get my people going!! - my people going - participant book.pdf · healing god, let...

Trinity Lutheran Church 1314 E Lexington Blvd Eau Claire WI 54701-6434 Phone 832.6601 / Fax 832.6700 E-mail: [email protected] © 2012 International Parish Nurse Resource Center An Invitation to Wholeness from the International Parish Nurse Resource Center Get My People Going!!

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Trinity Lutheran Church

1314 E Lexington Blvd

Eau Claire WI 54701-6434

Phone 832.6601 / Fax 832.6700

E-mail: [email protected]

© 2012 International Parish Nurse Resource Center

An Invitation to Wholeness from the International Parish

Nurse Resource Center

Get My People Going!!

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Introduction This eight-week wellness program is designed for use by

everyone in your congregation. The goal is to encourage all

God’s people to have a healthy lifestyle. We realize that not

everyone can run a marathon, not everyone can walk a mile, not

everyone can get out of a chair. Yet everyone can find some way

to make their life healthier, be it through armchair exercises,

drinking more water, or finding more time for prayer.

Some wellness programs presuppose that people need a health

makeover. The fact is, however, that most people are doing quite

well in some areas, and only need improvements in others.

Nobody’s perfect, but most of us have some good health habits!

This program asks you to define your own barriers to good health

practices. Do you need to exercise more and eat more fruits and

vegetables? Or do you need to stop smoking and get more sleep?

You are asked to focus on three areas of your choice to improve

and to share your progress with a buddy. This booklet, and the

notes you make on it, is for you alone to see.

Moses didn’t make it to the Promised Land, but he could see it.

And so can we! Let’s get going in the direction of wholeness of

body, mind, spirit, and community.

Blessings on the journey,

Rev. Dr. Deborah L. Patterson

Executive Director

International Parish Nurse Resource Center

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What Are Your Building Blocks?

The Israelite people, saved from starvation through the kindness

of the Egyptian Pharaoh during a famine in Joseph’s day, were

slaves in that country several generations later. Forced to make

bricks to fuel the growth of Egypt’s mighty empire, they longed to

return to the land of their ancestors. Moses, Hebrew by birth, but

raised as an Egyptian in Pharaoh’s court, saw the Israelites’

plight, and took pity on them. God sent him to say to Pharaoh,

“Let my people go!” The story starts in Exodus 2.



Blood Pressure

Please read through this booklet before beginning your journey!

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A Blessing for the Journey

Feel free to use this prayer at the beginning of the eight weeks or

whenever it is right for you along your journey.

God of love and wholeness, we pray

that you would bless all those on this

journey today. Let your Spirit

surround us with wisdom, guidance,

and strength as we seek to respond in

joy to the blessings of your marvelous

Creation. When we feel weak, grant

us the strength of heart to carry on.

When we feel lonely, grant us the wisdom to seek your Presence and

the presence of others who will befriend and encourage us. When we

feel tired, grant us the mercy of blessed rest and renewal for a new day.

Healing God, let our efforts for wellness be part of a greater wholeness

to which you call every community, in every nation. Let us daily

remember our neighbors in prayer and do what we can to help in times

of trouble and sorrow. Fill us with your purpose, and help us to always

follow your gracious and compassionate will.

Grant us the grace to rejoice in the good, and the right, and the true.

Remind us to observe your Sabbath day of rest and renewal and to

celebrate the many joys of living! We give thanks this day for our

families and friends, healthy food, clean water, comfortable homes, and

your world of infinite wonder.

Bless us on our journey, O Lord, that we may strengthen our bodies,

our minds, and our spirits, to love and serve you all the days of our

lives, and to care for our neighbors, as we care for ourselves.

All these things we ask in your Precious and Holy Name. Amen.

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Week 1 Rise Up and Stand: Preparation for the Journey

The Israelites had a long

journey ahead. They had to

take stock of their physical

and emotional well-being as

they set out. Assess your

well-being below. Check as

many statements on this list

as you like. No one will ask

you to share this information. What areas of your life is God calling to

your attention? (You do not need to turn this in.)

1. _____ I need to exercise more.

2. _____ I need to drink more water.

3. _____ I need to stop smoking.

4. _____ I need to eat more fruits and vegetables.

5. _____ I need to lose some weight.

6. _____ I need to get more sleep.

7. _____ I need to spend more time with friends.

8. _____ I need more purpose in life.

9. _____ I need to deepen my spiritual life.

10. _____ Other: _____________________

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What will you Change on the Journey?

You can’t travel in all directions and get

anywhere. You have to make choices and

head that way. Likewise, you can’t change all

areas of your life at once. You may have

checked 10 items that you would like to

change on page four, but we recommend that

you choose three and focus on those three

areas for the next eight weeks. Write your top

choices for change and actions you will take

to change. For example: "I will eat more fruits and vegetables by

adding two servings a day to my diet." You do not need to share what

you write here with anyone—this is for your own use.

Use the information on SMART goals on page 6, to guide you in

setting strong goals

Write your top three choices for change here:




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Goals are indispensable to changing behaviors and moving along the

wellness spectrum. But a broad, weak goal can set you back rather than

move you forward because it leaves too much room for failure. On the

other hand, strong goals bring focus that helps you succeed in meeting


Recognize the value of any forward movement, no matter how small.

You get where you want to go by taking one step at a time. Small

changes bring rewards for the long term.

The acronym SMART is a popular way to test the strength of your

goals. The usefulness comes as a quick, easy-to-remember checklist for

goals that lead to getting things done or accomplishing change. Is your


S = Specific, Simple

M= Measurable

A=Actionable, Achievable


T=Timely, time-bound

Even the simplest hope for change will stymie you if you don't know

what you're supposed to do, specifically. A strong goal statement will

map out what you will do, and how often or by when you will do it.

Break down big goals into specific action steps you can take within a

defined period of time. For instance, "I will add one serving of fruit to

my lunch on Monday through Friday for one month," or "I will walk on

the path around the park three evenings a week for the summer."

Set goals that require change in your habits and behavior, but

remember that you want to be able to sustain new behaviors over a

period of time. Keep them realistic.

Also, do not compare your goals to someone else's. You choose goals

for your wellness that are realistic in your life. Get My People Going!

asks you to set goals in two or three areas that you can sustain over the

eight weeks of the program.

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Week 2 Moses Was Not Alone

Moses didn’t want to speak to

Pharaoh alone, nor travel to the

Promised Land alone. God answered

his prayer by sending his brother

Aaron and sister Miriam, to be with

him. See Exodus Chapter 4:14 and

Chapter 15:20 And God was with


Who will go with you on your journey? Would you like a brother or

sister, a neighbor, or a church friend to walk with you or check in with

you on your journey?

Name of fellow traveler: ____________________________

Have him or her sign below each week as you check in together:

Week One:

Week Two:

Week Three:

Week Four:

Week Five:

Week Six:

Week Seven:

Week Eight:

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Week 3 Manna and Quail: Eating God's Healthy Provisions

When the Israelites were in the desert, they

needed food. God sent bread from heaven—

manna, which tasted like wafers made from

honey— and quail. Read more in Exodus,

Chapter 16.

Today, we have myriad choices for things

to eat—much of which is filled with fat,

salt, and sugar. Portion sizes have increased significantly over the past

few decades. Fast food is a staple in many diets, and school cafeterias

often sell soda,which contributes to tooth decay and childhood obesity.

Many studies have shown the importance of eating a balanced diet with

moderate portions and reducing the intake of sugar, fats, and sodium.

Red meats and processed meats are to be eaten sparingly. Eating as

many as 9 to 13 servings of vegetables and fruits a day provides you a

wide variety of nutrients and fiber. (Moderate portions, remember?!)

Here is a great site created by the United States Department of

Agriculture to help you design your personal food pyramid based on

your age, weight, height, gender, and physical activity level: If you don’t have access to a computer or need

help, your parish nurse will be glad to help. Also, check out and

(click on the "food" button) for ways to expand your enjoyment of

favorite foods in healthy portions.

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Week 4

Striking the Stone The Renewal of Water The people of Israel, walking in the desert, knew they needed

water to drink, or they would die. In Exodus 17:6–6a, God

said to Moses, “Walk on ahead of the people. Take with you some of the

elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck

the Nile, and go. I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb.

Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.”

We need to drink water daily, even if we aren’t traveling through the

desert! About 60% of our body weight is water, and we lose about 1.5

liters a day during normal activity. Exercise increases water loss. The

Mayo Clinic recommends drinking about eight 8-ounce glasses of

liquids per day, and at least five of those should be water. The food we

eat also provides about 20% of the fluids we need each day. The

American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you drink 8–10

ounces of fluid for every 15 minutes of an exercise workout.

Choose a typical day this week and track how much fluid you take in

during the morning hours, during the daytime, and during the evening.

Evaluate your totals. How many glasses of water per day do you

average? _________ Based on a typical day, what changes would you

like to make in relation to the water you drink?

Keep track in this simple chart!

Morning Routine During the Day Evening Hours

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Week 5 On the Mountain: Prayer and Worship When Moses went up to Mount Sinai

to pray, the Lord taught him the Ten

Commandments, given to be a guide

to the people. Most of us still try to

live by these precepts today. The

Ten Commandments were given to

the people as a community, calling

them together to serve God, to

worship God, and to deal kindly with themselves and each other. See

Exodus Chapters 19-20.

We give thanks this day for God’s love for us all and for the wonder of

Creation. Each breath of life is a sacred gift, sent to inspire and restore.

Breath cleanses and nourishes. A name for the Spirit of God in the

Hebrew Scriptures is “Ruach,” meaning “breath.”

As we breathe today, let us say a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of

life, breath, community, and God’s unfailing love. We are called to be

a worshipping, praying, praising people!

Do you have a prayer concern or a prayer of thanksgiving to lift before

God for the coming weeks?

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Week 6

Keep Moving: Strength for the Journey

What stamina it must have taken

Moses to flee with the Israelites

out into the desert, to locate

water and food there, and to

serve as a spiritual leader as well.

We do not always know what

life will demand of us, but we

know we will face trials that call for strength and stamina. There is no

better way to build up strength and stamina than through regular

exercise. Activities that build stamina get the heart going, like brisk

walking or running. Activities that keep muscles and bones strong

include lifting weights or doing yard work. No matter what areas you

are focusing on during Get My People Going! stamina— endurance—

comes from not quitting.

In your areas of focus for Get My People Going!, what areas of

improvement have you seen in the past month?


What has tempted you to quit working toward your goal?


What motivates you to keep moving toward your goal, even when it's



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Week 7 The Fourth Commandment: Sabbath Rest

Our society tends to forget the fourth of

the Ten Commandments: “Remember the

Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days

you shall labor and do all your work, but

the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord

your God. On it you shall not do any work,

neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor

your manservant nor maidservant, nor

your animals, nor the alien within your

gates. Exodus 20:8-10

God is calling us to fullness of life, and that includes rest. We need it!

According to the National Sleep Foundation

(, 63% of American adults do not get the

required 8 hours of sleep per night required for good health, safety, and

alertness during the day. 69% of children have sleep problems several

nights per week. Turn off the TV, step away from the computer, put

down the cell phone, and go for a walk with your family or friends.

Take time to worship and pray. Sit quietly and enjoy the splendor of

God's creation. Get a good night's sleep. You will be blessed.

How do you remember the Sabbath and integrate rest into your life?


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Week 8 Looking to the Promise: The Journey Ahead

Then Moses, the servant of the

Lord, died there in the land of

Moab, at the Lord's command.

Moses was one hundred twenty

years old when he died; his sight

was unimpaired and his vigor had

not abated. Deuteronomy 34:5, 7

The Exodus story continues in

Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. We are reminded at Moses'

death, that death comes to all people. Practicing healthy choices will

not guarantee we will never get sick or that we will live as long as

Moses! But we can improve our chances for healthier lives when we

exercise, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, socialize, and take time

for Sabbath renewal. The Journey may not be easy, but we will be


The eight weeks of Get My People Going! are just the beginning. This

has been an opportunity to form new habits and set new goals. Where

do you want to go from here?

Look back over the last eight weeks, and answer the questions on the

next page.

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Celebrate Successes: What success have you seen in your areas of




Gather Insights: What have you learned about yourself, and how might

you apply these insights as you go forward?



Give Thanks: What points of gratitude along the journey inspire taking

next steps?



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Be sure you have read the

preceding pages before

recording your progress here.

For each day, write the success

you had with each of your top

three goals. For example, if

your goals are to exercise more,

eat more vegetables, and drink

more water, for each day record

the amount of time you exercised, the servings of vegetables you

ate, and the number of glasses of water you drank that day.

If you miss a day, dust off your sandals and start afresh the next

day. God’s mercies are new each day! Lamentations 3:23

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 1

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

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Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 2

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 3

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 4

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

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Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 5

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 6

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 7

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

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Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Week 8

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Let this be just the start of our journey in the

direction of wholeness of body, mind, spirit, and


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© 2012 International Parish Nurse Resource Center

475 E. Lockwood Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63119

Telephone: (314) 918-2559

Fax: (314) 918-2558