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Geologic Field Trip Guide Boock


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Getic Depression / Guide Book / Field Trip - 7-9 June 2007


A Kind of “Introduction” The geology is one of the sciences which operates with three fundamental dimensions; the

same as the ones of our universe: - the time, through the relative and absolute geochronology, - the space, through its components of locating in compliance with coordinate

systems, - the matter, through the lithological entities and their mechanical, physical, and

chemical characteristics, etc. These three dimensions constitute the geological environment; neither of them is “the

important one” and all three are fundamental. Two of them are abstract and are perceived indirectly and relatively (the time and the space) and another one is real, tangible (matter=rock). To know each of them and the relationship among them is a compulsory condition in the elaboration of the geological model. The absence of knowledge or having inaccurate knowledge even of only one of them is similar to perceiving a geometrical body only by its plan-projection.

However good capabilities our work instruments would have, the monitor display, the map, the geological section, the static or evolutional basin model, they are but the perceiving of the geological setting projections.

This trip aims to offer you a “piece” of real, material, palpable geology. Watch, touch, measure and analyze the matter (rock). It will fill the abstract of the space and the time with the concrete of the material. It will leave traces on your hands, boots and clothes and it is called “to make yourselves dirty”, but it will also leave traces in your mind and it is called “to know, to get acquainted with”.

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Evolutional geological setting of the Getic Depression

Geographically, the Getic Depression lies in the area of the Southern Subcarpathians Hills between the Dambovita Valley (in the east) and the Danube River (in the west). The northern margin is represented by the Southern Carpathians Massifs foot, whereas in the south, it is extended down to Gura-Sutii – Bibesti – Drobeta Turnu Severin alignment which would correspond in depth to the Pericarpathian fault;

The Getic Depression represents in a classic meaning (Săndulescu, 1984) the deformed filling of the foredeep basin situated in the southern part of the Southern Carpathians. Its complex

evolution began in the Upper Cretaceous as a response of the Moesian Platform flexure in interaction with the Carpathian Orogene (a fragment of the Rhodopian Plate (Săndulescu, 1984; Ratschbacher et. al, 1993; Maţenco, 1997; Răbagia and Maţenco, 1999).

In the north, the area is delimited by the Upper Creaceous-Tertiarry transgression boundary, where the syn- and postdeformation sediments are laid over the orogenic structures of the Southern Carpathians; in the south, it is delineated by the surface projection of the front area belonging to the main buried thrust, called the Pericarpathian Line; the eastern limit is shown by the Intramoesian fault, which separates this zone from the Eastern Carpathians foreland, while the western boundary (geographical) is set up by the Danube.

The sedimentary filling K2 –Tertiary reaches thicknesses of approx. 6000 m and it has been deposited in a polyphased tectonic regime (Ratschbacher et. al, 1993; Maţenco, 1997; Răbăgia and Maţenco, 1999).

The recent interpretations of the seismic sections and of the paleostress structural analysis, within and on the margin of the basin (Maţenco et al., 1997, Răbăgia and Maţenco, 1999) suggest that the evolution of this area is much more complex than that of a simple foredeep model (Tărăpoancă, 2004), and the name of Getic Depression becomes confused. As a matter of fact, in the southern part of the Southern Carpathians, a series of successive sedimentary basins having different extension areas and particular configurations had functioned. It can finally be separated a “Getic Basin” (K2- Middle Sarmatian) over which the Dacian Basin is laid (Middle/Upper Sarmatian - Pliocene).

Fig1. Location of Getic Depression in Romania

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Fig. 2 Tectonic sketch of Getic Depression, after Matenco, 1999 The basement of the foreland basin in the southern part of the Southern Carpathians

whereto the foredeep basin also belongs (Foredeep or Getic Depression) is mixed, of an orogenic and platform type, but the contact between them is unknown due to the very big depth of the sedimentary cover.

Fig. 3 Geological cross-section through the Getic Depression, processed by Petrom S.A., after Ştefănescu et al, 1988

The basement of orogenic origin has a structure similar to the one of the zone bordering the northern margin of the “Depression”, being represented by crystalline schists and a pre – Tertiary sedimentary cover. Geotectonicaly, it belongs to the system of Danube, Severin, Getic and Supragetic Nappes system.

Within the Getic Depression sedimentary cover, there have been distinguished three sedimentary cycles delimitated by two major unconformities owed to the tectonic activity (Mutihac, 1990; Dicea, 1996; Maţenco, 1997; Motaş, 1983; Răbăgia and Maţenco, 1999).

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Tectonic evolution Maţenco and Schmid (1999) assert that the subsidence necessary to accumulate the ~5 km

thick Paleogene deposits (Jipa, 1982) has been in relation with the stage of Upper Cretaceous – Paleogene foredeep, however followed by the Eocene/Oligocene extension/transtension, coeval with the disinterring of the Danube Unit, in the Southern Carpathians.

Further on, the post-Paleogene Evolution is divided in the following phases: - Burdigalian extension/transtension along the NW-SE to N-S stress trends;

- Upper Burdigalian–Badenian compression trending NE-SW;

- Middle Sarmatian dextral transpression, partitioned between NW-SE trending strike-slip faults and N-S thrusts (Subcarpthian Nappe location );

- Movements on NNE-SSE trending sinistral strike-slip faults and re-activation of NW-SE trending dextral ones along the Sarmatian – Meotian interval (Maţenco and Schmid, 1999; Răbăgia and Maţenco, 1999).

Minor re-activations of the compressional structures took place at the end of the Pliocene only in the eastern area.

Fig.4 Sketch of Getic Depression tectonic evolution (Răbăgia and Maţenco, 1999)

Sedimentary cover structure The Upper Cretaceous – Lower Burdigalian Cycle is characterized by “molasse- type”

sediments accumulated as a result of the “Laramian” deformations in the Upper Cretaceous (Dacidic molasse -Săndulescu 1984). It consists of a thick succession, which had been deposited onto the inner basement formed by the Severin Nappe and by the Danube Nappe and onto the Mesozoic and Paleozoic carbonate series of the Moesian Platform (Dicea 1996).

The Upper Cretaceous (Campanian – Maastrichtian) sequences reach 1000-1500 m in thickness and lithologically are dominated by conglomerates, sandstones and alternations of thin sandstones and shales. They can be noticed in outcrops, in the east, and in depth, towards the west, in the proximity of the northern border of the basin. They are transgressively laid over the northern basin margin in the eastern region, (Szasz 1975).

The Paleogene is characterized by thick successions (approx.5000 m) in the north overlying transgressively the Cretaceous deposits (Jipa 1980, 1982, 1984). In accordance with the geophysical facies distribution, the boundary with the Moesian Platform Cretaceous deposits in the south is of an onlap type, (Dicea 1996).

The Eocene deposits are of total thicknesses of approx.2000 m and consist, in the north of

the Depression, of coarse clastic sequences mainly with polymictic conglomerates and subordinately with sandstones, shales and marls. In the south, the conglomerates range in depth and are up to 2000 m thick in Ţicleni area. In SE, at the same stratigraphic level, in the wells, sandstones and shales have been encountered. The deposits are developed in littoral facies in the

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northern area, while in the south the sequences become finer (quartzose/subquartzose sandstones, shales, marls), and correspond to basinal and distal environments (shelf).

Oligocene Deposits have nearly the same area extent as the underlying Eocene sequences,

whereas the component facies are differentiated similarly. In the northern area, coarse clastic sequences occur (i.e. with sandstones, polymictic conglomerates, subordinately blackish marls and dysodile shales), in alternation with finer sequences. The coarse sequences are developed at the succession base and top, and the total thickness is 180- 200 m. In Argeş Valley area, the Oligocene succession consists of finer sequences, in a total thickness of 200 - 600 m, with dysodile shales, menilites, and subordinately sandstones. In the southern areas, heterogeneous sequences occur, in a total thickness of 500 - 1500 m represented by alternations of lithic sandstones/sands, marls, argillaceous marls and subordinately with interbeds of conglomerates and limestones. As regards the depositional settings, the successions show a littoral system in the northern area, an intermediary slope facies developing into the subbasement, up to Băbeni, Româneşti, Grădiştea, Bâlteni localities, offshore facies, corresponding to pelagites/ hemipelagites also encountered in the subbasement, in the region between Olt and Olteţ.

Aquitanian – Lower Burdigalian Deposits Their total thickness is 150- 500 m,

lithologically the sequence being quite varied. Detrital sequences have been distinguished (with polymictic conglomerates, lithic sandstones, shales, marls) and evaporites ones (with gypsums/ anhydrites, salt).

The environments where these deposits were formed have been considered proximal - littoral and, respectively, restrictive - lagoonal – being the effect of the sedimentation against a strongly regressive background.

Upper Burdigalian – Lower Sarmatian Sedimentary Cycle The onset of this cycle is marked by a regional “unconformity” limit (Paleogene

morphology - Paraschiv 1975). The Lower Miocene is characterized by a major subsidence having approx.2000 m thick

conglomerates (Dicea 1996) then followed by approx.500 m thick fine, marine deposits wherefrom the FUS sequence character is derived.

Upper Burdigalian Deposits Their total thickness is 1000 - 2000 m. In the north, they

consist of an alternation of coarse sequences (polymictic conglomerates, lithic sandstones) at the base, and finer ones (sands/sandstones, marls) at the top. In the southern part, they consist of lithic sandstones, marls, shales and subordinately conglomerates. The facies in the northern areas suggest proximal - littoral environments, possibly continental - alluvial ones; whereas in the south, distal shelf environments.

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Fig. 5 Sedimentary cycles of the Getic Depression after Maţenco, 1997, with


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Badenian Deposits have a contact with either the Burdigalian deposits or the basement (in

the west), having large thickness changes. Several sequences can be distinguished: - the volcanoclastic sequence (of the “tuffs and marls bearing Globigerina”): tuffs,

marls/ shales, volcanoclasts with bioclasts, up to 700 m in thickness; - evaporitic sequence (“salt formation”): halite, marls; - “radiolaria-bearing schists” sequence: blackish-gray shales/ marls, subordinately

sandstones/ sands; - “Spirialis-bearing marls” sequence: blackish marls/ shales, subordinately

sandstones. The cumulated thickness of the last three sequences ranges from 100 to 400 m. The facies

wherein the Badenian was developed is basinal - distal (littoral distal - shelf), the evaporite sequence gives reasons for restrictive environments.

The Miocene sedimentary cycle top is defined by the Lower and Middle Sarmatian clastic sediments which delineate the most important syntectonic sediments. They consist of detrital sequences, sandstones/ sands and marls. The total thickness ranges up to 1000 m, and the facies wherein they occur is basinal - distal.

Middle Sarmatian– Pliocene Sedimentary Cycle It is characterized by clastic deposits up to 2000 m thick which are laid over the deformed

median part, or even over the basement (in the west). Middle – Upper Sarmatian Deposits show great lateral changes and, in the succession, they

consist of several sequences developed in more distal facies (probably shelf). Locally, in the Sarmatian sequence structure, calcareous facies (bioaccumulated) or conglomeratic facies occur – suggesting more proximal environments (probably littoral, deltaic?).

Upper Miocene Deposits are represented by detrital sequences, with sands, gravels, marls,

shales and coal seams of 700 - 2500 m in thickness. The facies wherein they develop are continental (fluviatile, lacustrine) in Maeotian and transitional (littoral, deltaic) in Pontian.

Beginning with the Sarmatian - Pliocene period, the Getic Depression and the Moesian Platform have had a joint evolution, so the aspect of the sequences is similar, the depositional environments being identical.

The succession of the sedimentary cover deposits ends with Dacian, Romanian and

Quaternary continental lacustrine and fluviatile deposits.

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Paleogene Deposits in the NE of the Getic Depression Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Detail

In a detailed approach, the Paleogene deposits belonging to the outcrops in the north-east

of the Getic Depression include the following lithostratigraphic units (after Roban and Melinte, 2005, with supplements from B. Popescu et al. 1976; Bombiţă, 1980; Ryer, 1998; Jipa 1994): Călimăneşti Formation (Thanetian -Ypresian), Olăneşti Formation (Lutetian –Priabonian), Cheia Formation (Rupelian - Lower Chattian), Corbi Formation (Rupelian – Lower Chattian ), and Brăduleţ Formation (Rupelian – Aquitanian).

Fig. 6 Geological Map of Northern part of the Getic Depression (modified after

Murgeanu et al., 1967; Popescu et al., 1976, 1977; Lupu et al., 1978; Bombiţă et al., 1980; Dimitrescu et al., 1978; Morariu and Teodorescu, 1987, and Ryer, 1998)

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Fig. 7 Comparison between the stratigraphy of the NE part of the Getic Depression

and the stratigraphy of the Eastern Carpathians (after Ştefănescu, 1995), (Roban 2005)

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Călimăneşti Formation: (Thanetian – Ypresian) Stratigraphy and sedimentology The Călimăneşti conglomerates (Iorgulescu, 1953), or Călimăneşti Formation (Ryer,

1998), have been defined in the outcroppings lying on the NE margin of the Getic Depression. The formation covers the crystalline subbasement of the Southern Carpathians and/or the Senonian formations, and it is overlaid by the Eocene Olăneşi Formation. Its thickness ranges between 200 and 800 m (Bombiţă et al., 1980).

The formation consists of massive and stratified conglomerates, coarse sandstones and interbeddings of thin sandstones, silts and shales, (Murgeanu, 1941; Dragoş, 1958; Popescu, 1959; Bombiţă et al., 1980; Jipa, 1994, Ryer, 1998). The conglomerates prevail in the lower part of the formation being replaced at the upper part by the sandstones, and subordinately by silts and shales.

The general FUS character is interrupted by the “recurrent conglomerate facies” (Jipa, 1980), situated at the upper part of the formation in Vâlsan Valley. There are lateral facies changes (Bombiţă et al., 1980; Jipa, 1984). Thus, Jipa (1984) has described dominantly conglomerate facies in the eastern and western extremities of the formation outcropping, whereas in the central area, Argeş and Topolog Valleys, prevailingly gritty facies.

Ryer, 1998, divided the Călimăneşti Formation in the lower unit and the upper unit. The Lower Unit, Upper Paleocene (Thanetian) (Ryer, 1998), is known under the name of

the “conglomerate horizon” (Dragoş, 1958), “basal ruditic facies” (Jipa, 1980), “breccias complex” (Popescu et al., 1976, Bombiţă et al., 1980). The thickness ranges from 5 to 110 m. The lower boundary is net and uneven, while the upper one is transitional. It consists of poorly sorted, massive and stratified breccias and conglomerates. It is worth mentioning as a characteristic, the occurrence of chaotic blocks consisting of Jurassic and Cretaceous crystalline schists and limestones, being up to 3 m in diameter.

The Upper Unit (Ypresian) (Ryer, 1998). The lower boundary is in transition with the Lower Unit, and the upper one, net, transgressive, with Olăneşti Formation. The ruditic (C = 0.5 m) and arenitic (medium and coarse) granofacies prevail, subordinately the siltic and lutitic ones. The petrofacies are represented by polymictic ortho- and paraconglomerates with metamorphic lithoclasts of crystalline and sedimentary schists, then sandstones. The characteristic structofacies are the massive and graded rudites; massive and graded arenites, with parallel stratifications and current ripples.

Along Vâlsan Valley, the sedimentary facies are displayed in a fining upward megasequence (the first 425 m) consisting in its turn of fining upward sequences of up to 8 m in thickness, with an erosional base, followed by a 75 m thick sequence dominantly consisting of coarse sandstones. Along Topolog Valley, the upper unit is 200 m in thickness and it consists of silty and sandy sequences with CUS and TKUS aspect, with thicknesses of meters.

The age of the formation is difficult to be set up owing to the lack of the fauna content. Ryer, 1998 has assigned the Upper Paleocene –Thanetian age to the Lower Unit, and the

Eocene – Ypresian to the Upper Unit, in compliance with Popescu et al., 1976 and Bombiţă et. al, (1980).

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Olăneşti Formation (Lutetian – Priabonian)

Stratigraphy and sedimentology

The Olăneşti Formation (Ryer, 1998), also described as the Lower Marls (Murgeanu, 1941b) or the Olăneşti Marls (Popescu et al., 1976) continuously crops out between the Cheia Valley to the west and Doamnei Valley towards the East.

The stratotype of this unit is exposed along the Olăneşti Valley, where the succession is 350 m thick. Over the entire study area this unit ranges in thickness from 200 m in the Cheia Valley to a maximum of 600 m in the Muiereasca Valley.

The lower boundary of the Olăneşti Formation shows a gradual transition to the underlying Călimăneşti Formation. North of the Brădet Village, Jipa (1980, 1982) mapped a 40-50 m thick, westward thinning matrix-supported conglomeratic unit, termed the Tilloid Conglomerates Level, which extends over 40 km between Vâlsan and Olt (Sălătruc) valleys, where is ~ 0.55 m thick. This unit is characterized by a very poor sorting. Locally, it contains some very large clasts, up to 3 m length. Notably, in the Muiereasca Valley, several thin coarse-grained beds are scattered throughout the lower 30-50 m in the lower part of the Olăneşti Formation. These beds do not share the same characteristics that Jipa (1982, 1984) described within the Tilloid Conglomerates Level. The Tilloid Conglomerates Level could be used as lithological marker for the boundary between the Călimăneşti Conglomerates and the Olăneşti Marls.

At the top, the Olăneşti Formation is both disconformity overlain by the Cheia Formation (towards the west) and by the Corbi Formation (towards the east). In the central part (i.e. Topolog and Argeş valleys), the Olăneşti Formation, is paraconformity overlain by a sequence of bituminous mudstones, described herein as the Brăduleţ Formation.

On the Vâlsan Valley, the Olăneşti Formation is composed of mudstones (up to 70%), sandstones (20%) and subordinate conglomerates. The lower part of the Olăneşti Formation consists of approximately 45 m of matrix-supported conglomerates and gravely mudstone. The matrix is muddy, locally reaching up to 90% of the rock volume.

The sandstones of the Olăneşti Formation range in thickness from centimetres to decimetres. In the lower 45 m of the succession, individual sandstone beds associated with clast-supported conglomerates may reach metric thickness. The sandstones are lithic to sublithic and occasionally contain abundant bioclastic material (nummulite shells). The most common sedimentary structures include massive, normal grading as well as parallel stratification/lamination, frequently yielding current ripples (Jipa, 1980, 1982, 1994, Ryer, 1998; Roban et al., 2005 b). Trace fossil assemblages include Ophiomorpha sp. and Skolithos sp. (Brustur, pers. comm.) typical of shallow marine environments.

In the Olăneşti Formation, the conglomerates (up to 3 m in thickness) have a lens-shape and display normal grading and intense scouring at their lower bounding surfaces. Their polymictic clast composition reflects the proximity to the source area located in the rising of the Southern Carpathians.

Thin beds of laminated mudstones represent the finest grain-size recorded in the Olăneşti Formation and have 3 - 10 % CaCO3. Sometimes they form couplets with silt laminas. The organic mater contents are of 3-5%.

The Olăneşti Formation was divided, in the Vâlsan Valley section, into three distinct lithofacies (Morariu and Teodorescu, 1987; Roban et al., 2005 b):

(1) gravely mudstones, (45 m), occurring only at the base, with conglomerates and sandstone levels;

(2) heterolithic thin-bedded sandstones and mudstones, having a recurrent character. Two sequences of this lithofacies, the oldest in the middle part of the Olăneşti Formation (75 m in thickness) and the youngest towards the top (175 m in thickness) were recognized;

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(3) mudstones and siltstones (85 m in thickness), with parallel lamination, interbedded with rare massive or parallel laminated sandstones. This lithofacies is present in the middle part of the Olăneşti Formation.

Based on its foraminifera and nannoflora content, the Olăneşti Formation was previously assigned to the Lutetian and Priabonian stages (Popescu et al., 1976; Rusu et al., 1996). Notably, the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (the NP21 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone of Martini, 1971) is placed in its uppermost part (Fig. 3).

The samples collected from the topmost of the Olăneşti Formation (Fig. 3) contain taxonomical diversified and very well preserved calcareous nannoflora assemblages. These assemblages include, as biostratigraphical significant nannofossils, Discoaster saipanens Bramlette & Riedel, D. barbadienis Tan, Clausicoccus fenestratus (Roth & Hay) Prins, Discoaster tanii (Bramlette & Riedel) Bukry and Helicosphaera reticulata Bramlette & Wilcoxon. All these taxa have their last occurrence (LO) at the top of the Eocene (lower part of the NP21 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones – Martini, 1971; Perch-Nielsen, 1985; Krhovský et al., 1993; Melinte, 1995). The above-mentioned findings indicate that the upper part of the Olăneşti Formation is latest Eocene age (Late Priabonian) and, the Eocene/Oligocene boundary is located immediately below the top of formation.

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Fig. 8 Lithology and biostratigraphy of the Paleogene deposits in the N-E sector of

Getic Depression

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Cheia Formation

Stratigraphy and sedimentology

We apply in this paper the name Cheia Formation to designate a distinct lithologic unit, which could be mapped in the whole study area, stratigraphicaly overlying the Olăneşti Formation. Previously, the Cheia Formation was referred in the literature as the Cheia Conglomerates (Popescu et al., 1976).

The type locality of this formation is the Cheia Valley where it reaches a maximum thickness of 500 m. Towards the East, the Cheia Formation thins to a minimum of 20 m at Muiereasca Valley. According to some authors (Popescu et al., 1976; Bombiţă et al., 1980; Jipa, 1994), the formation completely pinches out east of Olt Valley. However, Ryer (1998) described as Cheia Conglomerates a package of 75 m, located at the base of the Pucioasa like Formation in the Topolog Valley and Arges Valley.

The boundary between the Cheia and Olăneşti formations is a disconformity one, while, the Cheia Formation pinch out laterally to the Brăduleţ Formation.

The Cheia Formation is a coarse-grained unit, dominated by pebble and cobbles conglomerates that make up to 80 % of the entire succession.

Apart from pebbles and cobbles, the grain size spectrum includes also, boulders and even metre-scale blocks. In general, a relation of proportionality is observed between the grain size and the thickness of individual beds. Thus, the coarsest units have the maximum thickness in the succession. However, there are some decimetre-thick beds that, which although can be considered thin, and they contain decimetre-long clasts. These particular beds pinch out within several tens of meters.

Most of the conglomeratic beds have a wide range of thickness, from 30 cm to 5 m (due to amalgamation), while their lower surface shows scouring. Most commonly, the base of these beds is flat (Ryer, 1998).

Internal structures include massive, normal and reverse grading, diffuse parallel bedding and imbrications. Jipa (1982, 1994) also found oblique stratifications, at medium and large scale.

At Olăneşti and Cheia localities, the upper part of the Cheia Formation consists of several 30 cm up to 3 m, thick matrix-supported conglomerates that contain both extrabasinal as well as muddy intraclasts. The matrix is muddy.

Petrographic analysis of the conglomerates throughout the stratigraphic succession suggested a polymictic origin with fragments of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks (limestones, marls and sandstones).

Associated with the conglomerates there are massive, and diffuse parallel bedded sandstones. Mudstones interbedded with thinly bedded siltstones and very fine-grained sandstones are present towards the top of the succession.

The general trend of the succession illustrated in the stratigraphic logs is fining and thinning upward. The megasequence consists of fining-upward cycles composed of conglomerates, sandstones and sometime mudstones. Each cycle is about 5-10 m and has a flat or sometime scoured erosional base (Ryer, 1998).

Previous studies on the biostratigraphy of the conglomeratic succession, termed here the Cheia Formation, indicated that the duration of the formation extends over the entire Rupelian stage of Early Oligocene (Popescu et al., 1976; Bombiţă et al., 1980). Rusu et al. (1996) indicated an earliest Oligocene (Early Rupelian) age for the Cheia Formation. According to the above-mentioned studies, the Late Rupelian (including the Rupelian/Chattian boundary interval) was characterized by the deposition of the Lower Dysodilic Shale Formation (organic-rich, bituminous shales).

The samples collected at Cheia, Olăneşti and Muiereasca localities contain scarce calcareous nannoplankton associations with a poor to moderate preservation.

The nannoflora from the base of the Cheia Formation are dominated by holococcoliths, such as Isthmolithus recurvus Deflandre in Deflandre & Fert, Zygrhablithus bijugatus (Deflandre in Deflandre & Fert) Deflandre, Orthozygus aureus (Strdaner) Brameltte & Wilcoxon and Lanternitus

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minutus Stradner, as well as by reticulofenestrids - Reticulofenestra hillae Bukry & Percival and R. umbilica (Levin) Martin & Ritzowski. Based on the identified nannoflora, the base of the Cheia Formation is placed in the earliest Oligocene (Early Rupelian) - the NP22 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone.

A significant change in nannoflora composition was noted within the lower part of the Cheia Formation. The presence of the NP23 Zone of Martini (1971) is argued by the first occurrence (FO) of the nannofossils Reticulofenestra lockeri Müller, Dictyococciets ornatus (Müller) Bistrická, Transversopontis fibula Gheta and T. latus Müller. Remarkably, these are endemic species (Báldi-Beke, 1981; Krhovsky et al., 1992; Nagymarosy and Voronina, 1992; Melinte, 1993, 1995; Rusu et al., 1996 b), related to the first isolation of the Paratethys Realm.

The upper part of the Cheia Formation (in the Cheia Valley) contains nannoflora dominated by cosmopolitan nannofossils, as Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay et al.) Bukry & Percival, Reticulofenestra ornata Müller, Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Roth & Hay) Bukry, Pontosphaera latelliptica (Báldi-Beke & Báldi) Perch-Nielsen and Sphenolithus moriformis (Brönnimann) Bramlette & Wilcoxon.

The top of the Cheia Formation contains Sphenolithus ciperoensis Bramlette & Wilcoxon, which is the marker species of the NP24 Calcareous Nannoplankton, latest Rupelian – earliest Chattian in age (according to Melinte, 1995, 2005).

Corbi Formation

Stratigraphy and sedimentology

Corbi Formation represents 250 m thick of sandstone-dominated succession exposed in the Doamnei Valley section (Corbi village). This unit, previously referred as the Corbi Sandstone (Ştefănescu, 1897), is exposed between the Vâlsan and Doamnei valleys (Murgeanu, 1941; Jipa, 1980). Morariu and Teodorescu (1987) considered that the Corbi Sandstone extends also in the Argeş Valley.

The lower lithological boundary of the Corbi Formation with the underlying Olăneşti Formation is a disconformity one. At the upper part, the Corbi Formation fines upwards and has a gradual contact with the overlying Brăduleţ Formation. Overall, the Corbi Formation shows a fining upward succession.

Lithologically, the Corbi Formation consists predominantly of sandstones (50%), and subordinately of conglomerates (35%) and mudstones (15 %).

The sandstone beds range in thickness from a few centimetres to several metres, this variation most probably resulting from depositional amalgamation processes. The maximum thickness measured within an amalgamated unit is 10 m. Main sedimentary structures include massive, normal grading, current and ripples, parallel lamination/stratification and scouring (rip-up clasts).

Deformational soft-sediment and liquefaction structures are abundant. Several centimetres pebble stringers or lenticular pebble conglomerate beds are also present within the thick sandstones. Petrographical analysis of the sandstones revealed the predominance of lithic to sublithic types with some subordinate quartz and feldspar sandstones present as well.

The conglomerates are more abundant in the lower part of the Corbi Formation, where form several metres thick packages due to amalgamation. They are generally clast-supported conglomerates. The main structures include massive, normal grading and parallel stratification/lamination (Jipa, 1980, Ryer, 1988, Roban, 2004) and abundant scouring such as rip-up clasts. In the Vâlsan Valley section, within the lower part of the formation, the amalgamated thickness of the conglomeratic beds is up to 10 m.

The maximum grain size varies between boulders to cobbles, while the matrix consists of medium-sorted pebbles. The largest clasts tend to be oriented parallel with the general stratification. Above these levels as well as in the Doamnei Valley, the coarse beds become thinly bedded with

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individual beds (one event) ranging between 10 cm to 1.5 m and grain size decreases to pebbles and granules. Petrographically, the conglomerates are polymictic with both metamorphic and sedimentary clasts.

In the Vâlsan Valley section, towards the lower part of the Corbi Formation (the lowest 25 m), the grain size ranges from cobbles to granules, and has a fining upward trend. In the Şiţei Valley, the lower 30 m of the Corbi Formation (overlaying the Brăduleţ Formation) consists of granular to pebbly conglomerates that progressively grade vertically into sandstones. Thus, the middle part of the formation is sandstone-dominated and consists of 2 to 10 m thick massive sandstones interbedded with 0.5 m thick sequences of sandstones and siltstones. The upper part of the Corbi Formation consists of vertically stacked fining upward sequences, that contain 1 to 3 m thick sandstones, capped by 1 to 3 m thick heterolithic thinly bedded sandstones and dark mudstones. The boundary between the Corbi and the Brăduleţ formations is gradational and expressed by the progressive increase of the mudstone interbeds on the expense of sandstone beds.

Previous studies (Murgeanu, 1941; Jipa, 1980, 1982; Bombiţă et al., 1980) considered the Corbi Sandstone to be a distal facies of the Cheia conglomerates, and consequently assigned it to the Early Oligocene age (Rupelian). Recently, Ryer (1998) assumed that the Corbi Sandstone is synchronous with the upper part of the Pucioasa Formation of Late Oligocene (Chattian).

The calcareous nannoplankton analysis of the Corbi Formation, collected at the stratotype locality (Corbi village on Doamnei Valley) revealed that the base of the Corbi Formation lies in the Upper Oligocene (Chattian) within the NP24 calcareous nannofossil Zone. This is indicated by the common occurrence of the nannofossils Sphenolithus ciperoensis, Cyclicargolithus abisectus, Chiasmolithus altus, Dictyococcites bisectus and Zygrhablithus bijugatus. The nannoflora of the Corbi Formation are diversified (up to 30 taxa were recorded), moderately preserved and contain mainly cosmopolitan taxa such as Dictyococcites bisectus, Cyclicargolithus abisectus, C. floridanus, Sphenolithus moriformis and Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich) Schiller. It is very important to note the increase in abundance of the genera Sphenolithus and Discoaster, which are taxa confined mostly to warm surface waters, within the samples collected from the lower part of the Corbi Formation. At the upper part of this unit, the FO of the nannofossil Pontosphaera enormis indicates the base of the NP25a Nannofossil Subzone of Melinte (1995).

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Brăduleţ Formation

Stratigraphy and sedimentology

Brăduleţ Formation is introduced by Roban and Melinte (2005) to describe a succession composed of bituminous mudstones with rare and thin sandstones beds.

Previously, this succession was described as the Upper Marls (Murgeanu, 1941), Pucioasa-type Marls (Popescu, 1954), Dysodilic Shales (Morariu and Teodorescu, 1987), Pucioasa Formation (Rusu, et al., 1996) and the Pucioasa like Formation (Ryer, 1998).

In the Muiereasca Valley, the lower part of the Brăduleţ Formation was separated as a distinct unit, named the Dysodilic Shale Formation (Rusu et al., 1996). Between the Olt and the Argeş Valleys, a pile of rocks, predominantly muddy, lacking sandy and/or conglomeratic intercalations, was described as a distinct lithological unit - the Jiblea Marls – by Iorgulescu (1953). In fact, our data and the field observations indicate that the lower part of the Jiblea Marls represents the top of the Olăneşti Formation, while its upper part is the base of the Brăduleţ Formation, having distinct lithological features (Roban and Melinte, 2005).

The stratotype of the Brăduleţ Formation is situated in the Vâlsan Valley section, near the Brăduleţ village. At the type locality, the Brăduleţ Formation is 500 m thick. Its thickness varies in the northern part of Getic Depression, from a maximum of 600 m measured in Muiereasca Valley to a minimum of almost 300 m, recorded at Râul Doamnei Valley.

The Brăduleţ Formation overlies the Cheia Formation in the western part of the study area, and the Corbi Formation in the eastern part. At both extremities, the lower boundary is gradational and characterized by a progressive vertical fining from the coarse Cheia and Corbi Formations.

By the calcareous nannoplankton content, the Cheia and the Corbi Formations are contemporaneous with the lower part of the Brăduleţ Formation. Due to this lateral facies variation, the Brăduleţ Formation directly overlain, in the Muiereasca Valley, the Olăneşti Formation. Notably, some of the thin facies of the Cheia Formation as well as those from the upper part of the Corbi Formation are brownish mudstones and calcareous clays, being similar with those of the Brăduleţ Formation (cropping out in the Şiţei and Râul Doamnei valleys).

In the central part of the study area, between the Olt and the Argeş rivers (Fig. 1), we suppose that the Brăduleţ Formation paraconformity overlying the Olăneşti Formation, but the contact between the two units is not exposed in any outcrop. Probably this is the reason that determined Iorgulescu (1953) to separate a single lithological unit – the Jiblea Marls - in the above-mentioned area, used also by Bombiţă et al. (1980).

At the top, the Brăduleţ Formation is disconformity bounded by the Muiereasca Formation (also called the Muiereasca Sandstone, Popescu et al., 1976), between the Olăneşti and Muiereasca valleys, conformity bounded by the Gura Văii Formation in the Cheia Valley and, respectively, by the Sărata Gypsum, between the Vâlsan and Râul Doamnei valleys. In the Vâlsan Valley, the Brăduleţ Formation is disconformity overlain by the Măţău Conglomerates, which locally eroded the Sărata Gypsum.

The rock-succession of the Brăduleţ Formation is mudstone-dominated (80%). Sandstone and conglomerate beds are very rare in the succession.

The dark colour of the mudstones resulted from a generally high content in organic matter that averages to 4-6% with a maximum of 27%. This suggests the development of an expanded oxygen minimum layer in the basin at the time of deposition and the presence of bottom water anoxia that facilitated the preservation of organic matter. Gypsum efflorescences and sulphur-like weathering are abundant within the mudstones and probably resulted from the oxidation of the authigenic pyrite. Fish scales, teeth and bones are also common and they are similar to those commonly preserved in the Lower Oligocene Dysodilic Shale Formation of the Eastern Carpathians. Moreover, in the Muiereasca Valley section several complete fish specimens of Eomyctophum sp. were recovered.

The carbonate content of the laminated mudstones is relatively low between 0.5 to 10% CaCO3. Some marly levels of the Brăduleţ Formation, from the Olăneşti, Muiereasca, Vâlsan and

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Râul Doamnei valleys, yielded a content of the calcium carbonate between 55 to 75%. The intervals that are richer in organic matter usually form cm-thick couplets with the more marly mudstones.

On the Vâlsan Valley there are some cm-thick bentonites derived from the chemical weathering of volcanic ashes (Morariu and Teodorescu, 1987). Unfortunately, these beds have no a laterally continuity and therefore could not be used as lithological markers.

The sandstones consist of 1 cm up to 30 cm thick beds, yielding a parallel lamination/ stratification, current ripples, lenticular and flaser bedding. In addition, abundant soft-sediment deformational structures, such as load casting and balls-and-pillows are present along the lower bounding surfaces. The sandstones are rich in lithic fragments and locally may contain abundant carbonaceous material and wood fragments.

In the Şiţei Creek section, some of the beds show particular lithification and bioturbation similar to a hardground cementation.

The coarse-grained beds consist of 40 cm thick granular to pebbly sandstones and are characterized by scouring and lenticular shape, most probably representing event beds.

Besides its diagnostic lithological features, above-mentioned, large lithological variations were recorded laterally (from west to east) within the Brăduleţ Formation (Bombiţă et al. 1980; Jipa 1980, 1982; Ryer, 1998; Roban & Melinte, 2005).

In the Cheia Valley section, at the boundary with Cheia Formation, there is a 15 m thick interval consisting of diamictites, paraconglomerates and chaotic facies – with large metric blocks and black and greenish-gray shales with convolute laminations. The diamictitic and paraconglomeratic levels occur once again in the same valley being 10 m thick, in the median part of the formation. Associated, there are to be found sequences consisting of ortho- and paraconglomerates, max. 5 m thick normal graded sandstones, with channel geometries. These coarse levels pinch out laterally in the eastern part, where the succession is characteristic to the formation, with laminated, sometimes dysodilic, shales and with sand interbeds which exceptionally reach 70 cm in thickness.

In the Muiereasca Valley, an approximately 20 m thick matrix-supported conglomerate of diamicton aspect represents the upper part of the Brăduleţ Formation. The matrix consists of mudstone and represents about 70% of the volume of the rock. The clasts are extremely large blocks, reaching a maximum of 5 m in length (Popescu et al., 1976). Within this coarse package, beds of coarse-grained sandstones and pebble-conglomerates form up to 2 m thick units (Jipa, 1994).

As evidenced by the calcareous nannofossil investigations, the whole succession of the Brăduleţ Formation covers a quite large interval – the Early Rupelian – Early Burdigalian (NP22- NN2 calcareous nannofossil zones).

The calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from the Muiereasca Valley and Şiţei Valley Creek (below the base of the Cheia Formation, and respectively that of the Corbi Formation) were assigned to the NP22-NP24 calcareous nannofossil zones (Fig. 3), covering the Rupelian stage pro parte, including the Rupelian/Chattian boundary interval. As significant nannofossil events, the successive FO of Reticulofenestra lockeri, Transversopontis fibula, Reticulofenestra ornata, Cyclicargolithus abisectus and Sphenolithus ciperoensis were observed.

It is worth mentioning that most of the previous studies (Murgoci, 1941b; Popescu et al., 1976; Bombiţă et al., 1980) included the black to dark brown bituminous mudstones of the lower part of the Brăduleţ Formation in the Olăneşti Marls (= the Lower Marls). Rusu et al. (1996) separated this sequence as a distinct lithological unit and named it the Lower Dysodilic Formation. The above-mentioned authors, based on lithological similarities as well as on the age proved by nannoflora, applied the lithological nomenclature, commonly used in the Paleogene Eastern Carpathian Flysch Zone, to designate formations of the Getic Depression. Rusu et al. (1996) describe as ‘Lower Dysodiles’ a sequence which both overlies the Olăneşti Marls (in Muiereasca Valley), and the Cheia Conglomerates (in the Cheia Valley). The age assigned by Rusu et al. (1996) for the Lower Dysodile Formation in the Getic Depression is Late Rupelian to Early Chattian (covered by the NP23 and lower part of NP24 calcareous nannoplankton zones).

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As it was underlined above, the dark-brownish deposits (cropping out in the Muiereasca Valley, between the Olăneşti Formation - at the base, and the Cheia Formation - at the top), formerly assigned by Rusu et al. (1996) to the Lower Dysodiles, are included herein in the Brăduleţ Formation.

Based on the identification of the nannofossil Chiasmolithus altus, in samples collected from the top of the Cheia Formation (just bellow the base of the Brăduleţ Formation, in the Cheia Valley, Fig. 3), the NP24 Zone (Early Chattian in age) was recognized. Thus, we can assume that in the Cheia section, the base of the Brăduleţ Formation is placed within the Rupelian/Chattian boundary interval.

At the Corbi locality (Râul Doamnei), the presence of the nannofossils Pontosphaera enormis, Sphenolithus ciperoensis, Dictyococcites bisectus, Cyclicargolithus floridanus and C. abisectus, identified towards the lower part of the Brăduleţ Formation, just above the Corbi Formation, indicates a latest Oligocene age (Late Chattian - the NP25 Zone).

Based on this evidence, we can state that the base of the Brăduleţ Formation is dyachronous, being situated in a large interval – Rupelian – Late Chattian.

In the stratigraphic succession of the Brăduleţ Formation from the Râul Doamnei section (the Corbi village), the successive first occurrence of the Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus Martini, Helicosphaera scissura Müller, Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry and Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus Gartner indicates the presence of the NN25, NN1 and NN2 calcareous nannoplankton zones of Martini (1971), late Chattian-earliest Burdigalian in age.

As in the Eastern Carpathians area (Melinte, 1993), the base of the Miocene (the NN1 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone) is characterized by significant reworking. Thus, only 25% of the total nannoflora represent in situ assemblages, the remaining 75% being Cretaceous, Eocene and Oligocene reworked taxa.

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Petroleum System Elements

Petroleum Systems elements in Getic Depression has been identified by petroleum

geologists. Source rocks, reservoir rocks, seals rocks and traps have been characterized. Source rocks The main lithostratigraphic sequences with source rock qualities are represented by

the Oligocene black and gray bituminous shales and possibly the Miocene gray shales and marls. The geochemical studies made in the Getic Depression have led to the conclusion that the

main source rocks are represented by the Oligocene shale packages, the favorable zones being focused in the basinal areas deeper than 4500 m. These areas favored the accumulation, preservation and burial of organic matter.

The characteristics of the source rock as they were revealed following the results of the geochemical analysis are:

litologically, the source rocks consist of dark gray or blackish shales and marls with thin fine sand and sandstone interbeds;

the quantity of organic matter, TOC (%g) has concentration values ranging from 0.72 – 1.43 %g in the east and 0.74 – 1.47 %g in the west;

the type of the kerosene is mixed to humic, II+III : HI = 103 - 276 mg HC/g TOC in the east and 47 - 256 mg HC/g TOC in the west;

the type of the generated hydrocarbons: gas and oil; the level of thermal maturity: oil window (Tmax. = 434 – 439 0C in the east and 435 – 441

0C in the west); the generation potential: poor/good (in the east) and very good (in the west); The correlation of the rock extracts with the hydrocarbons from the accumulations

discovered has revealed that the most important source is represented by the Oligocene pelitic formations. It is assessed that the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion occurred in a differentiated manner; in the basins reaching the biggest depths, (central – western zone), the generation took place during the Upper Oligocene, and the expulsion began in the Lower Burdigalian; in the basins where the Oligocene is buried at shallower depths (eastern area) the generation and expulsion began during the Lower Miocene and it is going on nowadays.

Reservoir rocks The main rocks having reservoir qualities are accommodated in Paleogene and

Miocene Formations. The reservoirs present average porosities ranging between 15 and 25%, permeabilities between 10 and 100 md, whereas the thickness of the productive horizons vary between 20 and 100 m.

Oligocene Reservoirs The main oil fields discovered at the Oligocene level are accommodated in turbiditic

depositional systems (Targu Jiu, Folesti, Valcele, Tutana, Draganu structures). The discovered gas fields are accommodated in turbiditic depositional systems (Sapunari, Cosesti, Zarnesti, Colibasi, Babeni, Tatarani, Baiculesti structures). The porosity and permeability values range within very large limits in the central – eastern area of the Getic Depression. The most frequently encountered porosity type is intercrystalline, secondary intergranular and vuggy.

In the west of the Getic Depression, the Oligocene proved to be productive only on Targu Jiu structure, with low values of the estimated oil resource.

Burdigalian Reservoirs The oil and gas fields in the Burdigalian sequences are accommodated in arenitic facies

accumulated in slope fan, fan – delta, turbidite, debrite subsystems within basin system in the area of the structures: Ticleni, Gradiste South, Babeni, Galicea, Tutana, Valcele, Merisani, Strambu, Leordeni (oil), Gradiste, Romanesti, Zarnesti – Lapusata, Pesceana, Babeni, Colibasi East,

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Davidesti, Ciofrangeni, Baiculesti (gas); sand facies of shelf bars in the area of the structures: Colibasi, Bustuchin, Alunu (oil and gas), Prigoria (gas).

Sarmatian Reservoirs The oil and gas fields are accommodated in arenitic and sand facies accumulated in

deltaic/littoral system (structures: Targu Jiu – oil and gas, Prigoria – gas, Balteni – oil, Bustuchin – oil and gas, Coltesti – gas, Hurezani – oil and gas, Paraieni, Tetoiu – gas), in littoral facies (Colibasi West – oil), in sand facies accumulated on the shelf (structures: Romanesti, Butari - gas).

The porosities of the reservoir rocks vary between 6 and 47%, whereas the permeabilities range from 23 to 2500 mD.

Maeotian Reservoirs The depositional systems and subsystems wherein reservoir rocks have been accumulated,

in the western part of the Getic Depression, are represented by meandering channels in the upper delta plain, delta front in the lower delta plain; and meandering channels and sand bodies belonging to the delta front. The Meotian is productive at Totea – Vladimir, Balteni, Ticleni.

In the eastern part of the Getic Depression, in Otesti area, reservoir rocks were accumulated in deltaic systems with local areal development: sand bars, delta front and channel.

Seal rocks In the Getic Depression, the accumulated sediments have prevailingly molasse character,

being sand deposits, whereto pelitic interbeds are added representing the seal rocks for the hydrocarbon reservoirs, belonging to the intervals: Oligocene, Burdigalian, Badenian, Sarmatian, Pontian.

The Oligocene includes as seal rocks the pelitic deposits, the distinctive element being given by the occurrence of the blackish bituminous shales and gray, blackish, sandy micaceous marls.

In the Upper Burdigalian, the large facies, with sandstones and conglomerates, vertically grades into marls and then reddish shales, constituting seal rocks.

The Badenian seal rocks are represented by: Globigerina-bearing marl formation, gypsum and salt formation, radiolaria-bearing schist formation and Spiratella-bearing marl formation.

The Sarmatian is represented by seal rocks of marl type. The Pontian seal rocks are dominantly marls, in the lower half, and shales, in the upper


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Traps The frequently encountered type of the field is stratiform vaulted, e.g.: the Sarmatian and

Upper Burdigalian in Ticleni and Bustuchin structures, the Sarmatian in Vladimir – Totea, Piscu Stejarului, Gradiste structures.

The tectonically sealed fields, in the plane of tight faults, are in the Middle Sarmatian belonging to Ticleni North structure, in the Upper Burdigalian on the northern flank, at Merisani.

The fields in stratigraphic traps were created through the erosional truncation of the Upper Burdigalian strata belonging to Negoesti – Colibasi, Strambu and Cocu structures.

Cobia North structure produces on the northern flank at the Sarmatian level and in a less extent in the Upper Burdigalian, the fields being accommodated in three sand complexes and they are stratiform and stratigraphically sealed, owing to the erosional truncation and sealed by the Meotian marls.

In Cocu and Hintesti structures, the erosionally truncated sands belonging to the Upper Burdigalian come into contact with the Pontian, respectively the Meotian, the strata terminations proving to is oil yielding. In Cocu South structure, oil fields were identified in the Sarmatian, in two sand strata truncated by erosion and sealed by the Pontian marls.

In Valcele structure, the Upper Burdigalian displays as a west-east trending anticline, partitioned in a large number of tectonic blocks. The dominant tectonic element is represented by a series of N-S trending transverse faults, which partition the area and which uplift structurally from the west to the east, which faults also play the role of a seal for the oil fields.

On the northern flank of Ticleni structure, there are oil fields at the Middle Sarmatian level, of stratiform type, stratigraphically sealed and oil fields sealed by a tectonic accident, parallel to the structure trend.

Getic Depression area is 8000 km2 Number of the oil and gas fields is 35. Main source rocks are the Oligocene black and gray bituminous shales, the Miocene gray

shales and marls. The main rocks with reservoir qualities are accommodated in Paleogene, Miocene and

Pliocene formations. These reservoirs present the following qualities (average estimations): - porosity: 15-25%; - permeability 10-100 md; - thickness of the productive horizons: 20-100 m; the main types of the traps are structural, normal and faulted anticlines, and stratigraphic

(channels and lobes) The average dimensions of the hydrocarbon-bearing structures: - area: 10-20 km2

- oil-in-place : 8-40 MMbbl - average initial production, per well/day: 70-800 bbl The formations of interest are: Oligocene and Miocene.

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Trip itinerary This journey’s area of interest is represented by the northern flank of the Getic

Depression, where the depression sedimentary deposits can be found. The proposed geological targets aim at several illustrative situations for the relations between the depression sedimentary filling and the bed rock made up of Carpathian units, and obviously, the Paleogene and Miocene deposits within the depression, having the role of constituting petroleum systems.

Cultural, spiritual and touristic objectives have also been kept in mind. The Northern part of the Subcarpathian zone of Muntenia was, historically speaking, the optimum space for establishing the most important spiritual and cultural centers of the Romanian people between the Danube and the Carpathians. These were the places of refuge in case of hardship; it was here where the Christians were closer to God, the Carpathians themselves being a true fortress. The history of Walachia was set up in these parts.

Everything you will witness in this trip is but a fade image of the complexity of the geological, geographical, cultural and spiritual space which led to what Romania stands for today. The combination between human, natural and spiritual resources belonging to the northern part of Muntenia is far deeper than what the eye of the ordinary tourist can perceive. Open the gates to your heart, faith and knowledge for each moment you will spend on this journey into geology, spirituality and culture.

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Getic Depression Field trip


First Day

Bucharest - Ploiesti - Targoviste - Cetateni 07:00 – 10:30

Stop 1 Cetateni Outcrop – Getic Nappe Sedimentary Cover (Albian). 15 min.

Cetateni - Campulung Muscel - Domnesti - Corbi 10 :45 – 12 :00

Stop 2 Corbi Outcrop - Bradulet and Corbi Formations (Oligocene – Lower

Miocene) 60 min.

Corbi - Domnesti - Curtea de Arges 13 :00 – 14 :00

Lunch “Posada” restaurant 14:00 – 15:00

Curtea de Arges - Oiesti - Arefu 15 :00 – 15 :30

Stop 3 Arefu Outcrop - Calimanesti Formation (Ypresian) 15 min.

Arefu - Oiesti 15:45 – 16:00

Stop 4 Arges Valley – Oiesti Outcrop - Bradulet, Sarata and Matau

Formations (Oligocene – Lower Miocene) 60 min

Oiesti - Curtea de Arges 17:00 – 17:30

Stop 5 “Curtea de Arges” Monastery 30 min.

Curtea de Arges - Ramnicu Valcea - Govora 18:00 – 19 :30

Accommodation Hotel Belvedere 19:30

Dinner 20:30

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Second Day

Breakfast 07:30 – 08:30

Govora - Ramnicu Valcea - Fedelesoiu 08:30 – 09:15

Stop 6 “Malul Alb” Outcrop (Badenian tuffs) 30 min.

Fedelesoiu - Cozia 09.45 – 11.00

Stop 7 Olt Valley Outcrop Caciulata and Calimanesti Formations

(Cretaceous Eocene) 60 min.

Stop 8 “Cozia” Monastery 60 min.

Lunch Caciulata “Casa Romaneasca” restaurant 13.00 – 14.30

Caciulata - Ramnicu Valcea - Olanesti 14:30 – 15 :30

Stop 9.Olanesti Outcrop (Paleogene) 60 min

Olanesti - Novaci - Ranca 16 :30 – 18 :30

Accommodation Hotel Onix 18:30

Dinner 20.00

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Third Day

Breakfast 07:30 – 08:30

Ranca - Novaci - Baia de Fier 08.30 – 09.30

Stop 10 Galbena Gorge - Sedimentary Cover of the Southern

Carpathians units 30 min.

Baia de Fier - Polovragi - Horezu 10.00 -10.45

Stop 11 Horezu Ceramic 30 min.

Horezu - Costesti 11.15 – 11.30

Stop 12 Costesti “Trovants Museum” 30 min

Costesti- Govora 12.00 – 13.00

Lunch “Belvedere” restaurant 13.00 – 14.00

Govora - Ramnicu Valcea - Draganu 14.00 – 15.00

Stop 13 Merisani - Valcele - Draganu Oilfield 15 min.

Draganu - Pitesti - Bucuresti 15.15 – 17.00

Bucharest - Ploiesti - Campina17.00 - 18.30

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FIRST DAY After crossing the approach road, the itinerary follows in the first stage the

Dambovita Valley. After approximately 50 km on the Targoviste-Campulung road, among the Subcarpathian hills, we come across the Paleogene series of the Carpathian foredeep, characterized in the area by Eocene conglomerates and dysodillic shales in the “Pucioasa Beds” facies. On the left, there is Suslanesti locality where the Oligocene is mostly represented by dysodillic shales and menilites proper to an anoxic depositional environment which favors the accumulation and the preservation of a rich fossil fish fauna. The richness of the flora and fauna from the Suslanesti Oligocene was highly appreciated (not only in Romania), reason for which a 1 ha-surface was declared protected area. Unfortunately, the access road does not allow us to visit this famous fossiliferous site.

On our way, we are practically placed at the limit between the Southern Carpathians and the Eastern Carpathians units. The landscape undergoes a major change upon entering the Mesozoic deposits which cover the Carpathian units. Dambovita abruptly cuts through a consistent series of conglomerates and sandstones. We have reached our first stop.

Stop 1 Cetateni Outcrop – Getic Nappe Sedimentary (Albian). The Albian sandstones from Cetateni belong to the Pre-Austrian post-tectono-genetic

cover of the « Leaota series» in the east of the Getic Nappe. In the sector situated to the east of Dambovita Valley, north from Cetateni, the Albian is disposed transgressively and unconformably directly over the crystalline schists belonging to the «Leaota series» or over their Jurassic sedimentary cover (Kimmeridgian – Tithonian).

The Albian deposits appear on large areas along the Dambovita Valley between Cetateni and Badeni. Overlying these, in sedimentation continuity, there are the deposits of the Vraconian – Turonian Dumbravioara Series, mostly pelitic at the lower part and marly-sandy in the medium and upper part, locally developed in binary flysch facies. The Dumbravioara series is unconformably overlain by Senonian deposits (Santonian – Maastrictian), made up of series of marls and sandy marls in the flysch facies of the «red beds».

Fig. 9 Geological map Dambovita Valley Cetateni

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The Albian in Cetateni-area is made up of occasionally glauconitic sandstones, microconglomerates and massive conglomerates, made up of quartz lithoclasts and feldspars caught in calcitic cement.

The Leaota crystalline and its sedimentary cover (Pre-Austrian and Post-Austrian), respectively the Albian series, the Vraco-Cenomanian Dumbravioara series and the Senonian series constitute the eastern Basement of the Getic Depression.

The place where

the Cetateni Albian sandstones crop out presents a particularity probably linked to spirituality and aesthetics. It is about a hermitage built around the beginning of the 14th Christian century by Negru Voda. The tradition tells us that Zamolxis himself – God of the Dacians – used to come here often at a small community of Dacian recluses who had retired for meditation in the caves dug in the rocks.

In the first millennium after Christ, this monastic tradition was continued by Christian hermits who left their mark on the place digging in the mountains one of the first rupestral churches on the Romanian territory. In the middle Ages, in order to conform with the long lasting tradition of the place, Negru Voda builds the monastery which bears his name even nowadays.

This place of prayer was visited by Vlaicu Voda, Vlad Tepes, Mihai Viteazul, Serban Voda and Constantin Brancoveanu. Here there are also two priceless spiritual treasures: a source of healing water which only flows for a brief period of time during the year from a cavity in the church altar and the Miracle-Worker Icon representing the Holy Virgin.

Fig 11 Albian Grainstone –Dambovita Valley - Cetateni

Fig. 10 General Geological Cross-section in N-E part of Getic Depression

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The peace and beauty of the place, the aura of legend which surrounds everything and the miracles which occurred here were the reason for which a picturesque gipsy community found

protection and peace at the foot of this mountain.

The journey continues up to Campulung Muscel, the place where Basarab I (approx. 1310-1352), the first "voeivod" of the independent Walachia, establishes his residence after the victory at Posada against the Hungarian king Carol Robert.

From here the journey continues towards west. We pass by the Leresti area in the south where we would like to remind you of the presence of some lode

inclusions of pink massive or gneissic granites in the crystalline series, known as the «Albesti Granites». A little bit towards north, we come across the famous Eocene (Ypresian – Lower Lutetian) «Albesti limestones». These are the result of the accumulation within a shore and sub-shore depositional environment. The same type of formations is to be seen at the level of the Eocene only in the south of the Transylvanian Depression at Porcesti and in Dobrudja at Cetate.

The schedule of the journey does not allow us to visit them, but they can be seen in numerous architectural monuments: Curtea de Arges Monastery, Cernavoda Bridge, the Triumphal Arch, and the Romanian History Museum.

We cross the summits of Iezer Mountains which are covered by the Depression’s Tertiary sediments and we go north towards Valea Doamnei. After a few kilometers we reach Corbi locality where we make our second stop.

Fig 12 Cetatuia Negru Voda Monastery - Cetateni

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Stop 2 Corbi Geological Profile - Corbi and Braduet Formations (Oligocene)

On the left bank of Doamnei River, in the eastern area of Jgheab village, the upper part of Corbi Formation and the median and upper parts of Bradulet Formation continuously crop out (sensu Roban & Melinte, 2005).

Corbi Formation (Rupelian – Chattian)

The upper part of Corbi Formation (Upper Chattian) corresponding to the calcareous nanoplankton biozones NP24-NP25, continuously crops out close to the historical monument Biserica de Piatra (Stone Church), along approx. 50 m thickness. The succession granulometrically consists of both arenites and subordinately rudites (80%), as well as decimetric and centimetric rhythms, consisting of fine arenite, silt and lutite (20 %). The arenites are displayed in nearly 3 m thick units. The maximum 15 m thicknesses are due to the amalgamation processes.

The sedimentary structofacies consists of fining upward arenites and rudites, parallel laminated rudites, massive rudites, massive arenites, arenites with parallel laminations, arenites with conchoidal stratification, and arenite couplets with current ripples at the top, lenticular stratifications and parallel laminated silt/lutite couplets. Frequently, the base of the units is erosional, with scour-type depressional structures. Within the thick arenitic units’ base, there are present deformational structures of differential compaction and water eliminating-type structure. Petrographically, the arenites are represented by sublithic and quartzose sandstones, with argillaceous, ferruginous,

carbonate and siliceous cement, containing trovant-type nodular structures.

Fig. 13 Geological sketchmap - Doamnei River Corbi and Bradulet Formations,

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The stratonomic model reveals sequences of various sizes. There could be identified high-order sequences being approx. 20 m thick, with the tendency of decreasing the granulometry and the strata thickness (FUS and ThNS), consisting of dominantly arenitic levels, with thicknesses of 10-15 m and, fine arenite and lutite couplets which can reach cumulated thicknesses of nearly 2 - 3 m. Within the arenitic levels, there can be distinguished low-order sequences of 0.5-3m in thickness, with erosional base and tendency of granulometry decreasing (FUS).

The progressively grading to overlying Bradulet Formation is made through the increase in

the share of the interbeds consisting of arenitic- lutitic couples. The formation has been interpreted in the terms of deltaic ruditic systems (coarse grain fan

delta) which once the water level has risen passed to an environment of the type (mouth type deltas) (sensu Posma, 1990), with arenitic bars formed by hypo-, homo- and hyperpicnal flows. Reprocessing of the arenitic material have been possible through gravitational processes (grain flow, turbiditic flow) leading to the formation of arenitic basinal lobes (Roban and Anastasiu, 2006), in a mixed, deltaic-turbiditic, sedimentation style, (sensu Mutti et al, 2003).

The upper part of the formation is represented by these very arenitic lobe sequences, supplied by coarse ruditic and arenitic channels, in alternation with interlobe deposits – fine arenite – lutite couplets – which exhibit similitude with the deposits of Bradulet Formation.

The good connections between the channels and the lobes as well as the high porosity values provide the formation with good hydrocarbon reservoir rock qualities.

Fig. 14 Corbi Formation – Jgheab village – Doamnei River

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Fig. 16 Corbi Formation, along Doamnei River, sedimentological characteristics (after Roban, 2006)

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Bradulet Formation (Rupelian – Aquitanian)

Displayed in sedimentation continuity with Corbi Formation, Bradulet Formation has at its upper part a net limit with Sarata Formation, known under the name Lower Gypsum (Aquitanian – Lower Burdigalian) and an erosional one with Matau Formation (Upper Burdigalian). In the outcrops near the Stone Church, the median and upper parts of the formation have been identified, corresponding to the Chattian – Aquitanian calcareous nanoplankton biozones NP24- NN2.

The lithology consists of alternations of fine lutites, silts and arenites. The shares of the lutites and silts range up to 80%. The arenites are of centimetric, rarely decimetric, thicknesses. As a rule, they have a flat base and massive structures, with parallel laminations, and current ripples, asymmetrical at the top. The arenitic microsequence progressively grades into parallel laminated silts and lutites. When the share of the lutites is higher, the stratification is of a lenticular bedding type.

The color of the lutites varies from gray to black. The black color is due to the high organic matter content, with average values of 4-6%, with maximum 27%, determined by Lose on ignition method (Roban, 2005). Likewise, there occur sculpture efflorescences and fish scales (dysodilic facies). As a result of the RX analysis on 10 samples, the following argillaceous minerals have been determined: smectite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite and vermiculite (Roban and Anastasiu, 2006). The volumetric CaCO3 determinations have led to values ranging from 0.5 to 10%, (Roban and Melinte, 2005). Thus, the petrographic types of the lutitic facies are: shales and subordinately calcareous shales.

Interbedded are there diagenetic marly levels, with nodular forms and tabular ones with CaCO3 content of nearly 70%.

It is worth noticing that these dysodile facies are dominantly associated with calcareous nanoplankton biozones NP23 and NN2, similar to the display of the “Lower and Upper Dysodiles” in the Eastern Carpathians.

The outcrop in the proximity of Jgheab village shows gray shale facies (NP24-NP25) dysodilic facies (NN1-NN2). According to the characteristic structofacies, these deposits have

unanimously been interpreted in the terms of distal shelf system (offshore) with some intecalations of channels and turbiditic lobe deposits, formed onto the slope area of the shelf wedge and supplied by a deltaic system , (Roban and Anastasiu, 2006).

The high organic matter content provides the hydrocarbon source rock quality.

Fig. 17 Bradulet Formation–Jgheab village–Doamnei Valley

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Fig. 18 Bradulet Formation, along Doamnei River, sedimentological characteristics

(after Roban, 2006)

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The name of the Corbi locality is linked to the oldest Orthodox Church in Romania. Historical documents kept in the National Archives show that the church in Corbi village was dug in the mountains in 1100 after Christ. "The Stone Ravens", as the ruperstral church is known, was not only a place of prayer but also a shelter at times of distress for the local people.

The oldest pictures and the altar carved in stone date from around 1300. It is the oldest religious painting in Romania carried out by Stefan Zugravul.

At first, there were two altars with two holy tables and a wall separating them; this was something unique for our country. The wall was demolished 200 years ago.

The Stone Ravens Monastery is a place of prayer. The stone church is called “Dormition of the Mother of God”.

A tragic event took place in 1882, on Easter, when the outside wall of the nave collapsed, but no one was hurt. Today a wall of river stone can be seen in that place.

We return to the road connecting Campulung Muscel to Curtea de Arges and we are heading west, crossing the Valsan Valley and then Arges Valley, to Curtea de Arges

Curtea de Arges, ancient Walachian fortress, is linked to Negru Vodă, who, coming down from Făgăraş Mountains, seems to have set up the town around 1290. Here was the court of Basarab I who, until the Hungarian attack in 1330 which led to the probable destruction of the town, moved temporarily to Câmpulung-Muscel. The present name of the town begins to be used since the 16th century when Neagoe Basarab builds his famous monastery here. Up to this reign, the Hungarian-Walachian metropolitan seat had its residence here.\

LUNCH BREAK-Posada restaurant – Curtea de Arges After the lunch break, the journey continues along the Arges Valley until entering the

Arges quay, deeply carved into the Fagaras Mountains, where on one of the highest peaks one can notice the Poienari Fortress. The building of the fortress is attributed to Vlad Tepes according to the data in "Letopisetul Cantacuzinesc", but the fortress was probably raised in the 14th century during the reign of the legendary Negru Voda and only some repairing and extending works were carried out during the reign of Vlad Tepes. Although still unspecified, the place could also be, according to some researchers, the famous Posada where the battle with the armies of King Carol Robert d'Anjou took place in 1330. On the way back, in the riverbed and on the flanks of the hills nearby, a sequence of Eocene, Oligocene and Burdigalian deposits can be seen, these being the object of the next two stops with geological purpose.

Fig 18 «Corbii de Piatra» Monastery - Corbi

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Stop 3 Arefu Outcrop- Calimanesti Formations (Ypresian) In Arefu, downstream from Poenari Fortress, the upper part of the Calimanesti Formation

crops out on the right side of the Arges River. (sensu Ryer, 1998). The outcrop has a thickness of

approximately 20 m and it consists of an alternance of arenites and rudites (granules and pebbles). From the petrographical point of view, the rudites are represented by polymictic orthoconglomerates and the arenites by lithic and sublithic sandstones. These are arranged in decimetric and metric microsequences having a CUS and ThKU tendency, consisting in fine siltic and lutitic facies, massive coarse arenites with parallel lamination and fine rudites with parallel stratification and lamination. Sometimes, these stratified facies are crossed by mostly ruditic and arenitic channels, with erosional base and FUS tendency. According to the studies conducted by Ryer (1998) on the Topolog Valley, these deposits represent some littoral systems with fluviatile influences

Fig. 20 Geological sketchmap - Arges Valley

(Arefu – Oiesti) Fig. 21 CUS Littoral microsequences, with

fluviatile intercalations - Calimanesti Formation - Arges Valley

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Stop 4 Arges Valley – Oiesti Profile Bradulet Formation, Sarata Formation and Matau Formation Near Oesti locality, along Arges Valley, in the river bed, it has been noticed a sedimentary

succession consisting of the deposits of the following formations: upper part of Bradulet Formation, Sarata Formation, and the lower part of Matau Formation.

Bradulet Formation In the river bed, it can be noticed the very top of the formation. It consists of an alternation

of black and greenish-gray shales; parallel laminated silts; and centimetric sublithic sandstones, with massive structures, parallel laminations and current ripples at the upper part. Interbedded are there found marly levels, with nodular and tabular aspect. It is worth noticing that randomly these facies show structures of the convolute lamination type and even a chaotic aspect with intraclasts consisting of arenitic and argillaceous strata fragments, suggesting syndeformational (slump) and gravitational (debris flow) processes, in slope conditions. Similar facies within the formation, there are also encountered along Cheia Valley.

Fig. 22 Debris Facies in Bradulet Formation Arges Valley

Fig. 23 Boundary between Bradulet Formation and Sarata Formation, Arges Valley

Sarata Formation (Aquitanian- Lower Burdigalian) In Arges Valley, Sarata Formation lies in sedimentation continuity with Bradulet Formation

and it is 75-100 m thick. It consists of sandy, microruditic, argillaceous and marly microsequences with evaporitic interbeds.

The lithic and sublithic sandstones are displayed in decimetric beds with massive structures and parallel laminations. On the upper surface, symmetrical wave ripples can be noticed. The marls are of gray colors and varying thicknesses, from centimeters to decimeters. Sporadically, 0.5 – 1 m thick microsequences can be seen, consisting of microconglomerates, arenites and lutites in the shape of channel geometries, with erosional base. The evaporites are represented by massive and nodular gypsums and anhydrites. Likewise, the sandstones present gypsum/anhydrite cement.

These deposits are interpreted as littoral and lagoonal deposits.

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Fig. 24 Sandy and Marly Facies Sarata Formation- Arges Valley

Fig. 25 Current-rippled sandstone, Sarata Formation- Arges Valley

Matau Formation (Middle/Upper Burdigalian) Matau Formation lies in sedimentation continuity over Sarata Formation. The limit is

erosional recognized at the regional level - Paleogene morphology - Paraschiv 1975. In Arges Valley, in the analyzed outcrop, this very boundary can be seen which makes the

transition from the gray sandstones and marls of Sarata Formation to the red Conglomerates of Matau Formation.

In the observable zone, Matau Formation consists of coarse and medium rudites (cobbles and pebbles), arenites and subordinately lutites.

They are displayed in 4-5m thick FUS-type sequences, consisting of fining upward massive rudites, arenites with ruditic clasts (gravely sandstone) with stratifications of tractive cover and cross-bedding type, overlaid by lutite. The sequence suggests channel fillings. The large thicknesses of these facies, i.e. approx. 6-7 m are owed to the amalgamation processes.

The red color together with the sedimentological features suggests emerged environments of braided streams in alternation with massive facies of alluvial fans characteristic to coarse deltas (alluvial fan delta and river plain delta)

Matau Formation shows good reservoir rock qualities.

Fig. 26 Boundary of Sarata Formation and Matau Conglomerates Arges Valley

Fig. 27 Conglomeratic and sandy facies Matau Formation Arges Valley

We return to Curtea de Arges where, even if it is being renovated, the Curtea de Arges Monastery will offer us a moment of spirituality and delight.

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Stop 5 Curtea de Arges Monastery

Begun in 1514 by Neagoe Basarab's will to have monument like no other in the world, the construction of the church finished three years later so that on January the 7th 1514 the founder could already talk about “the monastery of my royal highness at Arges” and offer it “the customs at Ocna Mica at Targoviste...”.

Listening not only to the legend but also to some historical data, it seems that the church could not be finished before Neagoe Basarab passed away because of lack of time and money, although his Queen had sacrificed her jewellery for it.

According to all historical testimony, Neagoe Basarab built his church on the foundation of an older one, which had been the first metropolitan Church of Walachia. Neagoe found it “destroyed and non- consolidated ... he built it from the very foundation”. Gavriil Protul, a chronicler of the great king's life, confirms this. He shows that Neagoe “completely demolished the Metropolitan Church in Arges and built in its place another Holy Church, also made of carved stone that had been made smooth and engraved with flowers”.

In this initial form, the Monastery Church Curtea de Arges, known since 1793 as the “Episcopal Church” because it became the residence of the bishop of the Arges region, it is, if not his most important, no doubt one of the most representative buildings of the architecture of the 16 th century.

After some partial restoration and extensions added to it in time, damaged by a powerful fire, the Episcopal Church Curtea de Arges was rebuilt as one can see it nowadays by the French architect Andre Lecomte du Nouy and by the Romanian architect Nicolae Gabrielescu, the inspector of the restoration work in the second half of the last century. It was finished in 1885 and consecrated on the 12th of November 1886.

Fig. 27 “Curtea de Arges” Monastery the Episcopal Church

Fig. 28 Particular architecture of the Episcopal Church

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In the very neighbourhood of the monastery there purls the fairy tale spring, named by natives “Manole's fountain”. This name carries in itself after centuries the story of the artist who built the church. After finishing it he could not get down because the stairs had been taken away. So, he made shingle wings and, like another Icarus, he jumped down from the church roof and fell at the basis. The legend says that in that place he had walled his own living wife up. His soul transformed into a clear song of a spring.

From here we are headed towards Ramnicu Valcea in order to get to Govora where the

first stage of the journey ends. This place, as well as the entire southern part of the foot of the Carpathians, is full of

history. Here, 6 km from Govora Resort, on the former Hinta estate, there is the "Govora Monastery". The monastic establishment at Govora is one of the oldest in the country, being partially raised in the 14th and 15th centuries during the reign of Vlad Dracul. The date when this beautiful establishment was sanctified still remains a secret. In 1440 it was destroyed by Albu cel Mare during the reign of Vlad Tepes, and then, between 1492 and 1496, it was restored by Vlad Calugarul and Radu cel Mare. During the reign of Constantin Brancoveanu, in 1710-1711, the monastery was restored and extended.

Accommodation and Dinner - Belvedere Hotel - Govora

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SECOND DAY From Govora, our journey continues upstream through Ramnicu Valcea on the left

bank of Olt Valley. After only a few kilometers upstream from Ramnicu Valcea, near Fedelesoiu, on the right side of the road, there is a steep bank of light-colored rocks. It is the place of our first stop today.

Stop 6. Badenian tuff „Malul Alb” - Fedeleşoiu The formation which crops out at the place called by the local people „Malul Alb” belongs

from the stratigraphical point of view to Lower Badenian which corresponds from the lithostratigraphical point of view to the “Slanic tuff”, similar to the one from „Piatra Verde” from Slanic molasse.

The level of Lower Badenian tuffs represents an important stratigraphic marker for the entire Carpathian foredeep as well as for Transylvania Basin.

If we cannot mention a special role of this formation within the petroleum system in the Getic Depression, we must not neglect the implications had by the arrangement in sedimentary series of these deposits over the paleogeographical and paleoecological reconstruction of the sedimentation basin.

The tuff from „Malul Alb” is arranged in a generous outcrop. The rock is made up of whitish- slightly green, relatively friable, massive tuff. It is not obvious a structure of the stratification due to the desquamation effect caused by the subaerial exposure and superficial alteration. Discreet traces of sedimentary structures can be identified in some places.

Fig. 31 „Malul Alb” –

Fedelesoiu – Lower Badenian Tuffs

From „Malul Alb” we

continue our journey upstream on the Olt River bank, towards north, crossing an area of hills covered by vegetation. Their substratum is made up of series of deposits (already seen on the Arges Valley) belonging to Burdigalian, Aquitanian and Oligocene. Near Calimanesti, on the right side of

Fig. 30 Geological map –Olt Valley - Fedelesoiu

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the road, the sedimentary deposits are belonging to Calimanesti Formation – Eocene outcropping. Towards north, near Pausa village, the Caciulata Formation – Senonian outcropping.

Stop 7 Olt Valley Profile - Senonian, Eocene

Calimanesti Formation (Ypresian) Near Calimanesti locality, along the road on the left bank of Olt River, Calimanesti

Formation crops out approx 300m in thickness. It progressively grades southwards into the dominantly lutitic Olanesti Formation, through a diamictitic level, named by Jipa, (1982), Tilloid Conglomerates Level, encountered along the whole northern margin of the Getic Depression.

Lithologically, in the observance point, the formation consists of polymictic ortho- and paraconglomerates, lithic and sub-lithic sandstones and subordinately shales. The conglomerates and the sandstones are displayed in fining up (FUS) sequence successions, their thicknesses ranging from 0.5 and 4 m, suggesting channel fillings. The channel base is erosional, with deformational overload structures (load cast) and water drainage (water escape). The sequences begin with medium conglomerates (pebbles and cobbles), microconglomerates in alternation with sandstones – tractive covers – then normal graded or parallel laminated sandstones. The sequences end by fine silty and argillaceous facies with parallel lamination. Regularly, these sequences are incomplete. The vertical and lateral amalgamation processes are frequent, resulting very large visible thicknesses of the coarse facies. In these cases, due to the erosion, the fine upper part is not preserved and the shales occur only as

soft cobbles (rip up clasts). The lateral extension of these channels is of the order of tens and hundreds of metres.

The sequences suggest an association of amalgamated channels of a probably coarse deltaic system.

The interconnection of the coarse bodies provides good hydrocarbon reservoir rock qualities.

Fig. 32 Geological map (1:50.000) Calimanesti - Caciulata

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Fig. 33 Calimanesti Formation, Olt Valley Differential compaction structures

Fig. 34 Calimanesti Formation, Olt Valley Amalgamated channels

Caciulata Formation (Senonian) The formation defined by Murgoci (1908) is approx. 100 m thick in Olt Valley, close to

Caciulata locality, near Halta Pausa. Lithologically, it is represented by an alternation of gray-blackish shales, silts and lithic and

sub-lithic sandstones, of centimeter and decimeter thicknesses. The sandstones exhibit parallel laminations and current ripples, specific to incomplete Bouma sequences. The lower surface often shows Granularia sp. type-flyschoid bioturbation structures. The sedimentation environments are bathyal, slope ones.

The syntectonic compressional structures of the duplex thrust- and trunk-type folds are specific to this formation.

Fig. 35 Caciulata Formation, Olt Valley Duplex syntectonic structure

Looking into the Getic Depression evolution, we find that the deposits are synchronous with the Laramian deformations, and probably the overlying deposits actually represent the first sedimentary rocks of the foredeep basin in-fill (Getic Depression).

Fig. 36 Caciulata Formation, Olt Valley: Syntectonic Structures - Trunk-type Fold

We arrived at Caciulata, and this means Cozia Monastery –opportunity for taking

advantage of another moment of peace and spirituality.

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Stop 8 Cozia Monastery

Cozia Monastery, one of the most important creations of the "voievod" Mircea cel Mare, was built between 1386 and 1393. In a document dated the 20th of May 1388. Mircea said: “I decided to raise a monastery in the name of the Holy Crucifix at the place called Nucet on Olt-river,

namely Cozia”. The one who advised Mircea to raise the monastery on the place where it is situated today was the scholar monk Nicodim from Tismana “Mircea’s counselor in the holy ones”.

The old frescos kept the face of Mircea cel Mare painted in the nave, on the right wall, with his appearance of founder, dressed in the costume of great western medieval knight, accompanied by his son

Mihail. In the document given by Mircea cel Mare to Cozia Monastery in 1406, one can see the title of the Romanian "voievod" and the frontiers of the territory he ruled over: “I, the believer in Christ, I, Mircea, Great "Voievod" and ruler, reigning over the entire Ungro-Walachia and the parts over the mountains, also towards the Tatar parts and Haţeg of Almaş and Făgăraş and "voievod" of Banat Severin on both sides, over the entire Podunavia, up to the Big Sea and ruler of the Dîrstor fortress...”.

Mircea died on the 31st of January 1418 and was buried at Cozia Monastery, where he was brought from his residence in Argeş. He was buried on the 4th of February 1418, not in the “Biserica Domnească” (Royal Church) in Argeş along with his predecessors, but in the most beautiful church at the time, his creation at Cozia. A great stone was placed on the tomb which was later on destroyed, the tomb beige desecrated several times. In 1821, after the assassination of Tudor Vladimirescu and the defeat of the hetaerists by the Turkish, Alexandru Ipsilanti took refuge at Cozia. The monastery and the families which took refuge here were seized by the Turkish. The monastery was set on fire and the tombs of Mircea and other voivodes were desecrated hoping to find hidden treasures.

Here we can find the tomb of Teodora, Mihai Viteazul’s mother. After her son’s assassination at Câmpia Turzii, she became a nun at Cozia Monastery having the name Teofana Monahia. In the document dated the 8th of November 1601, Teodora says: “I put on the sacred cloths in the holy monastery called Cozia”. Teofana Monahia died in 1605 and was buried in the great church, next to Mircea’s tomb.

Cozia represents a harmonious passing from the Byzantine style borrowed in Walachia from the Greek churches in the 13th century to the local Byzantine style which was going to find its most specific characteristic in the age of cultural development of the Brancoveanian art. The architecture of Cozia represents the main phase of the transformation process of a foreign architecture into a specific Romanian one.

Fig. 37 Mircea the Greath - Fresco

Fig. 32 Cozia Monastery - the Church

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LUNCH BREAK – “Casa Romaneasca” Restaurant – Caciulata We will return to Ramnicu Valcea on the road from the right bank of Olt River. From

Ramnicu Valcea we turn towards north-west to Olanesti. After less than 20 km., we pass by Cheia Valley, the place of the stratotype of the Cheia formation and we approach Olanesti resort.

The first information on the mineral water from Olanesti dates ever since 1760, being analyzed in 1829-1830 by Dr. Karl Friedrich Siller, this leading to an increase of the number of beneficiaries of the treatment offered here.

In 1873, due to Dr. Carol Davila, samples of the mineral water were sent from Olanesti to the International Exposition in Vienna. The gold medal was obtained; it’s therapeutically efficiency being considered to be equal or superior to the water from famous European resorts: Hall, Vitell, Baden-Baden, Wiesbaden, Evian, Karlowy-Warry, and Contrexville.

A relaxing walk in the resort will lead to a series of Paleogene deposits outcrops.

Fig. 38 Spring nr. 24 – Olanesti Stop 9 Olanesti Profile (Eocene –


Calimanesti Formation (Ypresian) In Olanesti Valley, Calimanesti Formation crops out along its entire thickness. The route of

the trip will follow only the upper part, which shows similar characteristics with the ones in Olt Valley, at Calimanesti, previously described.

Specific to this locality, there is the occurrence of the mineral water springs, the first testimony of which dates back to 1760. In the inventory made by Feru, (1977), 30 springs have been described, in the composition thereof anions of Cl, Br, I, SO4, HCO3; cations of Na, K, Li, NH4, Ca, Mg, Fe, and gas of the type H2SiO3, HBO3, free CO2, H2S are to be found.

. The springs are located only in the upper part of the formation, whereas the source of the

mineralization is a complex one, specially having a southern origin, from the organic matter-bearing shales belonging to Bradulet Formation, as the chemical character (chlorosodic, bromine-iodine waters with low suphate content wherein ammonium and boric acid are present) is specific to the formation waters.

Calimanesti Formation crops out continuously along the entire northern margin in the east of Getic Depression, from Otasau up to Valsan Valley. Genetically, it represents a linkage of coeval coarse deltas, where, in the various outcrops encountered in the cross valleys, the emerged, submerged or littoral zones crop out.

Olanesti Formation (Lutetian –Priabonian)

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In Olanesti Valley, Olanesti Formation lies over Calimanesti Formation. The boundary can also be seen from geomorphologic viewpoint, near Olanesti Formation a microdepression occurs wherein Olanesti resort is located. Downstream, along the river, the microdepression is closed by

the dominantly conglomeratic Cheia Formation. The outcrops can be noticed on the banks and valleys of the affluent rivers.

The formation thickness is approx 300 m. The granofacies consists of: 2% fine rudite, arenite 20%, silt and lutite 78%. The petrofacies is represented by shales and marls, lithic and sub-lithic sandstones, while subordinately polymictic microconglomerates. The average organic matter content of the shales is 4%, the maximum reaching 6.9%, (Roban and Anastasiu, 2006).

The depositional structofacies is represented by lutites and silts having parallel laminations, arenites with centimetric and decimetric thicknesses with massive structures and parallel laminations and current ripples, fining upward microrudites with parallel lamination. The erosional noticeable structures at the base

of the arenitic units are the dredging traces and the erosion grooves. The sequence model consists of the extension, over large thicknesses, of the lutitic and siltic

facies with rare arenitic interbeds on the one hand and, on the other hand, by the occurrence of max. 15 cm thick intervals characterized by the presence of microsequences consisting of microrudites, arenites with parallel laminations, arenites with current ripples, silts and shales, suggesting complete Bouma sequences and incomplete ones specific to turbiditic lobes .

The facies and the facies assemblages specific to the formation suggest distal shelf and slope environments, where occasionally gravitational flows could be developed, forming turbiditic microlobes. Looking into the evolution of the foreland basin in the southern part of the Southern Carpathians, at the Eocene level, in the northern proximal zone, it could be developed a shelf wedge laid over wedge top and foredeep depozone.

Cheia Formation (Rupelian- Lower Chattian) Cheia Formation lies in sedimentation continuity over Olanesti Formation. In Olanesti

Valley, its thickness is approx. 350 m. The lower limit is net and erosional, whereas the upper one with Bradulet Formation is

gradual. The granofacies consists of 70% rudite, 25% arenite, 5 % silt lutite. On the whole, within the formation, a set of 16 depositional facies have been distinguished,

according to the granulometry and the structure. These are (Roban, 2006): 1.paraconglomerates (breccias), with sandy, massive matrix; 2. massive para-orthoconglomerates, clasts with planar

Fig. 39 Geological map (1: 50.000) Olănesti

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fabric (arenitic matrix); 3. fining upward para-orthoconglomerates; 4. coarsening upward para-orthoconglomerates ¸ 5. coarsening upward paraconglomerates, with diffused parallel stratification; 6. couplets of conglomerates and sandstones with horizontal stratification; 7. massive sandstones with ruditic clasts, occasionally directed parallel to the stratification; 8. massive sandstones; 9. sandstones with horizontally diffused parallel lamination; 10. couplets of shales-siltites with horizontal parallel lamination; 11. massive shales with parallel lamination; 12.massive, laminated marls; 13. massive paraconglomerates /diamictites; 14. paraconglomerates with argillaceous matrix and large-sized argillaceous cobbles displayed parallel to the general stratification; 15. chaotic blocks; 16. couplets of shales and silts with convolute lamination.

The facies are the result of the gravitational processes of the type: slides, slumps, cohesive and non-cohesive debris flows, granular flows, turbulent flows and settlements in the buoyancy panele.

Along the entire thickness (in Cheia Valley and Olanesti Valleys), the formation shows a retrograde tendency, of diminishing the granulometry and increase of the stratification index towards the upper part (FUS, TNUS), though this tendency becomes complicated because of the presence of randomly spread very large-sized blocks. Along the interstream between the valleys of Olanesi Valley and Muiereasca Valley, in the eastern part, it can be noticed a prograding, reverse distribution of increasing the granulometry towards the top. Within the main macrosequence, it can be separated sequences of lower order, with erosional base, consisting of conglomerates and massive sandstones, 2 - 10 m thick and, occasionally, having a retrograde tendency (FUS). The upper part, well organized, consists of stratified conglomerate in alternation with mixed facies - couplets of sandstones and shales. At the contact with Bradulet Formation, the transition is marked by chaotic, deformational and diamictitic facies, with very large-sized clasts.

Genetically, the assemblages are the result of several types of flows onto the slope, i.e. dense, cohesive and non-cohesive, which have generated bodies with different geometries: I) debris lobes and channels; II) conglomeratic nappes; III) uneven shapes resulted from the plastic flows.

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Fig. 40 Facies assemblages of Cheia Formation (Roban, 2006)

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Fig. 41 Specific

facies of Cheia Formation, in Cheia (top) and Olanesti (bottom) Valleys

The setting where Cheia Formation evolved has been the foreland basin margin from the orogene, actually situated in the southern part of the Southern Carpathians, but which, in the Oligocene, had had an approx. N – S trending (Ratsbacher et al., 1993; Matenco and Schmid, 1998). The accumulation took place on the wedge top depozone, overlying the Getic and Severin nappes (Stefanescu et al. 1988). The source of the sediments is orogenic (Roban and Anastasiu, 2006). The general, lenticular shape, the rather compact character, the occurrence of the chaotic facies, as well as the dominantly coarse ruditic granulometry suggest proximal deposits, formed in a coarse delta environment (sensu fan delta), dominated by

gravitational processes. The reasons for its location in a marine environment are given by the calcareous nanoplankton assemblages collected from the lutitic interbeds and intraformational cobbles (Roban and Melinte, 2005). The long evolution period of the deltaic fan lasting about 4 m.a. mirrored by the morphology and the character of the sequences, allowed for controlled depositional evolutions mainly quantitative variations in the sediment supply and modifications of the front slope.

In a first stage, it has been formed a coarse deltaic fan, lacking the emerged deltaic plain (unsteady state fan delta sensu Nemec, 1990). The hypothesis is supported by the occurrence of the non-organized facies and of the bodies having lobe geometries and debris wedges alternating with channel associations.

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Fig. 42 Depositional model of the Paleogene sedimentation in the Getic Depression (Roban, 2006)

In the next stage when the development of emerged delta began, the supply of the basin with

coarse deposits decreased, and the formed fan became stabilized (steady state delta). In its front zone, foresets began to appear, and the delta aggradations reduced the front slope dipping.

The alternation of the facies of debris lobes and channels with the ones of the conglomeratic and sandy nappes suggests quasicyclical depositional events, however concealed by the resedimentation processes.

The tendency of decrease in the granulometry and the beds thickness can be explained by the continuous subsidence generated by the depositional load as well as by the Paleogene extension forming local pull apart basinets, which marked the evolution of foreland basin in the southern part of the Southern Carpathians (Ratsbacher et al., 1993, Matenco, 1997). Besides the tectonic factor, the Rupelian glacioeustacy, recognized at the global level could have had an influence on the sedimentation, by lowering the relative basic level and giving rise to a high ruditic subsidence rate (Prior and Bornhold, 1990, Mutti et al., 2003).

Owing to its petrofacies features, the formation shows hydrocarbon reservoir rock qualities. From Olanesti, we will go back to Ramnicu Valcea and then to Novaci. The road runs

south of the northern extension boundary of the Getic Depression. The contact with the range of the Southern Carpathians Units is distinguished in the drastic relief change. From Novaci the road goes up to Ranca, the well-known mountain resort in Parang Mountains.

Accommodation and Dinner - Onix Hotel - Ranca

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THIRD DAY Geologically, Ranca lies within the Danubian Unit, on crystalline deposits, with specific

glacial relief. We will return to the valley at Novaci going eastwards along the road on the northern

margin of the Getic Depression. Only a few kilometers from Novaci, north of Baia de Fier and Polovragi localities, the easternmost point is to be found wherein the Danube Unit sedimentary can be encountered. It is the first stopping place on this last day of the trip.

Stop 10 Cheile Galbena (Yellow Gorge) The stop at Cheile Galbena (Gorge) is only having a rest to look at the geological map of

the area and to identify within the landscape the complex structure of the Southern Carpathians. We are now in the contact area of three of the most important tectogenetic units of the Southern Carpathians. It is the Danubian Unit which represents the assemblage of Cheile Galbena (Gorge) subbasement. Within this Unit structure, crystalline rocks can be encountered associated with pre-Alpine (pre-hercynic and hercynic) magmatic bodies as well as a sedimentary cover developed during three main sedimentation cycles (Carboniferous – Permian, Jurassic Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous).

Cheile Galbena (Gorge) like Cheile Oltetului (Gorge) is cut in the Upper Jurassic-Lower

Cretaceous carbonate sedimentary series well represented in this sector. The massive limestones form a magnificent karstic relief which combines the exo-karst (gorges, lapiazes) with a spectacular endo-karst; Pestera Muierilor (Cave) and Pestera Polovragi (Cave) are the best known.

Geologically, the spectacular view of this zone is however represented by the occurrence, on the southern margin of the limestone outcropping area, of the Tithonian – Neocomian

Fig. 43 Geological Map – Baia de Fier - Polovragi

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argillaceous-silty sedimentary series similar to “Sinaia Formation” which belong to Severin Nappe. This unit outcrops over large areas in Mehedinti Plateau. Its actually occurring in the Getic Nappe Front overlying the Danube Unit deposits gives extent to Severin Unit as a geotectonic unit associated to the expansion Central Carpathian zone.

In the eastern close proximity, there are developed the crystalline formations of the Capatanei Mountains belonging to the Getic Nappe. In their southern-eastern extremity, the sedimentary cover is well developed in Buila Vanturarita Massif.

Buila-Vanturarita Massif belongs to Getic Nappe, a unit pertaining to the Median Dacides in the Southern Carpathians, placed in situ in the Senonian, within the Laramian tectogenesis. The Getic Nappe consists of pre-Alpine crystalline formations and a sedimentary cover wherein the oldest deposits are of the Upper Carboniferous age, while the youngest ones are Upper Cretaceous. These sedimentary deposits experienced tectonogenetic processes in two phases. The first significant unconformity is pre-Albian, when the Getic thrusting began and it corresponds to the first Getic phase, the age of the first thrust being assigned after the Lower Aptian and prior to the end of Upper Aptian. The second Getic phase, representing the main Laramian thrusting took place in the Senonian, when the Getic Nappe, underlain by Severin Nappe covered the Danubian domain.

After having been completed the Baikalian cycle which generated epimetamorphic crystalline schists, the Getic domain evolved as an uplifted area subjected to the denudation. It became an accumulation area in the neo-Carboniferous, when dominantly continental deposits had been accumulated. In the Alpine cycle, the sedimentation process began after the uplifting phase which also lasted during the Triassic. In the Jurassic, a series of depressional areas are outlined among which Buila-Vanturarita. The Getic domain is again uplifted after the Mesocretaceous tectogenesis. After this moment, a transgression takes place at the Cenomanian level, but the sedimentary formations are mostly removed by erosion.

The whole northern flank of the Getic Depression was filled with eroded material coming from the crystalline and the sedimentary of the Danube Unit in the west, of the Getic Nappe in the center and in the eastern extremity and of the Supra-Getic Nappes in the south of Fagaras Mountains.

The Severin Nappe contribution to the sedimentary filling of the Getic Depression is obvious in the western extremity and it is not excluded in various stratigraphic sequences, to the remaining of the northern depression flank.

Fig 44 Cheile Galbena (up) Cheile Oltetului (left) Tithonian – Neocomian limestone Sedimentary cover of the Danubian unit

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Along the entire road, the image of the southern flank of the Southern Carpathians accompanies us. To the north, we can see Cheile Oltetului where Polovragi Monastery is located, built around 1505, founded by Radu and Patru, sons of Danciul Zamona. The first testimony results from a charter issued on 6th July 1648 by Matei Basarab. Dedicated to the Holy Grave by its second founder, the monastery is redeemed by the ruler Constantin Brâncoveanu in 1693. During his reign, it was painted inside, the church porch in Brancoveanu style was added, cells and the steeple as well as the fortified town walls had been built.

We reach Horezu, a place of spiritual and cultural richness. Here is one of the first monasteries, historical monuments, which adorn the Romanian land, Hurezi Monastery, is considered together with its hermitages, as the most representative architectural complex, characteristic to “Brancoveanu style”. Constantin Brancoveanu (1688-1714), the ruler of the Walachia at the beginning of the 18th century, seeing the unsteadfastness of the times, as soon as he was awarded the scepter of the country, as the Monastery founding charter says “in the second year of Our reigning We put the foundations and began building up monastery”.

Stop 11 Horezu Ceramics This zone character directed its inhabitants to Romanian specific

handicraft activities, such as pottery, hand-made woven fabrics, religious painting, etc. The pottery handcraft was handed down from generation to

generation by the families of potters who perpetuated the loam processing techniques.

The main symbols used to adorn the Horezu ceramics are inspired from the flora and fauna: fir-tree, snow drops, Hurezi cock, and snake. As essential symbols, there are used double spiral line, straight line, winding line, star, leaf, fir-tree, sun, ear, life-tree and peacock-tail. The chromatic range is dominated by the red background whereto Horezu yellow is added. The clay used is unique and it is to be found only in Ulmetului Hill close to Horezu.

In the close proximity to Horezu, after

a few further kilometers along the road, we get to Trovants Museum.

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Stop 12 Costesti – Trovants Museum In various structural units over our country’s territory, sandy or gritty levels can be

encountered characterized by the trovants occurrence, but the ones in Costesti impress through the variety of shapes and sizes (from 2-3 cm to approx. 5 m)

The age of trovant deposits at Costesti is assessed to be Upper Miocene (Lower Meotian) “TROVANT”

term is specific to the Romanian geological literature and it was introduced by Murgoci (in the paper "The Tertiary in Oltenia", 1907). The trovants (gritty concretions) represent local cementation in the sand mass bearing them and the uneven cement secretion brings about their various, sometimes quite

queer, shapes. The concretions are mineral substance throngs, having a zonal, massive or concentric structure, diagenetically formed by centrifugal growth. After accumulation, the clastic sediments (sand deposits) modify their internal structure

owing to mechanical, biotic and especially chemical reasons. In this way, through selective cementing structures and diffusion, it has been given rise to trovants (gritty concretions). They are characterized by the degree of opening and communication of the pore space (porosity and permeability).

Fig 46 Sands with Trovants, Costesti (Meotian)

Fig. 45 Geological Map – Costesti - Tomsani

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The process of forming the trovants is considered to form part of early diagenesis

(syndiagenesis). In this stage of sedimentary evolution, conversions have taken place, especially under the influence of pore solutions. Due to the fluids’ existence in the pore space, the basic premise in the chemical transformations, the cementing process occurs.

To account for the cement occurrence in the pore space, which cement plays the role of a binder for the pre-existing clasts, it has been taken in consideration that:

- the direction, velocity and the way of fluids movement have been controlled by pressure gradients and differences in the density;

- the cement was deposited within the sediment in progress of compression from solutions whose chemical response resulted following the local interaction between the pore fluid and the pre-existing clasts;

- the factors controlling the cement formation are: the concentration of the solutions, pH, Eh, the temperature of the system, the geostatic and hydrostatic pressure.

Thus, the concretions’ composition shows the composition of the diffused mineral phase and the genetic environment conditions (pH, Eh, organic matter presence), whereas the structure and the texture of the concretions, i.e. massive or concentric, micro- or macrocrystalline) will reflect the conditions of the precipitation in the sediment space (porosity, permeability, hydrostatic pressure, temperature).

The two essential conditions of trovants formation would be the following: - the existence of sandy sediments and the preservation of large porosity in spite of normal

compaction caused by the pressure; - the occurrence of local concentrations (with uneven distribution) - "segregations" – of

specific minerals of secondary components diffused in the rock (carbonates fluids in the sands). To the north, in the southern flank of Buila Vanturarita Massif, we pass other

marvelous places on our way to Govora. Bistrita Monastery, a foundation of the Craiovesti boyars, dates back to about 1490.

However, the first testimony of the monastery is kept in the “Bequest Charter” dating back to 16 March 1494 belonging to Vlad Voda Calugarul. Since 1497, the Great Ban Barbu Craiovescu has brought from Constantinopol the relics of Grigorie Decapolitul Saint (780-842).

Arnota Monastery was founded by Matei Basarab in 1633-1634, with “Mihail and Gavriil Archangels” as the patrons of the church, on an older church foundation, not far away from Bistrita Monastery. According to a legend, Matei Basarab built up the monastery right there, because, prior to be chosen the ruler, he had found shelter in these places, hiding in the reed plot as it was being chased by the Turks.

Lunch Break –Belvedere Restaurant – Govora From Govora, our road leads back to Ramnicu Valcea and therefrom through Milcoiu to

Dragau towards Pitesti.

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Stop 13 Merisani Valcele Draganu oilfield Being necessary but as a “technical stop”, this geological intermezzo has been brought

about by the oil scenery of the hills in Draganu locality area.

Fig. 47 Seismic line, N–S, Baiculesti – Tutana – Valcele – Merisani

Fig. 48 Regional Geologic Cross Section. Curtea de Arges - Baiculesti – Merisani –

Slatioarele – Spineni – Ciuresti The most important fields in the area yield from the Oligocene, Burdigalian, Badenian and

Sarmatian deposits.

Curtea de Arges Baiculesti Tutana Merisani Dobrogostea Slatioarele Brosteni Spineni Optasi Corbu Ciuresti N S

Pericarpathians Thrust

Pliocene Burdigalian


Eocene Cretaceous

Dogger Triassic



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The source rock is the pelitic Oligocene in dysodile facies buried at depths ranging from 4000m to 6500m.

The onset of hydrocarbons (oil and condensate) expulsion occurred in the Lower Miocene, and continued in the Middle Miocene. Since the Upper Miocene till now, the source rock has been in the metagenesis phase with dry gas generation and expulsion.

Fig. 49 Burial

history diagram for Oligocene formation – One point modeling – Milcoiu


Fig. 50 Main Oilfields in Merisani Valcele Draganu area and their hydrocarbon types.

Gas and oil accumulations in Sarmatian, Badenian, Burdigalian and Oligocene Gas field in

Pontian, gas and oil in Burdigalian

and Oligocene


Gas and condensate accumulations in Oligocene

Gas accumulations in Sarmatian, oil and gas in Burdigalian,

Gas and oil in Burdigalian and Oligocene

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The trip actually comes to an end here. From now on, the travel back to our homes will be for each of us an occasion to think upon what you have seen and learned, an opportunity of finding challenging topics of studying, of gathering more and more the relationships within this remarkable team who means the „Oilmen”. The organizing team thank you for participating in the Field Trip. .

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