w inter bnnniiu, Delicious iiiicl Jnn n tlian RPlrirs nt njrhar<l pilot,-., lodayl NorUi M ain P ru lt M arket.

M cIN TO SII. Di'llclouB, W inter B a ­n an a, ni)d R om an Ueiiuly apples. E. L, W onacott O rchards, 3 ml. E. on Hy. 30. ‘i 5. Ph . 0402-J3,

A PPI.ES. 40,000'b ii. All vnrlPtlfs. f\ll Krnrte^, by bii. o r Iruck lonri, 2‘ nncl up. B ring ronlnlnern, H. l-fing’s W arehouse. 423 K, T riirk l.Hne,


WK hnvp ll<lnlr^ unuiinK KlrU lo wriiK for nil. nncl IkI. ulillo niic iu l- Ing biiMnrrA noliool. T, I''. Uu«. U,

POU H A I.K -In lnniitlonal Corre-^lxlllllrlll•l' ;,rlii>cil rmir.spi nnv Mil).Jnai, c;o,it Jlfld, will «rll for ITS, or will tliiilP lor «<»«l I'i'w or liPlJt- I. K. Kiilglil, Ulioflhonr.

A lJ lC U A n ' TH AININGnhortflKn of T riilnrd Mpu Offer

Vast, O pixirtutilllP i NOW.Mc ti Id to JR. Nnllvft Horn, wIiMc

only. To «(( to AnilPrMin Alrplnii'n HclionI 111 AmkpIp" for Mioi't UiirnAlvfl rourftp In a irc ra f t Alriirtlnn. TinlnltiK to cniitlnufl by n lgh l Bchool nftpr placom nnl. Piirt tu ition , tran ip firla tlo n needPrt lo t>l4|rt. Ual, piO<l out n( PiirnlUHA

jab. tOl placed pwil 20 ilaya, iftn Mr, Ikpnliprry, Mi I'uen. W rd, n<>KPrMiii IIoIpI, i w e If you ra n <\uallly, or wi

I Box 30, Nrwa-Tlinea,

MRS. Neeley will leave Oct. l& to fu rth e r specialize In bcRuly work and requests tliose palroiiH desir­ing h e r personal work to call be­fore th flt d a le . T he regular opera­tor will con tinue In charge during h er absence.

SIT U A T IO N S W A NTEDBEET hau ling . Ph. 14B0-W evenings.


IM M ED IA TE Opening. Good W nl- klns route In Twin Palls, Chr, exp, uiniccps.mry. Avernge pftrnlngs J25 wkly. Poy s ta ru Immed. Larccst compan>’. best known prodiicl.s, biggest riemiind. W nlklns Co, D-83. W inona, Minn.


W ANTED; Young girl. Eden Cate.

YOUNG wonuui housckec|)er, Ic em ployed wirinw. Good h o m u n a ll WUKP.-'. ne f's . Ph. 1770,


W A N T r.l> -Tw o m en and three wo men w lih rar« . Arps 2.\ lo 40. Qunl IflPd for buslnPM earepM, Must be able 10 nippl public. Good Income Sen Mr. Skidmore, Rogerson ho- lei, Suntlny. Oct. e iti; 2 10 6 p m : M onday. 7(h , 2 to fl p, m.

(H IS IN E S S O P P O U T U N m E !



SLEEPIN G room . Room w ith prl. v a te show er. O lnw cd In sleepnig porch w ith alcove. Stoker lieni 207 8th Ave. E.

ROOM A N D BOARDRM . & bd. 563 2nd Ave.

. 120 6 lh Ave, N.

ROOM a n d tooanS. 381 2nd Ave. W.

RM . and bd. M en picf. 745 M ain E.

W ELL fum-. f ro n t rm . for 2. Men pref. E xcellent food. Ph . 1401-w,

U N F U R N IS H E D HOUSESL arge m od Bl, Lks. Blvd. Ph . 17S0-W

5-RM ,. m od. except h t. Ph. 374.

2 RM S. 313 Elm. Inq . 127 Ash.

5 RM S:, b ttth . 351 4 lh W, Ph . 1289•^


R E A L E S T A T E FOR SA L EA. trac ts , >4 ml, W . Bughouse.

50x135 ft. lo t In So. P ark , sm all down paym ent, \e n le n t t t rm s . P h . 319.

EXCEPTIONALLY nice I n c o m e property In th e h e a r t of T , P . Will consider good fa rm land up to 160 A. W rite Box 34. Newt-Tlmea.-

FA R M S A N D ACREAG ES _______FOR SA L E ___________

S A C R in c E m y Imp. on a ftov. 40 Al In K lm b. d lst. School bus r ( . elec. Price $335. Bx 21, N ew i-Tlm ea

l^ E D E R A L L A N D B A N K ~ FA R M

80 A. V i m l. NW of B uh l An BoUe highway.

) A .'tv a te r r ig h t. PuHy Improved, w ith good w ell a n d elec, power. \ ml, from L ucerne school. Price W600. T erm s. Low In terest. I n ­quire J , W. McDowell. NPLA sec- ireas.. 113 3rd Ave. 8 . P h . 431 Tw in PalU .

W ANT to trad e for Idaho p roperty : A 4-rm . brick house in Phoenix, Arlz.. 113 ft. fronU ge. 200 ft. back. Su itab le fo r to u ris t park o r apts., on m a in highw ay. Address Pen- •U rm ak e r A pts., 132 N, AlWon A « . Burley. P h . 256-J, Burley.


10 A. close In . lays fine. O lU -R l

ONE Of th e best 60's under th e T T . C anal Co. system .


31 A., 3 ml. W . of S. Park, a ll in hay and blue grass, aprico t o rchard , 6- rm . house, elec.. deep well, on paved road . Price M.OOO.'

0 A. deep soil, f> rm, s toker, good outbldg!< shrubs. I2B0 per A. kins.

mod. home. . shade, fru it K . L . Je n -

110 A. fa rm In hlRli p roduction to sell a t lOO per A. Would tak e WOOD or *4000 T « 'ln Fnlls property In p o r t paym ent. Sflilm Inv . Co.

160 A. la n d . 61 sha res w ater right, 81 A. good farm land. All in good s ta te cu ltiva tion . Price *3100.00 cash . T . B. Brush, agen t. R ich ­field, Idaho .

120 A. good land , fa ir Improve- m Piits. to n northslde town, $5400.00.

80 A. sp lendid land 3'4 m l. from tow n. *35 p e r acre.

40 A. abo u t 7 m . from T w in Palls, SI.000.00.

T hese farm s have .splendid w ater r lghta and are partlculaYly a d a p t­ed to growing aU alfa. com , onions and po tatoes,

EASY TERM SC. A. Robinson, Bank <k T ru s t Bldg.

P o n SALE—30 acres. S room house, b a m , chicken house, deep w ell, ' elec tricity . A 1 1

fenced. Close In. A bargain a t * 3 0 ^ . T erm s.40 acres, 4*room hou^e, stable, chicken All fenced ; one m ile from tow n. A re a l 'b u y . 1135 p e r A.J . E. Roberta * .A , B. H en so a

333 M ain Ave. N.

S E E D SM lrhel's a n d C rested W heat

Ora.s.s. Prices reducedi Globe L aying M ash.... MJO cwt. Globe D airy P eed .... 12.10 cwt.

Seam less Bags. 35c C leaning a n d Storage



Michel's gross .......................6c lb.Crc.stcd w heat g r a s s ............I2c lb.In te rm o u n la ln Seed & Fuel Co. Phone 120 T ^ 'ln Falls', Ida.


rO R SALE—C aterp illar 20, com - plolely ovcrlinulcd. new brakes. Mrs. N. A. W allcs. H azcllon.

H A Y , G R A IN , F E E D


Phono 73J3— we pay phone calU.

LA'YING MASH20% Pro te in ......................... *2J0 cwt.15% P ro te in ......................... IlSO cwt.


B u s i n e s s a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l

DIRECTORY[. m od. house. O arage . Ph. 3.

3-RM . and b a th . In. P h . 338.

SO O N —Mod. 7 rm . and ba th , locat­ed easl p a rt. W ould con.slder leas­ing year. Box 32, News-Tlmes,

F IV E room, well locnletl. Oil hPAter, G arage , Four room house, close In, F u rnace , I.iiniidrv,



MOD. fum , hoii^'o, 4 rms., glas.ied-^ 111 |X>rcli. O ar. ln i|. 330 ^iid Av, N

W ELL furn . nio<l. 5-rm , hoiiie. Full b a sn n en l. stflkci. elec. ho i w alrr hentpr. Blue Lakes Add. Pli. 010.

~ ^ ’A N fF n > TO IIEN T O r f ’ L E A S E

BO ACnKS or m ore by responsible pariv . Uim fuiTilsh rqiU pm rnt and fljintu-e. Refs. Box 3(J. Tlmes-Newi

“e S T A T l f LO A N ^



L 0 8 T ; W hile tw btnlled sow, 130 lbs. M eyeu. Ph . 0lB7*ni.

LOHT—2 black, wtilln face aterra, WI MX) lbs. Hrituii D - . Pii J e r- nma 3tl4-J3.

L O ST ; T op h a lf of extension la d ­d e r betw een Uhoslione a n d rw ln P a lli , R ew ard, 041 3rd E,

2 H M H . Plec. appliance)). Ph, 33« .

MOD. fu rn . ap t. 3AI Btli Ava. R.

HMAUL a p t. for 2 aduSU. Ph, 617,

2 IlM/i. mod. ap t. 460 2nd Ave, N.

APT. OrvrnKP. Adulla. 338 Bth Avn. e".

3 IlMH. flin i. liPilt, 432 3d aVp '* £

C O :^ 2 and 3 rm. apta. Ph. Ifllo,

A 'm iA O , fro n t ap i, 210 e th K.

3-RM . fu m . ilungalow apts, 2nd R,

JUB-I^MERIE Inn P h r i f lT o a iu 071

L O ? r r - l O uen isrv s lre r . w t. about 800 Iba.. 1 re<l oow. aU iu t 1000 ihi.,

- In violnltv of M tirlaugh. K. A. T olm an. P h , 1032. Reward,

I<OSTi Drown Ira lh e r n(>leinM>k non> ta ln ln g paiH ri and money, ftn- w ard, keep ilie num ry for return or (lie book, •H arold U. Harvey, Cllt^ H all,

r j f i i i a o N A L s

SHARR exp, eara «nd p a u . m o it plana*. T rave l B ureau. PJ». 3213.

B E A U T Y B H 0 P 8BP^O . perma., 83 com p.; D»iart. |8 ;

n a tu ra l M.00. «3« Malfi i«, M«»j.

APTB Tlio Oxford, 43B Main Nortiv

3 R M S : m odern . prIvaU bnlh, Pur- nacfl h e a t. M ain N. Ph. ITiJ,

3-RO O M ap t. for couple. LlghU w te r pa id . 417 W alnut,

F U R N IS H E D ROOMSPRON-V rm , Htoker. 143 b’uT ho!

N IOR rni., fltoker hV Ph” 3103,

W ELL fu rn , iw , H to k e rr iif l 'ad n T

t i lS A M h e a te d m , 4I» M 'ftYa, W.

FR O N T bedroom , 4 i4 I r4 A n . ■.

1<0, db l. rm .. fum , h t. t t t Main B,

W ARM n n - boa rd o pU onal Wo-W

BPEOIAL ra te s for I girU. Btoker lit, CkwUof, laund iy , prjv. Ph. n i3 ,

UW INANCF; ym ir 1o«h r I lo’ riitr. Miiiiilpr imvniPill;.


l,OANI5 on FA IlM h nnd HOMEIl, Fred I’ U ates—N o rth rn Life Ins Ct), P ravey -T aber HUlg. Ph. 1278


ra tea a n d lerm si

i>!,% In a ll U n d Blink burrow eri a io curirnU y paying. Why pay more? Hce NuUonal Farm Loan OJflc# a t 111> S 'd Ave, H In T. P.

H OM ES FOR SA L E4-llM . house, Intj, 183 A ih fl.7 p.m.

ft-Ttmn mod. ex, h t, 3d \ ^ T p i r i 7 8 a ^

I 'lN i’: reniiKlelrMl ap ts , H team ht. lUokrr, IJlfOO dow n, 137 0 th N,

7-itM . Il0 ll^e. new roof, mo<l,. tx> rep l heat. Oloaa In. Naw doubla ( .ra g o , *3600. P h . aoeoj evenln«f.

NHJR l)lg iiom e wlUi a tlrao tlye BtnuiidA. W aslj in ito n a6hool dlst. A ll-day sun room. 3 flrtnlkces. (Jood fu rn a ce a n d stoker, Bar- gninl r . A. RO BIN SO N , B ank s , T ru s t U ld i.

D O NT~PA Y W EN T r b w ij yoii'r iw n Home for leaa on M% PHA plan. I3A34 i>er ino. oovara taxes, Insur- ■ iiip, a n d pm t, N ew fO .rm , dwell- i n i w ith nreplKCe, stoker, elec, h o t wat<T h ir . I n beat d istric t, D 43 -oven tn ta 380.


W ANTED T O B U Y -a r f l ra ta 40 . SO, w ith T . P , o a n a ) Oo, atooh,

SW IM X N V nT M K N T 0 0 ,

B a ih s an d M assagesSta-W eli, 535 MalO W, Phone 155..

B icycle S a le s & Service

See J e W hite first for loans on homes oc business property Low rate s—^u lck service 130 Mam p.


B icycles lo r R entOLOY STEIN -3 - PHONE SOO-R.

C a rp en ter W orkExp. rem odeling. R eas, Ph . 1630-W,

Chiropra6(orK» r . M. w lim T T a s M am w . p m 247.

C oal a n d WoodPH O N E 3

(or AUiMdren tu a l, niuvliiti and Unn-sfer McCoy C oal e» Transfer.

C u rta in Shops

Je lllson .C o . 435 M ain E. 436-w .

O steo p a th ic PhysicianD r. B J . M iller, 413 MaUi N Pti 1977

Floor S a n d in gnnndlng. H. A. Ilelder 0D3-W.

Job P r in tin gIA IJT Y JO B P R IN T IN O

i.p ilerheads , . . Mall Pleert iun ine .u C ards . . Polders

StAtionery TIM E S a n d NKW8


Insu ran cePoat'ey-Taber O o . Inc. Phone 101.

Ni)i'thwr>lern M utua l Life Ins Oo; M K. Hetmbolt, Bp. Ag. Ph. IR24.

K e y S h opHriiado Key b^op . 130 2nd B t sotiili.

llitck of Id ah o D ept. Store.

L a u n i r iaParl.ilan U u n d r j , P hona 8M.

M on ey to Loan

» » • I « • .1 8 8 I *

$5 to .$50to working people on iiirir s ig n a tu re only.CASH C R C D IT 0 0 .

R<ni 1-3, U urkiioldar Bldg. Pli 7IA > » * » » * < * <

$15 AND UPon your o a r o r fu rn itu re

Pnym ei|ta to a u lt you r Income.L O C A L C O M PA N Y

W E S T E R N F IN A N C E CO. N ^kt to PM allt^ Bank

M o n ey to Loan

$25 to $1000O N Y O L II! C A R

UP T O IB MONTHS T O IlKPAY C on lracis reflrfanccd—private sales

fin an c ed —cash advanced

C onsum ers C redit C om pany

ANSW ER: An o ld-llm e football fo rm ation ; a large, fru lt-c a tln g bat of th e Old W orld; a w restling hold.

H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D

FO R S A L E -5 0 acres F le tcher or­c h ard pastu re , heavy a lfa lfa. Ph. 258. Filer.

FO R SA LE: E lectrical fixtures, fluo-. rescen t m a teria ls , floor and table l a m ^ . Low prices.


CUSTOM G R IN D IN G G rind I t w here i t g row v

M ORELAND M IL U N O SERVICE, P h . 318. F iler. Pti. calls oH g ttad lng .

1 used co al clrcu la t 1 used e lec lrlc range ..

LIVESTO CK FOR SA L EI,good used baUi tu b -I used lav ato ry ...........


POLAND C hina boars and gilts. 13 yrs. old Sprlnfter Jersey cow. 850. 3 So. 1 E. of f :. Main.

FO R SALE; My reg is tered Holstein c a itle . Herd s ta te accredited. H. S. Beals. G ooding. Idaho .

1200 Cro.wbred w hite face yearling ewes Suffolk Hnmp. bucking lor J a n . 20 lam bing. Joe Y raqul, Ph. 0403-J12, or Roy P a in te r.


NEW Hftmp. R ed fryers . 029SJ3.


SPR IN G E R cows, Leo J. Hsnloti.

H IG H E ST p rices pa id for your fat chickens and tu rk ey s Independ­e n t .M eat Com onny

M on u m en ts

D r. O W Rose. 114 M ain N. Ph. B17.

P ia n in o M illWe m ake sash , duors. sore«n.s, cnhi-

n e tj, c o u n te rs—a n y th in g of ivixKi T W IN FA LLS LUMBER CO

Phone B42

F or a ll genera l building and nlaning m ill w ork seeM onlooth & S 0JIK, :17H-W

P lu m b in g an d H eatingS7'OKtCR, oil burn ing e<|ulpiiiput.

P lum bing, w ater softener. ShIpi and service, A bbott Plbg. Pli, 85-W

R a d io R epa irin gP O W ^ L Rad’lo r iM “3nd 'A venuB ll '

S h o e D yein gID A H O ~ ih M ~ eh ln e ^a ll colms.

S h oe R epa irin gL E T tis rep a ir your ahoes for the

rom ing w in te r m onths. Tw in Falls Shoe R epair. 133 W. Bhoshone,

T ra ile rsT raU sta fo r r e n t 3fll F ou rth Waet.

T ra ile r Houae*. 0 « D T raile r O a

T y p e w rU e r t841m . m u i a a n d tenrtoe. Phone 90.

U p h o ls ter in g

>Voodii>orJI(<ii9 M a e M n « r v

D elU wmtdworkhf k i u J u n k B o u M n o U a ia • .



DKER rifles, Shot guns. Pli. 1713.

F IE L D .B A G S, used only oner, and up. H . Case, 3 S., 2 F nf 1

O E N U IN E c u t glass. HevernI plri'Pi of D resden a n d H avlland chlni P rice reasonable. 120 7Hi Avp n .

IILDO. 10x18 ft., new shlnitlp Suitab le fo r.g a ra g e , woik simp dw elling house. 850. 138 W alnut

PBTERB a n d R em ington shot ulirlls a n d oUier am m un ition . All fli quality , fresh stock.


W INDOW a n d A trTO O l.A fts No lalmr c harge for wlndnw kI'i 'S if brm iglit to store. I<ow pi on au to glass,



1 used elec. w ater p u m p ...............|30A BB O T T PLU M B IN G CO.

u n d e r F idelity Bank


IM P. a c rc a se for la rge house or ilu - plex. W rite BoJc 35. Tlmes-News.

5-RM . house ; 2-rm . house. 313 Mon-


PIA N O for sale. P h o n e 1378.

13 F IR S T grade band Instrum ent siim ples. 7 d ifferen t makes other lh a n C onn . 25% to 40'". discount lo close ou l.

D nm ns-W orner Music Co. Klks' n id g . Ph. 601 Estab. IS Yrs.

A U T O S FOR SALE’3fl OUlsmoblle. Good cond. Small

down paym en l, In a 435 4th Ave, N


owned an l n t « r ^ In rea l property s itua ted In, th e C ounty of Twin' Falls, s u t e of Id aho , a n d -described- as follows, to -w it:

An undiv ided in te re s t In the N ortheast Q u arte r (N E ’h ) : th e 'E as t H alf of th e N orthw est Q uarte r ( E 'iN W 4 ) : tiie N orth­w est Q uarte r o t th e S ou theast Q uarter (N W U SEV i): and the N orthwest Five (8) Acre# •below. - T w in Falls C anal C om pany L a t­e ra l In th e Southw est Q uarte r of Uie S o u th ea st Q uarte r fS W 'iS E ’i ) : a ll 1 n Section T w enty-four (34), Tow nship T ea (10) S outh , R ange IH lrtee n (13) E ast o f Boise M eridian.

Together wl^h a ll w ater righ ts a ppu riennn t and belonghig tlirrcio , ineludlnR Tw 6 H undred E lghty-flve (265) sh a re s of the cap ita l stock of T w in Falls C a- ’ no t Com pany, evidencing the w ater r ig h t a p p u rte n a n t to said premLses.And th a t Ute deceased owned an

undivided one -tw elfth ( l/1 2 th ) In - . te re s t in said rea l property a n d th a t no applica tion haa been m ade In th e S ta te of Id ah o for th e appoin tm ent

an A dm inistra to r of th e E state said deceased by any, one and

th a t th e In tere st of sa id PetlU oner' In said C sU te is th a t th e Petitioner has derived U tle to th e rea l proper­ty above described a n d an .In terest there in from th e helra o f sa id de­ceased Ella A. Schenck by convey­ances and haa a n In terest in said real p roperty a n d l i th e ow ner of

n in te rest the re in .T h a t said P e titio n prays th a t the

c ourt make a n d e n te r Its Decree es- fftblLshlng of record a n d .determin­ing who are th e h e irs of th e de­ceased Ella A. Schenck a n d the ir degree of k in sh ip to th e decea.sed and th e rig h t o f descen t of th e real p roperty of w hich said deceased Ella A. Schenck d ied seised a n d th a t she died In tes ta te and determ ine the tim e of de a th of th e decedent and th a t the C ourt m ake and en ter Its Decree in accordance w ith sa id Pe- tlUon and decree th a t said E lla A Schenck died D ecem ber 30, 1M7, lnte.^tate and seised of an e state of Inhe'rlU ncc In th e above described rea l property a n d le ft as h e r heirs th e persons nam ed a s follows and ' Of the degree of k in sh ip as se t forth , to -w lt: . .

Jam es B. Schenck, a b ro th er; Oarl D. Schenck. a b ro th e r: A nna E. Em inger. a s is te r ; Jo h n H. Schenck. a b ro ther; O er tru d e McLean, a niece: E dith Steveais. a lso know n as E dith S tephens, a n iece; M ary Jane S achs, a g ran d niece; M argare t Sachs, a g ran d niece a n d Robert Sarhs, a g ran d nephew .

And th a t sa id heir* were enllUed to th e r ig h t o f descen t in sa id real p roperty a n d th a t a ll of th e r igh t, title and In terest of sa id deceased E lla A. Schenck In th e rea l proper­ly above described h a s descended to a n d vested in th e persons abo'/e nam ed as h e r heirs.

N O TICE I S FU R TH E R GIVEN T h a t F riday , th e f irs t day -of No­vember. 1040, a t th e h o u r of 10:00 o'c lock A. M n a t th e c o u rt room 0: sa ljl court In th e ' County Court H ouse In T w in F a lls County, S tale of Id ah o h a s been appoin ted as tlie tim e nnd p lace for th e h w l n g of sa id Pe tition when a n d w here any person in te reste d In aald E sta te of E lla A ,-Schenck. deceased, e ither as a n heir or c red ito r, m ay appear and ob ject to th e g ran ting of said P eti­tion and siiow cause w hy th e prayer o f .some .should not be gran ted .

D ated th is 28th dny of September. 1040.

• C A. BAILEY. ,I SEAL) Probate Judge.Pul). T im es; Sept. 30; Oct. 7, 14, 31.


»3.W E Q U IT Y In 1041 Ford for »nle. W ill a cc ep t 10'’;, dl.stcoiiiU lor cn.'li, Box 40, Newfl-Tlines.

'3ft PP iuxn PIvm m itti ...._■... 83.50'3. I’ly inou tli 4 d i. ^^.l^.ll ..........$335'37 D eluxe Plym oiilli Coupe $305

Hee New Dn RotoM Tiip^Mlny >llll.^c'll M u to is 30.S Kill), S.

T l u T c K s ” A " N D " f U A lL E R S

in n . n trenm llned ir . hoiiMP. nil liiiilt- Ins a n d Ice box rotnp. I’llccd for iiuick sa le , 34S 4lh E.

K X O eam O N A L L Y « e ll built trallsf house. P hona 543.


B R IC K m e each . Nlitris, quilts, b lankets , ra incoats . nvrrsliiK's, field a n d onion bag*. See Idiiho Ju n k House,

U SED tha linw well syntrm , 390-gnl, caiM clty, 835; 3 good uited .hiiiid pum ps, 88 e a ,; 40 ft, lU - ln , k*1- r a n lw d pipe, 1-1 In, cylinder. kikkI rond., a n d 40-ft, Steel rod. 85; l used 0 |>en type pu m p Jack for xus engine. »A; 1 B r l a s 4i BU atkxi I H. P, a ir oooled g as en ilne , |3A, FI.O Y O L O X Y . a i4 Bhnahoni R

“ h o m e f u r n Ts h in g s ^A N D A P P U A N C P S

HRATROLA. C all 395 7lh Avn. East,

aiN O L E M selMd.'ootnp. ijTBIcfiiry,

R U S T bnd-daveno. 83ft, 7M M ain H.

HRATROLA, W ashing maoltlne, II* brary tab le, le a th a r obalrs , bed, floor lam p, dreoser. 349 Locust.

U N O L S \n 4 » n . wirta pe r r\»T|. n ing foot. Kxam ple, 7UxO alse, 83.70.


MCH(X)L b us tm l',4-tou tn irk ; 1 i r a l le r , com blnatun i slock. Phone A03-W, liu h l,

FO R H A L ^ lO W T T m C. AO 303 IH Inn tru ck , slake IkhIv. iiochI 7:t)0 llren, 3 ni>rnl ax ir, tiuilor re«m d. I.rfiw m ileage, nn ex tra good buy' J . L, F ow lei, I’ll, «4, llrtlley, Ida.


N o i 'K ^ ~ o r i iK A n iN o ”o r TIO N KOit d k t k r -M IN lN d i n i ' IlK.IItN OP IIK- ri^lAHKI), IMKIIl DMtntKK OKK iN H n i r ANH t « k r u m i t o p DKHCKNT U P UKAI, PR O rR K - TY.



Plaim iff,

H. O. D arnesDefendant,

U nder a n d by virtue of an Execu­tion Issued ou t of th e above en­titled C ourt, In the above entitled action, da ted the 3flth day of Sep­tem ber, 1B4(). w herein th e Plalnlllf ttirtiviufd ft Jwlgnu'ivt ag a in s t the Pe fend im t here in , on th e l l i h day of O ctober. 1037 and the sum of 1100.53 a t ih e da le o f ihe W rit now Is due, I have levied upon a ll the r ig h t, tllle, In terest and claim of sa id dpfendiint, of. In and to tlin following described real estate, stand ing on th e records In th e nam ea of H O B arnes, E dna V. Ilrashears, Jesnie V, O liver and Robert O,

ir.v filiuiited in T » In Fulls Coun­ty, H iale of Idaho , lo -w ll;

An unillvided n iie -fom th 111- te rest In a n d to I » ls fi and fl, Hlork Rft, to w a ilte of Twin riills, Idaho .I'UIJMO N O TICE IS HiCREBy

O lV E H : in^A t on th e 36th day t>( October, 1040, a t th e hou r of 10:00 6'clork A. M. M ounta in T im s, of said day, a t tlie Cant F ro n t Door of the Court H ouse of th e C ounty of T w in Falls, S ta te o f Idaho , 1 will, In obedience to said E xecution, sell Ihe above described property to s a t­isfy p la in tif f s Judgm ent w ith Inter­e st the reon , to g e th er w ith a ll eosU th a t have a c rn ie d o r m ay aconie, to th e h ighest bidder to r casb , lawful money, of th e U nited States,

D ated a t T w in P a lls , Idaho, on th is 2Sth day of Sep tem ber. 1040.

I,. W, H*AWKINB, H h e r if f / 'lv ln Falls County, Idaho.

Puh. T im es: Sept, 80, O ot f, 14, 31, rtW ,

In th e M a tte r of Uie K stale of Klla A. S ohenok , deoeasfxl.


th a t H a iti* J. Olbatm also known « ■HttU6-Jani"CnBiion. T u l i S T S thU Court h>r peutlon M tU ni fortti Uiftt Klia A . Soiienok died I t ^ U U on DecemlMr >0. iPtT at in . PuJuU , Illinois. « reaXUnt o t M l. Pulaski In th e ODunty o l L o n n , Btat* pi IW- noia and th a t aaiS O la A. Sohinok died M iH d ot an M ta(* of lnh«ri* tance In th e BMta of td«ho and

FARMEltJ)STOCKMIN-•■r*-K..’2 r - r r

Page 12: GERMAN TROOPS IN (A). . .0 jo 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 REDS (N ).... _______ , f________________________________L

Page Twelve IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, October .7, 1940



As 20-30 Chib Received Charter

Dsfk bv fi; Ihrni jiiill V in brokrn 1

othrr<i(.rr Ihr- iirr;

WllllOllt (

fvowrd thp Ji rirnpix'd six lionib' Enuliind iiuirkri to

.RllPiifc wliUti hull n ont. Ilir tilKlil nvpr niKl ftlincvil nil of hisiri.

Mlllloii.s o( Lo;i

,s IIO'■niry

lait pl;u

llirir bomb

I down MKir liK'hKhiit! stn

b r fo ir (law (I snulIirH?


rill lx>

plni - Gfriii

. fic

E ns-

u-i,'„ liH- iiic .Irpl iiiKll.stm-ljPd

riiidlnn Cicmiim uiitl

purily rpr.poii.slble for d ie iibscinc or tlic OermBU i>lu3ics. T licrc wii:, im IncronsliiK tcmlciicy, however, lo lU- tr ib u te a kockI sliiirc lo n miticiibly »trrnBllicnc<l <lcfciisp vvlilcli wiis mnkliig a c rm n ii rnld.H Itirini.sinijly costly.

No "Boriiltif llcll"A O rrnm ii oftlcUil new.^ nijpiu'y

dlspiilch Imil snia yc.stcnlny Loiuloti SalurtJay nlKlit wn.s •'nKnlii n i)lrHii o of burntiiK, smokluK hell." TViere WHS c\lrn o rtlln arlly licavy HrlnK by nn tl-f ilrcra lt buiis . SnUirtiivy B ut tlie boinblnB sccmcil less m - tciise ihnn tistinl nnd no Ilrc i wt-re sron from thP U nited Press tnwer.

T he nlr m in is try nnd hom e scrur- Uv mitilMry comnninltiue ye.stenliiy nioinliiR sfttd tli rrc had b rrn n lew Itrcs wlileli had been qulckl? ex- tlnfful-sliKi. liicldCHtnlly. rain nldwl 111 puttlnR ihcm out. I t Is ixvv.lble lo sftv th a t London «ns no smoklnK, b u m lnu liell nnd liail n ia been one any o the r niR ht. /

A R O U N D(h e


PA R IS ivlii tien iiiiii .o iii ln t npi'lUD—U r, O lto HcM'ki;, nclnitnis irn to r of K rrncti pil'-cm cuiniv., io!i th e fori'lun prr.;i li><tiiv Unit roiidl llon.^ are ko<kI in ih f I'limii', i>n<l iliii Am erican new.spiipi'r^ niriviiij; Mor Iv.s in th<* opiiO 'll'' ■■ricii \>M

Mild ''ln'(i»-t, ln.l 'Mil-'

NKW V (lltK -M a< k ii ; i.uilo (n-cluv l ii lr r ir ii tr i l i> I .......l lir (l.flKn-lon Hrlllvh frrlK lilrr (irlirr^il w hicli rn io ilr it nlir >Ki(t h rrii l(>n>rcli><-il n irlv Iml.iv iiliciiil ron n illrt <itr lh<- v o iih n rs i u( IrcluLiKt.

UK) .lA N K llll)

urmal j r a n t of rJia rter had o f flria llj placed Ihe T n ln Fall* 20-30 rlub nn thp national ro n k r today. \ r , Irri to rlxht, M as Bpolh, O cdrii, deputy d istric t (o v rrn o r of snb-ilK lrlr l No. I ; Millard D .tnson. pr«si< t (if llir T « lii TalN club, rrcflv ln j; t lif ch a r te r : Geo'rer Soulhw orlh, Iteiio. na llnnal tru*ilpc; Knbcrl Rod- 1, Sail l.akr Clly. d istric t sovcrnor, p rrn c n tln t the c h a r lc r ; UuRh W otith, ^last-pccsWcfvl «C Ihp Boise club,

It.iy Mi-I'arlaiul. i<>:i.stmaslcr a t the Unnqiiet and se n e ra l c hairm an of c h n rtr r iiifh l.(Times r lin to and tn j: ra v ln ()

W. P. A. Road Work in County Totals 236 Miles in 5 Years

iiiiiK Ilic t h e yours in T w in fi KiilK cdiinlv. WPA crrw.s have con-

tuU 'd and .Mirliic-tl 238 m iles of id, ti cllMaiRC rtiiial to th a t Iroin in f 'ii lh 10 S a lt l.iikP C lly. 11 wii.s ■

luniiicrd ihls ;ifii'riii)on by H nbcrl H am pton, dlsirlul n ianase r w ith of-•' '■> lit niihl.

liuiipioii niiiilp ih l.i 'n ti iln n c n t ns ri'lvA .wS n vrpnri ot \lie ftrci»n-

plKlnnrnl.-. ot llip \V1>A In th is ro u n - lor ih a l jXTliiil. ■nio rc iw rt w.s Ih a t n im l roads In farm muinlllc.s idialt-d 163 mllp;;; two ■ brldnrs were constructed w ltlv ii.1 h 'n« lh (.r r>l f e d : ’10 brldj;e.s ^ rccoiislruL-ti'il w ith a to la l

ir iic ih nf 701 fp il; nine nia.sonry IdKP.'i were placed w ith a totf\l of

rJO fLTt; 12U culvpils, toUiUU\B'3,517 and 148 culverts, to ta lling 4585

Icc t were iccon.'.tructwi.O ther Work

addition In the roads m en- ilunctl 111 the report, there Vi'cie IQ nillps nC road side dralnlnf? con-

:tpil, liicludhiK plpf-i find borrow jjlt.H, and 4, mllc.s o f road side d ra ln - OKC rccQnslruclfd, T lic la rper p a r t of

iich construcllon took place h i -thc iiral areas'drvplopUiKTlartn'to m a r­

ket roiuls, the report shows.DurlnR the flvc-ycar )>erlod. WPA

•ows In various ciilps of th e county in?;truclcd 70,271 fre t o t cu rb and ri highw ays nnd cli'y strcel.s trn t- c control llne.t of 16R:340 fee l, or

npproxim nlely 34 ' mllc.s, were painted.

.Constriicllon worh durlnR th e pe­riod, Hnmplon',*: rcim it stiow.s. hv eluded 12 new bulkllnns. recon- .slruellon of 3H buildings nnd build- liiK of flvd addlllon^, lour of ijohiR to schools. Als<i built th rc r recn-atlon bulliUnns. om inlto ry nnd o th e r stotaIlcc bulkllnKs.

OraiidstaiKlKTwo K iandstands, wli

i-apai-ltv ol «<■!••and (»o cntndM ands, wi rapacllv of 2,(>00, w

of w ater m nlns -were rccon- ctcd ; five nnd o ne-hn lf nillp;. nt ,'ianlinry M w m w ere la ld ;. th r re one-half miles o f san lu iry rcw- were reconsln ic ted ; th ree cc.i.'i-

pools iind two septic ta n k s nnd niso 4,n00 fre t o I sprinkling system In public pnrk.v

Flsh R alchcry Onp lto\i hnUrhery wa.n lecnn-

.Inir.icd brinRlnR up th e nniiuftl m - pnclty 10 600,000 fhiKPrlhiK.H; clly parks, streets and hlfihway.s wpri- bpneJllted and m ade m ore snfe

:h the conslnintlon of 1G,4«7 ,f retftlnlMK walls, 3.50.S fp(;t

of rlprapplng; 300 f re t of Irrlua tlon d lich wa.'s constructed and 3.455 rc-

.iriicted: 20,03 acre.s of parks ! landscftpcd', {o«r ornftmcnisvl

pooh were rceonstructed ; drftlnaRi work w as completed on 13.81 acre of a irpo rt lan d ; six m iles of fenchiR was constructed nnd n ine nnd one- h|tU miles was rccoiiKlructcd; twv tunnel.s were consirueied wlOi n to-

Ipnclh of 074 'feet; 38.000 ynni. Rravel and .«anri wa.s sppiirrt

and 43S feet of concrete pipe man- ufnctured.

L- dor- nnd o{


Pedestrian Hurt When Hit by Car

Condition of Sydnev M yeis, 47 who suffered three frnciu^ps of tin le ft leg w hen struck by nn nulo mobile w ithin the c ity llmlt.s S .it- ucday nlRhl, j,fis salrt bv hosp»n\ offlclnl-t today to be "cood."

Myers, police records .show, s tm ck a t the corner of Shosli (ilrect nnd Scroiid avenue sou lh by n ninchlnp bpInK nppraltd by F . W, n e ed . 172 nnrtli Wa.slilngton stree t.

S . 1 R K I E K CUASHINCiTON, Oct. 7 lU.' ro-hnur A dm inistra tor P h ilip D, iiini!-nnnoim ced to<lav th a t e m ­

ployes whose rcRular w nrk-weck be- Klns before m idnigh t Oct, 23 neec conform only to. (he p resen t 42-

axim um durlnR th n t week.U nder th e la ir labor .standards •t, th e tniiximum work-wpck dc- p.ises nutom nllca lly on O ct. 23, cniid ann iversary nf th e s ta tu te 's iinl approval. D uring th e yenr

Ihe a rt 's rffccilvcness Ihe w ork- cek was 4 i hours.If th e rniploye'.s work-weck b e ­ns on nr a fte r m idnigh t, O ct. 23, !• said, th e em ployer m ust pay tim e ,;d !\ UwH a lte r 40 h o n rs a re wovycti.


rn lls lm cn ts are now being ac- ptcd for a class In th e n 'v a l re- rvo known as ‘ of m en 17 to . vonrs of age who a re com m ercial • '.unateur rad io operators, It was nii.unced th is afte rnoon by C. A. itnntii.son, officer In chnr>(e o f the

iccrulU ng stiitlon In th e post- tlro building.The men m akhig applica tion III eood ch a rac te r, and be able to

I S Ihp required physical exnm lna- (111 Acceptable candidates , upon ilwiinent, will be tran s fe rr rd lo a hIIo or signal school a t Los Angeles r n r,idlo school a t San FrancUco ■here they will receive a four loniiis' course of Inatrucilon de- Kuril to qualify them for th r ra t- le o[ rad iom an th ird or slg- alin.m th ird class in the naval re-

tatinind equ ipm ent will be p.ild by

till- -.lovcrnment. A fter completion of the rou rsc o l Instruction, ilPtiL-. will be given a n opportunity to ^nrve fo r an add itiona l period o;‘ llnip on active d u ty a t sea or ai n a \a l ;ho re rad io sta tions. Pay wll niiit:'' from ,121 to 160 a m onth , de- iwiulliie upon th e In itia l qunllflca tlnns and ndvonecm ent. and nil met must agree to serve on active duty no! .'r.s.? th a n one y e a r IncludJnp the four m onths’ schooling.

f:dinon.son said th a t anyone inter- psied .‘'h bu ld com m unicate w ith him a t oncp a t th e T w in F a lls postoffice, DntB can a lso be ob ta ined from the navy recru iting office a t tiie federal building In S a lt L ake City.


W ord had been recPlvi-d bpre to ­day of Ihe d e a th of F. D ou-lns H aw ­ley. f irs t Scout executive of th s Snake v lv tr urea council svivh henil- quarlcr.s In Tw in Falls .

Hawley, according to word receiv­ed by G ordon A. Day. ^nT^pnt. exe­cutive here, died about two wrcks ago \>;hllc on a cnmpInK trip ■ m em bers of a Po rtland Roy Scout un it, A fler leaving th e expcutlvc po­sition a t T\vln F a lls he went to Wfll- la W nlla. Wiisli,. a n d Ihkt to Olym­pia , w hen ' hts .stnvwl in Ihe .same capacity , ic th ln g from .service n t the liittc r point. His dei.lli occurred durUig the lUslU afte had rcrlred, nnd his i)»xl> was covcred by iroo]) nu'inl»-i.< the m orning,

Altorney Speaks To Latawah Club

HANSEN, Oct. 7 < S peclal)-A t' tornp.v Lionel Cam pbell. In address lug the Sen ior lA taw ah club oi Ti|ps<lay, urged Ihe group to .school hniii'Plves h) th e m a tte r of projKi- nmdn,

■ \Vf should be preparing oui niiiils and bodies to accept cmtr- jriiclr» whlcii we m ay be fore«^ to Ihco boih physically and mentiilly, ‘ he inld them . "M any questions nr

iked by th e public w hich urges one i In.MH on you th s of varlou.s or- m i/jitlons being encouraged U i‘pp pliy,5lcally a n d m orally strong r)(l m entally a le r t by way of open

dl.scu.'.aon on problem s of th s d a y .' he 'a id

'.Mrs. H arold K oenig. In charge o thp progiam , in troduced th e 'g u e s t speaker, A brief business m eeting wns abo conducted.

Mrs. D. J , Koenig, n t whose homi Ihe nii-ctlng wns he ld , was a.s-slstPi by Mr.- . Will Em ery In serving re fre.’.hinenifi.

Fun at a Chowder Party

Com pletely relax ing from (he rare* of .slate and polillr*. P residen t Rooievelt enjoys a h e a rty lauch wllh K atharinp ilepb iirn as Ihey sip f lth ehow der d a rin g recen t visit of Ihe famed aelresa to Ihe P residen t's Hyde P a rk home.


Slate o f m nominees for th e fIX lo be tlHed In th e T « ln F rUs

J unior Cham ber of Commerce elec­tion was announced today by P resi­den t R obert H- W arner a fte r report of th e nom inating committee.

Alton Y o u n g 'r tn d Jim Bow'flph ere selected as candidates fo r the.

presidency. One or th e o the r will succeed M r. W arner.

Klecl Oel. IS Tlie election will be held a t Uio

Jaycee m em bership mcpllng T ues­day. Oct. 15. a t the Pa rk holel. O f­ficers will take over Immediately

.and will hold the ir paM.s un til Oel.1941. Dlreolors chosen In llyj

ba llotlne. however, will hold ofllee for two years.

T he full .‘ liiip of Jaycee nomlnrp?^. s spleclp<l by thp com m ittee headed

by Tom Ppavoy, If:President— Alton Young and Jim

Bowden.'F irs t v ice-president — L o y a l I. .

Perry and F rank iT o n y ' W arner. ' Second vice - prpsidpnt — c . A.

Bud) B uffington and C harles Steber.

Secreu in-—Stanley Sturgeon and Max B. Miller. *

Trea.surer—Jam es A. Sinclair, Jr., nntl Russell Thom as.

Director l.lst D irectors a h r r e to be elec ted)—

Roy Babbel, W alter Dos.s, Hob G reene, R. E <Bud> KIme.s. W il­bur 'M cK ray, Jo h n Yaple.

E n te rta in m e n t for the Ocl. l.S meeting will be provided by the board of directors.


A T ennc.«ee college dean and n we.stern bu^lne.ssman lam ed as an in sp ira tional .speaker will headline th e 1940 " teache rs ' InstU ule" of ilic S outh C en tra l Id ah o E<lueatlon a s ­sociation in T w in F a lls O cl. 2.^-2(l.

Tlipy are Dr. Joseph Roemer, dean of Peabody Ju n io r college, Nnshvllle, T cnn., a n d How ard (PaU Patience. Denver, division m anager of W est­e rn A uto Supply c o m p a n y .'

A nnouncem ent of th e sj)eakers was m ade by j . B. F rid ley , p residen t of th e sou th cenU al educa tional o rgan ­ization.

Mr. Prldiey- sa id reg is tra tion will be a t T w in Fnlls h igh school Friday m orning. Oct. 25, F irs t general .ses­sion will be a t 10 a . m . th a t day. w ith

Dr. Roemer speaking on "W hat I: DemocrBtip School? ’

Tlieme of th e 1D40 in.slKule Democracy In th e S c h o o b -U o w

Much,"Annual Schoolm a.siers ' luncheoi'

will be held a l noon .F rid a y , and pctlonal m eetings a t th e h igh school 111 constitu te th e afte rnoon busl le.vs t)roi;ram. Footbull gam e th a t light and the a n n u a l In stitu te dance ,•111 round out the Inaugu ra l day,

Mr. patience will speak a t the S a turday m orning. He will dl.^ciws

Is O ur Kducatlonal Navy Properly planned? ' Bu:ilne.\s ses.slon will also

be held th a t m orning, an d th e a n ­nual alum ni Umehcon of form er Albion S ta te N orm al stu d en ts Is scheduled for noon. S ec tional m e e t­ings S a turday a ltc rn o o n will wind up th e Institute.


Tlie average life o f ar. ftuiojnobllo is now eight and th ree -q u a rte rs y ta rs lus com pared lo th e old figure of six and o ne-hn it years.

BO ISE. Oct. 7 fU.R)-C. Ben Ro:.s. Idaho 's only th ree -term governor, will open a one-m an cam paign on beliftlf of Mayor A, C lark o f , i Idaho Fnlls, Democrniic nom inee for g f governor, a t Eagle T liu rsday flight.It wn.s nnnounced today. •

ROS.S .said he would ndctrcis fa rm ­ers In 20 or 25 coimlles du ring th t course of his tour.


distinction of linvlng th e m ost m em - ber.s In one fam ily serving w ith th e C anadian, a rm ed forces is claim ed by th e Tliomp.son fam ily in R cstl- gmiche county. Seven of 'WllllBm Tliompson'.s .sons a rc In nctiva Rcr- vlce w ith th e C anadian Active Ser­vice Force.

W ife Gets DivorceMrs. Florence L eG rand received

divorce decree In d is tric t couH S a l- urdny against Edw ard L eG rand , to whom slie was wed Nov. 13, 1039. a t Nam pa. T he,w ile received re tu rn of her form er nam e. Florence G las­cock. ,

TIh' constltulion of the United S la te s w ent Into effect on th e Jlrst W edne.sday In M arch. 1789.




lUM'd lo .• troopn hii'l 1..1 w hat pi,


c ii i 'N O K iN ii — o rri ii .iu un lrii loclny 3K0 » n-il i iu l AOfl Hi.iiiuir.l li. Ihr

III hMiuliiy iir l>l| .t..| Mi rUI i«|iinilr<ii»

MOIiCOW A lliiM -,|,u I

defenses iiiiiUi «ns ........ nnfciipervl.sioii <if M arshal Mi ihmiu inoshriiko, txivh't wm i-<iiiinii'- n:

HANOI. l-rriM h lix in -n ilii.i (Inv. Je an d r 4'<mih> rrjr.-lli.n llifl tleiitatido of HlnlUi^il ihluiAlt lnda-(<hlna rai>*e<l » i r a

___ .Scliool TcstH SetA cH iovem rnt lc « u n im o t the

two M rtM g iva ii miAiwlly in 'i v in n U U county rurnJ •ohooU - will bo

- g iv tn -W w lrw a d ty or UiU week, ae-



n a rk a t T oil oe tlr*

Phone 870

l y y n ^ m i lc 6 C r u is e r 4 - D o o r , S i 0 2 0 * (S tw ie

VHnJel H . S l O ' i y ) . /V /f f f i jic lu tU c h ro m e fe tu le r o riu iiiien lt.

TICKK’fl ilrlvjii,- . . . . /-/«-"<• and /. J ly t l r a - M a i t c , y..i Biiii a to p —wIiliDiit p reM —n r |;e iirn h lll tn nn iitipn- l a ie . Y ou r ru i a o In a n p n r- ■inoolh foutlh . A nd If ymi w a n t ox lra “ [xip" for paaaln^

or clhnbiiiK , >>< th e oc<-Blrriili>r unit ii pIcU-UpKCurawfrpayi., I i ia h in tly , A vuliiililn O lda n«Klol« for l 'J 4 1 - ( C n ila e r, D ynam ic C ru ln rr n lo w - p r l n n d O lila S p e n iu S U o n d Ult.'lil. T r y It lo<l

.................. «r « a y a , 'a » « r *S O Cf O ••Mich. Tr0n»por.

•nf)iOplloiial •iiulinifnt »mla«o«t§o- rJ**—•» » « . I'rhmt (o oAan||*iv<rAoufnn//a<>.Ai>«r<iiRAi.H(m>aavAi4ia * o n . . »,.il..n.l .1 .Ml


CHANEY MOTOR CO.Miiin nnd F o iir ih KiinI Twin F n |h


PUBLIC SALET he L one S ta r Ranch having been so ld , R . E . Shepherd o f f e r s for sa le th e fonow injf lis t o f pcrjwnal properly at th e I /)n e S tur Ranch, I m iles South and fi m iles o f Jerom e; or 1 mile South and 1 m . K. o f Falls C ilv School House.

T h u rs.O ct.1 0 ,1 1 a.m.39 - CATTLE - 39

14 Head High Production R egistered Holstein.sAge Dam Blre riri-d Test

Cow ....... B yrs, old Peg«y HiiiUPslPiid . Governor Hi)iiiPst<-ad ....... 7-3(1-40 . . ... :i sCow......... . S yrs. old K<-ho Heryl nr|{'1)1 ’ ... Govrrnor Homestead . . . .ju st Fresh. . 3 04Cow......... -5 yrs. old Beryl Hciim-M.-ad Kcho ....Louis Jerome ......... . (1-7-40 ....... ..,.3.-J(lCow____ ., r. yra. old Bacouesa Jeiome .....Clovcvnor l>rk ol'R rryl....... .. !»-'J:1-40 ...... . . .3.'i3Cow.......... ..4 yrs: old Beryl llomi-sioad Kcho . .. Louts Jerome ....................... .. 1-2-40 ' ........ ,.. n.iBCow ........ ..3 yrs. old Knrnilykc Htnneslni<t i;<-h0 . l/>uts Jerome ....................... , S-ll.'.-IO ......Cow......... ..4 yrs. old Baroness Jerome 11 Louis Jecome ....................... Kirsheiied .... H'JJCow........ ..1 yrs. old DeKol l*egi:v Hniini'stra d . ...I.,ouls Jerome ...................... . 7-in--lflCow ........ n yrs. old Beryl IIoiupmpikI (■•rlio . Loiii.i Jrroiiie 0-R-4H .. J HCow .. 21 Mo, old KoriKlyke Honn-.' lead IiPr\ 1 Idaho perlrrlim i Kiiiul»hBull. . 11 Mo. old Beryl Epho Knrra Stic- . . .Id a h o Pcrfeclion Kamlah .Bull Calf 3 Mo. old Jpioiup Ann ..... ....Joe Pan.'iv Boy.......................Bull Calf B Mo. old Beryl Houjpslrucl Krho .... ,.. Hir Honipo ................Ball Call a SVks, Old D<-kol llomestvi\>l llfl-vj ... Jop n-iy .............

2,') Head i)l' Grade Hol.stein Stocl<I'rr-.ln-lu

. Ih ri l n-l;! 40 Hied 3-ln 4(1

4 Years lil rMlPd l l - n 1i>

(linv ... 5 Yearn JJinl .VUl-m . C ow M atured Hied il.::ii.40 (.•ow a Years lireil 4-J3-40

All n itt lc h a v e hern (CNtcd for T, crfdlU'tl. All priMlHcllon flKiiri-M v



•J YearsCiiw . .. -J Vnir,1 lin 'd :i-::,'i-4nCow . Years Hieil 7-l!,\-40(.'ow ,. ,. . .n . Mo. ... llrn l O-mi-tl)Cow . ...It) Mo. litrd H-I1-4Ut\)W .. . .2 Vnii.s Ilr.’d fl.7-40(.'ow ■i Yeai* lired 7-»-H)Cow . Cow (:i>w . C o w . Cow. ,

, r . Mo. . . . 17 Mo . .. 11 Ml.... 14 Ml)......2 Mo......

It. and l{iint(H dlnviiHe nnd h c id itnn lirt'n he­re t iih iiln ti'd hy (h e D a ir y H e rd Im p rn v c -


HORSESy .s old. noo ; inurp, H

ir , 9 years old. Ift.tO; lioi^ home, sm ooth, 1300; mar

le . sm ooth UOfl. w are, I p, n mnlit.lui old.


C hina g ilu <lu 4 H pollrd J ‘oli O iipsler W hite

■ Hpolteil I’lilaiMl Oliliia 3 U|KiIle<l Poland (;iiliia

■ ow soon; n ((polled I'cilaiul (o fariiiw Ih-Iimo l ) r r 1 ;

Kl Clihni ii'-i)|pd sons; i iMiiir; S V-iypn hog iimi-ien. igiis and wiK)d barrels.

F A R M M A C H I N E R Y; hay rack ; hay

dls<‘ inillivalor; Colorado pl" hiirnrii.i; PonW m

lioilnp R)cl3, double Ijoaided:

lion hiMTow; «-fiHit dli c o o t kllpni a UlK «

Hagon; h in d rr ; 'J-wav ditcher iliualnr. 4-lio ine frrsn o ; inni w llh li-w ay phiw. roriiiH alor

Oiiip rq iil |in ie n l: d illiI, j)lti-lir<»k», ^ll(lveln and m any o the r sm all llei

'I Ifl-holr Kialn drill; corn lowers; Rlrte delivery rake;

liean fiiltp r: lioel iiUiler;' ure fipreadpr; Burr m ill; and mower a tla r lu u rn ts ;

|K)wer grind nlonr;I loo I

MIhK KQUII'MKNTlU lle r; Hiirgo inllkri*: l iie la wpai.i caiiji; la -ga i. eleolrle w ater hnitPf. Terms:; CASH

R. E. SHEPHERD, Ownerfl«le « t I I , I .iin c h bjr H . W . W l l . I J A M f l O N , Clerk

(iranjr* COI-. JO H N IIAUTHIKmN, Jerom i E . O ^W A l/nC H , Filer, AiictUmcem

4 ;