gerth stølting brodal university of aarhus monday june 9, 2008, it university of copenhagen,...

Word RAM Algorithms Gerth Stølting Brodal University of Aarhus Monday June 9, 2008, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark International PhD School in Algorithms for Advanced Processor Architectures - AFAPA

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Gerth Stlting Brodal University of Aarhus Monday June 9, 2008, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark International PhD School in Algorithms for Advanced Processor Architectures - AFAPA Slide 2 Lecture Material Slide 3 Background... Computer word sizes have increased over time (4 bits, 8 bits, 12 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, 64 bits, 128 bits,...GPU...) What is the power and limitations of word computations? How can we exploit word parallellism? Slide 4 Overview Word RAM model Words as sets Bit-manipulation on words Trees Searching Sorting Word RAM results Slide 5 Word RAM Model Slide 6 Word RAM (Random Access Machine) Unlimited memory Word = n bits CPU, O(1) registers CPU, read & write memory words set[i,v], get[i] CPU, computation: Boolean operations Arithmetic operations: +, -, (*) Shifting: x >k = x/ 2 k Operations take O(1) time 011001101 101111101 001011101 100101000 101111101 001011101 100101000 101111101 001011101 100101000 101111101 001011101 100101000 101111101 001011101 100101000 011001101 0110011 111000 01101 1111 01 n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CPU i Slide 7 Word RAM Boolean operations AND01 000 101 OR01 001 111 XOR01 001 110 001110101111 AND011101110111 001100100111 0 = False, 1 = True x~ x 01 10 Corresponding word operations work on all n bits in one or two words in parallel. Example: Clear a set of bits using AND Slide 8 The first tricks... Slide 9 Exercise 1 Consider a double-linked list, where each node has three fields: prev, next, and an element. Usually prev and next require one word each. Question. Describe how prev and next for a node can be combined into one word, such that navigation in a double-linked list is still possible. x1x1 x4x4 x3x3 x2x2 nextprev pprev(p) Slide 10 Exercise 2 Question. How can we pack an array of N 5-bit integers into an array of 64-bit words, such that a)we only use N5/64 words, and b)we can access the ith 5-bit integer efficiently ? 01011 how not to do it 64 bits waste Slide 11 Words as Sets Slide 12 1514131211109876543210 0010000010100100 Would like to store subsets of {0,1,2,...,n-1} in an n-bit word. The set {2,5,7,13} can e.g. be represented by the following word (bit-vector): Slide 13 Exercise 3 Question. How can we perform the following set operations efficiently, given two words representing S 1 and S 2 : a) S 3 = S 1 S 2 b) S 3 = S 1 S 2 c) S 3 = S 1 \ S 2 Slide 14 Exercise 4 Question. How can we perform the following set queries, given words representing the sets: a) x S ? b) S 1 S 2 ? c) Disjoint(S 1, S 2 ) ? d) Disjoint(S 1, S 2,..., S k ) ? Slide 15 Exercise 5 Question. How can we perform compute |S|, given S as a word (i.e. numer of bits = 1)? a)without using multiplication b)using multiplication S |S|= 4 1514131211109876543210 0010000010100100 Slide 16 Bit-manipulations on Words Slide 17 Exercise 6 Question. Describe how to efficiently reverse a word S. S reverse(S) 1514131211109876543210 0100000010100100 1514131211109876543210 0010010100000010 Slide 18 Exercise 7 Question. How can we efficiently compute the zipper y n/2-1 x n/2-1...y 2 x 2 y 1 x 1 y 0 x 0 of two half-words x n/2-1...x 2 x 1 x 0 and y n/2-1...y 2 y 1 y 0 ? Whitcomb Judson developed the first commercial zipper (named the Clasp Locker) in 1893. Slide 19 Exercise 8 Question. Describe how to compress a subset of the bits w.r.t. an arbitrary set of bit positions i k >>i 2 >i 1 : compress(x n-1,...,x 2,x 1,x 0 ) = 0....0x i k...x i 2 x i 1 compress(x) 1514131211109876543210 0100100000101101 1514131211109876543210 0000000000001011 i 4 =14, i 3 =7, i 2 =5, i 1 =2 Slide 20 Exercise 9 Question. a)Describe how to remove the rightmost 1 b)Describe how to extract the rightmost 1 1514131211109876543210 0011000110110000 1514131211109876543210 0011000110100000 1514131211109876543210 0000000000010000 remove extract Slide 21 Exercise 10 Question. Describe how to compute the position (x) of the rightmost 1 in a word x a)without using multiplication b)using multiplication c)using integer-to-float conversion 1514131211109876543210 0011000110110000 x (x) = 4 Slide 22 Exercise 11 Let (x) be the position of the leftmost 1 in a word x (i.e. (x) = log 2 (x) ). Question. Describe how to test if (x)= (y), without actually computing (x) and (y). 1514131211109876543210 0000110100110100 x (x) = 11 Slide 23 Exercise 12* Question. Describe how to compute the position (x) of the leftmost 1 in a word x (i.e. (x) = log 2 (x) ) a)without using multiplication b)using multiplication c)using integer-to-float conversion 1514131211109876543210 0000110100110100 x (x) = 11 Slide 24 Fredman & Willard Computation of (x) in O(1) steps using 5 multiplications n = gg, g a power of 2 Slide 25 Exercise 13 Question. Describe how to compute the length of the longest common prefix of two words x n-1...x 2 x 1 x 0 and y n-1...y 2 y 1 y 0 1514131211109876543210 0011001100101100 1514131211109876543210 0011000110110000 lcp(x,y) = 6 xyxy Slide 26 Trees Slide 27 Exercise 14 Question. Consider the nodes of a complete binary tree being numbered level-by-level and the root being numbered 1. a)What are the numbers of the children of node i ? b)What is the number of the parent of node i ? 5 32 467 81091115141312 1 Slide 28 Exercise 15 Question. a)How can the height of the tree be computed from a leaf number? b)How can LCA(x,y) of two leaves x and y be computed (lowest common ancestor)? 5 32 467 81091115141312 1 x y LCA(x,y) Slide 29 Exercise 16* Question. Describe how to assign O(1) words to each node in an arbitrary tree, such that LCA(x,y) queries can be answered in O(1) time. x y LCA(x,y) Slide 30 Searching Slide 31 Exercise 17 Question. Consider a n-bit word x storing k n/k-bit values v 0,...,v k-1 a)Describe how to decide if all v i are non-zero b)Describe how to find the first v i equal to zero c)Describe how implement Search(x,u), that returns a i such that v i =u (if such a v i exists) 1514131211109876543210 0100111000011000 v3v3 v2v2 v1v1 v0v0 x Slide 32 Sorting : Sorting Networks Slide 33 Exercise 18 Question. Construct a comparison network that outputs the minimum of 8 input lines. What is the number of comparators and the depth of the comparison network? x1x1 x2x2 x5x5 x4x4 x3x3 minimum x6x6 x7x7 x8x8 Slide 34 Exercise 19 Question. Construct a comparison network that outputs the minimum and maximum of 8 input lines. What is the number of comparators and the depth of the comparison network? x1x1 x2x2 x5x5 x4x4 x3x3 x6x6 x7x7 x8x8 minimum maximum Slide 35 Odd-even merge sort for N=8. Size O(N(log N) 2 ) and depth O((log N) 2 ) Fact. At each depth all compators have equal length [ Ajtai, Komls, Szemerdi 1983: depth O(log N), size O(Nlog N) ] Odd-Even Merge Sort K.E. Batcher 1968 Slide 36 Sorting : Word RAM implementations of Sorting Networks Slide 37 Exercise 20 Question. Descibe how to sort two sub-words stored in a single word on a Word RAM without using branch-instructions (implementation of a comparator) x 10011101 y 11011001 min(x,y)max(x,y) input output Slide 38 Exercise 21 Question. Consider a n-bit word x storing n/k-bit values v 0,...,v k-1. Describe a Word RAM implementation of odd-even merge sort with running O((log k) 2 ). Odd-even merge sort for N=8. Slide 39 More about Sorting & Searching Slide 40 Sorting N words More about Sorting & Searching RandomizedO(N (loglog N) 1/2 )Han & Thorup 2002 DeterministicO(N loglog N)Han 2002 Randomized AC 0 O(N loglog N)Thorup 1997 Deterministic AC 0 O(N (loglog N) 1+ )Han & Thorup 2002 Dynamic dictionaries storing N words DeterministicO((log N/loglog N) 1/2 ) Andersson & Thorup 2001 Deterministic AC 0 O((log N) 3/4+o(1) ) Slide 41 Summary Slide 42 Many operations on words can be efficiently without using multiplication (x) and (x) can be computed in O(1) time using multiplication, and O(loglog n) time without mult. Parallellism can be achieved by packing several elements into one word The great (theory) question: Can N words be sorted on a Word RAM in O(N) time?