get paid without selling rapid report 1.0

The 7 All-Natural Steps To Sell Without Selling RAPID REPORT Version 1.0

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Discover the '7 All-Natural Steps To Sell Without Selling'


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The 7 All-Natural Steps To Sell Without Selling


Version 1.0

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Get Paid Bigger, Faster & Easier

Get Better Clients You LOVE To Work With

Without Either of You Feeling Like It’s ‘Selling’

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Seth Larrabee Todd Sedelmeier

Created & Presented By

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Study, Apply, and Master…

The 7 All-Natural Steps to Sell Without Selling...

And You’ll GET PAID

With Thanks!

>> Guaranteed << Copyright 2014 - Get Paid Without Selling -

All Rights Reserved

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If You’re Looking For Just ANOTHER Set of Tips & Tricks To Add To An Arsenal of UN-Used and

Forgotten - Free Advice.


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If You’re NOT A Real-Deal Professional Change-Maker

Who Is Driven To Create and Offer High-Quality Products, Programs or


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Then Don’t Bother To Read This Rapid Report

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However, If You ARE Bored, Burned Out, Confused Or Even Pissed Off About…

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All The Repackaged Riff-Raff, Newbie-Swiped Rip-offs

And Bullshit Advice That’s Bombarding You In Every Corner of The Internet…

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Then Here’s a Virtual High-5 And Good News


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This Is NOT Canned-Advice

It’s NOT Theoretical Mumbo-Jumbo

It’s NOT Borrowed Philosophy

And It’s Not a Sneaky Psychological Trick

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This Rapid Report IS an Introduction To How We Get Paid Without ‘Selling’. And How You Can, Too.


It’s All Based On Our Own EXPERIENCE Over the

Years As Professional Change-Makers.

Because We’re Both Professional Success Coaches, Business Strategy Consultants & How-To Info Product Creators.

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This “Get Paid Without Selling” Rapid Report Version 1.0

Is About What WE DO To Get PAID

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So, You’re About To Learn:

Each of the 7 Steps To Get Paid Without Selling

Problems & Pitfalls That Can Make You Go BROKE

FAST-TRACKS To Get PAID Bigger, Easier & Faster

And Get Better Clients You LOVE To Work With

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No Matter What Medium You Use – This Works Not Only For 1-on-1’s (In-person or Over-the-phone)

The “Principles & Practices” Also Work For…

Seminars , Webinars, Public Speaking Pre-Scripted Written Presentations

Free or Paid Initial Consults Sales Letters or Videos Group Presentations Email or Direct Mail Proposal Meetings Product Launches And Cold Calling

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BECAUSE… Its All About The NATURAL Experiences That Buyers Must Have…

And You Can FACILITATE Those Experiences Following The Guidelines (Steps) We’re Introducing You To

Whether You Communicate Through:

Conversation Recorded Audio/Video Written Word

The Natural Steps, Experiences and Principles Remain the SAME

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If You Can Understand and Work With The HIDDEN HUMAN-DYNAMICS, and…

The NEGLECTED-TRUTHS About Selling, and…



You Will GET PAID – With Thanks!

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Most Try To “Show & TELL”

Some Try To “Tell & SELL”

We Simply “Serve & GET PAID”

Follow The 7 All-Natural Steps And YOU Will, Too

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Getting Paid And Having Money GETS WANTS & NEEDS MET

For You AND Your Clients & Customers


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Let’s Break It All Down And Look At How EVERYONE Is Selling In EVERY Interaction

All Day, Everyday

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Relationship = Communication

Communication = Interaction

Interaction = Transaction Transaction = Value-Exchange Value-Exchange = Selling Selling = Serving

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No Matter What Level of Success You’re On, The Same BASIC:

Natural Needs Exist

Natural Problems Exist

Natural Solutions Exist

Natural Experiences Exist

Natural Principles Exist

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Your Survivability…

Sustainability… Scalability…


Profit… Wealth…


Contribution... Philanthropy…

ALL Hinge On Your Ability To GET PAID Copyright 2014 - Get Paid Without Selling -

All Rights Reserved

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But, What If You’re Stuck In The EXPERTS Syndrome?


“I just want to focus on doing what I love. I know its valuable and I believe in myself. I just want

people to come and pay for it so I can serve them.”

Just Making Your Stuff Available, Does NOT Mean You’ll Get Paid

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Do You Ever Get Caught Riding On The Entrepreneurial Merry-Go-Round?

Busy-ness VS Business

Stuck in ‘More Info’ Mode

Shiny ‘New Thing’ Addictions

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To Get Paid What You Are Worth, Requires Shifting Out of Being:

Competition-Minded (Lack For All)

And Moving Into Being:

Creation-Minded = Plenty For All

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It’s Simply a Matter of Finding a Problem, Solving It and Sharing That With Those

Who Want and Need It.

(Creation-Minded = Plenty For All)

Because The World Will NEVER Run Out of Problems To Be Solved!

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Want To Put a LOT More Cash In Your Pocket As Soon As Possible?

BAD: Don’t DO Anything That’s About To Be Suggested

GOOD: Start Using The 7 Steps You’re About To Learn

BETTER: Watch The Pro-Level Training Videos In The Members-Only Area of

BEST: Find Out About The Get Paid

“Fast-Track Masterclass” (Limited to only 4 people per class)

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The 7 ALL-NATURAL Steps Are What We ‘Figured Out’ Through EXPERIENCE

This Is What We ALWAYS Use To Turn A Stranger

Into A Buyer, Typically In ONE Conversation.

Now, Its Available Right Here (And More In-depth In The PRO MEMBER Training Course)

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“Truth Is Simple. Falsity Is Ever Complex.”

Nature Tells The Truth

Discover the Natural System To Things, And

You’ll Have The Greatest Leverage

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Want Results?

Then Be Sure To USE The 7 Steps, BECAUSE…

Learning = Behavior Change

Knowledge Alone Is Only Potential Power

Applied Knowledge = POWER & RESULTS

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The 7 All-Natural Steps Let You FACILITATE The Buyers Experience…

In An All-Natural Way That

ALLOWS Them To ‘Sell’ Themselves…

So They Get Served, You Get Paid…

And They Thank You For it

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Most Try To “Show & TELL”

Some Try To “Tell & SELL”

We Simply “Serve & GET PAID”

Follow The 7 All-Natural Steps And YOU Will, Too

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Here Are The 7 All-Natural Steps To

Sell Without Selling

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Step 1: ENGAGE

Engaging in a personal (not professional) way to show you are INTERESTED in them

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Step 1 Highlights:

Its all about them, NOT you Be friendly, personable, natural, relaxed Half of being interesting, is being interested Assume familiarity Keep it light, break the ice Picture sitting next to, NOT across from them

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Curiously enquiring and exploring their wishes and stresses (related to your topic)

in a way that shows you LISTEN to them

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Step 2 Highlights:

What do they want? Not want? What’s been happening lately? What are their biggest concerns/frustrations? What do they ‘think’ they need to do, and/or to have help with? How are they feeling about it all?

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Empathize by reflecting (repeating) back their exact thoughts, feelings and concerns in away that

shows you UNDERSTAND them

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Step 3 Highlights:

Empathetic Listening Helps People Feel:


THEN they open up for solutions, support, new perspectives, etc. Empathetic Listening rapidly improves ANY relationship

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Educate them by sharing a “Myth, Mistake, Story or Secret”… that let's them off the hook… gives new perspective… and shows that you DEFEND

them… by proving they CAN solve their problem and reach their goal

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Step 4 Highlights:

Instead of Telling… DEMONSTRATE Your Expertise Give them new perspectives Show they’re NOT alone but were mis-educated Share some Myths, Mistakes, Secrets… Use Stories Give them new hope by educating them

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Building a simple, easily understood bridge… from their current reality…

to their desired future… in a way that shows that you EMPOWER them

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Step 5 Highlights:

Use the “canyon” metaphor showing they’re stuck Their goal is to get to the other side of the canyon Show them how by revealing the “Invisible Bridge” No need to mention your stuff, just show them they CAN win and what basically needs to happen

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In an encouraging way, help them envision how their future will be if…

A) they stay stuck where they are and their worst nightmares start coming true, VERSUS…

B) if they cross the bridge you’ve shown them, and their dreams start coming true

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Step 6 Highlights:

Imagining their potential experiences The deeper meaning and motivation The RESULTS of the two different futures Crossing the bridge (dreams) VS Staying stuck (nightmares) Uncovering the true value… “It’s Priceless!”

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Step 7: ENROLL

Helping them remove the blocks and objections… to being 100% clear and “committed” to their

real desired outcome… and offering more help in a way which shows that you CHALLENGE

them to succeed

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Step 7 Highlights:

Part A: Their Commitment Level on scale of 1-10 Part B: Why its Not a 10? Coach them through the “5 Barriers to Success” Part C: Make the Offer and how to get started

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Your ‘Offer’ is to Help Them Across the BRIDGE You’ve Shown Them

Your ‘Price’ Is The Entrance Fee at the


Their ‘Payment’ is an Investment IN THEMSELVES and Their Future

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These 7 Steps FACILITATE the Natural, Experiential Process…

That We ALL Require Having…

To Be Fully Attracted To, Trust In, Believe In

and WANT TO BUY What’s Offered…

To Get Us the Results We Want

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If You Do NOT Have “1-on-1 CONVERSATIONS” With Your Prospects, and Instead Use:

Sales Letters/Videos Presentations/Webinars Email/Direct Mail Product Launches

The Principles & Steps Are The SAME

However, You Write/Speak FOR Them

(because you understand their wants, needs, fears and problems)

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NONE of This Is About Using:

Up-the-Sleeve Tricks Psychological Manipulation

Pressure Hype

Facades False Urgency

Empty Promises Fake Personas Sleazy Tactics

Etc… Copyright 2014 - Get Paid Without Selling -

All Rights Reserved

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Study, Learn & Follow The 7 ALL-NATURAL Steps To Sell Without Selling,

And You Will…

Get Paid Easier, Faster, And BIGGER

Get Better Clients You LOVE To Work With

Get Paid What You’re Really Worth

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Is Your Sales Approach:

Too Soft or Too Hard?

Too Soon or Too Late?

Too Generic or Too Confusing?

Too Complicated or Too Boring?

Too Uncomfortable or Too Scary? Copyright 2014 - Get Paid Without Selling -

All Rights Reserved

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Do You Have a “ONE-SENTENCE Attention-Getter”?

Do You Have a Powerfully Effective

“2-Minute Persuasion Pitch”

Do You Know How To Simplify, Magnify & Multiply Your

“PRIMARY Profit-Producer”?

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The 8 P’s of Profit-Producing Perfection

Have You Identified and Dialed-in Your PRIMARY…

1. Passion? 2. Purpose? 3. Problem? 4. People? 5. Pathway? 6. Product/Program? 7. Package? 8. Pricing? Copyright 2014 - Get Paid Without Selling -

All Rights Reserved

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Are You FAILING To Continually Improve The 3 Naturally Built-In Skills That You Already Have

To Get Paid Without Selling?

1) Communication Skills 2) Relationship Skills 3) Leadership Skills

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Do You Know How To Move Through “The 7 Natural Communication Stages”

With Your Prospects And Get Their:

Stage 1) Attention? Stage 2) Interest? Stage 3) Trust? Stage 4) Commitment? Stage 5) Payment? Stage 6) Results? Stage 7) Referrals?

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Are You Effectively And Quickly Moving Through “The 7 Natural Relationship Roles”

With Your Prospects?

Role 1) Attractor Role 2) Acquaintance Role 3) Advocate Role 4) Ally Role 5) A-Player Expert Role 6) Authority Role 7) All-Star Go-To Mentor

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Do You Know And Use “The 7 Natural Leadership Principles” To Influence Almost Anyone To Buy From You?

Not By Telling, But By DEMONSTRATING That You Are:

1) INTERESTED In Them? 2) HEAR Them? 3) UNDERSTAND Them? 4) DEFEND Them? 5) EMPOWER Them? 6) ENCOURAGE Them? 7) CHALLENGE Them To Succeed?

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Do You Ever:

Procrastinate or Avoid The ‘Selling’ Part of Your Business? Get Nervous, Tense or Feel Awkward About Your Selling? Feel Doubtful, Uncertain or Pessimistic About Selling? Have Negative Self-Talk About Your Products & Prices? Feel ‘Less-Than’ Your Competitors or Not Good Enough? Discount Your Prices Too Much or Undercut Your Value?

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Have You Been STUCK Trying To Get To The ‘Next Level’?

Your Successability Requires Having:

Brighter Clarity

Better Congruency Bolder Confidence

Bigger Commitment Bullet-Proof Consistency

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By The Way, As You’re Learning All This, It’s Natural To Feel RESISTANCE and/or Skepticism

or Disagreement, Because…

When You Discover Something That Can Actually SOLVE Your Problem…

Then, All The “Stuff” Inside That Was

Keeping You Where You Were At…

Floats To The Surface… And MUST Cleaned Out, Let Go Of and Upgraded

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Do You Want FASTER Results to Getting Paid?

Are You Dedicated To MASTER Your Skills In Getting Paid… Without Selling?

Well, We’d Like To Help You!

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1 Month Training-Coaching-Mastermind of

12 Live, Advanced Interactive Workshops (2 weekends @ start/end + 4 weekly events)

4 People Only Per Masterclass

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How Can You Find Out IF The Fast-Track Masterclass Is Right For YOU (or not)?

AND Get Started With No-Obligation?

AND Clear The Blocks, Fears & Barriers?

AND Have More Clarity, Confidence And

Customized Action Plan…

In Just 90 Minutes? Copyright 2014 - Get Paid Without Selling -

All Rights Reserved

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60-90 Minutes 1-on-1 Phone Session

1) Get Clarity and Confidence 2) Get Started With Fast-Track Actions

3) Get Your ‘Taste-Test’ To Find Out If The Fast-Track Masterclass Is a Perfect Fit For You

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Welcome To The Club PRO Level Member!

You Have Lifetime Access To

Get Paid Without Selling:

Pro Level Trainings Bonus Vault Additions

Fast-Track Program Early-Bird Invites And More Surprise Gifts

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If You Are NOT Already A Member…

Watch The Members-Only Access Video

And Find Out What You Get When You Register


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PLUS… If You Have Yet To Join The Club and Community of Professional Change-Makers

To See What Others Are Up To And Share Experiences, Questions & Suggestions…

Then Come On Over To The…

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Interactive Community In The Get PAID Without Selling

Facebook Group

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Seth Larrabee Todd Sedelmeier

Thanks, High-5 and See You Soon!

Get Paid Without Selling Created & Presented By

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To Get Registered as a PRO LEVEL MEMBER With Lifetime Access

Click The Link

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