germany saarbr˜ - max planck society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, steiner trees, scan-line...

PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn Implementing Geometric Algorithms LEDA and CGAL Susan Hert Kurt Mehlhorn Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science Saarbr¨ ucken Germany

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Page 1: Germany Saarbr˜ - Max Planck Society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, Steiner trees, scan-line algorithms. P I Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn LEDA users ... Users from academia and

PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Implementing Geometric Algorithms


Susan Hert Kurt Mehlhorn

Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science



Page 2: Germany Saarbr˜ - Max Planck Society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, Steiner trees, scan-line algorithms. P I Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn LEDA users ... Users from academia and

PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn


• Introduction (20 min)

• Systems I: LEDA and CGAL (20 min)

• Demos (30 min)

• Arithmetic and Exact Kernels (60 min)

• Degeneracy and Algorithmic Issues (75 min)

• Simple Algorithms (randomized algs) (45 min)

• Result Checking (30 min)

• Systems II and Summary

Page 3: Germany Saarbr˜ - Max Planck Society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, Steiner trees, scan-line algorithms. P I Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn LEDA users ... Users from academia and

PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

The Voronoi Diagram of Line Segments

Voronoi diagram = pointswith at least two nearestneighbors

VD consists of parts of

• perpendicular bisectorsof points, and

• angular bisectors oflines, and

• parabolas

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Some Remarks

• About 10 years ago, I asked a student to implement an algorithm for Voronoidiagrams of line segments

– he was a good student, has a PhD by now

• we found several algs in the literature

– divide and conquer

– sweep

– randomized incremental

• all algs use a certain geometric primitive: the incircle test

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

A Typical Test: The Incircle Test





• v is defined by l1, l2, and p, i.e., dist(v, p) = dist(v, l1) = dist(v, l2)

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

A Typical Test: The Incircle Test





• v is defined by l1, l2, and p, i.e., dist(v, p) = dist(v, l1) = dist(v, l2)

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

A Typical Test: The Incircle Test






• v is defined by l1, l2, and p, i.e., dist(v, p) = dist(v, l1) = dist(v, l2)

• Add l3. Is v still a Voronoi vertex?

• If dist(v, p) < dist(v, l3), YES

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

A Typical Test: The Incircle Test






• v is defined by l1, l2, and p, i.e., dist(v, p) = dist(v, l1) = dist(v, l2)

• Add l3. Is v still a Voronoi vertex?

• If dist(v, p) = dist(v, l3), YES, BUT...

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

A Typical Test: The Incircle Test





• v is defined by l1, l2, and p, i.e., dist(v, p) = dist(v, l1) = dist(v, l2)

• Add l3. Is v still a Voronoi vertex?

• If dist(v, p) > dist(v, l3), NO

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn


• None of the papers discussed the case YES, BUT...

– They all started with: We assume our input to be in general position.

– We discuss this issue in the section on Degeneracy

• None of the papers mentioned that it might be difficult to make the casedistinction, i.e., to

compare dist(v, p) and dist(v, l3) .

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Algebraic Formulation

• li: ai · x+ bi · y + ci = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3

• p = (0, 0)

xv =int+


√N + C)

√N − (a1a2 + b1b2)

yv =int+


√N − C)

√N − (a1a2 + b1b2)


N = N1 ·N2 Ni = a2i + b2i C = a1a2 − b1b2

x2v + y2

v ?(a3 · xv + b3 · yv + c3)2

a23 + b23

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• None of the papers discussed the case YES, BUT...

• None of the papers mentioned that it might be difficult to make the casedistinction, i.e., to

compare dist(v, p) and dist(v, l3) .

– we implemented the algorithm using floating point arithmetic

– and found a few examples where the program worked

– cf. section on arithmetic and exact kernels

• None of the papers mentioned that alg is complex

– cf. section on simple algorithms

• None of the papers mentioned that implementors make mistakes

– cf. section on result checking

• We had nothing to build on

– cf. section on systems (LEDA and CGAL).

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn


• Introduction (20 min)

• Systems I: LEDA and CGAL (20 min)

• Demos (30 min)

• Arithmetic and Exact Kernels (60 min)

• Degeneracy and Algorithmic Issues (75 min)

• Simple Algorithms (randomized algs) (45 min)

• Result Checking (30 min)

• Systems II and Summary

Message of Tutorial

• Computational Geometry has addressed implementation issues over the past10 years and

• has found (partial) solutions

CGAL and LEDA make the solutions available to YOU

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

What is LEDA?

• A library of combinatorial and geometric data types and algorithms

– covers a large part of combinatorial and geometric computing(AHU, CLR, Mehlh, PS, Ko, Ki, BKOS, O’Rourke)

– easy to use

– extendible

– correct

– efficient

• provides algorithmic intelligence for applications in GIS, VLSI-design,scheduling, traffic planning, solid modelling, graphics, facility planning,computational biology, . . .

• a platform on which to build applications

• a tool for teaching algorithms and algorithm engineering

• extended by AGD, LEDA-SM, CGAL

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Modules in LEDA

• Basic Data Types: random source, stack, queue, map, list, set, dictionary,priority queue, . . .

• Advanced Data Types: partition, sorted sequence, pq-trees, dynamic trees,range trees, interval trees, segment trees, . . .

• Numbers: bigints, bigfloat, rationals, algebraic numbers, linear algebra

• Graphs and Graph Algorithms: graphs, node and edge arrays, iterators,shortest paths, maximum flow, min cost flow, matching (weighted,unweighted, bipartite, general), assignment, components and connectivity,planarity, layout, . . .

• Exact Geometry Kernels: points, lines, circles, . . .

• Geometric Algorithms: polygons and boolean operations on polygons (2d),convex hulls (dd), Delaunay diagrams (dd), Voronoi diagrams, sweep-linemethod (2d), curve reconstruction . . .

• Visualization and I/O: windows, graphwin, geowin

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Sample Applications

Application Algorithmic Intelligence

traffic planning(Daimler-Chrysler)

graph algorithms, maxflow, shortest path

geographic informationsystems, overlay of map(MUS)

intersection of polygons,point location

data mining(Silicon Graphics)

data structures, graph al-gorithms


graph algorithms, Steinertrees, scan-line algorithms

Page 17: Germany Saarbr˜ - Max Planck Society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, Steiner trees, scan-line algorithms. P I Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn LEDA users ... Users from academia and

PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

LEDA users

• academic users ( = users that pay little)

– 1500 installations in more than 50 countries

– ≤ 50% of our users are in CS

– ≤ 20% of our users are in algorithms

• commercial usersMCI, USA; CAD Design, USA; Comptel, Finnland; France Telecom, Frankreich; E-Plus

Mobilfunk, Dusseldorf; Dolphin Software, Holland; ATR Telecommunications, Japan; Sun

Microsystems, USA; Mentor Graphics, USA; Siemens AG; Lufthansa Systems, Kelsterbach;

Daimler Benz, Berlin; Ford, USA; Aerospace, Muenchen; Silicon Graphics, USA; Digital

Equipment, USA; Sony Corporation, Japan; Dainippon Screen, Japan; Minolta, Japan;

Shinko, Japan; Chevron Petroleum, USA; Prediction Company, USA; Commerz Financial

Products, Frankfurt; IBM, Japan; and many others

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn


• 3d-convex hulls: handles one- and two-dimensional input sets

• boolean operations on polygons

• Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, curve reconstruction

• range queries

• additional demos: depending on time and audience

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PI Informatik Susan Hert

Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

• ETH Zurich

• Freie Universitat Berlin

• INRIA Sophia-Antipolis

• MPI Saarbrucken

• Tel Aviv University

• Universitat Trier

• Utrecht University

ESPRIT projects CGAL and GALIA.

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PI Informatik Susan Hert

Design Goals

• Efficiency

• Ease of use

Segment_2 s1(Point_2(0,0), Point_2(1,2));

Segment_2 s2(Point_2(1,0), Point_2(0,1));

if (do_intersect(s1, s2)) ...

• Correctness

– produce the specified result

– produce results robustly

• Flexibility

– more than one algorithm

– more than one kind of input and/or output

Page 21: Germany Saarbr˜ - Max Planck Society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, Steiner trees, scan-line algorithms. P I Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn LEDA users ... Users from academia and

PI Informatik Susan Hert

Geometry Kernels


• classes for elementary geometric objects in 2D, 3D, (and dD soon):

Point 2, Direction 2, Isocuboid 3, Sphere 3, ...

• predicates:

orientation 2, compare x, side of bounded sphere, ...

• intersection computation and detection

do intersect, intersect

• distance computation and comparison

squared distance, cmp signed dist to plane, ...

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PI Informatik Susan Hert

Geometric Data Structures

• Search Structures

• Planar Maps

• Triangulations

• Halfedge Data Structure

• Polyhedral Surfaces

• ...

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PI Informatik Susan Hert

Geometric Algorithms

• Convex Hulls

• Voronoi Diagrams

• Point Location

• Optimization

• ...

• Alpha Shapes

• Delaunay Triangulations

• Nearest Neighbor Queries

• Polygon Partitioning

• ...

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PI Informatik Susan Hert

Support Library

• Number Types: Interval arithmetic, Quotient, Filtered exact, ...

• Visualization: Geomview, LEDA Windows, GeoWin, ...

• Generators: polygons, convex sets, points in sphere, points on sphere, ...

• STL Extensions: circulators, creators, in-place lists, ...

• ...

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PI Informatik Susan Hert

Algorithms & Data Structures

(Kernel + ....)Traits



Generic Programming

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PI Informatik Susan Hert

Generic Algorithm Example




Convex Hull

Page 27: Germany Saarbr˜ - Max Planck Society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, Steiner trees, scan-line algorithms. P I Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn LEDA users ... Users from academia and

PI Informatik Susan Hert

Geometry KernelsParameterized by a number type

Cartesian (x, y)

Homogeneous (hx, hy, hw)

Number type may be, for example:Filtered exact, leda rational, leda real, ...

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PI Informatik Susan Hert


• Users from academia and industry

• Users from graphics, vision, GIS, robotics, CAD/CAM, Aerospace, ...

• Over 1500 downloads of latest release

• Over 700 members of cgal-discuss-l mailing list

Page 29: Germany Saarbr˜ - Max Planck Society · 2001-06-08 · graph algorithms, Steiner trees, scan-line algorithms. P I Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn LEDA users ... Users from academia and

PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Arithmetic and Exact Geometry Kernels

• Exact geometry kernels provide software objects that behave like theirmathematic counterparts

• LEDA and CGAL provide exact and efficient kernels for “rational” geometry

• “rational geometry” = only +, − ×, and /.

• rational geometry carries a long way:

– points, lines, hyperpoints, hyperplanes, circles,

– convex hulls, triangulations, Delaunay and Voronoi, geometricoptimization, polygons, geometric search structures,

• non-rational geometry is evolving

• exact kernels are based on number types integer , rational , bigfloat ,filtered integer , real ,

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

A High-Level View of Geometric Computing

• takes numerical data, e.g., a set of n points given by their Cartesiancoordinates.

• computes a combinatorial object, e.g., the Voronoi diagram or the convexhull, defined by the objects.

• branches based on geometric predicates, e.g., orientation(p, q, r) orin circle(p, q, r, s).

• tests are usually not independent

• may reach “impossible” states, if predicates are evaluated incorrectly, e.g.,

– a point outside a polygon sees no edge of the polygon

– a point outside a polygon sees all edges of the polygon

• algorithm will crash or compute nonsense.

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Boolean Operations on Polygons

• construct a regular n-gon P , (or cylinder)

• obtain Q from P by a rotation by α degrees about its center,

• compute the union of P and Q (= a 4n gon).

System n α time ouput

ACIS 1000 1.0e-4 5 min correct

ACIS 1000 1.0e-5 4.5 min correct

ACIS 1000 1.0e-6 30 sec problem too difficult

Microstation95 100 1.0e-2 2 sec correct

Microstation95 100 0.5e-2 3 sec incorrect answer

Rhino3D 200 1.0e-2 15sec correct

Rhino3D 400 1.0e-2 – CRASH

CGAL/LEDA 5000 6.175e-06 30 sec correct

CGAL/LEDA 5000 1.581e-09 34 sec correct

CGAL/LEDA 20000 9.88e-07 141 sec correct

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Floating Point Arithmetic Destroys Geometry

The intersection point of two lines lies on both lines.

• create four points a, b, c, and d with random integer coordinates in [0 .. 104]

• create the lines l1(a, b) and l2(c, d)

• increment count if l1 and l2 are parallel or p = l1 ∩ l2 lies on l1

• repeat experiment 105 times

count = 0; max_coord = 10000;

for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)

{ point a, b, c, d, p;

random_point(a,max_coord); // same for b, c, and d

line l1(a,b), l2(c,d); // create lines

if ( !l1.intersection(l2,p) || l1.contains(p) ) count++;

// if l1 and l2 are parallel or intersection point lies on l1


cout << count; // outputs 33178

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

and with LEDA’s Exact Geometry Kernel

count = 0; max_coord = 10000;

for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)

{ rat_point a, b, c, d, p; // !!!!


rat_line l1(a,b), l2(c,d); // !!!!

if ( !l1.intersection(l2,p) || l1.contains(p) ) count++;


cout << count; // outputs 100000

• CGAL’s and LEDA’s exact geometry kernel guarantee that softwareobjects behave like their mathematical counterparts

• overhead in running time is a small constant factor

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Exact Evaluation of Predicates

• amounts to computing the sign of expressions, e.g.,

orientation(p, q, r) = sign

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣1 1 1

xp xq xr

yp yq yr

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣• sign evaluation

– for rational expressions∗ floating point filter∗ exact evaluation with rational arithmetic as fall back

– for algebraic expressions:∗ separation bounds∗ sign test = numerical evaluation + separation bounds

• high level predicates:

– which face contains the point p?

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Floating Point Filter

To determine sign(E)

• evaluate with floating point arithmetic: E

• compute an error bound B

• if (|E| > B) return the sign of E

• otherwise, evaluate E with exact arithmetic and return the sign obtained

Insight: sign determination is possible with approximate value computation

• all geometric predicates in LEDA and CGAL are filtered in this way.

• generation of filters is automated (expression compiler by Stefan Funke)

• experience: exact evaluation is rarely needed

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Error Bound Computation

• we use a clever variant of interval arithmetic

• B = 2−53 · indE ·mesE• indE is precomputed from the structure of E.

• mesE is computed on-line

E E mesE indE

a, integer fl(a) |fl(a)| 1

a, float int fl(a) |fl(a)| 0

A+B A⊕ B mesA ⊕mesB 1 + max(indA, indB) · δA−B Aª B mesA ⊕mesB 1 + max(indA, indB) · δA ·B A¯ B mesA ¯mesB (*)

(∗) = 1 + (indA + indB + 2−53 · indA · indB) · δ δ = 1 + 2−53

• standard interval arithmetic is an alternative, slightly slower

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Efficacy of Floating Point Filter

Orientation Side of circle

d number exact % number exact %

8 130431 0 0.00 64176 0 0.00

10 147814 0 0.00 77409 136 0.18

12 149233 0 0.00 78693 105 0.13

22 149057 0 0.00 78695 113 0.14

32 149059 0 0.00 78695 115 0.15

42 149059 0 0.00 78695 115 0.15

∞ 149059 0 0.00 78695 115 0.15

Delaunay diagram computation for 10000 random points in the unit square.

d = precision (number of binary places) used for the Cartesian coordinates

number of tests, number (percentage) of tests requiring exact arithmetic

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Efficiency of Floating Point Filter

d Float kernel Rat kernel RK without filter

8 2.58 3.59 16.33

10 2.8 3.98 18.36

12 2.83 4.04 18.63

22 2.82 4.02 20.51

32 2.86 3.96 20.77

42 2.83 4.01 26.02

∞ 2.83 3.99 33.2

10000 random points in the unit square

d = the precision (number of binary places) used for the Cartesian coordinates

running time in seconds for floating point kernel, for rational kernel with floatingpoint filter, for rational kernel without floating point kernel

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Sign Tests of Algebraic Expressions

determine the sign of algebraic numbers given by algebraic expression dags


• determine sign of√

17 +√


17 +√

21 + 2√


• compare 17+√

2119 and 18+




• evaluation of geometric predicates (incircle, side-of) amounts to signdetermination

• non-linear objects and distances lead to expressions involving roots

• want a general method for evaluating geometric predicates

• Alternative: methods for specific predicates

BMS (ESA 94), Devillers/Fronville/Mourrain/Teillaud (SoCG 2000))

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

The Intersecting Circular Arcs Demo

Input: A set of circular arcs

• circular arcs are parts of circles

• endpoints = intersections between circles and lines

Output: The arrangement defined by the arcs

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The Separation Bound Approach

• a separation bound for a class of expressions is an easily computable functionsep mapping expressions into positive real numbers such that

for every expression E: val(E) 6= 0 =⇒ |val(E)| ≥ sep(E)

• separation bound yields sign test based on numerical computation

ε← 1;while (true){ compute an approximation E with |val(E)− E| < ε;

if (|E| ≥ ε) return sign(E);if (ε < sep(E)/2) return “sign is zero”; // since |val(E)| ≤ ε+ ε < sep(E)ε← ε/2;


• worst case complexity is determined by separation bound:

maximal precision required is logarithm of separation bound (bit bound)

• easy cases are decided quickly (a big plus of the separation bound approach)

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

The Separation Bound Approach

• a separation bound for a class of expressions is an easily computable functionsep mapping expressions into positive real numbers such that

for every expression E: val(E) 6= 0 =⇒ |val(E)| ≥ sep(E)

• Mignotte (82), Canny (87), Yap/Dube (95), BFMS (97), Scheinermann (00),Li/Yap (01), BFMS (01)

• separation bound approach to sign determination is used in

– number type Expr in the CORE-package (Dube/Li/Yap)

– number type real in LEDA

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

The BFMS-bound for Division-Free Expressions

Let E be an expression with integer operands and operators +, −, ∗ and √ .Define

• u(E) = value of E after replacing − by +.

• k(E) = number of distinct square roots in E.


E = 0 or u(E)1−2k(E) ≤ |E| ≤ u(E)

A Consequence

If E 6= 0 then one of the first 2k(E) log u(E) binary places of E is nonzero andhence determines its sign.

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Example I

x = some integer with L binary places

A = (√x+ 1 +

√x) · (

√x+ 1−


B = A− 1


u(B) ≈ u(A) ≈ 4x and thus log u(B) = log u(A) ≈ 2 + L

and hence to decide whether B = 0 it suffices to look at the first


binary places of B.

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

The LEDA Program Corresponding to Example I

The theorem is packaged in the LEDA data type real . It provides exactarithmetic for arithmetic expressions involving square roots.

real x = ... some integer ...;

real sx = sqrt(x);

real sxp = sqrt(x+1);

real A = (sxp + sx) * (sxp - sx); // = 1

real B = A - 1; // = 0

cout << A.sign(); // 1

cout << B.sign(); // 0

If x has 100 binary places this takes less than .1 seconds. Run demo.

Reals have been used successfully in several geometric programs, e.g., Voronoidiagrams of line segments, arrangements of circular arcs, . . .

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Example 2

A =

√. . .√

(. . . (22)...)2 + 1− 2

To decide that A 6= 0 it suffices to look at the first 2k log 4 binary places of A.

Remark: First nonzero bit of A is about 2k places after binary point.

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More Discussion

• k(E) = 0: E = 0 or E ≥ 1.

• The bound is almost sharp√. . .√

(. . . (22) . . . )2 + 1− 2

(4, ...)1−2k ≤ E ≤ 2−2k

• Our bound is always at least as good as the bounds by Mignotte (75) andCanny (85) and sometimes much better.

For example, for the expression of the previous item:

our bound Canny’s bound

general k 2k log 4 2k · 4k

k = 10 2000 20 000 000

However, Canny’s bound also applies to more general situations.

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Proof of BFMS-Bound for Division-Free Expressions

E = an expression, integral operands, operations +,−, ∗, k√ for integral k ≥ 2.

D(E) = product of the indices of the radical operations in E. (the index k√

is k.)


integer N |N |E1 ± E2 u(E1) + u(E2)

E1 · E2 u(E1) · u(E2)



Then val(E) = 0 or(u(E)D(E)−1


≤ |val(E)| ≤ u(E).

• u(E) is an upper bound on the value of E and all its conjugates

• the product of val(E) times all its conjugates is an integer

(namely the constant coefficient of the minimal polynomial)

• thus

val(E) · u(E)D(E)−1 ≥ 1

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Algorithms vs. Implementations

Fact #1: Input to algorithms is quite often assumed to be void of degeneracies:

and many others . . .

overlapping objectscommon intersectioncollinear points

cocircular points vertex adjacencies

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Algorithms vs. Implementations

Fact #2: Input to programs that implement these algorithms is often NOT voidof degeneracies.

Result: Programs may produce

• incorrect results,

• imprecise results,

• or NO results (i.e., the program crashes),

which are generally unacceptable outcomes.

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Robust Algorithmic Approaches

• Treat each degenerate case separately.

• Perturb input to achieve general position .

• Reformulate general-position algorithms so degeneracies are not special .

• Assure topological consistency of geometric structures .

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Example: Walking through a Triangulation


• a triangulation

• a point P contained in a triangle ∆P

• a second point T


• the triangle ∆T containing T .






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General-Position Approach

∆e T



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• Assume no three points are collinear.

• Walk along segment s = PT maintaining the following invariants:

– Edge e is an edge whose relative interior is intersected by s.

– Triangle ∆ is incident to e and lies in the same halfspace as T withrespect to e.

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General-Position Algorithm

1. if T ∈ ∆P , done;

2. e = edge of ∆P intersected by s;

3. ∆ = other triangle incident to e;

4. while ( T 6∈ ∆ ) {e = other edge of ∆ intersected by s;∆ = other triangle incident to e;}

∆e T



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Possible Problems

T is on an edge of the triangulation. s passes through a vertex














other edge?

other edge?

No problem. Change the testT 6∈ ∆

to include the boundary of ∆:T 6∈ ∆

Problem.e = other edge of ∆ . . .

Which is the “other edge”?

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The Special Cases Approach

Change the algorithm to include the following:

If s passes through a vertex then . . .

If s contains an edge of the triangulation then . . .


• Detailing all the special cases is generally difficult and leads to complicatedcode.

• Difficulty of maintaining invariants of a general-position algorithm in the faceof degeneracies can lead to errors.

Conclusion: The special cases approach is generally not a good idea.

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A Randomized Approach


















P = (x , yrand rand) e



1. Choose starting point P at random from ∆P .

2. Run the general-position algorithm.

3. If a vertex v is crossed, restart at step 1.

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A Randomized Approach

Claim: With high probability a random choice of P will work.


• Each vertex eliminates a segment in ∆P

• Finite number of vertices

• ∆P has positive area and the segments have 0 area.

⇒ Almost all points in ∆P will work

Conclusion: Theoretical claim is true, but in practice . . . ???

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A Perturbation Approach

1. Move the input by an infinitesimal amount so the degeneracies disappear.






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2. Run the general-position algorithm on the perturbed input.

3. Extract the results for the original input.

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Valid Perturbations

Valid perturbations remove the 0 branches from the computation tree.




<0 >00

• Each predicate in the computation tree is implemented as a function thatdetermines the sign of a polynomial.

• Instead of moving the input points, one actually need only “perturb” thepredicates that operate on the input.

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Perturbing a Predicate

Pe T��





Example: The orientation of V = (Vx, Vy) with respect to the directed line fromP = (Px, Py) to T = (Tx, Ty) is determined by evaluating sign(D):

D = det

1 1 1

Px Tx Vx

Py Ty Vy

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Perturbing a Predicate

For a small positive ε, create new points:

P ′ = (Px + πP (ε), Py + πP (ε))

T ′ = (Tx + πT (ε), Ty + πT (ε))

V ′ = (Vx + πV (ε), Vy + πV (ε))

Then the orientation predicate should determine sign(D′):

D′ = det

1 1 1

P ′x T ′x V ′x

P ′y T ′y V ′y

= D + g(ε)

where g(ε) is a polynomial in ε.

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Perturbing a Predicate

Orientation of perturbed points determined by:

sign(D′) = sign(D + g(ε))

For sufficiently small ε, we have:

• for non-degenerate cases (D 6= 0)

sign(D′) = sign(D)

• for degenerate cases (D = 0)

sign(D′) = sign(first non-zero coefficent of g(ε))

Notice: ε does not actually appear in the computation.

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Perturbations – When Do They Work?

• The pertubation functions π(ε) must guarantee that

D′ 6= 0

– linear functions work with high probability

– choice of functions π(ε) is main difference among different perturbationtechniques

• When original program computes a continuous mapping from input tooutput, pertubed computation computes correct result.

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Perturbations – The Costs

• When original mapping is not continuous, output may not be correct:




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but one hopes it is close to correct.

• Sometimes significant postprocessing required to recover correct result fororiginal input .

• Evaluation of perturbed predicates involves more comparisons.

• Sometimes perturbing input makes problem more complicated .

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Perturbations – The Benefits

• General-position algorithm can be applied without modification.

• Rapid prototyping possibilities.

• For certain problems, a correct result is guaranteed even in the face ofdegeneracies.

Conclusion: Perturbation is a powerful technique in certain circumstances.

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Refined Invariants Approach

Idea: Define invariants that can easily be maintained in the face of degeneracies.




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Original Invariant: Edge e is an edge whose relative interior is intersected by s.


• next e satisyfing this may not be and edge of ∆

• including endpoints of e in invariant means next e is not well defined

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Refined Invariants Approach


∆?e T






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Original Invariant: Triangle ∆ is incident to e and lies in the same halfspace asT with respect to e.


• when e and s overlap ∆ not well defined

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Refined Invariants






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Maintain an oriented edge e and a triangle ∆ such that:

• ∆ is the triangle to the left of e

• T lies to the left of e and P lies to the right of e

• s intersects the half-closure of e (i.e., relative interior or the source)

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The Refined Algorithm

1. if T ∈ ∆P , done;

2. e = half-edge of ∆P intersected by s;

3. ∆ = triangle incident to reverse(e);

4. while ( T 6∈ ∆ ) {c = vertex opposite eif (c right of s) thene = reverse(e2)∆ = triangle right of e2

elsee = reverse(e1)∆ = triangle right of e1













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The Refined Algorithm


e T∆ ��������



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The Refined Algorithm




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The Refined Algorithm




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The Refined Algorithm




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The Refined Algorithm
















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The Refined Algorithm
















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The Refined Algorithm



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The Refined Algorithm














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The Refined Algorithm

∆ ∆






















• Walk through triangles as if the input line were perturbed downward a bit.

• Edge e is never collinear with s.

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The Refined Algorithm – Why Does It Work?



c∆e e




• Always move closer to T because the next e

– intersects s closer to T

– OR makes a smaller angle with s.

• Degeneracy (3 collinear points) included in the invariant:

– s intersects the half-closure of e

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Refined Invariants Approach

• Careful consideration of degeneracies incorporated into the invariants.

• The refined algorithm:

– can be equally as simple as the general-position algorithm

– works for all input without fail.

• Must be applied to each problem separately.

Conclusion: With better invariants, one can achieve absolutely robustalgorithms that are easy to implement.

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Topological Consistency Approach


• Consider structure (topology) before numerics

• Use numerics only to choose between multiple consistent structures.


• Algorithms that always produce some output no matter how imprecise thenumerics.

• Output converges to correct result as precision increases.

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Incremental Construction of Voronoi Diagram

For each point p:

• Construct regionRp for new point pfrom bisectors with existing points.

• Remove the edges contained in Rp


• The edges removed form a tree.

• The edges removed from each re-gion are connected.


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Topologically Consistent ConstructionView Voronoi diagram as a graph.

• find a “seed vertex” v

• from v find a set of connected ver-tices V0

• generate new nodes in graph on thecut edges for the subtree induced byV0

Use numerics to decide which verticesto remove.



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Topologically Consistent Algorithms

• Enforce structural invariants in their construction

• Shift emphasis from (often faulty) numerics to combinatorics

• Degeneracies are not special since these are defined by numerics

• Equally as correct as non-topologically oriented algorithms

• Results degrade nicely in the presence of imprecision.

Conclusion: Imposing structural invariants can make algorithms even morerobust.

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Handling Degeneracies in CGAL and LEDA

• Algorithms are implemented to handle all degeneracies.

• Geometry kernels provide exact predicates upon which to build robustalgorithms.

• Flexibility of CGAL allows user

– to provide a kernel of perturbed predicates

– to employ a number type to implement perturbations .

– to observe behavior of topologically consistent algorithms with variouslevels of numerical precision.

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Some Famous Geometric Algorithms are Quite Complicated

• Linear time triangulation of simple polygons, deterministic O(n log n) sweep

• simpler deterministic algs have inferior running time

• we may want to live with the inferior running time

• randomization frequently leads to simple and efficient algorithms

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Convex Hull Problem

Input: a set of points S

Output: a boundary description of the convex hull CH (S) of S

In 3d, determine vertices, edges, and facets and their incidences

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Convex Hulls by Incremental Construction (CMS, CGTA 93)

• consider the points in arbitrary order and maintain a triangulation of thecurrent hull

• construct hull of the first point (= a point)

• in order to add a point p

– if p is a dimension jump, make p an additional vertex of every simplex

– otherwise, determine whether p is inside the current hull (see next slide)

– if not, determine all facets visible from p

– add a simplex with tip p for every visible facet




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Details of the Walk

• o is a point in the interior of the first simplex

• walk through the triangulation along the segment op

• if walk hits a hull facet, p is outside the current hull

• find all visible hull facets by walking on surface of hull

• section on degeneracy discussed how to make the walk robust


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Running Time in Two Dimensions

• the running time of incremental construction is O(n2), since we walk throughat most i triangles when we insert the i-th point and

∑1≤i≤n i ≤ n2

• in the worst case the running time of incremental construction is quadratic



xixn x1

• if the points are inserted in random order, the running time is O(n logn).

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Expected Running Time of IC

Theorem 1 The expected running time of the incremental algorithm for convexhulls is O(n logn) if all insertion orders are equally likely.

Assumption of the theorem is satisfied,

• when the points in S are generated according to a probability distribution forpoints in the plane.

• when the points in S are randomly permuted before the incrementalconstruction process is started: Randomized incremental construction (RIC).

• RIC was invented by Ken Clarkson and Peter Shor in the late 80s

• very powerful paradigm

• the books by Boissonnat-Yvinec and Mulmuley center around the method

• Remarks: running time of RIC is O(n) in the best case; this is the casewhen number of extreme points of S and every random subset of S is small

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Analysis of Walk, A Special Case



xixn x1

assume: a and b are inserted first, x1 is inserted last, and x2, . . . , xn are insertedin random order

• let o be a point on the segment ab

• how many constructed edges will the segment ox1 intersect?

• edges (a, xi) and (xi, b) are constructed iff xi is inserted before x1, . . . xi−1

• probability for this to happen is 1/i.

• expected time of walk for x0 is∑1≤i≤n


= O(log n)

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IC versus RIC


K n # extreme pts Random Sorted Random Sorted

S 4000 18 0.09 0.27 0.11 0.13

S 8000 23 0.16 0.76 0.22 0.21

S 16000 29 0.33 2.53 0.42 0.41

D 4000 59 0.1 0.45 0.11 0.1

D 8000 66 0.17 1.26 0.23 0.2

D 16000 87 0.43 3.48 0.5 0.41

C 4000 4000 0.32 15.57 0.34 0.37

C 8000 7995 0.7 65.93 0.75 0.71

C 16000 1.599e+04 1.47 253.4 1.53 1.57

S = n points in the square with side length 2R, R = 16000

D = n points in the disk with radius R centered at the origin

C = n points (approximately) on the circle with radius R centered at the origin

random = points in random order

sorted = lexicographically sorted input

RIC randomly permutes input and then calls IC

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Sweep versus RIC

Sweep RIC

K n # extreme pts Random Sorted Random Sorted

S 20000 25 1.68 1.54 0.55 0.55

S 40000 29 3.6 3.26 1.26 1.43

S 80000 31 7.72 6.98 2.06 2.07

D 20000 106 1.75 1.59 0.55 0.56

D 40000 109 3.76 3.33 1.17 1.25

D 80000 152 8 7.02 2.42 2.58

C 20000 1.999e+04 1.82 1.67 2.13 2.12

C 40000 3.994e+04 3.96 3.57 4.46 4.41

C 80000 7.979e+04 8.6 7.78 10.31 10.04

columns and rows have the same meaning as on preceding slide

observe how well RIC does on inputs where the number of extreme points is small.

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Are Our Programs Correct?

• we start from correct algorithms

• we have a sound basis: exact geometry kernels and exact number types

• we document and test, and our large user community tests

• many programs provide proof that their output is correct


checkers check proof.

• Example: is A · x = b solvable?

Output: yes no

Proof: x0 such that A · x0 = b c such that cT ·A = 0

cT · b 6= 0

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• theory: we developed checkers for

– convex hulls in d-space, Voronoi diagrams, line segment intersection, . . .

– data structures, e.g., dictionaries and priority queues, . . .

– graph algorithms, e.g., planarity, flow, components, . . .

• practice:

– many of them have been implemented.

– are part of LEDA and CGAL

– have greatly increased reliability of the systems

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Planarity Test

Input: A graph G

Question: Is G planar?

Answer: yes/no

Do you find this convincing? Run planarity demo

Proof: a planar drawing or a Kuratowski subgraph

Remark: Proof is readily checked.

Further Example: Run matching demo

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Checking Convex Hulls

Given a simplicial, piecewise linear closed hypersurface F in d-space decidewhether F is the surface of a convex polytope.



F is convex iff it passes the following three tests

1. check local convexity at every ridge

2. 0 = center of gravity of all vertices

check whether 0 is on the negative side of all facets

3. p = center of gravity of vertices of some facet f

check whether ray ~0p intersects closure of facet different from f

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn


• one ray in third test

• test is fast (linear in size of F ) and simple

1. = scalar product

2. = sign of linear function

3. = linear system solving– Let f ′ be any facet and let h′ be a supporting hyperplane.– q = r ∩ h′ is a point.– q is a convex combination of vertices of f ′ and this combination is

unique (since f ′ is a simplex). Thus, solve

q =d∑j=1

λj · vj

and check whether 0 ≤ λj ≤ 1 for all j.

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn

Sufficiency of Test is Non-Trivial Claim

• ray for third test cannot be chosen arbitrarily, since in Rd, d ≥ 3, ray may“escape” through lower-dimensional feature.


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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn


• the structure of the convex hull program

1. incremental hull construction

2. geometric primitives in d-space

3. exact linear algebra over the integers

4. arbitrary precision integers

• added checking to all but the lowest layer

• running time increases by ≤ 10%

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PI Informatik Kurt Mehlhorn


• Checking allows one to test on all inputs and not only on inputs for whichthe output is known.

• checked programs are reliable

– either give the correct answer

– or catch the error themselves

• surprisingly many programs can be checked

• designing checkers is non-trivial

– convex hull

– priority queue

• KM usually designs the checker first